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item-second hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Killer Clown" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Show of the Week: The Killer Clown: Murder on The Doorstep</a></h2><p class="intro">Sundance Now and Sky are already attached to this true crime three-parter, which explores a 30-year-old murder case</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left item-third hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Generic camera lens" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Closing the creative skills gap needs real-world collaboration</a></h2><p class="intro">The benefits of face-to-face training go both ways, says Adam Perry of LMA</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right item-fourth hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Muslim Matchmaker" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How a calculated dating gamble paid off</a></h2><p class="intro">Former Disney/ABC exec Poh Si Teng on why Hulu’s Muslim Matchmaker represented a good bet in a risk-averse market</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="One Question" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How we ignored the rejections to create a tricky but brilliant quiz format</a></h2><p class="intro">Chalkboard TV exec producer Mike Benson on the challenges of bringing One Question to the screen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Lisa Campbell" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lisa Campbell: We have the opportunity to democratise the industry</a></h2><p class="intro">Amid the current uncertainty and barriers, we have the chance to celebrate brilliant regions like Bradford</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Bergerac_PR image _1_2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bergerac</a></h2><p class="intro">Jersey’s stunning scenery provides the backdrop for this reimagining of the classic BBC detective drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="54310659795_4cc9c5299b_o" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Broadcast Awards 2025 in pictures</a></h2><p class="intro">Familiar faces gathered for the 30th Broadcast Awards, hosted by Sue Perkins</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="P1036147" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why models ruled at Realscreen & Natpe Global</a></h2><p class="intro">Financing and return on investment is now the central focus for most buyers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Studio_Lambert_-" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best independent production company: Studio Lambert</a></h2><p class="intro">‘In the past year alone, eight of the company’s formats received local commissions in 20 different territories’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="ITV1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Channel of the Year: ITV1</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Unrivalled with its social impact’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Gavin and Stacey 2024 35 497075" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hall of Fame: Gavin & Stacey</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Celebrates the idiosyncrasies of British life to explore universal themes of love, family and friendship’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="mr bates v post office" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Special recognition: Mr Bates vs The Post Office</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Provided an impressive testament to the lasting power of television to bring the nation together – and ultimately to change the world’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="On The Edge - Letting Go" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best single drama: On The Edge: Letting Go</a></h2><p class="intro">“A moving, beautifully told story written and directed with confidence and accomplishment by talent new to TV drama”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Red Eye" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">International programme sales: Red Eye</a></h2><p class="intro">“SPT has gone on to sell the show into more than 120 countries”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dare_Logo_Large_Black" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Emerging indie of the year: Dare Pictures</a></h2><p class="intro">‘This indie has been proven right in its gutsy move of setting up when it did by its growing reputation as a high watermark producer’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Raye_" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best music programme: Raye: Live at the Royal Albert Hall</a></h2><p class="intro">“Simply brilliant…brought to screen by a team that truly understood the artist’s vision and pulled it off”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="High_Surviving_a_Dubai_Drugs_Bust" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best multichannel programme: High: Surviving a Dubai Drugs Bust</a></h2><p class="intro">“The contributors are so charismatic, funny and high energy – the filmmakers clearly leaned into their attitude for the approach”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Envy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best post-production house: Envy</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Envy are an excellent facility and their growth over troubling times is also impressive’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Inside Iran" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best current affairs programme: Kill Zone: Inside Gaza</a></h2><p class="intro">“It combined courageous and selfless journalism with a film that had heart wrenching emotional heart”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Make It At Market" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best daytime programme: Make It at Market</a></h2><p class="intro">“Aspirational whilst also being inclusive”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Paralympic Games Paris 2024" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best sports programme: Paralympic Games Paris 2024</a></h2><p class="intro">“Highly emotive coverage, I have a huge admiration for everyone taking part and the production team itself”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Tabby_McTat" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best pre-school programme: Tabby McTat</a></h2><p class="intro">“A memorable winner, which pitched its tone perfectly”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Blue Lights" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best drama series: Blue Lights</a></h2><p class="intro">“Makes reinventing the crime drama feel effortless”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Piano" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best popular factual programme: The Piano</a></h2><p class="intro">“Doesn’t need a shiny floor, the stories speak for themselves”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TRIAL_BY_JURY_C4_" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best original programme: The Jury: Murder Trial</a></h2><p class="intro">“A perfect format which raises the bar on British original formats and their potential to do good”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Inside Gaza Israel-Hamas at War" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best news programme: Inside Gaza: Israel-Hamas at War</a></h2><p class="intro">“This programme felt like the pinnacle of news journalism - led by journalists, delivered by journalists, with complete immediacy”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Horrible Histories" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best children’s programme: Horrible Histories: The Gruesome Gunpowder Plot</a></h2><p class="intro">“The cast are hilarious and the use of the budget is impressive – perfect family viewing”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ludwig" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best comedy programme: Ludwig</a></h2><p class="intro">“A genuinely funny scenario, wonderfully realised with perfect casting and writing at the top of its game”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="MeAndTheVoiceInMyHead" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best documentary programme: Me and the Voice in My Head</a></h2><p class="intro">“I loved this film - it was original and pushed the boundaries of the documentary format”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="To_Catch_a_Cop" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best documentary series: To Catch a Copper</a></h2><p class="intro">“It manages to be compelling while also giving a voice to everybody involved”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Coronation Street" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best soap/continuing drama: Coronation Street</a></h2><p class="intro">“The show expanded its reach into the digital sphere, engaging new, younger audiences through digital content”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Squid Game" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best entertainment programme: Squid Game: The Challenge</a></h2><p class="intro">“An addictive spectacle that combines nail-biting competition with astounding scale to invent a whole new genre of prestige entertainment”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="dock10 TV Moment - Mr Bates" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">dock10 TV Moment of the Year: Mr Bates vs the Post Office</a></h2><p class="intro">“It was this scene in particular which brought home to viewers the sheer injustice, fear and hardship inflicted on thousands of innocent people”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Zelensky Show" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best specialist factual programme: The Zelensky Story</a></h2><p class="intro">“Powerful. Emotional. Incredible. Insightful. Unbelievable”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="GM Production Centre, White City - 3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">We cannot afford to be blasé about freelancers leaving the industry</a></h2><p class="intro">A shrinking freelancer pool is seen as inevitable but, Richard Wallis argues, it’s an existential crisis</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="litvinenko_02_" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fatima Salaria: Co-pros are an opportunity to take risks and experiment</a></h2><p class="intro">Bringing together different perspectives and experiences can help to generate bold and fresh ideas</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="öteborg-takeaways/5201466.article" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Steve Matthews" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="öteborg-takeaways/5201466.article">AI can complement creative and co-pro spirit: Steve Matthews’ Göteborg Takeaways</a></h2><p class="intro">Banijay’s newly appointed global scripted creative lead sees opportunity after travails of last year</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Unearthed - The mystery of the shaman woman" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">What next for AI and factual TV?</a></h2><p class="intro">As the unscripted industry congregates for Realscreen, Broadcast International delves into how AI is making waves in factual TV</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Portrait Artist of the Year" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Getting the best from telly’s most creative people</a></h2><p class="intro">Understanding creative brains can make your working environment happier and more productive, says psychologist Janet Evans</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Boyzone Sky docs" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How we built contributor trust to tell Boyzone’s difficult story</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Charlie Russell on exploring painful memories in Curious Films’ upcoming documentary Boyzone: No Matter What</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Marlow Murder Club" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">UKTV talks tough as BVoD blossoms</a></h2><p class="intro">Richard Watsham and Andrea Amey discuss the broadcaster’s 2024 revamp, renewed focus on original drama and narrowing the gap with rivals</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="74905_S1_Go Back to Where You Came From -4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Go Back To Where You Came From: Disagreement, danger and understanding</a></h2><p class="intro">The producers of C4’s controversial fact-ent series on keeping contributors safe in some of the most dangerous places on earth</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="54295287223_845c5a4be0_o" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Broadcast Best Places to Work event</a></h2><p class="intro">Winners in this year’s annual list attended a special event in London this week</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="IMG_9096" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits, Mike Spencer</a></h2><p class="intro">The Lifted Entertainment creative director on Margate, Vegas and scrolling TikTok</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Beast Games" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Faraz Osman: TV and gaming should be partners rather than rivals</a></h2><p class="intro">There is huge scope for experimentation and to engage new audiences, so let’s play together</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="BPTW 2025" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Putting staff first during tough times</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The words ‘kindness’, ‘care’ and ‘support’ come up repeatedly in employers’ responses’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Group photo" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Breakthrough Leaders is transforming TV’s leadership</a></h2><p class="intro">The TV Collective’s 2025 initiative is open for applications, and it’s never been more essential, writes alumni Serena Lloyd-Smith</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="New_Titanic in Colour" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Woodcut Media</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We love having fun together – especially on our quarterly ‘Woodcut Days’’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Shoot To Kill" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Curious Films</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We work closely with Mindzone Media and the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma to support personal issues’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mysteries_of_the_Terracotta_Warriors_" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lion Television</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We work hard to ensure all staff can develop their careers and take advantage of the range of work we do’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Harry Potter Wizards Of Baking" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Red Bee Creative</a></h2><p class="intro">‘One of our core values is ‘nice’ and we genuinely value niceness in everyone we bring into the team’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dragons Den" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Serious Facilities</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The success of the company depends solely on the engagement and motivation of staff at every level’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Gogglebocs" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Cwmnida Cyf</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Employee ownership ensures that Cwmni Da remains independent and in the hands of the staff who contribute to its success’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Push" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Candour Productions</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Our company values of integrity, truthfulness and courage are paramount in all we do’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Beas" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">A Productions</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Our annual summer ‘games on the green’ event includes traditional school sports day games, such as egg & spoon and the three-legged race’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Missing You" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Quay Street Productions</a></h2><p class="intro">‘As part of ITV Studios, we access wider staff benefits and training tools that ensure inclusivity for all’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Premiership Rugby" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Buzz 16</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We have a monthly Deliveroo day for all staff to enjoy and a free breakfast once a month in the office’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Murder Trial" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Firecrest Films</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Last year we offered eight people their first jobs in TV’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mozart Rise Of A Genius" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Finish Line</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We strive to be more than just a post-production company– we’re a community that champions innovation, wellbeing and creativity’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Wonderblocks" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Blue Zoo</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Transparency is one of our core values, which contributes to our overall goal to make the world a better place through animation’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ambulance2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dragonfly</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We launched a new scheme with the support of Banijay this year to retain mid-level staff from diverse backgrounds on extended contracts’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="MollyMae0911" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Workerbee</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We believe in rewarding hard work, promoting an atmosphere of teamwork and fostering an environment where no one gets the blame if things go wrong’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="who_wants_to_be_a_millionaire_sr39_ep1_03" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Stellify Media</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We actively seek to address all issues raised within a three-month period’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Earthsounds_Photo_010902" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Offspring Films</a></h2><p class="intro">‘No question is a stupid question, and everyone supports everyone else’s wins, both at work and in their personal lives’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Inclusivity hands" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Building a business for everyone</a></h2><p class="intro">This year’s Best Places to Work are listening to their staff, actively promoting diversity and striving to create a welcoming working environment</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Fear Clinic" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Wonderhood Studios</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Wonderhood has an excellent reputation among TV freelancers for being a fun and inclusive company’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="I2NIK45Q" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Brian And Maggie: How Baby Cow shrugged off co-pro woe</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Sarah Montieth reveals how this British drama about Brian Walden’s infamous interview with Margaret Thatcher made it to screen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="502512" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Blink Films</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We are known to be a kind, supportive company that thrives on making anyone who joins feel like they are part of something great’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Freddie Flintoffs Field of Dreams On Tour" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">South Shore</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We partner with a local charity to which we direct the proceeds of fundraising activities’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Celebrity SAS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Minnow Films</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We also have a fun schedule of activities, which include monthly breakfasts, regular staff outings, nibbles and drinks every Thursday’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="502318" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dope Girls: Living the high life in post-WWI London</a></h2><p class="intro">Shannon Murphy reveals how Bad Wolf drew inspiration from costumes and photos of the era to recreate the hedonistic world of Soho at the end of WWI</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Masters-of-Reinvention--crew-20241010195652-u91f" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Putting staff welfare first</a></h2><p class="intro">With job security a major concern, the Best Places to Work in TV are ensuring that staff wellbeing and support are among their key priorities</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="458094" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Upping the ante for Gladiators series two</a></h2><p class="intro">Dan Baldwin on how Hungry Bear has gone all out to make the second season more thrilling, with new games and backstage drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Toad and Friends" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Wild Child Animation</a></h2><p class="intro">‘In 2024, we reached parity of pay across genders for all levels of seniority up to supervisor’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Secret_Lives_of_Orangutans_Final Film_00.56.52.12 Rakus" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Silverback Films</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We believe you can only make the best programmes if you have the best people, so looking after people is our number one priority’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="FL_DartsKings" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mindhouse Productions</a></h2><p class="intro">‘A company’s vibe generally comes from its leadership and we always try to be friendly, approachable and supportive’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="476122" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bad Wolf</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We advertise all roles via Screen Alliance Wales noting that we welcome applications from under-represented groups’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Squid_Game__The_Challenge_u_S1_E7_00_03_14_02R" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Garden</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We arrange staff trips, usually to a spa, where there is no formal work element and the focus is on the team spending relaxed time together’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="uktv_87073741296" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Air TV</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Some of our most successful recent hires have been people who had no previous TV experience and joined us directly from other professions’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="tsunami_the-wave_that_shoot_the_world_03_0" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Arrow Media</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We really believe in supporting development and growth, and pride ourselves on offering a variety of both hard and soft skills training’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="SYLO-optomen23579-20241008094038-4jyh" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Optomen Television</a></h2><p class="intro">‘One-to-one coaching is offered to key staff and we also provide leadership workshops and other formal leadership education’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Big Brother" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Initial</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We believe that if you treat staff and stakeholders with respect, profit and productivity follow’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Kirstie and Phils Love It Or List It" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Raise The Roof</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Bespoke ‘deaf awareness’ training for a whole team who were working with contributors and a producer/director from the deaf community’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Responder" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dancing Ledge</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We belive that kindness and generosity of spirit creates loyalty and fosters a good working environment’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="AdobeStock_877454199" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Taking perks seriously</a></h2><p class="intro">Alongside fun activities like dragon-boat racing, clay modelling and life drawing, BPTW firms go the extra mile to help their staff</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Sport podcast" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast: How to Benefit from the Growing Influence of Women’s Sport</a></h2><p class="intro">An insightful discussion with speakers from BBC Sport, Women’s Rugby World Cup England 2025, Sky Sports and Watford FC</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="pexels-kampus-8035980" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Creating a better balance</a></h2><p class="intro">From flexible working to guidance on spotting burnout, the BPTW recognise that their employees’ personal lives matter just as much as their jobs</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="This City 05" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: This City Is Ours, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Left Bank Pictures behind eight-part crime drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="KA_06_TheTattooistsSon_S01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Tattooist’s Son: Journey to Auschwitz, Sky History</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Claire Mundell on how meeting the real-life son of her drama’s characters prompted her to turn her hand to documentaries</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Vicky Pattison_ My Deepfake Sex Tape" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Our role in Channel 4’s Deepfake Sex Tape</a></h2><p class="intro">Deep Fusion’s Benjamin Field on why his company wanted to help with controversial show</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="VN - 01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How modern censorship inspired 80s horror comedy Video Nasty</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Ailish McElmeel on exploring moral panics, recreating the 80s and completing the funding jugsaw</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="28505214316_fc03ed598d_k" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Unpacking plans for Mip London</a></h2><p class="intro">One month out from inaugural event, RX France’s entertainment chief Lucy Smith explains how the UK-based event is shaping up</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="bullseye_15" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Nuanced picture as growth returns in commissioning</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcast Intelligence’s Programme Index logged 1,606 commissions in 2024, a 23% jump on the previous year</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="504035" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Clever tactics and classy shows can help reach young audiences</a></h2><p class="intro">The digital revolution is here, but the industry knows it and is working impressively to ensure that TV isn’t being left behind</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Walking with Dinosaurs (3)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Walking With Dinosaurs, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">The BBC Studios production for the BBC and PBS, co-produced with ZDF and France Télévisions, will air later in 2025</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Azul Guaita in Like Water for Chocolate" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Unpicking Banijay Americas' growth plan</a></h2><p class="intro">Banijay Americas chief exec Ben Samek on why partnerships rather than M&A lie at the heart of his growth plan in the US and LatAm</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="EOB_5180" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Meet the fixers turning ideas into reality</a></h2><p class="intro">As the event circuit swings into gear, Broadcast hears from the fixers who help producers overcome budget squeezes to get projects onto screen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="18_TLMOA" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Lost Music of Auschwitz, Sky Arts</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Tom Cook on documenting efforts to bring a forgotten treasure-trove of music back to life</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Beneath the Surface-3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Turkish drama is conquering the world</a></h2><p class="intro">Despite domestic challenges, Turkish scripted series are growing in demand as producers seek global partnerships</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Javi Balmaceda Picture_extended" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Amazon Studios is tapping into Lat Am’s potential</a></h2><p class="intro">Javiera Balmaceda, head of originals for Amazon Studios in Latin America, Australia and Canada, talks rights, remits and delivering hits</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Ben Samek" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits: Ben Samek</a></h2><p class="intro">The Banijay Americas chief executive on climbing the Grand Tetons, the power of sport and Cris Abrego</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TheIsland_BTS_image9" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">An t-Eilean, BBC Alba</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Arabella Page Croft on making the UK’s first-ever high-end Gaelic drama series a reality</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="7. Amelia Bullmore, Rosalie Craig and Tamsin Greig" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Riot Women</a></h2><p class="intro">Sally Wainwright-penned six-parter will air later this year</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="traitors s3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">It’s time for a simpler, more authentic approach to N&R production</a></h2><p class="intro">Convoluted rules are contributing to the feeling that the BBC is still failing to engage with regional production talent</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Undercover Exposing the far right - Far-right activists during Warsaw rally, 2023 (Credit_ Hopeful Productions Ltd)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How I filmed undercover journalists exposing the far right</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Havana Marking on the challenges and dangers of making a hard-hitting but beautiful film about anti-facist investigators</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Shogun - Hiroyuki Sanada as Lord Yoshii Toranaga 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Unpacking why an unlikely Golden Globes matters</a></h2><p class="intro">Arrested Industries chief executive Anthony Kimble reflects on what the Golden Globes mean for international TV</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Shooting in Spain Alvarez" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Spain is enticing international productions</a></h2><p class="intro">UK producers explored country’s tax rebates and skills base at London event</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Man-phone-streaming" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Comment: What’s next for streaming live sport in 2025</a></h2><p class="intro">Operative CCO Ben Tatta believes linear and streaming processes will have to be blended</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="sports broadcasting evolves podcast" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast: Sports TV - How To Turn Challenges Into Opportunities</a></h2><p class="intro">This episode looks at how broadcasters and producers are reaching new audiences with a fresh take on sports content</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Playing Nice (2)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How a medical grounding and page-turner mentality helped shape Playing Nice</a></h2><p class="intro">Going inside Rabbit Track’s ITV baby-swap thriller</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The London Bombings 3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">7/7: The London Bombings, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Series directors Adam Wishart and Jim Nally on exploring the complex investigation and emotional fallout of the first suicide bombings on English soil</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="gavin & stacey the finale" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Protecting the secrets of Gavin & Stacey: The Finale</a></h2><p class="intro">From surprise guest appearances to avoiding the paps, how James Corden, Ruth Jones and the crew pulled off the iconic sitcom’s final episode</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BTS 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ashley Gething: ‘Telling the survivors’ stories helped release their pain’</a></h2><p class="intro">Arrow Media director and producer of Tsunami: The Wave That Shook the World on taking survivors back to the scene of the 2004 tragedy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="FUGITIVE_HUNTERS_STILL_05" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fugitive Hunters Mexico, A&E</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producer and Double Act co-founder Alastair Cook reveals the challenges of filming in one of the most dangerous cities in the world</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Jack Thorne" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top 10 comment articles of 2024</a></h2><p class="intro">Including Jack Thorne, Kelly Webb-Lamb, Ian Katz and Sarah Lee</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="shows of the year" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Broadcast’s shows of the year</a></h2><p class="intro">Members of the team pick their favourite programmes of 2024</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="One Day" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">David Singleton: One Day (Drama Republic and Focus Features for Netflix)</a></h2><p class="intro">“It was brilliant and beautiful and heartwarming”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Day of the Jackal" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Richard Middleton: The Day of the Jackal (Carnival Films for Sky Atlantic)</a></h2><p class="intro">“This is a classy show that commands attention”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="the traitors final" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Marian McHugh: The Traitors (Studio Lambert for BBC1 and other versions)</a></h2><p class="intro">“No other show this year has had me constantly on the edge of my seat at every turn”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Shogun - Anna Sawai as Toda Mariko" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">John Elmes: Shōgun (DNA Films, FX Productions, Gate 34 Productions, Michael De Luca Productions for FX)</a></h2><p class="intro">“The acting, the cinematography, the sheer beauty of the setting – it slaps”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ripley" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Tom Williams: Ripley (Netflix)</a></h2><p class="intro">“The thriller showcases breathtaking cinematography which transports you into Tom Ripley’s slowly crumbling world of luxury, deception, and danger”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="English Teacher" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fleur Feeney: English Teacher (FX)</a></h2><p class="intro">“I particularly enjoyed the nihilistic and, at times, psychologically torturous portrayal of the digital natives that are the younger half of Gen Z”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Industry" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Paul Weatherley: Industry (Bad Wolf for HBO and BBC1)</a></h2><p class="intro">“The final episode took so many turns I really didn’t see coming”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="08_02_ThePenguin_S01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Heather Fallon: The Penguin (HBO/Sky Atlantic)</a></h2><p class="intro">“You know a show is good when you catch yourself watching YouTube breakdowns afterwards”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Jason Bell podcast" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast: Former NFL player Jason Bell talks about his career as a TV presenter</a></h2><p class="intro">This podcast was recorded live at the Broadcast Sport Summit at The Emirates on 13 November 2024</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Sambre" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ellie Kahn: Sambre – Anatomy of a Crime (Federation Studios, Versus Production)</a></h2><p class="intro">“The series might be in French, but its message feels instantly and unsettlingly familiar”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="We Might Regret This" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Alice Redman: We Might Regret This (Roughcut TV for BBC2)</a></h2><p class="intro">“The show deserves the utmost praise for showcasing the realities of living with a disability and highlighting some of the everyday problems of disabled adults”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Hell Jumper" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Chris Curtis: Hell Jumper (Expectation for BBC2)</a></h2><p class="intro">Members of the team pick their favourite programmes of 2024</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="people-just-do-nothing" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why the words ‘branded content’ are no longer dirty</a></h2><p class="intro">Bullion Productions’ Jack Newman says the TV industry should be actively collaborating with brands to help them supersize ideas</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Wayne Garvie" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top 10 interviews of 2024</a></h2><p class="intro">Including Wayne Garvie, Alisa Bowen, Steven Knight and Abi Morgan</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="73502_S1_Josh Must Win S1 First Look" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top 10 behind the scenes of 2024</a></h2><p class="intro">Including Josh Must Win, Supacell, Nightsleeper and The Fortune Hotel</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="original-B10EFD5B-8877-46D7-B727-2A0CF178A053" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How a first-time director tackled a 10-year-old food scandal</a></h2><p class="intro">Henrietta Esme Bennett on her Wonderhood Studios project for Sky Documentaries’ Emerging Directors Initiative</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="uktv_86758451538" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">UKTV seeks the unexpected for drama and factual refresh</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcaster is on the hunt for bingeable, noisy, edgy ideas that can cut through, with novel talent attached</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="House of the Dragon" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Whatever to do with linear TV?