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If you&#39;re not able to resolve things with the seller, you can ask us to help.</p> </div><span class=footNote>3 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/returns-items-not-received-refunds-buyers/get-help-item-hasnt-arrived?id=4042><div class=columnHead>Get help with an item that hasn't arrived</div><div class=content><p>If the estimated delivery date for your order has passed and your item hasn&#39;t arrived, you can let the seller know by reporting that you didn&#39;t receive it.</p> </div><span class=footNote>4 min article</span></a></li></ul><div role=button tabindex=0 aria-label="next slide" aria-disabled=false class=next></div><div class=pages><span tabindex=0 role=button aria-label="Slide 1 selected" data-id=0 class=active> </span><span tabindex=0 role=button aria-label="Slide 2 " data-id=1> </span><span tabindex=0 role=button aria-label="Slide 3 " data-id=2> </span></div></div></div></div><section id=content><div class=section-container><nav id=anchor class="cata_anchor absolute" aria-label=Page><ul class=nav><li class=anchor><a href=#buy-now class=yellow>Buying items</a></li><li class=anchor><a href=#auctions-bidding class=red>How bidding works</a></li><li class=anchor><a href=#resolving-buying-problems class=purple>Resolving buying problems</a></li><li class=anchor><a href=#paying class=green>Payments</a></li><li class=anchor><a href=#postage-tracking-items class=yellow>Shipping and tracking items</a></li><li class=anchor><a href=#finding-items-managing-purchases class=red>Finding items and managing purchases</a></li><li class=anchor><a href=#feedback-policies-buying class=purple>Feedback</a></li><li class=anchor><a href=#buying-limits class=green>Buying limits</a></li><li class=anchor><a href=#working-sellers class=yellow>Working with sellers</a></li></ul></nav><div class=cate_list><div class=lTwoCate id=buy-now><h2 class=h3>Buying items</h2><!--F#p_17[0]--><!--M^s0-0-54-2-17[0] s0-0-54-2 17[0]--><ul class="rowItem yellow_theme"><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/paying-items/buying-guest?id=4035><div class=columnHead>Buying as a guest </div><div class=content><p>You can shop for most things on eBay without needing an eBay account, but you&rsquo;ll miss out on the benefits of being a member.</p> </div><span class=footNote>4 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/buyers-can-cancel-order/buyers-can-cancel-order?id=4004><div class=columnHead>How buyers can cancel an order</div><div class=content><p>If you&rsquo;ve changed your mind about a purchase, you can submit a request to cancel the order. The seller can either accept or decline your cancellation request.</p> </div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/paying-items/shopping-cart?id=4360><div class=columnHead>Your shopping cart</div><div class=content><p>You can save fixed-price items you&#39;d like to buy by adding them to your shopping cart while you continue shopping. When you&#39;re ready, you can check out and pay for multiple items in one go.</p> </div><span class=footNote>3 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/buy-now/making-best-offer?id=4019><div class=columnHead>Making a Best Offer</div><div class=content><p>With Best Offer, you can offer the seller a price you&#39;re willing to pay for the item. The seller can accept, decline, or counter your offer by suggesting another price.</p> </div><span class=footNote>3 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/buy-now/counteroffers?id=4020><div class=columnHead>Counteroffers</div><div class=content><p>If you&nbsp;made a Best Offer on a&nbsp;listing, the seller may come back to you with a counteroffer suggesting another price.</p> </div><span class=footNote>1 min article</span></a></li><li class="columnItem seeMore" tabindex=0>See 2 more articles</li><li class="columnItem hide"><a href=/help/buying/getting-started-ebay/buying-vehicles-parts-accessories?id=4639><div class=columnHead>Buying vehicles, parts, and accessories</div><div class=content><p>You can search for vehicles and parts by year, make, model, trim and engine on eBay Motors. You can also shop by category&nbsp;or filter your results so you only see local listings.</p> </div><span class=footNote>4 min article</span></a></li><li class="columnItem hide"><a href=/help/buying/getting-started-ebay/using-ebay-app?id=4032><div class=columnHead>Using the eBay app</div><div class=content><p>Download the eBay app to buy, sell, or browse straight from your phone. Available for free on iOS and Android, the eBay app has a range of great features to help you keep track of your eBay activity.</p> </div><span class=footNote>1 min article</span></a></li></ul><!--M/--><!--F/--></div><div class=lTwoCate id=auctions-bidding><h2 class=h3>How bidding works</h2><!--F#p_17[1]--><!--M^s0-0-54-2-17[1] s0-0-54-2 17[1]--><ul class="rowItem red_theme"><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/bidding/retracting-bid?id=4013><div class=columnHead>Retracting a bid</div><div class=content><p>If you&#39;ve made a mistake when bidding on an item, you can retract your bid in certain circumstances.</p> </div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/bidding/automatic-bidding?id=4014><div class=columnHead>Automatic bidding</div><div class=content><p>Automatic bidding is the easiest way to bid on an eBay auction. Simply enter the highest price you&rsquo;re willing to pay for an item, and we&#39;ll do the rest.</p> </div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/bidding/tips-winning-auctions?id=4015><div class=columnHead>Tips for winning auctions</div><div class=content><p>eBay auctions often have multiple competing bidders.&nbsp;You can maximize your chances of winning by having a good bidding strategy.</p> </div><span class=footNote>3 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/bidding/bid-sniping?id=4224><div class=columnHead>Bid sniping</div><div class=content>Waiting until the last few seconds of an auction to make a winning bid is known as bid sniping. This tactic is used to try to prevent other bidders from having a chance to place a higher bid before the auction ends.</div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/bidding/responding-second-chance-offers?id=4017><div class=columnHead>Responding to Second Chance Offers</div><div class=content><p>If you didn&#39;t win an auction, the seller might give you another opportunity to buy the item you wanted by sending you a Second Chance Offer.</p> </div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/bidding/reserve-prices-work?id=4018><div class=columnHead>How reserve prices work</div><div class=content><p>A reserve price is the minimum amount the seller is willing to sell an item for. If the reserve price isn&#39;t met, the item won&#39;t be sold.</p> </div><span class=footNote>1 min article</span></a></li></ul><!--M/--><!--F/--></div><div class=lTwoCate id=resolving-buying-problems><h2 class=h3>Resolving buying problems</h2><!--F#p_17[2]--><!--M^s0-0-54-2-17[2] s0-0-54-2 17[2]--><ul class="rowItem purple_theme"><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/returns-items-not-received-refunds-buyers/get-help-item-hasnt-arrived?id=4042><div class=columnHead>Get help with an item that hasn't arrived</div><div class=content><p>If the estimated delivery date for your order has passed and your item hasn&#39;t arrived, you can let the seller know by reporting that you didn&#39;t receive it.</p> </div><span class=footNote>4 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/returns-items-not-received-refunds-buyers/return-item-refund?id=4041><div class=columnHead>Return an item for a refund</div><div class=content><p>If you&#39;ve changed your mind about an item you bought or there&#39;s something wrong with it, you can request a return.</p> </div><span class=footNote>4 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/returns-items-not-received-refunds-buyers/ask-ebay-step-help-buyers?id=4701><div class=columnHead>Ask eBay to step in and help for buyers</div><div class=content><p>You can ask us to step in if there&#39;s an issue with your order and the seller hasn&#39;t been able to help.</p> </div><span class=footNote>1 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/check-status-request?id=4667><div class=columnHead>Check the status of your request</div><div class=content><p>If you&#39;ve requested a return or reported that you didn&#39;t receive your order, you can check the status at any time.</p> </div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/returns-items-not-received-refunds-buyers/appeal-outcome-case-buyer?id=4039><div class=columnHead>Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer</div><div class=content><p>If you don&#39;t agree with our resolution when we&#39;ve stepped in to help resolve an issue, you can appeal by providing new information within 30 calendar days of the case closing.</p> </div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li><li class="columnItem seeMore" tabindex=0>See 2 more articles</li><li class="columnItem hide"><a href=/help/buying/returns-items-not-received-refunds-buyers/returning-item/return-shipping?id=4066><div class=columnHead>Return shipping for buyers</div><div class=content><p>There are several ways you can send an item back to the seller. Who pays the cost of return shipping depends on the seller&rsquo;s return policy and the reason for the return.</p> </div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li><li class="columnItem hide"><a href=/help/buying/returns-items-not-received-refunds-buyers/returning-item/returning-items-bought-guest?id=4065><div class=columnHead>Get help if you bought as a guest</div><div class=content><p>If you want to return an item, or if there&#39;s a problem with your order, the first step is to let the seller know. If you&#39;re not able to resolve things with the seller, you can ask us to help.</p> </div><span class=footNote>3 min article</span></a></li></ul><!--M/--><!--F/--></div><div class=lTwoCate id=paying><h2 class=h3>Payments</h2><!--F#p_17[3]--><!--M^s0-0-54-2-17[3] s0-0-54-2 17[3]--><ul class="rowItem green_theme"><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/paying-items/paying-items?id=4009><div class=columnHead>Paying for items</div><div class=content><p>When you see an item for sale on eBay, the listing will include the payment methods you can use to buy it. If you have any problems paying for your items, we can help troubleshoot the issue.</p> </div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/paying-items/paying-paypal/contacting-paypal?id=4059><div class=columnHead>Contacting PayPal</div><div class=content><p>If you&#39;re having problems paying with PayPal, or need help with your PayPal account, contact PayPal Customer Support directly.</p> </div><span class=footNote>1 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/paying-items/paying-paypal?id=4033><div class=columnHead>Paying with PayPal</div><div class=content><p>If you have a PayPal account, you can use it to pay for your items on eBay. You can also link your PayPal and eBay accounts so you don&rsquo;t need to enter your details each time you pay at checkout.</p> </div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/paying-items/paying-items-credit-debit-card?id=4038><div class=columnHead>Paying for items with a credit or debit card </div><div class=content><p>eBay offers payment by credit and debit cards for most listings. You&rsquo;ll see accepted payment methods at checkout.</p> </div><span class=footNote>3 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/paying-items/checkout?id=4036><div class=columnHead>Checkout</div><div class=content><p>At checkout you can pay for your item, choose where you&rsquo;d like it to be delivered, and review your order details before you pay.</p> </div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li><li class="columnItem seeMore" tabindex=0>See 3 more articles</li><li class="columnItem hide"><a href=/help/buying/paying-items/coupons-discounts?id=4034><div class=columnHead>Coupons and discounts</div><div class=content><p>Sign up to receive discount offers and coupons to save on your next eBay purchase.</p> </div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li><li class="columnItem hide"><a href=/help/buying/paying-items/ebay-gift-cards?id=4640><div class=columnHead>eBay gift cards</div><div class=content>Buying for someone else? Not sure what they&#39;d like? Try an eBay gift card. We have gift cards for every occasion. You can even choose custom-designed cards based on the recipient&#39;s interests.</div><span class=footNote>3 min article</span></a></li><li class="columnItem hide"><a href=/help/buying/paying-items/paying-tax-ebay-purchases?id=4771><div class=columnHead>Paying tax on eBay purchases</div><div class=content><p>Many countries and jurisdictions around the world apply some type of tax on consumer purchases, including items bought on eBay. Whether the tax is included in the listing price, added at checkout, charged at the border, or paid directly by the buyer depends on the seller&#39;s status, the order price, the item&#39;s location, and your shipping address.</p> </div><span class=footNote>4 mins article</span></a></li></ul><!--M/--><!--F/--></div><div class=lTwoCate id=postage-tracking-items><h2 class=h3>Shipping and tracking items</h2><!--F#p_17[4]--><!--M^s0-0-54-2-17[4] s0-0-54-2 17[4]--><ul class="rowItem yellow_theme"><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/shipping-delivery/tracking-item?id=4027><div class=columnHead>Tracking your item</div><div class=content><p>You can follow your package online all the way to your shipping address when the seller uploads tracking information.</p> </div><span class=footNote>1 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/shipping-delivery/expected-delivery-dates-buyers?id=4025><div class=columnHead>Expected delivery dates for buyers</div><div class=content><p>Expected delivery dates let you know when you can expect an eBay item to arrive.</p> </div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/shipping-delivery/shipping-rates-buyers?id=4026><div class=columnHead>Shipping rates for buyers</div><div class=content><p>You can find out how much shipping costs&nbsp;in the shipping section of every eBay listing. We always show the&nbsp;shipping cost separately from&nbsp;the item cost so you can see&nbsp;exactly how much you&rsquo;ll&nbsp;pay for delivery before you go to checkout.</p> </div><span class=footNote>1 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/shipping-delivery/shipping-rates/saving-combined-shipping?id=4063><div class=columnHead>Saving through combined shipping</div><div class=content><p>Most sellers on eBay are happy to&nbsp;ship everything to you in the same package if you&rsquo;re buying multiple items from them. You might also get a shipping discount because the seller saves money by combining items.</p> </div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/shipping-delivery/changing-shipping-details-purchase?id=4028><div class=columnHead>Changing your shipping details after a purchase</div><div class=content><p>If you&rsquo;ve already completed your purchase but need to make a change to your address or shipping details, contact the seller as soon as possible to let them know.</p> </div><span class=footNote>3 min article</span></a></li><li class="columnItem seeMore" tabindex=0>See 2 more articles</li><li class="columnItem hide"><a href=/help/buying/shipping-delivery/changing-delivery-address-method/local-pickup?id=4056><div class=columnHead>Buying with local pickup</div><div class=content><p>Many sellers offer free local pickup, especially for large items which may be difficult to ship. You can collect the item in person, inspect it before you take it home, and save money by not having to pay for shipping.</p> </div><span class=footNote>1 min article</span></a></li><li class="columnItem hide"><a href=/help/buying/shipping-delivery/changing-delivery-address-method/international-purchases-shipping?id=4057><div class=columnHead>International purchases and shipping for buyers</div><div class=content><p>You&#39;ll find items from all over the world on eBay. International sellers can send items to you through regular shipping services, or they may use one of eBay&#39;s shipping programs.</p> </div><span class=footNote>3 min article</span></a></li></ul><!--M/--><!--F/--></div><div class=lTwoCate id=finding-items-managing-purchases><h2 class=h3>Finding items and managing purchases</h2><!--F#p_17[5]--><!--M^s0-0-54-2-17[5] s0-0-54-2 17[5]--><ul class="rowItem red_theme"><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/search-tips/purchase-history?id=4047><div class=columnHead>Your purchase history</div><div class=content><p>You&rsquo;ll find all your orders from the past 7&nbsp;years in your purchase history. It&#39;s also the place to go if you need to return an item, pay for your purchases, or view your order details.</p> </div><span class=footNote>1 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/search-tips/advanced-search?id=4049><div class=columnHead>Advanced search</div><div class=content><p>If you&rsquo;ve used our range of filters on your search and still can&rsquo;t find what you&rsquo;re looking for, try advanced search.</p> </div><span class=footNote>1 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/search-tips/purchase-history/ebay-item-id?id=4058><div class=columnHead>Your eBay order number</div><div class=content><p>You&rsquo;ll receive an&nbsp;order number every time you make a purchase on eBay.&nbsp;</p> </div><span class=footNote>3 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/search-tips/finding-listing?id=4359><div class=columnHead>Finding a listing</div><div class=content><p>You can find listings&nbsp;you&#39;ve browsed lately in your recently viewed items. However, if the listing isn&#39;t there, the item may have been purchased, or we needed to remove the listing.</p> </div><span class=footNote>3 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/search-tips/saved-searches?id=4051><div class=columnHead>Saved searches</div><div class=content><p>Save valuable shopping time by creating saved searches for the items you regularly search eBay for.</p> </div><span class=footNote>1 min article</span></a></li><li class="columnItem seeMore" tabindex=0>See 2 more articles</li><li class="columnItem hide"><a href=/help/buying/search-tips/recently-viewed-items?id=4048><div class=columnHead>Your recently viewed items </div><div class=content><p>You can find the listings for items you&rsquo;ve browsed lately in your recently viewed items.</p> </div><span class=footNote>1 min article</span></a></li><li class="columnItem hide"><a href=/help/buying/search-tips/watchlist?id=4046><div class=columnHead>Your Watchlist</div><div class=content><p>If you have your eye on something but are not quite ready to commit, you can add it to your Watchlist while you make up your mind.</p> </div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li></ul><!--M/--><!--F/--></div><div class=lTwoCate id=feedback-policies-buying><h2 class=h3>Feedback</h2><!--F#p_17[6]--><!--M^s0-0-54-2-17[6] s0-0-54-2 17[6]--><ul class="rowItem purple_theme"><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/leaving-feedback-sellers/viewing-changing-feedback-left-sellers?id=4031><div class=columnHead>Viewing and changing feedback left for sellers</div><div class=content><p>You can find all of the feedback you&#39;ve left for sellers in your Feedback profile. Once you&rsquo;ve left feedback, you won&rsquo;t be able to edit or delete it, unless you ask the seller to send you a feedback revision request. Alternatively, you can add extra comments or information to your original feedback by leaving a follow-up comment.</p> </div><span class=footNote>3 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/leaving-feedback-sellers/handling-feedback-disputes-sellers?id=4030><div class=columnHead>Handling feedback disputes with sellers</div><div class=content><p>When you leave feedback, you&rsquo;re letting others know about your buying experience with a seller.&nbsp;If&nbsp;the seller doesn&rsquo;t believe the feedback was fair, they may dispute&nbsp;it.</p> </div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/policies/feedback-policies/feedback-policy?id=4208><div class=columnHead>Feedback policy</div><div class=content>Our community expects honest, transparent feedback. We allow buyers to share their experiences with the community but will remove harmful or irrelevant comments and images.</div><span class=footNote>4 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/account/changing-account-settings/feedback-profiles?id=4204><div class=columnHead>Feedback profiles</div><div class=content><p>You can see how eBay members have been rated by other eBay users by viewing their feedback profile.</p> </div><span class=footNote>3 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/seller-ratings?id=4023><div class=columnHead>Seller ratings</div><div class=content><p>You can find the best and most reputable sellers on eBay by looking at their seller rating, feedback score, and the number of items they&#39;ve sold.</p> </div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/policies/feedback-policies/feedback-manipulation-policy?id=4231><div class=columnHead>Feedback manipulation policy</div><div class=content><p>Feedback manipulation, which is any attempt to artificially increase your feedback score or lower another member&#39;s, is not allowed.</p> </div><span class=footNote>1 min article</span></a></li></ul><!--M/--><!--F/--></div><div class=lTwoCate id=buying-limits><h2 class=h3>Buying limits</h2><!--F#p_17[7]--><!--M^s0-0-54-2-17[7] s0-0-54-2 17[7]--><ul class="rowItem green_theme"><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/buying-limits-restrictions/buying-limits-restrictions?id=4012><div class=columnHead>Buying limits and restrictions</div><div class=content><p>To keep our marketplace safe for buyers and sellers,&nbsp;we occasionally place limits or restrictions on a member&#39;s buying activity. We may also restrict buying if we believe a member has violated an eBay policy.</p> </div><span class=footNote>3 min article</span></a></li></ul><!--M/--><!--F/--></div><div class=lTwoCate id=working-sellers><h2 class=h3>Working with sellers</h2><!--F#p_17[8]--><!--M^s0-0-54-2-17[8] s0-0-54-2 17[8]--><ul class="rowItem yellow_theme"><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/contacting-seller?id=4021><div class=columnHead>Contacting a seller</div><div class=content><p>How you contact a seller on eBay depends on whether you&#39;ve already bought an item from them or not.</p> </div><span class=footNote>1 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/report-issue-seller?id=4022><div class=columnHead>Report an issue with a seller</div><div class=content><p>We created policies to make sure eBay is a safe place to buy and sell. If you have a problem with a seller because they&rsquo;re not following our policies, let us know and we&rsquo;ll look into it.</p> </div><span class=footNote>2 min article</span></a></li><li class=columnItem><a href=/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/avoiding-seller-fraud?id=4024><div class=columnHead>Avoiding seller fraud</div><div class=content><p>Keeping our members safe is a top priority for us, so we have zero tolerance for fraud on eBay. 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Read our article on <a href=\"/help/selling/getting-paid/cancelling-transaction?id=4136\">how sellers can cancel orders.\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>If you need to cancel an order, submit the cancellation request as quickly as possible. If the seller has already shipped your order, they won&#39;t be able to cancel it.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\">Cancel an order\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nKeep in mind that if your purchase contains more than one item, the entire order will need to be canceled &ndash; you can&#39;t cancel individual items.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If&nbsp;the seller has not yet shipped the order, you can start a cancellation request, asking the seller to cancel your order. Here&#39;s how:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to your&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase history<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and find the order you want to cancel.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select the <strong>More actions\u003C/strong> dropdown menu and select <strong>Cancel this order\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Submit\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>We&#39;ll send your request to the seller and ask them to accept&nbsp;or decline the cancellation within 3 calendar days. If the seller accepts, we&#39;ll then send a confirmation of cancellation to both your registered email address and your eBay <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Messages<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nYou won&#39;t be able to cancel an order if you&#39;ve already reported that the item didn&#39;t arrive or if you&#39;ve requested a return.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the seller declines your cancellation request, or if they&#39;ve already shipped your item, you&#39;ll need to wait until you receive the item and then&nbsp;<a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item?id=4041\">request a return\u003C/a>. If your order wasn&#39;t canceled and you haven&#39;t received the item, you can <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/get-help-item-hasnt-arrived?id=4042\">report that the item hasn&#39;t arrived\u003C/a>&nbsp;once the estimated delivery date has passed.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can find more information in our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/order-cancellation-policy?id=5298\">Order cancellation policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1019","articleDescription":"<p>If you&rsquo;ve changed your mind about a purchase, you can submit a request to cancel the order. The seller can either accept or decline your cancellation request.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"How buyers can cancel an order | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Find out how and when you can cancel an order on eBay.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"How buyers can cancel an order","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","personalizedContent":"<h2><strong>Cancel your order\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","pullQuote":"<h3>If you change your mind about a purchase, you can submit a cancellation request up until the seller ships the order.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4013","title":"Retracting a bid","description":"<p>If you&#39;ve made a mistake when bidding on an item, you can retract your bid in certain circumstances.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Retracting a bid"]},{"topicId":"4005","title":"Shipping and delivery for buyers","description":"<p>There are a number of shipping and delivery options available on eBay, from tracked international shipping to picking up an item in your own neighborhood.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery"]},{"topicId":"4007","title":"Leaving feedback for sellers","description":"<p>Leaving feedback is a great way to rate your buying experience with a seller on eBay. Your feedback is important because it can help other buyers decide whether to buy from the seller.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Leaving Feedback for sellers"]},{"topicId":"4011","title":"Resolving issues with sellers","description":"If you&rsquo;re having an issue with an eBay seller, try contacting them directly to resolve your problem. If you can&rsquo;t work things out, we&rsquo;re always here to step in and help.","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers"]},{"topicId":"4008","title":"Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","description":"<p>In most cases, if your order doesn&#39;t arrive, or is faulty or damaged, you&#39;ll get your money back or a replacement. Most sellers accept returns if you&#39;ve changed your mind &ndash; check the listing for details of their returns policy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/canceling-order/how-buyers-cancel-order?id=4004","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay cancel order, eBay canceling order, eBay cancel purchase, eBay retract offer, Cancel an eBay order, How to cancel buying an item on eBay, Cancel Buy It Now eBay, eBay cancel Buy It Now, Cancel Buy It Now","searchSnippet":"<h2><strong>Cancel your order\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","How buyers can cancel an order"]},"4009":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4009","title":"Paying for items","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you having issues paying for your items? Choose your payment method below for troubleshooting tips:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/paying-paypal?id=4033#section3\">Paying with PayPal\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/paying-items-credit-debit-card?id=4038#section3\">Paying with a credit or debit card\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/ebay-gift-cards?id=4640\">eBay gift cards\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/vouchers-coupons-discount-offers?id=4034\">Coupons and discount offers\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/earning-using-ebay-bucks?id=4638\">eBay Bucks\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>When you&#39;re ready to pay, simply go to checkout. You&#39;ll be able to select your payment method and review your order details, including your shipping address, before you pay.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Ways to pay\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>In most categories, credit cards, debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Venmo and PayPal are accepted. American Express is not accepted on eBay. You&#39;ll find the payment methods accepted by going to the Shipping and Payments section of the listing.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Checks and money orders aren&#39;t allowed for most eBay purchases. However, you can use these payment methods to buy vehicles, capital and business equipment, real estate, and items you pick up in person. See our <a href=\"/help/policies/payment-policies/accepted-payments-policy?id=4269\">Payment methods policy\u003C/a> for more details.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Alipay is available for buyers in mainland China, and if available, you&#39;ll see it as a payment option on the view item page and at checkout. Alipay is currently only available to use on items listed in USD on and to pay with Alipay, you need to sign in your eBay account.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You may see a choice of payment currency options at checkout. For example, if you live in the US, and want to pay for an item located in the UK, you may see the option to pay in either GBP or USD.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you choose to pay in your local currency and it&#39;s different from the currency the item is listed in, you&rsquo;ll see the exchange rate along with the order total in your local currency at checkout. You&rsquo;ll also see the currency you used in your&nbsp;winning bid confirmation email.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can pay with if you&#39;re buying a vehicle. Find out more in our article about <a href=\"/help/buying/getting-started-ebay/buying-vehicles-parts-accessories?id=4639\">buying vehicles, parts and accessories\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Paying with wire transfer\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>For certain items on eBay, you&rsquo;ll have the option to pay with wire transfer. If you choose this payment method, we&rsquo;ll send you instructions, and you&rsquo;ll have 3 business days to ensure eBay receives the funds to complete the payment. While you can pay with one or more wire transfers, eBay currently only accepts wire transfers from US bank accounts.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>When making a wire transfer, the name on your eBay account must match the name on your bank account, or your order could be delayed or canceled. Allow 1 business day for eBay to receive and process your wire transfer, and you can check the status of the payment in the order details in your purchase history.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nAlways include the unique reference number in the wire transfer instructions to ensure the wire transfer is applied to the correct purchase. Otherwise eBay will automatically apply the wire transfer to your next pending wire payment. Your unique reference number can be found in your order confirmation email, or the order details in your purchase history.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>In some cases, it may take an extra 5 days for the seller to receive payment while we verify bank account details. Sellers will see the status and expected date of payment in the Payments and Orders tabs of My eBay and Seller Hub.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If an order is canceled or refunded, please allow 2 business days for any wire transfer refunds from eBay back to your bank, and processing times may vary. eBay isn&rsquo;t responsible for refunding any fees that were charged by your bank as part of the wire transfer.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Watch our video on how to make a wire transfer payment on eBay:\u003C/p>\n<iframe allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"2\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" width=\"560\">\u003C/iframe>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Troubleshooting payment errors\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you have problems paying for your items or if you receive an error message at checkout, try the following troubleshooting tips to resolve the issue:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Check you&#39;ve entered your payment details correctly\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Make sure your billing address matches the address on your payment method\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Try checking out on another device. If you&#39;re using the eBay desktop site, try checking out on the mobile site or app, or vice versa\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Try checking out on another browser. You can also try signing out, clearing your <a href=\"/help/policies/technical-issues/technical-issues?id=4220\">cache and cookies\u003C/a>, and signing in again before trying to check out again\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Make sure your payment method hasn&#39;t expired. For example, if you&#39;re paying with a credit or debit card, check the expiry date on the card\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you&#39;re using a new credit or debit card, you may need to activate the card before you can use it. We recommend contacting your bank or card issuer for instructions\u003C/li>\n\t<li>When you place an order for items from different sellers on eBay, you may see duplicate pending charges appear in your credit card or bank account. Don&rsquo;t worry, this doesn&rsquo;t mean you&rsquo;ll be overcharged. These payment authorizations are not charges, and will typically be removed from your account within a week. In some cases, your bank may take up to 30 days to remove these authorizations\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Timelines for paying\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When you buy an item on eBay, whether you won an auction or used Buy It Now, you&#39;ll need to pay the seller within 4&nbsp;days. The sooner the seller receives your payment, the sooner they&#39;ll send your item. When making a bid or a Best Offer, we may ask you to provide your payment method and shipping address in advance. If you win the auction, or the seller accepts your Best Offer, payment will be taken immediately to ensure a smooth transaction.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If your Best Offer&nbsp;is accepted or you win an auction, the payment method you added when making the bid or Best Offer will be charged, even if you removed that payment method before accepting the offer or winning an auction.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You&#39;ll find everything you&#39;ve bought recently &ndash; including items you still need to pay for &ndash; in your <a href=\"\">Purchase History<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n<a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\">Check for unpaid items<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\n\n<p>When you buy an item, it&#39;s important to pay as quickly as possible. If you haven&#39;t paid within 4 calendar days, a seller can cancel your order. If this happens, you&nbsp;won&#39;t receive your item and the unpaid item will be recorded on your account. Buyers who have excessive unpaid items or canceled orders may have limits imposed or lose their buying privileges.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1153","articleDescription":"<p>When you see an item for sale on eBay, the listing will include the payment methods you can use to buy it. If you have any problems paying for your items, we can help troubleshoot the issue.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Paying for items | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Find out how to pay for items on eBay.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Paying for items","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4219","title":"Payment policies","description":"In order to maintain a safe marketplace, sellers can only offer eBay-approved payment methods in their listings.","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Payment policies"]},{"topicId":"4012","title":"Buying limits and restrictions","description":"<p>To keep our marketplace safe for buyers and sellers,&nbsp;we occasionally place limits or restrictions on a member&#39;s buying activity. We may also restrict buying if we believe a member has violated an eBay policy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Buying limits and restrictions"]},{"topicId":"4374","title":"Abusive buyer policy","description":"<p>Our abusive buyer policy lays out unacceptable buying behavior.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"10 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Rules and policies for buyers","Buying practices policy"]},{"topicId":"4008","title":"Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","description":"<p>In most cases, if your order doesn&#39;t arrive, or is faulty or damaged, you&#39;ll get your money back or a replacement. Most sellers accept returns if you&#39;ve changed your mind &ndash; check the listing for details of their returns policy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers"]},{"topicId":"4011","title":"Resolving issues with sellers","description":"If you&rsquo;re having an issue with an eBay seller, try contacting them directly to resolve your problem. If you can&rsquo;t work things out, we&rsquo;re always here to step in and help.","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers"]},{"topicId":"4007","title":"Leaving feedback for sellers","description":"<p>Leaving feedback is a great way to rate your buying experience with a seller on eBay. Your feedback is important because it can help other buyers decide whether to buy from the seller.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Leaving Feedback for sellers"]}],"tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay payment methods, eBay paying, How to pay on eBay, eBay payments, eBay payment time, eBay pay options, buying without paypal, how to combine payments to sellers, payment, request an invoice\n","searchSnippet":"<p>You can check for unpaid items using the button below.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" id=\"trackCTA\" target=\"_blank\">Check for unpaid items<span class=\"clipped\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items"]},"4012":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4012","title":"Buying limits and restrictions","content":"<p>Sellers may also block buyers from bidding on their listings. This helps us encourage responsible buying and allows sellers to choose who they do business with.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\"><a name=\"buyinglimits\">\u003C/a>What are buying limits?\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Buying limits are account blocks that limit your ability to purchase items on the site. They can be placed by sellers and by eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Buying limits placed by sellers\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Sellers can make their listings unavailable to a specific list of bidders. They can block buyers with low feedback scores or buyers they no longer wish to do business with.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Buying limits placed by eBay\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>If we place&nbsp;a buying limit on your account, we&#39;ll send you a message with the next steps to restore your ability to purchase items or make bids. We may limit your ability to bid on auctions or make a Best Offer if:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>You are bidding on an expensive item\u003C/li>\n\t<li>We need to <a href=\"/help/policies/identity-policies/identity-policies?id=4218\">verify your identity\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You need to <a href=\";CurrentPage=MyeBayPersonalInfo&amp;gbh=1&amp;ssPageName=STRK:ME:LNLK\" target=\"_blank\">add a payment method<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> to your account\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You have a history of canceled orders for not paying on time\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You&#39;ve suddenly and significantly increased your bidding and buying activity\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You have several items awaiting payment\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nThe best way to avoid buyer restrictions is to pay for your items quickly.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Removing buying limits\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>If a seller blocked you from bidding on their listings, you&#39;ll receive a notification when you try to place a bid. You also won&#39;t be able&nbsp;to bid on that seller&#39;s items using another account.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If we&#39;ve limited your buying activities, you&#39;ll receive a message providing the next steps. For example, you may need to:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Pay for items you&#39;ve already committed to buy\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Add a payment method to your account\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Verify your identity\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\"><a name=\"buyingrestrictions\">\u003C/a>What are buying restrictions?\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>A buying restriction means you won&#39;t be able to make any purchases on eBay. It is usually placed on an account due to a policy violation.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you have a buying restriction on your account, you won&#39;t be able to buy items or bid on auctions until the issue is resolved.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Why are buying restrictions applied?\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Generally, restrictions are applied when it appears you might be violating our site policies. Buying restrictions can be applied to your account if:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>You have multiple accounts, and one or more has a buying restriction already placed on it\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You are violating our Abusive buyer policy\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Your account is under review for other <a href=\"/help/policies/default/ebays-rules-policies?id=4205\">policy violations\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h3>Removing&nbsp;buying restrictions\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>If you receive a restriction, you&#39;ll receive an email as well as a message in <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">My eBay<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> explaining why it was applied, and what you need to do to have it removed.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\"><a name=\"avoidingrestrictionsandlimits\">\u003C/a>Avoiding buying limits and restrictions\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>To avoid buying limits and restrictions, you can:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Only bid on or buy items you plan to pay for\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Pay for items as soon as possible\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Improve your feedback profile by leaving feedback for sellers\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Add a payment method to your account\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Establish a buying history by purchasing items that require immediate payment\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n","id":"HELP1058","articleDescription":"<p>To keep our marketplace safe for buyers and sellers,&nbsp;we occasionally place limits or restrictions on a member&#39;s buying activity. We may also restrict buying if we believe a member has violated an eBay policy.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Buying limits and restrictions | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Find out why eBay places buying limits and restrictions on accounts, and how have them removed.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Buying limits and restrictions","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","pullQuote":"<h3>If you receive a restriction, you&#39;ll receive a notification explaining why it was applied&nbsp;and what you need to do to have it removed.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4082","title":"Blocking a buyer on eBay","description":"<p>eBay sellers have control over who can bid on and buy their items. You can block individual buyers or set buyer requirements based on specific criteria.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Selling","Resolving buyer issues","Blocking buyers"]},{"topicId":"4002","title":"How buying works on eBay","description":"<p>There are two ways to buy on eBay. With Buy It Now, you pay a fixed price and buy the item immediately, or you can bid on an item and try to win it for a lower price in an auction. On some listings you can also make an offer of the price you&rsquo;d like to pay.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Buy It Now"]},{"topicId":"4003","title":"How bidding works","description":"<p>Bidding on an eBay auction is a great way to get the item you want &ndash; at a bargain price.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding"]},{"topicId":"4009","title":"Paying for items","description":"<p>When you see an item for sale on eBay, the listing will include the payment methods you can use to buy it. If you have any problems paying for your items, we can help troubleshoot the issue.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items"]},{"topicId":"4010","title":"Getting started on eBay","description":"Welcome to eBay. Buying on eBay is easy, and you&rsquo;ll find almost anything you want from sellers all over the world.","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Getting started on eBay"]},{"topicId":"4008","title":"Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","description":"<p>In most cases, if your order doesn&#39;t arrive, or is faulty or damaged, you&#39;ll get your money back or a replacement. Most sellers accept returns if you&#39;ve changed your mind &ndash; check the listing for details of their returns policy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/buying-limits-restrictions/buying-limits-restrictions?id=4012","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"Buyer restrictions eBay, eBay buyer restrictions, eBay buying restrictions","taxonomies":["Buying","Buying limits and restrictions"]},"4013":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4013","title":"Retracting a bid","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking to cancel a bid? Read our article on <a href=\"/help/selling/listings/selling-auctions/cancelling-bid?id=4140\">canceling bids and managing buyers\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>Whenever you place a bid, you&#39;re agreeing to buy the item if you win the auction. However, in some situations you can retract your bid.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/action?topicid=4013\">Retract a bid\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Keep in mind that you can&#39;t always retract a bid once it&#39;s made. Bids on items listed in Trading Cards categories, for example, can&#39;t be retracted. If you&#39;re not able to retract your bid, you can also try <a href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/contacting-seller?id=4021\">contacting the seller\u003C/a> to see if they&#39;ll cancel your bid for you. The decision to cancel is at the discretion of the seller.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2>When you can retract a bid\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You can retract a bid if (Note: these&nbsp;options are only applicable for up to 1 hour after making the bid when&nbsp;the listing is ending in less than 12 hours):\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>The seller significantly changed the description of the item\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You accidentally bid the wrong amount. For example, you meant to bid $20, not $200. In this case, enter the price you intended to bid as soon as you&#39;ve retracted the incorrect bid\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>Any other bids can&#39;t be retracted, but you can still <a href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/contacting-seller?id=4021\">contact the seller\u003C/a> to see if they&#39;ll agree to cancel a bid for you. Remember, the seller isn&#39;t obligated to cancel the bid so they may not agree.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nWhen bidding, always double-check that you&#39;ve entered the correct amount &ndash; especially when making a last minute bid.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1021","articleDescription":"<p>If you&#39;ve made a mistake when bidding on an item, you can retract your bid in certain circumstances.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Retracting a bid | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how and when you can retract a bid you&#39;ve made on an auction.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Retracting a bid","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","personalizedContent":"<h2><strong>Retract your bid\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4227","title":"Invalid bid retraction policy","description":"<p>We want to ensure a fair marketplace for all our users, so we only allow bids to be retracted under certain circumstances.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Rules and policies for buyers","Invalid bid retraction policy"]},{"topicId":"4014","title":"Automatic bidding","description":"<p>Automatic bidding is the easiest way to bid on an eBay auction. Simply enter the highest price you&rsquo;re willing to pay for an item, and we&#39;ll do the rest.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Automatic bidding"]},{"topicId":"4015","title":"Tips for winning auctions","description":"<p>eBay auctions often have multiple competing bidders.&nbsp;You can maximize your chances of winning by having a good bidding strategy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Tips for winning auctions"]},{"topicId":"4017","title":"Responding to Second Chance Offers","description":"<p>If you didn&#39;t win an auction, the seller might give you another opportunity to buy the item you wanted by sending you a Second Chance Offer.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Second Chance Offers"]},{"topicId":"4224","title":"Bid sniping","description":"Waiting until the last few seconds of an auction to make a winning bid is known as bid sniping. This tactic is used to try to prevent other bidders from having a chance to place a higher bid before the auction ends.","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Bid Sniping"]},{"topicId":"4018","title":"How reserve prices work","description":"<p>A reserve price is the minimum amount the seller is willing to sell an item for. If the reserve price isn&#39;t met, the item won&#39;t be sold.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","How reserve prices work"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/bidding/retracting-bid?id=4013","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"cancel a bid, cancel bid, cancel bids, canceling a bid, canceling bid","searchSnippet":"<h2><strong>Retract your bid\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Retracting a bid"]},"4014":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4014","title":"Automatic bidding","content":"<p>Once you set up automatic bidding, you can stay ahead of the competition for an item without needing to be on the eBay site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">How to set up automatic bidding\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>To set up automatic bidding on an auction listing, enter the maximum amount you&rsquo;d like to pay for the item and select <strong>Place bid\u003C/strong>. We&rsquo;ll bid in increments on your behalf to keep you in the lead&nbsp;but only up to your limit.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We&rsquo;ll let you know if someone outbids you and you can decide if you want to increase your maximum limit.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Keep in mind when you&rsquo;re deciding on the maximum amount you&rsquo;d like to pay that you&rsquo;ll need to pay the cost of shipping too.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nBidding on items can be exciting, but it is a contractual obligation. When deciding your maximum bid, be sure you&rsquo;re happy to pay that amount if you win the auction.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Why was I immediately outbid?\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you are outbid immediately after placing a bid, it&rsquo;s likely that another bidder is using automatic bidding&nbsp;and has a maximum limit&nbsp;higher than yours. You&rsquo;ll need to increase your maximum limit in order to be the highest bidder.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Bid increments\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When someone else places a bid, we&rsquo;ll place a slightly higher bid on your behalf. The amount the bid increases by&nbsp;is known as a bid increment. Bid increments are smaller when the bid price is low&nbsp;and larger in higher price brackets.\u003C/p>\n\n<div style=\"overflow-x: auto;\">\n<table class=\"standard\">\n\t<thead>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>Current price\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>Bid increment\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\u003C/thead>\n\t<tbody>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>$0.01&ndash;$0.99\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>$0.05\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>$1.00&ndash;$4.99\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>$0.25\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>$5.00&ndash;$24.99\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>$0.50\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>$25.00&ndash;$99.99\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>$1.00\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>$100.00&ndash;$249.99\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>$2.50\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>$250.00&ndash;$499.99\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>$5.00\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>$500.00&ndash;$999.99\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>$10.00\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>$1000.00&ndash;$2499.99\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>$25.00\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>$2500.00&ndash;$4999.99\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>$50.00\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>$5000.00 and up\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>$100.00\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\u003C/tbody>\n\u003C/table>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>Occasionally you&rsquo;ll see bids increase by less. This means that someone else placed a bid slightly higher than your automatic bid amount.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1022","articleDescription":"<p>Automatic bidding is the easiest way to bid on an eBay auction. Simply enter the highest price you&rsquo;re willing to pay for an item, and we&#39;ll do the rest.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Automatic bidding | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Let eBay do the work for you with automatic bidding.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Automatic bidding","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","pullQuote":"<h3>When someone else bids on the item you are bidding for, we&rsquo;ll place a slightly higher bid on your behalf to keep you in the lead.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4013","title":"Retracting a bid","description":"<p>If you&#39;ve made a mistake when bidding on an item, you can retract your bid in certain circumstances.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Retracting a bid"]},{"topicId":"4015","title":"Tips for winning auctions","description":"<p>eBay auctions often have multiple competing bidders.&nbsp;You can maximize your chances of winning by having a good bidding strategy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Tips for winning auctions"]},{"topicId":"4017","title":"Responding to Second Chance Offers","description":"<p>If you didn&#39;t win an auction, the seller might give you another opportunity to buy the item you wanted by sending you a Second Chance Offer.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Second Chance Offers"]},{"topicId":"4224","title":"Bid sniping","description":"Waiting until the last few seconds of an auction to make a winning bid is known as bid sniping. This tactic is used to try to prevent other bidders from having a chance to place a higher bid before the auction ends.","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Bid Sniping"]},{"topicId":"4018","title":"How reserve prices work","description":"<p>A reserve price is the minimum amount the seller is willing to sell an item for. If the reserve price isn&#39;t met, the item won&#39;t be sold.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","How reserve prices work"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/bidding/automatic-bidding?id=4014","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay automatic bidding, eBay bid increments, eBay maximum bid, eBay proxy bidding, eBay 1 click bidding, How to not get outbid on eBay, bid blocking\n","searchSnippet":"<p>To set up automatic bidding on an auction listing, enter the maximum amount you&rsquo;d like to pay for the item and select <strong>Place bid.\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Automatic bidding"]},"4015":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4015","title":"Tips for winning auctions","content":"<p>Whether you&#39;re new to eBay or you&#39;re an experienced shopper, these tips can help increase your chances of placing the winning bid.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Research before you bid\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Before you bid&nbsp;on an item, do some research to find the listing that gives you the best chance of winning for&nbsp;the lowest possible price. Try the following:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Search several times using different terms to describe the item you&rsquo;re looking for. This will help you understand the current market price\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Try searching using misspelled words, such as&nbsp;&ldquo;porcelane&rdquo;&nbsp;instead of &ldquo;porcelain.&rdquo;&nbsp;Fewer people will find&nbsp;a listing with&nbsp;a typo\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Note what time the auction ends;&nbsp;this can affect how many other people will bid on it, and whether you&rsquo;ll be available to bid at the last minute. If it&rsquo;s late at night, you&rsquo;re less likely to be outbid in the last minute\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Think about how much you&rsquo;re willing to pay,&nbsp;and determine your maximum bid. You&rsquo;ll be prepared to make decisions in the crucial last seconds of the auction\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf you are immediately&nbsp;outbid, someone else has placed a maximum bid higher than your current bid. Find out how to set up <a href=\"/help/buying/bidding/automatic-bidding?id=4014\">automatic bidding\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">eBay bidding tips\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Here are some tips to consider when bidding:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>If there&rsquo;s a Buy It Now option, you can purchase the item right&nbsp;away without waiting for the auction to end\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Bide your time. You stand a greater chance of getting the item by placing your highest bid in the closing seconds\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If an auction listing has a reserve price, bid up to that amount as early as possible, so other bidders aren&rsquo;t attracted by the low starting price\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Try bidding an uneven amount. Thinking of spending $10.50? Try $10.63 instead. Those extra few cents can make all the difference\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nDownload the <a href=\"/help/buying/getting-started-ebay/using-ebay-app?id=4032\">eBay app\u003C/a> to receive notifications about auctions and place bids straight from your phone.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1140","articleDescription":"<p>eBay auctions often have multiple competing bidders.&nbsp;You can maximize your chances of winning by having a good bidding strategy.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Tips for winning auctions | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Discover&nbsp;bidding strategies that can help you win auctions on eBay.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Tips for winning auctions","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","pullQuote":"<h3>Before you start bidding on an item,&nbsp;look at similar items to see if there are fewer bidders.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4224","title":"Bid sniping","description":"Waiting until the last few seconds of an auction to make a winning bid is known as bid sniping. This tactic is used to try to prevent other bidders from having a chance to place a higher bid before the auction ends.","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Bid Sniping"]},{"topicId":"4013","title":"Retracting a bid","description":"<p>If you&#39;ve made a mistake when bidding on an item, you can retract your bid in certain circumstances.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Retracting a bid"]},{"topicId":"4014","title":"Automatic bidding","description":"<p>Automatic bidding is the easiest way to bid on an eBay auction. Simply enter the highest price you&rsquo;re willing to pay for an item, and we&#39;ll do the rest.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Automatic bidding"]},{"topicId":"4017","title":"Responding to Second Chance Offers","description":"<p>If you didn&#39;t win an auction, the seller might give you another opportunity to buy the item you wanted by sending you a Second Chance Offer.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Second Chance Offers"]},{"topicId":"4018","title":"How reserve prices work","description":"<p>A reserve price is the minimum amount the seller is willing to sell an item for. If the reserve price isn&#39;t met, the item won&#39;t be sold.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","How reserve prices work"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/bidding/tips-winning-auctions?id=4015","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"Como vencer leil玫es do eBay, dicas de lances do eBay, Como vencer lances do eBay, Melhor maneira de vencer um leil茫o do eBay, estrat茅gia para dar lance no eBay, melhor maneira de vencer um leil茫o, estrat茅gia para dar lance, dicas de lances, como vencer leil玫es, como vencer lances\n","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Tips for winning auctions"]},"4017":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4017","title":"Responding to Second Chance Offers","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking to make a Second Chance Offer? Read our article on <a href=\"/help/selling/listings/selling-auctions/making-second-chance-offers?id=4142\"> making Second Chance Offers\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>If you receive a Second Chance Offer, you&#39;ll be able to buy the item at the amount you offered in your last bid.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">How Second Chance Offers work\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>A Second Chance Offer is when a seller offers you the item you were bidding on, even though you weren&rsquo;t the winner. This could be because they found more stock, or their reserve price wasn&rsquo;t met, but they still want to sell the item.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can choose to accept the offer and pay for the item, or you can choose not to respond and the offer will expire automatically.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nYou can opt out of receiving Second Chance Offers by changing your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">communications preferences<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> in My eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Accepting a Second Chance Offer\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If a seller makes you a Second Chance Offer, we&rsquo;ll send you a &ldquo;You have a Second Chance Offer&rdquo; email. You&rsquo;ll also find the offer in the following places:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Messages<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bids/Offers section<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> of My eBay\u003C/li>\n\t<li>There may also be a message on the ended listing page with a link to the offer\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>You&rsquo;ll have either 1, 3, 5, or 7 days to accept the offer, depending on how long the seller has chosen.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you&rsquo;d like to accept the offer, select <strong>Buy it\u003C/strong> in the email and complete payment like any other eBay purchase. You can also view and accept a Second Chance Offer in the Bids/Offers section of My eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Confirming a Second Chance Offer is legitimate\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>You&rsquo;ll always find legitimate Second Chance Offers in your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Messages<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bids/Offers section<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> of My eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We&rsquo;ll never send a Second Chance Offer email with the subject line &ldquo;Message from eBay Member.&rdquo; If you receive an email with that subject line, it&rsquo;s a fake email and not from us. Please forward the email to\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Learn more about <a href=\"/help/account/protecting-account/recognising-spoof-emails?id=4195\">recognizing and reporting fake emails\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nProtecting our members is one of our top priorities. We don&rsquo;t allow offers to buy or sell items off our site. When this happens, it poses a risk of fraud and buyers and sellers aren&rsquo;t covered by our protection programs if something goes wrong.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1023","articleDescription":"<p>If you didn&#39;t win an auction, the seller might give you another opportunity to buy the item you wanted by sending you a Second Chance Offer.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Responding to Second Chance Offers | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Second Chance Offers can let you get your item even if you didn&rsquo;t win the auction.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Responding to Second Chance Offers","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","pullQuote":"<h3>A Second Chance Offer makes&nbsp;the item available for you to buy at the amount of your last bid.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4013","title":"Retracting a bid","description":"<p>If you&#39;ve made a mistake when bidding on an item, you can retract your bid in certain circumstances.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Retracting a bid"]},{"topicId":"4014","title":"Automatic bidding","description":"<p>Automatic bidding is the easiest way to bid on an eBay auction. Simply enter the highest price you&rsquo;re willing to pay for an item, and we&#39;ll do the rest.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Automatic bidding"]},{"topicId":"4015","title":"Tips for winning auctions","description":"<p>eBay auctions often have multiple competing bidders.&nbsp;You can maximize your chances of winning by having a good bidding strategy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Tips for winning auctions"]},{"topicId":"4224","title":"Bid sniping","description":"Waiting until the last few seconds of an auction to make a winning bid is known as bid sniping. This tactic is used to try to prevent other bidders from having a chance to place a higher bid before the auction ends.","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Bid Sniping"]},{"topicId":"4018","title":"How reserve prices work","description":"<p>A reserve price is the minimum amount the seller is willing to sell an item for. If the reserve price isn&#39;t met, the item won&#39;t be sold.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","How reserve prices work"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/bidding/responding-second-chance-offers?id=4017","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay second chance offer, second chance offer eBay, eBay second chance offers, what is a second chance offer on eBay\n","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Second Chance Offers"]},"4018":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4018","title":"How reserve prices work","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">Are you a seller looking to add a reserve price to your listing? Read our article on <a class=\"link_arrow_right_blue \" href=\"/help/selling/listings/selling-auctions/reserve-prices?id=4143\"> adding a reserve price to listings\u003C/a>\u003C/div>\n\n<p>Sellers can choose to add a reserve price when listing an item in an eBay auction. Unless they state their reserve price in the listing, you won&#39;t know what it is until you either meet it or bid above it.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you bid below the reserve price, you&#39;ll see a &quot;Reserve not met&quot; message. This means that even if you&#39;re the highest bidder at the end of the auction, you won&#39;t win the item.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Sellers can lower their reserve price during the auction&nbsp;or make a <a href=\"/help/buying/bidding/second-chance-offers?id=4017\">Second Chance Offer\u003C/a> once it ends. We&#39;ll send you a message if either of these happen, so you have another chance to buy the item.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1024","articleDescription":"<p>A reserve price is the minimum amount the seller is willing to sell an item for. If the reserve price isn&#39;t met, the item won&#39;t be sold.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"How reserve prices work | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>A reserve price is the minimum price a seller will accept when listing items in an auction.\u003C/p>\n","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","pullQuote":"<h3>If you see &quot;Reserve not met&quot; after placing a bid, you won&#39;t win the item, even if you&#39;re the highest bidder at the end of the auction.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4013","title":"Retracting a bid","description":"<p>If you&#39;ve made a mistake when bidding on an item, you can retract your bid in certain circumstances.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Retracting a bid"]},{"topicId":"4014","title":"Automatic bidding","description":"<p>Automatic bidding is the easiest way to bid on an eBay auction. Simply enter the highest price you&rsquo;re willing to pay for an item, and we&#39;ll do the rest.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Automatic bidding"]},{"topicId":"4015","title":"Tips for winning auctions","description":"<p>eBay auctions often have multiple competing bidders.&nbsp;You can maximize your chances of winning by having a good bidding strategy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Tips for winning auctions"]},{"topicId":"4017","title":"Responding to Second Chance Offers","description":"<p>If you didn&#39;t win an auction, the seller might give you another opportunity to buy the item you wanted by sending you a Second Chance Offer.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Second Chance Offers"]},{"topicId":"4224","title":"Bid sniping","description":"Waiting until the last few seconds of an auction to make a winning bid is known as bid sniping. This tactic is used to try to prevent other bidders from having a chance to place a higher bid before the auction ends.","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Bid Sniping"]}],"tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay reserve price, eBay reserve not met, eBay reserve, eBay change reserve price, eBay reserve price not met, eBay what happens if reserve price not met\n","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","How reserve prices work"]},"4019":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4019","title":"Making a Best Offer","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking to add a Best Offer option to your listings? Read our article on <a class=\"link_blue \" href=\"/help/selling/listings/selling-buy-now/adding-best-offer-listing?id=4144\"> adding Best Offer to listings\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>Best Offer is a great way to buy the item you&rsquo;ve been looking for at a bargain price. As well as saving money, you won&rsquo;t have to wait for the listing to end to buy your item, if the seller accepts your offer. In order to secure the item, however, you&rsquo;ll need to be the first to complete payment for it.