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Barrett is VP, editorial director of PRWeek US. Each week he shares his views on the trends and stories that are shaping the PR industry. <br><br>Contact Steve at <a target="_blank" href=""></a>.&nbsp;</em></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="group1"> <div class="wideNarrow"> <div class="grid1"> <div class="zone"> <!-- zone 2 --> <div class="articleModule withImages genericModule"> <div class="moduleContent"> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1905445/communicators-keep-calm-carry" title="Keep Calm and Carry On poster"><img alt="Keep Calm and Carry On poster" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1905445/communicators-keep-calm-carry" data-url="" data-id="1905445" title="Communicators: Keep calm and carry on">Communicators: Keep calm and carry on</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, February 06, 2025 </span> <p>As PR teams set up rapid response task forces to navigate an unprecedented period of instability and change, they must also be the voice in the room that advocates for calm and pushes back on senior executives if necessary.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1903488/davos-elites-bullish-future-business" title="Attendees take part in the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting with the event logo in Davos on January 22, 2025. (Photo by FABRICE COFFRINI / AFP) (Photo by FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images)"><img alt="Attendees take part in the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting with the event logo in Davos on January 22, 2025. (Photo by FABRICE COFFRINI / AFP) (Photo by FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images)" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1903488/davos-elites-bullish-future-business" data-url="" data-id="1903488" title="Davos elites bullish on future of business">Davos elites bullish on future of business</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, January 23, 2025 </span> <p>There was a sense of guarded optimism in the air at the latest World Economic Forum. But CEOs want their CCOs to step up and deliver on their greater accountability.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1902666/disintermediation-effect" title="President Joe Biden looks on after he delivered his farewell address to the nation from the Oval Office of the White House on January 15, 2025"><img alt="President Joe Biden looks on after he delivered his farewell address to the nation from the Oval Office of the White House on January 15, 2025" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1902666/disintermediation-effect" data-url="" data-id="1902666" title="The disintermediation effect">The disintermediation effect</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, January 16, 2025 </span> <p>Twelve of the biggest events of the past fortnight that demonstrate the evermore complicated environment communicators must operate within as a new year rockets forward.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1901802/pr-crossroads" title="Comms at a Crossroads logo against grid background"><img alt="Comms at a Crossroads logo against grid background" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1901802/pr-crossroads" data-url="" data-id="1901802" title="PR at a crossroads">PR at a crossroads</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, January 09, 2025 </span> <p>PRWeek convenes its editorial team for the first podcast of 2025 to look forward to Feb. 4’s critically important PRDecoded conference where the biggest industry issues will come under the microscope.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1900601/look-back-good-bad-great-sad-pr-events-2024" title="Vector illustration of a 2024 Year in Review New Year web banner design template"><img alt="Vector illustration of a 2024 Year in Review New Year web banner design template" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1900601/look-back-good-bad-great-sad-pr-events-2024" data-url="" data-id="1900601" title="A look back at the good, the bad, the great and the sad PR events of 2024">A look back at the good, the bad, the great and the sad PR events of 2024</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, December 19, 2024 </span> <p>Tumultuous elections, blockbuster agency M&As, a banner year in Cannes and saying goodbye to a true PR pioneer.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1899409/omnicom-ipg-deal-will-revolutionize-pr-agency-sector" title="John Wren and Philippe Krakowsky"><img alt="John Wren and Philippe Krakowsky" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1899409/omnicom-ipg-deal-will-revolutionize-pr-agency-sector" data-url="" data-id="1899409" title="Omnicom/IPG deal will revolutionize PR agency sector">Omnicom/IPG deal will revolutionize PR agency sector</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, December 10, 2024 </span> <p>OPRG will likely be the new home to iconic Interpublic firms Weber Shandwick and Golin following Omnicom’s acquisition of Interpublic Group.