package if; our $VERSION = '0.01'; sub work { my $method = shift() ? 'import' : 'unimport'; return unless shift; # CONDITION my $p = shift; # PACKAGE eval "require $p" or die; # Adds .pm etc if needed $p->$method(@_) if $p->can($method); } sub import { shift; unshift @_, 1; goto &work } sub unimport { shift; unshift @_, 0; goto &work } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME if - C<use> a Perl module if a condition holds =head1 SYNOPSIS use if CONDITION, MODULE => ARGUMENTS; =head1 DESCRIPTION The construct use if CONDITION, MODULE => ARGUMENTS; has no effect unless C<CONDITION> is true. In this case the effect is the same as of use MODULE ARGUMENTS; =head1 BUGS The current implementation does not allow specification of the required version of the module. =head1 AUTHOR Ilya Zakharevich L<>. =cut