</a></h2><p class="intro">Unpacking the unique problem facing US studios and national commercial broadcasters alike</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Tapped Out All Stars 0033" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Tapped Out Prank Stars, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Percelle Ascott reveals the challenges of adapting Wall of Entertainment’s digital format for a linear broadcast</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Untitled(13)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Will Apple Smart TVs redefine home entertainment?</a></h2><p class="intro">Claire Huxley at Design Bridge and Partners on Apple’s much-rumoured potential entry into the smart TV market</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Broacast 2024 Review BBC Scandals" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Year in Review: company closures, talent scandals and the odd smash hit</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcast’s satirical look at the ups and downs of 2024</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Ian Katz" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top 20 news stories of 2024</a></h2><p class="intro">Click for a round-up of the year’s most significant events</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="54123119140_80716a8363_o" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Broadcasters prepare for the AI future</a></h2><p class="intro">Execs from the BBC, ITN and C4 discuss moving from proofs of concept to integrating the technology into their working practices</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Pelicot Press image ITN" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Jeremy Daldry: The truth is often ugly and uncomfortable</a></h2><p class="intro">ITN Productions’ deputy head of UK factual unpacks the complexities of exploring the Gisèle Pelicot case for Channel 5</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Swiped - Shot 4. Matt and Emma Willis" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Swiped: Boldprint Studios delivers a lesson in life without technology</a></h2><p class="intro">Producers Naomi Gayler and Leah Green discuss the results of their social experiment and the challenges of working with a group of young people</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BTS Jeffrey Folkes MTFX at Bute Tunnel" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Casualty Christmas special, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Roxanne Harvey on using real-life testimonies to raise awareness of blood donor shortages</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TDOBM 1st Look" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: The Death of Bunny Munro, Sky Atlantic</a></h2><p class="intro">Clerkenwell Films, in association with Sky Studios, six part series starring Matt Smith</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="2025_Max_GCS_1897_Hi_Res (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why WBD & Max have it all to prove in 2025</a></h2><p class="intro">Warner Bros Discovery rolled out the big guns in London this week to put international front and centre</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Kelly Webb Lamb" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">All hail TV’s ‘women of a certain age’</a></h2><p class="intro">After many years of challenges, a generation of tough and determined female execs are the ones ready to speak out, writes Kelly Webb-Lamb</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Philippa Childs" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sticking to the old systems won’t solve TV’s harassment problem</a></h2><p class="intro">The burden on freelancers to call out bad behaviour is too great – so things need to change, writes Philippa Childs</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Karen Kelly" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits: Karen Kelly</a></h2><p class="intro">The Directors UK chair on Taylor Sheridan and swimming in the sea</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="couple pointing remote control at TV screen" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Scott Bryan: Why is it so hard these days to find something to watch?</a></h2><p class="intro">There’s an abundance of choice, but navigating endless platforms is tedious. What we need is Project Kangaroo 2.0</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Northwoods Survival_Thumbnail_1920x1080_v5_blank" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Self-funding shows: If you build it, will they come?</a></h2><p class="intro">Blue Ant’s Ben Barrett on balancing the stress & success of financing shows</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Channel 4 x Allwyn Set for Life 07.11.2024 3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Kate Bulkley: C4’s YouTube strategy is a lesson in youth engagement</a></h2><p class="intro">The broadcaster has shifted its mindset to harness the power of a company previously considered a rival</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="MOTD Gary Lineker" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">What next for Lineker and MOTD after the long goodbye?</a></h2><p class="intro">Tim Jotischky, divisional managing director of reputation at The PHA Group, looks at how podcasting has changed Lineker’s career</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="54171033257_05619bcd2a_k" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Broadcast Tech Innovation Awards 2024</a></h2><p class="intro">The Awards gala dinner was held at The Brewery, London, on 28 November</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="John Altman" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Composed thinking: John Altman on music’s role in TV & film</a></h2><p class="intro">Composer John Altman talks to Broadcast International about the power of music on screen ahead of his appearance at NEM Zagreb next month</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mr Bates vs The Post Office" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">UK drama: Tackling the cost conundrum</a></h2><p class="intro">As the debate over funding for the genre heats up, here is a reminder of Broadcast’s analysis from late last year</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="03_09_TheDayOfTheJackal_S01_V2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Carnival Films: Aiming for global glory in drama</a></h2><p class="intro">Gareth Neame and Nigel Marchant on creating Sky’s biggest ever original drama in The Day Of The Jackal, and their plans for global glory</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="AdobeStock_295511481" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Broadcasters look to steady the ship</a></h2><p class="intro">Having had to navigate choppy economic waters last year, 2024 has been about achieving stability</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Job satisfaction" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Job satisfaction still high in ‘fun, varied and creative’ role</a></h2><p class="intro">Despite complaints over a lack of autonomy, the bulk of survey respondents are happy in their roles</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="AdobeStock_261763968" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Buyers play it safe as costs rise</a></h2><p class="intro">Appetite for risk is slow to return, with the majority saying there has been no change since last year</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Robin-Parker_grey-background" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hints of optimism after a tough period</a></h2><p class="intro">Commissioners in our survey see signs that the market is improving</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="AdobeStock_46241654" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Slowdown puts relations with indies under pressure</a></h2><p class="intro">Commissioners complain that indies are saving their best ideas for streamers and fail to understand what they want</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Sidemen-Clothing-3 (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why Netflix’s move for a YouTube format underlines industry evolution</a></h2><p class="intro">Cowshed Collective co-chief George Cowin on what Netflix’s commission of The Sidemen’s Inside means to the wider landscape</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="The Weakest Link" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Christmas on the BBC</a></h2><p class="intro">Click to view a selection of programme highlights unveiled by the BBC for the festive season</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BlackDoves_TrailerDebut_Image_10" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Joe Barton: how Black Doves came together was crazy</a></h2><p class="intro">Writer talks whirlwind of Keira Knightley Netflix series and enigma of SVoD algorithms</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The-Australian-Wars-Blackfella-Films-for-SBS-1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Buyer’s Profile: Joseph Maxwell, head of unscripted, SBS (Australia)</a></h2><p class="intro">Unscripted chief at Australia’s SBS wants risk-taking shows that provoke debate and push boundaries</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Sherlock and Daughter" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Cracking the case of Sherlock's enduring longevity</a></h2><p class="intro">Sherlock & Daughter creator Brendan Foley explores what continues to draw audiences – and commissioners – back to the enigmatic detective</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Gavin and Stacey 2024 35 497075" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Gavin & Stacey, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Tidy and Fulwell73 comedy returns for a Christmas special</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="AI graphics" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Emperor: The Rise & Fall of a Dynasty, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Bob Marsden reveals how October Films used AI and comic strips to bring the debauchery, violence and excess of ancient Rome back to life</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dating Naked UK Nest image" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The future of intimacy coordination: beyond scripted TV</a></h2><p class="intro">Dating Naked intimacy consultant Tommy Ross-Williams outlines their role on the MTV format and why it could be beneficial for the unscripted arena</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="michael jermey" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Michael Jermey: journalism on TV is as strong as it’s ever been</a></h2><p class="intro">ITV’s outgoing news chief reflects on almost four decades with the broadcaster</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="RAMSAY ON ROOF OF THE BEAST LEAVING TORREON_ CREDIT TOBY NASH_SKY NEWS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Beast, Sky News</a></h2><p class="intro">Sky correspondent Stuart Ramsay on dodging cartels and ‘jumping’ trains to follow migrants journeying to the US border</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="54141284916_9927f80839_o" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Broadcast Sport Awards 2024</a></h2><p class="intro">Familiar faces from across the industry gathered for the annual Broadcast Sport Awards, hosted by Maisie Adam and Suzi Ruffell</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Bad_Sisters_Photo_020203" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Gogglebox inspired Bad Sisters series two</a></h2><p class="intro">Sharon Horgan and head of drama Faye Dorn reveal their inspirations</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="her_majesty_the_queen_behind_closed_doors_04_0 (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Her Majesty The Queen: Behind Closed Doors, ITV1</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Kerene Barefield discusses working with the Queen and an all-female crew on ITV’s domestic abuse doc</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="74606_S1_Shoot to Kill_ Terror on the Tube" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Shoot to Kill: Terror on the Tube, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producer Dov Freedman reveals how Curious got the police officer who shot Jean Charles de Menezes to tell his story</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="TheGriersons_13 Me and the Voice in My Head double winners" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Grierson Awards</a></h2><p class="intro">Selection of images from this year’s Grierson Trust Awards ceremony, held in London on Wednesday</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="54056943254_802d6cc2f0_o" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Getting the most out of your archive</a></h2><p class="intro">Panellists at TechFest discussed the deterioration of tape formats, at a time when legacy content is becoming an increasingly important revenue stream</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Back from the Dead BTS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Back From The Dead: Who Kidnapped Me? U&W</a></h2><p class="intro">Series director and producer Susanna Herbert on bringing a true crime story that’s stranger than fiction to life</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="best interests" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Jack Thorne: let's think twice about using ‘showrunner’</a></h2><p class="intro">Writer urges industry to take Tim Davie’s concerns about the term ‘talent’ a step further</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Brad Danks, CEO, OUTtv" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits, Brad Danks</a></h2><p class="intro">The OutTV chief executive on Canada, kayaking and bad jokes</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Boybands Forever" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">BBC prioritises story over fan passion for music docs</a></h2><p class="intro">Head of popular music TV Jonathan Rothery seeks ideas that appeal to a wider audience beyond core fans</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="so_long_marianne_sr1_ep6_02_0" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">James Durie: How a Leonard Cohen biopic became a case study in co-pro</a></h2><p class="intro">For So Long, Marianne, Cineflix had to bring on board 16 different funding partners to get the project over the line</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="GOALHANGER-PODCASTS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Goalhanger: the evolution of a podcast powerhouse</a></h2><p class="intro">Tony Pastor & Jack Davenport on taking their successful podcast formula to the US, and bringing 13k people to the O2 for The Rest is Politics live</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="GS_103_20240719_SR_8145_2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gunpowder Siege: the untold story of the gunpowder plotters</a></h2><p class="intro">Guy Fawkes takes a back seat in Lightbox’s first docudrama, which delivers a fresh take on history with a modest budget</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Moth Club" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Unpacking the IP problem: how creatives can protect their work</a></h2><p class="intro">Litigator Joshua Schuermann examines the Live At The Moth Club suit, how it might spark industry precedent and ways to avoid one’s own IP cases</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="488770" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Diverse-led indies: the hunt for a British Shondaland</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcasters have made progress on diversity, particularly with cast and crew, but has this had any impact on who produces scripted programming?</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="OTF" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">AI at the coalface: the indie view</a></h2><p class="intro">Three production companies on how they are using AI tools in their day-to-day work, and what the implications are for the future of the industry</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Roy Ackerman" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Park the horror and hype and get hands on with AI</a></h2><p class="intro">Artificial intelligence is a divisive subject, but in times of great change, it’s essential to keep an open mind, says Roy Ackerman</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Deepfake Neighbour Wars" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Alex Connock: The key AI battlegrounds that will transform the industry</a></h2><p class="intro">From finding an audience to copyright, the arrival of AI throws up numerous issues that need to be addressed</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="WALKING WITH DINOSAURS2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Get ready for a ruckus about AI - the rules need to be settled soon</a></h2><p class="intro">The industry’s big players need to collaborate on a framework to harness the potential of AI rather than let it run wild</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="AdobeStock_676934691" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Analysis: How the big firms are employing AI</a></h2><p class="intro">Banijay, Avalon and ITVS execs explain how their teams are exploring the possibilities of Generative AI tools to aid efficiency & boost creativity</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Prince William we can end homelessness" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Prince William: We Can End Homelessness, ITV1</a></h2><p class="intro">Series director Leo Burley on working with the prince and not wanting to make a ‘traditional royal documentary’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="RTSConvention_Session11_The RT Hon Lisa Nandy MP (37)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Analysis: Why Lisa Nandy’s RTS speech has sparked hopes for a political reset</a></h2><p class="intro">Lisa Nandy’s call for news providers to be ‘truthful not neutral’ has raised hopes of more PSB support and government funding for the World Service</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="483780" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How to create the right conditions for creativity</a></h2><p class="intro">Psychologist Janet Evans explains how to create the right environment for development</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="black creatives" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">BHM: what ‘reclaiming narratives’ means for four creatives</a></h2><p class="intro">Daniel Lawrence Taylor, Moses Ssebandeke, Thara Popoola & Shurwin Beckford on how this year’s Black History Month topic relates to their careers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="TheRig2_B1CS43_MM_01092023_RT1_0196" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: The Rig, Amazon Prime</a></h2><p class="intro">Second series of the Wild Mercury thriller is set to premiere January 2025</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="54085489530_546e4a8648_o" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Northern Ireland Screen lunch</a></h2><p class="intro">Exclusive lunch in partnership with Broadcast and Screen hosted at Mipcom</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Trump The Criminal Conspiracy Case BBC2 BTS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Trump: The Criminal Conspiracy Case, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Marian Mohamed on the inside story of how the former president allegedly tried to overturn the election result in 2020</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="72dpi_75331_S1_- Embargo 0001 Friday 11th Oct - Generation Z - Full Key Art" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Generation Z scribe tells how Covid coloured the comedy</a></h2><p class="intro">Writer and director Ben Wheatley discusses soon-to-air Channel 4 zombie series</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Bookish (8)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Bookish, Alibi</a></h2><p class="intro">Eagle Eye drama has been created by Mark Gatiss</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="WYMM" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Will You Marry Me?, E4</a></h2><p class="intro">Button Down managing director Louis Bamber on how cover stories helped Lovestruck Brits stage lavish marriage proposals</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Andrea Jackson and KAren Plumb" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Plimsoll eyes natural history ‘Trojan Horse’ to grow fact-ent slate</a></h2><p class="intro">Andrea Jackson and Karen Plumb explain indie’s heartland can strengthen ’noisy and audacious ideas’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Man Who Definitely Didn't Steal Hollywood" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Man Who Definitely Didn’t Steal Hollywood, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Writer, producer and director John Dower on how he took his cue from Hollywood to make a doc about a scandal that could be a movie itself</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="SLM_R8A1191 - Nikos Nikolopoulos" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">So Long, Marianne, ITVX</a></h2><p class="intro">Benji Wilson discovers the challenges of filming on the Greek island of Hydra</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Kollective" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Safety first in a new era for scripted</a></h2><p class="intro">International editor John Elmes highlights the programmes likely to make the biggest splash in Cannes</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="SpikedStills_ForBlueAnt (6)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Spiked: The Hunt For The Origin Of Covid-19</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The global importance of the story should endear Spiked to international buyers’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Arming the Arctic - 300dpi" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Arming The Arctic</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The fast-paced style keeps audiences engaged from the opening sequence to the credits’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Virgin Island" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Virgin Island</a></h2><p class="intro">‘This isn’t a ‘dating in paradise’ reality show cast from Instagram and TikTok. These are real people’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="I Was Actually There - Beatles_Ann Domingo and Hennie Noll" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Formats</a></h2><p class="intro">I Was Actually There; Crossing Land, Sea and Air; The Anonymous</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Gunpowder Siege" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gunpowder Siege</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We all know the myth of the Gunpowder Plot, but this is about understanding some of the truth behind it’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Do You Want To Live Forever" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Do You Want To Live Forever?</a></h2><p class="intro">‘No way can you come away from Do You Want To Live Forever? without having learned something’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Plum - Lionsgate TV" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Plum</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Plum uses a medical story to tell massive universal truths about human relationships’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Bergerac" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">UK Scripted</a></h2><p class="intro">Lockerbie: A Search For Truth; Gunpowder Siege; Reunion; Sherlock & Daughter; Towards Zero</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Earth Abides - Amazon MGM" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Earth Abides</a></h2><p class="intro">‘As we face more frequent and severe environmental challenges, the message in this series is timely’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Sherlock and Daughter" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sherlock & Daughter</a></h2><p class="intro">‘With two generations working together, you can address two audiences that don’t usually watch the same show’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Land Sea and Air" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Crossing Land, Sea and Air</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Crossing Land, Sea and Air is joyful and heartwarming content. It’s the perfect antidote to dark nights and dark news’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Reunion - BBC Studios" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Reunion</a></h2><p class="intro">‘It is a brilliant thriller that just so happens to feature hearing and non-hearing people’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mozart_HERO_IMAGE_BBC_72 FILMS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Factual</a></h2><p class="intro">Mozart: Rise of A Genius; Arming The Arctic; Do You Want To Live Forever?; Made In Korea; Mysteries Of…; Spiked; Virgin Island</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Kollective" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Kollective</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Because of the nature of the story and how it is executed, it is capable of reaching really broad audiences’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Stonehenge 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mysteries Of…</a></h2><p class="intro">‘This series offers fresh perspectives and delves into lesser-known stories that bring these subjects to life in a new way’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Anonymous 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Anonymous</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Straddling two realities, the contestants have to play the ultimate game of perception and deception’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Made in Korea - The K-Pop Experience" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Made In Korea: The K-Pop Experience</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Buyers are looking for the next talent show, and this is fresh, unique and fits the bill nicely’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Towards Zero - Anjelica Huston as Lady Tressilian" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Towards Zero</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Christie has always attracted all buyers, from streamers to linear players, and her iconic characters appeal to a broad audience’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="S Harbor 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">International scripted</a></h2><p class="intro">Safe Harbor; Earth Abides; Plum; The Kollective; Video Nasty</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Video Nasty still 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Video Nasty</a></h2><p class="intro">‘It will appeal to people who remember this time and feel fresh for younger audiences’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Pobol_y_Cwm_2024S4C_PB50_007_CAST" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Pobol y Cwm reflects modern Wales</a></h2><p class="intro">Dafydd Llewelyn discusses the Welsh language soap as it marks its 50th anniversary</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Towards Zero - Oliver Jackson-Cohen and Mimi Keene as Nevile Strange and Kay Elliott" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Scripted gets serious to overtake factual</a></h2><p class="intro">With fewer comedies and more straight dramas, the genre takes its place at the top of this year’s Hot Picks submissions</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="John Scott Dryden" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">What do visualised podcasts mean for fiction?</a></h2><p class="intro">To make audio fiction work financially, you have to understand its value & the challenges it poses, says Goldhawk Productions’ John Scott Dryden</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Tiddler index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Tiddler, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Magic Light Pictures’ forthcoming Christmas animated adventure is the story of a little fish with a big imagination</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="we might regret this 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ally Castle: Ditch the disability doom and gloom</a></h2><p class="intro">While we are not where we ultimately want to be, let’s not forget the advances made when it comes to disability</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Sylvia Bednarz" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sylvia Bednarz: There should always be a place for ob-docs in our industry</a></h2><p class="intro">Grierson Trust managing director unpacks this year’s awards shortlist and impact of DocLabs</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Search for Nicola Bulley" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Family trust central to ‘raw’ and personal Nicola Bulley doc</a></h2><p class="intro">James Rogan and Rachel Lob-Levyt talk through capturing individual experiences in BBC1’s The Search for Nicola Bulley</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="OUTRAGEOUS_FIRST LOOK_00123" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Outrageous: Rivalry and rebellion in the upper class</a></h2><p class="intro">UKTV & BritBox International’s story of the Mitford sisters aims to transcend its mid-20th century setting to appeal to a modern, global audience</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="75394_- Embargo 0001 Wednesday 2nd October - Brian and Margaret First Look-1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Brian and Margaret, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">James Graham-penned drama is produced by Baby Cow</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="al fayed" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Navigating the ‘most complex’ duty of care for Al Fayed exposé</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Erica Gornall unveils the expensive therapy process behind BBC2’s headline-grabbing doc</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Kris and Neil 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The decade-long friendship at the heart of Living Every Second: The Kris Hallenga Story</a></h2><p class="intro">Neil Bonner on a relationship that began when he was a debut director and culminated in a new celebration of the breast cancer campaigner’s life</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="GBH" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Danny Brocklehurst: There’s still a need for drama with a distinctly UK flavour</a></h2><p class="intro">Shows with specifically British themes may lack global appeal, but it is vital that we keep making them</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Piano-Maastricht-0871" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Piano: Hitting all the right format notes</a></h2><p class="intro">Already a big hit in the UK and Netherlands, distributor Fremantle is hoping for further success for the format in Spain, Germany and Denmark</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="01 Main Image" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Q&A: My company is struggling – what should I do?</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive search and coaching company Quicksmith (and some friends) explain the best approach to running a business under pressure</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Joan BTS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Joan, ITV1</a></h2><p class="intro">The creative team at Snowed In Productions reveals how it balanced budgets to make ITV1’s jewel thief drama sparkle</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Alisa Bowen_extended" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Alisa Bowen: Opening up new worlds for Disney+</a></h2><p class="intro">Flexibility in terms of content mix, subscriber viewing habits and price points is key to Disney+’s streaming strategy, says the platform’s president</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="rebel superstar kim kardashian" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Elizabeth Taylor: Rebel Superstar, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Series director James House and series producer Jemma Chisnall on how Kim Kardashian helped make an infamous story feel new and fresh</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Barry_Jossen" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits: Barry Jossen</a></h2><p class="intro">A+E Studios president on Indiana Jones, the Flintstones and a killer cheese board</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="MM_FirstLook_1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">PBS Masterpiece on the hunt for quality UK drama</a></h2><p class="intro">US network keen to commission or partner on British series from skilled writers with top-tier talent attached</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="SAS - Rogue Heroes" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">A battle to come through hard times</a></h2><p class="intro">“Many report that there is now an expectation for distributors to plug big financing deficits, particularly for scripted programming”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="444307" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Deficits grow as market softens</a></h2><p class="intro">Distributors in our survey report being asked to increase funding to get programmes made, while also dealing with falling demand from buyers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="16x9-FS_BUREAU_DES_LEGENDES_20170117_56304_D" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The view from Europe</a></h2><p class="intro">Four leading players from France and Germany discuss the state of the market and the strategies they’re adopting to tackle the challenges ahead</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="malpractice_episode_1_02" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Distributors show resilience in tough times</a></h2><p class="intro">Banijay Rights overhauls BBC Studios to top this year’s distributors table with strong growth despite difficult conditions for the industry</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="WR_B4_Day24_20242501_HW_0703" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Making the jump from headmistress to director</a></h2><p class="intro">Waterloo Road’s Angela Griffin on how she realised her ambitions to direct after three decades in front of the camera</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Choice" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">On the presidential Frontline: how PBS addresses ‘multiple Americas’</a></h2><p class="intro">Chief Raney Aronson-Rath unpacks the flagship doc strand’s programming strategy ahead of the Harris-Trump showdown</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="486800" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Small Town Big Riot, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Mobeen Azhar tells Manori Ravindran how BBC3’s race-riot doc reveals ‘racism repackaged for the internet age’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Richard Gadd_Emmys_14715440ik_Credit Rob Latour-Shutterstock" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Scale is smashing, but has it got out of hand in drama?