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1898918/edelman-staff-cuts-reflect-industry-crossroads" title="Edelman CEO Richard Edelman in New Delhi, India, in 2015"><img alt="Edelman CEO Richard Edelman in New Delhi, India, in 2015" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1898918/edelman-staff-cuts-reflect-industry-crossroads" data-url="" data-id="1898918" title="Edelman staff cuts reflect an industry at a crossroads">Edelman staff cuts reflect an industry at a crossroads</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, December 05, 2024 </span> <p>PR is at an inflection point where it is considered a senior adviser to CEOs and the C-suite, but is now being held to account for this increased responsibility. Tough decisions are required.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1897595/steve-barrett-us-election-brings-challenges-health-sector" title="Headshot of Steve Barrett"><img alt="Headshot of Steve Barrett" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1897595/steve-barrett-us-election-brings-challenges-health-sector" data-url="" data-id="1897595" title="Steve Barrett: US election brings challenges to health sector">Steve Barrett: US election brings challenges to health sector</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, November 25, 2024 </span> <p>The special Health Issue of PRWeek focused on the individuals steering America into the unknown.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1897246/cold-pizza-warm-sushi" title="The PRWeek 2025 Hall of Fame including Kate Cronin Corey duBrowa Gail Heimann Alfredo Richard David Senay Jennifer Smoter"><img alt="The PRWeek 2025 Hall of Fame including Kate Cronin Corey duBrowa Gail Heimann Alfredo Richard David Senay Jennifer Smoter" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1897246/cold-pizza-warm-sushi" data-url="" data-id="1897246" title="Cold pizza and warm sushi">Cold pizza and warm sushi</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, November 21, 2024 </span> <p>It wasn’t all glamor in the working lives of the PR legends honored at PRWeek’s 2024 Hall of Fame dinner, but the hard work ultimately resulted in great achievements.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1896160/trump-dominated-cop29-davos-will" title="Attendees at COP29 walk by event signage"><img alt="Attendees at COP29 walk by event signage" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1896160/trump-dominated-cop29-davos-will" data-url="" data-id="1896160" title="Trump dominated COP29, Davos will be the same">Trump dominated COP29, Davos will be the same</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, November 14, 2024 </span> <p>America’s President-elect was the main topic of conversation in Baku this week and he will be top of mind at January’s World Economic Forum, given Davos 2025 coincides with Inauguration Day.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1895280/voters-choose-change-year-elections" title="President-elect Donald Trump gathered with family and supporters on election night at the Palm Beach Convention Center in Florida"><img alt="President-elect Donald Trump gathered with family and supporters on election night at the Palm Beach Convention Center in Florida" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1895280/voters-choose-change-year-elections" data-url="" data-id="1895280" title="Voters choose change in the year of elections">Voters choose change in the year of elections</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, November 07, 2024 </span> <p>Donald Trump’s victory on Tuesday brought about the latest in a series of defeats for incumbent candidates in major democracies around the world.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1894370/communication-will-decide-election-close-call" title="U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and former U.S. President Donald Trump met for their only debate, hosted by ABC News, on September 10."><img alt="U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and former U.S. President Donald Trump met for their only debate, hosted by ABC News, on September 10." src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1894370/communication-will-decide-election-close-call" data-url="" data-id="1894370" title="Communication will decide an election too close to call">Communication will decide an election too close to call</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, October 31, 2024 </span> <p>Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have just four more days to get their key messages across to a divided electorate and eke out votes in crucial swing states.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1893380/pr-agencies-sprint-finish-—-pt-2" title="Corey duBrowa headshot"><img alt="Corey duBrowa headshot" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1893380/pr-agencies-sprint-finish-—-pt-2" data-url="" data-id="1893380" title="PR agencies’ sprint to the finish — pt. 2">PR agencies’ sprint to the finish — pt. 2</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, October 23, 2024 </span> <p>With Interpublic Group, WPP and Havas reporting this week, the Q3 agency holding company reporting season is over, but the overall trading environment remains challenging.