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</div> </div> </div> <div id="skipToContent"></div> <div class="container-100"><div class='section section_edge section_edgeContent' style='' ><div class='section-wrap'><div class='grid '><div class="col-12 "> <div class="multiHero"> <picture class="multiHeroImg"> <!-- desktop --> <source media="(min-width: 80em)" srcset="/contentassets/377957cef8194f4ca555073e8fc319df/dandi-bg-new2.jpg"> <!-- tablet --> <source media="(min-width: 37.5em)" srcset="/contentassets/377957cef8194f4ca555073e8fc319df/talentbanner-3.png"> <!-- mobile --> <source srcset="/contentassets/377957cef8194f4ca555073e8fc319df/divincmobile-image.png"> <!-- fallback --> <img src="/contentassets/377957cef8194f4ca555073e8fc319df/dandi-bg-new2.jpg" alt="Informa Annual Report 2021 Graphic"> </picture> <div class="multiHeroBody"> <!-- left column --> <div class="heroCol position-tl textLight"> <div class="multiHeroBodyWrap"> <div class="wysiwyg"> <h1>Diversity & Inclusion</h1> <p class="large"> </p> <p class="large">Whether you're working at Informa, or working with us as a customer or partner, you'll find inclusive experiences and environments where all perspectives and backgrounds are welcomed</p> <p class="large"> </p> <p class="large"> </p> <p class="large"> </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- right column --> <div class="heroCol position-br textDark"> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="col-12 "> <div class="multiHero"> <picture class="multiHeroImg"> <!-- desktop --> <source media="(min-width: 80em)" srcset="/contentassets/13a8e404416c45748537644e905b3846/s1.png"> <!-- tablet --> <!-- mobile --> <source srcset="/contentassets/13a8e404416c45748537644e905b3846/discover-allinforma-mobile-version-template.png"> <!-- fallback --> <img src="/contentassets/13a8e404416c45748537644e905b3846/s1.png" alt="gap 2 graphic"> </picture> <div class="multiHeroBody"> <!-- left column --> <div class="heroCol position-center textDark"> <div class="multiHeroBodyWrap"> <div class="wysiwyg"> <h2>Discover AllInforma </h2> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">We’re a better place to work, a more successful business and a stronger part of our communities when we make diversity and inclusion part of everything we do.</p> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">Our approach is called AllInforma because we want to be a place where all our colleagues can thrive and a business that serves the different needs of all our customers and partners. </p> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">The AllInforma programme focuses on four areas: Senior Leadership, Inclusive Culture, Customer Experience and Community Support.</p> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">Our aim is to make continuous progress on expanding diversity and embedding inclusion, driven by data and informed by the matters that colleagues, customers and partners tell us are most important to them.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- right column --> <div class="heroCol position-bl textDark"> <div class="multiHeroBodyWrap"> <div class="wysiwyg"> <div style="position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; padding-top: 56.25%;"><iframe style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;" title="vimeo-player" src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div></div></div><div class='section section_wide section_wideContent' style='' ><div class='section-wrap'><div class='grid '><div class="col-12 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> </div> </div><div class="col-12 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> </div> </div><div class="col-12 "> <div class="largeCarousel"> <div class="largeCarousel-container"> <div class="contentWrap"> <h2 class="largeCarousel-heading" >Story spotlight </h2> </div> <div class="largeCarousel owl-carousel"> <!-- item 1 --> <div class="largeCarousel-item" data-dot="<button>Fashion for Change</button>"> <picture class="shelf-img"> <!-- desktop --> <source media="(min-width: 48em)" srcset="/contentassets/5aa26bbe7b884e0a8071de504a905634/f4c-coterienew.jpg"> <!-- mobile --> <!-- fallback --> <img src="/contentassets/5aa26bbe7b884e0a8071de504a905634/f4c-coterienew.jpg" alt=A panel on a stage talking> </picture> <div class="contentWrap"> <div class="largeCarousel-body colour-scheme4"> <h3 class="largeCarousel-body-title">Fashion for Change</h3> <!-- summary --> <div class="largeCarousel-body-summary"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">Fashion for Change, created in 2020, promotes and provides opportunity to minority-owned, women-owned and LGBTQIA+ owned fashion brands.</p> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">It features an Incubator Programme that provides upcoming brands with mentorship from leaders from our customer network, as well as complimentary digital showrooms and space at our fashion events.