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142.121094 30.109375 142.976562 29.929688 143.78125 29.84375 C 144.46875 29.71875 145.074219 29.789062 145.074219 29.242188 C 145.074219 28.753906 144.566406 28.667969 144.1875 28.667969 C 143.652344 28.667969 143.273438 28.878906 143.246094 29.355469 L 142.304688 29.355469 C 142.375 28.25 143.316406 27.929688 144.257812 27.929688 C 145.101562 27.929688 145.988281 28.265625 145.988281 29.171875 L 145.988281 31.339844 Z M 145.015625 30.152344 C 144.722656 30.347656 144.273438 30.335938 143.851562 30.40625 C 143.441406 30.472656 143.078125 30.613281 143.078125 31.117188 C 143.078125 31.539062 143.609375 31.664062 143.949219 31.664062 C 144.371094 31.664062 145.015625 31.453125 145.015625 30.851562 Z M 145.015625 30.152344 "></path><path d="M 146.648438 28.011719 L 147.546875 28.011719 L 147.546875 28.640625 L 147.5625 28.65625 C 147.84375 28.179688 148.335938 27.898438 148.898438 27.898438 C 149.828125 27.898438 150.417969 28.402344 150.417969 29.355469 L 150.417969 32.292969 L 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44.980469 7.894531 44.867188 7.933594 C 44.640625 8.035156 44.375 8.019531 44.148438 7.921875 C 44.035156 7.867188 43.9375 7.78125 43.855469 7.667969 C 43.769531 7.570312 43.671875 7.472656 43.585938 7.402344 C 43.503906 7.320312 43.402344 7.265625 43.320312 7.207031 C 42.9375 6.96875 42.460938 6.84375 41.898438 6.84375 C 41.167969 6.84375 40.578125 7.054688 40.113281 7.460938 C 39.621094 7.867188 39.382812 8.398438 39.382812 9.011719 C 39.382812 9.878906 40 10.566406 41.222656 11.070312 L 42.785156 11.699219 C 44.007812 12.203125 44.910156 12.804688 45.457031 13.488281 C 46.003906 14.160156 46.273438 15.015625 46.273438 16.035156 C 46.273438 17.378906 45.824219 18.511719 44.921875 19.40625 C 44.007812 20.304688 42.855469 20.75 41.503906 20.75 C 40.210938 20.75 39.140625 20.375 38.3125 19.605469 C 37.835938 19.171875 37.441406 18.609375 37.171875 17.9375 C 37.171875 17.9375 37.003906 17.53125 37.003906 17.308594 C 37.003906 17.183594 37.03125 17.058594 37.074219 16.945312 C 37.132812 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140.882812 5.570312 140.964844 5.640625 C 141.050781 5.726562 141.105469 5.808594 141.164062 5.921875 C 141.207031 6.019531 141.234375 6.128906 141.234375 6.257812 C 141.234375 6.367188 141.21875 6.480469 141.175781 6.578125 C 141.136719 6.675781 141.078125 6.761719 141.007812 6.832031 L 136.367188 11.460938 L 136.214844 11.613281 C 136.058594 11.769531 135.960938 11.949219 135.945312 12.160156 C 135.933594 12.371094 135.988281 12.566406 136.128906 12.75 L 141.261719 18.875 C 141.332031 18.960938 141.386719 19.058594 141.429688 19.171875 C 141.472656 19.28125 141.488281 19.394531 141.488281 19.519531 C 141.488281 19.644531 141.457031 19.773438 141.417969 19.882812 C 141.359375 19.996094 141.289062 20.105469 141.207031 20.191406 C 141.105469 20.273438 141.007812 20.34375 140.894531 20.402344 C 140.644531 20.511719 140.332031 20.5 140.082031 20.375 C 139.941406 20.304688 139.828125 20.207031 139.730469 20.066406 L 134.875 14.105469 C 134.820312 14.019531 134.722656 13.953125 134.59375 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