The foundational questions that inspire computer languages -- Charlie Harvey
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There is a nice thread on reddit with some extra suggestions to include in the list too.Here is a transcription.Python: What if everything was a dict?Java:" /> <meta property="twitter:creator" content="@ciderpunx" /> <meta property="twitter:site" content="@ciderpunx" /> <meta property="twitter:image" content="" /> <meta property="twitter:image:src" content="" /> <meta property="twitter:image:alt" content="The foundational questions that inspire computer languages" /> <meta property="dc.title" content="The foundational questions that inspire computer languages" /> <meta property="dc.creator" content="Charlie Harvey" /> <meta property="dc.subject" content="The foundational questions that inspire computer languages" /> <meta property="dc.description" content="I came across a very amusing image the other day, dealing with the questions that various popular programming languages seek to answer. There is a nice thread on reddit with some extra suggestions to include in the list too.Here is a transcription.Python: What if everything was a dict?Java:" /> <meta property="dc.publisher" content="" /> <meta property="dc.contributor" content="Charlie Harvey" /> <meta property="dc.language" content="en-GB" /> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "" , "@type": "NewsArticle" , "mainEntityOfPage": { "@type": "WebPage" , "@id": "/page/what_if_languages" } , "headline": "The foundational questions that inspire computer languages" , "image": { "@type": "ImageObject" , "url": "" , "height": "600" , "width": "400" } , "datePublished": "2016-06-09T09:11:35+00:00" , "dateModified": "2016-06-09T09:13:38+00:00" , "author": { "@type": "Person" , "name": "Charlie Harvey" } , "publisher": { "@type": "Organization" , "name": "" , "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject" , "url": "" , "width": "950" , "height": "224" } } , "description": "I came across a very amusing image the other day, dealing with the questions that various popular programming languages seek to answer. 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<p>I came across a very amusing image the other day, dealing with the questions that various popular programming languages seek to answer. There is a nice <a href="">thread on reddit</a> with some extra suggestions to include in the list too.</p> <div><img class="bordered fullwidth" alt="What if languages" src="//"></div> <p>Here is a transcription.</p> <p>Python: What if everything was a dict?</p> <p>Java: What if everything was an object?</p> <p>JavaScript: What if everything was a dict <em>and</em> an object?</p> <p>C: What if everything was a pointer?</p> <p>APL: What if everything was an array?</p> <p>Tcl: What if everything was a string?</p> <p>Prolog: What if everything was a term?</p> <p>LISP: What if everything was a pair?</p> <p>Scheme: What if everything was a function?</p> <p>Haskell: What if everything was a monad?</p> <p>Assembly: What if everything was a register?</p> <p>Coq: What if everything was a type/proposition?</p> <p>COBOL: WHAT IF EVERYTHING WAS UPPERCASE?</p> <p>C#: What if everything was like Java, but different?</p> <p>Ruby: What if everything was monkey patched?</p> <p>Pascal: BEGIN What if everything was structured? END</p> <p>C++: What if we added everything to the language?</p> <p>C++11: What if we forgot to stop adding stuff?</p> <p>Rust: What if garbage collection didn't exist?</p> <p>Go: What if we tried designing C a second time?</p> <p>Perl: What if shell, sed, and awk were one language?</p> <p>Perl6: What if we took the joke too far?</p> <p>PHP: What if we wanted to make SQL injection easier?</p> <p>VB: What if we wanted to allow anyone to program?</p> <p>VB.NET: What if we wanted to stop them again?</p> <p>Forth: What if everything was a stack?</p> <p>ColorForth: What if the stack was green?</p> <p>PostScript: What if everything was printed at 600dpi?</p> <p>XSLT: What if everything was an XML element?</p> <p>Make: What if everything was a dependency?</p> <p>m4: What if everything was incomprehensibly quoted?</p> <p>Scala: What if Haskell ran on the JVM?</p> <p>Clojure: What if LISP ran on the JVM?</p> <p>Lua: What if game developers got tired of C++?</p> <p>Mathematica: What if Stephen Wolfram invented everything?</p> <p>Malbolge: What if there is no god?</p> </div> <!--t:tweet--> <ul class="no-decoration" id="after-article-shares"> <!--t:share_this_list--> <li><a href="’m%20reading%20The%20foundational%20questions%20that%20inspire%20computer%20languages%20—%20&url=" class="sprite twitter">Share on Twitter</a></li> <li><a href="’m%20reading%20The%20foundational%20questions%20that%20inspire%20computer%20languages" class="sprite facebook">Share on Facebook</a></li> <li><a href="" class="sprite gplus">Share on Google+</a></li> <li><a href="" class="sprite hackernews">Share on Hacker News</a></li> <li><a href="#comments" class="sprite comment-icon">1</a></li> <!--/share_this_list--> </ul> <!--/tweet--> </article> <!--t:comment--> <section> <p><a id="comments" href="#"></a><br /></p> <h3>Comments</h3> <!--t:comment/form--><div id="comment-form" class="comment"> <form method="post" action="/comment/create" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div class="comment-detail tinytext"> <ul> <li>Be respectful. 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Thanks for sharing mate! Love it.</p> <p>Could include things for shells too though nothing comes to mind immediately and I haven't any time to think on it presently. Many others could be done too. Let's throw in OS's too while we're at it. That could be a really fun one to work on.</p> <p>Anyway thanks for this!</p> <p>Cheers, Cody</p> </div> <div class="item hidden"><span class="type">url</span>:<a class="fn url" href="">The foundational questions that inspire computer languages</a></div> <p class="dtreviewed updated published tinytext auth"> <time class="value-title" title="2018-09-16T18:15:16Z" datetime="2018-09-16T18:15:16Z">2018-09-16</time> </p> </article> <!--/comment/view--> </li> </ul> </section> <!--/comment--> <aside class="what-next"> <ul class="row tinytext no-decoration"> <li class="col-sm-4"> <!--t:page/related_links--> <h4>Related links</h4> <ul class="no-decoration"> <li><a href="">On tumblr</a></li> <li><a href="">Reddit thread</a></li> </ul> <!--/page/related_links--> </li> <li class="col-sm-4"> <!--t:page/recently_in--> <h4>Recently in <a href="/page/fun_and_games"><em>Fun & Games</em></a></h4> <ul class="no-decoration"> <li><a href="/page/hipster_menu_crafter">The authentic, hand-curated Hipster menu 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