</p> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">Our Fashion brands have also awarded grants to support the growth of promising brands in need of extra assistance. </p> <p> </p> </div> <!-- columns --> <div class="largeCarousel-body-cols"> <div class="largeCarousel-body-cols-right"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- item 1 --> <div class="largeCarousel-item" data-dot="<button>Reverse mentoring</button>"> <picture class="shelf-img"> <!-- desktop --> <source media="(min-width: 48em)" srcset="/contentassets/37835127dc6e4cfa8d9259d004ba222a/reversementor-highres2.jpg"> <!-- mobile --> <!-- fallback --> <img src="/contentassets/37835127dc6e4cfa8d9259d004ba222a/reversementor-highres2.jpg" alt=Two people talking on a sofa> </picture> <div class="contentWrap"> <div class="largeCarousel-body colour-scheme4"> <h3 class="largeCarousel-body-title">Reverse mentoring</h3> <!-- summary --> <div class="largeCarousel-body-summary"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">Under AllInforma Partners, over 70 senior Informa leaders have been reverse mentored by colleagues from a different background, culture or community.</p> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">Over a six month period, our reverse mentoring partners share work and life experiences, holding open conversations that don't always take place across communities at work while building new relationships and networks.</p> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">Leaders mentored through AllInforma Partners have returned to their teams with a greater understanding of different perspectives and ability to bring inclusion into all aspects of work and decision making. </p> <p> </p> </div> <!-- columns --> <div class="largeCarousel-body-cols"> <div class="largeCarousel-body-cols-right"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- item 1 --> <div class="largeCarousel-item" data-dot="<button>Research accessibility</button>"> <picture class="shelf-img"> <!-- desktop --> <source media="(min-width: 48em)" srcset="/globalassets/allinforma/research-access.jpg"> <!-- mobile --> <!-- fallback --> <img src="/globalassets/allinforma/research-access.jpg" alt=A perrson looking at a computer screen> </picture> <div class="contentWrap"> <div class="largeCarousel-body colour-scheme1"> <h3 class="largeCarousel-body-title">Research accessibility</h3> <!-- summary --> <div class="largeCarousel-body-summary"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">Taylor & Francis aims to make its research accessible to as wide an audience as possible and has a dedicated Accessibility Manager leading this work.</p> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">We are converting our new and backlist eBooks to the most accessible ePub3 format. An increasing number of our books and journals have embedded alt text descriptions for images, charts and diagrams. We are also working across the research chain to embed accessibility at every step. This includes creating a bank of resources for authors to learn about alt text and find practical examples to use. </p> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">T&F’s accessibility statement scored 100% in an assessment by ASPIRE. We also won the Accessible Books Consortium’s 2021 International Excellence Award for our innovative approach to using alt text.</p> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody"> </p> <div data-bynder-widget="video-item" data-media-id="4F294EC6-1595-43CB-A8CFD106B0754416" data-width=""> </div> </div> <!-- columns --> <div class="largeCarousel-body-cols"> <div class="largeCarousel-body-cols-right"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- item 1 --> <div class="largeCarousel-item" data-dot="<button>EQL:HER</button>"> <picture class="shelf-img"> <!-- desktop --> <source media="(min-width: 48em)" srcset="/contentassets/be9ffb1245b34d17bf66188f1e55b3f8/eql-bg.jpg"> <!-- mobile --> <!-- fallback --> <img src="/contentassets/be9ffb1245b34d17bf66188f1e55b3f8/eql-bg.jpg" alt=People sitting talking to each other> </picture> <div class="contentWrap"> <div class="largeCarousel-body colour-scheme8"> <h3 class="largeCarousel-body-title">EQL:HER</h3> <!-- summary --> <div class="largeCarousel-body-summary"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">EQL:HER: is a global network and event series that exists to improve gender balance in tech and create a more inclusive future for women in the industry. </p> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">EQL:HER aims to energise discussions by creating unique spaces to connect, exchange views and get inspired, while engaging a wide audience of change makers and allies. </p> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">Speakers at our events and members of our network include visionary leaders and innovators, from Hilary Rodham Clinton to Vivian Hunt, Ursula Burns, Sharon White, Arianna Huffington, Jameelia Jamil and June Sarpong. </p> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody"> </p> </div> <!