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c-0.4,0.3-0.7-0.2-0.8,0.6c0,0.1,0.1,0.6-0.4,0.6c-0.4,0-0.4-0.1-0.5-1c-0.1-0.1-2.3,0-3,0c-0.6,0-0.5,0.5-0.7,1.3l-0.5,2.4 c-0.1,0.3,0.1,0.4,0.4,0.4c5.3,0.1,0.3,0.1,6.3,0c0.1,0,0.2,0,0.3-0.2c0.1,0,0.1-1.4,0.1-3.2c0-1.3,0.1-0.7,0.1-10 c0-0.4-0.4-1-1.9-2.6c-0.8-0.8-1.2-1.4-1.4-1.3C94,78.8,92.8,83.7,92.7,84.4"/> <path class="icon_regio" d="M6.7,62.8l3.3,4.7c0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.7,0.9c1,1.6,10.3,2.4,16.5,2.9c0.8,0.1,0.7-0.1,0.7-0.3l-0.2-1 c-0.5-2.8-0.8-5-0.8-5l-0.1-0.4l-0.1-0.1C26.7,64.5,8.5,62.8,6.7,62.8"/> <path class="icon_regio" d="M75,55.5c-0.2,0.4-0.2,0.6,0.3,0.4c4-1.6,6.6-2,6.9-2c0.8-0.3,5-0.6,6.8-0.5c3.2,0.2,8.8,1.8,11.2,2.7 c0.4,0.2,0.3-0.2,0.3-0.3c-0.2-0.7-1.1-2.8-1.9-5.2c-0.5-1.6-1.9-5.5-2.7-11.2c-0.6-4.1-0.8-8.8-0.8-11.1c0-3.9,0.1-6.4,0.8-11.8 c0.1-0.5-0.1-0.5-0.1-0.5c-0.1,0-0.7,1-1.5,2.6C94,19,83.2,39.4,82.2,41.5C82.2,41.6,75,55.5,75,55.5"/> <path class="icon_regio" d="M29.1,25.4c0.1-0.8,0.2-0.7,0.2-1.4c-0.6-0.4-12,1-12.6,1c-1,0.1-11.3,1.3-12,1.7c-0.7,0.4-2.4,5.7-2.8,8.5 c-0.4,2.8-0.4,8-0.4,8s0.2,4.5,1.8,9.7c1,3.2,2,5.2,2.2,5.6c0.2,0.2,0.3,0.2,0.3,0.2c4.4-0.1,4.1,0.1,4.9,0.1 c1.2,0,2.6,0.3,3.9,0.4c0.7,0.1,5.6,1,6.2,1.3C21,60.6,23,61,26,62.1c3,1.1,3.4,1.5,4,1.5c0.1,0,0.2-0.1,0.1-0.2 c-0.3-1.2-2.4-6.4-2.4-6.4c-0.4-1.3-0.8-3.4-1.1-5.9c-0.4-3.4,0.2-8.7,0.6-12.5c0-0.4,1.3-8.7,1.4-9.7L29.1,25.4z"/> <path class="icon_regio" d="M33.5,58.3c0.3,0.8,0.6,2,1.8,4.3c0.8,1.6,1,2,1.4,1.9c0.7-0.3-0.2-0.5,6.2-3.6c0.3-0.1,0.6-0.2,1.4-0.5 c1.1-0.4,2.3-0.9,4.3-1.4c2.5-0.6,5.6-0.9,6.8-0.9c0.2,0,1.4-0.2,4,0.1c3.5,0.3,7.7,1.5,8.8,2c0,0,2.4,1,2.5,1c2.2,1,3,1.6,3.4,1.7 c0.2-0.1-0.3-1.3-0.4-1.9c-0.3-0.9-1.1-3.7-1.3-4.7c-1.2-5.2-2-11.3-2-12.2c0-0.1-0.4-3.5-0.2-8.9c0-0.8,0-4.5,1.1-10.3 c0.1-0.8,0.6-3,0.6-3.1c0.3-1.7,2-7.1,2.5-8.4c0.4-0.9-0.1-0.8-1.2-0.7c-2.8,0.1-34.3,2.9-36.7,3c-1.3,0.1-1.6,0.1-1.9,0.8 c-0.5,1.3-0.2,0.1-1.8,3.8c-0.2,0.5-0.8,1.8-0.8,1.9c0,0.1-0.1,0.2-0.2,0.3c-0.1,0.3,0.1,0.4,0.3,0.4l2.1-0.2l0.1,0.1 c0.2,0.1,0.7,0.3,0.2,2.4c-0.2,0.9-0.1,0.9-0.2,1.3c-0.1,0.2-0.1,0.6-0.2,1l0,0.4l-0.7,4.7c0,0.1-0.3,2.1-0.5,3.3 c-0.7,4.3-1.2,10.5-1.2,10.8c-0.1,3.1,0.4,6.3,0.4,6.6C32.2,53.3,33.4,58,33.5,58.3"/> <path class="icon_regio" d="M56.4,76.2l0,1c0,0.4-0.1,0.5-2.2,0.5c-0.5,0-1.2-0.1-1.2-0.3l0-1.2V61.5l0-1.2c0-0.3,0.6-0.3,1.2-0.3 c2.1,0,2.2,0.1,2.2,0.5l0,1V76.2z"/> <path class="icon_regio" d="M51.5,5.9c1-0.1,1.7,0,3.2,0.1c1.3,0.2,1.7,0.2,1.6,0.5l-0.9,6l-4.8,0.3c-0.2,0-1.2-6.2-1.2-6.5 C49.4,6.3,50.6,5.9,51.5,5.9"/> </g> </svg></span></span> </a></div><div class="tpl_div_element headline"><span>Nordfrieslandkalender</span></div><div class="tpl_div_element suche"><span class="button">Veranstaltungen suchen</span></div><div class="tpl_div_element mobile-suche"> <div class="wrapper"> <div id="mobile_search_toggle_button"> <input id="main-search-state" type="checkbox" /> <label class="main-search-btn" for="main-search-state"> <span class="main-search-btn-icon"></span><span 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data-placeholder = "&nbsp;" > <option value="" disabled selected>Wähle bitte eine Option aus.</option> <option value = "2" >Festland Mitte</option> <option value = "1" >Festland Nord</option> <option value = "3" >Festland Süd</option> <option value = "4" >Inseln &amp; Halligen</option> </select> </div> <div class = "location_row row" > <label class="" for="location_id" > <span class="label_content"> Veranstaltungsort </span> </label> <select class="chosen-select " name = "location_id" id = "location_id" title = "" data-placeholder = "&nbsp;" > <option value="" disabled selected>Wähle bitte eine Option aus.</option> <option value = "8670" ></option> <option value = "8589" > Info-Hütte (Richie-Hügel) am Gotteskoogsee</option> <option value = "106" >&amp;quot;Alte Druckerei&amp;quot;</option> <option value = "2882" >54° Nord</option> <option value = "4701" >A-ROSA List A-ROSA</option> <option value = "680" >Abenteuerland Amrum</option> <option value = "115" >Alkersumstieg (gegenüber Restaurant Namine Witt)</option> <option value = "3177" >Altstadt von Friedrichstadt</option> <option value = "8852" >Am Hafen, Südseite</option> <option value = "3613" >Amrum, alle Dörfer</option> <option value = "30" >Amrum, inselweit</option> <option value = "3621" >Amrumer Abenteuerland</option> <option value = "4399" >Amrumspa Gesundheitszentrum</option> <option value = "4921" >An der Meere (Ententeich)</option> <option value = "8441" >An der Musikmuschel</option> <option value = "125" >Andelhof</option> <option value = "8660" >Anfang der Seebrücke am Kassenhäuschen, St- Peter-Ording</option> <option value = "184" >AOK-Nordseeklinik</option> <option value = "8773" >AQUAFÖHR, Haupteingang</option> <option value = "5301" >Atelier Alina Paulsen</option> <option value = "8384" >Auf dem Deich ca. 600 nördlich des Café Klein Helgoland</option> <option value = "8639" >Auf dem Parkplatz der Buhne</option> <option value = "2451" >Augarten Leck</option> <option value = "168" >AWO-Begegnungsstätte, Linge 3</option> <option value = "1845" >Bauernwald &quot;Haaks&quot; </option> <option value = "8707" >Beach Bahnhof, St. Peter-Ording</option> <option value = "5695" >Beachvolleyballfeld, Mittelbrücke</option> <option value = "8831" >Besprechungsraum</option> <option value = "5648" >Bi Jaine Bowlingcenter</option> <option value = "8314" >Biar-Brauhüs</option> <option value = "4079" >Biikeplatz</option> <option value = "172" >Binnenhafen</option> <option value = "5123" >Blaue Maus</option> <option value = "4156" >Bogenschießanlage</option> <option value = "8232" >Bonhoefferhaus</option> <option value = "8836" >Bootskorso</option> <option value = "8838" >Brücke Strandweg / Klavertsweg</option> <option value = "4751" >Buchhandlung Jan Stümpel</option> <option value = "4233" >Buchhandlung Quedens</option> <option value = "108" >Busfahrten Korf, Reedereigebäude, Hafen</option> <option value = "4122" >Bushaltestelle Leuchtturm</option> <option value = "8840" >Campingplatz Skovmose (Dänemark)</option> <option value = "8369" >Christian Jensen Haus</option> <option value = "4320" >Christian Jensen Kolleg</option> <option value = "8645" >Christian-Jensen-Kolleg</option> <option value = "8799" >Deichkreuz</option> <option value = "2835" >Deichkreuz Rantumbecken, Informationspunkt Rantum</option> <option value = "73" >Deichparkplatz, &amp;quot;Zum Wattenläufer&amp;quot;</option> <option value = "8793" >Demenz Bibliothek Mildstedt</option> <option value = "7828" >Dörpshus Mildstedt</option> <option value = "174" >Dörpshus, Poststrat 2</option> <option value = "104" >Dr.-Carl-Häberlin-Friesen-Museum</option> <option value = "8834" >Drachenfest</option> <option value = "334,7582" >DÜNEN-HUS</option> <option value = "1176" >Ende Strandstraße, am Parkplatz (vor dem Café &amp;quot;Watt´s Up&amp;quot;)</option> <option value = "8059" >Erlebnis-Promenade</option> <option value = "8788" >Erlebnis-Wiese auf der Erlebnis-Promenade, St. Peter-ording</option> <option value = "8650" >Erlebniszentrum Naturgewalten</option> <option value = "7763" >ev. Familienbildungsstätte Niebüll</option> <option value = "2340,8846" >Ev. Gemeindehaus</option> <option value = "122" >Ev. Kapelle</option> <option value = "7772" >Evangelisch-Freikirchliche Gemeinde Husum</option> <option value = "6727" >Evangelische Familienbildungsstätte / Mehrgenerationenhaus (Diakonisches Werk Husum gGmbH)</option> <option value = "7981" >Eventgelände Ordinger Strand</option> <option value = "2776" >Fähranleger, Bushaltestelle Mole</option> <option value = "61" >Fahrradständer Odde</option> <option value = "190" >Ferring Stiftung</option> <option value = "25,28,31,3822" >Feuerwehr-Gerätehaus</option> <option value = "1658" >Feuerwehrgerätehaus, Dorfmitte</option> <option value = "8732" >Filmtheater am Sandwall – Inselkino Föhr</option> <option value = "8385" >Flutmarkenpfahl, Hafen</option> <option value = "3942" >Föhr</option> <option value = "70" >Föhrer Adventure Golf &amp;amp; Maislabyrinth, Feld 2 (auf dem Bauernhof)</option> <option value = "8431" >Forstbetriebsgebäude, Hialwai (links in den Forst)</option> <option value = "8794" >Friesenkapelle Kirchengemeinde Norddörfer</option> <option value = "66" >Fußgängerzone, &amp;quot;Strandläufer&amp;quot;</option> <option value = "5453" >Galerie Tobien</option> <option value = "20" >Gemeindehaus</option> <option value = "136" >Gewerbegebiet, nahe Leuchtturmkurve</option> <option value = "145" >Glockenturm, Große Straße / Mittelstraße</option> <option value = "6482" >Grethjens Gasthof</option> <option value = "8733" >Große Straße 31</option> <option value = "5028" >Hafen</option> <option value = "3847" >Hafen Rantum Führung</option> <option value = "8833" >Hafenfest</option> <option value = "76" >Hauptbadestrand, Parkplatz am Lokal &amp;quot;Watt´s UP&amp;quot;</option> <option value = "2598" >Haus der Fotografie</option> <option value = "8326" >Haus Peters</option> <option value = "8806" >Hofbesichtigung auf einem zertifizierten Tierwohlbetrieb</option> <option value = "5027" >Hotel Hüttmann</option> <option value = "3454" >Hotel Landhafen</option> <option value = "8772" >Husum</option> <option value = "2204" >Husumer Binnenhafen</option> <option value = "8524" >Husumer Hafen </option> <option value = "622" >Husumhus</option> <option value = "33" >Hüttmannwiese</option> <option value = "8785" >Info-Hütte (Richie-Hügel) am Gotteskoogsee</option> <option value = "8859" >Jugendherberge Niebüll</option> <option value = "5539" >Jugendkapelle</option> <option value = "8325" >Kaffeerösterei Eiderstedt</option> <option value = "4245" >Karins Landcafé, Heuherberge</option> <option value = "974" >Kinderfachklinik Satteldüne</option> <option value = "4865" >Kino-Vorplatz</option> <option value = "290" >Kinocenter Husum</option> <option value = "7749" >Kirche St. Pankratius Oldenswort</option> <option value = "8332" >Kneipe Treffpunkt</option> <option value = "8809" >Krabbenfischerei Pellworm</option> <option value = "8681" >Kreatives Schreiben</option> <option value = "8747" >Kreishaus Husum</option> <option value = "1659" >Kreismusikschule Nordfriesland</option> <option value = "8634" >Kreismusikschule Nordfriesland, Kleines Musiktheater, Bezirksstelle Sylt</option> <option value = "8605" >Kreissitzungssaal Kreishaus</option> <option value = "8028" >Kreuzung Große Straße / Sandwall / Gosch</option> <option value = "8782" >Kultur- und Gedenkstätte Ehemalige Synagoge</option> <option value = "6604" >Kulturstation Zollhäuser</option> <option value = "911" >Kulturzentrum Eckhof Galmsbüll</option> <option value = "79" >Kurgartensaal</option> <option value = "21" >Kurpark am Haus des Gastes</option> <option value = "8771" >Kursaal Rantum</option> <option value = "241" >Kurverwaltung List auf Sylt</option> <option value = "514" >KZ-Gedenkstätte Husum-Schwesing</option> <option value = "8827" >Landhaus Leuchtfeuer</option> <option value = "8835" >Laternenumzug</option> <option value = "123" >Lerchenhof</option> <option value = "4235" >Leuchtturm</option> <option value = "7087" >Lutherhof Breklum</option> <option value = "6725" >Marktplatz Bredstedt</option> <option value = "8422" >Marktplatz Süderlügum</option> <option value = "410" >Messe Husum &amp; Congress</option> <option value = "771" >Mikkelberg Center for nordisk kunst og cricket</option> <option value = "36" >Mole</option> <option value = "8832" >Monkey Island Sylt</option> <option value = "71" >MS &amp;quot;Hauke Haien&amp;quot;, Binnenhafen</option> <option value = "1458" >MS &amp;quot;Rungholt&amp;quot;, Binnenhafen</option> <option value = "1645" >Muasem Hüs (Morsum)</option> <option value = "140" >Mühle</option> <option value = "27" >Mühlenstadion</option> <option value = "77" >Museum Kunst der Westküste</option> <option value = "84" >Musikpavillon, Veranstaltungszentrum</option> <option value = "2671" >Nationalpark-Haus Föhr</option> <option value = "8523" >Nationalparkhalle</option> <option value = "2762" >NaTour-Düne</option> <option value = "8283" >NaTour-Düne, Boßelparcours</option> <option value = "564,2688" >Naturkundemuseum Niebüll</option> <option value = "3412" >Naturzentrum / Pottwalausstellung</option> <option value = "57" >Naturzentrum Amrum</option> <option value = "8217" >Naturzentrum Mittleres Nordfriesland in Bredstedt</option> <option value = "6641" >NCC Großer Saal</option> <option value = "52" >Norddorf, Kiosk an der Vogelkoje</option> <option value = "132" >Nordende Teerdeich</option> <option value = "947" >Nordfriesland Museum. Nissenhaus Husum</option> <option value = "208" >Nordsee Akademie</option> <option value = "5685" >Nordsee-Golfclub SPO e.V.</option> <option value = "7546" >obere Promenade Raum Nordsee</option> <option value = "1407" >Oevenum</option> <option value = "4334" >Oevenumer Hofladen</option> <option value = "3879" >Öömrang Hüs</option> <option value = "23,37" >Ortskern</option> <option value = "146" >Ostkaje (Fischmarktkaje), Binnenhafen</option> <option value = "3417" >Packhaus Tönning</option> <option value = "186" >Park an der Mühle, Feldstraße/ Mühlenstraße</option> <option value = "124" >Parkeingang</option> <option value = "109" >Parkplatz</option> <option value = "8786" >Parkplatz an den Fischteichen</option> <option value = "8791" >Parkplatz Obstwiese Soltbargen</option> <option value = "8784" >Parkplatz, Steenodder Pier</option> <option value = "8720" >Pastorat am Dorfteich</option> <option value = "8820" >Pellwormer Bürgerhus</option> <option value = "8837" >Pellwormer Inselabend</option> <option value = "1438" >POPPENSPÄLER MUSEUM</option> <option value = "8759" >Rathaus Husum, 25813 Husum, Zingel 10</option> <option value = "98" >Rathausplatz</option> <option value = "8301" >Rathausplatz, Seehundsbrunnen</option> <option value = "7470" >Reha-Zentrum, Vortragssaal, Uaster Jügem 1</option> <option value = "4441" >Repair Café Husum</option> <option value = "6982" >Restaurant 1877 (im Boutiquehotel Myn Utspann)</option> <option value = "8300" >Restaurant am Flugplatz</option> <option value = "8737" >Restaurant Deichkind</option> <option value = "210" >Restaurant Störtebeker im Wrixumer Hof</option> <option value = "8722" >Schleusenhalbinsel</option> <option value = "4626" >Schleusenhalbinsel Rantumbecken Führung</option> <option value = "5365,5781" >Schloss vor Husum</option> <option value = "8734" >Schulzentrum Eilun Feer Skuul, Schulküche</option> <option value = "476" >Schulzentrum Niebüll</option> <option value = "2815" >Schutzstation Wattenmeer</option> <option value = "3530" >Seebrückenvorplatz, Erlebnis-Promenade</option> <option value = "1125" >Seeheim (Kino), Tagungsraum</option> <option value = "26" >Seezeichenhafen</option> <option value = "7491,8486" >Speicher Husum</option> <option value = "8783" >Spielplatz an der Villa Kunterbunt</option> <option value = "29" >St. Clemens Kirche</option> <option value = "32" >St. Clemens-Hüs</option> <option value = "83" >St. Johannis-Kirche</option> <option value = "1145" >St. Laurentii-Kirche</option> <option value = "85" >St. Nicolai-Kirche, - Boldixum</option> <option value = "7409" >Stadtbibliothek Husum</option> <option value = "427" >Steinterrasse bei den Schachbrettfeldern, Höhe Strandabschnitt 5</option> <option value = "8803" >Sterneninsel Pellworm</option> <option value = "35,5351" >Strand</option> <option value = "1041" >Strandabschnitt Ording Nord</option> <option value = "3115" >Strandaufgang Haus des Gastes</option> <option value = "2830" >StrandGut Resort</option> <option value = "2871,4993" >Strandübergang</option> <option value = "173" >SUP Island</option> <option value = "8764" >Sylt Entrée</option> <option value = "69" >Taarepshüs</option> <option value = "4975" >Teelackerweg am Uasterstigh</option> <option value = "8825" >Theater Alte Kirche</option> <option value = "6754" >Theodor-Storm-Zentrum (Storm-Museum)</option> <option value = "62" >Toilettenhäuschen an der Mole</option> <option value = "8745" >Veranstaltungsort Aula Berufliche Schule</option> <option value = "3871" >Veranstaltungszentrum</option> <option value = "200" >Veranstaltungszentrum, Kaminzimmer</option> <option value = "8774" >Veranstaltungszentrum, Kinderprogramm, 1. Stock</option> <option value = "2094" >Veranstaltungszentrum, Kleine Werkstatt, 1. Stock</option> <option value = "2293" >Vor dem Duus-Hotel</option> <option value = "7840" >Vor dem Haus des Gastes</option> <option value = "8723" >Vor der Einfahrt zum Nationalpark-Haus Föhr</option> <option value = "8805" >Vortrag: Mein Jahr als Schäfer</option> <option value = "8808" >Vortrag: Was summt denn hier?</option> <option value = "8807" >Vortrag: Wie kommt das Wasser von der Insel?</option> <option value = "94" >W.D.R.-Galerie (Eingang am Innenhafen)</option> <option value = "4148" >W.D.R.-Gebäude, VHS-Yogaraum</option> <option value = "6135" >Wandelbahn, Leuchtfeuer</option> <option value = "56" >Wandelbahn, Strandbar &amp;quot;Seehund&amp;quot;</option> <option value = "8810" >Weiderundgang zu den Wagyus</option> <option value = "8721" >Wenningstedter Dorfteich</option> <option value = "1375" >Westküstenpark &amp; Robbarium</option> <option value = "53" >Wiese am Fähranleger</option> <option value = "8804" >Windenergie auf Pellworm</option> <option value = "8469" >Wird bei Anmeldung bekannt gegeben </option> <option value = "628" >Wochenmarkt Husum</option> <option value = "6059" >Wrixumer Forst</option> <option value = "126" >Wyker Buchhandlung</option> <option value = "8299" >Wyker Stadtsäule</option> <option value = "3114" >Yachthafen</option> <option value = "121" >Zentrum für Bewegung, Klang und Stille</option> </select> </div> <div class = "organizer_row row" > <label class="" for="organizer_id" > <span class="label_content"> Veranstalter </span> </label> <select class="chosen-select " name = "organizer_id" id = "organizer_id" title = "" data-placeholder = "&nbsp;" > <option value="" disabled selected>Wähle bitte eine Option aus.</option> <option value = "8765" >BCM GmbH</option> <option value = "3931" >Bouleclub Leck</option> <option value = "4751" >Buchhandlung Jan Stümpel</option> <option value = "8828" >Buchhandlung Seekiste</option> <option value = "1235" >BUND-Ortsgruppe Husum</option> <option value = "3894" >Choppy Water GmbH</option> <option value = "8781" >Coaching Yoga Tegernsee</option> <option value = "8766" >Contra Promotion GmbH</option> <option value = "8793" >Demenz Bibliothek Mildstedt</option> <option value = "8792" >Demenzberatung, gemeinnütziger Verein AWO Mildstedt und Umgebung</option> <option value = "4128" >Der Runde Tisch Tönning e.V.</option> <option value = "3913" >DSG DLRG Service Gesellschaft mbH</option> <option value = "8650" >Erlebniszentrum Naturgewalten</option> <option value = "6986" >Et Nordfriisk Teooter</option> <option value = "8278" >Ev. Kinder- und Jugendbüro Nordfriesland</option> <option value = "5311" >Ev. Luth. Kirchengemeinde Breklum</option> <option value = "6191" >Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde St. Peter-Ording und Tating</option> <option value = "7772" >Evangelisch-Freikirchliche Gemeinde Husum</option> <option value = "8547" >Familienzentrum Viöl des Diakonischen Werkes Husum gGmbH</option> <option value = "8626" >Festivalia GmbH</option> <option value = "2544" >Filmklub e.V. im Kino-Center Husum</option> <option value = "8826" >Freesenverein Pellworm</option> <option value = "8830" >Fremdenverkehrsverein Pellworm</option> <option value = "1114" >Galerie Tobien</option> <option value = "912" >Galmsbüller Kultur e.V.</option> <option value = "8778" >Gemeinde Drelsdorf</option> <option value = "8423" >Gemeinde Süderlügum</option> <option value = "1266" >Gofi UG (haftungsbeschränkt) &amp; Co. KG</option> <option value = "2598" >Haus der Fotografie</option> <option value = "8326" >Haus Peters</option> <option value = "5120" >Insel Sylt Tourismus-Service GmbH</option> <option value = "1249" >Interessengemeinschaft Husumer Hafen e.V. (IgHH)</option> <option value = "4460" >Jörg Hansen</option> <option value = "8325" >Kaffeerösterei Eiderstedt</option> <option value = "290" >Kinocenter Husum</option> <option value = "8631" >Kreismusikschule Nordfriesland</option> <option value = "8635" >Kreismusikschule Nordfriesland, Bezirksstelle Sylt</option> <option value = "8677" >Kulturbrücke Friedrichstadt e.V.</option> <option value = "6604" >Kulturstation Zollhäuser</option> <option value = "8744" >Kunstverein Husum und Umgebung e.V.</option> <option value = "1460" >Kur- und Tourismusservice Pellworm</option> <option value = "6206" >Küstenfocus Fotografie &amp; Galerie</option> <option value = "8848" >landjugend Pellworm </option> <option value = "410" >Messe Husum &amp; Congress</option> <option value = "721" >Mikkelberg Center for Kunst og Cricket</option> <option value = "677" >Museumsverbund Nordfriesland</option> <option value = "564,2688" >Naturkundemuseum Niebüll</option> <option value = "8217" >Naturzentrum Mittleres Nordfriesland in Bredstedt</option> <option value = "8843" >Nordsee Akademie</option> <option value = "8333" >Nordsee Kollektiv, 25826 Sankt Peter-Ording</option> <option value = "5685" >Nordsee-Golfclub SPO e.V.</option> <option value = "6954" >Ortskulturring Almdorf-Breklum-Sönnebüll-Struckum-Vollstedt</option> <option value = "8850" >Pellwormer Kunsthandwerker</option> <option value = "8849" >Pellwormer Künstler*innen</option> <option value = "6982" >Restaurant 1877 (im Boutiquehotel Myn Utspann)</option> <option value = "567" >Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landestheater und Sinfonieorchester GmbH</option> <option value = "8486" >Speicher Husum</option> <option value = "408" >Speicher Husum e.V.</option> <option value = "5870" >Stadt Friedrichstadt</option> <option value = "7409" >Stadtbibliothek Husum</option> <option value = "549" >Stiftung Nordfriesland</option> <option value = "2830" >StrandGut Resort</option> <option value = "6652" >Sydslesvigsk Forening (SSF)</option> <option value = "8627" >Theater Liberi</option> <option value = "6754" >Theodor-Storm-Zentrum (Storm-Museum)</option> <option value = "407" >Tourismus und Stadtmarketing Husum GmbH</option> <option value = "1331" >Tourismus-Zentrale St. Peter-Ording</option> <option value = "1284" >Tourismusverein Friedrichstadt u. U. e. V.</option> <option value = "8036" >Tourismuszentrale Sankt Peter-Ording</option> <option value = "3675" >Tourist-Info Bredstedt</option> <option value = "8815" >TSV Mildstedt</option> <option value = "8851" >TSV Pellworm</option> <option value = "8540" >Verein für Betreuung und Selbstbestimmung in Nordfriesland e.V.</option> <option value = "8750" >Verein Jordsand zum Schutz der Seevögel und der Natur e. V. NSG Rantumbecken</option> <option value = "8360" >Verein Jordsand zum Schutz der Seevögel und der Natur e.V. NSG Rantumbecken</option> <option value = "8829" >WattRock Café</option> <option value = "856" >Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Nordfriesland mbH</option> <option value = "8708" >Yamacito Beach Bahnhof</option> </select> </div> <div class = "raster_4 event_search_barrierfree row" id = "event_search_barrierfree" > <input type = "checkbox" name = "barrierfree" class = "checkbox input" id = "barrierfree" value = "1" /> <label class="" for="barrierfree" > <span class="label_content"> nur barrierefreie Veranstaltungsorte </span> </label> </div> </div> <div id="event_search_sw_wrapper" class="event_search_sw_wrapper"> <label for="form_keyword" id="label_sw" class="label_sw">Erlebniswelten</label> <div class="keyword_group keyword_group_2 "> <h3>Erlebniswelten</h3> <span class="keword_group_content"> <span class="row row_keyword keyword_9 keyword_group_2 "> <input name = "form_keyword" id = "keyword_9" type = "checkbox" value = "9" > <label for="keyword_9">Events</label> </span> <span 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"form_keyword" id = "keyword_10" type = "checkbox" value = "10" > <label for="keyword_10">Natur</label> </span> <span class="row row_keyword keyword_15 keyword_group_2 keyword_inactive"> <input name = "form_keyword" id = "keyword_15" type = "checkbox" value = "15" disabled = "disabled" > <label for="keyword_15">Sonstiges</label> </span> <span class="row row_keyword keyword_8 keyword_group_2 "> <input name = "form_keyword" id = "keyword_8" type = "checkbox" value = "8" > <label for="keyword_8">Wissen</label> </span> </span> </div> <div class="keyword_group keyword_group_7 "> <h3>Veranstaltungs-Tags</h3> <span class="keword_group_content"> <span class="row row_keyword keyword_109 keyword_group_7 "> <input name = "form_keyword" id = "keyword_109" type = "checkbox" value = "109" > <label for="keyword_109">Familienfreundlich</label> </span> <span class="row row_keyword keyword_113 keyword_group_7 "> <input name = "form_keyword" id = "keyword_113" type = "checkbox" value = "113" > <label for="keyword_113">Kinder &amp; Jugendliche</label> </span> <span class="row row_keyword keyword_112 keyword_group_7 keyword_inactive"> <input name = "form_keyword" id = "keyword_112" type = "checkbox" value = "112" disabled = "disabled" > <label for="keyword_112">Online</label> </span> <span class="row row_keyword keyword_110 keyword_group_7 "> <input name = "form_keyword" id = "keyword_110" type = "checkbox" value = "110" > <label for="keyword_110">Regionalsprachig</label> </span> <span class="row row_keyword keyword_108 keyword_group_7 "> <input name = "form_keyword" id = "keyword_108" type = "checkbox" value = "108" > <label for="keyword_108">Rollstuhlgerecht</label> </span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div id="search_toggle_button" class="search_toggle_button"> <input type="submit" value="Suchen" id="event_search_button" class="event_search_button"> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="textblock3" title="" > <div class="Beschreibungen textblock_text"> <ul 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-800,1363 -660,1809 750,2677 281,189 564,377 941,635 -164,422 -235,845 -470,1128 -1432,1738 -2256,3947 -4205,5310 -306,211 -446,939 -399,1385 186,1809 421,3619 799,5381 140,682 657,1410 1196,1831 1317,989 2138,2116 2680,3736 421,1292 1598,2467 2726,3337 1267,964 1432,2020 1103,3383 -46,164 -71,353 -143,517 -585,1831 -538,1785 846,3030 1153,1057 1834,2374 1810,4018 0,1479 -186,2867 -868,4204 -493,939 -870,1857 -2069,2232 -797,260 -1339,916 -1175,1926 143,893 -375,1388 -1220,1292 -1999,-186 -2866,1410 -3243,2655 -447,1481 -1268,1952 -2513,2302 -118,378 -211,753 -329,1153 -25,93 -118,235 -211,281 -1105,658 118,1881 -610,2560 -681,613 -1245,1128 -917,2209 118,400 -424,1056 -799,1480 -611,658 -1174,1293 -1456,2209 -165,518 -660,939 -1011,1410 236,610 518,1127 611,1692 71,492 71,1220 -210,1480 -1410,1243 -565,2442 -50,3616 214,446 799,777 424,1363 -424,635 -1056,964 -1809,824 -2255,-399 -4486,-1059 -6391,-2255 -1197,-753 -2348,-1435 -3665,-1927 -515,-189 -868,-871 -1386,-1434 -702,1291 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-6320,-2702 -1292,-517 -2373,-1221 -3336,-2231 -1432,-1481 -2913,-2915 -4344,-4371 -354,-351 -682,-775 -1224,-1385 1174,-307 2092,-657 3055,-774 2794,-332 5592,-661 8386,-778 1574,-68 2798,-468 3901,-1621 1880,-1973 3030,-1831 4864,307 914,1081 2091,1691 3594,1267 799,-235 1527,-235 1998,588 492,868 632,1761 93,2677 -93,143 -189,307 -353,400 -2045,1199 -1246,2913 -775,4511 257,871 892,1270 1903,1174 2843,-328 5709,-564 8575,-821 517,-47 1057,0 1574,-47 1221,-95 2162,376 2866,1364 941,1313 1905,2559 3711,2655 260,21 542,257 731,468 985,1127 2252,824 3451,682 329,-47 706,-589 824,-964 540,-1667 515,-1692 2278,-1481 353,49 706,71 1056,71 1927,47 1905,47 2233,-1856 72,-445 283,-916 540,-1291 399,-589 706,-1103 610,-1903 -93,-846 564,-1388 1410,-1552 752,-164 1505,-281 2255,-375 1809,-257 3290,-799 4607,-2397 1103,-1361 1574,-2795 1974,-4298 492,-1787 1267,-2351 3147,-1927 564,140 1174,140 1714,328 1152,425 1973,165 2772,-799 1317,-1549 2234,-1645 4111,-703 97,47 214,118 329,140 2797,353 5217,2020 8012,2255 1645,143 3219,400 4839,660 1317,211 2772,-236 4136,-564 424,-117 821,-799 1010,-1295 399,-1010 753,-2088 1973,-2255 1574,-211 3195,-375 4582,659 282,211 471,822 400,1221 -118,728 -424,1456 -728,2162 -446,1011 -378,1974 257,2842 1106,1527 1456,3290 1927,5052 682,2584 1738,4911 4368,6249 2023,1057 3926,2373 5852,3572 283,187 540,422 797,657 -46,1057 -797,1599 -1409,2209 -729,704 -1243,1385 -775,2466 471,1057 -657,1363 -1174,2231 635,260 1220,446 1762,706 986,493 1995,986 2937,1550 775,471 1079,1245 1457,2069 820,1831 2301,3334 2608,5424 1431,636 2324,2445 4275,1906 540,-142 1175,-118 1268,539 46,446 -165,1057 -493,1363 -446,446 -1174,774 -1998,1268l0 0z"/> <path id="Mitte-Konturen" class="konturen" d="M123320 44304c0,846 -143,1692 24,2467 282,1292 -49,2419 -588,3572 -635,1385 -564,1642 846,2277 845,375 1763,610 2655,871 282,93 586,68 870,139 1996,378 3712,1081 4205,3361 70,329 281,633 399,985 304,846 821,1200 1763,1036 492,-97 1056,-47 1549,93 1927,563 2466,1691 1716,3571 -235,586 -635,1128 -963,1667 -824,1363 -1670,2702 -2469,4065 -796,1363 -657,1809 752,2679 283,187 564,375 942,633 -167,424 -235,846 -471,1128 -1434,1738 -2255,3947 -4207,5310 -304,210 -446,939 -396,1387 185,1809 421,3616 796,5378 142,682 659,1410 1199,1835 1317,985 2137,2112 2679,3733 422,1295 1596,2469 2724,3337 1270,963 1434,2020 1106,3383 -47,164 -71,353 -142,517 -587,1834 -540,1785 845,3030 1153,1060 1834,2373 1809,4018 0,1481 -188,2866 -867,4207 -496,939 -871,1856 -2070,2231 -799,258 -1338,917 -1174,1927 143,892 -374,1385 -1220,1292 -1998,-189 -2869,1410 -3244,2655 -446,1481 -1267,1949 -2513,2302 -117,375 -213,753 -328,1153 -24,93 -118,232 -214,281 -1103,657 118,1878 -610,2559 -681,611 -1245,1128 -917,2209 118,400 -421,1057 -796,1481 -614,657 -1177,1292 -1459,2206 -165,518 -657,942 -1011,1413 236,610 518,1124 611,1691 71,493 71,1221 -210,1478 -1410,1246 -565,2444 -47,3619 211,446 799,775 424,1363 -424,635 -1059,963 -1810,821 -2255,-400 -4489,-1057 -6391,-2255 -1199,-751 -2348,-1432 -3665,-1924 -517,-190 -870,-871 -1385,-1435 -705,1292 -1644,1481 -2819,471 -213,-189 -682,-49 -1013,-118 -375,-95 -892,-142 -1103,-399 -610,-728 -1198,-1199 -2230,-1106 -283,24 -706,-400 -917,-704 -493,-774 -1082,-774 -1810,-470 -1199,492 -2373,1010 -3593,1434 -989,353 -1998,656 -3033,821 -1057,164 -1385,-189 -1525,-1199 -24,-118 -49,-233 -24,-350 470,-2187 -753,-3362 -2538,-4183 -539,-235 -1034,-588 -1573,-799 -1739,-682 -2609,-1949 -2609,-3783 0,-1010 -446,-1809 -1034,-2559 -469,-588 -1011,-848 -1643,-331 -963,799 -1905,799 -2868,25 -775,-611 -1432,-493 -2185,188 -1314,1150 -3055,540 -3429,-1177 -118,-514 -25,-1078 -165,-1574 -210,-656 -446,-1338 -845,-1855 -728,-893 -1599,-1667 -2398,-2513 -515,-542 -985,-706 -1831,-635 -1949,189 -3548,1010 -5146,2067 -564,352 -1292,588 -1949,588 -1574,25 -3147,-143 -4746,-211 -1175,-46 -2348,-25 -3523,-96 -1459,-93 -2937,-115 -4346,-421 -1341,-282 -2563,93 -3830,211 -752,71 -1527,235 -2280,164 -446,-47 -1081,-400 -1221,-775 -166,-446 -95,-1220 211,-1574 539,-656 1245,-1384 2020,-1620 1153,-353 1339,-1106 1574,-2044 282,-1129 588,-2256 1056,-3312 635,-1435 1856,-2188 3362,-2587 2137,-586 4251,-1339 6413,-1949 1621,-471 2794,-1339 3454,-2984 400,-1009 1032,-1927 1527,-2844 -610,-1009 -2162,-774 -2397,-2302 399,-186 846,-399 1270,-632 1596,-824 1973,-1694 1574,-3432 -307,-1338 -846,-2513 -1621,-3665 -1858,-2702 -3572,-5496 -4043,-8879 -211,-1621 -1313,-2092 -2865,-1388 -1082,470 -2092,1059 -3172,1552 -1268,588 -1503,563 -2420,-542 -1974,-2420 -3876,-4862 -5757,-7328 -610,-799 -1196,-1270 -2301,-1316 -1104,-25 -2185,-446 -3266,-706 -1292,-304 -2537,-329 -3758,353 -1246,681 -2516,93 -3761,-93 -303,-47 -703,-707 -703,-1057 24,-1951 -775,-3665 -1481,-5406 -518,-1314 -539,-2677 -22,-3969 1196,-3054 2466,-6084 3734,-9117 235,-539 470,-1078 752,-1596 635,-1223 611,-2444 164,-3736 -1173,-3619 -1149,-3640 -4604,-5193 -2466,-1103 -4346,-3008 -6037,-4981 -871,-1010 -1200,-2537 -1670,-3851 -775,-2163 -1525,-4325 -2231,-6485 -564,-1809 -2184,-2373 -3619,-3079 -2044,-1010 -4182,-1855 -6320,-2701 -1292,-518 -2373,-1222 -3336,-2231 -1432,-1481 -2913,-2912 -4344,-4372 -353,-350 -681,-774 -1223,-1384 1174,-307 2091,-657 3054,-775 2795,-328 5592,-659 8387,-777 1573,-69 2797,-469 3900,-1621 1881,-1973 3030,-1831 4864,306 917,1082 2091,1692 3594,1268 799,-236 1527,-236 1998,589 492,867 632,1762 93,2677 -93,142 -189,306 -353,399 -2042,1199 -1246,2915 -775,4511 257,870 892,1270 1903,1174 2843,-328 5709,-564 8575,-821 517,-46 1057,0 1574,-46 1223,-93 2162,375 2866,1362 941,1315 1905,2559 3714,2656 257,21 539,257 728,468 986,1127 2256,823 3454,681 329,-46 704,-586 821,-963 540,-1667 518,-1692 2278,-1479 353,47 706,69 1059,69 1927,47 1902,47 2231,-1856 71,-446 282,-917 542,-1292 396,-585 703,-1103 610,-1902 -96,-846 564,-1388 1410,-1552 750,-164 1502,-282 2255,-375 1810,-257 3287,-799 4604,-2395 1103,-1363 1574,-2797 1974,-4300 492,-1788 1267,-2351 3147,-1927 564,139 1175,139 1716,329 1150,424 1974,164 2773,-800 1314,-1549 2231,-1645 4112,-703 93,46 210,117 328,140 2794,352 5214,2019 8011,2255 1645,142 3219,399 4839,660 1317,210 2774,-236 4137,-565 421,-117 821,-799 1010,-1291 399,-1013 750,-2091 1973,-2256 1574,-213 3194,-377 4580,657 281,211 470,821 399,1221 -118,728 -422,1456 -728,2163 -446,1010 -375,1973 260,2841 1103,1527 1456,3289 1924,5052 682,2584 1741,4911 4371,6249 2020,1057 3923,2373 5849,3572 283,186 542,421 799,657 -46,1056 -799,1598 -1409,2209 -728,703 -1245,1385 -774,2466 468,1057 -660,1363 -1175,2234 633,257 1221,445 1760,703 989,493 1999,988 2937,1552 777,468 1081,1243 1457,2066 823,1831 2304,3337 2608,5428 1434,633 2326,2442 4275,1902 542,-142 1177,-117 1270,540 47,446 -164,1059 -492,1363 -449,446 -1177,774 -1998,1270l0 0zm-20838 86434c586,211 1431,258 1692,657 468,753 960,1056 1809,1128 421,46 821,375 1196,610 282,189 517,518 824,611 939,235 1878,377 2912,564 518,-493 307,-1104 164,-1739 -353,-1549 -306,-3008 989,-4204 328,-282 445,-799 632,-1223 213,-469 377,-939 517,-1314 1224,0 2256,22 3290,0 750,-25 1292,68 1763,797 703,1034 1667,1787 3123,1527 424,-69 892,167 1363,260 728,139 1456,303 1881,375 892,-1128 1713,-1927 2255,-2891 563,-1009 867,-2184 1314,-3405 -5989,-1363 -11959,-2701 -17997,-4064 -2138,2230 -3430,4886 -3452,8033 -281,71 -446,142 -610,167 -2890,329 -3197,657 -3501,3548 -24,232 -117,374 -164,563 -424,93 -824,186 -1199,304 47,96 71,189 117,306 351,-210 729,-399 1082,-610zm34534 -31012c94,540 118,1150 1082,986 -376,-329 -728,-657 -1082,-986 329,-963 729,-1880 939,-2844 332,-1384 -117,-1973 -1549,-2090 -2116,-165 -3922,-1082 -5756,-2045 -1034,-539 -2066,-1057 -3148,-1478 -3101,-1224 -6391,-1388 -9656,-1741 -2209,-233 -4440,-233 -6649,-329 -1103,-46 -2231,165 -3290,-46 -2091,-400 -3219,1127 -4629,2066 -232,143 -186,731 -232,1131 -71,1032 -71,2088 -189,3123 -142,1152 -400,2280 -611,3525 1410,447 2677,1243 3923,1196 3619,-118 6909,-1245 9047,-4464 516,-774 1149,-961 1948,-610 493,214 1010,400 1388,728 1292,1127 2866,1552 4461,1905 1200,257 2398,564 3573,892 1105,329 2184,282 3289,-24 1364,-351 2724,-633 4111,-939 822,-189 1503,71 2021,728 353,493 682,917 1010,1316l-1 0zm-117584 -78071c114,588 186,1128 350,1623 988,2630 1927,5307 3033,7894 396,939 1103,1806 1877,2488 1716,1505 3362,3054 5639,3807 1762,564 2961,1881 3290,3805 71,399 211,799 353,1177 514,1385 400,2701 -189,4087 -1503,3453 -2937,6908 -4300,10406 -328,846 -564,1834 -468,2705 140,1620 657,1877 2231,1477 2912,-703 5803,-1477 8715,-2159 1081,-260 2187,-260 3290,-424 375,-47 870,-118 1081,-375 799,-1060 1809,-1199 2984,-871 1127,307 2112,-47 2936,-775 517,-470 964,-1010 1410,-1573 1199,-1528 1268,-2067 -25,-3477 -799,-870 -1127,-1809 -914,-2890 375,-1998 -449,-3689 -1363,-5335 -660,-1174 -1388,-2301 -2044,-3476 -775,-1338 -1621,-2562 -3031,-3359 -963,-542 -1834,-1245 -2654,-1998 -871,-820 -1717,-1573 -2984,-1716 -799,-93 -1388,-539 -1763,-1292 -257,-514 -657,-963 -1034,-1409 -2702,-3148 -5425,-6296 -8152,-9443 -492,-565 -1106,-893 -1880,-682 -2091,588 -4158,1153 -6388,1784l0 1zm31457 55257c422,-140 704,-210 964,-328 1642,-728 3148,-1831 5026,-1998 306,-23 681,-611 777,-986 117,-564 0,-1152 -25,-1738 -71,-1338 329,-1670 1667,-1363 118,25 235,71 331,93 1268,282 2488,542 3665,-446 304,-257 1010,-236 1478,-118 728,164 1410,564 2163,753 1738,446 3501,1152 5192,-189 211,-164 539,-186 821,-211 1692,-139 1809,-328 1317,-1880 -236,-750 -611,-1338 -1317,-1785 -728,-470 -1385,-1081 -2041,-1667 -236,-213 -472,-542 -565,-846 -471,-1622 -895,-3265 -1316,-4910 -375,-1527 -682,-1809 -2302,-1834 -1456,-21 -2937,0 -4393,0 -1434,0 -2609,447 -3383,1788 -682,1174 -1763,1620 -3151,1360 -796,-164 -1620,-282 -2441,-328 -1011,-47 -1787,-375 -2352,-1292 -232,-400 -750,-775 -1196,-868 -916,-214 -1855,-260 -2797,-282 -518,-25 -1338,-96 -1503,186 -892,1410 -2162,1292 -3501,1082 -281,-47 -564,93 -845,164 -2913,706 -5828,1387 -8716,2091 -2350,588 -2608,353 -1951,2983 71,282 96,588 164,871 400,1809 1175,2326 3033,2020 350,-71 679,-189 986,-329 1384,-659 2794,-706 4275,-260 1127,331 2302,400 3429,706 564,164 1199,493 1574,939 1506,1810 2891,3690 4347,5546 870,1034 1716,2044 2586,3076l0 0zm-22061 -55750c1035,1221 1856,2209 2677,3172 1856,2113 3736,4205 5546,6367 635,775 1291,1317 2255,1527 1081,211 1880,799 2584,1692 563,728 1338,1292 2116,1831 632,446 1384,682 2066,-22 775,-777 892,-1388 400,-2469 -118,-233 -118,-539 -164,-728 185,-164 257,-282 375,-304 939,-164 1691,-377 2137,-1480 329,-822 1246,-1435 1903,-2138 24,-47 0,-118 24,-164 775,-1763 1528,-3548 2327,-5311 304,-681 821,-1034 1549,-610 1528,868 3009,1785 4536,2631 421,235 963,377 1431,328 1341,-140 2680,-375 3997,-632 2701,-517 2373,0 2770,-3101 48,-378 -23,-825 -187,-1177 -328,-704 -142,-1339 71,-2042 564,-1834 797,-3643 -799,-5122 -117,-117 -189,-306 -307,-424 -774,-846 -1548,-1738 -2373,-2537 -235,-211 -821,-329 -1081,-189 -1691,895 -3476,1363 -5379,1528 -1151,95 -1337,495 -1505,1762 -46,328 -68,775 -281,963 -986,893 -961,1928 -704,3077 71,307 -71,659 -142,1060 -1807,-190 -3523,-614 -5239,-165 -422,2231 -422,2184 -2489,2395 -1294,118 -2561,400 -3525,-870 -118,-164 -422,-211 -657,-233 -916,-49 -1505,-517 -2020,-1224 -449,-610 -1012,-1149 -1480,-1760 -471,-613 -1035,-894 -1810,-941 -3361,-164 -6673,118 -9960,799 -331,71 -613,307 -871,446 400,2491 1199,3101 3523,2819 331,-46 682,47 1034,71 -303,422 -610,565 -916,682 -329,140 -704,257 -1432,493l0 0zm65900 98439c-2420,-1103 -2445,-1150 -2162,-3337 48,-328 24,-728 -116,-1010 -752,-1385 -1576,-2748 -2373,-4111 -378,-657 -846,-1267 -1152,-1973 -986,-2185 -2445,-3923 -4675,-4933 -1503,-682 -2984,-1388 -4464,-2045 -1339,-588 -2677,-1127 -4019,-1691 -632,-260 -1502,-375 -1877,-846 -824,-1034 -1998,-1363 -3033,-1973 -492,257 -939,610 -1431,728 -471,93 -989,-72 -1457,-118 -706,1974 -1270,3900 -2045,5710 -492,1174 -681,2209 -46,3358 400,707 186,1317 -282,1927 -659,824 -1174,1738 -1855,2516 -565,656 -611,1196 -25,1831 375,424 727,870 1152,1385 985,-586 1809,-1103 2677,-1574 446,-233 963,-399 1456,-515 870,-188 1763,-306 2915,-495 728,378 1902,682 2067,2116 25,186 282,375 492,492 1410,775 2116,1950 2116,3572 0,282 93,586 186,868 446,1527 1577,1927 2751,846 799,-750 1478,-846 2277,-140 871,775 1670,775 2656,47 916,-682 1363,-518 2116,328 399,446 702,939 1056,1410 753,963 1199,1010 2230,424 1060,-613 2138,-1199 3198,-1787 492,-258 963,-564 1667,-1010l0 0zm41607 -5967c25,-1667 446,-2913 2184,-3244 235,-47 542,-328 635,-561 471,-1177 988,-2351 1292,-3572 189,-706 46,-1505 0,-2280 -71,-939 -867,-1995 -1856,-2066 -1292,-93 -1784,-871 -2302,-1856 -774,-1552 -1762,-1998 -3476,-1620 -916,186 -1809,514 -2701,796 -1082,353 -2162,424 -3291,49 -3079,-1010 -6484,-1035 -9185,-3290 -989,-824 -1621,-492 -2420,704 -659,988 -1387,1809 -2469,2419 -939,542 -1856,896 -2912,1060 -1878,281 -2138,610 -2067,2559 22,941 236,1856 375,2772 165,989 728,1553 1717,1738 1713,354 3405,800 5146,1128 539,96 1174,0 1713,-164 774,-257 1481,-703 2255,-964 518,-164 1199,-375 1645,-185 2773,1174 5382,2419 6838,5425 797,1691 2277,3054 3594,4746 867,-915 1620,-1574 2209,-2324 516,-660 1081,-1035 1902,-1106 353,0 682,-93 1174,-164zm-52296 -17879c-424,-400 -799,-611 -988,-964 -210,-375 -421,-867 -329,-1245 329,-1410 800,-2795 1175,-4204 328,-1292 659,-2609 870,-3947 186,-1153 -235,-1528 -1388,-1410 -1056,118 -2091,282 -3147,400 -2277,281 -4533,585 -6813,821 -1317,142 -1503,-47 -1738,-1456 -143,-917 -493,-1221 -1456,-893 -964,304 -1717,94 -2470,-424 -2230,-1478 -4578,-2866 -5495,-5638 -1103,142 -2116,260 -3126,377 -47,118 -118,235 -93,351 25,281 46,588 142,870 868,2630 2088,5099 3758,7330 353,471 775,917 964,1456 1313,3972 1363,4347 -1998,6627 235,186 399,446 659,539 1643,635 2984,1810 4462,2680 753,446 1927,796 2608,514 1081,-468 1809,-210 2773,143 588,211 964,492 1385,939 495,542 1153,988 1809,1291 1341,611 2702,1106 4090,1599 352,139 749,189 1338,329 189,-1268 353,-2396 517,-3595 1763,118 1831,-1338 2491,-2490zm19710 -75181c-2302,2490 -4486,4792 -6577,7166 -518,588 -917,1387 -1060,2137 -281,1623 -1242,2751 -2323,3854 -400,400 -846,728 -1481,1245 893,493 1528,1103 2209,1175 1527,142 2795,610 3804,2020 447,-939 871,-1550 1906,-1457 1667,165 3312,471 4979,-235 445,-186 1152,71 1669,282 1103,424 2160,942 3241,1387 1527,636 1855,587 2444,-892 586,-1458 1010,-3008 1385,-4535 328,-1410 71,-1738 -1292,-2230 -211,-72 -468,-118 -682,-214 -1056,-446 -1220,-961 -375,-1831 540,-542 658,-1057 493,-1738 -211,-917 165,-1552 846,-2163 589,-517 1317,-1010 1152,-2091 -1669,-1057 -3383,-2091 -5052,-3148 -821,-539 -1503,-492 -2114,353 -799,1103 -1762,1738 -3172,915l0 0zm-8833 10809c164,-378 422,-660 422,-989 46,-1478 871,-2466 1834,-3476 1902,-1998 3712,-4064 5521,-6131 539,-610 1010,-1010 1949,-660 799,307 1505,-186 1973,-1032 378,-659 47,-1059 -375,-1527 -446,-471 -775,-1010 -1152,-1552 -447,-657 -868,-1338 -1314,-2020 -496,142 -846,165 -1152,329 -1550,823 -3101,823 -4747,213 -681,-260 -1527,-282 -2230,-118 -3195,728 -6367,1528 -8951,3805 -778,706 -1434,1338 -1552,2420 -189,1691 -446,3361 -635,5053 -118,1078 -422,2019 -1267,2818 -446,422 -800,1011 -1035,1596 -517,1224 -282,1763 988,2070 1292,303 2606,421 3900,610 1079,-1316 116,-2983 915,-4324 2773,-187 4442,2233 6908,2914l0 1zm36251 87044c-307,-471 -493,-821 -728,-1128 -1270,-1667 -2680,-3266 -3829,-5028 -1128,-1714 -2305,-3241 -4393,-3759 -378,-93 -753,-328 -1082,-588 -777,-610 -1409,-492 -2209,46 -1715,1107 -3525,1271 -5545,614 -1595,-542 -3287,-800 -4979,-1013 -1691,-232 -2772,682 -2751,2374 50,2797 165,5616 354,8410 93,1388 1434,1881 2537,1035 235,-164 400,-424 588,-657 986,-1105 1150,-1127 2584,-635 892,304 1785,610 2677,821 2751,635 5499,1199 8225,1810 1314,282 2631,635 3947,824 1479,232 2256,-472 2396,-1999 24,-281 142,-539 210,-799 706,-117 1270,-211 1998,-328l0 0zm-35219 -69729c71,632 168,1267 236,1878 164,1809 -750,3054 -2491,3432 -1196,257 -2420,492 -3616,750 -846,189 -1410,610 -1177,1598 167,704 -164,1221 -610,1738 -1174,1385 -2348,2773 -3476,4183 -846,1081 -518,1926 870,1973 1738,47 3570,22 4908,-1363 752,-774 1716,-821 2609,-821 492,0 987,657 1455,1032 378,282 778,563 1060,917 610,752 1292,821 2184,517 1927,-657 2209,-471 2937,1481 22,93 186,140 353,257 846,-235 1221,-917 1525,-1691 449,-1153 917,-2280 1388,-3430 585,-1409 585,-1456 2019,-1221 964,140 1386,-142 1645,-1059 775,-2773 1645,-5496 2445,-8269 115,-400 93,-846 164,-1503 -917,93 -1645,22 -2255,257 -1481,540 -2891,1200 -4325,1835 -775,328 -1478,303 -2185,-143 -916,-610 -1880,-1174 -2725,-1880 -868,-797 -1738,-1174 -2937,-468l-1 0zm40083 45272c-95,-424 -71,-635 -167,-728 -1078,-1153 -2255,-2256 -2184,-4043 0,-92 -71,-232 -164,-303 -1081,-800 -2113,-1646 -3266,-2327 -892,-517 -1809,-118 -2677,329 -752,377 -1269,142 -1809,-540 -378,-471 -988,-824 -1551,-988 -2774,-775 -5546,-1503 -8316,-2209 -1506,-375 -2609,-1149 -3548,-2370 -681,-895 -1551,-2070 -2515,-2281 -2419,-517 -4864,-1198 -7448,-399 -3241,1010 -3665,1456 -2677,4700 729,2441 2327,4532 3055,7002 164,563 704,585 1174,281 282,-188 540,-449 750,-730 682,-797 1577,-1079 2537,-915 1999,351 3947,400 5946,23 374,-69 821,46 1220,95 2727,304 5474,514 8201,939 2866,446 5756,870 8247,2655 1057,774 2420,1174 3665,1667 421,189 939,96 1527,142l0 0zm-46824 -59133c-1268,-542 -2255,-1035 -3312,-1363 -1434,-446 -2915,-846 -4393,-1106 -471,-69 -1060,328 -1574,589 -471,235 -870,635 -1363,752 -1174,280 -2398,421 -3618,657 -1717,353 -3477,610 -5147,1128 -3851,1174 -3829,1245 -4839,5050 -24,117 -117,235 -71,328 164,471 235,1177 542,1317 1292,610 1927,1620 2091,3125 586,-281 1032,-423 1385,-681 870,-635 1738,-588 2630,-71 354,210 753,353 1106,564 1174,703 2349,1010 3619,210 282,-186 681,-235 1010,-235 2042,25 4111,25 6131,167 1434,93 1738,22 2280,-1295 586,-1409 1104,-2841 1642,-4275 635,-1550 1224,-3148 1881,-4861zm-87750 -26290c24,303 0,445 71,517 2726,2819 5192,5942 9046,7352 985,353 1974,753 2937,1198 1267,589 2512,1246 3758,1857 799,375 1574,917 2395,1056 2352,399 4418,-468 6580,-1596 -471,-988 -799,-1927 -1317,-2772 -774,-1246 -1034,-2585 -1034,-4019 -22,-1103 728,-1645 1434,-2280 611,-564 471,-1267 189,-1948 -282,-658 -824,-822 -1459,-611 -1877,635 -3194,-306 -4297,-1598 -1528,-1763 -2798,-1621 -4089,-140 -540,632 -1339,1196 -2114,1410 -1105,328 -2302,328 -3479,421 -1855,164 -3733,236 -5588,447 -1060,117 -2045,470 -3033,706l0 0zm62212 106308c-353,-515 -728,-939 -892,-1410 -142,-399 -211,-986 -25,-1314 611,-988 1317,-1927 2092,-2797 588,-657 823,-1221 374,-2042 -678,-1199 -421,-2327 118,-3526 564,-1220 964,-2513 1341,-3807 165,-539 140,-1174 22,-1738 -211,-1032 -1010,-1574 -1973,-1785 -939,-210 -1339,564 -1738,1199 -400,657 -753,1338 -1035,2042 -514,1177 -1360,1859 -2559,2209 -2184,660 -4347,1409 -6555,2044 -3031,846 -4040,1974 -4418,5122 -164,1338 -422,2420 -2042,2865 -1434,378 -1974,1671 -1670,2937 446,0 917,71 1363,0 2584,-446 5100,-117 7683,189 3124,376 6321,93 9490,93 96,25 189,-117 424,-282l0 1zm4604 -99074c-117,1012 -235,1809 -282,2608 -93,1834 -164,3690 -210,5521 0,260 235,518 399,777 682,1128 1645,2043 2866,2488 1409,542 2890,942 4371,1317 1078,282 2206,353 3287,611 400,95 1010,542 989,752 -47,446 -425,868 -753,1245 -164,186 -564,186 -775,354 -493,374 -824,845 -307,1691 542,-188 1224,-260 1645,-635 775,-682 1410,-1527 2045,-2351 375,-514 518,-1267 986,-1643 1152,-916 1341,-2137 1505,-3432 211,-1692 375,-3383 586,-5074 96,-658 -93,-1103 -610,-1528 -1200,-939 -2420,-1855 -3501,-2934 -2020,-2022 -4133,-1410 -6295,-471 -165,71 -283,189 -447,282 -564,375 -1199,400 -1598,-118 -729,-939 -1435,-728 -2278,-210 -517,375 -1081,539 -1623,750l0 0zm15388 76662c1363,-93 2609,-71 3783,-307 2983,-585 5898,471 8858,329 142,0 328,142 446,235 541,471 1056,353 1623,47 1032,-539 2066,-1103 3123,-1596 588,-282 870,-777 542,-1270 -635,-964 -895,-1973 -964,-3101 -24,-211 -188,-446 -353,-586 -1127,-1081 -1505,-2491 -1785,-3925 -213,-1010 -281,-2067 -470,-3312 -1410,-307 -2866,-892 -4347,-917 -2162,-22 -4300,377 -6459,542 -942,68 -1388,493 -1506,1385 -186,1339 -400,2655 -610,3993 -400,2351 -518,4793 -1621,6978 -164,377 -142,870 -260,1505l0 0zm24363 -32422c800,258 1388,304 1764,611 821,635 2066,917 2044,2373 -25,2020 1032,3101 3101,3194 1032,47 1949,165 2749,917 728,682 1620,610 2490,257 2256,-914 3312,-2395 3030,-4768 -282,-2444 422,-4746 657,-7119 214,-2020 329,-2092 -1527,-2913 -329,-142 -657,-281 -986,-375 -3312,-941 -6741,-1409 -10127,-2983 -1057,3665 -2089,7163 -3195,10806l0 0zm-4182 17055c25,-421 96,-563 50,-656 -942,-1881 114,-3126 1385,-4254 752,-657 1549,-1267 2348,-1831 660,-471 1010,-1035 1270,-1809 375,-1082 917,-2163 1667,-3008 846,-939 871,-1928 564,-2937 -282,-939 -1128,-1457 -2138,-1621 -799,-140 -1620,-257 -2419,-421 -1339,-260 -1599,-143 -2138,1149 -421,1035 -728,2116 -1221,3102 -307,610 -753,1198 -1292,1598 -823,635 -1341,446 -1809,-471 -753,-1478 -778,-1549 -2162,-963 -1082,446 -1856,260 -2656,-586 -610,-635 -1103,-1481 -2326,-1788 0,589 -47,1035 0,1459 610,3830 1223,7634 1880,11442 118,656 329,1620 799,1831 1128,542 2444,1081 3641,1010 1552,-69 3030,-775 4557,-1246l0 0zm-13814 -42171c-139,260 -329,496 -446,753 -1267,3219 -2537,6437 -3758,9656 -353,915 -539,1928 -753,2889 -93,399 -233,987 -47,1177 989,963 589,2183 753,3286 93,611 211,1246 329,1952 2490,47 4746,-610 7023,-1127 2069,-471 2869,-1506 2373,-3548 -421,-1740 0,-3079 917,-4464 1174,-1763 1692,-3712 1456,-5850 -164,-1505 -914,-2304 -2324,-2654 -1012,-261 -1973,-682 -2914,-1128 -822,-400 -1550,-1010 -2609,-942l0 0zm4347 83475c963,22 1505,-282 1644,-1223 354,-2253 753,-4511 846,-6788 96,-2256 589,-4276 1903,-6085 377,-518 660,-1106 895,-1692 396,-988 610,-2020 1596,-2655 235,-164 378,-589 445,-917 307,-1620 589,-3241 800,-4863 71,-515 71,-1057 -71,-1550 -233,-799 -750,-1056 -1503,-682 -1152,589 -2420,1128 -3266,2021 -938,1010 -1973,1669 -3265,1926 -1502,283 -2044,1200 -2420,2609 -635,2373 -1316,4768 -2326,6977 -753,1599 -703,2937 93,4322 963,1670 1974,3314 3101,4888 471,658 660,1128 354,1903 -471,1221 -47,1763 1174,1809l0 0zm-9444 -72362c-563,-93 -846,-164 -1127,-186 -1927,-118 -3854,-260 -5781,-307 -586,0 -1268,211 -1785,517 -892,540 -1785,565 -2677,211 -588,-235 -1177,-539 -1691,-917 -1013,-681 -2023,-703 -2938,25 -845,681 -1622,1503 -2304,2348 -233,283 -282,1057 -68,1271 938,938 774,2091 985,3218 260,1432 378,2724 -564,3947 -46,47 47,211 96,400 585,140 1221,233 1807,422 1951,657 3571,353 4770,-1434 422,-633 1010,-868 1785,-846 2797,117 5617,167 8411,213 446,0 893,-142 1481,-235 -282,-1670 93,-3243 -635,-4771 -282,-564 -117,-1360 -71,-2067 25,-517 189,-1081 306,-1809l0 0zm11349 870c1477,1011 2701,1785 3876,2631 1666,1199 3265,1481 5167,353 1128,-657 2491,-988 3807,-1221 1197,-213 1903,-752 2349,-1809 539,-1295 1152,-2562 1762,-3832 304,-611 633,-1221 986,-1878 -2491,-1834 -5167,-3008 -7941,-3925 -588,-186 -1384,-22 -2019,189 -682,236 -1292,328 -2021,143 -870,-214 -1809,-168 -2865,-236 -378,1574 -917,2913 -989,4276 -93,1409 -517,2608 -1220,3782 -354,539 -659,1081 -892,1527l0 0zm-19125 -44804c93,728 165,1292 236,1856 421,3008 845,6016 1338,9021 71,425 375,871 681,1153 1503,1317 3055,2562 4582,3829 728,610 1457,682 2231,71 565,-424 1081,-917 1716,-1221 1643,-823 2114,-2233 2207,-3900 142,-2116 331,-4207 495,-6320 93,-1174 -25,-1506 -1128,-1856 -941,-282 -1951,-306 -2936,-471 -1317,-211 -2798,-164 -3926,-774 -1667,-917 -3358,-1224 -5496,-1388l0 0zm-4911 82536c1246,-71 2278,-95 3291,-213 2370,-283 4743,-657 7141,-893 2255,-211 2420,-328 2795,-2537 260,-1528 188,-2866 -728,-4322 -1221,-1952 -2631,-3547 -4629,-4675 -446,-260 -821,-635 -1246,-963 -1220,-939 -2441,-1881 -3968,-3055 118,728 118,1010 211,1270 375,1010 -47,1642 -986,1878 -1128,259 -1245,987 -1270,1951 -71,2983 -210,5967 -353,8926 -22,799 -164,1599 -258,2633zm58595 -7683c-2187,-424 -3901,-846 -5639,-1081 -1856,-236 -3736,-422 -5592,-375 -2209,68 -4439,421 -6648,656 -728,72 -1574,236 -1691,1011 -97,681 210,1455 492,2115 189,469 704,775 1010,1197 799,1081 1785,1787 3126,2115 3194,775 6367,1667 9536,2442 824,213 1505,424 1434,1316 1153,-328 2185,-610 3337,-916 -211,-1550 -353,-3124 -681,-4651 -283,-1410 -307,-2680 1316,-3829l0 0zm-19570 -28546c1056,518 1831,1056 2701,1292 1902,564 3851,1010 5802,1481 1457,353 1692,189 2420,-1057 753,-1292 846,-2655 610,-4089 -353,-2113 -328,-2113 1481,-3148 354,-210 635,-517 964,-775 -1528,-188 -2798,-470 -3712,-1620 -142,-166 -424,-235 -635,-282 -1199,-142 -1527,-941 -1480,-1998 46,-1010 -329,-1809 -1082,-2491 -750,-681 -1314,-1431 -1527,-2490 -164,-846 -797,-1386 -1760,-1550 -164,211 -378,375 -400,565 -399,2066 -916,4111 -1855,6037 -329,657 21,1128 514,1503 495,375 1035,728 1577,1082 -1199,2512 -2327,4863 -3619,7540l1 0zm-38367 -33360c1127,-378 2116,-753 3125,-1010 2067,-564 2349,-942 2092,-3101 -25,-282 -96,-589 -164,-871 -496,-2655 -964,-5310 -1460,-7965 -186,-1078 -703,-1385 -1713,-893 -399,190 -870,471 -1081,846 -821,1506 -2020,1624 -3454,1153 -446,-142 -914,-235 -1363,-353 -2021,-447 -2656,-25 -3030,2020 -258,1387 -658,2701 -1503,3782 164,261 471,564 421,729 -350,963 214,1387 893,1833 331,211 563,586 799,914 399,567 728,1200 1174,1742 988,1196 1013,1196 2423,467 1477,-703 1924,-585 2841,706l0 1zm31975 103984c164,-449 400,-753 400,-1059 -25,-2231 46,-4465 -189,-6649 -211,-1877 -118,-3358 1880,-4204 329,-142 657,-706 657,-1057 0,-1294 -139,-2561 -186,-3854 -47,-821 -378,-1291 -1246,-1387 -681,-93 -1363,-304 -2019,-493 -1624,-468 -3008,236 -3666,1787 -399,915 -845,1807 -1316,2653 -1010,1763 -1763,3572 -1481,5663 46,329 -21,707 -93,1035 -282,1738 -610,3454 -870,5192 -164,1078 96,1385 1223,1361 1032,-23 2067,-258 3101,-468 1150,-236 2206,-378 2934,845 97,258 471,375 871,635l0 0zm-14332 -103891c1060,-257 1670,-400 2280,-564 2091,-610 4183,-1103 6367,-282 1035,375 2067,71 3054,-400 1175,-563 1410,-821 1057,-2020 -446,-1503 -1010,-2983 -1620,-4417 -635,-1478 -1341,-2819 -143,-4415 753,-1010 447,-1763 -728,-2209 -681,-260 -1481,-235 -2230,-260 -1106,-47 -2045,449 -2302,1527 -400,1670 -1435,2280 -3009,2352 -517,21 -1034,186 -1573,303 -282,1716 -611,3383 -799,5053 -190,1620 -211,3287 -354,5332l0 0zm19032 62705c282,-257 774,-563 1032,-1010 399,-682 894,-1010 1669,-1081 986,-71 1974,-236 2959,-353 1456,-140 2915,-235 4371,-400 1831,-186 2349,-914 1996,-2702 -186,-963 -351,-1948 -446,-2936 -140,-1292 -187,-1385 -1503,-1361 -1152,47 -2231,22 -3077,-916 -167,-190 -542,-307 -799,-282 -1223,71 -2302,-211 -3337,-871 -306,-186 -1056,-164 -1245,47 -681,845 -1434,1762 -1716,2773 -282,963 -750,1455 -1503,1998 -1174,867 -2302,1809 -3240,2890 -1200,1385 -635,3030 1103,3498 1127,353 2301,471 3736,706l0 0zm-57795 -29909c1692,-796 3947,-304 4111,-3051 1150,-189 2255,-307 3337,-518 1924,-399 3829,-917 4697,-2937 588,-1338 1034,-2726 1480,-4111 635,-1973 -235,-3736 -657,-5568 -1927,397 -2773,822 -4089,1878 -774,635 -1527,1599 -2748,424 -492,868 -1292,1645 -1317,2442 -46,1224 -517,1834 -1549,2256 -377,142 -706,446 -1010,706 -1316,1081 -2633,2184 -4018,3336 539,1550 1103,3195 1763,5143l0 0zm2184 -24902c-375,657 -728,1220 -1034,1834 -1057,2091 -1503,4510 -3523,6038 -47,22 -93,93 -93,139 -331,964 -1128,1410 -2163,1645 657,1293 564,2349 -446,3266 -564,517 -518,1128 -96,1738 635,988 1224,1998 1859,2983 892,1364 1760,1410 2959,307 988,-917 1998,-1809 3148,-2491 892,-539 1502,-938 1245,-2137 -236,-1175 1010,-1621 1573,-2398 190,-257 942,-233 1410,-164 635,95 1057,-22 1388,-493 -799,-328 -1787,-421 -2116,-917 -753,-1150 -1338,-2466 -1713,-3782 -378,-1410 -25,-1738 1360,-2092 353,-93 635,-350 964,-539 -236,-375 -375,-917 -704,-1081 -1270,-682 -2584,-1199 -4018,-1856l0 0zm40409 54436c-69,-2633 -539,-4957 -986,-7308 -446,-2373 -492,-4814 -1527,-7305 -1927,1856 -4158,2066 -6391,2326 -118,233 -258,422 -304,633 -542,2350 -1106,4675 -1552,7048 -93,517 96,1177 353,1669 539,964 1152,1903 1856,2773 282,351 871,679 1292,657 2326,-93 4653,-306 7259,-493l0 0zm38013 -8529c635,-1034 1152,-1880 1645,-2726 753,-1314 1599,-2608 2209,-3969 564,-1270 186,-1998 -1081,-2490 -447,-165 -1010,-165 -1503,-72 -1388,211 -1574,189 -2233,-1056 -354,-682 -658,-1388 -917,-2092 -350,-963 -961,-1573 -1949,-1833 -564,-140 -1104,-375 -1667,-540 -1599,-421 -2045,-235 -2420,1339 -260,1059 -118,2233 -424,3265 -610,2116 -353,4161 47,6203 2890,988 5709,1952 8293,3971l0 0zm-75767 -23400c71,1292 -1010,1739 -2184,2138 -778,257 -1574,493 -2326,799 -989,400 -1153,821 -658,1763 257,515 682,963 986,1431 892,1364 870,1999 -164,3312 -565,732 -1128,1481 -1599,2116 682,1949 2045,2656 3829,2773 589,47 1152,164 1741,186 1667,118 2630,-1031 2206,-2655 -139,-515 -328,-1010 -468,-1502 -492,-1550 22,-2913 1032,-4066 353,-399 1035,-845 1459,-749 1361,281 1667,-518 1856,-1481 140,-611 304,-1270 164,-1856 -235,-1034 47,-1809 657,-2608 399,-518 682,-1128 988,-1667 -2515,681 -4842,1338 -7519,2066l0 0zm18583 18936c117,-93 259,-189 378,-282 681,-282 1409,-868 2066,-821 1574,118 3030,-282 4535,-517 1079,-165 1878,-471 2560,-1270 681,-797 1363,-1621 2019,-2442 400,-495 918,-963 1153,-1527 235,-542 400,-1246 282,-1809 -165,-753 -939,-518 -1503,-471 -1881,95 -3736,328 -5617,328 -1574,0 -3147,-186 -4721,-304 -1106,-71 -2067,93 -2773,1128 -307,446 -892,728 -1385,1032 -870,564 -1081,3665 -260,4278 142,93 329,186 471,186 1174,-47 1809,635 2255,1620 140,307 354,589 540,871zm13157 42125c1010,-1057 1481,-2280 1831,-3572 542,-2042 1106,-4065 1623,-6107 211,-845 658,-1270 1550,-1434 916,-164 1787,-493 2654,-846 261,-118 635,-610 565,-753 -140,-304 -493,-679 -822,-728 -3525,-517 -7072,-963 -10620,-282 -774,143 -1645,329 -1785,1293 47,142 72,213 93,235 118,142 236,260 354,378 1127,961 1174,1009 375,2277 -468,728 -1199,1316 -1549,2069 -447,914 -800,1924 -893,2935 -71,870 985,845 1574,1127 1574,778 3287,1317 4276,2915 139,211 468,303 774,493l0 0zm45861 -34160c-1035,-1245 -1738,-2138 -2516,-2961 -468,-493 -985,-1011 -1574,-1339 -1056,-611 -2159,-1199 -3312,-1645 -845,-350 -1784,-586 -2701,-682 -1456,-139 -2748,1200 -2537,2655 257,1738 635,3455 939,5193 142,799 610,1223 1388,1363 2184,399 4368,846 6577,1199 353,71 939,0 1127,-236 986,-1199 1857,-2490 2609,-3547l0 0zm-62071 22c-2115,-493 -4018,-679 -5709,-1360 -1645,-660 -2866,-496 -4089,728 -775,775 -1246,1855 -893,2701 657,1574 1456,3358 2749,4322 1787,1338 4042,2067 6156,2937 1173,493 1762,-47 1786,-1316 23,-1221 47,-2442 47,-3665 -24,-1528 -47,-3052 -47,-4347l0 0zm-5898 -36790c542,0 728,46 893,0 2936,-799 5827,-1738 8903,-1902 636,-25 917,-496 824,-1128 -164,-1081 564,-1574 1292,-2091 235,-164 518,-307 1150,-706 -1457,-258 -2489,-446 -3498,-586 -1974,-307 -3925,-753 -5642,-1834 -1691,-1057 -1691,-1081 -3312,211 -281,213 -656,377 -821,660 -353,585 -870,1267 -799,1855 211,1809 657,3619 1010,5521l0 0zm-7166 21426c1670,0 3173,22 4700,0 2302,-47 3687,-1784 3241,-4040 -93,-449 -165,-941 -118,-1388 96,-799 -22,-1502 -679,-2066 -752,-657 -870,-1456 -167,-2138 1082,-1056 660,-2255 471,-3429 -140,-846 -1149,-1246 -1574,-635 -845,1220 -2113,2373 -1855,4040 281,1738 -635,2983 -1199,4346 -3359,72 -4347,2067 -2820,5310l0 0zm14075 5546c-1317,1431 -1292,2677 46,3547 586,375 1268,611 1832,1032 1434,1106 2797,2327 4228,3430 1106,845 2280,1576 3644,2490 445,-1924 774,-3569 1220,-5192 375,-1385 635,-2655 -1056,-3383 -96,-47 -164,-164 -211,-282 -449,-939 -1130,-775 -1927,-446 -446,189 -1035,329 -1481,213 -1152,-306 -2116,-260 -3126,515 -892,706 -1267,542 -2042,-397 -399,-449 -706,-941 -1127,-1527l0 0zm24292 70268c1713,-375 1995,-564 2677,-1620 211,-329 493,-704 824,-822 867,-306 1081,-916 1196,-1741 306,-2184 1010,-2723 3290,-2652 164,0 328,-96 235,-71 517,-1363 917,-2584 1410,-3761 635,-1478 539,-1738 -1034,-2206 -893,-260 -1764,-517 -2749,-777 -353,895 -799,1787 -1081,2750 -328,1150 -400,2489 -2113,2395 -96,0 -189,118 -260,211 -821,1010 -1902,1459 -3383,1341 1363,2256 306,4651 988,6953l0 0zm-2609 235c1035,236 1881,93 1903,-867 46,-1927 681,-3997 -800,-5735 -139,-164 -232,-421 -257,-635 -93,-1267 -164,-2559 -210,-3829 -47,-1292 -471,-1642 -1621,-1079 -1952,915 -3832,1925 -5756,2913 -72,47 -96,189 -165,328 22,143 47,329 93,493 939,2420 3359,2915 5310,3925 1197,610 1293,375 1361,1760 71,895 96,1809 142,2726zm-37824 -105533c-211,1385 635,2466 1034,3665 258,799 797,1057 1574,1150 1692,166 3052,-704 4486,-1339 235,-93 425,-564 425,-868 46,-1245 821,-2023 1688,-2726 660,-539 1270,-1128 1905,-1716 -659,-868 -1387,-703 -2044,-586 -3055,493 -6156,704 -9069,2420l1 0zm59133 101446c-164,-2162 -774,-2679 -2512,-2280 -425,775 -846,1457 -1200,2185 -353,777 -681,1574 -892,2397 -142,565 1785,3641 2349,3830 1010,328 2044,585 3172,892 257,-1174 682,-2302 704,-3429 46,-1410 188,-3031 -1621,-3595l0 0zm-14918 -5969c493,-1385 1079,-3052 1692,-4793 -471,-140 -706,-304 -892,-282 -2091,260 -4161,564 -6252,895 -139,22 -210,493 -350,868 703,0 1196,0 1924,0 -304,610 -610,1057 -750,1527 -211,706 -378,1456 -424,2209 -47,657 213,1267 917,1574 681,282 1220,-24 1784,-421 682,-518 1410,-964 2351,-1577l0 0zm17102 9752c-211,1128 -446,2256 -585,3405 -47,329 164,846 446,1035 1762,1292 3829,1596 5942,1785 189,24 399,-189 706,-354 -1245,-1245 -1270,-2794 -1363,-4179 -1762,-564 -3408,-1106 -5146,-1692l0 0zm-1385 -6651c-117,71 -235,143 -353,214 164,775 143,1667 517,2302 775,1338 1763,2537 2631,3757 681,261 1387,565 2116,825 539,186 1127,328 1691,375 1032,93 1503,-518 964,-1364 -564,-892 -942,-1691 -447,-2747 -1127,-540 -2137,-1010 -3289,-565 -893,354 -1386,47 -1903,-706 -542,-728 -1270,-1385 -1927,-2091l0 0zm-28899 -94585c-68,25 -139,47 -210,71 260,658 328,1574 823,1974 1432,1174 3595,867 4908,-517 660,-682 682,-1153 -115,-1717 -799,-586 -1691,-1031 -2537,-1527 -2140,-1268 -2798,-914 -2869,1552 0,47 0,118 0,164l0 0zm-29435 39776c-49,1222 -213,2442 -95,3666 142,1527 1363,1924 2961,867 -1834,-1221 304,-2794 -400,-4182 -774,-118 -1505,-211 -2466,-351zm12569 -6955c282,-328 657,-588 611,-706 -447,-1196 -682,-2488 -1552,-3476 -118,47 -236,93 -351,142 397,1268 821,2538 1292,4040l0 0zm-589 -4910c283,-682 329,-1199 -399,-1456 -164,-47 -539,71 -586,189 -235,657 115,1032 985,1267zm-1173 23093c71,-140 139,-281 210,-399 -564,-233 -1149,-469 -1713,-704 -50,118 -96,235 -142,328 539,261 1080,518 1645,775l0 0z"/> </g> </svg> </span></span> </li><li id="map_src_3"> <span class="image_wrapper bild_links_text_rechts" 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-175,-460 -454,-512 -41,-6 -93,-30 -128,-17 -495,209 -1071,23 -1554,314 -145,87 -326,122 -477,180 -134,-93 -245,-221 -373,-250 -367,-87 -739,-163 -1007,250 -104,163 -285,285 -448,413 -192,152 -361,291 -296,576 11,59 -65,152 -111,216 -76,99 -169,186 -292,314 182,46 315,82 478,128 -128,291 -332,437 -640,419 -88,-5 -175,-12 -257,-35 -535,-180 -1076,-360 -1600,-570 -169,-64 -326,-204 -436,-349 -489,-658 -931,-1357 -1449,-1991 -396,-483 -768,-978 -1066,-1531 -11,-17 -46,-23 -104,-46 -117,216 0,378 104,547 128,209 262,419 367,641 76,157 105,331 -46,535 -169,-70 -332,-140 -565,-245 204,344 372,635 582,995 -145,-23 -238,-11 -291,-52 -268,-197 -530,-401 -792,-605 -58,-47 -116,-99 -150,-157 -379,-682 -822,-1333 -617,-2200 185,-774 267,-1578 447,-2352 105,-431 314,-838 507,-1245 64,-134 198,-279 332,-326 372,-122 669,-349 960,-588 29,-23 76,-23 186,-52 -99,430 -326,826 -99,1187 320,215 617,396 891,611 343,268 721,251 1065,-93 0,-29 12,-59 0,-82 -64,-139 -227,-279 -82,-430 169,-169 320,-373 623,-337 163,16 343,5 500,-53 396,-140 781,-314 1176,-471 291,-117 442,-326 419,-646 -29,-408 -70,-822 -111,-1211 -553,-105 -989,81 -1425,349 -117,-308 -309,-431 -576,-529 -402,-146 -571,-606 -501,-1025 139,-856 716,-1332 1414,-1705 152,-82 367,-70 553,-59 175,6 344,53 512,105 385,123 763,152 1153,29 174,-52 378,-52 558,-29 669,93 1315,53 1979,-139 1141,-338 2311,-594 3469,-879 81,-23 186,-58 256,-29 349,151 704,104 1071,70 151,-12 314,52 454,116 256,111 506,233 739,367 256,151 518,186 792,75 337,-133 669,-279 1001,-424 157,-70 319,-134 477,-210 232,-111 471,-227 698,-350 140,-75 268,-203 413,-237 443,-94 682,-408 920,-746 250,-349 523,-686 826,-1071 105,151 175,251 251,361 29,6 76,24 116,24 262,-24 518,-64 780,-82 203,-18 419,-52 605,0 774,198 1560,146 2346,151 145,0 291,-12 436,0 489,59 914,-87 1304,-378 163,-122 338,-192 564,-180 175,11 350,-88 559,-146 204,123 518,180 553,542 6,46 70,93 117,121 378,198 512,525 535,926 6,87 29,175 58,256 111,285 384,355 629,169 314,-239 326,-250 628,-47 204,140 367,169 588,12 274,-198 384,-157 594,88 180,209 326,419 297,738 -30,262 104,536 343,664 378,210 704,518 1158,576 169,23 192,157 198,297 6,256 0,518 0,785 367,71 657,36 943,-93 303,-139 606,-279 914,-407 285,-117 349,-93 547,163 29,35 46,105 70,105 378,5 610,378 965,396 262,11 402,139 524,326 117,227 291,1548 210,1909l0 0zm-23583 7228m15249 -7287m-9912 -3224m-2247 6291m-15923 -1978m10645 -349m-5122 6279m16809 -9509m-15115 878m24886 495m-26114 1361m2298 3540m24351 -4494m-27074 -2293m13107 -646m-6391 7304m-2823 2864m7293 -2514m-10930 -3761m10680 -3788m13042 3038m-21883 6676m8637 -9278m-14038 5070m13706 -5110z"/> <path id="Sued-Konturen" class="konturen" d="M38473 7522c-163,-41 -326,-64 -483,-122 -181,-64 -315,-24 -413,133 -233,367 -489,722 -384,1205 58,261 -111,418 -437,465 -442,58 -488,128 -378,547 12,41 24,87 41,128 157,395 128,698 -290,954 -414,250 -408,477 -129,867 93,128 198,249 273,390 111,203 30,395 -180,360 -442,-75 -873,-192 -1302,-332 -100,-28 -169,-192 -216,-308 -52,-134 -64,-285 -93,-424 -76,-332 -29,-606 326,-757 58,-23 104,-93 151,-139 -58,-181 -204,-169 -326,-187 -145,-17 -291,-5 -430,-34 -268,-59 -361,-204 -338,-472 6,-57 24,-116 30,-168 64,-425 23,-495 -344,-693 -232,-122 -453,-256 -686,-377 -326,-170 -553,-402 -652,-768 -116,-431 -547,-576 -866,-821 -41,-29 -192,30 -251,94 -70,64 -87,180 -139,267 -169,285 -419,401 -739,320 -634,-169 -1262,-343 -1885,-535 -343,-105 -622,-314 -831,-605 -326,-466 -687,-611 -1217,-425 -209,76 -406,221 -570,378 -185,181 -319,413 -488,611 -355,425 -518,913 -454,1454 35,268 128,530 238,780 100,238 268,454 373,686 122,268 134,559 -52,791 -413,518 -780,1100 -1350,1466 -337,221 -710,396 -1088,541 -325,128 -593,309 -773,605 -175,285 -373,559 -507,861 -168,384 -448,634 -808,815 -192,98 -384,203 -570,314 -291,180 -454,442 -442,796 17,437 23,873 52,1304 29,413 -140,645 -552,663 -506,17 -1019,29 -1513,-123 -500,-151 -1012,-261 -1541,-249 -41,0 -76,-29 -123,-47 -11,-41 -41,-87 -29,-122 309,-948 -151,-1658 -721,-2327 -187,-216 -436,-209 -716,-58 -477,255 -948,512 -1419,762 -332,174 -681,233 -1053,168 -395,-64 -419,-69 -500,-471 -53,-268 -175,-459 -454,-512 -41,-5 -93,-29 -128,-17 -494,209 -1070,23 -1553,314 -145,88 -326,122 -477,180 -134,-93 -244,-221 -372,-250 -367,-87 -739,-163 -1007,250 -105,163 -285,286 -447,414 -193,151 -362,290 -298,575 13,59 -64,152 -110,216 -75,98 -169,185 -291,314 181,46 314,81 477,128 -127,290 -331,436 -640,418 -87,-5 -174,-12 -255,-35 -536,-180 -1076,-360 -1600,-570 -169,-64 -326,-203 -437,-349 -488,-657 -930,-1355 -1448,-1989 -396,-483 -768,-977 -1064,-1530 -12,-18 -47,-23 -105,-47 -117,216 0,378 105,547 127,210 261,419 366,640 76,157 105,332 -47,535 -168,-70 -331,-139 -564,-244 204,343 372,634 582,995 -146,-23 -239,-12 -291,-53 -268,-198 -529,-401 -791,-604 -58,-47 -117,-100 -151,-157 -378,-681 -821,-1333 -617,-2200 186,-773 268,-1576 448,-2350 105,-430 314,-838 506,-1244 64,-134 198,-280 331,-326 373,-123 670,-349 960,-588 29,-23 76,-23 186,-52 -98,430 -325,826 -98,1187 319,215 616,395 890,610 343,268 721,251 1064,-93 0,-29 12,-58 0,-81 -64,-140 -227,-279 -81,-431 169,-169 320,-372 622,-337 163,17 343,6 500,-53 396,-139 780,-313 1176,-470 290,-117 442,-326 418,-647 -28,-406 -69,-819 -110,-1209 -553,-105 -989,81 -1425,349 -116,-309 -309,-431 -576,-530 -402,-145 -570,-604 -501,-1024 140,-855 716,-1331 1414,-1704 151,-81 366,-70 553,-58 174,6 343,52 512,105 383,122 762,151 1151,29 175,-52 378,-52 559,-29 669,93 1315,52 1978,-140 1140,-337 2309,-593 3467,-878 81,-24 186,-58 255,-30 349,152 705,105 1071,70 151,-11 314,53 454,117 256,110 506,232 738,366 256,151 518,187 792,76 337,-134 668,-279 1000,-425 157,-70 320,-134 477,-209 233,-111 471,-227 699,-349 139,-76 267,-204 412,-239 443,-93 681,-407 919,-745 251,-349 524,-686 826,-1070 105,151 175,251 251,361 29,6 75,23 116,23 262,-23 517,-64 779,-81 204,-18 419,-52 606,0 773,197 1558,145 2344,151 145,0 291,-12 436,0 489,58 913,-87 1303,-378 163,-122 337,-192 564,-180 175,11 349,-87 559,-146 203,123 517,180 552,541 6,47 70,93 117,122 378,198 512,524 535,925 6,87 29,174 58,256 110,285 384,355 628,169 314,-238 326,-251 629,-46 203,139 366,168 587,11 273,-198 384,-157 594,87 180,210 325,419 296,739 -29,262 105,535 344,663 378,210 703,518 1157,576 169,23 192,157 198,297 6,256 0,517 0,785 366,70 657,35 942,-93 302,-140 605,-279 913,-407 285,-116 350,-93 547,163 29,35 47,104 70,104 378,6 611,378 966,396 261,11 401,139 523,326 116,227 291,1547 210,1908l0 0zm-23571 7225c-105,-23 -216,-30 -315,-64 -424,-134 -855,-285 -1221,-12 -256,-41 -460,-99 -663,-111 -489,-17 -698,350 -890,704 -140,268 -35,623 186,670 395,81 797,157 1180,-70 478,-279 966,-536 1438,-815 116,-63 191,-197 285,-302 121,-157 250,-314 244,-559 -372,215 -372,215 -244,559l0 0zm14752 -12833c-6,-175 0,-349 -23,-517 -30,-204 -94,-390 -320,-460 -309,373 -303,489 23,745 105,81 203,157 308,238 -244,302 -442,657 -838,803 -58,23 -139,93 -145,145 -23,396 -378,571 -576,844 -227,308 -366,599 -244,988 29,93 -18,228 -58,332 -47,117 -117,221 -186,338 226,75 377,186 360,430 -58,23 -93,41 -134,52 -342,122 -395,274 -209,582 157,262 401,425 686,512 611,186 1228,361 1844,523 152,41 321,-5 495,-11 0,-210 -24,-355 6,-495 52,-249 -12,-383 -267,-442 -251,-52 -356,-226 -326,-483 11,-81 -6,-168 -12,-238 151,-139 308,-256 425,-396 290,-343 703,-290 1082,-349 64,-11 168,99 232,175 250,302 332,331 692,174 93,-41 192,-75 273,-139 373,-297 763,-395 1211,-187 17,6 52,-17 110,-34 12,-99 29,-210 41,-326 23,-267 -29,-471 -320,-588 -256,-98 -472,-290 -721,-401 -408,-180 -611,-483 -611,-913 0,-250 -111,-448 -250,-635 -128,-168 -274,-214 -442,-75 -227,186 -449,175 -670,-6 -209,-168 -401,-140 -570,65 -162,191 -349,185 -534,46 -129,-99 -228,-204 -332,-297l0 0zm-11146 5055c-23,285 -87,564 -52,826 70,518 425,867 820,1176 99,80 221,151 291,255 273,419 739,454 1152,570 244,70 517,53 779,64 169,6 297,47 390,216 157,267 174,256 524,122 0,-128 0,-250 0,-413 180,-76 360,-239 552,-70 157,140 308,320 384,518 40,99 -81,261 -122,395 -116,378 -180,559 256,739 75,35 145,82 262,152 -204,197 -338,325 -477,447 -117,105 -146,210 -64,344 87,139 215,139 343,69 127,-69 261,-133 360,-238 425,-437 850,-873 1239,-1338 216,-256 244,-588 64,-896 -104,-175 -226,-337 -325,-518 -419,-739 -402,-1471 75,-2175 146,-215 320,-413 483,-617 291,-366 256,-651 -133,-908 -280,-185 -565,-360 -862,-517 -424,-221 -750,-536 -1000,-937 -134,-210 -285,-401 -436,-599 -134,-174 -291,-215 -495,-110 -343,186 -698,355 -954,668 -139,175 -314,326 -500,519 -169,-181 -297,-309 -419,-449 -134,-157 -291,-162 -407,-17 -122,151 -221,331 -303,512 -128,291 -209,331 -488,162 -123,-69 -233,-151 -390,-249 -210,540 -408,1041 -588,1541 -75,203 30,331 227,396 94,29 192,69 367,133 -233,100 -361,152 -553,227l0 0zm4264 4200c93,-180 157,-320 233,-459 52,-105 122,-198 168,-303 111,-256 -110,-366 -238,-512 -122,-133 -256,-110 -361,41 82,396 76,448 -58,506 -186,81 -529,-6 -680,-174 -30,-30 -41,-76 -71,-111 -221,-244 -570,-233 -784,24 -64,75 -117,157 -140,197 81,216 197,384 192,553 -12,494 -186,954 -454,1396 -401,-210 -756,58 -1128,81 -140,-81 -285,-145 -414,-238 -110,-81 -215,-186 -290,-302 -87,-135 -123,-297 -204,-431 -46,-82 -140,-146 -221,-186 -145,-70 -186,-163 -140,-315 23,-81 36,-162 47,-232 -93,-64 -157,-117 -239,-169 70,-210 228,-425 53,-575 -221,98 -390,221 -576,249 -361,59 -553,233 -687,570 -442,1123 -919,2228 -1384,3345 -105,251 -204,506 -303,762 949,675 1216,1652 1298,2682 343,76 628,134 907,198 296,70 588,174 890,215 355,47 721,76 1082,59 297,-12 419,-157 425,-449 12,-349 23,-704 -35,-1041 -99,-605 64,-1111 623,-1349 773,-338 1250,-908 1587,-1647 18,-40 41,-75 64,-116 198,-337 471,-588 832,-739 116,-47 227,-104 337,-157 -162,-489 -162,-489 205,-779 57,-47 98,-123 168,-216 -239,-128 -442,-238 -704,-378l0 0zm-21279 1617c70,128 145,251 203,367 82,151 140,326 239,465 367,518 698,1070 1128,1530 413,436 600,1018 1036,1425 157,146 309,314 494,402 378,186 774,331 1164,482 297,111 599,146 901,0 -116,-215 -424,-87 -500,-349 163,-93 315,-180 460,-262 -35,-185 -58,-325 -70,-412 355,-297 698,-547 995,-838 378,-372 279,-739 -169,-995 -407,-238 -791,-511 -908,-1041 -81,-361 -395,-559 -738,-675 -489,-162 -489,-162 -401,-645 5,-24 -18,-53 -30,-105 -238,-151 -488,-314 -756,-483 0,-291 0,-593 0,-896 0,-314 -46,-384 -331,-471 -123,-35 -256,-64 -385,-58 -261,11 -465,-93 -668,-256 -367,-291 -762,-530 -1233,-622 -18,-6 -30,-41 -65,-88 99,-52 192,-105 297,-163 -29,-186 -52,-366 -82,-535 -255,111 -494,198 -721,320 -99,52 -186,145 -238,239 -105,191 -187,389 -274,593 -349,808 -430,1681 -611,2531 -174,819 -52,1582 385,2303 168,279 378,453 715,553 -93,-518 -628,-809 -622,-1437 448,314 500,931 1128,1006 -76,-209 -122,-372 -198,-517 -110,-221 -255,-426 -355,-652 -139,-314 -87,-460 210,-716l0 0zm16375 -6573c-35,-262 -64,-436 -93,-622 349,-94 594,-268 611,-617 6,-117 -52,-279 -140,-355 -105,-93 -273,-116 -430,-180 -17,-204 -29,-414 -47,-640 87,-6 140,-12 198,-12 53,-6 111,-6 169,-11 -99,-460 -152,-501 -529,-425 -70,17 -146,29 -210,52 -355,134 -681,88 -1000,-110 -123,-76 -257,-146 -390,-192 -216,-81 -437,-163 -658,-204 -354,-58 -715,-81 -1070,-122 -291,-35 -477,99 -500,395 -12,146 6,292 -12,437 -29,285 0,535 256,733 81,64 163,285 122,332 -238,279 -262,657 -424,942 -210,373 -344,704 -309,1134 52,664 29,669 -564,832 -41,210 -64,425 -128,628 -64,210 -122,489 47,565 360,151 471,663 936,628 12,0 29,-6 41,-6 285,-41 576,-82 861,-116 244,-30 489,-64 692,157 128,139 309,151 483,98 209,-64 413,-133 622,-191 506,-128 1001,-291 1542,-251 169,12 361,-81 518,-168 285,-163 302,-250 81,-500 -209,-233 -244,-518 -268,-803 -23,-250 -5,-506 -5,-768 -262,35 -431,-23 -414,-332 134,-17 251,-35 414,-52 -70,-192 180,-349 -24,-559 -105,70 -203,152 -378,303l0 0zm-12414 6341c355,209 641,401 943,547 163,75 197,174 221,331 23,152 46,343 145,437 250,232 535,436 827,616 157,99 296,180 319,378 29,267 198,326 425,326 245,-6 494,-23 669,221 29,41 134,41 203,29 285,-58 506,-186 570,-517 70,-338 82,-658 -75,-978 -76,-151 -117,-320 -174,-494 145,-76 255,-134 354,-187 18,-121 18,-221 41,-319 99,-390 314,-792 279,-1164 -46,-489 94,-913 175,-1367 46,-279 0,-576 -29,-861 -52,-535 -384,-774 -925,-704 -59,-105 -116,-209 -192,-349 -291,239 -582,396 -960,187 -163,401 -436,627 -872,593 -13,157 -18,273 -30,383 -11,164 -81,292 -244,321 -297,58 -634,198 -890,110 -454,-151 -780,-52 -1105,227 -30,29 -76,41 -117,52 -192,58 -273,215 -290,396 -24,227 -36,453 -53,692 58,35 122,46 158,87 285,297 837,437 627,1007l0 0zm18854 -10209c-466,331 -896,634 -1349,953 261,367 499,681 714,1007 187,291 437,488 728,675 518,326 1129,529 1472,1082 209,-76 384,-169 564,-192 197,-24 401,35 605,29 239,-12 494,-6 634,-291 -117,-81 -215,-157 -302,-221 11,-52 11,-93 28,-104 221,-181 291,-367 227,-675 -46,-251 -46,-583 198,-809 274,-256 507,-535 634,-907 53,-146 221,-257 349,-367 140,-122 308,-221 425,-360 163,-193 145,-269 -58,-426 -303,-238 -303,-238 -175,-604 23,-70 52,-134 64,-210 47,-273 -308,-785 -535,-727 -372,93 -785,41 -1105,337 -326,297 -727,390 -1169,355 -576,-46 -1158,-58 -1739,-87 -245,-12 -489,-29 -740,-29 -116,0 -296,6 -337,76 -53,87 -12,244 17,366 18,76 99,140 152,210 215,279 442,575 698,919l0 0zm-16754 1716c123,209 227,395 344,575 75,123 203,227 238,361 99,379 366,530 710,623 162,41 372,110 442,232 162,279 396,361 686,367 -5,99 -11,180 -23,261 367,13 663,-52 978,-267 285,-198 709,-267 1070,-267 285,0 576,191 884,58 314,198 424,-41 564,-251 111,-168 233,-313 204,-552 -12,-105 98,-233 175,-332 221,-291 232,-349 -41,-570 -152,-122 -210,-227 -164,-436 59,-291 -16,-593 -104,-896 -93,6 -169,0 -233,18 -942,238 -1890,477 -2827,727 -581,156 -1169,197 -1762,151 -367,-29 -727,-59 -1141,198l0 0zm25113 1972c-128,250 -210,453 -337,628 -233,320 -367,628 -53,972 47,52 64,133 82,197 69,239 226,402 436,518 280,151 565,302 843,454 408,215 472,343 413,802 -52,390 29,500 402,577 110,23 238,5 343,34 105,30 268,94 274,151 11,105 -71,233 -135,332 -46,70 -139,105 -203,163 -52,47 -122,116 -116,175 29,273 52,552 128,808 64,227 314,233 506,285 209,58 424,111 634,151 87,17 180,-17 337,-40 -169,-239 -302,-425 -424,-617 -227,-338 -221,-430 29,-733 75,-87 162,-163 256,-239 337,-261 332,-261 221,-692 -53,-192 -99,-395 -94,-593 0,-256 82,-315 349,-320 175,0 350,18 455,-163 -70,-174 -134,-338 -170,-425 -511,-221 -965,-471 -1442,-604 -268,-77 -425,-280 -663,-373 -396,-151 -389,-163 -250,-570 134,-395 98,-471 -321,-570 -499,-110 -994,-203 -1500,-308l0 0zm-19994 1408c77,-24 198,-65 314,-111 65,-29 140,-52 187,-105 238,-291 23,-919 -355,-989 -285,-52 -582,-98 -861,-69 -268,28 -634,-146 -774,273 -6,12 -64,17 -75,6 -152,-128 -239,-6 -332,81 -99,93 -197,157 -349,99 -87,-35 -203,-29 -290,0 -158,58 -280,12 -408,-76 -93,-57 -203,-93 -291,-127 -128,122 -227,296 -337,302 -355,12 -756,87 -1036,-198 -337,-337 -663,-268 -1018,-87 -5,523 24,605 454,721 309,82 454,268 558,541 93,245 210,477 344,704 186,320 232,320 535,134 105,-64 256,-146 349,-111 518,180 1094,303 1215,995 59,-366 321,-366 577,-349 494,29 971,-52 1465,-151 -16,-227 -64,-413 -40,-594 35,-279 104,-558 168,-889l0 0zm-1937 1855c-46,210 -99,390 -122,570 -29,186 -11,379 -47,559 -28,151 -104,296 -145,447 -35,123 -93,262 -63,373 139,518 -59,1001 -158,1483 -76,390 -63,506 326,611 209,58 425,104 617,198 506,232 872,157 1192,-315 134,-191 297,-308 518,-365 157,-41 314,-65 465,-123 413,-151 861,-233 1210,-436 -163,-594 -308,-1152 -465,-1704 -41,-152 -128,-292 -181,-443 -40,-104 -104,-221 -93,-325 12,-105 105,-204 180,-332 -395,40 -744,23 -971,-355 -41,-70 -233,-87 -349,-81 -244,17 -483,70 -727,104 -401,53 -797,93 -1187,134l0 0zm22379 -4118c-76,256 -140,470 -221,732 145,36 297,70 442,105 366,82 739,152 1106,256 308,88 336,163 261,483 -41,163 -87,320 -122,448 372,210 716,372 1018,582 320,227 674,325 1053,395 227,41 395,-23 512,-232 98,-181 203,-355 314,-524 180,-268 238,-279 541,-169 104,41 215,70 366,122 6,-570 -99,-1081 -227,-1582 -46,-186 -209,-378 -447,-337 -274,47 -385,-146 -542,-291 -162,-151 -477,23 -604,-262 -82,-180 -233,-191 -408,-122 -285,111 -575,204 -849,337 -535,262 -1064,367 -1617,47 -210,-116 -419,-122 -576,12l0 0zm-27486 1407c442,-99 948,-215 1454,-331 169,-41 338,-123 507,-123 145,0 360,36 424,134 203,315 524,285 809,338 221,41 354,-70 424,-285 64,-204 0,-378 -192,-472 -157,-75 -337,-98 -488,-185 -157,-88 -332,-193 -431,-338 -192,-268 -378,-558 -494,-861 -163,-424 -471,-581 -884,-658 -518,-98 -960,-98 -1420,274 -430,349 -733,722 -837,1268 -93,477 98,809 564,966 174,58 343,163 564,273l0 0zm15462 -2082c151,-163 279,-314 419,-454 122,-122 238,-250 383,-343 629,-390 1269,-762 1897,-1146 104,-64 198,-151 338,-268 -239,-267 -478,-483 -646,-744 -163,-256 -256,-564 -396,-885 -244,36 -500,100 -756,105 -262,0 -529,-58 -867,-98 -168,214 -355,529 -610,779 -344,337 -315,768 -216,1122 116,419 116,827 105,1246 -12,267 47,482 349,686l0 0zm-7097 5474c192,378 326,733 355,1140 23,320 198,634 314,942 58,163 186,210 355,158 279,-88 552,-192 832,-256 256,-65 401,-216 488,-449 134,-337 274,-674 401,-1012 76,-203 187,-355 426,-383 349,-41 406,-338 488,-600 52,-157 -59,-250 -215,-256 -116,0 -233,18 -343,47 -425,110 -838,238 -1263,331 -174,35 -424,70 -541,-23 -320,-256 -645,-186 -995,-151 -98,174 -197,331 -302,512l0 0zm-2205 4752c193,-122 309,-221 437,-267 134,-47 285,-41 430,-70 198,-41 396,-117 582,47 29,23 98,34 116,17 198,-181 401,-76 611,-35 163,29 343,18 500,-23 82,-23 152,-146 193,-239 28,-64 -7,-151 -12,-238 546,122 669,52 878,-460 157,-372 320,-745 477,-1123 23,-64 29,-133 47,-238 -134,17 -233,17 -326,46 -943,280 -1891,559 -2828,850 -139,46 -296,146 -372,267 -186,280 -401,489 -733,570 -76,18 -145,82 -256,146 76,239 157,465 256,750l0 0zm7138 -5886c-244,128 -442,197 -588,325 -110,93 -232,273 -209,390 88,419 116,867 436,1204 186,198 262,442 262,710 0,453 204,674 651,674 198,0 396,-52 583,-75 104,-146 40,-448 342,-320 18,110 30,210 59,413 156,-285 297,-460 349,-658 64,-215 87,-465 46,-686 -23,-128 -186,-238 -308,-337 -186,-151 -303,-308 -93,-582 -157,-41 -268,-58 -367,-93 -110,-41 -238,-87 -326,-163 -279,-256 -540,-517 -837,-802l0 0zm-11745 -1542c-18,168 -41,309 -41,453 6,419 -191,675 -587,815 -384,134 -756,297 -1129,459 -500,216 -756,681 -1111,1053 372,268 530,280 826,87 134,-87 256,-203 401,-261 123,-47 309,-88 402,-24 314,210 617,94 925,36 227,-41 366,-157 361,-408 -6,-215 99,-343 314,-407 570,-163 721,-495 500,-1018 -52,-122 -105,-238 -145,-366 -111,-320 -338,-431 -716,-419l0 0zm12454 -2659c280,-255 506,-500 775,-686 168,-116 267,-227 238,-413 -58,-425 -122,-849 -209,-1274 -12,-64 -181,-151 -268,-140 -151,18 -297,99 -442,169 -390,192 -774,390 -1164,582 -453,215 -517,430 -221,837 58,82 134,151 221,210 361,239 721,477 1070,715l0 0zm10652 1682c523,-53 547,343 547,756 384,-379 378,-373 767,-117 76,53 175,82 292,134 174,-296 366,-552 494,-838 81,-185 128,-372 314,-494 93,-58 163,-168 47,-308 -175,52 -349,111 -530,168 -215,64 -389,64 -512,-180 -40,-87 -168,-198 -255,-198 -338,0 -716,-64 -902,350 -30,58 -94,110 -158,145 -244,140 -226,337 -104,582zm-18598 8714c-93,-314 -168,-617 -273,-914 -198,-558 -1094,-890 -1629,-610 -17,11 -23,46 -58,116 285,430 361,930 151,1500 617,-34 1164,-57 1809,-92zm6672 -10681c47,158 70,292 128,402 65,122 198,145 291,52 53,-52 82,-198 53,-262 -76,-151 -198,-285 -472,-192zm-13565 4794c-250,-53 -343,110 -471,273 349,70 349,70 471,-273zm13601 -5149c-291,64 -291,64 -367,315 134,-111 221,-187 367,-315zm575 9349c77,75 105,99 134,128 -34,28 -70,58 -110,87 -24,-29 -64,-59 -70,-93 -6,-30 23,-70 46,-122l0 0zm-1000 -2083c-29,23 -53,58 -81,70 -12,6 -41,-24 -59,-41 23,-29 47,-58 70,-81 6,-6 35,29 70,52l0 0zm-6742 221c-12,-157 -24,-256 -35,-360 -23,-227 -140,-472 93,-646 262,-198 512,-390 902,-338 366,53 744,-28 1116,-46 70,-6 140,12 227,18 30,139 59,261 87,389 100,483 100,483 -365,704 -88,41 -164,111 -228,186 -255,297 -570,372 -925,227 -128,-52 -273,-81 -419,-99 -128,-23 -272,-23 -453,-35l0 0zm70 -843c41,575 87,622 604,704 111,17 216,75 315,122 221,111 453,98 576,-105 110,-192 273,-238 447,-308 105,-41 198,-99 315,-157 -53,-215 -99,-408 -151,-646 -367,29 -734,105 -1083,64 -413,-47 -721,105 -1023,326l0 0zm3118 3426c-47,35 -87,76 -105,70 -41,-18 -70,-65 -105,-99 35,-17 70,-53 99,-46 35,0 64,40 111,75z"/> </g> </svg> </span></span> </li><li id="map_src_1"> <span class="image_wrapper bild_links_text_rechts" style="max-width: 242px; width: 100%"><span class="svg_wrapper svg_457" style="width: 242px; height: 197px"><svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="242px" height="197px" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 28163 22886" xmlns:xlink=""> <defs> <style type="text/css"> <![CDATA[ .map_rot {fill:rgba(231,64,35,1)} .konturen {fill:white} ]]> </style> </defs> <g id="norden"> <path id="Nord-BG" class="map_rot" d="M26077 8292c269,162 495,284 764,211 186,-49 269,34 333,191 186,451 372,901 558,1357 25,54 54,117 54,176 -9,289 98,519 377,700 -141,285 -254,569 -416,823 -113,182 -147,343 -102,549 83,387 72,397 -275,568 -211,108 -392,235 -544,422 -102,127 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-108,-137 -172,-191 -200,-166 -426,-186 -582,15 -299,382 -706,455 -1137,485 -671,39 -1342,68 -2003,225 -59,15 -118,0 -201,0 -122,-426 -279,-833 -157,-1288 98,-377 177,-759 20,-1151 -74,-191 -157,-338 -333,-456 -343,-230 -671,-485 -999,-744 -147,-118 -289,-172 -471,-93 -337,142 -675,0 -1014,-39 -63,-10 -132,-98 -175,-162 -84,-128 -153,-269 -231,-411 5,-5 15,-45 20,-45 411,10 686,-337 1068,-411 205,-39 239,-152 117,-323 -147,-201 -196,-417 -191,-656 10,-324 -132,-603 -338,-833 -245,-269 -304,-554 -157,-877 177,-392 138,-754 -88,-1117 -108,-176 -215,-362 -274,-558 -142,-465 -519,-539 -911,-612 -132,-25 -265,-49 -387,-94 -201,-68 -308,-200 -357,-421 -74,-347 -172,-690 -294,-1024 -152,-411 -353,-798 -676,-1121 -471,-461 -911,-955 -1367,-1435 -152,-162 -196,-343 -172,-568 79,-667 123,-1338 187,-2008 9,-108 29,-221 39,-328 15,-158 39,-319 29,-476 -29,-451 -279,-690 -724,-681 -442,10 -877,49 -1318,69 -113,5 -226,-15 -338,-20 0,-29 0,-63 0,-93 333,-34 661,-97 994,-97 696,0 1361,-143 2008,-373 524,-186 627,-338 632,-891 0,-255 10,-514 15,-770 0,-34 34,-63 73,-136 265,39 534,93 814,127 126,15 283,34 391,-20 519,-259 990,-103 1421,176 460,299 906,632 1327,985 466,387 945,421 1465,171 269,-132 504,-196 783,6 128,92 328,98 495,112 83,5 186,-44 264,-93 187,-117 358,-250 539,-373 201,-136 407,-269 603,-411 225,-161 480,-201 730,-127 181,49 323,34 489,-49 426,-210 700,-132 965,259 74,108 172,206 260,309 205,235 455,250 735,147 371,-137 754,-264 1126,-397 34,-10 78,-14 103,-39 269,-255 602,-186 901,-132 632,112 1264,88 1895,118 451,19 868,117 1260,347 136,79 288,133 430,196 108,49 245,84 324,167 269,288 622,377 975,475 489,127 959,299 1361,617 69,54 167,98 186,166 128,451 608,446 887,696 44,39 142,14 210,14 84,0 187,-48 255,-14 514,230 1063,5 1592,132 220,54 495,-78 740,-146 524,-153 524,-158 494,371 -10,201 0,392 186,525 118,83 118,191 54,323 -216,461 -348,940 -323,1454 5,109 -5,231 -54,319 -93,172 -103,343 -93,529 15,284 -15,308 -304,387 -34,10 -78,10 -103,34 -343,284 -671,583 -1028,906l0 0zm1602 -3193c0,0 -762,2410 0,0zm-14146 14278c-75,-237 -371,-133 0,0z"/> <path id="Nord-Konturen" class="konturen" d="M26077 8292c269,162 495,284 764,211 186,-49 269,34 333,191 186,451 372,901 558,1357 25,54 54,117 54,176 -9,289 98,519 377,700 -141,285 -254,569 -416,823 -113,182 -147,343 -102,549 83,387 72,397 -275,568 -211,108 -392,235 -544,422 -102,127 -254,234 -406,303 -255,118 -333,304 -299,563 10,59 10,123 25,182 53,201 -6,342 -167,485 -259,225 -245,269 -49,577 88,138 167,309 171,471 15,313 -10,636 -53,950 -25,191 -10,357 78,529 259,490 5,1058 -539,1220 -152,43 -313,68 -456,137 -136,68 -274,166 -362,288 -156,211 -338,265 -578,202 -151,-40 -309,-79 -465,-113 -328,-64 -471,34 -549,367 -54,226 -118,451 -191,666 -19,64 -88,113 -137,172 29,53 63,112 93,171 -30,29 -44,54 -64,64 -205,78 -406,161 -616,225 -231,68 -466,142 -706,177 -377,53 -407,68 -475,455 -5,34 -5,83 -30,103 -259,216 -220,495 -176,774 5,29 -20,68 -34,112 -348,-19 -696,-44 -1024,-63 -44,44 -68,58 -73,83 -40,137 -30,328 -118,406 -88,79 -274,40 -411,59 -255,39 -515,88 -696,-171 -15,-20 -39,-35 -64,-35 -391,-5 -558,-323 -759,-572 -156,-196 -323,-265 -563,-270 -676,-15 -1342,34 -2008,176 -358,74 -514,-29 -622,-381 -39,-128 -69,-260 -78,-393 -20,-215 -6,-416 210,-548 59,-34 127,-108 132,-167 10,-127 0,-264 -44,-382 -48,-127 -181,-112 -289,-78 -362,122 -612,-69 -847,-299 -64,-58 -108,-137 -172,-191 -200,-166 -426,-186 -582,15 -299,382 -706,455 -1137,485 -671,39 -1342,68 -2003,225 -59,15 -118,0 -201,0 -122,-426 -279,-833 -157,-1288 98,-377 177,-759 20,-1151 -74,-191 -157,-338 -333,-456 -343,-230 -671,-485 -999,-744 -147,-118 -289,-172 -471,-93 -337,142 -675,0 -1014,-39 -63,-10 -132,-98 -175,-162 -84,-128 -153,-269 -231,-411 5,-5 15,-45 20,-45 411,10 686,-337 1068,-411 205,-39 239,-152 117,-323 -147,-201 -196,-417 -191,-656 10,-324 -132,-603 -338,-833 -245,-269 -304,-554 -157,-877 177,-392 138,-754 -88,-1117 -108,-176 -215,-362 -274,-558 -142,-465 -519,-539 -911,-612 -132,-25 -265,-49 -387,-94 -201,-68 -308,-200 -357,-421 -74,-347 -172,-690 -294,-1024 -152,-411 -353,-798 -676,-1121 -471,-461 -911,-955 -1367,-1435 -152,-162 -196,-343 -172,-568 79,-667 123,-1338 187,-2008 9,-108 29,-221 39,-328 15,-158 39,-319 29,-476 -29,-451 -279,-690 -724,-681 -442,10 -877,49 -1318,69 -113,5 -226,-15 -338,-20 0,-29 0,-63 0,-93 333,-34 661,-97 994,-97 696,0 1361,-143 2008,-373 524,-186 627,-338 632,-891 0,-255 10,-514 15,-770 0,-34 34,-63 73,-136 265,39 534,93 814,127 126,15 283,34 391,-20 519,-259 990,-103 1421,176 460,299 906,632 1327,985 466,387 945,421 1465,171 269,-132 504,-196 783,6 128,92 328,98 495,112 83,5 186,-44 264,-93 187,-117 358,-250 539,-373 201,-136 407,-269 603,-411 225,-161 480,-201 730,-127 181,49 323,34 489,-49 426,-210 700,-132 965,259 74,108 172,206 260,309 205,235 455,250 735,147 371,-137 754,-264 1126,-397 34,-10 78,-14 103,-39 269,-255 602,-186 901,-132 632,112 1264,88 1895,118 451,19 868,117 1260,347 136,79 288,133 430,196 108,49 245,84 324,167 269,288 622,377 975,475 489,127 959,299 1361,617 69,54 167,98 186,166 128,451 608,446 887,696 44,39 142,14 210,14 84,0 187,-48 255,-14 514,230 1063,5 1592,132 220,54 495,-78 740,-146 524,-153 524,-158 494,371 -10,201 0,392 186,525 118,83 118,191 54,323 -216,461 -348,940 -323,1454 5,109 -5,231 -54,319 -93,172 -103,343 -93,529 15,284 -15,308 -304,387 -34,10 -78,10 -103,34 -343,284 -671,583 -1028,906l0 0zm-14861 8249c10,-20 39,-59 54,-103 284,-823 632,-1616 1063,-2371 210,-372 157,-607 -211,-872 -146,-107 -195,-211 -108,-367 241,-431 368,-936 779,-1264 15,-9 6,-44 10,-68 -220,-167 -436,-348 -666,-500 -245,-161 -500,-318 -813,-284 -352,34 -627,-122 -911,-309 -485,-313 -823,-759 -1210,-1165 -284,-299 -573,-333 -891,29 -319,363 -691,651 -1195,725 -104,15 -202,78 -304,118 -132,54 -265,122 -402,156 -308,79 -347,143 -206,431 192,397 382,794 593,1181 128,235 157,455 49,701 -39,87 -58,185 -103,273 -117,241 -78,466 98,642 304,299 422,642 402,1058 -10,245 103,441 313,564 451,-123 759,-422 1073,-711 206,-191 426,-318 691,-392 338,-98 612,93 627,446 5,98 -10,201 -44,289 -64,161 -49,304 9,461 113,318 211,646 309,969 49,162 137,240 309,255 210,19 421,64 685,108l0 0zm2851 3301c15,34 24,64 39,98 113,-19 230,-34 343,-54 279,-49 416,39 475,309 59,249 -64,411 -245,568 -230,196 -142,891 122,1038 49,30 118,39 177,34 294,-24 583,-53 877,-78 377,-34 754,-64 1131,-107 377,-45 661,83 867,411 137,220 323,397 617,411 64,5 147,49 191,98 167,206 387,176 608,176 186,0 284,-78 318,-274 54,-294 93,-298 402,-269 181,20 367,24 548,20 128,0 186,-79 201,-211 15,-142 34,-294 98,-416 73,-142 151,-255 137,-437 -15,-176 132,-279 304,-313 166,-34 343,-44 504,-93 93,-29 225,-118 236,-186 29,-265 24,-529 9,-798 -9,-191 -176,-240 -314,-324 -73,-44 -117,-122 -190,-171 -138,-93 -275,-211 -431,-255 -206,-59 -432,-83 -652,-88 -622,-10 -1249,0 -1871,-10 -338,-5 -426,-166 -294,-480 20,-44 40,-88 44,-103 -83,-176 -156,-328 -205,-436 -226,-102 -412,-176 -593,-274 -255,-132 -250,-147 -186,-426 34,-157 152,-308 49,-515 -98,35 -191,55 -274,94 -329,171 -647,240 -1024,117 -338,-107 -627,83 -916,226 49,137 83,235 132,372 -181,59 -338,118 -504,157 -201,49 -299,176 -275,372 25,191 89,377 123,568 24,127 78,289 24,382 -166,319 -230,696 -602,867l0 0zm3634 -8346c-181,260 -357,191 -563,83 -289,-152 -593,-289 -896,-411 -289,-118 -563,-235 -770,-480 -78,-94 -181,-167 -283,-230 -162,-98 -284,-60 -343,122 -39,127 -45,264 -49,396 -20,481 -329,823 -617,1122 -437,451 -965,818 -1445,1229 -59,49 -123,138 -128,211 -34,422 -264,759 -465,1107 -269,471 -446,970 -603,1470 426,401 917,636 1392,886 533,284 818,187 1126,-353 44,-73 64,-161 103,-235 186,-338 318,-715 745,-857 127,-44 245,-166 337,-274 196,-230 407,-284 681,-142 133,68 294,142 431,-15 -78,-524 -78,-524 392,-745 167,-78 172,-195 69,-323 -123,-152 -93,-284 9,-431 157,-225 328,-426 593,-529 123,-49 245,-113 368,-171 230,-113 239,-137 186,-402 -20,-103 -54,-220 -30,-318 69,-269 -34,-470 -240,-710zm-11358 -6025c-138,39 -225,69 -319,88 -426,103 -852,79 -1273,-19 -270,-64 -524,4 -779,53 -73,451 -69,520 127,897 94,181 128,363 103,563 -88,617 -147,1230 225,1803 138,205 162,485 235,730 40,127 79,254 118,386 64,230 225,338 455,353 147,10 299,10 432,59 146,49 240,14 372,-54 309,-166 622,-348 960,-431 509,-122 926,-343 1264,-750 279,-337 631,-352 965,-68 53,44 64,132 117,245 118,-171 191,-230 206,-309 73,-303 142,-617 195,-925 15,-79 0,-172 -28,-245 -55,-142 -21,-250 48,-382 162,-304 191,-637 201,-985 -255,-39 -494,-19 -681,-108 -480,-230 -940,-181 -1425,-34 -162,49 -358,15 -529,-24 -88,-20 -147,-147 -225,-211 -59,-54 -132,-122 -201,-132 -304,-39 -500,-186 -563,-500l0 0zm4902 11314c-98,-53 -161,-73 -200,-112 -147,-137 -309,-172 -505,-147 -299,34 -352,-5 -436,-304 -44,-151 -53,-313 -107,-460 -142,-392 -377,-764 -182,-1210 5,-10 5,-25 5,-34 15,-304 -171,-480 -455,-382 -216,73 -422,191 -612,318 -343,230 -593,583 -990,745 -54,19 -103,73 -137,117 -137,177 -319,275 -529,304 -230,34 -372,181 -514,333 -147,156 -103,397 98,436 259,49 553,103 788,19 270,-92 436,-29 632,123 279,215 554,450 857,622 348,201 544,485 588,872 19,181 25,362 5,544 -25,230 -83,455 -113,685 -39,313 74,593 191,852 64,10 89,20 113,20 764,-78 1528,-167 2292,-245 226,-24 422,-103 588,-269 137,-137 279,-279 436,-392 274,-196 489,-157 691,113 34,49 58,108 97,156 167,221 343,206 475,-48 79,-153 157,-305 216,-466 29,-88 39,-196 20,-284 -59,-284 -133,-568 -216,-847 -24,-93 -83,-177 -137,-260 -103,-162 -216,-319 -328,-480 -122,63 -250,181 -372,181 -187,0 -387,-59 -549,-146 -431,-236 -838,-501 -1259,-750 -181,-108 -245,-79 -328,122 -44,78 -74,157 -123,274l0 0zm1313 -12901c-421,-196 -421,-196 -401,-656 0,-25 0,-49 0,-74 0,-338 -98,-421 -441,-436 -142,-5 -279,-54 -416,-78 -241,-39 -456,-132 -642,-299 -40,-39 -132,-19 -211,-24 -34,98 -54,181 -93,255 -127,239 -308,274 -534,107 -49,-34 -93,-83 -147,-93 -220,-44 -445,-73 -690,-112 -201,190 -162,558 -422,754 -166,-69 -200,-191 -190,-334 4,-73 49,-141 49,-215 0,-68 -10,-176 -45,-191 -63,-29 -181,-24 -225,15 -152,132 -353,230 -333,489 10,152 -108,201 -245,216 -171,20 -338,49 -510,69 -176,20 -259,122 -259,294 0,59 -5,122 -5,181 10,411 -29,798 -299,1141 -156,206 -24,451 20,676 34,182 196,201 338,235 162,39 265,142 392,240 147,113 411,235 553,176 289,-117 573,-78 857,-127 192,-34 353,5 529,88 162,79 348,142 520,137 548,-14 1097,-63 1645,-107 98,-10 196,-49 329,-83 -69,-98 -94,-152 -133,-196 -147,-147 -108,-284 24,-412 55,-49 109,-113 172,-137 201,-83 294,-240 363,-431 68,-182 171,-353 249,-534 74,-176 133,-358 201,-534l0 0zm2278 6416c-284,-323 -534,-592 -759,-881 -372,-470 -813,-833 -1391,-1024 -181,-58 -226,-181 -201,-372 15,-137 -20,-299 -83,-416 -201,-363 -417,-720 -652,-1063 -68,-98 -205,-211 -313,-211 -314,-10 -632,25 -951,54 -201,20 -372,127 -382,333 -19,441 -377,823 -215,1293 24,69 -45,162 -59,245 -44,226 -78,451 -122,676 -15,68 -25,147 -64,206 -127,196 -64,357 88,490 333,284 666,572 1019,832 186,137 421,181 666,123 113,-25 265,-25 353,29 416,264 822,554 1268,857 -98,108 -176,191 -254,279 -74,79 -172,147 -216,240 -137,260 -255,529 -377,794 -93,206 -64,274 122,392 192,117 309,108 495,-54 441,-387 882,-769 1313,-1166 264,-245 485,-539 519,-901 24,-303 58,-583 196,-755l0 0zm7484 4727c103,-289 0,-534 -59,-779 -54,-230 -39,-431 137,-607 84,-83 157,-186 221,-294 147,-235 54,-490 -206,-578 -68,-24 -132,-49 -249,-88 58,-157 87,-313 166,-441 142,-225 156,-382 10,-588 -123,-171 -280,-127 -426,-68 -251,103 -451,49 -622,-152 -49,-54 -113,-93 -172,-142 -274,-225 -304,-563 -73,-838 53,-63 122,-122 176,-186 118,-156 103,-274 -74,-357 -171,-78 -362,-127 -563,-196 -152,313 -431,377 -700,455 -118,34 -235,69 -353,98 -245,59 -402,196 -485,441 -108,314 -245,612 -377,916 -127,299 -142,304 -466,260 -34,-5 -68,9 -117,14 19,279 49,554 54,828 0,83 -59,176 -118,245 -58,69 -156,108 -259,172 63,136 108,259 171,377 167,298 353,582 338,950 -5,147 103,245 255,269 117,20 245,64 362,49 304,-39 583,39 862,122 143,40 285,109 426,113 706,10 1411,5 2141,5l0 0zm4687 -6343c-264,-49 -484,-64 -685,-137 -255,-93 -446,-49 -637,127 -78,74 -181,162 -274,167 -436,24 -877,103 -1303,-88 -128,-54 -299,-93 -422,-54 -690,226 -1346,505 -1816,1102 -221,274 -466,534 -721,779 -200,191 -230,362 -44,549 59,58 138,102 196,166 177,196 373,240 627,162 387,-118 397,-104 573,284 123,264 128,264 417,205 225,-49 455,-112 681,-132 430,-39 847,5 1243,215 280,147 784,64 872,-141 147,-334 451,-431 730,-579 186,-103 353,-63 510,69 141,118 284,235 435,338 54,34 181,54 196,34 138,-239 265,-484 378,-739 14,-30 -45,-113 -88,-147 -187,-127 -226,-304 -226,-515 0,-98 -4,-200 -44,-288 -191,-475 -402,-941 -598,-1377l0 0zm-8424 -7067c-245,-20 -451,9 -622,-55 -299,-107 -588,-132 -896,-68 -143,29 -295,25 -442,25 -426,0 -430,-6 -524,-432 0,-9 -39,-9 -83,-20 0,89 -9,172 0,251 25,137 -5,250 -137,308 -211,93 -269,265 -279,475 -19,319 -191,573 -362,828 -74,112 -167,132 -284,88 -118,-44 -202,-123 -157,-250 78,-225 29,-372 -196,-470 -49,-19 -69,-113 -108,-181 -137,191 -289,181 -451,64 -49,-34 -93,-79 -141,-118 -84,-63 -172,-108 -260,-14 -88,92 -152,210 -59,328 328,435 651,881 1264,945 108,10 210,63 313,103 343,132 681,279 1024,397 220,78 362,205 372,440 10,211 122,333 304,417 112,54 215,132 328,156 509,123 1018,250 1538,343 191,34 314,103 397,275 58,117 127,230 196,352 88,-24 147,-58 200,-49 348,49 436,-196 514,-450 25,-83 40,-167 49,-250 64,-461 104,-926 192,-1381 53,-285 -40,-466 -250,-637 -294,-240 -578,-490 -867,-730 -73,-59 -162,-142 -245,-142 -265,5 -299,-152 -299,-358 5,-64 -19,-132 -29,-190l0 0zm7543 15928c-83,-25 -176,-54 -270,-74 -274,-53 -553,-93 -827,-151 -128,-30 -265,-74 -363,-153 -132,-112 -264,-107 -411,-68 -167,44 -328,103 -500,123 -156,19 -220,-94 -171,-236 15,-43 54,-83 73,-127 103,-211 78,-343 -137,-397 -318,-73 -412,-255 -455,-558 -89,-632 -191,-701 -828,-715 -10,0 -24,0 -35,0 -964,-10 -1929,-5 -2869,-260 -236,-63 -314,-9 -363,236 -69,308 -118,616 -460,788 156,29 318,10 367,73 113,152 245,186 407,192 190,9 318,92 347,303 10,88 73,177 122,260 89,142 196,274 279,416 167,299 348,402 682,353 107,-15 220,-25 328,-49 235,-59 436,0 607,166 176,177 387,250 632,240 299,-14 505,127 680,363 133,176 294,323 442,489 254,290 617,260 945,328 83,15 215,-63 279,-136 225,-270 515,-397 852,-461 397,-83 676,-485 647,-945l0 0zm-74 -9434c-445,-510 -445,-510 -450,-1244 0,-25 0,-49 0,-74 24,-259 -69,-430 -314,-558 -279,-142 -304,-269 -210,-573 58,-186 93,-377 156,-563 49,-147 118,-289 196,-426 143,-245 299,-475 436,-720 49,-83 49,-196 64,-270 -348,-49 -642,-93 -941,-137 -58,-10 -122,-10 -181,10 -230,69 -426,10 -622,-118 -240,-152 -279,-141 -440,93 -529,750 -1044,1509 -1582,2249 -241,328 -368,617 -162,1024 151,294 303,450 641,416 142,-15 240,24 367,98 319,185 427,445 397,798 -15,147 -49,323 59,402 226,19 407,-5 554,58 318,138 641,113 969,147 520,54 799,-250 1063,-612zm-23378 -6044c122,39 176,64 235,73 499,69 936,270 1293,632 59,59 142,108 221,118 372,53 754,147 1126,122 387,-24 750,20 1127,83 333,59 671,74 1023,-24 -34,-117 -63,-206 -83,-274 162,-133 309,-245 441,-368 118,-112 230,-166 387,-63 152,103 186,210 103,372 -35,69 -44,152 -84,303 324,-234 319,-553 495,-822 -186,-162 -343,-382 -553,-456 -377,-132 -706,-323 -1019,-563 -407,-309 -823,-612 -1259,-887 -274,-176 -607,-279 -911,-141 -333,156 -637,112 -960,38 -83,-19 -166,-38 -255,-49 -225,-24 -288,30 -284,260 5,108 35,216 49,328 79,598 -137,960 -700,1166 -113,44 -221,88 -392,152l0 0zm20043 10575c14,147 0,230 34,284 142,235 63,416 -118,578 -308,274 -313,607 -200,970 44,142 49,294 98,426 29,78 117,181 186,186 279,25 377,177 396,431 15,157 55,313 79,470 25,147 88,250 235,294 69,24 137,49 206,84 264,136 298,259 162,523 -25,49 -45,104 -98,221 156,-34 259,-49 357,-79 269,-83 539,-210 754,98 10,15 44,25 64,30 353,68 705,142 1033,206 35,-397 35,-750 98,-1093 64,-328 -9,-597 -210,-857 -186,-235 -191,-421 29,-607 309,-255 230,-563 172,-872 -30,-152 -147,-216 -299,-216 -294,0 -588,-4 -882,5 -68,0 -142,30 -210,59 -324,142 -373,113 -461,-235 -39,-147 -83,-308 -166,-431 -294,-426 -759,-411 -1259,-475l0 0zm-1974 -11148c-29,117 -54,186 -64,260 -152,1038 -289,2081 -455,3120 -59,367 -172,729 -265,1136 157,59 318,137 490,181 176,44 362,59 544,84 436,63 779,-55 1033,-451 363,-568 764,-1107 1146,-1661 206,-299 407,-607 623,-926 -113,-107 -246,-181 -294,-288 -84,-182 -226,-280 -373,-387 -314,-231 -671,-348 -1038,-451 -397,-112 -813,-196 -1112,-524 -39,-49 -127,-54 -235,-93l0 0zm-1759 9032c-78,-30 -112,-54 -146,-49 -368,15 -593,-181 -760,-485 -63,-118 -161,-215 -230,-328 -44,-69 -78,-152 -88,-230 -64,-397 -118,-799 -176,-1200 -35,-260 -78,-284 -348,-328 -308,-49 -573,83 -862,137 -284,59 -554,122 -622,436 -152,39 -338,24 -397,107 -220,304 -514,284 -828,260 -240,-19 -431,162 -396,392 14,98 98,196 171,264 407,367 827,720 1230,1097 230,216 489,353 783,461 284,108 563,230 833,377 171,93 303,152 436,-49 24,-35 78,-49 132,-84 64,74 108,143 171,196 113,89 231,177 358,245 113,59 220,15 274,-107 162,-363 313,-735 465,-1112l0 0zm4325 8327c-92,-103 -239,-221 -333,-378 -200,-338 -480,-499 -872,-509 -136,-5 -308,-44 -401,-137 -245,-236 -509,-236 -813,-176 -524,102 -754,-25 -1009,-495 -132,-245 -279,-480 -421,-715 -10,-20 -30,-44 -50,-54 -244,-88 -523,-88 -729,-274 -10,-10 -49,0 -69,9 -289,132 -583,255 -862,397 -69,34 -127,123 -152,196 -73,215 -122,441 -186,676 181,103 328,225 495,274 220,64 431,88 436,392 0,78 98,162 152,240 -30,54 -49,93 -69,137 -103,240 -63,309 181,334 35,4 74,0 108,4 681,25 1366,83 2047,59 564,-20 858,416 1284,622 20,10 29,39 39,64 88,240 215,465 108,739 -40,98 -15,221 -25,348 299,-78 666,-426 744,-656 123,-343 250,-691 397,-1097l0 0zm-6362 -4315c-397,-30 -524,63 -490,352 54,446 -73,544 -509,392 -35,-10 -69,-30 -103,-39 -279,-89 -735,132 -744,411 -15,343 -245,510 -437,725 -161,181 -328,357 -480,549 -132,166 -107,338 20,504 166,221 211,230 573,133 171,-45 294,-98 269,-314 -19,-167 79,-279 230,-333 300,-103 593,-231 921,-93 211,88 426,58 642,-40 343,-161 696,-298 1038,-460 201,-93 451,-137 505,-421 5,-39 64,-69 108,-93 348,-201 299,-539 348,-862 -89,-25 -138,-40 -181,-44 -437,-69 -456,-69 -505,-480 -44,-368 -211,-671 -382,-985 -128,-230 -211,-245 -451,-132 -250,117 -391,318 -500,632 113,68 241,142 358,215 -93,157 -157,260 -230,383l0 0zm4619 -4566c54,-58 147,-137 210,-230 216,-308 500,-534 828,-705 686,-357 686,-363 642,-1122 -20,-333 -299,-578 -637,-558 -353,20 -598,-78 -676,-417 -103,-450 -353,-592 -769,-553 -34,5 -73,-10 -108,-10 -406,-29 -426,-14 -558,382 -113,343 -132,358 -519,388 -113,9 -220,14 -260,181 216,171 226,371 49,592 -93,123 -78,245 5,372 235,373 455,755 700,1122 64,93 172,172 275,225 260,113 519,211 818,333l0 0zm-8856 -5040c211,230 353,456 701,456 313,0 626,137 945,205 308,69 622,132 935,182 143,25 319,39 377,-137 89,-270 290,-304 525,-294 107,4 220,4 328,-5 211,-19 289,-117 245,-319 -25,-103 -93,-195 -143,-293 -68,-142 -166,-279 -190,-426 -35,-216 -152,-314 -343,-377 -495,-177 -955,-446 -1489,-500 -69,-5 -152,-40 -201,-84 -235,-225 -519,-235 -818,-201 -59,5 -122,5 -182,-9 -210,-54 -313,49 -396,225 -171,368 -363,720 -539,1087 -122,255 -235,510 -348,769 -43,103 -49,196 133,192 5,-294 279,-314 460,-471l0 0zm1117 -1915c-64,-137 -93,-225 -142,-304 -54,-92 -132,-176 -186,-269 -93,-157 -49,-392 97,-534 153,-147 265,-29 378,64 88,74 171,181 328,93 -5,-436 -5,-853 -367,-1205 -299,-289 -529,-402 -902,-211 -191,94 -357,137 -553,45 -186,-89 -353,-30 -519,78 -255,166 -510,338 -774,485 -201,108 -377,220 -446,475 -353,-44 -695,-25 -994,-235 -64,-44 -172,-103 -230,-78 -255,98 -505,225 -764,347 98,314 352,436 543,612 177,167 348,-29 519,5 25,49 40,98 74,128 59,49 142,127 191,117 58,-15 112,-113 142,-186 39,-93 49,-200 83,-347 191,68 333,117 475,176 167,68 324,166 495,215 196,59 407,69 607,113 333,78 427,215 382,549 -9,83 -29,166 -34,254 -5,142 79,226 211,260 122,34 220,0 284,-108 63,-103 122,-210 171,-323 88,-192 235,-270 441,-255 152,20 294,29 490,39l0 0zm13763 465c-112,20 -205,49 -299,54 -318,10 -592,250 -925,157 -196,-54 -279,35 -358,211 -122,279 -254,558 -435,798 -118,152 -197,299 -241,480 -34,142 -73,284 -113,426 -92,313 -73,392 216,569 167,98 236,230 245,416 15,294 54,582 74,876 15,230 151,348 333,441 166,88 284,-34 392,-122 176,-147 328,-333 509,-475 117,-89 333,-98 392,-206 68,-118 -54,-343 15,-455 195,-319 137,-647 141,-985 5,-191 84,-382 143,-568 63,-211 137,-412 215,-647 -397,-215 -142,-627 -304,-970l0 0zm-23647 4507c58,-186 122,-279 112,-363 -63,-411 138,-862 -161,-1244 -34,-44 -34,-117 -34,-176 9,-696 -64,-1391 92,-2082 69,-309 89,-627 123,-945 20,-211 -44,-392 -225,-510 -373,-244 -784,-401 -1235,-411 -108,0 -215,49 -362,83 78,162 147,265 181,377 39,123 73,260 64,387 -49,623 -118,1239 -177,1857 -29,279 -53,558 -78,838 -24,244 54,445 235,621 294,289 563,608 847,911 181,201 368,397 618,657l0 0zm12940 -2631c-255,88 -499,49 -739,54 -201,5 -333,89 -368,285 -63,357 -122,719 -166,1082 -25,181 39,396 -40,539 -98,185 -73,332 -49,514 25,172 6,353 6,529 24,10 43,20 68,29 142,-313 412,-397 705,-440 133,-20 255,-89 383,-118 102,-24 220,-64 318,-39 235,64 445,-5 632,-118 244,-151 538,-230 695,-509 127,-226 122,-465 142,-710 29,-426 78,-485 485,-613 44,-14 79,-49 113,-73 -34,-284 -191,-422 -446,-480 -524,-117 -1048,-245 -1568,-362 -53,-11 -112,0 -181,0 10,141 10,259 10,430l0 0zm7489 8342c191,-157 427,-117 666,-74 128,25 265,-9 402,-19 157,-10 318,-54 475,-30 333,54 593,-98 779,-318 196,-230 407,-411 676,-544 83,-39 186,-161 181,-240 -15,-264 -39,-538 -308,-705 -133,-83 -250,-196 -383,-284 -58,-39 -132,-78 -196,-84 -264,-14 -651,265 -763,525 -40,88 -123,210 -201,225 -343,54 -696,196 -1024,-64 -29,-24 -69,-29 -103,-44 -686,-215 -1347,-88 -1998,162 -64,24 -128,79 -172,132 -34,44 -68,132 -49,157 35,49 113,73 177,93 29,10 73,-5 108,-15 445,-112 842,64 1239,226 83,34 166,112 205,196 98,215 181,450 289,705l0 0zm-19734 -10659c-10,0 -44,0 -83,0 -358,-4 -382,20 -407,388 -15,181 -39,362 -58,544 -44,386 -98,773 -142,1165 -20,186 44,245 220,259 289,25 583,64 872,79 279,15 558,10 837,0 206,-10 328,-128 388,-328 38,-137 127,-260 181,-392 68,-181 137,-363 181,-549 39,-151 39,-313 64,-470 63,-436 4,-534 -432,-583 -519,-59 -1043,-78 -1562,-113 -5,-4 -20,-4 -59,0l0 0zm13083 5104c29,676 137,1332 533,1911 133,195 294,318 515,269 475,-108 950,-235 1410,-392 241,-83 290,-284 158,-505 -216,-367 -437,-739 -682,-1087 -92,-127 -249,-235 -401,-294 -363,-141 -740,-250 -1117,-367 -260,-78 -431,49 -431,318 0,49 10,98 15,147zm2635 -5044c78,-539 157,-1044 220,-1543 5,-59 -44,-157 -93,-182 -293,-147 -583,-343 -896,-401 -475,-84 -970,-64 -1460,-89 -181,-9 -362,-14 -543,-34 -323,-34 -652,-88 -975,-103 -196,-10 -387,275 -367,480 14,152 93,167 372,157 460,-10 926,-83 1381,88 118,45 265,5 397,0 78,-4 161,-24 269,-44 25,201 45,382 64,554 671,166 979,837 1631,1117l0 0zm-7778 2086c-93,279 -309,338 -578,289 -35,-5 -73,-5 -108,0 -255,39 -328,211 -206,441 49,93 89,200 89,303 0,177 78,231 239,255 348,54 701,122 1044,201 210,49 397,44 602,-54 279,-137 622,-176 882,-63 274,117 495,49 740,14 68,-10 152,-88 181,-157 54,-127 78,-274 107,-391 -49,-44 -68,-69 -87,-74 -613,-78 -1191,-343 -1823,-318 -58,0 -117,-25 -171,-44 -264,-108 -568,-142 -774,-378 -29,-24 -78,-14 -137,-24l0 0zm2856 2082c-241,0 -392,-25 -529,4 -427,89 -858,167 -1269,304 -313,103 -558,108 -764,-176 -10,-10 -44,0 -113,5 -39,161 -88,333 -122,509 -54,279 -25,328 245,446 386,161 759,333 999,700 14,25 63,25 122,45 128,-343 387,-441 725,-377 24,4 49,4 73,9 196,49 328,-34 422,-205 34,-64 78,-123 122,-182 138,-186 162,-392 29,-578 -107,-161 -122,-304 60,-504zm2777 318c440,137 803,245 1165,357 152,45 260,-14 343,-141 88,-138 74,-251 -54,-353 -49,-44 -78,-118 -112,-171 186,-187 186,-187 519,-255 254,-54 504,-514 328,-642 -264,-196 -573,-348 -886,-461 -152,-53 -358,30 -539,64 -314,59 -314,64 -348,368 -49,421 -49,852 -416,1234zm-5687 -39c211,-353 309,-377 534,-132 108,117 206,127 353,87 377,-102 754,-175 1136,-264 250,-54 499,-98 744,-166 59,-15 118,-113 128,-182 4,-38 -79,-122 -137,-136 -93,-20 -191,0 -289,0 -98,0 -201,19 -289,-11 -387,-127 -755,-147 -1122,64 -84,49 -210,30 -318,15 -314,-54 -623,-122 -936,-177 -88,-14 -176,0 -323,0 132,368 308,623 519,902zm2430 -4643c83,-35 156,-45 181,-84 156,-255 372,-480 362,-818 -5,-171 30,-337 211,-435 235,-123 210,-319 152,-569 -299,123 -573,245 -848,353 -98,39 -211,54 -318,58 -108,6 -250,-38 -275,98 -19,109 -4,275 64,339 132,117 215,274 328,377 177,156 192,284 137,475 -19,54 0,112 6,206l0 0zm-49 12935c-334,-19 -481,162 -608,715 240,-239 534,-372 608,-715zm-1372 3537c-39,-123 -103,-201 -201,-74 68,25 132,49 201,74z"/> </g> </svg> </span></span> </li><li id="map_src_4"> <span class="image_wrapper bild_links_text_rechts" style="max-width: 264px; width: 100%"><span class="svg_wrapper svg_455" style="width: 264px; height: 400px"><svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="298px" height="452px" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 19321 29288" xmlns:xlink=""> <defs> <style type="text/css"> <![CDATA[ .map_blau {fill:rgba(0,134,190,1)} .konturen {fill:white} ]]> </style> </defs> <g id="inseln"> <path 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11,-209 14,-418 49,-622 87,-498 77,-1000 84,-1503 6,-318 20,-636 52,-951 38,-384 41,-769 60,-1153 19,-358 38,-717 60,-1076 19,-323 35,-649 62,-972 19,-215 44,-433 95,-645 193,-807 452,-1592 772,-2356 87,-206 139,-426 226,-633 133,-318 285,-628 426,-946 117,-266 234,-535 343,-804 185,-454 364,-908 546,-1362 152,-378 304,-752 459,-1130 85,-204 196,-386 375,-522 109,-84 226,-119 359,-114 223,11 432,57 595,223 79,78 169,100 278,106 206,8 383,100 557,198 -30,122 -115,136 -191,155 -65,19 -136,19 -201,35 -98,25 -168,-2 -236,-76 -133,-149 -283,-201 -489,-130 -136,46 -297,19 -446,22 -315,8 -361,70 -264,369 47,141 123,199 272,196 122,-3 242,-3 362,-14 48,-5 97,-38 143,-65 82,-49 161,-101 267,-82 22,117 -79,136 -131,188 -136,133 -133,214 19,323 6,3 14,6 20,8 67,66 163,120 198,199 41,92 46,209 32,312 -5,47 -92,87 -146,123 -125,81 -259,149 -381,236 -152,106 -315,180 -497,223 -340,81 -585,288 -788,571 -141,195 -245,402 -332,625 -62,155 -155,302 -244,443 -68,103 -79,193 -14,301 44,77 65,163 98,245 41,98 54,190 11,293 -41,98 -33,196 13,297 63,133 82,277 30,415 -84,232 25,457 22,685 0,36 52,71 87,117 -84,109 -147,226 -65,367 8,17 10,41 8,60 -73,356 117,625 296,899 95,145 245,210 386,288 136,76 272,153 405,231 163,96 323,196 489,289 196,108 397,149 628,108 179,-32 370,8 549,-19 185,-30 364,8 543,19 63,-3 123,28 223,57l0 0zm2389 9017c-122,60 -157,185 -182,327 -38,217 -87,250 -299,293 -242,52 -470,-14 -704,-43 -98,-11 -198,-3 -299,-3 -87,0 -174,5 -258,-8 -109,-19 -209,-14 -318,-3 -424,41 -845,24 -1198,-258 -85,-65 -144,-163 -215,-242 -57,-66 -122,-93 -212,-95 -323,-9 -628,-98 -908,-269 -68,-41 -146,-68 -223,-101 -222,-95 -334,-266 -342,-505 -8,-221 11,-433 128,-628 57,-98 87,-212 130,-321 166,-405 432,-717 845,-886 109,-43 237,-65 354,-71 193,-5 372,-35 549,-119 144,-68 309,-101 454,35 29,30 100,38 143,30 199,-38 395,-92 596,-125 68,-11 144,14 258,30 3,-5 24,-38 43,-73 38,-76 103,-106 185,-103 150,8 302,2 443,35 370,84 739,174 1063,394 280,190 350,459 193,755 -82,150 -71,199 51,313 79,73 166,141 231,226 82,105 71,138 -27,220 -46,38 -95,78 -147,111 -111,68 -173,166 -209,288 -52,179 -185,337 -152,541 13,79 16,158 27,255l0 0zm-4973 3150c-196,174 -446,120 -663,185 155,188 228,193 486,52 60,119 49,192 -60,239 -70,30 -157,40 -236,43 -103,3 -185,27 -228,131 -36,84 -112,114 -199,114 -168,0 -339,2 -508,-3 -100,-3 -182,-41 -242,-128 -166,-239 -337,-473 -497,-714 -223,-340 -438,-685 -655,-1031 -33,-51 -46,-111 -68,-168 -35,-87 -68,-177 -101,-264 -21,-62 -54,-127 -54,-190 3,-163 14,-326 33,-486 38,-299 174,-557 367,-780 59,-68 152,-131 239,-147 247,-52 366,-234 497,-418 101,-145 206,-289 326,-416 68,-71 163,-117 256,-161 32,-13 100,6 124,33 20,22 6,92 -19,119 -108,131 -220,259 -339,378 -152,153 -217,351 -247,547 -22,155 40,337 168,443 236,198 275,472 337,741 19,85 54,166 76,250 22,90 44,182 54,278 22,171 68,304 259,372 111,41 206,152 285,250 35,41 35,131 16,190 -59,204 109,305 193,441 17,27 101,13 152,13 79,0 172,-30 248,87l0 0zm7596 4055c24,-63 54,-112 62,-161 27,-163 139,-244 283,-285 179,-52 364,-49 543,3 136,38 152,71 122,207 -10,51 -35,103 -43,157 -13,87 -49,187 -16,261 81,193 -17,342 -82,500 -65,160 -100,340 -277,435 -92,49 -114,136 -95,244 13,77 0,163 -27,237 -60,165 -131,329 -201,489 -82,179 -199,326 -389,394 -141,51 -280,103 -424,139 -163,41 -331,68 -500,100 -302,62 -617,-95 -734,-383 -54,-130 -127,-239 -242,-318 -255,-179 -334,-454 -375,-739 -19,-133 -8,-272 -2,-408 8,-228 146,-383 377,-407 201,-22 405,-33 609,-39 139,-2 250,-62 343,-155 51,-51 105,-111 130,-179 65,-174 201,-212 359,-201 128,8 252,38 380,60 60,11 122,30 199,49l0 0zm-3482 -3541c-22,-19 -48,-38 -65,-66 -76,-127 -185,-209 -318,-274 -179,-90 -215,-190 -106,-359 144,-223 277,-318 497,-253 177,55 346,-24 514,-78 95,-30 196,-47 294,-68 119,-28 236,-63 356,-79 510,-68 973,-288 1440,-481 54,-22 114,-52 152,-95 84,-98 163,-188 299,-228 60,-19 95,-123 141,-188 30,-46 60,-109 123,-68 27,16 43,84 35,120 -54,214 -33,448 -144,649 -41,76 -76,163 -141,215 -133,108 -269,207 -460,236 -236,38 -467,125 -698,201 -158,52 -296,104 -465,3 -136,-81 -291,-22 -421,57 -128,76 -247,169 -370,253 -10,8 -21,22 -32,22 -291,49 -430,296 -631,481l0 0zm120 2940c-122,25 -226,-32 -272,-130 -128,-275 -397,-354 -633,-473 -112,-54 -228,-98 -277,-220 -25,-65 -52,-158 -22,-204 27,-46 128,-68 193,-63 92,9 185,44 269,82 122,57 228,92 361,5 96,-62 220,-89 335,-122 116,-32 307,87 329,212 32,190 103,340 277,446 119,73 100,304 -30,385 -65,41 -150,66 -226,77 -100,13 -203,5 -304,5l0 0zm4459 -5631c-146,19 -285,49 -426,57 -93,6 -190,-8 -275,-43 -40,-17 -65,-92 -76,-147 -2,-13 68,-60 109,-62 144,-9 236,-87 318,-193 79,-104 155,-202 275,-264 46,-25 65,-109 89,-168 38,-90 93,-109 171,-58 144,96 182,218 106,378 -41,85 -97,158 -146,239 -49,82 -93,166 -145,261l0 0zm2849 5647c133,93 236,191 356,240 127,48 185,116 176,250 -3,24 9,51 14,73 -174,179 -204,185 -397,57 -158,-106 -312,-209 -511,-225 -79,-9 -149,-74 -250,-128 204,-166 402,-239 612,-267l0 0zm-2036 -3940c3,228 -280,522 -484,516 -146,-3 -345,-234 -315,-386 16,-84 54,-168 106,-236 27,-38 109,-73 152,-60 101,30 185,6 272,-35 163,-79 204,-60 253,117 8,32 13,68 16,84l0 0zm2680 1631c-139,165 -261,312 -386,459 -166,-52 -229,-136 -299,-419 41,3 76,9 111,9 44,-3 106,8 131,-17 130,-133 272,-76 443,-32l0 0zm-7583 6810c-111,111 -176,187 -252,247 -96,73 -201,52 -259,-51 -48,-87 -87,-182 -106,-280 -21,-98 52,-169 142,-134 147,55 288,131 475,218l0 0zm4281 -139c152,-84 445,-109 641,-43 -106,100 -198,193 -296,280 -57,52 -122,46 -185,0 -87,-57 -149,-131 -160,-237l0 0zm1266 -8207c142,-141 152,-144 324,-63 -101,58 -188,98 -324,63zm-6954 5213c-74,21 -147,46 -242,73 60,-161 68,-163 242,-73zm-4305 -16690c43,14 92,17 130,41 19,11 17,54 25,85 -30,5 -71,30 -87,16 -41,-25 -68,-68 -103,-103 13,-14 24,-25 35,-39zm16922 17216c-71,40 -134,78 -196,114 -209,108 -209,108 -163,350 8,46 14,95 27,138 52,179 -5,318 -152,429 -49,35 -98,73 -144,111 -130,112 -233,237 -276,415 -49,201 -93,416 -293,538 -17,11 -33,33 -33,49 -16,182 -171,249 -282,353 -52,46 -114,78 -155,130 -187,233 -432,279 -711,250 -201,-22 -405,-30 -608,-38 -190,-8 -380,-19 -551,-112 -30,-16 -65,-30 -95,-27 -320,19 -521,-195 -736,-377 -65,-54 -40,-125 -8,-188 79,-149 161,-298 242,-447 81,-149 73,-168 -57,-263 -307,-220 -288,-562 41,-774 111,-73 244,-125 374,-157 329,-82 551,-302 771,-535 59,-65 111,-136 176,-195 87,-79 131,-182 190,-275 128,-198 201,-410 261,-630 19,-73 76,-92 144,-73 160,41 306,8 453,-54 109,-46 223,-46 339,-16 158,41 320,59 478,97 54,14 119,41 152,85 255,317 502,637 752,961 21,35 33,81 60,141l0 0z"/> <path id="Inseln-Konturen" class="konturen" d="M6083 8850c-144,125 -253,215 -353,310 -98,92 -182,201 -286,288 -160,139 -350,231 -556,283 -33,8 -71,13 -96,32 -152,114 -318,172 -510,164 -101,-6 -147,84 -188,165 -98,188 -198,231 -394,163 -63,-22 -125,-54 -180,-92 -97,-63 -182,-147 -282,-199 -370,-182 -508,-529 -647,-877 -43,-109 -54,-231 -212,-229 -147,3 -310,-38 -367,177 -95,-52 -87,-122 -57,-190 41,-87 22,-141 -76,-190 -136,149 -209,318 -190,527 22,247 -74,364 -313,407 -87,17 -174,36 -261,47 -149,19 -252,103 -301,242 -46,127 -74,258 -109,388 -16,60 -32,117 -46,177 -14,59 -41,122 -27,176 35,161 8,310 -41,460 -49,149 -30,296 54,429 68,106 82,215 36,329 -44,106 -39,209 -3,318 43,128 35,253 -60,364 -22,24 -46,60 -46,90 -11,339 -163,682 27,1011 25,-36 52,-82 106,-166 8,92 19,136 16,179 -2,191 6,381 -13,568 -11,112 -57,223 -103,329 -85,199 -79,394 -28,598 19,79 36,160 41,239 3,60 -5,122 -27,180 -44,111 -125,130 -196,35 -71,-98 -130,-207 -163,-321 -38,-130 -57,-263 -177,-356 -27,-19 -46,-71 -46,-106 11,-209 14,-418 49,-622 87,-498 77,-1000 84,-1503 6,-318 20,-636 52,-951 38,-384 41,-769 60,-1153 19,-358 38,-717 60,-1076 19,-323 35,-649 62,-972 19,-215 44,-433 95,-645 193,-807 452,-1592 772,-2356 87,-206 139,-426 226,-633 133,-318 285,-628 426,-946 117,-266 234,-535 343,-804 185,-454 364,-908 546,-1362 152,-378 304,-752 459,-1130 85,-204 196,-386 375,-522 109,-84 226,-119 359,-114 223,11 432,57 595,223 79,78 169,100 278,106 206,8 383,100 557,198 -30,122 -115,136 -191,155 -65,19 -136,19 -201,35 -98,25 -168,-2 -236,-76 -133,-149 -283,-201 -489,-130 -136,46 -297,19 -446,22 -315,8 -361,70 -264,369 47,141 123,199 272,196 122,-3 242,-3 362,-14 48,-5 97,-38 143,-65 82,-49 161,-101 267,-82 22,117 -79,136 -131,188 -136,133 -133,214 19,323 6,3 14,6 20,8 67,66 163,120 198,199 41,92 46,209 32,312 -5,47 -92,87 -146,123 -125,81 -259,149 -381,236 -152,106 -315,180 -497,223 -340,81 -585,288 -788,571 -141,195 -245,402 -332,625 -62,155 -155,302 -244,443 -68,103 -79,193 -14,301 44,77 65,163 98,245 41,98 54,190 11,293 -41,98 -33,196 13,297 63,133 82,277 30,415 -84,232 25,457 22,685 0,36 52,71 87,117 -84,109 -147,226 -65,367 8,17 10,41 8,60 -73,356 117,625 296,899 95,145 245,210 386,288 136,76 272,153 405,231 163,96 323,196 489,289 196,108 397,149 628,108 179,-32 370,8 549,-19 185,-30 364,8 543,19 63,-3 123,28 223,57l0 0zm-171 27c-206,-35 -394,-84 -592,-35 -85,19 -177,11 -264,14 -128,2 -258,-8 -383,11 -155,21 -299,0 -432,-74 -231,-128 -459,-263 -688,-394 -87,-52 -171,-114 -266,-147 -650,-239 -886,-994 -826,-1570 27,-264 -22,-316 -280,-251 -117,31 -245,66 -356,41 -245,-51 -479,-141 -718,-212 -16,-5 -38,3 -65,3 -14,30 -33,57 -43,90 -134,448 -259,899 -405,1345 -134,413 -150,840 -174,1266 -11,169 -22,337 -33,506 -14,182 -38,364 -46,546 -19,400 -30,799 -44,1199 0,32 -8,68 -10,100 -22,405 -52,813 -66,1218 -5,187 36,214 248,228 30,-87 40,-193 95,-258 81,-98 84,-196 54,-305 -35,-135 -43,-266 11,-399 35,-84 11,-155 -33,-231 -103,-180 -111,-367 -57,-571 33,-122 22,-252 33,-380 5,-71 19,-144 30,-215 8,-46 30,-92 30,-136 -3,-185 87,-339 165,-497 49,-98 131,-155 240,-174 100,-19 201,-35 299,-57 263,-55 312,-123 288,-392 -16,-179 117,-467 277,-587 22,19 57,36 71,63 73,131 187,169 325,155 33,-3 68,0 101,0 158,8 177,27 229,179 43,128 84,258 141,384 70,160 149,323 299,429 165,119 329,239 500,350 68,44 147,71 222,95 98,33 175,6 221,-89 19,-35 35,-74 57,-109 70,-120 163,-201 315,-157 101,27 182,-17 266,-71 79,-49 166,-90 256,-117 247,-73 456,-209 641,-383 122,-117 231,-258 367,-411l0 0zm-576 -8294c-163,-95 -291,-144 -432,-165 -163,-25 -297,-101 -438,-188 -421,-258 -693,-245 -978,119 -41,55 -79,112 -103,174 -106,251 -207,501 -310,751 -36,86 -65,176 -103,263 -69,155 -142,307 -207,465 -82,193 -155,391 -231,587 -73,187 -150,372 -225,568 65,27 105,51 149,65 285,87 277,81 457,-163 179,-245 404,-451 701,-530 260,-68 497,-168 712,-329 76,-57 163,-98 244,-144 128,-71 158,-323 33,-389 -155,-78 -234,-198 -272,-355 -24,-101 -92,-150 -190,-153 -101,-2 -204,0 -305,6 -192,11 -271,-44 -318,-234 -13,-60 -24,-120 -40,-179 -41,-169 -6,-223 163,-247 46,-6 95,-3 141,-6 160,-11 332,6 484,-41 234,-70 410,-27 560,161 41,51 89,78 160,56 98,-27 196,-51 348,-92l0 0zm-3052 2664c-82,195 -149,364 -225,529 -158,337 -321,674 -479,1011 -46,98 -84,202 -117,305 -40,133 -13,187 112,242 87,38 185,57 263,106 76,49 131,127 177,173 117,-37 207,-78 304,-100 93,-22 120,-68 101,-160 -19,-98 -52,-207 -25,-296 55,-199 -2,-367 -98,-522 -84,-133 -51,-234 17,-356 111,-202 209,-408 307,-614 27,-58 30,-126 49,-204 -136,-41 -250,-74 -386,-114zm-867 2089c-168,245 -217,527 -331,789 43,35 70,62 103,84 141,89 304,106 459,152 215,62 413,41 617,-22 158,-49 152,-49 155,-209 0,-141 19,-283 27,-424 3,-38 0,-79 0,-122 -131,-30 -228,8 -326,81 -111,84 -142,68 -217,-52 -33,-54 -88,-103 -142,-133 -100,-54 -209,-89 -345,-144zm-899 10260c10,-101 29,-177 27,-253 -3,-74 -19,-150 -41,-221 -68,-225 -52,-437 46,-652 117,-266 182,-535 -19,-799 -16,-19 -19,-51 -24,-76 -33,-198 -106,-391 -52,-600 27,-106 -24,-163 -119,-166 -93,-6 -112,57 -117,130 -3,28 -3,55 -3,82 -27,372 -55,742 -82,1114 -13,182 -30,364 -35,546 -3,52 0,123 30,155 122,133 141,305 187,468 25,103 69,198 202,272l0 0zm7954 2271c-122,60 -157,185 -182,327 -38,217 -87,250 -299,293 -242,52 -470,-14 -704,-43 -98,-11 -198,-3 -299,-3 -87,0 -174,5 -258,-8 -109,-19 -209,-14 -318,-3 -424,41 -845,24 -1198,-258 -85,-65 -144,-163 -215,-242 -57,-66 -122,-93 -212,-95 -323,-9 -628,-98 -908,-269 -68,-41 -146,-68 -223,-101 -222,-95 -334,-266 -342,-505 -8,-221 11,-433 128,-628 57,-98 87,-212 130,-321 166,-405 432,-717 845,-886 109,-43 237,-65 354,-71 193,-5 372,-35 549,-119 144,-68 309,-101 454,35 29,30 100,38 143,30 199,-38 395,-92 596,-125 68,-11 144,14 258,30 3,-5 24,-38 43,-73 38,-76 103,-106 185,-103 150,8 302,2 443,35 370,84 739,174 1063,394 280,190 350,459 193,755 -82,150 -71,199 51,313 79,73 166,141 231,226 82,105 71,138 -27,220 -46,38 -95,78 -147,111 -111,68 -173,166 -209,288 -52,179 -185,337 -152,541 13,79 16,158 27,255l0 0zm-2076 -2880c-174,32 -316,54 -451,84 -93,22 -177,22 -242,-57 -74,-87 -166,-90 -259,-49 -230,101 -470,168 -725,163 -117,-3 -190,54 -220,171 -54,209 -117,416 -166,628 -8,30 33,84 63,106 29,19 78,14 119,14 220,-3 367,89 443,304 46,138 234,236 343,187 114,-51 228,-117 328,-192 58,-41 115,-112 128,-175 38,-228 199,-367 359,-500 207,-168 263,-394 280,-684l0 0zm399 2750c212,95 231,87 280,-93 38,-135 74,-274 114,-410 44,-136 98,-263 114,-416 19,-174 158,-334 250,-497 14,-22 60,-35 90,-35 90,5 131,-36 172,-112 59,-108 222,-174 290,-106 133,134 229,101 326,-30 14,-19 49,-24 71,-38 274,-163 277,-584 14,-766 -269,-185 -568,-288 -884,-348 -43,-8 -108,-5 -130,19 -90,106 -209,196 -245,353 55,46 106,88 158,131 117,103 106,111 46,258 -51,122 -92,256 -106,386 -33,277 -73,546 -258,772 -16,19 -19,49 -27,76 -30,73 -68,144 -90,220 -68,212 -128,427 -185,636l0 0zm-353 -2402c-57,86 -87,138 -120,184 -38,55 -73,115 -119,161 -169,163 -354,309 -402,565 -14,79 -44,144 -19,231 62,220 127,443 103,677 -6,43 3,100 30,136 103,144 214,285 329,421 27,32 76,60 119,65 79,11 163,11 245,3 114,-11 152,-71 84,-161 -73,-97 -54,-176 0,-260 92,-142 90,-299 60,-451 -44,-218 -104,-435 -166,-648 -41,-141 -109,-274 -152,-415 -14,-44 -3,-106 16,-150 44,-103 54,-201 -8,-358l0 0zm106 -381c-98,158 -95,174 -60,307 25,90 57,193 36,277 -55,204 -6,383 73,566 8,19 11,38 16,59 52,183 90,370 166,544 43,100 71,190 49,291 -27,138 -71,272 -103,410 -11,41 -17,84 -25,125 14,6 30,14 44,19 24,-41 54,-79 70,-119 66,-172 142,-337 180,-514 30,-142 133,-234 168,-362 60,-214 95,-434 144,-652 22,-89 49,-179 76,-269 14,-43 36,-84 52,-125 -95,-90 -182,-171 -269,-258 89,-139 168,-261 269,-413 -117,-19 -193,-44 -272,-44 -125,-2 -258,-21 -326,136 -30,68 -103,79 -176,55 -39,-14 -77,-25 -112,-33l0 0zm-1516 2924c87,93 165,204 271,283 