USB disconnect problem with usb camera in orin nano and orin nx - Jetson Orin Nano - NVIDIA Developer Forums
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This issue occurs consistently on Orin NX and Orin Nano with JetPack versions from 5.1.2 to 6.1. However, this problem does not occur on the Xavier NX with Ubuntu 18.04 and JetPack 4.6. I have also tested with an externally powered USB hub on the Orin NX and Nano, but the issue persists. I need to use both the camera and the ReSpeaker simultaneously on the Orin versions, s..." /> <meta name="twitter:description" content="When using both a ReSpeaker and a USB camera (2M) simultaneously, all USB devices disconnect after a certain period of time. This issue occurs consistently on Orin NX and Orin Nano with JetPack versions from 5.1.2 to 6.1. However, this problem does not occur on the Xavier NX with Ubuntu 18.04 and JetPack 4.6. I have also tested with an externally powered USB hub on the Orin NX and Nano, but the issue persists. I need to use both the camera and the ReSpeaker simultaneously on the Orin versions, s..." /> <meta property="og:article:section" content="Robotics & Edge Computing" /> <meta property="og:article:section:color" content="76B900" /> <meta property="og:article:section" content="Jetson & Embedded Systems" /> <meta property="og:article:section:color" content="76B900" /> <meta property="og:article:section" content="Jetson Orin Nano" /> <meta property="og:article:section:color" content="76B900" /> <meta property="og:article:tag" content="usb" /> <meta property="article:published_time" content="2024-11-24T11:20:09+00:00" /> <meta property="og:ignore_canonical" content="true" /> <script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"","@type":"QAPage","name":"USB disconnect problem with usb camera in orin nano and orin nx","mainEntity":{"@type":"Question","name":"USB disconnect problem with usb camera in orin nano and orin nx","text":"When using both a ReSpeaker and a USB camera (2M) simultaneously, all USB devices disconnect after a certain period of time. This issue occurs consistently on Orin NX and Orin Nano with JetPack versions from 5.1.2 to 6.1. However, this problem does not occur on the Xavier NX with Ubuntu 18.04 and Je…","upvoteCount":0,"answerCount":1,"datePublished":"2024-11-24T11:20:09.017Z","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"jiseong403","url":""},"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Hi,\n\nPlease use Jetpack 6.1 and apply the patches for a try:\n\n<a href=\"\" class=\"inline-onebox\">Ethernet Disconnects with "r8168: eth0: link up" Message in kern.log During Deep Stream RTSP Streaming - #5 by WayneWWW<\/a>\n\nThis is a known issue in ethernet driver and there are error prints showing rtk_btusb. It may be related. Please upgr…","upvoteCount":0,"datePublished":"2024-11-26T02:24:24.249Z","url":"","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"DaneLLL","url":""}}}}</script> </head> <body class="crawler browser-update"> <header> <a href="/"> NVIDIA Developer Forums </a> </header> <div id="main-outlet" class="wrap" role="main"> <div id="topic-title"> <h1> <a href="/t/usb-disconnect-problem-with-usb-camera-in-orin-nano-and-orin-nx/314506">USB disconnect problem with usb camera in orin nano and orin nx</a> </h1> <div class="topic-category" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype=""> <a href="/c/robotics-edge-computing/jetson-embedded-systems/jetson-orin-nano/632" class="badge-wrapper bullet" itemprop="item"> <span class='badge-category-bg' style='background-color: #76B900'></span> <span class='badge-category clear-badge'> <span class='category-name' itemprop='name'>Robotics & Edge Computing</span> </span> </a> <meta itemprop="position" content="1" /> </span> <span itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype=""> <a href="/c/robotics-edge-computing/jetson-embedded-systems/jetson-orin-nano/632" class="badge-wrapper bullet" itemprop="item"> <span class='badge-category-bg' style='background-color: #76B900'></span> <span class='badge-category clear-badge'> <span class='category-name' itemprop='name'>Jetson & Embedded Systems</span> </span> </a> <meta itemprop="position" content="2" /> </span> <span itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype=""> <a