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">How to make a Best Offer\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You can make a Best Offer on listings that have a&nbsp;<strong>Make Offer\u003C/strong> button.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Once you&rsquo;ve found an item you want to buy that accepts Best Offers, here&rsquo;s how to make your offer:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Choose <strong>Make Offer\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Enter your offer. If you like, you can add a message to the seller.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Continue\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>On the next page, you may be asked to confirm your payment and shipping information. Select <b>Edit&nbsp;\u003C/b>if you need to change anything.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Send\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>If you&rsquo;ve added the item to your Watchlist, you can also select <strong>Make Best Offer\u003C/strong> next to the item in your Watchlist.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you&rsquo;re making a Best Offer on an item that offers personalization, you can add your personalization comments in the Message field once you select <strong>Make Offer\u003C/strong>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nEven if your offer or counteroffer is accepted, the item will remain available to other buyers. Selecting a payment method and enabling autopay when making your offer, will mean you pay for and secure the item as soon as the seller accepts.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">How to find listings with Best Offer\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Not all listings have the option to make an offer, but you can filter your search results to find sellers who do accept offers.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>When you&rsquo;re searching for the item you&rsquo;d like to buy, you can select <strong>Accepts offers\u003C/strong> at the top of the search results to see listings with Best Offer.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can also use Advanced search to find Best Offer listings:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to<span>&nbsp;\u003C/span><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Advanced search<span class=\"g-hdn\"><span>&nbsp;\u003C/span>- opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Enter your keywords.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Scroll down to <strong>Buying format \u003C/strong>and select&nbsp;<strong>Best offer\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select&nbsp;<strong>Search\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">What happens after you make your offer\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>The seller has 24 hours to decide whether to accept or decline your offer. They can also suggest another price. If they don&rsquo;t respond to you in that time, or if the listing ends before they respond, then your offer expires.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the seller responds, they may:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Accept your offer:\u003C/strong> Even after the seller accepts your offer, the item will still be available to other buyers until you complete payment for it. If you&rsquo;ve enabled autopay, eBay will collect payment from you once the seller accepts your offer and the item will be secured instantly\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Decline your offer:\u003C/strong>&nbsp;You can still make another one (up to 3&nbsp;on most items&nbsp;and 5 in most vehicles categories)\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Counter your offer:\u003C/strong> You can choose to decline, continue negotiating by making another offer to the seller, or accept by going to checkout and paying for the item\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nYour offer only applies to the item price.&nbsp;Shipping costs and all the other terms specified in the seller&rsquo;s listing remain the same.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Retracting&nbsp;a Best Offer\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you&#39;ve made a mistake when making an offer or a counteroffer, you can retract or cancel it in certain circumstances.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can retract an offer if:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>There are 12 hours or more left before the listing ends\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You placed your most recent offer less than an hour ago\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>You won&rsquo;t be able to retract your offer if:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>The listing ends in less than 12 hours and it&#39;s been more than an hour since you placed your most recent offer\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The seller has already accepted or declined your offer, or sent you a counteroffer\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You&rsquo;ve already made 5 offers in a specific category\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>If you&rsquo;re using the eBay desktop site, here&rsquo;s how to retract a Best Offer or a counteroffer if it meets the requirements above:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to Bids/Offers&nbsp;in <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">My eBay<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Find the offer you&rsquo;d like to retract.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Review offer\u003C/strong>, then select <strong>Retract offer\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>You can also retract your offer on the item page by selecting <strong>Review offer\u003C/strong> and then <strong>Retract offer\u003C/strong>. If you&rsquo;re using a mobile browser or the eBay app, go to the <a href=\";guest=1\" target=\"_blank\">Best Offer cancellation form<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> to retract your offer.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section5\">Tips for making offers\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When you&rsquo;ve got your eye on something and have a certain price in mind, you can increase your chances of the seller accepting your offer by having a Best Offer strategy. Here are some tips for making offers:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Be reasonable:\u003C/strong>&nbsp;Sellers who accept offers are flexible on price&nbsp;and generally take fair offers seriously\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Add a message for the seller:\u003C/strong>&nbsp;A friendly, personal message could help you get the item at the price you want. Look for the <strong>Add message to seller\u003C/strong> option when you&rsquo;re entering your offer\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Check the item&rsquo;s original listing date:\u003C/strong>&nbsp;If it&rsquo;s been listed for a long time, the seller might be more flexible on the price\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Use your Best Offers wisely:\u003C/strong> We limit the number of Best Offers you can make on each item, we&#39;ll let you know when you&#39;re using your last one. Expired, declined, and retracted offers all count toward&nbsp;this limit\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section6\">Responding to an offer from a seller\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you watch an item or add it to your cart, the seller can send you a special offer for that item. If you receive an offer, you&rsquo;ll get an email and a message in <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">My eBay<span class=\"g-hdn\">&nbsp;- opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>. If you select <strong>Review offer\u003C/strong> in this message, you can review and respond to the offer.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you&#39;d like to accept the offer, select <strong>Go to checkout\u003C/strong> to complete your purchase. Keep in mind that until you pay for the item, the item will still be available to other buyers and the seller can change their mind at any time. If you&rsquo;re not interested in the offer, select <strong>Decline offer\u003C/strong>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can also make a counteroffer if you&#39;d like to negotiate a better price. Here&#39;s how:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Make a counteroffer\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Add your amount (this doesn&rsquo;t include shipping).\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you like, you can add a message for the seller.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Review\u003C/strong>,&nbsp;then select&nbsp;<strong>Send\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>The seller can then accept your counteroffer, decline it, or send you a counteroffer. You can send a maximum of 4 counteroffers to the seller. Find out more in our article on <a href=\"/help/buying/buy-now/counteroffers?id=4020\" target=\"_blank\">counteroffers\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Each offer from a seller is valid for 96&nbsp;hours or until an offer is accepted, whichever comes first.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1005","articleDescription":"<p>With Best Offer, you can offer the seller a price you&#39;re willing to pay for the item. The seller can accept, decline, or counter your offer by suggesting another price.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Making a Best Offer | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how to negotiate a price on some Buy It Now listings with Best Offer.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Making a Best Offer","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","pullQuote":"<h3>When you or the seller receive and accept an offer, the item will still be available to other buyers until you complete payment.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4020","title":"Counteroffers","description":"<p>If you&nbsp;made a <a href=\"/help/buying/buy-now/making-best-offer?id=4019\">Best Offer\u003C/a> on a&nbsp;listing, the seller may come back to you with a counteroffer suggesting another price.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Buy It Now","Counteroffers"]},{"topicId":"4271","title":"Unpaid item policy","description":"<p>Buyers must pay for the items they purchase on eBay within 4 calendar days.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Payment policies","Unpaid item policy"]},{"topicId":"4360","title":"Your shopping cart","description":"<p>You can save fixed-price items you&#39;d like to buy by adding them to your shopping cart while you continue shopping. When you&#39;re ready, you can check out and pay for multiple items in one go.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Your shopping cart"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/buy-now/making-best-offer?id=4019","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay Best Offer, Best Offer eBay, eBay Best Offers, How does Best Offer work on eBay?, How does eBay Best Offer work?, eBay make a Best Offer, Retract Best Offer, Cancel Best Offer, Best Offer eBay strategy, Best Offer eBay tips\n","searchSnippet":"<p>You can make a Best Offer on listings that have a Make Offer button. Choose <strong>Make Offer\u003C/strong>. Enter your offer. Select <strong>Continue\u003C/strong>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Looking to cancel a Best Offer? Select the below button.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\";guest=1\" id=\"trackCTA\" target=\"_blank\">Cancel a Best Offer<span class=\"clipped\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Buy It Now","Making a Best Offer"]},"4020":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4020","title":"Counteroffers","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking to make a counteroffer to a buyer? Read our article on <a class=\"link_blue \" href=\"/help/selling/listings/selling-buy-now/adding-best-offer-listing?id=4144\"> adding Best Offer to your listing\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>If a seller sends you a counteroffer, you&rsquo;ll find the offer in your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Messages<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2>Responding to a counteroffer\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You can accept, reject, or continue negotiating by making another offer to the seller. Here&#39;s how you can respond:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Accept and commit to buy\u003C/strong> &ndash; Select <strong>Buy it\u003C/strong> in the counteroffer message\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Negotiate\u003C/strong> &ndash; Make another offer to the seller\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Reject\u003C/strong> &ndash; Select <strong>Reject offer\u003C/strong> in the counteroffer message\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>You can make a total of 5 offers on most items&nbsp;or 10&nbsp;in most vehicle&nbsp;categories.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf you accept a counteroffer, you&rsquo;re committing to buy the item and you&rsquo;ll need to complete payment like any other eBay purchase.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you don&rsquo;t respond to the seller&rsquo;s counteroffer, it&rsquo;ll expire after 24 hours, or when the listing ends&mdash;whichever comes first.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1025","articleDescription":"<p>If you&nbsp;made a Best Offer on a&nbsp;listing, the seller may come back to you with a counteroffer suggesting another price.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Counteroffers | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>If you&nbsp;made an offer on an item, the seller may come back to you with a counteroffer&mdash;find out how they work&nbsp;and how you can respond.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Counteroffers","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","pullQuote":"<h3>You can make a total of 5&nbsp;offers on most items&nbsp;or 10 in most vehicle&nbsp;categories.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4019","title":"Making a Best Offer","description":"<p>With Best Offer, you can offer the seller a price you&#39;re willing to pay for the item. The seller can accept, decline, or counter your offer by suggesting another price.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Buy It Now","Making a Best Offer"]},{"topicId":"4010","title":"Getting started on eBay","description":"Welcome to eBay. Buying on eBay is easy, and you&rsquo;ll find almost anything you want from sellers all over the world.","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Getting started on eBay"]},{"topicId":"4360","title":"Your shopping cart","description":"<p>You can save fixed-price items you&#39;d like to buy by adding them to your shopping cart while you continue shopping. When you&#39;re ready, you can check out and pay for multiple items in one go.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Your shopping cart"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/buy-now/counteroffers?id=4020","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"counteroffer eBay, eBay counteroffer, eBay counteroffers, counter offers\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Buy It Now","Counteroffers"]},"4021":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4021","title":"Contacting a seller","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller needing to contact a buyer? Read our article on <a href=\"/help/selling/resolving-buyer-issues/contacting-buyer-bidder?id=4083\">contacting a buyer\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>You&rsquo;ll find answers to most questions you have about an item on the listing, but if you can&rsquo;t find what you&rsquo;re looking for, sellers are usually happy to help if you contact them.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Contacting a seller you&rsquo;ve already purchased from\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you&#39;ve already bought an item from a seller, you can contact them using the button below.\u003C/p>\n<a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/action?topicId=4021\">Contact seller\u003C/a>\n\n<p>You can also contact the seller through your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase history<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> by selecting <strong>Contact seller\u003C/strong> next to the item.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Contacting a seller before you buy an item\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Not all sellers accept questions before you buy an item. If the seller accepts questions, you&#39;ll see <strong>Contact seller\u003C/strong> in the Seller Information section of the listing.&nbsp;You may also see the seller&#39;s typical response time - EG &quot;Responds within 12 hours&quot;.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Here&#39;s how to get in touch with a seller who accepts questions:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to the Seller Information section at the top of the listing and select <strong>Contact Seller\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Choose the topic that best matches your question on the Find answers page.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you can&#39;t find a solution to your question, select <strong>Other\u003C/strong>, then select&nbsp;<strong>Contact the seller\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Type your question for the seller.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Send a copy to my email address\u003C/strong> if you&#39;d like to receive a copy of the message.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Send message\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nMake sure your contact information is up to date so that sellers are able to get in touch after a purchase. You can find out how to update your details in our <a href=\"/help/account/changing-account-settings/changing-contact-details?id=4200\">Changing your contact details article\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Finding your seller&#39;s phone number\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You can find a seller&#39;s phone number in the following&nbsp;places on eBay, if they&#39;ve opted to share their number:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>When you select <strong>Contact seller\u003C/strong> and then <strong>Other\u003C/strong> on the Find answers page, you&#39;ll see an option to view the seller&#39;s phone number\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you continue to the contact form from the Find answers page, you&#39;ll see an option to view the seller&#39;s phone number at the bottom of the page\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you respond to an email from a seller who has shared their number, you&#39;ll see an option to view the seller&#39;s phone number at the bottom of the page\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Completing a purchase outside of eBay\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>One of our top priorities is protecting our members, so we don&#39;t allow contact information to be used to complete sales off our site. When this happens, it poses a risk of fraud, and buyers and sellers aren&rsquo;t covered by our protection programs if something goes wrong. If a seller asks you to complete a transaction outside of eBay, please <a href=\"#contactWay\">let us know\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Read our policies on <a href=\"/help/policies/identity-policies/false-missing-contact-information-policy?id=4238\">False or missing contact information\u003C/a> and <a href=\"/help/policies/payment-policies/offers-buy-sell-outside-ebay-policy?id=4272\">Offers to buy and sell outside of eBay\u003C/a> for more information.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1051","articleDescription":"<p>How you contact a seller on eBay depends on whether you&#39;ve already bought an item from them or not.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Contacting a seller | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how to contact a seller &ndash; either before or after you&#39;ve purchased an item.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Contacting a seller","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","personalizedContent":"<h2><strong>Contact a seller\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4022","title":"Report an issue with a seller","description":"<p>We created policies to make sure eBay is a safe place to buy and sell. If you have a problem with a seller because they&rsquo;re not following our policies, let us know and we&rsquo;ll look into it.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Reporting an item or issue with a seller"]},{"topicId":"4023","title":"Seller ratings","description":"<p>You can find the best and most reputable sellers on eBay by looking at their seller rating, feedback score, and the number of items they&#39;ve sold.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Seller ratings"]},{"topicId":"4024","title":"Avoiding seller fraud","description":"<p>Keeping our members safe is a top priority for us, so we have zero tolerance for fraud on eBay. If you spot something suspicious, let us know.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Avoiding seller fraud"]},{"topicId":"4007","title":"Leaving feedback for sellers","description":"<p>Leaving feedback is a great way to rate your buying experience with a seller on eBay. Your feedback is important because it can help other buyers decide whether to buy from the seller.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Leaving Feedback for sellers"]},{"topicId":"4005","title":"Shipping and delivery for buyers","description":"<p>There are a number of shipping and delivery options available on eBay, from tracked international shipping to picking up an item in your own neighborhood.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/contacting-seller?id=4021","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"How to contact seller on eBay, How to contact eBay seller, Contact seller eBay, Can you contact a seller on eBay, seller's phone number, find seller's phone number","searchSnippet":"<h2><strong>Contact a seller\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Contacting a seller"]},"4022":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4022","title":"Report an issue with a seller","content":"<div class=\"policy-highlight-warning\">\n<p>If your issue is that an item arrived faulty, damaged, different from the listing description, or didn&rsquo;t arrive at all, don&rsquo;t report the seller to us&mdash;use one of the buttons below instead:\u003C/p>\n\n<div style=\"text-align: center;\"><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/reporting-item-didnt-receive?id=4042\">My item hasn&rsquo;t arrived\u003C/a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item?id=4041\">I want to return my item\u003C/a>\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>&nbsp;\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>If you&nbsp;spotted an item that shouldn&rsquo;t be listed on eBay, you don&rsquo;t have to report the seller;&nbsp;just let us know by <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/report-item-listing?id=4739\">reporting the item\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>You should only report a seller if you think they&rsquo;re violating our policies.&nbsp;For example:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>They offer to sell you a listed item outside of eBay\u003C/li>\n\t<li>They do not intend to complete the sale\u003C/li>\n\t<li>They send&nbsp;threatening messages or use&nbsp;abusive or vulgar language\u003C/li>\n\t<li>They published another member&rsquo;s contact information\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The seller gave you false contact information\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You suspect the seller is under the age of 18\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>This is not an exhaustive list;&nbsp;you&rsquo;ll find all of our policies <a href=\"/help/policies/default/ebays-rules-policies?id=4205\">here\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n<a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/action?topicid=4022\">Report a seller\u003C/a>\n\n<h2>What to do if eBay ended the listing of an item you bought\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You don&rsquo;t need to report the seller to us if you bought an item and then received a message from us saying that the listing was removed.&nbsp;To get your money back, you&nbsp;need to either&nbsp;<a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/get-help-item-hasnt-arrived?id=4042\">let us know that you have not received your item\u003C/a>&nbsp;or <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/return-item-refund?id=4041\">open a return\u003C/a> if the item did&nbsp;arrive.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We take all reports seriously, but please make sure your claims are accurate. Learn more about <a href=\"/help/policies/default/ebays-rules-policies?id=4216\">false reporting of policy violations\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1299","articleDescription":"<p>We created policies to make sure eBay is a safe place to buy and sell. If you have a problem with a seller because they&rsquo;re not following our policies, let us know and we&rsquo;ll look into it.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Report an issue with a seller | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Find out how to report a seller if you think they&rsquo;re violating one of our policies.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Report an issue with a seller","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","pullQuote":"<h3>You should only report a seller if you think they&#39;re violating our policies. If there&#39;s a problem with an item you bought, try to work it out with the seller first &ndash; you can always ask us to step in if you need to.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4041","title":"Return an item for a refund","description":"<p>If you&#39;ve changed your mind about an item you bought or there&#39;s something wrong with it, you can request a return.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Returning an item"]},{"topicId":"4042","title":"Get help with an item that hasn't arrived","description":"<p>If the estimated delivery date for your order has passed and your item hasn&#39;t arrived, you can let the seller know by reporting that you didn&#39;t receive it.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Reporting an item you didn't receive"]},{"topicId":"4216","title":"False reports of policy violations","description":"<p>We take any report of a violation of our policies seriously. False reports slow down our investigations into real issues, and so make it harder for us to protect our members.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Policies","False reports of policy violations"]},{"topicId":"4021","title":"Contacting a seller","description":"<p>How you contact a seller on eBay depends on whether you&#39;ve already bought an item from them or not.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Contacting a seller"]},{"topicId":"4023","title":"Seller ratings","description":"<p>You can find the best and most reputable sellers on eBay by looking at their seller rating, feedback score, and the number of items they&#39;ve sold.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Seller ratings"]},{"topicId":"4024","title":"Avoiding seller fraud","description":"<p>Keeping our members safe is a top priority for us, so we have zero tolerance for fraud on eBay. If you spot something suspicious, let us know.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Avoiding seller fraud"]},{"topicId":"4007","title":"Leaving feedback for sellers","description":"<p>Leaving feedback is a great way to rate your buying experience with a seller on eBay. Your feedback is important because it can help other buyers decide whether to buy from the seller.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Leaving Feedback for sellers"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/report-issue-seller?id=4022","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"denunciar vendedor do eBay, denunciar um vendedor do eBay conclu铆do, denunciando um vendedor do eBay conclu铆do, como denunciar um vendedor conclu铆do, denunciar um vendedor eBay conclu铆do, denunciar um an煤ncio eBay, denunciar um an煤ncio do ebay","searchSnippet":"<p>You can report a seller using the button below.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" id=\"trackCTA\" target=\"_blank\">Report a seller<span class=\"clipped\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Reporting an item or issue with a seller"]},"4023":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4023","title":"Seller ratings","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking for information on how your performance is evaluated on eBay? Please read our article: <a href=\"/help/selling/seller-levels-performance-standards/seller-levels-performance-standards?id=4080\">Seller performance overview\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>Seller ratings let you know how other buyers have found the experience of making a purchase from your seller. The higher the seller&#39;s feedback score, the better the seller.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\"><a id=\"FeedbackScores\" name=\"FeedbackScores\">\u003C/a>How feedback scores and seller ratings work\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When you buy an item on eBay, you can rate your experience with the seller. The ratings you give are then added to the seller&#39;s overall feedback and detailed seller rating scores.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>A seller&#39;s feedback score is displayed as a percentage beneath their username on their listings. If a seller has a score of 99.5%, it means that 99.5% of the buyers who left feedback for them had a positive experience.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You&#39;ll also see a seller&#39;s star rating as a number in brackets next to their username. This shows how many buyers have left feedback for a seller. The more buyers who have rated their experience positively with a seller, the more assured you can be of getting great service.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Feedback stars\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>The colored star next to a seller&#39;s name helps you identify sellers with higher feedback scores. Below is an explanation of what each color means:\u003C/p>\n\n<div style=\"overflow-x: auto;\">\n<table class=\"standard\">\n\t<thead>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td width=\"20%\">\n\t\t\t<p>Star\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td width=\"40%\">\n\t\t\t<p>Color\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td width=\"40%\">\n\t\t\t<p>Number of ratings\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\u003C/thead>\n\t<tbody>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Yellow Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Yellow\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>10 to 49\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Blue Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Blue\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>50 to 99\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Turquoise Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Turquoise\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>100 to 499\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Purple Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Purple\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>500 to 999\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Red Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Red\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>1,000 to 4,999\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Green Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Green\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>5,000 to 9,999\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Yellow Shooting Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Yellow shooting star\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>10,000 to 24,999\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Turquoise Shooting Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Turquoise shooting star\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>25,000 to 49,999\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Purple Shooting Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Purple shooting star\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>50,000 to 99,999\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Red Shooting Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Red shooting star\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>100,000 to 499,999\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Green Shooting Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Green shooting star\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>500,000 to 999,999\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Silver Shooting Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Silver shooting star\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>1,000,000 or more\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\u003C/tbody>\n\u003C/table>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\"><a id=\"DetailedSellerRatings\" name=\"DetailedSellerRatings\">\u003C/a>Detailed seller ratings\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>For a more detailed view of a seller&#39;s performance, you can also view their detailed seller rating. This is a breakdown of how buyers have rated that seller in the following areas:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Item description\u003C/strong> &ndash; How accurately was it described?\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Communication\u003C/strong> &ndash; Did the seller communicate well with their buyer?\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Shipping time\u003C/strong> &ndash; How quickly did the seller ship the item?\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Shipping and handling charges\u003C/strong> &ndash; Were the costs reasonable?\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>To view a seller&#39;s detailed seller ratings, select the number in brackets next to their username to go to their feedback profile. You&#39;ll find stars next to the 4 different areas, with 1 star being the lowest rating and 5 stars being the highest.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Leaving detailed seller ratings\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>To leave detailed seller ratings, go to your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase history<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> where you&#39;ll see the option to leave feedback. You can then:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Select an overall feedback rating &ndash; positive, neutral, or negative\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Rate aspects of the transaction &ndash; including whether the item arrived on time, the accuracy of the item description, shipping costs, and the seller&#39;s communication\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Write a comment about your experience\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>&quot;Verified purchase&quot; will be displayed next to your feedback to let other buyers know that your feedback relates to a purchase completed on eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You have up to 60 days from the date you received your item or from the <a href=\"/help/shipping-delivery/estimated-delivery-dates/expected-delivery-dates-buyers?id=4025\">expected delivery date\u003C/a> (whichever comes first) to leave your ratings and feedback for the seller. If no expected delivery date is provided, you have up to 90 days from when you completed your purchase to leave feedback for the seller.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can view all the feedback you&#39;ve left or received in your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Feedback profile<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>. From there you can also follow up and respond to feedback.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\"><a id=\"TopRatedSellers\" name=\"TopRatedSellers\">\u003C/a>Top Rated Sellers\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Our best sellers earn Top Rated level, which means they&#39;ve provided a great experience for their buyers.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Top Rated Sellers consistently deliver outstanding customer service. Sellers can become Top Rated whether they sell a little or a lot, provided they meet our highest levels of customer service.&nbsp;\u003C/p>\n\n<h3 id=\"TopRatedPlus\">Top Rated Plus\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Top Rated Sellers receive the Top Rated Plus seal on qualifying listings. Here&#39;s what buyers get with a Top Rated Plus listing:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Free 30-day or longer return window\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Same- or 1-business day shipping with tracking provided\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n","id":"HELP1055","articleDescription":"<p>You can find the best and most reputable sellers on eBay by looking at their seller rating, feedback score, and the number of items they&#39;ve sold.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Seller ratings | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how to recognize eBay&#39;s most reputable sellers through our seller ratings.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Seller ratings","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","pullQuote":"<h3>When you buy an item on eBay, you can rate your experience with the seller. Your rating is then added to the seller&#39;s overall feedback score.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4021","title":"Contacting a seller","description":"<p>How you contact a seller on eBay depends on whether you&#39;ve already bought an item from them or not.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Contacting a seller"]},{"topicId":"4022","title":"Report an issue with a seller","description":"<p>We created policies to make sure eBay is a safe place to buy and sell. If you have a problem with a seller because they&rsquo;re not following our policies, let us know and we&rsquo;ll look into it.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Reporting an item or issue with a seller"]},{"topicId":"4024","title":"Avoiding seller fraud","description":"<p>Keeping our members safe is a top priority for us, so we have zero tolerance for fraud on eBay. If you spot something suspicious, let us know.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Avoiding seller fraud"]},{"topicId":"4007","title":"Leaving feedback for sellers","description":"<p>Leaving feedback is a great way to rate your buying experience with a seller on eBay. Your feedback is important because it can help other buyers decide whether to buy from the seller.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Leaving Feedback for sellers"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/seller-ratings?id=4023","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay seller ratings, eBay ratings, favorite seller","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Seller ratings"]},"4024":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4024","title":"Avoiding seller fraud","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>For information about gift card fraud, see our article on <a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/protecting-gift-card-scams?id=5156\">protecting yourself against gift card scams\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>Seller fraud is any attempt by sellers to misrepresent themselves, or the products they&#39;re selling.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Signs of seller fraud\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Here are some warning signs to look out for:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Short duration listings:\u003C/strong> Fraudulent sellers often want to close a deal quickly. The longer their listing is on eBay, the greater their chances of being caught, so be cautious when you see one-day listings. However, there are valid exceptions to this, such as tickets to an event happening soon\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Heavily discounted or sold-out items:\u003C/strong> Be wary if a seller has lots of high-value items at suspiciously low prices, or a stock of hard-to-find goods that are sold out everywhere else. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Off-eBay contact or payment:\u003C/strong> eBay Messages is the safest way to contact other members. Always be careful if a seller asks for your personal contact details, such as an email address or phone number. They may be trying to get you to complete a purchase off eBay, for example by paying cash or transferring money to an overseas account. This is against <a href=\"/help/policies/payment-policies/offers-buy-sell-outside-ebay-policy?id=4272\">our policy\u003C/a>, and your purchase wouldn&#39;t be covered by <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Unsafe payment methods:\u003C/strong> We don&#39;t allow some payment methods on eBay, because the payment can&#39;t be traced or recovered if there&#39;s a problem. This may include a request for wire transfers to overseas accounts, the purchase of prepaid cards, or cryptocurrency.&nbsp;You shouldn&#39;t go ahead with a transaction if a seller asks you to pay using a method that&#39;s not included in our <a href=\"/help/policies/payment-policies/accepted-payments-policy?id=4269\">Accepted payments policy\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nBe wary if you see a listing from an account that was previously only used for buying, but is now selling a large number of high-value items.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">How to report a seller you suspect is fraudulent\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you think you&#39;re dealing with a fraudulent seller, report it to us as soon as possible.&nbsp;\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/reporting-item-issue-seller?id=4022\">Report an issue\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1056","articleDescription":"<p>Keeping our members safe is a top priority for us, so we have zero tolerance for fraud on eBay. If you spot something suspicious, let us know.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Seller fraud | eBay","metaDescription":"Learn the warning signs of seller fraud &ndash; and help keep eBay safe and secure.","intentDescription":"Avoiding seller fraud","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","pullQuote":"<h3>Always be careful if a seller asks for your personal contact details, such as an email address or phone number.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4192","title":"Protecting your account","description":"<p>Your safety is one of our top priorities, so we take measures&nbsp;to help ensure your account is secure. There are also several things you can do to prevent your account from being hacked or taken over.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Account","Protecting your account"]},{"topicId":"4021","title":"Contacting a seller","description":"<p>How you contact a seller on eBay depends on whether you&#39;ve already bought an item from them or not.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Contacting a seller"]},{"topicId":"4022","title":"Report an issue with a seller","description":"<p>We created policies to make sure eBay is a safe place to buy and sell. If you have a problem with a seller because they&rsquo;re not following our policies, let us know and we&rsquo;ll look into it.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Reporting an item or issue with a seller"]},{"topicId":"4023","title":"Seller ratings","description":"<p>You can find the best and most reputable sellers on eBay by looking at their seller rating, feedback score, and the number of items they&#39;ve sold.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Seller ratings"]},{"topicId":"4007","title":"Leaving feedback for sellers","description":"<p>Leaving feedback is a great way to rate your buying experience with a seller on eBay. Your feedback is important because it can help other buyers decide whether to buy from the seller.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Leaving Feedback for sellers"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/avoiding-seller-fraud?id=4024","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay seller fraud","searchSnippet":"<p>If you think you&#39;re dealing with a fraudulent seller, report the issue by selecting the button below.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" id=\"trackCTA\" target=\"_blank\">Report an issue<span class=\"clipped\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Avoiding seller fraud"]},"4025":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4025","title":"Expected delivery dates for buyers","content":"<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Shipping delays\u003C/strong><br />\nWe&#39;re aware that some customers are experiencing longer than&nbsp;usual delivery times, mainly due to extreme weather. Please check your tracking details for updates and more information on when you can expect your order to arrive.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking for information about expected delivery dates? Read our article on <a href=\"/help/selling/posting-items/estimated-delivery-dates?id=4086\">delivery date options for sellers\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>If you need your item to arrive before a specific date, check the expected delivery dates on the listing before you go to checkout.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Where to find the expected delivery date\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You can find an expected delivery date on any eBay listing that offers shipping. This is usually an estimated date range, and it can get more precise after you confirm your delivery method and address during checkout.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>After completing your purchase, you&#39;ll see an updated date range in your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">purchase history<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> along with any tracking information uploaded by your seller.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you bought as a guest, the expected delivery date will be in your order confirmation email.\u003C/p>\n<a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/action?&amp;topicId=4027\">Track your item\u003C/a>\n\n<h3>How expected delivery dates are calculated\u003C/h3>\n\n<p><strong>&quot;Estimated between&quot;\u003C/strong> delivery dates are calculated by eBay, whereas <strong>&quot;Get it by&quot;\u003C/strong> delivery dates are indicated by the seller.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Delivery times can vary based on:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Handling time and when you order:\u003C/strong> Sellers specify how long it takes them to package the item and prepare it for shipping. This can range from the same working day, to up to 30 business days from when you placed the order. If you order late in the day or over the weekend, handling will usually take a little longer\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Shipping or courier services:\u003C/strong> Most sellers offer a variety of delivery options, so you can choose the service you prefer when you&#39;re checking out &ndash; bearing in mind that some services may take longer than others\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Item location and shipping address:\u003C/strong> We&#39;ll take into account how far the item has to travel overall (including any international shipping), and whether delivery is to a metro or rural area\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Cleared payment:\u003C/strong>&nbsp;Once the order is confirmed, the seller can ship the item. However, sometimes the seller may wait until the payment is in their account before they send your item\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf you need to get your item urgently, check to see if your seller offers an express delivery option.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Weekend delivery\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Whether an item can be delivered during the weekend depends on the shipping options provided by the seller. An item&#39;s expected delivery date is based on working days, so weekends and public holidays aren&#39;t included in that calculation.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the seller doesn&#39;t offer weekend delivery, you can contact them to ask if it&#39;s possible. If the seller agrees to your request, you may have to pay additional shipping fees.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Free shipping\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you see a free shipping message in a listing, you can expect to receive your item within 4 business days and you won&#39;t be charged for delivery. You&#39;ll see free 1, 2, 3, or 4 day shipping in the listing, as well as the date you can expect to get your order by.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1017","articleDescription":"<p>Expected delivery dates let you know when you can expect an eBay item to arrive.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Expected delivery dates for buyers | eBay","metaDescription":"Find out about expected delivery dates on eBay and learn about free shipping.","intentDescription":"Expected delivery dates for buyers","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","pullQuote":"<h3>You&#39;ll see a more precise expected delivery date after you select your preferred shipping option and confirm your delivery address during checkout.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4026","title":"Shipping rates for buyers","description":"<p>You can find out how much shipping costs&nbsp;in the shipping section of every eBay listing. We always show the&nbsp;shipping cost separately from&nbsp;the item cost so you can see&nbsp;exactly how much you&rsquo;ll&nbsp;pay for delivery before you go to checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Shipping rates"]},{"topicId":"4027","title":"Tracking your item","description":"<p>You can follow your package online all the way to your shipping address when the seller uploads tracking information.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Tracking your item"]},{"topicId":"4028","title":"Changing your shipping details after a purchase","description":"<p>If you&rsquo;ve already completed your purchase but need to make a change to your address or shipping details, contact the seller as soon as possible to let them know.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Changing delivery address or method"]},{"topicId":"4063","title":"Saving through combined shipping","description":"<p>Most sellers on eBay are happy to&nbsp;ship everything to you in the same package if you&rsquo;re buying multiple items from them. You might also get a shipping discount because the seller saves money by combining items.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Shipping rates","Saving through combined shipping"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/postage-delivery/delivery-date-options-buyers?id=4025","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay estimated delivery, eBay delivery date, Does eBay deliver on Saturdays, Does eBay deliver on Sundays, eBay shipping time, eBay handling time, eBay Fast and Free, eBay Fast & Free, What is eBay Fast and Free, Fast and Free eBay","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Estimated delivery dates "]},"4026":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4026","title":"Shipping rates for buyers","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking to find out more about shipping rates? Read our article on <a href=\"/help/selling/posting-items/postage-rates?id=4087\">shipping rates for sellers\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>If the item you&rsquo;re interested in is located overseas, keep in mind that international shipping can cost more. You&rsquo;ll find more information in our article on <a href=\"/help/buying/postage-delivery/changing-delivery-address-method/international-purchases-postage?id=4057\">international shipping\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Where to find the cost of shipping\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You can find the cost of shipping, as well as the seller&rsquo;s shipping options&mdash;including any express shipping services or combined shipping discounts&mdash;and whether tracking is available, on the listing. Select <strong>See details \u003C/strong>next to the shipping cost at the top of the listing. Alternatively, select the<strong> Shipping and payments\u003C/strong> tab.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you&#39;re buying multiple items from the same seller, you may be able to save on the shipping costs if the seller offers <a href=\"/help/buying/shipping-delivery/shipping-rates/saving-combined-shipping?id=4063\">combined shipping\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nWhen you&rsquo;re searching for an item, select the <strong>Free shipping \u003C/strong>filter on the left-hand side of the search results page to see listings that don&rsquo;t charge for delivery. You can also search for items with <a href=\"/help/buying/shipping-delivery/changing-delivery-address-method/local-pickup?id=4056\">local pickup\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Increased shipping rates after a purchase\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Once you&rsquo;ve bought an item, the seller can&rsquo;t increase shipping rates without asking your permission to do so. If the seller makes a change that you don&rsquo;t agree with, and you can&rsquo;t resolve the issue directly with them, <a href=\"#contactWay\">contact us\u003C/a> and we&rsquo;ll step in to help.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1018","articleDescription":"<p>You can find out how much shipping costs&nbsp;in the shipping section of every eBay listing. We always show the&nbsp;shipping cost separately from&nbsp;the item cost so you can see&nbsp;exactly how much you&rsquo;ll&nbsp;pay for delivery before you go to checkout.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Shipping rates for buyers | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>When you&rsquo;re shopping on eBay, you can see which shipping options a seller is offering&nbsp;and how much they&rsquo;ll cost.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Shipping rates for buyers","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4025","title":"Expected delivery dates for buyers","description":"<p>Expected delivery dates let you know when you can expect an eBay item to arrive.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Estimated delivery dates "]},{"topicId":"4027","title":"Tracking your item","description":"<p>You can follow your package online all the way to your shipping address when the seller uploads tracking information.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Tracking your item"]},{"topicId":"4028","title":"Changing your shipping details after a purchase","description":"<p>If you&rsquo;ve already completed your purchase but need to make a change to your address or shipping details, contact the seller as soon as possible to let them know.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Changing delivery address or method"]},{"topicId":"4063","title":"Saving through combined shipping","description":"<p>Most sellers on eBay are happy to&nbsp;ship everything to you in the same package if you&rsquo;re buying multiple items from them. You might also get a shipping discount because the seller saves money by combining items.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Shipping rates","Saving through combined shipping"]},{"topicId":"4214","title":"Selling policies","description":"<p>Our policies are designed to help create a fair and safe trading experience for all eBay users. As a seller, you&#39;re responsible for regularly reviewing and complying with eBay&#39;s selling policies, and for meeting your obligations as set out in our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behaviour-policies/user-agreement?id=4259\">User Agreement\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Selling policies"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/shipping-delivery/shipping-rates-buyers?id=4026","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay shipping costs, eBay postage rates, eBay shipping rates, eBay postage costs, eBay change shipping, eBay change postage, eBay shipping increase, eBay postage increase, postage fees, shipping charges, shipping costs, shipping fees","searchSnippet":"<p>You&#39;ll find the cost of shipping on the listing. Select <strong>See details\u003C/strong> next to the shipping cost at the top of the listing. Alternatively, select the <strong>Shipping and payments&nbsp;\u003C/strong>tab.\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Shipping rates"]},"4027":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4027","title":"Tracking your item","content":"<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Shipping delays\u003C/strong><br />\nWe&#39;re aware that some customers are experiencing longer than&nbsp;usual delivery times, mainly due to extreme weather. Please check your tracking details for updates and more information on when you can expect your order to arrive.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking to add tracking to your item?&nbsp;Read our article on <a href=\"/help/selling/posting-items/tracking-items-youve-sold?id=4088\">tracking items you&rsquo;ve sold\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>Once the seller ships your item, you can keep track of its progress on its way to you.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Track your order\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If your seller is using a tracked shipping service, you&rsquo;ll be able to view carrier information as well as&nbsp;your order&rsquo;s current location. If your item isn&rsquo;t sent with tracking, you&rsquo;ll be able to see the expected delivery date for your package.\u003C/p>\n<a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/action?&amp;topicId=4027\">Track your item\u003C/a>\n\n<p>You can also check your order&rsquo;s delivery status in your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase history<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>. If the seller is using a tracked service, you&rsquo;ll&nbsp;see the item&rsquo;s tracking number as a link next to the item.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf the seller is using a tracked service but you can&rsquo;t see a tracking number, they may need to upload the tracking information. You can <a href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/contacting-seller?id=4021\">contact the seller\u003C/a> to ask them to add tracking.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Track a guest order\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>To track items you bought as a guest, you&rsquo;ll need the order confirmation we sent to the email address you entered at checkout.\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Find your eBay guest order confirmation email. The subject line starts with &ldquo;Order Confirmed&rdquo;.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>View order details\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Show shipping details\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>You&rsquo;ll see a delivery status bar with a delivery company, tracking number, and the item&rsquo;s current location. If you don&rsquo;t see the tracking information you can select <strong>Contact seller\u003C/strong> on the Order Details page and ask the seller if they will upload the tracking number.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you can&rsquo;t find your guest order confirmation email, select the button below and we&rsquo;ll send you a link to your order details again.\u003C/p>\n<a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/guest-order?topicId=4035\">Find guest order details\u003C/a>","id":"HELP1032","articleDescription":"<p>You can follow your package online all the way to your shipping address when the seller uploads tracking information.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Tracking your item | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how to follow your package all the way from the seller to your delivery address when they upload tracking information.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Tracking your item","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","personalizedContent":"<h2><strong>Track your item\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","pullQuote":"<h3>You&rsquo;ll only be able to track your order&rsquo;s progress if the seller uses a tracked delivery service and uploads the tracking number to eBay.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4003","title":"How bidding works","description":"<p>Bidding on an eBay auction is a great way to get the item you want &ndash; at a bargain price.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding"]},{"topicId":"4025","title":"Expected delivery dates for buyers","description":"<p>Expected delivery dates let you know when you can expect an eBay item to arrive.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Estimated delivery dates "]},{"topicId":"4026","title":"Shipping rates for buyers","description":"<p>You can find out how much shipping costs&nbsp;in the shipping section of every eBay listing. We always show the&nbsp;shipping cost separately from&nbsp;the item cost so you can see&nbsp;exactly how much you&rsquo;ll&nbsp;pay for delivery before you go to checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Shipping rates"]},{"topicId":"4028","title":"Changing your shipping details after a purchase","description":"<p>If you&rsquo;ve already completed your purchase but need to make a change to your address or shipping details, contact the seller as soon as possible to let them know.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Changing delivery address or method"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/shipping-delivery/tracking-item?id=4027","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"where is my item, where is my package, eBay tracking, eBay tracking number, Tracking eBay items, eBay order tracking, eBay track my order, eBay package tracking, eBay postage insurance, eBay shipping insurance, eBay global tracking, Global tracking eBay, International tracking eBay, postage insurance, shipping insurance","searchSnippet":"<h2><strong>Track your item\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Tracking your item"]},"4028":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4028","title":"Changing your shipping details after a purchase","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking for information on shipping options and sending items? Read our articles on:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/selling/posting-items/setting-postage-options?id=4089\">Setting up shipping options\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/selling/posting-items/labels-packaging-tips?id=4085\">Labels, addressing and packaging tips\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>If the seller has already sent your package, they won&rsquo;t be able to make changes to your order. If possible, try to collect your item from the address used at checkout.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Changing your shipping address after you&rsquo;ve bought an item\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Sellers generally can&rsquo;t change the shipping address that you provided at checkout.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If they haven&rsquo;t yet sent the item, the best thing to do is to ask the seller to cancel the transaction, then repurchase the item with the correct shipping address.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you made your purchase in the last hour, you can ask the seller to cancel the order,&nbsp;by selecting the &#39;Cancel order&#39; button below\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/action?topicid=4004\">Cancel order\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Once you&#39;ve asked a seller to cancel the order, they can either accept or decline your request within 3 calendar days.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the seller accepts, we&#39;ll send a confirmation of the cancellation to both your registered email address and your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">eBay Messages<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the seller declines, or has already shipped your order, the package will be sent to the address you originally selected.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the seller doesn&rsquo;t respond within the 3 calendar days, and you haven&rsquo;t paid yet, the order will be automatically canceled.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If it&rsquo;s been more than an hour since your purchase, you&rsquo;ll need to contact the seller and ask them to cancel it for you. Here&rsquo;s how:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase history<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>, and find the order you want to cancel.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select Contact seller.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Choose Request to cancel this order, and then Contact the seller.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Explain to the seller why you need to cancel, and select Send.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>For more help, see our article on <a href=\"/help/buying/buyers-can-cancel-order/buyers-can-cancel-order?id=4004\">canceling an order\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the seller has already shipped your order, or if they don&rsquo;t accept the cancellation, the package will be sent to the address you originally selected.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Changing the shipping service after you&rsquo;ve bought an item\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If the seller hasn&rsquo;t sent your package yet, you can ask them if it&rsquo;s possible to change the shipping method. If they agree, you may need to pay extra for an express or tracked option.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the seller isn&rsquo;t willing to change the shipping method, you can ask them to cancel the order using the button above, and buy the item again with the correct shipping method.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Changing your shipping details at checkout\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When you&rsquo;re buying an item, we&rsquo;ll automatically enter your primary shipping address in the Ship to field at checkout.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If it&rsquo;s incorrect, or if you want to send the item to a different address, select&nbsp;<strong>Change\u003C/strong>. You can then edit the address, select a different address, or add a new address.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Before completing your purchase, always make sure to double check that your address and shipping service are correct.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nYou can add, update, or delete shipping addresses, including changing your primary shipping address, in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Addresses section<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> of My eBay. You can find out more in our article about <a href=\"/help/account/changing-account-settings/changing-address-ebay-account?id=4201\">changing the address on your eBay account\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1033","articleDescription":"<p>If you&rsquo;ve already completed your purchase but need to make a change to your address or shipping details, contact the seller as soon as possible to let them know.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Changing your shipping details after a purchase | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Find out how to change your shipping address, and your preferred delivery method, after you&rsquo;ve bought an item.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Changing your shipping details after a purchase","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","pullQuote":"<h3>If you need to change the shipping address or shipping service for an item you bought, you&rsquo;ll have to contact the seller before they send the package. You may need to ask the seller to cancel the order and buy the item again with the correct details.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4025","title":"Expected delivery dates for buyers","description":"<p>Expected delivery dates let you know when you can expect an eBay item to arrive.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Estimated delivery dates "]},{"topicId":"4026","title":"Shipping rates for buyers","description":"<p>You can find out how much shipping costs&nbsp;in the shipping section of every eBay listing. We always show the&nbsp;shipping cost separately from&nbsp;the item cost so you can see&nbsp;exactly how much you&rsquo;ll&nbsp;pay for delivery before you go to checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Shipping rates"]},{"topicId":"4063","title":"Saving through combined shipping","description":"<p>Most sellers on eBay are happy to&nbsp;ship everything to you in the same package if you&rsquo;re buying multiple items from them. You might also get a shipping discount because the seller saves money by combining items.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Shipping rates","Saving through combined shipping"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/shipping-delivery/changing-shipping-details-purchase?id=4028","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"Change shipping eBay, Change shipping method eBay, eBay change shipping, eBay change shipping method, Cancel postage, Cancel shipping, eBay change address, eBay changing address","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Changing delivery address or method"]},"4030":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4030","title":"Handling feedback disputes with sellers","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking to remove feedback? Read our article on <a href=\"/help/selling/leaving-feedback-buyers/disputing-feedback-received?id=4102\">disputing feedback you&rsquo;ve received\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>If there&rsquo;s a problem with your order, <a href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/contacting-seller?id=4021\" target=\"_blank\">contact the seller\u003C/a>&nbsp;first and try to resolve the issue before you leave feedback.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2>Why a seller might dispute your feedback\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Positive ratings and good feedback help a seller grow their business and reputation on eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If something goes wrong and they receive negative feedback as a result, they may choose to explain what happened by responding to your comments or images, or by requesting a feedback revision.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Here are some reasons why a seller may dispute your feedback:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>The issue(s) that led to your feedback was beyond their control\u003C/li>\n\t<li>They&rsquo;ve resolved your issue, and would like you to revise your feedback\u003C/li>\n\t<li>They feel you&rsquo;ve been unfair or overlooked some information\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h3>What happens when a seller asks for a feedback revision\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>If a seller sends a feedback revision request, we&rsquo;ll send you an email with all the details. You&rsquo;ll then have 10 days to either:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Revise the feedback\u003C/strong> &ndash; Select <strong>Accept request\u003C/strong> in the email and we&rsquo;ll guide you through the process of changing your rating and comment. When you revise or remove feedback, your original comments will no longer be visible\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Decline the request\u003C/strong> &ndash; Select <strong>Decline request\u003C/strong> in the email and state your reason for doing so. If you&rsquo;d like to keep your reasons private, select <strong>I don&rsquo;t want to share the reason with the seller\u003C/strong>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>If you haven&rsquo;t taken any action after 7 days, we&rsquo;ll send you a reminder. If you don&rsquo;t respond within 10 days, the revision request will expire and the feedback won&rsquo;t be changed.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Read our full <a href=\"/help/policies/feedback-policies/feedback-policies?id=4208\">Feedback policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1053","articleDescription":"<p>When you leave feedback, you&rsquo;re letting others know about your buying experience with a seller.&nbsp;If&nbsp;the seller doesn&rsquo;t believe the feedback was fair, they may dispute&nbsp;it.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Handling feedback disputes with sellers | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn why sellers sometimes dispute feedback on eBay, and what to do if it happens to you.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Handling feedback disputes with sellers","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","pullQuote":"<h3>Getting a positive rating and good feedback from buyers helps a seller grow their business and reputation.