Press Release | Media - KITE 2013 AFRICA - Int'l Multisector Trade Exhibition in Kenya

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margin-left:20px;" /></p> <p style="color:#06C"><b>Standard Newspaper - Business Section : October 01st, 2011</b></p> <p><img src="images/standard_newspaper-01Nov-2011.jpg" width="249" height="758" style=" float:none; margin-left:20px;" /></p> --> <p style="color:#06C"><b>The Standard | Business Section : 09 August, 2013</b></p> <p><b>Kenya to host biggest international expo</b></p> <p><b>NAIROBI, KENYA:</b> Kenya is set to host over 150 exhibitors drawn from over 30 countries in the biggest ever international Multi-sector trade exhibition.</p> <p>The event which is the 17th largest International trade organised by the Expo group begins on October 4, 2013.</p> <p>It will provide both visitors and investors a platform to source products and services as well as learn about latest market trends with foreign exhibitors aiming at expanding their ties and agents in Africa.</p> <p>The African Exhibition Manager Neville Trinidade said over 5,000 products, machinery and equipment from different countries will be displayed during the Expo at the KICC grounds.</p> <p>He said the expo has five distinct sub categories namely, Auto Expo, Build Expo, Power and Energy Expo, Oil and Gas Expo, Foodagro, Medexpo, Pppexpo and Indusmach.</p> <p>Kenya is one of the largest importers in Africa considering it is centrally located and has the largest economy in East Africa. The country is also a regional financial and transportation hub.</p> <p style="color:#06C"><b>Business Section : 23 July, 2013</b></p> <p><b>Kenya to experience a 27% increase in exhibition space booked and a 24% increase in visitor attendance forseen</b></p> <p> "KITE 2013 provides an opportunity for local and regional companies to communicate and cooperate with the international majors in the industry" 聽 - Neville Trindade, Exhibition Manager of Expogroup.</p> <p> The largest international trade fair for multi-sector products, equipment and machinery in the region, will take place in Nairobi, Kenya at the KICC with record breaking numbers. Exhibitors and trade visitors are said to increase by 27% and 24% respectively at the 16th edition of the Kenya International Trade Exhibition.</p> <p> With over 100 exhibitors from 30 countries and an expected visitor rate of 8500, KITE 2013 will enjoy a 25% increase in growth as compared to the previous edition further anchoring the trade fair as the most important of its kind in the wider region.<br /> "KITE 2013 attracts large numbers of visitors and exhibitors globally. It provides opportunities for local and regional companies to communicate and cooperate with the international majors in the industry."</p> <p> Mr. Neville Trindade, Exhibition Manager, Expogroup, organizers of KITE 2013, said: "The multi sector economy in Kenya is in a very exciting growth spurt. Now is the time for those serious investors and companies to make their move here. KITE 2013 provides the perfect platform, whereby manufacturers can introduce their products and services to a wide range of experienced and well connected suppliers and distributors in the East Africa region."</p> <p> Concentrating on some of the largest growth categories within the multi sector industry, KITE 2013 has five distinct sub categories, namely: FOODAGRO, MEDEXPO, PPPEXPO &amp; INDUSMACH which will cover the food, Hotel &amp; Agricultural sectors, Medical &amp; Pharmaceuticals, Plastic, Printing &amp; Packaging sector, the Industrial and finally consumer sector.</p> <p> Currently, FOODAGRO &amp; MEDEXPO are one of the fastest growing sectors worldwide within the multi sector industries and the East African region is no different. According to recent figures, Kenya registered a 52% growth in the Food &amp; Agricultural market between 2006 and 2011 and a 56% growth was registered in the East African Countries. This development was also reflected at KITE 2010/ 11 with the key international brands who exhibited at the events.</p> <p> With 30 exhibiting countries and over 100 exhibitors with 6 official country pavilions who will be present at the KITE 2013 edition, Kenya International trade Exhibition presents a large international portfolio of exhibitors.聽 Working closely with the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce &amp; Industry, African Business Development Association, Dubai Exporters and Trade Invest Africa this will be the 16th year in a row that Expogroup has hosted an international expo in the region.</p> <p><b>Show Profile: <br /> </b>Kenya International Trade Exhibition (KITE) is the largest international trade fair for multi-sector products, equipment and machinery in East Africa.聽 The exhibition has grown in stature from its inception 16 years ago, as the key networking and sourcing platform for the industries. As the largest event of its kind, it ensures direct access to over 100 exhibitors from 30 countries and more than 12,000 trade visitors.聽 With an amazing array of products and services from all over the world, it gives visitors the opportunity to source cutting edge products and services as well as learn about and discuss the latest market trends. There is no other related trade exhibition in East Africa that delivers the same quality &amp; quantity and variety of buyers and distributors.<br /> Show website: <a href=""></a><br /> <b>Company profile:</b> <br /> Expogroup is one of Africa's leading trade fair organizer. Expogroup has a network in more than 37 countries, four branch offices and 45 international Sales Partners, giving it a presence in more than 90 countries. Portfolio of events for Expogroup includes East Africa International Trade Exhibition, Kenya International Trade Exhibition, Foodagro Africa, Medexpo Africa, PPPexpo Africa, Indusmach, Oil &amp; Gas, Power &amp; Energy, INDEX Africa, West Africa International Trade Exhibition, Expo Madagascar, Buildexpo Africa, Buildexpo Senegal, Buildexpo Sudan, Buildexpo Iraq, Autoexpo Africa, Itelexpo, Securexpo, Lightexpo Africa.