</a></h2><p class="intro">The scripted arms race has catapulted the genre into new territory – but the funding model is creaking, writes Chris Curtis</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="my_mum_your_dad_sr2_ep1_19" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">My Mum Your Dad series 2, ITV1</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producers Ami Jackson and Ros Coward on the challenges of moving the dating series forward from its debut run</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="nightsleeper 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the Scenes: Nightsleeper, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Euston Films’ managing director Kate Harwood on why its runaway train thriller was an easy pitch but a hard production</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="ISRAEL_AND_GAZA_INTO_THE_ABYSS_01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Israel & Gaza: Into the Abyss, ITV1</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Robin Barnwell explains the challenges of recording footage and getting it out of Gaza for a major ITV1 doc</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Death Valley (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Death Valley (w/t), BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Six-part new series from Paul Doolan</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="the teacher II BTS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the scenes on The Teacher II</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Dominic Leclerc on how turning The Teacher into an anthology series with a broader canvas</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Alison Lapper Stills v2-11" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The making of In My Own Words: Alison Lapper</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Poppy Goodheart on the sensitive interviews at the heart of a doc about grief and love</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="image00005" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">ALT Jay: behind the scenes of Together TV’s disability doc</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Stefan Pollak explains how the social change broadcaster’s short film fund helped him uncover a story of twin brothers and an inclusive gym</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Slow Horses S4 (11)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Slow Horses, Apple TV+</a></h2><p class="intro">Selection of images from the fourth series of espionage thriller. Produced by See-Saw Films</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="mirellabreda_331707" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits: Mirella Breda</a></h2><p class="intro">The Lime Pictures unscripted chief on Bilie Jean King and missing out on a chance to dance with Bruce Forsyth</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="01_03_Rob&RomeshVs_S07" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sky cites ‘authentic talent’ as key criteria for Arts and Max</a></h2><p class="intro">Commissioners say they are looking for talent with credibility and a genuine connection to the subject</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BTD Promo image Barry Keoghan as Jack" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">British and Irish co-pros just make sense</a></h2><p class="intro">As neighbours we already have so much in common - and there’s never been a better time to collaborate, says Julianne Forde</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="production" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">When dealing with tricky personalities, a little psychology can be a very useful thing</a></h2><p class="intro">In an industry we’re all passionate about, it can be hard not to take conflict personally - but psychologist Janet Evans suggests taking a step back</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="OL Seal Whisperer Stills-84" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Seal Whisperer, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Nathalie Grace, first time shooting producer/director, on capturing seals beneath the waves - and one man’s extraordinary passion for studying them</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="pexels-ninosouza-1870438" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The problem with factual: How producers are balancing pressures and responsibilities</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcast asks indies about the challenges they are facing and what they are doing to improve working conditions for freelancers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Victoria Powell index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">What can indies do to survive and thrive in late 2024 and beyond?</a></h2><p class="intro">Victoria Powell offers advice on how to get through the next difficult few months</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Big Boys S2 (3)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Is it curtains for scripted comedy?</a></h2><p class="intro">Comedians flocked to Edinburgh in their droves this month - but speakers at the TV Festival painted a bleak picture of scripted comedy’s future</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Casualty pic" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Continuing drama is key to addressing TV’s class challenge</a></h2><p class="intro">The talent working on soaps and long-running drama is right under the industry’s nose - and it is routinely ignored, writes Jon Sen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="James Graham MacTaggart (2)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Edinburgh 2024: a tale of class and company closures</a></h2><p class="intro">Economic challenges make the urge to open up the industry even more compelling – but much harder, writes Chris Curtis</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="_EDC5895" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Edinburgh International Television Festival, day three</a></h2><p class="intro">The best images from the penultimate day of this year’s event</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="486131" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Brian May: The Badgers, The Farmers and Me, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Athena Films co-founder Claudia Riccio on a film that defied the odds to get made</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="_WCV6464" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Edinburgh International Television Festival, day two</a></h2><p class="intro">The best images from the second day of this year’s event</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mr Bates vs The Post Office" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fatima Salaria: Why I wanted to be part of factual drama’s golden age</a></h2><p class="intro">A move into new territory was daunting, but I’m relishing the chance to tell under-represented, real-life stories,</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Patrick Holland" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Patrick Holland: We must enable working class voices to succeed</a></h2><p class="intro">Telly was at the core of my upbringing, and if we want to reach the widest possible audiences we have to be open to all</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="AIHands" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Who’s afraid of Artificial Intelligence?</a></h2><p class="intro">Should the rise of AI be an industry concern? Broadcast’s survey of indies, broadcasters and post houses reveals the impact the technology is having</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="UK race riots 2024" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">TV’s anti-Muslim bias has real-world implications</a></h2><p class="intro">Hostility towards Muslims in broadcast media contributed to the riots and is driving journalists away, says Tamanna Rahman</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="HVY_6741" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Edinburgh International Television Festival, day one</a></h2><p class="intro">The best images from the first day of this year’s event</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="AdobeStock_767240083" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Revealed: fresh efforts to improve working life for freelancers</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcasters and trade bodies have reconvened to update the Freelance Charter and try to instigate real change</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="ian-katz-01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ian Katz: C4’s future is bright as spend returns to pre-covid levels</a></h2><p class="intro">Chief content officer says tough decisions had to be taken, but the broadcaster is now in a stronger position to support indies</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Brolly" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Analysis: How the indie sector is being turned inside out</a></h2><p class="intro">Lambert, Holland, Featherstone, Turton, Hincks and many more have their say</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Scott Bryan index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Scott Bryan: Broadcasters must be bolder with their digital ambitions</a></h2><p class="intro">More original content on platforms such as YouTube and TikTok is the only way to attract younger audiences</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Louis-Jamali-Layla2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Louis Theroux: Passing the mic to the next generation</a></h2><p class="intro">Mindhouse founder on helping a new generation of film-makers such as Jamali Maddix and Layla Wright make their mark in the documentary world</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TG_104_Unit_01109_RT" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Streaming is reshaping the indie sector, as it did viewing habits</a></h2><p class="intro">The biggest SVoD shows now rival their traditional counterparts and the battle for tentpole titles is polarising production companies</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Michelle Keegan in Fool Me Once" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How streamers are faring in the ratings battle</a></h2><p class="intro">How does Fool Me Once compare with Red Eye? In association with Barb, Broadcast takes a look at the audiences for 2024’’s biggest streamer shows</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ade Adepitan, one of C4's Paralympics presenters" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ade Adepitan: 'This is the beginning of a new Paralympic era'</a></h2><p class="intro">The veteran Paralympic athlete and presenter tells Broadcast about 2024’s coverage, his production company and why we need more hope</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="print-Fraser-Ayres-Michael-Wharley-landscape" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fraser Ayres: We must ask whether our industry contributed to the riots</a></h2><p class="intro">Failure to normalise inclusion on and off screen has a real world impact - we cannot brush it under the rug again</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Rachel Corp_DSF0596" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Rachel Corp: Public service broadcasting is vital in these troubled times</a></h2><p class="intro">ITN chief executive says misinformation-fuelled violence has highlighted the importance of trustworthy, accessible reporting</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Alex Berger" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Alex Berger: France must embrace US showrunner model</a></h2><p class="intro">Le Bureau, La Maison and The Agency creative talks bringing the hit French espionage series to London and pioneering a new era in transatlantic TV</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Curfew FL 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First Look: Curfew</a></h2><p class="intro">Vertigo Films thriller stars Sarah Parish, Mandip Gill, Mitchell Robertson and Alexandra Burke</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Rowan Woods" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Rowan Woods unpacks Edinburgh vision</a></h2><p class="intro">Edinburgh TV Festival’s new creative director unpacks her vision for this year’s festival</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="LIBUK_20230814_Unit_00240 _RT" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Giving Love is Blind a ‘British flavour’</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producer Nazleen Karim and series editor David Cheesman on bringing the hit Netflix dating show to the UK</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Gladiators_Episode 103_01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the Scenes: Gladiators, Sky Nature</a></h2><p class="intro">Series producer Alex Hemingway on unlocking the killer secrets and ingenious tactics of nature’s toughest fighters</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Prash Naik Photo" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Prash Naik: Doc makers need to get to grips with editorial ethics</a></h2><p class="intro">Questions about moral responsibilities have ramped up following the death of a contributor to Retrograde</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="MLIC_D66_2024_05_28_035_midres" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Malice, Amazon</a></h2><p class="intro">Expectation and Tailspin Films psychological thriller stars Jack Whitehall, David Duchovny and Carice van Houten</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="RKL_9756" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Celebrating 10 years of the RTS Bursary Scheme</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcast finds out how the Royal Television Society’s Bursary Scheme has kickstarted hundreds of careers over the past decade</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="pexels-liza-summer-6382634" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Q&A: How do I survive redundancy?</a></h2><p class="intro">In the first of a new series, Broadcast asks executive search and coaching company Quicksmith to offer advice on common industry challenges</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Alec Baldwin" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hollywood on trial: What can UK producers learn from the Alec Baldwin case?</a></h2><p class="intro">Legal expert Mary Lawrence asks whether the case against Alec Baldwin was unique to filming in New Mexico or are there wider lessons to be learned?</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="LS_WSA_STILL_LIDAR_01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Shark Attack 360, Nat Geo</a></h2><p class="intro">VFX Producer Amber Woodcock on bringing VFX sharks to life</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="S4C HQ" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Analysis: How can S4C win back the Welsh indie sector’s trust?</a></h2><p class="intro">As the embattled PSB’s new interim leadership rolls out its action plan, Broadcast asks whether that will be enough to get things back on track</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Houses of Parliament" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">What are the industry’s hopes for the new government?</a></h2><p class="intro">As the new adminstration sets out its initial priorities, Broadcast asks producers and commissioners which TV issues should be among them</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Mr Bigstuff" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Mr Bigstuff, Sky Comedy</a></h2><p class="intro">Sky Studios and Water & Power Productions comedy starring Danny Dyer and Ryan Sampson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Battle in the Box (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">UKTV’s U&Dave moves into mainstream with Battle in the Box</a></h2><p class="intro">Jamie Ormerod, Tom Corrigan and Mark Iddon on how U&Dave’s new challenge format is helping the channel think outside the box</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Screenshot 2024-07-16 at 10.44.57" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Comment: Virtual Production is a game-changer for sports advertising</a></h2><p class="intro">Jason Blanc, director at Diamond View, explains why virtual production is a great fit for capturing sports-related branded content</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Gladiators-Australia" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Formats in Australia: Why Gladiators and The Traitors flopped down under</a></h2><p class="intro">After Aussie takes on two international hits fall flat, former ITV commissioner Asif Zubairy asks what’s next for the erstwhile format powerhouse?</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Shardlake" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Joyous support: How Shardlake shows what’s possible for disability access</a></h2><p class="intro">The Disney+ drama put access, rather than disability, front and centre and reflects a slowly evolving industry</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="53734078021_c5314b71f6_k" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Beyond 2024: VFX looks to the future</a></h2><p class="intro">The impact of last year’s strikes, the upcoming tax credits and the rise of AI were among the topics discussed on the VFX panel at MPTS 2024</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="02_11_Brassic_S05" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sky and UKTV raise their ambitions for comedy shows</a></h2><p class="intro">Sky seeks shows with a premium feel and an authentic voice, while Dave is keen to explore narrative stories</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Piripenguins_promo1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Proven IP vs new ideas: the fight for the future of children’s animation</a></h2><p class="intro">Eaglet’s Massimo Fenati challenges the kids sector to be bolder in its search for new hits</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Broadcast Digis gallery (7)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Broadcast Digital Awards 2024 in pictures</a></h2><p class="intro">Familiar faces from across the industry gathered for the annual Broadcast Digital Awards, hosted by Ellie Taylor</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Director Luke Korzun Martin with actor and Narco Jean Michele Fueter" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ibiza Narcos, Sky Documentaries</a></h2><p class="intro">Series director Luke Korzun Martin talks breaking the fourth wall, trying to capture what it’s like being on drugs and trippy visuals</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Kate_hr" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Kate Bulkley: Why it’s not simply a case of either linear or streaming</a></h2><p class="intro">Success for broadcasters depends on effectively using linear as a means to support a digital-first strategy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Forced Out" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Specialist Factual Programme: Forced Out: Their Fight For Pride</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Intimate, incredible first-hand testimony’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Large_Original_Artwork-b6ef30" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Short Form Format: Teens On Cons</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Great casting and fresh, layered take on a standard interview format that would be a joy to watch over a series’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BDA_THREE_Hero-882e7a" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Channel of the Year: BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Hit a rich vein of form in key genres’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="High_2_Surviving-a-Dubai-Drugs-Bust_LOGO_Image_2-7e9d57" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best True Crime Programme: High: Surviving a Dubai Drugs Bust</a></h2><p class="intro">‘This film made me laugh, but equally it’s a shocking story about a dangerous world. Loved this’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Sky_Sports_Award_design-833d31" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Channel of the Year (Non-PSB Group): Sky Sports Main Event</a></h2><p class="intro">Demonstrated a mixture of traditional qualities and a thirst for innovation</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Hero-686733" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gamechanger Programme of the Year: Out Of Order</a></h2><p class="intro">‘A great show that proves comedy and celebrating diversity go hand in hand’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Katherine Ryan Parental Guidance" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Entertainment Channel: W</a></h2><p class="intro">‘W knows what works – marquee talent plus real stories. Great access. Good talent strategy. Honest, real storytelling’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ashes_2-3a62f2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Sports or Live Event Coverage: The Ashes</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Excellent production values, excellent commentary, great packages - made me love cricket again’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Things You Should Have Done" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Comedy Programme: Things You Should Have Done</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Laugh-out-loud and utterly bizarre in the best way possible’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Murmur" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Short Form Scripted: Murmur</a></h2><p class="intro">‘An astonishingly beautiful piece’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="01_20_RobAndRomVs_Classical Music_S05" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Entertainment Programme: Rob & Romesh Vs…</a></h2><p class="intro">‘A thoroughly entertaining journey with two mates whose camaraderie jumps off the screen for a laugh out loud hour’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Beyond Utopia" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Programme Acquisition: Beyond Utopia</a></h2><p class="intro">‘A testament to the bravery of the film’s subjects’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="When Harry Met" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Short Form Documentary Programme: When Harry Met … The Far Right Rally</a></h2><p class="intro">‘A brilliant (brave) and engaging presenter’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="GBD_pr_1_logo_sml-64618d" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Popular Factual Programme: The Great British Dig</a></h2><p class="intro">‘An innovative, engaging series which brings history alive and shows us how close the past is. Brilliant casting and contributors’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Gaza_101_Thumbnail-6fc3a3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Current Affairs Programme: Gaza 101: Emergency Response</a></h2><p class="intro">‘This film will go down in history’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DIGITAL_HERO_AWARDS_V5-7fa3af" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Digital Support for a Strand, Channel or Genre: Sky News digital team</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Bringing the news to where the audience is, not the other way around’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Hollyoaks" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Digital Support for a Programme: Hollyoaks</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Bringing difficult subjects to the forefront in a social-first way’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Murder_Trial_S3_Hero_Image-6ec3f1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Documentary Programme: Murder Trial: The Killing of Dr Brenda Page</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Extraordinary piece of access. Gripping storytelling. Amazing characters’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Matt_Baker_More4_3840x2160-80dcbe" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Factual Channel: More 4</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Escapist and informative television for a clearly defined audience’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BANGERS_LOGO_HD-9f43ce" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Content Partnership or AFP: Bangers: Mad for Cars</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Thought-provoking & educational with brilliant talent’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Firecrest_Hero_Image-19f305" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Multichannel Production Company of the Year: Firecrest Films</a></h2><p class="intro">‘This company has quietly become a best-in-class supplier that has flourished despite tough market conditions’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BBC Game On" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Digital Children’s Content: Game on! For BBC Children in Need</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Technically innovative and interesting while containing positive messaging for children’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Slow Horses" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Drama Programme: Slow Horses</a></h2><p class="intro">‘There’s something classy in every aspect of this show. Performances, direction, cinematography, music’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="History Hit" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Specialist Channel: History Hit TV</a></h2><p class="intro">‘A fantastic addition to the History landscape, superserving the history audience with a clear concise offering which is clearly gathering momentum’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="sports generic" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Paris 2024 will mark the next phase in sports media consumption</a></h2><p class="intro">Streaming services need to prioritise user experience, innovative content delivery, and robust technological infrastructure, says Brightcove’s Paul Myers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The_Man_with_1000_Kids_n_S1_E1_00_16_14_07" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Curious execs hope Netflix doc will ’shine a light’ on sperm banks</a></h2><p class="intro">Dov Freedman and Jessie Versluys discuss key takeaways from The Man with 1,000 Kids</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="youtube" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Karl Warner: Commissioning, The Third Way</a></h2><p class="intro">If social has become the third priority for broadcasters after linear and on-demand, is it time to commission differently?</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Laura jones index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits: Laura Jones</a></h2><p class="intro">The Blink Films creatve director on Is It Cake? and Keanu Reeves</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="PDX-065387_R" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Studios make space for the community</a></h2><p class="intro">Amid falling demand for space, UK studios are stepping up efforts to engage with their local communities</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Faraz_amended" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Faraz Osman: We need clear rules on the use of AI in programming</a></h2><p class="intro">To avoid future scandals over fakery, broadcasters must set out exactly what is and isn’t acceptable with this new technology</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 11.50.39" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How to make AI a force for good</a></h2><p class="intro">Self-regulation from within the sector is key, says Papercup’s Jesse Shemen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Michael Mosley" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Michael Mosley proved there’s talent out there – just make sure you’re open-minded</a></h2><p class="intro">Michael Mosley is testament to the fact that you don’t have to follow traditional paths to find true stars</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Hot Shots logo" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots’ talent continues to shine</a></h2><p class="intro">‘At a time of exceptionally tough market conditions, one thing is certain: the talent we need to continue making brilliant telly exists in spades’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Samuel Mundell" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Samuel Mundell</a></h2><p class="intro">‘It was obvious from the start that Samuel was going to be astonishingly accomplished and a massive asset to our company’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Sarah Wilson" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sarah Wilson</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Sarah can be a role model for any journalist wanting to make an impact in TV’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Al-Hassan Kutubu-Kamara_" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Al-Hassan Kutubu-Kamara</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Hassan’s humanity, empathy and curiosity have led him to uncover powerful unfolding stories’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Georgiana Davies" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Georgiana Davies</a></h2><p class="intro">‘There’s no question in my mind that she has the ability and passion to become an outstanding film-maker of great sensitivity and purpose’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Kathryn Wilson" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Kathryn Wilson</a></h2><p class="intro">‘I knew Kathryn was special when I took her to meet some of our cast in January and they made her dance in a circle of 25 people to The Proclaimers’ 500 Miles and she didn’t even blink’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Laila Edwy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Laila Edwy</a></h2><p class="intro">‘I’ve been blown away by Laila’s methodical approach and her ability to sift for editorial gold’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Joe Gardner" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Joe Gardner</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Joe takes the brief he is given and looks at ways to expand it and go beyond what is expected of him’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ella Jackson" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ella Jackson</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Ella has a bright future in whatever she does, but documentaries will be the richer for her part in them’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Jame Brennan" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">James Brennan</a></h2><p class="intro">‘To meet James is to like him – he has a prodigious ability to win people over’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Benjamin Gerstein" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Benjamin Gerstein</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We needed someone with a level of emotional intelligence and empathy’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Phoebe Dunmore" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Phoebe Dunmore</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Her progress has been nothing short of meteoric’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Becky Ford" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Becky Ford</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Becky is a can-do, hands-on person. She is not precious and cares deeply about the values she brings to her work’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Leah Newman" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Leah Newman</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Leah is steely, dogged and a nerveless negotiator. She anticipates every possible setback or obstacle’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Martin Dougan" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Martin Dougan</a></h2><p class="intro">‘He brings programmes to life with his mix of enthusiasm, humour and being completely across his brief’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Shiva Talwar" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Shiva Talwar</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Shiva revolutionised the way the development team operates, bringing a rigour and discipline to proceedings that was severely lacking’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ayshah Tull" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ayshah Tull</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Ayshah is a driven, passionate and tenacious journalist, brimming with warmth, empathy and compassion’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Joshua Bawden" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Joshua Bawden</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Joshua delivered the single greatest pitch deck I have seen in my career’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Rachel Parkes" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Rachel Parkes</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Impeccable editorial judgement and an excellent commissioning nous’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ewan Denny" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ewan Denny</a></h2><p class="intro">‘With a great ear for dialogue and a strong instinct for how to use the edit as an instrument to add value to laughs, he’s a boost for any show he’s working on’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Jess Leech" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Jess Leech</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Jess’s ability to calmly solve problems under pressure make her one of the very best I have worked with’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Emma Garvie" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Emma Garvie</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Emma’s ability to overcome logistical obstacles and uphold exceptional production standards in extreme environments makes her a true industry standout’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Isha Krishnan" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Isha Krishnan</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Constantly pulling rabbits out of hats, Isha has established herself as a rising star in production management in just three years’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ellie-Jai Johnson" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2024: Production managers</a></h2><p class="intro">‘I have no doubt that one day she will be one of the best production managers in the business’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Louisa Walrond" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2024: News and current affairs</a></h2><p class="intro">‘I would always want to have Louisa as a key producer on any important events’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Avril Evans" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Avril Evans</a></h2><p class="intro">‘She is a director with a bright future’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Rebecca Boyce" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Rebecca Boyce</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Rebecca has an unrivalled ability to manage all stakeholders to deliver innovative and forward-thinking projects’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Lottie Haigh" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lottie Haigh</a></h2><p class="intro">‘She comes up with big, original ideas and has the creative energy, rigour and enthusiasm to see them through. It’s a thing of wonder to watch her pitch’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Connie Sneddon" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Connie Sneddon</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Someone like this comes along rarely and we should nurture her talent’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Amy Sargeant" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Amy Sargeant</a></h2><p class="intro">‘She has a personal warmth and openness that helps her win the trust of documentary