-- columns --> <div class="largeCarousel-body-cols"> <div class="largeCarousel-body-cols-right"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- item 1 --> <div class="largeCarousel-item" data-dot="<button>10,000 Interns Foundation</button>"> <picture class="shelf-img"> <!-- desktop --> <source media="(min-width: 48em)" srcset="/contentassets/efea00bea7964debbc268b71ae12708f/infinterns.jpg"> <!-- mobile --> <!-- fallback --> <img src="/contentassets/efea00bea7964debbc268b71ae12708f/infinterns.jpg" alt=A photo of a group of people together smiling> </picture> <div class="contentWrap"> <div class="largeCarousel-body colour-scheme4"> <h3 class="largeCarousel-body-title">10,000 Interns Foundation</h3> <!-- summary --> <div class="largeCarousel-body-summary"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">The 10,000 Interns Foundation is dedicated to championing underrepresented talent at scale, offering paid internships, training and development specifically aimed at Black and disabled students and graduates.</p> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">We first collaborated with the Foundation in 2023 for recruitment to our internship programme in London. Informa subsequently became a Community Member, adding sponsorship support to the Foundation alongside partnering on our internship recruitment.</p> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">This partnership enhances the diversity and inclusion of our intern programme and directly and positively impacts progress towards our diversity goals.</p> <p> </p> </div> <!-- columns --> <div class="largeCarousel-body-cols"> <div class="largeCarousel-body-cols-right"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- item 1 --> <div class="largeCarousel-item" data-dot="<button>Black Hat USA</button>"> <picture class="shelf-img"> <!-- desktop --> <source media="(min-width: 48em)" srcset="/globalassets/allinforma/blackhat-usa.jpg"> <!-- mobile --> <!-- fallback --> <img src="/globalassets/allinforma/blackhat-usa.jpg" alt=A photo of a BlackHat event> </picture> <div class="contentWrap"> <div class="largeCarousel-body colour-scheme8"> <h3 class="largeCarousel-body-title">Black Hat USA</h3> <!-- summary --> <div class="largeCarousel-body-summary"> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">Some communities can face barriers to attending industry events, which is why we run programmes to expand accessibility and inclusion. </p> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">At Black Hat USA, one the world's leading cyber security gatherings, university and graduate students and veterans can apply to dedicated scholarship programmes that open up access to attend. </p> <p class="campaignPromoBlockBody">We also support organisations that help to break down barriers to entering the industry. Each year Black Hat USA donates proceeds from the sale of a one-of-a-kind t-shirt to a non-profit organization, with past recipients including Girls Who Code and Hack the Hood.</p> </div> <!-- columns --> <div class="largeCarousel-body-cols"> <div class="largeCarousel-body-cols-right"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="col-12 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> </div> </div><div class="col-12 "> <div class="multiHero"> <picture class="multiHeroImg"> <!-- desktop --> <source media="(min-width: 80em)" srcset="/contentassets/9cad6388c930424db7735bd7cb5e9161/leadingtop-bg.jpg"> <!-- tablet --> <!-- mobile --> <source srcset="/contentassets/9cad6388c930424db7735bd7cb5e9161/leading-top-mobile-version-template.png"> <!-- fallback --> <img src="/contentassets/9cad6388c930424db7735bd7cb5e9161/leadingtop-bg.jpg" alt="Two people staring at a laptop screen"> </picture> <div class="multiHeroBody"> <!-- left column --> <div class="heroCol position-center textDark"> <div class="multiHeroBodyWrap"> <div class="wysiwyg"> <h2>Leading from the top</h2> <p>AllInforma starts from the commitment and participation of Informa’s leadership teams.</p> <p>Our senior leaders set the tone from the top by embedding inclusion into planning and decision making and championing AllInforma activities throughout the business.</p> <p>Hundreds of business and functional leaders have undertaken interactive training on how to make inclusion part of our workplace day-to-day.</p> <p>Plus, our reverse mentoring programme AllInforma Partners has matched over 50 leaders with colleagues from different backgrounds to share experiences, expand awareness and create lasting connections.