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<div id="content-total"> <div id="content-persona"> <div class="persona-izq"> <img id="persona-foto" class="persona-foto" src="" alt="foto Andres Moya Simarro" /> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="persona-dire name"> <span id="persona-nom" class="nom">ANDRES MOYA SIMARRO</span><br /><span class="afiliacio">PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat</span><br /> </div> <div class="persona-dire"><a id="persona-email" class="mail" href="" title=""></a><br /><a id="persona-webpage" class="homepage" href=''></a><br /><a id="persona-blog" class="blog" href=''></a><br /> </div> <div id="persona-dept" class="persona-dire dept">Knowledge area: GENETICS<br/>Department: Genetics </div> <div class="persona-dire"><span id="persona-localitzacio" class="location">Integrative Systems Biology Institute (I2Sysbio); University of València and Spanish Research Council (CSIC); c/ Catedrático José Beltrán 2, 46980 Paterna, València, Spain. Foundation for the Promotion of Sanitary and Biomedical Research of Valencian Community (FISABIO); Avenida de Cataluña 21, 42020 València, Spain. CIBER in Epidemiology and Public Health, Avenida Monforte de Lemos, 3-5. 28029 Madrid</span><br /><span id="persona-tel" class="phone">(9635) 43480</span><br /> </div> <div class="persona-dire"><a id="persona-researchID" class="persona-icono-rs researchID" href=""> <img class="researchId" src="//" /> </a><script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "img.researchId" ).hover( function() { $( this ).attr("src","//" ); }, function() { $( this ).attr("src","//"); } ); }); </script><a id="persona-scopus" class="persona-icono-rs scopus" href=""> <img class="scopus" src="//" /> </a><script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "img.scopus" ).hover( function() { $( this ).attr("src","//" ); }, function() { $( this ).attr("src","//"); } ); }); </script><a id="persona-googleScholar" class="persona-icono-rs gScholar" href=""> <img class="googleScholar" src="//" /> </a><script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "img.googleScholar" ).hover( function() { $( this ).attr("src","//" ); }, function() { $( this ).attr("src","//"); } ); }); </script><a id="persona-frontiers" class="persona-icono-rs frontiers" href=""><img class="frontiers" src="//" /></a><script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "img.frontiers" ).hover( function() { $( this ).attr("src","//" ); }, function() { $( this ).attr("src","//"); } ); }); </script><a id="persona-orcid" class="persona-icono-rs orcid" href=""> <img class="orcid" src="//" /> </a><script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "img.orcid" ).hover( function() { $( this ).attr("src","//" ); }, function() { $( this ).attr("src","//"); } ); }); </script> </div> <!-- persona-dire --> </div> <!-- persona-izq --> <div class="persona-dcha"> <div class="bio-titol" onclick="javascript:menuMovil('bio')">Biography</div> <a href="javascript:menuMovil('bio')"> <span class="caja-flecha arbio" > <i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i> </span> <span class="caja-flecha adbio" style="display:none"> <i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i> </span> </a> <div id="persona-bio" class="msbio bio-info"><p style="text-align:justify">He studied Biology and Philosophy simultaneously at the University of Valencia, obtaining his Ph.D. in Biology in 1983 and Philosophy (Extraordinary Award) in 1988. He did his postdoctoral stay in 1985-1986 with a Fulbright grant at the University of California at Davis (USA). He had been visiting professor at the University of California at Irvine (USA) in 1988 and 1994, and in 2019 professor on a sabbatical stay with a Fulbright grant at Harvard University. In 1986 he created the Evolutionary Genetics group in the Dept. of Genetics at the University of Valencia, where he has been a professor since 1993. He was the director of this Dept. from 1995 to 1998. He has been the promoter of the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology of the University of Valencia and its director from its creation in 1998 until 2010. He has also been a promoter of the Astrobiology Center (INTA-CSIC) and the Centro Superior de Investigación en Salud Pública de la Conselleria de Sanidad del Gobierno Valenciano (CSISP), of which he was its director in 2012. The CSISP was integrated into the Valencian Foundation for Promoting Health and Biomedical Research of the Valencian Community, FISABIO. He was the FISABIO-Public Health division's scientific director from 2013 until July 2014. Since August 2014, he has directed, within FISABIO, the FISABIO Chair for the Promotion of Biomedical Research, an Institutional Chair of the University of Valencia.</p> <p style="text-align:justify">He is the author of about 600 publications, including scientific articles, reviews, book chapters, and books on Genetics, Evolution, and Philosophy (20,700 citations, h-index of 74). He has participated in several patents and created a <em>spin-off </em>company. Experimental evolution of viruses and genomics and metagenomics of bacteria and microbial communities represent the research areas where he has made the most significant scientific contributions. He introduced Genomics in Spain, and his group sequenced the first genome of a bacterium, entirely carried out in Spain. He has done extensive work in disseminating and reflecting on science and has published several books on evolutionary theory and the scope of evolutionary thought. He currently focuses his research on symbiosis, mainly studying the human microbiome and other organisms from an evolutionary, systems biology, and synthetic biology perspective. He has supervised 35 doctoral theses, and many national and foreign scientists have been trained in his research group. He has received competitive funding from regional, national, European, and international agencies and has been the principal investigator of national, European, and international projects.</p> <p style="text-align:justify">He has given lectures and courses in European countries, Latin America, the United States, and Asia. He has formed or is a member of commissions of research evaluation agencies in Spain and its autonomous communities, different European and Latin American countries, and the European Union.</p> <p style="text-align:justify">He is a member of several scientific societies, founder of the European Society of Evolutionary Biology, the Spanish Society of Virology, and the Spanish Society of Evolutionary Biology, of which he has been its president. He is editor-in-chief, associate editor, or editorial board member of several scientific and philosophical journals.</p> <p style="text-align:justify">He has received the following distinctions: the City of Barcelona Award for Scientific Research (1996), "Fellow" of the "American Association for the Advance of Science" (1998), the Diario Médico Award (2006), Diploma of the President of the Valencian Government for Excellence in Biomedical Research (2010), National Genetics Award (2012), Lilly Award in Preclinical Biomedical Research (2013), Mexico Award for Science and Technology (2015), Dr. Honoris Causa by the Menéndez Pelayo International University (2016), Advisor to the Gadea Foundation (2017), Maestro Andrés Laguna Award (2019), Alberto Sols Award for Research in Health Sciences (2022).</p> </div> <div class="m05"></div> <div class="bio-titol" onclick="javascript:menuMovil('asig')">Subjects taught and teaching methods</div> <a href="javascript:menuMovil('asig')"><span class="caja-flecha arasig" style="display:none"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></span><span class="caja-flecha adasig"><i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></span></a> <div class="msasig bio-info" ><table id="persona-asignatures" class="asig"> <tr class="asignatura"><td class="nombre-asignatura" width="70%"><a href=";2025" title="Biología - Degree in Biotechnology">33165 - Biología - Degree in Biotechnology</a></td><td class="tipo-asignatura"></td></tr> <tr class="asignatura"><td class="nombre-asignatura" width="70%"><a href=";2025" title="Evolución - Master's Degree in Bioinformatics">42598 - Evolución - Master's Degree in Bioinformatics</a></td><td class="tipo-asignatura"></td></tr> <tr class="asignatura"><td class="nombre-asignatura" width="70%"><a href=";2025" title="Biología evolutiva - Degree in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences">36349 - Biología evolutiva - Degree in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences</a></td><td class="tipo-asignatura"></td></tr> <tr class="asignatura"><td class="nombre-asignatura" width="70%"><a href=";2025" title="Trab.Fin Grado Bioquím.Cienc.Biomèd. - Degree in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences">33159 - Trab.Fin Grado Bioquím.Cienc.Biomèd. - Degree in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences</a></td><td class="tipo-asignatura"></td></tr></table> </div> <div class="m05"></div> <div class="bio-titol" onclick="javascript:menuMovil('tuto')">Tutorials</div> <a href="javascript:menuMovil('tuto')"><span class="caja-flecha artuto" style="display:none"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></span><span class="caja-flecha adtuto"><i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></span></a> <div class="mstuto bio-info" ><table id="persona-tutories" class="tuto"><tr class="titulo"><td>16/09/2024 - 16/05/2025</td></tr><tr class="dia"><td>MIÉRCOLES de 12:00 a 13:30 3.2.1 DESPATX Planta 3 INSTITUTS UNIVERSITARIS DE PATERNA</td></tr><tr class="titulo"><td>Observations</td></tr><tr><td class="dia">Participate in the e-tutoring programme of the Universitat de València</td></tr></table> </div> <div class="m05"></div> <div class="bio-titol" onclick="javascript:menuMovil('FormAcademica')">Academic training</div> <a href="javascript:menuMovil('FormAcademica')"><span class="caja-flecha arFormAcademica" style="display:none"><i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></span><span class="caja-flecha adFormAcademica"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></span></a> <div class="msFormAcademica bio-info" style="display:none"><ul class="grec"><li class="FormAcademica"> <div>Licenciado en Biología. Universitat de València. 