Flags of the World
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Flags of the World</TITLE> <SUBTITLE > <EDITOR rra> <ABSTRACT > <KEYWORDS fotw,homepage,faq,> </HEAD> <BODY background="../images/fotwbckg.gif"> <a href="host.html"><IMG SRC="../images/linea2.gif" BORDER=0 VALIGN=CENTER></a><BR> <FONT SIZE=-2><SUP>This page is part of © FOTW Flags Of The World website</SUP></FONT> <H1>Flags of the World</H1> <H2></H2> <p><FONT SIZE=-1>Last modified: <B>2025-03-01</B> by <a href="mailme.html">rob raeside</a> <BR> Keywords: <a href="keywordf.html#fotw">fotw</a> | <a href="keywordh.html#homepage">homepage</a> | <a href="keywordf.html#faq">faq</a> | <BR> Links: <a href="index.html">FOTW homepage</a> | <a href="search.html">search</a> | <a href="disclaim.html">disclaimer and copyright</a> | <a href="mailme.html">write us</a> | <a href="mirror.html">mirrors</a> </FONT><br><HR SIZE=4 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=60%><br> <!--CUT ABOVE--> <!-- August 28, 2014 version --> <!-- Programmed by Antonio Martins-Tuvalkin and Željko Heimer and designed by Pete Loeser --> <style> /* Edit this to change the layout; edit the rest to change the content */ /* containers */ .container { width:95%;margin-right:2%;margin-left:2%; } .containerr { } /*menu bar, left side*/ .menu { width:25%; border-style:groove;border-width:2px; border-right-style:none;border-right-width:0px; padding:20px; vertical-align:top; } /*main area, right side*/ .main { border-style:groove;border-width:2px; padding:20px; text-align:center; vertical-align:top; } /* hidden level 2 headings, only for structure */ h2 {display:none;} /* usual elements tailored with soft style, to match */ /* bigger level 3 headings in the main area */ .main h3 {font-size:150%;} /* smaller level 3 headings in the menu area */ .menu h3 {font-size:100%;line-height:95%;} /* justified text in the main area */ .main p {text-align:justify;} /* classes of especially tailored elements */ .comment {margin-top:-15px;} /* no gap after heading */ .main .comment {text-align:center;margin-top:-20px;} .main {margin-top:0px;} .nobull {list-style-type:none;padding-left:0px;margin-left:0px;} /* unbulleted list */ .leftalign {text-align:left;} /* no centered list */ .countryletters {font-size:125%;} .righttextsize { font-size:100%; text-align:justify;} .lefttextsize { font-size:100%; text-align:justify;} .hidden {display:none;} /* some H3s and more?*/ </style> <table class="container"><tr> <!-- Left hand column begins here --> <td class="menu" bordercolor="#66CCFF" bgcolor="#66CCFF"> <!-- hidden --> <!-- FOTW flag --> <p><a href="fotwprfl.html"><img src="../misc/fotw-pgr.gif" alt="FOTW official flag" border="0"></a><br /> <small>The official FOTW flag was designed by <em>Mark Sensen</em>. <b>Click on the flag</b> to view its history and meaning. This waving flag was drawn by <em>Pascal Gross</em>.</small></p> <hr size="2" color="#000000"> <!-- ************ to be edited regulary as needed ********** --> <!-- FOTW focus: to be edited regulary as needed --> <h3>FOTW pages in Focus</h3> <p class="comment"><small>(Vexillology Highlights)</small></p> <p><img src="../images/u/us-mn2024.gif" height="40" border="0"> <small>In May 2024 <a href="us-mn.html">Minnesota</a> became the most recent state to change its flag. </small></p> <hr size="2" color="#000000"> <p><small> <img src="../images/v/vex-nava59.gif" height="40"> The <a href="">2025 NAVA Meeting</a> will held in Seattle, Washington, on 10-12 October.</small></p> <p><img src="../images/v/vex-icv30.gif" height="40"><small> <a href="">ICV 30</a> was held in Beijing, China, 12-19 August 2024. The next International Congress of Vexillology will be held in Paris in 2026 </small></p><hr size="2" color="#000000"> <!-- End of FOTW focus --> <!-- Random Page Generator Script Begins Here --> <h3>FOTW Random Page Generator</h3> <p class="comment"><small>(Selects a random page for you to explore)</small></p> <iframe src="../misc/random5.html" width="100%" height="80" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"><small>Sorry, this mirror site does not support this feature yet</small></small></iframe> <!-- Random Page Script Ends Here --><hr size="2" color="#000000"> <h3>Useful and Interesting Flag Links</h3> <p class="comment"><small>(Part of the FOTW website)</small></p> <ul class="nobull"> <li><a href="faq.html">Frequently Asked Questions</a></li> <li><a href="disclaim.html">Disclaimers/Copyright Rules</a></li> <li><a href="mirror.html">FOTW Mirror Sites</a></li> <li><a href="ufe.html">Unidentified Flags & Ensigns</a></li> <li><a href="cbk.html"><span style="color:FF0000">C</span><span style="color:FF9900">o</span><span style="color:009900">l</span><span style="color:FF0000">o</span><span style="color:0000FF">u</span><span style="color:990099">r</span><span style="color:FF0000">i</span><span style="color:FF9900">n</span><span