Librarian Network | EQUATOR Network

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Librarians, through identification of new opportunities to provide additional research support, can play an important role in addressing these issues by working with clinicians and researchers to improve the quality of the research studies published by their organisations and institutions.</p> <p><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-14032 size-full" src="" alt="Titles of papers in the Lancet Waste Series" width="623" height="330" srcset=" 623w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 623px) 100vw, 623px" /><br /> There are many ways that librarians can help to promote reporting guidelines and contribute to increasing value and reducing waste in biomedical research.<br /> In direct response to the Lancet waste series, we at EQUATOR, wrote a <a href="/2014/02/28/can-librarians-contribute-to-increasing-value-and-reducing-waste-in-medical-research/">blog post</a> outlining some ideas [<a href="/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/EQUATOR-Blog-post-Librarians.pdf">download a pdf of the blog post</a>].</p> <p>A recent <a href="">blog post</a> by JoVE also raised awareness of the role of librarians and highlighted resources from the EQUATOR Network designed to support librarians in helping to improve research reporting and reproducibility.</p> <p>In a recent article, published in the European Health Information and Libraries Journal we also discuss identifying opportunities for biomedical librarians: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer">“Impactful librarians: identifying opportunities to increase your impact” (PDF)</a>.</p> <p>We have also tried to raise awareness of the contribution that biomedical librarians could make in working together with researchers, clinicians, journals and funding bodies to increase value and reduce waste in research in a <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">comment article</a> published in the Lancet in April 2016.</p> <p>In May 2017, we presented at the MLA Research Reproducibility Symposium on the topic of &#8216;The essential role of librarians in addressing biomedical research reporting and reproducibility issues: a call to action&#8217;. The presentation slides are available at: <a href="/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Shona-Kirtley-RR-symposium-slides.pdf">Research Reproducibility Symposium 2017 (PDF)</a>.</p> <p>In June 2017, in collaboration with colleagues, we delivered a workshop at the joint International Congress of Medical Librarianship (ICML) / European Association for Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) conference in Dublin, Ireland on the topic of &#8216;Librarians can help address reporting concerns in the biomedical literature, particularly for systematic reviews&#8217;. All the slides and content from the workshop can be accessed at: <a href="/librarians/icml-eahil-2017-cec6-librarian-workshop/" rel="noopener noreferrer">ICML/EAHIL workshop 2017</a></p> <h2><a id="librarians2" class="anchor" title="librarians2" name="librarians2"></a><strong><br /> What can librarians</strong> do?</h2> <p>If you would like to raise awareness about reporting guidelines amongst your library users through promotion, education or researcher support please see the list below for some ideas:</p> <p>Promotion</p> <ul> <li>Include details about reporting guidelines in library bulletins</li> <li>Link to the EQUATOR Network website resources or to individual reporting guidelines from your library website pages</li> </ul> <p>Education</p> <ul> <li>Include information about reporting guidelines in library induction sessions</li> <li>Hold research reporting workshops</li> </ul> <p>Researcher support</p> <ul> <li>When supporting the work of clinicians and researchers mention relevant reporting guidelines and how to locate them</li> <li>When presenting the results of literature searches to researchers alert them to the appropriate reporting guideline for reporting their study</li> </ul> <h2><a id="actionplans" class="anchor" title="actionplans" name="actionplans"></a><strong><br /> Action plans for</strong> Librarians</h2> <p>In May 2017 we launched two action plans with suggested actions that biomedical librarians could take locally within their library services to help to address international issues of research reporting and reproducibility.</p> <ul> <li>Librarian Action Plan: Simple Ideas<br /> [<a href="/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Librarian-Action-Plan-Simple-Ideas.pdf">download a PDF of the Librarian Action Plan: Simple Ideas</a>]<br /> This action plan highlights some simple and easy to implement ideas for librarians to try out in their libraries.</li> <li>Librarian Action Plan: Targeted Actions<br /> [<a href="/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Librarian-Targeted-Actions.pdf">download a PDF of the Librarian Action Plan: Targeted Actions</a>]<br /> This action plan promotes more in-depth targeted actions that librarians could take to directly respond to specific recommendations made in either the <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">Lancet Waste Series</a> or in the recent <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer">Manifesto for Reproducible Science</a>.</li> </ul> <h2><a id="librarians3" class="anchor" title="librarians3" name="librarians3"></a><strong><br /> Examples of what libraries are</strong> currently<strong> doing</strong></h2> <p>Increasingly, biomedical librarians are recognising the importance of providing information and links to resources from their library web pages that promote reporting guidelines and support transparency and research reproducibility. The image below simply provides a snapshot of the numerous libraries around the world that currently do so.</p> <p><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-14033 size-full" src="" alt="Examples of what libraries are currently doing to promote reporting guidelines and support transparency and reproducibility" width="607" height="333" srcset=" 607w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 607px) 100vw, 607px" /></p> <h2><a id="librarians4" class="anchor" title="librarians4" name="librarians4"></a><strong><br /> Collaborate with</strong> us?</h2> <p>We are currently working with the <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer">Gerstein Science Information Centre</a> at the University of Toronto on a project to help raise awareness of reporting and reproducibility issues during the systematic review process by helping researchers and clinicians to develop review protocols and use relevant reporting guidelines. <a href="/librarians/gerstein-science-information-centre-collaboration/" rel="noopener noreferrer">Learn more about this collaboration</a>.</p> <p>If you would like to find out more about collaborating with us to help to improve research reporting and increase value and reduce waste in biomedical research then please contact: Shona Kirtley, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a></p> <p>We are very keen to work with biomedical librarians to help address these global issues.</p> <h2><a id="librarians5" class="anchor" title="librarians5" name="librarians5"></a><strong><br /> Toolkit development</strong> plans</h2> <p>We are in the process of developing resources (documents, presentations, leaflets/posters, videos, e-learning etc.) specifically to help librarians and information specialists address international issues such as research waste and research reproducibility, promote reporting guidelines, hold research reporting workshops and provide the clinicians with whom they work with the relevant reporting guidelines for their research studies. Whilst we develop these we have brought together some useful general introductory resources for you to use and have included links to these below.