302,223 661,244 1011,212 163,-14 318,-27 479,3 144,27 220,-47 204,-193 -12,-98 -31,-193 -47,-307 -57,-3 -122,-9 -190,-12 -128,-2 -258,-2 -386,0 -114,3 -196,-27 -231,-149 -16,-57 -54,-111 -95,-152 -131,-133 -280,-253 -269,-468 -38,3 -57,6 -79,9 -207,35 -212,32 -226,253 -8,114 -43,217 -127,290 -93,84 -201,150 -315,231l0 0zm2035 394c33,30 57,68 87,74 277,65 560,103 845,87 103,-6 171,-63 193,-155 68,-258 207,-500 179,-783 -5,-52 17,-106 36,-155 41,-106 92,-209 136,-318 46,-117 111,-212 220,-282 239,-155 269,-226 -11,-424 -32,-22 -68,-39 -125,-68 -136,185 -283,353 -394,540 -201,346 -375,704 -593,1041 -138,223 -342,310 -573,443l0 0zm745 -1951c-112,38 -220,44 -250,92 -95,166 -248,318 -177,541 11,33 -8,79 -27,112 -158,296 -237,617 -312,951 45,-3 86,-19 119,-3 30,14 43,57 65,84 44,-32 82,-81 131,-95 103,-30 143,-111 204,-185 285,-353 453,-771 673,-1160 57,-101 104,-206 212,-264 33,-19 63,-54 82,-87 30,-51 79,-117 8,-157 -30,-16 -95,16 -138,38 -36,16 -60,49 -93,73 -101,-43 -190,-106 -285,-119 -136,-25 -163,116 -212,179l0 0zm-3411 793c92,77 177,163 274,221 150,84 250,195 294,361 16,68 71,79 128,44 168,-106 334,-207 310,-451 -14,-126 49,-218 190,-245 76,-17 149,-60 239,-98 -38,-136 -68,-272 -111,-405 -19,-57 -71,-79 -134,-52 -141,63 -307,98 -421,194 -141,116 -291,155 -459,179 -46,5 -109,49 -120,87 -30,106 -89,166 -190,166l0 -1zm-242 -521c-27,-33 -76,-66 -84,-104 -30,-179 -193,-255 -291,-377 -68,-87 -144,-71 -193,27 -111,231 -225,465 -225,731 0,206 76,473 337,546 114,33 217,112 326,166 46,22 95,32 144,49 84,-133 27,-256 16,-372 -8,-101 -103,-117 -168,-158 -87,-54 -98,-117 -41,-204 62,-98 117,-198 179,-304l0 0zm-437 -696c100,125 171,226 255,313 82,78 139,59 182,-47 46,-106 93,-209 133,-317 77,-196 90,-400 131,-609 -304,46 -609,353 -701,660l0 0zm649 212c-84,-30 -128,16 -149,90 -17,51 -25,106 -38,157 -30,131 49,283 176,280 182,-5 354,-13 514,112 63,49 141,-11 185,-82 41,-71 0,-109 -49,-155 -57,-57 -109,-119 -147,-187 -65,-120 -168,-171 -291,-199 -65,-13 -136,-11 -201,-16l0 0zm-92 1133c-3,47 -6,79 -6,112 3,40 11,81 11,122 0,217 17,239 228,266 47,6 95,6 142,14 95,19 157,-14 193,-101 -123,-244 -343,-410 -568,-413zm-288 -236c70,21 125,57 179,51 106,-10 212,-40 315,-65 11,-2 17,-19 25,-30 60,-76 117,-152 182,-233 -22,-60 -71,-46 -128,-33 -54,14 -117,30 -171,19 -196,-41 -207,-38 -307,130 -27,44 -54,90 -95,161l0 0zm-492 4011c-196,174 -446,120 -663,185 155,188 228,193 486,52 60,119 49,192 -60,239 -70,30 -157,40 -236,43 -103,3 -185,27 -228,131 -36,84 -112,114 -199,114 -168,0 -339,2 -508,-3 -100,-3 -182,-41 -242,-128 -166,-239 -337,-473 -497,-714 -223,-340 -438,-685 -655,-1031 -33,-51 -46,-111 -68,-168 -35,-87 -68,-177 -101,-264 -21,-62 -54,-127 -54,-190 3,-163 14,-326 33,-486 38,-299 174,-557 367,-780 59,-68 152,-131 239,-147 247,-52 366,-234 497,-418 101,-145 206,-289 326,-416 68,-71 163,-117 256,-161 32,-13 100,6 124,33 20,22 6,92 -19,119 -108,131 -220,259 -339,378 -152,153 -217,351 -247,547 -22,155 40,337 168,443 236,198 275,472 337,741 19,85 54,166 76,250 22,90 44,182 54,278 22,171 68,304 259,372 111,41 206,152 285,250 35,41 35,131 16,190 -59,204 109,305 193,441 17,27 101,13 152,13 79,0 172,-30 248,87l0 0zm-1326 -261c92,-24 176,-57 263,-62 84,-6 169,29 253,24 41,-3 98,-46 117,-87 84,-201 54,-323 -114,-467 -55,-46 -125,-79 -193,-109 -114,-52 -196,-125 -204,-255 -16,-267 -122,-511 -177,-767 -16,-73 -30,-147 -52,-217 -16,-60 -40,-122 -119,-115 -76,9 -87,69 -92,136 -14,145 -30,155 -169,169 -296,30 -592,57 -891,84 -226,19 -302,131 -220,340 89,225 171,454 315,658 171,244 315,505 475,758 55,84 117,160 188,255 182,-190 293,-421 511,-587 41,98 70,163 109,242l0 0zm51 -3821c-185,36 -272,144 -353,248 -103,133 -207,269 -291,415 -87,150 -204,250 -370,296 -203,55 -345,183 -437,365 -103,198 -212,396 -187,633 13,125 46,155 168,141 82,-8 160,-16 242,-27 253,-30 508,-62 769,-95 0,-147 3,-277 187,-307 -38,-57 -62,-98 -92,-131 -299,-328 -299,-731 82,-1135 105,-112 220,-213 282,-403zm-206 3685c-63,82 -114,142 -160,204 -262,348 -259,345 -17,709 84,125 193,191 334,202 123,8 245,5 367,2 87,-2 166,-27 190,-122 36,-133 134,-158 250,-158 52,0 106,0 158,0 -201,-49 -378,-128 -530,-280 231,-68 478,-43 720,-149 -291,-36 -291,-36 -456,-250 -114,30 -226,19 -345,-16 -84,-25 -193,29 -291,51 -36,9 -68,27 -111,44 -19,-44 -31,-73 -44,-103 -14,-39 -33,-74 -65,-134l0 0zm9077 4452c24,-63 54,-112 62,-161 27,-163 139,-244 283,-285 179,-52 364,-49 543,3 136,38 152,71 122,207 -10,51 -35,103 -43,157 -13,87 -49,187 -16,261 81,193 -17,342 -82,500 -65,160 -100,340 -277,435 -92,49 -114,136 -95,244 13,77 0,163 -27,237 -60,165 -131,329 -201,489 -82,179 -199,326 -389,394 -141,51 -280,103 -424,139 -163,41 -331,68 -500,100 -302,62 -617,-95 -734,-383 -54,-130 -127,-239 -242,-318 -255,-179 -334,-454 -375,-739 -19,-133 -8,-272 -2,-408 8,-228 146,-383 377,-407 201,-22 405,-33 609,-39 139,-2 250,-62 343,-155 51,-51 105,-111 130,-179 65,-174 201,-212 359,-201 128,8 252,38 380,60 60,11 122,30 199,49l0 0zm399 1141c49,-24 106,-49 152,-84 52,-38 114,-82 141,-139 109,-236 240,-464 194,-750 -22,-125 38,-263 59,-397 19,-119 0,-146 -117,-165 -59,-11 -119,-17 -182,-25 -312,-30 -437,52 -546,351 -49,136 -70,141 -209,117 -171,-33 -345,-57 -519,-79 -112,-14 -193,30 -247,138 -39,77 -95,156 -163,207 -96,71 -202,150 -313,171 -212,41 -429,38 -644,57 -215,19 -367,155 -359,367 8,215 49,430 95,642 36,168 139,301 272,418 103,92 190,212 255,334 120,228 337,386 590,348 326,-51 650,-136 970,-217 166,-44 280,-160 345,-321 47,-111 96,-225 147,-337 82,-179 163,-361 71,-562 -8,-17 3,-41 8,-74l0 0zm-3881 -4682c-22,-19 -48,-38 -65,-66 -76,-127 -185,-209 -318,-274 -179,-90 -215,-190 -106,-359 144,-223 277,-318 497,-253 177,55 346,-24 514,-78 95,-30 196,-47 294,-68 119,-28 236,-63 356,-79 510,-68 973,-288 1440,-481 54,-22 114,-52 152,-95 84,-98 163,-188 299,-228 60,-19 95,-123 141,-188 30,-46 60,-109 123,-68 27,16 43,84 35,120 -54,214 -33,448 -144,649 -41,76 -76,163 -141,215 -133,108 -269,207 -460,236 -236,38 -467,125 -698,201 -158,52 -296,104 -465,3 -136,-81 -291,-22 -421,57 -128,76 -247,169 -370,253 -10,8 -21,22 -32,22 -291,49 -430,296 -631,481l0 0zm3223 -1957c-174,38 -312,125 -426,263 -49,61 -131,98 -204,128 -253,101 -506,204 -764,280 -331,98 -668,169 -1003,250 -98,25 -195,46 -293,71 -169,41 -332,130 -513,90 -226,-49 -403,46 -476,261 -27,81 -22,143 57,192 76,47 152,90 222,142 180,125 226,125 384,-16 111,-101 193,-250 380,-229 19,3 44,-30 66,-43 117,-82 228,-177 353,-237 149,-73 315,-166 481,-70 168,95 310,40 464,-19 74,-28 153,-44 229,-66 38,-11 79,-16 117,-27 122,-35 244,-71 369,-106 52,-16 106,-24 155,-49 326,-163 446,-497 402,-815l0 0zm-3103 4897c-122,25 -226,-32 -272,-130 -128,-275 -397,-354 -633,-473 -112,-54 -228,-98 -277,-220 -25,-65 -52,-158 -22,-204 27,-46 128,-68 193,-63 92,9 185,44 269,82 122,57 228,92 361,5 96,-62 220,-89 335,-122 116,-32 307,87 329,212 32,190 103,340 277,446 119,73 100,304 -30,385 -65,41 -150,66 -226,77 -100,13 -203,5 -304,5l0 0zm136 -33c87,-16 174,-21 258,-49 179,-59 220,-230 79,-361 -125,-114 -199,-255 -261,-405 -93,-220 -169,-242 -386,-133 -198,101 -402,155 -617,25 -79,-49 -174,-77 -266,-93 -95,-16 -150,57 -98,139 52,81 128,157 209,209 117,76 247,136 378,190 131,55 236,142 299,261 87,177 225,223 405,217zm4323 -5598c-146,19 -285,49 -426,57 -93,6 -190,-8 -275,-43 -40,-17 -65,-92 -76,-147 -2,-13 68,-60 109,-62 144,-9 236,-87 318,-193 79,-104 155,-202 275,-264 46,-25 65,-109 89,-168 38,-90 93,-109 171,-58 144,96 182,218 106,378 -41,85 -97,158 -146,239 -49,82 -93,166 -145,261l0 0zm-739 -68c253,87 443,39 634,-2 30,-6 67,-25 84,-49 84,-131 174,-261 244,-397 71,-136 27,-212 -136,-288 -35,76 -51,198 -108,223 -158,65 -239,190 -343,304 -51,57 -136,84 -206,122 -44,22 -87,44 -169,87l0 0zm3588 5715c133,93 236,191 356,240 127,48 185,116 176,250 -3,24 9,51 14,73 -174,179 -204,185 -397,57 -158,-106 -312,-209 -511,-225 -79,-9 -149,-74 -250,-128 204,-166 402,-239 612,-267l0 0zm-457 286c54,24 93,54 128,54 168,-3 293,84 421,174 38,27 79,55 119,76 107,52 169,41 213,-30 51,-87 27,-182 -66,-242 -62,-40 -127,-76 -190,-117 -228,-152 -389,-135 -625,85l0 0zm-1579 -4226c3,228 -280,522 -484,516 -146,-3 -345,-234 -315,-386 16,-84 54,-168 106,-236 27,-38 109,-73 152,-60 101,30 185,6 272,-35 163,-79 204,-60 253,117 8,32 13,68 16,84l0 0zm-141 -160c-136,32 -253,76 -367,78 -82,3 -133,22 -166,87 -43,85 -109,177 -41,267 123,166 234,260 435,87 65,-57 114,-131 166,-201 79,-112 60,-218 -27,-318l0 0zm2821 1791c-139,165 -261,312 -386,459 -166,-52 -229,-136 -299,-419 41,3 76,9 111,9 44,-3 106,8 131,-17 130,-133 272,-76 443,-32l0 0zm-566 173c-5,14 -8,25 -13,39 49,62 98,122 160,203 87,-133 155,-233 229,-345 -185,-133 -223,161 -376,103zm-7017 6637c-111,111 -176,187 -252,247 -96,73 -201,52 -259,-51 -48,-87 -87,-182 -106,-280 -21,-98 52,-169 142,-134 147,55 288,131 475,218l0 0zm-125 22c-143,-79 -255,-185 -424,-139 -10,141 30,255 155,304 126,49 191,-54 269,-165l0 0zm4406 -161c152,-84 445,-109 641,-43 -106,100 -198,193 -296,280 -57,52 -122,46 -185,0 -87,-57 -149,-131 -160,-237l0 0zm464 36c-5,-14 -10,-28 -16,-38 -98,0 -193,-6 -291,5 -21,3 -54,60 -51,87 13,87 133,141 206,92 57,-38 104,-95 152,-146l0 0zm802 -8243c142,-141 152,-144 324,-63 -101,58 -188,98 -324,63zm-6954 5213c-74,21 -147,46 -242,73 60,-161 68,-163 242,-73zm-4305 -16690c43,14 92,17 130,41 19,11 17,54 25,85 -30,5 -71,30 -87,16 -41,-25 -68,-68 -103,-103 13,-14 24,-25 35,-39zm16922 17216c-71,40 -134,78 -196,114 -209,108 -209,108 -163,350 8,46 14,95 27,138 52,179 -5,318 -152,429 -49,35 -98,73 -144,111 -130,112 -233,237 -276,415 -49,201 -93,416 -293,538 -17,11 -33,33 -33,49 -16,182 -171,249 -282,353 -52,46 -114,78 -155,130 -187,233 -432,279 -711,250 -201,-22 -405,-30 -608,-38 -190,-8 -380,-19 -551,-112 -30,-16 -65,-30 -95,-27 -320,19 -521,-195 -736,-377 -65,-54 -40,-125 -8,-188 79,-149 161,-298 242,-447 81,-149 73,-168 -57,-263 -307,-220 -288,-562 41,-774 111,-73 244,-125 374,-157 329,-82 551,-302 771,-535 59,-65 111,-136 176,-195 87,-79 131,-182 190,-275 128,-198 201,-410 261,-630 19,-73 76,-92 144,-73 160,41 306,8 453,-54 109,-46 223,-46 339,-16 158,41 320,59 478,97 54,14 119,41 152,85 255,317 502,637 752,961 21,35 33,81 60,141l0 0zm-2612 -294c77,22 169,60 264,79 171,33 293,133 393,269 231,312 209,646 90,988 -11,33 -57,79 -84,76 -114,-6 -231,-16 -340,-46 -92,-25 -89,-125 -111,-201 -11,-46 -33,-90 -49,-133 -86,-239 -285,-372 -469,-519 -122,-95 -122,-95 -239,-5 -109,81 -215,166 -326,244 -49,36 -106,60 -160,79 -152,57 -312,95 -456,166 -279,138 -296,529 -38,697 149,98 155,111 73,277 -65,128 -138,250 -203,375 -92,168 -79,198 52,331 276,282 659,268 998,377 6,3 14,0 19,0 277,22 554,46 831,65 206,14 407,-11 572,-155 109,-92 223,-179 321,-279 65,-65 106,-152 160,-226 38,-54 73,-113 125,-151 81,-60 130,-134 155,-231 19,-79 56,-155 70,-234 32,-192 125,-347 293,-442 296,-168 337,-404 231,-706 -60,-171 -30,-198 130,-290 79,-43 182,-60 223,-179 -253,-323 -502,-649 -760,-975 -27,-32 -76,-59 -117,-70 -165,-38 -331,-76 -497,-95 -111,-14 -236,-17 -336,21 -112,41 -209,71 -331,49 -139,-24 -177,6 -226,141 -84,226 -165,454 -258,703l0 0zm-358 372c57,46 109,92 160,133 215,171 410,353 472,635 9,38 28,79 49,112 90,130 340,122 389,-14 100,-280 84,-554 -71,-817 -114,-195 -304,-255 -502,-309 -283,-79 -364,-41 -497,260z"/> </g> </svg> </span></span> </li></ul><div class="hidden" id="link_map"><div class="areamap"> <span class="image_wrapper " style="max-width: 480px; width: 100%"><span class="svg_wrapper svg_454" style="width: 480px; height: 625px"><svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="480px" height="625px" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 48001 62573" xmlns:xlink=""> <defs> <style type="text/css"> 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802,52 113,-8 235,40 340,87 192,84 379,175 553,275 192,114 389,140 593,57 253,-100 501,-209 750,-318 118,-53 239,-101 357,-157 174,-83 353,-170 523,-262 105,-57 201,-152 309,-178 332,-70 511,-305 689,-559 188,-261 392,-514 619,-801 78,113 131,187 187,270 22,4 58,17 88,17 196,-17 388,-47 584,-61 152,-13 314,-39 453,0 580,149 1168,109 1756,113 109,0 218,-8 327,0 367,44 685,-65 976,-283 123,-91 254,-143 423,-135 131,9 262,-65 419,-109 152,92 387,135 414,406 4,34 52,69 87,91 283,148 384,393 401,693 5,65 22,131 44,192 82,214 287,266 470,126 236,-178 244,-187 471,-35 152,105 275,127 440,9 205,-148 288,-118 445,66 135,157 244,314 222,553 -22,196 78,401 257,497 283,157 527,388 868,432 126,17 143,117 148,222 4,192 0,388 0,588 274,52 492,26 706,-70 227,-104 453,-209 684,-305 213,-87 261,-70 410,122 21,26 35,79 52,79 283,4 457,283 723,296 196,9 301,105 392,244 88,170 218,1159 157,1430l0 0zm-17659 5413m11419 -5457m-7423 -2414m-1682 4711m-11925 -1482m7972 -261m-3836 4702m12587 -7121m-11318 658m18636 370m-19556 1020m1721 2650m18236 -3365m-20275 -1717m9815 -484m-4786 5470m-2113 2144m5460 -1882m-8185 -2816m7998 -2837m9767 2275m-16387 4999m6468 -6947m-10513 3796m10264 -3827z"/> <path id="Sued-Konturen" class="konturen area" d="M42401 54484c-122,-31 -244,-48 -361,-91 -135,-48 -236,-18 -310,100 -174,274 -365,540 -287,902 43,195 -83,313 -327,348 -331,43 -366,96 -283,410 9,30 18,65 30,95 118,296 96,523 -217,714 -310,188 -305,358 -96,650 69,96 148,187 204,292 83,152 22,296 -135,270 -331,-57 -653,-144 -975,-249 -74,-21 -126,-143 -161,-231 -40,-100 -48,-213 -70,-317 -57,-249 -22,-454 244,-567 43,-17 78,-70 113,-104 -44,-135 -152,-127 -244,-140 -109,-13 -218,-4 -322,-26 -201,-44 -270,-153 -253,-353 4,-43 18,-87 22,-126 48,-318 18,-370 -257,-519 -174,-91 -340,-191 -514,-282 -244,-127 -414,-301 -488,-575 -87,-323 -410,-432 -649,-615 -31,-22 -144,22 -187,70 -53,48 -66,135 -105,200 -126,214 -314,301 -553,240 -475,-127 -945,-257 -1412,-401 -257,-78 -466,-235 -622,-453 -244,-348 -514,-457 -911,-318 -157,57 -305,166 -427,283 -139,135 -239,310 -366,458 -266,318 -387,683 -340,1089 26,200 96,396 179,583 74,179 200,340 279,514 91,201 100,419 -39,593 -309,388 -584,823 -1011,1097 -253,166 -532,297 -815,406 -243,96 -444,231 -579,453 -131,213 -279,418 -379,645 -126,287 -336,474 -606,609 -143,74 -287,153 -426,236 -218,135 -340,331 -332,596 14,327 18,654 40,976 22,309 -105,483 -414,497 -379,13 -763,22 -1133,-92 -374,-113 -758,-196 -1154,-187 -31,0 -57,-22 -92,-35 -8,-31 -30,-65 -22,-91 232,-710 -113,-1242 -540,-1743 -139,-161 -326,-157 -535,-44 -357,192 -710,384 -1064,571 -248,131 -509,175 -788,126 -296,-48 -313,-52 -374,-352 -40,-201 -131,-345 -340,-384 -31,-4 -70,-22 -96,-13 -370,157 -802,18 -1163,235 -109,66 -244,92 -357,135 -101,-69 -183,-165 -279,-187 -274,-65 -553,-122 -754,187 -78,123 -213,214 -335,310 -144,113 -270,218 -223,431 10,44 -47,114 -82,161 -57,74 -126,139 -218,236 135,34 235,60 357,95 -95,218 -248,327 -479,314 -65,-4 -131,-9 -191,-26 -401,-135 -806,-270 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140,-44 192,-22 261,113 527,78 801,52 114,-8 236,40 340,87 192,83 379,175 553,275 192,113 388,139 593,57 252,-101 501,-209 749,-318 118,-53 239,-101 357,-157 174,-83 353,-170 523,-262 105,-56 200,-152 309,-178 332,-70 510,-305 689,-558 187,-261 392,-514 618,-801 78,113 131,187 187,270 22,4 57,17 88,17 196,-17 387,-48 583,-61 153,-13 314,-39 454,0 579,148 1167,109 1755,113 109,0 218,-8 326,0 367,44 684,-65 976,-283 123,-91 253,-143 423,-135 131,9 261,-65 418,-109 153,92 388,135 414,405 4,35 52,70 87,92 283,148 384,392 401,693 4,65 22,130 44,191 82,214 287,266 470,127 235,-179 244,-188 470,-35 153,104 275,126 441,8 204,-148 287,-117 444,66 135,157 244,314 222,553 -22,196 78,401 257,497 283,156 527,387 867,431 126,17 144,118 148,222 4,192 0,388 0,588 274,52 492,26 706,-69 226,-105 453,-210 683,-305 214,-88 262,-70 410,122 22,26 35,78 52,78 284,4 458,283 724,296 195,9 300,105 391,244 87,170 218,1159 157,1429l0 0zm-17651 5410c-78,-17 -161,-22 -235,-47 -318,-101 -641,-214 -915,-9 -192,-31 -344,-75 -497,-83 -365,-13 -522,262 -666,527 -105,201 -26,466 139,501 297,61 597,118 884,-52 358,-209 724,-401 1077,-610 87,-48 143,-148 213,-227 91,-117 187,-235 183,-418 -279,161 -279,161 -183,418l0 0zm11047 -9609c-4,-131 0,-262 -17,-388 -22,-152 -70,-292 -239,-344 -232,279 -227,366 17,557 78,62 152,118 231,179 -183,226 -332,492 -628,601 -43,18 -104,70 -108,109 -18,296 -284,427 -432,632 -170,231 -274,448 -183,740 22,70 -13,170 -44,249 -34,87 -87,165 -139,252 170,57 283,140 270,323 -43,17 -69,30 -100,39 -257,91 -296,205 -157,435 118,197 301,318 514,384 458,139 920,270 1381,392 114,30 240,-4 370,-9 0,-157 -17,-266 5,-370 39,-187 -9,-288 -200,-331 -188,-40 -266,-170 -244,-362 8,-61 -5,-126 -9,-178 113,-105 231,-192 318,-297 217,-257 527,-217 810,-261 48,-9 126,74 174,131 187,226 249,248 519,130 69,-30 144,-56 204,-104 279,-222 571,-296 906,-140 14,5 40,-13 83,-26 9,-74 22,-157 31,-244 17,-200 -22,-353 -240,-440 -191,-74 -353,-217 -540,-300 -305,-135 -457,-362 -457,-684 0,-187 -83,-336 -188,-475 -95,-126 -204,-161 -331,-57 -170,140 -335,131 -501,-4 -156,-126 -301,-105 -427,48 -122,144 -261,139 -400,35 -96,-74 -170,-153 -249,-222l0 0zm-8346 3785c-18,214 -65,423 -39,619 52,387 318,649 614,880 74,60 165,113 218,191 205,314 553,340 862,427 183,53 388,39 584,48 126,5 222,35 292,162 117,200 130,191 392,91 0,-96 0,-187 0,-309 135,-57 270,-179 414,-53 117,105 230,240 287,388 30,74 -61,196 -91,296 -87,283 -135,418 191,553 57,27 109,61 196,114 -152,148 -252,243 -357,335 -87,79 -109,157 -48,257 66,105 161,105 257,52 96,-52 196,-100 270,-178 318,-327 636,-653 928,-1002 162,-192 183,-440 48,-671 -78,-131 -170,-252 -244,-388 -314,-553 -300,-1102 57,-1629 109,-161 239,-309 361,-462 218,-274 192,-487 -100,-679 -209,-139 -422,-270 -644,-388 -318,-166 -562,-401 -750,-701 -100,-157 -213,-301 -326,-449 -101,-131 -218,-161 -371,-83 -257,140 -523,266 -714,501 -105,131 -236,244 -375,388 -126,-135 -222,-231 -313,-336 -101,-117 -218,-121 -305,-13 -92,114 -166,249 -227,384 -96,218 -157,248 -366,122 -92,-52 -174,-113 -292,-187 -157,405 -305,779 -440,1154 -56,152 22,248 170,296 70,22 144,52 275,100 -174,75 -271,114 -414,170l0 0zm3193 3145c70,-135 118,-239 174,-344 39,-78 92,-148 126,-226 83,-192 -83,-275 -178,-384 -91,-100 -192,-82 -270,31 61,296 56,335 -44,379 -139,61 -396,-4 -509,-131 -22,-22 -31,-56 -53,-83 -165,-183 -427,-174 -588,18 -48,57 -87,118 -104,148 61,161 148,287 143,414 -8,370 -139,714 -339,1045 -301,-157 -567,44 -845,61 -105,-61 -214,-109 -310,-179 -83,-60 -161,-139 -218,-226 -65,-100 -91,-222 -152,-322 -35,-61 -105,-109 -166,-140 -108,-52 -139,-122 -104,-235 17,-61 26,-122 35,-174 -70,-48 -118,-87 -179,-127 53,-157 170,-318 39,-431 -165,74 -292,166 -431,187 -270,44 -414,175 -514,427 -331,841 -688,1669 -1037,2505 -78,188 -152,379 -226,571 710,505 910,1237 971,2008 257,57 471,101 680,148 222,52 440,131 666,161 266,36 540,57 810,44 223,-8 314,-117 319,-335 8,-262 17,-528 -26,-780 -75,-453 47,-832 466,-1011 579,-252 936,-679 1188,-1233 14,-30 31,-56 48,-87 149,-252 353,-440 623,-553 87,-35 171,-78 253,-117 -122,-367 -122,-367 153,-584 43,-35 74,-92 126,-162 -179,-95 -331,-178 -527,-283l0 0zm-15935 1211c52,96 109,188 152,275 61,113 105,244 179,348 275,388 523,802 845,1146 309,326 449,762 776,1067 117,109 231,235 370,301 283,139 579,248 871,361 222,83 449,109 675,0 -87,-161 -318,-65 -374,-261 121,-70 235,-135 344,-196 -27,-139 -44,-244 -52,-309 265,-222 522,-410 744,-627 283,-280 210,-554 -126,-746 -305,-178 -593,-383 -680,-779 -61,-270 -295,-419 -553,-506 -365,-121 -365,-121 -300,-483 4,-18 -14,-39 -22,-79 -178,-113 -366,-235 -567,-361 0,-218 0,-444 0,-671 0,-235 -34,-287 -248,-353 -91,-26 -191,-48 -288,-43 -195,8 -348,-70 -500,-192 -275,-218 -571,-397 -924,-466 -13,-5 -22,-31 -48,-66 74,-39 144,-78 222,-121 -21,-140 -39,-275 -61,-401 -191,83 -370,148 -540,239 -74,39 -139,109 -178,179 -79,144 -140,292 -205,445 -261,605 -323,1258 -458,1894 -130,614 -39,1185 288,1725 127,210 284,340 536,414 -70,-387 -471,-605 -466,-1076 335,235 375,697 845,754 -57,-157 -92,-279 -148,-388 -83,-165 -192,-318 -266,-488 -104,-235 -65,-344 157,-536l0 0zm12262 -4922c-26,-196 -47,-327 -69,-466 261,-70 444,-200 458,-462 4,-87 -40,-209 -105,-266 -79,-69 -205,-87 -323,-135 -12,-152 -21,-309 -34,-479 65,-4 104,-9 148,-9 39,-4 82,-4 126,-8 -74,-345 -113,-375 -396,-319 -53,14 -109,22 -157,40 -266,100 -510,65 -749,-83 -92,-56 -192,-109 -292,-143 -162,-62 -327,-123 -493,-153 -265,-44 -536,-61 -801,-92 -218,-26 -358,74 -375,296 -9,109 5,218 -9,327 -21,214 0,401 192,549 61,48 122,213 92,249 -179,208 -196,492 -318,705 -157,279 -257,527 -231,850 39,496 22,500 -423,623 -30,157 -48,317 -95,470 -48,157 -92,366 34,423 270,113 353,496 702,470 8,0 21,-4 30,-4 214,-31 432,-61 645,-87 183,-22 366,-48 518,117 96,105 231,113 362,74 157,-48 309,-100 466,-144 379,-95 749,-217 1154,-187 127,9 270,-61 388,-126 214,-122 226,-187 61,-375 -157,-174 -183,-387 -200,-601 -18,-187 -4,-379 -4,-575 -197,26 -323,-17 -310,-248 100,-13 187,-26 310,-40 -53,-143 135,-261 -18,-418 -79,53 -153,114 -284,227l0 0zm-9296 4748c266,157 480,301 706,410 122,56 148,130 166,248 17,113 35,257 108,327 188,174 401,326 619,461 118,75 222,135 240,284 22,200 148,243 318,243 183,-4 370,-17 501,166 22,31 100,31 152,22 213,-44 379,-140 427,-388 52,-252 61,-492 -57,-732 -56,-113 -87,-240 -130,-370 108,-56 192,-100 265,-140 14,-91 14,-165 31,-239 74,-292 235,-592 209,-871 -35,-366 70,-684 131,-1024 35,-209 0,-431 -22,-645 -39,-400 -287,-579 -692,-527 -44,-78 -88,-157 -144,-261 -218,179 -436,296 -719,139 -122,301 -327,471 -653,445 -10,117 -14,204 -22,287 -9,122 -61,218 -183,240 -223,43 -475,148 -667,82 -340,-113 -584,-39 -828,170 -21,22 -56,31 -87,40 -143,43 -204,161 -217,296 -18,170 -27,339 -39,518 43,26 91,35 117,65 214,222 627,327 470,754l0 0zm14119 -7645c-349,248 -671,475 -1010,714 195,275 374,510 535,754 139,218 327,366 544,505 389,244 846,397 1103,811 157,-57 287,-127 422,-144 148,-18 301,26 453,22 179,-9 371,-5 475,-218 -87,-61 -161,-118 -226,-165 9,-40 9,-70 21,-79 166,-135 218,-275 170,-505 -35,-188 -35,-436 149,-606 204,-191 379,-401 474,-679 40,-109 166,-192 262,-275 104,-92 230,-165 317,-270 123,-144 109,-201 -43,-318 -226,-179 -226,-179 -131,-453 18,-53 39,-100 48,-157 35,-205 -231,-588 -400,-544 -279,69 -589,30 -828,252 -244,222 -545,292 -876,266 -431,-35 -866,-44 -1302,-65 -183,-9 -366,-22 -554,-22 -87,0 -222,4 -252,56 -40,66 -9,183 13,275 13,57 74,104 113,157 161,209 331,431 523,688l0 0zm-12546 1285c92,157 170,296 257,431 57,92 152,170 179,271 74,283 274,396 531,466 122,30 279,82 331,174 122,209 297,270 514,274 -4,74 -8,135 -17,196 274,9 497,-39 732,-200 213,-148 531,-200 801,-200 214,0 432,143 662,43 236,148 318,-31 423,-187 83,-127 174,-235 152,-414 -8,-79 74,-174 131,-249 166,-217 174,-261 -30,-427 -114,-91 -157,-169 -123,-326 44,-218 -12,-444 -78,-671 -69,5 -126,0 -174,13 -706,179 -1416,357 -2117,545 -436,117 -876,148 -1320,113 -274,-22 -544,-44 -854,148l0 0zm18806 1477c-96,187 -157,340 -253,471 -174,239 -274,470 -39,727 35,39 48,100 61,148 52,178 170,301 326,388 210,113 423,226 632,340 305,161 353,256 309,601 -39,291 22,374 301,431 83,17 179,4 257,26 78,22 201,70 205,113 9,79 -53,174 -100,249 -35,52 -105,78 -153,121 -39,36 -91,87 -87,131 22,205 39,414 96,605 48,171 235,175 379,214 157,44 318,83 475,113 65,13 135,-13 252,-30 -126,-179 -226,-318 -318,-462 -169,-253 -165,-322 22,-549 57,-65 122,-122 192,-178 252,-197 248,-197 165,-519 -39,-144 -74,-296 -69,-444 0,-192 61,-236 261,-240 131,0 262,14 340,-122 -52,-130 -100,-252 -127,-318 -383,-165 -722,-353 -1080,-453 -200,-57 -318,-209 -496,-279 -297,-113 -292,-121 -188,-426 101,-296 74,-353 -240,-427 -374,-83 -744,-153 -1123,-231l0 0zm-14973 1054c57,-18 149,-48 236,-83 48,-22 104,-39 139,-78 179,-218 18,-688 -266,-741 -213,-39 -435,-74 -644,-52 -201,22 -475,-109 -580,205 -4,9 -48,13 -56,4 -114,-96 -179,-4 -249,61 -74,70 -147,118 -261,74 -65,-26 -152,-22 -218,0 -117,44 -209,9 -305,-57 -69,-43 -152,-69 -218,-95 -95,91 -169,222 -252,226 -266,9 -566,66 -776,-148 -252,-252 -496,-200 -762,-65 -4,392 18,453 340,540 231,61 340,200 418,405 70,183 157,357 257,527 140,240 174,240 401,100 78,-48 192,-109 261,-83 388,135 819,227 910,746 44,-275 240,-275 432,-262 370,22 727,-39 1098,-113 -13,-170 -48,-309 -31,-444 27,-210 79,-419 126,-667l0 0zm-1450 1390c-35,157 -74,292 -91,427 -22,139 -9,283 -36,418 -21,113 -77,222 -108,335 -27,92 -70,196 -48,279 104,388 -44,749 -118,1111 -57,291 -48,379 244,457 157,44 318,78 462,148 379,174 653,118 893,-235 100,-144 222,-231 387,-274 118,-31 236,-48 349,-92 309,-113 645,-174 906,-326 -122,-445 -231,-863 -348,-1277 -31,-113 -96,-218 -135,-331 -31,-78 -79,-166 -70,-244 8,-78 78,-152 135,-249 -296,31 -557,18 -728,-265 -30,-52 -174,-65 -261,-61 -183,13 -362,52 -544,79 -301,39 -597,69 -889,100l0 0zm16758 -3084c-57,191 -105,352 -165,548 108,27 222,53 330,79 275,61 554,113 829,192 230,65 252,121 195,361 -30,122 -65,240 -91,335 279,157 536,279 762,436 240,170 505,244 789,296 170,31 296,-17 383,-174 74,-135 152,-266 236,-392 134,-201 178,-209 404,-126 79,30 161,52 275,91 4,-427 -74,-810 -170,-1185 -35,-139 -157,-283 -335,-253 -205,36 -288,-109 -406,-217 -122,-114 -357,17 -453,-196 -61,-135 -174,-144 -305,-92 -213,83 -431,153 -635,253 -401,196 -798,274 -1212,35 -157,-87 -313,-92 -431,9l0 0zm-20583 1053c332,-73 710,-161 1089,-248 127,-30 253,-91 379,-91 109,0 270,26 318,100 152,235 392,213 606,253 165,30 265,-53 318,-214 48,-152 0,-283 -144,-353 -118,-56 -253,-74 -366,-139 -117,-65 -248,-144 -322,-252 -144,-201 -283,-419 -370,-645 -123,-318 -353,-436 -663,-493 -387,-74 -718,-74 -1063,205 -322,261 -549,540 -627,950 -69,357 74,605 423,723 130,44 257,122 422,204l0 0zm11579 -1559c113,-122 209,-235 314,-339 91,-92 178,-188 287,-258 470,-291 950,-570 1420,-858 78,-48 148,-113 253,-200 -179,-200 -357,-362 -484,-558 -122,-191 -191,-422 -296,-662 -183,26 -375,74 -566,78 -196,0 -396,-43 -649,-73 -126,160 -266,396 -458,583 -257,253 -235,575 -161,841 87,313 87,619 79,932 -9,201 35,361 261,514l0 0zm-5314 4099c143,283 244,549 265,854 18,240 148,475 235,706 44,122 140,157 266,118 209,-66 414,-144 623,-192 192,-48 301,-161 366,-336 100,-252 205,-505 300,-758 57,-152 140,-266 319,-287 261,-30 304,-253 365,-449 40,-117 -43,-187 -161,-192 -87,0 -174,14 -257,35 -318,83 -627,179 -945,249 -130,26 -318,52 -405,-18 -240,-191 -483,-139 -745,-113 -74,131 -148,248 -226,383l0 0zm-1652 3559c144,-91 231,-165 327,-200 101,-35 214,-31 323,-52 147,-31 296,-88 435,35 22,17 74,26 87,12 148,-135 301,-56 458,-26 121,22 256,14 374,-17 61,-17 114,-109 144,-179 22,-48 -4,-113 -8,-178 409,91 500,39 657,-344 118,-279 240,-558 357,-841 18,-48 22,-100 35,-179 -100,13 -174,13 -244,35 -706,209 -1416,418 -2117,636 -104,35 -222,109 -279,200 -139,210 -300,367 -549,427 -56,14 -108,61 -191,109 56,179 117,349 191,562l0 0zm5345 -4408c-182,96 -331,148 -440,244 -82,69 -174,204 -156,291 65,314 87,650 327,902 139,149 196,332 196,532 0,340 152,505 487,505 148,0 297,-39 436,-56 78,-109 30,-336 257,-240 13,83 22,157 44,309 117,-213 222,-344 261,-492 48,-161 65,-349 35,-514 -18,-96 -139,-178 -231,-253 -140,-113 -227,-231 -70,-435 -118,-31 -200,-44 -274,-70 -83,-31 -179,-65 -245,-122 -208,-192 -404,-388 -627,-601l0 0zm-8795 -1155c-13,127 -30,232 -30,340 4,314 -144,505 -440,610 -288,100 -566,222 -845,344 -375,162 -566,510 -832,789 278,200 396,209 618,65 100,-65 192,-152 301,-196 91,-35 231,-65 301,-18 235,157 461,70 692,27 170,-31 274,-118 270,-305 -4,-161 74,-257 235,-305 427,-122 541,-371 375,-762 -39,-92 -78,-179 -109,-275 -82,-239 -253,-322 -536,-314l0 0zm9327 -1990c209,-192 379,-375 579,-514 127,-87 201,-170 179,-309 -44,-319 -91,-637 -157,-954 -9,-48 -135,-114 -200,-105 -113,13 -222,74 -331,126 -292,144 -580,292 -871,436 -340,161 -388,322 -166,627 43,61 100,113 166,157 269,179 539,357 801,536l0 0zm7976 1259c392,-40 410,257 410,566 287,-283 283,-279 575,-87 56,39 130,61 218,100 130,-222 274,-414 369,-627 62,-140 97,-279 236,-370 69,-44 122,-127 35,-232 -131,40 -261,83 -396,127 -162,48 -292,48 -384,-135 -30,-65 -126,-148 -191,-148 -253,0 -536,-48 -676,261 -22,44 -70,83 -118,109 -182,105 -169,253 -78,436zm-13927 6525c-69,-235 -126,-462 -204,-684 -149,-418 -820,-666 -1220,-457 -13,9 -18,35 -44,87 214,322 270,697 113,1124 462,-26 872,-44 1355,-70zm4997 -7998c35,118 52,218 95,301 49,91 149,109 219,39 39,-39 61,-148 39,-196 -57,-113 -148,-214 -353,-144zm-10159 3590c-187,-39 -257,82 -353,205 262,51 262,51 353,-205zm10185 -3856c-218,48 -218,48 -274,236 100,-83 165,-140 274,-236zm431 7001c57,57 79,74 100,96 -25,21 -52,43 -82,65 -18,-22 -48,-44 -53,-70 -4,-22 18,-52 35,-91l0 0zm-749 -1559c-22,17 -39,43 -61,51 -8,5 -30,-17 -44,-30 18,-21 36,-43 53,-61 4,-4 26,22 52,40l0 0zm-5049 165c-9,-118 -17,-192 -26,-270 -17,-170 -104,-353 70,-484 196,-148 383,-292 675,-253 274,40 558,-21 836,-34 53,-5 105,9 170,13 22,105 44,196 65,291 75,362 75,362 -274,528 -65,30 -122,83 -170,139 -191,222 -427,279 -692,170 -96,-39 -205,-61 -314,-74 -96,-17 -205,-17 -340,-26l0 0zm53 -632c30,431 65,467 452,528 83,12 162,56 236,91 165,83 339,74 431,-79 83,-143 205,-178 335,-230 79,-31 148,-74 236,-118 -40,-161 -74,-305 -113,-483 -275,21 -550,78 -811,47 -309,-35 -540,79 -766,244l0 0zm2334 2566c-34,26 -65,57 -78,53 -31,-14 -52,-49 -78,-75 26,-12 52,-39 73,-34 27,0 49,30 83,56z" data-id="department-3" data-type="area"/> </g> <g id="mitte"> <path id="Mitte-BG" class="map_gelb" d="M44595 36202c0,157 -26,314 4,459 53,240 -8,450 -109,664 -118,259 -105,306 157,425 157,69 328,113 494,161 53,18 110,13 162,27 371,69 691,201 782,625 14,61 53,118 75,183 57,158 153,223 328,192 92,-17 196,-8 288,18 359,105 460,315 320,664 -44,110 -119,210 -180,311 -153,254 -310,503 -459,757 -148,253 -122,336 140,498 52,35 105,70 175,118 -30,78 -44,157 -88,210 -266,323 -419,734 -782,988 -57,39 -83,175 -74,258 34,336 78,673 148,1001 26,127 123,262 223,341 245,184 398,394 499,695 78,241 297,459 507,621 236,179 267,376 205,630 -8,30 -13,65 -26,96 -109,341 -100,332 157,564 215,196 341,442 337,748 0,275 -35,533 -162,782 -91,175 -162,345 -385,415 -148,49 -249,171 -218,359 26,166 -70,258 -227,240 -372,-35 -534,262 -604,494 -83,276 -236,363 -467,429 -22,70 -40,140 -62,214 -4,17 -22,44 -39,52 -206,123 22,350 -113,477 -127,114 -232,210 -171,411 22,74 -79,196 -149,275 -113,123 -218,241 -271,411 -30,97 -123,175 -188,263 44,113 97,210 114,315 13,91 13,227 -39,275 -263,231 -105,454 -10,673 40,83 149,145 79,254 -79,118 -196,179 -336,153 -420,-74 -835,-197 -1190,-420 -222,-140 -437,-267 -682,-358 -95,-36 -161,-162 -258,-267 -130,240 -306,275 -524,87 -39,-35 -127,-8 -188,-22 -70,-17 -166,-26 -206,-74 -113,-135 -222,-223 -415,-205 -52,4 -131,-75 -171,-132 -91,-144 -200,-144 -336,-87 -223,92 -441,188 -669,267 -184,65 -371,122 -564,153 -197,30 -258,-35 -284,-223 -5,-22 -9,-44 -5,-66 88,-406 -139,-625 -471,-778 -101,-44 -193,-109 -294,-149 -323,-127 -485,-363 -485,-704 0,-188 -83,-336 -192,-476 -88,-110 -188,-157 -306,-61 -180,149 -355,149 -534,4 -144,-114 -267,-92 -406,35 -245,215 -569,100 -639,-219 -21,-96 -4,-201 -30,-292 -40,-123 -83,-250 -157,-346 -136,-166 -298,-310 -447,-468 -96,-100 -183,-131 -340,-118 -364,35 -661,188 -958,385 -105,66 -241,109 -363,109 -293,5 -586,-26 -883,-39 -219,-9 -438,-4 -656,-17 -271,-18 -547,-22 -809,-79 -249,-53 -476,17 -712,39 -140,13 -285,44 -424,31 -83,-9 -202,-75 -228,-145 -31,-83 -17,-227 40,-293 100,-122 231,-257 376,-301 214,-66 249,-205 293,-381 52,-210 109,-419 196,-616 118,-266 346,-407 625,-481 399,-109 792,-249 1194,-363 302,-87 520,-249 642,-555 75,-188 193,-358 285,-529 -114,-188 -402,-144 -446,-428 74,-36 157,-75 236,-119 297,-152 367,-314 293,-638 -57,-249 -158,-468 -302,-682 -345,-503 -664,-1023 -752,-1653 -39,-301 -245,-388 -533,-257 -201,87 -389,196 -590,288 -236,109 -280,105 -451,-101 -367,-450 -721,-905 -1071,-1364 -113,-148 -223,-235 -428,-245 -205,-4 -407,-83 -608,-131 -240,-57 -472,-61 -699,66 -232,127 -468,18 -700,-18 -57,-8 -131,-131 -131,-196 4,-363 -144,-682 -276,-1006 -96,-245 -100,-498 -4,-739 223,-568 459,-1132 695,-1696 44,-100 88,-201 140,-297 118,-228 114,-455 31,-695 -219,-674 -215,-678 -857,-967 -459,-205 -809,-559 -1124,-927 -162,-188 -223,-472 -310,-716 -145,-403 -285,-805 -416,-1207 -104,-337 -406,-442 -673,-573 -380,-188 -778,-345 -1176,-503 -240,-96 -442,-227 -621,-415 -266,-276 -542,-542 -808,-813 -66,-66 -127,-145 -228,-258 218,-57 389,-122 568,-144 520,-62 1041,-123 1561,-145 293,-13 521,-87 726,-302 350,-367 564,-340 905,58 170,201 389,314 669,235 149,-43 284,-43 372,110 91,161 117,327 17,498 -17,27 -35,57 -66,74 -380,223 -231,542 -144,840 48,162 166,236 354,218 529,-61 1063,-105 1596,-152 96,-9 197,0 293,-9 227,-18 402,70 533,254 175,244 355,476 691,494 48,4 101,47 136,87 183,210 419,153 642,127 61,-9 132,-110 154,-180 100,-310 95,-315 423,-275 66,9 132,13 197,13 359,9 354,9 416,-345 13,-83 52,-171 100,-241 74,-109 131,-205 114,-354 -18,-157 104,-258 262,-289 140,-30 280,-52 420,-69 336,-48 612,-149 857,-447 205,-253 293,-520 367,-799 92,-333 236,-438 586,-359 105,26 218,26 319,61 214,79 367,31 516,-149 245,-288 415,-306 765,-130 18,8 40,21 61,26 521,65 971,375 1491,419 306,27 599,75 900,123 245,39 516,-44 770,-105 79,-22 153,-149 188,-241 74,-188 140,-389 367,-420 293,-39 595,-69 853,123 52,39 88,153 74,227 -22,136 -79,271 -135,403 -83,188 -70,367 48,528 206,285 271,613 358,941 127,481 324,914 813,1163 377,196 731,441 1089,664 53,35 101,79 149,123 -9,196 -149,297 -263,411 -135,131 -231,257 -144,459 88,196 -122,253 -218,415 118,48 227,83 328,131 183,92 371,184 546,289 144,87 201,231 271,385 153,340 429,620 486,1009 266,118 432,455 795,355 101,-27 219,-22 236,100 9,83 -31,197 -92,254 -83,83 -218,144 -372,236l1 0z"/> <path id="Mitte-Konturen" class="konturen area" d="M44595 36201c0,157 -26,314 5,459 52,240 -9,450 -110,664 -118,258 -105,306 158,424 157,70 328,114 494,162 52,17 109,13 162,26 371,70 690,201 782,626 13,61 52,117 74,183 57,157 153,223 328,192 92,-17 197,-8 289,18 358,105 459,315 319,664 -44,109 -118,210 -179,311 -154,253 -311,502 -460,756 -148,254 -122,337 140,499 53,34 105,70 176,117 -31,79 -44,158 -88,210 -267,324 -420,735 -783,988 -56,40 -83,175 -74,259 35,336 79,673 148,1001 27,126 123,262 224,341 245,183 397,393 498,695 79,241 297,459 507,621 236,179 267,376 206,629 -9,31 -13,66 -27,96 -109,342 -100,333 158,564 214,198 341,442 336,748 0,276 -35,533 -161,783 -92,175 -162,345 -385,415 -149,48 -249,171 -219,359 27,166 -69,257 -227,240 -372,-35 -534,262 -603,494 -83,276 -236,363 -468,429 -22,69 -40,140 -61,214 -5,17 -22,43 -40,52 -205,123 22,350 -113,477 -127,113 -232,210 -171,411 22,74 -78,196 -148,275 -114,123 -219,241 -272,411 -30,96 -122,175 -188,263 44,113 97,209 114,314 13,92 13,228 -39,276 -263,231 -105,454 -9,673 39,83 149,144 79,254 -79,118 -197,179 -337,152 -419,-74 -835,-196 -1189,-419 -223,-140 -437,-267 -682,-358 -97,-36 -162,-162 -258,-267 -131,240 -306,275 -525,87 -39,-35 -126,-9 -188,-22 -70,-17 -166,-26 -205,-74 -114,-135 -223,-223 -415,-206 -53,5 -132,-74 -171,-131 -92,-144 -201,-144 -337,-87 -223,91 -441,188 -669,267 -184,65 -371,122 -564,152 -197,31 -258,-35 -284,-223 -4,-21 -9,-43 -4,-65 87,-407 -140,-625 -472,-778 -101,-44 -193,-110 -293,-149 -324,-127 -486,-363 -486,-704 0,-188 -83,-336 -192,-476 -87,-110 -188,-158 -306,-62 -179,149 -354,149 -534,5 -144,-114 -266,-92 -406,35 -245,214 -569,100 -638,-219 -22,-96 -5,-201 -31,-293 -39,-122 -83,-249 -157,-345 -136,-166 -298,-310 -447,-468 -95,-101 -183,-131 -340,-118 -363,35 -661,188 -958,385 -105,65 -240,109 -363,109 -293,5 -585,-26 -883,-39 -219,-9 -437,-5 -655,-18 -272,-17 -547,-21 -809,-78 -250,-53 -477,17 -713,39 -140,13 -284,44 -424,30 -83,-8 -201,-74 -227,-144 -31,-83 -18,-227 39,-293 100,-122 231,-257 376,-301 214,-66 249,-206 293,-381 52,-210 109,-419 196,-616 118,-267 346,-407 626,-481 398,-109 791,-249 1193,-363 302,-88 520,-249 643,-555 74,-188 192,-359 284,-530 -113,-187 -402,-144 -446,-428 74,-35 157,-74 236,-118 297,-153 368,-315 293,-638 -57,-249 -157,-468 -301,-682 -346,-503 -665,-1023 -753,-1653 -39,-301 -244,-389 -533,-258 -201,88 -389,197 -590,289 -236,109 -280,105 -451,-101 -367,-450 -721,-905 -1071,-1364 -113,-148 -222,-236 -428,-245 -205,-4 -407,-83 -608,-131 -240,-57 -472,-61 -699,66 -232,126 -468,17 -700,-18 -57,-8 -131,-131 -131,-196 5,-363 -144,-682 -276,-1006 -96,-245 -100,-499 -4,-739 223,-568 459,-1132 695,-1697 44,-100 88,-200 140,-297 118,-227 114,-454 31,-695 -219,-673 -214,-677 -857,-966 -459,-205 -809,-560 -1124,-927 -162,-188 -223,-472 -310,-717 -144,-402 -284,-805 -416,-1207 -104,-336 -406,-441 -673,-573 -380,-188 -778,-345 -1176,-502 -240,-97 -442,-228 -621,-415 -266,-276 -542,-542 -808,-814 -66,-65 -127,-144 -228,-258 219,-57 389,-122 568,-144 521,-61 1041,-123 1561,-145 293,-12 521,-87 726,-301 350,-367 564,-341 905,57 171,201 389,315 669,236 149,-44 284,-44 372,109 91,162 117,328 17,499 -17,26 -35,57 -66,74 -380,223 -231,542 -144,839 48,162 166,237 354,219 529,-61 1063,-105 1596,-153 96,-9 197,0 293,-9 228,-17 402,70 533,254 176,245 355,476 691,494 48,4 101,48 136,87 183,210 420,154 643,127 61,-9 131,-109 153,-179 100,-310 96,-315 423,-275 66,8 132,12 197,12 359,9 354,9 416,-345 13,-83 52,-171 101,-240 73,-109 130,-206 113,-354 -18,-158 105,-259 262,-289 140,-31 280,-53 420,-70 337,-48 612,-149 857,-446 205,-253 293,-520 367,-800 92,-333 236,-437 586,-358 105,25 218,25 319,61 214,79 367,30 516,-149 245,-288 415,-306 765,-131 18,9 40,22 62,26 520,66 970,376 1490,420 307,26 599,74 901,123 245,39 516,-44 770,-106 78,-21 152,-148 188,-240 74,-188 139,-389 367,-420 293,-39 594,-70 852,123 52,39 88,152 74,227 -22,135 -78,271 -135,402 -83,188 -70,368 48,529 206,284 271,612 358,940 127,481 324,914 814,1163 376,197 730,442 1088,665 53,34 101,78 149,122 -9,197 -149,298 -262,411 -136,131 -232,258 -144,459 87,197 -123,254 -219,416 118,48 227,83 328,131 183,91 371,184 546,288 145,88 201,232 271,385 153,341 429,621 486,1010 266,118 432,454 795,354 101,-26 219,-22 237,100 8,84 -31,198 -92,254 -84,83 -219,144 -372,236l0 1zm-3878 16084c109,40 267,48 315,123 87,140 179,196 337,210 78,8 153,69 222,113 53,35 97,96 154,114 174,44 349,70 542,105 96,-92 57,-206 30,-324 -66,-288 -57,-560 184,-782 61,-53 83,-149 118,-228 39,-87 70,-175 96,-244 228,0 420,4 612,0 140,-5 241,12 328,148 131,192 310,332 582,284 78,-13 166,31 253,48 136,26 271,57 350,70 166,-210 319,-358 420,-538 105,-188 161,-406 244,-633 -1114,-254 -2225,-503 -3349,-757 -398,415 -638,910 -642,1495 -53,13 -83,27 -114,31 -538,62 -595,123 -651,661 -5,43 -22,69 -31,104 -79,18 -153,35 -223,57 9,18 13,35 22,57 65,-39 136,-74 201,-114zm6427 -5771c17,101 22,214 201,184 -70,-61 -135,-123 -201,-184 61,-179 135,-350 175,-529 61,-258 -22,-367 -289,-389 -393,-31 -730,-201 -1071,-381 -192,-100 -384,-196 -586,-275 -577,-227 -1189,-258 -1797,-324 -411,-43 -826,-43 -1237,-61 -205,-8 -415,31 -612,-8 -389,-75 -599,209 -862,384 -43,27 -34,136 -43,211 -13,192 -13,388 -35,581 -26,214 -74,424 -114,656 263,83 499,231 730,222 674,-22 1286,-231 1684,-830 96,-144 214,-179 362,-114 92,40 188,74 259,136 240,209 533,288 830,354 223,48 446,105 665,166 206,61 406,53 612,-4 254,-66 507,-118 765,-175 153,-35 280,13 376,135 66,92 127,171 188,245l0 0zm-21882 -14528c21,109 35,209 65,302 184,489 359,987 565,1469 73,174 205,336 349,463 319,280 626,568 1049,708 328,105 551,350 613,708 13,75 39,149 65,219 96,258 75,503 -35,761 -280,643 -546,1285 -800,1936 -61,158 -105,342 -87,504 26,301 122,349 415,275 542,-131 1080,-275 1622,-402 201,-49 407,-49 612,-79 70,-9 162,-22 201,-70 149,-197 337,-223 555,-162 210,57 394,-9 547,-144 96,-88 179,-188 262,-293 223,-284 236,-385 -4,-647 -149,-162 -210,-337 -170,-538 69,-372 -84,-686 -254,-993 -123,-218 -258,-428 -381,-646 -144,-249 -301,-477 -563,-625 -180,-101 -342,-232 -495,-372 -161,-153 -319,-293 -555,-320 -148,-17 -258,-100 -328,-240 -48,-96 -122,-179 -192,-262 -503,-586 -1010,-1172 -1517,-1758 -92,-105 -206,-166 -350,-127 -389,110 -774,215 -1189,333l0 0zm5854 10283c79,-26 131,-39 179,-61 306,-136 586,-341 936,-372 57,-4 127,-114 144,-184 22,-105 0,-214 -4,-323 -13,-249 61,-311 310,-254 22,5 44,14 62,18 235,52 463,100 682,-84 56,-47 188,-43 275,-21 135,30 262,105 402,140 324,83 652,214 966,-35 40,-31 101,-35 153,-40 315,-26 337,-61 245,-350 -44,-139 -113,-249 -245,-332 -135,-87 -258,-201 -380,-310 -44,-40 -87,-101 -105,-157 -87,-302 -166,-608 -245,-914 -70,-284 -127,-337 -428,-341 -271,-4 -547,0 -818,0 -267,0 -485,83 -629,332 -127,219 -328,302 -587,253 -148,-30 -301,-52 -454,-61 -188,-8 -332,-69 -437,-240 -44,-75 -140,-144 -223,-162 -171,-39 -345,-48 -521,-52 -96,-5 -249,-18 -279,35 -166,262 -403,240 -652,201 -52,-9 -105,17 -157,30 -542,132 -1085,259 -1622,389 -437,110 -485,66 -363,556 13,52 18,109 30,162 75,336 219,433 565,376 65,-14 126,-36 183,-62 258,-122 520,-131 796,-48 210,62 428,74 638,131 105,31 223,92 293,175 280,337 538,687 809,1032 162,193 