<html> <!-- AUTHOR - Robert Gagnon --> <!-- AUTHOR - Robert Gagnon --> <!-- AUTHOR - Robert Gagnon --> <!-- AUTHOR - Robert Gagnon --> <!-- AUTHOR - Robert Gagnon --> <!-- AUTHOR - Robert Gagnon --> <!-- AUTHOR - Robert Gagnon --> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <title>FREQUENCY & WAVELENGTH CALCULATOR</title> <meta name="description" content="Frequency and Wavelength Calculator, Light, Radio Waves, Electromagnetic Waves, Physics"> <meta name="keywords" content="Frequency and Wavelength Calculator, Light, Radio Waves, Electromagnetic Waves, Physics"> <script language = JavaScript> var c = 299792458; <!-- Speed of Light In meters/sec --> <!-- h = 4.13566751691E-15 ev sec || h = 6.6260695729 E-27 erg sec --> var h=6.6260695729E-34 ; <!-- Joule sec --> <!-- One electron volt = 1.60217656535E-19 Joules || One Joule = 6.2415093418967E18 electron volts --> var choyce=0; var ct1=0; var ct2=0; var ct3=0; var inval=0; var ev=0; var erg=0; var joule=0; var frq=0; var wav=0; var eng=0; var wl=0; var lim=3; var ct=1; var sigfig=5; var outpt=new Array(0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1); var lbl1=new Array(0, " WAVELENGTH ", " FREQUENCY ", " PHOTON ENERGY"); var label2=new Array(0, " Nanometers", " Centimeters", " Feet", " Meters", " Hertz", " KiloHertz", " MegaHertz", " GigaHertz", " Electron Volts", " Mega Electron Volts", " Ergs", " Joules" ); var label5=new Array(0, " Electron Volts", " Mega Electron Volts"," Ergs", " Joules"); var fctrf=new Array(0, 1, 1000, 1000000, 1000000000);<!-- Freq Conversions --> var fctrw=new Array(0,1000000000,100,3.28083989501312,1); <!-- Wavelength to Frequency Conversions --> var fctre=new Array(0,6241509346392150000, 6241509346392.15, 10000000, 1); <!-- Energy Conversions --> var fctrh=new Array(0, 4.13566751691E-15, 4.13566751691E-21, 6.6260695729E-27, 6.6260695729E-34) <!-- Planck's Constant --> <!-- ev sec, Mev sec, erg sec, joule sec --> <!-- one ev = 1.60217656535 x10-19 Joules || one Joule = 6241509346392150000 ev = 10,000,000 ergs --> </script> <script language = JavaScript> function laybels() { inval=document.boxes.b0.value;sigfig=(; chc=Math.round((1+choyce)/4); if(chc==1){ct1=1;ct2=2;ct3=3} if(chc==2){ct1=2;ct2=1;ct3=3} if(chc==3){ct1=3;ct2=1;ct3=2} document.boxes.b0a.value=" When"+ lbl1[ct1] + " = " + inval + " "+label2[choyce] +" then "+lbl1[ct2] + " = "; document.boxes.b10.value=" and "+ lbl1[ct3] + " = "; document.boxes.b5a.value=label5[1]; document.boxes.b6a.value=label5[2]; document.boxes.b7a.value=label5[3]; document.boxes.b8a.value=label5[4]; if (choyce>8){document.boxes.b5a.value=label2[5];document.boxes.b6a.value=label2[6];document.boxes.b7a.value=label2[7]; document.boxes.b8a.value=label2[8]} } </script> <script language = JavaScript> <!-- ONE) CALCULATING Frequency, and Energy from WAVELENGTH)--> function wave() { document.boxes.b1a.value=label2[5]; document.boxes.b2a.value=label2[6]; document.boxes.b3a.value=label2[7]; document.boxes.b4a.value=label2[8]; wav=inval/fctrw[choyce];<!-- Converting input (inval) to meters (wav) --> frq=(c/wav);<!-- Converting wav to Frequency In Hertz --> ct=1; while(ct<5) {outpt[ct] = (frq/fctrf[ct]);ct=ct+1}; eng=h*frq; <!-- eng is energy in joules --> ct=5; while(ct<9){ {outpt[ct]=eng*fctre[ct-4];ct=ct+1} } } </script> <!-- TWO) CALCULATING Wavelength and Energy From FREQUENCY)--> <script language = JavaScript> function freq() { document.boxes.b1a.value=label2[1]; document.boxes.b2a.value=label2[2]; document.boxes.b3a.value=label2[3]; document.boxes.b4a.value=label2[4]; frq=inval*fctrf[choyce-4]; <!-- frq Is Frequency In Hertz --> wav=c/frq;<!-- wav is wavelength in Meters --> ct=1; while(ct<5) {outpt[ct]=((wav*fctrw[ct]));ct=ct+1}; ct=5; joule=frq*h; while(ct<9){ outpt[ct]=(joule*fctre[ct-4]);ct=ct+1} } </script> <!-- THREE) CALCULATING Wavelength and Frequency from ENERGY)--> <script language = JavaScript> function energy() { document.boxes.b1a.value=label2[1]; document.boxes.b2a.value=label2[2]; document.boxes.b3a.value=label2[3]; document.boxes.b4a.value=label2[4]; eng=inval/fctre[choyce-8]; <!-- eng is energy in Joules --> wav=(h*c)/eng;<!-- wavelength in meters --> frq=eng/h;<!-- frequency in Hertz --> ct=1; while(ct<5) {outpt[ct] = wav*fctrw[ct];ct=ct+1} ct=5; while(ct<9) {outpt[ct] = frq/(fctrf[ct-4]);ct=ct+1} } </script> <script language = JavaScript> function lastcalc() { } </script> <!