SMS API | Twilio

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2.125H14.75c8.288 0 13.175-6.163 17-12.75 3.825 6.587 8.712 12.75 17 12.75h2.125A2.131 2.131 0 0 0 53 51.125Zm4.25 6.375L70 51.125 57.25 44.75V57.5Z" class="path-fill"/> </g> </svg> <div class="navigation-dropdown-link-info"> <span class="navigation-dropdown-link-text"> <strong>Serverless</strong> </span> <p class="navigation-dropdown-link-description"> Build, deploy, and run apps with Twilio’s serverless environment and visual builder </p> </div> </a> </li> <li class="has-icon"> <a class="navigation-dropdown-link-main" href="/en-us/phone-numbers" target="_self" data-uuid="bc7654e5-0721-3c82-91e0-a3cbe7e25011"> <svg xmlns="" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 72 72" class="icon--decorative is-product"> <title>Twilio Phone Numbers logo</title> <g class="twilio_phone-numbers"> <g class="path-fill"> <path d="M61.233 22.531H50.402L52.923 4.64a2.304 2.304 0 0 0-1.967-2.615c-1.296-.186-2.43.694-2.615 1.967L45.726 22.53h-13.84l2.522-17.89a2.304 2.304 0 0 0-1.967-2.615c-1.296-.186-2.43.694-2.615 1.967L27.21 22.53H12.63a2.321 2.321 0 0 0-2.314 2.315 2.321 2.321 0 0 0 2.314 2.314h13.933L24.295 43.36h-13.98A2.321 2.321 0 0 0 8 45.676a2.321 2.321 0 0 0 2.315 2.314h13.308l-2.685 19.05a2.304 2.304 0 0 0 1.967 2.615h.324c1.134 0 2.13-.833 2.292-1.99l2.777-19.697h30.62a2.321 2.321 0 0 0 2.315-2.314 2.321 2.321 0 0 0-2.314-2.315H47.462l2.268-16.201h11.48a2.321 2.321 0 0 0 2.315-2.315 2.321 2.321 0 0 0-2.315-2.314l.023.023Zm-18.446 20.83h-13.84l2.267-16.201h13.841l-2.268 16.201Z"/> <path d="M41.77 69.977h-.325a2.304 2.304 0 0 1-1.967-2.615l1.852-13.17c.185-1.273 1.32-2.153 2.615-1.967a2.304 2.304 0 0 1 1.968 2.615L44.06 68.01A2.315 2.315 0 0 1 41.77 70v-.023Z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <div class="navigation-dropdown-link-info"> <span class="navigation-dropdown-link-text"> <strong>Phone Numbers</strong> </span> <p class="navigation-dropdown-link-description"> Access local, national, and toll-free phone numbers </p> </div> </a> <div class="navigation-dropdown-shortcut-links "> <a 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19.25c-.595 0-1.062.468-1.062 1.063v31.875c0 .594.468 1.062 1.063 1.062h36.124c.596 0 1.063-.468 1.063-1.063v-11.58c0-.745.383-1.425.999-1.807a2.153 2.153 0 0 1 2.061-.106l16.639 8.245c.489.233.871.042 1.041-.043.149-.085.51-.361.51-.892V26.539c0-.532-.361-.808-.51-.914-.149-.085-.552-.297-1.041-.043l-16.639 8.31c-.659.318-1.445.297-2.061-.086A2.123 2.123 0 0 1 44.5 32V20.312c0-.595-.468-1.062-1.063-1.062H7.313Z" class="path-fill"/> </g> </svg> <div class="navigation-dropdown-link-info"> <span class="navigation-dropdown-link-text"> <strong>Video</strong> </span> <p class="navigation-dropdown-link-description"> Connect virtually with secure, high-quality video calling at global scale </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="navigation-dropdown-section "> <h5 class="navigation-dropdown-title"> <span>Applications</span> </h5> <hr/> <ul class="navigation-dropdown-list"> <li class="has-icon"> <a class="navigation-dropdown-link-main" href="/en-us/flex" target="_self" 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3.88Zm6.92-47.52c10.42 1.46 18.82 9.88 20.3 20.3.88 6.28-.7 12.16-3.88 16.88-.52.78-.38 1.82.28 2.48l2.88 2.88c.88.88 2.34.76 3.06-.26C65.82 49.3 68 42.9 68 36V6.58C68 5.16 66.84 4 65.42 4H36c-6.9 0-13.3 2.18-18.52 5.9a2.006 2.006 0 0 0-.26 3.06l2.88 2.88c.66.66 1.7.8 2.48.28 4.7-3.18 10.58-4.76 16.88-3.88Z"/> </g> </g> </svg> <div class="navigation-dropdown-link-info"> <span class="navigation-dropdown-link-text"> <strong>Twilio Engage</strong> </span> <p class="navigation-dropdown-link-description"> Create multi-channel campaigns with a unified data-first platform </p> </div> </a> </li> <li class="has-icon"> <a class="navigation-dropdown-link-main" href="/en-us/sendgrid/marketing-campaigns" target="_self" data-uuid="b4a7bbcb-e911-309b-99a4-553796478f8a"> <svg xmlns="" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 72 72" class="icon--decorative is-product"> <title>Twilio Marketing Campaigns logo</title> <g class="twilio_marketing-campaigns"> <path d="M22.71 41.007a2.26 2.26 0 0 1-1.87.501L.993 37.976c-1.28-.444-1.34-2.22-.08-2.72L62.169 7.018S62.247 7 62.286 7h.059a.78.78 0 0 1 .295.039s.04 0 .06.038a.573.573 0 0 1 .196.174c0 . 51.956c-.217.945-1.3 1.39-2.127.907L32.89 47.569c-.965-.56-2.166.115-2.166 1.215 0 .54.315 1.023.787 1.255l3.367 1.968c.768.386.985 1.39.492 2.085l-6.458 9.283c-.787 1.158-2.618.598-2.618-.791V44.905c0-.502.196-1.004.55-1.37l28.59-29.413c.315-.31-.138-.792-.492-.502L22.71 41.007Z" class="path-fill"/> </g> </svg> <div class="navigation-dropdown-link-info"> <span class="navigation-dropdown-link-text"> <strong>Marketing Campaigns </strong> </span> <p class="navigation-dropdown-link-description"> Create and manage email marketing campaigns with SendGrid </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="navigation-dropdown-section has-border"> <h5 class="navigation-dropdown-title"> <span>Customer Data</span> </h5> <hr/> <ul class="navigation-dropdown-list"> <li class="has-icon"> <a class="navigation-dropdown-link-main" href="" target="_blank" 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1.041.298 2.147-.297 2.53-1.318l1.445-3.998a2.137 2.137 0 0 0-1.424-2.785A33.776 33.776 0 0 0 36 2c-13.885-.021-25.771 8.314-31.066 20.221-.51 1.149.022 2.488 1.212 2.913l3.998 1.468c1.02.382 2.19-.085 2.636-1.064C16.778 16.694 25.687 10.505 36 10.505v-.02Z" class="path-fill fill-path"/> </g> </svg> <div class="navigation-dropdown-link-info"> <span class="navigation-dropdown-link-text"> <strong>Twilio Segment ↗</strong> </span> <p class="navigation-dropdown-link-description"> Unify your customer data with Segment CDP to power personalized engagement </p> </div> </a> </li> <li class="has-icon"> <a class="navigation-dropdown-link-main" href="" target="_blank" data-uuid="80c6422a-7ea3-39a4-9952-06c6846c86e0"> <svg width="72" height="72" viewBox="0 0 72 72" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <path class="path-fill logo-fill" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M2 6.85714C2 4.17462 4.17462 2 6.85714 2H65.1429C67.8255 2 70 4.17462 70 6.85714V14.1429C70 16.8254 67.8255 19 65.1429 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38.5545 54.4826C38.2247 54.4555 37.97 54.1812 37.9671 53.8501V41.2501C37.9667 40.5392 38.5317 39.9574 39.2417 39.9375C41.1171 39.9371 42.9872 40.1367 44.8201 40.5334C45.4152 40.6716 45.8363 41.2028 45.8351 41.8143V45.7754C45.8349 46.0542 46.0105 46.3025 46.2731 46.395C47.2649 46.746 48.2293 47.1707 49.158 47.6654C49.4123 47.8017 49.7258 47.7546 49.9291 47.5501L52.6435 44.8619C53.0874 44.418 53.7834 44.3508 54.3038 44.7019C57.3678 46.8439 59.9373 49.6188 61.8387 52.8393C62.1303 53.352 62.0446 53.9961 61.629 54.4143L58.7439 57.3019C58.5531 57.4905 58.4969 57.7769 58.6023 58.0238C58.9423 58.8176 59.2322 59.6321 59.4704 60.4623C59.552 60.7438 59.8097 60.9374 60.1025 60.9376H63.8582Z"/> </svg> <div class="navigation-dropdown-link-info"> <span class="navigation-dropdown-link-text"> <strong>Unify ↗</strong> </span> <p class="navigation-dropdown-link-description"> Unify customer data across every channel </p> </div> </a> <div class="navigation-dropdown-shortcut-links "> <a href="" 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57.6373 49.927V21.5C57.6373 19.0335 56.6603 16.668 54.9213 14.9239C53.1823 13.1798 50.8237 12.2 48.3644 12.2C45.9051 12.2 43.5465 13.1798 41.8075 14.9239C40.0685 16.668 39.0915 19.0335 39.0915 21.5V28.227C40.9014 28.8675 42.4686 30.0552 43.5772 31.6265C44.6857 33.1977 45.281 35.0752 45.281 37C45.281 38.9248 44.6857 40.8023 43.5772 42.3735C42.4686 43.9448 40.9014 45.1325 39.0915 45.773V52.5C39.0915 56.6108 37.4633 60.5533 34.5649 63.4601C31.6666 66.367 27.7356 68 23.6367 68C19.5379 68 15.6069 66.367 12.7085 63.4601C9.81019 60.5533 8.18192 56.6108 8.18192 52.5V24.073C6.37348 23.4313 4.80789 22.243 3.70077 20.6718C2.59365 19.1007 1.99945 17.2239 2 15.3ZM11.2729 12.2C10.4531 12.2 9.66691 12.5266 9.08724 13.108C8.50758 13.6893 8.18192 14.4778 8.18192 15.3C8.18192 16.1222 8.50758 16.9107 9.08724 17.492C9.66691 18.0734 10.4531 18.4 11.2729 18.4C12.0927 18.4 12.8789 18.0734 13.4585 17.492C14.0382 16.9107 14.3638 16.1222 14.3638 15.3C14.3638 14.4778 14.0382 13.6893 13.4585 13.108C12.8789 12.5266 12.0927 12.2 11.2729 12.2ZM57.6373 58.7C57.6373 57.8778 57.963 57.0893 58.5426 56.508C59.1223 55.9266 59.9085 55.6 60.7283 55.6C61.548 55.6 62.3342 55.9266 62.9139 56.508C63.4936 57.0893 63.8192 57.8778 63.8192 58.7C63.8192 59.5222 63.4936 60.3107 62.9139 60.892C62.3342 61.4734 61.548 61.8 60.7283 61.8C59.9085 61.8 59.1223 61.4734 58.5426 60.892C57.963 60.3107 57.6373 59.5222 57.6373 58.7Z"/> </svg> <div class="navigation-dropdown-link-info"> <span class="navigation-dropdown-link-text"> <strong>Journeys ↗</strong> </span> <p class="navigation-dropdown-link-description"> Orchestrate multichannel customer journeys </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> <div class="button-container small "> <a href="/en-us/products" target="_self" class="button button-secondary">See all products</a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <button aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="navigation-dropdown-1" data-nav-id="1" class="navigation-link" id="navigation-link-1"> Solutions </button> <div data-nav-id="1" 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51.125A2.131 2.131 0 0 0 50.875 49H48.75c-6.8 0-10.625-5.95-14.45-12.75 3.825-6.8 7.65-12.75 14.45-12.75h2.125A2.131 2.131 0 0 0 53 21.375a2.131 2.131 0 0 0-2.125-2.125H48.75c-8.288 0-13.175 6.163-17 12.75-3.825-6.587-8.712-12.75-17-12.75H4.125A2.131 2.131 0 0 0 2 21.375 2.13 2.13 0 0 0 4.125 23.5H14.75c6.8 0 10.625 5.95 14.45 12.75C25.375 43.05 21.55 49 14.75 49H4.125A2.131 2.131 0 0 0 2 51.125a2.13 2.13 0 0 0 2.125 2.125H14.75c8.288 0 13.175-6.163 17-12.75 3.825 6.587 8.712 12.75 17 12.75h2.125A2.131 2.131 0 0 0 53 51.125Zm4.25 6.375L70 51.125 57.25 44.75V57.5Z" class="path-fill"/> </g> </svg> <div class="navigation-dropdown-link-info"> <span class="navigation-dropdown-link-text"> <strong>Serverless</strong> </span> <p class="navigation-dropdown-link-description"> Build, deploy, and run apps with Twilio’s serverless environment and visual builder </p> </div> </a> </li> <li class="has-icon"> <a class="navigation-dropdown-link-main" href="/en-us/phone-numbers" target="_self" 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0-2.033-.816-2.033-2.039 0-1.019.813-2.038 2.033-2.038h39.22c1.83 0 2.642-2.243 1.423-3.466L53.943 7.612C53.537 7.204 52.927 7 52.521 7H9.032Z" class="path-fill"/> </g> </svg> <div class="navigation-dropdown-link-info"> <span class="navigation-dropdown-link-text"> <strong>Twilio Flex</strong> </span> <p class="navigation-dropdown-link-description"> Digital engagement center for customer service and sales </p> </div> </a> <div class="navigation-dropdown-shortcut-links "> <a href="/en-us/flex/use-cases/contact-center" target="_self" data-uuid="5c2d9c5a-08e1-39ea-b937-91b213ac174b">Contact center</a> </div> </li> <li class="has-icon"> <a class="navigation-dropdown-link-main" href="/en-us/engage" target="_self" data-uuid="8523f978-5f68-3011-aad2-8e0c25c78e27"> <svg xmlns="" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 72 72" class="icon--decorative is-product"> <title>Twilio Engage logo</title> <g class="twilio_engage"> <g class="path-fill"> <path d="M36 51.96c8.815 0 15.96-7.145 15.96-15.96 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class="navigation-dropdown-link-description"> Create and manage email marketing campaigns with SendGrid </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="navigation-dropdown-section has-border"> <h5 class="navigation-dropdown-title"> <span>Customer Data</span> </h5> <hr/> <ul class="navigation-dropdown-list"> <li class="has-icon"> <a class="navigation-dropdown-link-main" href="" target="_blank" data-uuid="9a6fde8b-0d94-3c2e-8437-c8659a43ba63"> <svg xmlns="" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 72 72" class="icon--decorative is-product"> <title>Twilio Segment logo</title> <g class="segment"> <path d="M65.64 23.242H31.876a2.254 2.254 0 0 0-2.254 2.254v3.998a2.254 2.254 0 0 0 2.254 2.253H65.64a2.254 2.254 0 0 0 2.254-2.253v-3.998a2.254 2.254 0 0 0-2.254-2.254ZM40.125 40.253H6.359a2.254 2.254 0 0 0-2.254 2.254v3.997a2.254 2.254 0 0 0 2.254 2.254h33.766a2.254 2.254 0 0 0 2.254-2.254v-3.997a2.254 2.254 0 0 0-2.254-2.254ZM16.863 63.642a4.253 4.253 0 1 0 0-8.505 4.253 4.253 0 0 0 0 8.505Zm38.274-46.779a4.253 4.253 0 1 0 0-8.505 4.253 4.253 0 0 0 0 8.505ZM36 61.516c-2.382 0-4.7-.34-6.89-.978-1.041-.298-2.147.298-2.53 1.318l-1.446 3.998a2.137 2.137 