319,381 481,573l0 0zm-4105 -10375c192,227 345,411 498,590 345,393 695,783 1032,1185 118,144 240,245 419,284 202,39 350,149 481,315 105,136 249,240 394,341 118,83 258,127 385,-4 144,-145 166,-259 74,-460 -22,-43 -22,-100 -31,-135 35,-31 48,-53 70,-57 175,-30 315,-70 398,-275 61,-153 232,-267 354,-398 5,-9 0,-22 5,-31 144,-328 284,-660 433,-988 56,-127 152,-192 288,-113 284,161 560,332 844,489 78,44 179,70 266,61 250,-26 499,-70 744,-117 503,-97 442,0 516,-578 9,-70 -5,-153 -35,-219 -61,-131 -27,-249 13,-380 105,-341 148,-678 -149,-953 -21,-22 -35,-57 -57,-79 -144,-157 -288,-323 -441,-472 -44,-39 -153,-61 -202,-35 -314,167 -646,254 -1000,284 -215,18 -249,93 -281,328 -8,61 -12,145 -52,180 -183,166 -179,358 -131,572 13,57 -13,123 -26,197 -337,-35 -656,-114 -975,-30 -79,415 -79,406 -463,445 -241,22 -477,75 -656,-162 -22,-30 -79,-39 -123,-43 -170,-9 -280,-96 -376,-228 -83,-113 -188,-213 -275,-327 -88,-114 -193,-167 -337,-175 -625,-31 -1242,22 -1853,148 -62,14 -115,57 -162,84 74,463 223,577 655,524 62,-9 127,9 193,13 -57,79 -114,105 -171,127 -61,26 -131,48 -266,92l0 0zm12263 18319c-450,-205 -455,-214 -402,-621 9,-61 4,-136 -22,-188 -140,-258 -293,-511 -441,-765 -71,-122 -158,-236 -215,-367 -183,-407 -455,-730 -870,-918 -279,-127 -555,-259 -830,-381 -250,-109 -499,-210 -748,-315 -118,-48 -280,-69 -350,-157 -153,-192 -371,-254 -564,-367 -92,48 -175,113 -266,135 -88,18 -184,-13 -271,-22 -132,368 -237,726 -381,1063 -92,218 -127,411 -9,625 75,131 35,245 -52,359 -123,153 -219,323 -345,468 -105,122 -114,222 -5,340 70,79 135,162 215,258 183,-109 336,-205 498,-293 83,-43 179,-74 271,-96 162,-35 328,-57 542,-92 136,71 354,127 385,394 4,35 52,70 91,92 263,144 394,362 394,664 0,53 17,110 35,162 83,284 293,358 512,157 148,-139 275,-157 423,-26 162,144 311,144 495,9 170,-127 253,-96 393,61 75,83 131,175 197,262 140,180 223,188 415,79 197,-114 398,-223 595,-332 92,-48 179,-105 310,-188l0 0zm7743 -1111c5,-310 83,-542 407,-603 43,-9 100,-61 118,-105 87,-219 184,-437 240,-664 35,-132 9,-280 0,-425 -13,-174 -161,-371 -345,-384 -241,-17 -332,-162 -429,-346 -144,-288 -328,-371 -646,-301 -171,35 -337,96 -503,148 -201,66 -403,79 -613,9 -573,-188 -1206,-192 -1709,-612 -184,-153 -302,-92 -450,131 -123,184 -258,337 -460,450 -174,101 -345,167 -542,197 -349,53 -397,114 -384,477 4,175 44,345 70,516 30,183 135,288 319,323 319,66 634,149 958,210 100,18 218,0 318,-31 145,-48 276,-131 420,-179 97,-31 223,-70 306,-35 516,219 1002,451 1273,1010 148,315 423,568 669,883 161,-170 301,-293 411,-432 96,-123 201,-193 354,-206 65,0 126,-17 218,-31zm-9732 -3327c-79,-74 -149,-113 -184,-179 -39,-70 -78,-162 -61,-232 61,-262 149,-520 219,-782 61,-241 122,-486 162,-735 34,-214 -44,-284 -259,-262 -196,22 -389,52 -585,74 -424,53 -844,109 -1268,153 -245,27 -280,-9 -324,-271 -26,-171 -91,-227 -271,-166 -179,57 -319,17 -459,-79 -415,-275 -852,-533 -1023,-1049 -205,26 -394,48 -582,70 -8,22 -22,44 -17,65 5,53 9,110 27,162 161,490 388,949 699,1364 66,88 144,171 179,271 245,739 254,809 -372,1234 44,34 75,83 123,100 306,118 555,337 830,499 140,83 359,148 486,95 201,-87 336,-39 516,27 109,39 179,91 258,175 92,100 214,183 336,240 250,114 503,206 761,297 66,26 140,36 249,62 35,-236 66,-446 97,-669 328,22 340,-249 463,-464zm3668 -13991c-428,464 -835,892 -1224,1334 -96,109 -171,258 -197,398 -53,302 -231,512 -433,717 -74,74 -157,135 -275,232 166,91 284,205 411,218 284,27 520,114 708,376 83,-175 162,-288 355,-271 310,31 616,88 926,-44 83,-34 214,14 311,53 205,79 402,175 603,258 284,118 345,109 455,-166 109,-271 188,-560 257,-844 62,-262 14,-323 -240,-415 -39,-13 -87,-22 -127,-40 -196,-83 -227,-179 -70,-341 101,-100 123,-196 92,-323 -39,-171 31,-289 157,-403 110,-96 245,-188 215,-389 -311,-196 -630,-389 -940,-585 -153,-101 -280,-92 -394,65 -148,206 -328,324 -590,170l0 0zm-1644 2012c31,-70 79,-123 79,-184 8,-275 162,-459 341,-647 354,-372 691,-756 1027,-1141 101,-113 188,-188 363,-123 149,57 280,-34 367,-192 71,-122 9,-197 -69,-284 -83,-87 -145,-188 -215,-289 -83,-122 -161,-249 -244,-376 -93,27 -158,31 -215,62 -288,153 -577,153 -883,39 -127,-48 -284,-52 -415,-22 -595,136 -1185,285 -1666,708 -145,132 -267,249 -289,451 -35,314 -83,625 -118,940 -22,201 -78,376 -236,525 -83,78 -148,187 -192,296 -96,228 -53,329 184,386 240,56 485,78 726,113 200,-245 21,-555 170,-805 516,-34 826,416 1285,543l0 0zm6746 16198c-57,-87 -91,-152 -135,-210 -236,-310 -499,-607 -713,-935 -210,-319 -429,-603 -817,-700 -71,-17 -140,-61 -201,-109 -145,-114 -263,-92 -412,8 -319,206 -656,237 -1031,115 -297,-101 -612,-149 -927,-189 -315,-43 -516,127 -512,442 9,520 31,1045 66,1565 17,258 267,350 472,193 44,-31 74,-79 109,-123 184,-205 214,-209 481,-118 166,57 332,114 499,153 511,118 1023,223 1530,337 245,52 490,118 735,153 275,43 419,-88 445,-372 5,-52 27,-100 40,-149 131,-21 236,-39 371,-61l0 0zm-6554 -12976c14,118 31,236 44,350 31,336 -139,568 -463,638 -223,48 -451,92 -673,140 -158,35 -263,113 -219,297 31,131 -31,227 -114,324 -218,257 -437,516 -647,778 -157,201 -96,359 162,367 324,9 665,4 914,-253 140,-144 319,-153 485,-153 92,0 184,122 271,192 70,52 145,105 197,171 114,140 241,152 407,96 358,-122 411,-88 546,275 4,18 35,26 66,48 157,-44 227,-170 284,-315 83,-214 170,-424 258,-638 109,-262 109,-271 376,-227 179,26 257,-26 306,-197 144,-516 306,-1023 455,-1539 21,-74 17,-157 30,-279 -170,17 -306,4 -419,47 -276,101 -538,224 -805,342 -144,61 -275,56 -407,-27 -170,-113 -350,-218 -507,-350 -162,-148 -323,-218 -547,-87l0 0zm7460 8425c-18,-79 -14,-118 -31,-135 -201,-215 -420,-420 -407,-753 0,-17 -13,-43 -31,-56 -201,-149 -393,-306 -607,-433 -166,-96 -337,-22 -498,61 -140,70 -237,26 -337,-100 -70,-88 -184,-154 -289,-184 -516,-145 -1032,-280 -1547,-411 -280,-70 -486,-214 -661,-442 -126,-166 -288,-385 -468,-424 -450,-96 -905,-223 -1386,-74 -603,188 -682,271 -498,874 136,455 433,844 569,1303 30,105 131,109 218,53 53,-35 101,-84 140,-136 127,-148 293,-201 472,-170 372,65 734,74 1106,4 70,-13 153,8 228,18 507,56 1018,95 1526,174 533,83 1071,162 1534,494 197,145 451,219 682,311 79,35 175,17 285,26l0 0zm-8714 -11004c-236,-101 -420,-193 -617,-254 -266,-83 -542,-157 -817,-206 -88,-13 -197,61 -293,110 -88,44 -162,118 -254,140 -218,52 -446,78 -673,122 -319,66 -647,114 -958,210 -716,219 -712,232 -900,940 -5,22 -22,44 -13,61 30,87 43,219 100,245 241,113 359,301 390,582 109,-53 192,-79 257,-127 162,-118 324,-110 490,-13 66,39 140,65 206,104 218,131 437,188 673,40 52,-35 127,-44 188,-44 380,4 765,4 1141,31 267,17 323,4 424,-241 109,-262 206,-529 306,-796 118,-288 228,-585 350,-904zm-16330 -4893c4,57 0,83 13,96 507,525 967,1106 1684,1369 183,65 367,140 546,223 236,109 468,231 700,345 148,70 292,171 445,197 438,74 822,-87 1225,-297 -88,-184 -149,-359 -245,-516 -144,-232 -193,-481 -193,-748 -4,-205 136,-306 267,-424 114,-105 88,-236 35,-363 -52,-122 -153,-153 -271,-114 -350,119 -595,-57 -800,-297 -284,-328 -521,-302 -761,-26 -100,118 -249,223 -393,262 -206,61 -429,61 -648,79 -345,30 -694,44 -1040,83 -197,22 -380,87 -564,131l0 0zm11577 19784c-65,-96 -135,-175 -166,-263 -26,-74 -39,-183 -4,-244 113,-184 245,-359 389,-521 109,-122 153,-227 70,-380 -127,-223 -79,-433 22,-656 105,-227 179,-468 249,-708 31,-101 26,-219 4,-324 -39,-192 -188,-293 -367,-332 -175,-39 -249,105 -323,223 -75,122 -140,249 -193,380 -96,219 -253,346 -476,411 -407,123 -809,262 -1220,381 -564,157 -752,367 -822,953 -31,249 -79,450 -380,533 -267,70 -368,311 -311,547 83,0 171,13 254,0 481,-83 949,-22 1429,35 582,70 1177,17 1767,17 17,5 35,-22 78,-52l0 0zm857 -18438c-22,189 -44,337 -52,486 -18,341 -31,687 -40,1027 0,49 44,97 75,145 127,210 306,380 533,463 262,101 538,175 814,245 200,52 410,66 611,114 75,17 188,100 184,140 -8,83 -79,161 -140,231 -30,35 -105,35 -144,66 -92,70 -153,157 -57,315 101,-35 228,-48 306,-118 144,-127 262,-284 381,-438 69,-96 96,-236 183,-305 214,-171 250,-398 280,-639 39,-315 70,-630 109,-945 18,-122 -17,-205 -113,-284 -224,-175 -451,-345 -652,-546 -376,-376 -769,-262 -1171,-87 -31,13 -53,35 -83,52 -105,70 -224,74 -298,-22 -136,-175 -267,-135 -424,-39 -96,70 -201,100 -302,139l0 0zm2864 14267c253,-17 485,-13 704,-57 555,-109 1097,87 1648,61 27,0 61,26 83,44 101,87 197,66 302,8 192,-100 385,-205 581,-296 110,-53 162,-145 101,-237 -118,-179 -166,-367 -179,-577 -5,-39 -35,-83 -66,-109 -210,-201 -280,-464 -332,-730 -40,-188 -52,-385 -88,-617 -262,-57 -533,-166 -808,-170 -403,-5 -801,70 -1202,100 -176,13 -259,92 -281,258 -34,249 -74,494 -113,743 -75,438 -97,892 -302,1299 -30,70 -26,162 -48,280l0 0zm4534 -6034c148,48 258,57 328,114 153,118 384,171 380,442 -4,376 192,577 577,594 192,9 363,31 512,171 135,127 301,113 463,48 420,-171 617,-446 564,-888 -52,-455 79,-883 122,-1325 40,-376 62,-389 -284,-542 -61,-26 -122,-52 -183,-69 -617,-176 -1255,-263 -1885,-556 -197,682 -389,1333 -594,2011l0 0zm-779 3174c5,-78 18,-105 10,-122 -176,-350 21,-582 257,-792 140,-122 289,-235 437,-340 123,-88 188,-193 237,-337 69,-201 170,-402 310,-560 157,-175 162,-358 105,-546 -53,-175 -210,-271 -398,-302 -149,-26 -302,-48 -450,-78 -249,-49 -298,-27 -398,214 -78,192 -136,393 -227,577 -57,113 -140,223 -241,297 -153,118 -249,83 -336,-87 -140,-276 -145,-289 -403,-180 -201,83 -345,49 -494,-109 -114,-118 -205,-275 -433,-332 0,109 -9,192 0,271 114,713 228,1421 350,2129 22,123 61,302 149,341 210,101 455,201 677,188 289,-13 564,-144 848,-232l0 0zm-2570 -7848c-26,49 -62,93 -83,141 -236,599 -473,1197 -700,1797 -65,170 -100,358 -140,537 -17,74 -43,184 -9,219 184,179 110,406 141,612 17,113 39,231 61,363 463,9 883,-114 1307,-210 385,-88 534,-280 441,-660 -78,-324 0,-573 171,-831 218,-328 315,-691 271,-1088 -31,-281 -170,-429 -433,-494 -188,-49 -367,-127 -542,-210 -153,-75 -288,-188 -485,-176l0 0zm809 15535c179,4 280,-53 306,-228 65,-419 140,-839 157,-1263 18,-420 110,-796 354,-1133 70,-96 123,-205 167,-314 73,-184 113,-376 297,-494 43,-31 70,-110 83,-171 57,-302 109,-603 148,-905 14,-96 14,-197 -13,-289 -43,-148 -140,-196 -280,-126 -214,109 -450,210 -607,376 -175,188 -368,310 -608,358 -280,53 -380,223 -450,485 -118,442 -245,888 -433,1299 -140,297 -131,546 17,804 179,311 367,617 577,910 88,122 123,210 66,354 -88,227 -9,328 219,337l0 0zm-1758 -13467c-105,-17 -157,-30 -210,-34 -358,-22 -717,-49 -1076,-57 -108,0 -235,39 -332,96 -166,100 -332,105 -498,39 -109,-44 -219,-100 -314,-170 -189,-127 -377,-131 -547,4 -157,127 -302,280 -429,437 -43,53 -52,197 -13,237 175,174 144,389 184,599 48,266 70,506 -105,734 -9,9 8,39 18,74 109,26 227,44 336,79 363,122 664,66 888,-267 78,-118 188,-161 332,-157 520,22 1045,31 1565,39 83,0 166,-26 276,-43 -53,-311 17,-604 -119,-888 -52,-105 -21,-253 -13,-385 5,-96 35,-201 57,-337l0 0zm2112 162c275,188 503,333 721,490 311,223 608,276 962,66 210,-123 464,-184 708,-228 223,-39 354,-140 438,-336 100,-241 214,-477 328,-713 56,-114 117,-228 183,-350 -464,-341 -962,-560 -1478,-730 -109,-35 -257,-4 -376,35 -127,44 -240,61 -376,26 -162,-39 -336,-31 -533,-43 -70,293 -171,542 -184,795 -17,263 -96,486 -227,704 -66,101 -123,201 -166,284l0 0zm-3559 -8337c17,135 31,240 44,345 78,560 157,1119 249,1679 13,79 70,162 127,214 279,245 568,477 852,713 136,113 271,127 416,13 105,-79 201,-170 319,-227 306,-153 393,-416 411,-726 26,-394 61,-783 92,-1176 17,-219 -5,-280 -210,-345 -175,-53 -363,-57 -547,-88 -245,-39 -520,-31 -730,-144 -310,-171 -625,-228 -1023,-258l0 0zm-914 15359c232,-13 424,-18 613,-40 441,-52 882,-122 1328,-166 420,-39 451,-61 521,-472 48,-284 35,-533 -136,-804 -227,-363 -490,-660 -861,-870 -83,-49 -153,-118 -232,-179 -227,-175 -454,-350 -739,-569 22,136 22,188 40,236 69,188 -9,306 -184,350 -210,48 -232,184 -236,363 -13,555 -39,1110 -66,1661 -4,149 -30,298 -48,490zm10904 -1430c-407,-79 -726,-157 -1049,-201 -345,-44 -695,-78 -1041,-70 -411,13 -826,79 -1237,123 -135,13 -293,43 -315,187 -18,127 40,271 92,394 35,87 131,144 188,223 149,201 332,332 582,394 594,144 1184,310 1774,454 154,40 280,79 267,245 215,-61 407,-114 621,-171 -39,-288 -66,-581 -127,-865 -52,-262 -57,-499 245,-713l0 0zm-3642 -5312c197,96 341,197 503,240 354,106 717,188 1080,276 271,66 315,35 450,-197 140,-240 158,-494 114,-761 -66,-393 -61,-393 275,-585 66,-39 118,-97 180,-145 -285,-35 -521,-87 -691,-301 -26,-31 -79,-44 -118,-53 -223,-26 -284,-175 -276,-371 9,-188 -61,-337 -201,-464 -140,-127 -245,-266 -284,-463 -31,-158 -149,-258 -328,-289 -30,40 -70,70 -74,105 -75,385 -171,765 -345,1124 -62,122 4,210 95,280 92,69 193,135 294,201 -223,467 -433,905 -674,1403l0 0zm-7139 -6208c209,-70 393,-140 581,-188 385,-105 437,-175 389,-577 -4,-53 -17,-110 -30,-162 -92,-494 -179,-988 -272,-1482 -34,-201 -131,-258 -319,-167 -74,36 -161,88 -201,158 -153,280 -376,302 -643,214 -83,-26 -170,-43 -253,-65 -376,-83 -494,-5 -564,376 -48,258 -122,502 -280,703 31,49 88,105 79,136 -66,179 39,258 166,341 61,40 105,109 148,170 75,106 136,224 219,324 184,223 188,223 451,87 275,-130 358,-109 529,132l0 0zm5950 19351c31,-84 74,-140 74,-197 -4,-415 9,-831 -35,-1238 -39,-349 -22,-625 350,-782 61,-26 122,-131 122,-197 0,-240 -26,-476 -34,-717 -9,-153 -71,-240 -232,-258 -127,-17 -254,-57 -376,-92 -302,-87 -560,44 -682,333 -74,170 -157,336 -245,494 -188,328 -328,664 -276,1053 9,62 -4,132 -17,193 -52,323 -113,643 -162,966 -30,201 18,258 228,253 192,-4 384,-48 577,-87 214,-44 410,-70 546,158 18,48 88,69 162,118l0 0zm-2667 -19334c197,-48 311,-74 424,-105 389,-113 779,-205 1185,-52 193,70 385,13 568,-75 219,-104 263,-152 197,-376 -83,-279 -188,-555 -302,-822 -118,-275 -249,-524 -26,-821 140,-188 83,-328 -135,-411 -127,-49 -276,-44 -416,-49 -205,-8 -380,84 -428,285 -74,310 -267,424 -560,437 -96,4 -192,35 -293,57 -52,319 -113,629 -148,940 -36,302 -40,612 -66,992l0 0zm3542 11669c52,-47 144,-105 192,-188 74,-126 166,-188 310,-201 184,-13 367,-44 551,-65 271,-27 542,-44 813,-75 341,-35 437,-170 372,-503 -35,-179 -65,-362 -83,-546 -26,-241 -35,-258 -280,-253 -214,8 -415,4 -572,-171 -32,-35 -101,-57 -149,-52 -228,13 -429,-40 -621,-162 -57,-35 -197,-31 -232,8 -127,158 -267,328 -319,516 -53,180 -140,271 -280,372 -218,162 -428,337 -603,538 -223,258 -118,564 205,651 210,66 429,88 696,131l0 0zm-10756 -5566c315,-148 735,-56 765,-567 214,-36 420,-57 621,-97 358,-74 713,-170 874,-546 110,-249 193,-508 276,-765 118,-368 -44,-696 -122,-1036 -359,73 -516,152 -761,349 -145,118 -285,297 -512,79 -91,161 -240,306 -245,454 -8,228 -96,342 -288,420 -70,27 -131,83 -188,131 -245,202 -490,407 -748,621 101,289 205,595 328,957l0 0zm407 -4634c-70,122 -136,227 -193,342 -196,389 -279,839 -655,1123 -9,4 -18,18 -18,26 -61,180 -210,262 -402,306 122,241 105,437 -83,608 -105,96 -96,210 -18,323 118,184 228,372 346,556 166,253 327,262 551,57 183,-171 371,-337 585,-464 166,-100 280,-175 232,-398 -44,-218 188,-301 293,-446 35,-48 175,-43 262,-30 118,17 197,-4 259,-92 -149,-61 -333,-78 -394,-171 -140,-214 -249,-459 -319,-704 -70,-262 -5,-323 253,-389 66,-17 118,-65 179,-100 -44,-70 -69,-171 -131,-201 -236,-127 -480,-224 -747,-346l0 0zm7520 10131c-13,-490 -101,-923 -184,-1360 -83,-442 -92,-896 -284,-1360 -359,345 -774,385 -1189,433 -22,43 -48,78 -57,118 -101,437 -206,870 -289,1311 -17,97 18,219 66,311 100,179 214,354 345,516 53,65 162,126 241,122 433,-17 866,-57 1351,-91l0 0zm7074 -1588c118,-192 214,-350 306,-507 140,-244 297,-485 411,-739 105,-236 34,-371 -201,-463 -83,-31 -188,-31 -280,-13 -258,39 -293,35 -416,-197 -65,-127 -122,-258 -170,-389 -65,-179 -179,-293 -363,-341 -105,-26 -205,-70 -310,-101 -298,-78 -381,-44 -450,249 -49,197 -22,416 -79,608 -114,394 -66,774 8,1154 538,184 1063,364 1544,739l0 0zm-14100 -4354c13,240 -188,323 -407,398 -144,47 -293,91 -433,148 -184,75 -214,153 -122,328 48,96 127,180 184,267 166,253 161,372 -31,616 -105,136 -210,276 -298,394 127,363 381,494 713,516 110,9 214,30 324,34 310,22 489,-192 411,-494 -26,-95 -62,-188 -88,-279 -91,-289 5,-542 192,-757 66,-74 193,-157 272,-139 253,52 310,-97 345,-276 26,-113 57,-236 31,-345 -44,-193 9,-337 122,-486 74,-96 127,-209 184,-310 -468,127 -901,249 -1399,385l0 0zm3458 3524c22,-18 48,-36 70,-53 127,-52 262,-161 385,-153 293,22 564,-52 844,-96 200,-31 349,-88 476,-236 127,-149 254,-302 376,-455 74,-92 171,-179 214,-284 44,-101 75,-232 53,-337 -31,-140 -175,-96 -280,-87 -350,18 -695,61 -1045,61 -293,0 -586,-35 -879,-57 -206,-13 -384,18 -516,210 -57,83 -166,136 -257,192 -162,105 -202,682 -49,796 27,18 61,35 88,35 218,-9 336,118 420,302 26,57 65,109 100,162zm2448 7839c188,-197 276,-425 341,-665 101,-380 206,-756 302,-1136 39,-158 123,-237 289,-267 170,-31 332,-92 494,-158 48,-22 118,-113 105,-140 -26,-56 -92,-126 -153,-135 -656,-97 -1316,-179 -1977,-53 -144,27 -306,61 -332,241 9,26 14,39 18,44 22,26 43,48 65,70 210,179 219,188 70,424 -87,135 -223,245 -288,385 -83,170 -149,358 -166,546 -13,162 183,157 293,210 293,144 611,245 795,542 26,39 87,57 144,92l0 0zm8535 -6357c-193,-232 -324,-398 -468,-551 -87,-92 -184,-188 -293,-249 -197,-114 -402,-223 -617,-307 -157,-65 -332,-108 -502,-126 -271,-26 -512,223 -472,494 47,323 118,643 174,966 27,149 114,228 259,254 406,74 813,157 1224,223 65,13 174,0 209,-44 184,-223 346,-463 486,-660l0 0zm-11551 4c-394,-92 -748,-126 -1063,-253 -306,-123 -533,-92 -761,135 -144,144 -231,346 -166,503 123,293 271,625 512,804 332,249 752,385 1145,547 219,92 328,-9 333,-245 4,-227 9,-455 9,-682 -5,-284 -9,-568 -9,-809l0 0zm-1098 -6846c101,0 136,8 166,0 547,-149 1085,-324 1657,-354 118,-5 171,-93 154,-210 -31,-202 105,-293 240,-390 44,-30 96,-57 214,-131 -271,-48 -463,-83 -651,-109 -367,-57 -730,-140 -1050,-341 -315,-197 -315,-201 -616,39 -53,40 -122,70 -153,123 -66,109 -162,236 -149,345 39,337 123,674 188,1028l0 0zm-1333 3987c310,0 590,4 874,0 429,-9 686,-332 603,-752 -17,-84 -30,-175 -21,-258 17,-149 -5,-280 -127,-385 -140,-122 -162,-271 -31,-398 201,-196 123,-419 88,-638 -26,-157 -214,-232 -293,-118 -158,227 -393,442 -345,752 52,323 -119,555 -224,809 -625,13 -808,384 -524,988l0 0zm2619 1032c-245,266 -240,498 9,660 109,70 235,114 340,192 267,206 521,433 787,638 206,158 425,294 678,464 83,-358 144,-664 227,-966 70,-258 119,-495 -196,-630 -18,-9 -31,-31 -39,-53 -84,-174 -211,-144 -359,-83 -83,36 -193,62 -276,40 -214,-57 -393,-48 -581,96 -166,131 -236,101 -380,-74 -75,-83 -132,-175 -210,-284l0 0zm4521 13076c318,-69 371,-105 498,-301 39,-61 91,-131 153,-153 162,-57 201,-171 223,-324 57,-407 188,-507 612,-494 30,0 61,-17 44,-13 96,-254 170,-481 262,-700 118,-275 100,-323 -192,-410 -167,-49 -329,-96 -512,-145 -66,167 -149,333 -201,512 -61,214 -74,463 -393,446 -18,0 -35,22 -49,39 -153,188 -354,271 -629,250 253,419 57,865 184,1293l0 0zm-486 44c193,44 350,17 354,-161 9,-359 127,-744 -149,-1068 -26,-30 -43,-78 -48,-118 -17,-236 -30,-476 -39,-712 -8,-241 -87,-306 -301,-201 -363,170 -713,358 -1071,542 -14,9 -18,35 -31,61 4,27 9,61 17,92 175,450 625,542 988,730 223,114 241,70 254,328 13,166 17,336 26,507zm-7039 -19639c-39,258 118,459 193,682 48,149 148,197 293,214 314,31 567,-131 834,-249 44,-17 79,-105 79,-162 9,-231 153,-376 315,-507 122,-100 236,-210 354,-319 -123,-162 -258,-131 -380,-109 -569,91 -1146,131 -1688,450l0 0zm11004 18879c-30,-403 -144,-499 -467,-425 -79,144 -157,271 -223,407 -66,144 -127,293 -166,446 -27,105 332,677 437,713 188,61 380,109 590,166 48,-219 127,-429 131,-639 9,-262 35,-563 -302,-668l0 0zm-2776 -1111c92,-258 201,-568 315,-892 -87,-26 -131,-57 -166,-53 -389,49 -774,105 -1163,167 -26,4 -39,92 -65,161 131,0 222,0 358,0 -57,114 -114,197 -140,285 -39,131 -70,271 -79,411 -8,122 40,236 171,293 127,52 227,-5 332,-79 127,-96 262,-179 437,-293l0 0zm3183 1815c-39,210 -83,419 -109,633 -9,61 31,158 83,193 328,240 713,297 1106,332 35,4 74,-35 131,-66 -231,-232 -236,-520 -253,-778 -328,-105 -635,-205 -958,-314l0 0zm-258 -1238c-22,13 -44,26 -65,40 30,144 26,310 96,428 144,249 328,472 489,699 127,49 259,105 394,154 100,34 210,61 315,69 192,18 280,-96 179,-253 -105,-166 -175,-315 -83,-512 -210,-100 -398,-188 -612,-105 -166,66 -258,9 -354,-131 -101,-136 -236,-258 -359,-389l0 0zm-5378 -17602c-12,5 -26,9 -39,13 49,123 61,293 153,368 267,218 669,161 914,-97 123,-127 127,-214 -22,-319 -148,-109 -314,-192 -472,-284 -398,-236 -520,-170 -534,289 0,8 0,21 0,30l0 0zm-5477 7402c-10,227 -40,455 -18,682 26,285 253,358 551,162 -341,-227 56,-520 -74,-779 -145,-21 -281,-39 -459,-65zm2339 -1294c52,-61 122,-110 113,-131 -83,-223 -127,-463 -289,-647 -21,8 -43,17 -65,26 74,236 153,472 241,752l0 0zm-110 -914c53,-127 61,-223 -74,-271 -31,-8 -101,13 -109,35 -44,123 21,192 183,236zm-218 4298c13,-26 26,-53 39,-75 -105,-43 -214,-87 -319,-131 -9,22 -18,44 -27,61 101,49 202,97 307,145l0 0z" data-id="department-2" data-type="area"/> </g> <g id="norden"> <path id="Nord-BG" class="map_rot" d="M36501 18852c241,144 442,254 683,188 167,-44 241,31 298,171 167,403 333,806 499,1213 22,48 49,105 49,158 -9,259 87,464 337,626 -127,255 -228,509 -372,736 -101,162 -132,307 -92,491 74,346 65,355 -246,508 -188,96 -350,211 -486,377 -92,114 -228,210 -364,272 -227,105 -297,271 -267,503 9,53 9,110 22,162 48,180 -4,307 -149,434 -232,202 -219,241 -44,517 79,123 149,276 154,421 13,280 -9,569 -48,849 -22,171 -9,320 70,473 232,439 4,947 -482,1092 -136,39 -280,61 -408,122 -122,61 -245,149 -324,259 -140,188 -302,236 -517,179 -135,-35 -276,-70 -416,-100 -293,-58 -421,30 -490,328 -49,202 -106,403 -172,596 -17,57 -78,100 -122,153 26,48 57,101 83,154 -26,26 -39,47 -57,56 -184,71 -364,145 -551,202 -207,61 -417,127 -632,158 -337,48 -363,61 -424,407 -5,31 -5,75 -27,92 -232,193 -197,443 -157,692 4,27 -18,61 -31,101 -311,-18 -622,-40 -916,-57 -39,39 -61,53 -65,74 -36,123 -27,294 -105,364 -79,70 -246,35 -369,53 -227,35 -460,78 -622,-154 -13,-17 -35,-30 -57,-30 -350,-5 -499,-290 -679,-513 -140,-175 -289,-237 -503,-241 -605,-13 -1201,31 -1796,158 -320,65 -460,-26 -557,-342 -35,-114 -61,-232 -70,-351 -18,-192 -5,-372 188,-490 53,-31 114,-96 119,-149 8,-114 0,-237 -40,-342 -43,-114 -162,-100 -258,-70 -324,110 -548,-61 -758,-267 -57,-52 -96,-123 -154,-171 -179,-149 -381,-166 -521,13 -267,342 -631,408 -1016,434 -600,35 -1200,61 -1792,201 -52,14 -105,0 -180,0 -109,-381 -249,-744 -140,-1152 88,-337 158,-679 18,-1029 -66,-171 -140,-302 -298,-408 -306,-205 -600,-433 -894,-665 -131,-105 -258,-154 -421,-83 -302,127 -604,0 -906,-36 -57,-8 -118,-87 -158,-144 -74,-114 -136,-241 -206,-368 5,-5 13,-40 18,-40 368,9 613,-302 955,-367 184,-36 215,-136 105,-290 -131,-179 -175,-372 -171,-586 9,-290 -118,-539 -302,-745 -219,-241 -272,-495 -140,-785 158,-350 122,-674 -79,-999 -97,-157 -193,-324 -245,-499 -128,-416 -465,-482 -815,-547 -118,-22 -237,-44 -347,-84 -179,-61 -275,-179 -319,-376 -66,-311 -153,-618 -263,-916 -136,-368 -316,-714 -605,-1003 -420,-412 -814,-854 -1222,-1284 -135,-144 -175,-306 -153,-508 70,-596 109,-1196 166,-1796 9,-96 27,-197 35,-293 14,-141 36,-285 26,-426 -26,-403 -249,-617 -648,-608 -394,8 -784,43 -1178,61 -101,4 -202,-13 -302,-18 0,-26 0,-57 0,-83 297,-31 591,-87 889,-87 622,0 1218,-128 1796,-333 469,-167 560,-303 565,-798 0,-228 9,-460 13,-688 0,-30 31,-56 66,-122 236,35 477,83 727,114 114,13 254,30 351,-18 464,-232 885,-92 1270,158 412,267 811,565 1187,880 417,346 846,377 1310,154 241,-119 451,-176 701,4 114,83 293,88 443,101 74,4 166,-40 236,-83 167,-105 320,-224 482,-334 180,-122 364,-240 539,-367 201,-145 429,-180 653,-114 162,43 289,31 438,-44 381,-188 626,-118 863,232 65,96 153,184 232,276 184,210 407,224 657,132 333,-123 674,-237 1008,-355 30,-9 69,-13 91,-35 241,-228 539,-167 807,-119 564,101 1130,79 1695,106 403,17 776,105 1126,310 122,71 258,119 385,176 97,44 219,74 289,149 241,258 557,337 872,425 438,114 859,267 1218,552 61,48 149,87 166,149 114,402 544,398 794,622 39,35 126,13 188,13 74,0 167,-44 228,-13 460,206 950,4 1423,118 197,48 443,-70 662,-131 469,-136 469,-141 442,332 -9,180 0,351 167,470 105,74 105,170 48,288 -193,412 -311,841 -289,1301 4,97 -4,207 -48,285 -84,154 -92,307 -84,473 14,254 -13,276 -271,347 -31,8 -71,8 -92,30 -307,254 -600,521 -920,811l0 0zm1433 -2857c0,0 -681,2156 0,0zm-12652 12770c-68,-211 -332,-118 0,0z"/> <path id="Nord-Konturen" class="konturen area" d="M36501 18852c241,144 442,254 683,188 167,-44 241,31 298,171 167,403 333,806 499,1213 22,48 49,105 49,158 -9,259 87,464 337,626 -127,255 -228,509 -372,736 -101,162 -132,307 -92,491 74,346 65,355 -246,508 -188,96 -350,211 -486,377 -92,114 -228,210 -364,272 -227,105 -297,271 -267,503 9,53 9,110 22,162 48,180 -4,307 -149,434 -232,202 -219,241 -44,517 79,123 149,276 154,421 13,280 -9,569 -48,849 -22,171 -9,320 70,473 232,439 4,947 -482,1092 -136,39 -280,61 -408,122 -122,61 -245,149 -324,259 -140,188 -302,236 -517,179 -135,-35 -276,-70 -416,-100 -293,-58 -421,30 -490,328 -49,202 -106,403 -172,596 -17,57 -78,100 -122,153 26,48 57,101 83,154 -26,26 -39,47 -57,56 -184,71 -364,145 -551,202 -207,61 -417,127 -632,158 -337,48 -363,61 -424,407 -5,31 -5,75 -27,92 -232,193 -197,443 -157,692 4,27 -18,61 -31,101 -311,-18 -622,-40 -916,-57 -39,39 -61,53 -65,74 -36,123 -27,294 -105,364 -79,70 -246,35 -369,53 -227,35 -460,78 -622,-154 -13,-17 -35,-30 -57,-30 -350,-5 -499,-290 -679,-513 -140,-175 -289,-237 -503,-241 -605,-13 -1201,31 -1796,158 -320,65 -460,-26 -557,-342 -35,-114 -61,-232 -70,-351 -18,-192 -5,-372 188,-490 53,-31 114,-96 119,-149 8,-114 0,-237 -40,-342 -43,-114 -162,-100 -258,-70 -324,110 -548,-61 -758,-267 -57,-52 -96,-123 -154,-171 -179,-149 -381,-166 -521,13 -267,342 -631,408 -1016,434 -600,35 -1200,61 -1792,201 -52,14 -105,0 -180,0 -109,-381 -249,-744 -140,-1152 88,-337 158,-679 18,-1029 -66,-171 -140,-302 -298,-408 -306,-205 -600,-433 -894,-665 -131,-105 -258,-154 -421,-83 -302,127 -604,0 -906,-36 -57,-8 -118,-87 -158,-144 -74,-114 -136,-241 -206,-368 5,-5 13,-40 18,-40 368,9 613,-302 955,-367 184,-36 215,-136 105,-290 -131,-179 -175,-372 -171,-586 9,-290 -118,-539 -302,-745 -219,-241 -272,-495 -140,-785 158,-350 122,-674 -79,-999 -97,-157 -193,-324 -245,-499 -128,-416 -465,-482 -815,-547 -118,-22 -237,-44 -347,-84 -179,-61 -275,-179 -319,-376 -66,-311 -153,-618 -263,-916 -136,-368 -316,-714 -605,-1003 -420,-412 -814,-854 -1222,-1284 -135,-144 -175,-306 -153,-508 70,-596 109,-1196 166,-1796 9,-96 27,-197 35,-293 14,-141 36,-285 26,-426 -26,-403 -249,-617 -648,-608 -394,8 -784,43 -1178,61 -101,4 -202,-13 -302,-18 0,-26 0,-57 0,-83 297,-31 591,-87 889,-87 622,0 1218,-128 1796,-333 469,-167 560,-303 565,-798 0,-228 9,-460 13,-688 0,-30 31,-56 66,-122 236,35 477,83 727,114 114,13 254,30 351,-18 464,-232 885,-92 1270,158 412,267 811,565 1187,880 417,346 846,377 1310,154 241,-119 451,-176 701,4 114,83 293,88 443,101 74,4 166,-40 236,-83 167,-105 320,-224 482,-334 180,-122 364,-240 539,-367 201,-145 429,-180 653,-114 162,43 289,31 438,-44 381,-188 626,-118 863,232 65,96 153,184 232,276 184,210 407,224 657,132 333,-123 674,-237 1008,-355 30,-9 69,-13 91,-35 241,-228 539,-167 807,-119 564,101 1130,79 1695,106 403,17 776,105 1126,310 122,71 258,119 385,176 97,44 219,74 289,149 241,258 557,337 872,425 438,114 859,267 1218,552 61,48 149,87 166,149 114,402 544,398 794,622 39,35 126,13 188,13 74,0 167,-44 228,-13 460,206 950,4 1423,118 197,48 443,-70 662,-131 469,-136 469,-141 442,332 -9,180 0,351 167,470 105,74 105,170 48,288 -193,412 -311,841 -289,1301 4,97 -4,207 -48,285 -84,154 -92,307 -84,473 14,254 -13,276 -271,347 -31,8 -71,8 -92,30 -307,254 -600,521 -920,811l0 0zm-13291 7377c8,-18 34,-53 48,-92 254,-736 565,-1446 951,-2120 188,-334 140,-544 -189,-780 -131,-97 -175,-189 -97,-329 215,-385 329,-837 697,-1130 13,-9 5,-39 9,-61 -197,-150 -390,-311 -596,-447 -219,-145 -447,-285 -727,-254 -315,30 -561,-110 -815,-276 -433,-281 -736,-679 -1082,-1043 -254,-267 -512,-298 -797,27 -285,324 -618,582 -1069,647 -92,14 -180,71 -272,106 -118,48 -237,109 -359,140 -276,70 -311,127 -184,386 171,355 342,709 530,1056 114,209 140,406 44,626 -35,79 -53,166 -92,245 -105,215 -70,416 87,574 272,267 377,574 360,947 -9,219 92,394 280,503 403,-109 679,-377 960,-635 184,-171 381,-285 617,-351 303,-88 548,84 561,399 5,88 -9,180 -39,259 -57,144 -44,271 8,411 101,285 189,578 276,868 44,144 123,214 276,227 188,18 377,58 614,97l0 0zm2549 2952c13,31 22,58 35,88 101,-17 206,-30 307,-48 250,-44 372,35 425,276 52,223 -57,368 -219,508 -206,175 -127,797 109,929 44,26 106,35 158,30 263,-22 521,-48 784,-69 337,-31 675,-58 1012,-97 337,-40 591,75 775,368 123,197 290,355 553,368 57,4 131,44 170,87 149,185 347,158 544,158 166,0 254,-70 284,-245 48,-263 83,-267 360,-241 162,18 328,22 490,18 114,0 167,-71 180,-189 13,-127 30,-263 87,-372 66,-127 136,-228 123,-390 -13,-158 118,-250 272,-280 148,-31 306,-40 451,-84 83,-26 201,-105 210,-166 26,-237 22,-473 9,-714 -9,-171 -158,-215 -281,-290 -65,-39 -105,-109 -170,-153 -123,-83 -246,-188 -386,-228 -184,-52 -385,-74 -583,-78 -556,-9 -1117,0 -1673,-9 -302,-5 -381,-149 -263,-429 18,-40 35,-79 39,-92 -74,-158 -140,-294 -183,-390 -202,-92 -368,-158 -531,-245 -227,-119 -223,-132 -166,-382 31,-140 136,-275 44,-460 -87,31 -171,48 -245,84 -294,153 -578,214 -916,105 -302,-97 -561,74 -819,201 44,123 74,211 118,333 -162,53 -302,105 -451,141 -180,43 -267,157 -245,332 22,171 79,337 109,508 22,114 70,259 22,342 -149,285 -206,622 -539,776l0 -1zm3251 -7464c-163,232 -320,170 -504,74 -259,-136 -530,-258 -802,-368 -258,-105 -503,-210 -688,-429 -69,-84 -162,-149 -253,-206 -145,-88 -255,-53 -307,110 -35,113 -40,236 -44,354 -18,430 -294,736 -552,1004 -390,402 -863,731 -1292,1099 -53,44 -110,123 -114,188 -31,377 -237,679 -417,991 -240,420 -398,867 -538,1314 381,359 819,569 1244,793 477,254 731,166 1008,-316 39,-66 57,-144 91,-210 167,-302 285,-640 666,-766 114,-40 219,-150 302,-246 176,-206 364,-254 610,-127 118,61 263,127 385,-13 -70,-469 -70,-469 351,-666 148,-70 153,-176 61,-289 -110,-136 -83,-254 8,-386 141,-201 294,-381 531,-473 109,-44 219,-101 328,-153 206,-101 215,-123 167,-359 -18,-93 -49,-197 -27,-285 62,-241 -30,-421 -214,-635zm-10159 -5389c-123,35 -202,62 -285,79 -381,92 -762,70 -1139,-17 -241,-57 -469,4 -696,48 -66,403 -62,464 113,801 84,162 114,325 92,504 -79,552 -131,1100 202,1612 122,184 144,434 210,653 35,114 70,228 105,346 57,206 202,302 407,315 132,9 268,9 386,53 131,44 215,13 333,-48 276,-149 556,-311 859,-386 455,-109 828,-306 1130,-670 250,-302 565,-315 863,-61 48,39 57,118 105,219 105,-153 171,-206 184,-276 66,-272 127,-552 175,-828 13,-70 0,-154 -26,-219 -48,-127 -18,-223 44,-342 145,-272 170,-569 180,-880 -229,-35 -443,-18 -610,-97 -429,-205 -840,-162 -1274,-30 -145,44 -320,13 -474,-22 -78,-18 -131,-131 -201,-188 -52,-49 -118,-110 -180,-119 -271,-35 -446,-166 -503,-447l0 0zm4385 10120c-88,-48 -145,-66 -180,-101 -131,-122 -276,-153 -451,-132 -267,31 -315,-4 -390,-271 -39,-136 -48,-280 -96,-412 -127,-350 -338,-683 -162,-1082 4,-9 4,-22 4,-31 13,-271 -153,-429 -407,-341 -193,65 -377,171 -548,284 -306,207 -530,522 -885,667 -48,17 -92,65 -123,105 -122,157 -285,245 -473,271 -206,31 -333,163 -459,298 -132,140 -93,355 87,390 232,44 495,92 705,18 241,-84 390,-27 566,109 249,193 495,403 766,556 311,180 486,434 526,780 17,162 22,325 4,487 -22,205 -74,407 -100,613 -36,280 65,530 170,762 57,9 79,18 101,18 684,-71 1367,-150 2050,-219 202,-22 377,-93 526,-241 123,-123 249,-250 389,-351 246,-175 439,-140 618,101 31,44 53,96 88,140 149,197 307,184 425,-44 70,-136 140,-272 193,-416 26,-79 35,-175 17,-254 -52,-254 -118,-508 -192,-758 -22,-83 -75,-158 -123,-232 -92,-145 -193,-285 -294,-430 -109,57 -223,163 -333,163 -166,0 -346,-53 -490,-131 -386,-211 -749,-448 -1126,-671 -162,-97 -219,-70 -294,110 -39,69 -66,140 -109,245l0 0zm1174 -11539c-377,-175 -377,-175 -359,-587 0,-22 0,-44 0,-66 0,-302 -88,-376 -395,-390 -127,-4 -249,-48 -372,-70 -215,-35 -407,-118 -574,-267 -35,-35 -118,-18 -188,-22 -31,88 -48,162 -83,228 -115,214 -277,245 -478,96 -44,-30 -83,-74 -132,-83 -197,-40 -398,-66 -617,-101 -180,171 -145,499 -377,675 -149,-61 -179,-171 -171,-298 4,-66 44,-127 44,-193 0,-61 -8,-158 -40,-170 -56,-27 -162,-22 -201,12 -136,119 -316,207 -298,438 9,136 -96,180 -219,193 -153,18 -302,44 -456,62 -157,17 -231,109 -231,262 0,53 -5,110 -5,162 9,369 -26,715 -267,1021 -140,184 -22,403 17,605 31,162 176,179 302,210 145,35 237,127 351,215 131,100 368,210 495,157 259,-104 512,-69 767,-113 171,-31 315,4 473,78 145,71 311,128 464,123 491,-13 981,-57 1472,-96 88,-9 175,-44 294,-75 -62,-87 -84,-136 -119,-175 -131,-131 -96,-254 22,-368 49,-44 97,-101 153,-123 180,-74 263,-214 325,-385 61,-162 153,-316 223,-478 66,-157 119,-320 180,-477l0 0zm2037 5739c-254,-289 -477,-530 -679,-789 -333,-420 -727,-745 -1244,-915 -162,-53 -202,-163 -180,-333 13,-123 -17,-268 -74,-373 -180,-324 -373,-644 -583,-950 -61,-88 -184,-189 -280,-189 -281,-8 -566,22 -850,49 -180,17 -333,113 -342,297 -17,394 -337,736 -193,1157 22,61 -39,145 -52,219 -40,202 -70,403 -110,605 -13,61 -21,131 -57,183 -114,176 -57,320 79,439 298,254 596,512 912,744 166,123 376,162 595,110 101,-22 237,-22 315,26 373,237 736,495 1135,767 -87,96 -158,170 -227,249 -66,71 -154,132 -193,215 -123,232 -228,473 -338,710 -83,184 -57,245 110,350 171,105 276,97 442,-48 395,-346 789,-688 1175,-1043 236,-219 433,-482 464,-806 21,-271 52,-521 175,-674l0 0zm6694 4227c92,-258 0,-477 -53,-696 -48,-206 -35,-386 123,-543 75,-75 140,-167 197,-263 131,-211 48,-438 -184,-517 -61,-22 -118,-44 -223,-79 52,-140 78,-281 149,-394 126,-202 140,-342 8,-526 -109,-154 -249,-114 -381,-61 -223,91 -403,43 -556,-136 -44,-49 -101,-83 -153,-127 -246,-202 -272,-504 -66,-749 48,-58 109,-110 157,-167 106,-140 93,-246 -65,-320 -154,-70 -324,-113 -504,-175 -136,281 -386,337 -627,407 -105,31 -210,62 -315,88 -219,52 -359,175 -433,394 -97,281 -220,548 -338,819 -114,268 -127,272 -416,233 -31,-5 -61,8 -105,13 17,249 44,495 48,740 0,75 -53,158 -105,219 -53,62 -140,97 -233,154 57,122 97,231 154,337 149,267 316,521 302,850 -4,131 92,219 228,241 105,17 219,57 324,43 272,-34 522,35 771,110 127,35 254,97 381,101 631,8 1262,4 1915,4l0 0zm4192 -5673c-236,-44 -434,-57 -613,-123 -228,-83 -399,-44 -570,114 -70,66 -162,145 -245,149 -390,22 -784,92 -1165,-78 -114,-49 -268,-84 -377,-49 -618,202 -1205,452 -1625,986 -197,245 -416,477 -644,697 -180,170 -206,324 -40,490 53,53 123,92 176,149 158,175 333,215 560,145 346,-105 355,-93 513,254 109,236 114,236 372,184 202,-44 408,-101 609,-118 385,-36 758,4 1113,192 249,131 701,57 780,-127 131,-298 403,-385 652,-517 167,-92 316,-57 456,61 127,106 254,211 390,303 48,30 162,48 175,30 123,-214 237,-433 338,-661 12,-26 -40,-101 -79,-132 -167,-113 -202,-271 -202,-460 0,-87 -4,-179 -39,-258 -171,-425 -360,-841 -535,-1231l0 0zm-7535 -6321c-219,-18 -403,8 -556,-49 -267,-96 -526,-118 -802,-61 -127,26 -263,22 -394,22 -381,0 -385,-5 -469,-386 0,-8 -35,-8 -74,-17 0,79 -9,153 0,223 22,123 -5,224 -123,276 -189,83 -241,237 -250,425 -17,285 -170,513 -324,741 -65,100 -149,118 -254,78 -105,-39 -180,-109 -140,-223 70,-202 26,-333 -175,-421 -44,-17 -62,-100 -97,-162 -122,171 -258,162 -403,57 -44,-30 -83,-70 -127,-105 -74,-57 -153,-96 -232,-13 -79,83 -136,188 -52,294 293,389 582,788 1130,845 96,9 188,57 280,92 307,118 609,250 915,355 198,70 325,184 334,394 8,189 109,298 271,373 101,48 193,118 294,140 455,109 911,223 1375,306 171,31 281,92 355,246 53,105 114,206 176,315 78,-22 131,-52 179,-44 311,44 390,-175 460,-403 22,-74 35,-149 44,-223 57,-412 92,-828 171,-1235 48,-255 -35,-417 -224,-570 -263,-215 -517,-438 -775,-653 -66,-52 -145,-127 -219,-127 -237,5 -268,-136 -268,-320 5,-57 -17,-118 -26,-170l0 0zm6747 14246c-75,-22 -158,-48 -241,-66 -245,-48 -495,-83 -741,-135 -114,-27 -236,-66 -324,-137 -118,-100 -236,-96 -368,-61 -149,40 -293,92 -446,110 -141,17 -198,-84 -154,-211 13,-39 48,-74 66,-114 92,-188 70,-306 -123,-354 -285,-66 -368,-228 -407,-500 -79,-565 -171,-626 -740,-639 -10,0 -22,0 -31,0 -863,-9 -1726,-5 -2567,-232 -211,-57 -281,-9 -325,210 -61,276 -105,552 -411,705 140,27 284,9 328,66 101,136 219,166 364,171 171,9 285,83 311,271 8,79 65,158 109,233 79,127 175,245 250,372 149,267 311,359 609,315 96,-13 197,-22 293,-43 211,-53 391,0 544,148 157,158 346,224 565,215 267,-13 451,114 608,324 119,158 263,289 395,438 228,259 552,232 845,294 75,13 193,-57 250,-123 202,-241 460,-355 762,-412 355,-74 605,-433 579,-845l0 0zm-66 -8437c-399,-456 -399,-456 -403,-1113 0,-22 0,-44 0,-66 22,-232 -61,-385 -280,-499 -250,-127 -272,-241 -189,-513 53,-166 83,-338 140,-504 44,-131 105,-258 176,-381 127,-219 267,-425 390,-644 44,-74 44,-175 56,-241 -310,-44 -573,-83 -841,-123 -52,-8 -109,-8 -162,9 -205,62 -381,9 -556,-105 -215,-136 -250,-127 -394,83 -473,671 -933,1349 -1415,2011 -215,294 -329,552 -145,916 136,263 272,403 574,372 127,-13 215,22 328,88 285,166 382,398 355,714 -13,132 -44,289 53,359 201,18 363,-4 495,53 285,122 574,101 867,131 465,48 714,-223 951,-547zm-20910 -5406c110,35 158,57 211,65 446,61 836,241 1156,565 53,53 127,97 198,106 332,48 674,131 1007,109 346,-22 670,17 1008,74 298,53 600,66 915,-21 -31,-105 -57,-184 -74,-246 144,-118 276,-219 394,-328 105,-101 206,-149 346,-57 136,92 167,188 92,333 -31,61 -39,136 -75,271 290,-210 285,-494 443,-735 -166,-145 -307,-342 -495,-408 -337,-118 -631,-289 -911,-504 -364,-276 -736,-547 -1126,-793 -245,-158 -543,-249 -815,-127 -298,141 -569,101 -859,35 -74,-17 -149,-35 -227,-44 -202,-22 -259,27 -255,232 5,97 32,194 44,294 70,535 -123,859 -626,1043 -101,39 -197,78 -351,136l0 0zm17926 9458c14,131 0,206 31,254 127,210 57,372 -105,517 -276,245 -280,543 -179,867 39,127 44,263 87,381 26,70 105,162 166,167 250,22 338,158 355,385 14,140 49,281 71,421 22,131 78,223 210,262 61,22 122,44 184,75 236,123 267,232 145,469 -22,44 -40,92 -88,197 140,-30 232,-44 319,-70 241,-75 482,-189 675,87 9,14 40,22 57,27 316,61 631,127 924,184 31,-355 31,-671 88,-977 57,-294 -9,-535 -188,-767 -167,-210 -171,-376 26,-543 276,-227 206,-504 153,-780 -26,-136 -131,-193 -267,-193 -263,0 -526,-4 -789,5 -61,0 -126,26 -188,52 -289,128 -333,101 -412,-210 -35,-131 -74,-276 -148,-385 -263,-382 -679,-368 -1127,-425l0 0zm-1765 -9971c-26,105 -48,166 -57,232 -136,929 -258,1862 -407,2791 -53,328 -153,652 -237,1016 141,53 285,123 438,162 158,40 325,53 487,75 390,57 696,-49 924,-404 324,-507 683,-989 1025,-1484 184,-268 364,-544 557,-829 -101,-96 -220,-162 -263,-258 -75,-162 -202,-250 -333,-346 -281,-206 -600,-311 -929,-403 -355,-101 -727,-175 -995,-469 -35,-44 -113,-48 -210,-83l0 0zm-1573 8078c-70,-26 -100,-48 -131,-44 -328,14 -530,-161 -679,-434 -57,-104 -145,-192 -206,-293 -39,-61 -70,-135 -79,-206 -57,-355 -105,-714 -157,-1073 -31,-232 -70,-254 -311,-293 -276,-44 -513,74 -771,122 -255,53 -495,110 -557,390 -136,35 -302,22 -355,96 -197,272 -460,254 -740,233 -215,-18 -385,144 -355,350 13,88 88,175 154,236 363,329 740,645 1099,982 206,192 438,315 701,412 254,96 504,206 745,337 153,83 271,136 390,-44 21,-31 70,-43 118,-74 57,65 96,127 153,175 101,79 206,158 320,219 101,53 197,13 245,-96 145,-324 281,-658 416,-995l0 0zm3869 7448c-83,-93 -215,-197 -298,-338 -180,-302 -430,-447 -780,-455 -122,-5 -276,-40 -359,-123 -219,-211 -456,-211 -727,-158 -469,92 -675,-21 -903,-442 -118,-219 -249,-430 -377,-640 -8,-17 -26,-39 -44,-48 -219,-79 -468,-79 -652,-245 -9,-9 -44,0 -62,8 -258,119 -521,228 -770,355 -62,31 -114,110 -136,176 -66,192 -110,394 -167,604 162,92 294,201 443,245 197,57 385,79 389,351 0,70 88,144 136,215 -26,48 -43,83 -61,122 -92,215 -57,276 162,298 31,4 66,0 97,4 608,22 1221,75 1831,53 504,-17 766,372 1147,557 18,8 27,34 35,56 79,215 193,416 97,662 -35,87 -13,197 -22,311 267,-70 596,-381 666,-587 109,-307 223,-618 355,-981l0 0zm-5691 -3860c-355,-26 -469,57 -438,316 48,398 -66,486 -455,350 -32,-9 -62,-27 -93,-35 -249,-79 -657,118 -665,368 -14,307 -219,455 -391,648 -144,162 -293,320 -429,491 -118,149 -96,302 18,451 149,197 188,206 512,119 154,-40 263,-88 241,-281 -17,-149 71,-250 206,-298 267,-92 530,-206 824,-83 188,79 381,52 574,-35 306,-145 622,-267 928,-412 180,-83 403,-123 452,-377 4,-35 57,-61 96,-83 311,-180 267,-482 311,-771 -79,-22 -123,-35 -162,-39 -390,-62 -407,-62 -451,-430 -40,-328 -189,-600 -342,-880 -114,-206 -188,-219 -403,-118 -224,104 -350,284 -447,564 101,62 215,128 320,193 -83,140 -140,233 -206,342l0 0zm4131 -4083c48,-52 131,-123 189,-206 193,-276 446,-477 740,-631 613,-319 613,-324 574,-1003 -18,-298 -267,-517 -570,-499 -315,17 -534,-70 -604,-373 -92,-403 -316,-529 -688,-494 -31,4 -66,-10 -96,-10 -364,-25 -381,-12 -500,342 -100,307 -118,320 -464,347 -101,8 -197,12 -232,162 192,153 201,332 43,529 -83,110 -70,220 5,334 210,333 407,674 626,1003 57,83 153,153 246,201 232,101 464,189 731,298l0 0zm-7920 -4508c188,206 315,408 626,408 280,0 561,122 846,184 275,61 556,118 836,162 128,22 285,35 337,-123 79,-241 259,-272 470,-263 96,5 197,5 293,-4 189,-17 258,-105 219,-285 -22,-92 -83,-175 -127,-263 -61,-126 -149,-249 -171,-381 -31,-193 -136,-280 -307,-337 -442,-158 -854,-399 -1331,-447 -62,-4 -136,-35 -180,-74 -210,-202 -464,-211 -731,-180 -53,4 -110,4 -163,-9 -188,-48 -280,44 -354,202 -154,328 -325,644 -482,972 -110,228 -211,456 -311,688 -40,92 -44,175 118,171 4,-263 250,-281 412,-421l0 