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4208","title":"Feedback policy","description":"Our community expects honest, transparent feedback. We allow buyers to share their experiences with the community but will remove harmful or irrelevant comments and images.","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Feedback policies"]},{"topicId":"4031","title":"Viewing and changing feedback left for sellers","description":"<p>You can find all of the feedback you&#39;ve left for sellers in your <a href=\";CurrentPage=MyeBayFeedback&amp;gbh=1&amp;ssPageName=STRK:ME:LNLK\" target=\"_blank\">Feedback profile<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>. Once you&rsquo;ve left feedback, you won&rsquo;t be able to edit or delete it, unless you ask the seller to send you a feedback revision request. Alternatively, you can add extra comments or information to your original feedback by leaving a follow-up comment.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Leaving Feedback for sellers","Viewing and changing Feedback"]},{"topicId":"4011","title":"Resolving issues with sellers","description":"If you&rsquo;re having an issue with an eBay seller, try contacting them directly to resolve your problem. If you can&rsquo;t work things out, we&rsquo;re always here to step in and help.","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers"]},{"topicId":"4008","title":"Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","description":"<p>In most cases, if your order doesn&#39;t arrive, or is faulty or damaged, you&#39;ll get your money back or a replacement. Most sellers accept returns if you&#39;ve changed your mind &ndash; check the listing for details of their returns policy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers"]},{"topicId":"4009","title":"Paying for items","description":"<p>When you see an item for sale on eBay, the listing will include the payment methods you can use to buy it. If you have any problems paying for your items, we can help troubleshoot the issue.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items"]},{"topicId":"4003","title":"How bidding works","description":"<p>Bidding on an eBay auction is a great way to get the item you want &ndash; at a bargain price.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/leaving-feedback-sellers/handling-feedback-disputes-sellers?id=4030","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","taxonomies":["Buying","Leaving Feedback for sellers","Handling Feedback disputes"]},"4031":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4031","title":"Viewing and changing feedback left for sellers","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking for information on feedback? Read our article on <a href=\"/help/selling/leaving-feedback-buyers/viewing-responding-feedback-buyers?id=4103\">viewing and responding to&nbsp;feedback left by a buyer\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">How to follow up on feedback you&rsquo;ve left\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>From time to time, you may want to follow up with some additional context or information on feedback you&rsquo;ve already left. You can leave one follow-up comment on each item. Here&rsquo;s how:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Feedback left for others<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Follow up\u003C/strong> next to the item number.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Write your follow-up comment.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Leave Follow-up Comment\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>Keep in mind that leaving a follow-up comment doesn&rsquo;t change your original comment or rating.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nOnce you&rsquo;ve submitted positive feedback for a seller, you can&rsquo;t change it to neutral or negative feedback.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Revision requests\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you wish to revise your original feedback you can contact the seller directly and ask them to send you a feedback revision request.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If a seller would like you to revise your feedback, we&rsquo;ll send you an email with all the details.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Once you&rsquo;ve received your revision request, you&rsquo;ll then have 10 days to either:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Revise the feedback\u003C/strong> &ndash; Select <strong>Accept request \u003C/strong>in the email and we&rsquo;ll guide you through the process of changing your rating and comment. When you revise or remove feedback, your original comments will no longer be visible on eBay\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Decline the request\u003C/strong> &ndash; Select <strong>Decline request\u003C/strong> in the email and state your reason for doing so. If you&rsquo;d like to keep your reasons private, select <strong>I don&rsquo;t want to share the reason with the seller\u003C/strong>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>We&rsquo;ll send you a reminder if you haven&rsquo;t responded after 7 days. Revision requests expire after 10 days and the feedback won&rsquo;t be changed if you haven&rsquo;t responded within that time.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1054","articleDescription":"<p>You can find all of the feedback you&#39;ve left for sellers in your Feedback profile. Once you&rsquo;ve left feedback, you won&rsquo;t be able to edit or delete it, unless you ask the seller to send you a feedback revision request. Alternatively, you can add extra comments or information to your original feedback by leaving a follow-up comment.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Viewing and changing feedback left for sellers | eBay","metaDescription":"How to veiw and change feedback left for sellers","intentDescription":"Viewing and changing feedback left for sellers","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","pullQuote":"<h3>You can add follow-up comments to your original feedback or contact the seller to ask them to send you a revision request.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4208","title":"Feedback policy","description":"Our community expects honest, transparent feedback. We allow buyers to share their experiences with the community but will remove harmful or irrelevant comments and images.","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Feedback policies"]},{"topicId":"4204","title":"Feedback profiles","description":"<p>You can see how eBay members have been rated by other eBay users by viewing their feedback profile.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Account","Changing your account settings","Feedback profiles"]},{"topicId":"4011","title":"Resolving issues with sellers","description":"If you&rsquo;re having an issue with an eBay seller, try contacting them directly to resolve your problem. If you can&rsquo;t work things out, we&rsquo;re always here to step in and help.","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers"]},{"topicId":"4008","title":"Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","description":"<p>In most cases, if your order doesn&#39;t arrive, or is faulty or damaged, you&#39;ll get your money back or a replacement. Most sellers accept returns if you&#39;ve changed your mind &ndash; check the listing for details of their returns policy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers"]},{"topicId":"4009","title":"Paying for items","description":"<p>When you see an item for sale on eBay, the listing will include the payment methods you can use to buy it. If you have any problems paying for your items, we can help troubleshoot the issue.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items"]},{"topicId":"4003","title":"How bidding works","description":"<p>Bidding on an eBay auction is a great way to get the item you want &ndash; at a bargain price.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/leaving-feedback-sellers/viewing-changing-feedback-left-sellers?id=4031","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay feedback revision, view my feedback eBay, How to reply to feedback eBay, How to retract feedback eBay, eBay feedback removal, eBay how to change feedback, changing feedback, remove feedback","searchSnippet":"<p>If you wish to revise your original feedback you can contact the seller directly and ask them to send you a feedback revision request. Once you&rsquo;ve received your revision request, you&rsquo;ll then have 10 days to revise the request or decline it.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" id=\"trackCTA\" target=\"_blank\">Feedback profile<span class=\"clipped\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Leaving Feedback for sellers","Viewing and changing Feedback"]},"4032":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4032","title":"Using the eBay app","content":"<p>We regularly update our app with new features and improvements, so keep an eye on the Google Play Store or iOS App Store to make sure you&rsquo;re using the most up-to-date version.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Downloading the eBay app\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>To download the eBay mobile app on iOS devices:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to the App Store on your Apple device.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Search for &lsquo;&lsquo;eBay&rsquo;&rsquo;.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Tap <strong>Get\u003C/strong> and then <strong>Install\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>To download the eBay mobile app on Android devices:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to the Android Market or Google Play Store on your device.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Search for &lsquo;&lsquo;eBay&rsquo;&rsquo;.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Tap <strong>Install\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nTo make sure you stay up-to-date on your eBay activity, you can receive notifications about items you&rsquo;re watching, saved searches, and more. Find out how to turn on <a href=\"/help/account/changing-account-settings/notifications?id=4203&amp;st=12&amp;pos=1&amp;query=Notifications&amp;intent=4203#section1\" target=\"_blank\">eBay app notifications\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Buying and browsing on the eBay app\u003C/h2>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>You can shop for items on the eBay app the same as you would on the site. Simply enter your keywords into the search bar on the app home screen and tap the <strong>Search\u003C/strong> button\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You can tap the <strong>Sort\u003C/strong> or <strong>Filter\u003C/strong> options to narrow down your search results\u003C/li>\n\t<li>When filtering your results, select <strong>Customize \u003C/strong>for the following options:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Hide Sort &amp; Filter - This will hide the blue filter button shown on search results page\u003C/li>\n\t\t<li>Expand all filters - All available filters will always be shown\u003C/li>\n\t\t<li>Lockable filters - Enable the option to choose which filter(s) you&#39;d like to lock for future searches&nbsp;\u003C/li>\n\t\u003C/ul>\n\t\u003C/li>\n\t<li>To add an item to your <a href=\"/help/buying/search-tips/watchlist?id=4046\">Watchlist\u003C/a> while you make up your mind, tap <strong>Watch\u003C/strong> on the listing. To view all items on your Watchlist, tap the <strong>My eBay\u003C/strong> menu and then tap <strong>Watching\u003C/strong>\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Tap <strong>Add to cart\u003C/strong> on items you&rsquo;d like to buy. When you&rsquo;re ready to pay, tap the shopping cart icon and proceed to checkout\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You&rsquo;ll find all items you&rsquo;ve purchased in <strong>Purchases\u003C/strong>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Enabling Dark mode on the eBay app\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Here&#39;s how to enable Dark mode on the eBay app:&nbsp;\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>iOS\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you switch on Dark mode on your device, the eBay app will automatically switch to Dark mode. Alternatively you can find Dark mode settings in the eBay app itself. Here&#39;s how:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Tap <strong>My eBay\u003C/strong> at the bottom left of the screen.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Tap <strong>Settings\u003C/strong> and then <strong>Appearance\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select either <strong>Always light mode\u003C/strong>, <strong>Always dark mode\u003C/strong> or <strong>Use device setting\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p><strong>Android\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Tap the <strong>Menu\u003C/strong> icon and then <strong>Settings\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Tap <strong>Theme\u003C/strong> and choose from <strong>Light\u003C/strong>, <strong>Dark\u003C/strong> or <strong>Battery Saver\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Troubleshooting on the eBay app\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You shouldn&rsquo;t have any problems using the eBay app, but here are some solutions to issues people occasionally run into:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Can&rsquo;t launch the app? \u003C/strong>Check for updates in the app store and download the latest version. If you already have the latest version, try uninstalling the app and then reinstalling &ndash; you won&rsquo;t lose any information\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Photos won&rsquo;t upload? \u003C/strong>Try rebooting your mobile device. If that doesn&rsquo;t solve the issue, uninstall and then reinstall the app\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Can&rsquo;t log in with your eBay user ID or password? \u003C/strong>Double check your&nbsp;information is being entered correctly &ndash; autofill and autocorrect can sometimes enter things you weren&rsquo;t intending\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n","id":"HELP1150","articleDescription":"<p>Download the eBay app to buy, sell, or browse straight from your phone. Available for free on iOS and Android, the eBay app has a range of great features to help you keep track of your eBay activity.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Using the app | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Find out how to download&nbsp;the eBay app, sort and filter your search results, enable dark mode, and troubleshoot any problems.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Using the eBay app","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","pullQuote":"<h3>Keep an eye on the app store on your device for the latest updates to make sure you&rsquo;re always using the latest version of the eBay app.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4081","title":"Start selling on eBay","description":"<p>Whether you want to make some extra cash, clear out unwanted items from around the house, or even start a business, it&rsquo;s easy to start selling on eBay.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Selling","All about selling"]},{"topicId":"4010","title":"Getting started on eBay","description":"Welcome to eBay. Buying on eBay is easy, and you&rsquo;ll find almost anything you want from sellers all over the world.","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Getting started on eBay"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/getting-started-ebay/using-ebay-app?id=4032","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER,SELLER","keywords":"eBay app, eBay mobile app, eBay app not working, eBay app problems, eBay app stopped working, troubleshoot app, dark mode, enable dark mode, app search, search filter, customize search, sort & filter, expand app filters, lock filter\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Getting started on eBay","Using the eBay app"]},"4033":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4033","title":"Paying with PayPal","content":"<p>To pay with PayPal, select PayPal as your payment method at checkout and enter your account information. If you&#39;d like us to save your details for next time, select the <strong>Remember my PayPal account\u003C/strong>&nbsp;box.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you don&#39;t have a PayPal account, you can sign up on the PayPal site.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Learn more about paying with PayPal in our <a href=\"/help/policies/payment-policies/accepted-payments-policy?id=4269\">Accepted payments policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nNeed help paying with PayPal? Contact them directly by selecting <strong>Help \u003C/strong>on the bottom of any PayPal page.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Problems paying with PayPal on eBay\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you have an issue paying with PayPal, contact your seller first to let them know there could be a delay in payment. If the following troubleshooting tips don&#39;t resolve the problem, contact PayPal&nbsp;directly to find a solution.\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Go to your PayPal account and check your payment details are saved correctly\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Try&nbsp;choosing&nbsp;a different payment method in your PayPal account, or if that doesn&#39;t help,&nbsp;contact PayPal<span class=\"g-hdn\">&nbsp;\u003C/span>\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you&#39;re using an older web browser that&#39;s not secure enough to make payments or manage your payment methods, try updating your browser or clearing the cache and cookies on your device. See our <a href=\"/help/policies/technical-issues/technical-issues?id=4220\">Technical Issues\u003C/a> policy for more information\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you have a linked PayPal account, you can try unlinking and relinking your PayPal account from your eBay waller by going to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">My eBay<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>If your payment is shown as pending in your PayPal account, the seller hasn&#39;t accepted the payment yet. Contact your seller and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">PayPal customer service<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for more information.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">How to buy on eBay without using PayPal\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you don&#39;t have a PayPal account, check the item payment options&nbsp;before you complete your purchase. You can also pay with credit and&nbsp;debit cards, Apple Pay and Google Pay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Learn more about <a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/paying-items-credit-debit-card?id=4038\">card payments\u003C/a>&nbsp;and how to <a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/vouchers-discounts?id=4034\">buy with coupons\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1144","articleDescription":"<p>If you have a PayPal account, you can use it to pay for your items on eBay. You can also link your PayPal and eBay accounts so you don&rsquo;t need to enter your details each time you pay at checkout.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Paying with PayPal | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how to pay for items using PayPal.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Paying with PayPal","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","pullQuote":"<h3>If you have an issue using PayPal to buy an item, try using a different form of payment.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4034","title":"Coupons and discounts","description":"<p>Sign up to receive discount offers and coupons to save on your next eBay purchase.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Coupons and discounts"]},{"topicId":"4038","title":"Paying for items with a credit or debit card ","description":"<p>eBay offers payment by credit and debit cards for most listings. You&rsquo;ll see accepted payment methods at checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying for items with a credit or debit card"]},{"topicId":"4035","title":"Buying as a guest ","description":"<p>You can shop for most things on eBay without needing an eBay account, but you&rsquo;ll miss out on the benefits of being a member.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Buying as a guest"]},{"topicId":"4036","title":"Checkout","description":"<p>At checkout you can pay for your item, choose where you&rsquo;d like it to be delivered, and review your order details before you pay.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Checkout"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/paying-items/paying-paypal?id=4033","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay PayPal, PayPal eBay, Does eBay use PayPal, eBay PayPal account, eBay PayPal not working, eBay PayPal issues, How to link PayPal to eBay, Link PayPal to eBay, Changing your eBay PayPal account, Buying on eBay without PayPal, eBay pay later, what is Bill Me Later on eBay, eBay pay later option, pay it later eBay, Bill Me Later eBay, bill me later, pay it later, pay later, pay later option, what is bill me later on\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying with PayPal"]},"4034":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4034","title":"Coupons and discounts","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Want to buy something with an eBay gift card? Check out our article on&nbsp;<a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/ebay-gift-cards?id=4640\">gift cards\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>Once you&rsquo;ve signed up to receive coupons and discounts, we&rsquo;ll send you offers to help pay for all or part of your next eBay purchase.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">How to pay with a coupon or discount\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You can use your coupon to buy any item on eBay as long as the offer has not expired and the item you&rsquo;d like to buy meets all the criteria stated on the coupon.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Once you&rsquo;ve found an item you&rsquo;d like to buy, here&rsquo;s how to redeem your coupon or offer at checkout:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Enter the redemption code in the <strong>Add coupons\u003C/strong> section or check the box if the coupon is displayed.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Apply \u003C/strong>to see your new order total.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Confirm and pay\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf you experience any problems redeeming your coupon, visit our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Coupons Frequently Asked Questions page<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Things to remember when using a coupon or discount offer:\u003C/h3>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Coupons and discount offers are only valid for a limited time, so always check the expiration&nbsp;date\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You can only use one coupon or offer per purchase\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Always check the terms and conditions for full details of the coupon or offer so you understand the requirements and know what&#39;s included and what&#39;s not before you get to checkout\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Coupons and discount offers cannot be transferred between eBay accounts\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Where to find coupons and discounts\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>To receive discount offers, you&#39;ll need to update your <a href=\";CurrentPage=MyeBayNextNotificationPreferences&amp;ssPageName=STRK:ME:LNLK\" target=\"_blank\">communication preferences<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> to receive marketing emails from us.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Select the button below to receive coupons and discounts.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\";CurrentPage=MyeBayNextNotificationPreferences&amp;ssPageName=STRK:ME:LNLK\">Receive coupons and discounts\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We&rsquo;ll email you when you have a coupon available, and you can find the coupon code on our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">coupon page<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>&nbsp;or in&nbsp;the&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Account<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> section of My eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Troubleshooting if you have issues paying with a coupon\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you experience any issues paying with a coupon, the first thing to do is check you&rsquo;ve entered the coupon code correctly.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the coupon code is correct and you haven&rsquo;t already used the coupon on another purchase, try the following:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Confirm the coupon is still valid by checking the expiration&nbsp;date\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Make sure the coupon can be used for the item you&rsquo;re buying and with your selected payment method by checking the terms &amp; conditions\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Go to your eBay account and make sure the coupon is there\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>If you unexpectedly receive an error message, check that all your delivery details (including your telephone number)&nbsp;are correct, and make sure that you have not exceeded the maximum number of redemptions.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1145","articleDescription":"<p>Sign up to receive discount offers and coupons to save on your next eBay purchase.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Coupons and discounts | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Find out how to use an eBay coupon or discount offer to make purchases.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Coupons and discounts","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","pullQuote":"<h3>Always check the terms and conditions for full details of what&#39;s included in the coupon or offer before you go to checkout.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4640","title":"eBay gift cards","description":"Buying for someone else? Not sure what they&#39;d like? Try an eBay gift card. We have gift cards for every occasion. You can even choose custom-designed cards based on the recipient&#39;s interests.","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Gift Cards"]},{"topicId":"4272","title":"Offering to buy or sell outside of eBay policy","description":"<p>Offering to buy or sell outside of eBay is not allowed. Buyers and sellers also can&#39;t share contact information, including email addresses and phone numbers, prior to completing a transaction on eBay.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Payment policies","Offering to buy and sell outside of eBay"]},{"topicId":"4033","title":"Paying with PayPal","description":"<p>If you have a PayPal account, you can use it to pay for your items on eBay. You can also link your PayPal and eBay accounts so you don&rsquo;t need to enter your details each time you pay at checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying with PayPal"]},{"topicId":"4035","title":"Buying as a guest ","description":"<p>You can shop for most things on eBay without needing an eBay account, but you&rsquo;ll miss out on the benefits of being a member.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Buying as a guest"]},{"topicId":"4036","title":"Checkout","description":"<p>At checkout you can pay for your item, choose where you&rsquo;d like it to be delivered, and review your order details before you pay.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Checkout"]},{"topicId":"4038","title":"Paying for items with a credit or debit card ","description":"<p>eBay offers payment by credit and debit cards for most listings. You&rsquo;ll see accepted payment methods at checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying for items with a credit or debit card"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/paying-items/coupons-discounts?id=4034","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay vouchers, eBay gift cards, How to use an eBay gift card, How to use eBay gift card, eBay coupons, When does eBay give coupons, eBay PayPal discounts, eBay PayPal discount coupons\n","searchSnippet":"<p>Experiencing issues redeeming your coupon? Select the button below.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" id=\"trackCTA\" target=\"_blank\">Redeem coupon<span class=\"clipped\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Coupons and discounts"]},"4035":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4035","title":"Buying as a guest ","content":"<div class=\"policy-highlight-warning\">\n<p><strong>Quick tip\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you can&rsquo;t find your guest order confirmation email, select the button below, enter your order number or the email address you used to purchase the item on the next screen, and select <strong>Submit request\u003C/strong>. Then we&rsquo;ll send you a link to your order details.\u003C/p>\n\n<div style=\"text-align: center;\"><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/guest-order?topicId=4035&amp;af=2\">Retrieve guest order confirmation email\u003C/a>\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">How to buy as a guest on eBay\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Once you&rsquo;ve found an item you&rsquo;d like to buy, you can go to checkout to complete your purchase. Here&#39;s how:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Buy It Now\u003C/strong> on the listing.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Check out as guest\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Fill in your shipping address, email address, and payment information.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Confirm and pay\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>You can buy without an eBay account as long as:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>The item costs less than $5,000\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The item can be purchased using Buy It Now. If you want to bid on an auction or send a Best Offer to a seller, you&rsquo;ll need an eBay account\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You pay for the item using PayPal, credit card, debit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>You can still track your purchases&nbsp;and return items you&rsquo;ve bought as a guest on eBay, but you won&rsquo;t be able to use My eBay to keep track of your activity or&nbsp;message other members.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Your guest order confirmation email\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When you buy an item as a guest, we&rsquo;ll send you a guest order confirmation email, with the subject line &ldquo;Order Confirmed&rdquo;. You&#39;ll need this email to view your order details, contact the seller, track your order, or start a return if you need to send your item back.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you can&rsquo;t find your guest order confirmation email, select the button below, enter the email address you used to purchase the item or your order number on the next screen, and select Submit request. Then we&rsquo;ll send you a link to your order details.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/guest-order?topicId=4035&amp;af=2\">Retrieve guest order confirmation email\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Tracking an order as a guest\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If your seller is sending your item using a tracked delivery service, you can follow your item&rsquo;s progress all the way to your shipping address.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Here&rsquo;s how to track your order as a guest:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Find your eBay guest order confirmation email. The subject line starts with&nbsp;&ldquo;Order Confirmed&rdquo;.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>View order details\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Show shipping details\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>You&rsquo;ll see a delivery status bar with a delivery company, tracking number, and the item&rsquo;s current location.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you don&rsquo;t see the tracking information you can select <strong>Contact seller\u003C/strong> on the Order Details page and ask the seller if they will upload the tracking number.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Creating an eBay account\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You can still <a href=\"/help/account/signing-ebay-account/signing-ebay-account?id=4191\">register as an eBay member\u003C/a> after you&rsquo;ve bought an item as a guest. Your guest purchases will still be managed separately, but you&rsquo;ll find all your future purchases in My eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>To create an account, select <strong>View order details\u003C/strong> in your guest order confirmation email and then select <strong>Register\u003C/strong> at the top of the page.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Once you&#39;ve created an eBay account, you&#39;ll get all the benefits of being a member. You can:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Access full order details\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Bid on auction-style listings\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Leave feedback\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Send messages to other eBay members\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Use My eBay to manage and track orders\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Access eBay community resources, such as discussion boards\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>Learn more about <a href=\"/help/account/default/ebay-account?id=4188\">eBay accounts\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nYou can use your&nbsp;Facebook, Google, or Apple account to quickly sign up for an eBay account. Learn more about <a href=\"/help/account/signing-ebay-account/signing-ebay-account?id=4191#section2\">using your social accounts to get set up on eBay\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1147","articleDescription":"<p>You can shop for most things on eBay without needing an eBay account, but you&rsquo;ll miss out on the benefits of being a member.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Buying as a guest | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Discover everything you need to know about buying as a guest on eBay.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Buying as a guest ","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","pullQuote":"<h3>You can usually buy on eBay without an account if the item is selling for less than $5,000 and it&rsquo;s offered with Buy It Now. You need an eBay account to bid on an auction item.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4027","title":"Tracking your item","description":"<p>You can follow your package online all the way to your shipping address when the seller uploads tracking information.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Tracking your item"]},{"topicId":"4065","title":"Get help if you bought as a guest","description":"<p>If you want to return an item, or if there&#39;s a problem with your order, the first step is to let the seller know. If you&#39;re not able to resolve things with the seller, you can ask us to help.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Returning an item","Returning items you bought as a guest"]},{"topicId":"4033","title":"Paying with PayPal","description":"<p>If you have a PayPal account, you can use it to pay for your items on eBay. You can also link your PayPal and eBay accounts so you don&rsquo;t need to enter your details each time you pay at checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying with PayPal"]},{"topicId":"4034","title":"Coupons and discounts","description":"<p>Sign up to receive discount offers and coupons to save on your next eBay purchase.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Coupons and discounts"]},{"topicId":"4036","title":"Checkout","description":"<p>At checkout you can pay for your item, choose where you&rsquo;d like it to be delivered, and review your order details before you pay.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Checkout"]},{"topicId":"4038","title":"Paying for items with a credit or debit card ","description":"<p>eBay offers payment by credit and debit cards for most listings. You&rsquo;ll see accepted payment methods at checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying for items with a credit or debit card"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/paying-items/buying-guest?id=4035","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay guest, Buying as a guest on eBay, Buying on eBay as a guest, Using eBay as a guest, eBay access code, Access code eBay","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Buying as a guest"]},"4036":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4036","title":"Checkout","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Having trouble paying? Choose your payment method below for help:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/paying-paypal?id=4033#section3\">Paying with PayPal\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/paying-items-credit-debit-card?id=4038#section3\">Paying with a credit or debit card\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>You can go to checkout on eBay in a number of ways. If you have&nbsp;items in your shopping cart, select <strong>Go to checkout\u003C/strong>. You can choose to pay for some of your items or all of them at once.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you&#39;ve already bought an item or won an auction, select <strong>Pay Now\u003C/strong> in your Purchase history,&nbsp;or select <strong>Complete purchase\u003C/strong>&nbsp;in your order confirmation email.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">How to pay for an item at checkout\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Here&rsquo;s how to complete your order:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Choose your payment method and enter any required information.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>We&rsquo;ll show your primary shipping address, but if you want the item sent somewhere else, select <strong>Change\u003C/strong>. You can then either select another address you&rsquo;ve used before&nbsp;or select <strong>Add a new address\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Check that the item shown is the right one.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select a&nbsp;shipping option.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you have an <a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/vouchers-discounts?id=4034\">eBay&nbsp;coupon or discount offer\u003C/a>, enter the redemption code or check the box if the coupon is displayed, and select <strong>Apply\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Confirm and pay\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf you have a specific&nbsp;request for the seller &mdash; for example, special&nbsp;shipping instructions or details for a custom order &mdash; select <strong>Message to seller\u003C/strong>. We&rsquo;ll pass the message along after you&nbsp;complete&nbsp;your purchase.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Choosing a payment method\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You can usually pay with&nbsp;credit or debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or PayPal, but it can vary depending on the item category. For more information on ways to pay, see&nbsp;our <a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/paying-items?id=4009\">payment methods\u003C/a>&nbsp;article.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You may see a choice of payment currency options at checkout. For example, if you live in the US, and want to pay for an item located in the UK, you may see the option to pay in either GBP or USD.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you choose to pay in your local currency and it&#39;s different from the currency the item is listed in, you&rsquo;ll see the exchange rate along with the order total in your local currency at checkout. You&rsquo;ll also see the currency you used in the order details in your confirmation email.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Changing your shipping address after checkout\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you need to change your shipping address after you&nbsp;complete&nbsp;your purchase, <a href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/contacting-seller?id=4021\">contact the seller\u003C/a> immediately to let them know. If they haven&rsquo;t already shipped the item, you can ask them to cancel the order, and you can buy the item again using the correct shipping address.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can find out more in our article on <a href=\"/help/buying/shipping-delivery/changing-shipping-details-purchase?id=4028\">changing your shipping details after a purchase\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Checkout errors troubleshooting\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you receive either of the following messages, recheck the information you entered. Make sure the billing address you entered is correct for the card you&rsquo;re using.\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>&quot;We couldn&#39;t verify your card. Please select a payment option to continue.&quot;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>&quot;We can&#39;t process your payment. Please select a different payment method or check your payment details.&quot;\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>If your payment didn&#39;t go through while you were using a credit or debit card in your PayPal wallet, the payment will default to another PayPal funding source\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>If you don&#39;t have another payment method on file, you&#39;ll see a <strong>Continue to PayPal\u003C/strong> prompt for more details on adding another card\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you tried paying with a credit or debit card as a PayPal Guest, the credit or debit card used will be removed\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>If you receive the below error message, please double check the information you entered and that it has been entered into the correct field\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>&quot;Looks like something wasn&#39;t correct. Please enter the payment details again.&quot;\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n","id":"HELP1148","articleDescription":"<p>At checkout you can pay for your item, choose where you&rsquo;d like it to be delivered, and review your order details before you pay.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Checkout | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how to check out and pay for items on eBay&nbsp;(and how to solve any issues you might encounter when you do).\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Checkout","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4033","title":"Paying with PayPal","description":"<p>If you have a PayPal account, you can use it to pay for your items on eBay. You can also link your PayPal and eBay accounts so you don&rsquo;t need to enter your details each time you pay at checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying with PayPal"]},{"topicId":"4034","title":"Coupons and discounts","description":"<p>Sign up to receive discount offers and coupons to save on your next eBay purchase.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Coupons and discounts"]},{"topicId":"4035","title":"Buying as a guest ","description":"<p>You can shop for most things on eBay without needing an eBay account, but you&rsquo;ll miss out on the benefits of being a member.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Buying as a guest"]},{"topicId":"4038","title":"Paying for items with a credit or debit card ","description":"<p>eBay offers payment by credit and debit cards for most listings. You&rsquo;ll see accepted payment methods at checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying for items with a credit or debit card"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/paying-items/checkout?id=4036","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay Checkout, eBay Checkout Help","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Checkout"]},"4038":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4038","title":"Paying for items with a credit or debit card ","content":"<p>You can pay for your items on eBay with Visa, Mastercard, and&nbsp;Discover Card, although some listings may not offer all of these payment methods. If you have any questions about paying for your items, you can always <a href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/contacting-seller?id=4021\">contact the seller\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">How to pay with a credit or debit card\u003C/h2>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Select&nbsp;<strong>Credit or debit card\u003C/strong> on the checkout page, and enter your card details. We&#39;ll secure your card and won&rsquo;t share your card details with the seller.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you&rsquo;d like us to save the card details for your next purchase, select <strong>Remember this card for future orders\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Review your order, including your shipping details.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Confirm and pay\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<h3>Pending payment authorizations\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>When you place an order for items from different sellers on eBay, you may see duplicate pending charges appear in your credit card or bank account. Don&rsquo;t worry, this doesn&rsquo;t mean you&rsquo;ll be overcharged. These payment authorizations are not charges, and will typically be removed from your account within a week. In some cases, your bank may take up to 30 days to remove these authorizations.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Splitting payments between two cards\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>If you&rsquo;re making a purchase of $500 or more, you may see the option to split payments across two eligible debit or credit cards at checkout. Here&rsquo;s how:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Select the toggle to <strong>Split payment between two cards\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select two cards to checkout.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Enter an amount for the first card.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The remaining amount will be charged to the second card.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Save\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Review your order, including your shipping details.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Confirm and pay\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>You&rsquo;ll need two credit or debit cards saved to your eBay account to split payments. To add a new card, simply select <strong>Add new card\u003C/strong> and enter the card details.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can&rsquo;t split payments using PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay at this time. Additionally, you can only split payments for purchases made in US dollars. If you paid for an item on eBay using two cards and are due a full refund, each card will be refunded the amount it was charged at checkout. If you receive a partial refund, the card that was charged the highest amount will be refunded first. Any additional amount will be refunded to the second card.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Problems paying with your card\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you&nbsp;have&nbsp;trouble paying with a credit or debit card, check the following:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li><strong>Your card details are correct.\u003C/strong>&nbsp;Make sure that all details, such as the card number, expiration date, and CVV code&nbsp;are entered correctly, and check that the name and billing addresses are exactly as they appear on your card statement.\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Your card is not expired&nbsp;and has been activated.\u003C/strong>&nbsp;Your card will be declined if it is out of date. If you&rsquo;re using a new card for the first time, make sure&nbsp;it has been activated. If you&rsquo;re not sure how to activate your card, contact your card issuer.\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>You have sufficient funds.\u003C/strong>&nbsp;If you don&rsquo;t have enough credit or funds to cover the cost of your order, your payment may be declined. Your payments may also be declined if you&rsquo;ve reached your daily transaction limit.\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>You need to update your browser\u003C/strong>.&nbsp;If you&#39;re using an older web browser that isn&rsquo;t secure enough for making payments or managing your payment methods, you&#39;ll need to update your browser before you can complete your purchase. See our article on&nbsp;<a href=\"/help/policies/technical-issues/technical-issues?id=4220\">technical issues\u003C/a>&nbsp;for more information on keeping your browser up to date. If possible, you can also try completing your purchase on another device.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>If these troubleshooting steps don&rsquo;t resolve your issue, try&nbsp;a different payment method&nbsp;or contact&nbsp;your card provider for further assistance.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Updating a saved credit or debit card\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You can update the credit or debit card information we have saved for your account at any time:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Payments<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>&nbsp;in My eBay.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select<strong> Edit&nbsp;\u003C/strong>next to the card you want to change under Payment options.\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>If you want to add a new card select the<strong> +\u003C/strong><strong>Add payment option\u003C/strong>&nbsp;instead of Edit\u003C/li>\n\t\u003C/ul>\n\t\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Update your card information.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Save\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n","id":"HELP1155","articleDescription":"<p>eBay offers payment by credit and debit cards for most listings. You&rsquo;ll see accepted payment methods at checkout.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Paying for items with a credit or debit card | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Find out how to pay for your items with a credit or debit card on eBay.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Paying for items with a credit or debit card ","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","pullQuote":"<h3>You can pay for most items on eBay using a credit or debit card, including Visa, Mastercard, and&nbsp;Discover Card.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4033","title":"Paying with PayPal","description":"<p>If you have a PayPal account, you can use it to pay for your items on eBay. You can also link your PayPal and eBay accounts so you don&rsquo;t need to enter your details each time you pay at checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying with PayPal"]},{"topicId":"4034","title":"Coupons and discounts","description":"<p>Sign up to receive discount offers and coupons to save on your next eBay purchase.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Coupons and discounts"]},{"topicId":"4035","title":"Buying as a guest ","description":"<p>You can shop for most things on eBay without needing an eBay account, but you&rsquo;ll miss out on the benefits of being a member.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Buying as a guest"]},{"topicId":"4036","title":"Checkout","description":"<p>At checkout you can pay for your item, choose where you&rsquo;d like it to be delivered, and review your order details before you pay.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Checkout"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/paying-items/paying-items-credit-debit-card?id=4038","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay add a card, eBay update credit card, eBay add debit card, Can you pay with two cards on eBay?, Does eBay accept Amex?, Does eBay accept Mastercard?, Does eBay accept Visa?","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying for items with a credit or debit card"]},"4039":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4039","title":"Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller? Read our article on <a href=\"/help/selling/managing-returns-refunds/appealing-decision-seller?id=4369\"> appealing a decision as a seller\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>Whenever we&#39;re asked to step in and help with a return or an item that didn&#39;t arrive, we aim to resolve it in the fairest way possible. Sometimes, though, you might not agree with our resolution, especially if there&#39;s additional information you can provide for us to consider.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>When you appeal, we&#39;ll review the case and any new information you provide, and come back to you with a final decision. We&#39;ll normally get back to you within 48 hours, though occasionally it can take a little longer.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Information you may need when appealing\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You&#39;ll need to provide new, additional information about your case. This can include things like:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Photos showing that the item doesn&#39;t match the listing description\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Tracking details showing that the seller received the item you returned\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Proof that your item was delivered to the wrong address\u003C/li>\n\t<li>A copy of a police report, if applicable\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">How to appeal a decision\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You can start an appeal by selecting the item above, or by following these steps:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Find the item in your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchases<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>See case details\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Send us an appeal\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Fill in the details and select <strong>Submit\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/action?topicid=4039\">Appeal your case\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nYou can appeal at any time within 30 calendar days of the case being closed.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1308","articleDescription":"<p>If you don&#39;t agree with our resolution when we&#39;ve stepped in to help resolve an issue, you can appeal by providing new information within 30 calendar days of the case closing.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Find out what you can do if you don&#39;t agree with our resolution for a case you&#39;ve opened and how you can provide extra information for our consideration.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","personalizedContent":"<h2><strong>Appeal your case\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","relatedLinks":[],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/returns-refunds/appeal-outcome-case-buyer?id=4039","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"appeal a case, appeal eBay decision, appeal a decision, appeal eBay resolution, appeal resolution, don't agree with eBay, wrong outcome, wrong decision, item was returned, proof wrong address, police report, reconsider case","searchSnippet":"<h2><strong>Appeal your case\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer"]},"4041":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4041","title":"Return an item for a refund","content":"<div class=\"policy-highlight-warning\">\n<p><strong>Quick tip\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>After you&#39;ve opened a return request, you can check the status at any time by selecting the button below.\u003C/p>\n\n<div style=\"text-align: center;\"><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/action?topicid=4667&amp;af=2\">Check the status of my request\u003C/a>\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>&nbsp;\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Open a return request\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When you request a return, the seller should get back to you within 3 business days. If the seller doesn&#39;t respond or you&#39;re unable to resolve the issue with them, you can ask us to step in and help.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>To request a return, select the item you want to send back from your recent purchases above, or use the button below. You can also start a return request from your <strong>Purchases\u003C/strong> in My eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/action?topicid=4041\" target=\"_blank\">Open a return request<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">More info on when you can return an item\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>Many eBay sellers accept returns if you&#39;ve changed your mind. Check the listing in your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchases<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> to see the seller&#39;s full return policy, including how long you have to request a return and any other conditions.\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>If the seller states in their return policy that they don&#39;t accept returns, you can ask them to see if they&#39;ll make an exception\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If the item doesn&#39;t match the listing description, or if it is faulty or arrived damaged, you may be eligible for <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/a>. This means that you can return it even if the seller&#39;s returns policy says they don&#39;t accept returns\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p class=\"title\">How to request a return through My eBay\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<ol>\n\t<li>Find the item in your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchases<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Return this item\u003C/strong> from the menu on the right.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select your reason for the return and enter a comment about why you&#39;re returning it.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If the item arrived damaged, broken, or faulty, you must add at least 1 image (with a maximum of 10) relevant to the reason you&#39;re returning the item for, and showing any scratches or defects. Make sure to follow our <a href=\"/help/policies/listing-policies/images-videos-text-policy?id=4240\">Images, video and text policy\u003C/a> when you&#39;re uploading images.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Confirm return\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">How to return multiple items\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>How you request the return depends on how you bought them.\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Sets and bundled items\u003C/strong> &ndash; You need to return the whole lot. For example, if you bought a set of paintbrushes, you can&#39;t return just one of them.\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Multiples of the same item\u003C/strong> &ndash; You can return some or all of them, but you can only open one return for the order. For example, if you bought five t-shirts from one listing, you can return two, but you won&#39;t be able to return the other three later.\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Combined purchases from the same seller\u003C/strong> &ndash; You can return each item individually. For example, you bought three different books from the seller&#39;s store and paid for them together at checkout. You need to open a separate request for each book, because they came from different listings.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h3>How the seller may respond to your request\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>The seller has 3 business days to get back to you. How they can respond depends on the reason for your return:\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">You changed your mind about an item\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p><strong>Accept your return request and offer a full refund\u003C/strong> &ndash; You&#39;ll return the item and the seller will then issue a full refund &ndash; depending on their returns policy, this may or may not include the original shipping cost. Check the seller&#39;s return policy in the listing to see who is responsible for <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/start-return/return-shipping?id=4066\">return shipping costs\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the returned item is opened, used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return shipping because it wasn&#39;t packaged correctly, some sellers might deduct from your refund to cover the loss in the item&#39;s value. Learn more about our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/condition-returned-items-policy?id=4763\">Condition of returns policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Offer you a partial refund and let you keep the item\u003C/strong> &ndash; This can be a good compromise when the seller doesn&#39;t accept returns, but wants to offer you a gesture of goodwill &ndash; say if you ordered the wrong thing by accident.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Offer you a replacement or an exchange\u003C/strong> &ndash; Some sellers may offer the option of returning an item for a replacement or exchange instead of a refund.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Decline your return request\u003C/strong> &ndash; Sellers can decline your return request if you changed your mind about an item and they stated in the listing that they don&#39;t accept returns, or if you missed the seller&#39;s deadline to start a return.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Send you a message\u003C/strong> &ndash; The seller may ask you for some more details about your return request.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">Your item didn&#39;t match the listing, or it arrived faulty or damaged\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p><strong>Accept your return request and offer a full refund\u003C/strong> &ndash; You&#39;ll return the item in the same condition in which it was received, and the seller will then issue a full refund, including the original shipping cost. The seller will also pay for <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/start-return/return-shipping?id=4066\">return shipping\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the returned item is used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return shipping because it wasn&#39;t packaged correctly, the seller might deduct from the refund to cover the loss in the item&#39;s value. Learn more about our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/condition-returned-items-policy?id=4763\">Condition of returns policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Offer you a partial refund and let you keep the item\u003C/strong> &ndash; This can be a good compromise when you&#39;re not completely satisfied with your purchase &ndash; for example, if it arrived with a minor scratch &ndash; but you&#39;re happy to keep it.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Offer you a replacement or an exchange\u003C/strong> &ndash; Some sellers may offer the option of returning an item for a replacement or exchange instead of a refund.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Send you a message\u003C/strong> &ndash; The seller may ask you for some more details about your return request.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>When the seller replies, we&#39;ll send you an email with details of the next steps. You can also <a href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/check-status-return-missing-item-request?id=4667\">check the progress of your return request\u003C/a> at any time.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Send the item back\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When your return request is accepted, we&#39;ll send an email to your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Messages<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>&nbsp;asking you to send the item back. Make sure you ship the return by the date in this email to avoid any delays or issues in the refund process.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you&#39;re responsible for purchasing the return shipping label, make sure you use a tracked service and add the tracking number to your return request. If the item being returned has a total cost of $750 or more, it will need to be returned with a <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/signature-confirmationpolicy?id=5154\">signature confirmation\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>For more information about who pays for return shipping and how to send the item back, see <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item/return-shipping?id=4066\">return shipping for buyers\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nThe condition of the returned item is important, so repack it carefully. If you return the item used, damaged, missing parts, or if it gets damaged during return shipping, the seller may deduct an amount from your refund to cover the loss in the item&#39;s value. For more information, see our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/condition-returned-items-policy?id=4763\">Condition of returned items policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Get your refund\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Most sellers refund as soon as they get the item back. If the item has been returned to the seller and they haven&#39;t given you a refund after 2 business days, you can ask eBay to step in and help.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nSome refunds may take a little longer. You can <a href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/check-status-return-missing-item-request?id=4667\">check the status of your request\u003C/a> to find the refund deadline for your return.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Refunds go back to your original payment method and are typically available within 3-5 business days.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">Why was my refund less than the amount I paid?\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>If the returned item is used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return shipping because it wasn&#39;t packaged correctly, some sellers might deduct from your refund to cover the loss in the item&#39;s value. For more details, please see our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/condition-returned-items-policy?id=4763\">Condition of returned items policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you&#39;re responsible for <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item/return-shipping?id=4066\">return shipping costs\u003C/a> and you used a label provided by eBay, we&#39;ll deduct the cost of the label from your refund.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">How do refunds work for items shipped through eBay International Shipping?\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>When your return is received at the US hub, we inspect it to make sure it&#39;s in the same condition. We then issue the refund on the seller&#39;s behalf to your original payment method, usually within 5 to 7 business days of receiving the item.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Ask eBay to step in and help\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Most of the time if you have an issue with a purchase the seller will be able to solve it for you. However, we&#39;re here to help.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Here are the main reasons you might ask us to step in and help on a return:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>The seller hasn&#39;t responded to your return request after 3 business days\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The seller responded, but hasn&#39;t provided a resolution (for example, they accepted the return but didn&#39;t provide a return shipping label)\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You returned the item and it&#39;s been delivered back to the seller, but they haven&#39;t processed a refund by the refund deadline\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>We automatically close the request if there&#39;s been no activity and it&#39;s been more than 21 business days since you opened it.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Read our <a href=\"/help/buying/default/ask-ebay-to-step-in?id=4701\">asking eBay to step in and help\u003C/a> article to find out how to ask us step in if the seller hasn&#39;t responded or you&#39;re not happy with their resolution.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section5\">Close a return request\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you&#39;ve changed your mind and no longer want to return your item, it&#39;s easy to cancel your request. Here&#39;s how:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchases<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and find the item.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>From the <strong>More actions\u003C/strong> dropdown menu, select <strong>See request details\u003C/strong> and then <strong>Close your request\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select your reason for closing the return from the dropdown, and add details if you want to.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Confirm\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>If you had already asked eBay to step in, you&#39;ll see &#39;case&#39; rather than &#39;request&#39;. You can still close it if things are resolved.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nYou won&#39;t be able to re-open the request once it&#39;s closed.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section6\">Misuse of returns\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Buyers may not misuse our returns processes &ndash; such as requesting a return and then sending a different item back. See the <a href=\"/help/policies/rules-policies-buyers/abusive-buyer-policy?id=4374\">Abusive buyer policy\u003C/a> for more examples of activity that we don&#39;t allow.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can find more information about our requirements for returns and eligibility for coverage in our <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1134","articleDescription":"<p>If you&#39;ve changed your mind about an item you bought or there&#39;s something wrong with it, you can request a return.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Return an item for a refund | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how to return an item on eBay and get your money back.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Return an item for a refund","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","personalizedContent":"<h2><strong>Return your item\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","pullQuote":"<h3>If the item you received doesn&#39;t match the listing, or if it arrived faulty or damaged, you can return it even if the seller&#39;s returns policy says they don&#39;t accept returns.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4039","title":"Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer","description":"<p>If you don&#39;t agree with our resolution when we&#39;ve stepped in to help resolve an issue, you can appeal by providing new information within 30 calendar days of the case closing.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer"]},{"topicId":"4042","title":"Get help with an item that hasn't arrived","description":"<p>If the estimated delivery date for your order has passed and your item hasn&#39;t arrived, you can let the seller know by reporting that you didn&#39;t receive it.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Reporting an item you didn't receive"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/returns-refunds/return-item-refund?id=4041","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"close a return, close return, damaged, faulty goods, damaged item, not as described, returns not accepted, open claim, open case, open request, wrong item, return an item, changed my mind, no longer want the item, request refund, changed mind about an item, return policy, can I return my item, item doesn't match description, broken item, send item back to seller, missing parts, eBay Money Back Guarantee refund, seller return policy, return process, missing accessory, missing part, scratch, incorrect item","searchSnippet":"<h2><strong>Return your item\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Returning an item"]},"4042":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4042","title":"Get help with an item that hasn't arrived","content":"<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Shipping delays\u003C/strong><br />\nWe&#39;re aware that some customers are experiencing longer than usual delivery times, mainly due to extreme weather. Please check your tracking details for updates and more information on when you can expect your order to arrive.