0 0 0 1.425 2.785A33.775 33.775 0 0 0 35.999 70c13.886 0 25.772-8.335 31.066-20.243.51-1.148-.02-2.487-1.212-2.913l-3.997-1.467c-1.02-.383-2.19.085-2.637 1.063C55.222 55.286 46.313 61.473 36 61.473v.043Zm0-51.032c2.381 0 4.7.34 6.89.978 1.041.298 2.147-.297 2.53-1.318l1.445-3.998a2.137 2.137 0 0 0-1.424-2.785A33.776 33.776 0 0 0 36 2c-13.885-.021-25.771 8.314-31.066 20.221-.51 1.149.022 2.488 1.212 2.913l3.998 1.468c1.02.382 2.19-.085 2.636-1.064C16.778 16.694 25.687 10.505 36 10.505v-.02Z" class="path-fill fill-path"/> </g> </svg> <div class="navigation-dropdown-link-info"> <span class="navigation-dropdown-link-text"> <strong>Twilio Segment ↗</strong> </span> <p class="navigation-dropdown-link-description"> Unify your customer data with Segment CDP to power personalized engagement </p> </div> </a> </li> <li 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66.1874C6.5 66.9123 7.08711 67.5 7.81134 67.5H32.7269C33.4512 67.5 34.0382 66.9123 34.0382 66.1874V41.2501C34.0382 40.5252 33.4512 39.9375 32.7269 39.9375ZM63.8582 60.9376C64.5029 60.9429 65.0506 61.4112 65.1564 62.0479C65.3806 63.4306 65.4955 64.8288 65.5 66.2296C65.4746 66.936 64.8949 67.4953 64.1886 67.4947H51.5998C51.2688 67.4917 50.9949 67.2368 50.9677 66.9068C50.3065 60.3387 45.1167 55.1445 38.5545 54.4826C38.2247 54.4555 37.97 54.1812 37.9671 53.8501V41.2501C37.9667 40.5392 38.5317 39.9574 39.2417 39.9375C41.1171 39.9371 42.9872 40.1367 44.8201 40.5334C45.4152 40.6716 45.8363 41.2028 45.8351 41.8143V45.7754C45.8349 46.0542 46.0105 46.3025 46.2731 46.395C47.2649 46.746 48.2293 47.1707 49.158 47.6654C49.4123 47.8017 49.7258 47.7546 49.9291 47.5501L52.6435 44.8619C53.0874 44.418 53.7834 44.3508 54.3038 44.7019C57.3678 46.8439 59.9373 49.6188 61.8387 52.8393C62.1303 53.352 62.0446 53.9961 61.629 54.4143L58.7439 57.3019C58.5531 57.4905 58.4969 57.7769 58.6023 58.0238C58.9423 58.8176 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7.04411C8.52323 6.26102 10.2187 5.90922 11.9144 6.02716C13.6101 6.1451 15.2409 6.72825 16.6286 7.71287C18.0162 8.69749 19.1073 10.0457 19.7826 11.6102C20.4579 13.1746 20.6914 14.8952 20.4577 16.5838C20.2239 18.2724 19.5319 19.864 18.4572 21.1848C17.3825 22.5056 15.9664 23.5047 14.3638 24.073V52.5C14.3638 54.9665 15.3408 57.332 17.0798 59.0761C18.8188 60.8202 21.1774 61.8 23.6367 61.8C26.0961 61.8 28.4546 60.8202 30.1936 59.0761C31.9326 57.332 32.9096 54.9665 32.9096 52.5V45.773C31.0998 45.1325 29.5325 43.9448 28.424 42.3735C27.3154 40.8023 26.7201 38.9248 26.7201 37C26.7201 35.0752 27.3154 33.1977 28.424 31.6265C29.5325 30.0552 31.0998 28.8675 32.9096 28.227V21.5C32.9096 19.4645 33.3094 17.449 34.086 15.5684C34.8627 13.6879 36.0011 11.9792 37.4362 10.5398C38.8713 9.10054 40.5751 7.95882 42.4501 7.17987C44.3252 6.40092 46.3349 6 48.3644 6C50.394 6 52.4037 6.40092 54.2787 7.17987C56.1538 7.95882 57.8575 9.10054 59.2926 10.5398C60.7277 11.9792 61.8661 13.6879 62.6428 15.5684C63.4195 17.449 63.8192 19.4645 63.8192 21.5V49.927C65.8814 50.6591 67.6192 52.0985 68.7257 53.991C69.8322 55.8835 70.2363 58.1073 69.8665 60.2697C69.4967 62.432 68.3768 64.3936 66.7046 65.8082C65.0325 67.2227 62.9158 67.999 60.7283 68C58.5384 68.0033 56.418 67.2291 54.7427 65.8147C53.0674 64.4003 51.9453 62.4369 51.575 60.2722C51.2048 58.1076 51.6104 55.8813 52.72 53.9879C53.8296 52.0944 55.5715 50.6558 57.6373 49.927V21.5C57.6373 19.0335 56.6603 16.668 54.9213 14.9239C53.1823 13.1798 50.8237 12.2 48.3644 12.2C45.9051 12.2 43.5465 13.1798 41.8075 14.9239C40.0685 16.668 39.0915 19.0335 39.0915 21.5V28.227C40.9014 28.8675 42.4686 30.0552 43.5772 31.6265C44.6857 33.1977 45.281 35.0752 45.281 37C45.281 38.9248 44.6857 40.8023 43.5772 42.3735C42.4686 43.9448 40.9014 45.1325 39.0915 45.773V52.5C39.0915 56.6108 37.4633 60.5533 34.5649 63.4601C31.6666 66.367 27.7356 68 23.6367 68C19.5379 68 15.6069 66.367 12.7085 63.4601C9.81019 60.5533 8.18192 56.6108 8.18192 52.5V24.073C6.37348 23.4313 4.80789 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57.963 57.0893 58.5426 56.508C59.1223 55.9266 59.9085 55.6 60.7283 55.6C61.548 55.6 62.3342 55.9266 62.9139 56.508C63.4936 57.0893 63.8192 57.8778 63.8192 58.7C63.8192 59.5222 63.4936 60.3107 62.9139 60.892C62.3342 61.4734 61.548 61.8 60.7283 61.8C59.9085 61.8 59.1223 61.4734 58.5426 60.892C57.963 60.3107 57.6373 59.5222 57.6373 58.7Z"/> </svg> <div class="navigation-dropdown-link-info"> <span class="navigation-dropdown-link-text"> <strong>Serverless</strong> </span> </div> </a> </li> <li class="has-icon"> <a class="navigation-dropdown-link-main" href="/en-us/video/pricing" target="_self" data-uuid="7bd70d75-cf69-30ce-9ae5-ea9730e53641"> <svg xmlns="" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 72 72" class="icon--decorative is-product"> <title>Twilio Video logo</title> <g class="twilio_video"> <path d="M43.438 57.5H7.312A5.314 5.314 0 0 1 2 52.187V20.314A5.314 5.314 0 0 1 7.313 15h36.124a5.314 5.314 0 0 1 5.313 5.313v8.245l13.557-6.78a5.264 5.264 0 0 1 5.164.235A5.295 5.295 0 0 1 70 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6.37 0 10.96 2.246 13.06 3.497 2.094 1.245 3.432 2.484 3.73 2.76l.003.002c. 22.529c. 0 0 1 .007.141c-.002.04-.003.088-.003.146v.024c-.009.345-.094 3.906 1.73 7.648 1.946 3.987 5.392 8.157 10.899 10.886 5.241 2.6 10.317 2.976 14.144 2.558 3.374-.368 6.03-1.549 6.691-1.842l.13-.057c.047-.02.08-.035.103-.047.04-.02.053-.026.062-.01a.03.03 0 0 1 .003.01c0 .004 0 .008-.002.012a.32.32 0 0 1-.074.07 10.893 10.893 0 0 1-.549.438c-.042.03-.087.066-.138.106-.478.37-1.432 1.108-4.043 2.207-4.14 1.742-11.077 2.841-18.004-.88C4.482 40.387 1.508 34.211.5 29.497a23.687 23.687 0 0 1-.415-6.862c.002-.036.003-.061.008-.078.007-.022.02-.03.04-.028Z"/> <path class="path-fill logo-fill" fill="#570F8C" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M74.716 32.667c-2.833 0-4.097-.594-4.097-2.121 0-.776.418-1.394 1.275-1.885-.396-.303-.605-.712-.605-1.193 0-.607.424-1.285 1.094-1.77-.81-.64-1.252-1.599-1.252-2.723 0-2.138 1.519-3.52 3.867-3.52 1.105 0 2.03.302 2.682.875.545-.458 1.365-.818 2.045-.892l.163-.018v2.442h-.147c-.211 0-.63 0- 1.026 0 2.16-1.456 3.503-3.798 3.503-.406 0-.796-.043-1.161-.127-.137.122-.155.216-.155.278 0 .165.028.323.731.398l1.213.057c2.864.193 3.98.905 3.98 2.692 0 1.81-1.92 2.89-4.89 2.89Zm-.973-3.403c-.058 0-.115 0-.176-.006-.272.243-.416.53-.416.837 0 .592.333.986 1.953.986 1.153 0 1.898-.353 1.898-.9 0-.425-.085-.671-1.837-.795l-1.422-.122Zm2.395-6.22c0-.699-.194-1.532-1.122-1.532-.977 0-1.123.96-1.123 1.533 0 .579.146 1.55 1.123 1.55.714 0 1.122-.565 1.122-1.55Z" clip-rule="evenodd"/> <path class="path-fill logo-fill" fill="#570F8C" d="M39.438 38.3h4.19v-4.958h2.974v13.03h-2.974v-5.58h-4.19v5.58h-2.974v-13.03h2.974v4.957Zm30.209 8.071h-2.903V34.667l2.903-.382V46.37Z"/> <path class="path-fill logo-fill" fill="#570F8C" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M64.956 39.81v4.143c0 1.175.062 1.798.22 2.222l.073.196h-2.894l-.032-.104a4.018 4.018 0 0 1-.169-.919c-.709.758-1.574 1.127-2.634 1.127-1.55 0-2.44-.938-2.44-2.575 0-1.94 1.656-3.192 5.06-3.828v-.263c0-.662-.225-.921-.805-.921-1.005 0-2 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1.46 0 2.788-.822 3.698-2.004l.125-.064v2.864c0 2.008-1.712 3.245-3.541 3.245-1.778 0-3.353-.345-4.638-.955v2.037c1.082.47 2.844.763 4.356.763 4.117 0 6.08-2.3 6.08-5.631v-15.56h-1.724l-.502 1.591c-.85-1.125-1.964-1.877-3.729-1.877Zm14.98 0c-3.294 0-4.853 2.003-5.516 3.245l1.85.987c.259-.71 1.193-2.355 3.697-2.355 1.975 0 2.977.885 2.977 2.64v.542s.016.164-.031.222c-.073.094-.281.171-.784.223-2.764.313-4.602.774-5.954 1.655-1.467.957-2.381 2.298-2.381 4.136 0 1.305.622 2.42 1.441 3.213.762.731 1.8 1.112 2.946 1.146 2.44.08 4.048-.952 4.826- 1.308 1.003 1.655.609.33 1.608.264 2.037.159v-1.591c-.517-.026-.846-.276-.846-.923v-8.24c0-1.504-.582-2.737-1.693-3.532-.916-.66-2.196-1.018-3.572-1.018Zm15.95 0c-1.508 0-3.053.794-4.355 2.29v-2.004h-2.32v15.081h2.32v-11.2c.789-.855 2.558-2.29 4.168-2.29 1.614 0 2.319.804 2.319 2.609v10.881h2.319V20.452c0-3.258-2.282-4.422-4.45-4.422Zm41.963 0c-3.292 0-4.851 2.003-5.516 3.245l1.849.987c.26-.71 1.193-2.355 3.698-2.355 1.974 0 2.977.885 2.977 2.64v.542s-.016.164-.063.222c-.072.094-.248.171-.752.223-2.765.313-4.602.774-5.954 1.655-1.467.957-2.382 2.298-2.382 4.136 0 1.305.622 2.419 1.442 3.213.761.731 1.8 1.112 2.946 1.146 2.439.08 4.047-.952 4.826- 1.308 1.002 1.655.608.33 1.608.264 2.037.159v-1.591c-.516-.026-.846-.276-.846-.923v-8.24c0-1.504-.611-2.737-1.723-3.532-.917-.66-2.166-1.018-3.541-1.018Zm15.951 0c-1.514 0-3.054.794-4.356 2.29v-2.004h-2.319v15.081h2.319v-11.2c.79-.856 2.555-2.29 4.168-2.29 1.611 0 2.319.804 2.319 2.609v10.881h2.319V20.452c0-3.258-2.283-4.422-4.45-4.422Zm-96.052.063c-2.352 0-3.747.927-4.95 3.119v-2.896h-2.32v15.05h2.32V22.84c.572-3.098 2.187-4.55 4.95-4.55v-2.196Zm125.008.191 5.171 14.954v.128c-.309 1.433-1.203 3.202-2.006 3.754-.709.489-1.477.54-2.068.54-.286 0-.875-.097-1.128-.158v1.813c.32.08 1.061.223 1.535.223 1.105 0 2.037-.28 2.821-.86.937-.691 1.976-2.495 2.475-4.04l5.171-16.354h-2.256l-3.385 11.582-.031.254-.063-.254-3.98-11.582h-2.256Zm-141.554 1.56c2.497 0 3.98 2.224 3.98 5.95 0 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69.44C150.719 69.28 149.879 68.97 149.189 68.51C148.479 68.08 147.889 67.52 147.499 66.89C147.109 66.25 146.929 65.54 146.919 64.87C146.899 63.5 147.559 62.35 148.299 61.61C149.849 60.07 151.419 59.93 151.879 59.91C153.179 59.84 154.179 60.28 154.809 60.69C155.459 61.1 155.799 61.43 155.929 61.41C156.029 61.41 155.929 61.03 155.319 60.38C154.999 60.08 154.539 59.7 153.859 59.43C153.189 59.16 152.289 59 151.279 59.16C150.759 59.25 148.929 59.55 147.319 61.49C146.939 61.98 146.589 62.57 146.359 63.26C146.149 63.95 146.049 64.74 146.179 65.56C146.309 66.37 146.659 67.2 147.229 67.89C147.799 68.59 148.569 69.13 149.399 69.56C150.249 69.97 151.199 70.25 152.209 70.32C153.239 70.41 154.249 70.12 155.169 70.11C156.089 70.07 156.959 70.54 157.959 70.95C158.949 71.35 159.999 71.69 161.099 71.89C162.199 72.09 163.349 72.16 164.509 71.97C165.659 71.81 166.789 71.29 167.749 70.69C168.719 70.1 169.659 69.53 170.719 69.52C171.779 69.48 172.949 69.82 174.169 69.66C176.559 69.41 178.819 67.75 179.549 65.44C179.929 64.31 179.969 63.08 179.669 61.95C179.379 60.81 178.669 59.8 177.789 59.1C176.899 58.39 175.819 57.94 174.709 57.88C173.589 57.82 172.589 58.14 171.689 58.05C170.769 58 170.169 57.33 169.589 56.59C168.989 55.84 168.289 55.19 167.559 54.67C166.069 53.64 164.409 53.11 162.899 53.08C161.389 53.03 160.069 53.39 159.039 53.84C158.029 54.34 157.259 54.86 156.749 55.3C156.229 55.74 155.909 56.05 155.789 56.19C155.229 56.77 154.899 57.26 154.699 57.6C154.499 57.94 154.429 58.12 154.479 58.16C154.529 58.19 154.689 58.08 154.949 57.82C155.209 57.56 155.559 57.14 156.079 56.64L156.099 56.62Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M15.1795 24.04C15.2495 23.99 15.3195 23.93 15.3795 23.85C15.5695 23.62 15.6795 23.33 15.7995 23.06C17.2495 19.61 20.3095 16.77 24.3095 17.32C26.2695 17.59 28.0295 18.67 29.4495 19.99C29.7895 20.31 30.2795 20.89 30.7495 20.9C30.9495 20.9 31.4095 20.8 31.5995 20.74C34.0195 20.03 35.5895 19.83 37.9495 20.72C40.3095 21.61 42.4395 23.91 42.8795 26.39C43.0595 27.39 42.9295 28.44 42.6695 29.43C42.3795 30.54 41.4395 31.6 40.5295 32.25C39.7395 32.82 38.7995 33.19 37.8295 33.29C36.7395 33.41 35.6695 33.49 34.5795 33.37C33.3895 33.24 32.1295 32.88 30.9495 33.23C30.3195 33.42 29.7595 33.79 29.1795 34.1C27.3495 35.07 25.0195 35.37 23.2295 34.33C22.3595 33.82 21.6295 33.03 20.6595 32.75C19.4495 32.41 18.0595 32.87 16.8695 33.12C14.9995 33.52 13.2795 33.52 11.9695 31.96C10.2595 29.93 10.0595 26.06 12.7195 24.68C13.0095 24.53 13.3195 24.44 13.6395 24.37C14.1295 24.27 14.7495 24.31 15.1795 24.01V24.04Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M17.1601 21.11C17.5301 20.66 18.4501 19.27 20.4801 18.27C21.4901 17.82 22.8201 17.52 24.2501 17.68C25.6901 17.83 27.1901 18.5 28.5501 19.57C28.8901 19.84 29.2301 20.13 29.5601 20.43L30.0601 20.91C30.3001 21.14 30.6201 21.23 30.9301 21.23C31.0801 21.23 31.2501 21.2 31.3801 21.15L31.7101 21.04C31.9301 20.96 32.1601 20.91 32.3901 20.85C32.8501 20.74 33.3201 20.66 33.8001 20.61C35.7101 20.42 37.8101 20.74 39.5101 21.89C41.1701 23.03 42.5101 24.96 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10.0801 28.8C10.0801 30.05 10.6201 31.53 11.8401 32.61C13.0701 33.71 14.9501 34.14 16.7801 33.91C17.7001 33.83 18.6601 33.49 19.5001 33.3C20.3401 33.1 21.1201 33.49 21.9701 34.03C22.3901 34.29 22.8701 34.58 23.3701 34.76C23.8601 34.95 24.3801 35.11 24.9201 35.22C25.9801 35.43 27.1901 35.43 28.2601 34.94C29.2901 34.5 30.2101 33.85 31.1701 33.61C32.1301 33.38 33.1701 33.76 34.3001 34.01C36.6301 34.47 39.1201 33.82 40.9901 32.34C41.9201 31.6 42.6701 30.59 43.0501 29.45C43.4401 28.32 43.4801 27.08 43.2001 