Free Event Ticketing Page Builder To Sell Tickets Online

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builder creates powerful ticketing pages</p></div></a><a data-w-id="db7c0308-50e5-0b7c-8f19-3a179f932d6d" href="/features/custom-branded-event-ticketing-pages" class="mega-feature w-inline-block"><div class="feature-icon mr-20 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.1717 2C18.4479 2 17.7242 2.27562 17.1717 2.82812L15.9998 4L19.9998 8L21.1717 6.82812C22.2757 5.72413 22.2757 3.93313 21.1717 2.82812C20.6192 2.27562 19.8954 2 19.1717 2ZM7.99981 2.82812C7.48806 2.82812 6.97625 3.02356 6.58575 3.41406L3.41387 6.58594C2.63287 7.36694 2.63287 8.63306 3.41387 9.41406L5.0545 11.0547C5.4455 11.4457 6.07856 11.4457 6.46856 11.0547C6.85956 10.6647 6.86052 10.0316 6.47052 9.64062L4.82794 8L7.99981 4.82812L9.64044 6.4707C10.0314 6.8617 10.6645 6.8617 11.0545 6.4707C11.4455 6.0797 11.4455 5.44664 11.0545 5.05664L9.41388 3.41406C9.02338 3.02356 8.51156 2.82812 7.99981 2.82812ZM14.4998 5.5L3.58575 16.4141C3.21075 16.7891 2.99981 17.2981 2.99981 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9.45 19 10 19H14C14.55 19 15 19.45 15 20C15 20.55 14.55 21 14 21Z" fill="#019BB8"/> <path opacity="0.35" d="M19 4V11H5V4C5 2.34 6.34 1 8 1H16C17.66 1 19 2.34 19 4Z" fill="#019BB8"/> <path d="M9.5 4H10V11H8V5.5C8 4.67 8.67 4 9.5 4Z" fill="#019BB8"/> <path d="M16 5.5V11H12V4H14.5C15.33 4 16 4.67 16 5.5Z" fill="#019BB8"/> <path d="M23.02 12H0.98C0.439 12 0 11.553 0 11C0 10.447 0.439 10 0.98 10H23.02C23.561 10 24 10.447 24 11C24 11.553 23.561 12 23.02 12Z" fill="#019BB8"/> <path d="M12 11H10V16H12V11Z" fill="#019BB8"/> </svg></div><div class="megat-text"><p class="mega-heading">Ticket Scanning</p><p class="mega-p">Ticket scanning by QR code to handle any event</p></div></a><a data-w-id="db7c0308-50e5-0b7c-8f19-3a179f932d84" href="/features/sell-upgrades-add-ons-and-merch-on-event-ticketing-pages" class="mega-feature w-inline-block"><div class="feature-icon mr-20 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.0006 5C10.0006 5 9.00064 3 9.00064 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18 2ZM7 5H13V7H7V5ZM17 19H7V9H17V19Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div><div class="megat-text"><p class="mega-heading"><strong>Text Message Delivery</strong></p><p class="mega-p">Send text tickets to scan upon entry</p></div></a><a data-w-id="db7c0308-50e5-0b7c-8f19-3a179f932d93" href="/features/reserved-seating-event-ticketing-system" class="mega-feature w-inline-block"><div class="feature-icon mr-20 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M5 7H4C2.895 7 2 7.896 2 9V14C2 12.896 2.895 12 4 12H5C6.105 12 7 12.896 7 14V9C7 7.896 6.104 7 5 7Z" fill="#019BB8"/> <path d="M13 7H11C9.895 7 9 7.896 9 9V14C9 12.896 9.895 12 11 12H13C14.105 12 15 12.896 15 14V9C15 7.896 14.104 7 13 7Z" fill="#019BB8"/> <path d="M20 7H19C17.895 7 17 7.896 17 9V14C17 12.896 17.895 12 19 12H20C21.105 12 22 12.896 22 14V9C22 7.896 21.104 7 20 7Z" fill="#019BB8"/> <path opacity="0.35" d="M23 9C22.448 9 22 9.448 22 10V14C22 12.896 21.105 12 20 12H19C17.895 12 17 12.896 17 14V10C17 9.448 16.552 9 16 9C15.448 9 15 9.448 15 10V14C15 12.896 14.105 12 13 12H11C9.895 12 9 12.896 9 14V10C9 9.448 8.552 9 8 9C7.448 9 7 9.448 7 10V14C7 12.896 6.105 12 5 12H4C2.895 12 2 12.896 2 14V10C2 9.448 1.552 9 1 9C0.448 9 0 9.448 0 10V17C0 17.552 0.448 18 1 18C1.552 18 2 17.552 2 17V15H7V17C7 17.552 7.448 18 8 18C8.552 18 9 17.552 9 17V15H15V17C15 17.552 15.448 18 16 18C16.552 18 17 17.552 17 17V15H22V17C22 17.552 22.448 18 23 18C23.552 18 24 17.552 24 17V10C24 9.448 23.552 9 23 9Z" fill="#019BB8"/> </svg></div><div class="megat-text"><p class="mega-heading">Reserved Seating</p><p class="mega-p">Create seating charts, layouts, and pods</p></div></a><a data-w-id="db7c0308-50e5-0b7c-8f19-3a179f932d9a" href="/features/fast-event-payouts-ticketing-software" class="mega-feature w-inline-block"><div class="feature-icon mr-20 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7 1C5.895 1 5 1.895 5 3V21C5 22.105 5.895 23 7 23H17C18.105 23 19 22.105 19 21V3C19 1.895 18.105 1 17 1H7ZM7 4H17V20H7V4ZM11.7129 6V7.02734C11.3739 7.07034 9.47656 7.42875 9.47656 9.71875C9.47656 13.0598 12.9355 12.0698 12.9355 14.2988C12.9355 15.4148 12.2134 15.4414 12.0664 15.4414C11.9324 15.4414 11.0527 15.5127 11.0527 13.8047H9.16211C9.16211 16.6967 11.2603 16.9277 11.5723 16.9707V18H12.5742V16.9707C12.9122 16.9287 14.8242 16.6132 14.8242 14.2852C14.8242 11.0802 11.3662 11.6936 11.3652 9.72656C11.3652 8.59956 11.9851 8.56445 12.1191 8.56445C12.3641 8.56445 12.9473 8.7813 12.9473 10.1543H14.8379C14.8379 7.5273 13.0417 7.11764 12.7207 7.05664V6H11.7129Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div><div class="megat-text"><p class="mega-heading">Fast Event Payouts</p><p class="mega-p">Get fast and direct event funding every week</p></div></a><a data-w-id="db7c0308-50e5-0b7c-8f19-3a179f932da1" href="/features/timed-entry-event-ticketing-software" class="mega-feature w-inline-block"><div class="feature-icon mr-20 w-embed"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 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With zero technical knowledge required, you can build the event ticketing page of your dreams.