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It is intended to facilitate the exchange of information in the areas of teaching and research in French language studies. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ALCS"/> <a href="../../lists/ALCS.html" class="links">ALCS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The ALCS list aims to promote the scholarly study and teaching of the language, culture, history and society of the Low Countries by facilitating communication between interested scholars and teachers. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ASTON-FL-READING-GROUP"/> <a href="../../lists/ASTON-FL-READING-GROUP.html" class="links">ASTON-FL-READING-GROUP</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Forensic Linguistics Reading Group - Centre for Forensic Linguistics at Aston University </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BAAL-CORPUS-SIG"/> <a href="../../lists/BAAL-CORPUS-SIG.html" class="links">BAAL-CORPUS-SIG</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This BAAL special interest group is intended to bring together researchers interested in the uses of corpora and corpus methods in applied linguistic research. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BAAL-LKALE"/> <a href="../../lists/BAAL-LKALE.html" class="links">BAAL-LKALE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Mailing list for members of the BAAL Linguistics and Knowledge about Language in Education (LKALE)special interest group. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BAALSIGIC"/> <a href="../../lists/BAALSIGIC.html" class="links">BAALSIGIC</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The BAAL Special Interest Group in Intercultural Communication provides a forum for applied linguists,researchers, language teachers, business trainers and the wider public to engage in debate about the nature and potential application of key concepts in the field. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BALTIC-STUDIES"/> <a href="../../lists/BALTIC-STUDIES.html" class="links">BALTIC-STUDIES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The list has been set up to facilitate discussion on the Baltic States between and amongst scholars and practitioners in many different fields of research, both in terms of scholarship and teaching. In particular, this mailing list encourages the exchange of issues related to such topics as politics, foreign policy, security studies, society, culture, history, geography and so on. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BILINGUALISM-MATTERS-LONDON"/> <a href="../../lists/BILINGUALISM-MATTERS-LONDON.html" class="links">BILINGUALISM-MATTERS-LONDON</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Bilingualism Matters London brings together academic researchers from London-based higher education institutions, non-academic stakeholders, and members of the public in a collaborative knowledge exchange about bi-/multilingualism, language learning and their benefits. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BINOMIAL-NOMENCLATURE"/> <a href="../../lists/BINOMIAL-NOMENCLATURE.html" class="links">BINOMIAL-NOMENCLATURE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is for the research and discussion of the etymology of plants and animal species scientific names (binomial nomenclature) and the history of vernacular names. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BNAC"/> <a href="../../lists/BNAC.html" class="links">BNAC</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list will be used by and for members of the Britain Nepal Academic Council, and associated academic colleagues, for sharing information on conferences, workshops and #other events in relation to Nepal studies </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="BUSINESSDISCOURSENET"/> <a href="../../lists/BUSINESSDISCOURSENET.html" class="links">BUSINESSDISCOURSENET</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The BusinessDiscourseNet is a list dedicated to dialogue and information exchange between scholars from a variety of disciplines, research and teaching traditions, who are interested in the new multidisciplinary field of Business Discourse. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CCMPHDSEMINARS"/> <a href="../../lists/CCMPHDSEMINARS.html" class="links">CCMPHDSEMINARS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is a list involving PhD students, researchers and staff members linked to the Department of Culture, Communication and Media at UCL Institute of Education, University College London. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CHNIRS"/> <a href="../../lists/CHNIRS.html" class="links">CHNIRS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is a mailing list for communication with users of the Chandler House functional near-infrared spectroscopy lab. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CLARIN-UK"/> <a href="../../lists/CLARIN-UK.html" class="links">CLARIN-UK</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Discussion list for the network of UK researchers associated with the pan-European CLARIN project, building an infrastructure for the support of advanced research in the humanities using electronic language resources. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="COLOURSTUDIES"/> <a href="../../lists/COLOURSTUDIES.html" class="links">COLOURSTUDIES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is a group for the multidisciplinary study and discussion of colour. It includes linguists, psychologists, geographers, opthamologists and more. The Group is open to anyone with an interest in colour, but it is intended to be an academic and research forum. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CORPUS-STYLE"/> <a href="../../lists/CORPUS-STYLE.html" class="links">CORPUS-STYLE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is for discussion of research and announcement of events in the emerging field of corpus stylistics - the use of language corpora in the analysis of the language of literature. