Social Media for Law Firms & Lawyers | LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok & Twitter | Justia Amplify

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class="graphic -social-media " src="" alt="Marketing - Social Media"/> <div class="tagline"> <strong class="text -subtitle _fweight-bold">Justia Amplify</strong> <h1 class="text">Social Media</h1> <ul class="_no-margin-top list ui-list -squares"> <li>Facebook, LinkedIn, <span class="_text-no-break">and Twitter pages</span></li> <li>Lawyer directory guidance <span class="_text-no-break">and resources</span></li> <li>Targeted ads through <span class="_text-no-break">Facebook Remarketing</span></li> <li>Lawyer blogging and post sharing <span class="_text-no-break">on social media</span></li> <li>Social media integration <span class="_text-no-break">with website</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ui-stripes"> <div class="featuring-stripe stripe sides-margin"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="wrapper _display-flex _align-middle"> <strong class="ui-badge -text -green">Upgrade</strong> <p class="description _talign-left"> <strong>Take Your Justia Connect Membership to the Next Level. <a data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="Marketing - Marquee - Justia Connect Pro Marketing" data-gtm-action="Content" class="standout _display-inlineb" style="color: #BB1B16;" href="">Learn More ›</a> </strong> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="linked-text-stripe stripe sides-margin"> <strong class="stripetitle ui-heading2">Expand Your Professional Network on <span class="_text-no-break">Social Media</span></strong> <div class="wrapper"> <p class="centered-text _talign-left">Social media extends your online reach within the legal community and increases exposure to potential clients. In addition, sharing your website and blog content on your various social media profiles can help that content rank higher in the search engines.<br/><br/> A key advantage that social media presents for lawyers is being able to reach potential clients in a space where they already are, such as Facebook, LinkedIn or other social networks. Additionally, lawyers can leverage social proof in the form of client reviews and comments as part of digital word-of-mouth marketing. Furthermore, social media presents a unique remarketing opportunity to reach clients who have been searching for a lawyer like you. <br /><br /> In addition to offering resources on effectively promoting your practice utilizing the free services available on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media websites, our Justia Amplify team is prepared to provide our Justia Amplify Advance clients with expert help in targeting high-value potential clients with tailored Facebook <span class="_text-no-break">Remarketing campaigns.</span></p> <div class="linked-text"> <div class="link "> <div class="graphic"> <svg class="ui-iconart" viewBox="0 0 146 146" title="Facebook" alt="Facebook" role="img"> <use xmlns:xlink="" href="/justatic/ash/images/icons/marketing-social-media-sprite.svg#facebook"></use> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <strong class="ui-heading4">Facebook</strong> <p> Facebook is the largest social network in the world. While many people know and use Facebook for their personal use, not many people know that it also allows individual professionals, firms, and companies to create business pages to interact with clients, friends, and other organizations. We can help you set up your profile and business pages and show you how to start connecting to others within the <span class="_text-no-break">Facebook community.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="link -odd"> <div class="graphic"> <svg class="ui-iconart" viewBox="0 0 146 146" title="Facebook Remarketing" alt="Facebook Remarketing" role="img"> <use xmlns:xlink="" href="/justatic/ash/images/icons/marketing-paid-advertising-sprite.svg#remarketing"></use> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <strong class="ui-heading4">Facebook Remarketing</strong> <p> With Facebook’s remarketing platform, known as Facebook Retargeting, we can help you extend your reach on the world’s most-used social network and even onto Instagram. By utilizing remarketing, Justia Amplify Advance clients can reach Facebook users who have taken specific actions on their website. This helps you connect with potential clients who are looking for a lawyer and reminds them that your practice is well-equipped to handle their <span class="_text-no-break">legal matters.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="link "> <div class="graphic"> <svg class="ui-iconart" viewBox="0 0 146 146" title="Twitter" alt="Twitter" role="img"> <use xmlns:xlink="" href="/justatic/ash/images/icons/marketing-social-media-sprite.svg#twitter"></use> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <strong class="ui-heading4">Twitter</strong> <p> Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based posts of up to 280 characters, known as "tweets." We can show you how these bite-sized messages can connect you with the <span class="_text-no-break">legal community.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="link -odd"> <div class="graphic"> <svg class="ui-iconart" viewBox="0 0 146 146" title="LinkedIn" alt="LinkedIn" role="img"> <use xmlns:xlink="" href="/justatic/ash/images/icons/marketing-social-media-sprite.svg#linkedin"></use> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <strong class="ui-heading4">LinkedIn</strong> <p> LinkedIn is a business-related social networking site mainly used for professional networking. Lawyers on LinkedIn can network with other legal professionals and attract high-quality talent to their law firms, while also promoting their services to potential clients. We can advise you on the best way to complete your LinkedIn profile and show you how to create a LinkedIn company page for <span class="_text-no-break">your firm.