style="color:009900">g </span><span style="color:00FF00">B</span><span style="color:0000FF">o</span><span style="color:990099">o</span><span style="color:FF0000">k</span></a></li> <li><a href="xf-buy.html">Buying Flags</a></li> <li><a href="b(.html">Flags on Stamps</a></li> <li><a href="fdw.html">Flag Flying Days</a></li> <li><a href="sites.html">Other flag sites</a></li> <li><a href="xm.html">Memorial Pages</a></li> <li><a href="ed.html">Meet the Editors and Artists</a></li> <li><a href="fotwhist.html">History of Flags of the World</a></li> <li><a href="fotwvoty.html">Vexillologist of the Year</a></li> <li><a href="xf-gflag.html">Good Flag Designs</a></li> </ul> <h3>FOTW Vexillological References:</h3> <p class="comment"><small>(Part of the FOTW website)</small></p> <ul class="nobull"> <li><a href="vxt-dtoc.html">Dictionary of Vexillology</a></li> <li><a href="bib_main.html">Bibliography of Flag Books</a></li> <li><a href="xf-.html">FOTW Vexillological Reference</a></li> </ul> <hr size="2" color="#00000"> <h3>Other Flag Related Sites:</h3> <p class="comment"><small>(Not part of the FOTW website)</small></p> <ul class="nobull"> <li><a href="">Vexilla Mundi</a> <li><a href="">World Flag Database</a> <li><a href="">Cyberflag</a> <li><a href="">Bandiere</a> (Italian) <li><a href="">Personal Flags of Vexillologists</a></li> <!--<li><a href="">Flag Wizard</a></li>--> <li><a href="">Historical Flags of Our Ancestors</a></li> <li><a href="">MiniFlags</a></li> <li><a href="">The Flag Chart</a></li> <li><a href="">War Flags Through the Ages</a></li> <li><a href="">All Waving Flags</a></li> <li><a href="">Guidance for Country Code Flags</a> <li><a href="">FIAV Website</a></li> <li><a href="">Tous les drapeaux</a> (French) <li><a href="">Vexillographia</a> (Russian & English) <li><a href="">Heraldry of the World</a></li> <li><a href="">Medals of the World</a></li> <li><a href="">National Anthem Information</a></li> </ul> <hr size="2" color="#00000"> <p><b>Facebook:</b></p> <ul class="nobull"> <li><a href="">FOTW on Facebook</a></li> <li><a href="">Flags and Vexillology</a></li> <li><a href="">The Vexillological Historian</a></li> <li><a href="">Flags and Emblems Worldwide 2</a></li> <li><a href="">Vexilolognet</a></li> </ul> <hr size="2" color="#00000"> <p class="lefttextsize">FOTW (Flags of the World) is a site originally established by Giuseppe Bottasini and others devoted to the study of vexillology in 1994. Since then the site has been constantly fed with news and images posted to the <a href="mailing.html">FOTW mailing list</a> and with other contributions from interested readers and visitors. Flags of the World is produced and maintained by an <a href="mailme.html">Editorial Staff</a> of unpaid volunteers and the contents of these pages are offered freely to the Internet community. <b>Accessing this site implies an acceptance of the following: </b><a href="disclaim.html">disclaimers and copyright rules</a>. See also our page about the <a href="fotwhist.html">history of FOTW</a>.</p> <p align="center"><a href="../misc/issn17129842.gif"><img border="0" alt="ISSN 1712-9842" src="../misc/issn17129842.gif" width="134" height="108"></a><br /><small>ISSN 1712-9842</small></p> </td> <!-- Left hand column menu ends here --> <!-- Right hand column begins here --> <td class="main" bgcolor="#EEEEEE"> <h3>Welcome to Flags of the World</h3> <p class="comment"><small>(Including National, State, Municipal, Organizational, and Historical Flags and Ensigns and more…)</small></p> <p class="righttextsize"><b>Flags of the World (FOTW)</b>, founded in 1994, is the Internet’s largest site devoted to <a href="xf-etym.html">vexillology</a> (the study of flags). Here you can read more than <b>86,000 pages</b> about flags and view more than <b>205,000 images </b>of flags of countries, organizations, states, territories, districts and cities, both past and present.</p> <div class="leftalign"> Flags of the World is honored to be the recipient of the Vexillon Award in 2024. The Vexillon, established in 1989, has developed into an award for the most important contribution to vexillology during the two years preceding an International Congress of Vexillology. The recipient is selected by the FIAV Board. The award consists of a certificate signed by the Board and a plaque. The Vexillon is sponsored by the Flag Society of Australia Inc. (FSA). </div> <hr size="2" color="#00000"> <h3>Searching for Flags on this Website</h3> <p class="righttextsize">There are many ways to find flags on this website. Choosing “Index by Country” will take you straight to the country’s page, once there you will find pathways to the national, state, municipal, military, historical, and cultural flags and ensigns of the country. Choosing “Index by Subject” will do the same, but in a more limited manner. Choosing “Search Site by a Topic or Subject” will search the whole FOTW website looking for pages that have information that matches your search criteria. This last method will gather the most information for you. For those more graphic in nature, you can use the “clickable map” method to find your flag. In case you don’t know the origin of a flag you can try using off-site identifiers such as Ed Mooney’s <a href="">The Flag Wizard</a> or Ivan Sarajčić’s <a href="">The Flag Identifier</a>.