17/05/1979 (Diploma / Degree / Activities).</div></li><li class="FormAcademica"> <div>Licenciado en Filosofía. Universitat de València. 03/04/1981 (Diploma / Degree / Activities).</div></li><li class="FormAcademica"> <div>Ph.D. in Biology. University of Valencia. 09/12/1983 (Ph.D.).</div></li><li class="FormAcademica"> <div>Ph.D. in Philosophy. University of Valencia. 04/11/1988 (Ph.D.).</div></li></ul> </div> <div class="m05"></div> <div class="bio-titol" onclick="javascript:menuMovil('PubliRev')">Journal Publications</div> <a href="javascript:menuMovil('PubliRev')"><span class="caja-flecha arPubliRev" style="display:none"><i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></span><span class="caja-flecha adPubliRev"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></span></a> <div class="msPubliRev bio-info" style="display:none"><ul class="grec"><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">S. Serrano-Villar; M. de Lagarde; J. Vázquez-Castellanos; A. Vallejo; J.I. Bernadino; N. Madrid; M. Matarranz; A. Díaz-Santiago; C. Gutiérrez; A. Cabello; J. Villar-García; J. Blanco; O. Bisba; T. Sainz; A. Moya; S. Moreno; M.J. Gosalbes; V. Estrada. </span> <span class="year">(2019) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Effects of immunonutrition in advanced HIV disease: a randomized placebo controlled clinical trial (Promaltia study).</a></span><span class="revista"> Clinical Infectious Diseases</span><span class="locus">, 68(1), pp. 120 - 130 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1058-4838 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Dzunková, M; Moya, A; Chen, X; Kelly, C; D'Auria, G. </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Detection of mixed-strain infections by FACS and ultra-low input genome sequencing.</a></span><span class="revista"> Gut Microbes</span><span class="locus">, 11(3), pp. 305 - 309 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1949-0976 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Campos, M; Capilla, R; Naya, F; Futami, R; Coque, T; Moya, A; Fernández-Lanza, V; Cantón, R; Sempere, JM; Llorens, C; Baquero, F </span> <span class="year">(2019) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Simulating multi-level dynamics of antimicrobial resistance in a membrane computing model.</a></span><span class="revista"> MBio</span><span class="locus">, 10(1) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2161-2129 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Ata, B; Yildiz, S; Turkgeldi; Pérez-Brocal, V; Dinleyici, E; Moya, A; Urman, B </span> <span class="year">(2019) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">The Endobiota study: comparison of vaginal, cervical and gut microbiota between women with stage 3-4 endometriosis and healthy controls.</a></span><span class="revista"> Scientific Reports</span><span class="locus">, 9(1) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2045-2322 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Aluja, M; Guillén, L; Ochoa, M; Pascacio-Villafán, C; Birke, A; Altúzar-Molina, A; Lamelas, A; Pérez-Brocal, V; Latorre, A; Moya, A. </span> <span class="year">(2019) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">La reivindicación de las bacterias.</a></span><span class="revista"> Ciencia y Desarrollo</span><span class="locus">(299) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0185-0008 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">García-López, R; Pérez-Brocal, C; Moya, A. </span> <span class="year">(2019) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Beyond cells - The virome in the human holobiont.</a></span><span class="revista"> Microbial Cell</span><span class="locus">, 6(9), pp. 373 - 396 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2311-2638 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">González-Serrano, F; Pérez-Cobas AE; Rosas, T; Baixeras, J; Latorre, A; Moya, A. </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">The gut microbiota composition of the moth Brithys crini reflects insect metamorphosis.</a></span><span class="revista"> Microbial Ecology</span><span class="issn">. ISSN: 0095-3628 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Jiménez-Hernández, N; Serrano-Villar S, Domingo, A; Pons, X; Artacho, A; Estrada, V; Moya, A; Gosalbes, MJ. </span> <span class="year">(2019) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Modulation of Saliva Microbiota through Prebiotics Intervention in HIV-Infected Individuals.</a></span><span class="revista"> Nutrients</span><span class="locus">, 11(6) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2072-6643 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Moreno-Arrones, OM; Serrano-Villar, S; Pérez-Brocal, V; Saceda-Corrado, D; Morales-Raya, C; Rodrigues-Barata, R; MOya, A; Jaén-Olasolo, P; Vano-Galván, S. </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Analysis of the gut microbiota in alopecia areata: identification of bacterial biomarkers.</a></span><span class="revista"> Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology</span><span class="locus">, 34(2), pp. 400 - 405 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0926-9959 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Palomo-Buitrago, ME; Sabater-Masdeu, M; Moreno-Navarrete JM; Caballano-Infantes, E; Arnoriaga-Rodríguez, M; Coll, C; Ramio, Ll; Palomino-Schätzlein, M; Gutiérrez-Carcedo, P; Pérez-Brocal, V; Moya, A; Simó, R; Ricart, W; Herance, JR, Fernández-Real, JM. </span> <span class="year">(2019) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Glutamate interactions with obesity, insulin resistance, cognition and gut microbiota composition.</a></span><span class="revista"> Acta Diabetologica</span><span class="locus">, 56(5), pp. 569 - 579 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0940-5429 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Medina, DA; Li, R; Thomson, P; Artacho, A; Pérez-Brocal, V; Moya, A. </span> <span class="year">(2019) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Cross-regional view of functional and taxonomic microbiota composition in obesity and post-obesity treatment shows country specific microbial contribution.</a></span><span class="revista"> Frontiers In Microbiology</span><span class="locus">, 10(1) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1664-302X </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Moya, A </span> <span class="year">(2019) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">La filosofía no ha muerto: Hawking filosofa con la ciencia que dispone en su tiempo.</a></span><span class="revista"> Ludus Vitalis</span><span class="locus">, 27(51), pp. 185 - 190 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1133-5165 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Ruiz-Ruiz, S; Sanchez-Carrillo, S; Ciordia, S; Mena, MC; Méndez-García, C; Rojo, D; Bargiela, R; Zubeldia-Varela, E; Martínez-Martínez, M; Barbas, C; Ferrer, M; Moya, A. </span> <span class="year">(2019) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Functional microbiome deficits associated with ageing: chronological age-threshold.</a></span><span class="revista"> Aging Cell</span><span class="locus">, 19(1) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1474-9718 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Amaretti, A; Gozzoli, C; Simone, M; Righini, L; Raimondi, S; Pérez-Brocal, V; García-López, R; Moya, A; Rossi, M. </span> <span class="year">(2019) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Profiling of protein degraders in cultures of human gut microbiota.</a></span><span class="revista"> Frontiers In Microbiology</span><span class="locus">, 10(2614) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1664-302X </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Dinleyici, M; Pérez-Brocal, V; Arslanoglu, S; Aydemir, O; Ozumut, SS; Tekin, N; Vandenplas, Y; Moya, A; Dinleyici, EC. </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Human milk mycobiota composition: relationship with gestational age, delivery mode, and birth weight.</a></span><span class="revista"> Beneficial Microbes</span><span class="locus">, 11(2), pp. 151 - 162 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1876-2883 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Reyes-Prieto, M; Vargas-Chávez, C; Llabrés, M; Palmer, P; Latorre, A; Moya, A. </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">An update on the Symbiotic Genomes Database (SymGenDB): a collection of metadata, genomic, genetic and protein sequences, orthologs and metabolic networks of symbiotic organisms.</a></span><span class="revista"> Database</span><span class="issn">. ISSN: 0162-4105 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Lamelas, A; Desgarennes, D; López-Lima, D; Villain, L; Alonso-Sánchez, A; Artacho, A; Latorre, A; Moya, A; Carrión, G. </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">The bacterial microbiome of Meloidogyne-based disease complex in coffee and tomato.</a></span><span class="revista"> Frontiers In Plant Science</span><span class="locus">, 11(136) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1664-462X </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">M. Arnoriaga-Rodríguez; J. Mayneris-Perxachs; A. Burokas; V. Pérez-Brocal; A. Moya; M. Portero-Otin; W. Ricart; R. Maldonado; J.M. Fernández-Real </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Gut bacterial ClpB-like gene function is associated with decreased body weight and a characteristic microbiota profile.