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="link "> <div class="graphic"> <svg class="ui-iconart" viewBox="-25 -25 146 146" title="Instagram" alt="Instagram" role="img"> <image xmlns:xlink="" href="" width="96" height="96"></image> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <strong class="ui-heading4">Instagram</strong> <p> While Instagram is still frequently underutilized by many lawyers, this Facebook-owned company offers opportunities for lawyers and law firms to share visual content that showcases your firm’s expertise, accomplishments, and day-to-day experiences in a format that better connects with younger generations. Our team can offer resources and guidance on getting started with Instagram and leveraging this opportunity to grow <span class="_text-no-break">your firm.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="link -odd"> <div class="graphic"> <svg class="ui-iconart" viewBox="-25 -25 146 146" title="TikTok" alt="TikTok" role="img"> <image xmlns:xlink="" href="" width="96" height="96"></image> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <strong class="ui-heading4">TikTok</strong> <p> TikTok, the increasingly popular video app, has become the new frontier of legal marketing in the social media space. On TikTok, you can share short video clips that are both entertaining and informative. Lawyers are becoming increasingly active on TikTok and many of the platform’s most active attorneys have seen success from these marketing efforts. We can offer tips to help you integrate TikTok into your larger legal <span class="_text-no-break">marketing plan.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="link -last"> <div class="graphic"> <svg class="ui-iconart" viewBox="0 0 146 146" title="Blogging" alt="Blogging" role="img"> <use xmlns:xlink="" href="/justatic/ash/images/icons/marketing-social-media-sprite.svg#blogging"></use> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <strong class="ui-heading4">Blogging</strong> <p> A blog is an online journal that displays its entries in reverse chronological order. Even authors with little or no technical knowledge should be able to share their knowledge on the Internet. Because of their temporal nature, blog posts are ideal for sharing on social media. Social sharing, both on your channels as well as through other users’ posts, helps you expand your network to new potential clients and further builds your reputation and authority as a practitioner. <br/><br/> Justia runs <a href=""></a>, the largest legal blog directory, and provides the backend technology and databases for the ABA Journal's blog directory. <br/><br/>Justia offers blogging services for lawyers, law firms, and practice groups. <a href="/marketing/elevate/law-blogs/" data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="Marketing - Social Media - Learn more about our blogging services for lawyers" data-gtm-action="Content">Learn more about our blogging services <span class="_text-no-break" style="pointer-events:none">for lawyers</a>.</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="results-columns-stripe posts-columns-stripe -bg-gray stripe sides-margin case-studies" id="our-results"> <strong class="stripetitle ui-heading2">Our Results</strong> <div class="wrapper"> <p class="centered-text _talign-left">Our clients have seen exceptional results from their Justia Amplify services. Request one of our case studies to learn more about Justia Amplify client outcomes and the results Justia Amplify may be able to help <span class="_text-no-break">you achieve.</span> </p> <div class="ui-slider results-slider" data-directive="j-slider" data-slider-preset="three2one"> <div class="column -one-third post"> <div class="graphic"> <img src="" alt="Amplify Result" width="330" height="173"> </div> <div class="columns-content"> <div class="description"> <button data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="153% More Conversions With Justia Amplify - Title" data-gtm-action="Case Study" class="title read-more-popup" data-directive="j-lightbox" data-delegate-event-to=".results-slider" data-lightbox-ref="#case-study-box" data-ref="personal-injury" data-field-ref="#form-comment">Justia Helps Injury Law Firm Increase Conversions by Over 150%</button> <p class="excerpt">With strategies from the Justia Amplify team, a Nashville personal injury firm significantly bolstered its online presence and exponentially increased conversions, exceeding the firm's goals for the year.</p> </div> <div class="popup-btn"> <button data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="153% More Conversions With Justia Amplify - Button" data-gtm-action="Case Study" class="ui-button -red" data-directive="j-lightbox" data-delegate-event-to=".results-slider" data-lightbox-ref="#case-study-box" data-ref="personal-injury" data-field-ref="#form-comment">Request Case Study</button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="column -one-third post"> <div class="graphic"> <img src="" alt="240 Conversions in 90 Days" width="330" height="173"> </div> <div class="columns-content"> <div class="description"> <button data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="240 Conversions in 90 Days With Justia Amplify - Title" data-gtm-action="Case Study" class="title read-more-popup" data-directive="j-lightbox" data-delegate-event-to=".results-slider" data-lightbox-ref="#case-study-box" data-ref="estate-planning" data-field-ref="#form-comment">An Estate Planning Firm Captures 240 Conversions in 90 Days</button> <p class="excerpt">Discover how the Justia Amplify team implemented a tailored PPC advertising approach that helped an estate planning law firm capture more clients and exceed its goals in just 90 days.