{"title":"Introduction of the Harmfulness of the Seismic Signal in the Assessment of the Performance of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures ","authors":"Kahil Amar, Boukais Said, Kezmane Ali, Hamizi Mohand, Hannachi Naceur Eddine ","volume":101,"journal":"International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering","pagesStart":574,"pagesEnd":578,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/10001313","abstract":"<p>The principle of the seismic performance evaluation methods is to provide a measure of capability for a building or set of buildings to be damaged by an earthquake. The common objective of many of these methods is to supply classification criteria. The purpose of this study is to present a method for assessing the seismic performance of structures, based on Pushover method; we are particularly interested in reinforced concrete frame structures, which represent a significant percentage of damaged structures after a seismic event. The work is based on the characterization of seismic movement of the various earthquake zones in terms of PGA and PGD that is obtained by means of SIMQK_GR and PRISM software and the correlation between the points of performance and the scalar characterizing the earthquakes will developed.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] Applied Technology Council ATC-40. Seismic evaluation and retrofit of\r\nconcrete buildings.\r\n[2] Chopra, A.K. & Goel, R.K. 1999. \"Capacity-demand-diagram methods\r\nfor estimating seismic deformation of inelastic structures: SDF systems\",\r\nReport PEER-1999\/02. Berkeley: Pacific Earthquake Engineering\r\nResearch Center, University of California.\r\n[3] RPA99 (2003), \"R\u00e8gles Parasismiques Alg\u00e9riennes, Version 2003\",\r\nDocument technique r\u00e9glementaire, DTR B C 2 48, Centre national de\r\nrecherche appliqu\u00e9e en g\u00e9nie parasismique, Alger.\r\n[4] PRISM for Earthquake Engineering A Program for seismic response\r\nanalysis of SDOF system Version 1.0.2\r\n[5] Kahil Amar, Hamizi Mohand, Hannachi Nacer Eddine- Taking into\r\naccount the harmfulness of the seismic signal in assessing the seismic\r\nperformance of buildings self-stable- International Review of Civil\r\nEngineering (I.RE.C.E.), Mai 2012. *\r\n[6] Lesueur C., Schlupp A., Scotti O., Cara M. Et C. Sira (2009) \u2013\r\nRelationship between accelerometric measurements and macroseismic\r\nobservations: Mulhouse area, France. Provence 2009. Aix-en-Provence,\r\nJuly 6-8 2009. (Gutenberg et Richter, 1956; Hershberger, 1956).\r\n[7] Wald D.J., Quitoriano V., Heaton T.H., Kanamori H., Scrivner C.W.,\r\nWorden C.B. (1999b) - TriNet \u2018\u2018ShakeMaps.\u2019\u2019 Rapid generation of\r\ninstrumental ground motion and intensity maps for earthquakes in\r\nsouthern California, Earthquake Spectra. 15 (3), 537 555.\r\n[8] Atkinson G.M., S.I. Kaka (2006) - Relationships between felt intensity\r\nand instrumental ground motion for New-Madrid Shakemaps, Dept. of\r\nEarth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada K1S 5B6.\r\n[9] Atkinson G.M., Sonley E. (2000) - Empirical relationships between\r\nModified Mercalli intensity and response spectra. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am.\r\n90, 537\u2013544.\r\n[10] SIMQKE_GR.exe (versione 2.7), Programma per la generazione di\r\naccelerogrammi artificiali spettro-compatibili.\r\n[11] Fukushima, Y. and T. Tanaka (1990) A new attenuation relation for\r\npeak horizontal acceleration of strong earthquake ground motion in\r\nJapan, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., Vol. 80, 757-783.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 101, 2015"}