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- right column --> <div class="heroCol position-center textDark"> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="col-12 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> </div> </div><div class="col-12 "> <div class="multiHero"> <picture class="multiHeroImg"> <!-- desktop --> <source media="(min-width: 80em)" srcset="/contentassets/69ec85b82ef54198b4ec0117c9d27624/fashion-stock.jpg"> <!-- tablet --> <!-- mobile --> <source srcset="/contentassets/69ec85b82ef54198b4ec0117c9d27624/fashion-mobile-light.jpg"> <!-- fallback --> <img src="/contentassets/69ec85b82ef54198b4ec0117c9d27624/fashion-stock.jpg" alt="People taking photos with their phones at an event"> </picture> <div class="multiHeroBody"> <!-- left column --> <div class="heroCol position-center textDark"> <div class="multiHeroBodyWrap"> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p><a class="openOverlay cta-video" href="/overlay/?videoUrl=" data-hrefpreview="/overlay/?videoUrl="> <img src="/contentassets/69ec85b82ef54198b4ec0117c9d27624/customerexperience-videocard2.jpg" alt="Customer Experience and D&I" width="490" height="251" /></a></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- right column --> <div class="heroCol position-center textDark"> <div class="multiHeroBodyWrap"> <div class="wysiwyg"> <h2>Customer Experience</h2> <p>We aim to embed inclusion and diversity throughout our products, so that all our customers can benefit from our services and enjoy the best possible experience. </p> <p>Some of the ways we do this include:</p> <ul> <li>Ensuring diversity in our content, by representing a range of people, perspectives and topics in our media, research, panels and event programming</li> <li>Improving the accessibility of our digital services and platforms</li> <li>Offering initiatives that give underrepresented groups access to our products, including access to our research, live events and online communities</li> </ul> <p>We have zero tolerance for any form of discrimination or harassment at our events and in our communities. Any concerns can be reported in confidence through <a title="our speak up service" href="">our Speak Up service</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="col-12 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> </div> </div><div class="col-12 "> <div class="multiHero"> <picture class="multiHeroImg"> <!-- desktop --> <source media="(min-width: 80em)" srcset="/globalassets/allinforma/ic-allinforma-banner.jpg"> <!-- tablet --> <!-- mobile --> <source srcset="/globalassets/allinforma/inclusiveculture-mobile.jpg"> <!-- fallback --> <img src="/globalassets/allinforma/ic-allinforma-banner.jpg" alt="Two people at an event"> </picture> <div class="multiHeroBody"> <!-- left column --> <div class="heroCol position-center textDark"> <div class="multiHeroBodyWrap"> <div class="wysiwyg"> <h2>Inclusive Culture</h2> <p>An important part of Life at Informa is feeling welcome, supported and able to fully participate in worklife.</p> <p>That doesn’t happen by chance, which is why we actively work to create an inclusive culture where everyone truly feels that they belong and can thrive.</p> <p>You'll discover: </p> <ul> <li>Colleague-run diversity networks, which organise events, activities and discussion groups and provide a chance to connect, learn and find support </li> <li>Live and on-demand learning opportunities, through expert platforms and our in-house trainers</li> <li>Campaigns and communications that raise awareness of different experiences and cultures</li> <li>Policies that govern our working environment and behaviours, supported by mandatory training</li> <li>Flexibility through our balanced working approach, which allows colleagues to balance work and personal commitments</li> </ul> <p>We recognise key national holidays, including Juneteenth in the US, and champion outstanding work on inclusion at our annual Awards ceremony.</p> <p>At the heart of everything we do is a commitment to create a fully inclusive working environment free from unlawful and unfair discrimination. This is detailed in our colleague <a href="/globalassets/documents/policies/informa-diversity-inclusion-global-policy.pdf">Diversity & Inclusion policy</a>.</p> <p> </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- right column --> <div class="heroCol position-center textDark"> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="col-12 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> </div> </div><div class="col-12 "> <div class="multiHero"> <picture class="multiHeroImg"> <!-- desktop --> <source media="(min-width: 80em)" srcset="/globalassets/allinforma/futuref-new.jpg"> <!-- tablet --> <!-- mobile --> <!-- fallback --> <img src="/globalassets/allinforma/futuref-new.jpg" alt="Community Impact"> </picture> <div class="multiHeroBody"> <!