Institutions Advisory Council - arXiv info

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The overall role of the Institutions Advisory Council is to represent the voice of the community and to provide advice and guidance to the arXiv Advisory Board on issues guiding the sustainability and success of arXiv, including mission, vision, strategy and budget. </p> <p>The Institutions Advisory Council advises on issues related to scholarly communication, publishing, standards, open access and open science; issues related to membership program and policy; arXiv services, interoperability and advocacy to the community; user needs, metadata, technical and user trends; matters that may transcend its own remit with relevant parties within arXiv and creates avenues for regular community input and responds to such input. </p> <h2 id="current-council-members">Current Council Members</h2> <p><strong>Maureen P. Walsh (Chair, 2023-2026),</strong> representing the Big Ten Academic Alliance, United States</p> <p>Maureen P. Walsh is the Scholarly Sharing Strategist and an Associate Professor at The Ohio State University Libraries. She has been actively involved with the open repository community for 17 years and is currently the Chair of the DSpace Steering and Leadership Groups and a standing member of the Open Repositories Steering Committee.</p> <p><strong>Alex Kohls (Vice Chair, 2025-2027),</strong> representing CERN, Switzerland</p> <p>Alex heads the CERN Scientific Information Service, a central unit for the management and dissemination of the laboratories‘ research output. His responsibilities include the CERN Library and CERN's historical archives as well as a portfolio of institutional and international open science activities, such as SCOAP3. In collaboration with other institutions, Alex‘ team also develops and operates some of the key digital repository solutions for particle physics and participates in international policy efforts. He joined CERN initially as the SCOAP3 Operations Manager coordinating the world’s largest Open Access collaborative over its initial 5 years. Alex holds a degree in business administration and joined CERN with 20 years experience from the financial industry where he worked in various senior roles primarily in operations, controlling, and project management.</p> <p><strong>Clare Appavoo (Member, 2023-2026),</strong> representing the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN), Canada</p> <p><strong>Tracey Clarke (Member, 2023-2026),</strong> representing Jisc, United Kingdom</p> <p>Tracey was formerly the Associate Director (Digital) at the University of Sheffield (UK) Library having held a number of posts with digital, open access, publishing, research support, collection development, copyright and faculty engagement responsibilities for over 25 years. Tracey has led for the university with regard to open access, research data management and digital preservation. Since 2019 Tracey has been active as a specialist consultant with an international outlook, retaining a strong interest in research ecosystems and innovation in the scholarly communications paradigm.</p> <p><strong>Robert Harington (Member, 2023-2026),</strong> representing the Society Group</p> <p>Robert is Chief Publishing Officer at the American Mathematical Society (AMS). Robert is a member of the AMS leadership team, and has the overall responsibility for publishing at the AMS, including books, journals and electronic products. Robert is a "Chef" for the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) blog, The Scholarly Kitchen. Robert serves on the Board of Directors of CHOR Inc., (CHORUS). Robert has worked in non-profit and commercial settings, internationally, with particular experience across the United States, Europe, and Asia (focus on China and Japan). Robert holds a doctorate in biochemistry from the University of Oxford, and a first-class honors degree in chemistry from the University of London.</p> <p><strong>Martin Kohler (Member, 2023-2026),</strong> representing Consortium arXiv-DH and HGF, Germany</p> <p>Martin heads the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron and European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser libraries including DESY’s institutional repository, open access and publishing house. He holds a doctorate in physics from the university of Hamburg.</p> <p><strong>Hideaki Takeda (Member, 2023-2026),</strong> representing Japan NII Consortia, Japan</p> <p><strong>Amberyn Thomas (Member, 2023-2026),</strong> representing the Group of Eight, Australia</p> <p>Amberyn Thomas is Director, Learning and Research Services at The University of Queensland Library, with direct responsibility for the provision of faculty librarian services and specialist research services including the institutional repository UQ eSpace, open access, scholarly communication and publishing, research data management, and research impact and evaluation services. Amberyn has been immersed in the university sector for more than 30 years across a range of areas.</p> <p><strong>Lidia Uziel (Member, 2023-2026),</strong> representing the University of California System, United States</p> <p>Lidia Uziel is the Associate University Librarian for Research Resources and Scholarly Communication at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a member of the Shared Content Leadership Group at the California Digital Library, a leadership group that provides coordination of shared UC-system-wide collections and open-access activities. Prior to UCSB, Lidia held several leadership positions at Harvard and Yale University Libraries. She is actively involved in several national and international open-access and publishing initiatives, such as a member of the COPIM project, the chair of the Board of Stewards of the Open Book Collective, a member of the COAPI/SPARC U.S., a member of the IFLA’s Publishing SIG, and a member of the International Collections and Content Group at the CRL.</p> <p>Lidia holds a doctorate in comparative literature received in cotutelle from the University of Montreal and Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, a Master in French Literature from Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, and a Master in Library and Information Science from the University of Montreal. </p> </article> </div> </div> </main> <div class="arxiv-footer" role="navigation" aria-label="Secondary"> <div class="column"> <ul > <li><a href="">About</a></li> <li><a href="">Help</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="column"> <ul> <li><a href="">Copyright</a></li> <li><a href="">Privacy Policy</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="column"> <ul> <li> <svg 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