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text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminde Okuma Kaygısı Bir Engel mi?</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Journal of Turkish Studies</span><span>, 2018</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="27275d15823be9952b76fc6ca432ae8e" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{"attachment_id":98720544,"asset_id":96969896,"asset_type":"Work","button_location":"profile"}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="96969896"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa 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mi?","translated_title":"","metadata":{"publisher":"ASOS Yayinevi","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2018,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Journal of Turkish 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$a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="37101496"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of YABANCI DİL OLARAK TÜRKÇE ÖĞRETİMİNDE OKUMA KAYGISI BİR ENGEL Mİ" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">YABANCI DİL OLARAK TÜRKÇE ÖĞRETİMİNDE OKUMA KAYGISI BİR ENGEL Mİ</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">IS READING ANXIETY AN OBSTACLE IN TEACHING TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE? ABSTRACT In foreign lan...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">IS READING ANXIETY AN OBSTACLE IN TEACHING TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE?<br />ABSTRACT<br />In foreign language teaching, the development of reading comprehension skills has a key place in the process of reading skills education. However, it is thought that the state of anxiety, which will influence the development of reading skills, poses a challenge for learning. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of reading anxiety on the success of the foreign students who learn Turkish as a foreign language. In this study, relational screening model is used. The population of the research is composed of 87 students in the B level who learn Turkish as a foreign language in TÖMER of the University of Sakarya. The data of the study were collected with "The Reading Anxiety Scale for Those Who Learn Turkish as a Foreign Language" developed by Altınkaya (2015), and "Personal Information Form" prepared by domain experts. The scale consists of a five-point Likert scale and has three sub-dimensions: fear of reading skill, grammar anxiety, and reading comprehension anxiety. The scores based on the sub-dimensions increase compared to the feature that the dimension contains. In the first phase of the study, the "Turkish Language Reading Comprehension Achievement Test" was applied. The test was developed by Altunkaya (2016) and has passed the validity and reliability tests. This study has concluded that there is a relationship between the students' achievement test scores and their reading anxiety. A more effective reading skill education should be implemented by determining the relationship between students' anxiety and reading skills.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="dbd7fdc49060bca13a512f1b312ceaf4" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{"attachment_id":57052867,"asset_id":37101496,"asset_type":"Work","button_location":"profile"}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="37101496"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="37101496"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 37101496; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=37101496]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=37101496]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 37101496; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='37101496']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 37101496, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "dbd7fdc49060bca13a512f1b312ceaf4" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=37101496]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":37101496,"title":"YABANCI DİL OLARAK TÜRKÇE ÖĞRETİMİNDE OKUMA KAYGISI BİR ENGEL Mİ","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"IS READING ANXIETY AN OBSTACLE IN TEACHING TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE?\nABSTRACT\nIn foreign language teaching, the development of reading comprehension skills has a key place in the process of reading skills education. However, it is thought that the state of anxiety, which will influence the development of reading skills, poses a challenge for learning. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of reading anxiety on the success of the foreign students who learn Turkish as a foreign language. In this study, relational screening model is used. The population of the research is composed of 87 students in the B level who learn Turkish as a foreign language in TÖMER of the University of Sakarya. The data of the study were collected with \"The Reading Anxiety Scale for Those Who Learn Turkish as a Foreign Language\" developed by Altınkaya (2015), and \"Personal Information Form\" prepared by domain experts. The scale consists of a five-point Likert scale and has three sub-dimensions: fear of reading skill, grammar anxiety, and reading comprehension anxiety. The scores based on the sub-dimensions increase compared to the feature that the dimension contains. In the first phase of the study, the \"Turkish Language Reading Comprehension Achievement Test\" was applied. The test was developed by Altunkaya (2016) and has passed the validity and reliability tests. This study has concluded that there is a relationship between the students' achievement test scores and their reading anxiety. A more effective reading skill education should be implemented by determining the relationship between students' anxiety and reading skills."},"translated_abstract":"IS READING ANXIETY AN OBSTACLE IN TEACHING TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE?\nABSTRACT\nIn foreign language teaching, the development of reading comprehension skills has a key place in the process of reading skills education. However, it is thought that the state of anxiety, which will influence the development of reading skills, poses a challenge for learning. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of reading anxiety on the success of the foreign students who learn Turkish as a foreign language. In this study, relational screening model is used. The population of the research is composed of 87 students in the B level who learn Turkish as a foreign language in TÖMER of the University of Sakarya. The data of the study were collected with \"The Reading Anxiety Scale for Those Who Learn Turkish as a Foreign Language\" developed by Altınkaya (2015), and \"Personal Information Form\" prepared by domain experts. The scale consists of a five-point Likert scale and has three sub-dimensions: fear of reading skill, grammar anxiety, and reading comprehension anxiety. The scores based on the sub-dimensions increase compared to the feature that the dimension contains. In the first phase of the study, the \"Turkish Language Reading Comprehension Achievement Test\" was applied. The test was developed by Altunkaya (2016) and has passed the validity and reliability tests. This study has concluded that there is a relationship between the students' achievement test scores and their reading anxiety. A more effective reading skill education should be implemented by determining the relationship between students' anxiety and reading skills.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2018-07-23T01:18:10.147-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":42340141,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":57052867,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"120586099_12AtagulYasemin-vd-egt-229-245.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_OK.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DYABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_OK.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385034\u0026Signature=CgMhIl8V5d97663PCGuE18Y03xV2K5mJl5hx3BVApaSrAEodkwoqA0Gkw1AXAd4GVX84ylKrmcZEcQwvEKoIWX0NSfSdQxWKXWXN4Pjd8cauQGOmhgp5fsn0Xc2JyBIy5ttYbaXijl6~xMtpJESVX0NbJ8l7N08ieo24vmocEw6t8FHtvL~rx1DmM-8BROtld4Cke4kI6azfYFHmz0T09qJ425cma1PyKXFEiiG8ZiXvr6kqukkmsDsq5O~rzMsWSR1FfcCKylWQYgktHEj8C5ZUiG52AAl~Ezzln~-ZFrNXk4KRFcc9rzxeP9KItwMlEr27SfbFMDzqWg-~KsP6Gg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"YABANCI_DİL_OLARAK_TÜRKÇE_ÖĞRETİMİNDE_OKUMA_KAYGISI_BİR_ENGEL_Mİ","translated_slug":"","page_count":17,"language":"tr","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":42340141,"first_name":"Yasemin","middle_initials":null,"last_name":"Atagul","page_name":"YaseminAtagul","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2016-01-29T11:11:13.492-08:00","display_name":"Yasemin Atagul","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":57052867,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"120586099_12AtagulYasemin-vd-egt-229-245.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_OK.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DYABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_OK.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385034\u0026Signature=CgMhIl8V5d97663PCGuE18Y03xV2K5mJl5hx3BVApaSrAEodkwoqA0Gkw1AXAd4GVX84ylKrmcZEcQwvEKoIWX0NSfSdQxWKXWXN4Pjd8cauQGOmhgp5fsn0Xc2JyBIy5ttYbaXijl6~xMtpJESVX0NbJ8l7N08ieo24vmocEw6t8FHtvL~rx1DmM-8BROtld4Cke4kI6azfYFHmz0T09qJ425cma1PyKXFEiiG8ZiXvr6kqukkmsDsq5O~rzMsWSR1FfcCKylWQYgktHEj8C5ZUiG52AAl~Ezzln~-ZFrNXk4KRFcc9rzxeP9KItwMlEr27SfbFMDzqWg-~KsP6Gg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":18848,"name":"Teaching Turkish As A Foreign Language","url":""},{"id":33806,"name":"Turkish Language","url":""},{"id":188209,"name":"Yabancılara Türkçe Öğretimi","url":""},{"id":197815,"name":"Yabancı Dil olarak Türkçe / Turc comme langue étrangère / Turkish as a foreign language","url":""},{"id":257592,"name":"Turkish Language and Literature","url":""},{"id":1113464,"name":"TÜRKÇENİN YABANCI DİL OLARAK ÖĞRETİMİ İLE İLGİLİ ÇALIŞMALAR","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="25050840"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of Using Films to Teach Proverbs and Idioms for Lifelong Learning" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">Using Films to Teach Proverbs and Idioms for Lifelong Learning</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">The purpose of this study is to measure the efficiency of teaching learners of Turkish as a forei...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">The purpose of this study is to measure the efficiency of teaching learners of Turkish as a foreign language, through television series, the proverbs and idioms which can be considered important socio-cultural instruments in terms of the lifelong learning approach. An experimental pattern with pre-test and post-test experiment-control groups are used in this study. The research data were obtained from 137 foreign students at B2 level who study at Fatih University TOMER and Gazi University TOMER. Using the responses of the students to the pre-test and post-test questions, their competence of using proverbs and idioms was examined. It was observed that while the level of success of the experiment group and control group was equal before watching the films, the experiment group's level of success increased after watching them. These findings suggest that this practice is more successful than the classical method of teaching proverbs and idioms.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="7343a104a552ec9445620482460b1598" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{"attachment_id":53600914,"asset_id":25050840,"asset_type":"Work","button_location":"profile"}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="25050840"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="25050840"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 25050840; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=25050840]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=25050840]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 25050840; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='25050840']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 25050840, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "7343a104a552ec9445620482460b1598" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=25050840]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":25050840,"title":"Using Films to Teach Proverbs and Idioms for Lifelong Learning","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"The purpose of this study is to measure the efficiency of teaching learners of Turkish as a foreign language, through television series, the proverbs and idioms which can be considered important socio-cultural instruments in terms of the lifelong learning approach. An experimental pattern with pre-test and post-test experiment-control groups are used in this study. The research data were obtained from 137 foreign students at B2 level who study at Fatih University TOMER and Gazi University TOMER. Using the responses of the students to the pre-test and post-test questions, their competence of using proverbs and idioms was examined. It was observed that while the level of success of the experiment group and control group was equal before watching the films, the experiment group's level of success increased after watching them. These findings suggest that this practice is more successful than the classical method of teaching proverbs and idioms."},"translated_abstract":"The purpose of this study is to measure the efficiency of teaching learners of Turkish as a foreign language, through television series, the proverbs and idioms which can be considered important socio-cultural instruments in terms of the lifelong learning approach. An experimental pattern with pre-test and post-test experiment-control groups are used in this study. The research data were obtained from 137 foreign students at B2 level who study at Fatih University TOMER and Gazi University TOMER. Using the responses of the students to the pre-test and post-test questions, their competence of using proverbs and idioms was examined. It was observed that while the level of success of the experiment group and control group was equal before watching the films, the experiment group's level of success increased after watching them. These findings suggest that this practice is more successful than the classical method of teaching proverbs and idioms.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2016-05-05T04:26:04.266-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":42340141,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":53600914,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"775913.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Using_Films_to_Teach_Proverbs_and_Idioms.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DUsing_Films_to_Teach_Proverbs_and_Idioms.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385034\u0026Signature=LnPW95rGGw7~06ob65MDOYd3vlE5nByX6iuz8MM-VhAcibE0~NVkwCByNK0QkC9gb9zJvn7eo~EwvbVwoGiHIIdnDBFOAocqyEhLYaZo0zU4EB7JeNKMrNkUHBAPE~~2aBJQpWG0W1je3Fyf9fqj3EmwDfnuoFBQIYtT4Bm9vnDaOHhn--IBqI~H9jINU0yhTQzEdLxETIwQV71p-Eorf3HJrO1z-Fn-YpDmq0mu8oH5w7zC-Hd1MdCXrW3i9qFnXPnd9qKcp0FjGxVkjKljhpgF~gqzbsw4s72A97zQ-JnewYvmuODcuaDGrdQZRHCiX1SZVzEYOFTEJtdjlYtemg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"Using_Films_to_Teach_Proverbs_and_Idioms_for_Lifelong_Learning","translated_slug":"","page_count":7,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":42340141,"first_name":"Yasemin","middle_initials":null,"last_name":"Atagul","page_name":"YaseminAtagul","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2016-01-29T11:11:13.492-08:00","display_name":"Yasemin Atagul","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":53600914,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"775913.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Using_Films_to_Teach_Proverbs_and_Idioms.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DUsing_Films_to_Teach_Proverbs_and_Idioms.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385034\u0026Signature=LnPW95rGGw7~06ob65MDOYd3vlE5nByX6iuz8MM-VhAcibE0~NVkwCByNK0QkC9gb9zJvn7eo~EwvbVwoGiHIIdnDBFOAocqyEhLYaZo0zU4EB7JeNKMrNkUHBAPE~~2aBJQpWG0W1je3Fyf9fqj3EmwDfnuoFBQIYtT4Bm9vnDaOHhn--IBqI~H9jINU0yhTQzEdLxETIwQV71p-Eorf3HJrO1z-Fn-YpDmq0mu8oH5w7zC-Hd1MdCXrW3i9qFnXPnd9qKcp0FjGxVkjKljhpgF~gqzbsw4s72A97zQ-JnewYvmuODcuaDGrdQZRHCiX1SZVzEYOFTEJtdjlYtemg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":8700,"name":"Turkish and Middle East Studies","url":""},{"id":18848,"name":"Teaching Turkish As A Foreign Language","url":""},{"id":22285,"name":"Turkish Linguistics","url":""},{"id":23351,"name":"Turkish Literature","url":""},{"id":26998,"name":"Teaching Turkish as a Foreign/Second Language","url":""},{"id":33806,"name":"Turkish Language","url":""},{"id":188209,"name":"Yabancılara Türkçe Öğretimi","url":""},{"id":197815,"name":"Yabancı Dil olarak Türkçe / Turc comme langue étrangère / Turkish as a foreign language","url":""},{"id":257592,"name":"Turkish Language and Literature","url":""},{"id":1113464,"name":"TÜRKÇENİN YABANCI DİL OLARAK ÖĞRETİMİ İLE İLGİLİ ÇALIŞMALAR","url":""}],"urls":[{"id":7901974,"url":""}]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="22552837"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of THE EFFECT OF LIFELONG LEARNING TENDENCIES ON ACQUISITION OF TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">THE EFFECT OF LIFELONG LEARNING TENDENCIES ON ACQUISITION OF TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">After a comprehensive literature review of the field, one can conclude that the lifelong learning...