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class="hc-totn-item "> <div class="wide-only"><!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --></div> <h2 class="headline"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">Carson says armed Jews would have 'diminished' Holocaust</a></h2> <div class="narrow-only"><!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --></div> </li> <li class="hc-totn-item "> <div class="wide-only"><!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --></div> <h2 class="headline"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">Texas sues VW, Audi over emissions cheating</a></h2> <div class="narrow-only"><!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --></div> </li> <li class="hc-totn-item "> <div class="wide-only"><!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --></div> <h2 class="headline"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">Thousands of fish wash up onto Freeport beach</a></h2> <div class="narrow-only"><!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --></div> </li> <li class="hc-totn-item "> <div class="wide-only"><!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- 3 hours --><p class="timestamp">2:54&nbsp;AM</p><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --></div> <h2 class="headline"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">New photos from NASA show Pluto's sky</a></h2> <div class="narrow-only"><!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- 3 hours --><p class="timestamp">2:54&nbsp;AM</p><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --></div> </li> <li class="hc-totn-item "> <div class="wide-only"><!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --></div> <h2 class="headline"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">Paxton case back in court next week</a></h2> <div class="narrow-only"><!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --></div> </li> <li class="hc-totn-item "> <div class="wide-only"><!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- 3 hours --><p class="timestamp">2:49&nbsp;AM</p><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --></div> <h2 class="headline"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">Tragedies befall American heroes since French train attack</a></h2> <div class="narrow-only"><!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- 3 hours --><p class="timestamp">2:49&nbsp;AM</p><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --></div> </li> <li class="hc-totn-item "> <div class="wide-only"><!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --></div> <h2 class="headline"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">Donald Trump says Bowe Bergdahl should have been executed</a></h2> <div class="narrow-only"><!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --></div> </li> <li class="hc-totn-item last-totn"> <div class="wide-only"><!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --></div> <h2 class="headline"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">As UT prepares for campus carry, professor to leave 'out of self-protection'</a></h2> <div class="narrow-only"><!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --></div> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- e hearst/collections/premium_recent_news.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> </div> <div class="zone zone-3"> <!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-31942-premium_blockstates"><!-- hearst/collections/premium_blockstates.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_blockstates.31942 --> <div class="collection prem-blockstates"> <div class="prem-block "> <div class="inner-block"> <div class="img-wrap"> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Crestmont Village Apartments faces closure after evidence of sewage pools, drug violence and unpaid bills caught the city's notice." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> </div> <h2 class="headline"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">Move-out for dangerous units is delayed, but tenants may still have trouble</a></h2> <p class="blurb"> <!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --> <span> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> During a court hearing, witnesses recounted open electrical boxes, sewage pooled in the courtyard, drug and gang violence and long-term utility disruptions due to the owner's failure to pay bills. <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </span> </p> </div><!-- /inner-block --> </div><!-- /prem-block-item --> <div class="prem-block last"> <div class="inner-block"> <div class="img-wrap"> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Visitors view part of Southwest Airlines' new international concourse Thursday at Hobby Airport. It officially opens next week. " border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> </div> <h2 class="headline"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">Southwest's new concourse is part of Hobby's upgrade</a></h2> <p class="blurb"> <!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --> <span> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Southwest Airlines' new international concourse officially opens next week, when the Dallas-based carrier launches new flights between Houston and cities in Mexico, Costa Rica and Belize. <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </span> </p> </div><!-- /inner-block --> </div><!-- /prem-block-item --> </div> <!-- /prem-blockstates --> <!-- END hearst/collections/premium_blockstates.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --><!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-45115-premium_blockstates"><!-- hearst/collections/premium_blockstates.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_blockstates.45115 --> <div class="collection prem-blockstates"> <div class="prem-block "> <div class="inner-block"> <div class="img-wrap"> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Dr. Dan Wolterman, president of Memorial Hermann, will retire next year. He has been with the system since 1999." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> </div> <h2 class="headline"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">Retiring CEO guided Memorial Hermann through growth and change</a></h2> <p class="blurb"> <!