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"policy-highlight-warning\">\n<p><strong>Quick tip\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Once you&#39;ve reported that an item hasn&#39;t arrived yet, you can check the status of your request at any time by selecting the button below.\u003C/p>\n\n<div style=\"text-align: center;\"><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/action?topicid=4667&amp;af=2\">Check the status of my request\u003C/a>\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>&nbsp;\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking to help a buyer with an item that hasn&#39;t arrived? Read our article on <a href=\"/help/selling/managing-returns-refunds/helping-buyers-items-not-received?id=4116\">responding to an item not received case\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Check if your item is on its way\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If your item hasn&#39;t arrived, you can track your order in <strong>Purchases\u003C/strong>. You can check the expected delivery date, the address it&#39;s being shipped to, and the latest tracking updates.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Check delivery information<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">What to do if you provided an incorrect shipping address\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>If the shipping address you provided during checkout is incorrect, select <strong>Contact the seller\u003C/strong> on the order page and see if they&#39;ll <a href=\"/help/buying/cancelling-order/cancelling-order?id=4004\">cancel the order\u003C/a>. They can then relist the item and you can buy it again with the correct address.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the seller has already shipped the item, they won&#39;t be able to cancel the order. If possible, we recommend trying to collect your package from the original address.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf the tracking for your item shows that it&#39;s been delivered, check with a neighbor in case you weren&#39;t home when the package arrived and they took delivery of it for you.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Report that your item hasn&#39;t arrived\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>The seller is the best person to help if the delivery date has passed and your item hasn&#39;t arrived. You can ask for an order update, a replacement, or a refund back to your original payment method. Most sellers respond within 3 business days.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>To be eligible for buyer protections, you need to report the item hasn&#39;t arrived within 30 calendar days after the delivery date, so get in touch with the seller as soon as you can. Refunds are typically available within 3-5 business days.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/action?topicid=4042\">Report an item you didn&#39;t receive\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">How to report an item that hasn&#39;t arrived through My eBay\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchases<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and find the item.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>More actions\u003C/strong> beside the item and then <strong>I didn&#39;t receive it\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Check the box beside <strong>I&#39;d like a refund\u003C/strong> or <strong>I&#39;d still like the item\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Enter any additional information.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Send request\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">What to do if you&#39;ve only received some of the items you&#39;ve purchased\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>If you bought more than one item from the same seller, but one of them was missing when your order arrived, you can use the button above to report that you didn&#39;t receive an item.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>For sets and bundles, if something&#39;s missing, you need to <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/return-item-refund?id=4041\">open a return request\u003C/a> instead. For example, if you bought a set of six paintbrushes but only received four, you can return the set for a full refund or the seller may offer to let you keep the ones you received and give you a partial refund.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Ask eBay to step in and help\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>We think it&#39;s fair to give sellers 3 business days to make things right. After that, you can ask us to step in.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We automatically close the request if there&#39;s been no activity and it&#39;s been more than 21 business days since you opened it.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Read our <a href=\"/help/buying/default/ask-ebay-to-step-in?id=4701\">asking eBay to step in and help\u003C/a> article to find out how to ask us step in if the seller hasn&#39;t responded or you&#39;re not happy with their resolution.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">If your order arrives after you&#39;ve reported it\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If your item arrives, you can close your request. This lets the seller know that the issue is resolved.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>If there&#39;s a problem with the item or you want to return it\u003C/strong>, you&#39;ll need to close your item not received request, and <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/return-item-refund?id=4041\">open a return request\u003C/a> instead.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>If you&#39;ve already received a refund\u003C/strong>, get in touch with the seller about what to do next. For example, you could:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Send the item back and keep the refund\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Keep the item and arrange to reimburse the seller\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">How to close your request\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchases<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and find the item.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>See request details\u003C/strong> and then <strong>Close your request\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select your reason for closing the request from the dropdown, and add details if you want to.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Close request\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>If you&#39;ve already asked eBay to step in, you&#39;ll see &#39;case&#39; rather than &#39;request&#39;. You can still close it if things are resolved.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nYou won&#39;t be able to re-open the request or case once it&#39;s closed.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1135","articleDescription":"<p>If the estimated delivery date for your order has passed and your item hasn&#39;t arrived, you can let the seller know by reporting that you didn&#39;t receive it.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Get help with an item that hasn't arrived | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>What to do if an item you bought doesn&#39;t arrive, and how to get a refund.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Get help with an item that hasn't arrived","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","personalizedContent":"<h2><strong>Report an item you didn&#39;t receive\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","pullQuote":"<h3>If your item doesn&#39;t arrive by the expected delivery date, the seller is the best person to help. You can ask us to step in if they don&#39;t provide a solution within 3 business days.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4210","title":"eBay Money Back Guarantee policy","description":"<p>eBay Money Back Guarantee covers most transactions on eBay. It means buyers can get their money back if an item didn&#39;t arrive, is faulty or damaged, or doesn&#39;t match the listing.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"13 min","taxonomies":["Policies","eBay Money Back Guarantee policy"]},{"topicId":"4041","title":"Return an item for a refund","description":"<p>If you&#39;ve changed your mind about an item you bought or there&#39;s something wrong with it, you can request a return.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Returning an item"]},{"topicId":"4039","title":"Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer","description":"<p>If you don&#39;t agree with our resolution when we&#39;ve stepped in to help resolve an issue, you can appeal by providing new information within 30 calendar days of the case closing.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/returns-refunds/get-help-item-hasnt-arrived?id=4042","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"my order hasn't arrived, my order has not arrived, my item hasn't arrived, package hasn't arrived, package has not arrived, eBay item not received, eBay items not received, I haven't received my item, lost in post eBay, lost during shipping, lost in the mail, lost in transit, lost item, missing shipment, eBay delivery not received, open claim, open case, open request, purchase not received, only received some of the items, items missing, where is my item, where is my order, where is my purchase, report missing item, report items not arrived, eBay Money Back Guarantee, eBay Money Back Guarantee refunds,","searchSnippet":"<h2><strong>Report an item you didn&#39;t receive\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Reporting an item you didn't receive"]},"4046":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4046","title":"Your Watchlist","content":"<p>You can add up to 500 items to your Watchlist, so you don&rsquo;t have to worry about losing track of&nbsp;items you&rsquo;re considering buying. You&rsquo;re under no obligation to buy items on your Watchlist, but keep in mind that other members can still buy the items you&#39;re watching.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">How to use your Watchlist\u003C/h2>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Add an item:\u003C/strong>&nbsp;Select <strong>Add to Watchlist\u003C/strong> beneath the buying options on the listing\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>View your Watchlist:\u003C/strong>&nbsp;Go to My eBay and select <strong>Watching\u003C/strong>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Remove an item:\u003C/strong>&nbsp;Simply tick the box beside each item and select <strong>Delete\u003C/strong>. You can select and delete multiple items at once\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Filter your listings:\u003C/strong>&nbsp;Use the Sort dropdown to sort listings by most relevant, time left, price, seller ID, or date added\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Organize your Watchlist:\u003C/strong>&nbsp;By default, you&rsquo;re&nbsp;automatically shown all active and ended listings together. You can filter your results to view active or ended listings separately by selecting the dropdown menu beside Status\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n<a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\">Go to your Watchlist<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\n\n<p>Play the video below to learn how to add items to your Watchlist:\u003C/p>\n\n<p><iframe allow=\"autoplay; encrypted-media\" allowfullscreen=\"\" class=\"videoContent\" frameborder=\"0\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" width=\"560\">\u003C/iframe>\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Watchlist notifications\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You&rsquo;ll receive notifications about items on your Watchlist by default. For example, you&rsquo;ll receive an alert if a listing you&rsquo;re watching is ending soon. You can&nbsp;turn off your Watchlist email alerts by following these steps:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to <a href=\";CurrentPage=MyeBayNextNotificationPreferences\" target=\"_blank\">Communication&nbsp;preferences<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> in My eBay.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Scroll down to the Buyer section and select <b>Edit&nbsp;\u003C/b>next to <strong>Buying activity\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Unselect the checkbox beside Watch alert to no longer receive notifications. To start receiving Watchlist email alerts, select the checkbox.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Save\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>If you choose to stop receiving email alerts about items you&rsquo;re watching, you&rsquo;ll still see notifications about your Watchlist in My eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Please note:&nbsp;If an item added to your Watchlist is ended by the seller and not relisted&nbsp;after 60 days, it will be removed from your list to ensure that you are shown available and up to date listings.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nYou can also add items to your Watchlist on your search results page by selecting the&nbsp;<b>heart symbol&nbsp;\u003C/b>underneath the price and shipping information.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1003","articleDescription":"<p>If you have your eye on something but are not quite ready to commit, you can add it to your Watchlist while you make up your mind.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Your Watchlist | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how to keep track of items you&rsquo;re interested in but not ready to buy yet&nbsp;by adding them to your Watchlist and saving them for later.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Your Watchlist","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4224","title":"Bid sniping","description":"Waiting until the last few seconds of an auction to make a winning bid is known as bid sniping. This tactic is used to try to prevent other bidders from having a chance to place a higher bid before the auction ends.","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Bid Sniping"]},{"topicId":"4228","title":"Non-binding bid policy","description":"<p>In most product categories on eBay, when you place a bid in an auction it&#39;s considered binding &ndash; when you win an auction, you&#39;re agreeing to complete the purchase. However, there are some categories where bids don&#39;t create a formal contract between the buyer and seller.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Rules and policies for buyers","Non-binding bid policy"]},{"topicId":"4047","title":"Your purchase history","description":"<p>You&rsquo;ll find all your orders from the past 7&nbsp;years in your purchase history. It&#39;s also the place to go if you need to return an item, pay for your purchases, or view your order details.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Your Purchase history"]},{"topicId":"4049","title":"Advanced search","description":"<p>If you&rsquo;ve used our range of filters on your search and still can&rsquo;t find what you&rsquo;re looking for, try advanced search.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Advanced search"]},{"topicId":"4051","title":"Saved searches","description":"<p>Save valuable shopping time by creating saved searches for the items you regularly search eBay for.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Saved searches"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/search-tips/watchlist?id=4046","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Your Watch List"]},"4047":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4047","title":"Your purchase history","content":"<p>Purchase history is the central place to manage your orders. Simply select the <strong>More actions\u003C/strong> dropdown menu next to one of your purchases to see a list of options, including Contact seller and Return this item.\u003C/p>\n<a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Go to your purchase history<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">How to delete items in your purchase history\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You can&rsquo;t permanently delete items from your purchase history, but you can hide items you&#39;ve bought in the last 60 days. Here&rsquo;s how:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Select the <strong>More actions\u003C/strong> dropdown next to the item you&rsquo;d like to hide.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Choose <strong>Hide order\u003C/strong>. If you&nbsp;hide something by mistake, simply select <strong>Undo Hide\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">How to find items you bought more than 60 days ago\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You&rsquo;ll see items you bought in the last 60 days when you go to your purchase history. To see older items you&rsquo;ve bought, you can change the date range displayed.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Go to <strong>See orders from\u003C/strong> at the top of your purchase history and choose the year from the dropdown. Your purchases will automatically update to reflect the year you selected.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1004","articleDescription":"<p>You&rsquo;ll find all your orders from the past 7&nbsp;years in your purchase history. It&#39;s also the place to go if you need to return an item, pay for your purchases, or view your order details.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Your purchase history | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>You&rsquo;ll find all your orders from the past 7&nbsp;years in your Purchase history. Purchase history is also the place to go if you need to report an item that didn&rsquo;t arrive, return an item, pay for your purchases, or view your order details now that Resolution Center is no longer in use.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Your purchase history","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","personalizedContent":"<p>[SESE_SUPER_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4048","title":"Your recently viewed items ","description":"<p>You can find the listings for items you&rsquo;ve browsed lately in your recently viewed items.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Your recently viewed items"]},{"topicId":"4049","title":"Advanced search","description":"<p>If you&rsquo;ve used our range of filters on your search and still can&rsquo;t find what you&rsquo;re looking for, try advanced search.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Advanced search"]},{"topicId":"4051","title":"Saved searches","description":"<p>Save valuable shopping time by creating saved searches for the items you regularly search eBay for.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Saved searches"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/search-tips/purchase-history?id=4047","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","searchSnippet":"<p>You&rsquo;ll find all your orders from the past 7 years in your purchase history.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" id=\"trackCTA\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase history<span class=\"clipped\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Your Purchase history"]},"4048":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4048","title":"Your recently viewed items ","content":"<p>You&#39;ll need to sign in to your account to see your recently viewed items. If you weren&rsquo;t signed in when you were browsing eBay, the listings you viewed won&rsquo;t appear in your recently viewed items.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2>How to find your recently viewed items\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You can find your recently viewed items in the following places on eBay:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Go to <b>My eBay\u003C/b> in the top right-hand corner and select <strong>Recently viewed&nbsp;\u003C/strong>\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select&nbsp;<b>Your Recently Viewed Items\u003C/b> on the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">homepage<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Under&nbsp;<strong>Your Recently Viewed Items \u003C/strong>on the left-hand side of the search results page\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>If you&rsquo;re looking for the listing of an item you were interested in but can&rsquo;t find it in your recently viewed items, have a look at our article about <a href=\"/help/buying/search-tips/finding-listing?id=4359\" target=\"_blank\">finding a listing\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf you&rsquo;re thinking about buying an item, you can add it to your <a href=\"/help/buying/search-tips/watch-list?id=4046\" target=\"_blank\">Watchlist\u003C/a> so it&rsquo;s easier to find.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>How to delete your recently viewed items\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>You won&rsquo;t be able to delete individual items from your recently viewed items, but you can clear all items you&rsquo;ve viewed.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>To do this, go to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Recently viewed<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and select <strong>Clear all\u003C/strong>.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1007","articleDescription":"<p>You can find the listings for items you&rsquo;ve browsed lately in your recently viewed items.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Your recently viewed items | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Look back on your recent activity on eBay, and remind yourself of items you&rsquo;d like to bid on or buy through your recently viewed items.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Your recently viewed items ","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4046","title":"Your Watchlist","description":"<p>If you have your eye on something but are not quite ready to commit, you can add it to your Watchlist while you make up your mind.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Your Watch List"]},{"topicId":"4047","title":"Your purchase history","description":"<p>You&rsquo;ll find all your orders from the past 7&nbsp;years in your purchase history. It&#39;s also the place to go if you need to return an item, pay for your purchases, or view your order details.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Your Purchase history"]},{"topicId":"4051","title":"Saved searches","description":"<p>Save valuable shopping time by creating saved searches for the items you regularly search eBay for.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Saved searches"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/search-tips/recently-viewed-items?id=4048","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Your recently viewed items"]},"4049":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4049","title":"Advanced search","content":"<p>With advanced search you can apply filters including price range, item condition, or listing format, to your search results to find exactly what you&rsquo;re after.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2>How to use advanced search\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Advanced search lets&nbsp;you narrow down your results, whether you&rsquo;re looking for an item or&nbsp;a store.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Here&rsquo;s how it works:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Advanced\u003C/strong> next to the search bar.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select an option from <strong>Items\u003C/strong>, <strong>Stores&nbsp;\u003C/strong>or <strong>eBay Motors\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Choose the filters you&rsquo;d like to apply by ticking the boxes or entering your keywords.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Search\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>You can refine your search even further by selecting extra filters on the search results page.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nYou can find advanced search next to the main search button on most eBay pages.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>When to use advanced search\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Advanced search is ideal when you want to:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Make a last-minute offer on listings that are ending soon\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Find a listing using the item number\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Look for items near your address to cut down on delivery times\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Check out listings from your favorite sellers\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n","id":"HELP1010","articleDescription":"<p>If you&rsquo;ve used our range of filters on your search and still can&rsquo;t find what you&rsquo;re looking for, try advanced search.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Advanced search | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>If you&rsquo;re looking for something specific on eBay, you can use advanced search to find it quickly and easily.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Advanced search","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","pullQuote":"<h3>Advanced search offers a range of options to narrow down your search results, whether you&rsquo;re looking for an item or a store.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4047","title":"Your purchase history","description":"<p>You&rsquo;ll find all your orders from the past 7&nbsp;years in your purchase history. It&#39;s also the place to go if you need to return an item, pay for your purchases, or view your order details.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Your Purchase history"]},{"topicId":"4051","title":"Saved searches","description":"<p>Save valuable shopping time by creating saved searches for the items you regularly search eBay for.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Saved searches"]},{"topicId":"4003","title":"How bidding works","description":"<p>Bidding on an eBay auction is a great way to get the item you want &ndash; at a bargain price.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/search-tips/advanced-search?id=4049","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","searchSnippet":"<p>Advanced search lets you narrow down your results, and you can find advanced search next to the search button on most eBay pages or by selecting the button below.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\" advanced search tool\" id=\"trackCTA\" target=\"_blank\">Go to Advanced search<span class=\"clipped\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Advanced search"]},"4051":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4051","title":"Saved searches","content":"<p>We&rsquo;ll send you email alerts when new items matching your search are listed. Your searches will also appear in your feed when you&rsquo;re signed in or you can find them by selecting <strong>Saved\u003C/strong> on the eBay homepage.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">How to save searches\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>After you&nbsp;search&nbsp;for an item, select <strong>Save this search\u003C/strong> at the top of the search results page.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>To view the listings in the searches you&nbsp;saved:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to <a href=\";gbh=1&amp;CurrentPage=MyeBayAllFavorites\" target=\"_blank\">Saved searches<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Choose <strong>View items\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>Watch the video below to learn how to save your search:\u003C/p>\n\n<p><iframe allow=\"autoplay; encrypted-media\" allowfullscreen=\"\" class=\"videoContent\" frameborder=\"0\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" width=\"560\">\u003C/iframe>\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">How to edit or delete your saved searches\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You can update your saved searches by adding or removing filters, such as&nbsp;price, color, or type of listing. To edit your saved searches:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to <a href=\";gbh=1&amp;CurrentPage=MyeBayAllFavorites\" target=\"_blank\">Saved searches<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select the search you&#39;d like to edit.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Add or remove filters, then select <strong>Save this search\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>Keep in mind that when you edit an existing search, a new saved search will be created with the filters you&#39;ve selected.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>To delete a saved search:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to <a href=\";gbh=1&amp;CurrentPage=MyeBayAllFavorites\" target=\"_blank\">Saved searches<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select the blue heart on the search you&#39;d like to delete.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n<a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\";gbh=1&amp;CurrentPage=MyeBayAllFavorites\">Go to Saved searches\u003C/a>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nYou might need to update your saved search if a product&rsquo;s name or other details change.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Unsubscribing from saved search emails\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>By default you&rsquo;ll receive email alerts to your registered email address whenever new items match your search or if there are updates to your saved search. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time.\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to <a href=\";gbh=1&amp;CurrentPage=MyeBayAllFavorites\" target=\"_blank\">Saved searches<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select the envelope icon on the search you&#39;d like to stop receiving emails about.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>If you change your mind, you can select the envelope icon to receive emails about this saved search again.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">How to remove a saved seller\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Here&rsquo;s how to remove a saved seller:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to <strong>Saved Sellers\u003C/strong> in My eBay.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select the blue heart to the right of the seller you&rsquo;d like to remove.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n","id":"HELP1013","articleDescription":"<p>Save valuable shopping time by creating saved searches for the items you regularly search eBay for.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Saved searches | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how to use saved searches to easily find items you frequently shop for on eBay.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Saved searches","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","pullQuote":"<h3>Select <strong>Save this search\u003C/strong> at the top of your search results page to save searches for items you regularly look for.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4046","title":"Your Watchlist","description":"<p>If you have your eye on something but are not quite ready to commit, you can add it to your Watchlist while you make up your mind.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Your Watch List"]},{"topicId":"4047","title":"Your purchase history","description":"<p>You&rsquo;ll find all your orders from the past 7&nbsp;years in your purchase history. It&#39;s also the place to go if you need to return an item, pay for your purchases, or view your order details.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Your Purchase history"]},{"topicId":"4048","title":"Your recently viewed items ","description":"<p>You can find the listings for items you&rsquo;ve browsed lately in your recently viewed items.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Your recently viewed items"]},{"topicId":"4049","title":"Advanced search","description":"<p>If you&rsquo;ve used our range of filters on your search and still can&rsquo;t find what you&rsquo;re looking for, try advanced search.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Advanced search"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/search-tips/saved-searches?id=4051","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"How to save a search on eBay, Save search eBay,\tSaved searches eBay, eBay followed searches, eBay follow search, eBay searches you follow, eBay followed searches\t\t\t\nHow to save a search on eBay, Saved searches eBay\n","searchSnippet":"<p>To view the listings in the searches you saved:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Go to Saved searches.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Choose View items.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\";gbh=1&amp;CurrentPage=MyeBayAllFavorites\" id=\"trackCTA\" target=\"_blank\">Go to Saved searches<span class=\"clipped\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Saved searches"]},"4056":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4056","title":"Buying with local pickup","content":"<p>When you purchase an item that&#39;s available for local pickup, you&rsquo;ll receive information on the item&rsquo;s location at checkout. If you need to know more before purchasing, select <strong>Contact seller\u003C/strong> on the listing.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">How to arrange a local pickup\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>After making your purchase, contact the seller to arrange a time and place to collect your item, and agree on how you&rsquo;ll pay for it.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The seller will let you know which payment methods they accept. In addition to credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or PayPal, you can sometimes pay for local pickup items by internet banking, check, or money order&mdash;either beforehand or when you pick up your item. Sellers may also accept cash for local pickup purchases.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>After you&rsquo;ve completed your purchase, we&rsquo;ll send an email with a Local Pickup code (a QR code and a 6 digit code) to your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Messages\u003C/a>. You can either print off your email or show the seller the message on the app when you collect your item. The seller will scan or enter the code on the eBay app to confirm you&rsquo;ve picked up your item.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nItems collected in person are still covered by eBay Money Back Guarantee if all other eligibility requirements are met.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Finding listings with local pickup\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>To see listings with local pickup, select <strong>Free local pickup\u003C/strong> on the left-hand side of the search results page when you&rsquo;re searching for items on eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can also use Advanced search to filter your search results for local pickup listings only. Here&rsquo;s how:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Advanced\u003C/strong> next to the search bar.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Enter your keywords.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Go to Shipping options and select <strong>Local pickup\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Add your location details and select <strong>Search\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf you&rsquo;re unclear about the pickup process, you can ask the seller by selecting <strong>Contact seller\u003C/strong> in the listing.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1015","articleDescription":"<p>Many sellers offer free local pickup, especially for large items which may be difficult to ship. You can collect the item in person, inspect it before you take it home, and save money by not having to pay for shipping.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Buying with local pickup | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how to find items available for pickup in your local area, and what you need to know about payment and collection.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Buying with local pickup","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4057","title":"International purchases and shipping for buyers","description":"<p>You&#39;ll find items from all over the world on eBay. International sellers can send items to you through regular shipping services, or they may use one of eBay&#39;s shipping programs.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Changing delivery address or method","International purchases and shipping"]},{"topicId":"4025","title":"Expected delivery dates for buyers","description":"<p>Expected delivery dates let you know when you can expect an eBay item to arrive.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Estimated delivery dates "]},{"topicId":"4026","title":"Shipping rates for buyers","description":"<p>You can find out how much shipping costs&nbsp;in the shipping section of every eBay listing. We always show the&nbsp;shipping cost separately from&nbsp;the item cost so you can see&nbsp;exactly how much you&rsquo;ll&nbsp;pay for delivery before you go to checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Shipping rates"]},{"topicId":"4028","title":"Changing your shipping details after a purchase","description":"<p>If you&rsquo;ve already completed your purchase but need to make a change to your address or shipping details, contact the seller as soon as possible to let them know.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Changing delivery address or method"]},{"topicId":"4027","title":"Tracking your item","description":"<p>You can follow your package online all the way to your shipping address when the seller uploads tracking information.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Tracking your item"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/shipping-delivery/changing-delivery-address-method/local-pickup?id=4056","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","searchSnippet":"<p>After you&rsquo;ve completed your purchase, we&rsquo;ll send an email with a Local Pickup code (a QR code and a 6 digit code) to your Messages.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" id=\"trackCTA\" target=\"_blank\">Go to Messages<span class=\"clipped\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Changing delivery address or method","Local Pickup"]},"4057":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4057","title":"International purchases and shipping for buyers","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking to sell internationally? Read our article on <a href=\"/help/selling/selling/selling-internationally?id=4132\">Selling internationally\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>When purchasing from an international seller, keep in mind that shipping can sometimes take longer and cost more than buying from a seller in your own country. If you have any questions about shipping, <a href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/contacting-seller?id=4021\" target=\"_blank\">contact the seller\u003C/a> before you go to checkout.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Where to find the cost of international shipping\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You&#39;ll find the estimated cost of shipping in the Shipping and payments section of every eBay listing. You&#39;ll also see the shipping service the seller offers and where the item will be sent from, as well as a list of countries the seller ships to.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Listings also include an estimate of customs and import charges, if applicable. The charges you see on the listing aren&#39;t final until you pay for the item at checkout. For example, if you change your delivery address during checkout, or if the applicable import rules change before you complete your payment, the charges could change.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The final cost you&#39;ll need to pay to have your item delivered will be confirmed at checkout.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Buying from sellers using eBay International Shipping\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If your seller is shipping your item through eBay International Shipping, you&#39;ll pay for postage at checkout. You can choose to pay for&nbsp;customs charges, import fees and taxes either at checkout or when your item arrives. You&#39;ll see the following options at checkout:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Pay import charges now\u003C/strong> &ndash;&nbsp;select this option to pay all taxes and duties at checkout\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Defer import charges until delivery\u003C/strong> &ndash;&nbsp;select this option to pay all taxes and duties when your item arrives\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>If you complete checkout and pay for more than one item from the same seller, the shipping will automatically be combined if the items are eligible. If you&#39;re paying import charges at checkout for some items in your order and paying import charges on delivery for other items, your shipping won&#39;t be combined. Combined shipping is also not available for auction-style listings.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Once you&#39;ve completed checkout, the seller will send your package to the shipping hub, and from there it&#39;s shipped to you. Tracking is automatically added so you can track your order from the hub to your door.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Items sent by eBay International Shipping can be returned up to 30 days from the delivery date. If you need to return an item, go to our <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-items-not-received-refunds-buyers/return-item-refund?id=4041\">Return an item for a refund\u003C/a> page.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nInternational purchases are covered by eBay Money Back Guarantee as long as all other eligibility requirements are met. Learn more about <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Buying from sellers using the Global Shipping Programme\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If your seller is in the UK, they may send your item through the Global Shipping Programme. If they&#39;re using GSP,&nbsp;you&#39;ll see the Global Shipping Programme logo on the listing.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Benefits of the Global Shipping Programme for buyers:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>You&#39;ll pay all shipping, taxes, and import charges up front, and you won&#39;t have to pay any extra charges when your item is delivered\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Tracking is always included so you can track your item right to your door\u003C/li>\n\t<li>International deliveries made through GSP include customs clearance so you don&#39;t need to handle any extra paperwork\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>Once you&#39;ve paid for your item, the seller sends it to the global shipping center. From there, it&#39;s sent to you. When you pay, your payment will be split into two transactions:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>The first payment goes to the seller to cover the item price and any domestic shipping costs to send the item to the global shipping center\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The second payment covers the international shipping cost and any import charges, if applicable\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>After you&#39;ve completed payment, you&#39;ll be able to see both the total cost and the amounts paid to the seller and the global shipping provider on the Order details page.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nItems purchased through GSP can&#39;t be delivered to P.O. Box numbers or APO and FPO addresses.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Buying from sellers using other shipping services\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If your seller sends your item through an international shipping service instead of an eBay shipping program, you&#39;ll pay for the cost of delivery and VAT, if it applies, at checkout.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>However, you may still have to pay any necessary customs, duties, and import fees when your item arrives. Either your seller or their international shipping service will manage the customs forms.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>eBay is partnering with third-party carriers to provide affordable international shipping services for items that fit certain eligibility criteria. Buyers with a shipping address in Mexico can select international shipping with <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Estafeta<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>, and buyers with a shipping address in China can select <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">HDB International Shipping Services<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> when purchasing eligible items.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Customs and import charges\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>As a buyer, it&#39;s your responsibility to check which customs and import charges may apply, and to pay them. These import charges are generally based on the item&#39;s price, weight, dimensions, and country of origin, as well as any taxes, duties, and fees added by your country.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Your seller might be able to give you some information about import charges, but before you bid on, or buy an item, it&#39;s a good idea to check with your country&#39;s customs office for more specific details.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<div class=\"title\">\n<p>Import charges include\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<ul>\n\t<li>Sales, goods, and services\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Value added taxes\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Duties\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Tariffs\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Excise taxes\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Other amounts assessed or levied by any government authority in connection with the importation of goods into the applicable country of importation\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Third party brokerage fees (including advancement and disbursement charges as well as&nbsp;customs brokers&rsquo; handling and filing fees)\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Penalties\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Classification charges associated with the assignment of a Harmonized System (HS) classification code\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Charges for export compliance screening and verification and the assignment of an Export Control Classification Number (ECCN)\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Charges relating to the management of variances between the quoted import charges and actual costs\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>Import charges are in addition to the customs duties and taxes imposed by country tax and customs officials.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h3>Importing items into the United States\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>If you are&nbsp;importing a high value item&nbsp;into the United States, the shipping carrier may&nbsp;reach out to you directly&nbsp;for more information. This is because U.S. Customs has asked&nbsp;the carrier to provide it&nbsp;with your tax ID number. A tax ID number is typically a social security number or an employee ID number.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>It&#39;s important&nbsp;to respond to the carrier&#39;s request promptly&nbsp;so that shipping is not delayed. If U.S. Customs does not&nbsp;have the&nbsp;information it&nbsp;requested,&nbsp;the carrier&nbsp;will be unable to import the item.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nWhen you&#39;re buying items from overseas, there may be restrictions on certain items in your country. Find out more in our <a href=\"/help/policies/prohibited-restricted-items/international-trading-policy?id=4338\">international trading policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1028","articleDescription":"<p>You&#39;ll find items from all over the world on eBay. International sellers can send items to you through regular shipping services, or they may use one of eBay&#39;s shipping programs.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"International purchases and shipping for buyers | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Find out about buying from international sellers and eBay&rsquo;s shipping programs.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"International purchases and shipping for buyers","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","pullQuote":"<h3>You&rsquo;ll find the estimated cost of shipping in the Shipping and payments section of every eBay listing. You&rsquo;ll also see the shipping service the seller offers and where the item will be sent from.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4056","title":"Buying with local pickup","description":"<p>Many sellers offer free local pickup, especially for large items which may be difficult to ship. You can collect the item in person, inspect it before you take it home, and save money by not having to pay for shipping.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Changing delivery address or method","Local Pickup"]},{"topicId":"4025","title":"Expected delivery dates for buyers","description":"<p>Expected delivery dates let you know when you can expect an eBay item to arrive.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Estimated delivery dates "]},{"topicId":"4026","title":"Shipping rates for buyers","description":"<p>You can find out how much shipping costs&nbsp;in the shipping section of every eBay listing. We always show the&nbsp;shipping cost separately from&nbsp;the item cost so you can see&nbsp;exactly how much you&rsquo;ll&nbsp;pay for delivery before you go to checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Shipping rates"]},{"topicId":"4027","title":"Tracking your item","description":"<p>You can follow your package online all the way to your shipping address when the seller uploads tracking information.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Tracking your item"]},{"topicId":"4028","title":"Changing your shipping details after a purchase","description":"<p>If you&rsquo;ve already completed your purchase but need to make a change to your address or shipping details, contact the seller as soon as possible to let them know.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Changing delivery address or method"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/shipping-delivery/changing-delivery-address-method/international-purchases-shipping?id=4057","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay Global Shipping Program, eBay international shipping, how to contact eBay Global Shipping Program, posting overseas, shipping overseas","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Changing delivery address or method","International purchases and shipping"]},"4058":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4058","title":"Your eBay order number","content":"<p>You&rsquo;ll need your order number if you ever need to speak to us or your seller about a purchase. You&rsquo;ll find the 12-digit order number in the following places:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Your order details\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Your purchase history\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Your order confirmation email\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Where to find your order details\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You can find all the information about a purchase, including&nbsp;shipping address, order number, and&nbsp;tracking details, in your order details. Follow these steps to find your order details:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Select <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase History<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Find your item in the list.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>View order details\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>From here, you&rsquo;ll also be able to let us know if the item hasn&rsquo;t arrived on time, or start a return if there&rsquo;s something wrong.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you purchased your item as a guest, the order won&rsquo;t appear in your purchase history. You can find your order details in your order confirmation email.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Your order confirmation email\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Every time you purchase an item on eBay, you&rsquo;ll receive an order confirmation email letting you know your order is complete and that your item should soon be on its way.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Your order confirmation email will contain your estimated delivery date, any available tracking information, and your order number.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you can&rsquo;t find it, check your junk folder. If it&rsquo;s not in your junk folder, go to the <a href=\";CurrentPage=MyeBayMyAccounts\" target=\"_blank\">Account<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> section of My eBay to confirm that your registered email address is correct. You&rsquo;ll also find the information sent in the email&nbsp;in your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">purchase history<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> order details.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nEach item also has its own unique item number. Sometimes called an item ID, the item number identifies each distinct&nbsp;item in your eBay order.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1297","articleDescription":"<p>You&rsquo;ll receive an&nbsp;order number every time you make a purchase on eBay.&nbsp;\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Your eBay order number | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how to find your order&nbsp;number in your order details and purchase history&nbsp;and what to do if you don&rsquo;t receive an order confirmation.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Your eBay order number","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","pullQuote":"<h3>You&rsquo;ll find your 12-digit order number in your order details, purchase history, or confirmation email.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4048","title":"Your recently viewed items ","description":"<p>You can find the listings for items you&rsquo;ve browsed lately in your recently viewed items.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Your recently viewed items"]},{"topicId":"4049","title":"Advanced search","description":"<p>If you&rsquo;ve used our range of filters on your search and still can&rsquo;t find what you&rsquo;re looking for, try advanced search.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Advanced search"]},{"topicId":"4051","title":"Saved searches","description":"<p>Save valuable shopping time by creating saved searches for the items you regularly search eBay for.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Saved searches"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/search-tips/purchase-history/ebay-item-id?id=4058","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay transaction ID, eBay order status, order details eBay, transaction number eBay, eBay order number, eBay confirmation email not received, eBay order confirmation email not received, My orders. eBay order number, order number","searchSnippet":"<p>You&#39;ll find all the information about a purchase, including your order number in your order details. Follow these steps to find your order details:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" id=\"trackCTA\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase history<span class=\"clipped\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Find your item in the list.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>View order details\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Your Purchase history","Your eBay item ID"]},"4059":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4059","title":"Contacting PayPal","content":"<p>You can contact PayPal by going to their website and selecting&nbsp;<strong>Help\u003C/strong>&nbsp;on the bottom of any page.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf you&#39;re having problems paying for an item using PayPal, try using a different payment method.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1149","articleDescription":"<p>If you&#39;re having problems paying with PayPal, or need help with your PayPal account, contact PayPal Customer Support directly.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Contacting PayPal | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>If you&#39;re having issues with your PayPal account, you can contact them directly.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Contacting PayPal","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","relatedLinks":[],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/paying-items/paying-paypal/contacting-paypal?id=4059","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER,SELLER","keywords":"PayPal contact, contact PayPal\n","searchSnippet":"If you&#39;re having issues with PayPal, you can contact PayPal Customer Support directly.","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying with PayPal","Contacting PayPal"]},"4063":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4063","title":"Saving through combined shipping","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking to offer combined shipping? Read our article on <a href=\"/help/selling/posting-items/postage-rates/offering-combined-postage?id=4169\"> offering combined shipping\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>If you&rsquo;ve already paid for a number of items you ordered from the same seller, and the packages haven&rsquo;t been marked as shipped, the seller may still be able to combine shipping if you ask them.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"policy-highlight-warning\">\n<p>Starting October 2024, some buyers will begin to see a Timing option when they place a bid on items that are eligible for combined shipping. They can choose <strong>Shop and ship separately\u003C/strong> to have their payment process automatically 1 hour after winning an auction, or choose <strong>Shop more, ship together\u003C/strong> to delay payment up to 7 days, to allow more time to combine shipping. Buyers can still choose to check out manually at any time.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2>How to combine shipping\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Many sellers automatically combine shipping if you&rsquo;re buying multiple items from them. All you need&nbsp;to do is add the items you want to buy to your cart and you&rsquo;ll see the combined&nbsp;shipping total at checkout.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf the shipping section of the listing doesn&rsquo;t specify shipping costs for additional items, you&rsquo;ll need to <a href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/contacting-seller?id=4021\">ask the seller\u003C/a> before you pay. If the seller agrees to&nbsp;ship the items in one package, they&rsquo;ll send you a combined invoice detailing all the items&nbsp;and the new cost of shipping.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1020","articleDescription":"<p>Most sellers on eBay are happy to&nbsp;ship everything to you in the same package if you&rsquo;re buying multiple items from them. You might also get a shipping discount because the seller saves money by combining items.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Saving through combined shipping | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how to save on delivery costs by combining shipping when you buy more than one item from the same seller.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Saving through combined shipping","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","pullQuote":"<h3>When you combine shipping, the seller will send you a combined invoice detailing all the items in your package.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4027","title":"Tracking your item","description":"<p>You can follow your package online all the way to your shipping address when the seller uploads tracking information.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Tracking your item"]},{"topicId":"4028","title":"Changing your shipping details after a purchase","description":"<p>If you&rsquo;ve already completed your purchase but need to make a change to your address or shipping details, contact the seller as soon as possible to let them know.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Changing delivery address or method"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/shipping-delivery/shipping-rates/saving-combined-shipping?id=4063","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay combined postage, eBay combined shipping, Combine postage eBay, combined shipping ebay\nHow to combine postage eBay, How to combine shipping eBay\nCombine shipping eBay,\neBay bulk shipping,\neBay combine shipping","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Shipping rates","Saving through combined shipping"]},"4065":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4065","title":"Get help if you bought as a guest","content":"<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Shipping delays\u003C/strong><br />\nWe&#39;re aware that some customers are experiencing longer than&nbsp;usual delivery times, mainly due to extreme weather. Please check your tracking details for updates and more information on when you can expect your order to arrive.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>It&#39;s easier to shop on eBay and keep track of your purchases when you have an account. Find out more about <a href=\"/help/account/signing-ebay-account/signing-ebay-account?id=4191\">signing up for an eBay account\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>If you don&#39;t have an eBay account, or didn&#39;t sign in to your account when you made a purchase, you can still request a return or report that an item hasn&#39;t arrived. Guest purchases are protected by <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/a>, if all eligibility requirements are met. So if the seller doesn&#39;t respond or you&#39;re unable to resolve the issue with them, you can ask us to step in and help.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Finding your order details\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>To start a return request or report a problem with an item you bought as a guest, you&#39;ll need your order confirmation email. This is the email we sent at the time of your purchase with all your order details. The subject line starts with &quot;Order Confirmed&quot;.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you can&#39;t find your guest order confirmation email, select the button below and we&#39;ll send you a link to your order details.\u003C/p>\n<a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/guest-order?topicId=4065&amp;af=2\" target=\"_blank\">Find guest order details<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Your item hasn&#39;t arrived\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>First check the delivery information, and if the expected delivery date has passed, let the seller know that it hasn&#39;t arrived.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Check your item&#39;s delivery information\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Your item may still be in transit. Check your order confirmation email to see the item&#39;s expected delivery date and the address it&#39;s being shipped to.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can also select <strong>View order details\u003C/strong> in your order confirmation email to see the latest tracking updates.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">What to do if you provided an incorrect shipping address\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>If the shipping address you provided during checkout is incorrect, select <strong>Contact the seller\u003C/strong> on the order page and see if they&#39;ll <a href=\"/help/buying/cancelling-order/cancelling-order?id=4004\">cancel the order\u003C/a>. They can then relist the item and you can buy it again with the correct address.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the seller has already shipped the item, they won&#39;t be able to cancel the order. If possible, we recommend trying to collect your package from the original address.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf the tracking for your item shows that it&#39;s been delivered, check with a neighbor in case you weren&#39;t home when the package arrived and they took delivery of it for you.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h3>Report that your item hasn&#39;t arrived\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>You have up to 30 calendar days from the estimated delivery date to report that an item hasn&#39;t arrived.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The seller should respond within 3 business days to provide a delivery update, offer a replacement, or give you a refund. If you&#39;re getting a refund, it will go back to your original payment method. Refunds are typically available within 3-5 business days.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Here&#39;s what to do:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Find your order confirmation email. The subject line starts with &quot;Order Confirmed&quot;.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>View order details\u003C/strong> in the body of the email.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Contact seller\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>I haven&#39;t received my item yet\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Choose <strong>No, I want to contact the seller\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Fill in the details and then hit <strong>Submit\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>You&#39;ll receive a confirmation email once you&#39;ve created the request, which will include a link to view your request details. You can also check the status of your request by going to <strong>View order details\u003C/strong> in your order confirmation email, then selecting <strong>Resolutions\u003C/strong>.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">What to do if you&#39;ve only received some of the items you&#39;ve purchased\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>If you bought multiple items from the same seller, but something was missing when your order arrived, you can follow the steps above to report that you didn&#39;t receive an item.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\">For sets and bundled items, if something&#39;s missing, you need to <a href=\"#returns\">open a return request\u003C/a> instead. For example, if you bought a set of six paintbrushes but only received four, you can return the set for a full refund or the seller may offer to let you keep the ones you received and give you a partial refund.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\"><a id=\"returns\" name=\"returns\">\u003C/a>You want to return an item\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Many eBay sellers accept returns if you&#39;ve changed your mind. Check the listing to see the seller&#39;s full return policy, including how long you have to request a return and any other conditions.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">How to find the seller&#39;s return policy\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<ol>\n\t<li>Find your order confirmation email. The subject line starts with &quot;Order Confirmed&quot;.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>View order details\u003C/strong> in the body of the email.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select the description of your item to go to its listing.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Go to <strong>Returns\u003C/strong> to see the seller&#39;s return policy.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>If the seller states in their return policy that they don&#39;t accept returns, you can ask them to see if they&#39;ll make an exception.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the item doesn&#39;t match the listing description, or if it is faulty or arrived damaged, you may be eligible for <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/a>. This means that you can return it even if the seller&#39;s returns policy says they don&#39;t accept returns.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>How to open a return request\u003C/h3>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Select <strong>View order details\u003C/strong> in your order confirmation email.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Return item\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select your reason for the return and select <strong>Next\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You can add a message to the seller and also upload up to 10 photos showing the item&#39;s condition.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Confirm return\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>You&#39;ll receive a confirmation email once you&#39;ve created the request, which will include a link to view your return details. You can also see the status of your return by going to <strong>View order details\u003C/strong> in your order confirmation email, then selecting <strong>Resolutions\u003C/strong>.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">How to return multiple items\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>How you request the return depends on how you bought them.\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Sets and bundled items\u003C/strong> &ndash; You need to return the whole lot. For example, if you bought a set of paintbrushes, you can&#39;t return just one of them.\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Multiples of the same item\u003C/strong> &ndash; You can return some or all of them, but you can only open one return for the order. For example, if you bought five t-shirts from one listing, you can return two, but you won&#39;t be able to return the other three later.\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Combined purchases from the same seller\u003C/strong> &ndash; You can return each item individually. For example, you bought three different books from the seller&#39;s store and paid for them together at checkout. You need to open a separate request for each book, because they came from different listings.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h3>How the seller may respond to your request\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>The seller has 3 business days to get back to you. How they can respond depends on the reason for your return.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">You changed your mind about an item\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p><strong>Accept your return request and offer a full refund\u003C/strong> &ndash; You&#39;ll return the item and the seller will then issue a full refund &ndash; depending on their returns policy, this may or may not include the original shipping cost. Check the seller&#39;s return policy in the listing to see who is responsible for <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/start-return/return-postage?id=4066\">return shipping costs\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the returned item is opened, used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return shipping because it wasn&#39;t packaged correctly, some sellers might deduct from your refund to cover the loss in the item&#39;s value. Learn more about our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/condition-returned-items-policy?id=4763\">Condition of returns policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Offer you a partial refund and let you keep the item\u003C/strong> &ndash; This can be a good compromise when the seller doesn&#39;t accept returns, but wants to offer you a gesture of goodwill &ndash; say if you ordered the wrong thing by accident.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Offer you a replacement or an exchange\u003C/strong> &ndash; Some sellers may offer the option of returning an item for a replacement or exchange instead of a refund.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Decline your return request\u003C/strong> &ndash; Sellers can decline your return request if you changed your mind about an item and they stated in the listing that they don&#39;t accept returns, or if you missed the seller&#39;s deadline to start a return.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Send you a message\u003C/strong> &ndash; The seller may ask you for some more details about your return request.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">Your item didn&#39;t match the listing, or it arrived faulty or damaged\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p><strong>Accept your return request and offer a full refund\u003C/strong> &ndash; You&#39;ll return the item in the same condition in which it was received, and the seller will then issue a full refund, including the original shipping cost. The seller will also pay for <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/start-return/return-postage?id=4066\">return shipping\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the returned item is used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return shipping because it wasn&#39;t packaged correctly, the seller might deduct from the refund to cover the loss in the item&#39;s value. Learn more about our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/condition-returned-items-policy?id=4763\">Condition of returns policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Offer you a partial refund and let you keep the item\u003C/strong> &ndash; This can be a good compromise when you&#39;re not completely satisfied with your purchase &ndash; for example, if it arrived with a minor scratch &ndash; but you&#39;re happy to keep it.