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1892735/large-agencies-face-desperate-sprint-finish-2024" title="Headshot of Richard Edelman"><img alt="Headshot of Richard Edelman" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1892735/large-agencies-face-desperate-sprint-finish-2024" data-url="" data-id="1892735" title="Large agencies face a desperate sprint to the finish of 2024">Large agencies face a desperate sprint to the finish of 2024</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, October 17, 2024 </span> <p>Edelman lowered its growth prediction for the calendar year as the biggest global PR firms reflect on Q3 financials and closing out 2024 amid a pivotal U.S. election.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1891023/were-word-language-nerds-heart" title="Merriam-Webster dictionary displaying new words"><img alt="Merriam-Webster dictionary displaying new words" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1891023/were-word-language-nerds-heart" data-url="" data-id="1891023" title="We’re all word and language nerds at heart">We’re all word and language nerds at heart</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, October 04, 2024 </span> <p>Merriam-Webster this week added 200 words and definitions to its dictionary that demonstrate how culture fundamentally changes our language and reflects the landscape PR pros and journalists need to keep pace with.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1890155/barrett-new-generation-tools-handle-extra-responsibility" title="Headshot of Steve Barrett"><img alt="Headshot of Steve Barrett" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1890155/barrett-new-generation-tools-handle-extra-responsibility" data-url="" data-id="1890155" title="Barrett: New generation has tools to handle extra responsibility">Barrett: New generation has tools to handle extra responsibility</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, September 26, 2024 </span> <p>The PRWeek 40 Under 40 class is ready to take up the mantle from those at the top of the profession, such as the NFL’s Katie Hill.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1889529/5-takeaways-ai-deciphered" title="Raja Rajamannar on stage"><img alt="Raja Rajamannar on stage" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1889529/5-takeaways-ai-deciphered" data-url="" data-id="1889529" title="5 takeaways from AI Deciphered">5 takeaways from AI Deciphered</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, September 20, 2024 </span> <p>PRWeek teamed up with its siblings Campaign and MM+M to put on a three-track conference that sifted real actionable practice and insights on AI from the BS.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1888334/ai-fluid-brands-synthetic-focus-groups" title="Cloud blocks forming faces in sky, artificial intelligence AI concept"><img alt="Cloud blocks forming faces in sky, artificial intelligence AI concept" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1888334/ai-fluid-brands-synthetic-focus-groups" data-url="" data-id="1888334" title="AI, fluid brands and synthetic focus groups">AI, fluid brands and synthetic focus groups</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, September 12, 2024 </span> <p>What a futurist and tech guru tell us about the future of communications, marketing and branding.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1886569/time-chief-comms-officers-prove-value-seat-table" title="Ford CEO Jim Farley (right) with Ford employees and guests"><img alt="Ford CEO Jim Farley (right) with Ford employees and guests" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1886569/time-chief-comms-officers-prove-value-seat-table" data-url="" data-id="1886569" title="Time for chief comms officers to prove value of seat at table">Time for chief comms officers to prove value of seat at table</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, August 29, 2024 </span> <p>Half a decade after Business Roundtable put purpose on a par with profit, the dynamics of DE&I, ESG and sustainability threaten to become headaches CEOs don’t need.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1885963/impact-message-changes-when-dig-deeper-bentley-gallup-survey" title="Headshot of Robby Starbuck"><img alt="Headshot of Robby Starbuck" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1885963/impact-message-changes-when-dig-deeper-bentley-gallup-survey" data-url="" data-id="1885963" title="Impact message changes when you dig deeper into Bentley-Gallup survey">Impact message changes when you dig deeper into Bentley-Gallup survey</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, August 22, 2024 </span> <p>While the highlight number is striking and activist investors are having success in stemming DE&I initiatives, voters on both sides of the aisle still want companies to make statements on certain issues.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1885286/mars-acquisition-kellanova-creates-new-food-giant" title="Mars and Kellanova logos"><img alt="Mars and Kellanova logos" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1885286/mars-acquisition-kellanova-creates-new-food-giant" data-url="" data-id="1885286" title="Mars acquisition of Kellanova creates new food giant">Mars acquisition of Kellanova creates new food giant</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, August 15, 2024 </span> <p>The deal encompasses many enduring and iconic brands and will keep agencies on alert as the deal moves toward its conclusion in the first half of 2025.