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">After a comprehensive literature review of the field, one can conclude that the lifelong learning approach has not been studied adequately in language acquisition process. There is an observable connection between learners’ levels of achievement in language acquisition and their lifelong learning tendencies This study aims to identify the effectiveness of lifelong learning tendencies of learners on language acquisition achievements of the learners of Turkish as a foreign language.. The study, in this context, was conducted with mixed research method. The<br />population of the study was made up of learners of Turkish as foreign language with the proficiency level of C1 at Sakarya TOMER. In the first phase of the study, the data regarding<br />lifelong learning tendencies of the learners of Turkish as a foreign language were obtained using a “Lifelong Learning Tendency Scale”. It was a six point Likert scale. Then the scale was converted to a three-point scale so that the foreign learners in the study could understand the degrees better. The scale is made up of fouraspects, namely motivation, perseverance, competency in organizing learning, and<br />curiosity. Points from these aspects of the scale vary between 1 and 3. Each point that is gained indicates that the feature of the relevant aspect increases. Descriptive survey model was applied in the first phase of the study. In the second<br />phase of the study, the work groups with their lifelong learning tendencies identified were subjected to Turkish language acquisition achievement test, which was developed by the<br />specialists and researchers of the field, twice -before the commencement of the training and after the intensive training. This phase of the study was modeled with pre-test and post-test control group. In third phase of the study, achievement test scores were compared to the levels of lifelong learning tendency and a correlation was found. The correlation model<br />will be used for the last phase of the study. This study analyzes the correlation between test scores and lifelong learning tendencies of learners. The data in the study were gathered<br />through the achievement test on language acquisition taken by the learners during the summer school and “Lifelong Learning<br />Tendency Scale”. Improvements in learners’ achievements in language learning during the summer school were gathered. Differences between test scores before and after the summer<br />school were calculated and the levels of improvement were found. Thanks to high levels of lifelong learning tendencies among language learners, continuity and universality, two of<br />fundamental goals of education, are attained, and effective learning of Turkish occurs.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="3bb187a0863d4dfa18e330a2824933a5" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{"attachment_id":43166042,"asset_id":22552837,"asset_type":"Work","button_location":"profile"}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="22552837"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="22552837"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 22552837; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=22552837]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=22552837]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 22552837; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='22552837']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 22552837, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "3bb187a0863d4dfa18e330a2824933a5" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=22552837]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":22552837,"title":"THE EFFECT OF LIFELONG LEARNING TENDENCIES ON ACQUISITION OF TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"After a comprehensive literature review of the field, one can conclude that the lifelong learning approach has not been studied adequately in language acquisition process. There is an observable connection between learners’ levels of achievement in language acquisition and their lifelong learning tendencies This study aims to identify the effectiveness of lifelong learning tendencies of learners on language acquisition achievements of the learners of Turkish as a foreign language.. The study, in this context, was conducted with mixed research method. The\npopulation of the study was made up of learners of Turkish as foreign language with the proficiency level of C1 at Sakarya TOMER. In the first phase of the study, the data regarding\nlifelong learning tendencies of the learners of Turkish as a foreign language were obtained using a “Lifelong Learning Tendency Scale”. It was a six point Likert scale. Then the scale was converted to a three-point scale so that the foreign learners in the study could understand the degrees better. The scale is made up of fouraspects, namely motivation, perseverance, competency in organizing learning, and\ncuriosity. Points from these aspects of the scale vary between 1 and 3. Each point that is gained indicates that the feature of the relevant aspect increases. Descriptive survey model was applied in the first phase of the study. In the second\nphase of the study, the work groups with their lifelong learning tendencies identified were subjected to Turkish language acquisition achievement test, which was developed by the\nspecialists and researchers of the field, twice -before the commencement of the training and after the intensive training. This phase of the study was modeled with pre-test and post-test control group. In third phase of the study, achievement test scores were compared to the levels of lifelong learning tendency and a correlation was found. The correlation model\nwill be used for the last phase of the study. This study analyzes the correlation between test scores and lifelong learning tendencies of learners. The data in the study were gathered\nthrough the achievement test on language acquisition taken by the learners during the summer school and “Lifelong Learning\nTendency Scale”. Improvements in learners’ achievements in language learning during the summer school were gathered. Differences between test scores before and after the summer\nschool were calculated and the levels of improvement were found. Thanks to high levels of lifelong learning tendencies among language learners, continuity and universality, two of\nfundamental goals of education, are attained, and effective learning of Turkish occurs."},"translated_abstract":"After a comprehensive literature review of the field, one can conclude that the lifelong learning approach has not been studied adequately in language acquisition process. There is an observable connection between learners’ levels of achievement in language acquisition and their lifelong learning tendencies This study aims to identify the effectiveness of lifelong learning tendencies of learners on language acquisition achievements of the learners of Turkish as a foreign language.. The study, in this context, was conducted with mixed research method. The\npopulation of the study was made up of learners of Turkish as foreign language with the proficiency level of C1 at Sakarya TOMER. In the first phase of the study, the data regarding\nlifelong learning tendencies of the learners of Turkish as a foreign language were obtained using a “Lifelong Learning Tendency Scale”. It was a six point Likert scale. Then the scale was converted to a three-point scale so that the foreign learners in the study could understand the degrees better. The scale is made up of fouraspects, namely motivation, perseverance, competency in organizing learning, and\ncuriosity. Points from these aspects of the scale vary between 1 and 3. Each point that is gained indicates that the feature of the relevant aspect increases. Descriptive survey model was applied in the first phase of the study. In the second\nphase of the study, the work groups with their lifelong learning tendencies identified were subjected to Turkish language acquisition achievement test, which was developed by the\nspecialists and researchers of the field, twice -before the commencement of the training and after the intensive training. This phase of the study was modeled with pre-test and post-test control group. In third phase of the study, achievement test scores were compared to the levels of lifelong learning tendency and a correlation was found. The correlation model\nwill be used for the last phase of the study. This study analyzes the correlation between test scores and lifelong learning tendencies of learners. The data in the study were gathered\nthrough the achievement test on language acquisition taken by the learners during the summer school and “Lifelong Learning\nTendency Scale”. Improvements in learners’ achievements in language learning during the summer school were gathered. Differences between test scores before and after the summer\nschool were calculated and the levels of improvement were found. Thanks to high levels of lifelong learning tendencies among language learners, continuity and universality, two of\nfundamental goals of education, are attained, and effective learning of Turkish occurs.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2016-02-28T08:43:41.844-08:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":42340141,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[{"id":16222489,"work_id":22552837,"tagging_user_id":42340141,"tagged_user_id":30595788,"co_author_invite_id":null,"email":"k***","display_order":1,"name":"Ramazan Enser","title":"THE EFFECT OF LIFELONG LEARNING TENDENCIES ON ACQUISITION OF TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE"}],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":43166042,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"The_effect_of_lifelong_learning_tendenci.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"THE_EFFECT_OF_LIFELONG_LEARNING_TENDENCI.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DTHE_EFFECT_OF_LIFELONG_LEARNING_TENDENCI.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385034\u0026Signature=K7Of6eT5DDQO322~MnCpKEiiMGGO7YcMaYMwqNRenWimc3pn5qEEzwNHd7zBHG82mSMviGCRN~WWbLLVnHniI90ji2A~~ZZZCZwxDe88Aj5vOnPOifOwoxLx9r6vJzIHf44zJKswuDH0sLkYLydV8hbyaNStf-x8UgwPCVBzSGLwfAj7cdF5l-6kU5JzVTt-aIivWpKK8THjuBoIQEu9Zv3SVqABQDCIhSIl2R4SttohKrdjQz~U7-6WALI~55ldzFJ9PcWyQwbeHGP~k2LYvI6IjS-noBegR7lRdyOXKE5L-PsZp5PYrNgMQNFkKAps8RXPbB9PU1Ik6mSuyaVOgg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"THE_EFFECT_OF_LIFELONG_LEARNING_TENDENCIES_ON_ACQUISITION_OF_TURKISH_AS_A_FOREIGN_LANGUAGE","translated_slug":"","page_count":8,"language":"tr","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":42340141,"first_name":"Yasemin","middle_initials":null,"last_name":"Atagul","page_name":"YaseminAtagul","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2016-01-29T11:11:13.492-08:00","display_name":"Yasemin Atagul","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":43166042,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"The_effect_of_lifelong_learning_tendenci.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"THE_EFFECT_OF_LIFELONG_LEARNING_TENDENCI.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DTHE_EFFECT_OF_LIFELONG_LEARNING_TENDENCI.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385034\u0026Signature=K7Of6eT5DDQO322~MnCpKEiiMGGO7YcMaYMwqNRenWimc3pn5qEEzwNHd7zBHG82mSMviGCRN~WWbLLVnHniI90ji2A~~ZZZCZwxDe88Aj5vOnPOifOwoxLx9r6vJzIHf44zJKswuDH0sLkYLydV8hbyaNStf-x8UgwPCVBzSGLwfAj7cdF5l-6kU5JzVTt-aIivWpKK8THjuBoIQEu9Zv3SVqABQDCIhSIl2R4SttohKrdjQz~U7-6WALI~55ldzFJ9PcWyQwbeHGP~k2LYvI6IjS-noBegR7lRdyOXKE5L-PsZp5PYrNgMQNFkKAps8RXPbB9PU1Ik6mSuyaVOgg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":8700,"name":"Turkish and Middle East Studies","url":""},{"id":10966,"name":"Turkey","url":""},{"id":15439,"name":"Teaching English As A Foreign Language","url":""},{"id":18848,"name":"Teaching Turkish As A Foreign Language","url":""},{"id":22285,"name":"Turkish Linguistics","url":""},{"id":23351,"name":"Turkish Literature","url":""},{"id":33806,"name":"Turkish Language","url":""},{"id":197815,"name":"Yabancı Dil olarak Türkçe / Turc comme langue étrangère / Turkish as a foreign language","url":""},{"id":257592,"name":"Turkish Language and Literature","url":""},{"id":573754,"name":"Foregn language teaching","url":""},{"id":1113464,"name":"TÜRKÇENİN YABANCI DİL OLARAK ÖĞRETİMİ İLE İLGİLİ ÇALIŞMALAR","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="22552648"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of YABANCI DİL OLARAK TÜRKÇE ÖĞRETİMİNDE ATASÖZLERİ VE DEYİMLERİN SIKLIK ANALİZİ FREQUENCY ANALYSIS OF PROVERBS AND IDIOMS IN TEACHING TURKISH AS FOREIGN LANGUAGE" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">YABANCI DİL OLARAK TÜRKÇE ÖĞRETİMİNDE ATASÖZLERİ VE DEYİMLERİN SIKLIK ANALİZİ FREQUENCY ANALYSIS OF PROVERBS AND IDIOMS IN TEACHING TURKISH AS FOREIGN LANGUAGE</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">One of the most important issues that should be underlined in teaching Turkish as foreign languag...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">One of the most important issues that should be underlined in teaching Turkish as foreign language is frequency studies. Frequency means “to be frequent, to be often, frequent usage” in Turkish dictionary. Aksan (2003: 20) stated that every language contains a core vocabulary and in mother tongue and teaching foreign language, detection of the most required and frequent words of the language has an important role on the success of teaching result; especially frequency count studies are conducted about the subject of detection of the most required words to the learners. The study of detection of most frequent words is called as ‘frequency analysis studies. Frequency analysis studies provide possibilities to the foreign language learners to detect the words to be taught them. In order to get successful results, the words targeted to teach should be detected properly. To select the words from course books or teaching materials randomly and to be able to teach all the words of the language to the learner will make the foreign language learning difficult and this will reduce success. Due to the fact that frequency of the words in a language is not considered in the Turkish books prepared for the foreign language learners, word selection in these books depended on personal thoughts and evaluations and also absences in terms of words and concept came into existence in these books. Teaching materials and books used in Turkish teaching foundations are created via estimations. The same problem is also seen in teaching proverbs and idioms. There is not any scale to measure in what extent proverbs and idioms should be utilized and in the subject of which proverbs and idioms may be taught in certain levels. Idioms and proverbs in teaching Turkish as foreign language have not been classified or leveled yet. Apart from the frequency analysis studies for words, frequency studies of proverbs and idioms will also be useful in terms of education. In the word frequency analysis studies towards the students whose mother tongue is Turkish, the detection of the words they use in written narration is made. Word usage is scanned and frequent used words are detected. However, this possibility cannot be found in the students who speak Turkish as foreign language. By starting from the point of the selections of the Turkish learners whose language dominance is not sufficient, will not give right results.<br />In order to get successful results in teaching Turkish as foreign language, the words, proverbs and idioms to be taught should be detected properly. Trying to teach all the words, proverbs and idioms and not having a system or priority cause distraction of language learning desire in the learner and this causes unsuccessful results in language teaching. Due to the fact that, it is targeted to bring learners in a certain level in a limited time period especially in language teaching, to be systematic is important. With the expanding of the certain number of frequently used proverbs and idioms to the education process and with the support of listening, course books and activities to the process, a successful education process may be possible. In order to detect the frequencies of<br />Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminde Atasözleri ve Deyimlerin Sıklık Analizi 1023<br />Turkish Studies<br />International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic<br />Volume 10/7 Spring 2015<br />idioms and proverbs, a committee consisting of teachers was formed for the study. In the light of the ideas and evaluations of the experienced teachers in the branch of teaching Turkish as foreign language, frequently used proverbs and idioms have been detected. The results have been presented with lists. These lists will be in guidance quality for the teachers and for the ones who prepare course books.<br />Turkish is a powerful language which can convey the most difficult and regarded as detail concepts with extremely vivid images and which can draw pictures in people’s minds. Among the meaning games counted as figure of speech, the trend leading to polysemy which we call as concretization has best examples in Turkish; regarded as finest details, the abstract concepts are conveyed strongly by using concrete conceptions (Aksan, 2004: 124). Words are not used with their first meanings in most of the proverbs. Subjects are usually concretized while making sentences and it becomes difficult to teach these idioms and proverbs to learners. For example; the first meaning of “Ağaç yaşken eğilir (as the twig is bent so is the tree inclined)” is very open. It is easy to bend a young tree but it becomes difficult to bend, twist and break it when it is older. We invent a second meaning by transporting it into our minds and emotional lives and we get the thought that children should be disciplined earlier (Elçin, 1997: 417). This proverb can be taught to the language learner by simulating that the tree can have its shape when it is young so in human beings it can be similar and education should be given to children in earlier ages. “Sappy tree” is simulated to “young man” even “child”. However, teaching such kind of idioms and proverbs can be challenging. In concrete meaning idioms and proverbs, what to say is directly said without applying any concretization. Explanation of concrete meaning idioms and proverbs to learners are less challenging than abstract meaning idioms and proverbs. This provides privilege for such kind of idioms and proverbs in teaching and adding them to frequency lists.