25.93C42.9201 24.78 42.3401 23.75 41.6101 22.87C40.9001 21.99 39.9701 21.27 38.9801 20.78C36.9601 19.81 34.7201 19.71 32.7501 20.1C32.2501 20.19 31.7701 20.33 31.3001 20.49C30.8801 20.64 30.6401 20.61 30.3401 20.27C29.6601 19.61 28.9501 19.02 28.2101 18.53C26.7301 17.53 25.0701 17 23.5601 17.02C22.0601 17.02 20.7501 17.43 19.7701 17.98C18.7901 18.54 18.1201 19.19 17.6601 19.68C17.2001 20.18 16.9401 20.54 16.8401 20.69C15.9301 22 15.7701 22.79 15.8601 22.83C15.9801 22.89 16.3501 22.23 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94.9609 41.77 94.9509 41.79L92.8809 44.75C92.7909 44.88 92.6509 44.97 92.4909 44.99C92.3309 45.01 92.1709 44.97 92.0509 44.87L90.7709 43.84C90.6809 43.77 90.5609 43.79 90.4909 43.87L88.8609 46.32C88.7509 46.49 88.5709 46.58 88.3809 46.58H88.3609Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M136.5 59.99C146.911 59.99 155.35 51.5506 155.35 41.14C155.35 30.7295 146.911 22.29 136.5 22.29C126.09 22.29 117.65 30.7295 117.65 41.14C117.65 51.5506 126.09 59.99 136.5 59.99Z" fill="#6ADAAF"/> <path d="M135.43 48.3801C135.05 48.3801 134.67 48.3501 134.29 48.2801C131.49 47.8201 129.21 45.5401 128.75 42.7401C128.54 41.4401 128.69 40.1401 129.2 38.9501C129.49 38.2601 130.12 37.7501 130.87 37.6101C131.65 37.4601 132.44 37.7001 133 38.2601C133.67 38.9301 133.88 39.9401 133.52 40.7801C133.37 41.1401 133.32 41.5401 133.38 41.9301C133.51 42.8001 134.24 43.5301 135.11 43.6601C135.5 43.7201 135.91 43.6701 136.26 43.5201C137.11 43.1601 138.11 43.3601 138.79 44.0401C139.36 44.6101 139.6 45.3901 139.46 46.1501C139.32 46.8901 138.82 47.5101 138.14 47.8101C137.29 48.1801 136.37 48.3701 135.44 48.3701L135.43 48.3801ZM131.32 38.8501C131.25 38.8501 131.18 38.8501 131.11 38.8701C130.77 38.9301 130.5 39.1501 130.37 39.4601C129.96 40.4201 129.84 41.4901 130.01 42.5501C130.38 44.8201 132.23 46.6701 134.5 47.0401C135.58 47.2201 136.65 47.0801 137.63 46.6601C137.94 46.5301 138.14 46.2701 138.2 45.9301C138.26 45.5901 138.16 45.2301 137.91 44.9901C137.57 44.6501 137.13 44.5501 136.75 44.7101C136.17 44.9601 135.53 45.0301 134.9 44.9401C133.47 44.7201 132.32 43.5701 132.11 42.1501C132.01 41.5201 132.09 40.8801 132.34 40.3001C132.5 39.9301 132.4 39.4901 132.09 39.1801C131.89 38.9801 131.61 38.8601 131.32 38.8601V38.8501Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M135.46 51.78C133.52 51.78 131.61 51.23 129.97 50.19L127.83 50.95C127.35 51.12 126.83 51.01 126.47 50.65C126.11 50.3 125.98 49.78 126.13 49.3L126.85 47.07C125.61 45.14 125.07 42.83 125.3 40.53C125.8 35.65 129.87 31.74 134.77 31.43C137.7 31.25 140.56 32.33 142.62 34.39C144.68 36.45 145.76 39.32 145.58 42.24C145.27 47.14 141.36 51.21 136.48 51.72C136.13 51.76 135.78 51.77 135.43 51.77H135.44L135.46 51.78ZM130.06 48.85C130.19 48.85 130.31 48.89 130.42 48.96C132.18 50.16 134.24 50.68 136.38 50.46C140.64 50.02 144.06 46.46 144.34 42.17C144.5 39.61 143.56 37.1 141.75 35.3C139.94 33.49 137.43 32.55 134.88 32.71C130.59 32.98 127.03 36.4 126.59 40.67C126.37 42.81 126.89 44.87 128.09 46.63C128.2 46.8 128.23 47 128.17 47.18L127.36 49.7L127.42 49.76L129.86 48.89C129.93 48.86 130 48.85 130.07 48.85H130.06Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M44.3302 52.5201C44.2302 52.5201 44.1402 52.5001 44.0502 52.4601C43.9502 52.4101 43.8602 52.3301 43.8002 52.2301C43.7402 52.1301 43.7102 52.0201 43.7102 51.9001V48.8001H41.8502C41.3602 48.8001 40.8802 48.6001 40.5302 48.2601C40.1802 47.9101 39.9902 47.4401 39.9902 46.9401V34.5401C39.9902 34.0501 40.1902 33.5701 40.5302 33.2201C40.8802 32.8701 41.3502 32.6801 41.8502 32.6801H57.9702C58.4602 32.6801 58.9402 32.8801 59.2802 33.2201C59.6302 33.5701 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27.39 164.57 27.41 171.22 27.42C172.05 27.42 172.88 27.44 173.76 27.37C174.63 27.26 175.49 27.06 176.31 26.73C177.95 26.06 179.4 24.9 180.43 23.41C182.51 20.45 182.63 16.2 180.63 13.11C180.13 12.35 179.52 11.65 178.83 11.06C178.12 10.48 177.34 10.01 176.5 9.64999C175.66 9.29999 174.76 9.09999 173.86 8.99999C172.94 8.92999 172.1 8.96999 171.23 8.95999C167.77 8.95999 164.37 8.96999 161.06 8.97999C154.44 8.98999 148.22 8.99999 142.76 9.00999C141.4 9.00999 140.08 9.00999 138.82 9.00999C137.59 8.96999 136.27 9.06999 135.14 9.42999C132.84 10.11 131.09 11.52 130 12.99C128.89 14.46 128.38 15.95 128.16 17.12C127.96 18.28 128 19.15 127.99 19.54C127.98 28.14 128.76 30.45 128.81 18.76C128.83 18.37 128.83 17.59 129.13 16.53C129.42 15.48 130 14.12 131.16 12.85C132.28 11.57 134.04 10.41 136.24 9.97999C137.32 9.74999 138.54 9.81999 139.83 9.79999C141.11 9.79999 142.45 9.79999 143.83 9.78999C149.37 9.76999 155.68 9.74999 162.38 9.72999C165.73 9.71999 169.17 9.70999 172.67 9.69999C174.37 9.63999 176.06 10.07 177.49 10.98C178.93 11.87 180.06 13.23 180.73 14.79C182.05 17.93 181.31 21.83 178.91 24.18C178.32 24.77 177.65 25.28 176.93 25.68C176.2 26.06 175.42 26.36 174.62 26.54C173.81 26.7 173.02 26.75 172.16 26.73C171.32 26.73 170.48 26.73 169.65 26.73C163.02 26.73 156.8 26.75 151.4 26.75C140.6 26.77 133.06 26.79 131.98 26.79C127.14 26.84 127.29 27.25 131.8 27.31L131.79 27.33Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M151.01 56.61C150.68 55.29 149.32 52.68 149.32 52.68C149.2 52.85 148.42 54.15 148.19 55.25C148.19 55.29 148.18 55.32 148.19 55.36C148.2 55.39 148.23 55.41 148.26 55.43C148.47 55.57 148.7 55.7 148.91 55.84C149.59 56.3 150.13 56.95 150.86 57.33C150.93 57.37 151.02 57.39 151.07 57.33C151.09 57.3 151.1 57.26 151.1 57.23C151.1 57.02 151.06 56.81 151.01 56.6V56.61Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M150.95 57C148.58 54.01 145.19 54.37 143.06 55.61C138.7 58.14 138.21 63.72 143.04 66.25C144.39 66.96 145.92 67.34 147.44 67.26C148.54 67.2 149.64 66.9 150.73 67.04C151.57 67.15 152.36 67.53 153.14 67.87C156.41 69.29 160.24 70.09 163.48 68.61C165.04 67.9 166.4 66.67 168.1 66.4C169.34 66.2 170.6 66.53 171.86 66.56C174.25 66.62 176.65 65.5 178.06 63.58C179.47 61.66 179.81 58.97 178.82 56.8C177.83 54.63 175.52 53.1 173.14 53.13C171.68 53.15 170.12 53.69 168.81 53.04C167.91 52.6 167.36 51.69 166.7 50.94C162.51 46.15 154.64 45.36 149.22 53.1" fill="white"/> <path d="M151.1 51.21C151.34 50.93 151.84 50.49 152.54 49.91C152.9 49.63 153.34 49.35 153.82 49.03C154.34 48.78 154.88 48.43 155.54 48.23C156.82 47.75 158.43 47.45 160.18 47.7C161.06 47.79 161.95 48.09 162.84 48.45C163.7 48.89 164.6 49.37 165.37 50.09C165.78 50.41 166.12 50.83 166.5 51.21C166.85 51.62 167.18 52.08 167.6 52.52C168.01 52.96 168.56 53.36 169.19 53.54C169.82 53.72 170.47 53.71 171.08 53.65C172.32 53.52 173.48 53.31 174.63 53.67C175.77 53.99 176.85 54.67 177.64 55.61C179.28 57.47 179.45 60.45 178.2 62.69C176.96 64.95 174.29 66.34 171.69 66.2C170.39 66.15 168.96 65.75 167.5 66.16C166.08 66.56 164.96 67.43 163.81 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69.56C158.51 69.8 159.9 69.88 161.28 69.66C162.66 69.47 164 68.85 165.15 68.13C166.31 67.43 167.47 66.73 168.76 66.72C170.05 66.67 171.45 67.09 172.91 66.89C175.77 66.59 178.46 64.61 179.33 61.86C179.79 60.51 179.83 59.05 179.47 57.69C179.12 56.33 178.28 55.13 177.22 54.29C176.16 53.44 174.86 52.91 173.54 52.84C172.21 52.77 171.01 53.15 169.9 53.04C168.77 52.98 168.02 52.15 167.33 51.25C166.61 50.35 165.78 49.57 164.89 48.95C163.11 47.72 161.12 47.08 159.32 47.04C157.51 46.98 155.93 47.41 154.7 47.95C153.49 48.55 152.57 49.17 151.95 49.7C151.64 49.97 151.39 50.19 151.19 50.36C151 50.54 150.88 50.69 150.81 50.77C150.49 51.13 150.2 51.43 149.99 51.72C149.78 52.01 149.62 52.26 149.5 52.46C149.25 52.86 149.16 53.08 149.2 53.11C149.24 53.14 149.43 53 149.74 52.68C150.05 52.36 150.46 51.84 151.09 51.24L151.1 51.21Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M40.5199 31.59C40.1799 31.6 39.8699 31.83 39.8099 32.17C39.6599 32.93 39.6799 33.61 39.6899 34.73C39.7499 38.93 39.6599 43.78 39.7899 47.53C39.8099 47.99 40.1999 48.39 40.6599 48.41C45.6599 48.66 50.6799 48.42 55.9999 48.52C56.4699 48.52 56.8299 48.23 56.8599 47.74C56.7199 40.82 56.9399 36.91 56.8699 34.37C56.8099 32.11 56.8899 31.53 55.1499 31.49C53.2099 31.44 49.1499 31.46 44.3599 31.49C43.3799 31.49 41.7299 31.54 40.5099 31.58L40.5199 31.59Z" fill="#51A6E0"/> <path d="M60.7699 31.59C60.4299 31.6 60.1199 31.83 60.0599 32.17C59.9099 32.93 59.9299 33.61 59.9399 34.73C59.9999 38.93 59.9099 43.78 60.0399 47.53C60.0599 47.99 60.4499 48.39 60.9099 48.41C65.9099 48.66 70.9299 48.42 76.2499 48.52C76.7199 48.52 77.0799 48.23 77.1099 47.74C76.9699 40.82 77.1899 36.91 77.1199 34.37C77.0599 32.11 77.1399 31.53 75.3999 31.49C73.4599 31.44 69.3999 31.46 64.6099 31.49C63.6299 31.49 61.9799 31.54 60.7599 31.58L60.7699 31.59Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M62.5201 31.8C63.5001 31.77 67.5801 31.8 73.2101 31.81C73.9101 31.81 74.6401 31.81 75.3901 31.81C75.7401 31.82 76.1201 31.85 76.3501 31.98C76.5801 32.08 76.6701 32.35 76.7201 32.72C76.8401 34.23 76.8101 35.91 76.7801 37.59C76.7601 39.29 76.7401 41.03 76.7201 42.8C76.7201 43.68 76.7201 44.58 76.7201 45.47V46.81C76.7201 47.24 76.8101 47.79 76.6801 47.94C76.5601 48.16 76.3101 48.16 75.8001 48.14L74.4601 48.12C73.5701 48.12 72.6801 48.12 71.8001 48.12C70.0401 48.12 68.3001 48.13 66.6101 48.14C64.9301 48.14 63.2901 48.11 61.7401 48.05C61.3801 48.02 60.8701 48.05 60.7501 47.96C60.6501 47.91 60.5601 47.83 60.5101 47.73C60.4501 47.61 60.4401 47.59 60.4401 47.38C60.4401 46.64 60.4401 45.92 60.4301 45.22C60.3901 39.66 60.3601 35.68 60.3601 34.83C60.3401 33.72 60.2801 32.86 60.3301 32.26C60.3201 31.79 60.7601 31.66 60.7801 31.57C60.8001 31.52 60.7401 31.46 60.5601 31.45C60.4001 31.45 60.0401 31.53 59.8301 31.96C59.5501 32.69 59.5301 33.76 59.5501 35.24C59.5501 36.07 59.6001 40.13 59.6501 45.78C59.6501 46.13 59.6501 46.49 59.6601 46.86V47.41C59.6601 47.58 59.7101 47.93 59.8501 48.13C59.9901 48.36 60.1901 48.54 60.4401 48.65C60.5601 48.71 60.7001 48.74 60.8401 48.76L61.1501 48.78C61.5401 48.79 61.9301 48.81 62.3301 48.83C63.9201 48.88 65.5901 48.89 67.3001 48.88C69.0101 48.87 70.7701 48.85 72.5501 48.84C73.4401 48.84 74.3301 48.84 75.2301 48.84H75.9001L76.2401 48.85C76.3701 48.85 76.5401 48.84 76.6901 48.79C76.9901 48.7 77.2701 48.46 77.3901 48.15C77.4501 47.99 77.4801 47.86 77.4801 47.68V47.34C77.3901 43.74 77.4301 40.16 77.4801 36.77C77.4801 35.92 77.4901 35.09 77.4701 34.26C77.4601 33.85 77.4501 33.45 77.4201 33.04C77.3801 32.63 77.3801 32.19 77.0801 31.74C76.7301 31.28 76.2101 31.22 75.8201 31.18C75.4101 31.14 75.0501 31.16 74.6801 31.16C73.9401 31.16 73.2301 31.16 72.5401 31.16C67.0301 31.16 63.1801 31.2 62.6201 31.25C60.1501 31.36 60.2401 31.77 62.5401 31.77L62.5201 31.8Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M81.0199 31.59C80.6799 31.6 80.3699 31.83 80.3099 32.17C80.1599 32.93 80.1799 33.61 80.1899 34.73C80.2499 38.93 80.1599 43.78 80.2899 47.53C80.3099 47.99 80.6999 48.39 81.1599 48.41C86.1599 48.66 91.1799 48.42 96.4999 48.52C96.9699 48.52 97.3299 48.23 97.3599 47.74C97.2199 40.82 97.4399 36.91 97.3699 34.37C97.3099 32.11 97.3899 31.53 95.6499 31.49C93.7099 31.44 89.6499 31.46 84.8599 31.49C83.8799 31.49 82.2299 31.54 81.0099 31.58L81.0199 31.59Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M82.7598 31.8C83.7398 31.77 87.8198 31.8 93.4498 31.81C94.1498 31.81 94.8798 31.81 95.6298 31.81C95.9798 31.82 96.3598 31.85 96.5898 31.98C96.8198 32.08 96.9098 32.35 96.9598 32.72C97.0798 34.23 97.0498 35.91 97.0198 37.59C96.9998 39.29 96.9798 41.03 96.9598 42.8C96.9598 43.68 96.9598 44.58 96.9598 45.47V46.81C96.9598 47.24 97.0498 47.79 96.9198 47.94C96.7998 48.16 96.5498 48.16 96.0398 48.14L94.6998 48.12C93.8098 48.12 92.9198 48.12 92.0398 48.12C90.2798 48.12 88.5398 48.13 86.8498 48.14C85.1698 48.14 83.5298 48.11 81.9798 48.05C81.6198 48.02 81.1098 48.05 80.9898 47.96C80.8898 47.91 80.7998 47.83 80.7498 47.73C80.6898 47.61 80.6798 47.59 80.6798 47.38C80.6798 46.64 80.6798 45.92 80.6698 45.22C80.6298 39.66 80.5998 35.68 80.5998 34.83C80.5798 33.72 80.5198 32.86 80.5698 32.26C80.5598 31.79 80.9998 31.66 81.0198 31.57C81.0398 31.52 80.9798 31.46 80.7998 31.45C80.6398 31.45 80.2798 31.53 80.0698 31.96C79.7898 32.69 79.7698 33.76 79.7898 35.24C79.7898 36.07 79.8398 40.13 79.8898 45.78C79.8898 46.13 79.8898 46.49 79.8998 46.86V47.41C79.8998 47.58 79.9498 47.93 80.0898 48.13C80.2298 48.36 80.4298 48.54 80.6798 48.65C80.7998 48.71 80.9398 48.74 81.0798 48.76L81.3898 48.78C81.7798 48.79 82.1698 48.81 82.5698 48.83C84.1598 48.88 85.8298 48.89 87.5398 48.88C89.2498 48.87 91.0098 48.85 92.7898 48.84C93.6798 48.84 94.5698 48.84 95.4698 48.84H96.1398L96.4798 48.85C96.6098 48.85 96.7798 48.84 96.9298 48.79C97.2298 48.7 97.5098 48.46 97.6298 48.15C97.6898 47.99 97.7198 47.86 97.7198 47.68V47.34C97.6298 43.74 97.6698 40.16 97.7198 36.77C97.7198 35.92 97.7298 35.09 97.7098 34.26C97.6998 33.85 97.6898 33.45 97.6598 33.04C97.6198 32.63 97.6198 32.19 97.3198 31.74C96.9698 31.28 96.4498 31.22 96.0598 31.18C95.6498 