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1884566/fgs-sale-headlines-busy-week-agency-transformation" title="&quot;Changes ahead&quot; traffic sign in city"><img alt="&quot;Changes ahead&quot; traffic sign in city" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1884566/fgs-sale-headlines-busy-week-agency-transformation" data-url="" data-id="1884566" title="FGS sale headlines busy week for agency transformation">FGS sale headlines busy week for agency transformation</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, August 08, 2024 </span> <p>The strategic advisory specialist firm is leaving the WPP holding company fold to take its chances with private equity ownership.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1883017/snoop-dogg-embodies-magic-olympic-games" title="Snoop Dogg attends the Artistic Gymnastics Women&#39;s Qualification on day two of the Olympic Games Paris 2024"><img alt="Snoop Dogg attends the Artistic Gymnastics Women&#39;s Qualification on day two of the Olympic Games Paris 2024" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1883017/snoop-dogg-embodies-magic-olympic-games" data-url="" data-id="1883017" title="Snoop Dogg embodies the magic of the Olympic Games">Snoop Dogg embodies the magic of the Olympic Games</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, August 01, 2024 </span> <p>The West Coast rap legend is living his best life for all of us in Paris as he dives deep into the Olympic experience and embraces the magic of the greatest show on earth.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1882225/brand-sales-real-awards-marcomms-agency-partners" title="Crumpled Coca-Cola can"><img alt="Crumpled Coca-Cola can" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1882225/brand-sales-real-awards-marcomms-agency-partners" data-url="" data-id="1882225" title="Brand sales are the real awards for marcomms agency partners">Brand sales are the real awards for marcomms agency partners</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, July 25, 2024 </span> <p>Agencies can win any number of gongs at awards shows but the real sustainable payback comes from helping clients increase sales and achieve their business goals.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1880860/women-outpace-men-annual-prweek-power-list" title="Headshot of Steve Barrett"><img alt="Headshot of Steve Barrett" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1880860/women-outpace-men-annual-prweek-power-list" data-url="" data-id="1880860" title="Women outpace men on annual PRWeek Power List">Women outpace men on annual PRWeek Power List</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, July 16, 2024 </span> <p>Tree Paine, Taylor Swift’s publicist, leads the way as the biggest movers and shakers in the PR industry are profiled.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1880501/gail-heimanns-retirement-big-loss-pr-industry" title="Weber Shandwick&#39;s Gail Heimann on stage at IPG&#39;s Women&#39;s Breakfast At Cannes Lions in 2018"><img alt="Weber Shandwick&#39;s Gail Heimann on stage at IPG&#39;s Women&#39;s Breakfast At Cannes Lions in 2018" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1880501/gail-heimanns-retirement-big-loss-pr-industry" data-url="" data-id="1880501" title="Gail Heimann’s retirement is a big loss for the PR industry">Gail Heimann’s retirement is a big loss for the PR industry</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, July 11, 2024 </span> <p>The Weber Shandwick CEO’s near three-decade tenure at the Interpublic agency was highlighted by creativity, great ideas, mentorship and empathetic leadership.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1879557/richard-edelman-reflects-cannes-regrouping-tough-year" title="The Edelman team acceping the Titanium Lion for The Move to -15ºC at the 2024 Cannes Lions. Image used with permission."><img alt="The Edelman team acceping the Titanium Lion for The Move to -15ºC at the 2024 Cannes Lions. Image used with permission." src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1879557/richard-edelman-reflects-cannes-regrouping-tough-year" data-url="" data-id="1879557" title="Richard Edelman reflects on Cannes and regrouping after a tough year">Richard Edelman reflects on Cannes and regrouping after a tough year</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, July 03, 2024 </span> <p>Fresh off numerous Lions wins, the iconic agency CEO is confident ‘the market has moved toward PR firms.’</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1877741/pr-finally-gets-its-flowers-cannes-lions" title="Spacesaver&#39;s The Misheard Version campaign promo featuring Rick Astley"><img alt="Spacesaver&#39;s The Misheard Version campaign promo featuring Rick Astley" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1877741/pr-finally-gets-its-flowers-cannes-lions" data-url="" data-id="1877741" title="PR finally gets its flowers at Cannes Lions">PR finally gets its flowers at Cannes Lions</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, June 19, 2024 </span> <p>Golin UK’s The Misheard Version for Specsavers featuring singer Rick Astley took home the PR Lions Grand Prix, its second of the week; Edelman and Weber Shandwick also struck Gold.