0zm999 -1713c-57,-122 -84,-201 -128,-271 -47,-83 -118,-158 -166,-241 -83,-140 -44,-351 87,-477 136,-132 237,-27 338,57 79,65 153,162 294,83 -5,-390 -5,-763 -329,-1078 -267,-258 -473,-359 -806,-189 -171,84 -320,123 -495,40 -166,-79 -316,-26 -464,70 -228,149 -456,302 -693,434 -179,96 -337,197 -399,425 -315,-40 -622,-22 -889,-211 -56,-39 -153,-91 -206,-70 -227,88 -451,202 -683,311 88,281 315,390 486,548 158,149 311,-26 465,4 22,44 35,88 65,114 53,44 127,114 171,105 53,-13 101,-100 127,-166 36,-83 44,-180 75,-311 170,61 298,105 425,157 149,62 289,150 442,194 175,52 364,61 543,100 298,70 382,193 342,491 -9,74 -27,149 -31,228 -4,126 71,201 189,232 109,30 197,0 254,-97 57,-92 109,-188 153,-289 79,-171 210,-241 395,-227 135,17 263,26 438,34l0 0zm12310 416c-101,18 -184,44 -268,49 -285,8 -530,223 -828,140 -175,-48 -249,31 -319,188 -110,250 -228,500 -390,714 -106,136 -176,268 -215,430 -31,127 -66,254 -101,381 -83,280 -66,350 193,508 149,88 210,206 219,373 13,262 48,521 66,783 13,206 135,312 298,395 149,79 254,-31 350,-110 158,-131 294,-298 456,-425 105,-79 298,-87 350,-184 61,-105 -48,-306 13,-407 176,-285 123,-578 127,-881 5,-170 75,-342 128,-508 56,-188 122,-368 192,-578 -355,-193 -127,-561 -271,-868l0 0zm-21151 4031c53,-167 110,-250 101,-324 -57,-368 123,-771 -145,-1113 -30,-39 -30,-105 -30,-158 8,-622 -57,-1244 83,-1861 61,-277 79,-561 109,-846 18,-189 -39,-350 -201,-456 -333,-219 -701,-359 -1104,-368 -97,0 -193,44 -324,75 70,144 131,236 162,337 35,110 65,233 57,346 -44,557 -106,1109 -158,1661 -26,249 -48,499 -70,749 -22,219 48,398 210,556 263,259 504,543 758,815 162,179 328,355 552,587l0 0zm11574 -2353c-228,79 -447,44 -661,49 -180,4 -298,79 -329,254 -57,320 -109,644 -149,968 -22,162 35,355 -35,482 -88,166 -66,297 -44,460 22,153 5,315 5,473 22,9 39,17 61,26 127,-280 368,-355 631,-394 118,-17 228,-79 342,-105 91,-22 197,-57 284,-35 211,57 399,-5 565,-106 219,-135 482,-205 622,-455 114,-202 110,-416 128,-635 26,-381 69,-434 433,-548 40,-13 70,-44 101,-66 -31,-254 -171,-376 -399,-429 -469,-105 -937,-219 -1402,-324 -48,-9 -100,0 -162,0 9,127 9,232 9,385l0 0zm6698 7461c171,-140 382,-105 596,-66 114,22 237,-8 359,-17 141,-9 285,-48 426,-27 297,49 529,-87 696,-284 175,-206 364,-368 604,-487 75,-34 167,-144 162,-214 -13,-237 -35,-482 -276,-631 -118,-75 -223,-175 -341,-254 -53,-35 -119,-70 -176,-75 -236,-12 -582,237 -683,469 -35,79 -109,188 -179,201 -307,49 -622,176 -916,-57 -26,-21 -61,-25 -92,-39 -613,-192 -1205,-79 -1787,145 -57,22 -114,70 -154,118 -30,39 -61,118 -44,140 31,44 101,66 158,84 26,8 66,-5 97,-14 398,-100 753,57 1108,202 74,31 149,101 184,175 88,193 162,403 258,631l0 0zm-17650 -9533c-9,0 -39,0 -74,0 -320,-4 -342,18 -364,347 -13,161 -35,323 -53,486 -39,346 -87,692 -126,1042 -18,167 39,219 197,232 258,22 521,57 779,71 250,13 500,8 749,0 184,-9 294,-114 347,-294 34,-122 113,-232 162,-350 61,-163 123,-325 162,-491 35,-136 35,-280 57,-420 57,-391 4,-478 -386,-522 -464,-53 -933,-70 -1398,-101 -4,-4 -17,-4 -52,0l0 0zm11701 4565c27,605 123,1191 478,1709 118,175 262,284 460,240 425,-96 850,-210 1261,-350 215,-74 259,-254 141,-451 -193,-329 -390,-661 -609,-973 -83,-114 -224,-210 -360,-262 -324,-127 -661,-224 -998,-329 -233,-70 -386,44 -386,285 0,44 9,87 13,131zm2357 -4512c70,-482 140,-933 197,-1380 5,-53 -39,-140 -83,-162 -263,-132 -521,-307 -802,-359 -424,-75 -867,-57 -1305,-79 -162,-9 -325,-14 -486,-31 -289,-30 -583,-79 -872,-92 -175,-9 -346,245 -329,429 13,136 83,150 333,141 412,-9 828,-75 1236,78 105,40 236,5 354,0 71,-4 145,-21 241,-39 22,180 40,342 57,495 600,149 876,749 1459,999l0 0zm-6956 1866c-84,250 -276,302 -517,259 -31,-5 -66,-5 -97,0 -228,35 -294,188 -184,394 44,83 79,179 79,271 0,158 70,206 214,228 312,49 627,110 933,180 189,44 356,39 539,-48 250,-123 557,-158 789,-57 245,105 443,44 662,13 61,-9 136,-79 162,-140 48,-114 70,-245 96,-351 -44,-39 -61,-61 -79,-66 -547,-70 -1064,-306 -1630,-284 -52,0 -105,-22 -153,-39 -236,-97 -508,-128 -692,-338 -26,-22 -70,-13 -122,-22l0 0zm2554 1862c-215,0 -351,-22 -474,4 -381,79 -766,150 -1134,272 -281,92 -500,97 -684,-158 -9,-8 -39,0 -100,4 -35,145 -79,298 -110,456 -48,250 -22,294 219,399 346,144 679,298 894,626 13,22 57,22 109,40 114,-307 346,-394 649,-337 21,4 43,4 65,8 175,44 294,-30 377,-183 31,-58 70,-110 110,-163 122,-166 144,-351 26,-517 -97,-144 -110,-272 53,-451zm2483 285c395,122 719,219 1043,319 136,40 232,-12 307,-127 79,-122 65,-223 -49,-315 -44,-40 -70,-105 -100,-153 166,-167 166,-167 464,-228 228,-48 451,-460 293,-574 -236,-175 -512,-311 -792,-412 -136,-48 -320,26 -482,57 -281,53 -281,57 -311,329 -44,377 -44,762 -373,1104zm-5086 -35c189,-315 276,-337 477,-118 97,104 185,113 316,78 338,-92 675,-157 1017,-236 223,-49 446,-88 665,-149 53,-13 106,-101 114,-163 4,-34 -70,-109 -122,-122 -83,-18 -171,0 -259,0 -87,0 -179,18 -258,-9 -346,-114 -675,-131 -1003,57 -75,44 -189,27 -285,13 -281,-48 -557,-109 -837,-158 -79,-12 -158,0 -289,0 118,329 276,557 464,807zm2173 -4153c75,-31 140,-40 162,-75 140,-228 333,-429 324,-732 -4,-153 27,-301 189,-389 210,-110 188,-285 136,-508 -268,109 -513,219 -758,315 -88,35 -189,48 -285,52 -96,5 -224,-34 -246,88 -17,97 -4,245 58,302 118,105 192,246 293,338 158,140 171,254 123,424 -18,49 0,101 4,185l0 0zm-44 11569c-298,-17 -429,145 -543,640 215,-215 478,-333 543,-640zm-1226 3163c-35,-109 -92,-180 -180,-65 61,22 118,43 180,65z" data-id="department-1" data-type="area"/> </g> <g id="inseln"> <path id="Inseln-BG" class="map_blau" d="M9862 14299c-231,200 -405,345 -566,497 -157,148 -292,322 -458,462 -257,222 -562,370 -893,453 -52,13 -114,22 -153,52 -244,183 -510,275 -819,262 -161,-9 -235,135 -300,265 -157,301 -319,371 -632,262 -101,-35 -201,-87 -288,-148 -157,-100 -292,-235 -453,-318 -593,-292 -815,-850 -1038,-1408 -69,-174 -87,-370 -339,-366 -236,5 -497,-61 -589,284 -152,-83 -139,-197 -91,-305 65,-140 35,-227 -122,-306 -218,240 -336,510 -305,845 35,397 -118,585 -502,655 -139,26 -278,56 -418,73 -240,31 -405,166 -484,389 -74,204 -117,413 -174,622 -26,96 -52,188 -74,284 -22,96 -65,196 -44,283 57,257 14,497 -65,736 -78,240 -48,475 87,689 109,170 131,344 57,527 -70,170 -61,336 -4,510 69,205 56,406 -96,584 -35,39 -74,96 -74,144 -18,545 -262,1094 44,1621 39,-57 82,-131 169,-266 13,148 31,218 26,288 -4,305 9,610 -21,911 -18,178 -92,357 -166,527 -135,318 -127,632 -44,958 31,127 57,258 66,384 4,96 -9,196 -44,288 -70,179 -200,209 -313,56 -114,-157 -210,-331 -262,-514 -61,-209 -92,-422 -284,-571 -43,-30 -73,-113 -73,-170 17,-335 22,-671 78,-998 140,-797 122,-1603 135,-2409 9,-510 31,-1020 83,-1525 61,-615 65,-1234 96,-1849 30,-575 61,-1150 96,-1725 30,-519 56,-1041 100,-1560 31,-344 70,-693 152,-1033 310,-1294 724,-2553 1238,-3778 140,-331 222,-684 362,-1016 213,-509 458,-1006 684,-1516 187,-427 375,-858 549,-1290 296,-728 584,-1455 876,-2183 244,-606 488,-1207 736,-1813 135,-327 314,-619 602,-837 174,-135 362,-191 575,-182 357,17 693,91 954,357 127,126 271,161 445,170 331,13 614,161 893,318 -48,196 -183,218 -305,248 -104,31 -218,31 -322,57 -157,39 -271,-4 -380,-122 -213,-240 -453,-323 -784,-209 -218,73 -475,30 -714,35 -506,12 -580,113 -423,592 74,227 196,319 435,314 197,-5 389,-5 580,-22 79,-9 157,-61 231,-104 131,-79 257,-162 427,-131 35,187 -126,218 -209,301 -218,213 -214,344 30,518 9,4 22,9 31,13 109,105 261,192 318,318 66,149 74,336 52,502 -8,73 -148,139 -235,196 -200,130 -414,239 -610,379 -244,170 -506,287 -797,357 -545,131 -938,462 -1264,915 -227,314 -392,645 -532,1003 -100,248 -249,483 -392,710 -109,165 -126,309 -22,483 70,123 105,262 157,393 65,157 87,305 17,470 -65,157 -52,314 22,476 100,213 131,444 48,666 -135,371 39,732 35,1098 0,57 83,114 139,188 -135,174 -235,361 -104,588 13,26 17,65 13,96 -118,571 187,1002 475,1442 152,231 392,336 619,462 218,122 436,244 649,370 261,153 519,314 784,462 314,175 637,240 1007,175 288,-52 593,13 880,-31 297,-48 584,13 872,31 100,-5 196,43 357,91l0 0zm3831 14459c-196,96 -253,297 -292,523 -61,349 -140,401 -479,471 -389,83 -754,-22 -1129,-70 -157,-18 -319,-4 -480,-4 -139,0 -279,8 -414,-14 -174,-30 -335,-21 -510,-4 -679,66 -1355,40 -1921,-414 -135,-104 -231,-261 -344,-387 -92,-105 -197,-149 -340,-153 -519,-14 -1007,-157 -1456,-432 -109,-65 -235,-109 -357,-161 -357,-152 -536,-427 -549,-811 -14,-353 17,-692 204,-1006 92,-157 140,-340 210,-514 266,-649 693,-1151 1355,-1421 174,-69 379,-105 567,-113 309,-9 596,-57 880,-192 231,-109 496,-161 728,57 48,48 161,61 230,48 319,-61 632,-149 955,-201 109,-17 231,22 414,48 4,-8 39,-61 69,-117 61,-123 166,-170 297,-166 240,13 484,4 710,57 593,135 1186,278 1704,631 449,305 562,737 309,1212 -130,240 -113,318 83,501 127,118 266,227 371,362 130,170 113,222 -44,353 -74,61 -152,126 -235,178 -179,109 -279,266 -336,462 -83,288 -296,541 -244,868 22,126 26,252 44,409l0 0zm-7975 5051c-314,279 -715,192 -1063,296 248,301 366,310 780,83 96,192 78,309 -96,384 -113,48 -253,65 -379,69 -166,5 -297,44 -366,209 -57,135 -179,184 -318,184 -270,0 -545,4 -815,-5 -161,-5 -292,-65 -388,-205 -266,-383 -540,-758 -798,-1146 -357,-545 -701,-1098 -1050,-1652 -52,-82 -74,-178 -109,-270 -57,-139 -109,-283 -161,-422 -35,-101 -87,-205 -87,-306 4,-261 22,-522 52,-779 61,-480 279,-894 589,-1251 95,-109 244,-209 383,-236 396,-82 588,-374 797,-671 162,-231 331,-462 523,-666 110,-114 262,-188 410,-257 52,-22 161,8 200,52 31,35 9,148 -30,191 -175,210 -353,415 -545,607 -244,244 -348,561 -396,875 -35,249 65,541 270,711 379,318 440,758 540,1189 31,135 87,266 122,401 35,144 70,292 87,445 35,274 109,488 414,597 179,65 331,244 458,401 57,65 57,209 26,305 -96,327 174,488 309,706 27,43 162,22 244,22 127,0 275,-49 397,139l0 0zm12180 6502c39,-101 87,-179 100,-258 44,-261 222,-392 453,-457 288,-83 584,-78 872,4 218,61 244,114 196,332 -17,82 -57,165 -70,252 -21,140 -78,301 -26,419 131,309 -26,549 -131,801 -104,258 -161,545 -444,698 -148,78 -183,218 -153,392 22,122 0,261 -43,379 -96,266 -209,528 -323,784 -130,288 -318,523 -623,632 -227,83 -449,166 -679,222 -262,66 -532,109 -802,162 -484,100 -989,-153 -1177,-615 -87,-209 -205,-383 -388,-510 -410,-287 -536,-727 -601,-1185 -31,-213 -13,-436 -5,-654 14,-365 236,-614 606,-653 322,-35 649,-53 976,-61 223,-5 401,-101 550,-249 82,-82 169,-178 208,-287 105,-279 323,-340 576,-323 205,13 405,61 610,96 96,18 196,48 318,79l0 0zm-5582 -5679c-35,-30 -79,-60 -105,-104 -122,-205 -296,-336 -510,-440 -287,-144 -344,-305 -170,-575 231,-358 445,-510 798,-406 283,87 553,-39 823,-126 153,-48 314,-74 471,-109 192,-44 379,-100 571,-126 819,-109 1560,-462 2309,-772 87,-35 184,-83 244,-152 135,-157 262,-301 480,-366 96,-31 152,-196 226,-301 48,-74 96,-174 197,-109 43,26 69,135 56,192 -87,344 -52,719 -231,1041 -65,122 -122,262 -226,344 -214,174 -432,332 -737,380 -379,60 -749,200 -1120,322 -253,83 -475,166 -745,4 -218,-130 -466,-34 -675,92 -205,122 -397,270 -593,405 -17,13 -35,35 -52,35 -467,78 -689,475 -1011,771l0 0zm191 4715c-196,40 -361,-51 -436,-208 -204,-441 -636,-567 -1015,-759 -179,-87 -365,-157 -444,-353 -40,-104 -83,-252 -35,-327 44,-74 205,-109 309,-100 148,13 297,70 432,131 196,91 366,148 579,8 153,-100 353,-143 537,-196 186,-52 492,140 527,341 52,304 165,544 444,714 192,118 161,488 -48,619 -104,65 -239,105 -362,122 -161,22 -326,8 -488,8l0 0zm7151 -9029c-235,31 -457,79 -684,92 -148,9 -305,-13 -440,-70 -65,-26 -105,-148 -122,-236 -4,-21 109,-95 175,-99 230,-14 379,-140 510,-310 126,-166 248,-322 440,-423 74,-39 104,-174 143,-270 62,-143 149,-174 275,-91 231,152 292,348 169,605 -65,136 -156,253 -234,384 -79,131 -148,266 -232,418l0 0zm4567 9055c214,149 379,306 571,384 205,78 297,187 284,401 -5,39 13,83 22,118 -280,287 -327,296 -637,91 -253,-170 -501,-335 -819,-361 -127,-14 -240,-118 -401,-205 327,-266 645,-384 980,-428l0 0zm-3264 -6318c5,366 -448,837 -775,828 -236,-5 -554,-375 -506,-619 26,-135 87,-270 170,-379 44,-61 175,-117 244,-96 161,48 296,9 436,-57 262,-126 327,-95 405,188 13,52 22,109 26,135l0 0zm4297 2615c-222,265 -418,500 -618,736 -266,-83 -367,-218 -480,-671 65,4 122,13 179,13 69,-4 170,13 209,-26 209,-214 436,-122 710,-52l0 0zm-12158 10920c-178,179 -283,301 -405,396 -153,118 -323,84 -414,-82 -79,-140 -140,-292 -170,-449 -35,-157 83,-270 226,-214 236,88 462,210 763,349l0 0zm6863 -222c245,-135 715,-175 1029,-70 -170,161 -318,310 -475,449 -91,83 -196,74 -296,0 -140,-92 -240,-209 -258,-379l0 0zm2031 -13160c227,-227 244,-232 519,-101 -162,92 -301,157 -519,101zm-11151 8358c-118,34 -236,74 -388,117 96,-257 109,-261 388,-117zm-6903 -26761c70,21 148,26 209,65 31,18 26,87 39,135 -47,9 -113,48 -139,26 -65,-39 -109,-109 -166,-165 22,-22 40,-40 57,-61zm27134 27604c-113,65 -214,127 -313,183 -336,174 -336,174 -262,562 14,73 22,152 44,222 83,287 -9,509 -244,687 -78,57 -157,118 -231,179 -208,178 -374,378 -443,665 -79,323 -149,667 -470,862 -26,17 -53,52 -53,79 -26,291 -274,400 -452,565 -83,74 -183,127 -248,209 -301,375 -693,449 -1141,401 -322,-35 -648,-48 -975,-61 -304,-13 -609,-31 -883,-179 -48,-26 -104,-48 -152,-43 -514,30 -836,-314 -1180,-605 -104,-87 -65,-200 -13,-301 126,-239 257,-478 387,-717 131,-240 118,-270 -91,-423 -492,-352 -461,-901 66,-1240 178,-118 391,-200 600,-253 527,-130 883,-482 1236,-857 96,-104 179,-217 283,-313 139,-126 209,-292 305,-440 204,-318 322,-657 417,-1010 31,-117 122,-148 231,-117 257,65 492,13 727,-87 174,-74 357,-74 544,-27 253,66 513,96 766,157 87,22 192,66 243,135 410,510 806,1023 1206,1541 35,57 53,130 96,226l0 0z"/> <path id="Inseln-Konturen" class="konturen area" d="M9862 14299c-231,200 -405,345 -566,497 -157,148 -292,322 -458,462 -257,222 -562,370 -893,453 -52,13 -114,22 -153,52 -244,183 -510,275 -819,262 -161,-9 -235,135 -300,265 -157,301 -319,371 -632,262 -101,-35 -201,-87 -288,-148 -157,-100 -292,-235 -453,-318 -593,-292 -815,-850 -1038,-1408 -69,-174 -87,-370 -339,-366 -236,5 -497,-61 -589,284 -152,-83 -139,-197 -91,-305 65,-140 35,-227 -122,-306 -218,240 -336,510 -305,845 35,397 -118,585 -502,655 -139,26 -278,56 -418,73 -240,31 -405,166 -484,389 -74,204 -117,413 -174,622 -26,96 -52,188 -74,284 -22,96 -65,196 -44,283 57,257 14,497 -65,736 -78,240 -48,475 87,689 109,170 131,344 57,527 -70,170 -61,336 -4,510 69,205 56,406 -96,584 -35,39 -74,96 -74,144 -18,545 -262,1094 44,1621 39,-57 82,-131 169,-266 13,148 31,218 26,288 -4,305 9,610 -21,911 -18,178 -92,357 -166,527 -135,318 -127,632 -44,958 31,127 57,258 66,384 4,96 -9,196 -44,288 -70,179 -200,209 -313,56 -114,-157 -210,-331 -262,-514 -61,-209 -92,-422 -284,-571 -43,-30 -73,-113 -73,-170 17,-335 22,-671 78,-998 140,-797 122,-1603 135,-2409 9,-510 31,-1020 83,-1525 61,-615 65,-1234 96,-1849 30,-575 61,-1150 96,-1725 30,-519 56,-1041 100,-1560 31,-344 70,-693 152,-1033 310,-1294 724,-2553 1238,-3778 140,-331 222,-684 362,-1016 213,-509 458,-1006 684,-1516 187,-427 375,-858 549,-1290 296,-728 584,-1455 876,-2183 244,-606 488,-1207 736,-1813 135,-327 314,-619 602,-837 174,-135 362,-191 575,-182 357,17 693,91 954,357 127,126 271,161 445,170 331,13 614,161 893,318 -48,196 -183,218 -305,248 -104,31 -218,31 -322,57 -157,39 -271,-4 -380,-122 -213,-240 -453,-323 -784,-209 -218,73 -475,30 -714,35 -506,12 -580,113 -423,592 74,227 196,319 435,314 197,-5 389,-5 580,-22 79,-9 157,-61 231,-104 131,-79 257,-162 427,-131 35,187 -126,218 -209,301 -218,213 -214,344 30,518 9,4 22,9 31,13 109,105 261,192 318,318 66,149 74,336 52,502 -8,73 -148,139 -235,196 -200,130 -414,239 -610,379 -244,170 -506,287 -797,357 -545,131 -938,462 -1264,915 -227,314 -392,645 -532,1003 -100,248 -249,483 -392,710 -109,165 -126,309 -22,483 70,123 105,262 157,393 65,157 87,305 17,470 -65,157 -52,314 22,476 100,213 131,444 48,666 -135,371 39,732 35,1098 0,57 83,114 139,188 -135,174 -235,361 -104,588 13,26 17,65 13,96 -118,571 187,1002 475,1442 152,231 392,336 619,462 218,122 436,244 649,370 261,153 519,314 784,462 314,175 637,240 1007,175 288,-52 593,13 880,-31 297,-48 584,13 872,31 100,-5 196,43 357,91l0 0zm-274 44c-331,-57 -632,-135 -950,-57 -135,31 -284,17 -423,22 -205,4 -414,-13 -614,17 -249,35 -480,0 -693,-117 -371,-205 -737,-423 -1103,-632 -139,-83 -274,-183 -427,-235 -1041,-384 -1420,-1596 -1325,-2519 44,-423 -35,-506 -448,-402 -188,49 -393,105 -571,66 -393,-83 -768,-227 -1151,-340 -26,-9 -61,5 -105,5 -21,47 -52,91 -69,143 -214,719 -414,1443 -650,2157 -213,663 -239,1347 -278,2031 -18,271 -35,541 -53,811 -22,292 -61,584 -74,876 -30,640 -47,1281 -69,1922 0,51 -14,108 -18,161 -35,649 -83,1302 -105,1952 -8,300 57,344 397,366 48,-139 65,-310 152,-414 131,-157 136,-314 88,-488 -57,-218 -70,-427 17,-641 57,-135 18,-248 -52,-370 -166,-288 -179,-588 -92,-915 53,-197 35,-405 53,-610 8,-114 30,-231 48,-344 13,-75 47,-149 47,-218 -4,-297 140,-545 266,-798 79,-157 210,-248 384,-279 161,-30 322,-56 479,-91 423,-88 501,-197 462,-628 -26,-287 188,-749 444,-941 36,30 92,56 114,100 118,209 300,271 523,249 52,-5 109,0 161,0 253,12 283,43 366,287 70,205 135,414 227,615 113,256 239,518 479,688 266,192 528,383 802,562 109,70 235,113 357,153 157,52 279,8 353,-144 31,-57 57,-118 92,-174 113,-192 261,-323 505,-253 162,43 292,-26 427,-114 127,-78 266,-143 410,-187 396,-118 732,-335 1028,-614 197,-188 371,-414 589,-658l0 0zm-924 -13300c-262,-153 -466,-231 -693,-266 -261,-39 -475,-161 -701,-301 -676,-414 -1112,-392 -1569,192 -66,87 -127,179 -166,279 -170,401 -331,802 -497,1203 -57,139 -104,283 -166,423 -109,248 -226,492 -331,744 -130,310 -248,628 -370,942 -118,301 -240,597 -362,911 105,43 170,82 240,104 458,140 444,131 732,-261 288,-392 649,-724 1124,-850 419,-109 798,-270 1142,-527 122,-92 262,-157 392,-231 205,-114 253,-519 53,-624 -249,-126 -375,-317 -436,-570 -40,-162 -148,-240 -305,-245 -161,-4 -327,0 -489,10 -309,17 -435,-70 -509,-375 -22,-97 -40,-192 -66,-288 -65,-270 -8,-357 262,-396 74,-9 153,-5 226,-9 258,-18 532,9 776,-66 375,-113 658,-43 898,257 65,83 144,127 257,92 157,-44 314,-83 558,-148l0 0zm-4894 4270c-131,314 -240,584 -361,850 -254,541 -515,1081 -768,1621 -74,157 -135,323 -187,488 -65,214 -22,301 179,388 139,61 296,92 423,170 121,79 208,205 283,279 187,-61 331,-127 488,-161 148,-35 191,-109 161,-257 -30,-157 -83,-331 -39,-475 87,-318 -5,-588 -157,-837 -135,-213 -83,-375 26,-571 179,-322 335,-653 493,-985 43,-91 47,-200 78,-327 -218,-65 -401,-117 -619,-183zm-1390 3352c-270,392 -349,845 -532,1263 70,57 113,101 166,135 227,144 488,170 736,244 345,101 663,66 990,-34 252,-79 244,-79 248,-336 0,-227 30,-453 43,-680 5,-61 0,-126 0,-196 -209,-48 -366,13 -523,131 -178,135 -226,109 -348,-83 -52,-87 -140,-166 -227,-214 -161,-87 -335,-143 -553,-230zm-1442 16450c17,-161 47,-283 43,-405 -4,-118 -31,-240 -65,-353 -109,-362 -83,-702 74,-1046 187,-427 292,-859 -30,-1281 -27,-31 -31,-83 -40,-122 -52,-318 -170,-628 -83,-963 44,-170 -39,-262 -191,-266 -149,-9 -179,91 -188,209 -4,44 -4,87 -4,131 -44,597 -87,1189 -131,1786 -22,293 -48,584 -57,876 -4,83 0,196 48,249 196,213 227,488 301,749 39,166 109,319 323,436l0 0zm12755 3643c-196,96 -253,297 -292,523 -61,349 -140,401 -479,471 -389,83 -754,-22 -1129,-70 -157,-18 -319,-4 -480,-4 -139,0 -279,8 -414,-14 -174,-30 -335,-21 -510,-4 -679,66 -1355,40 -1921,-414 -135,-104 -231,-261 -344,-387 -92,-105 -197,-149 -340,-153 -519,-14 -1007,-157 -1456,-432 -109,-65 -235,-109 -357,-161 -357,-152 -536,-427 -549,-811 -14,-353 17,-692 204,-1006 92,-157 140,-340 210,-514 266,-649 693,-1151 1355,-1421 174,-69 379,-105 567,-113 309,-9 596,-57 880,-192 231,-109 496,-161 728,57 48,48 161,61 230,48 319,-61 632,-149 955,-201 109,-17 231,22 414,48 4,-8 39,-61 69,-117 61,-123 166,-170 297,-166 240,13 484,4 710,57 593,135 1186,278 1704,631 449,305 562,737 309,1212 -130,240 -113,318 83,501 127,118 266,227 371,362 130,170 113,222 -44,353 -74,61 -152,126 -235,178 -179,109 -279,266 -336,462 -83,288 -296,541 -244,868 22,126 26,252 44,409l0 0zm-3330 -4619c-279,52 -505,87 -723,135 -148,35 -283,35 -388,-91 -118,-140 -266,-144 -414,-79 -370,162 -754,270 -1163,261 -188,-4 -306,88 -353,275 -88,336 -188,667 -266,1007 -13,48 52,135 100,170 48,30 126,21 192,21 353,-4 588,144 710,488 74,223 375,380 549,301 183,-82 366,-187 527,-309 92,-65 184,-179 205,-279 61,-366 318,-589 576,-802 331,-270 422,-632 449,-1098l-1 0zm641 4410c340,153 371,139 449,-148 61,-218 118,-440 183,-658 70,-218 157,-423 183,-667 30,-279 252,-536 401,-797 22,-35 96,-57 144,-57 143,9 209,-57 274,-179 96,-174 357,-278 466,-170 214,214 367,162 523,-48 22,-30 79,-39 114,-60 440,-262 444,-938 21,-1229 -431,-297 -910,-462 -1416,-558 -70,-13 -174,-9 -209,30 -144,170 -336,314 -392,567 87,74 170,139 252,209 188,166 171,178 74,414 -82,196 -147,410 -169,619 -53,444 -118,876 -414,1237 -26,31 -31,79 -44,122 -48,118 -109,231 -144,354 -109,339 -205,684 -296,1019l0 0zm-567 -3852c-91,139 -139,222 -191,296 -61,87 -118,183 -192,257 -270,261 -567,497 -645,906 -22,127 -70,232 -31,371 101,353 205,710 166,1085 -9,70 5,162 48,218 166,231 344,458 527,676 44,52 122,95 192,104 126,17 261,17 392,5 183,-18 244,-114 135,-258 -117,-157 -87,-283 0,-418 148,-227 144,-479 96,-723 -69,-349 -166,-697 -265,-1038 -66,-226 -175,-440 -244,-667 -22,-69 -5,-169 26,-239 69,-165 87,-322 -14,-575l0 0zm170 -610c-156,252 -152,278 -95,492 39,144 91,310 56,445 -87,327 -8,614 118,906 13,31 17,61 26,96 83,292 144,592 266,872 70,160 113,305 78,466 -43,222 -113,436 -165,658 -18,65 -26,135 -40,200 22,9 48,22 70,30 40,-65 87,-126 113,-191 105,-275 227,-540 288,-824 48,-226 214,-375 270,-579 96,-345 153,-698 231,-1046 35,-144 79,-288 122,-432 22,-69 57,-135 83,-200 -153,-144 -292,-274 -431,-414 143,-222 270,-419 431,-663 -187,-30 -309,-69 -436,-69 -200,-4 -414,-35 -523,218 -47,109 -165,126 -283,87 -61,-22 -122,-39 -179,-52l0 0zm-2431 4689c139,148 266,327 436,453 483,357 1059,392 1621,340 261,-22 509,-44 767,4 230,43 353,-74 327,-309 -18,-157 -49,-310 -75,-493 -91,-4 -196,-13 -305,-17 -205,-4 -414,-4 -619,0 -183,4 -313,-44 -370,-240 -26,-91 -87,-179 -152,-244 -210,-213 -449,-405 -432,-750 -61,5 -91,9 -126,14 -332,56 -340,52 -362,405 -13,183 -70,349 -205,466 -148,135 -322,240 -505,371l0 0zm3264 632c52,48 91,108 139,117 444,105 898,166 1355,139 166,-8 275,-99 310,-248 109,-414 331,-801 287,-1255 -8,-83 27,-170 57,-248 66,-170 149,-336 218,-510 74,-188 179,-340 353,-453 383,-249 431,-362 -17,-680 -53,-35 -110,-61 -201,-109 -218,296 -453,566 -632,867 -322,554 -601,1129 -950,1669 -222,358 -549,497 -919,711l0 0zm1194 -3129c-179,61 -353,69 -401,148 -152,266 -397,510 -283,867 17,52 -14,127 -44,179 -253,475 -379,989 -501,1525 74,-4 139,-31 192,-4 48,21 69,91 104,135 70,-53 131,-131 209,-153 166,-48 231,-179 327,-296 458,-567 728,-1238 1081,-1861 92,-161 165,-331 340,-423 52,-30 100,-87 130,-139 48,-83 127,-188 14,-253 -48,-26 -153,26 -222,61 -57,26 -97,79 -149,118 -161,-70 -305,-170 -458,-192 -217,-39 -261,187 -339,288l0 0zm-5469 1272c148,122 283,261 440,353 240,135 401,314 470,580 27,109 114,126 205,69 271,-170 536,-331 497,-723 -22,-201 79,-349 305,-392 122,-27 240,-96 383,-157 -60,-218 -108,-436 -178,-649 -30,-92 -113,-127 -214,-83 -226,100 -492,156 -675,309 -226,188 -466,249 -736,288 -75,9 -175,79 -192,139 -48,170 -144,266 -305,266l0 0zm-388 -836c-44,-53 -122,-105 -135,-166 -48,-288 -310,-410 -467,-606 -109,-139 -230,-113 -309,44 -178,370 -361,745 -361,1172 0,331 121,758 540,876 183,52 348,179 523,266 74,34 152,52 231,78 135,-214 43,-410 26,-597 -13,-161 -166,-187 -270,-253 -140,-87 -158,-187 -66,-326 101,-157 188,-319 288,-488l0 0zm-702 -1116c162,200 275,362 410,501 131,126 222,96 292,-74 74,-170 148,-336 213,-510 123,-314 144,-641 210,-976 -488,74 -977,567 -1125,1059l0 0zm1042 340c-135,-48 -205,26 -240,144 -26,82 -39,170 -61,252 -48,210 79,453 283,449 292,-9 567,-22 824,179 100,78 227,-18 297,-131 65,-113 0,-174 -79,-248 -92,-92 -175,-192 -235,-301 -105,-192 -271,-274 -467,-318 -104,-22 -218,-18 -322,-26l0 0zm-148 1817c-5,74 -9,126 -9,179 4,65 17,130 17,196 0,348 27,383 366,427 74,8 153,8 227,21 152,31 253,-21 309,-161 -196,-392 -549,-658 -910,-662zm-462 -379c113,34 200,92 287,82 170,-17 340,-65 506,-104 18,-4 26,-31 39,-48 96,-122 187,-244 292,-375 -35,-96 -113,-74 -205,-52 -87,22 -187,48 -274,31 -314,-66 -332,-61 -493,209 -43,69 -87,143 -152,257l0 0zm-789 6432c-314,279 -715,192 -1063,296 248,301 366,310 780,83 96,192 78,309 -96,384 -113,48 -253,65 -379,69 -166,5 -297,44 -366,209 -57,135 -179,184 -318,184 -270,0 -545,4 -815,-5 -161,-5 -292,-65 -388,-205 -266,-383 -540,-758 -798,-1146 -357,-545 -701,-1098 -1050,-1652 -52,-82 -74,-178 -109,-270 -57,-139 -109,-283 -161,-422 -35,-101 -87,-205 -87,-306 4,-261 22,-522 52,-779 61,-480 279,-894 589,-1251 95,-109 244,-209 383,-236 396,-82 588,-374 797,-671 162,-231 331,-462 523,-666 110,-114 262,-188 410,-257 52,-22 161,8 200,52 31,35 9,148 -30,191 -175,210 -353,415 -545,607 -244,244 -348,561 -396,875 -35,249 65,541 270,711 379,318 440,758 540,1189 31,135 87,266 122,401 35,144 70,292 87,445 35,274 109,488 414,597 179,65 331,244 458,401 57,65 57,209 26,305 -96,327 174,488 309,706 27,43 162,22 244,22 127,0 275,-49 397,139l0 0zm-2127 -419c149,-39 284,-91 423,-100 135,-9 270,48 405,39 66,-4 157,-74 188,-139 135,-322 87,-518 -183,-750 -87,-73 -200,-126 -309,-174 -184,-83 -314,-200 -327,-409 -26,-428 -197,-820 -284,-1229 -26,-118 -48,-236 -83,-349 -26,-96 -65,-196 -191,-183 -122,13 -140,109 -149,218 -21,231 -47,248 -269,270 -476,48 -950,92 -1430,135 -362,31 -484,210 -353,545 144,361 275,728 506,1055 274,392 505,810 762,1216 87,135 188,256 301,409 292,-305 470,-675 819,-941 65,157 113,261 174,387l0 0zm83 -6127c-296,57 -436,232 -566,397 -166,213 -332,431 -467,667 -139,239 -327,401 -592,475 -327,87 -554,292 -702,584 -165,318 -340,636 -300,1015 22,201 73,249 270,227 131,-14 257,-26 388,-44 405,-48 814,-100 1233,-153 0,-235 4,-444 300,-492 -61,-91 -100,-157 -148,-209 -479,-527 -479,-1172 131,-1821 170,-179 353,-341 453,-646zm-331 5909c-100,131 -183,227 -257,327 -419,558 -414,554 -26,1138 135,200 309,305 536,322 196,14 392,9 588,5 139,-5 266,-44 305,-196 57,-214 214,-253 401,-253 83,0 170,0 253,0 -323,-79 -606,-205 -850,-449 371,-109 767,-70 1155,-240 -467,-57 -467,-57 -732,-400 -183,47 -362,30 -554,-27 -135,-39 -309,48 -466,83 -57,13 -109,43 -178,70 -31,-70 -49,-118 -70,-166 -22,-61 -53,-117 -105,-214l0 0zm14555 7139c39,-101 87,-179 100,-258 44,-261 222,-392 453,-457 288,-83 584,-78 872,4 218,61 244,114 196,332 -17,82 -57,165 -70,252 -21,140 -78,301 -26,419 131,309 -26,549 -131,801 -104,258 -161,545 -444,698 -148,78 -183,218 -153,392 22,122 0,261 -43,379 -96,266 -209,528 -323,784 -130,288 -318,523 -623,632 -227,83 -449,166 -679,222 -262,66 -532,109 -802,162 -484,100 -989,-153 -1177,-615 -87,-209 -205,-383 -388,-510 -410,-287 -536,-727 -601,-1185 -31,-213 -13,-436 -5,-654 14,-365 236,-614 606,-653 322,-35 649,-53 976,-61 223,-5 401,-101 550,-249 82,-82 169,-178 208,-287 105,-279 323,-340 576,-323 205,13 405,61 610,96 96,18 196,48 318,79l0 0zm640 1830c79,-39 170,-79 245,-135 82,-61 183,-131 226,-222 175,-380 384,-745 310,-1203 -35,-200 61,-423 96,-637 30,-191 0,-235 -188,-265 -96,-18 -192,-26 -292,-40 -501,-47 -701,83 -876,563 -78,218 -113,226 -335,187 -275,-52 -554,-92 -833,-126 -178,-22 -309,48 -396,222 -61,122 -153,249 -261,331 -153,114 -323,240 -502,275 -340,65 -688,61 -1033,91 -344,31 -588,248 -575,589 13,344 79,688 152,1028 58,270 223,484 436,671 166,148 306,340 410,536 192,366 540,619 945,558 524,-83 1042,-218 1557,-349 265,-70 448,-257 553,-514 74,-179 153,-362 235,-540 131,-288 262,-580 114,-902 -14,-27 4,-66 12,-118l0 0zm-6222 -7509c-35,-30 -79,-60 -105,-104 -122,-205 -296,-336 -510,-440 -287,-144 -344,-305 -170,-575 231,-358 445,-510 798,-406 283,87 553,-39 823,-126 153,-48 314,-74 471,-109 192,-44 379,-100 571,-126 819,-109 1560,-462 2309,-772 87,-35 184,-83 244,-152 135,-157 262,-301 480,-366 96,-31 152,-196 226,-301 48,-74 96,-174 197,-109 43,26 69,135 56,192 -87,344 -52,719 -231,1041 -65,122 -122,262 -226,344 -214,174 -432,332 -737,380 -379,60 -749,200 -1120,322 -253,83 -475,166 -745,4 -218,-130 -466,-34 -675,92 -205,122 -397,270 -593,405 -17,13 -35,35 -52,35 -467,78 -689,475 -1011,771l0 0zm5168 -3137c-279,61 -501,200 -684,422 -79,97 -210,157 -327,206 -405,161 -811,326 -1225,448 -531,157 -1071,270 -1608,401 -157,39 -313,74 -470,113 -270,66 -532,210 -824,145 -362,-79 -645,73 -763,418 -43,130 -34,230 92,309 122,74 244,144 357,227 288,200 362,200 615,-26 178,-162 309,-401 610,-367 30,5 70,-48 105,-69 187,-131 365,-284 566,-379 240,-118 505,-266 771,-113 271,152 497,65 745,-31 118,-44 244,-70 367,-105 61,-17 126,-26 187,-43 196,-57 392,-114 592,-170 84,-26 171,-40 249,-79 523,-261 715,-797 645,-1307l0 0zm-4977 7852c-196,40 -361,-51 -436,-208 -204,-441 -636,-567 -1015,-759 -179,-87 -365,-157 -444,-353 -40,-104 -83,-252 -35,-327 44,-74 205,-109 309,-100 148,13 297,70 432,131 196,91 366,148 579,8 153,-100 353,-143 537,-196 186,-52 492,140 527,341 52,304 165,544 444,714 192,118 161,488 -48,619 -104,65 -239,105 -362,122 -161,22 -326,8 -488,8l0 0zm218 -52c140,-26 279,-35 415,-78 287,-96 353,-371 126,-580 -201,-183 -319,-410 -419,-649 -148,-353 -270,-388 -618,-214 -319,161 -646,249 -990,40 -126,-79 -278,-122 -427,-148 -152,-27 -239,91 -157,222 83,131 205,252 336,335 187,122 396,218 606,305 209,88 379,227 479,419 140,283 362,357 649,348zm6933 -8977c-235,31 -457,79 -684,92 -148,9 -305,-13 -440,-70 -65,-26 -105,-148 -122,-236 -4,-21 109,-95 175,-99 230,-14 379,-140 510,-310 126,-166 248,-322 440,-423 74,-39 104,-174 143,-270 62,-143 149,-174 275,-91 231,152 292,348 169,605 -65,136 -156,253 -234,384 -79,131 -148,266 -232,418l0 0zm-1185 -109c406,140 711,62 1016,-4 48,-9 108,-39 135,-79 135,-208 278,-418 392,-636 113,-218 43,-340 -218,-462 -57,122 -83,319 -174,358 -253,104 -384,305 -549,488 -83,91 -218,135 -332,196 -69,34 -139,70 -270,139l0 0zm5752 9164c214,149 379,306 571,384 205,78 297,187 284,401 -5,39 13,83 22,118 -280,287 -327,296 -637,91 -253,-170 -501,-335 -819,-361 -127,-14 -240,-118 -401,-205 327,-266 645,-384 980,-428l0 0zm-732 458c88,40 149,88 205,88 270,-5 471,134 676,278 61,44 126,88 191,122 170,83 271,66 340,-48 83,-139 44,-291 -104,-388 -100,-65 -205,-121 -306,-187 -365,-244 -623,-218 -1002,135l0 0zm-2532 -6776c5,366 -448,837 -775,828 -236,-5 -554,-375 -506,-619 26,-135 87,-270 170,-379 44,-61 175,-117 244,-96 161,48 296,9 436,-57 262,-126 327,-95 405,188 13,52 22,109 26,135l0 0zm-226 -257c-218,52 -405,122 -589,126 -130,4 -213,35 -265,139 -70,136 -175,284 -66,428 196,266 375,418 698,139 104,-91 182,-209 266,-322 126,-179 95,-349 -44,-510l0 0zm4523 2872c-222,265 -418,500 -618,736 -266,-83 -367,-218 -480,-671 65,4 122,13 179,13 69,-4 170,13 209,-26 209,-214 436,-122 710,-52l0 0zm-906 279c-9,21 -13,39 -22,61 78,100 157,196 257,326 140,-213 249,-374 366,-553 -296,-214 -357,257 -601,166zm-11252 10641c-178,179 -283,301 -405,396 -153,118 -323,84 -414,-82 -79,-140 -140,-292 -170,-449 -35,-157 83,-270 226,-214 236,88 462,210 763,349l0 0zm-200 35c-231,-127 -410,-296 -680,-222 -18,226 47,409 248,488 201,78 305,-87 432,-266l0 0zm7063 -257c245,-135 715,-175 1029,-70 -170,161 -318,310 -475,449 -91,83 -196,74 -296,0 -140,-92 -240,-209 -258,-379l0 0zm746 57c-9,-22 -18,-44 -26,-62 -157,0 -310,-8 -467,9 -34,5 -87,96 -82,140 21,139 213,226 331,148 91,-61 165,-153 244,-235l0 0zm1285 -13217c227,-227 244,-232 519,-101 -162,92 -301,157 -519,101zm-11151 8358c-118,34 -236,74 -388,117 96,-257 109,-261 388,-117zm-6903 -26761c70,21 148,26 209,65 31,18 26,87 39,135 -47,9 -113,48 -139,26 -65,-39 -109,-109 -166,-165 22,-22 40,-40 57,-61zm27134 27604c-113,65 -214,127 -313,183 -336,174 -336,174 -262,562 14,73 22,152 44,222 83,287 -9,509 -244,687 -78,57 -157,118 -231,179 -208,178 -374,378 -443,665 -79,323 -149,667 -470,862 -26,17 -53,52 -53,79 -26,291 -274,400 -452,565 -83,74 -183,127 -248,209 -301,375 -693,449 -1141,401 -322,-35 -648,-48 -975,-61 -304,-13 -609,-31 -883,-179 -48,-26 -104,-48 -152,-43 -514,30 -836,-314 -1180,-605 -104,-87 -65,-200 -13,-301 126,-239 257,-478 387,-717 131,-240 118,-270 -91,-423 -492,-352 -461,-901 66,-1240 178,-118 391,-200 600,-253 527,-130 883,-482 1236,-857 96,-104 179,-217 283,-313 139,-126 209,-292 305,-440 204,-318 322,-657 417,-1010 31,-117 122,-148 231,-117 257,65 492,13 727,-87 174,-74 357,-74 544,-27 253,66 513,96 766,157 87,22 192,66 243,135 410,510 806,1023 1206,1541 35,57 53,130 96,226l0 0zm-4187 -470c122,35 270,96 422,126 274,53 470,214 631,431 370,501 335,1036 144,1585 -17,52 -91,126 -135,121 -183,-8 -370,-26 -544,-74 -148,-39 -144,-200 -178,-321 -18,-74 -53,-144 -79,-214 -139,-383 -457,-596 -753,-831 -196,-152 -196,-152 -383,-9 -174,131 -344,266 -522,392 -78,56 -170,96 -257,126 -244,91 -500,152 -731,266 -448,222 -474,848 -61,1118 239,157 248,178 118,444 -105,205 -223,401 -327,601 -148,269 -126,317 83,531 444,452 1058,431 1602,605 8,4 21,0 30,0 444,34 888,74 1332,104 331,22 653,-17 918,-248 174,-148 357,-287 514,-448 104,-105 170,-244 257,-362 60,-86 117,-182 200,-243 130,-96 209,-214 248,-370 31,-126 91,-248 113,-374 52,-310 200,-558 470,-710 474,-270 540,-648 370,-1131 -96,-275 -48,-318 209,-466 126,-70 292,-96 357,-288 -405,-517 -806,-1040 -1219,-1562 -43,-52 -122,-96 -187,-113 -265,-61 -531,-122 -797,-152 -178,-22 -378,-27 -539,34 -179,66 -335,113 -531,79 -222,-39 -283,9 -361,226 -135,361 -266,727 -414,1127l0 0zm-575 597c92,73 174,147 258,213 343,274 657,566 756,1018 14,61 44,127 79,179 144,208 544,196 622,-22 161,-449 135,-888 -113,-1310 -183,-314 -487,-409 -805,-496 -453,-126 -583,-66 -797,418z" data-id="department-4" data-type="area"/> </g> </svg> </span></span> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="wrapper_unten"> <div id="links"> <div class="bf_wrapper"> <div class="hidden"> <a name="Sitebar">Sitebar</a> </div> <br class="clear" /> </div> </div> <div id="content_wrapper"> <div id="content"> <div class="bf_wrapper"> <div class="pagetitle_div"> <h1 class="pagetitle">Nordfrieslandkalender</h1> </div> <div class="hidden"> <a name="Inhaltsbereich">Inhaltsbereich</a> </div> <div id="scroller"> <div id="content_frame" class="rs design_id_0 rs_design_id_5 redaktionssystem_main_detail pagetype_detail frame_typ_12 "> <div class="context_div" > <div class="textblock_wrapper"> <div class="textblock1" title="" > <div 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120,-223 -28,182 -94,374 -127,559 -33,188 -60,382 -91,574l-138 872c-8,49 -15,91 -23,141 -9,52 -14,108 25,108 77,0 56,-23 67,-107l68 -435c80,-486 137,-983 254,-1460 13,-53 24,-98 34,-147 3,-17 12,-60 19,-72 24,-45 0,-19 41,-41 27,46 13,99 0,154 -76,323 -125,645 -182,972l-172 998c-14,71 -12,138 33,138 77,0 60,-146 75,-228 70,-403 279,-1836 372,-2016 90,6 78,-4 66,90 -71,540 -202,1075 -309,1608 -19,98 -137,546 -59,546 82,0 73,-153 92,-246l273 -1367c32,-173 55,-378 94,-548l28 -10c127,-54 141,-149 160,-278l37 -116 1457 -201 9 39c1,3 2,9 3,11 5,24 -2,13 6,27 145,-16 435,-73 563,-59l0 82c-151,19 -516,31 -621,90 -48,134 -21,305 -46,381l-40 12c-59,2 -116,-47 -244,-22 -264,51 -281,536 -289,782 -7,210 10,474 124,589 165,167 373,137 482,145 77,6 -44,-15 32,4 133,35 -20,232 -12,361l60 262c16,46 48,62 26,62l-4352 0zm516 -2378c-7,-64 -3,-121 0,-184 68,92 71,120 69,258l-10 62c-1,-3 -5,8 -7,12 -34,-17 -33,37 -52,-148zm-648 -267c-14,55 -29,116 -23,177 8,84 86,231 56,300 -265,-96 -136,-740 -64,-940 71,-196 41,-111 49,-311 126,-9 446,-43 514,56 93,136 321,625 379,775 34,87 31,436 -13,515 -63,-5 -48,5 -70,-54 -32,-86 -18,-264 -30,-333 -22,-124 -218,-469 -238,-116 -3,65 -7,132 -1,196 13,139 38,205 22,352 -95,-19 -103,-127 -155,-328 -50,-195 35,-333 -68,-402 -140,70 -75,429 -40,566 6,27 17,65 22,88 18,106 -53,121 -120,-28 -143,-318 -59,-581 -121,-616 -79,-10 -75,15 -99,103zm-97 -756c13,14 25,18 32,76 9,76 -29,150 -66,219l-99 -36c0,-81 47,-82 62,-158 16,-77 -28,-32 71,-101zm-301 99c41,-78 130,-154 248,-173 -33,29 -84,66 -120,92 -47,35 -61,64 -128,81zm1480 849l1037 -108 589 -1970c-551,29 -1103,238 -1338,535 -307,391 -246,664 -242,1132 1,162 -44,294 -46,411zm1889 -203c255,-30 507,-66 756,-101 127,-18 252,-35 379,-52 93,-13 290,-29 374,-66 32,-14 305,-626 -173,-1144 -199,-215 -607,-470 -1046,-488l-290 1851zm2041 -1594c-126,-43 -244,-110 -367,-162 -152,-64 -277,-77 -301,-260 94,10 45,-5 60,84 178,3 238,-40 244,-209l364 172 0 -102c-52,-17 -192,-82 -246,-112 -65,-37 -48,-41 -69,-130 -12,-51 -26,-92 -35,-147 98,13 212,25 350,42l0 824zm-2008 -930c62,-26 40,-44 116,9 -8,1 -53,14 -62,14 -59,-1 -21,4 -54,-23zm-129 -104c38,-62 68,-115 104,-167 194,-5 272,76 343,3 -20,-106 -116,-38 -255,-96 184,-187 216,-2 442,106 156,74 510,237 664,271 121,26 261,45 374,80l12 359c-166,-30 -326,-54 -494,-76 -271,-36 -144,96 -406,-64 -158,-96 -181,-152 -416,-132 -166,14 -273,90 -435,107 40,-63 58,-61 127,-116 175,-139 432,-39 488,-162 -29,-52 -11,-36 -93,-53l-326 -88c-186,182 0,177 -167,260 -25,-139 -26,-125 38,-232zm472 -464l22 0 -12 91c-42,-24 -36,14 -28,-38 0,0 14,-32 18,-53zm-196 9l17 33 -107 45c35,-59 21,-56 71,-87l-134 0c-44,104 -139,141 -231,211 -128,99 -362,325 -593,279 -239,-47 -183,-128 -254,-143 -91,-21 -34,0 -54,12 -24,94 318,447 854,3 95,-79 155,-120 275,-190 -40,62 8,2 -34,32 -114,82 -37,-1 -170,230 -75,131 -75,182 -12,326 -49,26 -86,58 -90,137 216,155 530,-187 785,-30 557,342 137,96 759,188l21 41c69,183 0,165 311,302l447 218 0 -1030c-159,-10 -317,-59 -466,-37 -114,18 -312,-39 -430,-71 -153,-42 -567,-238 -706,-340 45,-43 39,-75 47,-138l-304 0 -2 9zm-1595 559l176 11c-52,47 -81,51 -129,106 13,92 63,206 92,304 25,85 35,286 74,338 119,-15 49,-216 27,-296 -27,-99 -79,-234 -93,-330 122,-51 277,-211 43,-213 -22,0 -51,2 -73,0 -91,-10 55,13 -33,-6 -5,-1 -11,-4 -15,-5 -4,-1 -10,-3 -14,-5 -10,-48 -11,-93 -10,-147 1,-26 6,-69 5,-91 -2,-46 5,12 -3,-34 -7,-44 -6,-27 -15,-44 -138,-34 -69,355 -32,412zm3072 -568c45,26 74,68 117,118 74,86 32,75 59,177 44,163 169,80 208,197l0 -138c-125,-28 -111,-31 -130,-154 -17,-102 -74,-127 -112,-200l-142 0zm-2054 3289c-3,-2 -7,-12 -8,-9 -1,3 -7,-7 -8,-8 -42,-48 7,-22 -38,-39 -83,46 7,52 -76,68 -121,24 10,-20 -86,-51 -75,75 24,49 -90,76 -98,-13 63,48 -28,-28 -29,-24 9,-16 -47,-32 -32,67 -30,72 -22,151 96,-10 184,-17 278,-21 50,-2 103,-17 125,-15 78,6 -17,12 90,45 4,-4 7,-15 8,-12 11,25 -19,-57 113,-56 -12,79 -13,74 15,111 40,-62 70,-206 45,-270 -121,71 91,-79 -32,31 -160,143 -52,-79 -158,1 -66,51 46,30 -81,58zm271 -180c61,-31 34,11 68,-210l256 -1620c-2,-54 4,-25 -18,-50 -36,72 -247,1439 -305,1765l-9 91c0,3 3,10 3,12 1,3 3,8 5,12zm-863 -3109c17,185 125,146 233,124 78,-16 97,6 78,-74 -19,-10 -12,-27 -112,-11 -1,0 -45,9 -46,9l-40 -4c-3,-1 -9,-2 -13,-4l7 -40 -107 0zm412 3160c68,-53 157,-571 186,-687 40,-160 148,-566 153,-702 -69,193 -204,764 -276,1032 -15,58 -32,115 -47,171 -9,32 -15,54 -22,85 -2,6 -11,43 -11,45 -1,56 -4,24 17,56zm1009 2126c-6,-130 8,-1014 -12,-1074 -26,-78 -18,-39 -42,-61 19,275 -17,805 3,1022 3,29 2,34 11,58l40 55zm-865 -2141c49,-32 22,37 65,-163l112 -553c40,-199 141,-581 143,-748l-324 1363c-27,124 -6,81 4,101zm145 -15c75,-18 47,48 84,-184l254 -1563 -338 1747zm-1543 1897c115,-55 204,-270 268,-407 58,-126 190,-349 228,-472 -105,111 -270,474 -373,651 -39,68 -97,167 -123,228zm1020 -3801c59,-34 57,-84 77,-213 9,-57 48,-234 -35,-215 -58,13 -45,165 -57,231 -19,101 -66,160 15,197zm-206 -1071c-26,78 -14,44 46,95 26,22 51,56 94,68 39,12 107,7 145,0 78,-13 82,-10 81,-83 -75,-42 -121,26 -206,-7 -68,-26 -51,-103 -160,-73zm261 3016c77,-6 50,15 111,-212 45,-168 185,-668 194,-777l-305 989zm1499 2067c4,57 -2,93 -21,131 152,-55 105,-250 -48,-183l-5 46 74 6zm-2888 -227c-52,10 -15,-30 -51,39 -5,9 -12,48 -14,63l56 21 9 -123zm0 0c91,-4 68,16 103,-36 -2,-1 7,-26 -53,-7 -89,29 -39,19 -50,43z"/> </svg> </span></span> </span> <span class="item_text"> Kultur </span> <span class="item_description">Musik, Theater, Tanz, Bildende Kunst, Literatur, Museen, Ausstellungen u.a.