subjects’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Alex Browning" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2024: Directors & DoPs</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Alex is a self-starter. He is constantly looking to improve his knowledge base and is open to ideas’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Millie Lean" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2024: Talent managers</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Millie is brave, strong, passionate and is always going the extra mile, listening to her clients’ needs and staying across the detail’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Aileen Flanagan" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Aileen Flanagan</a></h2><p class="intro">‘She makes sure our productions learn from each other as we move forward to a more sustainable future’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Jenna Hall" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2024: Development producers</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Jenna is whip-smart and tenacious to a fault, a true all-rounder. Nothing fazes her’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Iqbal Khokhar" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Iqbal Khokhar</a></h2><p class="intro">‘It’s obvious Iqbal will go on to have a very successful editing career’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Hannah Scott" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hannah Scott</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Hannah’s rise through the ranks is testament to her incredible instincts as a creative executive’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Luke Gauci" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Luke Gauci</a></h2><p class="intro">‘He’s a brilliant creative with a great eye for a story, and the know-how to take an idea from an intriguing top line to a fully realised premium doc’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Geeta Wedderburn" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Geeta Wedderburn</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The rate at which Geeta learns and develops her skills – taking naturally to secret filming, finding brilliant contributors and spotting stories that might be pitchable – is amazing’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Simon Cheuk Pong Lee" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2024: Commissioners</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Simon’s superpower lies in his seamless adaptability, enormous energy, and ability to move effortlessly between various genres and challenges’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Sharon King" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sharon King</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Sharon embraced the complexity and detail of Doctor Who wholeheartedly, with an unwavering determination’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Catriona White" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Catriona White</a></h2><p class="intro">‘She is without a doubt a future leader in this space’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Phoebe Platman" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2024: Post/craft</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Phoebe rose to the challenge in exceptionally difficult circumstances and never let any challenges behind the camera show on screen’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Alexander Lawson" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Alexander Lawson</a></h2><p class="intro">‘With a deft touch, Alex manages a diverse development slate, fostering relationships with emerging producers and securing numerous commissions’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Leanne Goodall" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2024: Researchers & assistant producers</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Leanne’s casting and background research are second to none – and it all comes from a hunger to succeed in TV’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Heather Cruickshank" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2024: Producers & PDs</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Heather went on to become an indispensable member of the team across the series’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Sheila Nortley" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sheila Nortley</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Sheila has a palpable passion for storytelling – as an executive producer and writer, she delivers emotionally truthful and compelling stories’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Vivien Jones" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Vivien Jones</a></h2><p class="intro">‘She has excelled at every project she’s worked on’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Kat Buckle" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Kat Buckle</a></h2><p class="intro">‘It was clear from the beginning that Kat has a distinctive taste and agent style, with an ability to identify fresh and diverse talent’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Joelle Mae David" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Joelle Mae David</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Joelle Mae is a great talent with a strong vision, who is perceptive, creative and passionate about her work’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Emy Adamson" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Emy Adamson</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The cliched thing to say is ‘she’ll be my boss one day’, but in Emy’s case, not only is that true, but she’ll be your boss too. She truly is a prodigiously talented individual’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Alesya Capelle" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Alesya Capelle</a></h2><p class="intro">‘She fosters great relationships across the industry and, alongside her creative prowess, she possesses a real strategic insight’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Will Stanbridge" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Will Stanbridge</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Will is a rare combination of thorough, insightful and empathetic. He’s someone people feel at ease with because he always puts people first’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Barrington Paul Robinson" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Barrington Paul Robinson</a></h2><p class="intro">‘He’s great at motivating people and leading a unit, with enthusiasm and a sense of things always being possible’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Cat Spooner" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Cat Spooner</a></h2><p class="intro">A champion of diversity on screen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ambreen Razia" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ambreen Razia</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Ambreen’s an immense talent, with a knack for creating complex, funny characters who feel utterly grounded, while being unlike anything else we’ve seen on TV’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Brian Birigwa" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Brian Birigwa</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Brian leaves no stone unturned and will always be on the lookout for the next unique writer or performer’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Yemi Oyefuwa" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Yemi Oyefuwa</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Yemi is a thoughtful writer – a passionate, authentic storyteller, brimming with wonderful ideas, who will interrogate the truth of characters and storylines’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Shannon Hamilton" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Shannon Hamilton</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Shannon jumps into everything with a can-do attitude. Her willingness to learn and adapt quickly makes a difference to the team’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Nelson Adeosun" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Nelson Adeosun</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Nelson earned the plaudits of his peers and management for his ideas, work ethic and ability to lead’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Emma Dennis-Edwards" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Emma Dennis-Edwards</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Emma is passionately engaged in the world and really wants to write about stuff that matters’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Olaide Sadiq" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Olaide Sadiq</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Laide is one of the best producers I’ve ever worked with, but also with a director’s chops – she just makes things happen’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Jingan Young" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Jingan Young</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Jingan’s work will surely pave the way for more East Asian-led stories in the UK’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Reece Finnegan" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Reece Finnegan</a></h2><p class="intro">‘He has that unteachable quality of finding the kernel of a good story in someone’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Natah Foad" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2024: Writers & script editors</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Nathan’s voice runs the gamut from sweet to dirty, silly to wicked, all across impeccably plotted story’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Shehroze Khan" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Shehroze Khan</a></h2><p class="intro">‘He has a strong visual sensibility, and highly developed editorial and storytelling skills’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Laura Miles" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Laura Miles</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Laura’s dedication and work ethic make her the most wonderful person to have as part of a creative team’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Jamie Tahsin" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Jamie Tahsin</a></h2><p class="intro">‘One of the most talented young journalists I’ve come across in my career’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Marcus Ryder index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Marcus Ryder: The most important survey in film, TV and cinema needs your help</a></h2><p class="intro">Representation of all kinds matters if we want to make change - so complete the Looking Glass Survey on industry mental health</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="sidemen inside" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Broadcasters must adjust their talent setting to snag online viewers</a></h2><p class="intro">Online creators know what audiences want and are reaping the rewards - telly needs to attract this talent if it hopes to keep up</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Glastonbury 2023 screengrab" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Glastonbury 2024: How the BBC brings the festival to life</a></h2><p class="intro">BBC execs tell Broadcast how they make coverage of the world’s largest greenfield music festival bigger and better every year</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Starmer and Sunak" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Election 2024: How broadcasters are reaching new audiences online</a></h2><p class="intro">More than any previous general election, this contest is being fought in the digital space - and broadcasters are seizing the opportunity</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The 1% Club - US" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Rob Wade: Creativity, creativity, creativity</a></h2><p class="intro">Fox chief exec wants scripted and unscripted worlds to get ‘a bit loose and creative’ and focus less on money</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="pexels-ketut-subiyanto-4963437" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Talk of the ‘old boy’ problem is missing from our EDI conversations</a></h2><p class="intro">The dominance of the privately-educated in TV means the industry is missing out, says one anonymous writer</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Suspect S2 (7)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Suspect, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Second series of the Eagle Eye Drama thriller, produced in association with Happy Duck Films and the Belgian Tax Shelter</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="JBalson" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Opinion: John Balson wanted the industry to know freelancers are not 'expendable'</a></h2><p class="intro">The Talent Manager’s Sarah Lee calls for the industry to reset its freelancer relations</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Peter and the Queen" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Peter Williams: how I secured the crowning moment of my career</a></h2><p class="intro">The inside story of how TV journalist legend Peter Williams, finally retiring aged 90, achieved the unthinkable by interviewing The Queen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Baby Reindeer" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">TV’s Biggest Lies</a></h2><p class="intro">A law suit asserts that Baby Reindeer included “the biggest lie in TV history” - here are some of the other whoppers with a claim to that title</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Michael Mosley" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Energy and empathy: a personal tribute to Michael Mosley</a></h2><p class="intro">BBC Studios head of science unit Andrew Cohen describes three decades of friendship with the outstanding producer-turned-presenter</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="3. Sheila Hancock as Liz Zettl in The Sixth Commandment coming soon to BBC One and iPlayer" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How the rise of the showrunner role is changing British TV</a></h2><p class="intro">Screen talks to several big-name TV writers about the rise of the ‘showrunner’ role on this side of the Atlantic</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="THE FALL - Neil Bishop and MyAnna Buring as Emile and Victoria Cilliers 01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Fall: Skydive Murder Plot, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Series director Guy King on blending drama and documentary to tell the story of a chilling relationship which culminated in an attempted murder</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Sherwood (7)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Sherwood, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Selection of images from the second series of James Graham’s six-part crime drama. Produced by House Productions</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Richard Carey Camilla Lewis 2022" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Camilla Lewis: When you hire female-led teams, the results speak for themselves</a></h2><p class="intro">Women are often employed on docs tackling traditionally female subjects, but doing things differently can create powerful, exciting films on any topic</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Director Lee Phillips and DOP Graham Smith on location" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Six Schizophrenic Brothers, Discovery +</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer director Lee Phillips on the delicate task of telling the story of an all-American family torn apart by mental illness</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="matt-smith" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">HBO to the Max - Casey Bloys on running Warner’s signature brands</a></h2><p class="intro">The veteran programming exec talks curation and quality control, his desire for international co-pros and how he’s never turned on a PlayStation</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Quiet on Set The Dark side of Kids TV" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">True crime documentary commissioners put the story first</a></h2><p class="intro">Execs from A+E Networks, WBD and Sky discuss their approaches to the genre and reveal what kind of stories work best for them</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Faiza IV set up" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">On Thin Ice: Putin Vs Greenpeace, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Clare Beavis on telling the story of a 2013 Greenpeace protest against a Russian oil rig that went terrifyingly wrong</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="EXT_FIRST_LOOK_1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Creative Review: Cave dwellers and crash survivors</a></h2><p class="intro">UK post houses’ best recent work, from recreating the world of the Neanderthals to a superhero comedy and a conflict-avoiding dad</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Daniela Neumann index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits: Daniela Neumann</a></h2><p class="intro">The Spun Gold TV managing director on dog-walking, Oprah and Javier Bardem</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Broadcast Sport Podcast Stak Luke Moore" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast: The current state of the podcast industry, with Stak COO Luke Moore</a></h2><p class="intro">Moore discusses his tips for success with the medium, as well as what could happen next in the market</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Mike Darcey" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mike Darcey: If only there was a way to combine streamer watch lists</a></h2><p class="intro">There is more choice than ever but the proliferation of platforms makes it hard to remember what you wanted to see</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Steven Moffat" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Steven Moffat on Douglas Is Cancelled and theatrical rejection</a></h2><p class="intro">The Doctor Who and Sherlock scribe discusses the long route to getting his new ITV drama on screen and taking the Tardis out for another spin</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Abi Morgan index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Abi Morgan: New York state of mind</a></h2><p class="intro">The Split writer on how her fascination with the Big Apple and classic US TV informs her new Netflix series Eric, and bringing back The Split</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="EOB_4167" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">No joke: comedy in crisis</a></h2><p class="intro">Top producers and broadcasters come together to discuss the current state of the genre and what can be done to ensure the laughs keep on coming</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="426397" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why our comedy roundtable was a serious business</a></h2><p class="intro">Re-establishing the genre’s place in the mainstream was a key topic of discussion at our decent debate sponsored by Pinewood TV Studios</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Danny Sanz ATS Team headshot 2021" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Danny Sanz: The international production industry sees this election as an opportunity</a></h2><p class="intro">From an international perpective, it would be great for TV to play a role in the return of Cool Britannia</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Camden BTS Dua" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Camden, Disney+</a></h2><p class="intro">Lightbox’s SVP unscripted Suzanne Lavery on persuading a host of iconic musicians to talk about how they were shaped by this tiny part of London</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Rishi Sunak" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Election reaction: what the next government could do for TV</a></h2><p class="intro">In the wake of this week’s general election announcement seven TV execs give Broadcast their inital wishlist for a new government</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="D Day Barrage Balloon Batallion Drama Day.jpg" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Erased, National Geograhic</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producers Johanna Woolford Gibbon and Jamilla Dumbuya on a docudrama telling the stories of the people whitewashed out of history</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Matt_Risley-214" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Matt Risley: Ignore the possibilities of YouTube at your peril</a></h2><p class="intro">Using the video platform requires new language and insightful reading of the data - but will pay dividends</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="IsraelGazaMain" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Analysis: why no one knows how to talk about Israel and Gaza</a></h2><p class="intro">The industry has tied itself in knots trying to discuss the war in the Middle East. Broadcast spoke to 17 individuals about their experiences</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Victoria Powell index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Small indies call for solutions to market turbulence</a></h2><p class="intro">Victoria Powell outlines a number of measures that producers believe could sustain the sector during the slowdown</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Philippa Childs" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Philippa Childs: Why is sustainable progress on EDI so painfully slow?</a></h2><p class="intro">It’s not enough to set targets - the departure of senior EDI figures in the UK suggests we need to commit to making real change</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Hunt" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Henry Birkbeck: The government must follow through on Independent Film Tax Credit</a></h2><p class="intro">Done properly, the IFTC, in concert with the AVEC and VGEC, has the potential to meaningfully move the dial for film and television</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dara O'Briain C5 Pyramids" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mysteries of the Pyramids with Dara O’Briain, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Series producer Ewen Thomson on what we do and don’t know about the pyramids, and the challenges of getting a closer look</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Tessa Chapman-version 2_DSF1881" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">‘Keeping people at the heart’: C5 News coverage of the infected blood report</a></h2><p class="intro">Hour-long special to cover latest developments in a decades-old scandal – and how Mr Bates vs The Post Office could help the fight for justice</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Baby Reindeer" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Andrew Fremlin-Key: What are the potential legal ramifications of Baby Reindeer?</a></h2><p class="intro">Baby Reindeer was a great show, but is ringing serious alarm bells for lawyers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Narrow Road to the Deep North - crop" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">LA Screenings Hot Picks: The shows to watch out for</a></h2><p class="intro">As the Hollywood event kicks off, Broadcast pinpoints the eyecatching series for global buyers as book adaptations dominate</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="18878062-low_res-would-i-lie-to-you" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Liz Tucker: Why are there still so few women on comedy panel shows?</a></h2><p class="intro">Despite efforts to create gender balance, we’re still not there - and it’s not good enough to blame the unwelcoming atmosphere</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Responder 2 (2)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Barrington Paul Robinson: We must open the doors to new talent</a></h2><p class="intro">The Responder creative producer explains how early career support can make all the difference</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DTG_SUMMIT_MAY_2024-33" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Audiences front and centre at TV: The Bigger Picture</a></h2><p class="intro">GlobalData Media IC analyst Costanza Barrai reviews this year’s DTG Summit</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="72489_S1_The Gathering -First Look-4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The kids are alright: The Gathering</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcast speaks to the creators of Channel 4’s new series on making a drama for adults and teens alike</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="tfh_sr1_ep3_28" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: The Fortune Hotel, ITV1</a></h2><p class="intro">Tuesday’s Child competition format presented by Stephen Mangan</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="1. Timothy Spall as Peter Farquhar in The Sixth Commandment coming soon to BBC One and iPlayer" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Derek Wax: Thou shalt produce from the heart</a></h2><p class="intro">The Wild Mercury chief on The Sixth Commandment, relatable drama and individual expression</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="David Tennant as Tony Baddingham" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Rivals, Disney+</a></h2><p class="intro">Happy Prince behind adaptation of Rivals, set in world of 1980s TV industry</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 12.52.47" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why the best sports docs aren’t really about sport</a></h2><p class="intro">John McKenna, CEO of documentary producer Noah Media Group explains what ‘sport documentary’ really means at this point in time</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Camera Assistant Natalie Alderson and Camera Op Tristam Cones film guests by the pool" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Fortune Hotel, ITV1</a></h2><p class="intro">Series editor Ben Wilson explains the evolution of a double-crossing reality format from Cold War-style espionage to Carribean luxury</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="IKAG Horizontal 50MB" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">I Kissed a Girl, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Dan Gray on assembling the perfect team to turn a groundbreaking format into the UK’s first dating show for gay women</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="The Responder 2 (19)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: The Responder, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Martin Freeman and Adelayo Adedayo return in second series of Dancing Ledge Production’s thriller, written by Tony Schumacher</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="JMT00075" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Adam Jacobs: Why it might be time for guerilla commissioning</a></h2><p class="intro">The creative director of Quintus Studios on getting unscripted ideas greenlit in difficult times</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Guys Great British Power Trip" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why the truth about climate change is a fiendish challenge for broadcasters</a></h2><p class="intro">The deeply political nature of the issue must be confronted head on, writes Alf Lawrie</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="02_09_RoyalKillList_S01-1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Crowning glory: Why royal docs are reigning at Sky History</a></h2><p class="intro">Dan Korn and Hayley Reynolds reveal how exploring the monarchy’s past fits into the channel’s wider commissioning strategy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Panel pic 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Neurodiversity: breaking down the barriers to inclusion</a></h2><p class="intro">Industry figures discuss the challenges faced by neurodivergent people in the sector – and what can be done to help them succeed</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Amanda Holden" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Netflix UK orders cheating-focused reality series</a></h2><p class="intro">Amanda Holden-fronted series hails from ITV Studios labels 12 Yard and Lifted</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Clarksons Farm" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Pig tales: Jeremy Clarkson and Andy Wilman on Clarkson’s Farm</a></h2><p class="intro">Ahead of series three, Broadcast heads to Diddly Squat Farm to see what makes it such fertile soil for a hit</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Shearsmith and pemberton" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton: Closing the door on No. 9</a></h2><p class="intro">Creators and stars of the black comedy anthology series on pulling down the shutters after nine series and wrestling with the best kind of send-off</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="good_morning_britain_01_0" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Neil Thompson: GMB’s commitment to live TV is key to success</a></h2><p class="intro">A decade of being topical and ‘in the moment’ has transformed our breakfast news bulletin into a global brand, says the Good Morning Britain editor</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="ENGLAND NETBALL podcast" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast: England Netball explains its free-to-air and D2C rights deals</a></h2><p class="intro">The new deal includes matches streamed on iPlayer and BBC Sport as well as shown on Sky Sports</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Sam Beddoe index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits: Sam Beddoe</a></h2><p class="intro">The It’s All Made Up Productions co-founder on Nashville, balloon arches and Ryan Reynolds</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="1 - This Town - BBC" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fatima Salaria: When TV gets representation right, it can be inspirational</a></h2><p class="intro">Programmes like This Town and Defiance show the power of great storytelling to challenge, provoke and inspire</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Charlotte Moore" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Indie Summit 2024: Charlotte Moore on getting the BBC fit for the future</a></h2><p class="intro">Content chief reveals why she is laser focused on iPlayer, explains the need to make cuts and promises to do more to support struggling indies</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="53598455047_0b7b6cb5ea_o" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Indie Summit 2024: Harnessing the power of AI</a></h2><p class="intro">Panel of experts discuss the latest innovations in the technology, and whether they pose a threat or an opportunity for the industry</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="53599684284_52a161d242_o" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Broadcast Intelligence: UKTV looks to evolve with call for ‘exciting, original’ shows</a></h2><p class="intro">Helen Perry, Mark Iddon and Emile Nawagamuwa reveal plans to freshen up content offering on Dave, Alibi and W</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="uktv_85034408402" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Crime meets horror in Alibi’s The Red King</a></h2><p class="intro">Director & exec producer of the Quay Street’s six-parter on embracing the constraints of a small budget and creating their own religious cult</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Yiannis Exarchos OBS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast: How the Paris 2024 Olympics will be broadcast</a></h2><p class="intro">Exarchos speaks about how the host broadcaster will promote women’s sport and bring in technical innovations</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BR_101_Unit_01088_RT" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Humble winners are a cause for optimism in tough times</a></h2><p class="intro">The 1% Club and Baby Reindeer couldn’t be more different – but these relatively modest British shows are both smashing it</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Double The Money index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Double the Money: South Shore chief execs on a risky but timely new format</a></h2><p class="intro">Andrew Mackenzie and Melanie Leach discuss the Sue Perkins-hosted cross between Race Across the World and Dragons’ Den</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Aurora podcast" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast – How to produce electric racing series</a></h2><p class="intro">Lawrence Duffy of Aurora Media Worldwide discusses his company’s approach to producing Formula E, Extreme E and the E1 Series</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dan li" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dan Li: Red Eye’s representation of South East Asians is long overdue</a></h2><p class="intro">SE Asian actors are too often confined to minor, stereotyped roles - but mercifully things are starting to change</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="1. Lennie James as Barrington Walker" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Mr Loverman, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Eight-part new series based on Bernardine Evaristo’s hit novel of the same name</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="230130_C4_DANNY-DYER_0158" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Danny Dyer: How to Be a Man, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Hugh Whitworth on how he tackled finding contributors to talk about the thorny issue of masculinity</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="STILL 11_1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lucy Pilkington: Co-pros aren’t scary - think of them as dating</a></h2><p class="intro">Co-production can be a quick fling or a long-term thing - but the right partnership can be a win for everyone involved</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Talisha 'Tee Cee' Johnson" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Autism is not an on-screen entertainment fix</a></h2><p class="intro">To mark Autism Awareness Month, Talisha ‘Tee Cee’ Johnson urges the industry to reflect different experiences of those on the spectrum</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="the team copy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Pompeii: The New Dig, BBC 2</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producer Richard Bradley digs into an on-camera excavation which yielded surprising results</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Rose and Gio" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Camilla Arnold: Start bringing deaf talent into your team</a></h2><p class="intro">To mark Deaf Awareness Week, the chief executive of the British Sign Language Broadcasting Trust outlines the organisation’s achievements</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="SOHA Drama - Polish Womens Hall Bike Show" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Secrets of the Hells Angels, A&E</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Stuart Pender on the challenges of gaining the trust of the notoriously secretive biker group</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Bangers and Cash" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bangers & Cash: Air TV’s humble hit makes the case for the ob-doc</a></h2><p class="intro">As Bangers & Cash hits its 100th episode, Yesterday channel director implores TV to leave space for the traditional ob-doc</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="INS_102_20231128_AS_203133" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Insomnia, Paramount+</a></h2><p class="intro">Left Bank Pictures and Build Your Own Films six-parter airs 23 May</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="469141" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Ukraine: Enemy in the Woods aligns with commissioning at BBC Current Affairs</a></h2><p class="intro">A combination of access and creative risk resulted in a doc that matched the wishes of commissioners Joanna Carr and Gian Quaglieni</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Assembly - Michael Sheen and Caroline" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Assembly, BBC One</a></h2><p class="intro">Michelle Singer, executive producer, explains what went into unlocking the potential brilliance of a neurodivergent chat show format</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="MeetTheNeighbours_EP3_20" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sector shows resolve amid the downturn</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The current downturn is the most acutely felt, but is helping producers and distributors laser-focus on their strengths’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Hundred Draft cricket" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast: The ECB, Little Dot, & Dizplai on taking The Hundred Draft digital first</a></h2><p class="intro">The Draft