31.14 95.2898 31.16 94.9198 31.16C94.1798 31.16 93.4698 31.16 92.7798 31.16C87.2698 31.16 83.4198 31.2 82.8598 31.25C80.3898 31.36 80.4798 31.77 82.7798 31.77L82.7598 31.8Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M101.26 31.59C100.92 31.6 100.61 31.83 100.55 32.17C100.4 32.93 100.42 33.61 100.43 34.73C100.49 38.93 100.4 43.78 100.53 47.53C100.55 47.99 100.94 48.39 101.4 48.41C106.4 48.66 111.42 48.42 116.74 48.52C117.21 48.52 117.57 48.23 117.6 47.74C117.46 40.82 117.68 36.91 117.61 34.37C117.55 32.11 117.63 31.53 115.89 31.49C113.95 31.44 109.89 31.46 105.1 31.49C104.12 31.49 102.47 31.54 101.25 31.58L101.26 31.59Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M103.01 31.8C103.99 31.77 108.07 31.8 113.7 31.81C114.4 31.81 115.13 31.81 115.88 31.81C116.23 31.82 116.61 31.85 116.84 31.98C117.07 32.08 117.16 32.35 117.21 32.72C117.33 34.23 117.3 35.91 117.27 37.59C117.25 39.29 117.23 41.03 117.21 42.8C117.21 43.68 117.21 44.58 117.21 45.47V46.81C117.21 47.24 117.3 47.79 117.17 47.94C117.05 48.16 116.8 48.16 116.29 48.14L114.95 48.12C114.06 48.12 113.17 48.12 112.29 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139.53 20.44 139.41 20.23Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M137.34 21.37C137.41 20.97 137.12 15.67 137.1 15.33C137.07 14.89 136.26 14.83 136.29 15.42C136.31 15.75 136.76 21.18 136.82 21.39C136.89 21.63 137.29 21.6 137.33 21.37H137.34Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M139.89 18.06C139.49 17.97 134.08 17.99 133.74 18C133.3 18 133.15 18.82 133.76 18.81C134.1 18.81 139.68 18.63 139.9 18.58C140.15 18.53 140.12 18.12 139.88 18.06H139.89Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M143.43 20.65C143.77 20.46 147.53 16.9 147.77 16.68C148.08 16.38 147.58 15.73 147.17 16.13C146.94 16.35 143.21 20.09 143.08 20.27C142.94 20.47 143.23 20.77 143.43 20.65Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M148.08 20.23C147.99 20.05 147.02 19.02 145.94 18.15C144.86 17.3 143.79 16.45 143.66 16.35C143.33 16.09 142.74 16.65 143.19 17.01C143.32 17.1 144.44 17.94 145.55 18.76C146.65 19.57 147.62 20.51 147.7 20.58C147.9 20.71 148.2 20.44 148.08 20.23Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M146 21.37C146.07 20.97 145.78 15.67 145.76 15.33C145.73 14.89 144.92 14.83 144.95 15.42C144.97 15.75 145.42 21.18 145.48 21.39C145.55 21.63 145.95 21.6 146 21.37Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M148.56 18.06C148.16 17.97 142.75 17.99 142.41 18C141.97 18 141.82 18.82 142.43 18.81C142.77 18.81 148.35 18.63 148.57 18.58C148.82 18.53 148.79 18.12 148.55 18.06H148.56Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M152.09 20.65C152.43 20.46 156.19 16.9 156.43 16.68C156.74 16.38 156.24 15.73 155.83 16.13C155.6 16.35 151.87 20.09 151.75 20.27C151.61 20.47 151.9 20.77 152.1 20.65H152.09Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M156.75 20.23C156.66 20.05 155.69 19.02 154.61 18.15C153.53 17.3 152.46 16.45 152.34 16.35C152.01 16.09 151.42 16.65 151.87 17.01C152 17.1 153.12 17.94 154.23 18.76C155.33 19.57 156.3 20.51 156.38 20.58C156.58 20.71 156.88 20.44 156.76 20.23H156.75Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M154.67 21.37C154.74 20.97 154.45 15.67 154.43 15.33C154.4 14.89 153.59 14.83 153.62 15.42C153.64 15.75 154.09 21.18 154.15 21.39C154.22 21.63 154.62 21.6 154.66 21.37H154.67Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M157.23 18.06C156.83 17.97 151.42 17.99 151.08 18C150.64 18 150.49 18.82 151.1 18.81C151.44 18.81 157.02 18.63 157.24 18.58C157.49 18.53 157.46 18.12 157.22 18.06H157.23Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M160.76 20.65C161.1 20.46 164.86 16.9 165.1 16.68C165.41 16.38 164.91 15.73 164.5 16.13C164.27 16.35 160.54 20.09 160.41 20.27C160.27 20.47 160.56 20.77 160.76 20.65Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M165.421 20.23C165.331 20.05 164.361 19.02 163.281 18.15C162.201 17.3 161.131 16.45 161.001 16.35C160.671 16.09 160.081 16.65 160.531 17.01C160.661 17.1 161.781 17.94 162.891 18.76C163.991 19.57 164.961 20.51 165.041 20.58C165.241 20.71 165.541 20.44 165.421 20.23Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M163.34 21.37C163.41 20.97 163.12 15.67 163.1 15.33C163.07 14.89 162.26 14.83 162.29 15.42C162.31 15.75 162.76 21.18 162.82 21.39C162.89 21.63 163.29 21.6 163.34 21.37Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M165.9 18.06C165.5 17.97 160.09 17.99 159.75 18C159.31 18 159.16 18.82 159.77 18.81C160.11 18.81 165.69 18.63 165.91 18.58C166.16 18.53 166.13 18.12 165.89 18.06H165.9Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M169.431 20.65C169.771 20.46 173.531 16.9 173.771 16.68C174.081 16.38 173.581 15.73 173.171 16.13C172.941 16.35 169.211 20.09 169.091 20.27C168.951 20.47 169.241 20.77 169.441 20.65H169.431Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M174.081 20.23C173.991 20.05 173.021 19.02 171.941 18.15C170.861 17.3 169.791 16.45 169.671 16.35C169.341 16.09 168.751 16.65 169.201 17.01C169.331 17.1 170.451 17.94 171.561 18.76C172.661 19.57 173.631 20.51 173.711 20.58C173.911 20.71 174.211 20.44 174.091 20.23H174.081Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M172.01 21.37C172.08 20.97 171.79 15.67 171.77 15.33C171.74 14.89 170.93 14.83 170.96 15.42C170.98 15.75 171.43 21.18 171.49 21.39C171.56 21.63 171.96 21.6 172 21.37H172.01Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M174.57 18.06C174.17 17.97 168.76 17.99 168.42 18C167.98 18 167.83 18.82 168.44 18.81C168.78 18.81 174.36 18.63 174.58 18.58C174.83 18.53 174.8 18.12 174.56 18.06H174.57Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path 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36.79C48.6899 37.04 48.6699 37.41 48.5199 37.71C48.3599 38.02 48.0999 38.3 47.8099 38.48Z" fill="white"/> </svg> </span> </div> </header> <div class="card-icon-details"> <h4 class="card-title title-extra-small "> Verifications</h4> <div class="card-description copy-small"> <p>Deliver one-time passwords for fast onboarding that reduces support costs and fraud at once.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="" class="grid-container two-columns slim medium-gap equal-heights" style=""> <div class="grid-container-column"> <!-- Card icon option --> <div class="card-icon vertical center"> <a class="card-icon__overlay" aria-label="Promotions" href="/en-us/use-cases/marketing-and-promotions" target="_self"></a> <header class="card-icon-header vertical center"> <div class="svg-icon "> <span aria-hidden="true" class="illo_use-cases_promotions_mms circle medium circle"> <svg width="190" height="80" viewBox="0 0 190 80" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M99.3503 56.8101C98.1203 58.5101 97.3903 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75.0799 86.88 74.7599 87.34 74.1799C87.81 73.6199 88.14 72.7499 88.11 71.7999H88.08Z" fill="#0F1C2E"/> <path d="M68.7095 8.73998C68.5395 8.71998 67.8195 8.69998 66.8295 8.67998C66.3395 8.67998 65.7795 8.66998 65.1795 8.65998C64.5895 8.63998 63.9295 8.67998 63.3895 8.59998C62.8395 8.51998 62.4995 8.19998 62.1495 7.71998C61.8195 7.25998 61.4095 6.75998 60.9895 6.43998C60.1395 5.76998 59.3095 5.64998 59.1495 5.62998C58.7095 5.56998 58.4395 5.80998 58.4495 6.00998C58.4495 6.21998 58.6595 6.37998 59.0995 6.44998C59.2195 6.46998 59.8695 6.55998 60.5795 7.11998C60.9395 7.38998 61.2495 7.77998 61.6395 8.27998C61.8395 8.51998 62.0695 8.77998 62.3895 8.98998C62.7095 9.18998 63.0895 9.28998 63.4295 9.31998C66.0295 9.33998 68.4795 9.24998 68.6895 9.24998C69.1195 9.19998 69.1095 8.78998 68.6995 8.72998L68.7095 8.73998Z" fill="#0F1C2E"/> <path d="M69.2502 9.24997C69.4202 9.26997 70.1402 9.29997 71.1302 9.31997C71.6202 9.31997 72.1802 9.33997 72.7802 9.34997C73.3802 9.34997 73.9702 9.40997 74.6902 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47.61 157.1 47.64C155.59 47.66 153.98 48.22 152.63 47.55C151.7 47.09 151.13 46.16 150.45 45.38C146.12 40.43 138 39.62 132.4 47.61" fill="white"/> <path d="M134.34 45.64C134.59 45.35 135.1 44.9 135.83 44.29C136.2 44 136.66 43.72 137.15 43.38C137.69 43.12 138.24 42.76 138.93 42.55C140.25 42.05 141.92 41.75 143.73 42C144.64 42.09 145.56 42.4 146.48 42.77C147.37 43.22 148.3 43.72 149.09 44.46C149.52 44.79 149.87 45.22 150.26 45.62C150.62 46.04 150.96 46.52 151.4 46.97C151.82 47.42 152.39 47.84 153.04 48.02C153.69 48.2 154.36 48.19 154.99 48.14C155.63 48.08 156.25 47.98 156.86 47.95C157.46 47.93 158.07 47.99 158.66 48.15C159.84 48.48 160.95 49.18 161.77 50.15C163.46 52.08 163.65 55.15 162.35 57.47C161.07 59.81 158.31 61.24 155.62 61.1C154.28 61.04 152.8 60.64 151.3 61.06C149.83 61.47 148.68 62.37 147.49 62.99C145.12 64.29 142.28 64.21 139.78 63.57C138.51 63.25 137.31 62.79 136.14 62.27C135.55 62.01 134.92 61.75 134.25 61.63C133.57 61.5 132.89 61.55 132.27 61.62C131.02 61.8 129.9 61.92 128.79 61.7C127.69 61.5 126.65 61.11 125.77 60.54C124.88 60 124.14 59.3 123.64 58.49C123.15 57.68 122.91 56.78 122.9 55.93C122.9 55.07 123.09 54.27 123.4 53.56C123.75 52.88 124.15 52.26 124.63 51.8C126.57 49.86 128.57 49.68 129.14 49.66C130.78 49.57 132.05 50.14 132.83 50.67C133.63 51.2 134.04 51.63 134.18 51.61C134.24 51.61 134.22 51.51 134.11 51.3C134 51.09 133.77 50.78 133.39 50.39C132.99 50.02 132.42 49.57 131.59 49.24C130.76 48.91 129.67 48.72 128.43 48.91C128.09 48.97 127.4 49.08 126.51 49.49C125.62 49.9 124.53 50.58 123.57 51.77C123.1 52.37 122.67 53.09 122.39 53.93C122.13 54.78 122.01 55.74 122.17 56.74C122.32 57.73 122.75 58.74 123.46 59.59C124.16 60.44 125.1 61.11 126.13 61.64C127.17 62.14 128.35 62.49 129.59 62.57C130.85 62.68 132.1 62.33 133.27 62.31C134.44 62.26 135.54 62.86 136.77 63.36C138 63.86 139.29 64.28 140.65 64.53C142.01 64.78 143.44 64.86 144.85 64.63C146.27 64.44 147.65 63.8 148.84 63.05C150.04 62.32 151.24 61.6 152.57 61.59C153.9 61.54 155.35 61.97 156.85 61.76C159.8 61.45 162.57 59.41 163.47 56.57C163.94 55.18 163.99 53.67 163.62 52.28C163.26 50.88 162.4 49.64 161.31 48.77C160.22 47.9 158.88 47.35 157.52 47.27C156.15 47.2 154.91 47.59 153.76 47.48C152.59 47.42 151.81 46.56 151.1 45.63C150.36 44.7 149.5 43.9 148.59 43.26C146.75 41.99 144.7 41.33 142.84 41.29C140.97 41.22 139.35 41.68 138.08 42.23C136.83 42.84 135.88 43.48 135.25 44.04C134.93 44.32 134.67 44.55 134.46 44.72C134.27 44.91 134.14 45.06 134.06 45.14C133.73 45.51 133.43 45.82 133.21 46.11C133 46.41 132.83 46.66 132.7 46.87C132.44 47.28 132.34 47.5 132.39 47.54C132.44 47.57 132.63 47.42 132.94 47.09C133.26 46.75 133.68 46.23 134.33 45.6L134.34 45.64Z" fill="#121C2D"/> </svg> </span> </div> </header> <div class="card-icon-details"> <h4 class="card-title title-extra-small "> Promotions</h4> <div class="card-description copy-small"> <p>Distribute marketing messages and offers with the Programmable Messaging API to drive leads, sales, and loyalty.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> 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66.451 57.77 63.331 55.02C60.581 52.6 56.141 51.89 52.671 53.3C51.121 53.92 49.801 55.04 48.831 56.38H48.821Z" fill="#EEF7FF"/> <path d="M157.15 16.89C155.81 18.75 155.01 21.02 154.96 23.29C154.93 24.86 155.17 26.45 155.71 27.92C156.57 30.28 158.27 32.25 160.55 33.33C162.62 34.32 165.01 34.55 167.28 34.19C170.85 33.64 174.29 31.5 175.8 28.21C177.77 23.93 176.39 18.38 172.99 15.39C169.99 12.75 165.14 11.98 161.35 13.51C159.66 14.19 158.21 15.4 157.15 16.88V16.89Z" fill="#FBEDE3"/> <path d="M149.671 54.66C149.331 53.3 147.921 50.61 147.921 50.61C147.801 50.78 146.991 52.13 146.751 53.26C146.751 53.3 146.741 53.34 146.751 53.37C146.761 53.4 146.791 53.42 146.821 53.44C147.041 53.59 147.271 53.72 147.491 53.86C148.191 54.33 148.751 55 149.501 55.39C149.571 55.43 149.671 55.46 149.721 55.39C149.741 55.36 149.751 55.32 149.751 55.28C149.751 55.06 149.711 54.85 149.651 54.63L149.671 54.66Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M149.61 55.07C147.16 51.98 143.66 52.36 141.47 53.63C136.97 56.24 136.46 62 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53.59C178.87 55.52 179.06 58.59 177.76 60.91C176.48 63.25 173.72 64.68 171.03 64.54C169.69 64.48 168.21 64.08 166.71 64.5C165.24 64.91 164.09 65.81 162.9 66.43C160.53 67.73 157.69 67.65 155.19 67.01C153.92 66.69 152.72 66.23 151.55 65.71C150.96 65.45 150.33 65.19 149.66 65.07C148.98 64.94 148.3 64.99 147.68 65.06C146.43 65.24 145.31 65.36 144.2 65.14C143.1 64.94 142.06 64.55 141.18 63.98C140.29 63.44 139.55 62.74 139.05 61.93C138.56 61.12 138.32 60.22 138.31 59.37C138.31 58.51 138.5 57.71 138.81 57C139.16 56.32 139.56 55.7 140.04 55.24C141.98 53.3 143.98 53.12 144.55 53.1C146.19 53.01 147.46 53.58 148.24 54.11C149.04 54.64 149.45 55.07 149.59 55.05C149.65 55.05 149.63 54.95 149.52 54.74C149.41 54.52 149.18 54.22 148.8 53.83C148.4 53.46 147.83 53.01 147 52.68C146.17 52.35 145.08 52.16 143.84 52.35C143.5 52.41 142.81 52.52 141.92 52.93C141.03 53.34 