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="COSTNEWSPEAKERS"/> <a href="../../lists/COSTNEWSPEAKERS.html" class="links">COSTNEWSPEAKERS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The mailing list is for members of the EU COST funded network New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CP-UK"/> <a href="../../lists/CP-UK.html" class="links">CP-UK</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Cognitive Psychology UK is a list created to bring together people interested in cognition research. The list will post details of conferences, jobs available, test and experiment resources and allow members to raise and discuss their individual interests. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CRIMESIG"/> <a href="../../lists/CRIMESIG.html" class="links">CRIMESIG</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A mailing list intended for communication between members of the Special Interest Group on Crime and Language research. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="CULTNET"/> <a href="../../lists/CULTNET.html" class="links">CULTNET</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Cultnet is made up of a group of researchers and lecturers who share an interest in culture, intercultural communication and education. The group aims to develop research collaborations and publications, to share teaching material related to culture, and to provide a supportive environment in which doctoral students and researchers can meet to exchange ideas and support one another&#39;s professional development. It primarily includes researchers in the areas of languages, linguistics, education, and psychology but all with an interest in culture are welcome. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DARG-LBORO"/> <a href="../../lists/DARG-LBORO.html" class="links">DARG-LBORO</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>An announcement list for Loughborough&#39;s Discourse and Rhetoric Group, serving up weekly data sessions and other delights since 1987. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DARG-SESSIONS"/> <a href="../../lists/DARG-SESSIONS.html" class="links">DARG-SESSIONS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is a local list for DARG at Loughborough. You can email if you think you should be on this list. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="DIPVAC"/> <a href="../../lists/DIPVAC.html" class="links">DIPVAC</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>queries about issues related to discourse variation analysis; invitations for collaborations or contributions to publications discourse variation; announcements of new publications, conferences or job openings relevant to discourse variationists </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="EAL-RESEARCH"/> <a href="../../lists/EAL-RESEARCH.html" class="links">EAL-RESEARCH</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is used for researchers and practitioners interested in English as an Additional Language (in the UK and internationally). </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="EPNL"/> <a href="../../lists/EPNL.html" class="links">EPNL</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The English Place-Name List is a forum for discussion of the etymology, history and significance of place-names in England. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ESL"/> <a href="../../lists/ESL.html" class="links">ESL</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The English Surname List is a forum for discussion of the etymology, history and significance of surnames in England. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ESOL-TEACHING-NORTHERN-IRELAND"/> <a href="../../lists/ESOL-TEACHING-NORTHERN-IRELAND.html" class="links">ESOL-TEACHING-NORTHERN-IRELAND</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This forum is for ESOL teachers, volunteers &amp; trainee teachers based in Northern Ireland where we can share good practice about teaching and learning, resources and ideas. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ESTUDOSGALEGOS"/> <a href="../../lists/ESTUDOSGALEGOS.html" class="links">ESTUDOSGALEGOS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Lista de correo da Asociaci&oacute;n Internacional de Estudos Galegos para o intercambio de informaci&oacute;n relacionada cos Estudos Galegos, perspectivas profesionais, e para favorecer o networking entre os seus membros. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ETHICS-IN-LINGUISTICS"/> <a href="../../lists/ETHICS-IN-LINGUISTICS.html" class="links">ETHICS-IN-LINGUISTICS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Recognising that the evolution toward shared ethical standards goes through mutual awareness of the constraints faced and the practices adopted by linguists of all stripes, this list aims to create an intellectual space where linguists trained in different disciplinary and national academic traditions can share their experiences in order to (i) raise awareness about the ethical challenges inherent in every stage of the research cycle and (ii) allow answers to these challenges to emerge organically from discussion within the field. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="FGLS"/> <a href="../../lists/FGLS.html" class="links">FGLS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>We are the subject association of scholars working on Germanic languages in the UK and Ireland and we live at We have biennial meetings and a lovely mailing list. And we are very friendly and welcoming. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="FLN"/> <a href="../../lists/FLN.html" class="links">FLN</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>FLN (Figurative Language Network) aims to improve communication amongst scholars interested in figurative language, from a range of disciplines (psychology, linguistics, AI, computational linguistics, literary studies etc). </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="FONETIKS"/> <a href="../../lists/FONETIKS.html" class="links">FONETIKS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Mailing list for &#39;foNETiks&#39;, a monthly electronic newsletter containing news about meetings, new positions, and a range of other areas of interest to those studying and working in the areas of phonetics, phonology, and speech science. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="FORENSIC-LINGUISTICS"/> <a href="../../lists/FORENSIC-LINGUISTICS.html" class="links">FORENSIC-LINGUISTICS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Members discuss the use of linguistic evidence in court, features of courtroom and legal discourse including courtroom interpreting, and other aspects of the relationship between Language and the Law. List members include academic linguists, academic and practising lawyers and legal interpreters, though researchers in other disciplines are welcome. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="GENDER-INCLUSIVE-LANGUAGE"/> <a href="../../lists/GENDER-INCLUSIVE-LANGUAGE.html" class="links">GENDER-INCLUSIVE-LANGUAGE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Mailing list for the research network &quot;gender-inclusive language&quot; </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="GEO-REASONING"/> <a href="../../lists/GEO-REASONING.html" class="links">GEO-REASONING</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The study of formal methods and approaches to reasoning and modelling in the geosciences: linguistics, logic,AI,mathematics,databases,... </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="GERMAN-LANGUAGE-TEACHING"/> <a href="../../lists/GERMAN-LANGUAGE-TEACHING.html" class="links">GERMAN-LANGUAGE-TEACHING</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Announcement list for events, projects and publications. This list is used to support networking among German foreign language teachers. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="GFDS-LONDON"/> <a href="../../lists/GFDS-LONDON.html" class="links">GFDS-LONDON</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The purpose of this list is to pass on and exchange information about activities of the London branch of the &#39;Association for the German Language&#39; / &#39;Gesellschaft f&amp;uuml;r deutsche Sprache&#39; (GfdS) </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="HENRYSWEETSOCIETY"/> <a href="../../lists/HENRYSWEETSOCIETY.html" class="links">HENRYSWEETSOCIETY</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>&lt;HTML&gt; The Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas was founded in February 1984. Its aims are to promote and encourage the study of the history of all branches of linguistic thought, theoretical and applied, and including non-European traditions. Its fields of interest include the history both of the major subject areas of linguistics and also of more specialised topics, such as writing systems, literacy, rhetoric, and the application of linguistic ideas within professional and technical fields. &lt;p&gt;For further information on the society, please see our &lt;a href= &quot;;&gt;website&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Society membership and journal subscription are now managed by Taylor &amp; Francis. Annual membership includes a print + online package (3 issues of Language &amp; History) for &amp;#163;42 (student rate: &amp;#163;16.50). Alternatively, you can opt out of paper copies with an online- only subscription for &amp;#163;39 (student rate: &amp;#163;12). For more information on how to become a member, please visit the &lt;a href=&quot; show= societyInformation&amp;journalCode=ylhi20#.V4d&quot;&gt; Taylor &amp; Francis website&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;. &lt;/html&gt; </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="HISON"/> <a href="../../lists/HISON.html" class="links">HISON</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Founded in 2005, the network&#39;s members are academic researchers in historical sociolinguistics from all over the world. Our activities consist of conferences and summer schools and our webpage is </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="HISTTHEDIG"/> <a href="../../lists/HISTTHEDIG.html" class="links">HISTTHEDIG</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A list for discussion, resources, and scholarship on investigating language, identity and social practices in old and new media. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="IEITHYDDIAETH"/> <a href="../../lists/IEITHYDDIAETH.html" class="links">IEITHYDDIAETH</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The mailing list is for the annual Welsh Linguistics Seminar held at Gregynog Hall, Wales, and organised by academics at Bangor, Cardiff and Helsiki Universities. The list is for anyone with an interest in the Welsh language and particularly those engaged in research on Welsh linguistics. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ISLL"/> <a href="../../lists/ISLL.html" class="links">ISLL</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Mailing list for researchers and education practitioners interested in informal second language learning. This list is to: facilitate continued interaction and increased collaboration in future research; to provide a platform to share research outcomes, in progress, publications, news about events, opportunities for collaboration, etc. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="ITET-LANGUAGES"/> <a href="../../lists/ITET-LANGUAGES.html" class="links">ITET-LANGUAGES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is to provide information, networking and support to lecturers and others involved in the initial training of teachers of languages in the UK. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="JK-LINGUISTICS-PEDAGOGY"/> <a href="../../lists/JK-LINGUISTICS-PEDAGOGY.html" class="links">JK-LINGUISTICS-PEDAGOGY</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is for academics teaching Japanese/Korean Linguistics in higher education. We aim to share teaching and learning resources, information on conferences and workshop, and information on pedagogical research. Our themes include, but are not limited to: - inclusive classroom; - research-informed teaching; - teaching language variation and change; - linguistics for language students; - effective teaching methods and techniques; - tools and resources for teaching Japanese/Korean linguistics. &lt;HTML&gt; &lt;p&gt;This list is for academics teaching Japanese/Korean Linguistics in higher education. We aim to share teaching and learning resources, information on conferences and workshop, and information on pedagogical research. Our themes include, but are not limited to: &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;inclusive classroom;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;research-informed teaching;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;teaching language variation and change;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;linguistics for language students;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;effective teaching methods and techniques;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;tools and resources for teaching Japanese/Korean linguistics.&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;/HTML&gt; </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LABLUNCH"/> <a href="../../lists/LABLUNCH.html" class="links">LABLUNCH</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>An email list for people working with Glasgow University Laboratory of Phonetics </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LANG-GENDER"/> <a href="../../lists/LANG-GENDER.html" class="links">LANG-GENDER</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is used by academics in the UK and further afield who work in the field of language, gender and sexuality to share good practice, learning resources, pedagogical strategies and material related to the teaching and research of language, gender and sexuality. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LANGAP"/> <a href="../../lists/LANGAP.html" class="links">LANGAP</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Teachers, researchers, &amp; others in the field of language for academic purposes (including but not limited to English for academic purposes (EAP)). </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LANGPOL"/> <a href="../../lists/LANGPOL.html" class="links">LANGPOL</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Language Policy special interest group of the British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL). </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LANGUAGE-SELF-ACCESS"/> <a href="../../lists/LANGUAGE-SELF-ACCESS.html" class="links">LANGUAGE-SELF-ACCESS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A list for managers of self-access centres for language resources. Sublist of plan </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LANGUAGELANGLITMLA"/> <a href="../../lists/LANGUAGELANGLITMLA.html" class="links">LANGUAGELANGLITMLA</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list exists to help members of the MLA (Modern Language Association) with interests in language and literary linguistics to communicate with each other </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LEARNLING"/> <a href="../../lists/LEARNLING.html" class="links">LEARNLING</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A discussion list for those in the HE community interested in the learning and teaching of linguistics </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LEGAL-TRANSLATION"/> <a href="../../lists/LEGAL-TRANSLATION.html" class="links">LEGAL-TRANSLATION</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is a sub-list of TRANSLATIO A forum administered by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and the Institute of Modern Languages Research at the School of Advanced Study, University of London, to share information about Legal Translation in general, and about our new Legal Translation initiative. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LING-ETHNOG"/> <a href="../../lists/LING-ETHNOG.html" class="links">LING-ETHNOG</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Please visit for more information about the Linguistic Ethnography Forum. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LINGSCHOOL"/> <a href="../../lists/LINGSCHOOL.html" class="links">LINGSCHOOL</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is for HE linguists and school teachers who want to introduce linguistics into the UK school curriculum. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LINGUISTICPOLITENESSRESEARCH"/> <a href="../../lists/LINGUISTICPOLITENESSRESEARCH.html" class="links">LINGUISTICPOLITENESSRESEARCH</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is the mailing list for the Linguistic Politeness Research Group, a research group which focuses on developing new methods for analysis of politeness. &lt;HTML&gt; This is the mailing list for the Linguistic Politeness Research Group, a research group which focuses on developing new methods for analysis of politeness. &lt;/HTML&gt; </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LIT-LANG-CULTURE-EVENTS"/> <a href="../../lists/LIT-LANG-CULTURE-EVENTS.html" class="links">LIT-LANG-CULTURE-EVENTS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list carries announcements of UK calls for conference papers, conferences and other events (meetings, conferences, seminars etc) in English literature, language, linguistics and cultural studies. Please note that it does not carry announcements about publications. It is administered by the Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="LRDG-LANCASTER"/> <a href="../../lists/LRDG-LANCASTER.html" class="links">LRDG-LANCASTER</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is for people interested in receiving information about the activities of the Literacy Research Centre, Lancaster University, particularly our weekly research seminars and other events that may be of interest. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="MANDARIN-CHINESE-TEACHING"/> <a href="../../lists/MANDARIN-CHINESE-TEACHING.html" class="links">MANDARIN-CHINESE-TEACHING</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is for use by teachers of Chinese in HE and FE institutions and schools. It exists as a forum for discussion and research into teaching methods for Mandarin Chinese and development of best practice. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="MULTILINGUALISM-SIG"/> <a href="../../lists/MULTILINGUALISM-SIG.html" class="links">MULTILINGUALISM-SIG</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The Multilingualism SIG is a Special Interest Group within the British Association for Applied Linguistics. It provides a forum to discuss, critically engage with, and research multilingualism (broadly defined) from a diverse range of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="MULTIMODALITY"/> <a href="../../lists/MULTIMODALITY.html" class="links">MULTIMODALITY</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The list can be used to make announcements to the multimodal research community and to discuss relevant issues. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="NESS"/> <a href="../../lists/NESS.html" class="links">NESS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is used by the members of the North East Syntax Seminar to make announcements and discuss Syntax, Semantics and their interfaces. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="NNDDM"/> <a href="../../lists/NNDDM.html" class="links">NNDDM</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This network involves academics in sociology, literature, history, politics and linguistics who are interested in morbidity, mortality and the commemoration of this. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="OLDFRISIAN"/> <a href="../../lists/OLDFRISIAN.html" class="links">OLDFRISIAN</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The list is meant for announcements about events, publications or courses with regard to Old Frisian studies. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PALA-ANNOUNCE"/> <a href="../../lists/PALA-ANNOUNCE.html" class="links">PALA-ANNOUNCE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The Poetics and Linguistics Association is an international academic association for the linguistic study of literature, and related areas. The association website is </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PHONET"/> <a href="../../lists/PHONET.html" class="links">PHONET</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is for those interested in techniques and materials for the teaching of phonetics, with a special focus on teaching phonetics to present and future speech therapists. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="PLANTSANIMALSWORDS"/> <a href="../../lists/PLANTSANIMALSWORDS.html" class="links">PLANTSANIMALSWORDS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is used by members of the PAW group to support collaboration and exchange of information between linguists, anthropologists, ethnobotanists, ethnoornithologists and archivists. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="POLITICAL-DISCOURSE"/> <a href="../../lists/POLITICAL-DISCOURSE.html" class="links">POLITICAL-DISCOURSE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Mailing list for announcements and academic exchange in the field of political discourse analysis </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="QUB-TRANSLATION-AND-INTERPRETING"/> <a href="../../lists/QUB-TRANSLATION-AND-INTERPRETING.html" class="links">QUB-TRANSLATION-AND-INTERPRETING</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list provides updates from the Centre for Translation and Interpreting at Queen&#39;s University Belfast &lt;HTML&gt; Centre for Translation and Interpreting, Queen&#39;s University Belfast &lt;/HTML&gt; </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="RHYTHM-COMMUNITY"/> <a href="../../lists/RHYTHM-COMMUNITY.html" class="links">RHYTHM-COMMUNITY</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The list can be used to circulate information about events, workshops, conferences and publications relevant to rhythm research community. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SIGGEN"/> <a href="../../lists/SIGGEN.html" class="links">SIGGEN</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>SIGGEN, mailing list for the Special Interest Group on natural language GENeration </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SLT-LIST-UK"/> <a href="../../lists/SLT-LIST-UK.html" class="links">SLT-LIST-UK</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list provides a forum for speech and language therapists and related disciplines. Our aim is to encourage discussion and information-sharing about all aspects of professional activity including education, clinical practice and development of the profession. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SLT-RESEARCH"/> <a href="../../lists/SLT-RESEARCH.html" class="links">SLT-RESEARCH</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list aims to provide a forum for information, discussion and collaboration among speech and language therapists and others who are interested, or involved, in research into communication development and change, communication disability and-or disorders of feeding, swallowing and drinking. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SPANISHINSOCIETY"/> <a href="../../lists/SPANISHINSOCIETY.html" class="links">SPANISHINSOCIETY</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This mailing list allows members of the International Association for the Study of Spanish in Society to share information such as calls for papers, announcements of publications and events, and funding opportunities, for example. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="STORIES-WE-LIVE-BY"/> <a href="../../lists/STORIES-WE-LIVE-BY.html" class="links">STORIES-WE-LIVE-BY</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This group is for researchers and students who have registered for &quot;The stories we live by: an online course in ecolinguistics&quot; ( The mailing list will be used for discussions about ecolinguistics and announcements of webinar times and new resources. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SUNGEN"/> <a href="../../lists/SUNGEN.html" class="links">SUNGEN</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A network of academics exploring various aspects of gender and equality. Based in the University of Sunderland. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="SYSFLING"/> <a href="../../lists/SYSFLING.html" class="links">SYSFLING</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Sysfling is the main international discussion group for the international SFL community. Discussion includes various issues related to theory and/or methodologies, announcements of books and conferences, answers to questions (e.g., What work has been done in SFL on X), etc. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="TE-TIE-ALLMEMBERS"/> <a href="../../lists/TE-TIE-ALLMEMBERS.html" class="links">TE-TIE-ALLMEMBERS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This is a public mailing list for all members of the Teaching English &amp; Teaching IN English in global contexts network. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="TEACHLING"/> <a href="../../lists/TEACHLING.html" class="links">TEACHLING</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Teaching undergraduate and/or postgraduate linguistics. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="TERMCELT"/> <a href="../../lists/TERMCELT.html" class="links">TERMCELT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Enables Celtic scholars involved in terminology, lexicography and language engineering for Welsh, Gaelic, Cornish, Irish, Manx and Breton to share their work and develop common approaches to research in this area. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="TESTUNAU"/> <a href="../../lists/TESTUNAU.html" class="links">TESTUNAU</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Fforwm i drafod testunau Cymraeg ar ffurf gyfrifiadurol. Trafodir creu arch if o destunau o bob cyfnod; safonau encodio, tagio, ffontiau, setiau cymeri adau, trefn goladu, a meddalwedd. (A forum, chiefly in Welsh, for discussing Welsh texts in computer-readable form.) </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="THORP"/> <a href="../../lists/THORP.html" class="links">THORP</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>An e-forum for onomasts, historians, archaeologists, and historical geographers researching aspects of the origins, spatial organization, economic function, social status and physical setting of settlements containing the place-name element -thorp (and its variants). </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="TRANSLATIO"/> <a href="../../lists/TRANSLATIO.html" class="links">TRANSLATIO</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A Translation Studies forum used by postgraduate students to stir up debates and make announcements on forthcoming events. Students are invited to help each other out by exchanging research and content-related questions. Issues to be discussed in this context include translation theory, literature, cultural studies, linguistics, DTS, cognitive theory and sociotranslatology. Experienced scholars are also welcome. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="TRELLIS"/> <a href="../../lists/TRELLIS.html" class="links">TRELLIS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The list is primarily intended for academic staff teaching and researching in English Language and Linguistics in universities in the UK. Members will discuss current issues of interest and concern to the HE linguistics community. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="UCML"/> <a href="../../lists/UCML.html" class="links">UCML</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is used by the University Council of Modern Languages to share developments, events, and initiatives of relevance to the UK&#39;s Higher education languages community. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="UK-CDI"/> <a href="../../lists/UK-CDI.html" class="links">UK-CDI</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is for announcements of developments in the UK-CDI - the UK version of the Communicative Development Inventories </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="UK-CLA"/> <a href="../../lists/UK-CLA.html" class="links">UK-CLA</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Mailing list for the UK Cognitive Linguistics Association </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="UK-FORENSIC-SPEECH-LANG-SCI"/> <a href="../../lists/UK-FORENSIC-SPEECH-LANG-SCI.html" class="links">UK-FORENSIC-SPEECH-LANG-SCI</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Network for researchers and/or practicing scientists in the areas of forensic speech and language analysis; bringing forensic phonetic and forensic linguistic scientists together </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="UKLO1"/> <a href="../../lists/UKLO1.html" class="links">UKLO1</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list will be used as needed by the UK Linguistics Olympiad committee for communicating with teachers and/or pupils. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="URBAN-PLACE-NAMES"/> <a href="../../lists/URBAN-PLACE-NAMES.html" class="links">URBAN-PLACE-NAMES</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>The Urban Place Names list brings together those interested in the critical study of place names and naming practices in urban areas. It is intended to be interdisciplinary in focus and includes perspectives from Cultural Politics, Geography, Linguistics, Sociology and Urban Planning (among others). </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="VAR-L"/> <a href="../../lists/VAR-L.html" class="links">VAR-L</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>A list for discussion of questions of interest in variationist (Labovian / empirical) sociolinguistics; questions in adjoining areas of linguistics (eg on the social theories or background of observed variation) may also be discussed. Meant mainly for academic linguists, but serious amateurs also welcome! </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="VOICE"/> <a href="../../lists/VOICE.html" class="links">VOICE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>Voice and speech practitioners working in HE and the creative industries. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="VOICEGROUP"/> <a href="../../lists/VOICEGROUP.html" class="links">VOICEGROUP</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is for members of the inter-faculty Voice Research Group at the University of Newcastle to contact each other about relevant events and research opportunities. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="WMATRIX"/> <a href="../../lists/WMATRIX.html" class="links">WMATRIX</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>This list is intended to support users who are using corpus based methods in the humanities, social science and computer science disciplines, in particular corpus linguistics, conceptual history and natural language processing, via the Wmatrix toolkit. </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="1" value="WORDGRAMMAR"/> <a href="../../lists/WORDGRAMMAR.html" class="links">WORDGRAMMAR</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>For discussion of the linguistic theory Word Grammar and related topics in linguistics. </p> <!-- /lists --> </div> <div class="box"> <h3>Sub-categories</h3> <!-- category subjects --> <a href="Language_&_Cultural_Studies.html" class="links">Language & Cultural Studies</a><br/>--<a href="Z2.html" class="links">Ancient Language</a> (62) <a href="R2.html" class="links">European Cultures/Languages</a> (141) <a href="Q3.html" class="links">Language Learning</a> (68) >Linguistics <a href="Q4.html" class="links">Literature</a> (148) <a href="Q6.html" class="links">Media & Publishing</a> (85) <a href="R3.html" class="links">Other Cultures</a> (86) <a href="Q5.html" class="links">Writing</a> (57) <!-- /category subjects --> </div> <div class="box"> <h3>Other Categories</h3> <!-- categories --> <a href="index.html" class="links">Art &amp; Design</a> | <a href="Biological_Sciences.html" class="links">Biological Sciences</a> | <a href="Business_Studies.html" class="links">Business Studies</a> | <a href="Computing.html" class="links">Computing</a> | <a href="Education.html" class="links">Education</a> | <a href="Engineering_&amp;_Technology.html" class="links">Engineering &amp; Technology</a> | <a href="FE_&amp;_HE_Administration.html" class="links">FE &amp; HE Administration</a> | <a href="General_University.html" class="links">General University</a> | <a href="Humanities.html" class="links">Humanities</a> | <a href="Information_Resources.html" class="links">Information Resources</a> | <a href="JISC_&amp;_JISCMail.html" class="links">JISC &amp; JISCMail</a> | <a href="Land_Use_&amp;_Environment.html" class="links">Land Use &amp; Environment</a> | <a href="Library.html" class="links">Library</a> | <a href="Maths_&amp;_Statistics.html" class="links">Maths &amp; Statistics</a> | <a href="Medicine_&amp;_Health.html" class="links">Medicine &amp; Health</a> | <a href="Physical_Sciences.html" class="links">Physical Sciences</a> | <a href="Social_Studies.html" class="links">Social Studies</a> | <a href="Teaching_&amp;_Learning.html" class="links">Teaching &amp; Learning</a> | <!-- /categories --> </div> </div> <div class="span-24 last footer"> <br /> <hr/> <div class="span-7 colborder"> <address> JiscMail<br/> Jisc<br/> 4 Portwall Lane<br/> Bristol<br/> BS1 6NB </address> <br/> </div> <div class="span-8 colborder"> <p align="center"> <i><b>Email:</b> <a href="" accesskey="9"></a><br /> <b>Tel:</b> 0300 300 2212 <br/> <br /> </i> </div> <div class="span-7 last"> <p align="right"> <a href=""><img src="/images/social_icons/32x32/rss.png" class="bookmarks" alt="rss" /></a> <!--<a href=""><img src="/images/social_icons/32x32/twitter.png" class="bookmarks" alt="twitter" /></a> <a href=""><img src="/images/social_icons/32x32/facebook.png" class="bookmarks" alt="facebook" /></a>--> <br /><br /> <a href=""><img src="/images/Jisc-logo-2013.png" alt="Jisc" style="border: 0px"/></a> </p> </div> <div class="span-24 last"> <div class="span-6"> <p>Copyright &copy; JISCMail 2000-2025</p> </div> <div class="span-18 last"> <p align="right"><a href="/sitemap.html">Site Map</a> | <a href="/policyandsecurity/index.html">Service Usage Policies</a> | <a href="">Privacy notice </a> | <a href="">Cookies</a> | <a href="">Accessibility</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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