<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <title>IEEE IRI 2023</title> <link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/iri.css"> <!-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js for IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries --> <!-- WARNING: Respond.js doesn't work if you view the page via file:// --> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="//"></script> <script src="//"></script> <![endif]--> </head> <body> <div id="header"></div> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-9 col-sm-9"> <!--<div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-11 col-xs-7"> <blockquote> This year's conference is dedicated to the memory of <em><strong>Prof. Lotfi Zadeh</strong></em>, Honorary Chair and <em><strong>Prof. Thouraya Bouabana-Tebibel</strong></em>. Both Thouraya and Lotfi were among the warmest of personalities. They will be missed, but not forgotten. <p class="text-justify"></p> <div class="collapse" id="collapse_eulogy"> <p class="text-justify"> <em><strong>Professor Lotfi Zadeh</strong></em> was a frequent keynote speaker at IRI conferences. He showed us how reuse was an inherently fuzzy concept – setting the stage for knowledge acquisition. He taught us that when someone insults you, you take it as a compliment. Moreover, Professor Zadeh entwined a sense of humor, hard work, and good science with a sense of adventure. Fuzzy numbers were extensions of logic. Computing with words was an extension of speech. He held that nothing is worth doing unless you believed in it; and, if you don’t believe in yourself, the outside world will not believe in your words either. Professor Zadeh will be missed; albeit, he will be by our side in death as in life. </p> <p class="text-justify"> <em><strong>Professor Thouraya Bouabana-Tebibel</strong></em> ran the conferences formal workshop for many years. She was a kind soul, an ardent researcher, and an excellent educator. She published many conference papers and pursued formal approaches to data science. Professor Tebibel will be remembered for her tireless efforts, her many students, and her pursuit of AI through reuse and randomization. The conference cannot be the same without her; but, her teachings surely put us all on the road to success. Professor Tebibel was a great woman, a role model, and a source of inspiration for us all. She will be sadly missed. </p> </div> <a href="#collapse_eulogy" data-toggle="collapse"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-collapse-down"></span>Read More</a> </blockquote> </div> </div>--> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h4><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-blackboard"></span> News</h4> <hr> <div> <dl class=" dl-horizontal text-overflow"> <dt> <span>Proceedings (9/11/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> IEEE IRI'23 Proceedings is online, e.g., <a href="" target="_blank">DBLP</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">IEEE Xplore</a>. </dd><br> <dt> <span>Awards (8/15/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> IEEE IRI'23 was held successfully -- so nice to see many colleagues and friends in the conference. Thanks to all the authors, speakers, committee members, and student volunteers! The <a href="resources/IRI23-Awards.pdf">awards</a> were announced during the conference's social event -- many congratulations to the award winners! See you in next year's IRI! </dd><br> <dt> <span>Conference locations and local attractions (7/28/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> We have shared the conference location information and some local attractions in the <a href="conference_location.html">location page</a>. In addition, we have added a social event on day #2 of our conference to exchange some society-related information and to present honors and awards. Please visit the <a href="program.html">program page</a>. Future updates will also be shared in <a href="" target="_blank">this GD folder</a>. </dd><br> <!--<dt> <span>Last keynote announced (7/14/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> We saved the best for the last! Dr. Junwei Zhang from DoorDash will deliver a keynote at IRI'23 on <a href="speakers_keynotes.html" target="_blank">"Exploring LLMs in the Food Delivery Sector: Driving Growth and Improving Recommendations"</a>. Don't miss this fantastic talk! </dd><br>--> <dt> <span>Presentation guidelines published (7/14/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> Please visit the <a href="program.html">program page</a> for the IRI'23 presentation guidelines. We ask the authors to fill out the <a href="" target="_blank">Presentation Information Form</a> <font color="red"><b>before July 21, 2023</b></font>. Thanks! </dd><br> <dt> <span>Student volunteers needed (7/14/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> Wanna make friends, build connections, and serve the IRI community in this year's fragship conference? We're recruiting student volunteers for IRI'23. If you're a student who will participate in IRI'23 in person, feel free to fill out the <a href="" target="_blank">Student Volunteer Form</a> <font color="red"><b>before July 21, 2023</b></font>. </dd><br> <dt> <span>Student author support available (6/22/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> <a href="" target="_blank">IEEE TCMC</a> is pleased to support (lead) student author to attend IRI'23. If you're <b>eligible</b> and interested, please fill out this form: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <font color="red"><b>before June 30, 2023</b></font>. </dd><br> <dt> <span>Preliminary program available (6/20/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> A draft program is <a href="program.html">available</a> now. Note that certain changes are expected. <!