CAS - Central Authentication Service

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This usually indicates that the application is not registered with CAS, or its authorization policy defined in its registration record prevents it from leveraging CAS functionality, or it's malformed and unrecognized by CAS. Contact your CAS administrator to learn how you might register and integrate your application with CAS.</p> </div> </main> <div style="color: lightgray;"></div> </div> <div id="login_foot"> <footer id="border_foot" class="py-4 justify-content-center cas-footer"> <span id='test'> <a id="set_up" class="inner_foot" href=""> Forgot password? </a> | <a id="set_up" class="inner_foot" href="">New to Laurentian? Register here. </a> | <!--<a id="set_up" class="inner_foot" th:href="#{lul.login.faqURL}"> Account FAQ</a> | --> <a id="set_up" class="inner_foot" href=""> Help </a> </span> </footer> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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