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And it's all made to get you in and out quickly.</p> <p class="download"><a href=""><strong>Download</strong>WordPress for Windows Phone</a> <span class="download-info">Supported: or self-hosted WordPress (v. 2.9+)</span></p> </div><!-- end intro --> <div id="phone"> <div id="slideshow"> <span class="fade"></span> <span class="outline"></span> <span class="panorama"> <img src=";=2" alt="Screenshot" id="panoramaHead"/> <img src=";=2" alt="Screenshot" id="panoramaMain"/> </span> <a href="#" class="button disabled" id="prev">Previous</a> <a href="#" class="button" id="next">Next</a> </div> </div> <span class="clear"></span> </div> <div id="pagebody"> <div class="posts-pages"> <h2>Edit Posts &amp; Pages Effortlessly</h2> <a href=""><img src="" alt="WordPress for Windows Phone 7: post editor screenshot" title="Screenshot of the post editor" width="240" height="400" class="alignright size-full wp-image-223"/></a> We all have those moments of creative brilliance while away from the computer. Fire up the app and after two taps you will be at the new post or page editor to record what's on your mind. You can add text formatting, categories, tags, and pictures to the post with ease. Publish your creation instantly or save it as a draft for finishing up later. Those brilliant moments will never be lost again. </div> <div class="comments"> <h2>Moderate Comments</h2> Keep the conversation on your blog going from wherever you happen to be. Bulk edit multiple comments at a time by simply tapping the comments you want to moderate and apply the new status. Use the Comment Panorama view to easily view your comments by status. 聽If a recent comment has inspired you, add a reply instantly right from the app. </div> <div class="statistics"> <h2>Statistics</h2> Get up-to-the-minute powered stats for your site while on the go. 聽All the great stuff that you want to see are there, including Views, Post Views, Referrers, Search Terms, and Clicks. You can even supply a date range to dive deeper into your data. And of course we've added聽beautiful聽bar charts to get a visual representation of what's been happening on your site. </div> </div> <!-- end pagebody --> </div> <!-- end wrapper --> </div> <!-- end page --> <div id="footer"> <div class="wrapper"> <a href="#page" title="Go to top of page" class="up">Top</a> <h6>Code is Poetry</h6> </div> </div><!-- end footer --> <script type="text/javascript"> var _qevents = _qevents || [], wpcomQuantcastData = {"qacct":"p-18-mFEk4J448M","labels":",language.en,type.wpcom"}; function wpcomQuantcastPixel( labels, options ) { var i, defaults = wpcomQuantcastData, data = { event: 'ajax' }; labels = labels || ''; options = options || {}; if ( typeof labels != 'string' ) options = labels; for ( i in defaults ) { data[i] = defaults[i]; } for ( i in options ) { data[i] = options[i]; } if ( data.labels ) { data.labels += ',' + labels; } else { data.labels = labels; } _qevents.push( data ); }; (function() {var elem = document.createElement('script');elem.src = (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? 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