href="/c/robotics-edge-computing/jetson-embedded-systems/jetson-orin-nano/632" class="badge-wrapper bullet" itemprop="item"> <span class='badge-category-bg' style='background-color: #76B900'></span> <span class='badge-category clear-badge'> <span class='category-name' itemprop='name'>Jetson Orin Nano</span> </span> </a> <meta itemprop="position" content="3" /> </span> </div> <div class="topic-category"> <div class='discourse-tags list-tags'> <a href='' class='discourse-tag' rel="tag">usb</a> </div> </div> </div> <div itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='headline' content='USB disconnect problem with usb camera in orin nano and orin nx'> <link itemprop='url' href=''> <meta itemprop='datePublished' content='2024-11-24T11:20:09Z'> <meta itemprop='articleSection' content='Jetson Orin Nano'> <meta itemprop='keywords' content='usb'> <div itemprop='publisher' itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop='name' content='NVIDIA'> <div itemprop='logo' itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop='url' content=''> </div> </div> <div id='post_1' class='topic-body crawler-post'> <div class='crawler-post-meta'> <span class="creator" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" rel='nofollow' href=''><span itemprop='name'>jiseong403</span></a> </span> <link itemprop="mainEntityOfPage" href=""> <span class="crawler-post-infos"> <time datetime='2024-11-24T11:20:09Z' class='post-time'> November 24, 2024, 11:20am </time> <meta itemprop='dateModified' content='2024-11-25T00:07:07Z'> <span itemprop='position'>1</span> </span> </div> <div class='post' itemprop='text'> <p>When using both a ReSpeaker and a USB camera (2M) simultaneously, all USB devices disconnect after a certain period of time. This issue occurs consistently on Orin NX and Orin Nano with JetPack versions from 5.1.2 to 6.1. However, this problem does not occur on the Xavier NX with Ubuntu 18.04 and JetPack 4.6. I have also tested with an externally powered USB hub on the Orin NX and Nano, but the issue persists. I need to use both the camera and the ReSpeaker simultaneously on the Orin versions, so I am looking for a solution to this problem.</p> <p>dmesg log</p> <pre><code class="lang-auto">[11055.197788] usb 1-2: reset full-speed USB device number 4 using tegra-xusb [11096.629896] usb 1-2: reset full-speed USB device number 4 using tegra-xusb [13925.741592] tegra-xusb 3610000.usb: xHCI host not responding to stop endpoint command. [13925.741597] tegra-xusb 3610000.usb: USBSTS: 0x00000000 [13925.741608] tegra-xusb 3610000.usb: xHCI host controller not responding, assume dead [13925.741614] tegra-xusb 3610000.usb: HC died; cleaning up [13925.741773] usb 1-2: USB disconnect, device number 4 [13925.741780] usb 1-2.1: USB disconnect, device number 5 [13925.742446] usb 1-2.2: Not enough bandwidth for altsetting 0 [13925.742464] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, device number 2 [13925.746882] usb 1-2.2: USB disconnect, device number 5 [13925.837862] usb 1-3: USB disconnect, device number 3 [13925.837981] rtk_btusb: btusb_disconnect [13925.837981] rtk_btusb: chip type value: 0x73 [13925.837981] rtk_btusb: patch_remove [13925.838037] rtk_btusb: btusb_flush add delay [13925.848319] rtk_btusb: btusb_send_frame hci0 urb 000000007d0c5399 submission for cmd failed, err -19 [13925.848319] Bluetooth: hci0: sending frame failed (-19) [13927.863572] rtk_btusb: btusb_close [13927.863675] rtk_btcoex: Close BTCOEX [13927.863681] rtk_btcoex: -x </code></pre> </div> <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="interactionType" content=""/> <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="0" /> <span class='post-likes'></span> </div> </div> <div id='post_3' itemprop='comment' itemscope itemtype='' class='topic-body crawler-post'> <div class='crawler-post-meta'> <span class="creator" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" rel='nofollow' href=''><span itemprop='name'>DaneLLL</span></a> </span> <span class="crawler-post-infos"> <time itemprop='datePublished' datetime='2024-11-25T07:48:24Z' class='post-time'> November 25, 2024, 7:48am </time> <meta itemprop='dateModified' content='2024-11-25T07:48:24Z'> <span itemprop='position'>3</span> </span> </div> <div class='post' itemprop='text'> <p>Hi,<br> It looks like the two devices may drain more current then the board can supply. Please connect the board to a USB hub with external power supply, and the then connect to the devices. See if it works in the setup.