<br/><br/>Whether you are are hosting a festival, concert, fair, attraction, or reserved seating performance, TicketSpice&#x27;s builder gives you the options and flexibility to succeed.</p></div><img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="100vw" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1376w" alt="event ticketing software ticket settings" class="feature-heading__img no-shadow display-none"/><div class="comp-video__wrap"><div style="padding-top:56.17021276595745%" class="w-video w-embed"><iframe class="embedly-embed" src="//" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen title="Create Amazing Event Ticketing Pages *Yourself*"></iframe></div></div></div></div><img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 991px) 100vw, 550px" srcset=" 500w, 809w" alt="" class="feature-abs top"/></section><section class="section features-regular"><div class="container"><div class="feature-wrap__regular"><div class="feature-regular__wrap"><div class="feature-content__regular"><div class="mb-16"><h2 class="h3">Easy drag and drop editor with over <span class="green-span">30 different </span>field types</h2></div><p class="opacity-black big">Break free of the restrictive cookie-cutter templates of Eventbrite, TicketLeap, and eTix to create a high converting custom ticketing page. <br/><br/>Get a head start by choosing from one of our professionally designed event ticketing templates and you&#x27;ll be live and selling tickets tonight.</p></div><img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 767px) 94vw, 550px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1278w" alt="drag and drop event ticketing page builder" class="feature-regular__img no-shadow"/></div></div></div></section><section class="section features-regular"><div class="container"><div class="feature-wrap__regular"><div class="feature-regular__wrap reverse"><img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 767px) 94vw, 550px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1002w" alt="event ticketing website builder confirmation" class="feature-regular__img"/><div class="feature-content__regular"><div class="mb-16"><h2 class="h3"><strong>No nerds required. </strong><span class="green-span"><strong>Seriously</strong></span><strong>.</strong></h2></div><p class="opacity-black big">TicketSpice&#x27;s event ticketing builder is simple enough for anyone but powerful enough for the pros to take their events to the next level.<br/><br/>Customize your event ticketing page until it&#x27;s perfect and then hit publish. You&#x27;ll be ready to start selling tickets online and will be secured with bank level 聽security on our PCI compliant network.</p></div></div></div></div></section><section class="section features-regular"><div class="container"><div class="feature-wrap__regular"><div class="feature-regular__wrap last"><div class="feature-content__regular"><div class="mb-16"><h2 class="h3"><strong>Limitless possibilities. Automatically mobile responsive</strong></h2></div><p class="opacity-black big">With well over 70% of your customers buying tickets from their mobile devices, mobile responsive ticketing pages have never been more important.<br/><br/>With TicketSpice, your event ticketing pages will be optimized perfectly for every mobile device automatically.</p></div><img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 767px) 94vw, 550px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1362w" alt="event ticketing software purchase page" class="feature-regular__img no-shadow"/></div></div></div></section><section class="section features-regular"><div class="container"><div class="feature-wrap__regular"><div class="feature-regular__wrap reverse"><img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 767px) 94vw, 550px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1180w" alt="music festival event ticketing software" class="feature-regular__img no-shadow"/><div class="feature-content__regular"><div class="mb-16"><h2 class="h3"><span class="green-span"><strong>High converting</strong></span><strong> checkout</strong></h2></div><p class="opacity-black big">Other event ticketing platforms kill your conversion rates by confusing interfaces, burdensome account creation requirements, and unnecessary steps.<br/><br/>With TicketSpice, you&#x27;ll get the fastest and highest converting checkout experience in the industry to sell tickets in record time.