139.94 54.02 138.98 55.21C138.51 55.81 138.08 56.53 137.8 57.37C137.54 58.22 137.42 59.18 137.58 60.18C137.73 61.17 138.16 62.18 138.87 63.03C139.57 63.88 140.51 64.55 141.54 65.08C142.58 65.58 143.76 65.93 145 66.01C146.26 66.12 147.51 65.77 148.68 65.75C149.85 65.7 150.95 66.3 152.18 66.8C153.41 67.3 154.7 67.72 156.06 67.97C157.42 68.22 158.85 68.3 160.26 68.07C161.68 67.88 163.06 67.24 164.25 66.49C165.45 65.76 166.65 65.04 167.98 65.03C169.31 64.98 170.76 65.41 172.26 65.2C175.21 64.89 177.98 62.85 178.88 60.01C179.35 58.62 179.4 57.11 179.03 55.72C178.67 54.32 177.81 53.08 176.72 52.21C175.63 51.34 174.29 50.79 172.93 50.71C171.56 50.64 170.32 51.03 169.17 50.92C168 50.86 167.22 50 166.51 49.07C165.77 48.14 164.91 47.34 164 46.7C162.16 45.43 160.11 44.77 158.25 44.73C156.38 44.66 154.76 45.12 153.49 45.67C152.24 46.28 151.29 46.92 150.66 47.48C150.34 47.76 150.08 47.99 149.87 48.16C149.68 48.35 149.55 48.5 149.47 48.58C149.14 48.95 148.84 49.26 148.62 49.55C148.41 49.85 148.24 50.1 148.11 50.31C147.85 50.72 147.75 50.94 147.8 50.98C147.85 51.02 148.04 50.86 148.35 50.53C148.67 50.19 149.09 49.67 149.74 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26.07C22.9702 26.33 23.4502 26.62 23.9502 26.8C24.4402 26.99 24.9602 27.15 25.5002 27.26C26.5602 27.47 27.7702 27.47 28.8402 26.98C29.8702 26.54 30.7902 25.89 31.7502 25.65C32.7102 25.42 33.7502 25.8 34.8802 26.05C37.2102 26.51 39.7002 25.86 41.5702 24.38C42.5002 23.64 43.2502 22.63 43.6302 21.49C44.0202 20.36 44.0602 19.12 43.7802 17.97C43.5002 16.82 42.9202 15.79 42.1902 14.91C41.4802 14.03 40.5502 13.31 39.5602 12.82C37.5402 11.85 35.3002 11.75 33.3302 12.14C32.8302 12.23 32.3502 12.37 31.8802 12.53C31.4602 12.68 31.2202 12.65 30.9202 12.31C30.2402 11.65 29.5302 11.06 28.7902 10.57C27.3102 9.56999 25.6502 9.03999 24.1402 9.05999C22.6402 9.05999 21.3302 9.46999 20.3502 10.02C19.3702 10.58 18.7002 11.23 18.2402 11.72C17.7802 12.22 17.5202 12.58 17.4202 12.73C16.5102 14.04 16.3502 14.83 16.4402 14.87C16.5602 14.93 16.9302 14.27 17.7702 13.13L17.7502 13.14Z" fill="#121C2D"/> <path d="M97.6709 70.84C114.676 70.84 128.461 57.0549 128.461 40.05C128.461 23.0452 114.676 9.26001 97.6709 9.26001C80.666 9.26001 66.8809 23.0452 66.8809 40.05C66.8809 57.0549 80.666 70.84 97.6709 70.84Z" fill="#EF2F46"/> <path d="M91.3004 54.22C89.6104 53.29 87.9504 53.28 86.1704 54.54C82.7904 56.95 79.0204 59.14 76.4004 62.43C81.9204 67.68 89.3704 70.92 97.5904 70.92C104.93 70.92 111.67 68.34 116.96 64.05C114.45 61.06 111.45 57.39 107.75 56.17C106.41 55.73 105.6 55.33 104.94 55.29C104.94 55.28 104.94 55.26 104.94 55.25" fill="white"/> <path d="M104.381 46.8C104.451 49.12 104.511 51.43 104.581 53.75C104.601 54.55 104.611 55.42 104.131 56.07C103.681 56.67 102.921 56.94 102.191 57.11C99.7609 57.67 97.1709 57.54 94.8109 56.72C94.3409 56.56 93.7809 56.38 93.3709 56.66C93.1209 56.84 93.0009 57.15 92.9109 57.44C92.2909 59.4 92.1209 61.52 91.1309 63.31C89.4709 66.34 85.4409 68.63 82.2209 69.63C76.5509 71.39 70.9309 68.12 70.6109 61.96C70.3909 57.76 72.6909 53.69 75.3509 50.6C76.2609 49.55 77.2809 48.42 77.3409 47.04C77.4109 45.1 75.6009 43.68 74.8309 41.9C73.9209 39.79 74.5609 37.35 75.3809 35.2C76.2009 33.05 77.2109 30.85 77.0109 28.56C76.7309 25.33 73.1609 24 70.9609 21.62C68.7609 19.24 67.6509 14.97 68.5009 11.85C69.0609 9.80998 70.9009 8.22998 72.9709 7.76998C75.0409 7.30998 77.2709 7.87998 79.0009 9.09998C80.5109 10.16 81.6009 11.95 83.4509 12.02C84.4109 12.06 85.6009 11.47 86.4909 11.12C88.4609 10.36 90.5309 9.78998 92.6409 9.65998C95.1709 9.49998 97.7409 9.95998 100.061 11C104.681 13.08 108.051 17.31 110.101 21.94C112.151 26.57 113.021 31.62 113.821 36.62C113.981 37.59 114.131 38.58 113.911 39.53C113.631 40.76 112.861 42.67 111.931 43.53C110.051 45.26 107.711 45.67 105.291 46.48" fill="white"/> <path d="M110.9 30.53C111.341 30.53 111.7 30.1718 111.7 29.73C111.7 29.2882 111.341 28.93 110.9 28.93C110.458 28.93 110.1 29.2882 110.1 29.73C110.1 30.1718 110.458 30.53 110.9 30.53Z" fill="black" stroke="#0F1C2E" stroke-width="0.3" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M98.8703 32.9C99.3121 32.9 99.6703 32.5418 99.6703 32.1C99.6703 31.6582 99.3121 31.3 98.8703 31.3C98.4285 31.3 98.0703 31.6582 98.0703 32.1C98.0703 32.5418 98.4285 32.9 98.8703 32.9Z" fill="black" stroke="#0F1C2E" stroke-width="0.3" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M84.4606 12.23C84.8106 12.04 86.2106 11.04 88.4406 10.4C90.6506 9.74997 93.6806 9.52997 96.5406 10.23C99.4106 10.9 102.021 12.39 103.801 13.82C105.611 15.24 106.661 16.52 106.901 16.77C108.051 18.16 109.031 18.07 107.401 16.11C107.151 15.86 106.031 14.53 104.101 13.06C102.191 11.6 99.4106 10.08 96.3706 9.46997C93.3406 8.82997 90.1906 9.14997 87.9706 9.90997C85.7206 10.64 84.3806 11.68 84.1906 11.8C83.3606 12.47 83.6606 12.76 84.4506 12.25L84.4606 12.23Z" fill="#0F1C2E"/> <path d="M92.341 11.88C92.561 11.88 93.451 11.74 94.691 11.86C95.921 11.97 97.471 12.39 98.861 13.1C100.271 13.81 101.471 14.84 102.261 15.76C103.051 16.68 103.461 17.45 103.561 17.61C103.981 18.44 104.861 18.4 104.231 17.14C104.121 16.98 103.671 16.13 102.771 15.15C101.891 14.17 100.551 13.09 99.021 12.39C97.511 11.66 95.851 11.29 94.571 11.24C93.291 11.16 92.401 11.35 92.281 11.37C91.721 11.5 91.831 11.9 92.331 11.88H92.341Z" fill="#0F1C2E"/> <path d="M91.0513 14.44C91.2013 14.49 91.8213 14.63 92.6513 14.93C93.4813 15.23 94.4913 15.72 95.4113 16.34C97.3013 17.56 98.6113 19.4 98.7413 19.61C99.1113 20.17 99.9213 19.92 99.3713 19.09C99.2313 18.87 97.7513 16.9 95.6913 15.67C93.6813 14.36 91.3313 13.93 91.1613 13.93C90.7513 13.9 90.7113 14.31 91.0513 14.43V14.44Z" fill="#0F1C2E"/> <path d="M87.5004 17.6C87.6404 17.66 88.2404 17.8 89.0204 18.12C89.8004 18.45 90.7304 18.99 91.5604 19.67C93.2604 21.01 94.2104 22.97 94.2904 23.19C94.5404 23.77 95.3904 23.68 95.0004 22.79C94.9104 22.55 93.8004 20.41 91.9104 19.04C90.0904 17.58 87.7904 17.09 87.6304 17.1C87.2304 17.06 87.1804 17.47 87.5104 17.6H87.5004Z" fill="#0F1C2E"/> <path d="M84.4111 21.59C84.4111 21.89 84.8511 24.05 85.5411 26.13C86.2111 28.21 87.1411 30.19 87.2611 30.42C87.5611 31.03 88.3611 30.81 87.9611 30.01C87.8511 29.79 86.8911 27.83 86.1811 25.78C85.4411 23.75 84.9711 21.65 84.9111 21.49C84.7811 21.14 84.3811 21.23 84.4011 21.58L84.4111 21.59Z" fill="#0F1C2E"/> <path d="M92.73 58.0499C92.68 57.7399 92.53 56.9599 92.41 55.7899C92.28 54.6199 92.2 53.0799 92.08 51.2799C91.93 49.4899 91.78 47.3799 90.95 45.2999C90.57 44.2499 89.96 43.2499 89.21 42.3499L88.62 41.6999C88.42 41.4899 88.18 41.3099 87.96 41.1099C87.52 40.7099 87.05 40.3699 86.57 40.0399C84.69 38.7399 82.72 37.5199 81.55 35.8299C80.99 34.9899 80.68 34.0299 80.72 33.1299C80.75 32.2199 81.17 31.4199 81.8 30.9999C82.42 30.5599 83.21 30.5199 83.87 30.6099C84.54 30.7099 85.11 30.9699 85.56 31.2599C86.46 31.8399 86.92 32.4499 87.1 32.6399C87.98 33.6999 88.76 34.2699 88.95 34.1499C89.11 34.0399 88.79 33.3999 87.53 31.9099C87.34 31.7199 86.82 31.0599 85.73 30.4299C85.19 30.1299 84.48 29.8399 83.65 29.7899C82.84 29.7199 81.81 29.8899 81.04 30.5999C80.26 31.2999 79.87 32.4299 79.96 33.5199C80.02 34.6199 80.49 35.7199 81.21 36.6199C82.65 38.4299 84.73 39.6099 86.58 40.9099C87.51 41.5599 88.33 42.3099 89 43.1799C89.68 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28.54 100.729 28.55C100.979 28.55 101.159 28.58 101.239 28.51C101.309 28.45 101.289 28.27 100.979 28.05C100.679 27.83 100.059 27.74 99.3594 27.88C99.1494 27.91 98.6194 28.05 97.8094 28.18C96.9894 28.32 95.8694 28.46 94.5894 28.87C93.9594 29.09 93.2494 29.36 92.6394 29.93C92.3194 30.2 92.0894 30.6 91.9494 31.03C91.8994 31.25 91.8694 31.48 91.8594 31.7C91.8894 31.92 91.8894 32.15 91.9394 32.35C92.3094 33.99 93.3794 35.49 94.8194 36.47C96.2494 37.46 98.2194 37.76 99.7494 37.03L100.299 36.74C100.469 36.63 100.629 36.5 100.789 36.38C101.119 36.15 101.379 35.84 101.619 35.54C102.079 34.92 102.349 34.25 102.519 33.61C102.859 32.33 102.759 31.18 102.569 30.38C102.379 29.57 102.069 29.11 102.009 28.99C101.669 28.46 101.299 28.39 101.249 28.48C101.179 28.58 101.329 28.79 101.549 29.21L101.559 29.26Z" fill="#0F1C2E"/> <path d="M87.17 31.83C87.24 31.77 87.56 31.52 88.08 31.28C88.6 31.04 89.33 30.82 90.07 30.65C91.55 30.32 93.08 30.19 93.26 30.16C93.73 30.11 93.78 29.29 93.13 29.36C92.95 29.38 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93.7505 27.8899C93.6205 28.0799 93.9205 28.3599 94.1005 28.2699Z" fill="#0F1C2E"/> <path d="M112.32 23.7399C112.22 23.6399 111.28 23.2799 110.29 23.2999C109.3 23.2799 108.35 23.6399 108.25 23.6899C107.96 23.8199 108.27 24.5699 108.58 24.4299C108.67 24.3899 109.48 24.0399 110.35 24.0199C111.22 23.9599 112.07 24.2199 112.14 24.2299C112.3 24.2299 112.45 23.8499 112.32 23.7499V23.7399Z" fill="#0F1C2E"/> <path d="M96.42 46.13C97.03 46.35 99.75 47.43 103.67 47.25C105.61 47.15 107.85 46.68 109.91 45.48C111.93 44.31 113.89 42.42 114.56 39.9C114.92 38.65 114.78 37.3 114.45 36.13C114.13 34.94 113.7 33.85 113.44 32.76C112.88 30.57 112.6 28.43 112.25 26.56C111.91 24.69 111.48 23.09 111.02 21.92C110.58 20.75 110.13 20.02 109.98 19.76C109.18 18.42 108.31 17.88 108.15 17.96C108.06 18 108.1 18.22 108.33 18.6C108.44 18.79 108.61 19.02 108.78 19.33C108.97 19.62 109.19 19.97 109.42 20.41C109.56 20.64 109.95 21.35 110.38 22.48C110.81 23.61 111.21 25.19 111.55 27.07C111.91 28.94 112.19 31.13 112.84 33.4C113.15 34.54 113.61 35.65 113.86 36.79C114.13 37.93 114.12 39.1 113.73 40.2C112.95 42.41 111.07 44.13 109.11 45.16C107.13 46.21 104.99 46.59 103.17 46.65C99.47 46.76 97 45.74 96.65 45.67C95.09 45.13 94.95 45.51 96.42 46.14V46.13Z" fill="#0F1C2E"/> <path d="M97.8212 40.34C97.8912 40.45 98.2512 40.88 98.8612 41.34C99.4712 41.8 100.351 42.25 101.291 42.51C102.231 42.77 103.221 42.82 103.971 42.74C104.731 42.67 105.261 42.49 105.371 42.46C105.961 42.25 105.751 41.47 105.081 41.7C104.981 41.72 104.511 41.89 103.831 41.96C103.151 42.04 102.241 42.02 101.381 41.78C100.521 41.56 99.7112 41.17 99.1512 40.77C98.5912 40.38 98.2612 40.03 98.2112 39.99C97.9712 39.8 97.6512 40.06 97.8212 40.33V40.34Z" fill="#0F1C2E"/> <path d="M104.011 48.06C104.011 48.31 104.101 49.32 104.241 50.72C104.271 51.07 104.311 51.44 104.351 51.83C104.361 52.22 104.381 52.63 104.401 53.05C104.421 53.49 104.411 53.87 104.461 54.37C104.521 54.83 104.621 55.25 104.541 55.56C104.431 56.13 103.381 56.44 102.681 56.72C101.921 56.97 101.171 57.07 100.521 57.05C99.2008 57.02 98.3308 56.61 98.1608 56.53C97.6908 56.33 97.3208 56.31 97.1908 56.47C97.0608 56.61 97.1908 57 97.9308 57.32C98.1308 57.4 99.1508 57.86 100.661 57.84C101.411 57.84 102.261 57.7 103.101 57.38C103.531 57.21 103.901 57.05 104.351 56.81C104.561 56.69 104.791 56.53 104.971 56.3C105.151 56.08 105.271 55.77 105.291 55.49C105.331 54.93 105.171 54.48 105.141 54.1C105.121 53.66 105.091 53.22 105.071 52.8C105.051 51.95 104.941 51.16 104.861 50.48C104.691 49.11 104.581 48.16 104.551 48.02C104.431 47.41 104.031 47.48 104.041 48.06H104.011Z" fill="#0F1C2E"/> <path d="M96.8313 66C96.6013 65.79 95.1713 64.94 93.2913 64.23C92.3613 63.86 91.3313 63.47 90.3613 63.03C89.8713 62.81 89.4013 62.57 88.9713 62.31C88.7513 62.18 88.5413 62.05 88.3413 61.91L88.0513 61.71C87.9613 61.64 88.0213 61.68 88.0013 61.66C88.0013 61.64 87.9813 61.69 88.0313 61.61C88.0913 61.52 88.1613 61.42 88.2213 61.33C88.3513 61.15 88.4813 60.98 88.6013 60.83C88.8513 60.52 89.1113 60.26 89.3313 60.05C89.7813 59.63 90.1213 59.4 90.2113 59.33C90.6013 59.05 90.7613 58.74 90.6813 58.55C90.6013 58.37 90.2413 58.31 89.6613 58.73C89.5813 58.79 89.3213 58.97 88.8813 59.37C88.6613 59.57 88.3913 59.84 88.1013 60.19C87.9513 60.36 87.8013 60.56 87.6413 60.78C87.5613 60.89 87.4813 61.01 87.4013 61.13C87.3413 61.21 87.1313 61.55 87.2113 61.83C87.2513 61.99 87.3513 62.15 87.5013 62.26C87.6113 62.35 87.6813 62.38 87.7713 62.45C87.9513 62.57 88.1413 62.7 88.3413 62.81C88.7513 63.06 89.2113 63.29 89.7013 63.52C90.6813 63.98 91.7713 64.36 92.7813 64.73C94.8113 65.43 96.3813 66.3 96.5313 66.41C97.0213 66.66 97.2513 66.33 96.8213 65.99L96.8313 66Z" fill="#0F1C2E"/> <path d="M107.69 65.68C107.9 65.43 109.18 63.45 110.44 61.47C110.6 61.22 110.76 60.98 110.91 60.73C110.98 60.61 111.07 60.49 111.15 60.31C111.23 60.14 111.28 59.88 111.21 59.64C111.05 59.18 110.75 59.03 110.59 58.85C110.39 58.68 110.2 58.52 110.03 58.37C109.31 57.78 108.76 57.4 108.65 57.32C108.03 56.91 107.45 57.49 108.24 58.02C108.35 58.1 108.89 58.46 109.6 59.03C109.78 59.17 109.96 59.33 110.16 59.49C110.37 59.65 110.51 59.82 110.5 59.87C110.53 59.93 110.39 60.18 110.23 60.43C110.08 60.68 109.93 60.93 109.77 61.19C108.55 63.21 107.34 65.22 107.26 65.38C107.09 65.75 107.44 65.96 107.69 65.67V65.68Z" fill="#0F1C2E"/> <path d="M106.98 15.31C106.45 14.82 105.53 14.36 104.38 14.01L104.29 13.99C100.67 12.93 97.2898 13.12 95.0898 13.48C92.2598 13.97 89.5598 14.99 87.2898 16.43C86.1098 17.15 84.9298 18.12 