-- Formatting The Output --> <script language = JavaScript> function prnt() {ct=1;lim=9; while(ct<lim) { if(sigfig>-1){outpt[ct]=outpt[ct].toExponential(sigfig);}; if(outpt[ct]>.001 && outpt[ct]<1000){outpt[ct]=outpt[ct]*1;};ct=ct+1} document.boxes.b1.value=" "+outpt[1]; document.boxes.b2.value=" "+outpt[2]; document.boxes.b3.value=" "+outpt[3]; document.boxes.b4.value=" "+outpt[4]; document.boxes.b5.value=" "+outpt[5]; document.boxes.b6.value=" "+outpt[6]; document.boxes.b7.value=" "+outpt[7]; document.boxes.b8.value=" "+outpt[8]; } </script> <script async data-id="101431730" src="//"></script><script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script><script async src=""></script><script>function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments)}window.dataLayer=window.dataLayer||[],gtag("js",new Date),gtag("config","G-HD5YPGJJVH")</script></head> <body BGCOLOR="EFEFEF" text="CC0000" alink="0000FF" vlink="FF0000"><center><script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script><ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5748002409523414" data-ad-slot="5723281189" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins><script>(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({})</script></center> <center> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="85%"> <tr><td> <font face="Arial"><font COLOR="CC0000"> <hr size=3 noshade width="75%" color="000066"> <font size=6> <center>Electromagnetic Frequency, Wavelength<BR> and Energy <i>Ultra</i> Calculator</center> <font size=2><font color="000000"> <center>For a calculator that computes <i>sound</i> waves, click <a href="freqwavf.htm">here</a>. <BR> Scroll to the bottom for instructions. <hr size=3 noshade width="75%" color="000066"> <!-- T A B L E I N T R O --------------------------------------------------------- --> <CENTER> <table width=90%><tr><td> <font face ="Arial"><font size=4> <font color="000099"><B> Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light (299,792,458 meters per second) and their frequency and wavelength can be determined by the formulas: </td></tr></table> </CENTER> <CENTER> <!-- T A B L E H E A D E R --------------------------------------------------------- --> <!-- L E F T S I D E --------------------------------------------------------- --> <table><tr><td colspan=2> <img src="freq.gif"> <valign=top><td width=50%> <!-- R I G H T S I D E --------------------------------------------------------- --> </td></tr></table> </CENTER> <p> <table width =90%><tr><td> <font face ="Arial"><font size=4> <font color="000099"><B> <p> <font face="Arial"><font color="000099"><font size=4><b> where 'c' is the speed of light in meters per second, the Greek letter lambda <font size=5><font face="Courier New">&#955; <font face="Arial"><font size=4> is the wavelength in meters and the frequency is in cycles per second.<P> Also, the photon energy can be calculated by the formulas: </td></tr></table> <table width =90%><tr><td colspan=2> <center><img src="freq2.gif"></center> <valign=top><td width=50%> <!-- R I G H T S I D E --------------------------------------------------------- --> </td></tr></table> <table><tr><td><font face="Arial"><font color="000099"><font size=4><B> where 'e' is energy (joules), 'f' is frequency (cycles per second), 'h' is Planck's constant (6.6260695729 x 10<sup>-34</sup> Joule*seconds) and wavelength <font size=5><font face="Courier New">&#955; <font face="Arial"><font size=4>is in meters.<p><p> As always, we have written a calculator to make the work a little easier for you. <p> <p> <center> <form NAME="boxes"> <!-- THIS IS BOX 0--> INPUT Amount >>>>> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b0" SIZE=30> <p> Now click one of these boxes<br> <font size=2><CENTER> Wavelength &#8195; &#8195; &#8195; &#8195; &#8195; &#8195; &#8195; &#8195; &#8195; Frequency &#8195; &#8195; &#8195; &#8195; &#8195; &#8195; &#8195; &#8195; &#8195; Photon Energy</CENTER><br> <input TYPE="button" VALUE="n m" SIZE =" 5" ONCLICK=" choyce=1; laybels(); wave(); prnt();return true"> <input TYPE="button" VALUE="c m" SIZE =" 5" ONCLICK=" choyce=2; laybels(); wave(); prnt();return true"> <input TYPE="button" VALUE="f e e t" SIZE =" 5" ONCLICK=" choyce=3;laybels(); wave(); prnt(); return true"> <input TYPE="button" VALUE="m e t e r s" SIZE =" 5" ONCLICK=" choyce=4; laybels(); wave(); prnt(); return true"> &#8195; &#8195; <input TYPE="button" VALUE=" H z " SIZE =" 5" ONCLICK=" choyce=5; laybels();freq(); prnt();return true"> <input TYPE="button" VALUE=" k H z " SIZE =" 5" ONCLICK=" choyce=6; laybels(); freq(); prnt();return true"> <input TYPE="button" VALUE=" M H z " SIZE =" 5" ONCLICK=" choyce=7; laybels(); freq(); prnt();return true"> <input TYPE="button" VALUE=" G H z " SIZE =" 5" ONCLICK=" choyce=8; laybels(); freq(); prnt();return true"> &#8195; &#8195; <input TYPE="button" VALUE=" e V " SIZE =" 5" ONCLICK=" choyce=9; laybels();energy(); prnt();return true"> <input TYPE="button" VALUE=" MeV " SIZE =" 5" ONCLICK=" choyce=10; laybels();energy(); prnt();return true"> <input TYPE="button" VALUE=" ergs " SIZE =" 5" ONCLICK=" choyce=11; laybels();energy(); prnt();return true"> <input TYPE="button" VALUE=" Joules " SIZE =" 5" ONCLICK=" choyce=12; laybels();energy(); prnt();return true"><p> <font size = 1> <font color="#000000"> <center> This calculator was extensively rewritten on October, 2011. If you spot any errors, please send an E-Mail to <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#6f180003092f5e585d57410c0002"> <span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="42352d2e24027375707a6c212d2f">[email&#160;protected]</span></a>.