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Offer you a replacement or an exchange\u003C/strong> &ndash; Some sellers may offer the option of returning an item for a replacement or exchange instead of a refund.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Send you a message\u003C/strong> &ndash; The seller may ask you for some more details about your return request.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h3>Sending the item back\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>When your return request is accepted, we&#39;ll send you an email with the subject &quot;Send the item back&quot;. Make sure you ship the return by the date in this email to avoid any delays or issues in the refund process.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you&#39;re responsible for purchasing the return shipping label, make sure you use a tracked service and add the tracking number to your return request. If the item being returned has a total cost of $750 or more, it will need to be returned with a <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/signature-confirmationpolicy?id=5154\">signature confirmation\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the seller provided a return label, you can access your guest account and the label through the order confirmation email. For more information about who pays for return shipping and how to send the item back, see <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item/return-shipping?id=4066\">return shipping for buyers\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\">The condition of the returned item is important, so repack it carefully. If you return the item used, damaged or missing parts, or if it gets damaged during return shipping, the seller may deduct an amount from your refund to cover the loss in the item&#39;s value. For more information, see our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/condition-returned-items-policy?id=4763\">Condition of returned items policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Getting your money back\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Most sellers refund as soon as they get the item back. If the item has been returned to the seller and they haven&#39;t given you a refund after 2 business days, you can ask eBay to step in and help.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Refunds go back to your original payment method and are typically available within 3-5 business days.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Get help from eBay\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Most of the time if you have an issue with a purchase, the seller will be able to solve it for you. However, we&#39;re here to help.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Here are the main reasons you might ask us to step in and help:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>The seller hasn&#39;t responded to your request after 3 business days\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The seller responded, but hasn&#39;t provided a resolution (for example, they accepted your return request but didn&#39;t provide a return shipping label)\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You returned the item and it&#39;s been delivered back to the seller, but they haven&#39;t processed a refund after 2 business days\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p class=\"tip\">Don&#39;t leave it too long to ask us to step in and help. We&#39;ll automatically close a return request if there&#39;s been no activity.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>How to ask eBay to step in\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>To access your request details, you can either:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>From your order confirmation email, go to <strong>View order details\u003C/strong>, then select <strong>Resolutions\u003C/strong>\u003C/li>\n\t<li>From the email you received when you opened the request, go to <strong>See request details\u003C/strong>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>From the request details, simply select <strong>Ask eBay to step in and help\u003C/strong>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Learn more about <a href=\"/help/buying/default/ask-ebay-to-step-in?id=4701\">asking eBay for help\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section5\">Close a request\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If your item arrives, or if you&#39;ve changed your mind and no longer want to return your item, it&#39;s easy to cancel your request.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>To access your request details, you can either:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>From your order confirmation email, go to <strong>View order details\u003C/strong>, then select <strong>Resolutions\u003C/strong>\u003C/li>\n\t<li>From the email you received when you opened the request, go to <strong>See request details\u003C/strong>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>From the request details, select <strong>Close your request\u003C/strong> and choose your reason from the dropdown menu.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\">You won&#39;t be able to re-open the request once it&#39;s closed.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1151","articleDescription":"<p>If you want to return an item, or if there&#39;s a problem with your order, the first step is to let the seller know. If you&#39;re not able to resolve things with the seller, you can ask us to help.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Get help if you bought as a guest | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how you can get help with a purchase if you&#39;re not an eBay member or weren&#39;t signed in when you bought your item.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Get help if you bought as a guest","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","pullQuote":"<h3>You can start a return or report a missing item from your guest order confirmation email. Guest purchases are protected by eBay Money Back Guarantee&nbsp;if all eligibility requirements are met.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4066","title":"Return shipping for buyers","description":"<p>There are several ways you can send an item back to the seller. Who pays the cost of return shipping depends on the seller&rsquo;s return policy and the reason for the return.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Returning an item","Return shipping"]},{"topicId":"4008","title":"Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","description":"<p>In most cases, if your order doesn&#39;t arrive, or is faulty or damaged, you&#39;ll get your money back or a replacement. Most sellers accept returns if you&#39;ve changed your mind &ndash; check the listing for details of their returns policy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item/returning-items-bought-guest?id=4065","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay guest return, Return eBay item as guest, eBay return as guest, eBay guest item didn't arrived, eBay guest open request, eBay guest refund, non registered user, return non eBay member, non member, return no eBay account, no eBay account refund, no eBay account missing item","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Returning an item","Returning items you bought as a guest"]},"4066":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4066","title":"Return shipping for buyers","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Before you can send an item back to the seller, you need to <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item?id=4041\">start a return\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>When the seller accepts your return request, you&#39;ll either receive a return shipping label from eBay or the seller, or you&#39;ll be asked to purchase a label directly from a carrier.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We&#39;ll send an email to your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Messages<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> with the subject line &quot;Send the item back&quot; with all the details of your return request. You&#39;ll need to ship the item back before the date stated in this email. If you don&#39;t ship the item back by that date, we may close your request and you will not receive a refund.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Who pays for return shipping?\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>The seller pays for return shipping if they offer a free returns policy or if the item was damaged, faulty, or doesn&#39;t match the listing description.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You pay for return shipping if you&#39;re returning the item because you changed your mind, and the seller&#39;s return policy states that buyers are responsible for return shipping.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Learn more about what to do if:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><a href=\"#section3\">The seller is paying for return shipping\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"#section4\">You&#39;re paying for return shipping\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">How to print an eBay return shipping label\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Here&#39;s how to print an eBay return shipping label:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase history<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Find the item under <strong>Returns and canceled orders\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>View return details\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Choose <strong>Print label\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>If you&#39;re responsible for the return shipping costs, you&#39;ll see the price of return shipping, and be able to purchase your label.\u003C/p>\n<a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Print an eBay return label\u003C/a>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nYou don&#39;t need a special printer or self-adhesive labels when printing return shipping labels. Simply print the label on normal paper and tape it to the package. Make sure the barcode is clear so the carrier can scan it easily.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Adding tracking to your return\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Adding tracking details to your return helps protect against delays or issues in the refund process. If you use an eBay returns label, tracking details are automatically uploaded.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Here&#39;s how to add the tracking information to your return if you&#39;re using your own return shipping label:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to the return request in <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase History<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select the shipping carrier from the dropdown list. If you select <strong>Other\u003C/strong>, enter the carrier name.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Enter the tracking number.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Mark as sent\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p class=\"tip\">If you&#39;re returning an item that has a total cost of $750 or more, you&#39;ll need to use a tracked service with signature confirmation. Learn more about our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/signature-confirmationpolicy?id=5154\">signature confirmation requirements\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">If the seller is paying for return shipping\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>There are several ways you can send an item back to the seller. If the seller is responsible for the return shipping costs, they&#39;ll let you know how they want the item to be sent back to them. Generally, they&#39;ll ask you to send the item back using one of the following:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>An eBay return shipping label: learn <a href=\"#section1\">how to print an eBay return shipping label\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li>A label from their preferred carrier: if the seller provides you with a shipping label, they&#39;ll send it to you directly, and you can print it from the &quot;Here&#39;s your return shipping label&quot; email or message that you&#39;ll receive in <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Messages<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>The seller may contact you to make other arrangements, such as returning the item to their store or reimbursing you for return shipping.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf the seller is responsible for return shipping, it&#39;s important that they cover the costs. If the seller won&#39;t cover the cost, let us know by <a href=\"/help/buying/default/ask-ebay-to-step-in?id=4701\">asking eBay to step in\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">If you&#39;re paying for return shipping\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you&#39;re responsible for the return shipping costs, you can choose how to send the item back to the seller.\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>You can ship using an eBay label, in which case we will deduct the label cost from your refund\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You can purchase a label directly from a carrier of your choice and upload it to the return\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>If you choose to use your own carrier, we recommend using a tracked service. Tracking lets the seller know the item is on its way and allows eBay to see the progress of the return in case there&#39;s an issue we&#39;re asked to help with.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">Return shipping costs when you use an eBay label\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>When you&#39;re responsible for return shipping costs and you&#39;re using an eBay return label, we deduct the amount from your refund.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Anytime you use an eBay return shipping label, returns are shipped by either Ground Advantage&nbsp;or Priority Mail, depending on the item&#39;s cost, package weight, and delivery time. In some instances, return shipping charges are estimated rather than based on the actual weight of the package. These charges are based on rates eBay negotiated with the USPS and are typically less than what you would pay at the post office for the same item.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the expected shipping charges cost more than the expected refund or the refund value of a replacement or exchange, an eBay return shipping label won&#39;t be available.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section5\">Other ways to send the item back\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Sometimes returning an item may require additional, alternative shipping arrangements, like adding insurance to your package. Select <strong>Examples of alternative shipping arrangements\u003C/strong> below for more information.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">Examples of alternative shipping arrangements\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Shipping a return with insurance:\u003C/strong> Shipping insurance isn&#39;t available on eBay return shipping labels. If you or the seller prefers that an item be returned with insurance, purchase your own return shipping with insurance instead of using the return shipping label provided\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Returning multiple packages:\u003C/strong> We generally provide one return shipping label for each return requested through My eBay. If you need multiple return shipping labels to ship multiple packages back to the seller, contact the seller to make alternative shipping arrangements for the packages\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>The item is outside USPS guidelines:\u003C/strong> An eBay return shipping label is only available for items within the USPS size and weight guidelines. Otherwise, you need to make alternative shipping arrangements\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>The item was originally delivered by freight or local pickup:\u003C/strong> When the seller is responsible for return shipping costs and you need to make alternative shipping arrangements, contact the seller to agree on the service and cost before sending the item. Make sure to include the packing slip and tracking.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>When you want to return an item using alternative shipping arrangements, and the seller is responsible for the return shipping charges, you&#39;ll need to work with the seller to agree on the shipping service and cost before returning the item.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you use alternative shipping arrangements, the return shipping charges aren&#39;t included in any eBay Money Back Guarantee refund you&#39;ll receive.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n","id":"HELP1152","articleDescription":"<p>There are several ways you can send an item back to the seller. Who pays the cost of return shipping depends on the seller&rsquo;s return policy and the reason for the return.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Return shipping for buyers | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how return shipping works on eBay, and understand when you&rsquo;re responsible for the cost.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Return shipping for buyers","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","pullQuote":"<h3>When returning an item, use a carrier that provides tracking and upload the details to the return request.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4065","title":"Get help if you bought as a guest","description":"<p>If you want to return an item, or if there&#39;s a problem with your order, the first step is to let the seller know. If you&#39;re not able to resolve things with the seller, you can ask us to help.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Returning an item","Returning items you bought as a guest"]},{"topicId":"4008","title":"Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","description":"<p>In most cases, if your order doesn&#39;t arrive, or is faulty or damaged, you&#39;ll get your money back or a replacement. Most sellers accept returns if you&#39;ve changed your mind &ndash; check the listing for details of their returns policy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item/return-shipping?id=4066","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay return postage, eBay return shipping, eBay return shipping cost, eBay return postage label, eBay return labels, Return postage label eBay, How to print a return label on eBay, How to get a return label from eBay, eBay return tracking, eBay return tracking number\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Returning an item","Return shipping"]},"4204":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4204","title":"Feedback profiles","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you looking to leave feedback? Please see our articles:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><a class=\"link_blue \" href=\"/help/buying/leaving-feedback-sellers/leaving-feedback-sellers?id=4007\">Leaving feedback for sellers\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a class=\"link_blue \" href=\"/help/selling/leaving-feedback-buyers/leaving-feedback-buyers?id=4078\">Leaving feedback for buyers\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>Each time you buy or sell something, you have an opportunity to leave feedback about your experience. Feedback consists of a positive, negative, or neutral rating, along with a short comment and the option to upload up to 5 images. Feedback&nbsp;helps buyers and sellers build their reputation on eBay and this is why &quot;verified purchase&quot; is displayed next to feedback. This information is available in each member&#39;s feedback profile, and helps eBay users buy and sell with confidence.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you&rsquo;ve recently left feedback and you&rsquo;d like to change it, you can find out how to add follow-up comments or request a feedback revision in our article on <a href=\"/help/buying/leaving-feedback-sellers/viewing-changing-feedback?id=4031\">viewing and changing feedback left for sellers\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Viewing a feedback profile\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You can view a member&rsquo;s feedback profile - including your own - by selecting the number in brackets next to their username. This number is their current feedback score.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>On the feedback profile page, you&#39;ll see a member&rsquo;s:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Overall feedback score\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Percentage of positive ratings\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Recently received feedback (including comments and images)\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Detailed seller ratings\u003C/li>\n\t<li>eBay registration date\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>You can also find a link to contact the member, and if the member is a seller, a link to view other items they are selling.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nOnce you reach a feedback score of 10, you&rsquo;ll earn a yellow star which is displayed on your profile. As your feedback score increases, the star changes color, all the way to a silver shooting star for a score above 1,000,000.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Making your feedback public or private\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>We strongly encourage everyone to keep all their feedback information public. It helps you earn the trust of other eBay members, increasing the likelihood that they&rsquo;ll&nbsp;trade with you.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you want to&nbsp;sell on eBay, your feedback must be visible to everyone.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you choose to make your feedback private, you won&rsquo;t be able to sell items on eBay and the feedback you&rsquo;ve left and received will be hidden from other members. However, your overall number of positive, neutral, and negative feedback ratings will still be displayed.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Here&rsquo;s how to change who can see your feedback:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">feedback profile<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Scroll down to the <strong>All received Feedback\u003C/strong> section and set the toggle to either <strong>Visible to everyone\u003C/strong> or <strong>Hide\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Frequently asked questions\u003C/h2>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<div class=\"title\">\n<p>My trading partner won&#39;t leave me feedback. What should I do?\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>If you&#39;ve successfully completed a transaction with another eBay member and they haven&#39;t left you feedback, it&#39;s fine to send a message as a reminder. Remember though, leaving feedback is completely voluntary.\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/selling/resolving-buyer-issues/contacting-buyer-bidder?id=4083\">Contact a buyer\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/contacting-seller?id=4021\">Contact a seller&nbsp;\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"line\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<div class=\"title\">\n<p>I received negative feedback that I don&#39;t think is fair. What can I do?\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>You can respond to the feedback and tell your side of the story. As a seller, you can also send a limited number of requests for buyers to <a href=\"/help/selling/leaving-feedback-buyers/replying-feedback-received-item-sold?id=4102#section2\">revise their feedback\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"line\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<div class=\"title\">\n<p>I received feedback that violates eBay policies. What should I do?\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>If a member has violated one of our <a href=\"/help/policies/feedback-policies/feedback-policies?id=4208\">feedback policies\u003C/a>, you can ask us to <a href=\"\">have it removed\u003C/a>. Once we review it, we may remove the entire feedback, or just the element that violates the policy, i.e. the comment, image or rating.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"line\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<div class=\"title\">\n<p>Can I change feedback I left for someone else?\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>In most cases you can&#39;t change feedback once you&#39;ve submitted it. However, if you left negative or neutral feedback for a seller and <a href=\"/help/buying/leaving-feedback-sellers/viewing-changing-feedback-left-sellers?id=4031\">want to change it\u003C/a> to positive feedback, the seller may be able to send you a feedback revision request. If the seller is unable to send a feedback revision request, you can leave a clarifying follow up comment to your original feedback.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"line\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n","id":"HELP1106","articleDescription":"<p>You can see how eBay members have been rated by other eBay users by viewing their feedback profile.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Feedback profiles | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how to view another member&rsquo;s feedback profile&nbsp;and how to manage your own.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Feedback profiles","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","pullQuote":"<h3>To sell on eBay, all your feedback information must be public.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4203","title":"Notifications","description":"<p>You can keep track of your eBay activity without having to be on the eBay site by setting up notifications.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Account","Changing your account settings","Notifications"]},{"topicId":"4201","title":"Changing the address on your eBay account","description":"<p>Your primary shipping address is the default we&rsquo;ll provide to sellers when you buy an item. However, you can always select a different address, or add a new one,&nbsp;during checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Account","Changing your account settings","Changing your delivery address"]},{"topicId":"4199","title":"Closing your account","description":"<p>If you close your eBay account, you鈥檒l no longer be able to sell on the site or access My eBay. You鈥檒l also lose your feedback&nbsp;as well as your purchase and sales history.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Account","Changing your account settings","Closing your account"]},{"topicId":"4198","title":"Changing your username","description":"<p>Your username or user ID is the unique name you chose when you created your eBay account. It&rsquo;s the name other eBay members see when you&rsquo;re buying or selling with them.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Account","Changing your account settings","Changing your username"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/account/changing-account-settings/feedback-profiles?id=4204","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER,SELLER","keywords":"eBay Feedback profile, eBay seller profile, My eBay Feedback profile, unsubscribe\n","searchSnippet":"<p>You can view a member&rsquo;s feedback profile - including your own - by selecting the number in brackets next to their username. This number is their current feedback score.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" id=\"trackCTA\" target=\"_blank\">Go to Messages<span class=\"clipped\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Account","Changing your account settings","Feedback profiles"]},"4208":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4208","title":"Feedback policy","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you looking to leave feedback? Please see our articles:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/buying/leaving-feedback-sellers/leaving-feedback-sellers?id=4007\">Leaving feedback for sellers\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/selling/leaving-feedback-buyers/leaving-feedback-buyers?id=4078\">Leaving feedback for buyers\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">What is the policy?\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Our policy is to ensure that feedback is meaningful for both buyers and sellers. We do not allow feedback that is harmful, inappropriate or irrelevant as this reduces trust between buyers and sellers, and undermines the feedback system. You&rsquo;ll find more detail below on situations in which we remove feedback. In each case, we make sure we have factual evidence to support removal.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>While we&rsquo;re committed to protecting sellers&rsquo; businesses, it&rsquo;s worth remembering that buyers do not expect to see 100% positive feedback and that eBay is not in a position to contradict buyers&rsquo; opinions or judgment of items. We recommend that sellers reply to negative or neutral feedback with a thoughtful, well-written response that demonstrates how much you care about your buyer&rsquo;s experience.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">How do we remove feedback?\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>We use automation to proactively remove feedback that goes against our policy but in cases that are not clear-cut, we carry out a manual review. You can request removal through <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Seller Help\u003C/a>, at which point a team member will review it. Depending on the situation, we may remove the comment, ratings and/or images.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If your feedback qualifies for removal, you will be notified via email and the feedback will be removed from your account within 24 hours. If it cannot be removed, we will provide clarification as to how it doesn&rsquo;t violate our policy.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">When do we remove feedback?\u003C/h2>\n\n<h3>Harmful, inappropriate or irrelevant comments and images\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>We remove all feedback that contains any:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Content promoting hatred, violence or discrimination\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Profane, obscene, adult, illegal, or explicit content\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Opinions on any political, religious, or social issues\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Any implied or explicit threats or intimidation\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Personally identifiable information\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Links, URLs, or other content encouraging sales outside of eBay\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Infringement of third-party rights\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Meaningless content or images that aren&rsquo;t of the item purchased\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Comments intended for a different item or seller\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Negative comments with positive ratings, or positive comments with negative ratings\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Personal attacks that could harm the reputation of the seller or their business and could not reasonably be viewed as constructive criticism\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>Any pictures left in feedback should accurately represent the item purchased and follow our policies, including the <a href=\"/help/policies/listing-policies/images-videos-text-policy?id=4240\">Images, videos and text policy\u003C/a>, the <a href=\"/help/policies/prohibited-restricted-items/offensive-materials-policy?id=4324\">Offensive materials policy\u003C/a>, the <a href=\"/help/policies/prohibited-restricted-items/adult-items-policy?id=4278\">Restricted adult items policy\u003C/a>, and the <a href=\"/help/policies/prohibited-restricted-items/illegal-explicit-content-policy?id=5053\">Illegal explicit content policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">See example\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>Tim received negative feedback from a buyer about a photo frame that said &ldquo;Shirt was very poor quality&rdquo;. Since this feedback was clearly left for the wrong item, it is removable.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h3>Extortion and manipulation\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>We remove all feedback that:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Is used as a means to extort another member\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Is used to manipulate feedback ratings (see our <a href=\"/help/policies/feedback-policies/feedback-manipulation-policy?id=4231\">Feedback manipulation policy\u003C/a>)\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">See example\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>Jasmine sold a camera, but along with payment she received an email from the buyer stating, &ldquo;If you don&#39;t include an upgraded memory card and a case at no additional charge I&#39;ll leave you negative feedback.&rdquo; This is feedback extortion and as such the feedback is removable.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h3>Buyer-related transaction issues\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>We remove neutral/negative feedback when we can see that:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>The buyer asked to cancel after placing their order\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The order was canceled due to an issue with the buyer&rsquo;s address\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The order was canceled because the buyer didn&rsquo;t pay\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The buyer is raising an issue that was correctly disclosed in the listing\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The buyer has been actioned under our <a href=\"/help/policies/rules-policies-buyers/abusive-buyer-policy?id=4374\">Abusive buyer policy\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The buyer requested a change to an order after they&rsquo;d paid (and their feedback relates to this)\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">See examples\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>Sam was asked by a buyer to send an item to an address that was different to the address provided in the order details. Sam didn&rsquo;t agree, and the buyer left negative feedback saying &ldquo;I meant to send this to my work address but the seller refused to change it&rdquo;. This feedback was removed.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Sandra sold a pre-loved dress and received negative feedback that said &ldquo;There was a small stain on the inside of the dress, wish I&rsquo;d known, grr!!&rdquo;&nbsp;However, the item description clearly stated that there was a stain on the inside of the dress. On this basis, the feedback is unjustified and can be removed.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>However, if the dress had been described as being in excellent condition, and the information about the stain had not been included in the listing, this feedback would not be removable. In such cases, we recommend replying to the buyer to show that you take their concerns seriously. An example of a good reply would be &ldquo;I&rsquo;m sorry to hear you weren&rsquo;t happy with the dress, I love making my customers happy. Please open a return on eBay and we can arrange for a refund.&rdquo;\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h3>Item delivery issues\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>We remove neutral/negative feedback when the buyer is referencing:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>A delivery issue where tracking shows us that the delivery or handling time expectations were met\u003C/li>\n\t<li>A delivery issue where a natural disaster or unexpected event caused a carrier delay\u003C/li>\n\t<li>A customs or tax issue outside the seller&rsquo;s control that we could identify\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">See example\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>Akash sold a small car part to an international buyer, and the buyer left negative feedback that said &ldquo;Import duties way too high&rdquo;. Since Akash&nbsp;was not the cause of the issue with taxes, the feedback is removable.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h3>Returns issues\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>We remove neutral/negative feedback when any of the following occurred and this is what the buyer is referencing:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>The item was returned used or damaged and the seller deducted an amount from the refund\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The seller declined a change-of-mind return request, as the listing didn&rsquo;t offer returns\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The buyer changed their mind and was liable for the cost of an eBay return label\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The seller offers free returns, handled the return and issued a refund\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">See example\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>Maria listed an item and clearly indicated that she doesn&rsquo;t accept returns. Her buyer gets the item, decides it wasn&rsquo;t what they wanted and asks to return it. Maria declines because she is not obliged to accept change-of-mind returns and the buyer leaves negative feedback stating &ldquo;Wouldn&rsquo;t take the item back after I realized it wasn&rsquo;t what I wanted&rdquo;. Since Maria was clear about not accepting returns, the feedback is removable.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h3>eBay site or program issues\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>We remove neutral/negative feedback when:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>The comment is about not being able to retract a bid\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The problem was caused by a technical issue on the eBay site that we could identify\u003C/li>\n\t<li>An eBay Money Back Guarantee case or payment dispute was closed with the seller having met their obligations to the buyer\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The item was shipped on-time with eBay International Shipping or the Global Shipping Program and there was a shipping-related issue\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The item was sold under our Authenticity Guarantee program, was shipped on-time and passed authentication\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The item was sold under our Guaranteed Fit program, the buyer requested a return because the item didn&#39;t fit their vehicle, and we can see that the seller met all their obligations to the buyer\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">See example\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>Linda sells an item via auction and after the winning bidder receives the item they leave negative feedback stating &ldquo;I didn&rsquo;t want this, I tried to cancel my bid and they wouldn&rsquo;t let me. Guess I&rsquo;m stuck with it.&rdquo; Since the buyer&rsquo;s complaint is about not being able to retract their bid, the feedback is removable.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf you think feedback goes against our policy, you can contact us through <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Seller Help\u003C/a> within 90 days of the transaction to request removal.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We regularly review our policy to make sure we&rsquo;re keeping up with industry standards and being fair to everyone in our community. The enforcement of our Feedback policy, which protects buyers and sellers, is dependent on both parties adhering to all other relevant eBay policies.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Activity on eBay is required to follow this policy, the eBay <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-agreement?id=4259\">User Agreement\u003C/a> and all applicable laws, as well as respect the rights of third parties. If it doesn&rsquo;t, eBay may take action consistent with applicable laws and the eBay <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-agreement?id=4259\">User Agreement\u003C/a>, and may even be legally required to do so. Such actions may include, as an example only: Removing the listing or other content, issuing a warning, restricting activity or account suspension.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Why does eBay have this policy?\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>This policy helps protect the integrity of the eBay feedback system, and builds trust between buyers and sellers.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1223","articleDescription":"Our community expects honest, transparent feedback. We allow buyers to share their experiences with the community but will remove harmful or irrelevant comments and images.","metaTitle":"Feedback policy | eBay","metaDescription":"Learn about our feedback policy and removal guidelines.","intentDescription":"Feedback policies","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4207","title":"Prohibited and restricted items","description":"While you can sell almost any item on eBay, maintaining the safety of our community is a responsibility we take very seriously.","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Prohibited and restricted items"]},{"topicId":"4209","title":"Member behavior policies","description":"<p>One of the foundations of the eBay experience is the level of trust between all members of the eBay community. To maintain that trust, we expect all members to treat each other with respect.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Member behavior policies"]},{"topicId":"4210","title":"eBay Money Back Guarantee policy","description":"<p>eBay Money Back Guarantee covers most transactions on eBay. It means buyers can get their money back if an item didn&#39;t arrive, is faulty or damaged, or doesn&#39;t match the listing.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"13 min","taxonomies":["Policies","eBay Money Back Guarantee policy"]},{"topicId":"4213","title":"Listing policies","description":"<p>To make sure buyers have a great experience when they buy from you, we&#39;ve put in place some rules and guidelines for listing items on eBay.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"6 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Listing policies"]},{"topicId":"4345","title":"Seller protections","description":"<p>When you sell on eBay, we protect you from abusive buying behavior and from events outside your control.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"9 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Selling policies","Seller protection policy"]},{"topicId":"4871","title":"Appeal a defect or late shipment","description":"<p>If you have a defect or late shipment on your account, we may be able to remove it, depending on the circumstances.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Selling","All about selling","Seller performance overview","Appeal a defect or late shipment"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/policies/feedback-policies/feedback-policies?id=4208","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER,SELLER","keywords":"Feedback policy, feedback removal, feedback misuse, feedback extortion, image removal\n","taxonomies":["Policies","Feedback policies"]},"4224":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4224","title":"Bid sniping","content":"<p>Bid sniping&mdash;including the use of software that places bids for you&mdash;is allowed on eBay, but it doesn&rsquo;t guarantee you&rsquo;ll win an auction. Other members may be using the same tactic, may&nbsp;have set up <a href=\"/help/buying/auctions-bidding/bidding-works?id=4014\">automatic bidding\u003C/a>, or may simply react quickly and place a higher bid before the auction ends.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nInstead of bid sniping,&nbsp;set up <a href=\"/help/buying/auctions-bidding/bidding-works?id=4014\">automatic bidding\u003C/a> for listings where you want to maximize your chances of winning.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2>Automated bid sniping software\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Many websites and software packages offer automated bidding based on the end time of an eBay auction. They try to automatically place your bid just before the auction ends, and some try to synchronize with eBay servers to ensure&nbsp;your bid wins.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>When you sign up with third-party providers that offer automated bidding, you should make sure they are trustworthy before entrusting them with any personal data, like your eBay password. Remember, you are responsible for any information you give to third-party services.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1298","articleDescription":"Waiting until the last few seconds of an auction to make a winning bid is known as bid sniping. This tactic is used to try to prevent other bidders from having a chance to place a higher bid before the auction ends.","metaTitle":"Bid sniping | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn about bid sniping and the risks related to using automatic auction sniping software.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Bid sniping","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4013","title":"Retracting a bid","description":"<p>If you&#39;ve made a mistake when bidding on an item, you can retract your bid in certain circumstances.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Retracting a bid"]},{"topicId":"4014","title":"Automatic bidding","description":"<p>Automatic bidding is the easiest way to bid on an eBay auction. Simply enter the highest price you&rsquo;re willing to pay for an item, and we&#39;ll do the rest.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Automatic bidding"]},{"topicId":"4015","title":"Tips for winning auctions","description":"<p>eBay auctions often have multiple competing bidders.&nbsp;You can maximize your chances of winning by having a good bidding strategy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Tips for winning auctions"]},{"topicId":"4017","title":"Responding to Second Chance Offers","description":"<p>If you didn&#39;t win an auction, the seller might give you another opportunity to buy the item you wanted by sending you a Second Chance Offer.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Second Chance Offers"]},{"topicId":"4018","title":"How reserve prices work","description":"<p>A reserve price is the minimum amount the seller is willing to sell an item for. If the reserve price isn&#39;t met, the item won&#39;t be sold.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","How reserve prices work"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/bidding/bid-sniping?id=4224","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay sniping, eBay sniper, eBay sniping, Sniping on eBay, eBay sniping policy, How does eBay sniping work?","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Bid Sniping"]},"4231":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4231","title":"Feedback manipulation policy","content":"<p>To help maintain trust in eBay, we have rules to make sure feedback can&#39;t be unfairly manipulated.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">What is the policy?\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Any attempt to manipulate feedback or <a href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/seller-ratings?id=4023\">Detailed Seller Ratings\u003C/a> (DSRs) is not allowed. This includes:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Offering to buy, sell, trade, or give away feedback\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Registering multiple accounts or working with others to exchange feedback with the purpose of artificially increasing a feedback score\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Referencing eBay feedback in a listing title or description\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Conducting transactions with the purpose of increasing a feedback score, or to obtain Top Rated Seller status or site privileges\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Manipulating another member&#39;s feedback through repeat purchases, or a pattern of leaving positive feedback with consistently low DSRs\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Buying or selling eBay user accounts\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>Activity on eBay is required to follow this policy, the eBay <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-agreement?id=4259\">User Agreement\u003C/a> and all applicable laws, as well as respect the rights of third parties. If it doesn&rsquo;t, eBay may take action consistent with applicable laws and the eBay <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-agreement?id=4259\">User Agreement\u003C/a>, and may even be legally required to do so. Such actions may include, as an example only: Removing the listing or other content, issuing a warning, restricting activity or account suspension.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nVisit <a href=\"/sellerhelp/policy\" target=\"_blank\">Seller Help<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> to find details of any policy issues with your account or listings, and get the information you need to quickly resolve them.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Why does eBay have this policy?\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>This policy helps protect the integrity of the eBay feedback system, and builds trust between buyers and sellers.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1226","articleDescription":"<p>Feedback manipulation, which is any attempt to artificially increase your feedback score or lower another member&#39;s, is not allowed.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Feedback manipulation policy | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn what feedback manipulation is and why it isn&rsquo;t allowed on eBay.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Feedback manipulation policy","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4656","title":"Removed or hidden listings","description":"<p>We may have to remove or hide a listing if it doesn&#39;t follow our policies&nbsp;or if&nbsp;the rights owner asks&nbsp;us to.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"5 min","taxonomies":["Selling","All about listings","Creating and managing listings","Removed or hidden listings"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/policies/feedback-policies/feedback-manipulation-policy?id=4231","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER,SELLER","keywords":"feedback manipulation, misuse feedback","taxonomies":["Policies","Feedback policies","Feedback manipulation policy"]},"4359":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4359","title":"Finding a listing","content":"<p>If you can&#39;t find a listing you saw earlier, you can try:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Scrolling further down the search results page\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Entering some slightly different keywords\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Using <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">advanced search<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">A listing I was interested in has disappeared\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>This can happen for a few reasons:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>The seller ended the listing early. Sometimes sellers leave a message in the listing explaining why it was ended sooner than expected. If you were watching the item, the listing may still appear in your <a href=\"/help/buying/search-tips/watch-list?id=4046\">Watchlist\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Someone else bought the item using Buy It Now so the listing ended immediately\u003C/li>\n\t<li>We removed the listing because it didn&#39;t comply with one of our policies. When this happens, we email any bidders to explain why. If you don&#39;t see this email in your inbox, check your junk and spam folders\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">The listing for the item I bought has disappeared\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you&#39;ve bought an item but can&#39;t find the listing on the site anymore, you should still be able to find the listing details in one of the following places:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Your \u003C/strong><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase history<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> &ndash; Be sure to scroll through all sections, including&nbsp;Canceled items,&nbsp;Canceled invoices, and&nbsp;Returns and canceled orders\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Your order confirmation email \u003C/strong>&ndash; If you bought the item as a guest, the listing won&#39;t appear in your purchase history. Instead, look for the eBay guest order confirmation email you received after you bought the item. This email includes all your order details and a link to the listing. You can find more information in our article about <a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/buying-guest?id=4035\">buying as a guest\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>If we&#39;ve removed a listing, and you&#39;ve already bought and paid for the item, we recommend waiting 10 days for it to arrive. If your item hasn&#39;t arrived after 10 days, <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/get-help-item-hasnt-arrived?id=4042\">let us know\u003C/a>. If you receive your item, but want to return it, you can <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/return-item-refund?id=4041\">request a refund\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nAdding listings you&#39;re interested in to your <a href=\"/help/buying/search-tips/watch-list?id=4046\">Watchlist\u003C/a> makes it easier to find them again in the future.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1325","articleDescription":"<p>You can find listings&nbsp;you&#39;ve browsed lately in your recently viewed items. However, if the listing isn&#39;t there, the item may have been purchased, or we needed to remove the listing.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Finding a listing | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn why listings you&#39;ve bought or are bidding on may have disappeared &ndash; and how you might be able to find them again.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Finding a listing","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","pullQuote":"<h3>If you can&#39;t find a listing you saw earlier, try going further down the search results page, or using some slightly different keywords.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/search-tips/finding-listing?id=4359","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER,SELLER","taxonomies":["Buying","Search tips","Trouble finding your listing"]},"4360":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4360","title":"Your shopping cart","content":"<p>You&rsquo;re under no obligation to buy items you&rsquo;ve added to your shopping cart, but keep in mind that items in your cart can still be bought by other members until you&rsquo;ve completed checkout.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">How to add an item to your cart\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>To add an item to your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">shopping cart<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab<span style=\"color: #b01600;\">,\u003C/span>\u003C/span>\u003C/a> select <strong>Add to cart\u003C/strong> beneath the <strong>Buy It Now\u003C/strong> button on any fixed-price listing.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>To view the items you&#39;ve previously placed in your cart, select the cart icon at the top right-hand corner of the eBay screen. You can then select <strong>Go to checkout\u003C/strong>, or continue shopping.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nListings for vehicles, auction-style listings without a Buy It Now option, and Classified Ad listings can&rsquo;t be added to the shopping cart.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Paying for items in your cart\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Generally, you can pay for all of the items in your cart together, even if they&#39;re from different sellers, by selecting <strong>Go to checkout\u003C/strong>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you&#39;d rather pay one seller at a time, select <strong>Pay only this seller\u003C/strong>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>There are a few situations where you&#39;ll have to check out separately:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>If the seller hasn&rsquo;t specified&nbsp;shipping costs for your location, select <strong>Message to seller\u003C/strong> on the checkout page to ask them for&nbsp;shipping options\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If the seller hasn&#39;t specified rules for combining&nbsp;shipping costs on multiple items, select <strong>Request total\u003C/strong> on the cart page\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you&#39;re buying from different sellers and the same payment method is not available for all items, or you&#39;re buying items listed in different currencies, you&#39;ll have to make separate payments\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">How to remove an item from your cart\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you&#39;re no longer interested in an item in your cart, select <strong>Remove \u003C/strong>next to the item. You also have the option to <strong>Save for later\u003C/strong> if you&#39;d still like to keep track of the item.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Saved items can be viewed further down the shopping cart page, and you can add them back to your cart by selecting <strong>Add back to cart\u003C/strong>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">If an item disappears from your cart\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>There are a number of reasons why an item could be automatically removed from your cart. For example:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Someone else may have purchased the item\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The seller or eBay may have ended the listing early, or it naturally expired\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If the item was listed in an auction-style format with a Buy It Now option, someone else may have placed a bid\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You may have added the item to your cart on a different eBay site\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The seller may have changed their buyer requirements\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section5\">Customizing your item before you place it in your cart\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>In some categories, sellers might offer personalization of their item. To enter your desired personalization, just fill in the free text field that&#39;s located directly above the Buy It Now button.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1009","articleDescription":"<p>You can save fixed-price items you&#39;d like to buy by adding them to your shopping cart while you continue shopping. When you&#39;re ready, you can check out and pay for multiple items in one go.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Your shopping cart | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how to add, remove, and pay for items in your shopping cart on eBay.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Your shopping cart","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","pullQuote":"<h3>You&#39;ll see <strong>Add to cart\u003C/strong> beneath the Buy It Now button on any fixed-price listing.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4019","title":"Making a Best Offer","description":"<p>With Best Offer, you can offer the seller a price you&#39;re willing to pay for the item. The seller can accept, decline, or counter your offer by suggesting another price.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Buy It Now","Making a Best Offer"]},{"topicId":"4020","title":"Counteroffers","description":"<p>If you&nbsp;made a <a href=\"/help/buying/buy-now/making-best-offer?id=4019\">Best Offer\u003C/a> on a&nbsp;listing, the seller may come back to you with a counteroffer suggesting another price.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Buy It Now","Counteroffers"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/paying-items/shopping-cart?id=4360","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay add to cart, remove item from cart eBay, add to cart\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Your shopping cart"]},"4639":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4639","title":"Buying vehicles, parts, and accessories","content":"<p>Like most product categories on eBay, you can <a href=\"/help/buying/bidding/bidding?id=4003\">bid\u003C/a> on vehicles, parts, and accessories, or buy them at a <a href=\"/help/buying/buy-now/buy-now?id=4002\">fixed price\u003C/a>.&nbsp;On some listings, you can make the seller a <a href=\"/help/buying/buy-now/making-best-offer?id=4019\">Best Offer\u003C/a>. Most Motors listings come with a free vehicle history report, and most vehicle purchases are covered by&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Vehicle Purchase Protection (VPP)<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Keep in mind that if you want to bid $25,000 or more, you&#39;ll need to provide a valid credit card (your card won&rsquo;t be charged).\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Buying a new vehicle on eBay Motors\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>We&#39;ve partnered with local dealers to help you find the new vehicle you want at the price you want. If you&rsquo;re shopping for a new vehicle, we can help you search for, research, and customize a brand new vehicle from local dealers for a low price.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>select the make and model you want\u003C/li>\n\t<li>choose whatever options you&rsquo;d like\u003C/li>\n\t<li>secure a low, no-haggle price for the vehicle you want\u003C/li>\n\t<li>select a local dealer to buy the vehicle from\u003C/li>\n\t<li>contact the dealer to arrange pickup and payment details\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h3>How to find new vehicles\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Follow these steps to find and buy your new vehicle:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to <a href=\"\">eBay Motors<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select the <strong>Condition\u003C/strong> dropdown menu in the Find a Vehicle section and choose <strong>New\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select a make and model, and then enter your ZIP code.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Find vehicle\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select the features you&rsquo;d like, from exterior color to engine size.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select the vehicle you want and enter your contact information. Your contact information is secure and you&rsquo;re under no obligation to purchase the vehicle.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Print this certificate and contact your local dealer to arrange pickup and payment details.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>When you pick up your vehicle, present your price certificate to the dealer.&nbsp;\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<h3>What you should know\u003C/h3>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Dealers will do their best to match the vehicle you built to the vehicles that are available to purchase. If your exact vehicle isn&rsquo;t in stock, your dealer will help you find a similar car at a similar price\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Our prices don&rsquo;t include government fees and taxes, finance charges, dealer documentation fees, title and license fees, emission testing charges, or&nbsp;dealer-installed accessories\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You won&rsquo;t pay for the vehicle on eBay. All financing and payment details will be worked out with the dealer\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you change your mind about options and features, talk to your dealer to negotiate a new low price for your vehicle\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Contact your dealer with any questions about a vehicle you selected\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Paying with\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If the seller offers as a payment method, you can pay into a secure escrow account using a credit card, PayPal, or bank transfer. will hold onto your payment until you&rsquo;ve inspected the vehicle, and are happy with the purchase.&nbsp;\u003C/p>\n\n<p>To see if a seller offers as a payment option, check the Seller payment instructions in the <strong>Shipping and Payments\u003C/strong> section of the listing.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Escrow charges a 0.89-3.25% of vehicle purchase price as fee for the transaction.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Here&rsquo;s how to pay for a vehicle using\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<div class=\"title\">\n<p>Desktop and Mobile Web\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>Fixed price listings:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Buy It Now\u003C/strong> on the listing.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Commit to Buy\u003C/strong> and then <strong>Pay Now\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Review the vehicle&#39;s details on the Escrow checkout page and select <strong>Complete with\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You&rsquo;ll be redirected to to complete the transaction.&nbsp;&nbsp;\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>Auctions or Best Offers:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Once you&rsquo;ve won an auction, or the seller accepted your offer, you&rsquo;ll receive an email from eBay on how you can pay for your vehicle with\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Complete payment\u003C/strong>&nbsp;in the email to go to the Escrow checkout page on eBay.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Complete with\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Once on, simply follow the steps to complete the transaction.&nbsp;&nbsp;\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"line\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<div class=\"title\">\n<p>eBay Motors app\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<ol>\n\t<li>Tap <strong>Commit to buy\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Tap <strong>Continue with eBay and Partners\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You&rsquo;ll see a confirmation page that you&rsquo;ve secured the vehicle.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Tap <strong>Start setup\u003C/strong> to sign up to\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Once on, simply follow the steps to complete your purchase.&nbsp;\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h3>How works\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Here&rsquo;s an overview of how works with eBay Motors.&nbsp;\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>When you buy a vehicle through a fixed price listing, by winning an auction, or when a seller accepts your offer, you&#39;ll be redirected to from the eBay checkout.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Create your account and deposit the funds to pay for your vehicle.\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>If the purchase price is less than $5,000 you can pay by ACH, credit card, or PayPal\u003C/li>\n\t\t<li>If the purchase price is greater than $5,000, you can pay by wire transfer\u003C/li>\n\t\t<li>For more information see the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Payment options page<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> on\u003C/li>\n\t\u003C/ul>\n\t\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Once you start the transaction, the seller is notified.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>When your funds are secured in, the seller will ship the vehicle to you.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>When you receive it, you&rsquo;ll have 2 business days to inspect the vehicle and either accept or decline it.\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>If you accept the vehicle, will release your payment to the seller\u003C/li>\n\t\t<li>If you decline the vehicle, you&#39;ll be responsible for the cost of shipping it back to the seller\u003C/li>\n\t\t<li>For more information, see the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Inspection Period page<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> on\u003C/li>\n\t\u003C/ul>\n\t\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nCredit card and PayPal payments can take up to 2 business days to secure into an Escrow account. Bank transfers can take up to 10 business days, depending on your bank.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Tips for buying a vehicle\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Buying a new or used car is often a big investment, so it&rsquo;s good to do some research. Here are some tips to help you get started:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>First, research the type of vehicle and options you need\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Be realistic in your expectations of used or older vehicles&mdash;expect normal wear and tear\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Inspect the vehicle in person if you can. If that&rsquo;s not possible, have a <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">vehicle inspection service<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> visit the vehicle to ensure it&rsquo;s as described in the listing\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Review the seller&rsquo;s feedback rating on eBay, and <a href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/contacting-seller?id=4021\">contact the seller\u003C/a> with any questions. Don&rsquo;t bid or buy if they don&rsquo;t respond to your questions or can&rsquo;t be reached by email or phone\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Consider the additional costs associated with buying a vehicle, such as insurance, shipping, registration, and taxes\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Bidding on vehicles\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When you bid on a vehicle on eBay, it&rsquo;s considered <a href=\"/help/policies/rules-policies-buyers/nonbinding-bid-policy?id=4228\">non-binding\u003C/a>. However, you shouldn&rsquo;t bid unless you intend to complete the purchase. Please read our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-agreement?id=4259\">user agreement\u003C/a> for details, and learn more about our bidding policies:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/policies/rules-policies-buyers/nonbinding-bid-policy?id=4228\">Non-binding bid policy\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/policies/selling-policies/selling-practices-policy/shill-bidding-policy?id=4353\">Shill bidding policy\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h3>Blocked from bidding\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Sellers can make their listings unavailable to a specified list of bidders, such as those with low feedback scores. If you&rsquo;ve been blocked from bidding, you&rsquo;ll receive an error message saying you&rsquo;re not allowed to bid on that seller&rsquo;s listings. This also means that you&rsquo;re not allowed to bid with another user ID and doing so could result in suspension from eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can <a href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/contacting-seller?id=4021\" target=\"_blank\">contact the seller\u003C/a> to ask&nbsp;them if they&#39;ll remove your block.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section5\">Vehicle history reports\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Many sellers include a vehicle history report from AutoCheck. If they have, you&rsquo;ll find it in the &ldquo;Vehicle History Report&rdquo; tab. If the seller hasn&rsquo;t provided a report, you&rsquo;ll have the option to buy one. The report gives you access to important details about used cars. You can see if the vehicle has ever been\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>stolen, salvaged, or rebuilt\u003C/li>\n\t<li>turned in under a lemon law\u003C/li>\n\t<li>in a flood or hail storm\u003C/li>\n\t<li>in an accident or fire (if reported)\u003C/li>\n\t<li>a victim of potential odometer rollback\u003C/li>\n\t<li>used as a rental or fleet vehicle\u003C/li>\n\t<li>used as a police vehicle or taxi\u003C/li>\n\t<li>abandoned or forfeited\u003C/li>\n\t<li>reported as having a lien\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>The report shows the vehicle&rsquo;s title details, including all ownership transfers and DMV transactions. It also includes an AutoCheck Score, which shows how a vehicle measures up against others of the same make and model. Reports don&rsquo;t include personal information about the vehicle&rsquo;s previous owners, such as names and addresses. Learn more <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">about AutoCheck<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Where the information comes from\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>AutoCheck uses a vehicle&rsquo;s unique 17-digit Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to determine its history.