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</a> </h2> <div class="metaInfo myn2"> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">optics</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">visible-light</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">antimatter</a> <span class="va-middle"> 4 answers | asked yesterday <span class="owner"> by <a href="">chausies</a> on </span> <a href="" class="question-host"> physics </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div data-sid="" class="question-container"> <a href=""> <div class="hot-question-site-icon"> <span title="view this question on"><img src="" alt="Puzzling Stack Exchange" /></span> </div> </a> <div class="question question-hot"> <h2> <a class="question-link" href="" title="This question has been arbitrarily awarded 9.622 hotness points"> From the middle to the middle </a> </h2> <div class="metaInfo myn2"> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">enigmatic-puzzle</a> <span class="va-middle"> 1 answers | asked 10 hours ago <span class="owner"> by <a href="">Prim3numbah</a> on </span> <a href="" class="question-host"> puzzling </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div data-sid="" class="question-container"> <a href=""> <div class="hot-question-site-icon"> <span title="view this question on"><img src="" alt="Philosophy Stack Exchange" /></span> </div> </a> <div class="question question-hot"> <h2> <a class="question-link" href="" title="This question has been arbitrarily awarded 9.374 hotness points"> Can consciousness perceive time, and if so, how? </a> </h2> <div class="metaInfo myn2"> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">philosophy-of-mind</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">consciousness</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">time</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">qualia</a> <span class="va-middle"> 4 answers | asked 23 hours ago <span class="owner"> by <a href="">user80226</a> on </span> <a href="" class="question-host"> philosophy </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div data-sid="" class="question-container"> <a href=""> <div class="hot-question-site-icon"> <span title="view this question on"><img src="" alt="TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange" /></span> </div> </a> <div class="question question-hot"> <h2> <a class="question-link" href="" title="This question has been arbitrarily awarded 9.369 hotness points"> Is TeX still the base of it all? </a> </h2> <div class="metaInfo myn2"> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">tex-core</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">plain-tex</a> <span class="va-middle"> 2 answers | asked 20 hours ago <span class="owner"> by <a href="">MBE</a> on </span> <a href="" class="question-host"> tex </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div data-sid="" class="question-container"> <a href=""> <div class="hot-question-site-icon"> <span title="view this question on"><img src="" alt="Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy Stack Exchange" /></span> </div> </a> <div class="question question-hot"> <h2> <a class="question-link" href="" title="This question has been arbitrarily awarded 9.279 hotness points"> Time Travel. Young Girl meets her older self - Who doesn&#39;t like her </a> </h2> <div class="metaInfo myn2"> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">story-identification</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">novel</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">time-travel</a> <span class="va-middle"> 1 answers | asked 15 hours ago <span class="owner"> by <a href="">Mike Stone</a> on </span> <a href="" class="question-host"> scifi </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div data-sid="" class="question-container"> <a href=""> <div class="hot-question-site-icon"> <span title="view this question on"><img src="" alt="Home Improvement Stack Exchange" /></span> </div> </a> <div class="question question-hot"> <h2> <a class="question-link" href="" title="This question has been arbitrarily awarded 9.177 hotness points"> Installing a &quot;C&quot; wire in an older 2 wire furnace </a> </h2> <div class="metaInfo myn2"> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">thermostat</a> <span class="va-middle"> 1 answers | asked 9 hours ago <span class="owner"> by <a href="">NJDen</a> on </span> <a href="" class="question-host"> diy </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div data-sid="" class="question-container"> <a href=""> <div class="hot-question-site-icon"> <span title="view this question on"><img src="" alt="Christianity Stack Exchange" /></span> </div> </a> <div class="question question-hot"> <h2> <a class="question-link" href="" title="This question has been arbitrarily awarded 8.753 hotness points"> Why are Mormons and Jehovah&#39;s Witnesses considered Christian, but Muslims are not, when they believe the same regarding Jesus, the Trinity, and Bible? </a> </h2> <div class="metaInfo myn2"> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">lds</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">jehovahs-witnesses</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">comparative-christianity</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">islam</a> <span class="va-middle"> 10 answers | asked 2 days ago <span 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</span> </div> </div> </div> <div data-sid="" class="question-container"> <a href=""> <div class="hot-question-site-icon"> <span title="view this question on"><img src="" alt="Role-playing Games Stack Exchange" /></span> </div> </a> <div class="question question-hot"> <h2> <a class="question-link" href="" title="This question has been arbitrarily awarded 8.268 hotness points"> I need to understand Artificers </a> </h2> <div class="metaInfo myn2"> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">dnd-3.5e</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">artificer</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">gm-preparation</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">artificer-infusions</a> <span class="va-middle"> 2 answers | asked 22 hours ago <span class="owner"> by <a href="">Diego Elias</a> on </span> <a href="" class="question-host"> rpg </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div data-sid="" class="question-container"> <a href=""> <div class="hot-question-site-icon"> <span title="view this 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decrease or increase European interest on the continent? </a> </h2> <div class="metaInfo myn2"> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">colonization</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">exploration</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">sea-exploration</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">cephalopods</a> <span class="va-middle"> 4 answers | asked 15 hours ago <span class="owner"> by <a href="">KaffeeByte</a> on </span> <a href="" class="question-host"> worldbuilding </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div data-sid="" class="question-container"> <a href=""> <div class="hot-question-site-icon"> <span title="view this question on"><img src="" alt="TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange" /></span> </div> </a> <div class="question question-hot"> <h2> <a class="question-link" href="" title="This question has been arbitrarily awarded 7.233 hotness points"> Two kinds of paragraphs </a> </h2> <div class="metaInfo myn2"> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">indentation</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">paragraphs</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">typography</a> <span class="va-middle"> 3 answers | asked 16 hours ago <span class="owner"> by <a href="">Zufallskonstante</a> on </span> <a href="" class="question-host"> tex </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div data-sid="" class="question-container"> <a href=""> <div class="hot-question-site-icon"> <span title="view this question on"><img src="" alt="Puzzling Stack Exchange" /></span> </div> </a> <div class="question question-hot"> <h2> <a class="question-link" href="" title="This question has been arbitrarily awarded 7.007 hotness points"> Nonograms that require more than single-line logic </a> </h2> <div class="metaInfo myn2"> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">logical-deduction</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">grid-deduction</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">nonogram</a> <span class="va-middle"> 3 answers | asked yesterday <span class="owner"> by <a 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awarded 5.747 hotness points"> intuitive thinking for solving ratio-based matchstick problem </a> </h2> <div class="metaInfo myn2"> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">mathematics</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">calculation-puzzle</a> <span class="va-middle"> 3 answers | asked 11 hours ago <span class="owner"> by <a href="">jason</a> on </span> <a href="" class="question-host"> puzzling </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div data-sid="" class="question-container"> <a href=""> <div class="hot-question-site-icon"> <span title="view this question on"><img src="" alt="Law Stack Exchange" /></span> </div> </a> <div class="question question-hot"> <h2> <a class="question-link" href="" title="This question has been arbitrarily awarded 5.495 hotness points"> Does copyright subsist in a derivative work based on public domain material? </a> </h2> <div class="metaInfo myn2"> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 ">copyright</a> <a href="" class="s-tag post-tag m4 ml0 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