</a></span><span class="revista"> Microbiome</span><span class="locus">, 8(59) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2049-2618 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">R. Domínguez-Santos R; A.E. Pérez-Cobas; A. Artacho; J.A. Castro; I Talón; A. Moya; C. García-Ferris; A. Latorre </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Unraveling assemblage, functions and stability of the gut microbiota of Blattella germanica by antibiotic treatment.</a></span><span class="revista"> Frontiers In Microbiology</span><span class="locus">, 11(487) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1664-302X </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">R. Méndez-Pérez; R. García-López; J.S. Bautista-López; J. Vázquez-Castellanos; C. Álvarez-González; E. Peña-Marín; E. Baltierra-Trejo; R. Adams-Schroeder; V. Domínguez-Rodríguez; C. Melgar-Valdés; R. Martínez-García; A. Moya; R. Gómez-Cruz </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">High-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene to analyze the gut microbiome in juvenile and adult tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus).</a></span><span class="revista"> Latin American Journal Of Aquatic Research</span><span class="locus">, 48(3) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0718-560X </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">T. Sainz; M.J. Gosalbes, A; Talavera, N; Jiménez-Hernández, L; Prieto, L; Escosa, S; J.T. Guillén; M. Ramos; A. Muñoz-Fernández; A. Moya; M. L. Navarro; M. J. Mellado; S. Serrano-Villar </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Effect of a nutritional intervention on the intestinal microbiota of vertically HIV-infected children: the Pediabiota study.</a></span><span class="revista"> Nutrients</span><span class="locus">, 12(7) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2072-6643 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">M. Allaw; M.L. Manca; C. Caddeo; M.C. Recio; V. Pérez-Brocal; A. Moya; X. Fernàndez-Busquets; M. Manconi </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Advanced strategy to exploit wine-making waste by manufacturing antioxidant and prebiotic fibre-enriched vesicles for intestinal health.</a></span><span class="revista"> Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces</span><span class="locus">, 193 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0927-7765 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">O. Gaona; D. Cerqueda-García; A. Moya; C. Neri-Barrios; L. Falcón </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Geographical separation and physiology drive differentiation of microbial communities in two discrete populations of the bat Leptonycteris yerbabuenae.</a></span><span class="revista"> Microbiologyopen</span><span class="locus">, 9(6) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2045-8827 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">L Ibarra-Juarez; M. Burton; P. Biedermann; L. Cruz; D. Desgarennes; E. Ibarra-Laclette; A. Latorre; A. Alonso-Sánchez; E. Villafán; G. Hanako-Rosas; L. López; M. Vázquez-Rosas-Landa; G. Carrion; D. Carrillo; A. Moya; A. Lamelas Cabello </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Evidence for succession and putative metabolic roles of fungi and bacteria in the farming mutualism of the ambrosia beetle Xyleborus affinis.</a></span><span class="revista"> Msystems</span><span class="locus">, 5 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2379-5077 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">J. Mayneris-Perxachs; M. Arnoriaga-Rodríguez; D. Luque-Córdoba; F. Priego-Capote; V. Pérez-Brocal; A. Moya; A. Burokas; R. Maldonado; J.M. Fernández-Real </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Gut microbiota steroid sexual dimorphism and its impact on gonadal steroids: influences of obesity and menopausal status.</a></span><span class="revista"> Microbiome</span><span class="locus">, 8(136) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2049-2618 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">A. Moya; S. Ruiz-Ruiz; M. Ferrer </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Bacterial taxa decoupling with ageing.</a></span><span class="revista"> Aging-Us</span><span class="locus">, 12(16), pp. 15878 - 15879 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1945-4589 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">N. Yasar Bilge; V. Pérez Brocal; T. Kasifoglu; U. Bilge; N. Kasifoglu; A. Moya; E. Dinleyici </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Intestinal microbiota composition of patients with Behçet's disease: differences between eye, mucocutaneous, and vascular involvement - The Rheuma-Biota study.</a></span><span class="revista"> Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology</span><span class="locus">, 79, pp. 1543 - 1544 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0392-856X </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">M. Arnoriaga-Rodríguez; J. Mayneris-Perxachs; A. Burokas; G. Blasco; C. Coll; C. Biarnés; R.Miranda-Olivos; J. Latorre; J.M. Moreno-Navarrete; A. Castells-Nobau; M.Sabater; M.E. Palomo-Buitrago; O. Contreras-Rodríguez; J. Puig, S. Pedraza; J. Gich; V. Pérez-Brocal; W. Ricart; A. Moya; X. Fernández-Real; L. Ramió-Torrentà; M. Jové; M. Portero-Otin; R. Maldonado; J.M. Fernández-Real; R. Pamplona; J. Sol </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Obesity impairs short-term and working memory through gut microbial metabolism of aromatic amino acids.</a></span><span class="revista"> Cell Metabolism</span><span class="locus">, 32(4), pp. 548 - 560 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1550-4131 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">V. Pérez-Brocal; F. Magne; S. Ruiz-Ruiz; C.A. Ponce; R.Bustamante; V. San Martín; M. Gutierrez; G. Gatti; S.L. Vargas; A. Moya </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Optimized DNA extraction and purification method for characterization of bacterial and fungal communities in lung tissue samples.</a></span><span class="revista"> Scientific Reports</span><span class="locus">, 10(17377) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2045-2322 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Dzunková, M; Liptak, R; Vlková, B; Fardlík, R; Cierny, M; Moya, A; Celec, P. </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Salivary microbiome composition changes after bariatric surgery.</a></span><span class="revista"> Scientific Reports</span><span class="locus">, 10 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2045-2322 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Moya, A; Oliver, JL; Verdú, M; Delaye, L; Arnau, V; Bernaola-Galván, P; de la Fuente, R; Díaz, W; Gómez-Martín, C; González, FM; Latorre, A; Lebrón, R; Román-Roldán, R. </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Driven progressive evolution of genome sequence complexity in Cyanobacteria.</a></span><span class="revista"> Scientific Reports</span><span class="locus">, 10(1) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2045-2322 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Moya, A. </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Progreso, complejidad y evolución.</a></span><span class="revista"> Endoxa</span><span class="locus">, 46, pp. 427 - 440 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1133-5351 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Moya, A. </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Sobre humanos y microbios.</a></span><span class="revista"> Revista de Occidente</span><span class="locus">, 475, pp. 10 - 19 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0034-8635 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Moya, A. </span> <span class="year">(2020) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Epidemia y desigualdad.</a></span><span class="revista"> Ludus Vitalis</span><span class="locus">, 28(53), pp. 143 - 146 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1133-5165 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Arnoriaga-Rodríguez, M; Mayneris-Perxachs, J; Contreras-Rodríguez, O; Burokas, A; Ortega-Sánchez, JA; Blasco, G; Coll, C; Biarnés, C; Castells-Nobau, A; Puig, J; Garre-Olmo, J; Ramos, R; Pedraza, S; Brugada, R; Vilanova, JC; Serena, J; Barretina, J; Gich, J; Pérez-Brocal, V; Moya, A; Fernández-Real, X; Ramio-Torrentà, Ll.; Pamplona, R; Sol, J; Jové, M; Ricart, W; Portero-Otin, M; Maldonado, R; Fernández-Real, JM. </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Obesity-associated deficits in inhibitory control are phenocopied to mice through gut microbiota changes in one-carbon and aromatic amino acids metabolic pathways.</a></span><span class="revista"> Gut</span><span class="issn">. ISSN: 0017-5749 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Debesa-Tur, G; Pérez-Brocal, V; Ruiz-Ruiz, S; Castillejo, A; Latorre, A; Soto, JL; Moya, A. </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Metagenomic analysis of formalin‑fixed paraffin‑embedded tumor and normal mucosa reveals differences in the microbiome of colorectal cancer patients.</a></span><span class="revista"> Scientific Reports</span><span class="locus">, 11 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2045-2322 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Raimondi, S; Luciani, R; Sirangelo, TM; Amaretti, A; Leonardi, A; Ulrici, A; Focaab, G; D'Auriacd, G; Moya, A; Zuliani, V; Seibert, TM; Søltoft-Jensen, J; Rossi, M. </span> <span class="year">(2019) </span> <span class="titol-grec">Microbiota of sliced cooked ham packaged in modified atmosphere throughout the shelf life.</span><span class="revista"> International Journal of Food Microbiology</span><span class="locus">, 289, pp. 200 - 208 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0168-1605 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Reyes-Prieto, M; Gil, R; Llabrés, M; Palmer-Rodríguez, P; Moya, A. </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">The metabolic building blocks of a minimal cell.