</span> </a> </li> <li class="item_2 item_142 level_1 has_no_children"> <a class = "item_142 zweig_1" target = "_self" href = "/Kino.htm?" title = "Kino"> <span class="bild menuitemicon"> <span class="image_wrapper item_img" style="max-width: 256px; width: 100%"><span class="svg_wrapper svg_439" style="width: 256px; height: 256px"><svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="254px" height="254px" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; 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-216,62 -10,-58 -30,-126 -69,-158 -46,-39 -143,-64 -260,-77l1 83c89,11 166,29 214,55 55,30 72,73 80,113 -26,13 -47,28 -62,44 -43,45 -69,109 -80,159 -75,12 -132,28 -153,41l0 154c0,0 36,-5 152,-22 245,-37 1354,-86 1591,85 196,142 294,543 294,543 0,0 90,69 73,-5zm-366 -742c-312,-130 -1039,-118 -1450,-73 9,-12 20,-26 34,-42 161,-176 1040,-194 1302,-51 80,44 103,108 114,166zm-1060 -356c351,-44 797,-23 974,78 -10,-33 -30,-67 -75,-92 -175,-94 -734,-89 -899,14zm5235 50c223,-64 960,-59 951,-64 -187,-101 -813,-88 -927,36 -10,11 -17,20 -24,28zm-2065 162c13,-24 30,-48 51,-69 50,-53 167,-95 315,-123 -12,-10 -28,-21 -52,-34 -178,-96 -757,-89 -908,20 122,20 220,52 273,97 34,29 58,68 74,107 83,-2 166,-1 247,2z"/> </svg> </span></span> </span> <span class="item_text"> Kino </span> <span class="item_description">Alle Kinos in Nordfriesland</span> </a> </li> <li class="item_3 item_143 level_1 has_no_children"> <a class = "item_143 zweig_1" target = "_self" href = "/Wissen.htm?" title = "Wissen"> <span 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155,-127 175,-255l-171 0 -4 255zm3485 1116c83,42 184,-46 224,-98 152,-200 141,-52 177,-173 -1,0 -13,-64 -131,20 -35,26 -60,46 -91,90 -114,162 -150,37 -179,161zm1039 -124c-22,-64 -53,-210 -201,-222 5,152 55,40 116,181 40,94 9,165 37,232 90,-8 28,9 69,-62 41,35 100,72 132,114 73,96 -17,118 66,177 78,-60 41,-165 -7,-217 -21,-23 -107,-107 -141,-130 -88,-58 -33,31 -71,-73zm-4341 3883l19 7c18,-182 -192,-3986 -219,-4577 -6,-111 -29,-198 -35,-277l52 -28c-106,-31 -41,-81 -72,-196 -1,-4 -4,-10 -5,-13l-14 -24c-10,136 50,1074 61,1295 28,524 176,3757 213,3813zm735 -2389c-41,-68 -142,-118 -128,-184l48 -2c19,7 26,17 39,30 41,40 29,40 81,70 228,-286 -199,-686 -437,-370 -225,300 168,753 397,456zm-1077 -2777c104,-44 216,-31 339,-38 -9,-151 -76,-250 -179,-302 -137,-69 -120,-68 -187,-50 -14,4 -26,9 -40,15l0 5234 304 6c5,-381 -41,-835 -61,-1224l-126 -2433c-12,-231 -83,-1043 -50,-1208zm225 -407c3,5 8,10 11,13l60 63c68,70 105,156 113,262 13,165 -41,283 -116,370 325,8 785,-48 1120,-71l2788 -188c206,-13 395,11 460,-139 87,-200 -85,-294 -263,-296l-4173 -14zm4050 5580l-890 2 101 -572c24,-173 44,-351 66,-527 33,-271 17,-399 318,-566 90,-49 99,-34 187,-101 78,-59 263,-216 340,-255 110,-55 426,-18 568,-29 153,-13 141,-107 374,133 94,96 166,203 253,324 41,59 59,77 89,129l0 1464 -1027 0c3,-22 3,-51 4,-70 10,-89 66,-190 28,-259 -85,21 0,24 -200,163 -66,46 -166,108 -211,164zm-1302 -1405c-71,-138 -172,-46 -300,-367 -80,-198 -197,-192 -198,-466 -69,-14 -150,-31 -205,-68 -134,-88 -109,-85 -109,-167 144,16 172,1 310,41 159,46 16,-28 286,-30 72,-1 111,11 174,17 127,12 -7,-26 108,-15 56,5 306,167 295,386 -5,110 -27,201 -25,327 3,163 38,145 111,237 43,56 127,119 76,204 -70,-73 -108,-136 -178,-209 -244,-252 158,-660 -261,-853 27,60 269,269 82,343 -84,-109 76,-9 -85,-221 17,109 8,98 -57,161 -57,57 -44,88 -114,141 -83,6 -169,-46 -201,-89 -71,-95 20,-135 -136,-170 10,131 33,158 99,243 66,86 66,102 113,211 120,277 201,113 296,352 62,155 126,308 189,461 55,134 170,335 156,477 -62,-52 -89,-123 -133,-230l-293 -716zm-1838 -936c-58,50 -117,127 -251,109 -93,-12 -207,-73 -246,-118 -105,-120 -130,-399 -19,-545 107,-139 344,-213 509,-54 174,167 120,312 55,534 37,60 86,71 87,135 -81,26 -73,-19 -135,-61zm691 -257c46,62 98,98 137,164l99 -25c30,91 6,3 -3,51l0 145c-44,2 -55,-22 -95,-61 -101,14 -268,109 -350,6 -83,-102 63,-232 100,-295 -40,-64 -100,-122 -74,-230 21,-82 71,-127 163,-97 268,88 45,309 23,342zm1618 344c-39,-177 -129,-279 -185,-463 -91,-9 -125,-6 -174,-79 -35,-52 -68,-109 -39,-164 124,32 19,148 208,169 -2,-20 -11,-96 -9,-111 12,-91 -18,-26 35,-62 70,58 43,213 68,302 17,62 81,162 111,230 113,254 -6,370 327,385l-55 -251c64,28 13,-25 60,57l160 365c32,64 51,73 -22,102 -49,-57 -74,-143 -115,-200 -276,-9 -315,-32 -370,-280zm-2992 2254l2864 0 2365 2 0 -1591c-80,-100 -232,-365 -454,-520 -215,-151 -262,199 -458,-281 -80,-199 -6,-143 14,-329 26,-240 163,-234 137,-507 -18,-187 -38,-137 -72,-143 -48,80 52,206 -39,374 -79,145 -98,152 -100,346 -237,26 -271,55 -492,-31 -2,3 -5,8 -6,10l-143 27c0,2 -1,8 -2,10l-5 35c-1,3 -3,16 -3,13 0,-3 -1,9 -3,13 -304,-4 -297,-409 -362,-525 -28,-51 -25,-38 -56,-61 22,78 86,496 65,533 -42,52 -150,81 -170,-24 84,-43 31,15 108,-18 -4,-75 -27,-99 -32,-180 -4,-64 0,-131 -11,-190 -12,-67 -29,-119 -109,-90 -100,38 -14,49 -39,124 -69,4 -55,-31 -118,-62 -43,51 -50,55 -101,96l-102 49c-21,-66 10,-67 82,-105 295,-153 199,-213 398,-162 -68,-84 -120,-80 -222,-53 27,-65 105,-165 56,-233 -79,26 -61,96 -123,195l-64 65c4,-123 107,-442 153,-498 58,-72 74,-24 76,-132 -182,15 -188,245 -287,477 -64,-37 -1,9 -33,-30l-42 -82c42,-52 65,-59 97,-115 26,-45 44,-100 67,-149 96,-210 212,-90 208,-223 -103,-38 -229,104 -262,169 -66,130 -69,233 -213,267l18 -148c-80,16 -76,34 -113,-18 25,-51 94,-63 146,-102 90,-66 139,-143 315,-190 211,-55 140,15 168,-68 -110,-78 -335,54 -411,100 43,-118 178,-219 309,-272 244,-98 365,76 458,28 -4,-58 37,-39 -135,-98 -64,-21 -128,-33 -202,-37 107,-44 191,-110 338,-99 193,15 130,172 268,160 -6,-94 -46,-81 -82,-155 164,49 148,212 151,201 1,-3 3,10 6,14 67,-26 40,-21 64,-104 81,70 55,50 181,75 -61,9 -53,8 -63,61 97,59 122,-86 254,104 42,60 104,193 164,193 7,-15 10,-12 8,-43l-47 -94c-185,-273 -190,-142 -205,-354 -16,-230 -35,-469 -58,-704l-4349 293c-19,81 206,4573 250,4786z"/> </svg> </span></span> </span> <span class="item_text"> Wissen </span> <span class="item_description">Vorträge, Workshops, Seminare, Podiumsdiskussionen, Gottesdienste u.a.</span> </a> </li> <li class="item_4 item_144 level_1 has_no_children"> <a class = "item_144 zweig_1" target = "_self" href = "/Event.htm?" title = "Events"> <span class="bild menuitemicon"> <span class="image_wrapper item_img" style="max-width: 256px; width: 100%"><span class="svg_wrapper svg_438" style="width: 256px; height: 256px"><svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="254px" height="254px" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd" viewBox="0 0 2734 2734" xmlns:xlink=""> 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95,-342 112,-362 48,-58 176,-164 207,-241 30,-77 147,-437 147,-437 0,0 -22,-73 -75,-15 -54,58 -127,255 -169,259 -42,3 -59,-218 -64,-281 -6,-64 1,-165 1,-165 0,0 68,-247 28,-286 -41,-39 -76,163 -113,219 -38,57 -62,234 -62,234l5 -253c0,0 94,-238 14,-244 -32,-2 -125,261 -125,261l-1 224 -37 -201c0,0 85,-201 9,-228 -38,-14 -82,189 -95,222 -13,33 32,258 32,258 0,0 -78,-54 -82,-96 -4,-42 18,-161 -20,-168 -38,-7 -56,206 -56,206 0,0 110,140 111,189 4,119 58,292 62,345 2,22 -81,230 -177,461l-1 99zm349 0l0 0 0 0zm505 -2339l257 68 -229 104 -202 -50 174 -122zm-327 229l156 33 -579 262 423 -295z"/> </svg> </span></span> </span> <span class="item_text"> Events </span> <span class="item_description">Öffentliche Feste, Messen, Modenschauen, Biike-Brennen u.a.</span> </a> </li> <li class="item_5 item_145 level_1 has_no_children"> <a class = "item_145 zweig_1" target = "_self" href = "/Natur.htm?" title = "Natur"> <span class="bild menuitemicon"> <span class="image_wrapper item_img" style="max-width: 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280c97,-34 310,-38 344,-133 -101,-16 -212,3 -311,26 -113,25 -176,50 -174,173 46,16 81,29 143,28l-2 -94zm-4425 -1238l0 103c132,-52 304,-54 322,-208 -136,12 -199,80 -322,105zm3621 -33c61,175 440,-41 665,-121 -8,-87 -16,-71 -72,-110 -61,69 -6,28 -104,71 -76,34 -72,56 -123,94 -117,86 -264,-13 -366,66zm-2077 144c83,42 186,-16 273,-36l9 -73 287 -64c66,-24 51,-18 66,-61 -89,-36 -307,-9 -379,36 -45,28 -56,58 -119,97 -53,32 -102,41 -137,101zm-1279 -329c-5,-123 -100,-107 100,-277 230,-194 85,-13 308,-70l-40 -90c-234,43 -261,1 -408,147 -196,193 -65,285 40,290zm5481 -1766c-193,154 -146,-8 -281,80 -55,36 -86,54 -136,84 -56,32 -100,51 -131,100 165,-2 154,-75 252,-106 81,-25 82,7 167,-11 58,-12 65,-37 129,-46l0 -101zm-2487 1212c-44,62 -21,54 -100,96 -3,2 -9,5 -11,6 -3,1 -9,3 -12,6 29,238 -159,253 -281,360 5,3 12,0 15,6 2,5 11,4 14,4 3,1 10,3 14,3 112,2 326,-269 333,-274 58,-40 55,-4 119,-43 70,-44 16,-71 206,-138 86,-30 87,-28 122,-72 -139,18 -297,85 -419,46zm-1957 1050c16,207 201,28 341,1 172,-33 350,7 397,-154 -154,-8 -259,40 -392,68 -116,24 -278,16 -346,85zm1591 -1295c170,58 500,-176 656,-201l26 -5c-20,-92 -35,-51 -41,-121 174,-120 193,-17 239,-113 -49,-61 -40,-27 -242,37 -131,41 -90,91 -163,180 -47,58 -142,86 -225,117 -154,56 -215,43 -250,106zm1952 138c-269,-5 -117,89 -288,125 -110,23 -240,24 -319,90 91,49 261,18 352,-21 129,-55 236,-47 341,-91l-14 -127c67,-8 76,9 111,-50 -50,-20 -100,-18 -165,-11 -15,35 12,44 -18,85zm-2677 -1894c14,124 67,244 102,359 61,203 38,182 30,386l193 -6c-39,-145 -159,-430 -221,-599 -40,-106 -8,-123 7,-205 -61,-2 -78,35 -100,55 -2,2 -7,7 -11,10zm13 4144l258 0c28,-142 107,-98 239,-147 78,-29 232,-68 282,-140 -91,-65 -62,-25 -62,-25 -17,-2 -54,0 -71,2l-338 100c-65,46 -90,95 -153,136 -52,35 -111,49 -155,74zm2874 -3466c-115,40 -168,-26 -238,69 -73,99 -10,170 -89,253 -104,107 -379,118 -491,208 12,12 2,9 29,21 119,53 199,-24 327,-57 281,-71 52,-96 279,-192 3,-2 10,-4 14,-7 -3,-77 -15,-73 -39,-127 73,-42 75,-85 166,-101 132,-22 140,7 97,-130 75,-3 96,3 148,-38 -21,-51 19,-22 -53,-55 -188,-85 -148,143 -150,156zm-2652 -651c-12,110 63,282 95,374 35,99 80,326 104,383 43,48 391,69 512,67 -41,-116 -133,-63 -265,-82 -115,-16 -131,-91 -169,-190 -153,-407 -67,-208 -108,-432 -13,-75 -28,-36 -44,-136 -78,27 -37,13 -125,16zm-723 3860c38,10 265,-42 326,-57 75,-19 202,-93 254,-125 254,-156 198,-15 462,-133l110 -80c-140,-22 -149,-58 -298,1 -416,163 -335,173 -838,249l-16 145zm4066 -1552c-239,89 -56,137 -187,217 -59,37 -88,18 -129,70 -23,30 -34,82 -61,119 -84,113 -286,158 -199,357 31,71 34,78 96,94 32,-95 34,-153 100,-220 228,-227 -41,-96 259,-353 129,-111 30,-155 121,-174l0 -110zm-5580 -738c114,-11 29,-81 264,-119 188,-30 74,-110 274,-139 313,-46 113,-22 301,-115 91,-45 218,-57 288,-124 -79,-47 -246,12 -334,42 -81,28 -87,52 -140,77 -63,30 -97,-3 -170,8 -70,12 -76,52 -151,68 -91,20 -440,-2 -332,302zm5166 221c-86,-7 -51,-21 -130,-40 -27,102 -7,107 43,169l-42 16c-30,12 -12,-2 -39,16 -36,23 -38,38 -41,80 -20,217 -1,37 -55,157l151 199c-116,74 -256,-2 -249,81l37 115 162 10c12,-66 -90,-16 64,-87 58,-27 81,-63 43,-133 -46,-83 -75,-30 -80,-122 -4,-60 -18,-128 -7,-188 148,-67 166,-29 96,-193 167,-85 70,-44 172,-150 76,-78 155,-51 247,-94l7 -99c-35,1 -240,54 -258,64 -49,27 -78,145 -121,199zm-5332 1234l0 133c41,-28 382,-119 456,-131 109,-17 172,-5 228,-78 32,-42 20,-65 76,-79 28,-7 73,4 110,-13 -9,-77 -54,-124 -133,-91 -77,31 -57,75 -109,142 -107,25 -238,27 -354,48 -105,18 -177,52 -274,69zm2970 -1898l164 37c-52,252 -362,223 -452,344 72,54 54,74 168,42 143,-41 232,-74 317,-246 55,-111 -11,-134 -32,-213 167,-60 363,-54 534,-131 169,-77 350,-106 531,-151 -16,-18 10,-48 -166,-44 -58,1 -124,6 -176,23 -129,44 -92,92 -297,120 -127,18 -551,108 -591,219zm-130 2990l110 0c17,-66 82,-182 118,-243 54,-88 130,-102 261,-137 94,-25 244,-41 325,-71 109,-40 92,-138 175,-223 118,-36 310,-38 449,-71 140,-33 272,-205 279,-227 -72,-44 -118,22 -171,64 -234,184 -504,64 -604,153 -45,63 -33,123 -55,200 -152,68 -449,21 -609,127 -125,82 -66,280 -278,428zm1203 -2233l75 80c-131,-17 -148,-40 -272,5l25 125 -139 -1c-162,247 -99,175 -270,264 -93,49 -52,101 -79,190 -30,103 -118,64 -99,175 122,7 150,-42 190,-137 55,-126 194,-194 352,-368l154 -214c314,63 94,-46 436,-114 143,-29 247,-39 181,-188 -27,-63 -17,-56 -58,-86 -39,81 108,140 -155,188 -105,18 -260,19 -341,81zm-3067 762c1,167 190,103 267,211 -59,71 -154,53 -230,47 -84,-5 -492,234 -528,331 63,64 116,58 159,112 -180,54 -646,41 -580,303 117,-38 -25,-96 364,-166 126,-22 362,-24 430,-108 -71,-69 -192,-66 -234,-159 30,-28 325,-189 374,-206 138,-48 352,-37 433,-136 -43,-108 -145,-91 -273,-134 -63,-21 -60,-16 -76,-62 94,-47 514,82 458,-140 -62,-15 -146,47 -281,51 -102,3 -204,8 -283,56zm2409 700c41,-301 -183,-216 662,-403 473,-105 220,-59 387,-155 120,-69 278,-56 332,-176 -112,-22 -245,9 -351,31 -258,56 -152,57 -140,148 -223,108 -798,78 -1014,189 10,71 32,70 63,116 -32,31 -60,34 -76,74 -26,66 8,51 -15,130l-161 18c9,78 23,86 63,133l37 85c0,-2 -1,8 -2,12 -104,25 -199,23 -309,60 48,43 113,35 182,27 386,-48 235,-154 209,-243 55,-9 94,-22 133,-46zm-2878 771l118 0c168,-165 354,-109 562,-192 -11,-50 -35,-67 -19,-105 107,-37 461,-111 509,-203 77,-148 -6,-112 168,-192 68,-31 159,-102 198,-145 299,-322 319,-203 753,-310 107,-27 187,-48 139,-166 -141,8 29,87 -386,139 -107,13 -388,12 -431,104l-27 65c-28,65 -87,141 -156,170 -210,86 -170,-43 -258,191 -106,280 -525,107 -677,225 -6,68 32,113 6,185 -28,15 -236,18 -323,39 -94,23 -182,41 -252,85 26,69 42,37 76,110zm107 -5275c76,46 174,59 242,109 71,52 127,109 207,172 84,66 151,83 238,141 356,243 69,80 477,262 175,78 98,134 195,183 66,34 219,60 296,83 98,29 139,100 235,145 124,-180 189,-115 428,-183 649,-185 433,-55 475,-682 13,-200 -34,-275 -252,-245 9,111 231,407 -365,404 -330,-2 -514,-154 -692,-183 -294,-47 -745,42 -815,1 -89,-52 -17,-50 -150,-66 -193,-23 -378,-160 -519,-141zm482 3240c36,-197 508,-44 619,12 121,60 437,280 449,359 29,182 -260,-292 -711,-386 -145,-30 -321,31 -357,15zm-62 -144c53,-101 261,-137 388,-142 160,-6 311,36 440,97 128,60 225,115 329,193 87,65 263,155 279,271 -103,-6 -36,2 -163,-98 -293,-230 -674,-502 -1085,-358l-188 37zm-72 -123c-9,-112 416,-387 1027,-104 275,127 435,239 660,404 94,68 171,109 178,184 -86,-1 -145,-75 -206,-120 -355,-268 -985,-692 -1443,-467 -46,23 -60,31 -101,62 -44,33 -70,61 -115,41zm-89 -87c-31,-161 433,-420 1034,-259 302,80 607,232 870,393 136,84 48,97 47,99 -20,1 -333,-189 -409,-224 -172,-79 -301,-140 -491,-195 -189,-54 -415,-85 -621,-44 -346,70 -322,254 -430,230zm-101 -48c-77,-115 354,-608 1222,-370 81,22 141,45 213,76 34,14 71,29 101,43 66,34 56,18 66,76 -59,30 -210,-77 -392,-130 -152,-44 -320,-67 -489,-61 -588,22 -624,339 -721,366zm570 -502c-712,87 -867,865 -525,1004 65,27 135,16 208,20 267,15 -77,77 512,215 254,60 584,134 855,94 213,-32 553,-156 651,-286 130,-171 -236,-510 -305,-578 -157,-154 -313,-281 -578,-377 -235,-86 -548,-124 -818,-92zm-1342 -860l2149 -4c-45,-207 -120,-228 -56,-461 -104,-20 -208,-44 -253,-119 -119,-198 -251,-124 -472,-285 -101,-74 -116,-95 -240,-156 -183,-90 -253,-236 -448,-310 -46,-17 -86,-31 -133,-47 -20,-7 -48,-17 -63,-27 -86,-53 68,51 -30,-24 -3,-2 -7,-6 -10,-9 -94,-65 -268,-10 -364,-77l448 -107c-93,-13 -171,-14 -217,-79 312,4 941,27 1251,-30 364,-68 228,-224 1156,-141 584,51 423,105 649,239 79,-22 224,-181 587,-33 150,62 325,240 234,470 -54,136 -45,109 19,268 37,93 74,178 112,266 57,133 193,409 222,535 -81,-16 -59,-17 -104,-95l-391 -654c-60,-108 -140,-176 -231,-28 -159,259 -531,351 -825,437 -55,16 -118,35 -171,44 -99,15 -129,-17 -165,52 -24,22 -28,-27 -5,62 14,54 26,49 37,88 23,74 -6,126 29,203 4,2 11,0 13,5 10,22 325,13 351,13 389,0 2510,-17 2667,8l2 -1953 -5748 0 0 1949z"/> </svg> </span></span> </span> <span class="item_text"> Natur </span> <span class="item_description">Angebote für drinnen und draußen, UNESCO Weltnaturerbe</span> </a> </li> <li class="item_6 item_146 level_1 has_no_children"> <a class = "item_146 zweig_1" target = "_self" href = "/Kreativ.htm?" title = "Kreativ"> <span class="bild menuitemicon"> <span 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-183,-31 -312,6 -130,37 -238,111 -361,148 -47,14 -259,31 -259,31 0,0 10,53 139,67 218,25 555,167 699,155 144,-13 238,-105 252,-124 0,0 56,-80 56,-111 0,-31 -23,-74 -43,-98l-17 -19zm0 0l0 0 0 0z"/> <path class="bg_web" d="M3458 778l-118 -25c0,0 -16,50 -85,50 -69,0 -88,-50 -88,-50l-187 0 -753 -61c0,0 10,-78 10,-115 0,-37 -10,-104 -10,-104l753 -62 187 0c0,0 19,-49 88,-49 69,0 85,49 85,49l118 -24c0,0 29,79 29,196 0,117 -29,195 -29,195z"/> <path class="fill_none line_kreativ" d="M5009 1587c0,-218 -446,-394 -996,-394 -550,0 -996,176 -996,394 0,217 446,394 996,394 550,0 996,-177 996,-394zm-1551 -809l-118 -25c0,0 -16,50 -85,50 -69,0 -88,-50 -88,-50l-187 0 -753 -61c0,0 10,-78 10,-115 0,-37 -10,-104 -10,-104l753 -62 187 0c0,0 19,-49 88,-49 69,0 85,49 85,49l118 -24c0,0 29,79 29,196 0,117 -29,195 -29,195z"/> </svg> </span></span> </span> <span class="item_text"> Kreativ </span> <span class="item_description">Musikproben, Basteln, Malen, Zeichnen, Handarbeit, etc.</span> </a> </li> <li 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357,-179 118,141 -183,267 -108,431 87,-13 119,-101 160,-181 49,-96 62,-167 189,-160 66,148 -71,248 -24,381 200,11 100,-303 174,-405 172,-65 57,212 222,262 103,-145 -107,-209 51,-547 66,-141 226,-226 368,-316 277,-174 559,-376 806,-564 161,-121 143,-162 216,-451 85,-337 193,-788 242,-1128 13,-94 17,-204 51,-291 20,-55 57,-131 121,-126 151,12 -7,157 -25,278 -15,109 -33,224 -45,335 208,-60 372,-181 501,-348 303,-393 354,-560 -127,-842 -193,-113 -597,-311 -840,-180 -258,179 -346,428 -252,857 60,274 -28,720 -66,1007 -18,136 -23,383 -95,480 -45,59 -176,88 -318,258 -106,127 -288,346 -420,446 -55,42 -108,88 -160,129 -137,107 -179,170 -409,140 -174,-22 -371,-46 -536,-6zm-141 419c-30,19 -51,37 -70,58l2 -166c64,7 121,17 143,33 -20,76 -5,31 -75,75zm-70 -1132c244,-138 393,-174 478,-226 211,-129 284,-134 562,-134 295,0 675,-316 986,-418 -52,502 25,465 -494,561 -238,44 -187,92 -408,-17 -90,-45 -362,-18 -442,24 391,49 587,117 773,352l-94 83c-43,-46 -94,-86 -137,-139 -271,81 -432,275 -572,403 -105,96 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</option> <option value = "8707" >Beach Bahnhof, St. Peter-Ording</option> <option value = "5695" >Beachvolleyballfeld, Mittelbrücke</option> <option value = "8831" >Besprechungsraum</option> <option value = "5648" >Bi Jaine Bowlingcenter</option> <option value = "8314" >Biar-Brauhüs</option> <option value = "4079" >Biikeplatz</option> <option value = "172" >Binnenhafen</option> <option value = "5123" >Blaue Maus</option> <option value = "4156" >Bogenschießanlage</option> <option value = "8232" >Bonhoefferhaus</option> <option value = "8836" >Bootskorso</option> <option value = "8838" >Brücke Strandweg / Klavertsweg</option> <option value = "4751" >Buchhandlung Jan Stümpel</option> <option value = "4233" >Buchhandlung Quedens</option> <option value = "108" >Busfahrten Korf, Reedereigebäude, Hafen</option> <option value = "4122" >Bushaltestelle Leuchtturm</option> <option value = "8840" >Campingplatz Skovmose (Dänemark)</option> <option value = "8369" >Christian Jensen Haus</option> <option value = "4320" >Christian Jensen Kolleg</option> <option value = "8645" >Christian-Jensen-Kolleg</option> <option value = "8799" >Deichkreuz</option> <option value = "2835" >Deichkreuz Rantumbecken, Informationspunkt Rantum</option> <option value = "73" >Deichparkplatz, &amp;quot;Zum Wattenläufer&amp;quot;</option> <option value = "8793" >Demenz Bibliothek Mildstedt</option> <option value = "7828" >Dörpshus Mildstedt</option> <option value = "174" >Dörpshus, Poststrat 2</option> <option value = "104" >Dr.-Carl-Häberlin-Friesen-Museum</option> <option value = "8834" >Drachenfest</option> <option value = "334,7582" >DÜNEN-HUS</option> <option value = "1176" >Ende Strandstraße, am Parkplatz (vor dem Café &amp;quot;Watt´s Up&amp;quot;)</option> <option value = "8059" >Erlebnis-Promenade</option> <option value = "8788" >Erlebnis-Wiese auf der Erlebnis-Promenade, St. Peter-ording</option> <option value = "8650" >Erlebniszentrum Naturgewalten</option> <option value = "7763" >ev. Familienbildungsstätte Niebüll</option> <option value = "2340,8846" >Ev. Gemeindehaus</option> <option value = "122" >Ev. Kapelle</option> <option value = "7772" >Evangelisch-Freikirchliche Gemeinde Husum</option> <option value = "6727" >Evangelische Familienbildungsstätte / Mehrgenerationenhaus (Diakonisches Werk Husum gGmbH)</option> <option value = "7981" >Eventgelände Ordinger Strand</option> <option value = "2776" >Fähranleger, Bushaltestelle Mole</option> <option value = "61" >Fahrradständer Odde</option> <option value = "190" >Ferring Stiftung</option> <option value = "25,28,31,3822" >Feuerwehr-Gerätehaus</option> <option value = "1658" >Feuerwehrgerätehaus, Dorfmitte</option> <option value = "8732" >Filmtheater am Sandwall – Inselkino Föhr</option> <option value = "8385" >Flutmarkenpfahl, Hafen</option> <option value = "3942" >Föhr</option> <option value = "70" >Föhrer Adventure Golf &amp;amp; Maislabyrinth, Feld 2 (auf dem Bauernhof)</option> <option value = "8431" >Forstbetriebsgebäude, Hialwai (links in den Forst)</option> <option value = "8794" >Friesenkapelle Kirchengemeinde Norddörfer</option> <option value = "66" >Fußgängerzone, &amp;quot;Strandläufer&amp;quot;</option> <option value = "5453" >Galerie Tobien</option> <option value = "20" >Gemeindehaus</option> <option value = "136" >Gewerbegebiet, nahe Leuchtturmkurve</option> <option value = "145" >Glockenturm, Große Straße / Mittelstraße</option> <option value = "6482" >Grethjens Gasthof</option> <option value = "8733" >Große Straße 31</option> <option value = "5028" >Hafen</option> <option value = "3847" >Hafen Rantum Führung</option> <option value = "8833" >Hafenfest</option> <option value = "76" >Hauptbadestrand, Parkplatz am Lokal &amp;quot;Watt´s UP&amp;quot;</option> <option value = "2598" >Haus der Fotografie</option> <option value = "8326" >Haus Peters</option> <option value = "8806" >Hofbesichtigung auf einem zertifizierten Tierwohlbetrieb</option> <option value = "5027" >Hotel Hüttmann</option> <option value = "3454" >Hotel Landhafen</option> <option value = "8772" >Husum</option> <option value = "2204" >Husumer Binnenhafen</option> <option value = "8524" >Husumer Hafen </option> <option value = "622" >Husumhus</option> <option value = "33" >Hüttmannwiese</option> <option value = "8785" >Info-Hütte (Richie-Hügel) am Gotteskoogsee</option> <option value = "8859" >Jugendherberge Niebüll</option> <option value = "5539" >Jugendkapelle</option> <option value = "8325" >Kaffeerösterei Eiderstedt</option> <option value = "4245" >Karins Landcafé, Heuherberge</option> <option value = "974" >Kinderfachklinik Satteldüne</option> <option value = "4865" >Kino-Vorplatz</option> <option value = "290" >Kinocenter Husum</option> <option value = "7749" >Kirche St. Pankratius Oldenswort</option> <option value = "8332" >Kneipe Treffpunkt</option> <option value = "8809" >Krabbenfischerei Pellworm</option> <option value = "8681" >Kreatives Schreiben</option> <option value = "8747" >Kreishaus Husum</option> <option value = "1659" >Kreismusikschule Nordfriesland</option> <option value = "8634" >Kreismusikschule Nordfriesland, Kleines Musiktheater, Bezirksstelle Sylt</option> <option value = "8605" >Kreissitzungssaal Kreishaus</option> <option value = "8028" >Kreuzung Große Straße / Sandwall / Gosch</option> <option value = "8782" >Kultur- und Gedenkstätte Ehemalige Synagoge</option> <option value = "6604" >Kulturstation Zollhäuser</option> <option value = "911" >Kulturzentrum Eckhof Galmsbüll</option> <option value = "79" >Kurgartensaal</option> <option value = "21" >Kurpark am Haus des Gastes</option> <option value = "8771" >Kursaal Rantum</option> <option value = "241" >Kurverwaltung List auf Sylt</option> <option value = "514" >KZ-Gedenkstätte Husum-Schwesing</option> <option value = "8827" >Landhaus Leuchtfeuer</option> <option value = "8835" >Laternenumzug</option> <option value = "123" >Lerchenhof</option> <option value = "4235" >Leuchtturm</option> <option value = "7087" >Lutherhof Breklum</option> <option value = "6725" >Marktplatz Bredstedt</option> <option value = "8422" >Marktplatz Süderlügum</option> <option value = "410" >Messe Husum &amp; Congress</option> <option value = "771" >Mikkelberg Center for nordisk kunst og cricket</option> <option value = "36" >Mole</option> <option value = "8832" >Monkey Island Sylt</option> <option value = "71" >MS &amp;quot;Hauke Haien&amp;quot;, Binnenhafen</option> <option value = "1458" >MS &amp;quot;Rungholt&amp;quot;, Binnenhafen</option> <option value = "1645" >Muasem Hüs (Morsum)</option> <option value = "140" >Mühle</option> <option value = "27" >Mühlenstadion</option> <option value = "77" >Museum Kunst der Westküste</option> <option value = "84" >Musikpavillon, Veranstaltungszentrum</option> <option value = "2671" >Nationalpark-Haus Föhr</option> <option value = "8523" >Nationalparkhalle</option> <option value = "2762" >NaTour-Düne</option> <option value = "8283" >NaTour-Düne, Boßelparcours</option> <option value = "564,2688" >Naturkundemuseum Niebüll</option> <option value = "3412" >Naturzentrum / Pottwalausstellung</option> <option value = "57" >Naturzentrum Amrum</option> <option value = "8217" >Naturzentrum Mittleres Nordfriesland in Bredstedt</option> <option value = "6641" >NCC Großer Saal</option> <option value = "52" >Norddorf, Kiosk an der Vogelkoje</option> <option value = "132" >Nordende Teerdeich</option> <option value = "947" >Nordfriesland Museum. Nissenhaus Husum</option> <option value = "208" >Nordsee Akademie</option> <option value = "5685" >Nordsee-Golfclub SPO e.V.</option> <option value = "7546" >obere Promenade Raum Nordsee</option> <option value = "1407" >Oevenum</option> <option value = "4334" >Oevenumer Hofladen</option> <option value = "3879" >Öömrang Hüs</option> <option value = "23,37" >Ortskern</option> <option value = "146" >Ostkaje (Fischmarktkaje), Binnenhafen</option> <option value = "3417" >Packhaus Tönning</option> <option value = "186" >Park an der Mühle, Feldstraße/ Mühlenstraße</option> <option value = "124" >Parkeingang</option> <option value = "109" >Parkplatz</option> <option value = "8786" >Parkplatz an den Fischteichen</option> <option value = "8791" >Parkplatz Obstwiese Soltbargen</option> <option value = "8784" >Parkplatz, Steenodder Pier</option> <option value = "8720" >Pastorat am Dorfteich</option> <option value = "8820" >Pellwormer Bürgerhus</option> <option value = "8837" >Pellwormer Inselabend</option> <option value = "1438" >POPPENSPÄLER MUSEUM</option> <option value = "8759" >Rathaus Husum, 25813 Husum, Zingel 10</option> <option value = "98" >Rathausplatz</option> <option value = "8301" >Rathausplatz, Seehundsbrunnen</option> <option value = "7470" >Reha-Zentrum, Vortragssaal, Uaster Jügem 1</option> <option value = "4441" >Repair Café Husum</option> <option value = "6982" >Restaurant 1877 (im Boutiquehotel Myn Utspann)</option> <option value = "8300" >Restaurant am Flugplatz</option> <option value = "8737" >Restaurant Deichkind</option> <option value = "210" >Restaurant Störtebeker im Wrixumer Hof</option> <option value = "8722" >Schleusenhalbinsel</option> <option value = "4626" >Schleusenhalbinsel Rantumbecken Führung</option> <option value = "5365,5781" >Schloss vor Husum</option> <option value = "8734" >Schulzentrum Eilun Feer Skuul, Schulküche</option> <option value = "476" >Schulzentrum Niebüll</option> <option value = "2815" >Schutzstation Wattenmeer</option> <option value = "3530" >Seebrückenvorplatz, Erlebnis-Promenade</option> <option value = "1125" >Seeheim (Kino), Tagungsraum</option> <option value = "26" >Seezeichenhafen</option> <option value = "7491,8486" >Speicher Husum</option> <option value = "8783" >Spielplatz an der Villa Kunterbunt</option> <option value = "29" >St. Clemens Kirche</option> <option value = "32" >St. Clemens-Hüs</option> <option value = "83" >St. Johannis-Kirche</option> <option value = "1145" >St. Laurentii-Kirche</option> <option value = "85" >St. Nicolai-Kirche, - Boldixum</option> <option value = "7409" >Stadtbibliothek Husum</option> <option value = "427" >Steinterrasse bei den Schachbrettfeldern, Höhe Strandabschnitt 5</option> <option value = "8803" >Sterneninsel Pellworm</option> <option value = "35,5351" >Strand</option> <option value = "1041" >Strandabschnitt Ording Nord</option> <option value = "3115" >Strandaufgang Haus des Gastes</option> <option value = "2830" >StrandGut Resort</option> <option value = "2871,4993" >Strandübergang</option> <option value = "173" >SUP Island</option> <option value = "8764" >Sylt Entrée</option> <option value = "69" >Taarepshüs</option> <option value = "4975" >Teelackerweg am Uasterstigh</option> <option value = "8825" >Theater Alte Kirche</option> <option value = "6754" >Theodor-Storm-Zentrum (Storm-Museum)</option> <option value = "62" >Toilettenhäuschen an der Mole</option> <option value = "8745" >Veranstaltungsort Aula Berufliche Schule</option> <option value = "3871" >Veranstaltungszentrum</option> <option value = "200" >Veranstaltungszentrum, Kaminzimmer</option> <option value = "8774" >Veranstaltungszentrum, Kinderprogramm, 1. Stock</option> <option value = "2094" >Veranstaltungszentrum, Kleine Werkstatt, 1. Stock</option> <option value = "2293" >Vor dem Duus-Hotel</option> <option value = "7840" >Vor dem Haus des Gastes</option> <option value = "8723" >Vor der Einfahrt zum Nationalpark-Haus Föhr</option> <option value = "8805" >Vortrag: Mein Jahr als Schäfer</option> <option value = "8808" >Vortrag: Was summt denn hier?</option> <option value = "8807" >Vortrag: Wie kommt das Wasser von der Insel?</option> <option value = "94" >W.D.R.-Galerie (Eingang am Innenhafen)</option> <option value = "4148" >W.D.R.-Gebäude, VHS-Yogaraum</option> <option value = "6135" >Wandelbahn, Leuchtfeuer</option> <option value = "56" >Wandelbahn, Strandbar &amp;quot;Seehund&amp;quot;</option> <option value = "8810" >Weiderundgang zu den Wagyus</option> <option value = "8721" >Wenningstedter Dorfteich</option> <option value = "1375" >Westküstenpark &amp; Robbarium</option> <option value = "53" >Wiese am Fähranleger</option> <option value = "8804" >Windenergie auf Pellworm</option> <option value = "8469" >Wird bei Anmeldung bekannt gegeben </option> <option value = "628" >Wochenmarkt Husum</option> <option value = "6059" >Wrixumer Forst</option> <option value = "126" >Wyker Buchhandlung</option> <option value = "8299" >Wyker Stadtsäule</option> <option value = "3114" >Yachthafen</option> <option value = "121" >Zentrum für Bewegung, Klang und Stille</option> </select> </div> <div class = "organizer_row row" > <label class="" for="organizer_id_1" > <span class="label_content"> Veranstalter </span> </label> <select class="chosen-select " name = "organizer_id" id = "organizer_id_1" title = "" data-placeholder = "&nbsp;" > <option value="" disabled selected>Wähle bitte eine Option aus.</option> <option value = "8765" >BCM GmbH</option> <option value = "3931" >Bouleclub Leck</option> <option value = "4751" >Buchhandlung Jan Stümpel</option> <option value = "8828" >Buchhandlung Seekiste</option> <option value = "1235" >BUND-Ortsgruppe Husum</option> <option value = "3894" >Choppy Water GmbH</option> <option value = "8781" >Coaching Yoga Tegernsee</option> <option value = "8766" >Contra Promotion GmbH</option> <option value = "8793" >Demenz Bibliothek Mildstedt</option> <option value = "8792" >Demenzberatung, gemeinnütziger Verein AWO Mildstedt und Umgebung</option> <option value = "4128" >Der Runde Tisch Tönning e.V.</option> <option value = "3913" >DSG DLRG Service Gesellschaft mbH</option> <option value = "8650" >Erlebniszentrum Naturgewalten</option> <option value = "6986" >Et Nordfriisk Teooter</option> <option value = "8278" >Ev. Kinder- und Jugendbüro Nordfriesland</option> <option value = "5311" >Ev. Luth. Kirchengemeinde Breklum</option> <option value = "6191" >Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde St. Peter-Ording und Tating</option> <option value = "7772" >Evangelisch-Freikirchliche Gemeinde Husum</option> <option value = "8547" >Familienzentrum Viöl des Diakonischen Werkes Husum gGmbH</option> <option value = "8626" >Festivalia GmbH</option> <option value = "2544" >Filmklub e.V. im Kino-Center Husum</option> <option value = "8826" >Freesenverein Pellworm</option> <option value = "8830" >Fremdenverkehrsverein Pellworm</option> <option value = "1114" >Galerie Tobien</option> <option value = "912" >Galmsbüller Kultur e.V.</option> <option value = "8778" >Gemeinde Drelsdorf</option> <option value = "8423" >Gemeinde Süderlügum</option> <option value = "1266" >Gofi UG (haftungsbeschränkt) &amp; Co. KG</option> <option value = "2598" >Haus der Fotografie</option> <option value = "8326" >Haus Peters</option> <option value = "5120" >Insel Sylt Tourismus-Service GmbH</option> <option value = "1249" >Interessengemeinschaft Husumer Hafen e.V. (IgHH)</option> <option value = "4460" >Jörg Hansen</option> <option value = "8325" >Kaffeerösterei Eiderstedt</option> <option value = "290" >Kinocenter Husum</option> <option value = "8631" >Kreismusikschule Nordfriesland</option> <option value = "8635" >Kreismusikschule Nordfriesland, Bezirksstelle Sylt</option> <option value = "8677" >Kulturbrücke Friedrichstadt e.V.</option> <option value = "6604" >Kulturstation Zollhäuser</option> <option value = "8744" >Kunstverein Husum und Umgebung e.V.</option> <option value = "1460" >Kur- und Tourismusservice Pellworm</option> <option value = "6206" >Küstenfocus Fotografie &amp; Galerie</option> <option value = "8848" >landjugend Pellworm </option> <option value = "410" >Messe Husum &amp; Congress</option> <option value = "721" >Mikkelberg Center for Kunst og Cricket</option> <option value = "677" >Museumsverbund Nordfriesland</option> <option value = "564,2688" >Naturkundemuseum Niebüll</option> <option value = "8217" >Naturzentrum Mittleres Nordfriesland in Bredstedt</option> <option value = "8843" >Nordsee Akademie</option> <option value = "8333" >Nordsee Kollektiv, 25826 Sankt Peter-Ording</option> <option value = "5685" >Nordsee-Golfclub SPO e.V.</option> <option value = "6954" >Ortskulturring Almdorf-Breklum-Sönnebüll-Struckum-Vollstedt</option> <option value = "8850" >Pellwormer Kunsthandwerker</option> <option value = "8849" >Pellwormer Künstler*innen</option> <option value = "6982" >Restaurant 1877 (im Boutiquehotel Myn Utspann)</option> <option value = "567" >Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landestheater und Sinfonieorchester GmbH</option> <option value = "8486" >Speicher Husum</option> <option value = "408" >Speicher Husum e.V.</option> <option value = "5870" >Stadt Friedrichstadt</option> <option value = "7409" >Stadtbibliothek Husum</option> <option value = "549" >Stiftung Nordfriesland</option> <option value = "2830" >StrandGut Resort</option> <option value = "6652" >Sydslesvigsk Forening (SSF)</option> <option value = "8627" >Theater Liberi</option> <option value = "6754" >Theodor-Storm-Zentrum (Storm-Museum)</option> <option value = "407" >Tourismus und Stadtmarketing Husum GmbH</option> <option value = "1331" >Tourismus-Zentrale St. Peter-Ording</option> <option value = "1284" >Tourismusverein Friedrichstadt u. U. e. V.</option> <option value = "8036" >Tourismuszentrale Sankt Peter-Ording</option> <option value = "3675" >Tourist-Info Bredstedt</option> <option value = "8815" >TSV Mildstedt</option> <option value = "8851" >TSV Pellworm</option> <option value = "8540" >Verein für Betreuung und Selbstbestimmung in Nordfriesland e.V.</option> <option value = "8750" >Verein Jordsand zum Schutz der Seevögel und der Natur e. V. NSG Rantumbecken</option> <option value = "8360" >Verein Jordsand zum Schutz der Seevögel und der Natur e.V. NSG Rantumbecken</option> <option value = "8829" >WattRock Café</option> <option value = "856" >Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Nordfriesland mbH</option> <option value = "8708" >Yamacito Beach Bahnhof</option> </select> </div> <div class = "raster_4 event_search_barrierfree row" id = "event_search_barrierfree_1" > <input type = "checkbox" name = "barrierfree" class = "checkbox input" id = "barrierfree_1" value = "1" /> <label class="" for="barrierfree_1" > <span class="label_content"> nur barrierefreie Veranstaltungsorte </span> </label> </div> </div> </div> <div id="search_toggle_button_1" class="search_toggle_button"> <input type="submit" value="Suchen" id="event_search_button_1" class="event_search_button"> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div></div></div><h2 class="AlignCenter headline_red" id="search_text_part">Du weißt ganz genau, was Du willst?<br />Suche gezielt nach Deiner Veranstaltung.</h2><div id="modifiedOtherSearch"> <div id="dwa_event_expert_search_js_2" class="object search_object dwa_event_expert_search_js"> <div id="event_expert_search_wrapper_2" class="event_expert_search_wrapper" > <form action="/Veranstaltungen?eps=24" method = "POST" id = "event_object_search_2" name = "event_object_search" accept-charset = "utf-8"> <input type="hidden" name="send" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="keywordStatic" value="0"> <div id="event_search_data_buttons_2" class="event_search_data_buttons"> <input type="checkbox" id="date_type_today_2" class="date_btnset_2" name="date_type" value="today"> <label for="date_type_today_2">heute</label> <input type="checkbox" id="date_type_tomorrow_2" class="date_btnset_2" name="date_type" value="tomorrow"> <label for="date_type_tomorrow_2">morgen</label> <input type="checkbox" id="date_type_weekend_2" class="date_btnset_2" name="date_type" value="weekend"> <label for="date_type_weekend_2">Wochenende</label> <input type="checkbox" id="date_type_manuel_2" class="date_btnset_2" name="date_type" value="manuel"> <label for="date_type_manuel_2">eigener Zeitraum</label> </div> <div id="event_search_date_input_2" class="event_search_date_input" style="display: none;"> <div class = " row" id = "event_search_date_from_2" > <label class="" for="from_date_2" > <span class="label_content"> von </span> </label> <input type = "text" name = "from_date" class = "text input" id = "from_date_2" value = "" maxlength = "3000" minlength = "0" /> <input type="hidden" id="from_date_viewer_2" name="from_date_viewer" class="event_date event_date_2" value=""/> <span class="manuel_date_label">(Format: TT.MM.JJJJ)</span> </div> <div class = " row" id = "event_search_date_to_2" > <label class="" for="to_date_2" > <span class="label_content"> bis </span> </label> <input type = "text" name = "to_date" class = "text input" id = "to_date_2" value = "" maxlength = "3000" minlength = "0" /> <input type="hidden" id="to_date_viewer_2" name="to_date_viewer" class="event_date event_date_2" value=""/> <span class="manuel_date_label">(Format: TT.MM.JJJJ)</span> </div> </div> <div id="event_search_type_input_2" class="event_search_type_input"> <div id="event_search_type_wrapper_2" class="event_search_type_wrapper"> <div class = "stichwort_row row" > <label class="" for="stichwort_2" > <span class="label_content"> Stichwort </span> </label> <input type = "text" name = "stichwort" class = "stichwort" id = "stichwort_2" value = "" maxlength = "3000" minlength = "0" placeholder = "Stichwort" /> </div> <div class = "bezirk_row row" > <label class="" for="bezirk_id_2" > <span class="label_content"> Stadt-/Ortsteil </span> </label> <select class="chosen-select bezirk_id" name = "bezirk_id" id = "bezirk_id_2" title = "" multiple = "multiple" data-placeholder = "&nbsp;" > <option value="" disabled selected>Wähle bitte eine Option aus.</option> <option value = "2" >Festland Mitte</option> <option value = "1" >Festland Nord</option> <option value = "3" >Festland Süd</option> <option value = "4" >Inseln &amp; Halligen</option> </select> </div> <div class = "location_row row" > <label class="" for="location_id_2" > <span class="label_content"> Veranstaltungsort </span> </label> <select class="chosen-select " name = "location_id" id = "location_id_2" title = "" data-placeholder = "&nbsp;" > <option value="" disabled selected>Wähle bitte eine Option aus.</option> <option value = "8670" ></option> <option value = "8589" > Info-Hütte (Richie-Hügel) am Gotteskoogsee</option> <option value = "106" >&amp;quot;Alte Druckerei&amp;quot;</option> <option value = "2882" >54° Nord</option> <option value = "4701" >A-ROSA List A-ROSA</option> <option value = "680" >Abenteuerland Amrum</option> <option value = "115" >Alkersumstieg (gegenüber Restaurant Namine Witt)</option> <option value = "3177" >Altstadt von Friedrichstadt</option> <option value = "8852" >Am Hafen, Südseite</option> <option value = "3613" >Amrum, alle Dörfer</option> <option value = "30" >Amrum, inselweit</option> <option value = "3621" >Amrumer Abenteuerland</option> <option value = "4399" >Amrumspa Gesundheitszentrum</option> <option value = "4921" >An der Meere (Ententeich)</option> <option value = "8441" >An der Musikmuschel</option> <option value = "125" >Andelhof</option> <option value = "8660" >Anfang der Seebrücke am Kassenhäuschen, St- Peter-Ording</option> <option value = "184" >AOK-Nordseeklinik</option> <option value = "8773" >AQUAFÖHR, Haupteingang</option> <option value = "5301" >Atelier Alina Paulsen</option> <option value = "8384" >Auf dem Deich ca. 600 nördlich des Café Klein Helgoland</option> <option value = "8639" >Auf dem Parkplatz der Buhne</option> <option value = "2451" >Augarten Leck</option> <option value = "168" >AWO-Begegnungsstätte, Linge 3</option> <option value = "1845" >Bauernwald &quot;Haaks&quot; </option> <option value = "8707" >Beach Bahnhof, St. Peter-Ording</option> <option value = "5695" >Beachvolleyballfeld, Mittelbrücke</option> <option value = "8831" >Besprechungsraum</option> <option value = "5648" >Bi Jaine Bowlingcenter</option> <option value = "8314" >Biar-Brauhüs</option> <option value = "4079" >Biikeplatz</option> <option value = "172" >Binnenhafen</option> <option value = "5123" >Blaue Maus</option> <option value = "4156" >Bogenschießanlage</option> <option value = "8232" >Bonhoefferhaus</option> <option value = "8836" >Bootskorso</option> <option value = "8838" >Brücke Strandweg / Klavertsweg</option> <option value = "4751" >Buchhandlung Jan Stümpel</option> <option value = "4233" >Buchhandlung Quedens</option> <option value = "108" >Busfahrten Korf, Reedereigebäude, Hafen</option> <option value = "4122" >Bushaltestelle Leuchtturm</option> <option value = "8840" >Campingplatz Skovmose (Dänemark)</option> <option value = "8369" >Christian Jensen Haus</option> <option value = "4320" >Christian Jensen Kolleg</option> <option value = "8645" >Christian-Jensen-Kolleg</option> <option value = "8799" >Deichkreuz</option> <option value = "2835" >Deichkreuz Rantumbecken, Informationspunkt Rantum</option> <option value = "73" >Deichparkplatz, &amp;quot;Zum Wattenläufer&amp;quot;</option> <option value = "8793" >Demenz Bibliothek Mildstedt</option> <option value = "7828" >Dörpshus Mildstedt</option> <option value = "174" >Dörpshus, Poststrat 2</option> <option value = "104" >Dr.