--, e.g., a third keynote from industry will be announced later--> </dd><br> <dt> <span>Registration open (6/19/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> The conference <a href="registration.html">registraton</a> is open. Early bird rate is available till June 29, 2023. Authors shall register before July 3, 2023 and are encouraged to take advantage of the early bird registration rate. Visa letter request related information is also available on the <a href="registration.html">registraton</a> page. </dd><br> <dt> <span>Camera-ready instructions available (6/13/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> Please follow the <a href="camera_ready.html">instructions</a> to prepare and submit the camera-ready version of your accepted paper before <font color="red"><b>June 26, 2023</b></font>. </dd><br> <dt> <span>Hotel information provided (6/13/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> Several hotels can serve IRI 2023 participants, and their information is listed on the <a href="conference_location.html">location page</a>. </dd><br> <dt> <span>Author notifications sent (6/13/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> Full paper and poster notifications were sent on June 12, 2023. A big thank you to all the program committee members for reviewing and discussing the submitted papers! Plase contact the <b>corresponding author</b> of your submission if you have not received the notification. Feel free to contact the track chairs if you have any questions. </dd><br> <dt> <span>Conference location announced (6/6/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> Our conference will be held on the beautiful <a href="" target="_blank">University of Washington, Bothell</a> campus. Building and room information, as well as recommended hotel information, will be provided soon on the <a href="conference_location.html">location page</a>. </dd><br> <dt> <span>Second keynote announced (5/15/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> Dr. <a href="" target="_blank">Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar</a> will deliver a keynote at IRI'23 on <a href="speakers_keynotes.html" target="_blank">"Evaluating Machine Learning Algorithms with Highly Imbalanced Big Data"</a>. Join us to learn the cutting-edge work from one of the most prominent IRI researchers! </dd><br> <dt> <span>Poster submission deadline extended (5/15/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> The submission to the Poster Track has been extended to <font color="red"><b>May 31, 2023</b></font>. We look forward to your poster submissions. </dd><br> <dt> <span>Poster track welcomes submissions (5/9/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> Thank you for your full paper submissions! The reviews are under way. Please consider contributing to our <a href="call_posters.html">poster track</a> with an up to two-page submission, due by May 15, 2023. </dd><br> <dt> <span>Second special issue announced (4/28/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> We are pleased to announce that authors of selected IRI'23 papers will be invited to publish their extended papers in the <a href="" target="_blank">Special Issue of the International Journal of Computers and Applications</a>. </dd><br> <dt> <span>Submission deadline extended (4/20/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> Due to several requests, we have extended the full paper submission deadline of IRI'23 to <font color="red"><b>May 8, 2023</b></font>. We look forward to your submissions and an exciting conference in Bellevue over the summer. Submit your IRI'23 papers to <a href="" target="_blank">EasyChair</a>. </dd><br> <dt> <span>PC member nomination (3/15/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> IEEE IRI'23 is looking to add talented and capable reviewers to joins its Program Committee (PC). Please nominate yourself for your colleague <b>before April 14, 2023</b> by filling out this form: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> . </dd><br> <dt> <span>First keynote announced (2/9/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> Dr. Cissy Ma from the Water Infrastructure Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will deliver a keynote at IRI'23. We invite you to join our conference to learn and discuss: <a href="speakers_keynotes.html" target="_blank">"Transforming Urban Water Systems Towards A More