{"title":"Survey Gamma Radiation Measurements in Commercially-used Natural Tiling Rocks in Iran","authors":"A.Abbasi, F.Mirekhtiary","volume":52,"journal":"International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences","pagesStart":561,"pagesEnd":568,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/4077","abstract":"The gamma radiation in samples of a variety of\r\nnatural tiling rocks (granites) produced and imported in Iran use in\r\nthe building industry was measured, employing high-resolution\r\nGamma-ray spectroscopy. The rock samples were pulverized, sealed\r\nin 0.5 liter plastic Marinelli beakers, and measured in the laboratory\r\nwith an accumulating time between 50000 and 80000 second each.\r\nFrom the measured Gamma-ray spectra, activity concentrations were\r\ndetermined for 232Th (range from 6.5 to 172.2 Bq kg-1), 238U (from\r\n7.5 to 178.1 Bq kg-1 ),226Ra( from 3.8 to 94.2 Bq kg-1 ) 40K (from\r\n556.9 to 1539.2 Bq kg-1). From the 29 samples measured in this\r\nstudy, \u201cNehbndan ( Berjand )\" appears to present the highest\r\nconcentrations for 232Th,\u201cBig Red Flower (China) \"for 238U , \u201c\r\nKhoram dareh\" for 226 Ra and \u201c Peranshahr\" for 40K , respectively.","references":"[1] Florou, H., Kritidis, P., 1992. Gamma radiation measurements and dose\r\nrate in the costal areas of a volcanic island, Aegean Sea, Greece.\r\nRadiation Protection Dosimetry 45 (1\/4), 277-279.\r\n[2] Snelling, A., Wood morappe, J., 1998. Rapid Rocks Granites... they didn-t\r\nneed millions of years of cooling. Creation Ex Nihilo 21(1), 37-39.\r\n[3] Luigi Bruzzi, Maurizio Baroni, Renato Mele and Elisabetta Nanni.,1997. \"\r\nProposal for a method of certification of natural radioactivity in building\r\nmaterials\". Journal of Radiol.Vol.17,No.2 , P.85-94.\r\n[4] Thomas, J., Hulka, J., Salava, J., (1993). New houses with high radiation\r\nexposure levels. Proceedings of the International Conference on High\r\nLevels of Natural Radiation, Ramsar, 1990.\r\n[5] Hamby, D. M., Tynybekov, A. K., 2002. Uranium, thorium and potassium\r\nin soils along the shore of lake Issyk-Kyol in the Kyrghyz Republic.\r\nEnvironmental Monitoring and Assessment 73, 101-108.\r\n[6] EG&G ORTEC, 1999. GammaVision-32: Gamma-Ray Spectrum Analysis\r\nand MCA Emulator. Software User-s Manual (V5.1). EG&G ORTEC.\r\n[7] Chiozzi, P., Pasquale, V., Verdoya, M., 2002. Naturally occurring\r\nradioactivity at the Alps-Apennines transition. Radiation Measurements\r\n35, 147-154.\r\n[8] Reference sheet IAEA-soil-6 ,1999. soil-375 ,2000 . 327 ,2001. RGU-1\r\n,1987. RGK-1,1987. RGTh-1,1987 \"International Atomic Energy\r\nAgency\". Analytical Quality Control Services, Wagramer Strasse\r\n5,P.O.Box 100,1400.\r\n[9] Tzortzis, M., Tsertos, H., Christofides, S., Christodoulides, G., 2002.\r\nGamma-raymeasurements of naturally occurring radioactive samples\r\nfrom Cyprus characteristicgeological rocks. Preprint UCY-PHY-02\/02\r\n(physics\/0212099).","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 52, 2011"}