83.6698 19.37C83.4098 19.64 83.1198 19.97 82.8498 20.37C82.7098 20.57 82.5898 20.78 82.4898 21C82.4398 21.11 82.3898 21.23 82.3398 21.36C82.2698 21.57 82.2298 21.76 82.2398 21.96C82.2798 22.58 82.4498 22.92 82.5998 23.21C82.6398 23.29 82.6798 23.37 82.7198 23.46C83.0398 24.07 83.0698 24.2 83.0698 24.2C83.1298 25.1 83.1498 26.03 83.1698 27.01C83.2098 29.06 83.2498 31.17 83.6698 33.16C84.1998 35.93 85.6798 38.56 87.7098 40.37C89.7998 42.32 91.9798 43.04 93.0898 43.29C94.3498 43.56 95.2398 43.53 95.6698 43.49C95.7898 43.93 96.1298 44.28 96.6098 44.48C96.8698 44.59 97.1598 44.64 97.4598 44.64C97.6998 44.64 97.9398 44.61 98.1798 44.54C98.7198 44.39 99.1898 44.08 99.4898 43.68C99.8098 43.26 99.9098 42.79 99.7898 42.34C99.6698 41.9 99.3298 41.54 98.8398 41.35C98.3698 41.16 97.8198 41.14 97.2698 41.29C96.8298 41.41 96.4398 41.64 96.1398 41.95C96.0598 41.95 95.9798 41.95 95.8898 41.95H95.7398C95.2998 41.97 94.3698 41.99 93.1398 41.62C91.5498 41.18 89.8598 40.12 88.4998 38.71C86.8298 37.01 85.7098 34.69 85.3598 32.17C85.1398 30.71 85.0998 29.2 85.0898 27.91L85.0598 25.65L85.0298 24.49C85.0298 24.43 85.0298 24.38 85.0298 24.32C85.0298 24.19 85.0298 24.03 84.9698 23.74C84.8898 23.43 84.7898 23.21 84.6998 23.02C84.6398 22.9 84.5798 22.78 84.5298 22.67C84.4198 22.44 84.3198 22.24 84.2598 22.08C84.2398 22.02 84.2298 21.99 84.2198 21.97C84.2398 21.93 84.2698 21.85 84.2998 21.79C84.5198 21.36 84.9298 20.88 85.5398 20.34C86.6098 19.27 87.8598 18.45 88.8398 17.87C91.0498 16.61 93.4798 15.79 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stroke-linejoin=&#34;round&#34;/> &lt;/svg> "> <p>A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting found Twilio Messaging provided a 3% increase in messages delivered, a 15% improvement among development teams, and a 30 to 40% opt-in rate for SMS marketing. </p> </div> <div data-uuid="-1723426430" class="button-container horizontal medium left"> <a class="button button-secondary right" href="" target="_self" data-uuid="b4e0adeb-a52c-3ab3-9823-973fdc229008" aria-label="View the 2023 study"> <span class="button-text"> View the 2023 study </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section-wrapper default" id=""> <div class="section-content "> <div id="" class="grid-container default medium-gap" style=""> <div class="grid-container-column"> <div data-uuid="1896095799" class="divider"> <p>Developer resources</p> <hr/> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section-wrapper default" id=""> <div class="section-content "> <div id="" 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<button type="button" role="tab" id="code-tab--1457006682" class="code-snippet-button" aria-controls="code-tabpanel--1457006682" aria-selected="true" data-cmp-hook-tabs="tab">Node.js</button> <button type="button" role="tab" id="code-tab--1457006681" class="code-snippet-button" aria-controls="code-tabpanel--1457006681" aria-selected="false" data-cmp-hook-tabs="tab">Python</button> <button type="button" role="tab" id="code-tab--1457006680" class="code-snippet-button" aria-controls="code-tabpanel--1457006680" aria-selected="false" data-cmp-hook-tabs="tab">C#</button> <button type="button" role="tab" id="code-tab--1457006679" class="code-snippet-button" aria-controls="code-tabpanel--1457006679" aria-selected="false" data-cmp-hook-tabs="tab">Java</button> <button type="button" role="tab" id="code-tab--1457006678" class="code-snippet-button" aria-controls="code-tabpanel--1457006678" aria-selected="false" data-cmp-hook-tabs="tab">PHP</button> <button type="button" role="tab" 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See const accountSid = process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID; const authToken = process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN; const client = require(&#39;twilio&#39;)(accountSid, authToken); client.messages .create({from: &#39;+15017122661&#39;, body: &#39;Hi there&#39;, to: &#39;+15558675310&#39;}) .then(message =&gt; console.log(message.sid));</code></pre> </div> <div id="code-tabpanel--1457006681" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="code-tab--1457006681" class="code-snippet-panel code-snippet-panel-not-full-height"> <pre><code class="language-python"># Download the helper library from import os from import Client # Find your Account SID and Auth Token at # and set the environment variables. See account_sid = os.environ[&#39;TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID&#39;] auth_token = os.environ[&#39;TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN&#39;] client = Client(account_sid, auth_token) message = client.messages.create( from_=&#39;+15017122661&#39;, body=&#39;Hi there&#39;, to=&#39;+15558675310&#39; ) print(message.sid)</code></pre> </div> <div id="code-tabpanel--1457006680" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="code-tab--1457006680" class="code-snippet-panel code-snippet-panel-not-full-height"> <pre><code class="language-csharp">// Install the C# / .NET helper library from using System; using Twilio; using Twilio.Rest.Api.V2010.Account; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Find your Account SID and Auth Token at // and set the environment variables. See string accountSid = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(&#34;TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID&#34;); string authToken = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(&#34;TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN&#34;); TwilioClient.Init(accountSid, authToken); var message = MessageResource.Create( from: new Twilio.Types.PhoneNumber(&#34;+15017122661&#34;), body: &#34;Hi there&#34;, to: new Twilio.Types.PhoneNumber(&#34;+15558675310&#34;) ); Console.WriteLine(message.Sid); } }</code></pre> </div> <div id="code-tabpanel--1457006679" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="code-tab--1457006679" class="code-snippet-panel code-snippet-panel-not-full-height"> <pre><code class="language-java">// Install the Java helper library from import com.twilio.Twilio; import; import com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber; public class Example { // Find your Account SID and Auth Token at // and set the environment variables. See public static final String ACCOUNT_SID = System.getenv(&#34;TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID&#34;); public static final String AUTH_TOKEN = System.getenv(&#34;TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN&#34;); public static void main(String[] args) { Twilio.init(ACCOUNT_SID, AUTH_TOKEN); Message message = Message.creator( new com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber(&#34;+15558675310&#34;), new com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber(&#34;+15017122661&#34;), &#34;Hi there&#34;) .create(); System.out.println(message.getSid()); } }</code></pre> </div> <div id="code-tabpanel--1457006678" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="code-tab--1457006678" class="code-snippet-panel code-snippet-panel-not-full-height"> <pre><code class="language-php">require_once &#39;/path/to/vendor/autoload.php&#39;; use Twilio\Rest\Client; // Find your Account SID and Auth Token at // and set the environment variables. See $sid = getenv(&#34;TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID&#34;); $token = getenv(&#34;TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN&#34;); $twilio = new Client($sid, $token); $message = $twilio-&gt;messages -&gt;create(&#34;+15558675310&#34;, // to [&#34;from&#34; =&gt; &#34;+15017122661&#34;, &#34;body&#34; =&gt; &#34;Hi there&#34;] ); print($message-&gt;sid);</code></pre> </div> <div id="code-tabpanel--1457006677" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="code-tab--1457006677" class="code-snippet-panel code-snippet-panel-not-full-height"> <pre><code class="language-ruby"># Download the helper library from require &#39;rubygems&#39; require &#39;twilio-ruby&#39; # Find your Account SID and Auth Token at # and set the environment variables. See account_sid = ENV[&#39;TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID&#39;] auth_token = ENV[&#39;TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN&#39;] @client =, auth_token) message = @client.messages.create( from: &#39;+15017122661&#39;, body: &#39;Hi there&#39;, to: &#39;+15558675310&#39; ) puts message.sid</code></pre> </div> <div id="code-tabpanel--1457006676" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="code-tab--1457006676" class="code-snippet-panel code-snippet-panel-not-full-height"> <pre><code class="language-bash"># Install the twilio-cli from twilio api:core:messages:create \\ --from +15017122661 \\ --body &#34;Hi there&#34; \\ --to +15558675310</code></pre> </div> <div id="code-tabpanel--1457006675" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="code-tab--1457006675" class="code-snippet-panel code-snippet-panel-not-full-height"> <pre><code class="language-curl">curl -X POST &#34;\$TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID/Messages.json&#34; \\ --data-urlencode &#34;From=+15017122661&#34; \\ --data-urlencode &#34;Body=Hi there&#34; \\ --data-urlencode &#34;To=+15558675310&#34; \\ -u \$TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID:\$TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN</code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section-wrapper default" id=""> <div class="section-content "> <div id="" class="grid-container default medium-gap" style=""> <div class="grid-container-column"> <div data-uuid="1002482607" class="divider"> <p>Pricing</p> <hr/> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section-wrapper default" id=""> <div class="section-content "> <div id="" class="grid-container tiny medium-gap" style=""> <div class="grid-container-column"> <div class="section-header"> <div class="icon"> </div> <h2 class="title-medium dark-text"> SMS made easy with Messaging </h2> <p class="copy-medium dark-text"> Send and receive text messages at scale with two developer-friendly APIs in one trusted platform, Messaging. Pay as you go and enjoy scaling discounts for high-volume and long-term use. </p> <div data-uuid="774481966" class="button-container horizontal large left"> <a class="button button-primary right" href="" target="_self" data-uuid="366166a8-4373-3eb8-a65c-9598839b81e4" aria-label="See pricing"> <span class="button-text"> See pricing </span> </a> <a class="button button-secondary right" href="/en-us/messaging" target="_self" data-uuid="1204437e-0a31-3f88-8967-2155d82caa03" aria-label="Explore Messaging"> <span class="button-text"> Explore Messaging </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section-wrapper default" id=""> <div class="section-content "> <div id="" class="grid-container default medium-gap" style=""> <div class="grid-container-column"> <div data-uuid="-213852987" class="divider"> <p>FAQs</p> <hr/> </div> </div> </div> <div id="" class="grid-container slim medium-gap" style=""> <div class="grid-container-column"> <div id="" class="grid-container offset-40-60 default medium-gap equal-heights" style=""> <div class="grid-container-column"> <div class="title "> <h2 class="title-medium"> SMS messaging FAQs </h2> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container-column"> <div class="accordion-v2" data-multiple-expansion="false" data-first-open="false"> <div class="accordion-v2__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item"> <div class="accordion-v2__header"> <button class="accordion-v2__button" type="button" aria-controls="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <div class="accordion-v2__header-labels accordion-v2__header--medium"> <h3 class="accordion-v2__title">What is an SMS API?</h3> </div> <div class="accordion-v2__icon"> <span class="accordion-v2__icon-plus"> <span class="name twilio-icon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 78 79" fill="none" xmlns="" class="icon--decorative" role="presentation"> <title>An icon of a plus symbol</title> <path class="icon-stroke" d="M38.472 3.44824L38.472 75.4482M75.0435 38.8768L3.04346 38.8768" stroke="#F22F46" stroke-width="5.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </span> </span> <span class="accordion-v2__icon-minus"> <span class="name twilio-icon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 78 6" fill="none" xmlns="" class="icon--decorative" role="presentation"> <title>An icon of a minus symbol</title> <path class="icon-stroke" d="M75.0435 2.84815L3.04346 2.84814" stroke="#F22F46" stroke-width="5.