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>AutoCheck gathers report information from hundreds of data sources, including\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>State Departments of Motor Vehicles (DMV)\u003C/li>\n\t<li>auto auctions\u003C/li>\n\t<li>canadian Motor Vehicle Departments\u003C/li>\n\t<li>consumer protection agencies\u003C/li>\n\t<li>auto dealers\u003C/li>\n\t<li>other state agencies\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>All data acquired from these sources meet the federally mandated Drivers Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) and/or other industry guidelines.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>About the AutoCheck score\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>The AutoCheck Score is a rating that evaluates all of a vehicle&rsquo;s history data using one score, which is based on a 100-point scale for each vehicle.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The AutoCheck Score is determined by the following:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>The age of the vehicle at the time of the report\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The number of miles on the vehicle given at the time the report was run\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The vehicle class as reported by Automotive News. This list of vehicle makes and models is published annually and is recognized as an industry standard. Examples of vehicle classes include &ldquo;Sport utility,&nbsp;entry level&rdquo;&nbsp;and &ldquo;Mid-range cars,&nbsp;standard.&rdquo;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The number of owners the vehicle has had\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The vehicle&rsquo;s use and history (things like taxi use, accidents, and theft history impact the score)\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">Frequently asked questions\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p><strong>Do I still need to research the vehicle?\u003C/strong><br />\nAlthough a vehicle history report is an excellent resource for revealing a vehicle&rsquo;s past usage, we strongly recommend that you physically inspect the car or hire a third-party inspection service to evaluate the vehicle&rsquo;s condition.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Are all accidents and events included in the report?\u003C/strong><br />\nAutoCheck only reports information that is available to the company. There is no guarantee that a vehicle&rsquo;s complete history is included in the report.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>What does &ldquo;no history found&rdquo;&nbsp;mean?\u003C/strong><br />\n&ldquo;No history found&rdquo;&nbsp;indicates that AutoCheck found no information in that category at the time of the report. This could mean that AutoCheck hasn&rsquo;t yet received that data, or it could mean that no issues have been reported.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>What is AutoCheck?\u003C/strong><br />\nAutoCheck is powered by Experian, a company that provides information, analytics,&nbsp;and marketing for&nbsp;organizations and consumers to help them make informed decisions. Learn more about AutoCheck.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>What does this error message mean: VHR data not yet available?\u003C/strong><br />\nThe history report is not yet available for this vehicle or it hasn&rsquo;t been created yet. Please check back later for more information.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Where can I see a sample report? \u003C/strong><br />\nYou can see a <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">sample report<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> on AutoCheck&rsquo;s website.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section6\">Shipping vehicles\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>The buyer typically makes shipping arrangements and pays the costs associated with picking up or shipping the vehicle. Check the seller&rsquo;s description to see if additional shipping options are offered.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>To get information on shipping a vehicle, select <strong>Shipping and payments\u003C/strong> in the listing. You&rsquo;ll see estimated quotes based on your location and the location of the vehicle.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We&rsquo;ve partnered with uShip to make it even easier to get your vehicle shipped &ndash; at an affordable rate. Once you&rsquo;ve found a vehicle you&rsquo;re interested in, you can quickly get a quote for shipping it with uShip. You can also book your uShip delivery when you&rsquo;re ready to pay. Find out more about <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">how to ship&nbsp;a vehicle through uShip<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section7\">eBay Motors protection programs\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>We have&nbsp;a range of resources and purchase protection programs to help ensure a smooth transaction and provide peace of mind when you buy a vehicle.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Inspections and reports:\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Vehicle inspection<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>: Catch easily missed details with a 150-point vehicle inspection report\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Vehicle history report<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>: Get the facts about a pre-owned car before you buy it\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p><strong>Payment and financing:\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">eBay Motors Security Center<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>: Get information on how you can protect yourself from scams and fraudulent activities\u003C/li>\n\t<li>eBay Motors Financing Center:&nbsp;We can help you secure a loan for a vehicle by connecting you to a number of financial partners that offer vehicle financing options. You can also try the following:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Check&nbsp;the listing you&rsquo;re interested in to see if the seller offers financing options\u003C/li>\n\t\t<li>Select&nbsp;the <strong>Financing\u003C/strong> tab in the listing for payment options. Then enter the amount you want to finance and your state of residence to get information about finance companies&nbsp;and a payment calculator for&nbsp;an estimate of your monthly payments\u003C/li>\n\t\u003C/ul>\n\t\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p><strong><a name=\"deposit\">\u003C/a>Making a deposit:\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Making a deposit is a normal part of purchasing a vehicle, motorcycle, or even a boat. eBay Motors enables sellers to offer deposits and buyers to make a deposit during an online transaction. A deposit solidifies the commitment between buyers and sellers by serving two purposes:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>The seller is assured that the buyer is committed to completing the purchase.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The buyer can feel confident that the vehicle will not be sold to another individual.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>How Does it Work?\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Sellers specify a deposit amount during the listing process. Sellers can require an immediate deposit of up to $500 or up to $2,000 on a standard deposit from the winning bidder at checkout\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nVehicles offered on Craigslist, AutoTrader, or other online sites are not eBay transactions, even if they claim to be. If you&rsquo;re bidding on a vehicle on eBay, it will appear in the Bids/Offers section of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">My eBay<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>. If you suspect a potential scam, let us know by emailing&nbsp;<a href=\"\">\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Purchase protection for vehicles:\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Vehicle Purchase Protection (VPP)<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> is included in most vehicle purchases and covers up to $100,000 or the vehicle&rsquo;s purchase price, whichever is lower.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Vehicle Purchase Protection (VPP) Overview\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>VPP provides protection at no additional cost for certain losses associated with fraud, such as non-delivery of the vehicle, undisclosed title defects, and certain undisclosed vehicle defects when your purchase meets the VPP eligibility and coverage requirements\u003C/li>\n\t<li>An independent service provider will work with eBay to determine whether you have suffered a loss that is reimbursable by the VPP program and what that&nbsp;reimbursement amount would be\u003C/li>\n\t<li>VPP is not an insurance policy, a warranty, or a solution for buyer&rsquo;s remorse. You should perform&nbsp;due diligence when considering the purchase of any vehicle\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Restrictions apply. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Find out more about the eligibility requirements and coverage restrictions<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p><strong>Purchase protection for parts and accessories:\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Most purchases are covered by the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">eBay Money Back Guarantee<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section8\">Buying parts and accessories\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you&rsquo;re buying a part or accessory, check the product compatibility and specifications and read the seller&rsquo;s description carefully to make sure the item is compatible with your vehicle.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Here&#39;s how to find compatible parts:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">eBay Motors<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and go to the <strong>Find Parts and Accessories\u003C/strong> section.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select your vehicle&rsquo;s year, make, model, trim and engine.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Find Parts\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Enter keywords such as product or brand name.&nbsp;\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>You can also add your vehicle to &ldquo;My Garage&rdquo; so you don&#39;t have to re-enter its details the next time you need a part.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Follow these steps to add a vehicle:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to eBay Motors.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Under <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">My Garage,<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> select <strong>Add a Vehicle\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Choose your vehicle type and select your vehicle&rsquo;s year, make, model, trim and engine from the drop-down menus.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Go\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Next time you want to find parts, select your saved vehicle in <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">My Garage<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>&nbsp;to search for parts that fit.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<h3>eBay Guaranteed Fit\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Use the Find Parts &amp; Accessories drop-down menu on the eBay Motors homepage or select your saved vehicle in <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">My Garage<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> to search for parts that fit. eBay checks your vehicle details against item compatibility information provided by our seller. When there is a match, fit is confirmed for that specific item and is indicated by a checkmark on the listing.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the part or accessory you purchased does not fit your vehicle, you can return it for free within 30 days of receiving it for a full refund (some exceptions may apply).&nbsp;\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Learn more about <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">eBay Guaranteed Fit.<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section9\">Tire installation services\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When you purchase new tires from a participating seller on eBay, you can choose to add tire installation to your purchase. Before you go to checkout, select an installation service center and choose a day and time that suits you.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>When your purchase is complete, you&#39;ll receive a confirmation email from us with the details of your order and your tires will be shipped directly to the installation service center you selected.&nbsp;For more information, go to our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">tire installation<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> page.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1346","articleDescription":"<p>You can search for vehicles and parts by year, make, model, trim and engine on eBay Motors. You can also shop by category&nbsp;or filter your results so you only see local listings.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Buying vehicles, parts, and accessories | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how you can use eBay Motors to buy vehicles, parts, and accessories.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Buying vehicles, parts, and accessories","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","pullQuote":"<h3>Be sure to review the vehicle history report if you&rsquo;re shopping for a used car, and check if the vehicle is covered by <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Vehicle Purchase Protection (VPP)<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/getting-started-ebay/buying-vehicles-parts-accessories?id=4639","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay motors, vehicles, buying vehicles, buying car accessories, buying vehicles on eBay","taxonomies":["Buying","Getting started on eBay","Buying with eBay Motors"]},"4640":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4640","title":"eBay gift cards","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>If you think you&#39;ve been targeted by a gift card scam, you&#39;ll find information on what to do in our article on <a href=\"\">protecting yourself against gift card scams\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>eBay gift cards can be used to pay for almost any item on our site. You can use your gift card to pay for all or part of your next purchase.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Buying an eBay gift card\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Digital gift cards are now available <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">on eBay<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> in addition to&nbsp;other online retailers. You can also purchase our physical gift cards at CVS, Walgreens, and&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">other retailers<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>&nbsp;near you.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Paying with an eBay gift card\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You&rsquo;ll need to use your redemption code to pay for an item with your gift card. Here&rsquo;s where you&rsquo;ll find your gift card redemption code:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Digital cards - The code is in the email we sent you\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Physical cards - Scratch off the security coating on the back of the card to reveal the code\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>When you&#39;re ready to make a purchase, here&rsquo;s how to pay with your eBay gift card at checkout:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Enter your shipping and payment details.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Scroll to the bottom of the checkout page and enter the gift card redemption code in the <strong>Add coupons\u003C/strong> field.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Apply\u003C/strong> to see your new total.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Check your details again and select <strong>Confirm and pay\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>If you don&#39;t have enough money on your gift card to cover the total cost of an item outright, you can pay the remaining cost using another payment method, such as a credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or PayPal.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Check your eBay gift card balance\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>It&rsquo;s always a good idea to check your gift card balance before you go to checkout. To view your card&#39;s balance, go to our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">gift card balance checker<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> or select the button below and enter your 13-digit gift card redemption code.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Check your gift card balance<span class=\"g-hdn\">&nbsp;- opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If there&#39;s a remaining balance on your gift card after you&rsquo;ve used it, the balance will remain on the card and can be used the next time you buy an item on eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf you return an item you bought with an eBay gift card, the amount you used on the gift card will be refunded. You can then use the gift card redemption code again as long as you&#39;re using the same eBay account.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Gift card restrictions\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>There are a few restrictions to keep in mind when using eBay gift cards:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>You can&rsquo;t use an eBay gift card to buy bullion, coins, paper money, virtual currency, coupons, or other gift cards\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You can use up to 4 gift card and/or promotion codes per transaction. The codes include eBay gift cards, eBay Bucks, and coupons\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Gift cards are linked to your account on the first use. Once you use it, your card cannot be used with another eBay account\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>You&#39;ll find more information about eBay gift cards on our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">frequently asked questions<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a><span> page\u003C/span>, or see the full <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">terms and conditions<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1343","articleDescription":"Buying for someone else? Not sure what they&#39;d like? Try an eBay gift card. We have gift cards for every occasion. You can even choose custom-designed cards based on the recipient&#39;s interests.","metaTitle":"eBay gift cards | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Find out everything you need to know about buying and using eBay gift cards.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"eBay gift cards","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","pullQuote":"<h3>To use your gift card to pay for an item,&nbsp;enter the redemption code at checkout.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"5156","title":"Protecting yourself against gift card scams","description":"<p>There are a number of ways to protect yourself from gift card scams, including keeping your redemption code&nbsp;safe and only using your gift card at checkout on\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Gift Cards"]},{"topicId":"4034","title":"Coupons and discounts","description":"<p>Sign up to receive discount offers and coupons to save on your next eBay purchase.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Coupons and discounts"]},{"topicId":"4638","title":"Earning and using eBay Bucks","description":"<p>The eBay Bucks Rewards Program was&nbsp;designed to reward eBay members for purchasing items on;After careful consideration it was discontinued on April 2<sup>nd\u003C/sup>, 2024 to deliver more exciting value to our customers.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","eBay Bucks"]},{"topicId":"4033","title":"Paying with PayPal","description":"<p>If you have a PayPal account, you can use it to pay for your items on eBay. You can also link your PayPal and eBay accounts so you don&rsquo;t need to enter your details each time you pay at checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying with PayPal"]},{"topicId":"4059","title":"Contacting PayPal","description":"<p>If you&#39;re having problems paying with PayPal, or need help with your PayPal account, contact PayPal Customer Support directly.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying with PayPal","Contacting PayPal"]},{"topicId":"4035","title":"Buying as a guest ","description":"<p>You can shop for most things on eBay without needing an eBay account, but you&rsquo;ll miss out on the benefits of being a member.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Buying as a guest"]},{"topicId":"4038","title":"Paying for items with a credit or debit card ","description":"<p>eBay offers payment by credit and debit cards for most listings. You&rsquo;ll see accepted payment methods at checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying for items with a credit or debit card"]},{"topicId":"4036","title":"Checkout","description":"<p>At checkout you can pay for your item, choose where you&rsquo;d like it to be delivered, and review your order details before you pay.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Checkout"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/paying-items/ebay-gift-cards?id=4640","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"how to pay with ebay gift card, gift card balance","searchSnippet":"<p>You can view your eBay gift card balance using the button below.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" id=\"trackCTA\" target=\"_blank\">Gift Card Balance Checker<span class=\"clipped\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Gift Cards"]},"4667":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4667","title":"Check the status of your request","content":"<div class=\"policy-highlight-warning\">\n<p><strong>Quick tip\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Once you&#39;ve requested a return or reported that an item hasn&#39;t arrived yet, you can check the status at any time by selecting the button below.\u003C/p>\n\n<div style=\"text-align: center;\"><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/action?topicid=4667&amp;af=2\">Check the status of my request\u003C/a>\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Check your open request\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select the button above to check the status of your request at any time. There, you&#39;ll see the seller&#39;s replies and details on what you need to do next.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If it&#39;s been less than 3 business days since you opened the request and the seller hasn&#39;t responded yet, give them a little more time. Most sellers are happy to help once they know there&#39;s an issue.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Need to get in touch with the seller about your purchase? If you haven&#39;t already opened a request, read our articles:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/reporting-item-didnt-receive?id=4042\">Get help with an item that hasn&#39;t arrived\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/buying-guest?id=4041\">Return an item for a refund\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Get help from eBay\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you don&#39;t see the option to ask us to step in, your order might not be eligible yet. We can step in if it&#39;s been more than 3 business days since you requested a return or reported an item hasn&#39;t arrived.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You don&#39;t need to ask us to step in as soon as the order is eligible though. If you and the seller are still talking, you can give them a bit longer to sort things out. If you&#39;re not happy with the seller&#39;s resolution (for example, the seller accepted your return request but hasn&#39;t provided a return shipping label), you&nbsp;can ask us to help.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Don&#39;t wait too long though. Requests that show no activity for 21 business days are closed automatically.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">How to ask eBay to step in\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<ol>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Go to your open requests\u003C/strong> below.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Find the item you&#39;d like our help with.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Take action\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Ask eBay to step in and help\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n<a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Go to your open requests<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>Once you&#39;ve asked us to step in, we&#39;ll review all the details and respond to you and the seller within 48 hours. Learn more about <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/ask-ebay-step-help-buyers?id=4701\">asking eBay to step in and help\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Getting your refund\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you&#39;re getting a refund, it will go back to your original payment method. Refunds are typically available within 3-5 business days.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf the seller promised a refund but hasn&#39;t issued it, you can ask eBay to step in and help.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Closing a request\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If your item has arrived, or you no longer want to return it, you can close your request. This lets the seller know that the issue is resolved.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">How to close your request\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchases<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and find the item.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>See request details\u003C/strong> in the Actions menu and then <strong>Close your request\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select your reason for closing the request from the dropdown, and add details if you want to.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Close request\u003C/strong> or <strong>Confirm\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>If you had already asked eBay to step in, you&#39;ll see &#39;case&#39; rather than &#39;request&#39;. You can still close it if things are resolved.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>It&#39;s important to remember that you won&#39;t be able to re-open the request or case once it&#39;s closed.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n","id":"HELP1374","articleDescription":"<p>If you&#39;ve requested a return or reported that you didn&#39;t receive your order, you can check the status at any time.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Check the status of your request | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Discover how you can check the status of requests that you&#39;ve opened on eBay.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Check the status of your request","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4701","title":"Ask eBay to step in and help for buyers","description":"<p>You can ask us to step in if there&#39;s an issue with your order and the seller hasn&#39;t been able to help.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Ask eBay to step in for buyers"]},{"topicId":"4039","title":"Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer","description":"<p>If you don&#39;t agree with our resolution when we&#39;ve stepped in to help resolve an issue, you can appeal by providing new information within 30 calendar days of the case closing.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer"]},{"topicId":"4210","title":"eBay Money Back Guarantee policy","description":"<p>eBay Money Back Guarantee covers most transactions on eBay. It means buyers can get their money back if an item didn&#39;t arrive, is faulty or damaged, or doesn&#39;t match the listing.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"13 min","taxonomies":["Policies","eBay Money Back Guarantee policy"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/check-status-request?id=4667","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"Case status, open claim, open case, request status, close request, missing item request status, return request status, check request, check case, check return, what's happening with my request, what is happening with my case, has seller responded to my case, check seller response, has seller responded to return, did seller accept return, next steps for return","searchSnippet":"<h2>Check the status of your request\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select the item you&#39;d like help with.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Check the status of your request"]},"4701":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4701","title":"Ask eBay to step in and help for buyers","content":"<div class=\"policy-highlight-warning\">\n<p><strong>Quick tip\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We can only step in if it&#39;s been more than 3 business days since you requested a return or reported that an item hasn&#39;t arrived yet.\u003C/p>\n\n<div style=\"text-align: center;\"><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/action?topicid=4667&amp;af=2\">Check the status of my request\u003C/a>\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>Once we step in, we&#39;ll review the details and get back to you and the seller within 48 hours.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>For qualifying orders, you can get a refund if an item didn&#39;t arrive, is faulty or damaged, or doesn&#39;t match the description in the listing.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">When you can ask eBay to step in\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you don&#39;t see the option to ask us to step in, your order might not be eligible yet. We can step in if it&#39;s been more than 3 business days since you requested a return or reported an item hasn&#39;t arrived.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You don&#39;t need to ask us to step in as soon as the order is eligible though. If you and the seller are still talking, you can give them a bit longer to sort things out.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We&#39;ll automatically close a request if there&#39;s been no activity for 21 business days, so don&#39;t wait too long.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can also ask us to help if tracking shows that a return was delivered to the seller more than 2 business days ago and you haven&#39;t received a refund.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">How to ask us to step in\u003C/h2>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Find the item in your <strong>Purchases\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>See request details\u003C/strong> (if your item didn&#39;t arrive) or <strong>See return details\u003C/strong> (if you&#39;re trying to return an item).\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Ask eBay to step in and help\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select a reason from the dropdown menu, then select <strong>Confirm\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Go to Purchases<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">What happens after eBay steps in\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>We&#39;ll review the details of your case and will aim to resolve it in the fairest way possible. We normally come back with an answer within 48 hours, though occasionally it might take longer if we need more information.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Once we&#39;ve found a resolution, we&#39;ll let you and the seller know the outcome and anything else you need to do. For example, we may ask you to send the item back to the seller.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the resolution is to give you a refund, it will go back to your original payment method. Refunds are typically available within 3-5 business days.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you don&#39;t agree with our resolution, you can <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/handling-disputes?id=4039\">appeal\u003C/a> by providing new information within 30 calendar days of the case being closed.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>For more information about how eBay decides the outcome of a case, see our <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1382","articleDescription":"<p>You can ask us to step in if there&#39;s an issue with your order and the seller hasn&#39;t been able to help.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Ask eBay to step in and help for buyers | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Find out how to get help from eBay if the seller hasn&#39;t resolved your issue.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Ask eBay to step in and help for buyers","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","pullQuote":"<h3>If you don&#39;t see the option to ask us to step in, your order might not be eligible yet. We can step in if it&#39;s been more than 3 business days since you requested a return or reported an item hasn&#39;t arrived.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4011","title":"Resolving issues with sellers","description":"If you&rsquo;re having an issue with an eBay seller, try contacting them directly to resolve your problem. If you can&rsquo;t work things out, we&rsquo;re always here to step in and help.","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers"]},{"topicId":"4022","title":"Report an issue with a seller","description":"<p>We created policies to make sure eBay is a safe place to buy and sell. If you have a problem with a seller because they&rsquo;re not following our policies, let us know and we&rsquo;ll look into it.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Reporting an item or issue with a seller"]},{"topicId":"4008","title":"Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","description":"<p>In most cases, if your order doesn&#39;t arrive, or is faulty or damaged, you&#39;ll get your money back or a replacement. Most sellers accept returns if you&#39;ve changed your mind &ndash; check the listing for details of their returns policy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers"]},{"topicId":"4039","title":"Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer","description":"<p>If you don&#39;t agree with our resolution when we&#39;ve stepped in to help resolve an issue, you can appeal by providing new information within 30 calendar days of the case closing.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/returns-refunds/ask-ebay-step-help-buyers?id=4701","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"Ask eBay to step in, Ask eBay to help, get more help, escalate to eBay, eBay case decision, eBay resolution, get eBay to decide case, get eBay resolution, seller not responding, seller hasn't responded, seller doesn't respond, no response from seller, report a problem with seller","searchSnippet":"<p>You can ask eBay to step in if there&#39;s an issue with your order and the seller hasn&#39;t been able to help. We can only step in if it&#39;s been more than 3 business days since you requested a return or reported that an item hasn&#39;t arrived yet.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We&#39;ll review the details and get back to you and the seller within 48 hours.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" id=\"trackCTA\" target=\"_blank\">Go to Purchases<span class=\"clipped\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Ask eBay to step in for buyers"]},"4771":{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4771","title":"Paying tax on eBay purchases","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking for information about tax on your eBay sales? Read our article on <a href=\"/help/selling/fees-credits-invoices/taxes-import-charges?id=4121\">taxes and import charges for sellers\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>When you buy an item, taxes may be applicable to your purchase and may vary depending on a variety of factors, such as:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Price of the item\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Nature of the item\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Delivery address of your order\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>Many organizations and groups qualify as exempt from sales tax and may make purchases on eBay without paying sales tax. To find out more about our Buyer Exemption program, and to claim your sales tax exemption, take a look <a href=\"#section2\">below\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nEven if you live in a state that does not impose a sales tax, you may still see tax calculated on your order if it is shipped to a state that does impose a tax. Similarly, sales tax may still be applicable if you live outside of the United States.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Items delivered to a United States address\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>For items shipped to a US address, the tax responsibility falls into the following three categories:\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Marketplace responsibility\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Marketplace responsibility refers to states where eBay collects and remits sales tax on behalf of sellers.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If your shipping address is in one of the marketplace responsibility states within the US, applicable sales tax will be collected by eBay and included in the order total at checkout. To find out if your address is in a marketplace responsibility state, you can find the full list of states <a href=\"#section3\">below\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Seller responsibility\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>If your shipping address isn&#39;t in one of the marketplace responsibility states, but the seller has a responsibility to charge sales tax, eBay provides certain tools to sellers where&nbsp;the applicable taxes may be included at checkout. We recommend you consult your tax advisor.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Buyer responsibility\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>If neither eBay nor the seller is required to collect sales tax on your purchase, you may be required to pay taxes directly to the state or your local tax authority. For more information we recommend that you consult with your tax advisor.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIn addition to any applicable sales or use taxes, if your purchase is shipped into the US from another country, you may have to pay duties and customs processing fees. These additional amounts may need to be paid to either the customs authority, or to the entity handling your shipment (e.g. US Postal Service). Take a look at our article on <a href=\"/help/buying/shipping-delivery/changing-delivery-address-method/international-purchases-shipping?id=4057\">international purchases and shipping\u003C/a> for more details.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">eBay&#39;s Buyer Exemption program for sales tax\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you are a tax-exempt buyer, we have a buyer exemption system that allows you to submit sales tax exemption certificates to eBay and make purchases without paying sales tax.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Alternatively, you may be able to get a credit for sales tax paid to eBay directly from your state. However, you should consult a tax advisor or contact the Department of Revenue for your state for further details as policies are different for each state.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Claiming sales tax exemption for your eBay purchases\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"tip\">\n<p>The documentation required for tax exemption can vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Use the dropdown menus below to see documentation required for your jurisdiction.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"tip\"><select class=\"art_select_style\" id=\"states\" onchange=\"stateChange()\"><option value=\"Select a state\">Select a state or territory\u003C/option><option value=\"Alabama\">Alabama\u003C/option><option value=\"Alaska Locals\">Alaska Locals\u003C/option><option value=\"Arkansas\">Arkansas\u003C/option><option value=\"Arizona\">Arizona\u003C/option><option value=\"California\">California\u003C/option><option value=\"Colorado\">Colorado\u003C/option><option value=\"Connecticut\">Connecticut\u003C/option><option value=\"Washington DC\">Washington DC\u003C/option><option value=\"Delaware\">Delaware\u003C/option><option value=\"Florida\">Florida\u003C/option><option value=\"Georgia\">Georgia\u003C/option><option value=\"Hawaii\">Hawaii\u003C/option><option value=\"Idaho\">Idaho\u003C/option><option value=\"Illinois\">Illinois\u003C/option><option value=\"Indiana\">Indiana\u003C/option><option value=\"Iowa\">Iowa\u003C/option><option value=\"Kansas\">Kansas\u003C/option><option value=\"Kentucky\">Kentucky\u003C/option><option value=\"Louisana\">Louisana\u003C/option><option value=\"Maine\">Maine\u003C/option><option value=\"Maryland\">Maryland\u003C/option><option value=\"Massachusetts\">Massachusetts\u003C/option><option value=\"Michigan\">Michigan\u003C/option><option value=\"Minnesota\">Minnesota\u003C/option><option value=\"Mississippi\">Mississippi\u003C/option><option value=\"Missouri\">Missouri\u003C/option><option value=\"Montana\">Montana\u003C/option><option value=\"Nebraska\">Nebraska\u003C/option><option value=\"Nevada\">Nevada\u003C/option><option value=\"New Hampshire\">New Hampshire\u003C/option><option value=\"New Jersey\">New Jersey\u003C/option><option value=\"New Mexico\">New Mexico\u003C/option><option value=\"New York\">New York\u003C/option><option value=\"North Carolina\">North Carolina\u003C/option><option value=\"North Dakota\">North Dakota\u003C/option><option value=\"Ohio\">Ohio\u003C/option><option value=\"Oklahoma\">Oklahoma\u003C/option><option value=\"Oregon\">Oregon\u003C/option><option value=\"Pennsylvania\">Pennsylvania\u003C/option><option value=\"Puerto Rico\">Puerto Rico\u003C/option><option value=\"Rhode Island\">Rhode Island\u003C/option><option value=\"South Carolina\">South Carolina\u003C/option><option value=\"South Dakota\">South Dakota\u003C/option><option value=\"Tennessee\">Tennessee\u003C/option><option value=\"Texas\">Texas\u003C/option><option value=\"Utah\">Utah\u003C/option><option value=\"Virginia\">Virginia\u003C/option><option value=\"Vermont\">Vermont\u003C/option><option value=\"Washington\">Washington\u003C/option><option value=\"West Virginia\">West Virginia\u003C/option><option value=\"Wisconsin\">Wisconsin\u003C/option><option value=\"Wyoming\">Wyoming\u003C/option> \u003C/select>\n\n<div id=\"select_arrowdown\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n<br />\n<br />\n<select class=\"art_select_style\" id=\"entities\" onchange=\"entitiesChange()\"><option value=\"Select an entity type\">Select an entity type\u003C/option><option value=\"Resale\">Resale\u003C/option><option value=\"Charitable\">Charitable\u003C/option><option value=\"Religious\">Religious\u003C/option><option value=\"Government\">Government\u003C/option><option value=\"Miscellaneous\">Miscellaneous\u003C/option> \u003C/select>\n\n<div id=\"select_arrowdown\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n&nbsp;\n\n<div class=\"form_tax\" id=\"formDiv\">\n<div class=\"info_form_icon\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\n<div id=\"formName\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" id=\"document-list\">\n var states =\n [\n {\n \"State\": \"Alabama\",\n \"Resale\": \"'AL Sales Tax Licence' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'MTC Form' & 'AL Sales Tax license'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'AL State-Issued Certificate of Exemption'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'AL State-Issued Certificate of Exemption'\",\n \"Government\": \"'MTC Form' & AL Sales Tax license'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'MTC Form' & AL Sales Tax license'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Alaska Locals\",\n \"Resale\": \"Check your city guidelines for city-issued license\",\n \"Charitable\": \"Check your city guidelines for city-issued license\",\n \"Religious\": \"Check your city guidelines for city-issued license\",\n \"Government\": \"Check your city guidelines for city-issued license\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"Check your city guidelines for city-issued license\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Arkansas\",\n \"Resale\": \"'AR Sales & Use Tax Permit' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'AR Sales & Use Tax Permit'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'AR State-Issued Certificate of Exemption'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'Taxable - exemption not available'\",\n \"Government\": \"'AR ST-391 Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'AR ST-391 Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Arizona\",\n \"Resale\": \"'AZ Form 5000A' & 'Privelege Tax License'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'AZForm 5000A' & 'AZ State-Issued Certificate of Exemption'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'AZForm 5000A' & 'AZ State-Issued Certificate of Exemption'\",\n \"Government\": \"'AZ Form 5000' & 'Tribal Card' (if applicable)\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'AZ Form 5000A' & 'Privelege Tax License'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"California\",\n \"Resale\": \"'CA Resale Certificate' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'MTC Form' & 'CA Seller's Permit'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"Taxable - Exemption not available\",\n \"Religious\": \"Taxable - Exemption not available\",\n \"Government\": \"'MTC Form' & 'Fed. Gov't letter' (Fed. Only)\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'CA Resale Certificate' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'MTC Form' & 'CA Seller's Permit'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Colorado\",\n \"Resale\": \"'CO DR-0563 MJ Form', 'State Sales Tax License', and 'City License' (if applicable)\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'CO DR-0563 MJ Form', 'State Exemption Certificate', and 'City Exemption Certificate' (if applicable)\",\n \"Religious\": \"'CO DR-0563 MJ Form', 'State Exemption Certificate', and 'City Exemption Certificate' (if applicable)\",\n \"Government\": \"'CO DR-0563 MJ Form', 'State Exemption Certificate', and 'City Exemption Certificate' (if applicable)\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'CO DR-0563 MJ Form', 'State Exemption Certificate', and 'City Exemption Certificate' (if applicable)\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Connecticut\",\n \"Resale\": \"'CT Resale Certificate' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'MTC Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'Certificate 119' & '501(c)3 letter'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'Certificate 119' & '501(c)3 letter'\",\n \"Government\": \"'CT Certificate 134'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'CT Resale Certificate' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'MTC Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Washington DC\",\n \"Resale\": \"'MTC Form' & 'Sales Tax License'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'DC-Issued Letter of Exemption'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'DC-Issued Letter of Exemption'\",\n \"Government\": \"'MTC Form' & 'Sales Tax License'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'MTC Form' & 'Sales Tax License'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Delaware\",\n \"Resale\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\",\n \"Charitable\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\",\n \"Religious\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\",\n \"Government\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Florida\",\n \"Resale\": \"State-Issued DR-13 Certificate\",\n \"Charitable\": \"State-Issued DR-14 Certificate\",\n \"Religious\": \"State-Issued DR-14 Certificate\",\n \"Government\": \"State-Issued DR-14 Certificate\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"MTC Form\"\n },\n\n {\n \"State\": \"Georgia\",\n \"Resale\": \"'GA ST-5 Certificate of Exemption' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax Certificate of Registration'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'GA State-Issued Certificate of Exemption'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'Taxable - exemption not available'\",\n \"Government\": \"'GA ST-5 Certificate of Exemption' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'GA ST-5 Certificate of Exemption' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax Certificate of Registration'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Hawaii\",\n \"Resale\": \"'HI G-17 Form' & 'General Excise Tax License'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'HI State-Issued Exemption Letter'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'HI State-Issued Exemption Letter'\",\n \"Government\": \"'HI G-17 Form' (Federal Only)\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'HI G-17 Form' & 'General Excise Tax License'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Idaho\",\n \"Resale\": \"'Idaho ST-101 Form' or 'MTC Form' & 'Seller's Permit'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'Idaho ST-101 Form'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'Taxable - exemption not available'\",\n \"Government\": \"'Idaho ST-101 Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'Idaho ST-101 Form' or 'MTC Form' & 'Seller's Permit'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Illinois\",\n \"Resale\": \"'IL CRT-61' & 'Certificate of Registration' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'MTC Form' & 'Certificate of Registration'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'IL State-Issued Certificate of Exemption'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'IL State-Issued Certificate of Exemption'\",\n \"Government\": \"'IL State-Issued Certificate of Exemption'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'IL CRT-61' & 'Certificate of Registration' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'MTC Form' & 'Certificate of Registration'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Indiana\",\n \"Resale\": \"'IN ST-105' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Registered Retail Merchant Certificate'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'IN ST-105' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'IN ST-105' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form'\",\n \"Government\": \"'IN ST-105' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'IN ST-105' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Registered Retail Merchant Certificate'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Iowa\",\n \"Resale\": \"'IA Sales Tax Exempt Certificate' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'IA Sales Tax Exempt Certificate' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST' (must be on IA Nonprofit list)\",\n \"Religious\": \"'IA Sales Tax Exempt Certificate' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST'\",\n \"Government\": \"'IA Sales Tax Exempt Certificate' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'IA Sales Tax Exempt Certificate' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Kansas\",\n \"Resale\": \"ST-28A Form\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'Not Exempt From Sales Tax'\",\n \"Religious\": \"PR-78SSTA Form\",\n \"Government\": \"PR-78SSTA Form\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"PR-78SSTA Form\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Kentucky\",\n \"Resale\": \"'KY 51A105 Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'KY 51A126 Exemption Certificate' <strong>or\u003C/strong> 'SST Form'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'KY 51A126 Exemption Certificate' <strong>or\u003C/strong> 'SST Form'\",\n \"Government\": \"'KY 51A126 Exemption Certificate' <strong>or\u003C/strong> 'SST Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'KY 51A105 Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Louisana\",\n \"Resale\": \"'State Issued R-1064 Form' & 'Parish Certificate'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'LA State-Issued Exemption Letter'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'Taxable - exemption not available'\",\n \"Government\": \"'LA R-1056 Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'LA R-1356 Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'State Issued R-1064 Form' & 'Parish Certificate'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Maine\",\n \"Resale\": \"'Maine Resale Certificate'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'Maine State-Issued Certificate of Exemption'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'Maine State-Issued Certificate of Exemption'\",\n \"Government\": \"'MTC Form' (Fed. only) & 'ME Perm. Exempt. Cert. for State/Local'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'Maine Resale Certificate'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Maryland\",\n \"Resale\": \"'MTC Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax License'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'Maryland State-Issued Exemption Certificate'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'Maryland State-Issued Exemption Certificate'\",\n \"Government\": \"'Maryland State-Issued Exemption Certificate'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'MTC Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax License'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Massachusetts\",\n \"Resale\": \"'MA ST-4 Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Registration'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'MA ST-5 Form' & 'State-Issued ST-2 Certificate'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'MA ST-5 Form' & 'State-Issued ST-2 Certificate'\",\n \"Government\": \"'MA ST-5 Form' & 'State-Issued ST-2 Certificate'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'ST-12 Form' & 'State-Issued ST-2 Certificate'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Michigan\",\n \"Resale\": \"'MI3372 Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax License'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'SST Form' & '501(c)3 letter' or 'MI State-Issued Exempt Certificate'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'SST Form' & '501(c)3 letter' or 'MI State-Issued Exempt Certificate'\",\n \"Government\": \"'SST Form' & '501(c)3 letter' or 'MI State-Issued Exempt Certificate'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'MI3372 Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax License'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Minnesota\",\n \"Resale\": \"'MN ST3 Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'MN ST3 Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'MN ST3 Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit'\",\n \"Government\": \"'MN ST3 Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'MN ST3 Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Mississippi\",\n \"Resale\": \"'MS Retailer's Permit'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'MS State-Issued Exemption Letter'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'Taxable - exemption not available'\",\n \"Government\": \"'Fed. Gov't letter' (Fed. Only)\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'MS Retailer's Permit'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Missouri\",\n \"Resale\": \"'MO Form 149' & 'Sales tax license' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'MTC Form' & 'Sales tax license'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'MO State-Issued Exemption Letter'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'MO State-Issued Exemption Letter'\",\n \"Government\": \"'MO Form 149'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'MO Form 149' & 'Sales tax license' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'MTC Form' & 'Sales tax license'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Montana\",\n \"Resale\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\",\n \"Charitable\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\",\n \"Religious\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\",\n \"Government\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Nebraska\",\n \"Resale\": \"'NE Form 13' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax Permit'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'NE Form 13' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax Permit'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'NE Form 13' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax Permit'\",\n \"Government\": \"'NE Form 13' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax Permit'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'NE Form 13' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax Permit'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Nevada\",\n \"Resale\": \"'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax Permit'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'NV State-Issued Exemption Letter'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'NV State-Issued Exemption Letter'\",\n \"Government\": \"'SST Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax Permit'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"New Hampshire\",\n \"Resale\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\",\n \"Charitable\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\",\n \"Religious\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\",\n \"Government\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"New Jersey\",\n \"Resale\": \"'NJ ST-3' OR 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax Certificate of Authority'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'State-Issued ST-5 Form'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'State-Issued ST-5 Form'\",\n \"Government\": \"'NJ ST-4' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax Certificate of Authority'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'NJ ST-4' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax Certificate of Authority'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"New Mexico\",\n \"Resale\": \"'State-Issued Type 2-NTTC Form'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'State-Issued Type 9-NTTC Form'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'State-Issued Type 9-NTTC Form'\",\n \"Government\": \"'State-Issued Type 9-NTTC Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'State-Issued Type 2-NTTC Form'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"New York\",\n \"Resale\": \"'New York ST-120 Form' & 'Sales Tax Certificate of Authority'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'State-Issued ST-119.1 form'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'State-Issued ST-119.1 form'\",\n \"Government\": \"'Letter from State of NY' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'New York AC-946 Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'New York ST-120 Form' & 'Sales Tax Certificate of Authority'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"North Carolina\",\n \"Resale\": \"'E-595E Form' & 'Certificate of Registration' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Certificate of Registration'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'Taxable - exemption not available'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'Taxable - exemption not available'\",\n \"Government\": \"'SST Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'E595E Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'E-595E Form' & 'Certificate of Registration' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Certificate of Registration'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"North Dakota\",\n \"Resale\": \"'ND SFN 21950 Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'SST Form'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'SST Form'\",\n \"Government\": \"'SST Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'SST Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Ohio\",\n \"Resale\": \"'OH STEC B Form' & 'Ohio Vendor License'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'OH STEC B Form'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'OH STEC B Form'\",\n \"Government\": \"'OH STEC B Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'OH STEC B Form' & 'Ohio Vendor License'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Oklahoma\",\n \"Resale\": \"'OK Sales Tax Permit' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'OK Sales Tax Permit'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'SST Form' & 'State-Issued Exemption Certificate'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'SST Form' & 'State-Issued Exemption Certificate'\",\n \"Government\": \"'SST Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'SST Form' & 'OK Sales Tax Permit'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Oregon\",\n \"Resale\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\",\n \"Charitable\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\",\n \"Religious\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\",\n \"Government\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"No sales tax in state - No need to apply\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Pennsylvania\",\n \"Resale\": \"'PA REV-1220 Exemption Certificate' & 'Sales Tax License'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'PA REV-1220 Exemption Certificate'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'PA REV-1220 Exemption Certificate'\",\n \"Government\": \"'PA REV-1220 Exemption Certificate'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'PA REV-1220 Exemption Certificate' & 'Sales Tax License'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Puerto Rico\",\n \"Resale\": \"'Form AS 2916.1'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'Taxable - exemption not available'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'Taxable - exemption not available'\",\n \"Government\": \"'Form AS 2916.1'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'Form AS 2916.1'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Rhode Island\",\n \"Resale\": \"'Resale Certificate' & 'Sales Tax License' OR 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax License'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'SST Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'State-Issued Exemption Certificate'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'SST Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'State-Issued Exemption Certificate'\",\n \"Government\": \"'SST Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'Resale Certificate' & 'Sales Tax License' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax License'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"South Carolina\",\n \"Resale\": \"'MTC Form' & 'SC Retail License'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'SC State-Issued ST-9 Certificate'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'SC State-Issued ST-9 Certificate'\",\n \"Government\": \"'MTC Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'MTC Form' & 'SC Retail License'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"South Dakota\",\n \"Resale\": \"'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax License'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'SST Form' & 'State-Issued Exemption Certificate'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'SST Form' & 'State-Issued Exemption Certificate'\",\n \"Government\": \"'SST Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax License'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Tennessee\",\n \"Resale\": \"'TN State-Issued Resale Certificate' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'TN State-Issued Certificate of Exemption'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'TN State-Issued Certificate of Exemption'\",\n \"Government\": \"'TN State-Issued Certificate of Exemption' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'TN State-Issued Resale Certificate' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Texas\",\n \"Resale\": \"'TX Resale Certificate' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'TX Resale Certificate' & 'nTX Comptroller Letter'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'TX Resale Certificate' & 'nTX Comptroller Letter'\",\n \"Government\": \"'TX Exemption Certificate'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'TX Resale Certificate' & 'Sales & Use Tax Permit'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Utah\",\n \"Resale\": \"'Utah TC-721 Form' & 'Sales Tax License'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'Utah TC-721 Form'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'Utah TC-721 Form'\",\n \"Government\": \"'Utah TC-721 Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'Utah TC-721 Form & Sales Tax License'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Virginia\",\n \"Resale\": \"'VA ST-10 Form' & 'Certificate of Registration'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'VA State-Issued Exemption Cert'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'VA ST-13A Form'\",\n \"Government\": \"'VA ST-12 Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'VA ST-11 Form'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Vermont\",\n \"Resale\": \"'VT S-3' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax License'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'VT S-3' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax License'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'VT S-3' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax License'\",\n \"Government\": \"'VT S-3' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax License'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'VT S-3' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Sales Tax License'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Washington\",\n \"Resale\": \"'WA State Issued Reseller Permit'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'WA State Issued Reseller Permit'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'WA State Issued Reseller Permit'\",\n \"Government\": \"'SST Form' for Federal Institutions. State-Government purchases are taxable\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'WA State Issued Reseller Permit'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"West Virginia\",\n \"Resale\": \"'SST Form' & 'Business Registration Certificate'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'SST Form'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'SST Form'\",\n \"Government\": \"'SST Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'SST Form' & 'Business Registration Certificate'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Wisconsin\",\n \"Resale\": \"'WI S-211 Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Seller's Certificate of Registration'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'WI S-211 Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Seller's Certificate of Registration'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'WI S-211 Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Seller's Certificate of Registration'\",\n \"Government\": \"'WI S-211 Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Seller's Certificate of Registration'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'WI S-211 Form' <strong>OR\u003C/strong> 'SST Form' & 'Seller's Certificate of Registration'\"\n },\n {\n \"State\": \"Wyoming\",\n \"Resale\": \"'SST Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax License'\",\n \"Charitable\": \"'SST Form'\",\n \"Religious\": \"'SST Form'\",\n \"Government\": \"'SST Form'\",\n \"Miscellaneous\": \"'SST Form' & 'Sales & Use Tax License'\"\n }];\n\n\n function stateChange() {\n var selected = document.getElementById(\"states\").value;\n for (var i = 0; i < states.length; i++) {\n if (states[i].State == selected) {\n document.getElementById(\"entities\").value = 'Select an entity type';\n document.getElementById(\"formName\").innerHTML = '';\n document.getElementById(\"formDiv\").style.display = \"none\";\n }\n }\n }\n\n function entitiesChange() {\n document.getElementById(\"formName\").innerHTML = '';\n var selected = document.getElementById(\"entities\").value;\n var state = document.getElementById(\"states\").value;\n for (var i = 0; i < states.length; i++) {\n if (states[i].State == state) {\n document.getElementById(\"formName\").innerHTML = typeof states[i][selected] !== \"undefined\" ? states[i][selected] : \" \";\n if(typeof states[i][selected] !== \"undefined\"){\n document.getElementById(\"formName\").innerHTML = states[i][selected];\n document.getElementById(\"formDiv\").style.display = \"block\";\n }else{\n document.getElementById(\"formName\").innerHTML = \" \";\n document.getElementById(\"formDiv\").style.display = \"none\";\n }\n\n }\n }\n }\n\n\u003C/script>\u003C/div>\n\n<p>If your state requires you to submit a&nbsp;&quot;Multistate Tax Commission&nbsp;(MTC)&quot; form or a &quot;Streamlined Sales Tax (SST)&quot; form, you can find them by following the links below:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Download <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">MTC form<span class=\"g-hdn\">&nbsp;- opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Download <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SST form<span class=\"g-hdn\">&nbsp;- opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>To upload your documentation, use the <b>Upload documents\u003C/b> button below.\u003C/p>\n<a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\">Upload documents\u003C/a>\n\n<p>Please allow 5 business days for processing. We will send you a confirmation email when your tax exemption status has been verified.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nWhen you upload your documentation, make sure the image is clear and all information is clearly visible &mdash; otherwise we may not be able to verify your details. Your image can be in jpeg, jpg, pdf, or png format, and the maximum file size is 5MB.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">eBay&#39;s sales tax collection for US states\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Based on applicable tax laws, eBay will calculate, collect, and remit sales tax on behalf of sellers for items shipped to customers in the following states and territories.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Please check this page regularly as we are continuously updating the following table as states adopt new laws and regulations regarding sales tax collection.\u003C/p>\n\n<table class=\"standard\">\n\t<thead>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">\n\t\t\t<p>States and territories\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">\n\t\t\t<p>Effective date\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">\n\t\t\t<p>Additional information\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\u003C/thead>\n\t<tbody>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Alabama\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>July 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Alabama Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n\t\t\t<p>The State of Alabama has a program for simplified sellers use tax (SSUT) under Statute &sect; 40-23-192. eBay has collected simplified sellers use tax on taxable transactions delivered into Alabama and the tax of flat eight percent (8%) will be remitted on the customer&#39;s behalf to the Alabama Department of Revenue.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Alaska\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>November 1, 2021\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Alaska Remote Seller Sales Tax Commission<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n\t\t\t<p>Alaska does not impose a state level sales tax, however eBay is required to collect sales taxes in certain <a href=\"#alaska\">Alaska local jurisdictions\u003C/a> that have adopted the Alaska Remote Seller Sales Tax Commission Uniform Code.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Arizona\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>October 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Arizona Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Arkansas\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>July 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>California\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>October 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Please contact the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">California Department of Tax and Fee Administration<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for further information.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Colorado\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>October 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Colorado Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n\t\t\t<p>Effective 2020, eBay is required to collect sales taxes in certain <a href=\"#homerule\">home rule cities in Colorado\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Connecticut\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>April 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Connecticut Department of Revenue Services<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n\t\t\t<p>eBay Inc. is registered with DRS to collect Connecticut sales tax and will collect sales tax on all taxable Connecticut sales facilitated on our site.