</p></div></div></div></div></section><section class="section feature-list-regular"><div class="container"><div class="feature-list__wrap"><h2 class="h3">The ticketing page builder is just one reason why <span class="green-span">TicketSpice</span> is the best event ticketing platform today.</h2><div class="feature-list__grid"><div id="w-node-_7c8b7d29-75e5-f59b-27a1-68b49fb73c10-195932be" class="feature-list__item"><div class="feature-item__head"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Dark eye icon" class="feature-item__img"/><h2 class="h6"><strong>Live preview changes</strong></h2></div><p class="feature-item__p">Preview changes to your ticketing page in real time with our live preview page editor. <strong><br/></strong></p></div><div id="w-node-_7c8b7d29-75e5-f59b-27a1-68b49fb73c1a-195932be" class="feature-list__item"><div class="feature-item__head"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Dark vector icon" class="feature-item__img"/><h2 class="h6">Easy drag and drop editor</h2></div><p class="feature-item__p">Move any option or field quickly into position and order it as you like in seconds.<strong><br/></strong></p></div><div id="w-node-_7c8b7d29-75e5-f59b-27a1-68b49fb73c23-195932be" class="feature-list__item"><div class="feature-item__head"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Icon dates" class="feature-item__img"/><h2 class="h6"><strong>Powerful inventory control</strong></h2></div><p class="feature-item__p">Restrict your inventory for any ticket level and option quickly and easily. <strong><br/></strong></p></div><div id="w-node-_7c8b7d29-75e5-f59b-27a1-68b49fb73c2d-195932be" class="feature-list__item"><div class="feature-item__head"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Icon thumbs up" class="feature-item__img"/><h2 class="h6"><strong>Social media settings</strong></h2></div><p class="feature-item__p">Determine and specify how Facebook and other social media sites display your page when shared.<strong><br/></strong></p></div><div id="w-node-_7c8b7d29-75e5-f59b-27a1-68b49fb73c37-195932be" class="feature-list__item"><div class="feature-item__head"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Icon limit" class="feature-item__img"/><h2 class="h6"><strong>Perfect for any type of event</strong></h2></div><p class="feature-item__p">Our editor lets you effortless build a ticketing page for any kind of event. <strong><br/></strong></p></div><div id="w-node-_7c8b7d29-75e5-f59b-27a1-68b49fb73c41-195932be" class="feature-list__item"><div class="feature-item__head"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Icon confirmation" class="feature-item__img"/><h2 class="h6"><strong>Confirmation settings</strong></h2></div><p class="feature-item__p">Customize the confirmation email and page that is displayed after ticket purchase<strong><br/></strong></p></div></div></div></div></section><section class="section watch-demo features"><div class="container"><div class="demo-wrap"><div class="mw-630 align-center"><h2 class="heading-35 mb-10">Join a TicketSpice Demo</h2><p>Seeing is believing. <a href="/demo" class="blue-link">Attend a demo</a> and check out event ticketing with TicketSpice. You鈥檒l learn to use the ticketing page builder, manage attendees, run reports, and more.</p></div><a href="/demo" class="demo-link w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 94vw, (max-width: 767px) 96vw, (max-width: 991px) 97vw, (max-width: 1439px) 98vw, 1280px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1878w" alt="" class="demo-img mb-25"/><div class="play-btn"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Icon Angle" class="play-btn__img"/></div></a></div></div><div class="gray-bg"></div></section></div><div class="section white-footer no-top-m"><div class="container"><div><footer class="footer-wrap"><div class="footer-head"><a href="/" class="logo-link-new w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="TicketSpice Logo"/></a><div class="flex between tablet-h"><a href="" target="_blank" class="link-block w-inline-block"><div class="social-icon w-embed"><svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M11.0833 0H2.91667C1.30608 0 0 1.30608 0 2.91667V11.0833C0 12.6939 1.30608 14 2.91667 14H11.0833C12.6945 14 14 12.6939 14 11.0833V2.91667C14 1.30608 12.6945 0 11.0833 0ZM4.66667 11.0833H2.91667V4.66667H4.66667V11.0833ZM3.79167 3.927C3.22817 3.927 2.77083 3.46617 2.77083 2.898C2.77083 2.32983 3.22817 1.869 3.79167 1.869C4.35517 1.869 4.8125 2.32983 4.8125 2.898C4.8125 3.46617 4.35575 3.927 3.79167 3.927ZM11.6667 11.0833H9.91667V7.81433C9.91667 5.84967 7.58333 5.99842 7.58333 7.81433V11.0833H5.83333V4.66667H7.58333V5.69625C8.39767 4.18775 11.6667 4.07633 11.6667 7.14058V11.0833Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg> <style> .link-block{ color: inherit; 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