<br />There is no frequency analysis study independently conducted in Turkish teaching area for idioms and proverbs. Therefore in our study, it is purposed to give frequency lists of idioms and proverbs for the use of the teachers who prepare course books. In this study, frequently used idioms and proverbs have been detected by getting the ideas of Turkish as foreign language teachers via question forms. The idioms and proverbs were obtained by at least 2- year-experienced 50 Turkish as foreign language teachers and then they were classified. The first 150 idioms and the first 150 proverbs have been specified as most frequently used ones and the results have been presented in lists. Language teacher will give priority to teaching of the proverbs including the concepts that he / she finds important in consequence of being an individual living in the culture of the target language. If a situation, an idea, a tradition or a belief is considered as important, teaching priority will be given to it. When looking through the words they included, giving nice suggestions, not including any slang, suitable for the levels of the students and being formed by familiar words for learners increase preferability of the proverbs. ‘Learners’ understanding and learning of the idioms formed by familiar words for students become easier. The proverbs and idioms<br />1024 Yasemin YILMAZ ATAGÜL<br />Turkish Studies<br />International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic<br />Volume 10/7 Spring 2015<br />which do not carry these characteristics will have lower places in usage frequencies.<br />Teaching the frequently used proverbs and especially idioms will increase the understanding of the texts given in that language. The usage of proverbs and idioms properly in suitable places shows the capability of the language learner. As a result of the study, after the expansion of certain number of idioms and proverbs whose frequency lists are prepared to education process and supporting this process by course books, listening activities and other activities, a successful education process will be possible. These frequency lists will also have the characteristic of guide for the ones who prepare course books.<br />In most of the proverbs and idioms, the words are not used with their own meanings. Subjects are usually embodied when the sentences are made. What to say is effectively conveyed through an encapsulating speech. By using them in different meanings via exemplifications and metaphors, aesthetic contribution can be added to meaning. Apart from such kind of proverbs and idioms, proverbs and idioms with concrete meanings are also available. There is not any concretization in these proverbs; what to say is directly stated. Explanation of the proverbs and idioms with tangible meanings is less difficult than the ones with intangible meanings for language learners. This situation provides this kind of proverbs to have priorities in education process.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="91b3d1da3204594a6e80dd653257c759" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{"attachment_id":43165972,"asset_id":22552648,"asset_type":"Work","button_location":"profile"}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="22552648"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="22552648"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 22552648; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=22552648]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=22552648]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 22552648; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='22552648']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 22552648, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "91b3d1da3204594a6e80dd653257c759" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=22552648]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":22552648,"title":"YABANCI DİL OLARAK TÜRKÇE ÖĞRETİMİNDE ATASÖZLERİ VE DEYİMLERİN SIKLIK ANALİZİ FREQUENCY ANALYSIS OF PROVERBS AND IDIOMS IN TEACHING TURKISH AS FOREIGN LANGUAGE","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"One of the most important issues that should be underlined in teaching Turkish as foreign language is frequency studies. Frequency means “to be frequent, to be often, frequent usage” in Turkish dictionary. Aksan (2003: 20) stated that every language contains a core vocabulary and in mother tongue and teaching foreign language, detection of the most required and frequent words of the language has an important role on the success of teaching result; especially frequency count studies are conducted about the subject of detection of the most required words to the learners. The study of detection of most frequent words is called as ‘frequency analysis studies. Frequency analysis studies provide possibilities to the foreign language learners to detect the words to be taught them. In order to get successful results, the words targeted to teach should be detected properly. To select the words from course books or teaching materials randomly and to be able to teach all the words of the language to the learner will make the foreign language learning difficult and this will reduce success. Due to the fact that frequency of the words in a language is not considered in the Turkish books prepared for the foreign language learners, word selection in these books depended on personal thoughts and evaluations and also absences in terms of words and concept came into existence in these books. Teaching materials and books used in Turkish teaching foundations are created via estimations. The same problem is also seen in teaching proverbs and idioms. There is not any scale to measure in what extent proverbs and idioms should be utilized and in the subject of which proverbs and idioms may be taught in certain levels. Idioms and proverbs in teaching Turkish as foreign language have not been classified or leveled yet. Apart from the frequency analysis studies for words, frequency studies of proverbs and idioms will also be useful in terms of education. In the word frequency analysis studies towards the students whose mother tongue is Turkish, the detection of the words they use in written narration is made. Word usage is scanned and frequent used words are detected. However, this possibility cannot be found in the students who speak Turkish as foreign language. By starting from the point of the selections of the Turkish learners whose language dominance is not sufficient, will not give right results.\nIn order to get successful results in teaching Turkish as foreign language, the words, proverbs and idioms to be taught should be detected properly. Trying to teach all the words, proverbs and idioms and not having a system or priority cause distraction of language learning desire in the learner and this causes unsuccessful results in language teaching. Due to the fact that, it is targeted to bring learners in a certain level in a limited time period especially in language teaching, to be systematic is important. With the expanding of the certain number of frequently used proverbs and idioms to the education process and with the support of listening, course books and activities to the process, a successful education process may be possible. In order to detect the frequencies of\nYabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminde Atasözleri ve Deyimlerin Sıklık Analizi 1023\nTurkish Studies\nInternational Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic\nVolume 10/7 Spring 2015\nidioms and proverbs, a committee consisting of teachers was formed for the study. In the light of the ideas and evaluations of the experienced teachers in the branch of teaching Turkish as foreign language, frequently used proverbs and idioms have been detected. The results have been presented with lists. These lists will be in guidance quality for the teachers and for the ones who prepare course books.\nTurkish is a powerful language which can convey the most difficult and regarded as detail concepts with extremely vivid images and which can draw pictures in people’s minds. Among the meaning games counted as figure of speech, the trend leading to polysemy which we call as concretization has best examples in Turkish; regarded as finest details, the abstract concepts are conveyed strongly by using concrete conceptions (Aksan, 2004: 124). Words are not used with their first meanings in most of the proverbs. Subjects are usually concretized while making sentences and it becomes difficult to teach these idioms and proverbs to learners. For example; the first meaning of “Ağaç yaşken eğilir (as the twig is bent so is the tree inclined)” is very open. It is easy to bend a young tree but it becomes difficult to bend, twist and break it when it is older. We invent a second meaning by transporting it into our minds and emotional lives and we get the thought that children should be disciplined earlier (Elçin, 1997: 417). This proverb can be taught to the language learner by simulating that the tree can have its shape when it is young so in human beings it can be similar and education should be given to children in earlier ages. “Sappy tree” is simulated to “young man” even “child”. However, teaching such kind of idioms and proverbs can be challenging. In concrete meaning idioms and proverbs, what to say is directly said without applying any concretization. Explanation of concrete meaning idioms and proverbs to learners are less challenging than abstract meaning idioms and proverbs. This provides privilege for such kind of idioms and proverbs in teaching and adding them to frequency lists.\nThere is no frequency analysis study independently conducted in Turkish teaching area for idioms and proverbs. Therefore in our study, it is purposed to give frequency lists of idioms and proverbs for the use of the teachers who prepare course books. In this study, frequently used idioms and proverbs have been detected by getting the ideas of Turkish as foreign language teachers via question forms. The idioms and proverbs were obtained by at least 2- year-experienced 50 Turkish as foreign language teachers and then they were classified. The first 150 idioms and the first 150 proverbs have been specified as most frequently used ones and the results have been presented in lists. Language teacher will give priority to teaching of the proverbs including the concepts that he / she finds important in consequence of being an individual living in the culture of the target language. If a situation, an idea, a tradition or a belief is considered as important, teaching priority will be given to it. When looking through the words they included, giving nice suggestions, not including any slang, suitable for the levels of the students and being formed by familiar words for learners increase preferability of the proverbs. ‘Learners’ understanding and learning of the idioms formed by familiar words for students become easier. The proverbs and idioms\n1024 Yasemin YILMAZ ATAGÜL\nTurkish Studies\nInternational Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic\nVolume 10/7 Spring 2015\nwhich do not carry these characteristics will have lower places in usage frequencies.\nTeaching the frequently used proverbs and especially idioms will increase the understanding of the texts given in that language. The usage of proverbs and idioms properly in suitable places shows the capability of the language learner. As a result of the study, after the expansion of certain number of idioms and proverbs whose frequency lists are prepared to education process and supporting this process by course books, listening activities and other activities, a successful education process will be possible. These frequency lists will also have the characteristic of guide for the ones who prepare course books.\nIn most of the proverbs and idioms, the words are not used with their own meanings. Subjects are usually embodied when the sentences are made. What to say is effectively conveyed through an encapsulating speech. By using them in different meanings via exemplifications and metaphors, aesthetic contribution can be added to meaning. Apart from such kind of proverbs and idioms, proverbs and idioms with concrete meanings are also available. There is not any concretization in these proverbs; what to say is directly stated. Explanation of the proverbs and idioms with tangible meanings is less difficult than the ones with intangible meanings for language learners. This situation provides this kind of proverbs to have priorities in education process."},"translated_abstract":"One of the most important issues that should be underlined in teaching Turkish as foreign language is frequency studies. Frequency means “to be frequent, to be often, frequent usage” in Turkish dictionary. Aksan (2003: 20) stated that every language contains a core vocabulary and in mother tongue and teaching foreign language, detection of the most required and frequent words of the language has an important role on the success of teaching result; especially frequency count studies are conducted about the subject of detection of the most required words to the learners. The study of detection of most frequent words is called as ‘frequency analysis studies. Frequency analysis studies provide possibilities to the foreign language learners to detect the words to be taught them. In order to get successful results, the words targeted to teach should be detected properly. To select the words from course books or teaching materials randomly and to be able to teach all the words of the language to the learner will make the foreign language learning difficult and this will reduce success. Due to the fact that frequency of the words in a language is not considered in the Turkish books prepared for the foreign language learners, word selection in these books depended on personal thoughts and evaluations and also absences in terms of words and concept came into existence in these books. Teaching materials and books used in Turkish teaching foundations are created via estimations. The same problem is also seen in teaching proverbs and idioms. There is not any scale to measure in what extent proverbs and idioms should be utilized and in the subject of which proverbs and idioms may be taught in certain levels. Idioms and proverbs in teaching Turkish as foreign language have not been classified or leveled yet. Apart from the frequency analysis studies for words, frequency studies of proverbs and idioms will also be useful in terms of education. In the word frequency analysis studies towards the students whose mother tongue is Turkish, the detection of the words they use in written narration is made. Word usage is scanned and frequent used words are detected. However, this possibility cannot be found in the students who speak Turkish as foreign language. By starting from the point of the selections of the Turkish learners whose language dominance is not sufficient, will not give right results.\nIn order to get successful results in teaching Turkish as foreign language, the words, proverbs and idioms to be taught should be detected properly. Trying to teach all the words, proverbs and idioms and not having a system or priority cause distraction of language learning desire in the learner and this causes unsuccessful results in language teaching. Due to the fact that, it is targeted to bring learners in a certain level in a limited time period especially in language teaching, to be systematic is important. With the expanding of the certain number of frequently used proverbs and idioms to the education process and with the support of listening, course books and activities to the process, a successful education process may be possible. In order to detect the frequencies of\nYabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminde Atasözleri ve Deyimlerin Sıklık Analizi 1023\nTurkish Studies\nInternational Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic\nVolume 10/7 Spring 2015\nidioms and proverbs, a committee consisting of teachers was formed for the study. In the light of the ideas and evaluations of the experienced teachers in the branch of teaching Turkish as foreign language, frequently used proverbs and idioms have been detected. The results have been presented with lists. These lists will be in guidance quality for the teachers and for the ones who prepare course books.\nTurkish is a powerful language which can convey the most difficult and regarded as detail concepts with extremely vivid images and which can draw pictures in people’s minds. Among the meaning games counted as figure of speech, the trend leading to polysemy which we call as concretization has best examples in Turkish; regarded as finest details, the abstract concepts are conveyed strongly by using concrete conceptions (Aksan, 2004: 124). Words are not used with their first meanings in most of the proverbs. Subjects are usually concretized while making sentences and it becomes difficult to teach these idioms and proverbs to learners. For example; the first meaning of “Ağaç yaşken eğilir (as the twig is bent so is the tree inclined)” is very open. It is easy to bend a young tree but it becomes difficult to bend, twist and break it when it is older. We invent a second meaning by transporting it into our minds and emotional lives and we get the thought that children should be disciplined earlier (Elçin, 1997: 417). This proverb can be taught to the language learner by simulating that the tree can have its shape when it is young so in human beings it can be similar and education should be given to children in earlier ages. “Sappy tree” is simulated to “young man” even “child”. However, teaching such kind of idioms and proverbs can be challenging. In concrete meaning idioms and proverbs, what to say is directly said without applying any concretization. Explanation of concrete meaning idioms and proverbs to learners are less challenging than abstract meaning idioms and proverbs. This provides privilege for such kind of idioms and proverbs in teaching and adding them to frequency lists.