</p> <p style="color:#06C"><b>Standard Newspaper - Business Section : 21st July, 2013</b></p> <p style="padding-bottom:15px; border-bottom:1px dashed #999999; "><img src="images/standard_newspaper-21July-2013.jpg" width="379" height="827" style=" float:none; margin-left:20px;" /></p> <p style="color:#06C"><b>Business Section : 15th July, 2013</b></p> <p>Kenya gears up for the <b>16th Kenya International Trade Exhibition 2013</b><br /> Released on: 15 July, 2013<br /> Author: Jason Mathews<br /> Industry: Multi-Sector<br /> </p> <p> Thousands of International Companies are expected to descend into Nairobi in October to take in the sights of the 16th Kenya International Trade Exhibition 2013 (KITE 2013). The event, which will take place at the Kenya International Conference Centre for the sixteen consecutive year bringing together a wide range of Multi-Sector Products, Equipment &amp; Machinery to the East African market. There'll be more than 200 exhibitors, showcasing more than 10,000 products, over 3,000 square meters of space at this mega event.</p> <p> &quot;With thousands of people expected to visit the fair, this gives us a great opportunity to pass on some of our experience to anyone mulling the idea of B2B events and its outcome&quot; said Neville Trindade, Exhibition Manager, Expogroup. &quot;Over the past years, KITE has developed into the leading International industry event for converting specialists in the East Africa region. They value this specialized trade exhibition as the ideal platform to establish global networks and to build new business relations,&quot; </p> <p> Running from the 6th - 8th of October, 16th Kenya International Trade Exhibition 2013 brings together hundreds of exhibitors all under one roof. Around 9,000 visitors are expected to attend this mega event over its three-day duration.</p> <p style="padding-bottom:15px; border-bottom:1px dashed #999999; "> <b>Editorial note</b>: Product and exhibitor information, photos and a floor plan are available for journalists upon request. Please send us an email to <script type="text/javascript"> p = "contact"; p= p + "@"; p= p + ""; document.write("<a href=mailto:"+ p +">here</a>");</script></p> <p style="color:#06C"><b>Press Release : July, 2013</b></p> <p style="padding-bottom:15px; border-bottom:1px dashed #999999; "><img src="images/press-july2013.jpg" width="637" height="924" style=" float:none; margin-left:20px;" /></p> <p style="color:#06C"><b>Standard Newspaper - Business Section : June, 2013</b></p> <p style="padding-bottom:15px; border-bottom:1px dashed #999999; "><img src="images/The-Standard-Newspaper-June-2013.jpg" width="285" height="933" style=" float:none; margin-left:20px;" /></p> <p style="color:#06C"><b>Standard Newspaper : June, 2013</b></p> <p style="padding-bottom:15px; border-bottom:1px dashed #999999; "><img src="images/Standard-June-2013.jpg" width="621" height="591" style=" float:none; margin-left:20px;" /></p> <p style="color:#06C"><b> Newspaper June 2013</b></p> <p style="padding-bottom:15px; border-bottom:1px dashed #999999; "><img src="images/press-june2013.jpg" width="605" height="652" style=" float:none; margin-left:20px;" /></p> <p style="color:#06C"><b>Standard Newspaper - Business Section : 21st July, 2013</b></p> <p style="padding-bottom:15px; border-bottom:1px dashed #999999; "><img src="images/standard_newspaper-21July-2013.jpg" width="379" height="827" style=" float:none; margin-left:20px;" /></p> <p style="color:#06C; padding-top:8px;"><b> - Business Section</b></p> <p style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:13px;"><b>India Targeting the African Market</b></p> <p>The Federation of Indian Export Organizations, National Jute Board and Viesvesvaraya Industrial Trade Centre<br /> (Govt of Karnataka Centre for Export Promotion), together forms the INDIAN PAVILION at the <b>16th Kenya International Trade Exhibition</b>, which is being held at Nairobi from October 06th to 08th, 2013. </p> <p>Approximately 50 Indian companies are taking part in this mega event, thus forming the Indian Pavilion.聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 </p> <p>&quot;Kenya International Trade Exhibition is an excellent platform for Indian companies to effectively promote their range of products in a market that is filled with major opportunities. With manufacturers, importers, exporters, contractors, traders and distributors expected to visit the event, the international exhibition will enable the exhibitors to meet their potential clients, thus boosting sales and marketing activities&quot; said a spokesperson from the Federation of Indian Export Organizations. </p> <p>The&nbsp;16th KITE - Kenya International Trade Exhibition<b>, </b>a multi- sector trade event, is all set to present over&nbsp;10,000<b> </b>products, equipment and machinery from over 30 countries.</p> <p>&quot;The African market is called the market of the millennium, and this is our best chance to explore this vast market. It is an exciting opportunity and KITE being the largest trade show in Kenya, we are confident of a positive response&quot; adds a participant from the National Jute Board. <br /> <br /> The number of exhibitors and visitors in 2013 is expected to rise by at least 20% since an aggressive campaign has been launched while celebrating the event's 16th birthday. Trade visitors from all over East &amp; Central African countries are being invited directly and in collaboration with several regional trade bodies in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda, Somalia, Mozambique &amp; Zaire.<br /> <br /> Though Kenya by itself is one of the biggest markets in Africa, major emphasis is being laid upon attracting traders and importers from neighbouring countries as well. The experience and comments of exhibitors at previous events indicate substantial gains from unexpected foreign visitors a rise in such statistics will undeniably ensure business especially for the foreign participants who form almost<b>&nbsp;</b>80 - 85%&nbsp;of the exhibition.</p> <p>This event is being organised by Expogroup Worldwide, the organizers of the largest trade shows in Africa from over 15 years.</p> <!--<p style="color:#06C"><b>DAILY NATION - National News : October 17th, 2011</b></p> <p><img src="images/nation_newspaper-17Nov-2011.jpg" width="510" height="661" alt="DAILY NATION - National News : October 17th, 2013" /></p> --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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