Department of Motor Vehicles | Schenectady County

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Our mailing address is:</p> <p class="text-align-center">Schenectady County DMV<br /> 2025 State Street<br /> Schenectady, NY 12304</p> <p class="text-align-center">*<em><strong>Drop Box is located at the left side of the building.</strong></em></p> <dl class="ckeditor-accordion"> <dt>Registration Paperwork</dt> <dd> <ul> <li>A completed and signed “Vehicle Registration/ Title Application” DMV form MV-82 (attached). Fill this out completely and sign the back. Please provide a phone number so that we can easily reach you.</li> <li>A photocopy of your NYS Driver’s license, permit or non-driver ID If you do not have NYS issued ID, we can accept photocopies of other proofs of identity that add up to six points based on the values listed on form ID-82 (<a href="">available online</a>).</li> <li>If vehicle is new to you: proof of ownership of the vehicle (NYS or out-of-state title). This must be signed by both buyer and seller. If you already have the vehicle titled in your name and only want to re-register the vehicle, or have already applied for a title in your name, we do not need proof of ownership. If multiple people are listed on the title and you are not the first party listed, please submit a copy of the title.</li> <li>A bill of sale showing your purchase price. A handwritten bill of sale must include: year, make, model, vin, name of buyer and seller, purchase price, and purchase date. You can use the DMV bill of sale, attached. Buyer and seller must sign the bill of sale.</li> <li>A completed Sales Tax Form DTF-802 (<a href="">available online</a>). Please note if the vehicle is a model year 2014 or newer, Section 6 must be completed by the seller.</li> <li>If you are transferring plates, you must check the “Transfer Plates” checkbox at the top of the MV-82 and provide the plate number. If you do not, you will be issued new plates and charged a license plate fee. Do not move your plates to the new vehicle and operate it until you receive your new registration sticker and documents in the mail.</li> <li>Proof of NYS Insurance on the vehicle in the name of the registrant. Check the effective date of the insurance card- we cannot process the transaction until the insurance is in effect.</li> <li>Payment: a blank personal check made payable to Schenectady County DMV, signed, with your name and vehicle info on the memo line. We will call to confirm the total cost with you before completing and depositing your check. Use the online <a href="">DMV Registration Fee Calculator</a> to determine your total, then add 8% sales tax on the purchase price of the vehicle. Sales tax is not charged on DMV fees.</li> </ul> </dd> <dt>License/Permit/Non-Driver Paperwork</dt> <dd> <ul> <li><a href="">MV-44 License/Permit/Non-Driver ID Application </a></li> <li>A photocopy of your NYS Driver’s license, permit or non-driver ID If you do not have NYS issued ID, we can accept photocopies of other proofs of identity that add up to six points based on the values listed on form ID-44 (<a href="">available online</a>).</li> <li>If processing a license renewal you must have an eye exam recorded in the NYS Vision Registry OR submit an MV-619 completed by your eye doctor. Eye test not required for non-driver ID renewal.</li> <li>We CANNOT complete any name changes or license upgrades through drop box/ mail processing</li> <li>Payment: a blank personal check made payable to Schenectady County DMV, signed, with your name and vehicle info on the memo line. We will call to confirm the total cost with you before completing and depositing your check.</li> </ul> </dd> <dt>Plate Surrenders</dt> <dd> <p>Please surrender plates in the drop box, they will be surrendered and a receipt will be mailed to the address on file. If you’d like the receipt mailed to a different address please include a note with the correct address. No additional forms or fees are required to surrender plates.</p> </dd> </dl> <hr /> <p>Additional information and forms are available from the <a href="">New York State Department of Motor Vehicles</a></p> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Sidebar Left --> <div class="col-md-3 col-md-pull-9 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 sidebar sidebar-left"> <div class="sidebar-inner"> <div> <div id="block-countyclerkcontact" class="contactblock block block-block-content block-block-contentd239bf8e-6c11-4a9a-84e4-a60451eaf699 no-title"> <div class="content block-content"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><div class="ckeditor-accordion-container"> <dl class="contactbg styled"> <dt class="active"><a class="ckeditor-accordion-toggler" href="#">Contact</a></dt> <dd class="active" style="display: block;"> <h4><strong>County Clerk</strong></h4> <hr /> <p><strong>Cara M. Ackerley</strong><br /> <em>County Clerk</em></p> <hr /> <p><strong>Schenectady County Clerk's Office</strong><br /> 620 State Street,  3rd Floor<br /> Schenectady, NY 12305</p> <p>Tel: <strong>(518) 388-4220</strong><br /> Fax: <strong>(518) 388-4224</strong></p> <hr /> <p class="text-align-center"><span class="fa-clock fas"> </span><br /> <strong><a href="">FOR PISTOL PERMIT APPOINTMENTS</a></strong></p> <p class="text-align-center"><a href="" title="FOR DMV APPOINTMENTS"><b>FOR DMV APPOINTMENTS</b></a></p> <hr /> <p><strong>Schenectady County DMV</strong><br /> 2025 State Street<br /> Schenectady, NY 12305</p> <p><a href="" title="Hours of Operation">Hours of Operation</a></p> <p><strong>NYS DMV Helpline</strong><br /> <strong>(518) 486-9786</strong></p> <hr /> <p class="text-align-center"><span class="fa-envelope fas"> </span><br /> <a href="/contact"><strong>Email County Clerk</strong></a></p> <p class="text-align-center">Hours: 8:30AM - 4:30PM<br /> 9:00AM - 4:00PM July &amp; August<br /> <em>Please arrive 15 minutes before closing to record documents</em>.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="block-countyclerknavigation" class="navblock block block-block-content block-block-contenta29d85bf-56d1-4334-9f1c-d9b10703cee0 no-title"> <div class="content block-content"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><h3><a href="/county-clerk">County Clerk</a></h3> <ul> <li><a href="/county-clerk/designated-newspapers">Designated Newspapers</a></li> <li><a href="/county-clerk/forms">Forms and Documents</a></li> <li><a href="/county-clerk/filing">Filing and Recording Fees</a></li> <li><a href="/RTF">Return the FAVOR</a></li> </ul></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Sidebar Left --> <!-- Sidebar Right --> <!-- End Sidebar Right --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="widget-center"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="highlighted area"> <div 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