</a></span><span class="revista"> Biology-Basel</span><span class="locus">, 10(1) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2079-7737 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Sánchez-Carrillo, S; Ciordia, S; Rojo, D; Zubeldia-Varela, E; Méndez-García, C; Martínez-Martínez, M; Barbas, C; Ruiz-Ruiz, S; Moya, A; Garriga, M; Salazar, N; Botella-Carretero, J; Vega-Piñero, B; de los Reyes Gavilán, CG; del Campo, R; Ferrer, M. </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">A body weight loss- and health-promoting gut microbiota is established after bariatric surgery in individuals with severe obesity.</a></span><span class="revista"> Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis</span><span class="locus">, 193 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0731-7085 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Muñoz-Benavent, M; Pérez-Cobas, AE; García-Ferris, C; Moya, A; Latorre, A. </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Insects' potential: understanding the functional role of their gut microbiome.</a></span><span class="revista"> Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis</span><span class="locus">, 194, p. 113787 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0731-7085 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">S. Serrano-Villar; A. Talavera-Rodríguez; M.J. Gosalbes; N. Madrid; J.A. Pérez-Molina; R.J. Elliott; B. Navia; V.F. Lanza; A. Vallejo; M. Osman; F. Dronda; S. Budree; J. Zamora; C. Gutiérrez; M. Manzano; M.J. Vivancos; R. Ron; J. Martínez-Sanz; S. Herrera; U. Ansa; A. Moya; S. Moreno </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Fecal microbiota transplantation 1 in HIV: A pilot, randomized, placebo-controlled study.</a></span><span class="revista"> Nature Communications</span><span class="issn">. ISSN: 2041-1723 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">R. Domínguez-Santos; A.E. Pérez-Cobas; P. Cuti; V. Pérez Brocal; C. García-Ferris; A. Moya; A. Latorre; R. Gil </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Inter-kingdom gut microbiome and resistome of the cockroach Blattella germanica.</a></span><span class="revista"> Msystems</span><span class="locus">, 6(3) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2379-5077 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Mayneris-Perxachs, J.; Cardellini, M; Hoyles, L; Latorre, J; Davato, F; Moreno-Navarrete J.M; Arnoriaga-Rodríguez, M; Serino, M.; Abbott, J; Barton, R.H.; Puig, J; Fernandez-Real, X; Ricart, W; Tomlinson, C; Woodbridge, M; Gentileschi, P; Butcher, S; Holmes, E; Nicholson, J.K.; Pérez-Brocal, V; Moya, A; Mc Clain, D; Burcelin, R; Dumas, M.E.; Federici, M; Fernández-Real J.M. </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Iron status influences non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in obesity through the gut microbiome.</a></span><span class="revista"> Microbiome</span><span class="locus">, 9(104) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2049-2618 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Aluja, M; Zamora, A; Pérez-Brocal, V ;Altuzar-Molina, A; Guillén, L; Desgarennes, D; Vázquez-Rosas-Landa, M; Ibarra-Laclette, E; Alonso-Sánchez, A.G.; Moya, A. </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Metagenomic survey of the highly polyphagous Anastrepha ludens developing in ancestral and exotic hosts reveals the lack of a stable microbiota in larvae and the strong influence of metamorphosis on adult gut microbiota.</a></span><span class="revista"> Frontiers In Microbiology</span><span class="locus">, 12 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1664-302X </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Arnoriaga-Rodríguez, M; Mayneris, J; Coll, C; Pérez-Brocal, V; Ricart, W; Moya, A; Ramió-Torrentà,Ll; Pamplona, R;Jové, M; Portero-Otón, M; Fernández-Real, J.M. </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Subjects with detectable Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the gut microbiota show deficits in attention and executive function.</a></span><span class="revista"> Journal of Internal Medicine</span><span class="locus">, 290(3), pp. 740 - 743 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0954-6820 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Campos, M; Sempere, J.M.; Galán, J.C.; Moya, A; Llorens, C; de los Angeles, C; Baquero-Artigao, F; Cantón, R; Baquero, F </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Simulating the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions limiting transmission in COVID-19 epidemics using a membrane computing model.</a></span><span class="revista"> microLife</span><span class="locus">, 2 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2633-6693 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Creus-Martí, I; Moya, A; Santonja, F.J. </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">A Dirichlet autoregressive model for the analysis of microbiota time series data.</a></span><span class="revista"> Complexity</span><span class="locus">, 2021 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1076-2787 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Dinleyici, M; Pérez-Brocal, V; Arslanoglu, S; Aydemir, O; Sevuk Ozumut, S; Tekin, N; Vandenplas, Y; Moya, A; Cagri Dinleyici, E </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Human Milk Virome Analysis: Changing Pattern Regarding Mode of Delivery, Birth Weight, and Lactational Stage.</a></span><span class="revista"> Nutrients</span><span class="locus">, 13(6) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2072-6643 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">García-Gamboa,R; Kirchmayr, M. R; Gradilla-Hernández, M.S; Pérez-Brocal, V; Moya, A; González-Ávila, M </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">The intestinal mycobiota and its relationship with overweight, obesity and nutritional aspects.</a></span><span class="revista"> Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics</span><span class="locus">, 34, pp. 645 - 665 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0952-3871 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Moreno-Arronés,O.M; Ortega-Quijano, D; Pérez-Brocal,V; Fernández-Nieto,D; Jiménez, N; de las Heras, E; Moya, A; Pérez-García, B </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Dysbiotic gut microbiota in inflammatory rosacea patients: another clue towards the existence of a brain-gut-skin axis.</a></span><span class="revista"> British Journal of Dermatology</span><span class="locus">, 185(3), pp. 655 - 657 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0007-0963 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Stamilla, A; Ruiz-Ruiz, S; Artacho, A; Pons, J; Messina, A; Randazzo, C;L Caggia, C; Lanza, M; Moya, A </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Analysis of the microbial intestinal tract in broiler chickens during the rearing period.</a></span><span class="revista"> Biology-Basel</span><span class="locus">, 10(9) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2079-7737 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Blay,V; Dong, J; Moya, A </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Machine-learning study of the molecular drivers of natural product prices.</a></span><span class="revista"> Biofuels Bioproducts & Biorefining-Biofpr</span><span class="locus">, 15(6), pp. 1820 - 1834 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1932-104X </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Muñoz-Benavent, M; Pérez-Cobas, AE; García-Ferris, C; Moya, A; Latorre, A. </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Insects' potential: understanding the functional role of their gut microbiome.</a></span><span class="revista"> Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis</span><span class="locus">, 194 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0731-7085 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Becraft E.D; Moya,A </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Searching for the boundaries of microbial speciation in a rapidly evolving world.</a></span><span class="revista"> Frontiers In Microbiology</span><span class="locus">, 12(808595) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1664-302X </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Falgueras-Cano,J; Falgueras-Cano, J.A; Moya,A </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">A study of the coevolution of digital organisms with an evolutionary cellular automaton.</a></span><span class="revista"> Biology-Basel</span><span class="locus">, 10(11) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2079-7737 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Parisot, N; Vargas-Chavez, C; Goubert, C; Baapuyoulet, P; Balmand, S; Beranger, L; Blanc, C; Bonnamour, A; Boulesteix,M; Burlet, N; Calevro, F; Callaerts, P; Chancy, T; Charles, H; Colella, S; Da Silva Barbosa, A;Dell'Aglio, E; Di Genova, A; Febvay, G; Gabaldón, T; Galvao Ferrarini, M; Gerber, A; Gillet, B; Hubley, R; Hughes, S; Jacquin-Joly, E; Maire, J; Marcet-Houben, M; Masson, F; Meslin, C; Montagne, N; Moya, A; Ribeiro de Vasconcelos, A.T; Gautier, R; Rosen, J; Sagot, M.F; Smit A.F.A; Storer, J.M; Vincent-Monegat, V; Vallier, A; Vigneron, A; Zaidman-Remy, A; Zamoum, W; Vieira, C; Rebollo, R; Latorre, A; Heddi, A. </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">The transposable element-rich genome of the cereal pest Sitophilus oryzae.</a></span><span class="revista"> Bmc Biology</span><span class="locus">, 19(241) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1741-7007 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Samuel Piquer-Esteban; Susana Ruiz-Ruiz; Vicente Arnau; Wladimiro Diaz; Andrés Moya </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Exploring the universal healthy human gut microbiota around the World.