-- left column --> <div class="heroCol position-center textDark"> </div> <!-- right column --> <div class="heroCol position-center textDark"> <div class="multiHeroBodyWrap"> <div class="wysiwyg"> <h2>Community Impact</h2> <div style="float: right; padding: 10px;"><iframe title="A video overview of our AllInforma Community Support program" src="" width="300" height="170" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> <p>In close collaboration with our <a href="/sustainability/faster-forward/">FasterForward sustainability programme</a>, we want to make sure we have a positive impact on our communities.</p> <p>For AllInforma, that means supporting and championing underrepresented communities.</p> <p>As part of the four days’ paid volunteering time everyone receives, colleagues have coached young people from low income families in London on career choices and volunteered at New York Pride.</p> <p>We have a range of partnerships with organisations that support talent from underrepresented communities, including the Greater London Authority Design Labs, which tackles the under-representation of young Black men in tech. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div></div></div><div class='section section_addPaddings' style='' ><div class='section-wrap'><div class='grid '><div class="col-12 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> </div> </div><div class="col-8 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p> </p> <h2 class="sectionHeader" style="text-align: left;">Meet our AllInforma colleague networks</h2> <p class="large small" style="text-align: left;">Our six cross-company AllInforma networks champion and support some of the communities that are most important to us. Run by colleagues, they are open to colleagues from each community as well as allies anywhere in our business. Watch the video to learn more.</p> </div> </div><div class="col-4 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p> </p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img class="centered" src="/globalassets/allinforma/di-page/allinforma-video.png" alt="AllInforma Video.png" width="476" height="121" /></a></p> </div> </div></div></div></div><div class='section section_addPaddings section_edge' style='' ><div class='section-wrap'><div class='grid '><div class="col-4 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p><a class="openOverlay cta-video" href="/overlay/?videoUrl=" data-hrefpreview="/overlay/?videoUrl= #overlay-content"> <img src="/globalassets/allinforma/di-page/allinforma-serve.png" alt="AllInforma Serve" width="945" height="1047" /></a></p> <h3>AllInforma Serve</h3> <p><span class="ui-provider gt b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ab ac ae af ag ah ai aj ak" dir="ltr">The newest network, set up in 2023, AllInforma Serve is for all colleagues with connection to military service, be they veterans, in active service or a family member. We create a space for colleagues to connect, share insights and grow professionally, including in transitioning to the Corporate world from service. </span></p> </div> </div><div class="col-4 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p><img src="/globalassets/allinforma/rainbow-promobox-colour.jpg" alt="" width="945" height="1047" /></p> <h3>AllInforma Rainbow</h3> <p>AllInforma Rainbow connects, educates and supports members of the LGBTQIA+ community, allies and colleagues who want to learn more. We hold workshops and masterclasses, share reading and watching recommendations, organise Informa's participation in Pride, partner with charities and support inclusion throughout the company.</p> </div> </div><div class="col-4 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p><img src="/globalassets/allinforma/nationpromocard-new.jpg" alt="" width="945" height="1047" /></p> <h3>AllInforma Nations</h3> <p>Founded in 2020, AllInforma Nations focuses on ethnic minorities and multi culturalism. We connect and support colleagues from minority ethnic groups, celebrate different cultures, support and partner with underrepresented groups through community outreach and help make our business more actively inclusive.</p> </div> </div><div class="col-4 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p><img src="/globalassets/allinforma/balance-lightblue2.jpg" alt="" width="945" height="1047" /></p> <h3>AllInforma Balance</h3> <p>AllInforma Balance supports gender balance at Informa and is open to everyone in the company. <br />Through events, communications and champions, we’re building a community of passionate colleagues helping to make Informa a place where gender equality thrives.