-Carl-Häberlin-Friesen-Museum</option> <option value = "8834" >Drachenfest</option> <option value = "334,7582" >DÜNEN-HUS</option> <option value = "1176" >Ende Strandstraße, am Parkplatz (vor dem Café &amp;quot;Watt´s Up&amp;quot;)</option> <option value = "8059" >Erlebnis-Promenade</option> <option value = "8788" >Erlebnis-Wiese auf der Erlebnis-Promenade, St. Peter-ording</option> <option value = "8650" >Erlebniszentrum Naturgewalten</option> <option value = "7763" >ev. Familienbildungsstätte Niebüll</option> <option value = "2340,8846" >Ev. Gemeindehaus</option> <option value = "122" >Ev. Kapelle</option> <option value = "7772" >Evangelisch-Freikirchliche Gemeinde Husum</option> <option value = "6727" >Evangelische Familienbildungsstätte / Mehrgenerationenhaus (Diakonisches Werk Husum gGmbH)</option> <option value = "7981" >Eventgelände Ordinger Strand</option> <option value = "2776" >Fähranleger, Bushaltestelle Mole</option> <option value = "61" >Fahrradständer Odde</option> <option value = "190" >Ferring Stiftung</option> <option value = "25,28,31,3822" >Feuerwehr-Gerätehaus</option> <option value = "1658" >Feuerwehrgerätehaus, Dorfmitte</option> <option value = "8732" >Filmtheater am Sandwall – Inselkino Föhr</option> <option value = "8385" >Flutmarkenpfahl, Hafen</option> <option value = "3942" >Föhr</option> <option value = "70" >Föhrer Adventure Golf &amp;amp; Maislabyrinth, Feld 2 (auf dem Bauernhof)</option> <option value = "8431" >Forstbetriebsgebäude, Hialwai (links in den Forst)</option> <option value = "8794" >Friesenkapelle Kirchengemeinde Norddörfer</option> <option value = "66" >Fußgängerzone, &amp;quot;Strandläufer&amp;quot;</option> <option value = "5453" >Galerie Tobien</option> <option value = "20" >Gemeindehaus</option> <option value = "136" >Gewerbegebiet, nahe Leuchtturmkurve</option> <option value = "145" >Glockenturm, Große Straße / Mittelstraße</option> <option value = "6482" >Grethjens Gasthof</option> <option value = "8733" >Große Straße 31</option> <option value = "5028" >Hafen</option> <option value = "3847" >Hafen Rantum Führung</option> <option value = "8833" >Hafenfest</option> <option value = "76" >Hauptbadestrand, Parkplatz am Lokal &amp;quot;Watt´s UP&amp;quot;</option> <option value = "2598" >Haus der Fotografie</option> <option value = "8326" >Haus Peters</option> <option value = "8806" >Hofbesichtigung auf einem zertifizierten Tierwohlbetrieb</option> <option value = "5027" >Hotel Hüttmann</option> <option value = "3454" >Hotel Landhafen</option> <option value = "8772" >Husum</option> <option value = "2204" >Husumer Binnenhafen</option> <option value = "8524" >Husumer Hafen </option> <option value = "622" >Husumhus</option> <option value = "33" >Hüttmannwiese</option> <option value = "8785" >Info-Hütte (Richie-Hügel) am Gotteskoogsee</option> <option value = "8859" >Jugendherberge Niebüll</option> <option value = "5539" >Jugendkapelle</option> <option value = "8325" >Kaffeerösterei Eiderstedt</option> <option value = "4245" >Karins Landcafé, Heuherberge</option> <option value = "974" >Kinderfachklinik Satteldüne</option> <option value = "4865" >Kino-Vorplatz</option> <option value = "290" >Kinocenter Husum</option> <option value = "7749" >Kirche St. Pankratius Oldenswort</option> <option value = "8332" >Kneipe Treffpunkt</option> <option value = "8809" >Krabbenfischerei Pellworm</option> <option value = "8681" >Kreatives Schreiben</option> <option value = "8747" >Kreishaus Husum</option> <option value = "1659" >Kreismusikschule Nordfriesland</option> <option value = "8634" >Kreismusikschule Nordfriesland, Kleines Musiktheater, Bezirksstelle Sylt</option> <option value = "8605" >Kreissitzungssaal Kreishaus</option> <option value = "8028" >Kreuzung Große Straße / Sandwall / Gosch</option> <option value = "8782" >Kultur- und Gedenkstätte Ehemalige Synagoge</option> <option value = "6604" >Kulturstation Zollhäuser</option> <option value = "911" >Kulturzentrum Eckhof Galmsbüll</option> <option value = "79" >Kurgartensaal</option> <option value = "21" >Kurpark am Haus des Gastes</option> <option value = "8771" >Kursaal Rantum</option> <option value = "241" >Kurverwaltung List auf Sylt</option> <option value = "514" >KZ-Gedenkstätte Husum-Schwesing</option> <option value = "8827" >Landhaus Leuchtfeuer</option> <option value = "8835" >Laternenumzug</option> <option value = "123" >Lerchenhof</option> <option value = "4235" >Leuchtturm</option> <option value = "7087" >Lutherhof Breklum</option> <option value = "6725" >Marktplatz Bredstedt</option> <option value = "8422" >Marktplatz Süderlügum</option> <option value = "410" >Messe Husum &amp; Congress</option> <option value = "771" >Mikkelberg Center for nordisk kunst og cricket</option> <option value = "36" >Mole</option> <option value = "8832" >Monkey Island Sylt</option> <option value = "71" >MS &amp;quot;Hauke Haien&amp;quot;, Binnenhafen</option> <option value = "1458" >MS &amp;quot;Rungholt&amp;quot;, Binnenhafen</option> <option value = "1645" >Muasem Hüs (Morsum)</option> <option value = "140" >Mühle</option> <option value = "27" >Mühlenstadion</option> <option value = "77" >Museum Kunst der Westküste</option> <option value = "84" >Musikpavillon, Veranstaltungszentrum</option> <option value = "2671" >Nationalpark-Haus Föhr</option> <option value = "8523" >Nationalparkhalle</option> <option value = "2762" >NaTour-Düne</option> <option value = "8283" >NaTour-Düne, Boßelparcours</option> <option value = "564,2688" >Naturkundemuseum Niebüll</option> <option value = "3412" >Naturzentrum / Pottwalausstellung</option> <option value = "57" >Naturzentrum Amrum</option> <option value = "8217" >Naturzentrum Mittleres Nordfriesland in Bredstedt</option> <option value = "6641" >NCC Großer Saal</option> <option value = "52" >Norddorf, Kiosk an der Vogelkoje</option> <option value = "132" >Nordende Teerdeich</option> <option value = "947" >Nordfriesland Museum. Nissenhaus Husum</option> <option value = "208" >Nordsee Akademie</option> <option value = "5685" >Nordsee-Golfclub SPO e.V.</option> <option value = "7546" >obere Promenade Raum Nordsee</option> <option value = "1407" >Oevenum</option> <option value = "4334" >Oevenumer Hofladen</option> <option value = "3879" >Öömrang Hüs</option> <option value = "23,37" >Ortskern</option> <option value = "146" >Ostkaje (Fischmarktkaje), Binnenhafen</option> <option value = "3417" >Packhaus Tönning</option> <option value = "186" >Park an der Mühle, Feldstraße/ Mühlenstraße</option> <option value = "124" >Parkeingang</option> <option value = "109" >Parkplatz</option> <option value = "8786" >Parkplatz an den Fischteichen</option> <option value = "8791" >Parkplatz Obstwiese Soltbargen</option> <option value = "8784" >Parkplatz, Steenodder Pier</option> <option value = "8720" >Pastorat am Dorfteich</option> <option value = "8820" >Pellwormer Bürgerhus</option> <option value = "8837" >Pellwormer Inselabend</option> <option value = "1438" >POPPENSPÄLER MUSEUM</option> <option value = "8759" >Rathaus Husum, 25813 Husum, Zingel 10</option> <option value = "98" >Rathausplatz</option> <option value = "8301" >Rathausplatz, Seehundsbrunnen</option> <option value = "7470" >Reha-Zentrum, Vortragssaal, Uaster Jügem 1</option> <option value = "4441" >Repair Café Husum</option> <option value = "6982" >Restaurant 1877 (im Boutiquehotel Myn Utspann)</option> <option value = "8300" >Restaurant am Flugplatz</option> <option value = "8737" >Restaurant Deichkind</option> <option value = "210" >Restaurant Störtebeker im Wrixumer Hof</option> <option value = "8722" >Schleusenhalbinsel</option> <option value = "4626" >Schleusenhalbinsel Rantumbecken Führung</option> <option value = "5365,5781" >Schloss vor Husum</option> <option value = "8734" >Schulzentrum Eilun Feer Skuul, Schulküche</option> <option value = "476" >Schulzentrum Niebüll</option> <option value = "2815" >Schutzstation Wattenmeer</option> <option value = "3530" >Seebrückenvorplatz, Erlebnis-Promenade</option> <option value = "1125" >Seeheim (Kino), Tagungsraum</option> <option value = "26" >Seezeichenhafen</option> <option value = "7491,8486" >Speicher Husum</option> <option value = "8783" >Spielplatz an der Villa Kunterbunt</option> <option value = "29" >St. Clemens Kirche</option> <option value = "32" >St. Clemens-Hüs</option> <option value = "83" >St. Johannis-Kirche</option> <option value = "1145" >St. Laurentii-Kirche</option> <option value = "85" >St. Nicolai-Kirche, - Boldixum</option> <option value = "7409" >Stadtbibliothek Husum</option> <option value = "427" >Steinterrasse bei den Schachbrettfeldern, Höhe Strandabschnitt 5</option> <option value = "8803" >Sterneninsel Pellworm</option> <option value = "35,5351" >Strand</option> <option value = "1041" >Strandabschnitt Ording Nord</option> <option value = "3115" >Strandaufgang Haus des Gastes</option> <option value = "2830" >StrandGut Resort</option> <option value = "2871,4993" >Strandübergang</option> <option value = "173" >SUP Island</option> <option value = "8764" >Sylt Entrée</option> <option value = "69" >Taarepshüs</option> <option value = "4975" >Teelackerweg am Uasterstigh</option> <option value = "8825" >Theater Alte Kirche</option> <option value = "6754" >Theodor-Storm-Zentrum (Storm-Museum)</option> <option value = "62" >Toilettenhäuschen an der Mole</option> <option value = "8745" >Veranstaltungsort Aula Berufliche Schule</option> <option value = "3871" >Veranstaltungszentrum</option> <option value = "200" >Veranstaltungszentrum, Kaminzimmer</option> <option value = "8774" >Veranstaltungszentrum, Kinderprogramm, 1. Stock</option> <option value = "2094" >Veranstaltungszentrum, Kleine Werkstatt, 1. Stock</option> <option value = "2293" >Vor dem Duus-Hotel</option> <option value = "7840" >Vor dem Haus des Gastes</option> <option value = "8723" >Vor der Einfahrt zum Nationalpark-Haus Föhr</option> <option value = "8805" >Vortrag: Mein Jahr als Schäfer</option> <option value = "8808" >Vortrag: Was summt denn hier?</option> <option value = "8807" >Vortrag: Wie kommt das Wasser von der Insel?</option> <option value = "94" >W.D.R.-Galerie (Eingang am Innenhafen)</option> <option value = "4148" >W.D.R.-Gebäude, VHS-Yogaraum</option> <option value = "6135" >Wandelbahn, Leuchtfeuer</option> <option value = "56" >Wandelbahn, Strandbar &amp;quot;Seehund&amp;quot;</option> <option value = "8810" >Weiderundgang zu den Wagyus</option> <option value = "8721" >Wenningstedter Dorfteich</option> <option value = "1375" >Westküstenpark &amp; Robbarium</option> <option value = "53" >Wiese am Fähranleger</option> <option value = "8804" >Windenergie auf Pellworm</option> <option value = "8469" >Wird bei Anmeldung bekannt gegeben </option> <option value = "628" >Wochenmarkt Husum</option> <option value = "6059" >Wrixumer Forst</option> <option value = "126" >Wyker Buchhandlung</option> <option value = "8299" >Wyker Stadtsäule</option> <option value = "3114" >Yachthafen</option> <option value = "121" >Zentrum für Bewegung, Klang und Stille</option> </select> </div> <div class = "organizer_row row" > <label class="" for="organizer_id_2" > <span class="label_content"> Veranstalter </span> </label> <select class="chosen-select " name = "organizer_id" id = "organizer_id_2" title = "" data-placeholder = "&nbsp;" > <option value="" disabled selected>Wähle bitte eine Option aus.</option> <option value = "8765" >BCM GmbH</option> <option value = "3931" >Bouleclub Leck</option> <option value = "4751" >Buchhandlung Jan Stümpel</option> <option value = "8828" >Buchhandlung Seekiste</option> <option value = "1235" >BUND-Ortsgruppe Husum</option> <option value = "3894" >Choppy Water GmbH</option> <option value = "8781" >Coaching Yoga Tegernsee</option> <option value = "8766" >Contra Promotion GmbH</option> <option value = "8793" >Demenz Bibliothek Mildstedt</option> <option value = "8792" >Demenzberatung, gemeinnütziger Verein AWO Mildstedt und Umgebung</option> <option value = "4128" >Der Runde Tisch Tönning e.V.</option> <option value = "3913" >DSG DLRG Service Gesellschaft mbH</option> <option value = "8650" >Erlebniszentrum Naturgewalten</option> <option value = "6986" >Et Nordfriisk Teooter</option> <option value = "8278" >Ev. Kinder- und Jugendbüro Nordfriesland</option> <option value = "5311" >Ev. Luth. Kirchengemeinde Breklum</option> <option value = "6191" >Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde St. Peter-Ording und Tating</option> <option value = "7772" >Evangelisch-Freikirchliche Gemeinde Husum</option> <option value = "8547" >Familienzentrum Viöl des Diakonischen Werkes Husum gGmbH</option> <option value = "8626" >Festivalia GmbH</option> <option value = "2544" >Filmklub e.V. im Kino-Center Husum</option> <option value = "8826" >Freesenverein Pellworm</option> <option value = "8830" >Fremdenverkehrsverein Pellworm</option> <option value = "1114" >Galerie Tobien</option> <option value = "912" >Galmsbüller Kultur e.V.</option> <option value = "8778" >Gemeinde Drelsdorf</option> <option value = "8423" >Gemeinde Süderlügum</option> <option value = "1266" >Gofi UG (haftungsbeschränkt) &amp; Co. KG</option> <option value = "2598" >Haus der Fotografie</option> <option value = "8326" >Haus Peters</option> <option value = "5120" >Insel Sylt Tourismus-Service GmbH</option> <option value = "1249" >Interessengemeinschaft Husumer Hafen e.V. (IgHH)</option> <option value = "4460" >Jörg Hansen</option> <option value = "8325" >Kaffeerösterei Eiderstedt</option> <option value = "290" >Kinocenter Husum</option> <option value = "8631" >Kreismusikschule Nordfriesland</option> <option value = "8635" >Kreismusikschule Nordfriesland, Bezirksstelle Sylt</option> <option value = "8677" >Kulturbrücke Friedrichstadt e.V.</option> <option value = "6604" >Kulturstation Zollhäuser</option> <option value = "8744" >Kunstverein Husum und Umgebung e.V.</option> <option value = "1460" >Kur- und Tourismusservice Pellworm</option> <option value = "6206" >Küstenfocus Fotografie &amp; Galerie</option> <option value = "8848" >landjugend Pellworm </option> <option value = "410" >Messe Husum &amp; Congress</option> <option value = "721" >Mikkelberg Center for Kunst og Cricket</option> <option value = "677" >Museumsverbund Nordfriesland</option> <option value = "564,2688" >Naturkundemuseum Niebüll</option> <option value = "8217" >Naturzentrum Mittleres Nordfriesland in Bredstedt</option> <option value = "8843" >Nordsee Akademie</option> <option value = "8333" >Nordsee Kollektiv, 25826 Sankt Peter-Ording</option> <option value = "5685" >Nordsee-Golfclub SPO e.V.</option> <option value = "6954" >Ortskulturring Almdorf-Breklum-Sönnebüll-Struckum-Vollstedt</option> <option value = "8850" >Pellwormer Kunsthandwerker</option> <option value = "8849" >Pellwormer Künstler*innen</option> <option value = "6982" >Restaurant 1877 (im Boutiquehotel Myn Utspann)</option> <option value = "567" >Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landestheater und Sinfonieorchester GmbH</option> <option value = "8486" >Speicher Husum</option> <option value = "408" >Speicher Husum e.V.</option> <option value = "5870" >Stadt Friedrichstadt</option> <option value = "7409" >Stadtbibliothek Husum</option> <option value = "549" >Stiftung Nordfriesland</option> <option value = "2830" >StrandGut Resort</option> <option value = "6652" >Sydslesvigsk Forening (SSF)</option> <option value = "8627" >Theater Liberi</option> <option value = "6754" >Theodor-Storm-Zentrum (Storm-Museum)</option> <option value = "407" >Tourismus und Stadtmarketing Husum GmbH</option> <option value = "1331" >Tourismus-Zentrale St. Peter-Ording</option> <option value = "1284" >Tourismusverein Friedrichstadt u. U. e. V.</option> <option value = "8036" >Tourismuszentrale Sankt Peter-Ording</option> <option value = "3675" >Tourist-Info Bredstedt</option> <option value = "8815" >TSV Mildstedt</option> <option value = "8851" >TSV Pellworm</option> <option value = "8540" >Verein für Betreuung und Selbstbestimmung in Nordfriesland e.V.</option> <option value = "8750" >Verein Jordsand zum Schutz der Seevögel und der Natur e. V. NSG Rantumbecken</option> <option value = "8360" >Verein Jordsand zum Schutz der Seevögel und der Natur e.V. 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c2.27,0.42,4.23,0.79,5.39,1.77c0.94,0.8,1.51,1.57,1.97,2.19c0.8,1.09,1.07,1.45,2.92,1.45c1.18,0,2.46-0.13,3.82-0.27 C259.69,178.74,261.11,178.59,262.48,178.59z M280.79,164.5l0.99,1.05L280.79,164.5L280.79,164.5 C280.79,164.5,280.79,164.5,280.79,164.5z"/> </g> <g id="Amrum_00000060712693081604842880000016264613619944430222_"> <path class="st0" d="M228.58,212.16c-4.6,0-13.03-13.95-13.12-14.1c-0.94-1.56-2.12-2.74-3.27-3.88 c-1.88-1.87-3.83-3.81-4.27-7.15c-0.53-4.01,2.07-8.28,7.71-12.7c1.9-1.48,4.47-4.78,5.85-6.55c0.95-1.22,1.14-1.45,1.43-1.65 l0.46-0.31l0.55,0.08c3.36,0.49,3.91,1.47,4.09,1.79c0.27,0.49,0.3,1.06,0.09,1.57c-0.25,0.58-0.77,1.09-1.55,1.85 c-0.97,0.95-2.3,2.24-2.89,3.63c-0.85,1.97,0.21,5.86,0.63,6.91c0.8,1.36,1.01,3.14,1.24,5.01c0.26,2.14,0.52,4.36,1.68,5.38 c0.43,0.38,0.92,0.64,1.44,0.91c1.2,0.63,2.83,1.49,2.94,4.01c0.02,0.48-0.05,1.04-0.12,1.64c-0.08,0.64-0.23,1.98-0.05,2.33 c0.56,0.92,2.37,1.5,3.82,1.97c1.97,0.63,4.2,1.35,3.89,3.46c-0.44,3.1-5.09,4.36-8.49,5.28c-0.56,0.15-1.06,0.28-1.44,0.41 C228.99,212.14,228.79,212.16,228.58,212.16z M228.5,209.29L228.5,209.29L228.5,209.29z M224.27,168.9 c-0.16,0.2-0.34,0.43-0.51,0.65c-1.56,2-4.17,5.35-6.35,7.05c-4.71,3.69-7.01,7.16-6.63,10.05c0.31,2.36,1.69,3.74,3.44,5.48 c1.21,1.21,2.59,2.58,3.71,4.45c3.16,5.27,8.76,12.28,10.5,12.7c0.4-0.12,0.89-0.26,1.44-0.4c1.39-0.38,5.37-1.45,6.22-2.56 c-0.44-0.21-1.21-0.46-1.76-0.64c-1.91-0.62-4.29-1.38-5.41-3.23c-0.7-1.16-0.51-2.76-0.34-4.17c0.06-0.46,0.11-0.94,0.1-1.18 c-0.03-0.82-0.3-0.99-1.4-1.57c-0.59-0.31-1.32-0.7-2.01-1.31c-1.97-1.75-2.32-4.65-2.63-7.2c-0.18-1.53-0.37-3.11-0.89-3.94 c-0.19-0.31-2.27-5.96-0.77-9.47c0.82-1.92,2.39-3.44,3.53-4.56c0.02-0.02,0.05-0.04,0.07-0.07 C224.49,168.95,224.38,168.93,224.27,168.9z"/> </g> <g id="Pellworm_00000138548098521997200750000002901132051320779706_"> <path class="st0" d="M289.27,261c-3.55,0-4.47-1.83-5.14-3.17c-0.42-0.85-0.71-1.41-1.62-1.79c-4.32-1.78-5.84-9.4-4.04-14.4 c1.07-2.97,4-2.61,6.15-2.35c2.26,0.28,3.69,0.36,4.61-0.82c2.77-3.57,4.13-3.97,6.14-3.53c0.79,0.18,1.53,0.34,3.56-0.95 c0.63-0.4,1.25-0.82,1.83-1.21c2.61-1.76,4.86-3.29,6.92-2.29c1.61,0.78,2.42,2.75,2.71,6.59c0.11,1.53-0.8,3.06-1.68,4.54 c-0.69,1.15-1.4,2.35-1.45,3.23c-0.06,1.09-0.84,1.56-1.57,1.78c0.02,0.02,0.05,0.03,0.07,0.05c0.39,0.26,1.05,0.69,1.16,1.56 c0.14,1.11-0.51,1.81-2.94,4.43c-0.13,0.14-0.24,0.46-0.37,0.87c-0.25,0.74-0.58,1.74-1.47,2.89 C299.96,259.29,295.14,261,289.27,261z M282.41,242.01c-0.84,0-1.07,0.2-1.21,0.61c-1.51,4.21,0.13,9.8,2.42,10.74 c1.91,0.79,2.6,2.16,3.1,3.17c0.56,1.11,0.79,1.57,2.55,1.57c4.9,0,8.96-1.32,10.6-3.44c0.58-0.76,0.8-1.41,1.01-2.03 c0.22-0.65,0.44-1.32,0.99-1.92c0.64-0.69,1.33-1.44,1.78-1.97c-0.36-0.27-0.79-0.66-1.2-1.23c-0.59-0.81-0.74-1.58-0.44-2.27 c0.46-1.06,1.6-1.2,2.35-1.29c0.03,0,0.07-0.01,0.11-0.01c0.27-1.32,1.02-2.58,1.75-3.8c0.59-0.99,1.33-2.22,1.28-2.84 c-0.28-3.78-1.05-4.19-1.09-4.21c-0.56-0.27-2.66,1.14-4.04,2.08c-0.61,0.41-1.24,0.84-1.9,1.26l0,0 c-2.8,1.78-4.37,1.63-5.74,1.33c-0.67-0.15-1.12-0.25-3.22,2.47c-1.99,2.57-5.03,2.2-7.25,1.92 C283.44,242.07,282.85,242.01,282.41,242.01z"/> </g> <g id="Hooge_00000107552133887896203780000016356137075078515613_"> <path class="st0" d="M273.94,232.99h-0.23c-4.2,0-5.22-0.84-6.3-2.11c-0.24-0.29-0.45-0.53-0.77-0.78 c-1.27-0.99-2.1-1.55-3.46-2.34c0,0-0.01,0-0.01,0c-0.46,0.04-1.42,0.14-2.34-0.75c-1.94-1.87-1.86-3.81-0.93-4.9 c0.91-1.07,2.77-1.45,4.54-0.12c1.04,0.78,1.04,0.78,3.04,0.23c0.3-0.08,0.62-0.17,0.99-0.27c0.14-0.04,0.36-0.15,0.57-0.25 c0.67-0.34,1.68-0.85,2.91-0.39c1.26,0.47,2.27,1.78,3.37,4.38c0.19,0.45,0.79,0.93,1.32,1.36c0.87,0.7,1.94,1.56,1.7,2.92 c-0.26,1.41-1.78,2.17-4.16,2.96L273.94,232.99z M264.91,225.42c1.31,0.77,2.22,1.39,3.5,2.39c0.56,0.44,0.92,0.86,1.21,1.2 c0.56,0.66,0.9,1.07,3.86,1.09c0.75-0.25,1.24-0.46,1.56-0.62c-0.08-0.07-0.16-0.13-0.23-0.18c-0.76-0.61-1.7-1.37-2.17-2.49 c-1.07-2.55-1.7-2.78-1.7-2.79c-0.09,0.01-0.4,0.16-0.61,0.27c-0.33,0.16-0.69,0.35-1.13,0.46l0,0c-0.35,0.09-0.67,0.18-0.96,0.26 C266.83,225.39,265.88,225.62,264.91,225.42z M262.18,224.04c0.07,0.18,0.24,0.47,0.61,0.85c0.03,0,0.06-0.01,0.09-0.01 c0.17-0.02,0.39-0.04,0.65-0.02c-0.26-0.16-0.54-0.34-0.84-0.57C262.48,224.13,262.3,224.07,262.18,224.04z"/> </g> <g id="Gröde_00000031909681617567676410000006747972620236222127_"> <path class="st0" d="M311.46,204.54c-0.94,0-1.72-0.59-2.66-1.58c-0.14-0.15-0.29-0.31-0.45-0.48c-0.68-0.7-0.96-1.72-0.78-2.9 c0.18-1.13,0.83-2.52,1.89-3.08c0.75-0.4,1.18-0.44,1.59-0.45c0.15,0,0.52-0.02,2.44-1.17l0.36-0.21l0.41,0.01 c0.18,0,1.79,0.07,2.57,1.36c0.37,0.61,0.65,1.68-0.14,3.26c-0.6,1.2-0.74,1.7-0.82,2c-0.21,0.77-0.47,1.07-1.17,1.64 C313.32,204.05,312.32,204.54,311.46,204.54z M314.18,197.83c-1.76,0.99-2.39,1.09-3.04,1.11c-0.07,0-0.14,0.02-0.32,0.12 c-0.24,0.21-0.52,1.15-0.38,1.43c0.15,0.15,0.32,0.32,0.47,0.48c0.22,0.23,0.48,0.51,0.64,0.64c0.17-0.07,0.54-0.29,1.32-0.92 c0.09-0.07,0.16-0.13,0.21-0.18l0,0c0.1-0.37,0.3-1.06,1.02-2.51C314.13,197.94,314.15,197.88,314.18,197.83z"/> </g> <g id="Habel_00000120555960297878482140000016615753233672898224_"> <path class="st0" d="M323.73,198.2c0.54,0,0.92,0.15,0.86,0.44c-0.27,1.41-1.08,1.88-1.85,1.88c-1.07,0-2.09-0.89-1.55-1.39 C321.86,198.5,322.96,198.2,323.73,198.2 M323.73,195.31c-1.3,0-3.16,0.45-4.51,1.71c-1.01,0.94-1.34,2.39-0.83,3.68 c0.63,1.6,2.42,2.72,4.35,2.72c1.79,0,4.09-1.1,4.69-4.22c0.18-0.93-0.06-1.88-0.66-2.61C326.29,196,325.37,195.31,323.73,195.31 L323.73,195.31z"/> </g> <g id="Hamburger_Hallig_00000057848075693311934620000015811051669660422570_"> <path class="st0" d="M340.95,359.06l-2.47-1.51c1.99-3.24-0.49-11.47-2.37-14.97c-0.8,0.09-2.8,1.38-4.02,2.16 c-2.95,1.9-6,3.87-7.87,1.85c-1.55-1.67-5.04-4.48-10.93-4.32c-2.44,0.06-3.86,1.61-5.23,3.1c-1.27,1.39-2.58,2.82-4.58,2.71 c-8.39-0.47-11.02-4.5-12.95-7.45c-0.86-1.32-1.54-2.36-2.5-2.73c-0.51-0.2-1-0.34-1.48-0.47c-1.9-0.53-3.87-1.08-5.29-5.04 c-1.92-5.33-2.25-8.38-1.14-10.55c0.67-1.31,1.85-2.21,3.52-2.7c1.64-0.48,3.15,0.22,4.36,0.77c0.83,0.38,1.61,0.74,2.13,0.61 c1.09-0.28,1.39-0.76,1.94-1.62c0.49-0.77,1.1-1.73,2.36-2.47c1.37-0.81,2.78-1.26,4.03-1.66c2.62-0.85,4.03-1.39,4.76-3.61 c0.12-0.37,0.23-0.88,0.06-1.17c-0.42-0.72-2.43-1.1-4.05-1.41c-2.57-0.49-5.47-1.04-6.54-3.32c-0.72-1.53-0.42-3.46,0.92-5.88 c2.53-4.56,7.75-4.2,10.86-3.98c0.78,0.05,1.58,0.11,1.94,0.05c3.55-0.62,5.09-0.82,6.87-1.04c2.57-0.33,5.77-0.74,16.91-2.7 c4.17-0.74,7.04,0.14,9.57,0.92c4.76,1.46,8.52,2.61,20.64-10.43c1.28-1.38,1.72-2.21,2.14-3.01c0.82-1.55,1.53-2.89,6.08-6.2 c2.03-1.47,3.7-2.44,5.05-3.21c3.18-1.83,4.04-2.32,4.18-6.16l0.01-0.34l0.16-0.3c2.48-4.58,0.51-7.03-1.58-9.62 c-0.95-1.19-1.86-2.31-2.31-3.62c-0.31-0.9-0.34-1.7-0.24-2.38c-1.92,0.52-4.73,1.7-6.7,3.92c-0.01,0.03,0.03,0.26,0.06,0.42 c0.3,1.51,0.4,3.37-2.08,6.34c-0.64,0.76-1.28,1.24-1.8,1.63c-0.82,0.61-1.07,0.8-1.12,1.65c-0.43,6.67-6.41,10.98-10.56,11.52 c-10.88,1.42-20.49-1.77-21.51-5.47c-0.6-2.17,1.14-4.1,2.41-5.5c0.13-0.15,0.29-0.32,0.43-0.48c-1.88-1.22-2.86-2.41-3.06-3.7 c-0.26-1.62,0.82-2.8,1.17-3.18c1.84-2.03,4.18-3.17,6.45-4.27c3.57-1.74,6.94-3.39,8.95-8.41c1.05-2.61,0.77-3.53-0.12-6.57 c-0.29-1-0.64-2.18-1-3.65l-6.23,3.19l-0.88,3.18l-0.27,0.27c-0.88,0.88-1.8,1.3-2.74,1.27c-1.58-0.06-2.67-1.31-3.83-2.65 c-0.44-0.51-1.37-0.66-2.18-0.79c-0.93-0.15-1.88-0.31-2.45-1.1c-0.22-0.3-0.45-0.81-0.33-1.52c0.16-0.93,0.89-1.72,2-2.16 c1.74-0.7,4.57-0.61,7.05,1.12c0.43,0.1,1.46,0.13,1.86,0.03l7.55-3.86c0.22-2.57,1.94-5.41,3.6-8.18 c1.21-2.02,2.88-4.78,2.62-5.79c-0.68-2.66-2.34-3.61-4.63-4.93c-1.04-0.6-2.19-1.25-3.32-2.14l-4.59,4.5 c-0.02,0.51-0.16,1.04-0.31,1.59l-0.14,0.52c-0.02,0.1-0.04,0.19-0.05,0.29c-0.13,0.79-0.35,1.64-1.53,2.6 c-1.47,1.2-2.76,0.9-3.4,0.61c-1.46-0.67-2.3-2.51-2.34-3.9c-0.04-1.37,0.71-1.91,1.03-2.08c0.75-0.4,1.18-0.44,1.59-0.45 c0.15,0,0.52-0.02,2.44-1.17l0.78-0.47l0.19,0.13l4.3-4.22c-0.35-0.45-0.69-0.93-0.97-1.36c-1.32-2.03-1.87-4.48-2.31-6.44 c-0.31-1.37-0.69-3.07-1.16-3.4c-1.88-1.3-3.8-2.4-5.65-3.47c-7.47-4.3-14.53-8.37-15.69-23.53c-0.09-1.12-0.73-2.41-4.68-2.77 c-0.07,3.24-0.23,10.8-0.27,12.91c0.4,0.55,1.05,1.51,1.4,2.45c0.72,1.91-0.78,4.33-1.76,5.04c-2.21,1.61-6.72,1.36-7.85,1.07 l-0.2-0.07c-0.14-0.06-0.3-0.12-0.45-0.17c-1.33,1.81-2.77,3.75-3.49,4.65c0.04,0.04,0.08,0.07,0.11,0.1 c0.31,0.3,0.7,0.67,0.76,1.28c0.06,0.63-0.16,2.19-0.85,3.69c-1.29,2.81-5.15,4.01-7.71,4.81c-0.5,0.15-0.94,0.29-1.27,0.42 c-1.55,0.59-6.42,1.03-8.16,0.64c-1.5,0.21-8.03,3.69-9.51,5.27c-0.27,0.29-1.13,1.16-2.27,1.16c-1.13-0.02-1.83-0.81-2.44-1.51 c-0.38-0.43-0.77-0.88-1.28-1.21c-0.57-0.37-1.35-0.98-1.48-1.96c-0.14-1.05,0.52-1.78,1.05-2.37c0.34-0.38,0.7-0.77,0.92-1.27 c0.93-2.08,3.37-2.29,5.73-2.49c1.06-0.09,2.16-0.19,3.08-0.44c1.18-0.33,2.83-0.62,4.74-0.95c3.02-0.53,6.45-1.13,8.75-2.04 c1.44-0.57,2.6-1.63,3.61-2.57c1.21-1.12,2.37-2.18,3.82-2.19c0.02-0.02,0.04-0.05,0.06-0.07c0.71-0.89,2.5-3.31,3.43-4.57 c0.18-0.25,0.37-0.5,0.55-0.75c0.39-0.58,1.28-1.15,4.51-2.92c0.51-0.28,1.13-0.62,1.32-0.74l0.09-0.08 c1.38-1.19,1.78-1.74,1.89-1.92l0.28-13.3c-1.76-0.06-3.24-0.3-4.12-1.4c-0.39-0.49-0.79-1.34-0.5-2.67 c0.7-3.26,3.39-3.67,4.84-3.89c0.14-0.02,0.31-0.05,0.46-0.07c-0.04-0.1-0.1-0.23-0.18-0.38c-2.18-4.36-3.25-10.33-4.38-16.66 l-0.1-0.53c-0.48-2.68-1.13-2.67-3.03-2.62c-1.36,0.03-3.23,0.08-4.88-1.31l-0.22-0.23c-1.24-1.65-1.25-2.88-1.25-3.97 c0-1.12,0-2.4-1.64-5.07c-1.41-2.3-3.68-3.9-5.69-5.31c-2.75-1.94-5.6-3.94-4.57-7.28c2.66-8.61,2.06-12.14,1.08-13.59 c-0.96-1.42-2.83-1.58-4.64-1.73c-0.88-0.07-1.72-0.14-2.46-0.36l-17.54,2.14c-5.25,5.69-17.16,13.78-21.52,13.86 c-0.02,0-0.05,0-0.07,0c-2.84,0-4.98-3.04-7.44-6.55c-2.16-3.08-4.62-6.57-7.17-7.03c-0.92-0.16-1.44,1.4-1.99,3.97 c-0.35,1.64-0.74,3.49-2.45,3.27c-1.06-0.14-1.76-0.04-2.21,0.32c-0.63,0.5-0.86,1.6-0.95,2.44c-1.25,12.34-1.8,22.74-1.89,28.36 c0,0.38,0.53,1.23,0.92,1.86c0.59,0.94,1.2,1.92,1.22,2.95c0.03,1.36-0.63,2.64-1.22,3.76c-0.29,0.55-0.72,1.39-0.71,1.67 c0.17,3.89-0.37,6.46-1.64,7.84c-0.59,0.64-1.36,1.01-2.15,1.04c-0.56,0.01-1.39-0.12-2.15-0.91c-1.38-1.43-3.06-5.34-1.76-22.69 c0.09-1.62,0.05-3.81,0-6.34c-0.16-9.01-0.43-24.08,4.67-43.51c2.93-11.17,9.09-25.05,14.52-37.29 c3.12-7.03,6.07-13.68,8.14-19.19c0.62-2.06,4.61-4.2,6.44-4.17c5.7,0.18,12.68,4.2,13.7,6.1c0.3,0.56,0.29,1.17-0.02,1.67 l-0.11,0.16c-1.55,1.86-3.8,1.32-6.4,0.7c-1.64-0.39-3.5-0.83-5.73-0.92l-0.3-0.01c-0.79-0.03-1.67-0.07-1.9,0.02 c-0.01,0.05-0.15,0.44-0.33,1.65c-0.09,0.61,0.01,0.81,0.01,0.81c0.24,0.17,1.37,0.08,1.92,0.04c0.59-0.04,1.21-0.09,1.76-0.03 c1.98,0.2,4.02,2.01,4.85,4.29c0.78,2.17,0.34,4.32-1.21,5.91l-0.24,0.2c-1.6,1.06-3.36,1.72-5.05,2.35 c-4.99,1.88-10.14,3.82-14.09,16.1c-0.07,0.22,0.32,0.89,0.57,1.34c0.51,0.88,1.14,1.98,1.02,3.29l-0.1,1.05 c-0.32,3.35-0.49,5.03-0.21,12.68c0.15,4.23,1.16,7.74,2.99,10.42c0.3,0.32,1.88,0.68,2.73,0.88c1.36,0.31,2.54,0.58,3.32,1.19 c1.17,0.91,1.66,1.97,2.02,2.74c0.4,0.86,0.53,1.15,1.29,1.34c6.67,1.71,14.13,0.43,17.45-0.31l0.06-0.06l0.54-0.06 c0.45-0.06,5.94-0.73,9.36-1.15l8.28-1.01c0.13-0.02,0.27-0.03,0.41-0.04l0.73-0.09l0.15,0.06c2.24,0.18,10.35,0.15,12.92-3.13 c0.98-1.25,1.08-2.91,0.32-5.07l2.73-0.96c1.69,4.78-0.15,7.56-1.99,9.04c-1.54,1.24-3.66,2.01-5.83,2.47 c0.31,0.29,0.6,0.63,0.87,1.02c1.99,2.95,1.76,8.05-0.72,16.06c-0.37,1.2,0.71,2.11,3.47,4.06c2.13,1.5,4.77,3.36,6.49,6.17 c2.07,3.37,2.07,5.23,2.07,6.58c0,0.88,0,1.31,0.56,2.09c0.74,0.56,1.57,0.56,2.82,0.54c2-0.05,5.03-0.12,5.95,5l0.1,0.53 c1.1,6.11,2.13,11.89,4.13,15.87c0.42,0.84,0.91,2.08,0.35,3.16c-0.58,1.11-1.8,1.3-2.78,1.45c-1.57,0.24-2.19,0.44-2.44,1.64 c-0.05,0.23-0.03,0.32-0.03,0.32c0.2,0.15,1.03,0.21,1.88,0.24v-0.01l2.89,0.06l0,0.05c2.72,0.21,7.17,1.09,7.5,5.45 c1.05,13.63,6.88,16.99,14.25,21.24c1.9,1.09,3.86,2.23,5.85,3.6c1.4,0.97,1.84,2.9,2.34,5.14c0.41,1.83,0.88,3.91,1.92,5.51 c0.43,0.66,1.08,1.52,1.53,2.01c1.19,1.13,2.51,1.88,3.79,2.61c2.47,1.41,5.02,2.87,6,6.73c0.56,2.18-1.07,4.88-2.95,8 c-1.55,2.57-3.3,5.48-3.21,7.37c0.49,2.22,0.97,3.86,1.35,5.17c0.93,3.18,1.45,4.93,0.03,8.46c-2.43,6.05-6.65,8.11-10.37,9.93 c-2.11,1.03-4.1,2-5.58,3.62c-0.18,0.2-0.49,0.57-0.45,0.79c0.02,0.14,0.25,0.88,2.58,2.21c0.51,0.29,0.84,0.76,0.93,1.31 c0.18,1.1-0.6,1.96-1.58,3.05c-0.68,0.75-1.94,2.16-1.77,2.8c0.37,1.34,7.68,4.77,18.35,3.37c2.71-0.35,7.71-3.61,8.04-8.84 c0.14-2.18,1.32-3.07,2.27-3.78c0.46-0.35,0.9-0.67,1.32-1.18c1.81-2.16,1.63-3.1,1.47-3.93c-0.14-0.72-0.36-1.81,0.61-2.9 c3.82-4.31,9.57-5.24,10.78-5.24c0.56,0,1.05,0.26,1.34,0.71c0.48,0.74,0.15,1.47-0.05,1.9c-0.24,0.53-0.54,1.19-0.24,2.05 c0.29,0.84,1.04,1.77,1.84,2.76c2.19,2.72,5.17,6.43,2.03,12.52c-0.27,5.16-2.29,6.32-5.61,8.23c-1.29,0.74-2.89,1.66-4.79,3.04 c-4.01,2.91-4.55,3.93-5.22,5.21c-0.49,0.93-1.04,1.97-2.58,3.63c-12.45,13.4-17.23,13.18-23.61,11.23 c-2.33-0.71-4.74-1.45-8.22-0.84c-11.21,1.97-14.44,2.39-17.04,2.72c-1.74,0.22-3.25,0.42-6.74,1.02 c-0.7,0.12-1.55,0.06-2.63-0.01c-3.55-0.25-6.62-0.23-8.13,2.49c-0.82,1.49-1.12,2.64-0.84,3.25c0.44,0.94,2.67,1.37,4.46,1.71 c2.42,0.46,4.92,0.94,6,2.78c0.58,0.98,0.65,2.18,0.19,3.55c-1.23,3.72-4.09,4.64-6.62,5.46c-1.16,0.37-2.36,0.76-3.45,1.4 c-0.66,0.39-0.99,0.9-1.39,1.53c-0.65,1.02-1.46,2.3-3.66,2.86c-1.51,0.39-2.87-0.24-4.06-0.79c-0.89-0.41-1.74-0.8-2.35-0.62 c-1.18,0.34-1.56,0.87-1.75,1.23c-0.89,1.74,0.31,5.55,1.29,8.26c0.92,2.55,1.73,2.78,3.35,3.23c0.52,0.15,1.12,0.31,1.76,0.57 c1.82,0.72,2.81,2.23,3.86,3.84c1.76,2.7,3.76,5.76,10.69,6.14c0.64,0.05,1.4-0.8,2.29-1.77c1.53-1.67,3.61-3.96,7.29-4.04 c6.96-0.15,11.12,3.13,13.04,5.17c0,0,0.01,0,0.02,0c0.78,0,3.02-1.44,4.25-2.23c2.49-1.6,4.64-2.99,6.42-2.54 c0.7,0.18,1.26,0.61,1.62,1.26C340.27,344.1,344,354.09,340.95,359.06z M332.58,234.08c0.38,0.23,0.75,0.51,1.07,0.89 c0.53,0.61,1.42,1.64,1.74,1.65l0,0c0,0,0.11-0.01,0.34-0.19l0.29-1.05c-0.82-0.05-1.6-0.21-2.02-0.52 C333.52,234.5,333.04,234.25,332.58,234.08z M333.86,214.08c0.13,0.41,0.39,0.87,0.58,0.93c0,0,0.12-0.02,0.36-0.22 c0.42-0.34,0.44-0.44,0.5-0.83c0.02-0.11,0.04-0.22,0.06-0.33C334.67,213.95,334.24,214.05,333.86,214.08z M267.21,202.69 c0.78,0.53,1.33,1.15,1.77,1.65c0.1,0.12,0.23,0.26,0.34,0.37c0.03-0.03,0.06-0.06,0.09-0.1c1.61-1.72,10.07-6.76,12.27-6.11 c0.82,0.23,5.29-0.08,6.48-0.53c0.37-0.14,0.87-0.3,1.44-0.47c1.94-0.6,5.18-1.61,5.94-3.25c0.34-0.73,0.49-1.42,0.56-1.84 c-0.23-0.24-0.42-0.47-0.57-0.69c-0.44,0.23-1.17,0.91-1.64,1.34c-1.15,1.06-2.57,2.37-4.52,3.14c-2.58,1.02-6.15,1.64-9.31,2.2 c-1.76,0.31-3.41,0.6-4.46,0.89c-1.18,0.33-2.41,0.44-3.61,0.54c-1.31,0.11-3.1,0.27-3.33,0.79c-0.41,0.91-0.99,1.55-1.41,2.02 C267.23,202.66,267.22,202.68,267.21,202.69z M309.01,180.5c-0.39,0.4-0.86,0.83-1.42,1.32l-0.12,0.1 c-0.21,0.19-0.46,0.33-1.79,1.06c-0.17,0.09-0.37,0.2-0.58,0.32c1.24-0.04,2.65-0.23,3.32-0.72c0.33-0.29,0.85-1.36,0.75-1.69 C309.13,180.76,309.07,180.63,309.01,180.5z M239.53,26.01c-0.81,0-3.23,1.45-3.58,2.15c-2.13,5.69-5.11,12.39-8.25,19.49 c-5.39,12.14-11.49,25.91-14.36,36.85c-5,19.04-4.75,33.29-4.58,42.72c0.05,2.59,0.09,4.83-0.01,6.58 c-1.31,17.41,0.58,20.13,0.95,20.5c0.2-0.16,1.17-1.18,0.98-5.84c-0.05-1.06,0.48-2.07,1.03-3.13c0.43-0.82,0.91-1.74,0.89-2.36 c-0.02-0.27-0.5-1.03-0.79-1.49c-0.64-1.02-1.36-2.17-1.36-3.41c0.1-5.71,0.65-16.2,1.91-28.63c0.2-2.02,0.89-3.51,2.03-4.41 c0.89-0.71,2.02-1.03,3.43-1c0.07-0.29,0.14-0.63,0.2-0.92c0.51-2.42,1.46-6.91,5.33-6.22c3.73,0.67,6.54,4.68,9.03,8.21 c1.67,2.37,3.74,5.32,5.08,5.32c0.01,0,0.01,0,0.02,0c2.55-0.05,10.77-5.05,16.47-10.05c-4.02,0.56-9.46,0.83-14.55-0.47 c-2.09-0.54-2.73-1.92-3.2-2.92c-0.3-0.64-0.55-1.2-1.17-1.68c-0.28-0.21-1.42-0.47-2.18-0.65c-1.79-0.41-3.64-0.83-4.48-2.07 c-2.14-3.14-3.32-7.16-3.49-11.95c-0.28-7.84-0.1-9.7,0.22-13.06l0.1-1.04c0.04-0.4-0.31-1-0.64-1.58 c-0.57-0.99-1.28-2.23-0.82-3.67c4.38-13.61,10.73-16,15.83-17.92c1.56-0.59,3.04-1.15,4.34-1.97c0.86-0.97,0.73-2.05,0.46-2.8 c-0.48-1.33-1.64-2.32-2.42-2.4c-0.3-0.03-0.79,0-1.25,0.04c-1.4,0.1-3.15,0.23-4.27-0.97c-0.7-0.75-0.94-1.83-0.73-3.2 c0.6-3.96,1.83-4.26,5.21-4.13l0.3,0.01c2.52,0.1,4.61,0.6,6.29,1c0.6,0.14,1.12,0.27,1.58,0.35c-2.2-1.37-6.04-3.18-9.5-3.28 C239.54,26.01,239.54,26.01,239.53,26.01z"/> </g> <g id="Südfall_00000163777152567935359970000001371468046645092513_"> <path class="st0" d="M312.92,273.22c-2.11,0-4.57-1.81-4.57-4.14c0-2.03,1.75-3.3,4.57-3.3c0.22,0,0.47-0.02,0.75-0.03 c1.28-0.07,2.87-0.17,3.85,0.76c0.47,0.44,0.72,1.04,0.72,1.72C318.24,270.55,315.02,273.22,312.92,273.22z M314.85,268.6 c-0.36,0-0.76,0.02-1.02,0.04c-0.33,0.02-0.65,0.04-0.92,0.04c-1.08,0-1.61,0.28-1.68,0.38c0,0.54,0.99,1.28,1.68,1.28 c0.57-0.03,1.82-1.03,2.27-1.72C315.08,268.6,314.97,268.6,314.85,268.6z"/> </g> <g id="Süderoog_00000076598630214882097300000005925153661705407899_"> <path class="st0" d="M270.53,273.9c-2.04,0-3.11-2.7-3.11-4.16c0-1.72,1.4-3.11,3.11-3.11c1.45,0,4.16,1.07,4.16,3.11 C274.69,271.45,272.24,273.9,270.53,273.9z M270.53,269.53c-0.12,0-0.22,0.1-0.22,0.22c0,0.28,0.18,0.8,0.37,1.12 c0.32-0.23,0.74-0.64,0.97-0.97C271.34,269.71,270.81,269.53,270.53,269.53z M271.81,269.62L271.81,269.62L271.81,269.62z"/> </g> <g id="Norderoog_00000052803406936917172140000011985309198649603227_"> <path class="st0" d="M261.4,242c0.78,0,1.42,1.27,1.42,2.19c0,0.33-0.08,0.44-0.22,0.44c-0.25,0-0.69-0.34-1.19-0.34 c-0.5,0-0.94,0.34-1.19,0.34c-0.14,0-0.22-0.11-0.22-0.44C259.99,243.27,260.62,242,261.4,242 M261.4,239.11 c-2.58,0-4.31,2.63-4.31,5.08c0,2.16,1.6,3.33,3.11,3.33c0.49,0,0.89-0.11,1.19-0.22c0.31,0.11,0.71,0.22,1.19,0.22 c1.51,0,3.11-1.17,3.11-3.33C265.71,241.74,263.98,239.11,261.4,239.11L261.4,239.11z"/> </g> </g> <g> <path class="st0" d="M0.02,376.7h6.38l17.58,30.54l5.24,10.06h0.3c-0.31-4.9-0.79-10.38-0.79-15.45V376.7h5.87v48.57h-6.38 l-17.58-30.56L5.4,384.68h-0.3c0.31,4.92,0.79,10.09,0.79,15.17v25.42H0.02V376.7z"/> <path class="st0" d="M45.69,407.33c0-12,7.85-18.92,16.67-18.92s16.67,6.92,16.67,18.92c0,11.91-7.85,18.83-16.67,18.83 S45.69,419.24,45.69,407.33z M72.74,407.33c0-8.24-4.19-13.85-10.38-13.85c-6.19,0-10.38,5.61-10.38,13.85 c0,8.24,4.19,13.76,10.38,13.76C68.55,421.09,72.74,415.57,72.74,407.33z"/> <path class="st0" d="M89.51,389.29h5.03l0.51,6.55h0.2c2.5-4.57,6.18-7.44,10.23-7.44c1.59,0,2.71,0.2,3.84,0.74l-1.14,5.34 c-1.24-0.39-2.05-0.59-3.49-0.59c-3.04,0-6.67,2.19-9.1,8.27v23.1h-6.09V389.29z"/> <path class="st0" d="M112.92,407.33c0-11.67,7.36-18.92,15.56-18.92c4.18,0,6.93,1.57,10.08,4.17l-0.26-6.17v-13.86h6.09v52.72 h-5.03l-0.51-4.25h-0.2c-2.8,2.8-6.63,5.13-10.92,5.13C118.75,426.16,112.92,419.32,112.92,407.33z M138.31,416.12v-18.86 c-3.07-2.74-5.84-3.74-8.77-3.74c-5.75,0-10.33,5.55-10.33,13.74c0,8.62,3.57,13.76,9.87,13.76 C132.41,421.03,135.29,419.41,138.31,416.12z"/> <path class="st0" d="M169.75,376.62c1.28,0,2.7,0.3,4.07,0.93l1.28-4.65c-1.63-0.69-3.79-1.24-5.97-1.24 c-7.21,0-10.54,4.65-10.54,11.96v5.7l-4.88,0.33v4.61h4.88v31.01h6.09v-31.01h7.62v-4.96h-7.62v-5.66 C164.68,378.99,166.35,376.62,169.75,376.62z"/> <path class="st0" d="M180.23,389.29h5.03l0.51,6.55h0.2c2.5-4.57,6.18-7.44,10.23-7.44c1.59,0,2.71,0.2,3.84,0.74l-1.14,5.34 c-1.24-0.39-2.05-0.59-3.49-0.59c-3.04,0-6.67,2.19-9.1,8.27v23.1h-6.09V389.29z"/> <path class="st0" d="M205.83,377.97c0-2.39,1.84-3.93,4.2-3.93c2.37,0,4.2,1.54,4.2,3.93c0,2.3-1.84,3.93-4.2,3.93 C207.67,381.9,205.83,380.26,205.83,377.97z M206.95,389.29h6.09v35.97h-6.09V389.29z"/> <path class="st0" d="M223.51,407.33c0-11.71,7.89-18.92,16.17-18.92c9.18,0,14.36,6.59,14.36,16.88c0,1.28-0.11,2.57-0.28,3.46 h-24.22c0.44,7.62,5.09,12.56,11.95,12.56c3.45,0,6.29-1.11,8.95-2.88l2.18,3.99c-3.16,2.06-6.99,3.73-11.88,3.73 C231.15,426.16,223.51,419.15,223.51,407.33z M248.66,404.38c0-7.21-3.24-11.13-8.87-11.13c-5.06,0-9.58,4.06-10.32,11.13H248.66z" /> <path class="st0" d="M259.93,421.16l3-4.01c3.12,2.52,6.3,4.26,10.62,4.26c4.72,0,7.07-2.52,7.07-5.59c0-3.7-4.25-5.34-8.23-6.82 c-5.04-1.84-10.73-4.32-10.73-10.39c0-5.76,4.61-10.21,12.41-10.21c4.48,0,8.4,1.83,11.18,4.04l-2.91,3.9 c-2.48-1.83-5.02-3.2-8.2-3.2c-4.53,0-6.62,2.42-6.62,5.16c0,3.42,3.91,4.72,7.99,6.24c5.19,1.96,10.97,4.07,10.97,10.91 c0,5.83-4.63,10.69-13.12,10.69C268.25,426.16,263.31,423.99,259.93,421.16z"/> <path class="st0" d="M295.97,418.04v-45.5h6.09v45.94c0,1.86,0.81,2.6,1.7,2.6c0.35,0,0.65,0,1.33-0.15l0.83,4.65 c-0.86,0.31-1.91,0.57-3.5,0.57C297.84,426.16,295.97,423.24,295.97,418.04z"/> <path class="st0" d="M313.64,415.93c0-7.84,6.76-11.75,22.09-13.42c-0.02-4.63-1.55-9.09-7.43-9.09c-4.16,0-7.91,1.97-10.73,3.86 l-2.38-4.17c3.31-2.17,8.36-4.7,14.13-4.7c8.78,0,12.49,5.84,12.49,14.79v22.07h-5.03l-0.51-4.3h-0.2 c-3.43,2.85-7.43,5.19-11.9,5.19C318.16,426.16,313.64,422.42,313.64,415.93z M335.74,416.49v-9.99c-12.06,1.45-16.13,4.4-16.13,9 c0,4.09,2.77,5.75,6.3,5.75C329.38,421.25,332.25,419.56,335.74,416.49z"/> <path class="st0" d="M354.2,389.29h5.03l0.51,5.19h0.2c3.43-3.37,7.13-6.08,12.07-6.08c7.58,0,10.98,4.89,10.98,14.07v22.79h-6.09 v-22.01c0-6.7-2.03-9.57-6.79-9.57c-3.68,0-6.23,1.88-9.83,5.53v26.05h-6.09V389.29z"/> <path class="st0" 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h5.21v19.36c0,6.96,2.52,11.69,9.97,11.69c2.19,0,4.53-0.63,6.49-1.3l-1.14-4.47C54.82,337.35,53.21,337.82,51.97,337.82z"/> <path class="st0" d="M66.94,291.93c-2.3,0-4.09,1.5-4.09,3.83c0,2.23,1.79,3.83,4.09,3.83s4.09-1.59,4.09-3.83 C71.03,293.43,69.24,291.93,66.94,291.93z"/> <rect x="63.93" y="306.77" class="st0" width="5.92" height="35"/> <path class="st0" d="M112.43,337.82c-4.03,0-5.41-2.48-5.41-6.76V311.6h9.48v-4.83h-9.48v-9.82h-4.95l-0.71,9.82H88.54v-5.51 c0-4.52,1.62-6.83,4.93-6.83c1.24,0,2.63,0.29,3.96,0.9l1.25-4.52c-1.58-0.67-3.68-1.21-5.81-1.21c-7.02,0-10.25,4.52-10.25,11.63 v5.55l-4.75,0.32v4.48h4.75v30.18h5.92V311.6h12.55v19.36c0,6.96,2.52,11.69,9.97,11.69c2.19,0,4.53-0.63,6.49-1.3l-1.14-4.47 C115.28,337.35,113.67,337.82,112.43,337.82z"/> <path class="st0" d="M145.84,331.6c-3.31,4.12-5.79,5.9-9.37,5.9c-4.63,0-6.6-2.79-6.6-9.31v-21.41h-5.92v22.18 c0,8.93,3.31,13.69,10.69,13.69c4.81,0,8.3-2.52,11.54-6.34h0.2l0.5,5.48h4.89v-35h-5.92V331.6z"/> <path class="st0" d="M180.91,305.91c-4.81,0-8.41,2.63-11.74,5.91h-0.2l-0.5-5.05h-4.89v35h5.92v-25.35 c3.51-3.55,5.99-5.38,9.57-5.38c4.63,0,6.6,2.79,6.6,9.31v21.41h5.92V319.6C191.59,310.67,188.28,305.91,180.91,305.91z"/> </g> <path class="st0" d="M200.31,348.5c0-3,1.91-5.82,5.13-7.91v-0.29c-1.78-1.11-3.13-2.99-3.13-5.74c0-2.9,2.04-5.22,3.85-6.5v-0.29 c-2.32-1.82-4.53-5.22-4.53-9.4c0-7.65,6.03-12.47,13.13-12.47c1.93,0,3.67,0.38,4.94,0.86h12.21v4.56h-7.19 c1.65,1.59,2.85,4.22,2.85,7.2c0,7.5-5.66,12.14-12.82,12.14c-1.7,0-3.63-0.42-5.21-1.19c-1.27,1.06-2.23,2.22-2.23,4.14 c0,2.22,1.44,3.8,6.13,3.8h6.81c8.14,0,12.23,2.55,12.23,8.36c0,6.5-6.88,12.1-17.7,12.1C206.22,357.88,200.31,354.53,200.31,348.5 z M226.68,346.67c0-3.24-2.46-4.34-7.05-4.34h-6.04c-1.33,0-2.99-0.14-4.55-0.52c-2.5,1.77-3.57,3.86-3.57,5.87 c0,3.76,3.79,6.13,10.15,6.13C222.29,353.8,226.68,350.32,226.68,346.67z M222.2,318.38c0-5.09-3.31-8.17-7.44-8.17 c-4.12,0-7.44,3.04-7.44,8.17c0,5.09,3.4,8.32,7.44,8.32C218.79,326.7,222.2,323.47,222.2,318.38z"/> 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