was produced exclusively for digital platforms for the first time</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Nicola Coughlan. Taken at the end of Episode 1 in Maggie’s flat. Photographer_ Chris Baker" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Big Mood, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Lotte Beasley Mestriner on visually depicting the experience of bipolar disorder, while keeping things funny and on budget</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Rebus 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">International scripted surges in the wake of US strikes</a></h2><p class="intro">Premium drama is set to feature heavily at Mip TV in expectation of a slowdown in the US content pipeline, but factual will still dominate</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The World's Biggest Cruise Ship" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The World’s Biggest Cruise Ship</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The programmne delivers on so many levels. Everyone will find something appealing in it’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="THE STEAL_V2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Steal</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The Steal has broad appeal. The US election has worldwide relevance, so we expect this to do well globally’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Side Hustlers" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Side Hustlers</a></h2><p class="intro">‘This is about disability equality, but it’s actually about people and human stories’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="playing_nice_001_0" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">UK Scripted</a></h2><p class="intro">Playing Nice; Red Eye; Coma; Nightsleeper; Renegade Nell; The Cuckoo; The Jetty; Wolf Hall: The Mirror And The Light</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Paris - A New Revolution" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Paris: A New Revolution</a></h2><p class="intro">‘This is about disability equality, but it’s actually about people and human stories’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="MeetTheNeighbours_EP1_1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Unscripted</a></h2><p class="intro">Including Meet The Neighbours; The World’s Biggest Cruise Ship; The Steal; My Family Mystery; Escaping Utopia; The Push; Side Hustlers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="My Family Mystery 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">My Family Mystery</a></h2><p class="intro">‘It’s a really contemporary way of doing history stories and will appeal to a broad audience’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Married to the Game - Cat Harding" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Married To The Game</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Married To The Game offers something for reality fans and football fans alike’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="LIFE_MEGHAN_300_022_shutterstock_editorial_10726370a_Harry_Meghan" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Harry & Meghan: The Rise and Fall</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Love them or hate them, there is still a huge amount of intrigue around the couple’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Gold Idris Elba" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gold: A Journey With Idris Elba</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The talent, access and scale of the story mark it out from other specialist factual docs of this nature’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="FIFTH SEASON_Escaping Utopia" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Escaping Utopia</a></h2><p class="intro">‘As a contemporary cult story, this is unlike anything I have ever seen’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ep8_MonteCristo-293_foto_di_Jean-Claude_Lother" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">International scripted</a></h2><p class="intro">The Count Of Monte Cristo; Austin; Borderline; Conflict; Monsieur Spade; Paris Has Fallen; Rebus; Samber; So Long, Marianne; Spinal Destination</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="9. Timothy Spall as the Duke of Norfolk and Alex Jennings as Stephen Gardiner in Wolf Hall_ The Mirror and the Light coming to BBC One and iPlayer.jpg" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Six-part Playground and Company Pictures adaptation of the final novel in Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall trilogy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="A.I. Revolution-img" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">PBS seeks UK co-producers for science doc strand Nova</a></h2><p class="intro">US broadcaster looking for ideas that take a deeper dive into mainstream science and tech stories</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Thomas Dey" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Thomas Dey: A front row seat for the biggest deals</a></h2><p class="intro">ACF Investment Bank co-founder on the rise of private equity and a new period of consolidation for the industry</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Julian Bird - Lorton" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast: Lorton CEO Julian Bird on creating & financing sports docs</a></h2><p class="intro">Bird spoke to Broadcast Sport ahead of the premiere of boxing docuseries Stable on BBC1</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Michael" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">8 Top Tips to shift your podcast from audio to video</a></h2><p class="intro">Michael Olatunji of Outset Studio offers eight tips to make the most of the possibilities of taking your podcast from audio to video</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Marcus Ryder" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Marcus Ryder: Help FTVC to help the industry</a></h2><p class="intro">The Film & TV Charity chief executive is calling for broadcasters and indies to step up support for their workers’ mental health</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Scott Bryan index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Scott Bryan: continuity announcers are television’s unsung heroes</a></h2><p class="intro">The role could be at risk in the age of streaming, but their empathetic and skilful contributions would be sorely missed</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="David DeHaney - Headshot 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">David Dehaney: ‘We’re just beginning to grow up’</a></h2><p class="intro">Proper Content has bucked the industry trend in the past year, with turnover doubling and is now setting his sights on returnable popular factual</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Kate_hr" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Kate Bulkley: Big sporting events are key in ‘challenging’ ad market</a></h2><p class="intro">Euro 2024 will provide a much-needed boost to ITV’s coffers during a difficult period for the commercial broadcaster</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Elen Rhys index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits: Elen Rhys</a></h2><p class="intro">The S4C head of entertainment and factual entertainment on wellies, Wales and meeting Nelson Mandela</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Broadcast Sports Summit" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">What makes a successful podcast?</a></h2><p class="intro">Vibrant Television, talkSport and Two Circles execs discussed how podcast producers can monetise their content and ensure it pops with listeners</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Main image" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Indie Summit 2024: Indies look to a better tomorrow</a></h2><p class="intro">In the State of the Nation discussion, leading indie execs revealed what steps they’ve taken to navigate the downturn</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="woman-4370509_1280" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Indie Survey 2024: Indies have their say on the sector’s big issues</a></h2><p class="intro">From the commissioning slowdown to C4’s plans for in-house production, respondents offer thoughts on the state of UK independent production</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="DSC04740" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Barbie Uncovered, Sky Documentaries</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Ross Wilson on diving into the true story behind the world’s most famous doll</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon heropictureLayout"><img alt="DES LONG WEAPONS TRAINER 1972" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Solving the mystery of the lost IRA film</a></h2><p class="intro">The 90-minute film for the BBC delves into the mystery surrounding an American documentary on IRA activity in 1972, and why it was never aired</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="article image" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why the industry is in danger of data overload</a></h2><p class="intro">Martin Riley at 7FiveFive explains how to control costs and optimise workflows while keeping growing data requirements under control</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Hundred cricket" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How we marketed The Hundred</a></h2><p class="intro">Contented executive creative director Paul Reid reveals the thought process behind the cricket competition</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Derry Girls" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Drama co-pros feel the pinch, leaving projects in limbo</a></h2><p class="intro">Even the best-funded genre is under pressure as market conditions prompt a rethink</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Indie Survey 2024 cover index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Indie Survey Table 2024</a></h2><p class="intro">Click to view the top performing companies</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="436939" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top 30 True Indies</a></h2><p class="intro">Sister tops table ahead of Avalon</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Remote control" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Broadcasters in the firing line</a></h2><p class="intro">Poor handling of the production slowdown, bad communication & a greenlight shortage are among the main complaints to this year’s survey</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Gold Rush" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Warner Bros Discovery: New indie partners freshen up the table</a></h2><p class="intro">Raw TV, Full Fat, Ricochet and CPL enter the top 10 of WBD suppliers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon heropictureLayout"><img alt="The Power" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Indies point to toughest year in memory</a></h2><p class="intro">With many indies describing 2023 as their toughest year ever, 2024 looks likely to be just as hard, though some see signs of recovery</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Waterloo Road" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">BBC: Wall to Wall ends remarkable reign</a></h2><p class="intro">The Waterloo Road producer was the broadcaster’s top supplier by spend, knocking Remarkable down to second place for the first time in three years</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Squid_Game__The_Challenge_u_S1_E8_00_07_20_07R" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Studio Lambert wins as Netflix ups hours</a></h2><p class="intro">“Netflix is the largest SVoD commissioner of UK indies, responsible for more than half of the total hours launched on the four major services in 2023”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Doctor Who" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">N&R indies feel the pinch</a></h2><p class="intro">The majority of N&R indies report turnover that’s either static or falling, and cite recruitment of senior roles as a continuing problem</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ainsleys Coronation Kitchen" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">ITV: ITVX boosts range but stalwarts still key</a></h2><p class="intro">PSB has received praise from the indies surveyed this year for being open to new ideas</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Extraordinary2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Strong debut for Disney duo</a></h2><p class="intro">Disney+ and Nat Geo stand alone as the only broadcasters without any negative feedback</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Bangers and Cash" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">UKTV bucks the trend with multi-year orders</a></h2><p class="intro">Drama is a key driver of growth, particularly for streaming platform UKTV Play</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Olympics 2020 Tokyo" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How can brands approach the summer of sport?</a></h2><p class="intro">Paul Briggs, SVP Europe at Silverpush, looks at possible strategies for brands over a busy summer</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="freelancer" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Indies offer help to freelance workers</a></h2><p class="intro">With work drying up in a tough period for the industry, 70% of indies have taken steps to support their freelance staff</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Squid_Game__The_Challenge_n_S1_E1_00_38_52_10R" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Peer Poll: top 10 revealed</a></h2><p class="intro">Which company does the production sector rate the highest?</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Traitors" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Growth stalls in bumpy market</a></h2><p class="intro">Owners & consolidators grew by 1.86% in 2023, way down on their 41% surge in last year’s Indie Survey, with All3M once again topping the table</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Rebecca Cooney index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">A painful reshaping of the indie sector</a></h2><p class="intro">‘A leaner British indie community may emerge in the coming years, one that is more robust for having ridden out such challenging conditions’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="c4 horseferry" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">C4 epitomises industry woes</a></h2><p class="intro">Indie relations soured during C4’s Indie Briefing Day, when it revealed it is primarily looking for ideas for 2025</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="CHARLES SOBHRAJ, A LIFE LIVED IN HOTELS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Real Serpent, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">David Howard, creative director of Monster Films, on the challenges of gaining access to a suspected serial killer</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Richard Spencer, Whitby Harbour 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">My Wife, My Abuser: The Secret Footage, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Director David Ward explains the sensitivity need to help Richard Spencer open up about 20 years of abuse at the hands of his wife</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="World's_Most_Expensive_Cruise_Ship" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">ITN stays on top as C5 grows it share</a></h2><p class="intro">Channel 5 is the only PSB to grow its share of UK audiences in 2023, according to Barb’s end-of-year consolidated data</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="09_08_MurderedAtFirstSight_S02" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sky: Unscripted dominates hours but not spend</a></h2><p class="intro">Top supplier Woodcut Media produced 30 hours of factual shows for the pay-TV giant</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Wayne Garvie" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">SPT’s Wayne Garvie on why a reset is coming</a></h2><p class="intro">President of international production discusses the state of the industry, why there is too much doom and gloom, and life after The Crown</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Derek Drennan Nest headshot" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Derek Drennan: Is unscripted the forgotten child?</a></h2><p class="intro">Last week’s budget had great news for HETV, but other areas of the industry are feeling a little neglected</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Ossage County" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The ethics of collaborating with documentary ‘story holders’</a></h2><p class="intro">Genuinely working with contributors, rather than just filming them, is a powerful tool, writes Anna Keel</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="QU_101_Rachael_Kinley_QU_QQ04_5DMKII_RK_20221004_01_CL5A9739" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Queens, Disney+</a></h2><p class="intro">Showrunner Chloe Sarosh on pulling together a female-led team to capture animal societies where females rule the roost</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="comedy-blaps" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why comedy shorts are more than just a development tool</a></h2><p class="intro">In the wake of the launch of the C4 Playground scheme comedy producers & talent speak about the benefits of keeping things short and sweet</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Sue - imafge" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">IWD Podcast: Helping shape a better future for women’s sport</a></h2><p class="intro">A recording of Sue Anstiss’s fascinating keynote speech at the Broadcast Sport Summit</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Quay Street Productions" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Nicola Shindler: ‘There is a lot of complacency post-#MeToo’</a></h2><p class="intro">To mark International Women’s Day, execs at Quay Street Productions discuss #MeToo, positive on-set experiences and workplace flexibility</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="HOLLYOAKS_OUT_OF_TIME_DAVID_TAG_AND_JEN_METCALFE-e5824e" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Directors UK chief: ‘It’s hard to see how directors can sustain a career’</a></h2><p class="intro">Andy Harrower warns a steady stream of programmes cuts means the industry is haemorrhaging talent</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon heropictureLayout"><img alt="TITSUB_300_244_AP_23171180678536" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Titan Sub Disaster: Minute by Minute, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">Series PD Daniel Smith on the challenges of shedding new light on the well-covered search for the Titan submarine</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="David Beckham Netflix" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How athletes can bring authenticity to content</a></h2><p class="intro">Jon Dyson, head of sport at Formidable, explains the value of authenticity</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="mr_bates_vs_the_post_office_itvx_31_0" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">In conversation: Harnessing the power of real life drama</a></h2><p class="intro">Directors of ITV’s Mr Bates Vs The Post Office and Breathtaking discuss their different approaches to making series based on real events</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Moray" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Exploring the growing appeal of Asia</a></h2><p class="intro">Documentary agent Moray Coulter shares his experiences of a trip to Asia TV Forum</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Sarue_Marufu_8" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sarudzayi Marufu: Producers must embrace private equity lifeline</a></h2><p class="intro">It might not be a silver bullet, but it’s vital that the industry finds a way to diversify its funding</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Candice Carty-Williams & Lauren Sequeira_DSF7055-Enhanced-NR" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">In conversation: Lauren Sequeira and Candice Carty-Williams on changing the script in UK drama</a></h2><p class="intro">The Queenie and Domino Day writers on flying the flag for Black female creatives, fighting to tell their stories & overcoming ‘imposter syndrome’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Tom Garton index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits: Tom Garton</a></h2><p class="intro">Wonderhood Studios’ Tom Garton on subversive comedy and getting arrested in Kazakhstan</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Hollyoaks DEVERAUX FAMILY" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hannah Cheers: Reducing Hollyoaks hours will allow us to do our stories justice</a></h2><p class="intro">The Hollyoaks executive producer explains why dropping from five eps a week to three will help the show better serve its audience</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="screenskills freelancers erroll jones" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Kerene Barefield: It’s time for a new way of doing business</a></h2><p class="intro">As the freelancer crisis continues, the industry needs to create new ways to keep the door open for those who are struggling</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="432596" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Things You Should Have Done, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Lucia Keskin shot to fame on YouTube parodying sitcoms - Robin Parker finds out how the 23-year-old came to be running one of her own</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Responder (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: The Responder, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Martin Freeman and Adelayo Adedayo return in second series of Dancing Ledge Production’s thriller, written by Tony Schumacher</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Roy Ackerman" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Roy Ackerman: Development should be a joy not a costly barrier to creativity</a></h2><p class="intro">The demands being placed on producers before a project is even greenlit are creating unnecessary hurdles</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="73502_S1_Josh Must Win S1 First Look" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Josh Must Win: The Primal Media format turning the dial on reality TV</a></h2><p class="intro">In this new E4 series, celebrities secretly influence the competition by trying to help an ‘ordinary Joe’ contestant triumph over their ‘alpha’ rivals</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DSC09097_LR" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Cân i Gymru (Song for Wales), S4C</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Emyr Afan on the increasing the profile of singing contest Cân i Gymru (Song for Wales) with a staging revamp</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Famous Five" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Distributors Index: BBC Studios on the hunt for content with global appeal</a></h2><p class="intro">Execs Mark Linsey and Kate Ward discuss their aim of getting the best of British TV out to the world</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Destination X" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">NBCU pushes on with search for international entertainment</a></h2><p class="intro">From BBC partnerships to filming abroad, the US broadcaster is prepared to travel for good TV</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="447699" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">This Town: Steven Knight revisits the ska era</a></h2><p class="intro">The Peaky Blinders creator discusses his latest BBC1 drama, set amid the emerging music scene of 1980s Birmingham</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="FL_02_MaryandGeorge_S01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Buyers roundtable: Strategies for securing the best scripted content</a></h2><p class="intro">Heads of acquisition from Sky, HBO Max, Starz and BBCS/UKTV reveal their priorities</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Rebus 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Capital gains: The UK welcomes the world</a></h2><p class="intro">The London TV Screenings has cemented its place in the industry’s calendar</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Paris-Has-Fallen 1 © Simon Ridgway 2023" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">London TV Screenings: Thrillers dominate as comedy declines</a></h2><p class="intro">Laughs will be in short supply at this year’s London TV Screenings as distributors instead opt to push their premium scripted content</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Netflix-Drive-to-Survive-Season-3_img1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Is the motorsport docuseries market overcrowded?</a></h2><p class="intro">Simon Hinchliffe, Prism Sport and Entertainment head of motorsport, looks at whether the cluttered landscape of behind-the-scenes motorsport series is it makes it hard for new entrants to succeed</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Netflix Six Nations Box To Box Full Contact rugby union England" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">What traditional broadcasters can take from Netflix’s sport strategy</a></h2><p class="intro">Luke Boyle, chief growth officer at UIC Digital, gives his recommendations to the likes of the BBC & ITV</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="youtube" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bronagh Monahan: YouTube isn’t a threat - it’s an untapped resource</a></h2><p class="intro">The video platform offers a pipeline for talent who can really shine on linear</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Push 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Push</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The fact that this story has exclusive coverage of the courtroom is really compelling’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="PP027_The Negotiators_Mexico_Stills_5" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Negotiators International</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The new series comes at a time when hostage negotiation is a highly topical issue’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mayhem - Young George IV with Mary Darby" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mayhem! Secret Lives Of The Georgian Kings</a></h2><p class="intro">‘This was a period with piracy, class division, global power and lots of sexual scandal’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DITW_S01_EP01_BOSTON JETTY (c) RAW TV" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dead In The Water</a></h2><p class="intro">‘It feels utterly accurate and authentic, allowing a real sense of place and time’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Spinal Destination" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Spinal Destination</a></h2><p class="intro">‘It’s a very warm and humane gang comedy with a group of friends unlike any other you’ve seen’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="So Long, Marianne" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">So Long, Marianne</a></h2><p class="intro">‘It will appeal to a young audience that has no idea who Leonard Cohen is’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Monsieur Spade_FIFTH SEASON" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Monsieur Spade</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Clive Owen has a real presence – he fills each scene with a real intensity’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="6._Whats_Up_Films_-_Sambre_-_Ep_1_-_Alix_Poisson_et_Thais_Vauquieres_preview_2300" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Samber</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The series is about the massive failure of society and the system to protect women’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Rebus 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Rebus</a></h2><p class="intro">Rebus; Austin; Borderline; Conflict; Monsieur Spade; Paris Has Fallen; Samber; So Long Marianne; Spinal Destination</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Paris-Has-Fallen © Simon Ridgway 2023" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Paris Has Fallen</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The movie franchise has a real added value that brings visibility to the series’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Conflict 7" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Conflict</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The idea of civilisation coming under attact is something audiences can relate to’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Borderline-selects0009" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Borderline</a></h2><p class="intro">‘This is very premium, with great storytelling. It’s gritty and it’s got a political dimension’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Austin- ITV Studios" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Austin</a></h2><p class="intro">‘It’s a story of acceptance that has diversity and family at its core. Multiple generations will enjoy it’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="455055" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Wolf Hall: The Mirror And The Light</a></h2><p class="intro">‘There’s a big footprint where the drama will travel, as period drama is a safe bet, particularly with this cast’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Jetty - Ember Manning (JENNA COLEMAN) ©Firebird Pictures (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Jetty</a></h2><p class="intro">‘It’s a good crime thriller, but also opens up deeper questions about sexual consent and morality’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Cuckoo_0310_Ep1_0180" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Cuckoo</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The Cuckoo is a suburban thriller, which always works well with global buyers’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Renegade Nell" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Renegade Nell</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Broadcasters need both the familiar and the surprising, and our slate delivers on that’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="REDEYE 01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Red Eye</a></h2><p class="intro">Red Eye; Coma; Nightsleeper; Renegade Nell; The Cuckoo; The Jetty; Wolf Hall: The Mirror And The Light</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Coma" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Coma</a></h2><p class="intro">‘It feels local, but the situation is universal and that elevates it for global audiences’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Nightsleeper" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Nightsleeper</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Nightsleeper will have viewers across the globe on the edge of their seats’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Small Town, Big Story 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Small Town, Big Story, Sky Max</a></h2><p class="intro">Playground Entertainment and FilmNation’s six-part series set in Drumbán, a fictional village in rural Ireland full of misfits</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="458555" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Take a deep breath and keep the faith through tough times</a></h2><p class="intro">The short-term outlook may still be gloomy, but viewers haven’t lost their appetite for quality TV</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DSC09606-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Inseparable Sisters, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer and narrator Lucy Owen on making an intimate documentary exploring the story of conjoined twin sisters</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Eurovision Sport streaming app EBU" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast: The EBU on its new D2C streaming service</a></h2><p class="intro">EBU executive director for sport, Glen Killane, speaks about the organisation’s plans for Eurovision Sport</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Kate Phillips" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fewer, bigger, better: Kate Philips unpacks BBC mantra</a></h2><p class="intro">Unscripted director reveals how audiences have steered ‘painful’ programme cuts, but insists there is still space for features and lifestyle shows</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="high-surviving-a-dubai-drugs-bust_s2_logo_as" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">High: Surviving a Dubai Drugs Bust, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Alex Irvine Cox explains how he and his team stretched their budget to tell a dramatic story set in an exotic location</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="england women's football euros lionesses" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why broadcasters need to get off the sidelines to grow women’s sport</a></h2><p class="intro">Anna Reynolds, consultant and Yonder Consulting, believes broadcasters could miss the opportunity available with women’s sport</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Comedy Blaps Red Flag" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">C4 looks to futureproof comedy with Playgrounds scheme</a></h2><p class="intro">New fund will complement Blaps and provide a more experimental space for budding talent</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Tim Levy Twyn" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why I believe the entertainment industry mustn’t fear AI</a></h2><p class="intro">Tim Levy, CEO of digital twin creator Twyn, gives his pitch as to why the media industry should embrace AI</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="72489_S1_The Gathering -First Look-5" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: The Gathering, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">World Productions thriller will explore modern parenthood and how parents impose agendas and issues on their children</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="BTS_#2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Into the Congo with Ben Fogle, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Series producer Frederick Martin on why careful planning and optimism are vital when filming extreme adventures</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Picture9" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Deep Dive Australia, Sky Nature</a></h2><p class="intro">Presenter Lizzie Daly on getting breathtakingly close to the wildlife of some of Australia’s most remote locations</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Realscreen new orleans" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Eight things we learned at Realscreen</a></h2><p class="intro">From co-pros to murder shows and FAST channels to theme park rides, here’s Broadcast’s top takeaways from New Orleans</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="53366945835_2c31f70562_k" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How the year is shaping up for VFX and post houses</a></h2><p class="intro">Execs from post house Gorilla and VFX specialist BlueBolt discussed the state of the sector, flexible working and the growing use of AI</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Broadcast Awards (20)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Broadcast Awards 2024 in pictures</a></h2><p class="intro">Familiar faces gathered for the 29th Broadcast Awards, hosted by Sue Perkins</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="NFL" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">This Super Bowl, Gen Z are voting for spectacle over sport</a></h2><p class="intro">Tom McGirr, executive director of strategy and creative at The Wild By Jungle, on how American sport is attracting younger viewers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ryan happy valley" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Honoring the best of British TV</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Big events, big shows and big brave programming bets have never felt so vital’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="the_martin_lewis_money_show_live_002" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Special recognition: Martin Lewis</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Never flustered, always forensic, always empathetic, Lewis has become a major figure in British TV’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Broadcast Awards 2024 index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Broadcast Awards 2024 - the judges</a></h2><p class="intro">Methodology and list of judges</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The 1% Club (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best entertainment programme: The 1% Club</a></h2><p class="intro">“It is the most brilliant format with the most effortless production on TV”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="02_01_Succession_S04" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Timeline TV Moment of the Year: Succcession</a></h2><p class="intro">“The reactions of all four Roy children were revealing and fabulously acted”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BBC Casualty" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best soap/continuing drama: Casualty</a></h2><p class="intro">“A bold and innovative way to get a hardhitting message across in a soap”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Traitors - Claudia 35" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best independent production company: Studio Lambert</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The Traitors became a truly elite format in doublequick time’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Sixth Commandment" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Channel of the Year: BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Placing itself at the heart of the action, BBC1 continues to prove is might as a truly public service channel’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Curios FIlms v2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Emerging indie of the year: Curious Films</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Curious Films made more hours of TV than ever before last year and grew its client base to include streamers and US networks’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="RunVT (NEW) Hi Res" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best post-production house: RunVT</a></h2><p class="intro">“A truly great post house that is brave enough to grow during difficult times in the industry”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="A Kind of Spark" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best children’s programme: A Kind Of Spark</a></h2><p class="intro">“This series showcases neurodiversity in an organic and engaging way, without it being the sole focus”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Black Ops" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best comedy programme: Black Ops</a></h2><p class="intro">“The two central performers have real funny bones. Black Ops was totally addictive to watch”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Russel Brand-_IN_PLAIN_SIGHT_" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best current affairs programme: Russell Brand: In Plain Sight</a></h2><p class="intro">“This was vital and remarkable journalism that changed the national dialogue”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Scam Interceptors 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best daytime programme: Scam Interceptors</a></h2><p class="intro">“A surprising and riveting show. This is public service broadcasting at its best”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Lyra" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best documentary programme: Lyra</a></h2><p class="intro">“A stunning tribute to a remarkable young woman whose story had only just begun”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best documentary series: Once Upon A Time In Northern Ireland</a></h2><p class="intro">“Brings the horrors of recent history to life more than any other doc series I can remember”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="I Kissed A Boy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best multichannel programme: I Kissed A Boy</a></h2><p class="intro">“A true depiction of dating in the modern age. This format needed to happen”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="428831" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best music programme: Eurovision Song Contest 2023</a></h2><p class="intro">“Eurovision 2023 was the perfect celebration of music and unity”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="ITV News at Ten The Lucy Letby Verdict" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best news programme: ITV News At Ten: The Lucy Letby Verdict</a></h2><p class="intro">“Paul Brand’s exclusive interview with Dr Jayaram got closer to the story than any other coverage”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="_The_Piano_S1_" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best original programme: The Piano</a></h2><p class="intro">“The Piano reinvented the talent show with an authenticity and realworld reference that was refreshing”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="NSS_Keyart_landscape-188985" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best pre school programme: 123 Number Squad!