</p> </div> <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="interactionType" content=""/> <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="0" /> <span class='post-likes'></span> </div> </div> <div id='post_4' itemprop='comment' itemscope itemtype='' class='topic-body crawler-post'> <div class='crawler-post-meta'> <span class="creator" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" rel='nofollow' href=''><span itemprop='name'>jiseong403</span></a> </span> <span class="crawler-post-infos"> <time itemprop='datePublished' datetime='2024-11-25T08:33:27Z' class='post-time'> November 25, 2024, 8:33am </time> <meta itemprop='dateModified' content='2024-11-25T08:33:27Z'> <span itemprop='position'>4</span> </span> </div> <div class='post' itemprop='text'> <p>Thank you for your response. However, as I mentioned in the original message, I have already tested it with the USB hub connected to an external power supply. The same issue occurred even with that setup.</p> </div> <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="interactionType" content=""/> <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="0" /> <span class='post-likes'></span> </div> </div> <div id='post_5' itemprop='comment' itemscope itemtype='' class='topic-body crawler-post'> <div class='crawler-post-meta'> <span class="creator" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" rel='nofollow' href=''><span itemprop='name'>DaneLLL</span></a> </span> <span class="crawler-post-infos"> <time itemprop='datePublished' datetime='2024-11-26T02:24:24Z' class='post-time'> November 26, 2024, 2:24am </time> <meta itemprop='dateModified' content='2024-11-26T02:24:24Z'> <span itemprop='position'>5</span> </span> </div> <div class='post' itemprop='text'> <p>Hi,<br> Please use Jetpack 6.1 and apply the patches for a try:<br> <a href="" class="inline-onebox">Ethernet Disconnects with "r8168: eth0: link up" Message in kern.log During Deep Stream RTSP Streaming - #5 by WayneWWW</a></p> <p>This is a known issue in ethernet driver and there are error prints showing <em>rtk_btusb</em>. It may be related. Please upgrade the driver and try.</p> </div> <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="interactionType" content=""/> <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="0" /> <span class='post-likes'></span> </div> </div> <div id='post_7' itemprop='comment' itemscope itemtype='' class='topic-body crawler-post'> <div class='crawler-post-meta'> <span class="creator" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" rel='nofollow' href=''><span itemprop='name'>system</span></a> Closed </span> <span class="crawler-post-infos"> <time itemprop='datePublished' datetime='2024-12-18T05:51:39Z' class='post-time'> December 18, 2024, 5:51am </time> <meta itemprop='dateModified' content='2024-12-18T05:51:39Z'> <span itemprop='position'>7</span> </span> </div> <div class='post' itemprop='text'> <p>This topic was automatically closed 14 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.</p> </div> <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="interactionType" content=""/> <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="0" /> <span class='post-likes'></span> </div> </div> </div> <div id="related-topics" class="more-topics__list " role="complementary" aria-labelledby="related-topics-title"> <h3 id="related-topics-title" class="more-topics__list-title"> Related topics </h3> <div class="topic-list-container" itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='itemListOrder' content=''> <table class='topic-list'> <thead> <tr> <th>Topic</th> <th></th> <th class="replies">Replies</th> <th class="views">Views</th> <th>Activity</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="topic-list-item" id="topic-list-item-305094"> <td class="main-link" itemprop='itemListElement' itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='position' content='1'> <span class="link-top-line"> <a itemprop='url' href='' class='title raw-link raw-topic-link'>The ORIN NANO 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