</p> <HR SIZE=4 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=60%> <h3>Site Indexed by Country</h3> <p class="comment"><small>(Select the beginning letter by clicking the letter or corresponding signal flag)</small></p> <table class="countryletters" align="center"><tr align="center"> <td><a href="country.html#a"><img width="33" height="30" src="../misc/ics~alph.gif" border="0" alt="alpha"></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#b"><img width="33" height="30" src="../misc/ics~brav.gif" border="0" alt="bravo"></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#c"><img width="33" height="30" src="../misc/ics~char.gif" border="0" alt="charlie"></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#d"><img width="33" height="30" src="../misc/ics~delt.gif" border="0" alt="delta"></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#e"><img width="33" height="30" src="../misc/ics~echo.gif" 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href="country.html#a"><b>A</b></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#b"><b>B</b></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#c"><b>C</b></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#d"><b>D</b></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#e"><b>E</b></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#f"><b>F</b></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#g"><b>G</b></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#h"><b>H</b></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#i"><b>I</b></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#j"><b>J</b></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#k"><b>K</b></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#l"><b>L</b></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#m"><b>M</b></a></td> </tr> <tr><td><br /></td></tr> <tr align="center"> <td><a href="country.html#n"><img width="33" height="30" src="../misc/ics~nove.gif" border="0" alt="november"></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#o"><img width="33" height="30" src="../misc/ics~osca.gif" border="0" alt="oscar"></a></td> <td><a href="country.html#p"><img width="33" height="30" src="../misc/ics~papa.gif" border="0" 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Check <a href="ftp.html">build your own</a> local copy or mirror of FOTW website.</p> <hr size="2" color="#00000"> <h3><a name="list">FOTW Mailing List</a></h3> <p class="righttextsize">The <a href="">Flags of the World Mailing List</a> is the official Mailing List of the Flags of the World website. You can subscribe to the list by entering your email address:</p> <div class="classictemplate template" style="display: block;"> <div id="groupsio_embed_signup"> <form action="" method="post" id="groupsio-embedded-subscribe-form" name="groupsio-embedded-subscribe-form" target="_blank"> <div id="groupsio_embed_signup_scroll"> <input type="email" value="" name="email" class="email" id="email" placeholder="email address" required=""> <div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px;" aria-hidden="true"><input type="text" name="b_7267000257682955936" tabindex="-1" value=""></div> <div id="templatearchives"></div>and click on: <input type="submit" value="Subscribe" name="subscribe" id="groupsio-embedded-subscribe" class="button"> </div> </form> </div> </div> <hr size="2" color="#00000"> <h3>Call for Editors</h3> <p class="righttextsize">Interested in helping maintain this site? Pages are edited by volunteer editors — qualifications include a keen interest in flags and a willingness to learn html editing. Graphics (flag images) require a willingness to work with graphics programs.</p> <p class="righttextsize">Contact <a href="mailme.html">the director</a> for further information.</p> <hr size="2" color="#00000"> <h3>FOTW and FIAV</h3> <p><img src="../misc/vex_fiav.gif" align="left" width="45" height="30" border="0"> FOTW has been a full member of the <em>Fédération internationale des associations vexillologiques</em> (International Federation of Vexillological Associations), <a href="vex-fiav.html">FIAV</a>, since 2001. FIAV is an international federation consisting of 52 regional, national, and multinational associations and institutions that study and encourage the study of vexillology.</p> </td> <!-- Right hand column menu ends here --> </tr></table> <p align="center"> <!-- Footer --> <a href="">Flag Counter</a> shows where visitors to FOTW come from.</p> </body> </html>