Sustainable Future"</a>. </dd><br> <dt> <span>Call for workshop proposals (1/26/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> Want to organize a cutting-edge event together with IEEE IRI'23? Check out our <a href="call_workshop.html" target="_blank">call for workshop proposals</a> and contact our Workshop Co-Chairs if you have any questions. We look forward to your workshop proposals before March 6, 2023, submitted via <a href="" target="_blank">EasyChair</a>. </dd><br> <dt> <span>Frontiers in Imaging special issue (1/26/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> We are happy to announce that authors of IRI'23 papers will be invited to submit their extended conference paper to a <a href="" target="_blank">special issue</a> of <a href="" target="_blank">Frontiers in Imaging</a> -- not that you need it, but an extra motivation to submit your work to IEEE IRI'23. </dd><br> <dt> <span>Submission via EasyChair (1/10/2023)</span> </dt> <dd> Submissions to IRI'23 will be done via <a href="" target="_blank">EasyChair</a>. Please select 'Workshop Proposal', 'Full Paper', or 'Poster' before making your submission. </dd><br> <dt> <span>Call for papers (11/22/2022)</span> </dt> <dd> Check out the IRI'23 <a href="call_papers.html">call for papers</a>. We look forward to your contributions. </dd><br> <dt> <span>IRI'23 is planned for an in-person conference (9/13/2022)</span> </dt> <dd> After three years of virtual IRI's, we're back in person for IRI'23! Stay tuned for our call for papers, important dates, special issues, society connections, social events, travel support, and more! </dd> </dl> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h4><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span> Important Dates</h4> <hr> <div> <dl class=""> <!--<dt><span><font color="red">DEADLINE EXTENDED</span></font></dt>--> <!--<dt><span>Abstract submission:</span></dt> <dd><p>April 15, 2020</dd>--> <!--<dd><p class="text-danger">May 6, 2016 (REQUIRED)</dd>--> <!--<dt><span>To be announced</span></dt>--> <dt><span>Workshop proposal submission:</span></dt> <dd><p><s>March 6, 2023</s></dd> <dt><span>Workshop acceptance notification:</span></dt> <dd><p><s>March 13, 2023</s></dd> <dt><span>Full paper submission:</span></dt> <dd><p><s>April 24, 2023</s> <font color="red"><b>May 8, 2023</b></font></dd> <dt><span>Poster submission:</span></dt> <dd><p><s>May 15, 2023</s> <font color="red"><b>May 31, 2023</b></font></dd> <dt><span>Full paper acceptance notification:</span></dt> <dd><s>May 29, 2023</s> <font color="red"><b>June 12, 2023</b></font></dd> <dt><span>Poster acceptance notification:</span></dt> <dd><p><s>June 12, 2023</s></dd> <dt><span>Camera ready submission:</span></dt> <dd><p><s>June 26, 2023</s></dd> <dt><span>Author registration due:</span></dt> <dd><p><s>July 3, 2023</s></dd> <dt><span>Conference events</span></dt> <dd><p>August 4 - Aug 6, 2023</dd> </dl> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h4><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> About IEEE IRI</h4> <hr> <p class="text-justify"> Data science has become the new frontier for self-driving cars and AI. Such intelligent applications derive from <em>Information Reuse and Integration</em> (IRI). IRI seeks to maximize the utility of information by creating simple, rich, and cost-effective knowledge representations and ontologies. IRI consequently explores strategies for integrating this knowledge into systems and applications. It plays a pivotal role in the capture, representation, maintenance, integration, validation, and extrapolation of information and the knowledge derived from it; and, it applies both information and knowledge for enhancing decision-making in various application domains. <p class="text-justify"> This conference explores three major tracks: <em>information reuse</em>, <em>information integration</em>, and <em>reusable systems</em>. <em>Information reuse</em> explores the theory and practice of optimizing representations; <em>information integration</em> focuses on innovative strategies and algorithms for unifying diverse information in novel domains; and <em>reusable systems</em> focus on developing and deploying models and corresponding processes that enable <em>Information Reuse</em> and <em>Integration</em> to play a pivotal role in enhancing decision-making processes in various application domains. <p class="text-justify"> The IEEE IRI conference serves as a forum for researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government to present, discuss, and exchange ideas that address real-world problems with real-world solutions. Theoretical and applied papers are both included. The conference program will include special sessions, open forum workshops, panels, and keynote speeches. </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3"> <div id="right-side"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"></div> <script src="js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script> $("#header").load("header.html"); $("#footer").load("footer.html"); $("#right-side").load("side.html"); </script> </body> </html>