</a></span><span class="revista"> Computational And Structural Biotechnology Journal</span><span class="locus">, 20, pp. 421 - 433 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2001-0370 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Rodríguez-Peña; M.M.; Astiarraga; B.; Seco; J.; Ceperuelo-Mallafré V.; Caballé A.; Pérez-Brocal V.; Stephan-Otto Attolini C.; Moya A.; Llauradó G.; Megía A.; Pellitero S.; Vilarrasa; N.; Fernández-Veledo S.; Vendrell J. </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Changes in glucagon-like peptide 1 and 2 levels in people with obesity after a diet-induced weight-loss intervention are related to a specific microbiota signature. A prospective cohort study.</a></span><span class="revista"> Clinical And Translational Medicine</span><span class="locus">, 11(11) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2001-1326 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Yalcin S.S.; Aksu T.; Kuskonmaz B.; Ozbek N.Y.; Pérez-Brocal V. ; Celik M.; Cetinkaya D.U.; Moya A.; Dinleyici E.C. </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Intestinal mycobiota composition and changes in children with thalassemia who underwent allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.</a></span><span class="revista"> Pediatric blood & cancer (Online)</span><span class="locus">, 69(1) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1545-5017 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Contreras-Rodriguez O; Arnoriaga-Rodríguez M; Miranda-Olivos R; Blasco G; Biarnés C; Puig J; Rivera-Pinto J.; Calle M. L.; Pérez-Brocal V.; Moya A.; Coll Martinez C.; Ramió-Torrentà L.; Soriano-Mas C.; Fernández-Real J.M. </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Obesity status and obesity-associated gut dysbiosis effects on hypothalamic structural covariance.</a></span><span class="revista"> International Journal of Obesity</span><span class="locus">, 46, pp. 30 - 38 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0307-0565 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Mayneris-Perxachs, J.; Castells-Nobau, A.; Arnoriaga-Rodríguez, M.; Martin, M.; de la Vega-Correa, L.; Zapata, C.; Burokas, A.; Blasco, G.; Coll, C.; Escrichs, A.; Biarnés, C.; Moreno-Navarrete, J.; Puig J.; Garre-Olmo, J.; Ramos, R.; Pedraza, S.; Brugada, R.; Vilanova, J.C.; Serena, J.; Gich, J.; Ramió-Torrentà, Ll; Pérez-Brocal, V.; Moya, A.; Pamplona, R.; Sol, J.; Jové, M.; Ricart, W.; Portero-Otin, M.; Deco, G.; Maldonado, R.; Fernández-Real, J.M. </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Microbiota alterations in proline metabolism impact depression.</a></span><span class="revista"> Cell Metabolism</span><span class="locus">, 34(5), pp. 681 - 701 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1550-4131 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Mayneris-Perxachs J.; Castells-Nobau A.; Arnoriaga-Rodríguez M.; Garre-Olmo J.; Puig J.; Ramos R.; Martínez-Hernán F.; Burokas A.; Coll C.; Moreno-Navarrete J.M.; Zapata-Tona C.; Pedraza S.; Pérez-Brocal V.; Ramió-Torrenta Ll.; Ricart W.; Moya A.; Martínez-García M.; Maldonado R.; Fernández-Real J.M. </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Caudovirales bacteriophages are associated with improved executive function and memory in flies, mice, and humans.</a></span><span class="revista"> Cell Host & Microbe</span><span class="locus">, 30(3), pp. 340 - 356 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1931-3128 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Ruiz-Ruiz, S; Ponce, CA; Pesantes, N; Bustamante, R; Gatti, G; San Martin, V; Gutiérrez, M; Bórquez, P; Vargas, S.L; Magne, F; Calderón, E.J; Pérez-Brocal, V; Moya, A. </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">A real-time PCR assay for detection low Pneumocystis jirovecii levels.</a></span><span class="revista"> Frontiers In Microbiology</span><span class="locus">, 12(787544) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1664-302X </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Creus Martí, I; Moya, A; Santonja, F.J </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Bayesian Hierarchical Compositional Models for Analysing Longitudinal Abundance Data from Microbiome Studies.</a></span><span class="revista"> Complexity</span><span class="locus">, Article ID 4907 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1076-2787 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">García-Gamboa, R.; Domínguez Simi, M.A.; Gradilla-Hernández, M.S.; Bravo Madrigal, J.; Moya, A.; González-Ávila, M. </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Antimicrobial and antibiofilm effect of inulin-type fructans, used in synbiotic combination with Lactobacillus spp. against Candida albicans.</a></span><span class="revista"> Plant Foods for Human Nutrition</span><span class="locus">, 77, pp. 212 - 219 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0921-9668 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Campos, M; Sempere, J.M.; Galán, J.C.; Moya, A; Cantón, C; Llorens, C; Baquero, F </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Simulating the efficacy of vaccines on the epidemiological dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in a membrane computing model.</a></span><span class="revista"> microLife</span><span class="locus">, 3, pp. 1 - 13 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2633-6693 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Falgueras-Cano, J; Falgueras-Cano, J.A; Moya, A </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Aggregated distribution as an explanation for the paradox of plankton and collective animal behavior.</a></span><span class="revista"> Biology-Basel</span><span class="locus">, 11(10), p. 1477 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2079-7737 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Jordi Mayneris-Perxachs; María Arnoriaga-Rodríguez; Josep Garre-Olmo; Josep Puig; Rafael Ramos; María Trelis; Aurelijus Burokas; Clàudia Coll; Cristina Zapata-Tona; Salvador Pedraza; Vicente Pérez-Brocal; Lluís Ramió; Wifredo Ricart; Andrés Moya; Mariona Jové; Joaquim Sol; Manuel Portero-Otin; Reinald Pamplona; Rafael Maldonado; José Manuel Fernández-Real </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Presence of Blastocystis in the gut microbiota is associated with cognitive traits and decreased executive function.</a></span><span class="revista"> Isme Journal</span><span class="locus">, 16(9), pp. 2181 - 2197 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1751-7362 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Camille Lassale; Montserrat Fito; María Morales-Suárez-Varela; Andrés Moya; Santiago F. Gomez; Helmut Schröder </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Mediterranean diet and adiposity in children and adolescents: A systematic review.</a></span><span class="revista"> Obesity Reviews</span><span class="issn">. ISSN: 1467-7881 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">García-Roa, Roberto; Domínguez-Santos, Rebeca; Pérez-Brocal, Vicente; Moya, Andrés; Latorre, Amparo; Carazo, Pau. </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Kin recognition in Drosophila: rearing environment and relatedness can modulate gut microbiota and cuticular hydrocarbon odour profiles.</a></span><span class="revista"> Oikos</span><span class="issn">. ISSN: 0030-1299 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Marta Solans; Maria A. Barcelo; Maria Morales-Suárez-Varela; Andrés Moya; Marc Saez </span> <span class="year">(2021) </span> <span class="titol-grec">Prenatal exposure to antibiotics and risk of childhood overweight or obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis.</span><span class="revista"> Obesity Reviews</span><span class="issn">. ISSN: 1467-7881 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Marín-Miret, J; González-Serrano, F; Rosas, T; Baixeras, J; Latorre, A; A.E. Pérez-Cobas, A.E; Moya, A </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Temporal variations shape the gut microbiome ecology of the moth Brithys crini.</a></span><span class="revista"> Environmental Microbiology</span><span class="locus">, 24, pp. 3939 - 3953 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1462-2912 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Moya, A </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">The calculus of life: contingency vs. necessity.</a></span><span class="revista"> Physics Of Life Reviews</span><span class="locus">, 43, pp. 271 - 272 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1571-0645 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Rebeca de la Fuente; Wladimiro Díaz-Villanueva; Vicente Arnau; Andrés Moya </span> <span class="year">(2023) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Genomic Signature in Evolutionary Biology: A Review.</a></span><span class="revista"> Biology-Basel</span><span class="locus">, 12(322), pp. 1 - 24 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2079-7737 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Ochoa-Sánchez, M; Cerqueda-García, D; Moya, A; Ibarra-Laclette, E; Altúzar-Molina, A; Desgarennes,D; Aluja, M </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Bitter friends are not always toxic: the loss of acetic acid bacteria and the absence of Komagataeibacter in the gut microbiota of the polyphagous fly Anastrepha ludens could inhibit its development in Psidium guajava in contrast to A. striata and A. fraterculus that flourish in this host.</a></span><span class="revista"> Frontiers In Microbiology</span><span class="locus">, 13(979817) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1664-302X </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Smith, G; Manzano-Marín, A; Reyes-Prieto, M; Ribeiro-Antunes, C.S; Ashworth, V; Goselle, O.N; Jan, A.A.A; Latorre, A; Perotti, M.A; Braig, H.R </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Human follicular mites: Ectoparasites becoming symbionts.