</a></h2><p class="intro">“Turns parts of the curriculum into an accessible and fun experience for its audience”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Joe Lycett Vs Beckham Got Your Back at Xmas" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best popular factual programme: Joe Lycett vs Beckham: Got Your Back At Xmas</a></h2><p class="intro">“Joe cleverly crafts a brave viral moment to show what true LGBTQ+ support means”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="I AM RUTH" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best single drama: I Am Ruth</a></h2><p class="intro">“A subject that we are all familiar with was handled with great subtlety and care”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Chris Packham" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best specialist factual programme: Inside Our Autistic Minds</a></h2><p class="intro">“This programme has left an indelible mark and prompted a shift in my perspective”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Monday Night Football 2324" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best sports programme: Monday Night Football</a></h2><p class="intro">“The punditry is engaging and credible. This show is pushing football coverage to new heights”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dreaming Whilst Black" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">International programme sales: Dreaming Whilst Black</a></h2><p class="intro">“Its critique of the screen industry’s approach to inclusivity resonated with viewers worldwide”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="tipping_point_02" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Rukhsana Mosam: RIP RDF</a></h2><p class="intro">The 30-year-old indie was past its prime - but that prime was something rare and special, says Ten66 Television’s creative director</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Happy_Valley_Iconic" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best drama series: Happy Valley</a></h2><p class="intro">“Beautiful, surprising, original and at all times staying true to what it is”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Clarksons Farm S3 (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Clarkson’s Farm, Amazon Prime</a></h2><p class="intro">Third series of agricultural format from Expectation</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="julia_hardwell" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits: Julia Hardwell</a></h2><p class="intro">Arrow Media’s head of talent on loving a tearjerker, Everton FC and Gary Lineker</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="451120" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Analysis: Commissioning falls across the board in 2023</a></h2><p class="intro">Orders taking a significant tumble in 2023, co-pros in decline and the streamers cutting back according to Programme Index analysis</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Kate_hr" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The right business model is key to company valuation</a></h2><p class="intro">Some major media firms are up for sale but what they are worth depends on how you see the market developing</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="53484604928_6edd3cc7ce_o" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Broadcast Best Places to Work event</a></h2><p class="intro">Winners in this year’s annual list attended a special event in London last week</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="101_Assassination_JFK_OneDayInAmerica_01B_COLORIZED" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Roundtable: a new era of specialist factual</a></h2><p class="intro">Leading commissioners from around the world reveal how they are moving the genre forward, dealing with budget cuts and embracing co-production</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Will Hanrahan" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Will Hanrahan: Midlands indies welcome BBC’s return and fund support</a></h2><p class="intro">FirstLook TV’s creative director on the importance of the Small Indie Fund</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Netflix Break Point" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast: Box To Box on the present & future of BTS docuseries</a></h2><p class="intro">Box To Box head of sport and factual Warren Smith speaks about how to make great docuseries and where the format is heading</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="screenskills freelancers erroll jones" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sarah Lee: Signs of recovery in the TV jobs market, but industry must collaborate</a></h2><p class="intro">This January has seen more jobs advertised than in any month since September 2023</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Ian Rumsey" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ian Rumsey: Collective effort is needed to weather the storm</a></h2><p class="intro">The production industry can emerge from the slowdown in a good, if different, place</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Broadcast Meeting 71" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Roundtable: How to ease the freelancer crisis</a></h2><p class="intro">Industry leaders discuss what can be done to help out-of-work freelancers – from government aid to greater industry collaboration</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Colin From Accounts" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Broadcast predictions: What 2024 has in store for the industry</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcast’s editorial team look into their crystal balls to predict the changes, challenges and opportunities the industry faces in the year ahead</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="mr_bates_vs_the_post_office_ep4_08" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Analysis: How to measure a hit show</a></h2><p class="intro">Content chiefs at the BBC, ITV, C4 and C5 reveal what they believe constitutes a hit on their channels</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="FMO_101_Unit_00596_RT" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Places to Work 2024: category winners</a></h2><p class="intro">The top-performing companies across four key disciplines</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Police Night Shift 999" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Virtual Post</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We are a friendly bunch, working in a fun and supportive atmosphere’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Charles 1 Tresurues Reunited" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Run VT</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We have a genuine family feeling, with a really eclectic mix of cultures. We treat people as people, and respect work/life balance’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="SUMMER-PICNIC-2023-20231012151601-fnmw" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Red Bee Creative</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Our commitment to working with diverse teams extends to freelancers and contractors’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Wimbledon" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Moov</a></h2><p class="intro">‘MOOV is committed to being a net-zero business by 2030 and is working with Albert to calculate its carbon footprint’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="AdobeStock_director hidden camera" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Senior figures can be bullied too: a director speaks out</a></h2><p class="intro">The devastating impact of bullying can be magnified by the pitfalls of informal referencing, writes an anonymous director</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Heartstopper" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Molinaire TV & Film</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The Molinare culture is driven by a love for the craft, and a genuine care for one another, while having fun’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Gladiators" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Kinetic Pixel</a></h2><p class="intro">‘At Christmas, we distribute a pot of money equally between employees to help with additional food and energy costs’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="SUMMER-PICNIC-2023-20231012151601-fnmw" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best firms shine for staff in tough times</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The 45 firms on our list have managed to keep morale high and workers feeling valued’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="First Dates" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Finish Line</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We constantly evaluate salaries so we can be pre-emptive in paying people what they deserve’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Happy feature" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Creating a happy office</a></h2><p class="intro">Staff at the Best Places to Work are rewarded for their hard work with everything from food & drink to team quizzes & parties</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Little Trains and Big Names with Pete Waterman" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Workerbee</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We champion internships and actively seek out talent from all backgrounds as well as supporting access to training and development’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Worlds Most Dangerous Prisoners" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Woodcut Media</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We actively promoted flexible working even before the pandemic. One exec told me I’d changed his life’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="AdobeStock_624408007_V4-0" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Living up to Gen Z standards</a></h2><p class="intro">From wellbeing and recruitment to sustainability and career progression, BPTW firms are trying hard to meet the expectations of their younger staff</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="animalsupclosewithbertiegregory2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Wildstar Films</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Wildstar has paid cost-of-living payments and offered free, on-site access to an external financial adviser’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="jeopardy_sr1_01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Whisper Group</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We promote wellbeing by encouraging regular breaks, offline time and a work-life balance’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Alan and amanda The Italian Job 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Voltage TV</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Both the co-founders are of minority ethnic origin so we place great importance on diversity and inclusion’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="I Kissed A Boy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Twofour Broadcast</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Our staff go to schools/colleges/universities to give talks, and we offer work-experience placements’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Top Gun Maverick Credit Paramount Pictures" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Analysis: the shape of a WBD/Paramount supergroup</a></h2><p class="intro">Merger could create new player in the race for scale</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Unreal with Olivia Neill" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Connected Set</a></h2><p class="intro">‘There is a real feeling of community, through team-building, regular check-ins and supporting staff wellbeing’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Gordon Ramsays Future Food Stars" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Studio Ramsay Global</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We ensure that everyone gets the most out of their time with us, and we try our hardest to offer longer-term contracts’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Wild Isles" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Silverback Films</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We put our trainee and junior production co-ordinators on the overseas and foreign filming course’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Digging For Britain" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Rare Television</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We believe in taking collective responsibility, which is repaid in loyalty and everyone having a sense of ownership of our output’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Kirstie and Phils Love It or List It" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Raise The Roof Productions</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We give our permanent staff bespoke plans and one-to-one coaching, and recently increased their wages in response to the cost-of-living crisis’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Sort Your Life Out" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Optomen Television</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We have a relaxed and welcoming environment where everyone is treated as equal and with a high level of respect’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Louis Theroux Interviews Pete Doherty" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mindhouse Productions</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We are kind, we are fair and, when in doubt, we surround ourselves with dogs and cake’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dancing On Ice" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lifted Entertainment</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We allow employees to participate in community service during business hours without losing pay or using holiday time’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="03_01_TheRiverHunters_S03" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hello Halo Productions</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Kindness and respect are hugely important in creating a positive culture, and are demonstrated from the top down’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Murder Trial" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Firecrest Films</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The short-term freelance culture in TV is a significant discriminatory obstacle, so we often engage people on longer contracts’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="08_DynamoIsDead" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Expectation Entertainment</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We want our employees to feel empowered to discuss how we can improve as a business. We are collaborative in our approach’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Sex Education" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Eleven Film</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We are committed to creating an environment where people feel valued, inspired and confident to do their best work’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="A Very British Job Agency" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Drummer Television</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Our office is fuelled by renewable energy and all staff walk or use public transport to come to work’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="AdobeStock_675845592" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fostering a culture of inclusion</a></h2><p class="intro">The Best Places To Work are actively promoting diversity, equity and inclusion policies</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Michael Sheens Valles Rebellion" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Cwmni Da Cyf</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We have set up an employee group that decides on different opportunities to support local community projects’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Running with the Devil" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Curious Films</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We actively seek to increase the number of people we work with who are from groups/communities that are underrepresented’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Yorkshire Midwives on Call" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Candour Productions</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We support inclusivity in its most genuine sense so our staff can flourish’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="53390804858_2f23154fd6_o" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Buzz 16</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We have regular social events to encourage team building and to celebrate milestones’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="John-McVay-Photo-HR" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">John McVay: The evolved Terms of Trade will help indies continue to thrive</a></h2><p class="intro">The Terms of Trade had a revolutionary effect on the industry - and the changes in the Media Bill will safeguard their future</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="unnamed (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Stuart Pender: Podcasts can enhance TV documentary storytelling</a></h2><p class="intro">Simultaneous commissions of podcasts and TV docs offer an efficient way to enage audiences and dig deeper into your subject</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Gladiators" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Big bets and clever commissions kick off the new year in style</a></h2><p class="intro">Linear is far from dead – but there’s more to Gladiators and Mr Bates’ success than a slot in the schedule</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Its Pony" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Blue Zoo</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We have transitioned to 100% renewable energy for our on-site and off-site server farms’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Doctor Who 2024" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bad Wolf</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Our values and aims embrace carbon reduction goals, accessibility and inclusion, creative excellence and boundary pushing’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Brian Cox Seven Days On Mars" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Arrow Media</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We have a good track record of people moving up through production roles and we’re big on in-house training’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Bangers and Cash" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Air TV</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Last year, Air TV was able to award a company-wide cost-of-living bonus to all staff. We have continued to support staff this year’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="JoJo and Gran Gran - It's Time to Go to the Hairdresser's_V2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">A Productions</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We are committed to ensuring A Productions is a welcoming, enjoyable, diverse and inclusive place to work’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Britains Best Beach Huts" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Yeti Television</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We trust and empower people and don’t micromanage’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="06e6b78f-f1fc-45e9-afac-436102987473" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Wilderness with Simon Reeve, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Chris Mitchell, series producer and director, on filming in remote areas where nature still has the upper hand</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Leader" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Leading the way to better times</a></h2><p class="intro">Good leadership is the main criteria for employees in this year’s survey</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="LYRA_" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hidden Light</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We nurture new talent and promote training to ensure our team are confident in their role’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Andrew Dagnell Attachment" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Andrew Dagnell: A new era for ITV News</a></h2><p class="intro">ITV News editor on starting in the week of the Queen’s death, ushering in a streaming service and updating newsroom culture</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Emergency" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Garden</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We’ve signed up to We Are Doc Women’s 50:50 female director pledge, & BEAM Network to address the low South Asian numbers’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="who_wants_to_be_a_millionaire_ep5_01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Stellify Media</a></h2><p class="intro">‘For a company on a small island, we see no limits, plan strategically, and always act with heart and integrity’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Responder" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dancing Ledge</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We pay significant bonuses based on individual performance and company revenue’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="After the Flood" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Quay Street Productions</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We match team members with passion projects and nurture trusting relationships between team members and writers’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Toad and Friends" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Wild Child Animation</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We set annual goals for recruitment, using Screen Scotland’s diversity goals, and assess our progress bi-annually’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ambulance" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dragonfly Film & TV</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We were able to offer all of our staff on less than £70,000 a cost-of-living payment’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Fur Babies" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Wonderhood Studios</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We’ve publicly committed to We Are Doc Women’s 50:50 pledge, so half our directors are female’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Big Brother" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Initial</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Kindness and collaboration are at the heart of everything we do. If you treat staff with respect, profit and productivity will follow’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="gladiators pic" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Open letter to Tim Davie: 10 ways to survive 2027</a></h2><p class="intro">BBC expert John Mair lays out his thoughts for the director general as the BBC prepares for the future funding debate</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="the traitors kyra charlie" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mark Webb: Why The Traitors’ inclusion of disability has been pitch perfect</a></h2><p class="intro">The disability advocate outlines how the BBC1 format helps disabled people feel seen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Gladiators (11)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Gladiators, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Selection of images from the Hungry Bear Media reboot of the popular competitive series</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ludwig - first look (lower res)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Ludwig, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Peep Show and Back star David Mitchell leads comedy produced by Big Talk Studios in association with That Mitchell and Webb Company</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="mr bates v post office" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mr Bates Vs The Post Office writer “flabbergasted” by public response</a></h2><p class="intro">The impact of the series highlights the importance of continuing to make such dramas, ITV’s Polly Hill says</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="© basecampmedia.eu_PR_benhodson-101" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Andes Plane Crash, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Oliver Price on dodging French kite skiers to recreate the remote Andes mountains</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="457125" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Silverback, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Andrew Zikking on a wildlife documentary that went in an unexpected direction</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Chris Bailey Jigsaw24 Media head of innovation presenting" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Three big tech themes for post-production in 2024</a></h2><p class="intro">Chris Bailey, head of innovation at Jigsaw24 Media, reveals what post-production houses should be prioritising in 2024</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="iside safari_JTDI_C" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Secret Life of the Safari Park, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Alex Sutherland on the challenges of filming animals who are free to roam on a budget that isn’t</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="JPP-TL-180423-06304" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Truelove, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Emily Harrison on keeping a high-octane premise grounded yet stylish</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DSC06981 - Copy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bariau, S4C</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Alaw Llewelyn Roberts explains why she chose to build a prison from scratch</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Tim main" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How to ditch legacy workflows and start afresh</a></h2><p class="intro">Tim Burton at 7fivefive explains how cloud economic models can deliver a plethora of long-term benefits</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="such brave girls 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ellie Kahn: Such Brave Girls (Various Artists and A24 for BBC3)</a></h2><p class="intro">“In a year of incredible TV, this one came late and out of left field”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Rebecca Thompson" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top 10 comment articles of 2023</a></h2><p class="intro">Including Rebecca Thompson, Andy R Worboys, Scott Bryan and Ash Atalla</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Paul Weatherley: Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland (KEO Films & Walk on Air Films for BBC2)</a></h2><p class="intro">“It shone a light on a very dark period where communities were ripped apart and it all seemed very normal. An essential watch”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="shows of 2023" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Broadcast’s shows of the year</a></h2><p class="intro">Members of the team pick their favourite programmes of 2023</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Succession S4 (4)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">David Singleton: Succession (Gary Sanchez Productions for HBO/Sky Atlantic)</a></h2><p class="intro">“For my money, TV writing doesn’t get any better”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Castaways Ep2 BTS H" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Castaways, Paramount+</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producer Mike Benson on finding the perfect spot to crash a plane</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Koala Colin From Accounts" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">John Elmes: Koala Man / Colin from Accounts</a></h2><p class="intro">“Peppered throughout this annus horribilis were some moments of respite in the form of Australian scripted comedy”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Happy Valley" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Marian McHugh: Happy Valley, (Lookout Point & BBC Studios for BBC1)</a></h2><p class="intro">“I have never seen a character quite like Catherine Cawood on TV”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Medium_70963_1_S1_Ep1_The Piano S1 Ep1-6" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top 10 behind the scenes of 2023</a></h2><p class="intro">Including The Piano, 007: Road to a Million, The Long Shadow and Go Hard or Go Home</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="73520_EMBARGOED Until 9.30am 1st Dec 2023 Mog's Christmas-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mog’s Christmas: Festive feline fun from Lupus Films</a></h2><p class="intro">How 63 artists worked to produce 170,000 animated frames in a distinctive hand-drawn style</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Shindler and Davies" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top 10 interviews of 2023</a></h2><p class="intro">Including Amelia Brown, Russell T Davies, Tanya Shaw, Joe Lycett and Esther Rantzen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Slow Down sign" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top 20 news stories of 2023</a></h2><p class="intro">Click for a round-up of the year’s most significant events</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Broadcast 2023 Review Sept Aug Channel 4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Year in Review: scandal, strikes and royal ghosts</a></h2><p class="intro">From a new monarch to a slew of celebrity scandals + the end of two of TV’s finest dramas, Broadcast looks back at the past 12 months</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Bear" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Maya Marie: The Bear (FX Productions for Disney+)</a></h2><p class="intro">“We see the immense pleasure the characters get from producing such carefully curated dishes and we feel it too, without having to taste it”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Seetha_Kuma_07-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Seetha Kumar: assessing eight years at ScreenSkills</a></h2><p class="intro">Outgoing chief executive discusses the successes and challenges of navigating skills policy in our sector</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Juice" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fleur Feeney: Juice (Various Artists for BBC3)</a></h2><p class="intro">“I loved the surrealist style, the nods to classic comedy bits, and the slapstick, tactile, physical nature of the whole thing”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Greening of Streaming logo" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why broadcast & streaming need standardised sustainability metrics</a></h2><p class="intro">Johan Bolin, chief business officer of media & broadcast at Agile Content, calls for collaboration across the industry</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="06_09_TheLastOfUs_S01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Tom Williams: The Last Of Us, HBO & Sky Atlantic</a></h2><p class="intro">“They made audiences forget they were actually watching an episode of an apocalyptic zombie series”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Daisy Jones and the Six" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Alice Redman: Daisy Jones and the Six (Amazon Prime Video)</a></h2><p class="intro">“The styling was particularly gorgeous and entirely to blame for me spending most of my paycheck at Free People the month it came out”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Adjani Salmin in Dreaming Whilst Black 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Heather Fallon: Dreaming Whilst Black, (Big Deal Films & A24 for BBC3)</a></h2><p class="intro">“It’s a brutally accurate depiction and one that could so easily fall into despair but instead manages to find humour at every turn”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Blair Mowat index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits: Blair Mowat</a></h2><p class="intro">The freelance composer on Doctor Who, buying a lightsaber and bringing back Blake’s Seven</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="452499" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Analysis: How PSBs are fighting back against the streamers</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcasters are putting their VoD platforms at the centre of commissioning decisions, making use of audience data & tapping into their archives</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="image_6483445" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Virtual production in the spotlight</a></h2><p class="intro">Experts on virtual production discuss the benefits of the technology, the essential kit needed to get the most out it, and the impact of the recent layoffs at Unreal Engine maker Epic Games</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DAVID MORTIMER_STV STUDIOS PPROVED" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">STV Studios’ David Mortimer: Greenbird, growth and great ambition</a></h2><p class="intro">The STV managing director discusses the acquisition of Greenbird and his ambition to build the UK’s largest nations and regions group</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DEAD2ME_EP_RICHARDSON_Katie Wilding’s sister Emma Wilding" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dan Korn: Keeping ahead of the pack in true crime documentary</a></h2><p class="intro">Crime+Investigation’s vice-president of programming discusses the innovations helping content stand out in a crowded genre</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Sort Your Life Out" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Studios look to brighter days in 2024</a></h2><p class="intro">After weathering a perfect storm of US strikes and a slowdown in commissioning, UK studios are cautiously optimistic about the coming year</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="ThCrown_TrailerImages_9" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Crown: The royal saga that ruled the airwaves</a></h2><p class="intro">Left Bank execs reflect on the landmark royal drama, while Netflix UK’s Anne Mensah reveals the potential successors to its throne</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Broadcasting-House" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Philippa Childs: Now is the time to stand up for the BBC</a></h2><p class="intro">If we allow the BBC to be undermined, our cultural landscape and democracy will be fundamentally weakened</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Gold" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Danny Brocklehurst: ‘Real life’ drama should always be rooted in truth</a></h2><p class="intro">Writers getting a little creative with the facts is one thing, but we don’t want Arthur Scargill on a motorbike</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="1402765_scottbryan_final_873412" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Scott Bryan: The industry should follow these new year resolutions</a></h2><p class="intro">Let’s do away with the pointless rebrandings, invasive personalised ads and meaningless figures and support our staff</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="IMG Digital Trends Report 2024" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast: What’s next for digital content in 2024?