\nThere is no frequency analysis study independently conducted in Turkish teaching area for idioms and proverbs. Therefore in our study, it is purposed to give frequency lists of idioms and proverbs for the use of the teachers who prepare course books. In this study, frequently used idioms and proverbs have been detected by getting the ideas of Turkish as foreign language teachers via question forms. The idioms and proverbs were obtained by at least 2- year-experienced 50 Turkish as foreign language teachers and then they were classified. The first 150 idioms and the first 150 proverbs have been specified as most frequently used ones and the results have been presented in lists. Language teacher will give priority to teaching of the proverbs including the concepts that he / she finds important in consequence of being an individual living in the culture of the target language. If a situation, an idea, a tradition or a belief is considered as important, teaching priority will be given to it. When looking through the words they included, giving nice suggestions, not including any slang, suitable for the levels of the students and being formed by familiar words for learners increase preferability of the proverbs. ‘Learners’ understanding and learning of the idioms formed by familiar words for students become easier. The proverbs and idioms\n1024 Yasemin YILMAZ ATAGÜL\nTurkish Studies\nInternational Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic\nVolume 10/7 Spring 2015\nwhich do not carry these characteristics will have lower places in usage frequencies.\nTeaching the frequently used proverbs and especially idioms will increase the understanding of the texts given in that language. The usage of proverbs and idioms properly in suitable places shows the capability of the language learner. As a result of the study, after the expansion of certain number of idioms and proverbs whose frequency lists are prepared to education process and supporting this process by course books, listening activities and other activities, a successful education process will be possible. These frequency lists will also have the characteristic of guide for the ones who prepare course books.\nIn most of the proverbs and idioms, the words are not used with their own meanings. Subjects are usually embodied when the sentences are made. What to say is effectively conveyed through an encapsulating speech. By using them in different meanings via exemplifications and metaphors, aesthetic contribution can be added to meaning. Apart from such kind of proverbs and idioms, proverbs and idioms with concrete meanings are also available. There is not any concretization in these proverbs; what to say is directly stated. Explanation of the proverbs and idioms with tangible meanings is less difficult than the ones with intangible meanings for language learners. This situation provides this kind of proverbs to have priorities in education process.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2016-02-28T08:33:24.207-08:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":42340141,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":43165972,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_ATASOZLERI_VE_DEYIMLERIN_SIKLIK_ANALIZI.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_AT.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DYABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_AT.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385034\u0026Signature=OQN9Qh70WCYogpJlhoFx0owqZJnqPXFYe27IhXCK7Po9ALzq9WNq4~HkIqULTosi1LT7rFFaCuGp6pJoCmEp0spoPCVNMJ8LMkVZHPWDZZvtzq~PkaqNPauVoYXMhFplNNMN9~xybrJLt-JV1jIsHxGtD9494HPeZNFNI0M4iohjN7-1mngfEpMrTccw9n4yWYBvdcGuVMqvb1fuyk2EUMwS2po5huO2h0Pz8JQybBoxs8wF5ZaX84eg9bB89C4K6oY8fXyMcBhcAIfvrjitqr7mhBfmfrv0eGoI0YL57JguTfh3hkNAwmG2RHRqxVclnVIgGBYjnZ7ptxfO0vAqaQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"YABANCI_DİL_OLARAK_TÜRKÇE_ÖĞRETİMİNDE_ATASÖZLERİ_VE_DEYİMLERİN_SIKLIK_ANALİZİ_FREQUENCY_ANALYSIS_OF_PROVERBS_AND_IDIOMS_IN_TEACHING_TURKISH_AS_FOREIGN_LANGUAGE","translated_slug":"","page_count":16,"language":"tr","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":42340141,"first_name":"Yasemin","middle_initials":null,"last_name":"Atagul","page_name":"YaseminAtagul","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2016-01-29T11:11:13.492-08:00","display_name":"Yasemin Atagul","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":43165972,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_ATASOZLERI_VE_DEYIMLERIN_SIKLIK_ANALIZI.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_AT.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DYABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_AT.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385035\u0026Signature=WOUJm2NQNZSdvv6-LgzHJAWx03seU6jye6f4RcDqtsHicmvsiQ0jFsirpUMlDX5noFiusG8jw6Kk9WmfOOv~PluFj8U22hZhmOlcKwiu4oWpVhlME3KsPucBbZxbLc9VGa2xPDl~tGhCi8-YlireYTY7RyweQ28fYNFuP9n7nm4QlN8aNHF1LLSnjU~lr2ifqK5UV7HvJt~KOPkamrTA9iQmUVrs-iWB-YatlpOk46LcoaEuGpRLJUYShC-Nmr-U1AQvWjnrNyShWc2tYtjfp0KyBF2PmIgdI9QvaNzBOxVT~M-c4aDCNojsMzRBqFpPXTMaZHcEIhPQoamuxHIikQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":8700,"name":"Turkish and Middle East Studies","url":""},{"id":17150,"name":"Turkish Culture","url":""},{"id":18848,"name":"Teaching Turkish As A Foreign Language","url":""},{"id":22285,"name":"Turkish Linguistics","url":""},{"id":23351,"name":"Turkish Literature","url":""},{"id":33806,"name":"Turkish Language","url":""},{"id":37309,"name":"Turkish Studies","url":""},{"id":188209,"name":"Yabancılara Türkçe Öğretimi","url":""},{"id":197815,"name":"Yabancı Dil olarak Türkçe / Turc comme langue étrangère / Turkish as a foreign language","url":""},{"id":257592,"name":"Turkish Language and Literature","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="22552492"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of TÜRKÇENİN YABANCI DİL OLARAK ÖĞRETİMİNDE HÂL EKİ SORUNSALI (SAKARYA ÜNİVERSİTESİ ÖRNEĞİ) TEACHING OF TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE AND ITS PROBLEMATICS ON POSITIONAL SUFFIX (SAKARYA UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE)" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">TÜRKÇENİN YABANCI DİL OLARAK ÖĞRETİMİNDE HÂL EKİ SORUNSALI (SAKARYA ÜNİVERSİTESİ ÖRNEĞİ) TEACHING OF TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE AND ITS PROBLEMATICS ON POSITIONAL SUFFIX (SAKARYA UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE)</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Abstract: Positional suffix is one of the issues that needs to be taught at a basic level in Teac...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Abstract: Positional suffix is one of the issues that needs to be taught at a basic level in Teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Positional suffixes are used to add such as location, direction, divergence and availability in nouns. But there are still so many mistakes to using and learning Positional suffixes. The aim of this research is to determine those mistakes and find a solution to them. This research took place at Sakarya University TÖMER, 86 African students who are learning Turkish as a foreign language at A1 and A2 level were evaluated on Turkish grammar skills, and Positional Suffix . This research was started from mistakes that students made on using Positional suffixes at their exam papers. As a result, some suggestions were given to those students and all mistakes they did about use Positional suffixes were solved. All dates of this research were based on Sakarya University TÖMER(Turkish language Learning and Research Center ) 2014-2015 Academic years exam papers for A1 and A2 levels Turkish learners who just finished 6 weeks of Turkish learning. All analysis results took place under the Positional suffixes headline, indicate Positional suffixes, divergence Positional suffixes, directivity Positional suffixes and availability Positional suffixes were classified to be a subtitle under the Positional suffixes headline. All the sentences that students wrote were examined without any changes. At the end of the research, it was found that students made more mistakes at Dative Positional suffixes compared to other Positional suffixes. This case is followed by Ablative, Accusative and Locative Positional suffix cronologically . In the mistakes examine, it was found out that students did not use the Positional Suffix where it was neccessary. On the other hand, students were using Positional suffixeses where it was not necessary because they mixed its usage with possessive suffix and Positional suffixes. So, we can conclude that students do not know the exact usage of Positional suffixes.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="41f81257d0460922d86de131c8f751b7" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{"attachment_id":43165942,"asset_id":22552492,"asset_type":"Work","button_location":"profile"}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="22552492"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="22552492"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 22552492; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=22552492]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=22552492]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 22552492; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='22552492']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 22552492, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "41f81257d0460922d86de131c8f751b7" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=22552492]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":22552492,"title":"TÜRKÇENİN YABANCI DİL OLARAK ÖĞRETİMİNDE HÂL EKİ SORUNSALI (SAKARYA ÜNİVERSİTESİ ÖRNEĞİ) TEACHING OF TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE AND ITS PROBLEMATICS ON POSITIONAL SUFFIX (SAKARYA UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE)","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Abstract: Positional suffix is one of the issues that needs to be taught at a basic level in Teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Positional suffixes are used to add such as location, direction, divergence and availability in nouns. But there are still so many mistakes to using and learning Positional suffixes. The aim of this research is to determine those mistakes and find a solution to them. This research took place at Sakarya University TÖMER, 86 African students who are learning Turkish as a foreign language at A1 and A2 level were evaluated on Turkish grammar skills, and Positional Suffix . This research was started from mistakes that students made on using Positional suffixes at their exam papers. As a result, some suggestions were given to those students and all mistakes they did about use Positional suffixes were solved. All dates of this research were based on Sakarya University TÖMER(Turkish language Learning and Research Center ) 2014-2015 Academic years exam papers for A1 and A2 levels Turkish learners who just finished 6 weeks of Turkish learning. All analysis results took place under the Positional suffixes headline, indicate Positional suffixes, divergence Positional suffixes, directivity Positional suffixes and availability Positional suffixes were classified to be a subtitle under the Positional suffixes headline. All the sentences that students wrote were examined without any changes. At the end of the research, it was found that students made more mistakes at Dative Positional suffixes compared to other Positional suffixes. This case is followed by Ablative, Accusative and Locative Positional suffix cronologically . In the mistakes examine, it was found out that students did not use the Positional Suffix where it was neccessary. On the other hand, students were using Positional suffixeses where it was not necessary because they mixed its usage with possessive suffix and Positional suffixes. So, we can conclude that students do not know the exact usage of Positional suffixes."},"translated_abstract":"Abstract: Positional suffix is one of the issues that needs to be taught at a basic level in Teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Positional suffixes are used to add such as location, direction, divergence and availability in nouns. But there are still so many mistakes to using and learning Positional suffixes. The aim of this research is to determine those mistakes and find a solution to them. This research took place at Sakarya University TÖMER, 86 African students who are learning Turkish as a foreign language at A1 and A2 level were evaluated on Turkish grammar skills, and Positional Suffix . This research was started from mistakes that students made on using Positional suffixes at their exam papers. As a result, some suggestions were given to those students and all mistakes they did about use Positional suffixes were solved. All dates of this research were based on Sakarya University TÖMER(Turkish language Learning and Research Center ) 2014-2015 Academic years exam papers for A1 and A2 levels Turkish learners who just finished 6 weeks of Turkish learning. All analysis results took place under the Positional suffixes headline, indicate Positional suffixes, divergence Positional suffixes, directivity Positional suffixes and availability Positional suffixes were classified to be a subtitle under the Positional suffixes headline. All the sentences that students wrote were examined without any changes. At the end of the research, it was found that students made more mistakes at Dative Positional suffixes compared to other Positional suffixes. This case is followed by Ablative, Accusative and Locative Positional suffix cronologically . In the mistakes examine, it was found out that students did not use the Positional Suffix where it was neccessary. On the other hand, students were using Positional suffixeses where it was not necessary because they mixed its usage with possessive suffix and Positional suffixes. So, we can conclude that students do not know the exact usage of Positional suffixes.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2016-02-28T08:23:27.482-08:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":42340141,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[{"id":16222027,"work_id":22552492,"tagging_user_id":42340141,"tagged_user_id":42340141,"co_author_invite_id":3736877,"email":"y***","display_order":0,"name":"Yasemin Atagul","title":"TÜRKÇENİN YABANCI DİL OLARAK ÖĞRETİMİNDE HÂL EKİ SORUNSALI (SAKARYA ÜNİVERSİTESİ ÖRNEĞİ) TEACHING OF TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE AND ITS PROBLEMATICS ON POSITIONAL SUFFIX (SAKARYA UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE)"}],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":43165942,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"TURKCENIN_YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_OGRETIMINDE_HAL_EKI_SORUNSALI_SAKARYA_UNIVERSITESI_ORNEGI.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"TURKCENIN_YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_OGRETIMINDE.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DTURKCENIN_YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_OGRETIMINDE.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385035\u0026Signature=KxqmbK~mGFungFprFuPJcTbwTfQGXCxqF88LSSnGTc9NCR-Ge~4Ji06Gn3qVj45PZtj~yo4LbP0iVoPh~ipuIwFy0M4G4c1XPhBfVFkyK2gVJL2IKNoZP9ZHPWqd4gCIiQ9SsYyYGLEGZheAMO3b5ZnxwwUwFdHajEJ4vPPZ0LMP-27P0NEyDTBp2EiCbOc3NZsb6HTM7LSmkSeRFp2vfNRDKgHhiuQZX0TYm36lgotjE6w76AkVLjFeCpAPhoTQo73lDAGRHRpq48AZX45jN07Xz-U4w~f9C-QUAoEWoq2-LySolxANf4GZnGbTv9uAxuDtk9GefEDtWR4S70o79Q__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"TÜRKÇENİN_YABANCI_DİL_OLARAK_ÖĞRETİMİNDE_HÂL_EKİ_SORUNSALI_SAKARYA_ÜNİVERSİTESİ_ÖRNEĞİ_TEACHING_OF_TURKISH_AS_A_FOREIGN_LANGUAGE_AND_ITS_PROBLEMATICS_ON_POSITIONAL_SUFFIX_SAKARYA_UNIVERSITY_EXAMPLE_","translated_slug":"","page_count":39,"language":"tr","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":42340141,"first_name":"Yasemin","middle_initials":null,"last_name":"Atagul","page_name":"YaseminAtagul","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2016-01-29T11:11:13.492-08:00","display_name":"Yasemin Atagul","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":43165942,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"TURKCENIN_YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_OGRETIMINDE_HAL_EKI_SORUNSALI_SAKARYA_UNIVERSITESI_ORNEGI.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"TURKCENIN_YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_OGRETIMINDE.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DTURKCENIN_YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_OGRETIMINDE.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385035\u0026Signature=KxqmbK~mGFungFprFuPJcTbwTfQGXCxqF88LSSnGTc9NCR-Ge~4Ji06Gn3qVj45PZtj~yo4LbP0iVoPh~ipuIwFy0M4G4c1XPhBfVFkyK2gVJL2IKNoZP9ZHPWqd4gCIiQ9SsYyYGLEGZheAMO3b5ZnxwwUwFdHajEJ4vPPZ0LMP-27P0NEyDTBp2EiCbOc3NZsb6HTM7LSmkSeRFp2vfNRDKgHhiuQZX0TYm36lgotjE6w76AkVLjFeCpAPhoTQo73lDAGRHRpq48AZX45jN07Xz-U4w~f9C-QUAoEWoq2-LySolxANf4GZnGbTv9uAxuDtk9GefEDtWR4S70o79Q__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":8700,"name":"Turkish and Middle East Studies","url":""},{"id":22285,"name":"Turkish Linguistics","url":""},{"id":23351,"name":"Turkish Literature","url":""},{"id":33806,"name":"Turkish Language","url":""},{"id":37309,"name":"Turkish Studies","url":""},{"id":188209,"name":"Yabancılara Türkçe Öğretimi","url":""},{"id":197815,"name":"Yabancı Dil olarak Türkçe / Turc comme langue étrangère / Turkish as a foreign language","url":""},{"id":257592,"name":"Turkish Language and Literature","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="profile--tab_heading_container js-section-heading" data-section="Books" id="Books"><h3 class="profile--tab_heading_container">Books by Yasemin Atagul</h3></div><div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="57349582"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of RESEARCH & REVIEWS IN EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">RESEARCH & REVIEWS IN EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Proverb and Idiom Teaching Through Stories</span><span>, 2021</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Bu kitabın yayın hakkı Gece Kitaplığı'na aittir. Kaynak gösterilmeden alıntı yapılamaz, izin alma...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Bu kitabın yayın hakkı Gece Kitaplığı'na aittir. Kaynak gösterilmeden alıntı yapılamaz, izin almadan hiçbir yolla çoğaltılamaz. The right to publish this book belongs to Gece Kitaplığı. Citation can not be shown without the source, reproduced in any way without permission.