</a></span><span class="revista"> Molecular Biology and Evolution</span><span class="locus">, 39:msac125 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0737-4038 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">M. Standley, M; Blay, V; Beleva Guthrie, V; Kim, J; Lyman, A; Moya, A; Karchin,R ; Camps, M </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Experimental and in silico analysis of TEM β-lactamase adaptive evolution.</a></span><span class="revista"> Acs Infectious Diseases</span><span class="locus">, 8(12), pp. 2451 - 2463 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2373-8227 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">García-Gamboa, R; Domínguez-Simi, M; Gradilla-Hernández, M.S; Bravo, J; Moya, A; Ruiz-Álvarez, B; González, M </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Anticandidal and antibiofilm effect of synbiotics including probiotics and inulin-type fructans.</a></span><span class="revista"> Antibiotics-Basel</span><span class="locus">, 11(1135) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2079-6382 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">D'Auria. G, Hodzhev. Y, Aceves-Sánchez. M.J, Moya. A, Panaiotov. S, Flores-Valdez. M.A </span> <span class="year">(2023) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Genome sequences of BCG Pasteur ATCC 35734 and its derivative, the vaccine candidate BCGΔBCG1419c.</a></span><span class="revista"> Bmc Genomics</span><span class="locus">, 24(69) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1471-2164 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Creus-Martí, I; Marín-Miret, J;, Moya, A.; Santonja FJ. </span> <span class="year">(2023) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Evidence of the cooperative response of Blattella germanica gut microbiota to antibiotic treatment.</a></span><span class="revista"> Mathematical Biosciences</span><span class="locus">, 364 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0025-5564 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Moya, A. </span> <span class="year">(2022) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">¿El fin de las dos culturas? Tres reflexiones.</a></span><span class="revista"> Revista de Occidente</span><span class="locus">(499), pp. 17 - 26 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0034-8635 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Bozan, Gurkan; Pérez Brocal, Vicente; Aslan, Kaan; Kiral, Eylem; Sevketoglu, Esra; Yazici, Mutlu Uysal; Azapagasi, Ebru; Kendirli, Tanil; Emeksiz, Serhat; Dursun, Oguz; Yildizdas, Dincer; Anil, Ayse.B; Akcay, Nihal; Kihtir, H.Serdar; Havan, Merve; Tekerek, N.Ulgen; Ekinci, Faruk; Kilic, Omer; Moya, Andrés; Dinleyici, E.Cagri. </span> <span class="year">(2023) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Intestinal and nasopharyngeal microbiota analysis of children with meningococcemia in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: INMACS-PICU Study.</a></span><span class="revista"> Diagnostics</span><span class="locus">, 13(1984) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2075-4418 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Moya, Andrés; Pérez-Brocal, Vicente. </span> <span class="year">(2023) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">El microbioma respiratorio en la salud y la enfermedad.</a></span><span class="revista"> Anales de Microbiota, Probióticos y Prebióticos</span><span class="locus">, 4(1), pp. 93 - 99 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 2695-6837 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Pesantes, Nicole; Barberá, Ana; Pérez-Rocher, Benjamín; Artacho, Alejandro; Vargas, Sergio Luis; Moya, Andres; Ruiz Ruiz, Susana. </span> <span class="year">(2023) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Influence of mental health medication on microbiota in the elderly population in the Valencian region.</a></span><span class="revista"> Frontiers In Microbiology</span><span class="locus">, 10(1094071) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1664-302X </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Rosell-Díaz, M; Santos-González, E; Motger-Albertí, A; Ramió-Torrentà, L; Garre-Olmo, J; Pérez-Brocal, V; Moya, A; Jovék, M; Pamplona, R; Puig, J; Ramose, R; Fernández-Real, J.M; Mayneris-Perxachs, J. </span> <span class="year">(2023) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Gut microbiota links to serum ferritin and cognition.</a></span><span class="revista"> Gut Microbes</span><span class="locus">, 15(2290318) </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1949-0976 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Moya, A </span> <span class="year">(2023) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Contingencia y necesidad en la evolución biológica.</a></span><span class="revista"> Paradigma (Málaga)</span><span class="locus">, 25, pp. 34 - 39 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 1885-7604 </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Arnoriaga-Rodríguez, M; Leal, Y; Mayneris-Perxachs, J; Pérez-Brocal, V; Moya, A; Ricart, M; Fernández-Balsells, M; Fernández-Real, J.M. </span> <span class="year">(2023) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Gut microbiota composition and functionality are associated with REM sleep duration and continuous glucose levels.</a></span><span class="revista"> Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism</span><span class="locus">, 108(11), pp. 2931 - 2939 </span> <span class="issn">. ISSN: 0021-972X </span> </div></li><li class="pubRev"> <div> <span class="autor">Yalcin, S.S; Kuskonmaz, B.B; Pérez-Brocal, V; Uckan Cetinkaya, D; Moya, A; Dinleyici, E.C. </span> <span class="year">(2023) </span> <span class="link"><a href="">Human mastadenovirus A Infection in a child during the course of hematopoietic stem cell transplant.</a></span><span class="revista"> Experimental And Clinical Transplantation</span><span class="issn">. ISSN: 1304-0855 </span> </div></li></ul> </div> <div class="m05"></div> <div class="bio-titol" onclick="javascript:menuMovil('Merits')">Other Achievements</div><a href="javascript:menuMovil('Merits')"><span class="caja-flecha arMerits" style="display:none"><i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></span><span class="caja-flecha adMerits"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></span></a> <div class="msMerits bio-info" style="display:none"><ul class="grec"><li class="merits"><div>Promotor del Área de Epidemiología del Centro Superior de Investigación en Salud Pública del Gobierno Valenciano. (Merits related to experience in management and administration).</div></li><li class="merits"><div>Promotor del Centro de Astrobiología del INTA-CSIC. (Merits related to experience in management and administration).</div></li><li class="merits"><div>Promotor del Instituto Cavanilles de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva de la Universitat de València. (Merits related to experience in management and administration).</div></li><li class="merits"><div>Miembro de la Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva. Socio Fundador. Vicepresidente 2005-2009. (Merits related to research activity).</div></li><li class="merits"><div>Miembro de la Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva. Socio Fundador. Presidente 2009-2017. (Merits related to research activity).</div></li><li class="merits"><div>Promotor del Instituto de Biología Integrativa de Sistemas. Universitat de València-CSIC. (Merits related to experience in management and administration).</div></li><li class="merits"><div>Miembro de la Sociedad Española de Genética desde 1985. (Merits related to research activity).</div></li><li class="merits"><div>Miembro de la Sociedad Española de Virología. Socio Fundador. (Merits related to research activity).</div></li><li class="merits"><div>Miembro de la Sociedad Europea de Biología Evolutiva. Socio Fundador. (Merits related to research activity).</div></li></ul> </div> <div class="m05"></div> <div class="bio-titol" onclick="javascript:menuMovil('PartConf')">Lectures</div><a href="javascript:menuMovil('PartConf')"><span class="caja-flecha arPartConf" style="display:none"><i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></span><span class="caja-flecha adPartConf"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></span></a> <div class="msPartConf bio-info" style="display:none"><ul class="grec"><li class="partConf"><div> Universidad de Bari. , . Bari. ITALY.</div></li><li class="partConf"><div> Naturaleza y futuro del ser humano. (Academia de Ciencias de Zaragoza), 2019. Zaragoza. SPAIN.</div></li><li class="partConf"><div> Microbiota en salud y enfermedad. (FISABIO), 2019. Valencia. SPAIN.</div></li><li class="partConf"><div> Yo soy yo con mis microbios. (VIII Lección Magistral Andrés Laguna), 2019. Madrid. SPAIN.</div></li><li class="partConf"><div> Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla. (Conferencia), 2021. Sevilla. SPAIN.</div></li><li class="partConf"><div> XLII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Genética. (Conferencia Inaugural), 2021. SPAIN.