</a></h2><p class="intro">IMG’s senior vice president and managing director, Lewis Wiltshire, speaks about its recently released Digital Trends Report 2024</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Leo Perlman" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Provocative language and antisemitic tropes don’t help the industry come together</a></h2><p class="intro">Suggesting people are scared to speak out against Israel implies the old trope that Jews control the media, writes Fulwell 73’s Leo Pearlman</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TRM_KIU_Dramatisation Merthyr 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Keeping It Up: The Story of Viagra, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Stephen Bennett on rising to the challenge of telling the story of the little blue pill</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Samir Shah" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">BBC’s future up for grabs, even as good sense prevails with chair</a></h2><p class="intro">Samir Shah breaks the mould, but faces plenty of challenges as licence fee review kicks off in earnest</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Fatima Salaria" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fear of backlash stifles open exchanges on Israel/Gaza</a></h2><p class="intro">Fatima Salaria hands her column to an anonymous colleague to explore why discussing the Middle East is so challenging</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="53306088830_e857fd6f11_k" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Winning strategies for fan engagement</a></h2><p class="intro">Top sports content makers reveal the thinking behind industry-leading campaigns that have engaged and entertained fans and athletes alike</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="455582" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Famous Five, CBBC</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Sophie MacClancy on breaking showbiz rules and bringing classic stories to a modern audience</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="353398" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hope Street: Providing opportunities for Northern Irish talent</a></h2><p class="intro">Executives at Long Story TV reveal how the BBC1 drama has built a skills training platform & an outlet for local production talent to thrive</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Podcast - New Sports" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast: New Sports – How to Reach a Global Audience</a></h2><p class="intro">Invaluable insights from execs at SailGP, the E1 World Championship, Aurora; and Extreme E about how to engage fans in a new sport</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Mike Darcey" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mike Darcey: Netflix is the clear winner of the streaming wars</a></h2><p class="intro">While the US streamer’s strategy is paying off, rivals are in a sorry state and need to reassess their business models</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="1908_Amelia_Brown_A" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Amelia Brown: From runner to the top job at Fremantle</a></h2><p class="intro">The Fremantle UK chief exec on taking on the top job after 20 years at Thames, mining its back catalogue and creating an inspiring workplace</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Doctor Who Specials_B" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Regenerating Doctor Who: The anniversary specials</a></h2><p class="intro">As the beloved sci-fi franchise turns 60, it looks towards a new era – led by some familiar faces.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Big Zuu" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Big Zuu: Hitting the big time</a></h2><p class="intro">The grime star and TV chef is bringing fresh flavour to the food-travel genre with 12 Dishes In 12 Hours for ITV1</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="TBY2's 1MWp solar array (image courtesy of The Bottle Yard Studios)_1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Studios should take the lead on clean energy</a></h2><p class="intro">Bottle Yard’s business operations manager and sustainability lead Katherine Nash on how community energy could spell new opportunities for studio solar installations</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Unsung heroes" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Channel 4 trio named unsung heroes</a></h2><p class="intro">Channel 4 executives Clemency Green, Art Sejdu and Kiran Nataraja are recognised by their peers in this year’s survey for always going the extra mile</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="WSP07101" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Concerns grow as slowdown hits hard</a></h2><p class="intro">Rocketing costs, a downturn in the ad market and struggling streamers are all playing a part in reducing commissions</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Phil Mount" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits: Phil Mount</a></h2><p class="intro">The Potato creative director on ’80s rock, ice baths and Rebel Wilson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Rebecca Cooney index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Buyers have their say on slowdown</a></h2><p class="intro">70 buyers from across the industry reveal their views on the current industry landscape and how they’re navigating the slowdown</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Alyssa Pomeroy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Alisa Pomeroy tops peer poll</a></h2><p class="intro">C4 head of documentaries dethrones two-time winner Ben Frow as peers vote her the commissioner they most admire</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="75227_10_S14_Ep10_- Embargo 2115 Tuesday 28th November - The Great British Bake Off Series 14 Ep 10 - The Final" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Streamers fall down the pecking order</a></h2><p class="intro">Commissioners believe that well-resourced streamers are becoming less attractive to indies</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="pexels-andrea-piacquadio-3756678" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Job satisfaction high among commissioners</a></h2><p class="intro">Despite having to negotiate a slowdown and strained indie relationships, a resounding 93% of commissioners say they are happy in their role</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Slow_Horses_Photo_030107" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Slow Horses, Apple TV+</a></h2><p class="intro">Selection of images from the third series of espionage thriller. Produced by See-Saw Films</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Chris Curtis" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Indies desperate for clarity as brutal year draws to a close</a></h2><p class="intro">Uncertainty over Channel 4 commissioning patterns has been a factor for much of the year</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Made of Steel BBC noah" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast: How we made Made Of Steel: Wheelchair Rugby’s Fiercest Rivalry</a></h2><p class="intro">Co-directors Nick Mattingly and Noah Media Group’s Emma Everitt reveal how to work on docs with competing subjects</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Richard Wallis index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Richard Wallis: A Sustainable Future for Skills report offers a welcome vision for developing talent</a></h2><p class="intro">Georgia Brown’s taskforce offers us a way forward - it’s vital that we act on it</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Doctor Who" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Christmas on the BBC</a></h2><p class="intro">Click to view a selection of programme highlights unveiled by the BBC for the festive season</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Kate_hr" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Media giants look to the past to build models for the future</a></h2><p class="intro">Advertising tiers, windowing and licensing are all making a comeback as studios return to old formulas for success</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="MAFS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Analysis: The fractured relationship between indies and C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Suppliers have criticised the broadcaster for its handling of the commissioning slowdown and what they see as poor communication</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Alex Mahon picture" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Alex Mahon sets out Channel 4’s perspective on the challenges of 2023</a></h2><p class="intro">Chief executive addresses indies’ concerns and offers update on financial performance</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived - how closeness gave the film breath</a></h2><p class="intro">Creatives behind the HBO/Sky single discuss the personal bonds which made the doc possible and using it as a platform for industry exposure</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="TG_101_Unit_00568_RT_TRL2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: The Gentlemen, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Netflix, Moonage Pictures and Miramax TV production will air in 2024</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="17249982-high_res-killing-eve-s2-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lucy Frazer: The Media Bill will unleash the full potential of our PSBs</a></h2><p class="intro">Culture secretary praises broadcasters but says ‘success today is not a guarantee of success tomorrow’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Glasgow" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why our Glasgow indie now has desks in London and friends in Europe</a></h2><p class="intro">Commissioners still want to talk in London - but Ofcom rule changes would help to shift that</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Screen Shot 2023-07-27 at 5.35.20 PM - Copy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why we shot our JFK doc on film</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer director Sarah Hunt explains the joys and challenges of taking modern-day Dallas back to the 1960s using Super 8</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Scott Young" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast: Global Sport Leaders – Scott Young, Warner Bros. Discovery</a></h2><p class="intro">The latest episode of the Broadcast Sport podcast is an in-depth interview with Young by presenter Rachel Stringer, recorded at the Broadcast Sport Summit</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="TheCrown_Season6_Image66" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: The Crown, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Selection of images from the sixth and final season of Left Bank Pictures’ royal drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Big Boys S2 (6)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Big Boys, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Roughcut TV comedy returns January 2024</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Medium_74080_S23_8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown S23 Generic_0" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Basics: Everything you need to know about "shiny floor" studios</a></h2><p class="intro">Paul McGavin, studio turnaround manager at dock10, explains why shiny floor shows are called just that</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="dan walker" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dan Walker: TV can still be a powerful tool to make a difference</a></h2><p class="intro">Programmes which touch people’s lives are public service broadcasting at its finest</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="74551_S1_Russia's Lost Sons-1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">On-the-ground journalism can illuminate humanity across the divides of conflict</a></h2><p class="intro">Channel 4 commissioning editor Nevine Mabro on the broadcaster’s commitment to international investigations</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Griersons232811" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Grierson Awards</a></h2><p class="intro"> </p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Temuera Morrison (2) stars as Eddie Jones in The Brighton Miracle. Photo Credit The Brighton Miracle" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast: How we made The Brighton Miracle</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Max Mannix and producer Nick Wood speak about using dramatisations and appealing to a non-sport audience</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Connections James with trippy dolphins" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Connections, Curiosity Stream</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Iain Riddick on bringing back an iconic series with a modern twist</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Neil Grant" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Silence from colleagues is a terrible sound for our industry’s Jews</a></h2><p class="intro">Documentarian Neil Grant issues a plea for understanding as antisemitic incidents escalate in the UK</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Broadcast Sport Awards (26)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Broadcast Sport Awards 2023</a></h2><p class="intro">Familiar faces from across the industry gathered for the annual Broadcast Sport Awards, hosted by Dara Ó Briain</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="MIXMUPS - THE CHARACTER POCKETS ON GREENSCREEN" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mixmups, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Creator, writer and exec producer Rebecca Atkinson explains how she mixed play and representation to create a magical new world for kids</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Chelsea women's football One Team One Dream doc (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why women’s sport coverage needs to catch up with public interest</a></h2><p class="intro">Duncan Maud, associate partner at OC&C Strategy Consultants explains why now is the time to invest in women’s sport</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="1. Penelope Wilton and David Jonsson in Murder is Easy, coming soon to BBC One and iPlayer" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Murder is Easy, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Agatha Christie novel is latest adaptation from Mammoth Screen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="duckandfrog_758906" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">BBC kids’ commissioners reaffirm linear commitment</a></h2><p class="intro">Bosses of CBBC and CBeebies aim to support the UK industry with a renewed focus on animation</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Chris Reindorp Rex TV picture (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits: Chris Reindorp</a></h2><p class="intro">The Rex development executive on Chris de Burgh, Cling Film and James Norton</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="53252044287_3307e27e31_k" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Broadcast Tech Fest: challenges of digging into the past</a></h2><p class="intro">Panellists on the Archive & Restoration Forum discuss the commissioning slowdown, tracking down the perfect piece of content and the use of AI</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="75795_Russell Brand In Plain SIght - Dispatches" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lorraine Heggessey: Talent’s bad behaviour has been indulged for too long</a></h2><p class="intro">The industry has to commit to stamping it out and creating an environment where people feel heard</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="74792_S1_Banged Up " class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Banged Up, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Shine producers on recreating a realistic prison experience while ensuring a duty of care to reformed criminals</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="429973" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">What makes a show risky? Top execs have their say</a></h2><p class="intro">The BBC’s Clare Sillery, UKTV’s Mark Iddon, ITV’s Sue Murphy and C4’s Tim Hancock discuss the shows on which have taken risks</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="STILL 11_1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Britain’s Human Zoos, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producer and co-director Paul Berczeller on the challenge of uncovering a forgotten and painful history</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="OneLife_2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">One Life: The story of a remarkable hero</a></h2><p class="intro">How Nicholas Winton’s wartime efforts and heroism inspired a SeeSaw Films/BBC Film feature starring Anthony Hopkins</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="That's Life index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">That’s Life!: ‘A show ahead of its time’</a></h2><p class="intro">From law-changing investigations to talking dogs, That’s Life! was a groundbreaking show that kickstarted the careers of some of TV’s biggest names</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Esther Rantzen" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Esther Rantzen: in her own words</a></h2><p class="intro">The veteran TV presenter on the funniest moments on That’s Life!, the story she’s proudest of and the state of consumer journalism today</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Siena Kelly as Domino Day and Percelle Ascott as Leon" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First Look: Domino Day, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Dancing Ledge Productions drama about a coven of witches</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Survivor" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Big Brother, Survivor and Deal or No Deal: a Remarkable run</a></h2><p class="intro">How have Natalka Znak and Claire O’Donohoe resurrected a trio of monster formats – and what’s next?</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="KJ" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Esther Rantzen: Fighting the good fight</a></h2><p class="intro">Esther Rantzen talks to Broadcast about her time on That’s Life! and its lasting legacy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="RTAM-BC-182_3000" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Licence to thrill: the inside story of 007 Road to a Million</a></h2><p class="intro">How 72 Films’ globe-trotting adventure format for Amazon Prime Video makes the most of Bond</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Roy Ackerman" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Roy Ackerman: A good old co-pro may hold key for future of indie docs</a></h2><p class="intro">Streamer interest may be waning and budgets getti ng smaller but co-pros with PSBs offer a route to success</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Ade Rawcliffe" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Black women in TV salute their sisters: Part two</a></h2><p class="intro">Nicola Gregory, Sarah Asante and Samantha Stewart are among those celebrating their peers for this year’s female-focused Black History Month</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="floella_benjamin" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Black women in TV salute their sisters: Part one</a></h2><p class="intro">Angela Ferreira, Annika Allen and Lola Oliyide are among those celebrating their peers for this year’s female-focused Black History Month</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Teacher" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">C5 greenlights thriller from The Teacher creator</a></h2><p class="intro">The Cuckoo (w/t) is a ‘tense and twisty’ drama created by Barunka O’Shaughnessy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Bullying and harassment" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Analysis: Is the industry doing enough to prevent sexual harassment?</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcast speaks to the author of a damning study of sexual misconduct in film and TV, and asks what can be done to tackle it</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="SGTC_S1_RedGreen_Unit_05334R2_v2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Race for scale amid tough times points to reshaped indie sector</a></h2><p class="intro">The bigger players are competing for mega-budgets, while smaller producers get resourceful</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Writers-Guild-Strike" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Paul Epstein: We still need to be vigilant about AI in writers’ rooms</a></h2><p class="intro">AI will bring opportunities to the industry, but it cannot replace human ingenuity</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="438441" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Alexander Jacob: Doctors cancellation puts a generation of talent at risk</a></h2><p class="intro">Director warns loss of a key training ground could have huge impact, and urges greater investment in continuing drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="filming" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sunshine Jackson: You don’t have to be #*@! to work here, but it helps</a></h2><p class="intro">Many filmmakers thrive in a high-pressure environment - but if we want to make the industry more accessible, we have to accept it’s not healthy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="NFL" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast: The NFL’s past and future growth in the UK</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcaster and writer Nat Coombs is this week’s guest on the Broadcast Sport Podcast</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="IMG-20230914-WA0006 crop" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ria Hebden: Let’s realise the true value of mentorship</a></h2><p class="intro">The TV industry has some truly brilliant mentors - with greater commitment we could make their expertise available to everyone</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Continental" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Continental: avoiding a John Wick ‘cash grab’</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producers Basil Iwanyk and Erica Lee explain their care in not “killing a franchise”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Truelove" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">All smiles as comedy comes to the fore</a></h2><p class="intro">While unscripted still dominates, international drama and comedy are well represented as the knock-on effects of the US writers strike continue</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Russell Brand BBC Radio 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dispatches’ Alistair Jackson sets out in-house unit’s stall</a></h2><p class="intro">Investigations editor explains the team’s mission to support indies with their ambitious investigations</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="boat story" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Comedy and local content out in force</a></h2><p class="intro">International editor John Elmes highlights which programmes are likely to make biggest splash in Cannes</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="APC_Obituary" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Obituary</a></h2><p class="intro">‘There’s the overarching murder mystery, but suffused with a darkly comic element reminiscent of Killing Eve’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Dark Emu Story" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Dark Emu Story</a></h2><p class="intro">‘International audiences have always been fascinated with the Aboriginal experience in Australia’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Arctic 66 degrees" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Arctic, 66.5 Degrees North</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The production is very rich in entertainment, as well as having a powerful message’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Nobody Zone 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Nobody Zone: Interview with an Irish Serial Killer</a></h2><p class="intro">‘This is a striking and immersive way of bringing this extraordinary story to life’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Strip - Image 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Factual and Formats</a></h2><p class="intro">Ob-docs and true crime continue their factual streak with Strip and The Flight Attendant Murders leading</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Haaland - Breaking Ground_enlarged" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Haaland: Breaking Ground</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Offers unfiltered access to the biggest name in football right now’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Flight Attendant Murders" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Flight Attendant Murders</a></h2><p class="intro">‘It’s a potentially jaw-dropping miscarriage of justice with lots of eyewitness contributors’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BangedUp" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Banged Up</a></h2><p class="intro">‘This is quite full on – the celebrities have to be tough to even agree to do this’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Snake Oil" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Snake Oil</a></h2><p class="intro">‘This is a light and fun show that dials down the intensity and really focuses on the humour’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="ReSolved" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">ReSolved</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Combines conspiracy theory, true crime and the deep journalism for which Vice is well known’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Luke Arnold - Scrublands" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Scrublands</a></h2><p class="intro">‘There are lots of twists and a very unpredictable plot, which makes the series bingeable’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Of Money and Blood_Tikkoun © Curiosa Films" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Of Money And Blood</a></h2><p class="intro">‘It’s a gripping thriller featuring solid characters with strong back stories and intriguing personal journeys’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="ESTONIA_(c) Fisher King" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Estonia</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We tell what we know for sure - through the eyes of survivors, relatives of the victims and the investigators’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Davey and Jonesie's Locker" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">International Scripted</a></h2><p class="intro">Davey & Jonesie’s Locker heads up an eclectic array of global dramas and comedies including Bargain, Estonia, Strife and Obituary</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Slip" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Slip</a></h2><p class="intro">‘This is a hilarious and unexpected love story. A dramedy that us heartfelt, sad, funny, poignant and captivating’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="FIFTH SEASON_Strife" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Strife</a></h2><p class="intro">‘It is not a conventional comedy or drama - it’s a relationship dramedy with a lot of nuance’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Portrait Artist of the Year" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Stuart Prebble: Don’t lose faith in the power of telly</a></h2><p class="intro">It can be frustrating when shows don’t capture the public imagination but the moments when they do make it all worthwhile</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Continental" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Continental: From the World of John Wick</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The series offers the action and edginess of the box-office franchise, but with its own distinctive feel’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Trust No One - Horizontal Clean(1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Trust No One</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Delves into, espionage, action and danger. International audiences know and search out these elements’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Bargain-epi0101-EP01_(9)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bargain</a></h2><p class="intro">‘It’s an absolute rollercoaster from start to finish. A cat-and-mouse survival sequence’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Boat Story First Look A_35mb" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">UK Scripted</a></h2><p class="intro">Boat Story leads a flotilla of UK scripted series, sailing alongside Domino Day, Truelove, Dead Hot, The Serial Killer’s Wife and Men Up</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Truelove" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Truelove</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We are excited because we know Truelove will be talked about by everyone who watches it’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Serial Killer's Wife landscape" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Serial Killer’s Wife</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Not only does it have great scripts and a great pace, but it also has a fantastic ending’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dead Hot" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dead Hot</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Dead Hot is irreverent and entertaining yet has the familiar pace, hooks and twists of a first-class thriller’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Domino Day" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Domino Day</a></h2><p class="intro">‘An exhilarating exploration of race, misogyny, sexuality and identity. It’s a fresh, exciting thriller for modern viewers’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Men Up" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Men Up</a></h2><p class="intro">‘What stands out is Men Up’s ability to balance comedy and heartfelt elements’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Deep Fake Neighbour Wars 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The legal issues surrounding deepfakes & AI content</a></h2><p class="intro">Oliver Lock, reputation management expert at law firm Farrer & Co., gives an overview of the risks and possibilities around AI-created or edited content</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="the reckoning 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Charlotte Moore: Jimmy Savile drama demonstrates the BBC’s bravery</a></h2><p class="intro">BBC content chief reflects on the challenges of showing past failures at a screening of The Reckoning</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="1 - This Town - BBC" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: This Town, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Kudos and Nebulastar are producing Steven Knight’s six-part drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Screenshot 2023-10-04 at 13.35.57" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Podcast: Social Media Insights – Sports on Snapchat</a></h2><p class="intro">Kahlen Macaulay, senior manager, international sports partnerships at Snapchat is our guest this week on the Broadcast Sport podcast</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BIG BROTHER ITV2 Oct 2023" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Inside the Big Brother House</a></h2><p class="intro">The creatives behind the highly-anticipated revival on reimagining reality TV’s defining show</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="428491_DN" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Roundtable: What makes a great literary adaptation?