</p> <h2><a id="librarians6" class="anchor" title="librarians6" name="librarians6"></a><strong><br /> </strong>General introductory resources</h2> <p>Why librarians working in the health sector are excellently positioned to raise awareness about reporting guidelines and encourage their use through promotion, education and researcher support</p> <ul> <li>Embracing new roles: how librarians can encourage and support clinicians and health-related researchers to improve the quality of published research papers. Shona Kirtley. [<a href="/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Librarian-Network-presentation-15-October-2013.pdf" rel="noopener noreferrer">View slides (PDF)</a>]  [<a href="/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Spanish-translation-Librarian-Network-presentation-17-October-2013.pdf" rel="noopener noreferrer">View slides with Spanish translation (PDF)</a>]</li> </ul> <p>Why accurate, complete and transparent reporting is important</p> <ul> <li>The importance of clarity, transparency, and accuracy in research publications. Doug Altman. [<a href="/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/EQUATOR-Oxford-workshop-Intro-Feb10.pdf" rel="noopener noreferrer">View slides (PDF)</a>]</li> <li>Transparency and accuracy in reporting health research. Doug Altman. [<a href="/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Transparency-and-accuracy-EQUATOR-Chicago-PRC-Sep2013-v2.pdf" rel="noopener noreferrer">View slides (PDF)</a>]</li> <li>Transparent reporting of health research is essential. Doug Altman. [<a href="/2013/02/11/doug-altman-transparent-reporting-of-health-research-is-essential/" rel="noopener noreferrer">View webinar</a>]</li> </ul> <p>EQUATOR Network resources</p> <ul> <li>Reporting guidelines and EQUATOR resources. Iveta Simera. [<a href="/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Chicago-RG-30-Aug-2013.pdf" rel="noopener noreferrer">View slides (PDF)</a>]</li> <li>Simera, I; Altman, DG. Reporting medical research. Int J Clin Pract. 2013;67(8):710-716. PMID 23656235 [<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">Read the full-text paper</a>]</li> <li>How to support EQUATOR [<a href="/about-us/funding-and-support-2/how-to-support-equator/">Visit webpage</a>]</li> </ul> <h2><a id="librarians7" class="anchor" title="librarians7" name="librarians7"></a><strong><br /> </strong>Librarian Network</h2> <p>We also intend to develop training resources specifically aimed at librarians/information specialists so that they can feel confident when including information about reporting guidelines in their induction sessions, when running reporting guideline workshops or simply when talking to clinicians about reporting their research. We aim to do this through establishing a free to join international librarian and information specialist network which will allow us to provide further practical support to librarians by providing librarian training, Q&amp;A sessions, regular support webinars, an email discussion list, and an opportunity for librarians to share their experiences about raising awareness of research reporting guidelines and explore possible collaborations.</p> <p>We plan to partner with other organisations to translate all materials to ensure that librarians/information specialists can deliver reporting guideline information and training sessions to clinicians and researchers in their local language.</p> <p>We are very keen for biomedical librarians to get involved…please do consider:</p> <ul> <li>Volunteering to join our advisory group or become a country representative</li> <li>Contributing your ideas and experiences to our toolkit development and resources</li> <li>Suggesting ideas for other relevant activities that the Network could support or possible funding opportunities to support the development of our Librarian Network</li> <li>Simply join the Network and start raising awareness about reporting guidelines</li> </ul> <p>Please email <a href="">Shona Kirtley</a> for more information or to sign up to the Librarian Network.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This page will be regularly updated to keep you up to date with all developments regarding the toolkit and Librarian Network.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: center;">Page last updated on 8 June 2021.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> <div class="five columns"> <div class="five columns alpha report-guidelines"> <h3 class="title">Reporting guidelines for main study types</h3> <table class="krg-table"> <colgroup> <col width="100%"> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td><div style="width: 140px; display: inline-block"><a class="report-title" href="">Randomised trials</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">CONSORT</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">Extensions</a></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><div style="width: 140px; display: inline-block"><a class="report-title" href="">Observational studies</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">STROBE</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">Extensions</a></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><div style="width: 140px; display: inline-block"><a class="report-title" href="">Systematic reviews</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">PRISMA</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">Extensions</a></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><div style="width: 140px; display: inline-block"><a class="report-title" href="">Study protocols</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">SPIRIT</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">PRISMA-P</a></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><div style="width: 140px; display: inline-block"><a class="report-title" href="">Diagnostic/prognostic studies</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">STARD</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">TRIPOD</a></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><div style="width: 140px; display: inline-block"><a class="report-title" href="">Case reports</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">CARE</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">Extensions</a></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><div style="width: 140px; display: inline-block"><a class="report-title" href="">Clinical practice guidelines</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">AGREE</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">RIGHT</a></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><div style="width: 140px; display: inline-block"><a class="report-title" href="">Qualitative research</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">SRQR</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">COREQ</a></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><div style="width: 140px; display: inline-block"><a class="report-title" href="">Animal pre-clinical studies</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">ARRIVE</a></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><div style="width: 140px; display: inline-block"><a class="report-title" href="">Quality improvement studies</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a class="notranslate" href="">SQUIRE</a></div> <div style="width: 90px; display: inline-block"><a 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