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="9c3eccac7899404d2f9d21886d6bde2e" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{"attachment_id":72295016,"asset_id":57349582,"asset_type":"Work","button_location":"profile"}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="57349582"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="57349582"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 57349582; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=57349582]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=57349582]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 57349582; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='57349582']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 57349582, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "9c3eccac7899404d2f9d21886d6bde2e" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=57349582]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":57349582,"title":"RESEARCH \u0026 REVIEWS IN EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Bu kitabın yayın hakkı Gece Kitaplığı'na aittir. Kaynak gösterilmeden alıntı yapılamaz, izin almadan hiçbir yolla çoğaltılamaz. The right to publish this book belongs to Gece Kitaplığı. Citation can not be shown without the source, reproduced in any way without permission.","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2021,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Proverb and Idiom Teaching Through Stories"},"translated_abstract":"Bu kitabın yayın hakkı Gece Kitaplığı'na aittir. Kaynak gösterilmeden alıntı yapılamaz, izin almadan hiçbir yolla çoğaltılamaz. The right to publish this book belongs to Gece Kitaplığı. 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$(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="37101496"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of YABANCI DİL OLARAK TÜRKÇE ÖĞRETİMİNDE OKUMA KAYGISI BİR ENGEL Mİ" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">YABANCI DİL OLARAK TÜRKÇE ÖĞRETİMİNDE OKUMA KAYGISI BİR ENGEL Mİ</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">IS READING ANXIETY AN OBSTACLE IN TEACHING TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE? ABSTRACT In foreign lan...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">IS READING ANXIETY AN OBSTACLE IN TEACHING TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE?<br />ABSTRACT<br />In foreign language teaching, the development of reading comprehension skills has a key place in the process of reading skills education. However, it is thought that the state of anxiety, which will influence the development of reading skills, poses a challenge for learning. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of reading anxiety on the success of the foreign students who learn Turkish as a foreign language. In this study, relational screening model is used. The population of the research is composed of 87 students in the B level who learn Turkish as a foreign language in TÖMER of the University of Sakarya. The data of the study were collected with "The Reading Anxiety Scale for Those Who Learn Turkish as a Foreign Language" developed by Altınkaya (2015), and "Personal Information Form" prepared by domain experts. The scale consists of a five-point Likert scale and has three sub-dimensions: fear of reading skill, grammar anxiety, and reading comprehension anxiety. The scores based on the sub-dimensions increase compared to the feature that the dimension contains. In the first phase of the study, the "Turkish Language Reading Comprehension Achievement Test" was applied. The test was developed by Altunkaya (2016) and has passed the validity and reliability tests. This study has concluded that there is a relationship between the students' achievement test scores and their reading anxiety. A more effective reading skill education should be implemented by determining the relationship between students' anxiety and reading skills.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="dbd7fdc49060bca13a512f1b312ceaf4" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{"attachment_id":57052867,"asset_id":37101496,"asset_type":"Work","button_location":"profile"}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="37101496"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="37101496"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 37101496; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=37101496]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=37101496]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 37101496; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='37101496']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 37101496, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "dbd7fdc49060bca13a512f1b312ceaf4" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=37101496]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":37101496,"title":"YABANCI DİL OLARAK TÜRKÇE ÖĞRETİMİNDE OKUMA KAYGISI BİR ENGEL Mİ","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"IS READING ANXIETY AN OBSTACLE IN TEACHING TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE?\nABSTRACT\nIn foreign language teaching, the development of reading comprehension skills has a key place in the process of reading skills education. However, it is thought that the state of anxiety, which will influence the development of reading skills, poses a challenge for learning. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of reading anxiety on the success of the foreign students who learn Turkish as a foreign language. In this study, relational screening model is used. The population of the research is composed of 87 students in the B level who learn Turkish as a foreign language in TÖMER of the University of Sakarya. The data of the study were collected with \"The Reading Anxiety Scale for Those Who Learn Turkish as a Foreign Language\" developed by Altınkaya (2015), and \"Personal Information Form\" prepared by domain experts. The scale consists of a five-point Likert scale and has three sub-dimensions: fear of reading skill, grammar anxiety, and reading comprehension anxiety. The scores based on the sub-dimensions increase compared to the feature that the dimension contains. In the first phase of the study, the \"Turkish Language Reading Comprehension Achievement Test\" was applied. The test was developed by Altunkaya (2016) and has passed the validity and reliability tests. This study has concluded that there is a relationship between the students' achievement test scores and their reading anxiety. A more effective reading skill education should be implemented by determining the relationship between students' anxiety and reading skills."},"translated_abstract":"IS READING ANXIETY AN OBSTACLE IN TEACHING TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE?\nABSTRACT\nIn foreign language teaching, the development of reading comprehension skills has a key place in the process of reading skills education. However, it is thought that the state of anxiety, which will influence the development of reading skills, poses a challenge for learning. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of reading anxiety on the success of the foreign students who learn Turkish as a foreign language. In this study, relational screening model is used. The population of the research is composed of 87 students in the B level who learn Turkish as a foreign language in TÖMER of the University of Sakarya. The data of the study were collected with \"The Reading Anxiety Scale for Those Who Learn Turkish as a Foreign Language\" developed by Altınkaya (2015), and \"Personal Information Form\" prepared by domain experts. The scale consists of a five-point Likert scale and has three sub-dimensions: fear of reading skill, grammar anxiety, and reading comprehension anxiety. The scores based on the sub-dimensions increase compared to the feature that the dimension contains. In the first phase of the study, the \"Turkish Language Reading Comprehension Achievement Test\" was applied. The test was developed by Altunkaya (2016) and has passed the validity and reliability tests. This study has concluded that there is a relationship between the students' achievement test scores and their reading anxiety. A more effective reading skill education should be implemented by determining the relationship between students' anxiety and reading skills.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2018-07-23T01:18:10.147-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":42340141,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":57052867,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"120586099_12AtagulYasemin-vd-egt-229-245.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_OK.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DYABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_OK.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385034\u0026Signature=CgMhIl8V5d97663PCGuE18Y03xV2K5mJl5hx3BVApaSrAEodkwoqA0Gkw1AXAd4GVX84ylKrmcZEcQwvEKoIWX0NSfSdQxWKXWXN4Pjd8cauQGOmhgp5fsn0Xc2JyBIy5ttYbaXijl6~xMtpJESVX0NbJ8l7N08ieo24vmocEw6t8FHtvL~rx1DmM-8BROtld4Cke4kI6azfYFHmz0T09qJ425cma1PyKXFEiiG8ZiXvr6kqukkmsDsq5O~rzMsWSR1FfcCKylWQYgktHEj8C5ZUiG52AAl~Ezzln~-ZFrNXk4KRFcc9rzxeP9KItwMlEr27SfbFMDzqWg-~KsP6Gg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"YABANCI_DİL_OLARAK_TÜRKÇE_ÖĞRETİMİNDE_OKUMA_KAYGISI_BİR_ENGEL_Mİ","translated_slug":"","page_count":17,"language":"tr","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":42340141,"first_name":"Yasemin","middle_initials":null,"last_name":"Atagul","page_name":"YaseminAtagul","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2016-01-29T11:11:13.492-08:00","display_name":"Yasemin Atagul","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":57052867,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"120586099_12AtagulYasemin-vd-egt-229-245.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_OK.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DYABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_OK.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385034\u0026Signature=CgMhIl8V5d97663PCGuE18Y03xV2K5mJl5hx3BVApaSrAEodkwoqA0Gkw1AXAd4GVX84ylKrmcZEcQwvEKoIWX0NSfSdQxWKXWXN4Pjd8cauQGOmhgp5fsn0Xc2JyBIy5ttYbaXijl6~xMtpJESVX0NbJ8l7N08ieo24vmocEw6t8FHtvL~rx1DmM-8BROtld4Cke4kI6azfYFHmz0T09qJ425cma1PyKXFEiiG8ZiXvr6kqukkmsDsq5O~rzMsWSR1FfcCKylWQYgktHEj8C5ZUiG52AAl~Ezzln~-ZFrNXk4KRFcc9rzxeP9KItwMlEr27SfbFMDzqWg-~KsP6Gg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":18848,"name":"Teaching Turkish As A Foreign Language","url":""},{"id":33806,"name":"Turkish Language","url":""},{"id":188209,"name":"Yabancılara Türkçe Öğretimi","url":""},{"id":197815,"name":"Yabancı Dil olarak Türkçe / Turc comme langue étrangère / Turkish as a foreign language","url":""},{"id":257592,"name":"Turkish Language and Literature","url":""},{"id":1113464,"name":"TÜRKÇENİN YABANCI DİL OLARAK ÖĞRETİMİ İLE İLGİLİ ÇALIŞMALAR","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="25050840"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of Using Films to Teach Proverbs and Idioms for Lifelong Learning" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">Using Films to Teach Proverbs and Idioms for Lifelong Learning</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">The purpose of this study is to measure the efficiency of teaching learners of Turkish as a forei...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">The purpose of this study is to measure the efficiency of teaching learners of Turkish as a foreign language, through television series, the proverbs and idioms which can be considered important socio-cultural instruments in terms of the lifelong learning approach. An experimental pattern with pre-test and post-test experiment-control groups are used in this study. The research data were obtained from 137 foreign students at B2 level who study at Fatih University TOMER and Gazi University TOMER. Using the responses of the students to the pre-test and post-test questions, their competence of using proverbs and idioms was examined. It was observed that while the level of success of the experiment group and control group was equal before watching the films, the experiment group's level of success increased after watching them. These findings suggest that this practice is more successful than the classical method of teaching proverbs and idioms.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="7343a104a552ec9445620482460b1598" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{"attachment_id":53600914,"asset_id":25050840,"asset_type":"Work","button_location":"profile"}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="25050840"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="25050840"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 25050840; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=25050840]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=25050840]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 25050840; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='25050840']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 25050840, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "7343a104a552ec9445620482460b1598" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=25050840]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":25050840,"title":"Using Films to Teach Proverbs and Idioms for Lifelong Learning","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"The purpose of this study is to measure the efficiency of teaching learners of Turkish as a foreign language, through television series, the proverbs and idioms which can be considered important socio-cultural instruments in terms of the lifelong learning approach. An experimental pattern with pre-test and post-test experiment-control groups are used in this study. The research data were obtained from 137 foreign students at B2 level who study at Fatih University TOMER and Gazi University TOMER. Using the responses of the students to the pre-test and post-test questions, their competence of using proverbs and idioms was examined. It was observed that while the level of success of the experiment group and control group was equal before watching the films, the experiment group's level of success increased after watching them. These findings suggest that this practice is more successful than the classical method of teaching proverbs and idioms."},"translated_abstract":"The purpose of this study is to measure the efficiency of teaching learners of Turkish as a foreign language, through television series, the proverbs and idioms which can be considered important socio-cultural instruments in terms of the lifelong learning approach. An experimental pattern with pre-test and post-test experiment-control groups are used in this study. The research data were obtained from 137 foreign students at B2 level who study at Fatih University TOMER and Gazi University TOMER. Using the responses of the students to the pre-test and post-test questions, their competence of using proverbs and idioms was examined. It was observed that while the level of success of the experiment group and control group was equal before watching the films, the experiment group's level of success increased after watching them. These findings suggest that this practice is more successful than the classical method of teaching proverbs and idioms.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2016-05-05T04:26:04.266-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":42340141,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":53600914,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"775913.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Using_Films_to_Teach_Proverbs_and_Idioms.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DUsing_Films_to_Teach_Proverbs_and_Idioms.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385034\u0026Signature=LnPW95rGGw7~06ob65MDOYd3vlE5nByX6iuz8MM-VhAcibE0~NVkwCByNK0QkC9gb9zJvn7eo~EwvbVwoGiHIIdnDBFOAocqyEhLYaZo0zU4EB7JeNKMrNkUHBAPE~~2aBJQpWG0W1je3Fyf9fqj3EmwDfnuoFBQIYtT4Bm9vnDaOHhn--IBqI~H9jINU0yhTQzEdLxETIwQV71p-Eorf3HJrO1z-Fn-YpDmq0mu8oH5w7zC-Hd1MdCXrW3i9qFnXPnd9qKcp0FjGxVkjKljhpgF~gqzbsw4s72A97zQ-JnewYvmuODcuaDGrdQZRHCiX1SZVzEYOFTEJtdjlYtemg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"Using_Films_to_Teach_Proverbs_and_Idioms_for_Lifelong_Learning","translated_slug":"","page_count":7,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":42340141,"first_name":"Yasemin","middle_initials":null,"last_name":"Atagul","page_name":"YaseminAtagul","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2016-01-29T11:11:13.492-08:00","display_name":"Yasemin Atagul","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":53600914,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"775913.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Using_Films_to_Teach_Proverbs_and_Idioms.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DUsing_Films_to_Teach_Proverbs_and_Idioms.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385034\u0026Signature=LnPW95rGGw7~06ob65MDOYd3vlE5nByX6iuz8MM-VhAcibE0~NVkwCByNK0QkC9gb9zJvn7eo~EwvbVwoGiHIIdnDBFOAocqyEhLYaZo0zU4EB7JeNKMrNkUHBAPE~~2aBJQpWG0W1je3Fyf9fqj3EmwDfnuoFBQIYtT4Bm9vnDaOHhn--IBqI~H9jINU0yhTQzEdLxETIwQV71p-Eorf3HJrO1z-Fn-YpDmq0mu8oH5w7zC-Hd1MdCXrW3i9qFnXPnd9qKcp0FjGxVkjKljhpgF~gqzbsw4s72A97zQ-JnewYvmuODcuaDGrdQZRHCiX1SZVzEYOFTEJtdjlYtemg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":8700,"name":"Turkish and Middle East Studies","url":""},{"id":18848,"name":"Teaching Turkish As A Foreign Language","url":""},{"id":22285,"name":"Turkish Linguistics","url":""},{"id":23351,"name":"Turkish Literature","url":""},{"id":26998,"name":"Teaching Turkish as a Foreign/Second Language","url":""},{"id":33806,"name":"Turkish Language","url":""},{"id":188209,"name":"Yabancılara Türkçe Öğretimi","url":""},{"id":197815,"name":"Yabancı Dil olarak Türkçe / Turc comme langue étrangère / Turkish as a foreign language","url":""},{"id":257592,"name":"Turkish Language and Literature","url":""},{"id":1113464,"name":"TÜRKÇENİN YABANCI DİL OLARAK ÖĞRETİMİ İLE İLGİLİ ÇALIŞMALAR","url":""}],"urls":[{"id":7901974,"url":""}]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="22552837"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of THE EFFECT OF LIFELONG LEARNING TENDENCIES ON ACQUISITION OF TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">THE EFFECT OF LIFELONG LEARNING TENDENCIES ON ACQUISITION OF TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">After a comprehensive literature review of the field, one can conclude that the lifelong learning...