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </span> </span> </div> </button> </div> <div> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" class="accordion-v2__dropdown" role="region" aria-labelledby="-button"> <div class="richtext " data-ext-icon="&lt;svg viewBox=&#34;0 0 79 79&#34; fill=&#34;none&#34; xmlns=&#34;; class=&#34;icon--decorative&#34; role=&#34;presentation&#34;> &lt;title>An icon of a outbound link arrow&lt;/title> &lt;path class=&#34;icon-stroke&#34; d=&#34;M75.3037 3.98207L3 75.5935M75.3037 3.98207L76.0435 43.3021M75.3037 3.98207L35.951 3.59351&#34; stroke=&#34;#F22F46&#34; stroke-width=&#34;5.5&#34; stroke-linecap=&#34;round&#34; stroke-linejoin=&#34;round&#34;/> &lt;/svg> "> <p>An SMS API is an application program interface that lets you send SMS text messages through an SMS gateway. </p> <p>SMS APIs &#39;bridge the gap&#39; between telecommunications carrier networks and the internet so you can easily send and receive text messages from web applications.<br /> <br /> <a href=";A%20SMS%20API%20is%20well,messages%20via%20a%20SMS%20Gateway.">SMS API full definition</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-v2__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item"> <div class="accordion-v2__header"> <button class="accordion-v2__button" type="button" aria-controls="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <div class="accordion-v2__header-labels accordion-v2__header--medium"> <h3 class="accordion-v2__title">How to send bulk SMS?</h3> </div> <div class="accordion-v2__icon"> <span class="accordion-v2__icon-plus"> <span class="name twilio-icon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 78 79" fill="none" xmlns="" class="icon--decorative" role="presentation"> <title>An icon of a plus symbol</title> <path class="icon-stroke" d="M38.472 3.44824L38.472 75.4482M75.0435 38.8768L3.04346 38.8768" stroke="#F22F46" stroke-width="5.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </span> </span> <span class="accordion-v2__icon-minus"> <span class="name twilio-icon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 78 6" fill="none" xmlns="" class="icon--decorative" role="presentation"> <title>An icon of a minus symbol</title> <path class="icon-stroke" d="M75.0435 2.84815L3.04346 2.84814" stroke="#F22F46" stroke-width="5.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </span> </span> </div> </button> </div> <div> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" class="accordion-v2__dropdown" role="region" aria-labelledby="-button"> <div class="richtext " data-ext-icon="&lt;svg viewBox=&#34;0 0 79 79&#34; fill=&#34;none&#34; xmlns=&#34;; class=&#34;icon--decorative&#34; role=&#34;presentation&#34;> &lt;title>An icon of a outbound link arrow&lt;/title> &lt;path class=&#34;icon-stroke&#34; d=&#34;M75.3037 3.98207L3 75.5935M75.3037 3.98207L76.0435 43.3021M75.3037 3.98207L35.951 3.59351&#34; stroke=&#34;#F22F46&#34; stroke-width=&#34;5.5&#34; stroke-linecap=&#34;round&#34; stroke-linejoin=&#34;round&#34;/> &lt;/svg> "> <p>Bulk SMS messaging is when you send SMS to large lists of recipients. To send bulk SMS, you need: </p> <p><b>1. An SMS service provider that can deliver your messages for you</b></p> <p>For large-scale messaging use cases, it’s important to find an SMS service that can deliver messages reliable at any volume.</p> <p><b>2. The right kind of phone number to send messages en masse</b></p> <p>Application-to-person 10-digit long codes (A2P 10DLC) are verified numbers specifically made for businesses to send messages to customers. Short codes (5- or 6-digit numbers) that are approved by carriers are another option for high-throughput messages. Toll-free numbers (10-digit numbers like 833-569-67XX) are another option for high throughput.</p> <p><b>3. The right message</b></p> <p>Create messages that are meaningful and valuable to your recipients. If you fail to do this, recipients will ignore your messages or block your number. We recommend personalizing messages as much as possible. </p> <p><b>4. Opt-ins</b></p> <p>To send to any recipients, you need to build a list of people who have expressly opted in to your messages. </p> <p><br /> <a href="">For more information, read SMS Bulk Messaging 101</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-v2__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item"> <div class="accordion-v2__header"> <button class="accordion-v2__button" type="button" aria-controls="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <div class="accordion-v2__header-labels accordion-v2__header--medium"> <h3 class="accordion-v2__title">What is SMS marketing?</h3> </div> <div class="accordion-v2__icon"> <span class="accordion-v2__icon-plus"> <span class="name twilio-icon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 78 79" fill="none" xmlns="" class="icon--decorative" role="presentation"> <title>An icon of a plus symbol</title> <path class="icon-stroke" d="M38.472 3.44824L38.472 75.4482M75.0435 38.8768L3.04346 38.8768" stroke="#F22F46" stroke-width="5.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </span> </span> <span class="accordion-v2__icon-minus"> <span class="name twilio-icon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 78 6" fill="none" xmlns="" class="icon--decorative" role="presentation"> <title>An icon of a minus symbol</title> <path class="icon-stroke" d="M75.0435 2.84815L3.04346 2.84814" stroke="#F22F46" stroke-width="5.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </span> </span> </div> </button> </div> <div> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" class="accordion-v2__dropdown" role="region" aria-labelledby="-button"> <div class="richtext " data-ext-icon="&lt;svg viewBox=&#34;0 0 79 79&#34; fill=&#34;none&#34; xmlns=&#34;; class=&#34;icon--decorative&#34; role=&#34;presentation&#34;> &lt;title>An icon of a outbound link arrow&lt;/title> &lt;path class=&#34;icon-stroke&#34; d=&#34;M75.3037 3.98207L3 75.5935M75.3037 3.98207L76.0435 43.3021M75.3037 3.98207L35.951 3.59351&#34; stroke=&#34;#F22F46&#34; stroke-width=&#34;5.5&#34; stroke-linecap=&#34;round&#34; stroke-linejoin=&#34;round&#34;/> &lt;/svg> "> <p>SMS marketing is sending marketing messages directly to customers’ phones via SMS or text message. Sometimes you might hear SMS marketing referred to as text message marketing.  </p> <p>SMS marketing covers any kind of promotion message, including discount offers, product announcements, personalized offers, abandoned cart announcements, and more. If you can get customers to opt in to SMS marketing messages, you can benefit from high open rates, high response rates, and fast delivery straight to customers.</p> <p><a href="">SMS marketing for beginners</a></p> <p><a href="">How to champion SMS marketing to your stakeholders</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-v2__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item"> <div class="accordion-v2__header"> <button class="accordion-v2__button" type="button" aria-controls="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <div class="accordion-v2__header-labels accordion-v2__header--medium"> <h3 class="accordion-v2__title">How do you integrate an SMS API?</h3> </div> <div class="accordion-v2__icon"> <span class="accordion-v2__icon-plus"> <span class="name twilio-icon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 78 79" fill="none" xmlns="" class="icon--decorative" role="presentation"> <title>An icon of a plus symbol</title> <path class="icon-stroke" d="M38.472 3.44824L38.472 75.4482M75.0435 38.8768L3.04346 38.8768" stroke="#F22F46" stroke-width="5.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </span> </span> <span class="accordion-v2__icon-minus"> <span class="name twilio-icon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 78 6" fill="none" xmlns="" class="icon--decorative" role="presentation"> <title>An icon of a minus symbol</title> <path class="icon-stroke" d="M75.0435 2.84815L3.04346 2.84814" stroke="#F22F46" stroke-width="5.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </span> </span> </div> </button> </div> <div> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" class="accordion-v2__dropdown" role="region" aria-labelledby="-button"> <div class="richtext " data-ext-icon="&lt;svg viewBox=&#34;0 0 79 79&#34; fill=&#34;none&#34; xmlns=&#34;; class=&#34;icon--decorative&#34; role=&#34;presentation&#34;> &lt;title>An icon of a outbound link arrow&lt;/title> &lt;path class=&#34;icon-stroke&#34; d=&#34;M75.3037 3.98207L3 75.5935M75.3037 3.98207L76.0435 43.3021M75.3037 3.98207L35.951 3.59351&#34; stroke=&#34;#F22F46&#34; stroke-width=&#34;5.5&#34; stroke-linecap=&#34;round&#34; stroke-linejoin=&#34;round&#34;/> &lt;/svg> "> <ol><li>First, find and sign up for an SMS API provider like Twilio</li><li>Get an API key from your provider</li><li>Purchase a phone number to send the messages from</li><li>Decide what type of messages you want to send and how you want to send them</li><li>Write code to connect to the API and send your messages</li><li>Test your code to verify that your messages are going through</li></ol> <p>The amount of time it takes to integrate an SMS API depends on the complexity of your project and your experience with similar integrations.</p> <p><a href="">Get started with our Programmable SMS quickstart</a></p> <p><a href="">See the Programmable Messaging API overview</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-v2__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item"> <div class="accordion-v2__header"> <button class="accordion-v2__button" type="button" aria-controls="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <div class="accordion-v2__header-labels accordion-v2__header--medium"> <h3 class="accordion-v2__title">How does an SMS API work?</h3> </div> <div class="accordion-v2__icon"> <span class="accordion-v2__icon-plus"> <span class="name twilio-icon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 78 79" fill="none" xmlns="" class="icon--decorative" role="presentation"> <title>An icon of a plus symbol</title> <path class="icon-stroke" d="M38.472 3.44824L38.472 75.4482M75.0435 38.8768L3.04346 38.8768" stroke="#F22F46" stroke-width="5.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </span> </span> <span class="accordion-v2__icon-minus"> <span class="name twilio-icon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 78 6" fill="none" xmlns="" class="icon--decorative" role="presentation"> <title>An icon of a minus symbol</title> <path class="icon-stroke" d="M75.0435 2.84815L3.04346 2.84814" stroke="#F22F46" stroke-width="5.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </span> </span> </div> </button> </div> <div> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" class="accordion-v2__dropdown" role="region" aria-labelledby="-button"> <div class="richtext " data-ext-icon="&lt;svg viewBox=&#34;0 0 79 79&#34; fill=&#34;none&#34; xmlns=&#34;; class=&#34;icon--decorative&#34; role=&#34;presentation&#34;> &lt;title>An icon of a outbound link arrow&lt;/title> &lt;path class=&#34;icon-stroke&#34; d=&#34;M75.3037 3.98207L3 75.5935M75.3037 3.98207L76.0435 43.3021M75.3037 3.98207L35.951 3.59351&#34; stroke=&#34;#F22F46&#34; stroke-width=&#34;5.5&#34; stroke-linecap=&#34;round&#34; stroke-linejoin=&#34;round&#34;/> &lt;/svg> "> <p>An SMS API makes it easy to send and receive SMS and MMS messages from a web application via an HTTP request. </p> <p>SMS APIs act as a connection between your app to the telecommunications carrier networks so you can send and receive text messages to recipients. They also convert the message to a format that can be sent over the carrier network/that the web application can understand when someone responds. </p> <p><a href="">How to use Twilio’s REST APIs</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-v2__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item"> <div class="accordion-v2__header"> <button class="accordion-v2__button" type="button" aria-controls="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <div class="accordion-v2__header-labels accordion-v2__header--medium"> <h3 class="accordion-v2__title">What is an SMS gateway API?</h3> </div> <div class="accordion-v2__icon"> <span class="accordion-v2__icon-plus"> <span class="name twilio-icon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 78 79" fill="none" xmlns="" class="icon--decorative" role="presentation"> <title>An icon of a plus symbol</title> <path class="icon-stroke" d="M38.472 3.44824L38.472 75.4482M75.0435 38.8768L3.04346 38.8768" stroke="#F22F46" stroke-width="5.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </span> </span> <span class="accordion-v2__icon-minus"> <span class="name twilio-icon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 78 6" fill="none" xmlns="" class="icon--decorative" role="presentation"> <title>An icon of a minus symbol</title> <path class="icon-stroke" d="M75.0435 2.84815L3.04346 2.84814" stroke="#F22F46" stroke-width="5.