</p> </div> </div><div class="col-4 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <p><img src="/globalassets/allinforma/ican-lightbluetrio2.jpg" alt="" width="945" height="1047" /></p> <h3>AllInforma iCAN</h3> <p>iCAN - Informa’s Career Ambitions Network - supports anyone who wants to grow and develop their career in the business, particularly colleagues in their early years. We host fireside chats and podcasts with senior leaders about their career journeys, as well as events that help colleagues to build their networks and knowledge of career opportunities.</p> </div> </div><div class="col-4 "> <div class="wysiwyg"> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <p><strong><img src="/globalassets/allinforma/illumininate-card-new.jpg" alt="" width="945" height="1047" /></strong></p> <h3><strong>AllInforma Illuminate</strong></h3> <p>Illuminate supports colleagues with visible and invisible disabilities and conditions. We create spaces for colleagues to meet and share their experiences, broadening awareness and demystifying disability. We also develop resources and guidance that support inclusion and accessibility throughout our products and services.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section section_wide section_addPaddings section_wideContent"> <div class="section-wrap"> <div class="grid "> <div class="col-12 "> <div class="multiHero"><picture class="multiHeroImg"><source srcset="/globalassets/allinforma/joininforma-allinforma.jpg" media="(min-width: 80em)" /><source srcset="/globalassets/allinforma/join-informa-mobile-version-template.png" /></picture></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div></div></div><div class='section section_wide section_addPaddings section_wideContent' style='' ><div class='section-wrap'><div class='grid '><div class="col-12 "> <div class="multiHero"> <picture class="multiHeroImg"> <!-- desktop --> <source media="(min-width: 80em)" srcset="/globalassets/allinforma/joininforma-allinforma.jpg"> <!-- tablet --> <!-- mobile --> <source srcset="/globalassets/allinforma/join-informa-mobile-version-template.png"> <!-- fallback --> <img src="/globalassets/allinforma/joininforma-allinforma.jpg" alt="WTW london 2022"> </picture> <div class="multiHeroBody"> <!-- left column --> <div class="heroCol position-center textDark"> <div class="multiHeroBodyWrap"> <div class="wysiwyg"> <h2>Joining Informa</h2> <p>The support of an international community of great people is one of the key ingredients you’ll find at Informa.</p> <p>Our recruitment experts are trained in inclusive recruitment, as are many of our hiring managers, so that recruitment and talent decisions are based on capabilities alone.</p> <p>We use diverse shortlists for senior leadership positions, among other roles, and only work with recruitment agencies that share our approach.</p> <p>For more information on our equal opportunities approach, just ask during your application and interview process.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- right column --> <div class="heroCol position-center textDark"> </div> </div> </div> </div></div></div></div></div> <!-- FOOTER --> <footer class="footer"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="footerTopLinks"> <ul class="footerLinks"> <li> <a href="/contact-us/" class="cta-contact" > Contact Us </a> </li> <li> <a href="/contact-us/office-locator/" class="cta-location" > Office Locator </a> </li> </ul> <ul class="socialLinks"> <li> <a title="Email Alerts" class="icon i-email" href="/generic-content/latest-informa-news/" > Email Alerts</a> </li> <li> <a title="LinkedIn" class="icon i-linkedIn" href="" target=_blank rel=noopener> LinkedIn</a> </li> <li> <a title="Twitter" class="icon i-twitter" href="" target=_blank rel=noopener> Twitter</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="footerMiddleLinks"> <ul> <li><a href="/about-us/">About Us</a></li> <li><a href="/divisions/">Divisions</a></li> <li><a href="/investors/">Investors</a></li> <li><a href="/sustainability/">Sustainability</a></li> <li><a href="/talent/">Talent</a></li> <li><a href="/media/">Media</a></li> <li><a href="/contact-us/">Contact</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="footerBottomLinks"> <ul> <li> <a href="/generic-content/accessibility/" target="_top" rel="noopener">Accessibility Statement</a> </li> <li> <a href="/generic-content/terms--conditions/" target="_top" rel="noopener">Terms & Conditions</a> </li> <li> <a href="/privacy-policy/" rel="noopener">Privacy Policy</a> </li> <li> <a href="/generic-content/cookie-policy/" rel="noopener">Cookie Policy</a> </li> <li> <a href="/generic-content/modern-slavery-statement/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Modern Slavery Statement</a> </li> <li> <a href="/site-map/" rel="noopener">Site Map</a> </li> </ul> <p class="registerText">Informa PLC registered in England & Wales with number 8860726, registered office and head office 5 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1WG, UK. 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