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>District of Columbia\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>May 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Florida\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>July 1, 2021\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Florida Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Georgia\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>April 1, 2020\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Effective April 1, 2020 the Georgia Department of Revenue has enacted Marketplace Facilitator Legislation. eBay, Inc. is required to collect sales tax from Georgia buyers on behalf of sellers for items shipped to Georgia, unless there is a valid exemption. Please contact the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Georgia Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for additional information.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Hawaii\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>January 1, 2020\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Please contact the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Hawaii Department of Taxation<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for further information.\u003C/p>\n\n\t\t\t<p><strong>City and County of Honolulu Bicycle Registration Fee\u003C/strong><br />\n\t\t\tAll bicycles in the City and County of Honolulu with 20&quot; or larger wheels are required to be registered. There is a one-time registration fee of $15, and a fee of $5 when transferring ownership of a bicycle. eBay is not collecting bicycle registration fees on behalf of sellers. Buyers should register their bicycles at the main bicycle registration station or by mail, administered by the Department of Customer Services (CSD). See the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City and County of Honolulu website<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for additional guidance on bicycle registration.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Idaho\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>June 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Idaho State Tax Commission<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Illinois\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>January 1, 2020\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Illinois Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Indiana\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>July 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Please contact the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Indiana Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for further information.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Iowa\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>February 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Iowa Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Kansas\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>July 1, 2021\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Kansas Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Kentucky\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>July 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Kentucky Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Louisiana\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>July 1, 2020\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Louisiana Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Maine\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>October&nbsp;1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Please contact the <a href=\",Is%20a%20marketplace%20facilitator%20required%20to%20register%20for%20sales%20tax,Maine%20sales%20and%20use%20tax.\" target=\"_blank\">Maine Revenue Services<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for further information.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Maryland\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>October 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Please contact the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Comptroller of Maryland<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for further information.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Massachusetts\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>October 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Please contact the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Massachusetts Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for further information.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Michigan\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>January 1, 2020\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Michigan Department of Treasury<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Minnesota\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>January 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Minnesota Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n\t\t\t<p>Effective October 1, 2019 there is no longer a small seller exception for Minnesota and eBay is required to collect sales tax on all sales.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Mississippi\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>July 1, 2020\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mississippi Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Missouri\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>January 1, 2023\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Missouri Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Nebraska\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>April 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nebraska Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Nevada\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>October 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Please contact the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nevada Department of Taxation<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for further information.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>New Jersey\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>May 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">New Jersey Department of Taxation<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>New Mexico\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>July 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Please contact the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for further information.&nbsp;\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>New York\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>June 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">New York Department of Taxation and Finance<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n\t\t\t<p>eBay Inc. is a registered New York State sales tax vendor and will collect sales tax on all taxable sales of tangible personal property that it facilitates for delivery to a New York State address.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>North Carolina\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>February 1, 2020\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Please contact the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">North Carolina Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for further information.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>North Dakota\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>October 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Please contact the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for further information.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Ohio\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>September 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Please contact the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Ohio Department of Taxation<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for further information.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Oklahoma\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>July 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Oklahoma Tax Commission<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Pennsylvania\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>July 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Pennsylvania Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Puerto Rico\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>January 1, 2021\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Puerto Rico Department of Treasury<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Rhode Island\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>July 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Rhode Island Division of Taxation<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>South Carolina\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>October 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">South Carolina Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>South Dakota\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>July 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">South Dakota Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Tennessee\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>October 1, 2020\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Tennessee Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Texas\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>October 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Please contact the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for further information.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Utah\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>October 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Please contact the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Utah State Tax Commission<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for further information.\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Vermont\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>July 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Vermont Department of Taxes<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Virginia\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>July 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Virginia Department of Taxation<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Washington\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>January 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Washington Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>West Virginia\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>July 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">West Virginia State Tax Department<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Wisconsin\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>January 1, 2020\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Wisconsin Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Wyoming\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n\t\t\t<p>July 1, 2019\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Wyoming Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a><a id=\"alaska\" name=\"alaska\">\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\u003C/tbody>\n\u003C/table>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">Alaska local jurisdictions<a id=\"homerule\" name=\"homerule\">\u003C/a>\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>Alaska does not impose a state level sales tax, however eBay is required to collect sales taxes in certain Alaska local jurisdictions that have adopted the Alaska Remote Seller Sales Tax Commission Uniform Code. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Additional information\u003C/a> about the member jurisdictions.\u003C/p>\n\n<table class=\"standard\">\n\t<tbody>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City &amp; Borough of Haines\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Ketchikan\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Seldovia\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City &amp; Borough of Juneau\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Kodiak\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Seward\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City &amp; Borough of Sitka\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Kotzebue\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Shungnak\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City &amp; Borough of Wrangell\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Mekoryuk\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Skagway\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City &amp; Borough of Yakutat\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Mountain Village\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Soldotna\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Adak\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Napaskiak\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Tenakee Springs\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Aleknagik\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Nenana\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Thorne Bay\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Aniak\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Nome\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Togiak\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Bethel\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of North Pole\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Toksook Bay\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Cordova\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Old Harbor\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Unalakleet\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Craig\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Ouzinkie\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Unalaska\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Dillingham\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Palmer\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Wasilla\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Galena\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Pelican\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of White Mountain\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Gustavus\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Quinhagak\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Excursion Inlet\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Homer\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Saint Paul\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Kenai Peninsula Borough\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Houston\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Saxman\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Ketchikan Gateway Borough\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Kenai\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>City of Selawik\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Petersburg Borough\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\u003C/tbody>\n\u003C/table>\n\n<div class=\"line\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">Colorado home rule cities\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>Home rule cities are local governments that impose and administer their own local sales and use taxes. eBay is required to collect sales taxes in the following home rule cities in Colorado.\u003C/p>\n\n<table class=\"standard\">\n\t<thead>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">\n\t\t\t<p>City\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">\n\t\t\t<p>Additional Information\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\u003C/thead>\n\t<tbody>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Arvada\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Arvada<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Aspen\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Aspen<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Aurora\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Aurora<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Avon\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Avon<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Black Hawk\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Black Hawk<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Boulder\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Boulder<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Breckenridge\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Breckenridge<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Brighton\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Brighton<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Broomfield\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Broomfield<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Carbondale\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Carbondale<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Castle Pines\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Castle Pines<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Castle Rock\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Castle Rock<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Centennial\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Centennial<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Central\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Central<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Cherry Hills Village\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Cherry Hills Village<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Colorado Springs\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Colorado Springs<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Commerce City\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Commerce City<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Craig\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Craig<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Crested Butte\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Crested Butte<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Dacono\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Dacono<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Denver\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Denver<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Edgewater\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Edgewater<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Englewood\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Englewood<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Evans\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Evans<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Federal Heights\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Federal Heights<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Fort Collins\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Fort Collins<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Frisco\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Frisco<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Glendale\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Glendale<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Glenwood Springs\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Glenwood Springs<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Golden\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Golden<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Grand Junction\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Grand Junction<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Greeley\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Greeley<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Greenwood Village\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Greenwood Village<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Gunnison\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Gunnison<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Gypsum\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Gypsum<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>La Junta\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of La Junta<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Lakewood\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Lakewood<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Lafayette\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Lafayette<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Lamar\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Lamar<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Littleton\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Littleton<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Lone Tree\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Lone Tree<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Longmont\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Longmont<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Louisville\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Louisville<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Loveland\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Loveland<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Montrose\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Montrose<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Mountain Village\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Mountain Village<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Mt. Crested Butte\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Mt. Crested Butte<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Northglenn\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Northglenn<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Parker\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Parker<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Pueblo\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Pueblo<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Ridgway\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Ridgway<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Rifle\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Rifle<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Sheridan\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Sheridan<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Silverthorne\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Silverthorne<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Snowmass Village\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Snowmass Village<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Steamboat Springs\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Steamboat Springs<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Sterling\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Sterling<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Timnath\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Timnath<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Thornton\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Thornton<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Vail\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Vail<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Westminster\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Westminster<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Wheat Ridge\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Wheat Ridge<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Windsor\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Windsor<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Winter Park\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">City of Winter Park<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\u003C/tbody>\n\u003C/table>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Important\u003C/strong><br />\nIf you see a sales tax charge at checkout and your item is being delivered to a state where eBay hasn&#39;t started collecting sales tax yet, that tax amount is being charged by the seller. You should contact the seller directly to understand the tax amount or to claim a sales tax exemption for your purchase.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Mattress recycling fee\u003C/h2>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">California\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>The California Mattress Recycling Council (MRC) funds a recycling program through a state-mandated recycling fee on each mattress, foundation, box spring, and adjustable base sold. eBay is collecting this fee when mattresses are shipped into California. Additional information on this fee can be found on the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattress Recycling Council<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">Connecticut\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>The mattress recycling program in Connecticut is funded through a recycling fee that is collected when a mattress or box spring is sold to Connecticut consumers. The program, Bye Bye Mattress, will be administered by the Mattress Recycling Council (MRC). The fee is used to pay for transporting and recycling the discarded mattresses. eBay is collecting this fee when mattresses are shipped into Connecticut. Additional information on this fee can be found on the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattress Recycling Council<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">Rhode Island\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>The mattress recycling program in Rhode Island is funded through a recycling fee collected at retail from customers on each mattress and foundation shipped into Rhode Island. These fees fund the collection and recycling of mattresses and foundations used and discarded in Rhode Island. eBay is collecting this fee when mattresses are shipped into Rhode Island. Additional information on this fee can be found on the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mattress Recycling Council<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section5\">Electronic waste recycling fee\u003C/h2>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">California\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>eBay is required by the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) to collect and remit the Electronic Waste Recycling (eWaste) Fee. The eWaste Fee is a fee imposed on the retail sale or lease of certain electronic products that have been identified by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). Additional information on the eWaste fee can be found on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">CDTFA eWaste<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section6\">Battery recycling fee\u003C/h2>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">California\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>eBay is required to collect a battery recycling fee on certain sales of new lead-acid batteries when shipped into California. The battery recycling fee is charged for each battery. More information on the California battery recycling fee can be found on the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">California Battery Sales<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">Florida\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>eBay is required to collect a battery recycling fee on sales of new and remanufactured lead-acid batteries when shipped into Florida. The battery recycling fee is charged for each battery. More information on the Florida battery recycling fee can be found on the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Florida Battery Sales<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">Texas\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>eBay is required by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts to collect a battery recycling fee on sales of new and used lead acid batteries when shipped into Texas. The battery recycling fee is charged for each battery. More information on the Texas battery recycling fee can be found on the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Texas Battery Sales<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section7\">Tire recycling fee\u003C/h2>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">California\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) imposes a California tire fee on the sales of new tires shipped into California. The CDTFA administers the program on behalf of the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The fee for each new tire purchased. More information about the California tire fee can be found on the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">CDTFA Special Taxes and Fees<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">Florida\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>eBay is required to collect and remit a tire fee for each new tire shipped into Florida. More information about this fee can be found on the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Florida Department of Revenue<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">North Carolina\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>eBay is required to collect and remit the scrap tire disposal tax for each new tire shipped into North Carolina. More information about this fee can be found on the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">North Carolina Scrap Tire Disposal Tax<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">Ohio\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Ohio imposes a fee on tires with rims of 13 inches or more. This fee is administered by the Ohio Tax Commissioner, and eBay, as a Marketplace Facilitator, is required to collect this fee when tires are shipped into the State. More information about this fee can be found on the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Ohio Replacement Tire Fee<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">Virginia\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>eBay is required to collect and remit a tire fee on new tires shipped into Virginia. More information about this fee can be found on the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Virginia Tax<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">Washington\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>eBay is required to collect and remit a tire fee for each tire shipped into the state of Washington. The Washington tire fee applies to new replacement vehicle tires. More information about the Washington tire fee can be found on the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Washington State Legislature Tire fee<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section8\">E911 Fee\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>eBay is responsible to collect and remit e911 fees as a MPF. The fee is collected on calling cards, plans, replenishments or devices sold with prepaid wireless service. These amounts can vary jurisdiction to jurisdiction as well. The e911 tax is imposed by the state, county or city to pay for the costs associated with the design, construction, operation, maintenance and administration of public safety communications networks serving the jurisdiction.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">Florida\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>The fee for Florida is 40&cent; for each service/ device sold with a prepaid option that is shipped to the state of Florida. More information can be found on <a href=\",Safety%20Emergency%20Communications%20%E2%80%8BSystem.\" target=\"_blank\">Florida&rsquo;s Prepaid Wireless<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">Kansas\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>The fee for the state of Kansas is 2.06% for each service/ device sold with a prepaid option that is shipped to the state of Kansas. More information can be found on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Kansas&rsquo; Prepaid Wireless 911 Fee<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">North Carolina\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>The fee is 55&cent; on each service/ device sold with a prepaid option that is shipped to the state of North Carolina. More information can be found on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">North Carolina&rsquo;s 911 Service Charge for Prepaid Wireless Telecommunications Service<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section9\">White goods disposal tax\u003C/h2>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">North Carolina\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>North Carolina imposes a flat fee for every new white good sold by a retailer and shipped into North Carolina &ndash; e.g. ovens, refrigerators, heaters, washers, etc. eBay, as a marketplace facilitator, is required to collect and remit this fee on applicable sales. More information related to this fee can be found on the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">White Goods Disposal Tax<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section10\">Retail delivery fee\u003C/h2>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">Colorado retail delivery fee\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>eBay, as a marketplace facilitator, is required to collect the Colorado retail delivery fee when taxable goods are shipped into the state of Colorado. This retail delivery fee is $0.29&nbsp;applied to each sale. More information about the Colorado retail delivery fee can be found on the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Colorado Retail Delivery Fee<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">Minnesota retail delivery fee\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>eBay, as a marketplace facilitator, is required to collect the Minnesota retail delivery fee when taxable goods are shipped into the state of Minnesota. This retail delivery fee is $0.50 applied to each sale that is greater than or equal to $100. More information about the Minnesota retail delivery fee can be found on the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Minnesota Retail Delivery Fee<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section11\">Lumber fee\u003C/h2>\n\n<h3 class=\"title\">California lumber fee\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>eBay, as a marketplace facilitator, is required to collect the California lumber fee when taxable goods are shipped into the state of California. This lumber fee is 1% of the items listed cost and applied to each sale. More information about the California Lumber fee can be found on the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">California Tax Guide for California Lumber Products Assessment<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> site.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section12\">Items delivered overseas\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If your order is being shipped to an address outside of the United States, local consumer tax and/or customs duty may apply. Online marketplaces such as eBay may be responsible for collecting the tax, or the package&#39;s recipient may need to pay these to clear customs.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>While we&#39;ve included basic information for some countries here, it&#39;s only intended as a guide and is by no means exhaustive. For more information, please check your local tax and customs regulations.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">Items delivered to the UK &ndash; Value Added Tax (VAT)\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>As of 1 January 2021, eBay is required to collect VAT on certain orders delivered to UK addresses:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Orders up to &pound;135 sent from outside the UK\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Orders where the item is located in the UK, but the seller is not registered for UK VAT\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>You&#39;ll see the VAT included in your order total at checkout, and you can view and download a tax invoice from the <strong>Order details\u003C/strong> page in your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase history<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>On orders over &pound;135 imported to the UK, the recipient may need to pay VAT as part of clearing the parcel through customs.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more\u003C/a> about how to request a VAT refund.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"line\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">Items delivered to EU countries &ndash; Value Added Tax (VAT)\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>If the item is being shipped from outside the EU into an EU country, the buyer or recipient may need to pay VAT and customs duty.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>As of 1 July 2021, eBay is required to collect VAT on certain orders delivered to EU addresses.&nbsp;For consignments where eBay does not collect taxes, or for orders above a certain value, buyers may need to pay additional import fees (e.g. VAT and duties) as part of clearing their parcel through customs, or when their order is delivered.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more\u003C/a> about how to request a VAT refund.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"line\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">Items delivered to Australia or New Zealand &ndash; Goods and Services Tax (GST)\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>eBay is required to collect GST on orders up to AU $1,000 imported into Australia and on orders up to NZ $1,000 imported into New Zealand. You&#39;ll see the GST included in your order total at checkout, and you can view and download a tax invoice from the Order details page in your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase history<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>GST on purchases valued at over AU $1,000 and NZ $1,000 is generally collected at the Australian or NZ border. The recipient may need to pay GST as part of clearing the package through customs.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"line\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">Items delivered to Norway &ndash; Value Added Tax on E-commerce (VOEC)\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>eBay is required to collect Value Added Tax (VAT) on items up to 3000 NOK imported into Norway. If the sale is within this threshold, the VAT is calculated on the order total (including shipping and any additional costs such as insurance). You&#39;ll see the VAT included in your order total at checkout. The seller will receive item plus shipping cost and eBay will remit the VAT to the Norwegian Tax Administration.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>eBay does not collect VAT on items with a value above 3000 NOK as this is generally collected at the Norwegian border.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more\u003C/a> about how to request a VAT refund.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"line\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">Items delivered to Mexico &ndash; Value Added Tax (VAT)\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>Prices may be inclusive of VAT.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"line\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<div class=\"line\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">Items delivered to Kazakhstan &ndash; Value Added Tax (VAT)\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>eBay is required to collect VAT on goods (i.e., goods with an item value up to and including &euro;200) and digital services that are delivered to consumers in Kazakhstan. If the items are shipped from locations in Kazakhstan or EAEU (Russia, Armenia, Belarus, and Kyrgyzstan) then eBay will collect VAT on the full value of the transaction including transportation and insurance costs. If the items are shipped from locations elsewhere (rest of the world), eBay will collect and remit only on the first &euro;200 in value, including shipping and insurance. The balance will be payable by the buyer directly to the custom authorities of Kazakhstan. For digital services that are provided to private buyers in Kazakhstan from sellers outside of Kazakhstan, eBay will always collect VAT (no threshold applies).\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You&#39;ll see the VAT included in your order total at checkout. eBay will collect and remit the VAT under the entity name eBay Marketplaces GmbH. As per applicable laws, eBay is not required to obtain a VAT registration number from buyers and doesn&#39;t provide a tax invoice to the buyer.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"line\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">Items delivered to Belarus &ndash; Value Added Tax (VAT)\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>eBay is required to collect VAT on goods shipped to delivery addresses in Belarus. This obligation applies to all orders, regardless of value and original item location.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>eBay also collects VAT on digital goods and services provided to private buyers resident in Belarus.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You&#39;ll see the VAT included in your order total at checkout. eBay will collect and remit the VAT under the entity name eBay Marketplaces GmbH.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more\u003C/a> about how to request a VAT refund.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"line\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">Items delivered to Jersey &ndash; Goods and Services Tax (GST)\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>eBay is required to collect GST on all goods imported into Jersey. GST will apply at the appropriate rate to the item cost, plus any shipping and handling costs applied.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>In cases where eBay has collected GST, you&#39;ll see the GST included in your order total at checkout, and you can view and download a tax invoice from the Order details page in your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase history<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"line\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h3 class=\"title\">Items delivered to Switzerland &amp; Liechtenstein - Value Added Tax (VAT)\u003C/h3>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>eBay is required to collect VAT on certain orders delivered to addresses in the Swiss Customs territory of Switzerland and Liechtenstein:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Sales of goods already present on Swiss Customs territory - domestic transactions; and\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Sales of goods imported onto Swiss Customs territory\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>In accordance with the Swiss VAT legislation, eBay does not differentiate between sales of goods made to taxable persons and non-taxable persons.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You&#39;ll see the VAT included in your order total at checkout. eBay will collect and remit the VAT to the Swiss Tax Authorities under the entity name eBay Marketplaces GmbH.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"line\">&nbsp;\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section13\">Tax refunds for items shipped outside of the US via freight forwarding\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>To request a tax refund for items shipped to a location outside of the United States through a freight forwarder, please <a href=\"#contactWay\">contact us\u003C/a> and provide supporting documentation.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Supporting documentation includes copies of the bill of lading or air waybills. If submitting a request for tax refunds on multiple items, please indicate the item associated with each document.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section14\">Tax on buyer fees\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>We may charge buyers a fee for some eBay services. If we are required to collect tax on eBay fees in your jurisdiction, we will add the tax as a separate charge at checkout or include the tax in our fees.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Learn more about the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Buyer Protection fee<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> which applies to some purchases completed on\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1425","articleDescription":"<p>Many countries and jurisdictions around the world apply some type of tax on consumer purchases, including items bought on eBay. Whether the tax is included in the listing price, added at checkout, charged at the border, or paid directly by the buyer depends on the seller&#39;s status, the order price, the item&#39;s location, and your shipping address.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Paying tax on eBay purchases | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn about when sales tax, VAT, or other consumer tax might apply to items you purchase on eBay.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Paying tax on eBay purchases","estimatedReadingTime":"4 mins","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4057","title":"International purchases and shipping for buyers","description":"<p>You&#39;ll find items from all over the world on eBay. International sellers can send items to you through regular shipping services, or they may use one of eBay&#39;s shipping programs.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Changing delivery address or method","International purchases and shipping"]},{"topicId":"4338","title":"International trading policy","description":"Listing items for sale internationally is a great way to help increase your sales, but it&#39;s important to make sure your items aren&#39;t prohibited on our global sites.","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"5 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Prohibited and restricted items","International trading policy"]},{"topicId":"4004","title":"How buyers can cancel an order","description":"<p>If you&rsquo;ve changed your mind about a purchase, you can submit a request to cancel the order. The seller can either accept or decline your cancellation request.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","How buyers can cancel an order"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/paying-items/paying-tax-ebay-purchases?id=4771","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"Goods and Services tax, GST, Value Added Tax, VAT, sales tax, customs fee, customs duty, customs charge, taxes, Norway, Norwegian, VOEC,","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying tax on eBay purchases"]}},"topPickers":[{"cover_title":true},{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4035","title":"Buying as a guest ","content":"<div class=\"policy-highlight-warning\">\n<p><strong>Quick tip\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you can&rsquo;t find your guest order confirmation email, select the button below, enter your order number or the email address you used to purchase the item on the next screen, and select <strong>Submit request\u003C/strong>. Then we&rsquo;ll send you a link to your order details.\u003C/p>\n\n<div style=\"text-align: center;\"><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/guest-order?topicId=4035&amp;af=2\">Retrieve guest order confirmation email\u003C/a>\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">How to buy as a guest on eBay\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Once you&rsquo;ve found an item you&rsquo;d like to buy, you can go to checkout to complete your purchase. Here&#39;s how:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Buy It Now\u003C/strong> on the listing.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Check out as guest\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Fill in your shipping address, email address, and payment information.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Confirm and pay\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>You can buy without an eBay account as long as:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>The item costs less than $5,000\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The item can be purchased using Buy It Now. If you want to bid on an auction or send a Best Offer to a seller, you&rsquo;ll need an eBay account\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You pay for the item using PayPal, credit card, debit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>You can still track your purchases&nbsp;and return items you&rsquo;ve bought as a guest on eBay, but you won&rsquo;t be able to use My eBay to keep track of your activity or&nbsp;message other members.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Your guest order confirmation email\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When you buy an item as a guest, we&rsquo;ll send you a guest order confirmation email, with the subject line &ldquo;Order Confirmed&rdquo;. You&#39;ll need this email to view your order details, contact the seller, track your order, or start a return if you need to send your item back.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you can&rsquo;t find your guest order confirmation email, select the button below, enter the email address you used to purchase the item or your order number on the next screen, and select Submit request. Then we&rsquo;ll send you a link to your order details.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/guest-order?topicId=4035&amp;af=2\">Retrieve guest order confirmation email\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Tracking an order as a guest\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If your seller is sending your item using a tracked delivery service, you can follow your item&rsquo;s progress all the way to your shipping address.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Here&rsquo;s how to track your order as a guest:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Find your eBay guest order confirmation email. The subject line starts with&nbsp;&ldquo;Order Confirmed&rdquo;.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>View order details\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Show shipping details\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>You&rsquo;ll see a delivery status bar with a delivery company, tracking number, and the item&rsquo;s current location.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you don&rsquo;t see the tracking information you can select <strong>Contact seller\u003C/strong> on the Order Details page and ask the seller if they will upload the tracking number.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Creating an eBay account\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You can still <a href=\"/help/account/signing-ebay-account/signing-ebay-account?id=4191\">register as an eBay member\u003C/a> after you&rsquo;ve bought an item as a guest. Your guest purchases will still be managed separately, but you&rsquo;ll find all your future purchases in My eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>To create an account, select <strong>View order details\u003C/strong> in your guest order confirmation email and then select <strong>Register\u003C/strong> at the top of the page.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Once you&#39;ve created an eBay account, you&#39;ll get all the benefits of being a member. You can:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Access full order details\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Bid on auction-style listings\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Leave feedback\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Send messages to other eBay members\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Use My eBay to manage and track orders\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Access eBay community resources, such as discussion boards\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>Learn more about <a href=\"/help/account/default/ebay-account?id=4188\">eBay accounts\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nYou can use your&nbsp;Facebook, Google, or Apple account to quickly sign up for an eBay account. Learn more about <a href=\"/help/account/signing-ebay-account/signing-ebay-account?id=4191#section2\">using your social accounts to get set up on eBay\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1147","articleDescription":"<p>You can shop for most things on eBay without needing an eBay account, but you&rsquo;ll miss out on the benefits of being a member.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Buying as a guest | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Discover everything you need to know about buying as a guest on eBay.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Buying as a guest ","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","pullQuote":"<h3>You can usually buy on eBay without an account if the item is selling for less than $5,000 and it&rsquo;s offered with Buy It Now. You need an eBay account to bid on an auction item.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4027","title":"Tracking your item","description":"<p>You can follow your package online all the way to your shipping address when the seller uploads tracking information.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Tracking your item"]},{"topicId":"4065","title":"Get help if you bought as a guest","description":"<p>If you want to return an item, or if there&#39;s a problem with your order, the first step is to let the seller know. If you&#39;re not able to resolve things with the seller, you can ask us to help.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Returning an item","Returning items you bought as a guest"]},{"topicId":"4033","title":"Paying with PayPal","description":"<p>If you have a PayPal account, you can use it to pay for your items on eBay. You can also link your PayPal and eBay accounts so you don&rsquo;t need to enter your details each time you pay at checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying with PayPal"]},{"topicId":"4034","title":"Coupons and discounts","description":"<p>Sign up to receive discount offers and coupons to save on your next eBay purchase.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Coupons and discounts"]},{"topicId":"4036","title":"Checkout","description":"<p>At checkout you can pay for your item, choose where you&rsquo;d like it to be delivered, and review your order details before you pay.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Checkout"]},{"topicId":"4038","title":"Paying for items with a credit or debit card ","description":"<p>eBay offers payment by credit and debit cards for most listings. You&rsquo;ll see accepted payment methods at checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying for items with a credit or debit card"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/paying-items/buying-guest?id=4035","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay guest, Buying as a guest on eBay, Buying on eBay as a guest, Using eBay as a guest, eBay access code, Access code eBay","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Buying as a guest"],"path":"/buying/paying-items/buying-guest?id=4035"},{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4065","title":"Get help if you bought as a guest","content":"<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Shipping delays\u003C/strong><br />\nWe&#39;re aware that some customers are experiencing longer than&nbsp;usual delivery times, mainly due to extreme weather. Please check your tracking details for updates and more information on when you can expect your order to arrive.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>It&#39;s easier to shop on eBay and keep track of your purchases when you have an account. Find out more about <a href=\"/help/account/signing-ebay-account/signing-ebay-account?id=4191\">signing up for an eBay account\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>If you don&#39;t have an eBay account, or didn&#39;t sign in to your account when you made a purchase, you can still request a return or report that an item hasn&#39;t arrived. Guest purchases are protected by <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/a>, if all eligibility requirements are met. So if the seller doesn&#39;t respond or you&#39;re unable to resolve the issue with them, you can ask us to step in and help.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Finding your order details\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>To start a return request or report a problem with an item you bought as a guest, you&#39;ll need your order confirmation email. This is the email we sent at the time of your purchase with all your order details. The subject line starts with &quot;Order Confirmed&quot;.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you can&#39;t find your guest order confirmation email, select the button below and we&#39;ll send you a link to your order details.\u003C/p>\n<a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/guest-order?topicId=4065&amp;af=2\" target=\"_blank\">Find guest order details<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Your item hasn&#39;t arrived\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>First check the delivery information, and if the expected delivery date has passed, let the seller know that it hasn&#39;t arrived.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Check your item&#39;s delivery information\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Your item may still be in transit. Check your order confirmation email to see the item&#39;s expected delivery date and the address it&#39;s being shipped to.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can also select <strong>View order details\u003C/strong> in your order confirmation email to see the latest tracking updates.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">What to do if you provided an incorrect shipping address\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>If the shipping address you provided during checkout is incorrect, select <strong>Contact the seller\u003C/strong> on the order page and see if they&#39;ll <a href=\"/help/buying/cancelling-order/cancelling-order?id=4004\">cancel the order\u003C/a>. They can then relist the item and you can buy it again with the correct address.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the seller has already shipped the item, they won&#39;t be able to cancel the order. If possible, we recommend trying to collect your package from the original address.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf the tracking for your item shows that it&#39;s been delivered, check with a neighbor in case you weren&#39;t home when the package arrived and they took delivery of it for you.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h3>Report that your item hasn&#39;t arrived\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>You have up to 30 calendar days from the estimated delivery date to report that an item hasn&#39;t arrived.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The seller should respond within 3 business days to provide a delivery update, offer a replacement, or give you a refund. If you&#39;re getting a refund, it will go back to your original payment method. Refunds are typically available within 3-5 business days.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Here&#39;s what to do:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Find your order confirmation email. The subject line starts with &quot;Order Confirmed&quot;.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>View order details\u003C/strong> in the body of the email.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Contact seller\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>I haven&#39;t received my item yet\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Choose <strong>No, I want to contact the seller\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Fill in the details and then hit <strong>Submit\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>You&#39;ll receive a confirmation email once you&#39;ve created the request, which will include a link to view your request details. You can also check the status of your request by going to <strong>View order details\u003C/strong> in your order confirmation email, then selecting <strong>Resolutions\u003C/strong>.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">What to do if you&#39;ve only received some of the items you&#39;ve purchased\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>If you bought multiple items from the same seller, but something was missing when your order arrived, you can follow the steps above to report that you didn&#39;t receive an item.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\">For sets and bundled items, if something&#39;s missing, you need to <a href=\"#returns\">open a return request\u003C/a> instead. For example, if you bought a set of six paintbrushes but only received four, you can return the set for a full refund or the seller may offer to let you keep the ones you received and give you a partial refund.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\"><a id=\"returns\" name=\"returns\">\u003C/a>You want to return an item\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Many eBay sellers accept returns if you&#39;ve changed your mind. Check the listing to see the seller&#39;s full return policy, including how long you have to request a return and any other conditions.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">How to find the seller&#39;s return policy\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<ol>\n\t<li>Find your order confirmation email. The subject line starts with &quot;Order Confirmed&quot;.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>View order details\u003C/strong> in the body of the email.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select the description of your item to go to its listing.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Go to <strong>Returns\u003C/strong> to see the seller&#39;s return policy.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>If the seller states in their return policy that they don&#39;t accept returns, you can ask them to see if they&#39;ll make an exception.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the item doesn&#39;t match the listing description, or if it is faulty or arrived damaged, you may be eligible for <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/a>. This means that you can return it even if the seller&#39;s returns policy says they don&#39;t accept returns.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>How to open a return request\u003C/h3>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Select <strong>View order details\u003C/strong> in your order confirmation email.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Return item\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select your reason for the return and select <strong>Next\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You can add a message to the seller and also upload up to 10 photos showing the item&#39;s condition.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Confirm return\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>You&#39;ll receive a confirmation email once you&#39;ve created the request, which will include a link to view your return details. You can also see the status of your return by going to <strong>View order details\u003C/strong> in your order confirmation email, then selecting <strong>Resolutions\u003C/strong>.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">How to return multiple items\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>How you request the return depends on how you bought them.\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Sets and bundled items\u003C/strong> &ndash; You need to return the whole lot. For example, if you bought a set of paintbrushes, you can&#39;t return just one of them.\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Multiples of the same item\u003C/strong> &ndash; You can return some or all of them, but you can only open one return for the order. For example, if you bought five t-shirts from one listing, you can return two, but you won&#39;t be able to return the other three later.\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Combined purchases from the same seller\u003C/strong> &ndash; You can return each item individually. For example, you bought three different books from the seller&#39;s store and paid for them together at checkout. You need to open a separate request for each book, because they came from different listings.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h3>How the seller may respond to your request\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>The seller has 3 business days to get back to you. How they can respond depends on the reason for your return.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">You changed your mind about an item\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p><strong>Accept your return request and offer a full refund\u003C/strong> &ndash; You&#39;ll return the item and the seller will then issue a full refund &ndash; depending on their returns policy, this may or may not include the original shipping cost. Check the seller&#39;s return policy in the listing to see who is responsible for <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/start-return/return-postage?id=4066\">return shipping costs\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the returned item is opened, used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return shipping because it wasn&#39;t packaged correctly, some sellers might deduct from your refund to cover the loss in the item&#39;s value. Learn more about our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/condition-returned-items-policy?id=4763\">Condition of returns policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Offer you a partial refund and let you keep the item\u003C/strong> &ndash; This can be a good compromise when the seller doesn&#39;t accept returns, but wants to offer you a gesture of goodwill &ndash; say if you ordered the wrong thing by accident.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Offer you a replacement or an exchange\u003C/strong> &ndash; Some sellers may offer the option of returning an item for a replacement or exchange instead of a refund.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Decline your return request\u003C/strong> &ndash; Sellers can decline your return request if you changed your mind about an item and they stated in the listing that they don&#39;t accept returns, or if you missed the seller&#39;s deadline to start a return.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Send you a message\u003C/strong> &ndash; The seller may ask you for some more details about your return request.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">Your item didn&#39;t match the listing, or it arrived faulty or damaged\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p><strong>Accept your return request and offer a full refund\u003C/strong> &ndash; You&#39;ll return the item in the same condition in which it was received, and the seller will then issue a full refund, including the original shipping cost. The seller will also pay for <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/start-return/return-postage?id=4066\">return shipping\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the returned item is used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return shipping because it wasn&#39;t packaged correctly, the seller might deduct from the refund to cover the loss in the item&#39;s value. Learn more about our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/condition-returned-items-policy?id=4763\">Condition of returns policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Offer you a partial refund and let you keep the item\u003C/strong> &ndash; This can be a good compromise when you&#39;re not completely satisfied with your purchase &ndash; for example, if it arrived with a minor scratch &ndash; but you&#39;re happy to keep it.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Offer you a replacement or an exchange\u003C/strong> &ndash; Some sellers may offer the option of returning an item for a replacement or exchange instead of a refund.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Send you a message\u003C/strong> &ndash; The seller may ask you for some more details about your return request.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h3>Sending the item back\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>When your return request is accepted, we&#39;ll send you an email with the subject &quot;Send the item back&quot;. Make sure you ship the return by the date in this email to avoid any delays or issues in the refund process.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you&#39;re responsible for purchasing the return shipping label, make sure you use a tracked service and add the tracking number to your return request. If the item being returned has a total cost of $750 or more, it will need to be returned with a <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/signature-confirmationpolicy?id=5154\">signature confirmation\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the seller provided a return label, you can access your guest account and the label through the order confirmation email. For more information about who pays for return shipping and how to send the item back, see <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item/return-shipping?id=4066\">return shipping for buyers\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\">The condition of the returned item is important, so repack it carefully. If you return the item used, damaged or missing parts, or if it gets damaged during return shipping, the seller may deduct an amount from your refund to cover the loss in the item&#39;s value. For more information, see our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/condition-returned-items-policy?id=4763\">Condition of returned items policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Getting your money back\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Most sellers refund as soon as they get the item back. If the item has been returned to the seller and they haven&#39;t given you a refund after 2 business days, you can ask eBay to step in and help.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Refunds go back to your original payment method and are typically available within 3-5 business days.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Get help from eBay\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Most of the time if you have an issue with a purchase, the seller will be able to solve it for you. However, we&#39;re here to help.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Here are the main reasons you might ask us to step in and help:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>The seller hasn&#39;t responded to your request after 3 business days\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The seller responded, but hasn&#39;t provided a resolution (for example, they accepted your return request but didn&#39;t provide a return shipping label)\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You returned the item and it&#39;s been delivered back to the seller, but they haven&#39;t processed a refund after 2 business days\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p class=\"tip\">Don&#39;t leave it too long to ask us to step in and help. We&#39;ll automatically close a return request if there&#39;s been no activity.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>How to ask eBay to step in\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>To access your request details, you can either:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>From your order confirmation email, go to <strong>View order details\u003C/strong>, then select <strong>Resolutions\u003C/strong>\u003C/li>\n\t<li>From the email you received when you opened the request, go to <strong>See request details\u003C/strong>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>From the request details, simply select <strong>Ask eBay to step in and help\u003C/strong>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Learn more about <a href=\"/help/buying/default/ask-ebay-to-step-in?id=4701\">asking eBay for help\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section5\">Close a request\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If your item arrives, or if you&#39;ve changed your mind and no longer want to return your item, it&#39;s easy to cancel your request.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>To access your request details, you can either:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>From your order confirmation email, go to <strong>View order details\u003C/strong>, then select <strong>Resolutions\u003C/strong>\u003C/li>\n\t<li>From the email you received when you opened the request, go to <strong>See request details\u003C/strong>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>From the request details, select <strong>Close your request\u003C/strong> and choose your reason from the dropdown menu.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\">You won&#39;t be able to re-open the request once it&#39;s closed.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1151","articleDescription":"<p>If you want to return an item, or if there&#39;s a problem with your order, the first step is to let the seller know. If you&#39;re not able to resolve things with the seller, you can ask us to help.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Get help if you bought as a guest | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how you can get help with a purchase if you&#39;re not an eBay member or weren&#39;t signed in when you bought your item.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Get help if you bought as a guest","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","pullQuote":"<h3>You can start a return or report a missing item from your guest order confirmation email. Guest purchases are protected by eBay Money Back Guarantee&nbsp;if all eligibility requirements are met.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4066","title":"Return shipping for buyers","description":"<p>There are several ways you can send an item back to the seller. Who pays the cost of return shipping depends on the seller&rsquo;s return policy and the reason for the return.