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1876984/9-top-tips-getting-best-cannes" title="Aerial view of Cannes with words 9 top tips for getting the best out of Cannes"><img alt="Aerial view of Cannes with words 9 top tips for getting the best out of Cannes" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1876984/9-top-tips-getting-best-cannes" data-url="" data-id="1876984" title="9 top tips for getting the best out of Cannes">9 top tips for getting the best out of Cannes</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, June 13, 2024 </span> <p>PRWeek’s Steve Barrett presents a guide for communicators and marketers looking to survive the annual Festival of Creativity in the South of France.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1875970/prweek-continues-celebrate-pride-pr" title="Roller skates next to Skittles bag with Pride Month branding "><img alt="Roller skates next to Skittles bag with Pride Month branding " src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1875970/prweek-continues-celebrate-pride-pr" data-url="" data-id="1875970" title="PRWeek continues to celebrate Pride in PR">PRWeek continues to celebrate Pride in PR</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, June 06, 2024 </span> <p>Some brands may be dialing back their support of the LGBTQ+ community in the febrile atmosphere of 2024, but PRWeek will not be one of them.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1874831/shine-class-2024" title="Onlookers take photos of Tulane University&#39;s Class of 2024 commencement ceremony"><img alt="Onlookers take photos of Tulane University&#39;s Class of 2024 commencement ceremony" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1874831/shine-class-2024" data-url="" data-id="1874831" title="Shine on Class of 2024">Shine on Class of 2024</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, May 30, 2024 </span> <p>Commencement season is in full swing and the experiences of the graduates of 2024 reflect a tough time for universities and one of the more extraordinary experiences of any class of students.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1874103/healthcare-comms-leading-pr-profession" title="Social media influencer and August period products co-founder Nadya Okamoto on stage"><img alt="Social media influencer and August period products co-founder Nadya Okamoto on stage" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1874103/healthcare-comms-leading-pr-profession" data-url="" data-id="1874103" title="Healthcare comms is leading the PR profession">Healthcare comms is leading the PR profession</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, May 23, 2024 </span> <p>This week’s PRWeek Healthcare Awards+Conference and recent Global and U.S. gala celebrations show specialist PR pros at the top of their game and really making a difference.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1873129/prweek-global-awards-benchmark-industry-progress" title="Headshot of Steve Barrett"><img alt="Headshot of Steve Barrett" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1873129/prweek-global-awards-benchmark-industry-progress" data-url="" data-id="1873129" title="PRWeek Global Awards benchmark industry progress">PRWeek Global Awards benchmark industry progress</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, May 17, 2024 </span> <p>After a tough year of global economic uncertainty and geopolitical turbulence the range, profile and contribution of the PR profession across numerous metrics was impressive to see.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1871554/agency-business-report-2024-editors-letter" title="Headshot of Steve Barrett"><img alt="Headshot of Steve Barrett" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1871554/agency-business-report-2024-editors-letter" data-url="" data-id="1871554" title="Agency Business Report 2024: Editor&#39;s letter">Agency Business Report 2024: Editor&#39;s letter</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, May 07, 2024 </span> <p>AI is top of mind amid a tough business year.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1871306/beyond-love-hate-relationship-ai" title="CGI render of letters AI with halo and devils tail, good and bad, pros and cons concept"><img alt="CGI render of letters AI with halo and devils tail, good and bad, pros and cons concept" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1871306/beyond-love-hate-relationship-ai" data-url="" data-id="1871306" title="Beyond our love/hate relationship with AI">Beyond our love/hate relationship with AI</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, May 02, 2024 </span> <p>The mission to distinguish nuggets of wisdom from the torrent of BS around the impact of artificial intelligence on communication must be top of mind for all PR pros.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1870333/holding-company-agencies-start-2024-mishmash-performance" title="Hands holding smartphones with economic trend lines point up or down"><img alt="Hands holding smartphones with economic trend lines point up or down" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1870333/holding-company-agencies-start-2024-mishmash-performance" data-url="" data-id="1870333" title="Holding company agencies start 2024 with a mishmash of performance">Holding company agencies start 2024 with a mishmash of performance</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, April 25, 2024 </span> <p>WPP, IPG, Omnicom and Publicis have all now reported their Q1 numbers and the outlook for their PR firms is not uniform.