</div></li></ul> </div> <div class="m05"></div> <div class="bio-titol" onclick="javascript:menuMovil('PartCongr')">Participations in Conferences</div><a href="javascript:menuMovil('PartCongr')"><span class="caja-flecha arPartCongr" style="display:none"><i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></span><span class="caja-flecha adPartCongr"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></span></a> <div class="msPartCongr bio-info" style="display:none"><ul class="grec"><li class="partCongr"><div>Gil, R.; Garrote, E.; Latorre, A.; Moya, A. (2020). How to help Bartonella quintana grow more and better... and what for. (Poster). VII Congreso Bienal de la Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva (SESBE VII) . SPAIN</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Marín-Miret, J.; Pérez-Cobas, A.E.; Latorre, A.; Moya, A. (2020). Cockroach gut microbiota dynamics in response to a periodic antibiotic treatment. (Communication). VII Congreso Bienal de la Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva (SESBE VII) . SPAIN</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Andrés Moya; José L. Oliver; Miguel Verdú; Luis Delaye; Vicente Arnau; Pedro Bernaola- Galván; Rebeca de la Fuente; Wladimiro Díaz; Francisco M. González; Amparo Latorre; Ricardo Lebrón; Ramón Román-Roldán; Sixto Santamaría (2020). Progressive genome evolution in Cyanobacteria. (Communication). Congress of the Spanish Society for Evolutionary Biology. SESBE VII . Sevilla (Spain) . SPAIN</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Gil, R.; Garrote, E.; Domínguez-Santos, R.; Sentandreu, V.; Martínez, A.; D'Auria, G.; Moya, A.; Latorre, A. (2021). Genome characterization of a new Enterococcus isolated from the gut microbiota of the German cockroach Blattella germanica. (Poster). XLII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Genética (SEG2021) . SPAIN</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Garrote-Sánchez, E.; Solana-González, J.; Gullón-Escobar, L.; Moya, A.; Gil, R. (2021). From endosymbiont to chassis in synthetic biology: genomic engineering of Bartonella quintana by deleting non-essential regions. (Poster). XLII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Genética (SEG2021) . SPAIN</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Domínguez-Santos, R.; Pérez-Cobas, A. E.; García-Ferris, C.; Moya, A.; Gil, R.; Latorre, A. (2021). Metagenomic analysis unraveling the resistome in gut microbiota of Blattella germanica. (Poster). XLII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Genética (SEG2021) . SPAIN</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Reyes-Prieto, M.; Llabrès, M.; Palmer, P.; Gil, R.; Moya, A. (2021). Evolutionary traces within metabolic networks of endosymbiotic bacteria of insects. (Poster). XLII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Genética (SEG2021) . SPAIN</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Garrote-Sánchez, E.; Solana, J.; Gullón-Escobar, L.; Moya, A.; Gil, R. (2021). Obtención de mutantes de deleción en Bartonella quintana para la fabricación de un chasis en biología sintética. (Poster). XXVIII Congreso Nacional de Microbiología, SEM 2021 . SPAIN</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Moisès Bernabeu; Vicente Arnau; Wladimiro Díaz; Andrés Moya (2021). Complexity metrics trend analysis through endosymbiosis evolution. (Poster). XLII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Genética. SEG2021 Libro de resúmenes del XLII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Genética . Madrid (virtual) . SPAIN</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Moisès Bernabeu, Vicente Arnau, Wladimiro Díaz, Andrés Moya (2021). ¿Es progresiva la evolución genómica del phylum Gammaproteobacteria?. (Poster). I Congreso Latinoamericano de Evolución, CLEVOL 2021 . Chile (virtual) . CHILE</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Domínguez-Santos, R; Piquer, S.; Moya, A.; Gil, R.; Latorre, A.; García-Ferris, C. (2022). Host's phylogeny and faeces determine the composition and structure of the gut microbiota in Blattella germanica. (Poster). VIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva . Vigo . SPAIN</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Samuel Piquer-Esteban; Wladimiro Diaz-Villanueva; Vicente Arnau; Andrés Moya (2021). Benchmarking Conventional Reference Genome Databases in Human Gut Metagenomics. (Poster). XLII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Genética. SEG2021. Poster P6-14 Libro de resúmenes del XLII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Genética . Madrid (virtual) . SPAIN</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Barberá, A; Pesantes, N; Pérez-Rocher, B; Artacho, A; Moya A; Ruiz-Ruiz, S (2022). Influence of mental health medication on microbiota in the elderly population in the valencian region. (Poster). X Bioinformatics and Genomics Symposium (BGS-X) . Valencia . SPAIN</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Pérez-Rocher, B; García, I; Palmer-Roríguez, P; Moya, A; Llabrés, M (2022). Inference of metabolic networks at microbiota level shows discrete states in healthy subjects. (Poster). X Bioinformatics and Genomics Symposium (BGS-X) . Valencia . SPAIN</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Merma, C.V; Yin, X; Flores, J.C; Pérez Brocal, V; Moya, A; Fernandez Veledo, S; Vilaseca, I; Avilés Jurado, F.X (2022). Salivary, fecal and tumour tissue microbiota in head and neck squemous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). (Communication). 6th Congress of European ORL-HNS . ITALY</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Garrote-Sánchez, E; Seeger, C; Moya, A; Gil, R. (2022). First stem form endosymbiont to chassis in synthetic biology: helping bartonella quintana to grow more and better. (Poster). X Bioinformatics and Genomics Symposium (BGS-X) . Valencia . SPAIN</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Garrote-Sánchez, E; Solana-González, J; Moya, A; Gil, R. (2022). The human parasitic endosymbiont Bartonella quintana as chassis in Synthetic Biology: Characterization and genomic engineering. (Poster). ISS International Symbiosis Society/ Holobiont . Lyon . FRANCE</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Garrote-Sánchez, E; Domínguez-Santos, R; Sentandreu, V; Martínez, A; D'Auria, G; Moya, A; Latorre, A; Gil, R (2022). Genome characterization of Enterococcus avium Bge, isolated from the gut microbiota of the cockroach Blattella germanica. (Poster). SESBE VIII, Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva . Vigo . SPAIN</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Creus-Martí, I; Marín-Miret, J; Moya, A; Santonja, F.J. (2022). Analysing the effect of an antibiotic treatment in the gut microbiome of Blattella germanica. (Poster). X Bioinformatics and Genomics Symposium (BGS-X) . Valencia . SPAIN</div></li><li class="partCongr"><div>Marín-Miret, J; Domínguez-Santos, R; Pérez-Rocher. B; Pérez-Cobas, A.E; Moya, A; Latorre, A. (2022). Kanamycin efects on the gut microbiota functional profile of Blattella germanica. (Poster). X Bioinformatics and Genomics Symposium (BGS-X) . Valencia . SPAIN</div></li></ul> </div> <div class="m05"></div> <div class="bio-titol" onclick="javascript:menuMovil('Projectes')">Projects</div><a href="javascript:menuMovil('Projectes')"><span class="caja-flecha arProjectes" style="display:none"><i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></span><span class="caja-flecha arProjectes"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></span></a> <div class="msProjectes bio-info" style="display:none"><ul class="grec"><li class="projectes"><div>Ingeniería microbiana, salud y calidad de vida (). 2018 - 2021. Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. . PI: María Molina Martín.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Impacto de la microbiota en la oncogénesis colorrectal en pacientes con síndrome de Lynch (). 2018 - 2020. Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer. . PI: Andrés Moya.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Estabilidad, resiliencia y redundancia funcional de la microbiota intestinal humana durante el desarrollo y en respuesta al estrés antibiótico y a Clostridium difficile (). 2016 - 2019. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. . PI: Dr. Andrés Moya y Dra. Pilar Francino.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Interaction between microbiome and virome in the human intestine in health, disease and antibiotic stress (). 2014. Generalitat Valenciana. . PI: Andrés Moya.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Eliminación de bacteroides con RNAi e implicaciones en el estudio de la simbiosis (). 2011. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. . PI: Xavier Bellès.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Plataforma metagenómica para el estudio del Microbioma Humano (Metagenoplat) (Codi sense especificar). 2009. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. . PI: Andrés Moya.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Workshop sobre células mínimas (Codi sense especificar). 2009. Fundación Genoma España. . PI: Andrés Moya.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Epidemiología molecular y genómica de enfermedades infecciosas (). 2009. Conselleria de Sanidad de la Comunidad Valenciana. . PI: Andrés Moya.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Asesoramiento en genómica y metagenómica (). 2008. Biotechvana Bioinformatics. . PI: Andrés Moya.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Asesoramiento bioinformático en pirosecuenciación (). 2008. Lifesequencing. . PI: Andrés Moya.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (Codi sense especificar). 2006. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. . PI: Andres Moya Simarro.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Centro de Genómica Bacteriana del Centro Superior de Investigación en Salud Pública (CSISP) (Codi sense especificar). 2005. Conselleria de Sanidad de la Comunidad Valenciana. . PI: Andrés Moya y Amparo Latorre.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Epidemiología Molecular de enfermades infecciosas (Codi sense especificar). 2005. Conselleria de Sanidad de la Comunidad Valenciana. . PI: Andrés Moya y Fernando González.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Evaluación de infraestructuras computacionales del Centro de Genómica Bacteriana del CSISP (Codi sense especificar). 2005. Conselleria de Sanidad de la Comunidad Valenciana. . PI: Andres Moya Simarro.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Evaluación de infraestructuras de secuenciación del Centro de Genómica Bacteriana del CSISP (Codi sense especificar). 