</p> </div> <div class="popup-btn"> <button data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="240 Conversions in 90 Days With Justia Amplify - Button" data-gtm-action="Case Study" class="ui-button -red" data-directive="j-lightbox" data-lightbox-ref="#case-study-box" data-delegate-event-to=".results-slider" data-ref="estate-planning" data-field-ref="#form-comment" data-lightbox-ref="#case-study-box" >Request Case Study</button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="column -one-third post"> <div class="graphic"> <img src="" alt="" width="330" height="173"> </div> <div class="columns-content"> <div class="description"> <button data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="175% More Conversions than National Average - Title" data-gtm-action="Case Study" class="title read-more-popup" data-directive="j-lightbox" data-delegate-event-to=".results-slider" data-lightbox-ref="#case-study-box" data-ref="criminal-law" data-field-ref="#form-comment">PPC Results Exceed Criminal Law Firm's Expectations</button> <p class="excerpt">The strategies implemented by the Justia Amplify team enabled a Mississippi criminal law firm to outperform industry benchmarks on key PPC metrics, including clickthrough rate and conversions.</p> </div> <div class="popup-btn"> <button data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="175% More Conversions than National Average - Button" data-gtm-action="Case Study" class="ui-button -red" data-directive="j-lightbox" data-delegate-event-to=".results-slider" data-lightbox-ref="#case-study-box" data-ref="criminal-law" data-field-ref="#form-comment">Request Case Study</button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="column -one-third post"> <div class="graphic"> <img src="" alt="" width="330" height="173"> </div> <div class="columns-content"> <div class="description"> <button data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="2x Conversion Rate Growth - Title" data-gtm-action="Case Study" class="title read-more-popup" data-directive="j-lightbox" data-delegate-event-to=".results-slider" data-lightbox-ref="#case-study-box" data-ref="family-law" data-field-ref="#form-comment">A Family Law Firm Sustained Growth With Justia Amplify</button> <p class="excerpt">With the PPC strategies implemented by the Justia Amplify team, a New Jersey family law firm experienced a consistent, sustainable increase in the leads and conversions received from its campaigns.</p> </div> <div class="popup-btn"> <button data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="2x Conversion Rate Growth - Button" data-gtm-action="Case Study" class="ui-button -red" data-directive="j-lightbox" data-delegate-event-to=".results-slider" data-lightbox-ref="#case-study-box" data-ref="family-law" data-field-ref="#form-comment">Request Case Study</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="quotes-slide-stripe stripe sides-margin"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="quotes-slide ui-slider" data-directive="j-slider" data-slider-preset="text"> <div class="quotation"> <div class="photo"> <img src="" alt="Testimonial from Mark C. Hartsoe"> </div> <div class="quote"> <q>A Justia client since 2010, I have seen first-hand their wealth of experience in law firm marketing and SEO. I recommend Justia without reservations.</q> <span class="author"><strong>Mark C. Hartsoe</strong>, Hartsoe Law Firm, P.C.</span> </div> </div> <div class="quotation"> <div class="photo"> <img src="" alt="Testimonial from Robert D. Kreisman"> </div> <div class="quote"> <q>I have been a happy Justia client since 2008. Thanks to their expertise in legal marketing, my Chicago law firm stands out in this competitive market.</q> <span class="author"><strong>Robert D. Kreisman</strong>, Kreisman Law Offices</span> </div> </div> <div class="quotation"> <div class="photo"> <img src="" alt="Testimonial from Carol James"> </div> <div class="quote"> <q>Justia shares our firm&#039;s focus on results, and their performance-driven model has helped us to generate new business through our web properties.</q> <span class="author"><strong>Carol James</strong>, Jeffer Mangels Butler &amp; Mitchell LLP</span> </div> </div> <div class="quotation"> <div class="photo"> <img src="" alt="Testimonial from Ken Shigley"> </div> <div class="quote"> <q>I highly recommend Justia to lawyers seeking strong, cost-effective support for their web marketing.</q> <span class="author"><strong>Ken Shigley</strong>, Shigley Law, LLC</span> </div> </div> <div class="quotation"> <div class="photo"> <img src="" alt="Testimonial from Michael E. Kraut"> </div> <div class="quote"> <q>Over the many years I&#039;ve worked with Justia, they&#039;ve been proactive and effective at greatly increasing traffic to my website and blogs.</q> <span class="author"><strong>Michael E. Kraut</strong>, Kraut Law Group</span> </div> </div> <div class="quotation"> <div class="photo"> <img src="" alt="Testimonial from Stephen Bilkis"> </div> <div class="quote"> <q>Justia has always exceeded my expectations. Their immense search and legal marketing expertise have helped me grow my business into what it is today.</q> <span class="author"><strong>Stephen Bilkis</strong>, Stephen Bilkis &amp; Associates</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="posts-columns-stripe stripe sides-margin "> <strong class="stripetitle ui-heading2">Justia Onward Legal Marketing &amp; Tech Blog</strong> <div class="wrapper"> <p class="centered-text _talign-left">Our blog covers new developments and best practices in online legal marketing. We evaluate new tools and provide tips on innovative ways you can promote <span class="_text-no-break">your practice</span>.</p> <div class="ui-columns -gap30 posts-columns"> <div class="column -one-third post"> <div class="graphic"> <img src="" srcset=" 640w, 320w" alt="The Power of a Personal Profile for Individual Attorneys"/> </div> <div class="description"> <a data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="Marketing - Onward - Post Title" data-gtm-action="Content" href="" target="_blank" class="title">The Power of a Personal Profile for Individual Attorneys</a> <p class="excerpt">Social Media is a powerful tool for law firms, and the power of social media extends beyond just law firm business pages! 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