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1869624/pick-partners-carefully-ai-tech-landscape" title="CGI render of businessman shaking hands with holographic AI construct"><img alt="CGI render of businessman shaking hands with holographic AI construct" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1869624/pick-partners-carefully-ai-tech-landscape" data-url="" data-id="1869624" title="Pick your partners carefully in the AI tech landscape">Pick your partners carefully in the AI tech landscape</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, April 19, 2024 </span> <p>As the building blocks of the AI opportunity take shape, technology providers, PR agencies and in-house comms teams are forging crucial relationships, but they won’t all endure in their current form.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1868574/doves-campaign-real-beauty-revolutionized-marketing" title="Dove Real Beauty Prompt Playbook cover displaying smiling woman"><img alt="Dove Real Beauty Prompt Playbook cover displaying smiling woman" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1868574/doves-campaign-real-beauty-revolutionized-marketing" data-url="" data-id="1868574" title="Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty revolutionized marketing">Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty revolutionized marketing</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, April 11, 2024 </span> <p>The Unilever brand’s iconic campaign turns 20 years old this week and is still influencing Dove’s communications to this day, proving that purpose and profit are not mutually exclusive.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1867727/tech-companies-front-foot" title="Smart phone displaying Google Gemini logo"><img alt="Smart phone displaying Google Gemini logo" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1867727/tech-companies-front-foot" data-url="" data-id="1867727" title="Tech companies get on the front foot">Tech companies get on the front foot</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, April 04, 2024 </span> <p>Owned media is increasingly being used in the tech sector by brands such as Microsoft, Apple, OpenAI and Google to push back aggressively on regulatory and reputational issues.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1867165/journalism-not-crime" title="Evan Gershkovich at the Lefortovsky Court building in Moscow"><img alt="Evan Gershkovich at the Lefortovsky Court building in Moscow" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1867165/journalism-not-crime" data-url="" data-id="1867165" title="Journalism is not a crime">Journalism is not a crime</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, March 28, 2024 </span> <p>As we reach the one-year anniversary of the detention of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich in Russia, the role of the media has never been under such intense scrutiny.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1866201/funky-ice-cream-big-chunks-values" title="Ben &amp; Jerry&#39;s cofounders Ben Cohen (L) and Jerry Greenfield (R) in 2019 unveiled ice cream flavor “Justice ReMix’d” with Advancement Project executive director Judith Dianis (center) to &quot;spotlight structural racism in a broken criminal legal system.”"><img alt="Ben &amp; Jerry&#39;s cofounders Ben Cohen (L) and Jerry Greenfield (R) in 2019 unveiled ice cream flavor “Justice ReMix’d” with Advancement Project executive director Judith Dianis (center) to &quot;spotlight structural racism in a broken criminal legal system.”" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1866201/funky-ice-cream-big-chunks-values" data-url="" data-id="1866201" title="Funky ice cream and big chunks of values">Funky ice cream and big chunks of values</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, March 21, 2024 </span> <p>Unilever divesting its ice cream business is just one of many recent stories that test the mettle of PR pros working at the center of business and reputation.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1865478/25-years-prweek-awards-reflect-massive-change-pr-industry" title="Miss Peppermint accepts the Communicator of the Year Award on behalf of GLAAD CEO and president Sarah Kate Ellis"><img alt="Miss Peppermint accepts the Communicator of the Year Award on behalf of GLAAD CEO and president Sarah Kate Ellis" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1865478/25-years-prweek-awards-reflect-massive-change-pr-industry" data-url="" data-id="1865478" title="25 years of PRWeek Awards reflect massive change in PR industry">25 years of PRWeek Awards reflect massive change in PR industry</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, March 15, 2024 </span> <p>Over 800 PR pros gathered at Cipriani Wall St. Thursday night to honor an industry that has evolved exponentially since the first ceremony in February 2000 and is truly demonstrating its value.