2005. Conselleria de Sanidad de la Comunidad Valenciana. . PI: Andres Moya Simarro.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Sistema modular de cuantificación de muestras biológicas (Codi sense especificar). 2004. Generalitat Valenciana. . PI: Andres Moya Simarro.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Generación de estrategias científico-tecnológicas con un enfoque multidisciplinario e interinstitucional para afrontar la amenaza que representan los complejos ambrosiales en los sectores agrícola y forestal de México (). 2018 - 2020. Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología. CONACYT. México. . PI: Diana Sánchez Rangel.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Science and Technology in childhood Obesity Policy (STOP) (). 2018 - 2022. Unión Europea. . PI: Franco Sassi.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Developing and validating a computational model of the gut microbiota-mucosa interactions to replace and reduce animal experiments (). 2018 - 2021. National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research-NC3Rs. . PI: Jan-Ulrich Kreft.</div></li><li class="projectes"><div>Evolución, epidemiología experimental e ingeniería terapéutica de la microbiota (). 2018 - 2021. Generalitat Valenciana. . PI: Andrés Moya.</div></li></ul> </div> <div class="m05"></div> <div class="bio-titol" onclick="javascript:menuMovil('Tesis')">Thesis, minor thesis and research reports</div><a href="javascript:menuMovil('Tesis')"><span class="caja-flecha arTesis" style="display:none"><i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></span><span class="caja-flecha arTesis"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></span></a> <div class="msTesis bio-info" style="display:none"><ul class="grec"><li class="tesis"><div>García-López, Rodrigo, (2017). Study of the oral virome and microbiome associated to the proliferative verrucous leukoplakia. (Doctoral Thesis with International Mention). Universitat de València.. </div></li><li class="tesis"><div>Víctor J. Luque Martín, (2017). The 'Force interpretation' of evolutionary theory: scope and limits. Fecha lectura: 16/01/2017. (Doctoral Thesis). Universidad de Valencia.. </div></li><li class="tesis"><div>Vázquez Castellanos, Jorge Francisco, (2017). Study of the intestinal microbiota in the HIV infection and the effect of a nutritional intervention. (Doctoral Thesis with International Mention). Universitat de València (Unitat Mixta UV-Fisabio).. </div></li><li class="tesis"><div>Maria Dzunkova, (2016). Metagenomics of the human gut microbiome directed by flow citometry. (Doctoral Thesis). Universitat de València.. </div></li><li class="tesis"><div>Joan Riera Pabón, (2015). La relación entre el reduccionismo y la biología: análisis filosófico en el contexto de la genética, la evolución y el desarrollo. (Doctoral Thesis). Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.. </div></li><li class="tesis"><div>Sergio López Madrigal, (2015). Characterization of the mutualistic endosymbiosis between intracellular bacteria and mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). (Doctoral Thesis with International Mention). Universidad de Valencia.. </div></li><li class="tesis"><div>Ana Elena Pérez Cobas, (2015). Effects of antibiotics and Clostridium difficile infection on the human gut microbiota. (Doctoral Thesis with International Mention). Universidad de Valencia.. </div></li><li class="tesis"><div>Diego Santos García, (2014). Endosymbiont communities in Bemisia tabaci: a metagenomic approach. (Doctoral Thesis). Universidad de Valencia.. </div></li><li class="tesis"><div>Daniel Martínez Martínez, (2019). Stability of the human microbiome. Health and disease related to the time variability of the human microbiome. (Doctoral Thesis). Universitat de València.. </div></li><li class="tesis"><div>Pablo García Barranquero, (2020). Is aging a disease? The philosophical debate between bioconservatives and transhumanist on life extension. (Doctoral Thesis with International Mention). Universidad de Málaga.. </div></li><li class="tesis"><div>Ricardo García Gamboa, (2022). Búsqueda de una combinación simbiótica con actividad antifúngica contra levaduras encontradas en la micobiota intestinal en individuos con sobrepeso y obesidad. (Doctoral Thesis). .. </div></li><li class="tesis"><div>Jesús Marín Miret, (2023). A longitudinal study of perturbations on gut microbiota of Blattella germanica due to periodic antibiotic treatment. (Doctoral Thesis). Universidad de Valencia.. </div></li><li class="tesis"><div>Mitchell Ryan Distint, (2023). Evolution in space and time. The second synthesis between ecology, evolutionary biology, and the philosophy of biology. (Doctoral Thesis). Universidad de Valencia.. </div></li><li class="tesis"><div>Bertha Mariana Reyes Prieto, (2023). Towards minimal cells and beyond, the development and application of bioinformatic tools for large-scale genomic data analysis of endosymbiotic bacteria of insects. (Doctoral Thesis). Universidad de Valencia.. </div></li><li class="tesis"><div>Irene Creus Martí, (2023). Bayesian analysis of human microbiome compositional data. Modelling and prediction of the changes in its composition. (Doctoral Thesis). Universidad de Valencia.. </div></li></ul> </div> <div class="m05"></div> </div> <!-- persona-dcha --> <div class="clear"></div><script type="text/javascript"> function menuMovil(n) { $(".ms" + n).toggle(); $(".ar" + n).toggle(); $(".ad" + n).toggle(); } </script> </div><!-- content-persona --></div> <div class="clear"> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="pie-pagina"> <div class="logo-pie"><img src="/recursos/fatwirepub/css/logoPeu.png" alt="Logo del portal"/><div class="iconos-pie "> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "img.facebook" ).hover( function() { $( this ).attr("src","//" ); }, function() { $( this ).attr("src","//"); } ); }); </script> <a title="UV Facebook" href=""><img class="facebook" alt="UV Facebook" src="//" /></a> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "img.twitter" ).hover( function() { $( this ).attr("src","//" ); }, function() { $( this ).attr("src","//"); } ); }); </script> <a title="UV Twitter" href=""><img class="twitter" alt="UV Twitter" src="//" /></a> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "img.LinkedIn" ).hover( function() { $( this ).attr("src","//" ); }, function() { $( this ).attr("src","//"); } ); }); </script><a title="LinkedIn UV" href="" target="_blank"><img class="LinkedIn" alt="LinkedIn UV" src="//" /></a> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "img.PinterestUV" ).hover( function() { $( this ).attr("src","//" ); }, function() { $( this ).attr("src","//"); } ); }); </script><a title="Pinterest UV" href=""><img class="PinterestUV" alt="Pinterest UV" src="//" /></a> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "" ).hover( function() { $( this ).attr("src","//" ); }, function() { $( this ).attr("src","//"); } ); }); </script> <a title="UV YouTube" href="" target="_blank"><img class="youtube" alt="UV YouTube" src="//" /></a> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "img.instagram" ).hover( function() { $( this ).attr("src","//" ); }, function() { $( this ).attr("src","//"); } ); }); </script> <div class="clear m05"></div><a title="Instagram de la Universitat de València" href=""><img class="instagram" alt="Instagram de la Universitat de València" src="//" /></a> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "img.mmedia" ).hover( function() { $( this ).attr("src","//" ); }, function() { $( this ).attr("src","//"); } ); }); </script><a title="UV Multimedia Server" href="" target="_blank"><img class="mmedia" alt="UV Multimedia Server" src="//" /></a> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "img.RSS" ).hover( function() { $( this ).attr("src","//" ); }, function() { $( this ).attr("src","//"); } ); }); </script> <a title="RSS UV" href=";charset=UTF-8&pageId=1285846070123&site=UV&locale=en_GB"><img class="RSS" alt="RSS UV" src="//" /></a> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "img.iphone" ).hover( function() { $( this ).attr("src","//" ); }, function() { $( this ).attr("src","//"); } ); }); </script><a title="UV Iphone mobile application" href="" target="_blank"><img class="iphone" alt="UV Iphone mobile application" src="//" /></a> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "" ).hover( function() { $( this ).attr("src","//" ); }, function() { $( this ).attr("src","//"); } ); }); </script><a title="UV android mobile application" href="" target="_blank"><img class="android" alt="UV android mobile application" src="//" /></a></div><div class="clear"></div> </div><ul class="peu-link"> <li> <a href="" title = "Online Office UV" >Online Office UV</a> </li> <li> <a href="" title="UV Bulletin Board" >UV Bulletin Board</a> </li> <li> <a href="" title = "Link to Strategic Plan" >Strategic Plan</a> </li> <li> <a href="" title="" >UVintegrity</a> </li> <li> <a href="!ut/p/b1/hY3bCoJAFEW_xQ-Qc0bH2-OU18jSzFHnRaQkRrKiIsqvz6LXar9tWKwFAiqqWUQ3bNuAEsShucldc5XHQ7OHCoSwasa9lEWOjsEq8VCbrCyT-svxIvC-ucteDu0W1lAirbPOPsWb7Jx2Q_pYDDmJ3YJg7BDupx6b7a5EvSivjjC_elGDYkSqEcEvY_jfIN6IoU8pn_HEzKIAMQp9d54TAwPN_AA_Eovw2LfQC6lWJXaUKcoTmHsudw!!/dl4/d5/L0lDUmlTUSEhL3dHa0FKRnNBLzRKVXFDQSEhL2Nh/" title = "link to Contractor Profile" >Contractor Profile</a> </li> </ul><div class="peu-segell"> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "img.xarxapeu" ).hover( function() { $( this ).attr("src","" ); }, function() { $( this ).attr("src",""); } ); }); </script> <a title="Logo de la xarxa d'universitats Xarxa Vives" href="" target="_blank"><img class="xarxapeu" alt="Logo de la xarxa d'universitats Xarxa Vives" src="" /></a> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "img.universiapeu" ).hover( function() { $( this ).attr("src","" ); }, function() { $( this ).attr("src",""); } ); }); </script><a title="Universia. 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