</a></h2><p class="intro">Raffaella de Angelis, Hannah Griffiths and Hilary Strong discuss the role of the author, current trends and the power of IP</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Sharon Levy (2)_9717" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits: Sharon Levy</a></h2><p class="intro">The Endemol Shine North America chief executive on her passion for gift-wrapping, HBO’s Warrior and missing out on a circus career</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Perfect Match" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Turning up the heat in dating shows</a></h2><p class="intro">The creatives behind some of the latest formats on freshening up the genre and the key ingredients for a hit show</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="_MO10760" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Best Kept Secrets: The world’s hidden programming gems</a></h2><p class="intro">Four TV executives from across the globe shine a spotlight on the local shows that deserve more international attention</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Endurance Race to the Pole " class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Endurance - Race to the Pole with Ben Fogle, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Series PD and cameraman Alexis Girardet on how October Films’ Channel 5 series was imbued with authenticity and adventure</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="B2 resize" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Innovation Takes Centre Stage at IBC</a></h2><p class="intro">Andy Walker at Accenture provides his opinion on the main themes to emerge from IBC2023</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="119368_01188b" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Julie Pizzi: Game on for the next big franchise</a></h2><p class="intro">The Bunim/Murray president on Buddy Games and why the time is right for a great new format to blow up on the global market</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Josh Duhamel" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Josh Duhamel: Let the Buddy Games begin</a></h2><p class="intro">The Hollywood star on swapping film for TV and how competing in challenges with high-school friends helped inspire his new CBS gameshow</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Zorro MD4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the Scenes: Zorro rides again</a></h2><p class="intro">Amazon is reviving the ‘timeless Mexican superhero story’ with a new focus on strong female characters</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Kate_hr" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Kate Bulkley: It’s all change as media firms rethink their business models</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcasters are reviewing how their programming is curated and packaged in a hyper-competitive market</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="429178" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Distributors make hay despite challenges ahead</a></h2><p class="intro">Annual report shows revenues are at their highest level since before the pandemic amid tough times for the content business</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ben Fogle" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Edinburgh announcements confirm commissioning dip</a></h2><p class="intro">Snapshot from the 2023 festival reveals a decline in the number of shows being greenlit by broadcasters</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Marie Antoinette" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">A great year but challenges ahead</a></h2><p class="intro">“Many report that there is now an expectation for distributors to plug big financing deficits, particularly for scripted programming”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Traitors" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">All3Media holds on to top spot in Peer Poll</a></h2><p class="intro">The Traitors outfit wins the backing of its peers for the sixth consecutive year, while Banijay achieves its highest ever position in second</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ten Pound Poms (37)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Danny Brocklehurst: Working-class kids need to see there’s a place for them</a></h2><p class="intro">Making the industry more reflective of the viewers we serve will lead to better programming</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="401620" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Distributors express concern over gaps in funding</a></h2><p class="intro">Companies say they’re being asked to invest increasingly large sums up front</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="CITN2_207_TXM.Sub.01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How to translate data into a compelling visual story</a></h2><p class="intro">Ash Potterton at Arrow Media on bringing the data component in stories to life in on-screen graphics</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="75795_Russell Brand In Plain SIght - Dispatches" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Culture is as important as process in weeding out behaviour</a></h2><p class="intro">The sector must close the gap between the rhetoric of zero tolerance and the reality of working life for freelancers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="WSP07101" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Long Shadow, ITV1</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Willow Grylls on telling the story of the often overlooked victims at the heart of an infamous string of murders</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="02_OttoBaxterNotAFingHorrorStory" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Otto Baxter: Not a F***ing Horror Story/Puppet Asylum, Sky Documentaries</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Daisy Allsop explains how the combination of a documentary and a short film helped a man with Down Syndrome tell his own story</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Meghan markle suits" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why Netflix should become a channel distributor for its streaming rivals</a></h2><p class="intro">The end of the streaming wars is in sight, and streamers should grasp the opportunities that it presents</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="M05" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Supporting care-experienced children, BBC Teach</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producer Andy Glynne on how his team sensitively animated real-life testimony to help teachers support children who’ve been in the care system</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="SE_401_Unit_01124_RT" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Sex Education, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Selection of images from the fourth and final series of the Eleven Film comedy drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="75795_Russell Brand In Plain SIght - Dispatches" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Hardcash delivered the Russell Brand doc</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Esella Hawkey reveals the meticulous work that went into the C4 Dispatches programme</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Caroline Norbury index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Caroline Norbury: The whack-a-mole approach to bad behaviour isn’t working</a></h2><p class="intro">It’s time for the whole industry to step up to take collective action on harassment and bullying, the Creative UK chief executive says</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Doll Factory SE 1 EP 4 093" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: The Doll Factory, Paramount+</a></h2><p class="intro">Buccaneer Media’s period drama series airs late autumn</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Richard Wallis index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Richard Wallis: The Russell Brand revelations are a call for reform</a></h2><p class="intro">Wholesale cultural changes to tackle sexual impropriety, harassment and bullying must now become a priority</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="jonathan-thompson" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Securing free-to-air services in broadband homes is crucial</a></h2><p class="intro">Everyone TV boss Jonathan Thompson explains why Freely is an important step in securing the future of the PSBs</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Richard Hammond's Workshop" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Amazon brings Discovery+ premium to UK</a></h2><p class="intro">Deal boosts Warner Bros Discovery sports and entertainment package on Prime Video Channels</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Top Boy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top Boy director sets her sights on ‘darker stories’</a></h2><p class="intro">Myriam Raja talks to Broadcast about the series ending, collaboration with actors and similarities between Top Boy and The Wire</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Juice (26)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Juice, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Selection of images from the Various Artists comedy series written by and starring Mawaan Rizwan</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Skip Levens_Quantum" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Data Is Empowering Innovation</a></h2><p class="intro">Skip Levens explains how building modern technology infrastructures will aid the growth of AR, VR and VFX</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Adam Jacobs" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Adam Jacobs: Digital commissioning could offer freelancers hope in uncertain times</a></h2><p class="intro">Traditional TV is struggling, but the digital content space is open for business - and it still needs freelancers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Paul's Stingray 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Our Sea Forest, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer director Sarah Cunliffe on braving the elements to film the underwater worlds off the UK coast</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Sky Glass Voice remote - lifestyle, TV in action" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Nick Swimer: There are some silver linings for PSBs in the Ofcom Media Nations Report</a></h2><p class="intro">People are still watching PSBs’ content - but a long-overdue update to the due prominence rules will help to secure their position</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="boat story 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: Boat Story, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Two Brothers Pictures thriller starring Daisy Haggard, Paterson Joseph, and Joanna Scanlan</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Trigger Point" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Reaping the rewards of mentoring writers</a></h2><p class="intro">The Responder indie Dancing Ledge explains the benefits of putting time and energy into supporting new writing talent</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Top Boy 3 (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Top Boy 3, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Selection of images from Ronan Bennett’s East London drama. Produced by Cowboy Films, Easter Partisan and SpringHill Entertainment</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="wilderness" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Elizabeth Kilgarriff on the subconscious tension of Wilderness</a></h2><p class="intro">The exec reveals how her new Prime Video thriller balances scale, emotion and unease</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Julie Fernandez" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Julie Fernandez: We are making progress on accessibility, but there’s still work to do</a></h2><p class="intro">Disability access co-ordinators are vital if the industry wants to make real, sustainable change</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The_Way_Callum_Scott_Howells_as_Owen_credit_BBC" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: The Way, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">First production from Wales-based indie Red Seam, written by James Graham</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Ian Rumsey_DSF7838[4]" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits: Ian Rumsey</a></h2><p class="intro">ITN Productions’ managing director on his love of Liverpool, cricket and Jeremy Vine</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="2318-EdTVFest__SWP0855" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Edinburgh International Television Festival, day four</a></h2><p class="intro">The best images from the final day of this year’s event</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="_SWP1057" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Scott Bryan: This year’s Edinburgh was fascinating, but not for the reasons you’d expect</a></h2><p class="intro">Nobody seems to have the answers, Broadcast’s columnist concludes from a surprisingly downbeat TV Festival</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="_WCA6385" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Edinburgh International Television Festival, day three</a></h2><p class="intro">The best images from the third day of this year’s event</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Fatima Salaria" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fatima Salaria: Who are we to judge the choices that people make?</a></h2><p class="intro">Whatever the reason for women stepping away from the industry, we need to do more to help them return to work</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Copy of JVS_3540" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Edinburgh International Television Festival, day two</a></h2><p class="intro">The best images from the second day of this year’s event</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Lego Masters banijay" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Roundtable: Distributors make their case for building relationships with indies</a></h2><p class="intro">Our panel bust some myths and highlight the important role they can play</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="_WCZ1065" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Edinburgh International Television Festival, day one</a></h2><p class="intro">The best images from the first day of this year’s event</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="427760" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Declan Lawn and James Bluemel on Northern Ireland past and present</a></h2><p class="intro">Blue Lights writer and Once Upon A Time In Northern Ireland director discuss the differences and similarities between their versions of the region</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Joan Is Awful" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Alex Connock: AI isn’t going to replace the human touch any time soon</a></h2><p class="intro">The technology has upsides and downsides, but human insight and sensibility cannot be easily replicated</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Slow Down sign" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Greenlight slowdown: ‘It feels pretty horrendous out there’</a></h2><p class="intro">The TV ad market has crashed, the licence fee is frozen, inflation is rampant and streamers have slashed their spending. Five people offer an anonymous snapshot of their experiences</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="ST207_Abermule_MoragGovans_ReneeandAndrew_Full" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Murder Trial: The Disappearance of Renee and Andrew Macrae, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Taking cameras in to courtrooms is challengeing but an important step for open justice, says the creative director of Firecrest Films, Iain Scollay</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Rosie Jones" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Rosie Jones: “I’m not the disabled poster girl”</a></h2><p class="intro">Rosie Jones on the tricky balance between humour and activism and why the cynic in her thinks she’s ‘just the right amount of disabled’ for TV</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Slowdown_Paul" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Commissioning slowdown: The commissioner</a></h2><p class="intro">“I have friends who are highly experienced, who haven’t been able to pay their mortgages”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="pexels-ivan-samkov-7676401" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fiona Campbell: TikTok influencers are key to attracting young viewers</a></h2><p class="intro">BBC’s controller of youth audiences explains how its Creatorlab scheme will help social media talent make the transition to television</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Ash Atalla index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ash Atalla: Bad behaviour isn’t justified – no matter who you are</a></h2><p class="intro">It’s time the industry held ‘stars’ to account – and acknowledged that everyone involved in a production has ‘talent’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="leaders" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Is the sector nurturing the next generation of creative leaders?</a></h2><p class="intro">Experience has been key to dealing with industry challenges, but should we be bedding in execs’ successors?</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Slowdown_Paul" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Commissioning slowdown: Freelancer #2</a></h2><p class="intro">“The sad case is that talented freelancers are leaving the industry in droves”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Slowdown_Paul" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Commissioning slowdown: Freelancer #1</a></h2><p class="intro">“I had quite a few friends leave the industry in the 2008-9 recession – and this feels worse”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Slowdown_Paul" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Commissioning slowdown: Indie boss #2</a></h2><p class="intro">“Award winners who have CVs I would absolutely kill to have aren’t working”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Slowdown_Paul" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Commissioning slowdown: Indie boss #1</a></h2><p class="intro">“I do worry about the impact on freelancers. There are some great people who haven’t worked for a really long time”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Scream Publicity still 19-p1h83v6tlal083njqurhnvlc" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Man Who Stole The Scream, Sky Documentaries</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Clare Beavis on the chaotic ups and downs of getting access to Norway’s most notorious and audacious art thief</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Woman in the Wall (4)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">‘Dramatising trauma’: Ruth Wilson on her latest drama</a></h2><p class="intro">Star and exec producer of BBC1’s The Woman in the Wall reveals why a blend of genres drew her towards a ‘vital’ story about Ireland’s dark past</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Michael Parkinson" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">From the archive: Michael Parkinson - King of chat</a></h2><p class="intro">The legendary presenter sat down with then Broadcast editor Lisa Campbell in 2010 to discuss his storied career</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Untitled-5 (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Tops Guns: Inside the RAF, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producer Mark Tattersall reveals how unprecedented access to RAF Lossiemouth allowed him to take the audience into the cockpits of active fighter jets</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Tan France helps a bride" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Say Yes To The Dress with Tan France, Really</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Richard Osborne on creating the perfect setting to revive an old favourite for the modern bride</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="the_long_shadow_02" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: The Long Shadow, ITV1</a></h2><p class="intro">New Pictures drama airs in September</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="PAINKILLER_105_Unit_01687RC" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gallery: Painkiller, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Six-part drama series exploring some of the origins and aftermath of the opioid crisis in America</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Woman in the Wall (4)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First look: The Woman in the Wall, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Motive Pictures thriller examines the infamous Irish Magdalene Laundries</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="628CE407-6718-45CA-9CE5-7311FC00ACE4_1_105_c" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">My Top Tips for using AI-based VFX tools</a></h2><p class="intro">Social media influencer Brandon Baum, founder and CEO of StudioB, explains how he uses a range of AI tools in his VFX work</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Alone Cast Image" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Alone, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">How do you make a contestant feel alone in the wilderness, while ensuring they can capture great footage? Rachel Bloomfield explains</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Emily" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">End Credits: Emily Feller</a></h2><p class="intro">Warp Films’ chief creative officer on scuba diving, netball and a large G&T</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="ultimate wedding planner" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ultimate Wedding Planner: A marriage of chaos and calm</a></h2><p class="intro">BBCS exec Chi Ukairo explains how the production crew ‘faded into the background’ to capture the stressful world of planning nuptials</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dal_y_Mellt" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Overcoming the language barriers on global co-pros</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcasters working with international partners are looking to solutions such as versioning and subtitling</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Showcase - photo credit Charlie Lyne-87" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Open Door looks to expand remit</a></h2><p class="intro">Founder David Mumeni on widening the charity’s scope to help disadvantaged groups enter the industry in behind-the scenes roles</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="20230118 - Mel Rodrigues @JonCraig_Photos 12" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Diamond Data 6th Cut: why have we not made better progress?</a></h2><p class="intro">The results are in and frankly they could be better, says Mel Rodrigues</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="LOVESTRUCK HIGH_EPISODE_1_788" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Roundtable: Holding the ladder for young talent</a></h2><p class="intro">Four of last year’s Hot Shots on what the industry is doing right and what more could be done to support emerging talent</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="pexels-kat-wilcox-923681" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Insensitive true crime titles risk undermining important filmmaking</a></h2><p class="intro">As channels rush to attract audiences with provocative titles, grieving families can be left feeling traumatised and powerless</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="IMG_8757" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Accommodations for neurodiverse staff can benefit the whole industry</a></h2><p class="intro">Runner Hassaan Mohammad reflects on how his experiences show that a little flexibility can go a long way</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="DSC02302" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mother Undercover, Disney +</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Thomas Viner on telling true crime stories of women turned detective to save or seek justice for their children</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Jury Duty" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Scott Bryan: There’s nothing wrong with a relaxed take on copyright</a></h2><p class="intro">Stopping viewers from sharing footage on social media risks losing the buzz created by great TV moments</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Mike Darcey" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mike Darcey: The industry must not repeat the mistakes of newspapers</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcasters and streamers need to face up to the fact that the problems they face may be structural rather than cyclical</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Acelya Kancelik index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Acelya Kancelik</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Acelya brings clarity of thinking to complex storylines, and her insights are fresh, unexpected and nuanced’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Hot Shots cover" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots continue to raise the bar</a></h2><p class="intro">‘This year’s cohort are not just brilliant at their jobs, they are also people who have made a difference’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Kaio Grizzelle" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Kaio Grizzelle</a></h2><p class="intro">‘One of the sharpest and most impressive execs working across the digital landscape’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dan Omnes index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2023: Development producers</a></h2><p class="intro">Daniel Omnes, Freya Judd, Hannah Moulder, Ameenah Taher, Soph Webberley, Kariim Case, Lottie Naughton-Rumbo, Anya Wilson, Eleanor Wright, Nasreen Ahmed, Robert Hunter</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Art Sejdu" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Art Sejdiu</a></h2><p class="intro">‘His range is standout but, most of all, his manner is joyful and inclusive’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Oliver Diamond" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Oliver Diamond</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Olly’s understanding of the nuances of each platform allows him to formulate plans that are dramatic in their ambition’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Eleanor Wright index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Eleanor Wight</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Eleanor is a truly gifted development producer. She has really strong ideas and knows how to turn them into reality’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Hannah Moulder index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hannah Moulder</a></h2><p class="intro">‘An outstanding ability to identify and nurture promising comedic voices’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Kim Tserkezie index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2023: Writers</a></h2><p class="intro">Kim Tserkezie, Nessa Wrafter, Charlie Quinn, Anna Costello, Imogen Greenberg, Nessah Muthy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Nasreen Ahmed index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Nasreen Ahmed</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Naz genuinely loves telly and goes the extra mile. She pushes for inclusivity and diversity and champions new writers’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Freya Judd index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Freya Judd</a></h2><p class="intro">‘When the chips are down, Freya is someone you can rely on to be inventive and entrepreneurial in her approach to a script’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Charlie Quinn index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Charlie Quinn</a></h2><p class="intro">‘He’s one of those people who’ll be running the industry in a few years, and I hope he gives me work’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Heather Winstanley index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Heather Winstanley</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Heather is a tenacious and passionate talent manager. She has boundless energy and enthusiasm for her work’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Imogen Greenberg" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Imogen Greenberg</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Imogen intuitively grasps the mechanics of story and understands the emotions behind the characters’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Anya WIlson" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Anya Wilson</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Anya is uniquely placed to influence great change in the industry with powerful stories’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Laura Taylor headshot" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Laura Taylor</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The most impressive young post-producer I have had the pleasure to manage in my 25 years in post-production’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Calum leslie index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Calum Leslie</a></h2><p class="intro">‘He manages to get people on board and to open up in a way highly experienced film-makers struggle to do’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Nessa Wrafter headshot" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Nessa Wrafter</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Nessa has a unique and exciting voice. Her writing is ambitious, truthful and hilarious, putting female stories front and centre’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Soph Webberley" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Soph Webberley</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Soph goes above and beyond in all areas of her role. Her propensity for talent-spotting and her unique, fresh taste will stand her in good stead’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Pandora Monnas index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Pandora Monnas</a></h2><p class="intro">Pandora Monnas</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Nessah Muthy index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Nessah Muthy</a></h2><p class="intro">‘An exceptional talent whose writing has genuine heart, warmth and emotional depth’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ira_Putilova_Profile_Pic" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ira Putilova</a></h2><p class="intro">‘A fantastic editor with flare and integrity, whose dedication to finding solutions is exemplary’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Lottie Naughton Rumbo index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lottie Naughton-Rumbo</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Lottie is an incredibly dynamic, tenacious and exciting developer’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Nick Hitchcock index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Nick Hitchcock</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Nick has taken on board our ethos of being a client-facing agency and has brought with him an excellent awareness of up-and-coming talent’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Martyna index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Martyna Knitter</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Impressive commitment, drive and ability to transform challenges into opportunities’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Tolu Ogunware" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Tolu Ogunware</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Tolu is smart, talented and an absolute pleasure to work with’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="eloise millard index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Eloise Millard</a></h2><p class="intro">‘She will work tirelessly to get it right and is always thinking about the audience. This is what makes her exceptional’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Chrisotpher chow index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Christopher CF Chow</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Christopher’s work is always elegant, precise and economic – he edits only in pursuit of elevating the story’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Zoe King index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Zoe King</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Zoe has an endless well of positivity even in the face of the most bonkers productions’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="ade fenzo index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2023: Directors & DoPs</a></h2><p class="intro">Ade Femzo, Aurora Fearnley, Sam Ewen, Martyna Knitter, Tolu Ogunware</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Nathalie Swain-Diaz index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Nathalie Swain-Diaz</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Nat cares deeply about her work, is fascinated by story and strives to meet the highest editorial and trust standards’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Emma Rowe index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Emma Rowe</a></h2><p class="intro">‘I don’t think you could meet anyone more conscientious, hard-working and able than Emma’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Sarah Masiyiwa index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2023: Researchers & assistant producers</a></h2><p class="intro">Sarah Masiyiwa, Nathalie Swain-Diaz, Calum Leslie, Dan Viner, Eloise Millard, Maria McCloskey, Katharine McCallum, Will Robbins, Dion Hesson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Milly Bell index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2023: Talent managers</a></h2><p class="intro">Milly Bell, Heather Winstanley, Nick Hitchcock, Ray Böhm, Seb Jewell</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Kariim Case index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Kariim Case</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Always one step ahead of the zeitgeist’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Jade Miller-Robinson index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2023: Production managers</a></h2><p class="intro">Jade Miller-Robinson, Zoe King, Will Shellard, Emma Rowe, Jennifer Dempster</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Jess O’Riordan" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2023: Commissioners</a></h2><p class="intro">Jess O’Riordan, Oliver Diamond, Art Sejdiu, Kaio Grizzelle</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Will Robbins index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Will Robbins</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Will is super in tune with social media trends/TikTok, which has fed into the creative of shows and ideas’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Katharine McCallum index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Katharine McCallum</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Katharine will one day be our boss. She embraces new roles and duties and always excels’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Maria McCloskey index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Maria McCloskey</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Maria is too young to be this talented and experienced’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dan Viner index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dan Viner</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Dan is keen to listen and learn and has a great work ethic. His research is always thorough’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ellie Merz index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ellie Merz</a></h2><p class="intro">‘She’s a passionate film-maker, full of ideas, but calm when challenges arise’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Alyona Synegina index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Alyona Synegina</a></h2><p class="intro">‘With Alyona we got so much more. She pitched idea after idea and was a creative force’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="öhm/5184325.article" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ray Bohm index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="öhm/5184325.article">Ray Böhm</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The next-generation leader we need in this industry’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Robert Hunter index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Robert Hunter</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Robert is a skilled writer, producer, sales person, negotiator and creative, with strong leadership skills’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ameenah index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ameenah Taher</a></h2><p class="intro">‘With a real understanding of the next generation of audiences, she has proved to be a true asset to the future of our industry’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Aurora index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Aurora Fearnley</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Aurora is a fierce campaigner for disability rights and she wasn’t afraid to speak truth to power’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Will Shellard" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Will Shellard</a></h2><p class="intro">‘You can throw any challenge at Will and it’s completed with focus, determination and drive’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Steve Monger index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2023: Producers & PDs</a></h2><p class="intro">Steve Monger, Alyona Synegina, Louis Lee Ray, Ellie Merz, Chibuikem Oforka, Hassan Ghazi, Celia Jennison, Ruben Reuter, Georgina Lee, Pandora Monnas, Tafara Makopa</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Sara Hassan headshot" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hot Shots 2023: Post & craft</a></h2><p class="intro">Sara Hassan, Laura Taylor, Will Hewitt, Acelya Kancelik, Christopher Chow, Ira Putilova</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right item-penultimate hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Anna Costello headshot" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Anna Costello</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Anna stands out as a real talent, not just because she is very funny, but because of how perceptive and considered she is’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left item-last hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Tafara Makopa index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Tafara Makopa</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Nimbly redefined the modern-day indie, crafting a business model that navigates challenging budgets while allowing Wall to grow and innovate’</p></div></div></div></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="rightcolumn" class="fluidrightcolumn rightcolumn"> <div id="rightcolumn_sleeve"> <div id="mainright" class="area"> 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