SFP#12: Enforcement of the GNU GPL with Till Jaeger - FSFE
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Together with Till Jaeger, who has been working alongside Harald Welte for enforcing the GNU GPL in the first court cases in Germany, we talk about the long way we have come since those early days. </p> <audio controls="" style="width:100%;"><source src="" type="audio/ogg;codecs=opus"></source><source src="" type="audio/mp3"></source>Your browser dows not support the audio element.</audio><div class="podcast-interact inline-buttons clearfix"> <span class="share-buttons"><a href="feed://" class="button share-rss">OPUS Feed</a><a href="feed://" class="button share-rss">MP3 Feed</a></span><span class="download"><em>Télécharger</em>: <a href=""> OPUS </a> | <a href=""> MP3 </a> | <a href="/news/podcast/transcript/episode-12.html?ref=download"> Transcript </a></span> </div> <p> Our guest, Till Jaeger, discusses with our host, Matthias Kirschner, how the decision to go to court and stand up for the rights of copyleft licences came about. Till and Matthias tell an exciting story about those first steps on this new legal ground. They also highlight the short term and long term impacts of the first court decision in favour of Free Software. For example, how more and more information about licensing and especially using a Free Software licence became available and publicly known. But also how workshops, like the FSFE's yearly <a href="/activities/ln/">Legal and Licensing Workshop</a>, were created for those interested in using and being compliant to Free Software licences. </p> <p>Discover together with us the changes that have come from those first steps to the acceptance of Free Software in companies. Till has been involved with Free Software licensing for a long time and provides a deep and well rounded insight into the history of enforcing the GNU GPL. To give this episode a perfect ending, Matthias and Till also talk about some of the most common misunderstandings of Free Software licensing. This is the perfect episode for everyone to get an insight into one of the most important events in the history of enforcing Free Software licences. </p> <p>Read more:</p> <ul> <li> <a href="/freesoftware/">What is Free Software?</a> </li> <li> <a href="/activities/ln/">The Free Software Legal and Licensing Workshop</a> </li> <li> <a href="/activities/ln/">FSFE's Legal Network</a> </li> <li> <a href="">The project</a> </li> <li> <a href="/news/podcast/">SFP#3 about Free Software mobile phone communication with Harald Welte</a> </li> </ul> <p> If you liked this episode and want to support our continuous work for software freedom, please help us with a <a href="">donation</a>. </p> <p id="discussion-link"><a class="learn-more" href="">En discuter </a></p> <footer id="tags"><h2>Mots clés</h2> <ul class="tags"> <li><a href="/tags/">Software Freedom Podcast</a></li> <li><a href="/tags/">Licensing</a></li> </ul></footer> </div> <aside id="sidebar"><a href="" class="small-donate">Devenez un soutien</a><h3 class="promo">À propos de la FSFE</h3> <p> La Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE : Fondation européenne pour le Logiciel Libre) est une organisation qui redonne le pouvoir aux utilisateurs sur la technologie. </p> <p> Le logiciel est profondément impliqué dans tous les aspects de nos vies. 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