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">After a comprehensive literature review of the field, one can conclude that the lifelong learning approach has not been studied adequately in language acquisition process. There is an observable connection between learners’ levels of achievement in language acquisition and their lifelong learning tendencies This study aims to identify the effectiveness of lifelong learning tendencies of learners on language acquisition achievements of the learners of Turkish as a foreign language.. The study, in this context, was conducted with mixed research method. The<br />population of the study was made up of learners of Turkish as foreign language with the proficiency level of C1 at Sakarya TOMER. In the first phase of the study, the data regarding<br />lifelong learning tendencies of the learners of Turkish as a foreign language were obtained using a “Lifelong Learning Tendency Scale”. It was a six point Likert scale. Then the scale was converted to a three-point scale so that the foreign learners in the study could understand the degrees better. The scale is made up of fouraspects, namely motivation, perseverance, competency in organizing learning, and<br />curiosity. Points from these aspects of the scale vary between 1 and 3. Each point that is gained indicates that the feature of the relevant aspect increases. Descriptive survey model was applied in the first phase of the study. In the second<br />phase of the study, the work groups with their lifelong learning tendencies identified were subjected to Turkish language acquisition achievement test, which was developed by the<br />specialists and researchers of the field, twice -before the commencement of the training and after the intensive training. This phase of the study was modeled with pre-test and post-test control group. In third phase of the study, achievement test scores were compared to the levels of lifelong learning tendency and a correlation was found. The correlation model<br />will be used for the last phase of the study. This study analyzes the correlation between test scores and lifelong learning tendencies of learners. The data in the study were gathered<br />through the achievement test on language acquisition taken by the learners during the summer school and “Lifelong Learning<br />Tendency Scale”. Improvements in learners’ achievements in language learning during the summer school were gathered. Differences between test scores before and after the summer<br />school were calculated and the levels of improvement were found. Thanks to high levels of lifelong learning tendencies among language learners, continuity and universality, two of<br />fundamental goals of education, are attained, and effective learning of Turkish occurs.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="3bb187a0863d4dfa18e330a2824933a5" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{"attachment_id":43166042,"asset_id":22552837,"asset_type":"Work","button_location":"profile"}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="22552837"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="22552837"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 22552837; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=22552837]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=22552837]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 22552837; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='22552837']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 22552837, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "3bb187a0863d4dfa18e330a2824933a5" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=22552837]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":22552837,"title":"THE EFFECT OF LIFELONG LEARNING TENDENCIES ON ACQUISITION OF TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"After a comprehensive literature review of the field, one can conclude that the lifelong learning approach has not been studied adequately in language acquisition process. There is an observable connection between learners’ levels of achievement in language acquisition and their lifelong learning tendencies This study aims to identify the effectiveness of lifelong learning tendencies of learners on language acquisition achievements of the learners of Turkish as a foreign language.. The study, in this context, was conducted with mixed research method. The\npopulation of the study was made up of learners of Turkish as foreign language with the proficiency level of C1 at Sakarya TOMER. In the first phase of the study, the data regarding\nlifelong learning tendencies of the learners of Turkish as a foreign language were obtained using a “Lifelong Learning Tendency Scale”. It was a six point Likert scale. Then the scale was converted to a three-point scale so that the foreign learners in the study could understand the degrees better. The scale is made up of fouraspects, namely motivation, perseverance, competency in organizing learning, and\ncuriosity. Points from these aspects of the scale vary between 1 and 3. Each point that is gained indicates that the feature of the relevant aspect increases. Descriptive survey model was applied in the first phase of the study. In the second\nphase of the study, the work groups with their lifelong learning tendencies identified were subjected to Turkish language acquisition achievement test, which was developed by the\nspecialists and researchers of the field, twice -before the commencement of the training and after the intensive training. This phase of the study was modeled with pre-test and post-test control group. In third phase of the study, achievement test scores were compared to the levels of lifelong learning tendency and a correlation was found. The correlation model\nwill be used for the last phase of the study. This study analyzes the correlation between test scores and lifelong learning tendencies of learners. The data in the study were gathered\nthrough the achievement test on language acquisition taken by the learners during the summer school and “Lifelong Learning\nTendency Scale”. Improvements in learners’ achievements in language learning during the summer school were gathered. Differences between test scores before and after the summer\nschool were calculated and the levels of improvement were found. Thanks to high levels of lifelong learning tendencies among language learners, continuity and universality, two of\nfundamental goals of education, are attained, and effective learning of Turkish occurs."},"translated_abstract":"After a comprehensive literature review of the field, one can conclude that the lifelong learning approach has not been studied adequately in language acquisition process. There is an observable connection between learners’ levels of achievement in language acquisition and their lifelong learning tendencies This study aims to identify the effectiveness of lifelong learning tendencies of learners on language acquisition achievements of the learners of Turkish as a foreign language.. The study, in this context, was conducted with mixed research method. The\npopulation of the study was made up of learners of Turkish as foreign language with the proficiency level of C1 at Sakarya TOMER. In the first phase of the study, the data regarding\nlifelong learning tendencies of the learners of Turkish as a foreign language were obtained using a “Lifelong Learning Tendency Scale”. It was a six point Likert scale. Then the scale was converted to a three-point scale so that the foreign learners in the study could understand the degrees better. The scale is made up of fouraspects, namely motivation, perseverance, competency in organizing learning, and\ncuriosity. Points from these aspects of the scale vary between 1 and 3. Each point that is gained indicates that the feature of the relevant aspect increases. Descriptive survey model was applied in the first phase of the study. In the second\nphase of the study, the work groups with their lifelong learning tendencies identified were subjected to Turkish language acquisition achievement test, which was developed by the\nspecialists and researchers of the field, twice -before the commencement of the training and after the intensive training. This phase of the study was modeled with pre-test and post-test control group. In third phase of the study, achievement test scores were compared to the levels of lifelong learning tendency and a correlation was found. The correlation model\nwill be used for the last phase of the study. This study analyzes the correlation between test scores and lifelong learning tendencies of learners. The data in the study were gathered\nthrough the achievement test on language acquisition taken by the learners during the summer school and “Lifelong Learning\nTendency Scale”. Improvements in learners’ achievements in language learning during the summer school were gathered. Differences between test scores before and after the summer\nschool were calculated and the levels of improvement were found. Thanks to high levels of lifelong learning tendencies among language learners, continuity and universality, two of\nfundamental goals of education, are attained, and effective learning of Turkish occurs.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2016-02-28T08:43:41.844-08:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":42340141,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[{"id":16222489,"work_id":22552837,"tagging_user_id":42340141,"tagged_user_id":30595788,"co_author_invite_id":null,"email":"k***","display_order":1,"name":"Ramazan Enser","title":"THE EFFECT OF LIFELONG LEARNING TENDENCIES ON ACQUISITION OF TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE"}],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":43166042,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"The_effect_of_lifelong_learning_tendenci.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"THE_EFFECT_OF_LIFELONG_LEARNING_TENDENCI.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DTHE_EFFECT_OF_LIFELONG_LEARNING_TENDENCI.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385034\u0026Signature=K7Of6eT5DDQO322~MnCpKEiiMGGO7YcMaYMwqNRenWimc3pn5qEEzwNHd7zBHG82mSMviGCRN~WWbLLVnHniI90ji2A~~ZZZCZwxDe88Aj5vOnPOifOwoxLx9r6vJzIHf44zJKswuDH0sLkYLydV8hbyaNStf-x8UgwPCVBzSGLwfAj7cdF5l-6kU5JzVTt-aIivWpKK8THjuBoIQEu9Zv3SVqABQDCIhSIl2R4SttohKrdjQz~U7-6WALI~55ldzFJ9PcWyQwbeHGP~k2LYvI6IjS-noBegR7lRdyOXKE5L-PsZp5PYrNgMQNFkKAps8RXPbB9PU1Ik6mSuyaVOgg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"THE_EFFECT_OF_LIFELONG_LEARNING_TENDENCIES_ON_ACQUISITION_OF_TURKISH_AS_A_FOREIGN_LANGUAGE","translated_slug":"","page_count":8,"language":"tr","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":42340141,"first_name":"Yasemin","middle_initials":null,"last_name":"Atagul","page_name":"YaseminAtagul","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2016-01-29T11:11:13.492-08:00","display_name":"Yasemin Atagul","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":43166042,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"The_effect_of_lifelong_learning_tendenci.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"THE_EFFECT_OF_LIFELONG_LEARNING_TENDENCI.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DTHE_EFFECT_OF_LIFELONG_LEARNING_TENDENCI.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385034\u0026Signature=K7Of6eT5DDQO322~MnCpKEiiMGGO7YcMaYMwqNRenWimc3pn5qEEzwNHd7zBHG82mSMviGCRN~WWbLLVnHniI90ji2A~~ZZZCZwxDe88Aj5vOnPOifOwoxLx9r6vJzIHf44zJKswuDH0sLkYLydV8hbyaNStf-x8UgwPCVBzSGLwfAj7cdF5l-6kU5JzVTt-aIivWpKK8THjuBoIQEu9Zv3SVqABQDCIhSIl2R4SttohKrdjQz~U7-6WALI~55ldzFJ9PcWyQwbeHGP~k2LYvI6IjS-noBegR7lRdyOXKE5L-PsZp5PYrNgMQNFkKAps8RXPbB9PU1Ik6mSuyaVOgg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":8700,"name":"Turkish and Middle East Studies","url":""},{"id":10966,"name":"Turkey","url":""},{"id":15439,"name":"Teaching English As A Foreign Language","url":""},{"id":18848,"name":"Teaching Turkish As A Foreign Language","url":""},{"id":22285,"name":"Turkish Linguistics","url":""},{"id":23351,"name":"Turkish Literature","url":""},{"id":33806,"name":"Turkish Language","url":""},{"id":197815,"name":"Yabancı Dil olarak Türkçe / Turc comme langue étrangère / Turkish as a foreign language","url":""},{"id":257592,"name":"Turkish Language and Literature","url":""},{"id":573754,"name":"Foregn language teaching","url":""},{"id":1113464,"name":"TÜRKÇENİN YABANCI DİL OLARAK ÖĞRETİMİ İLE İLGİLİ ÇALIŞMALAR","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="22552648"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of YABANCI DİL OLARAK TÜRKÇE ÖĞRETİMİNDE ATASÖZLERİ VE DEYİMLERİN SIKLIK ANALİZİ FREQUENCY ANALYSIS OF PROVERBS AND IDIOMS IN TEACHING TURKISH AS FOREIGN LANGUAGE" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">YABANCI DİL OLARAK TÜRKÇE ÖĞRETİMİNDE ATASÖZLERİ VE DEYİMLERİN SIKLIK ANALİZİ FREQUENCY ANALYSIS OF PROVERBS AND IDIOMS IN TEACHING TURKISH AS FOREIGN LANGUAGE</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">One of the most important issues that should be underlined in teaching Turkish as foreign languag...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">One of the most important issues that should be underlined in teaching Turkish as foreign language is frequency studies. Frequency means “to be frequent, to be often, frequent usage” in Turkish dictionary. Aksan (2003: 20) stated that every language contains a core vocabulary and in mother tongue and teaching foreign language, detection of the most required and frequent words of the language has an important role on the success of teaching result; especially frequency count studies are conducted about the subject of detection of the most required words to the learners. The study of detection of most frequent words is called as ‘frequency analysis studies. Frequency analysis studies provide possibilities to the foreign language learners to detect the words to be taught them. In order to get successful results, the words targeted to teach should be detected properly. To select the words from course books or teaching materials randomly and to be able to teach all the words of the language to the learner will make the foreign language learning difficult and this will reduce success. Due to the fact that frequency of the words in a language is not considered in the Turkish books prepared for the foreign language learners, word selection in these books depended on personal thoughts and evaluations and also absences in terms of words and concept came into existence in these books. Teaching materials and books used in Turkish teaching foundations are created via estimations. The same problem is also seen in teaching proverbs and idioms. There is not any scale to measure in what extent proverbs and idioms should be utilized and in the subject of which proverbs and idioms may be taught in certain levels. Idioms and proverbs in teaching Turkish as foreign language have not been classified or leveled yet. Apart from the frequency analysis studies for words, frequency studies of proverbs and idioms will also be useful in terms of education. In the word frequency analysis studies towards the students whose mother tongue is Turkish, the detection of the words they use in written narration is made. Word usage is scanned and frequent used words are detected. However, this possibility cannot be found in the students who speak Turkish as foreign language. By starting from the point of the selections of the Turkish learners whose language dominance is not sufficient, will not give right results.<br />In order to get successful results in teaching Turkish as foreign language, the words, proverbs and idioms to be taught should be detected properly. Trying to teach all the words, proverbs and idioms and not having a system or priority cause distraction of language learning desire in the learner and this causes unsuccessful results in language teaching. Due to the fact that, it is targeted to bring learners in a certain level in a limited time period especially in language teaching, to be systematic is important. With the expanding of the certain number of frequently used proverbs and idioms to the education process and with the support of listening, course books and activities to the process, a successful education process may be possible. In order to detect the frequencies of<br />Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminde Atasözleri ve Deyimlerin Sıklık Analizi 1023<br />Turkish Studies<br />International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic<br />Volume 10/7 Spring 2015<br />idioms and proverbs, a committee consisting of teachers was formed for the study. In the light of the ideas and evaluations of the experienced teachers in the branch of teaching Turkish as foreign language, frequently used proverbs and idioms have been detected. The results have been presented with lists. These lists will be in guidance quality for the teachers and for the ones who prepare course books.<br />Turkish is a powerful language which can convey the most difficult and regarded as detail concepts with extremely vivid images and which can draw pictures in people’s minds. Among the meaning games counted as figure of speech, the trend leading to polysemy which we call as concretization has best examples in Turkish; regarded as finest details, the abstract concepts are conveyed strongly by using concrete conceptions (Aksan, 2004: 124). Words are not used with their first meanings in most of the proverbs. Subjects are usually concretized while making sentences and it becomes difficult to teach these idioms and proverbs to learners. For example; the first meaning of “Ağaç yaşken eğilir (as the twig is bent so is the tree inclined)” is very open. It is easy to bend a young tree but it becomes difficult to bend, twist and break it when it is older. We invent a second meaning by transporting it into our minds and emotional lives and we get the thought that children should be disciplined earlier (Elçin, 1997: 417). This proverb can be taught to the language learner by simulating that the tree can have its shape when it is young so in human beings it can be similar and education should be given to children in earlier ages. “Sappy tree” is simulated to “young man” even “child”. However, teaching such kind of idioms and proverbs can be challenging. In concrete meaning idioms and proverbs, what to say is directly said without applying any concretization. Explanation of concrete meaning idioms and proverbs to learners are less challenging than abstract meaning idioms and proverbs. This provides privilege for such kind of idioms and proverbs in teaching and adding them to frequency lists.