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Returning an item","Return shipping"]},{"topicId":"4008","title":"Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","description":"<p>In most cases, if your order doesn&#39;t arrive, or is faulty or damaged, you&#39;ll get your money back or a replacement. Most sellers accept returns if you&#39;ve changed your mind &ndash; check the listing for details of their returns policy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item/returning-items-bought-guest?id=4065","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay guest return, Return eBay item as guest, eBay return as guest, eBay guest item didn't arrived, eBay guest open request, eBay guest refund, non registered user, return non eBay member, non member, return no eBay account, no eBay account refund, no eBay account missing item","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Returning an item","Returning items you bought as a guest"],"path":"/buying/returns-items-not-received-refunds-buyers/returning-item/returning-items-bought-guest?id=4065"},{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4042","title":"Get help with an item that hasn't arrived","content":"<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Shipping delays\u003C/strong><br />\nWe&#39;re aware that some customers are experiencing longer than usual delivery times, mainly due to extreme weather. Please check your tracking details for updates and more information on when you can expect your order to arrive.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"policy-highlight-warning\">\n<p><strong>Quick tip\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Once you&#39;ve reported that an item hasn&#39;t arrived yet, you can check the status of your request at any time by selecting the button below.\u003C/p>\n\n<div style=\"text-align: center;\"><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/action?topicid=4667&amp;af=2\">Check the status of my request\u003C/a>\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>&nbsp;\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking to help a buyer with an item that hasn&#39;t arrived? Read our article on <a href=\"/help/selling/managing-returns-refunds/helping-buyers-items-not-received?id=4116\">responding to an item not received case\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Check if your item is on its way\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If your item hasn&#39;t arrived, you can track your order in <strong>Purchases\u003C/strong>. You can check the expected delivery date, the address it&#39;s being shipped to, and the latest tracking updates.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Check delivery information<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">What to do if you provided an incorrect shipping address\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>If the shipping address you provided during checkout is incorrect, select <strong>Contact the seller\u003C/strong> on the order page and see if they&#39;ll <a href=\"/help/buying/cancelling-order/cancelling-order?id=4004\">cancel the order\u003C/a>. They can then relist the item and you can buy it again with the correct address.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the seller has already shipped the item, they won&#39;t be able to cancel the order. If possible, we recommend trying to collect your package from the original address.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nIf the tracking for your item shows that it&#39;s been delivered, check with a neighbor in case you weren&#39;t home when the package arrived and they took delivery of it for you.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Report that your item hasn&#39;t arrived\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>The seller is the best person to help if the delivery date has passed and your item hasn&#39;t arrived. You can ask for an order update, a replacement, or a refund back to your original payment method. Most sellers respond within 3 business days.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>To be eligible for buyer protections, you need to report the item hasn&#39;t arrived within 30 calendar days after the delivery date, so get in touch with the seller as soon as you can. Refunds are typically available within 3-5 business days.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/action?topicid=4042\">Report an item you didn&#39;t receive\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">How to report an item that hasn&#39;t arrived through My eBay\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchases<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and find the item.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>More actions\u003C/strong> beside the item and then <strong>I didn&#39;t receive it\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Check the box beside <strong>I&#39;d like a refund\u003C/strong> or <strong>I&#39;d still like the item\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Enter any additional information.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Send request\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">What to do if you&#39;ve only received some of the items you&#39;ve purchased\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>If you bought more than one item from the same seller, but one of them was missing when your order arrived, you can use the button above to report that you didn&#39;t receive an item.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>For sets and bundles, if something&#39;s missing, you need to <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/return-item-refund?id=4041\">open a return request\u003C/a> instead. For example, if you bought a set of six paintbrushes but only received four, you can return the set for a full refund or the seller may offer to let you keep the ones you received and give you a partial refund.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Ask eBay to step in and help\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>We think it&#39;s fair to give sellers 3 business days to make things right. After that, you can ask us to step in.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We automatically close the request if there&#39;s been no activity and it&#39;s been more than 21 business days since you opened it.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Read our <a href=\"/help/buying/default/ask-ebay-to-step-in?id=4701\">asking eBay to step in and help\u003C/a> article to find out how to ask us step in if the seller hasn&#39;t responded or you&#39;re not happy with their resolution.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">If your order arrives after you&#39;ve reported it\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If your item arrives, you can close your request. This lets the seller know that the issue is resolved.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>If there&#39;s a problem with the item or you want to return it\u003C/strong>, you&#39;ll need to close your item not received request, and <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/return-item-refund?id=4041\">open a return request\u003C/a> instead.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>If you&#39;ve already received a refund\u003C/strong>, get in touch with the seller about what to do next. For example, you could:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Send the item back and keep the refund\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Keep the item and arrange to reimburse the seller\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">How to close your request\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchases<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and find the item.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>See request details\u003C/strong> and then <strong>Close your request\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select your reason for closing the request from the dropdown, and add details if you want to.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Close request\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>If you&#39;ve already asked eBay to step in, you&#39;ll see &#39;case&#39; rather than &#39;request&#39;. You can still close it if things are resolved.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nYou won&#39;t be able to re-open the request or case once it&#39;s closed.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1135","articleDescription":"<p>If the estimated delivery date for your order has passed and your item hasn&#39;t arrived, you can let the seller know by reporting that you didn&#39;t receive it.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Get help with an item that hasn't arrived | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>What to do if an item you bought doesn&#39;t arrive, and how to get a refund.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Get help with an item that hasn't arrived","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","personalizedContent":"<h2><strong>Report an item you didn&#39;t receive\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","pullQuote":"<h3>If your item doesn&#39;t arrive by the expected delivery date, the seller is the best person to help. You can ask us to step in if they don&#39;t provide a solution within 3 business days.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4210","title":"eBay Money Back Guarantee policy","description":"<p>eBay Money Back Guarantee covers most transactions on eBay. It means buyers can get their money back if an item didn&#39;t arrive, is faulty or damaged, or doesn&#39;t match the listing.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"13 min","taxonomies":["Policies","eBay Money Back Guarantee policy"]},{"topicId":"4041","title":"Return an item for a refund","description":"<p>If you&#39;ve changed your mind about an item you bought or there&#39;s something wrong with it, you can request a return.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Returning an item"]},{"topicId":"4039","title":"Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer","description":"<p>If you don&#39;t agree with our resolution when we&#39;ve stepped in to help resolve an issue, you can appeal by providing new information within 30 calendar days of the case closing.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/returns-refunds/get-help-item-hasnt-arrived?id=4042","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"my order hasn't arrived, my order has not arrived, my item hasn't arrived, package hasn't arrived, package has not arrived, eBay item not received, eBay items not received, I haven't received my item, lost in post eBay, lost during shipping, lost in the mail, lost in transit, lost item, missing shipment, eBay delivery not received, open claim, open case, open request, purchase not received, only received some of the items, items missing, where is my item, where is my order, where is my purchase, report missing item, report items not arrived, eBay Money Back Guarantee, eBay Money Back Guarantee refunds,","searchSnippet":"<h2><strong>Report an item you didn&#39;t receive\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Reporting an item you didn't receive"],"path":"/buying/returns-items-not-received-refunds-buyers/get-help-item-hasnt-arrived?id=4042"},{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4041","title":"Return an item for a refund","content":"<div class=\"policy-highlight-warning\">\n<p><strong>Quick tip\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>After you&#39;ve opened a return request, you can check the status at any time by selecting the button below.\u003C/p>\n\n<div style=\"text-align: center;\"><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/action?topicid=4667&amp;af=2\">Check the status of my request\u003C/a>\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>&nbsp;\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Open a return request\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When you request a return, the seller should get back to you within 3 business days. If the seller doesn&#39;t respond or you&#39;re unable to resolve the issue with them, you can ask us to step in and help.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>To request a return, select the item you want to send back from your recent purchases above, or use the button below. You can also start a return request from your <strong>Purchases\u003C/strong> in My eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"/help/action?topicid=4041\" target=\"_blank\">Open a return request<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">More info on when you can return an item\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>Many eBay sellers accept returns if you&#39;ve changed your mind. Check the listing in your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchases<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> to see the seller&#39;s full return policy, including how long you have to request a return and any other conditions.\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>If the seller states in their return policy that they don&#39;t accept returns, you can ask them to see if they&#39;ll make an exception\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If the item doesn&#39;t match the listing description, or if it is faulty or arrived damaged, you may be eligible for <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/a>. This means that you can return it even if the seller&#39;s returns policy says they don&#39;t accept returns\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p class=\"title\">How to request a return through My eBay\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<ol>\n\t<li>Find the item in your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchases<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Return this item\u003C/strong> from the menu on the right.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select your reason for the return and enter a comment about why you&#39;re returning it.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If the item arrived damaged, broken, or faulty, you must add at least 1 image (with a maximum of 10) relevant to the reason you&#39;re returning the item for, and showing any scratches or defects. Make sure to follow our <a href=\"/help/policies/listing-policies/images-videos-text-policy?id=4240\">Images, video and text policy\u003C/a> when you&#39;re uploading images.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Confirm return\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">How to return multiple items\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>How you request the return depends on how you bought them.\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Sets and bundled items\u003C/strong> &ndash; You need to return the whole lot. For example, if you bought a set of paintbrushes, you can&#39;t return just one of them.\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Multiples of the same item\u003C/strong> &ndash; You can return some or all of them, but you can only open one return for the order. For example, if you bought five t-shirts from one listing, you can return two, but you won&#39;t be able to return the other three later.\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Combined purchases from the same seller\u003C/strong> &ndash; You can return each item individually. For example, you bought three different books from the seller&#39;s store and paid for them together at checkout. You need to open a separate request for each book, because they came from different listings.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h3>How the seller may respond to your request\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>The seller has 3 business days to get back to you. How they can respond depends on the reason for your return:\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">You changed your mind about an item\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p><strong>Accept your return request and offer a full refund\u003C/strong> &ndash; You&#39;ll return the item and the seller will then issue a full refund &ndash; depending on their returns policy, this may or may not include the original shipping cost. Check the seller&#39;s return policy in the listing to see who is responsible for <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/start-return/return-shipping?id=4066\">return shipping costs\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the returned item is opened, used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return shipping because it wasn&#39;t packaged correctly, some sellers might deduct from your refund to cover the loss in the item&#39;s value. Learn more about our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/condition-returned-items-policy?id=4763\">Condition of returns policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Offer you a partial refund and let you keep the item\u003C/strong> &ndash; This can be a good compromise when the seller doesn&#39;t accept returns, but wants to offer you a gesture of goodwill &ndash; say if you ordered the wrong thing by accident.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Offer you a replacement or an exchange\u003C/strong> &ndash; Some sellers may offer the option of returning an item for a replacement or exchange instead of a refund.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Decline your return request\u003C/strong> &ndash; Sellers can decline your return request if you changed your mind about an item and they stated in the listing that they don&#39;t accept returns, or if you missed the seller&#39;s deadline to start a return.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Send you a message\u003C/strong> &ndash; The seller may ask you for some more details about your return request.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">Your item didn&#39;t match the listing, or it arrived faulty or damaged\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p><strong>Accept your return request and offer a full refund\u003C/strong> &ndash; You&#39;ll return the item in the same condition in which it was received, and the seller will then issue a full refund, including the original shipping cost. The seller will also pay for <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/start-return/return-shipping?id=4066\">return shipping\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the returned item is used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return shipping because it wasn&#39;t packaged correctly, the seller might deduct from the refund to cover the loss in the item&#39;s value. Learn more about our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/condition-returned-items-policy?id=4763\">Condition of returns policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Offer you a partial refund and let you keep the item\u003C/strong> &ndash; This can be a good compromise when you&#39;re not completely satisfied with your purchase &ndash; for example, if it arrived with a minor scratch &ndash; but you&#39;re happy to keep it.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Offer you a replacement or an exchange\u003C/strong> &ndash; Some sellers may offer the option of returning an item for a replacement or exchange instead of a refund.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Send you a message\u003C/strong> &ndash; The seller may ask you for some more details about your return request.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>When the seller replies, we&#39;ll send you an email with details of the next steps. You can also <a href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/check-status-return-missing-item-request?id=4667\">check the progress of your return request\u003C/a> at any time.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Send the item back\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When your return request is accepted, we&#39;ll send an email to your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Messages<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>&nbsp;asking you to send the item back. Make sure you ship the return by the date in this email to avoid any delays or issues in the refund process.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you&#39;re responsible for purchasing the return shipping label, make sure you use a tracked service and add the tracking number to your return request. If the item being returned has a total cost of $750 or more, it will need to be returned with a <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/signature-confirmationpolicy?id=5154\">signature confirmation\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>For more information about who pays for return shipping and how to send the item back, see <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item/return-shipping?id=4066\">return shipping for buyers\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nThe condition of the returned item is important, so repack it carefully. If you return the item used, damaged, missing parts, or if it gets damaged during return shipping, the seller may deduct an amount from your refund to cover the loss in the item&#39;s value. For more information, see our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/condition-returned-items-policy?id=4763\">Condition of returned items policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Get your refund\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Most sellers refund as soon as they get the item back. If the item has been returned to the seller and they haven&#39;t given you a refund after 2 business days, you can ask eBay to step in and help.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nSome refunds may take a little longer. You can <a href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/check-status-return-missing-item-request?id=4667\">check the status of your request\u003C/a> to find the refund deadline for your return.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Refunds go back to your original payment method and are typically available within 3-5 business days.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">Why was my refund less than the amount I paid?\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>If the returned item is used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return shipping because it wasn&#39;t packaged correctly, some sellers might deduct from your refund to cover the loss in the item&#39;s value. For more details, please see our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/condition-returned-items-policy?id=4763\">Condition of returned items policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you&#39;re responsible for <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item/return-shipping?id=4066\">return shipping costs\u003C/a> and you used a label provided by eBay, we&#39;ll deduct the cost of the label from your refund.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<p class=\"title\">How do refunds work for items shipped through eBay International Shipping?\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p>When your return is received at the US hub, we inspect it to make sure it&#39;s in the same condition. We then issue the refund on the seller&#39;s behalf to your original payment method, usually within 5 to 7 business days of receiving the item.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Ask eBay to step in and help\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Most of the time if you have an issue with a purchase the seller will be able to solve it for you. However, we&#39;re here to help.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Here are the main reasons you might ask us to step in and help on a return:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>The seller hasn&#39;t responded to your return request after 3 business days\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The seller responded, but hasn&#39;t provided a resolution (for example, they accepted the return but didn&#39;t provide a return shipping label)\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You returned the item and it&#39;s been delivered back to the seller, but they haven&#39;t processed a refund by the refund deadline\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>We automatically close the request if there&#39;s been no activity and it&#39;s been more than 21 business days since you opened it.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Read our <a href=\"/help/buying/default/ask-ebay-to-step-in?id=4701\">asking eBay to step in and help\u003C/a> article to find out how to ask us step in if the seller hasn&#39;t responded or you&#39;re not happy with their resolution.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section5\">Close a return request\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you&#39;ve changed your mind and no longer want to return your item, it&#39;s easy to cancel your request. Here&#39;s how:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchases<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and find the item.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>From the <strong>More actions\u003C/strong> dropdown menu, select <strong>See request details\u003C/strong> and then <strong>Close your request\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select your reason for closing the return from the dropdown, and add details if you want to.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Confirm\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>If you had already asked eBay to step in, you&#39;ll see &#39;case&#39; rather than &#39;request&#39;. You can still close it if things are resolved.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nYou won&#39;t be able to re-open the request once it&#39;s closed.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section6\">Misuse of returns\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Buyers may not misuse our returns processes &ndash; such as requesting a return and then sending a different item back. See the <a href=\"/help/policies/rules-policies-buyers/abusive-buyer-policy?id=4374\">Abusive buyer policy\u003C/a> for more examples of activity that we don&#39;t allow.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can find more information about our requirements for returns and eligibility for coverage in our <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1134","articleDescription":"<p>If you&#39;ve changed your mind about an item you bought or there&#39;s something wrong with it, you can request a return.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Return an item for a refund | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how to return an item on eBay and get your money back.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Return an item for a refund","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","personalizedContent":"<h2><strong>Return your item\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","pullQuote":"<h3>If the item you received doesn&#39;t match the listing, or if it arrived faulty or damaged, you can return it even if the seller&#39;s returns policy says they don&#39;t accept returns.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4039","title":"Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer","description":"<p>If you don&#39;t agree with our resolution when we&#39;ve stepped in to help resolve an issue, you can appeal by providing new information within 30 calendar days of the case closing.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer"]},{"topicId":"4042","title":"Get help with an item that hasn't arrived","description":"<p>If the estimated delivery date for your order has passed and your item hasn&#39;t arrived, you can let the seller know by reporting that you didn&#39;t receive it.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Reporting an item you didn't receive"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/returns-refunds/return-item-refund?id=4041","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"close a return, close return, damaged, faulty goods, damaged item, not as described, returns not accepted, open claim, open case, open request, wrong item, return an item, changed my mind, no longer want the item, request refund, changed mind about an item, return policy, can I return my item, item doesn't match description, broken item, send item back to seller, missing parts, eBay Money Back Guarantee refund, seller return policy, return process, missing accessory, missing part, scratch, incorrect item","searchSnippet":"<h2><strong>Return your item\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","Returning an item"],"path":"/buying/returns-items-not-received-refunds-buyers/return-item-refund?id=4041"},{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4057","title":"International purchases and shipping for buyers","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking to sell internationally? Read our article on <a href=\"/help/selling/selling/selling-internationally?id=4132\">Selling internationally\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>When purchasing from an international seller, keep in mind that shipping can sometimes take longer and cost more than buying from a seller in your own country. If you have any questions about shipping, <a href=\"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/contacting-seller?id=4021\" target=\"_blank\">contact the seller\u003C/a> before you go to checkout.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Where to find the cost of international shipping\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You&#39;ll find the estimated cost of shipping in the Shipping and payments section of every eBay listing. You&#39;ll also see the shipping service the seller offers and where the item will be sent from, as well as a list of countries the seller ships to.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Listings also include an estimate of customs and import charges, if applicable. The charges you see on the listing aren&#39;t final until you pay for the item at checkout. For example, if you change your delivery address during checkout, or if the applicable import rules change before you complete your payment, the charges could change.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The final cost you&#39;ll need to pay to have your item delivered will be confirmed at checkout.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">Buying from sellers using eBay International Shipping\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If your seller is shipping your item through eBay International Shipping, you&#39;ll pay for postage at checkout. You can choose to pay for&nbsp;customs charges, import fees and taxes either at checkout or when your item arrives. You&#39;ll see the following options at checkout:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Pay import charges now\u003C/strong> &ndash;&nbsp;select this option to pay all taxes and duties at checkout\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Defer import charges until delivery\u003C/strong> &ndash;&nbsp;select this option to pay all taxes and duties when your item arrives\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>If you complete checkout and pay for more than one item from the same seller, the shipping will automatically be combined if the items are eligible. If you&#39;re paying import charges at checkout for some items in your order and paying import charges on delivery for other items, your shipping won&#39;t be combined. Combined shipping is also not available for auction-style listings.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Once you&#39;ve completed checkout, the seller will send your package to the shipping hub, and from there it&#39;s shipped to you. Tracking is automatically added so you can track your order from the hub to your door.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Items sent by eBay International Shipping can be returned up to 30 days from the delivery date. If you need to return an item, go to our <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-items-not-received-refunds-buyers/return-item-refund?id=4041\">Return an item for a refund\u003C/a> page.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nInternational purchases are covered by eBay Money Back Guarantee as long as all other eligibility requirements are met. Learn more about <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Buying from sellers using the Global Shipping Programme\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If your seller is in the UK, they may send your item through the Global Shipping Programme. If they&#39;re using GSP,&nbsp;you&#39;ll see the Global Shipping Programme logo on the listing.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Benefits of the Global Shipping Programme for buyers:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>You&#39;ll pay all shipping, taxes, and import charges up front, and you won&#39;t have to pay any extra charges when your item is delivered\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Tracking is always included so you can track your item right to your door\u003C/li>\n\t<li>International deliveries made through GSP include customs clearance so you don&#39;t need to handle any extra paperwork\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>Once you&#39;ve paid for your item, the seller sends it to the global shipping center. From there, it&#39;s sent to you. When you pay, your payment will be split into two transactions:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>The first payment goes to the seller to cover the item price and any domestic shipping costs to send the item to the global shipping center\u003C/li>\n\t<li>The second payment covers the international shipping cost and any import charges, if applicable\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>After you&#39;ve completed payment, you&#39;ll be able to see both the total cost and the amounts paid to the seller and the global shipping provider on the Order details page.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nItems purchased through GSP can&#39;t be delivered to P.O. Box numbers or APO and FPO addresses.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Buying from sellers using other shipping services\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If your seller sends your item through an international shipping service instead of an eBay shipping program, you&#39;ll pay for the cost of delivery and VAT, if it applies, at checkout.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>However, you may still have to pay any necessary customs, duties, and import fees when your item arrives. Either your seller or their international shipping service will manage the customs forms.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>eBay is partnering with third-party carriers to provide affordable international shipping services for items that fit certain eligibility criteria. Buyers with a shipping address in Mexico can select international shipping with <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Estafeta<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>, and buyers with a shipping address in China can select <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">HDB International Shipping Services<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> when purchasing eligible items.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Customs and import charges\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>As a buyer, it&#39;s your responsibility to check which customs and import charges may apply, and to pay them. These import charges are generally based on the item&#39;s price, weight, dimensions, and country of origin, as well as any taxes, duties, and fees added by your country.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Your seller might be able to give you some information about import charges, but before you bid on, or buy an item, it&#39;s a good idea to check with your country&#39;s customs office for more specific details.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<div class=\"title\">\n<p>Import charges include\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<ul>\n\t<li>Sales, goods, and services\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Value added taxes\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Duties\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Tariffs\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Excise taxes\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Other amounts assessed or levied by any government authority in connection with the importation of goods into the applicable country of importation\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Third party brokerage fees (including advancement and disbursement charges as well as&nbsp;customs brokers&rsquo; handling and filing fees)\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Penalties\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Classification charges associated with the assignment of a Harmonized System (HS) classification code\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Charges for export compliance screening and verification and the assignment of an Export Control Classification Number (ECCN)\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Charges relating to the management of variances between the quoted import charges and actual costs\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>Import charges are in addition to the customs duties and taxes imposed by country tax and customs officials.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h3>Importing items into the United States\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>If you are&nbsp;importing a high value item&nbsp;into the United States, the shipping carrier may&nbsp;reach out to you directly&nbsp;for more information. This is because U.S. Customs has asked&nbsp;the carrier to provide it&nbsp;with your tax ID number. A tax ID number is typically a social security number or an employee ID number.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>It&#39;s important&nbsp;to respond to the carrier&#39;s request promptly&nbsp;so that shipping is not delayed. If U.S. Customs does not&nbsp;have the&nbsp;information it&nbsp;requested,&nbsp;the carrier&nbsp;will be unable to import the item.\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nWhen you&#39;re buying items from overseas, there may be restrictions on certain items in your country. Find out more in our <a href=\"/help/policies/prohibited-restricted-items/international-trading-policy?id=4338\">international trading policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1028","articleDescription":"<p>You&#39;ll find items from all over the world on eBay. International sellers can send items to you through regular shipping services, or they may use one of eBay&#39;s shipping programs.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"International purchases and shipping for buyers | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Find out about buying from international sellers and eBay&rsquo;s shipping programs.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"International purchases and shipping for buyers","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","pullQuote":"<h3>You&rsquo;ll find the estimated cost of shipping in the Shipping and payments section of every eBay listing. You&rsquo;ll also see the shipping service the seller offers and where the item will be sent from.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4056","title":"Buying with local pickup","description":"<p>Many sellers offer free local pickup, especially for large items which may be difficult to ship. You can collect the item in person, inspect it before you take it home, and save money by not having to pay for shipping.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Changing delivery address or method","Local Pickup"]},{"topicId":"4025","title":"Expected delivery dates for buyers","description":"<p>Expected delivery dates let you know when you can expect an eBay item to arrive.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Estimated delivery dates "]},{"topicId":"4026","title":"Shipping rates for buyers","description":"<p>You can find out how much shipping costs&nbsp;in the shipping section of every eBay listing. We always show the&nbsp;shipping cost separately from&nbsp;the item cost so you can see&nbsp;exactly how much you&rsquo;ll&nbsp;pay for delivery before you go to checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Shipping rates"]},{"topicId":"4027","title":"Tracking your item","description":"<p>You can follow your package online all the way to your shipping address when the seller uploads tracking information.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Tracking your item"]},{"topicId":"4028","title":"Changing your shipping details after a purchase","description":"<p>If you&rsquo;ve already completed your purchase but need to make a change to your address or shipping details, contact the seller as soon as possible to let them know.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Changing delivery address or method"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/shipping-delivery/changing-delivery-address-method/international-purchases-shipping?id=4057","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay Global Shipping Program, eBay international shipping, how to contact eBay Global Shipping Program, posting overseas, shipping overseas","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery","Changing delivery address or method","International purchases and shipping"],"path":"/buying/shipping-delivery/changing-delivery-address-method/international-purchases-shipping?id=4057"},{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4009","title":"Paying for items","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you having issues paying for your items? Choose your payment method below for troubleshooting tips:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/paying-paypal?id=4033#section3\">Paying with PayPal\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/paying-items-credit-debit-card?id=4038#section3\">Paying with a credit or debit card\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/ebay-gift-cards?id=4640\">eBay gift cards\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/vouchers-coupons-discount-offers?id=4034\">Coupons and discount offers\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\t<li><a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/earning-using-ebay-bucks?id=4638\">eBay Bucks\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>When you&#39;re ready to pay, simply go to checkout. You&#39;ll be able to select your payment method and review your order details, including your shipping address, before you pay.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\">Ways to pay\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>In most categories, credit cards, debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Venmo and PayPal are accepted. American Express is not accepted on eBay. You&#39;ll find the payment methods accepted by going to the Shipping and Payments section of the listing.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Checks and money orders aren&#39;t allowed for most eBay purchases. However, you can use these payment methods to buy vehicles, capital and business equipment, real estate, and items you pick up in person. See our <a href=\"/help/policies/payment-policies/accepted-payments-policy?id=4269\">Payment methods policy\u003C/a> for more details.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Alipay is available for buyers in mainland China, and if available, you&#39;ll see it as a payment option on the view item page and at checkout. Alipay is currently only available to use on items listed in USD on and to pay with Alipay, you need to sign in your eBay account.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You may see a choice of payment currency options at checkout. For example, if you live in the US, and want to pay for an item located in the UK, you may see the option to pay in either GBP or USD.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you choose to pay in your local currency and it&#39;s different from the currency the item is listed in, you&rsquo;ll see the exchange rate along with the order total in your local currency at checkout. You&rsquo;ll also see the currency you used in your&nbsp;winning bid confirmation email.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can pay with if you&#39;re buying a vehicle. Find out more in our article about <a href=\"/help/buying/getting-started-ebay/buying-vehicles-parts-accessories?id=4639\">buying vehicles, parts and accessories\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Paying with wire transfer\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>For certain items on eBay, you&rsquo;ll have the option to pay with wire transfer. If you choose this payment method, we&rsquo;ll send you instructions, and you&rsquo;ll have 3 business days to ensure eBay receives the funds to complete the payment. While you can pay with one or more wire transfers, eBay currently only accepts wire transfers from US bank accounts.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>When making a wire transfer, the name on your eBay account must match the name on your bank account, or your order could be delayed or canceled. Allow 1 business day for eBay to receive and process your wire transfer, and you can check the status of the payment in the order details in your purchase history.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nAlways include the unique reference number in the wire transfer instructions to ensure the wire transfer is applied to the correct purchase. Otherwise eBay will automatically apply the wire transfer to your next pending wire payment. Your unique reference number can be found in your order confirmation email, or the order details in your purchase history.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>In some cases, it may take an extra 5 days for the seller to receive payment while we verify bank account details. Sellers will see the status and expected date of payment in the Payments and Orders tabs of My eBay and Seller Hub.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If an order is canceled or refunded, please allow 2 business days for any wire transfer refunds from eBay back to your bank, and processing times may vary. eBay isn&rsquo;t responsible for refunding any fees that were charged by your bank as part of the wire transfer.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Watch our video on how to make a wire transfer payment on eBay:\u003C/p>\n<iframe allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"2\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" width=\"560\">\u003C/iframe>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Troubleshooting payment errors\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you have problems paying for your items or if you receive an error message at checkout, try the following troubleshooting tips to resolve the issue:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Check you&#39;ve entered your payment details correctly\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Make sure your billing address matches the address on your payment method\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Try checking out on another device. If you&#39;re using the eBay desktop site, try checking out on the mobile site or app, or vice versa\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Try checking out on another browser. You can also try signing out, clearing your <a href=\"/help/policies/technical-issues/technical-issues?id=4220\">cache and cookies\u003C/a>, and signing in again before trying to check out again\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Make sure your payment method hasn&#39;t expired. For example, if you&#39;re paying with a credit or debit card, check the expiry date on the card\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you&#39;re using a new credit or debit card, you may need to activate the card before you can use it. We recommend contacting your bank or card issuer for instructions\u003C/li>\n\t<li>When you place an order for items from different sellers on eBay, you may see duplicate pending charges appear in your credit card or bank account. Don&rsquo;t worry, this doesn&rsquo;t mean you&rsquo;ll be overcharged. These payment authorizations are not charges, and will typically be removed from your account within a week. In some cases, your bank may take up to 30 days to remove these authorizations\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">Timelines for paying\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When you buy an item on eBay, whether you won an auction or used Buy It Now, you&#39;ll need to pay the seller within 4&nbsp;days. The sooner the seller receives your payment, the sooner they&#39;ll send your item. When making a bid or a Best Offer, we may ask you to provide your payment method and shipping address in advance. If you win the auction, or the seller accepts your Best Offer, payment will be taken immediately to ensure a smooth transaction.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If your Best Offer&nbsp;is accepted or you win an auction, the payment method you added when making the bid or Best Offer will be charged, even if you removed that payment method before accepting the offer or winning an auction.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You&#39;ll find everything you&#39;ve bought recently &ndash; including items you still need to pay for &ndash; in your <a href=\"\">Purchase History<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n<a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\">Check for unpaid items<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\n\n<p>When you buy an item, it&#39;s important to pay as quickly as possible. If you haven&#39;t paid within 4 calendar days, a seller can cancel your order. If this happens, you&nbsp;won&#39;t receive your item and the unpaid item will be recorded on your account. Buyers who have excessive unpaid items or canceled orders may have limits imposed or lose their buying privileges.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1153","articleDescription":"<p>When you see an item for sale on eBay, the listing will include the payment methods you can use to buy it. If you have any problems paying for your items, we can help troubleshoot the issue.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Paying for items | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Find out how to pay for items on eBay.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Paying for items","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4219","title":"Payment policies","description":"In order to maintain a safe marketplace, sellers can only offer eBay-approved payment methods in their listings.","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Payment policies"]},{"topicId":"4012","title":"Buying limits and restrictions","description":"<p>To keep our marketplace safe for buyers and sellers,&nbsp;we occasionally place limits or restrictions on a member&#39;s buying activity. We may also restrict buying if we believe a member has violated an eBay policy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Buying limits and restrictions"]},{"topicId":"4374","title":"Abusive buyer policy","description":"<p>Our abusive buyer policy lays out unacceptable buying behavior.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"10 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Rules and policies for buyers","Buying practices policy"]},{"topicId":"4008","title":"Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","description":"<p>In most cases, if your order doesn&#39;t arrive, or is faulty or damaged, you&#39;ll get your money back or a replacement. Most sellers accept returns if you&#39;ve changed your mind &ndash; check the listing for details of their returns policy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers"]},{"topicId":"4011","title":"Resolving issues with sellers","description":"If you&rsquo;re having an issue with an eBay seller, try contacting them directly to resolve your problem. If you can&rsquo;t work things out, we&rsquo;re always here to step in and help.","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers"]},{"topicId":"4007","title":"Leaving feedback for sellers","description":"<p>Leaving feedback is a great way to rate your buying experience with a seller on eBay. Your feedback is important because it can help other buyers decide whether to buy from the seller.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Leaving Feedback for sellers"]}],"tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay payment methods, eBay paying, How to pay on eBay, eBay payments, eBay payment time, eBay pay options, buying without paypal, how to combine payments to sellers, payment, request an invoice\n","searchSnippet":"<p>You can check for unpaid items using the button below.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\" id=\"trackCTA\" target=\"_blank\">Check for unpaid items<span class=\"clipped\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items"],"path":"/buying/paying-items/paying-items?id=4009"},{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4023","title":"Seller ratings","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking for information on how your performance is evaluated on eBay? Please read our article: <a href=\"/help/selling/seller-levels-performance-standards/seller-levels-performance-standards?id=4080\">Seller performance overview\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>Seller ratings let you know how other buyers have found the experience of making a purchase from your seller. The higher the seller&#39;s feedback score, the better the seller.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section1\"><a id=\"FeedbackScores\" name=\"FeedbackScores\">\u003C/a>How feedback scores and seller ratings work\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When you buy an item on eBay, you can rate your experience with the seller. The ratings you give are then added to the seller&#39;s overall feedback and detailed seller rating scores.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>A seller&#39;s feedback score is displayed as a percentage beneath their username on their listings. If a seller has a score of 99.5%, it means that 99.5% of the buyers who left feedback for them had a positive experience.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You&#39;ll also see a seller&#39;s star rating as a number in brackets next to their username. This shows how many buyers have left feedback for a seller. The more buyers who have rated their experience positively with a seller, the more assured you can be of getting great service.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Feedback stars\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>The colored star next to a seller&#39;s name helps you identify sellers with higher feedback scores. Below is an explanation of what each color means:\u003C/p>\n\n<div style=\"overflow-x: auto;\">\n<table class=\"standard\">\n\t<thead>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td width=\"20%\">\n\t\t\t<p>Star\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td width=\"40%\">\n\t\t\t<p>Color\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td width=\"40%\">\n\t\t\t<p>Number of ratings\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\u003C/thead>\n\t<tbody>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Yellow Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Yellow\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>10 to 49\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Blue Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Blue\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>50 to 99\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Turquoise Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Turquoise\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>100 to 499\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Purple Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Purple\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>500 to 999\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Red Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Red\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>1,000 to 4,999\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Green Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Green\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>5,000 to 9,999\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Yellow Shooting Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Yellow shooting star\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>10,000 to 24,999\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Turquoise Shooting Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Turquoise shooting star\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>25,000 to 49,999\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Purple Shooting Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Purple shooting star\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>50,000 to 99,999\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Red Shooting Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Red shooting star\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>100,000 to 499,999\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Green Shooting Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Green shooting star\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>500,000 to 999,999\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td><img alt=\"Silver Shooting Star\" src=\"\" />\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>Silver shooting star\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<p>1,000,000 or more\u003C/p>\n\t\t\t\u003C/td>\n\t\t\u003C/tr>\n\t\u003C/tbody>\n\u003C/table>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\"><a id=\"DetailedSellerRatings\" name=\"DetailedSellerRatings\">\u003C/a>Detailed seller ratings\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>For a more detailed view of a seller&#39;s performance, you can also view their detailed seller rating. This is a breakdown of how buyers have rated that seller in the following areas:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Item description\u003C/strong> &ndash; How accurately was it described?\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Communication\u003C/strong> &ndash; Did the seller communicate well with their buyer?\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Shipping time\u003C/strong> &ndash; How quickly did the seller ship the item?\u003C/li>\n\t<li><strong>Shipping and handling charges\u003C/strong> &ndash; Were the costs reasonable?\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>To view a seller&#39;s detailed seller ratings, select the number in brackets next to their username to go to their feedback profile. You&#39;ll find stars next to the 4 different areas, with 1 star being the lowest rating and 5 stars being the highest.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Leaving detailed seller ratings\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>To leave detailed seller ratings, go to your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase history<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> where you&#39;ll see the option to leave feedback. You can then:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Select an overall feedback rating &ndash; positive, neutral, or negative\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Rate aspects of the transaction &ndash; including whether the item arrived on time, the accuracy of the item description, shipping costs, and the seller&#39;s communication\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Write a comment about your experience\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>&quot;Verified purchase&quot; will be displayed next to your feedback to let other buyers know that your feedback relates to a purchase completed on eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You have up to 60 days from the date you received your item or from the <a href=\"/help/shipping-delivery/estimated-delivery-dates/expected-delivery-dates-buyers?id=4025\">expected delivery date\u003C/a> (whichever comes first) to leave your ratings and feedback for the seller. If no expected delivery date is provided, you have up to 90 days from when you completed your purchase to leave feedback for the seller.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can view all the feedback you&#39;ve left or received in your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Feedback profile<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>. From there you can also follow up and respond to feedback.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\"><a id=\"TopRatedSellers\" name=\"TopRatedSellers\">\u003C/a>Top Rated Sellers\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Our best sellers earn Top Rated level, which means they&#39;ve provided a great experience for their buyers.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Top Rated Sellers consistently deliver outstanding customer service. Sellers can become Top Rated whether they sell a little or a lot, provided they meet our highest levels of customer service.&nbsp;\u003C/p>\n\n<h3 id=\"TopRatedPlus\">Top Rated Plus\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Top Rated Sellers receive the Top Rated Plus seal on qualifying listings. Here&#39;s what buyers get with a Top Rated Plus listing:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Free 30-day or longer return window\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Same- or 1-business day shipping with tracking provided\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n","id":"HELP1055","articleDescription":"<p>You can find the best and most reputable sellers on eBay by looking at their seller rating, feedback score, and the number of items they&#39;ve sold.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Seller ratings | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how to recognize eBay&#39;s most reputable sellers through our seller ratings.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Seller ratings","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","pullQuote":"<h3>When you buy an item on eBay, you can rate your experience with the seller. Your rating is then added to the seller&#39;s overall feedback score.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4021","title":"Contacting a seller","description":"<p>How you contact a seller on eBay depends on whether you&#39;ve already bought an item from them or not.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Contacting a seller"]},{"topicId":"4022","title":"Report an issue with a seller","description":"<p>We created policies to make sure eBay is a safe place to buy and sell. If you have a problem with a seller because they&rsquo;re not following our policies, let us know and we&rsquo;ll look into it.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Reporting an item or issue with a seller"]},{"topicId":"4024","title":"Avoiding seller fraud","description":"<p>Keeping our members safe is a top priority for us, so we have zero tolerance for fraud on eBay. If you spot something suspicious, let us know.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Avoiding seller fraud"]},{"topicId":"4007","title":"Leaving feedback for sellers","description":"<p>Leaving feedback is a great way to rate your buying experience with a seller on eBay. Your feedback is important because it can help other buyers decide whether to buy from the seller.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Leaving Feedback for sellers"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/seller-ratings?id=4023","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay seller ratings, eBay ratings, favorite seller","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers","Seller ratings"],"path":"/buying/resolving-issues-sellers/seller-ratings?id=4023"},{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4004","title":"How buyers can cancel an order","content":"<div class=\"link_section\">\n<p>Are you a seller looking to cancel an order? Read our article on <a href=\"/help/selling/getting-paid/cancelling-transaction?id=4136\">how sellers can cancel orders.\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\u003C/div>\n\n<p>If you need to cancel an order, submit the cancellation request as quickly as possible. If the seller has already shipped your order, they won&#39;t be able to cancel it.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><a class=\"icon_action_btn\" href=\"\">Cancel an order\u003C/a>\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nKeep in mind that if your purchase contains more than one item, the entire order will need to be canceled &ndash; you can&#39;t cancel individual items.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If&nbsp;the seller has not yet shipped the order, you can start a cancellation request, asking the seller to cancel your order. Here&#39;s how:\u003C/p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Go to your&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Purchase history<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and find the order you want to cancel.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select the <strong>More actions\u003C/strong> dropdown menu and select <strong>Cancel this order\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Select <strong>Submit\u003C/strong>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\n<p>We&#39;ll send your request to the seller and ask them to accept&nbsp;or decline the cancellation within 3 calendar days. If the seller accepts, we&#39;ll then send a confirmation of cancellation to both your registered email address and your eBay <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Messages<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nYou won&#39;t be able to cancel an order if you&#39;ve already reported that the item didn&#39;t arrive or if you&#39;ve requested a return.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the seller declines your cancellation request, or if they&#39;ve already shipped your item, you&#39;ll need to wait until you receive the item and then&nbsp;<a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item?id=4041\">request a return\u003C/a>. If your order wasn&#39;t canceled and you haven&#39;t received the item, you can <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/get-help-item-hasnt-arrived?id=4042\">report that the item hasn&#39;t arrived\u003C/a>&nbsp;once the estimated delivery date has passed.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can find more information in our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/order-cancellation-policy?id=5298\">Order cancellation policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1019","articleDescription":"<p>If you&rsquo;ve changed your mind about a purchase, you can submit a request to cancel the order. The seller can either accept or decline your cancellation request.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"How buyers can cancel an order | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Find out how and when you can cancel an order on eBay.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"How buyers can cancel an order","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","personalizedContent":"<h2><strong>Cancel your order\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","pullQuote":"<h3>If you change your mind about a purchase, you can submit a cancellation request up until the seller ships the order.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4013","title":"Retracting a bid","description":"<p>If you&#39;ve made a mistake when bidding on an item, you can retract your bid in certain circumstances.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","All about bidding","Retracting a bid"]},{"topicId":"4005","title":"Shipping and delivery for buyers","description":"<p>There are a number of shipping and delivery options available on eBay, from tracked international shipping to picking up an item in your own neighborhood.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Shipping and delivery"]},{"topicId":"4007","title":"Leaving feedback for sellers","description":"<p>Leaving feedback is a great way to rate your buying experience with a seller on eBay. Your feedback is important because it can help other buyers decide whether to buy from the seller.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Leaving Feedback for sellers"]},{"topicId":"4011","title":"Resolving issues with sellers","description":"If you&rsquo;re having an issue with an eBay seller, try contacting them directly to resolve your problem. If you can&rsquo;t work things out, we&rsquo;re always here to step in and help.","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"1 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Resolving issues with sellers"]},{"topicId":"4008","title":"Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers","description":"<p>In most cases, if your order doesn&#39;t arrive, or is faulty or damaged, you&#39;ll get your money back or a replacement. Most sellers accept returns if you&#39;ve changed your mind &ndash; check the listing for details of their returns policy.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T1","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Returns, items not received, and refunds for buyers"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/canceling-order/how-buyers-cancel-order?id=4004","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay cancel order, eBay canceling order, eBay cancel purchase, eBay retract offer, Cancel an eBay order, How to cancel buying an item on eBay, Cancel Buy It Now eBay, eBay cancel Buy It Now, Cancel Buy It Now","searchSnippet":"<h2><strong>Cancel your order\u003C/strong>\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Select an item to get started.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>[SESE_ITEM_PICKER]\u003C/p>\n","taxonomies":["Buying","How buyers can cancel an order"],"path":"/buying/buyers-can-cancel-order/buyers-can-cancel-order?id=4004"},{"locale":"en_US","topicId":"4033","title":"Paying with PayPal","content":"<p>To pay with PayPal, select PayPal as your payment method at checkout and enter your account information. If you&#39;d like us to save your details for next time, select the <strong>Remember my PayPal account\u003C/strong>&nbsp;box.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you don&#39;t have a PayPal account, you can sign up on the PayPal site.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Learn more about paying with PayPal in our <a href=\"/help/policies/payment-policies/accepted-payments-policy?id=4269\">Accepted payments policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>Tip\u003C/strong><br />\nNeed help paying with PayPal? Contact them directly by selecting <strong>Help \u003C/strong>on the bottom of any PayPal page.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">Problems paying with PayPal on eBay\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you have an issue paying with PayPal, contact your seller first to let them know there could be a delay in payment. If the following troubleshooting tips don&#39;t resolve the problem, contact PayPal&nbsp;directly to find a solution.\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Go to your PayPal account and check your payment details are saved correctly\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Try&nbsp;choosing&nbsp;a different payment method in your PayPal account, or if that doesn&#39;t help,&nbsp;contact PayPal<span class=\"g-hdn\">&nbsp;\u003C/span>\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you&#39;re using an older web browser that&#39;s not secure enough to make payments or manage your payment methods, try updating your browser or clearing the cache and cookies on your device. See our <a href=\"/help/policies/technical-issues/technical-issues?id=4220\">Technical Issues\u003C/a> policy for more information\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you have a linked PayPal account, you can try unlinking and relinking your PayPal account from your eBay waller by going to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">My eBay<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>If your payment is shown as pending in your PayPal account, the seller hasn&#39;t accepted the payment yet. Contact your seller and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">PayPal customer service<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for more information.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">How to buy on eBay without using PayPal\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If you don&#39;t have a PayPal account, check the item payment options&nbsp;before you complete your purchase. You can also pay with credit and&nbsp;debit cards, Apple Pay and Google Pay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Learn more about <a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/paying-items-credit-debit-card?id=4038\">card payments\u003C/a>&nbsp;and how to <a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/vouchers-discounts?id=4034\">buy with coupons\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n","id":"HELP1144","articleDescription":"<p>If you have a PayPal account, you can use it to pay for your items on eBay. You can also link your PayPal and eBay accounts so you don&rsquo;t need to enter your details each time you pay at checkout.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"Paying with PayPal | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>Learn how to pay for items using PayPal.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"Paying with PayPal","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","pullQuote":"<h3>If you have an issue using PayPal to buy an item, try using a different form of payment.\u003C/h3>\n","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4034","title":"Coupons and discounts","description":"<p>Sign up to receive discount offers and coupons to save on your next eBay purchase.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Coupons and discounts"]},{"topicId":"4038","title":"Paying for items with a credit or debit card ","description":"<p>eBay offers payment by credit and debit cards for most listings. You&rsquo;ll see accepted payment methods at checkout.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Paying for items with a credit or debit card"]},{"topicId":"4035","title":"Buying as a guest ","description":"<p>You can shop for most things on eBay without needing an eBay account, but you&rsquo;ll miss out on the benefits of being a member.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Buying as a guest"]},{"topicId":"4036","title":"Checkout","description":"<p>At checkout you can pay for your item, choose where you&rsquo;d like it to be delivered, and review your order details before you pay.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"2 min","taxonomies":["Buying","Paying for items","Checkout"]}],"pageUrl":"/help/buying/paying-items/paying-paypal?id=4033","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER","keywords":"eBay PayPal, PayPal eBay, Does eBay use PayPal, eBay PayPal account, eBay PayPal 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