<BR> The box below is NOT for input.<BR> </center> <font size = 3> <!-- THIS IS OUTPUT BOX 0a--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b0a" SIZE="72"> <br> <!-- THIS IS BOX 1--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b1" SIZE=30> >>>>> <!-- THIS IS BOX 1a--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b1a" SIZE=30> <br> <!-- THIS IS BOX 2--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b2" SIZE=30> >>>>> <!-- THIS IS BOX 2a--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b2a" SIZE=30> <br> <!-- THIS IS BOX 3--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b3" SIZE=30> >>>>> <!-- THIS IS BOX 3a--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b3a" SIZE=30> <br> <!-- THIS IS BOX 4--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b4" SIZE=30> >>>>> <!-- THIS IS BOX 4a--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b4a" SIZE=30> <br> <!-- THIS IS BOX 10--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b10" SIZE=75> <br> <!-- THIS IS BOX 5--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b5" SIZE=30> >>>>> <!-- THIS IS BOX 5a--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b5a" SIZE=30> <br> <!-- THIS IS BOX 6--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b6" SIZE=30> >>>>> <!-- THIS IS BOX 6a--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b6a" SIZE=30> <br> <!-- THIS IS BOX 7--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b7" SIZE=30> >>>>> <!-- THIS IS BOX 7a--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b7a" SIZE=30> <br> <!-- THIS IS BOX 8--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b8" SIZE=30> >>>>> <!-- THIS IS BOX 8a--> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b8a" SIZE=30> </form> </center> <CENTER> </CENTER> </td></tr></table> <p> <table width=90%><tr><td> <CENTER> <font size=6> I N S T R U C T I O N S<BR></CENTER> <font size=4> <font color="000099"> This is what we call an <i>ultra</i> calculator, which means, you have multiple choices for input <i>and</i> output.<BR> For this calculator, you choose from 12 different units of input and the output is displayed in eight different units.<BR> For example, if you wanted to know the wavelength and photon energy of a 27 megahertz frequency, enter 27 in the "Input Amount" box, click on the MHz button, and you'll have wavelength and energy in 4 units each.<p> <hr size=3 noshade width="75%" color="000066"> <form NAME="box"><!-- F O R M A T B O X ***********************--> <font color="#000099"> <center> Significant Figures >>> <input TYPE="text" NAME="b9" VALUE=5 SIZE="7"> </CENTER> </form> <font face="Trebuchet MS"> For easy readability, the answers are displayed in a "significant figure" format so you will <i>not</i> see answers such as 77.3333333333333333.<br> Numbers larger than 1,000 and smaller than .001 will be displayed in scientific notation and with the same number of significant figures specified. You may change the significant figures displayed by changing the number in the box above.<br> Most browsers, will display the answers properly but there are a few browsers that will show <i>no</i> output whatsoever. If so, enter a zero in the box above. This eliminates all formatting but it is better than seeing no output at all. </td></tr></table> <p><p> <font size=3><font face="Arial"> <hr size=3 noshade width="65%" color="000066"> <p> <center><a href="index.htm">Return To Home Page</a></center> <font COLOR="000000"> <center> Copyright &#169; 1999 - <script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script><script> var xright=new Date; document.writeln(xright.getFullYear()); </script> 1728 Software Systems </center> <hr size=3 noshade width="65%" color="000066"> </b><p><p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <center><script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script><ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-5748002409523414" data-ad-slot="2334700512" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins><script>(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({})</script></center></body> </html>

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