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </span> </span> </div> </button> </div> <div> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" class="accordion-v2__dropdown" role="region" aria-labelledby="-button"> <div class="richtext " data-ext-icon="&lt;svg viewBox=&#34;0 0 79 79&#34; fill=&#34;none&#34; xmlns=&#34;; class=&#34;icon--decorative&#34; role=&#34;presentation&#34;> &lt;title>An icon of a outbound link arrow&lt;/title> &lt;path class=&#34;icon-stroke&#34; d=&#34;M75.3037 3.98207L3 75.5935M75.3037 3.98207L76.0435 43.3021M75.3037 3.98207L35.951 3.59351&#34; stroke=&#34;#F22F46&#34; stroke-width=&#34;5.5&#34; stroke-linecap=&#34;round&#34; stroke-linejoin=&#34;round&#34;/> &lt;/svg> "> <p>An SMS gateway is a service that makes it possible to send and receive SMS text messages through a REST API (like an SMS API). This is the “bridge” between the code you write in your web application and the global telecommunications network that delivers it to a recipient’s mobile phone. </p> <p>The SMS gateway is also what translates the message so it’s compatible with the carrier network.</p> <p>They usually route SMS text messages to the telco networks via an SMPP interface that networks expose, either directly or via an aggregator that sells messages to multiple networks.</p> <p><a href="">See more information on SMS gateways</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-v2__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item"> <div class="accordion-v2__header"> <button class="accordion-v2__button" type="button" aria-controls="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <div class="accordion-v2__header-labels accordion-v2__header--medium"> <h3 class="accordion-v2__title">What are the different types of phone numbers for business texting?</h3> </div> <div class="accordion-v2__icon"> <span class="accordion-v2__icon-plus"> <span class="name twilio-icon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 78 79" fill="none" xmlns="" class="icon--decorative" role="presentation"> <title>An icon of a plus symbol</title> <path class="icon-stroke" d="M38.472 3.44824L38.472 75.4482M75.0435 38.8768L3.04346 38.8768" stroke="#F22F46" stroke-width="5.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </span> </span> <span class="accordion-v2__icon-minus"> <span class="name twilio-icon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 78 6" fill="none" xmlns="" class="icon--decorative" role="presentation"> <title>An icon of a minus symbol</title> <path class="icon-stroke" d="M75.0435 2.84815L3.04346 2.84814" stroke="#F22F46" stroke-width="5.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </span> </span> </div> </button> </div> <div> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" class="accordion-v2__dropdown" role="region" aria-labelledby="-button"> <div class="richtext " data-ext-icon="&lt;svg viewBox=&#34;0 0 79 79&#34; fill=&#34;none&#34; xmlns=&#34;; class=&#34;icon--decorative&#34; role=&#34;presentation&#34;> &lt;title>An icon of a outbound link arrow&lt;/title> &lt;path class=&#34;icon-stroke&#34; d=&#34;M75.3037 3.98207L3 75.5935M75.3037 3.98207L76.0435 43.3021M75.3037 3.98207L35.951 3.59351&#34; stroke=&#34;#F22F46&#34; stroke-width=&#34;5.5&#34; stroke-linecap=&#34;round&#34; stroke-linejoin=&#34;round&#34;/> &lt;/svg> "> <p><b>Toll-free numbers</b></p> <p>Toll-free numbers are 10-digit numbers that have a standard prefix like 800 or 833 (1-833-456-78XX). </p> <ul><li>Can be used for calls and text messages</li><li>Support high-throughput for high-volume use cases like notifications, alerts, and promotions</li><li>Require a verification process for high-volume use cases </li></ul> <p><a href="/en-us/phone-numbers/toll-free" target="_self" rel="noopener noreferrer">See more about toll-free numbers</a></p> <p> </p> <p><b>A2P 10DLC</b></p> <p>Application-to-person 10-digit long codes are numbers with a local prefix, like &#43;1 (415) 568-00XX. </p> <ul><li>Specifically for business messaging traffic</li><li>Support both phone calls and text messages</li><li>A verification process is required to prove you are a trusted sender with approved campaigns</li></ul> <p><a href="/en-us/phone-numbers/a2p-10dlc" target="_self" rel="noopener noreferrer">See more about 10DLC numbers </a></p> <p> </p> <p><b>Short codes</b></p> <p>Short codes are 5-6 character codes (56748) that are recognizable, and can be used for text and picture messaging.</p> <ul><li>Throughput starts at 100 messages per second</li><li>Support high-volume use cases like alerts, notifications, verifications, and promotions</li><li>A verification process is required to prove you are a trusted sender with approved campaigns</li></ul> <p><a href="/en-us/messaging/channels/sms/short-codes" target="_self" rel="noopener noreferrer">See more about short codes</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"name":"What is an SMS API?","acceptedAnswer":{"text":"<p>An SMS API is an application program interface that lets you send SMS text messages through an SMS gateway.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>SMS APIs 'bridge the gap' between telecommunications carrier networks and the internet so you can easily send and receive text messages from web applications.<br>\r\n<br>\r\n<a href=\",messages%20via%20a%20SMS%20Gateway.\">SMS API full definition</a></p>\r\n","@type":"Answer"},"@type":"Question"},{"name":"How to send bulk SMS?","acceptedAnswer":{"text":"<p>Bulk SMS messaging is when you send SMS to large lists of recipients.&nbsp;To send bulk SMS, you need:&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><b>1. An SMS service provider that can deliver your messages for you</b></p>\r\n<p>For large-scale messaging use cases, it’s important to find an SMS service that can deliver messages reliable at any volume.</p>\r\n<p><b>2. The right kind of phone number to send messages en masse</b></p>\r\n<p>Application-to-person 10-digit long codes (A2P 10DLC) are verified numbers specifically made for businesses to send messages to customers. Short codes (5- or 6-digit numbers) that are approved by carriers are another option for high-throughput messages. Toll-free numbers (10-digit numbers like 833-569-67XX) are another option for high throughput.</p>\r\n<p><b>3. The right message</b></p>\r\n<p>Create messages that are meaningful and valuable to your recipients. If you fail to do this, recipients will ignore your messages or block your number. We recommend personalizing messages as much as possible.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><b>4. Opt-ins</b></p>\r\n<p>To send to any recipients, you need to build a list of people who have expressly opted in to your messages.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><br>\r\n<a href=\"\">For more information, read SMS Bulk Messaging 101</a></p>\r\n","@type":"Answer"},"@type":"Question"},{"name":"What is SMS marketing?","acceptedAnswer":{"text":"<p>SMS marketing is sending marketing messages directly to customers’ phones via SMS or text message. Sometimes you might hear SMS marketing referred to as text message marketing.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>SMS marketing covers any kind of promotion message, including discount offers, product announcements, personalized offers, abandoned cart announcements, and more. If you can get customers to opt in to SMS marketing messages, you can benefit from high open rates, high response rates, and fast delivery straight to customers.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"\">SMS marketing for beginners</a></p>\r\n<p><a href=\"\">How to champion SMS marketing to your stakeholders</a></p>\r\n","@type":"Answer"},"@type":"Question"},{"name":"How do you integrate an SMS API?","acceptedAnswer":{"text":"<ol>\r\n<li>First, find and sign up for an SMS API provider like Twilio</li>\r\n<li>Get an API key from your provider</li>\r\n<li>Purchase a phone number to send the messages from</li>\r\n<li>Decide what type of messages you want to send and how you want to send them</li>\r\n<li>Write code to connect to the API and send your messages</li>\r\n<li>Test your code to verify that your messages are going through</li>\r\n</ol>\r\n<p>The amount of time it takes to integrate an SMS API depends on the complexity of your project and your experience with similar integrations.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"\">Get started with our Programmable SMS quickstart</a></p>\r\n<p><a href=\"\">See the Programmable Messaging API overview</a></p>\r\n","@type":"Answer"},"@type":"Question"},{"name":"How does an SMS API work?","acceptedAnswer":{"text":"<p>An SMS API makes it easy to send and receive SMS and MMS messages from a web application via an HTTP request.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>SMS APIs act as a connection between your app to the telecommunications carrier networks so you can send and receive text messages to recipients. They also convert the message to a format that can be sent over the carrier network/that the web application can understand when someone responds.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"\">How to use Twilio’s REST APIs</a></p>\r\n","@type":"Answer"},"@type":"Question"},{"name":"What is an SMS gateway API?","acceptedAnswer":{"text":"<p>An SMS gateway is a service that makes it possible to send and receive SMS text messages through a REST API (like an SMS API). This is the “bridge” between the code you write in your web application and the global telecommunications network that delivers it to a recipient’s mobile phone.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>The SMS gateway is also what translates the message so it’s compatible with the carrier network.</p>\r\n<p>They usually route SMS text messages to the telco networks via an SMPP interface that networks expose, either directly or via an aggregator that sells messages to multiple networks.</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"\">See more information on SMS gateways</a></p>\r\n","@type":"Answer"},"@type":"Question"},{"name":"What are the different types of phone numbers for business texting?","acceptedAnswer":{"text":"<p><b>Toll-free numbers</b></p>\r\n<p>Toll-free numbers are 10-digit numbers that have a standard prefix like 800 or 833 (1-833-456-78XX).&nbsp;</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Can be used for calls and text messages</li>\r\n<li>Support high-throughput for high-volume use cases like notifications, alerts, and promotions</li>\r\n<li>Require a verification process for high-volume use cases&nbsp;</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><a href=\"/content/twilio-com/global/en-us/phone-numbers/toll-free.html\" target=\"_self\">See more about toll-free numbers</a></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><b>A2P 10DLC</b></p>\r\n<p>Application-to-person 10-digit long codes are numbers with a local prefix, like +1 (415) 568-00XX.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Specifically for business messaging traffic</li>\r\n<li>Support both phone calls and text messages</li>\r\n<li>A verification process is required to prove you are a trusted sender with approved campaigns</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><a href=\"/content/twilio-com/global/en-us/phone-numbers/a2p-10dlc.html\" target=\"_self\">See more about 10DLC numbers&nbsp;</a></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><b>Short codes</b></p>\r\n<p>Short codes are 5-6 character codes (56748) that are recognizable, and can be used for text and picture messaging.</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Throughput starts at 100 messages per second</li>\r\n<li>Support high-volume use cases like alerts, notifications, verifications, and promotions</li>\r\n<li>A verification process is required to prove you are a trusted sender with approved campaigns</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><a href=\"/content/twilio-com/global/en-us/messaging/channels/sms/short-codes.html\" target=\"_self\">See more about short codes</a></p>\r\n","@type":"Answer"},"@type":"Question"}]} </script> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section-wrapper bg-color-paper default" id=""> <div class="section-content "> <div id="" class="grid-container default medium-gap" style=""> <div class="grid-container-column"> <div class="xfpage page basicpage"> <section id="" class="grid-container offset-40-60 default with-border medium-gap bg-color-white center" style=""> <div class="grid-container-column"> <button type="button" class="media video" data-video-source=""> <div class="media-image "> <span class="play-icon"></span> <img 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