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1864389/business-continue-right-thing-social-issues" title="Multicolor figurines around blocks labeled &quot;diversity,&quot; &quot;equity,&quot; and &quot;inclusion&quot;"><img alt="Multicolor figurines around blocks labeled &quot;diversity,&quot; &quot;equity,&quot; and &quot;inclusion&quot;" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1864389/business-continue-right-thing-social-issues" data-url="" data-id="1864389" title="Business must continue to do the right thing on social issues">Business must continue to do the right thing on social issues</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, March 07, 2024 </span> <p>The economic situation has tightened in the past 12 months and the prevailing sentiment about so-called wokeness is more febrile. But as the economy improves, business should redouble efforts to engage all stakeholders.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1862572/tougher-times-pr-agencies-2023-direction-travel-good" title="Investors riding chaotic, descending arrow, stock market uncertainty concept illustration"><img alt="Investors riding chaotic, descending arrow, stock market uncertainty concept illustration" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1862572/tougher-times-pr-agencies-2023-direction-travel-good" data-url="" data-id="1862572" title="Tougher times for PR agencies in 2023 but direction of travel still good">Tougher times for PR agencies in 2023 but direction of travel still good</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, February 23, 2024 </span> <p>As holding companies and the world’s largest PR firm unveil their financial numbers for last year, the industry’s performance in a difficult 12 months is starting to clarify.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1861335/super-bowl-last-bastion-old-school-media-extravagance" title="Kia’s Super Bowl ad being played on NBC&#39;s Today"><img alt="Kia’s Super Bowl ad being played on NBC&#39;s Today" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1861335/super-bowl-last-bastion-old-school-media-extravagance" data-url="" data-id="1861335" title="Super Bowl is the last bastion of old school media extravagance">Super Bowl is the last bastion of old school media extravagance</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, February 13, 2024 </span> <p>One in three Americans watched the big game this year while PR firms were busy activating on behalf of their clients on media row and elsewhere in host city Las Vegas.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1860358/everything-need-know-ai-communications" title="Headshot of Steve Barrett"><img alt="Headshot of Steve Barrett" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1860358/everything-need-know-ai-communications" data-url="" data-id="1860358" title="Everything you need to know about AI and communications">Everything you need to know about AI and communications</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, February 06, 2024 </span> <p>PRWeek has put together a package of content that profiles all the latest wisdom, creativity, influencers and technology to help PR pros inform their future practice.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1860032/alternative-pioneers-pr" title="Museum of Public Relations collage"><img alt="Museum of Public Relations collage" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1860032/alternative-pioneers-pr" data-url="" data-id="1860032" title="The alternative pioneers of PR">The alternative pioneers of PR</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, February 01, 2024 </span> <p>Hidden History unearths the neglected diverse roots of the public relations industry.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1858773/burson-eyes-its-place-atop-pr-agency-mountain" title="Harold Burson in the 1980s, working in his office."><img alt="Harold Burson in the 1980s, working in his office." src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1858773/burson-eyes-its-place-atop-pr-agency-mountain" data-url="" data-id="1858773" title="Burson eyes its place atop the PR agency mountain">Burson eyes its place atop the PR agency mountain</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, January 25, 2024 </span> <p>A bold merger of WPP’s two most iconic PR agency brands could leapfrog the newly combined entity above Edelman into the No. 1 position, based on last year’s PRWeek rankings.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a href="/article/1858106/davos-2024-sets-scene-extraordinary-year-ahead" title="The AIHouse at Davos"><img alt="The AIHouse at Davos" src="" /></a> </figure> </div> <div class="contentWrapper"> <h3> <a href="/article/1858106/davos-2024-sets-scene-extraordinary-year-ahead" data-url="" data-id="1858106" title="Davos 2024 sets scene for an extraordinary year ahead">Davos 2024 sets scene for an extraordinary year ahead</a> </h3> <span class="byline"> By Steve Barrett, January 18, 2024 </span> <p>With over 60 elections taking place around the world this year, heads of state and business, media and government leaders gathered in the Swiss Alps to participate in the most invaluable networking event of the year.</p> </div> </div> <div class="storyContent"> <div class="thumbnail"> <figure> <a 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