<br />There is no frequency analysis study independently conducted in Turkish teaching area for idioms and proverbs. Therefore in our study, it is purposed to give frequency lists of idioms and proverbs for the use of the teachers who prepare course books. In this study, frequently used idioms and proverbs have been detected by getting the ideas of Turkish as foreign language teachers via question forms. The idioms and proverbs were obtained by at least 2- year-experienced 50 Turkish as foreign language teachers and then they were classified. The first 150 idioms and the first 150 proverbs have been specified as most frequently used ones and the results have been presented in lists. Language teacher will give priority to teaching of the proverbs including the concepts that he / she finds important in consequence of being an individual living in the culture of the target language. If a situation, an idea, a tradition or a belief is considered as important, teaching priority will be given to it. When looking through the words they included, giving nice suggestions, not including any slang, suitable for the levels of the students and being formed by familiar words for learners increase preferability of the proverbs. ‘Learners’ understanding and learning of the idioms formed by familiar words for students become easier. The proverbs and idioms<br />1024 Yasemin YILMAZ ATAGÜL<br />Turkish Studies<br />International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic<br />Volume 10/7 Spring 2015<br />which do not carry these characteristics will have lower places in usage frequencies.<br />Teaching the frequently used proverbs and especially idioms will increase the understanding of the texts given in that language. The usage of proverbs and idioms properly in suitable places shows the capability of the language learner. As a result of the study, after the expansion of certain number of idioms and proverbs whose frequency lists are prepared to education process and supporting this process by course books, listening activities and other activities, a successful education process will be possible. These frequency lists will also have the characteristic of guide for the ones who prepare course books.<br />In most of the proverbs and idioms, the words are not used with their own meanings. Subjects are usually embodied when the sentences are made. What to say is effectively conveyed through an encapsulating speech. By using them in different meanings via exemplifications and metaphors, aesthetic contribution can be added to meaning. Apart from such kind of proverbs and idioms, proverbs and idioms with concrete meanings are also available. There is not any concretization in these proverbs; what to say is directly stated. Explanation of the proverbs and idioms with tangible meanings is less difficult than the ones with intangible meanings for language learners. This situation provides this kind of proverbs to have priorities in education process.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="91b3d1da3204594a6e80dd653257c759" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{"attachment_id":43165972,"asset_id":22552648,"asset_type":"Work","button_location":"profile"}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="22552648"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="22552648"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 22552648; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=22552648]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=22552648]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 22552648; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='22552648']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 22552648, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "91b3d1da3204594a6e80dd653257c759" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=22552648]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":22552648,"title":"YABANCI DİL OLARAK TÜRKÇE ÖĞRETİMİNDE ATASÖZLERİ VE DEYİMLERİN SIKLIK ANALİZİ FREQUENCY ANALYSIS OF PROVERBS AND IDIOMS IN TEACHING TURKISH AS FOREIGN LANGUAGE","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"One of the most important issues that should be underlined in teaching Turkish as foreign language is frequency studies. Frequency means “to be frequent, to be often, frequent usage” in Turkish dictionary. Aksan (2003: 20) stated that every language contains a core vocabulary and in mother tongue and teaching foreign language, detection of the most required and frequent words of the language has an important role on the success of teaching result; especially frequency count studies are conducted about the subject of detection of the most required words to the learners. The study of detection of most frequent words is called as ‘frequency analysis studies. Frequency analysis studies provide possibilities to the foreign language learners to detect the words to be taught them. In order to get successful results, the words targeted to teach should be detected properly. To select the words from course books or teaching materials randomly and to be able to teach all the words of the language to the learner will make the foreign language learning difficult and this will reduce success. Due to the fact that frequency of the words in a language is not considered in the Turkish books prepared for the foreign language learners, word selection in these books depended on personal thoughts and evaluations and also absences in terms of words and concept came into existence in these books. Teaching materials and books used in Turkish teaching foundations are created via estimations. The same problem is also seen in teaching proverbs and idioms. There is not any scale to measure in what extent proverbs and idioms should be utilized and in the subject of which proverbs and idioms may be taught in certain levels. Idioms and proverbs in teaching Turkish as foreign language have not been classified or leveled yet. Apart from the frequency analysis studies for words, frequency studies of proverbs and idioms will also be useful in terms of education. In the word frequency analysis studies towards the students whose mother tongue is Turkish, the detection of the words they use in written narration is made. Word usage is scanned and frequent used words are detected. However, this possibility cannot be found in the students who speak Turkish as foreign language. By starting from the point of the selections of the Turkish learners whose language dominance is not sufficient, will not give right results.\nIn order to get successful results in teaching Turkish as foreign language, the words, proverbs and idioms to be taught should be detected properly. Trying to teach all the words, proverbs and idioms and not having a system or priority cause distraction of language learning desire in the learner and this causes unsuccessful results in language teaching. Due to the fact that, it is targeted to bring learners in a certain level in a limited time period especially in language teaching, to be systematic is important. With the expanding of the certain number of frequently used proverbs and idioms to the education process and with the support of listening, course books and activities to the process, a successful education process may be possible. In order to detect the frequencies of\nYabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminde Atasözleri ve Deyimlerin Sıklık Analizi 1023\nTurkish Studies\nInternational Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic\nVolume 10/7 Spring 2015\nidioms and proverbs, a committee consisting of teachers was formed for the study. In the light of the ideas and evaluations of the experienced teachers in the branch of teaching Turkish as foreign language, frequently used proverbs and idioms have been detected. The results have been presented with lists. These lists will be in guidance quality for the teachers and for the ones who prepare course books.\nTurkish is a powerful language which can convey the most difficult and regarded as detail concepts with extremely vivid images and which can draw pictures in people’s minds. Among the meaning games counted as figure of speech, the trend leading to polysemy which we call as concretization has best examples in Turkish; regarded as finest details, the abstract concepts are conveyed strongly by using concrete conceptions (Aksan, 2004: 124). Words are not used with their first meanings in most of the proverbs. Subjects are usually concretized while making sentences and it becomes difficult to teach these idioms and proverbs to learners. For example; the first meaning of “Ağaç yaşken eğilir (as the twig is bent so is the tree inclined)” is very open. It is easy to bend a young tree but it becomes difficult to bend, twist and break it when it is older. We invent a second meaning by transporting it into our minds and emotional lives and we get the thought that children should be disciplined earlier (Elçin, 1997: 417). This proverb can be taught to the language learner by simulating that the tree can have its shape when it is young so in human beings it can be similar and education should be given to children in earlier ages. “Sappy tree” is simulated to “young man” even “child”. However, teaching such kind of idioms and proverbs can be challenging. In concrete meaning idioms and proverbs, what to say is directly said without applying any concretization. Explanation of concrete meaning idioms and proverbs to learners are less challenging than abstract meaning idioms and proverbs. This provides privilege for such kind of idioms and proverbs in teaching and adding them to frequency lists.\nThere is no frequency analysis study independently conducted in Turkish teaching area for idioms and proverbs. Therefore in our study, it is purposed to give frequency lists of idioms and proverbs for the use of the teachers who prepare course books. In this study, frequently used idioms and proverbs have been detected by getting the ideas of Turkish as foreign language teachers via question forms. The idioms and proverbs were obtained by at least 2- year-experienced 50 Turkish as foreign language teachers and then they were classified. The first 150 idioms and the first 150 proverbs have been specified as most frequently used ones and the results have been presented in lists. Language teacher will give priority to teaching of the proverbs including the concepts that he / she finds important in consequence of being an individual living in the culture of the target language. If a situation, an idea, a tradition or a belief is considered as important, teaching priority will be given to it. When looking through the words they included, giving nice suggestions, not including any slang, suitable for the levels of the students and being formed by familiar words for learners increase preferability of the proverbs. ‘Learners’ understanding and learning of the idioms formed by familiar words for students become easier. The proverbs and idioms\n1024 Yasemin YILMAZ ATAGÜL\nTurkish Studies\nInternational Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic\nVolume 10/7 Spring 2015\nwhich do not carry these characteristics will have lower places in usage frequencies.\nTeaching the frequently used proverbs and especially idioms will increase the understanding of the texts given in that language. The usage of proverbs and idioms properly in suitable places shows the capability of the language learner. As a result of the study, after the expansion of certain number of idioms and proverbs whose frequency lists are prepared to education process and supporting this process by course books, listening activities and other activities, a successful education process will be possible. These frequency lists will also have the characteristic of guide for the ones who prepare course books.\nIn most of the proverbs and idioms, the words are not used with their own meanings. Subjects are usually embodied when the sentences are made. What to say is effectively conveyed through an encapsulating speech. By using them in different meanings via exemplifications and metaphors, aesthetic contribution can be added to meaning. Apart from such kind of proverbs and idioms, proverbs and idioms with concrete meanings are also available. There is not any concretization in these proverbs; what to say is directly stated. Explanation of the proverbs and idioms with tangible meanings is less difficult than the ones with intangible meanings for language learners. This situation provides this kind of proverbs to have priorities in education process."},"translated_abstract":"One of the most important issues that should be underlined in teaching Turkish as foreign language is frequency studies. Frequency means “to be frequent, to be often, frequent usage” in Turkish dictionary. Aksan (2003: 20) stated that every language contains a core vocabulary and in mother tongue and teaching foreign language, detection of the most required and frequent words of the language has an important role on the success of teaching result; especially frequency count studies are conducted about the subject of detection of the most required words to the learners. The study of detection of most frequent words is called as ‘frequency analysis studies. Frequency analysis studies provide possibilities to the foreign language learners to detect the words to be taught them. In order to get successful results, the words targeted to teach should be detected properly. To select the words from course books or teaching materials randomly and to be able to teach all the words of the language to the learner will make the foreign language learning difficult and this will reduce success. Due to the fact that frequency of the words in a language is not considered in the Turkish books prepared for the foreign language learners, word selection in these books depended on personal thoughts and evaluations and also absences in terms of words and concept came into existence in these books. Teaching materials and books used in Turkish teaching foundations are created via estimations. The same problem is also seen in teaching proverbs and idioms. There is not any scale to measure in what extent proverbs and idioms should be utilized and in the subject of which proverbs and idioms may be taught in certain levels. Idioms and proverbs in teaching Turkish as foreign language have not been classified or leveled yet. Apart from the frequency analysis studies for words, frequency studies of proverbs and idioms will also be useful in terms of education. In the word frequency analysis studies towards the students whose mother tongue is Turkish, the detection of the words they use in written narration is made. Word usage is scanned and frequent used words are detected. However, this possibility cannot be found in the students who speak Turkish as foreign language. By starting from the point of the selections of the Turkish learners whose language dominance is not sufficient, will not give right results.\nIn order to get successful results in teaching Turkish as foreign language, the words, proverbs and idioms to be taught should be detected properly. Trying to teach all the words, proverbs and idioms and not having a system or priority cause distraction of language learning desire in the learner and this causes unsuccessful results in language teaching. Due to the fact that, it is targeted to bring learners in a certain level in a limited time period especially in language teaching, to be systematic is important. With the expanding of the certain number of frequently used proverbs and idioms to the education process and with the support of listening, course books and activities to the process, a successful education process may be possible. In order to detect the frequencies of\nYabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminde Atasözleri ve Deyimlerin Sıklık Analizi 1023\nTurkish Studies\nInternational Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic\nVolume 10/7 Spring 2015\nidioms and proverbs, a committee consisting of teachers was formed for the study. In the light of the ideas and evaluations of the experienced teachers in the branch of teaching Turkish as foreign language, frequently used proverbs and idioms have been detected. The results have been presented with lists. These lists will be in guidance quality for the teachers and for the ones who prepare course books.\nTurkish is a powerful language which can convey the most difficult and regarded as detail concepts with extremely vivid images and which can draw pictures in people’s minds. Among the meaning games counted as figure of speech, the trend leading to polysemy which we call as concretization has best examples in Turkish; regarded as finest details, the abstract concepts are conveyed strongly by using concrete conceptions (Aksan, 2004: 124). Words are not used with their first meanings in most of the proverbs. Subjects are usually concretized while making sentences and it becomes difficult to teach these idioms and proverbs to learners. For example; the first meaning of “Ağaç yaşken eğilir (as the twig is bent so is the tree inclined)” is very open. It is easy to bend a young tree but it becomes difficult to bend, twist and break it when it is older. We invent a second meaning by transporting it into our minds and emotional lives and we get the thought that children should be disciplined earlier (Elçin, 1997: 417). This proverb can be taught to the language learner by simulating that the tree can have its shape when it is young so in human beings it can be similar and education should be given to children in earlier ages. “Sappy tree” is simulated to “young man” even “child”. However, teaching such kind of idioms and proverbs can be challenging. In concrete meaning idioms and proverbs, what to say is directly said without applying any concretization. Explanation of concrete meaning idioms and proverbs to learners are less challenging than abstract meaning idioms and proverbs. This provides privilege for such kind of idioms and proverbs in teaching and adding them to frequency lists.\nThere is no frequency analysis study independently conducted in Turkish teaching area for idioms and proverbs. Therefore in our study, it is purposed to give frequency lists of idioms and proverbs for the use of the teachers who prepare course books. In this study, frequently used idioms and proverbs have been detected by getting the ideas of Turkish as foreign language teachers via question forms. The idioms and proverbs were obtained by at least 2- year-experienced 50 Turkish as foreign language teachers and then they were classified. The first 150 idioms and the first 150 proverbs have been specified as most frequently used ones and the results have been presented in lists. Language teacher will give priority to teaching of the proverbs including the concepts that he / she finds important in consequence of being an individual living in the culture of the target language. If a situation, an idea, a tradition or a belief is considered as important, teaching priority will be given to it. When looking through the words they included, giving nice suggestions, not including any slang, suitable for the levels of the students and being formed by familiar words for learners increase preferability of the proverbs. ‘Learners’ understanding and learning of the idioms formed by familiar words for students become easier. The proverbs and idioms\n1024 Yasemin YILMAZ ATAGÜL\nTurkish Studies\nInternational Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic\nVolume 10/7 Spring 2015\nwhich do not carry these characteristics will have lower places in usage frequencies.\nTeaching the frequently used proverbs and especially idioms will increase the understanding of the texts given in that language. The usage of proverbs and idioms properly in suitable places shows the capability of the language learner. As a result of the study, after the expansion of certain number of idioms and proverbs whose frequency lists are prepared to education process and supporting this process by course books, listening activities and other activities, a successful education process will be possible. These frequency lists will also have the characteristic of guide for the ones who prepare course books.\nIn most of the proverbs and idioms, the words are not used with their own meanings. Subjects are usually embodied when the sentences are made. What to say is effectively conveyed through an encapsulating speech. By using them in different meanings via exemplifications and metaphors, aesthetic contribution can be added to meaning. Apart from such kind of proverbs and idioms, proverbs and idioms with concrete meanings are also available. There is not any concretization in these proverbs; what to say is directly stated. Explanation of the proverbs and idioms with tangible meanings is less difficult than the ones with intangible meanings for language learners. This situation provides this kind of proverbs to have priorities in education process.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2016-02-28T08:33:24.207-08:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":42340141,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":43165972,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_ATASOZLERI_VE_DEYIMLERIN_SIKLIK_ANALIZI.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_AT.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DYABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_AT.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385034\u0026Signature=OQN9Qh70WCYogpJlhoFx0owqZJnqPXFYe27IhXCK7Po9ALzq9WNq4~HkIqULTosi1LT7rFFaCuGp6pJoCmEp0spoPCVNMJ8LMkVZHPWDZZvtzq~PkaqNPauVoYXMhFplNNMN9~xybrJLt-JV1jIsHxGtD9494HPeZNFNI0M4iohjN7-1mngfEpMrTccw9n4yWYBvdcGuVMqvb1fuyk2EUMwS2po5huO2h0Pz8JQybBoxs8wF5ZaX84eg9bB89C4K6oY8fXyMcBhcAIfvrjitqr7mhBfmfrv0eGoI0YL57JguTfh3hkNAwmG2RHRqxVclnVIgGBYjnZ7ptxfO0vAqaQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"YABANCI_DİL_OLARAK_TÜRKÇE_ÖĞRETİMİNDE_ATASÖZLERİ_VE_DEYİMLERİN_SIKLIK_ANALİZİ_FREQUENCY_ANALYSIS_OF_PROVERBS_AND_IDIOMS_IN_TEACHING_TURKISH_AS_FOREIGN_LANGUAGE","translated_slug":"","page_count":16,"language":"tr","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":42340141,"first_name":"Yasemin","middle_initials":null,"last_name":"Atagul","page_name":"YaseminAtagul","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2016-01-29T11:11:13.492-08:00","display_name":"Yasemin Atagul","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":43165972,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_ATASOZLERI_VE_DEYIMLERIN_SIKLIK_ANALIZI.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_AT.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DYABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_TURKCE_OGRETIMINDE_AT.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385035\u0026Signature=WOUJm2NQNZSdvv6-LgzHJAWx03seU6jye6f4RcDqtsHicmvsiQ0jFsirpUMlDX5noFiusG8jw6Kk9WmfOOv~PluFj8U22hZhmOlcKwiu4oWpVhlME3KsPucBbZxbLc9VGa2xPDl~tGhCi8-YlireYTY7RyweQ28fYNFuP9n7nm4QlN8aNHF1LLSnjU~lr2ifqK5UV7HvJt~KOPkamrTA9iQmUVrs-iWB-YatlpOk46LcoaEuGpRLJUYShC-Nmr-U1AQvWjnrNyShWc2tYtjfp0KyBF2PmIgdI9QvaNzBOxVT~M-c4aDCNojsMzRBqFpPXTMaZHcEIhPQoamuxHIikQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":8700,"name":"Turkish and Middle East Studies","url":""},{"id":17150,"name":"Turkish Culture","url":""},{"id":18848,"name":"Teaching Turkish As A Foreign Language","url":""},{"id":22285,"name":"Turkish Linguistics","url":""},{"id":23351,"name":"Turkish Literature","url":""},{"id":33806,"name":"Turkish Language","url":""},{"id":37309,"name":"Turkish Studies","url":""},{"id":188209,"name":"Yabancılara Türkçe Öğretimi","url":""},{"id":197815,"name":"Yabancı Dil olarak Türkçe / Turc comme langue étrangère / Turkish as a foreign language","url":""},{"id":257592,"name":"Turkish Language and Literature","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="22552492"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of TÜRKÇENİN YABANCI DİL OLARAK ÖĞRETİMİNDE HÂL EKİ SORUNSALI (SAKARYA ÜNİVERSİTESİ ÖRNEĞİ) TEACHING OF TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE AND ITS PROBLEMATICS ON POSITIONAL SUFFIX (SAKARYA UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE)" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">TÜRKÇENİN YABANCI DİL OLARAK ÖĞRETİMİNDE HÂL EKİ SORUNSALI (SAKARYA ÜNİVERSİTESİ ÖRNEĞİ) TEACHING OF TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE AND ITS PROBLEMATICS ON POSITIONAL SUFFIX (SAKARYA UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE)</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Abstract: Positional suffix is one of the issues that needs to be taught at a basic level in Teac...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Abstract: Positional suffix is one of the issues that needs to be taught at a basic level in Teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Positional suffixes are used to add such as location, direction, divergence and availability in nouns. But there are still so many mistakes to using and learning Positional suffixes. The aim of this research is to determine those mistakes and find a solution to them. This research took place at Sakarya University TÖMER, 86 African students who are learning Turkish as a foreign language at A1 and A2 level were evaluated on Turkish grammar skills, and Positional Suffix . This research was started from mistakes that students made on using Positional suffixes at their exam papers. As a result, some suggestions were given to those students and all mistakes they did about use Positional suffixes were solved. All dates of this research were based on Sakarya University TÖMER(Turkish language Learning and Research Center ) 2014-2015 Academic years exam papers for A1 and A2 levels Turkish learners who just finished 6 weeks of Turkish learning. All analysis results took place under the Positional suffixes headline, indicate Positional suffixes, divergence Positional suffixes, directivity Positional suffixes and availability Positional suffixes were classified to be a subtitle under the Positional suffixes headline. All the sentences that students wrote were examined without any changes. At the end of the research, it was found that students made more mistakes at Dative Positional suffixes compared to other Positional suffixes. This case is followed by Ablative, Accusative and Locative Positional suffix cronologically . In the mistakes examine, it was found out that students did not use the Positional Suffix where it was neccessary. On the other hand, students were using Positional suffixeses where it was not necessary because they mixed its usage with possessive suffix and Positional suffixes. So, we can conclude that students do not know the exact usage of Positional suffixes.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="41f81257d0460922d86de131c8f751b7" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{"attachment_id":43165942,"asset_id":22552492,"asset_type":"Work","button_location":"profile"}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="22552492"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="22552492"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 22552492; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=22552492]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=22552492]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 22552492; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='22552492']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 22552492, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "41f81257d0460922d86de131c8f751b7" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=22552492]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":22552492,"title":"TÜRKÇENİN YABANCI DİL OLARAK ÖĞRETİMİNDE HÂL EKİ SORUNSALI (SAKARYA ÜNİVERSİTESİ ÖRNEĞİ) TEACHING OF TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE AND ITS PROBLEMATICS ON POSITIONAL SUFFIX (SAKARYA UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE)","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Abstract: Positional suffix is one of the issues that needs to be taught at a basic level in Teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Positional suffixes are used to add such as location, direction, divergence and availability in nouns. But there are still so many mistakes to using and learning Positional suffixes. The aim of this research is to determine those mistakes and find a solution to them. This research took place at Sakarya University TÖMER, 86 African students who are learning Turkish as a foreign language at A1 and A2 level were evaluated on Turkish grammar skills, and Positional Suffix . This research was started from mistakes that students made on using Positional suffixes at their exam papers. As a result, some suggestions were given to those students and all mistakes they did about use Positional suffixes were solved. All dates of this research were based on Sakarya University TÖMER(Turkish language Learning and Research Center ) 2014-2015 Academic years exam papers for A1 and A2 levels Turkish learners who just finished 6 weeks of Turkish learning. All analysis results took place under the Positional suffixes headline, indicate Positional suffixes, divergence Positional suffixes, directivity Positional suffixes and availability Positional suffixes were classified to be a subtitle under the Positional suffixes headline. All the sentences that students wrote were examined without any changes. At the end of the research, it was found that students made more mistakes at Dative Positional suffixes compared to other Positional suffixes. This case is followed by Ablative, Accusative and Locative Positional suffix cronologically . In the mistakes examine, it was found out that students did not use the Positional Suffix where it was neccessary. On the other hand, students were using Positional suffixeses where it was not necessary because they mixed its usage with possessive suffix and Positional suffixes. So, we can conclude that students do not know the exact usage of Positional suffixes."},"translated_abstract":"Abstract: Positional suffix is one of the issues that needs to be taught at a basic level in Teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Positional suffixes are used to add such as location, direction, divergence and availability in nouns. But there are still so many mistakes to using and learning Positional suffixes. The aim of this research is to determine those mistakes and find a solution to them. This research took place at Sakarya University TÖMER, 86 African students who are learning Turkish as a foreign language at A1 and A2 level were evaluated on Turkish grammar skills, and Positional Suffix . This research was started from mistakes that students made on using Positional suffixes at their exam papers. As a result, some suggestions were given to those students and all mistakes they did about use Positional suffixes were solved. All dates of this research were based on Sakarya University TÖMER(Turkish language Learning and Research Center ) 2014-2015 Academic years exam papers for A1 and A2 levels Turkish learners who just finished 6 weeks of Turkish learning. All analysis results took place under the Positional suffixes headline, indicate Positional suffixes, divergence Positional suffixes, directivity Positional suffixes and availability Positional suffixes were classified to be a subtitle under the Positional suffixes headline. All the sentences that students wrote were examined without any changes. At the end of the research, it was found that students made more mistakes at Dative Positional suffixes compared to other Positional suffixes. This case is followed by Ablative, Accusative and Locative Positional suffix cronologically . In the mistakes examine, it was found out that students did not use the Positional Suffix where it was neccessary. On the other hand, students were using Positional suffixeses where it was not necessary because they mixed its usage with possessive suffix and Positional suffixes. So, we can conclude that students do not know the exact usage of Positional suffixes.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2016-02-28T08:23:27.482-08:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":42340141,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[{"id":16222027,"work_id":22552492,"tagging_user_id":42340141,"tagged_user_id":42340141,"co_author_invite_id":3736877,"email":"y***","display_order":0,"name":"Yasemin Atagul","title":"TÜRKÇENİN YABANCI DİL OLARAK ÖĞRETİMİNDE HÂL EKİ SORUNSALI (SAKARYA ÜNİVERSİTESİ ÖRNEĞİ) TEACHING OF TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE AND ITS PROBLEMATICS ON POSITIONAL SUFFIX (SAKARYA UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE)"}],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":43165942,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"TURKCENIN_YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_OGRETIMINDE_HAL_EKI_SORUNSALI_SAKARYA_UNIVERSITESI_ORNEGI.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"TURKCENIN_YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_OGRETIMINDE.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DTURKCENIN_YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_OGRETIMINDE.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385035\u0026Signature=KxqmbK~mGFungFprFuPJcTbwTfQGXCxqF88LSSnGTc9NCR-Ge~4Ji06Gn3qVj45PZtj~yo4LbP0iVoPh~ipuIwFy0M4G4c1XPhBfVFkyK2gVJL2IKNoZP9ZHPWqd4gCIiQ9SsYyYGLEGZheAMO3b5ZnxwwUwFdHajEJ4vPPZ0LMP-27P0NEyDTBp2EiCbOc3NZsb6HTM7LSmkSeRFp2vfNRDKgHhiuQZX0TYm36lgotjE6w76AkVLjFeCpAPhoTQo73lDAGRHRpq48AZX45jN07Xz-U4w~f9C-QUAoEWoq2-LySolxANf4GZnGbTv9uAxuDtk9GefEDtWR4S70o79Q__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"TÜRKÇENİN_YABANCI_DİL_OLARAK_ÖĞRETİMİNDE_HÂL_EKİ_SORUNSALI_SAKARYA_ÜNİVERSİTESİ_ÖRNEĞİ_TEACHING_OF_TURKISH_AS_A_FOREIGN_LANGUAGE_AND_ITS_PROBLEMATICS_ON_POSITIONAL_SUFFIX_SAKARYA_UNIVERSITY_EXAMPLE_","translated_slug":"","page_count":39,"language":"tr","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":42340141,"first_name":"Yasemin","middle_initials":null,"last_name":"Atagul","page_name":"YaseminAtagul","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2016-01-29T11:11:13.492-08:00","display_name":"Yasemin Atagul","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":43165942,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"TURKCENIN_YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_OGRETIMINDE_HAL_EKI_SORUNSALI_SAKARYA_UNIVERSITESI_ORNEGI.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"TURKCENIN_YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_OGRETIMINDE.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DTURKCENIN_YABANCI_DIL_OLARAK_OGRETIMINDE.pdf\u0026Expires=1732385035\u0026Signature=KxqmbK~mGFungFprFuPJcTbwTfQGXCxqF88LSSnGTc9NCR-Ge~4Ji06Gn3qVj45PZtj~yo4LbP0iVoPh~ipuIwFy0M4G4c1XPhBfVFkyK2gVJL2IKNoZP9ZHPWqd4gCIiQ9SsYyYGLEGZheAMO3b5ZnxwwUwFdHajEJ4vPPZ0LMP-27P0NEyDTBp2EiCbOc3NZsb6HTM7LSmkSeRFp2vfNRDKgHhiuQZX0TYm36lgotjE6w76AkVLjFeCpAPhoTQo73lDAGRHRpq48AZX45jN07Xz-U4w~f9C-QUAoEWoq2-LySolxANf4GZnGbTv9uAxuDtk9GefEDtWR4S70o79Q__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":8700,"name":"Turkish and Middle East Studies","url":""},{"id":22285,"name":"Turkish Linguistics","url":""},{"id":23351,"name":"Turkish Literature","url":""},{"id":33806,"name":"Turkish Language","url":""},{"id":37309,"name":"Turkish Studies","url":""},{"id":188209,"name":"Yabancılara Türkçe Öğretimi","url":""},{"id":197815,"name":"Yabancı Dil olarak Türkçe / Turc comme langue étrangère / Turkish as a foreign language","url":""},{"id":257592,"name":"Turkish Language and Literature","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> </div><div class="profile--tab_content_container js-tab-pane tab-pane" data-section-id="12462442" id="books"><div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="57349582"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of RESEARCH & REVIEWS IN EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">RESEARCH & REVIEWS IN EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Proverb and Idiom Teaching Through Stories</span><span>, 2021</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Bu kitabın yayın hakkı Gece Kitaplığı'na aittir. 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