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --> <span> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> During&nbsp;Dan Wolterman's&nbsp;tenure, Memorial Hermann grew from six to 13 hospitals, increased its annual revenues from $800 million to nearly $5 billion, and more than tripled its workforce. <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </span> </p> </div><!-- /inner-block --> </div><!-- /prem-block-item --> <div class="prem-block last"> <div class="inner-block"> <div class="img-wrap"> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Despite being surrounded by Colts defenders, Texans wide receiver Jaelen Strong makes a 42-yard touchdown grab in the final second of the first half Thursday." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> </div> <h2 class="headline"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">Smith: Texans' QB-go-round leaves Mallett irritated on sideline</a></h2> <p class="blurb"> <!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --> <span> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Ryan Mallett stood alone on the sideline, arms folded, face tight, staring straight into space. Brian Hoyer stepped up in the pocket, scanned the field, found Jaelen Strong, then found Strong again. &nbsp; <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </span> </p> </div><!-- /inner-block --> </div><!-- /prem-block-item --> </div> <!-- /prem-blockstates --> <!-- END hearst/collections/premium_blockstates.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> </div> </div><!-- /.feature-wrap --> <div class="solo_triple"></div> <div class="zone zone-4"> <!-- business/templates/design/item/default.tpl --> <!-- mid:freeform.43039 --> <div class="hst-freeform hdnce-e hdnce-item-43039"> <a href=""><div class="subhead" style="text-align:left; font-size: 18px; font-family:AntennaBlack; letter-spacing:0.0625em; color:#C00"><b>BAYOU CITY HISTORY</b> </div></a></style> <a href=""><div class="subhead" style="text-align:left; font-size: 36px;"><b>Throwback Thursday to Houston's past</b> </div></a></style> <a href=""><img src="" style="width:100%;border:0;"></a> <a href=""><p class="subhead" style="text-align:left; font-size: 18px;">Today marks the first installment of our own #throwbackThursday feature using photos from the vast archive of the Houston Chronicle and Houston Post. Click here to find out what is being demolished, and uncovered, in this 1973 photo.</p></a></style> </div> </div> <div class="block-wrap"> <div class="zone zone-6"> <!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-19452-premium_featured_articles"><!-- collections/premium_featured_articles.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_featured_articles.19452 --> <div class="collection hc-section-hl "> <div class="sec-hl-item first-sec-item "> <div class="header"> <h4 class="kicker-link"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">Lifestyle</a></h4> </div> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">A 92-year-old's advice: Live bodaciously and finish well</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Margie Jenkins, with her husband, Robert &quot;Jenks&quot; Jenkins, both 92, is creating a companion online course to her book about dying." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Margie Jenkins startled the staff at her cardiologist's office the other day. When the nurse asked if she had any special messages for the doctor, the 92-year-old Jenkins said yes. "I want to talk ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> </div> <!-- e premium_featured_articles.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --><!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-54689-premium_featured_articles"><!-- collections/premium_featured_articles.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_featured_articles.54689 --> <div class="collection hc-section-hl "> <div class="sec-hl-item first-sec-item "> <div class="header"> <h4 class="kicker-link"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">Arts &amp; Entertainment</a></h4> </div> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">'Pan' proves a pointless origin story</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Hugh Jackman, left, stars as Blackbeard opposite Levi Miller as Peter in &quot;Pan.&quot;" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> "Pan" evokes no longing for childhood and innocence, has no feeling of magic or transcendence, no beauty, laughter or pain - in short, nothing that you might reasonably expect from a "Peter Pan" spin-off. ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> <div class="sec-hl-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Ellen Page talks new film, comfort in her own skin</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="SAN SEBASTIAN, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 24: Actress Ellen Page attends the &quot;Freeheld&quot; photocall during the 63rd San Sebastian International Film Festival on September 24, 2015 in San Sebastian, Spain. (Photo by Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images)" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> "I'm freezing," Ellen Page said, tucking her hands inside her sleeves. She shrank down in a conference-room chair, looking pained until a hotel attendant arrived with a pot of tea. "I needed to heat ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> <div class="sec-hl-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">'Malala' documentary a profile in courage</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Malala Yousafzai visits the Kisaruni Girls School last year in Massai Mara, Kenya." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> The story of Malala Yousafzai has been widely reported, but it's so intense and compelling that it bears repeating. The documentary "He Named Me Malala" is a testament to the courage of this Pakistani ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> <div class="sec-hl-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">'Goodnight Mommy' one mother of a creepy, brutal tale</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Susanne Wuest is the mysterious mother in &quot;Goodnight Mommy.&quot;" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> That timeless subject of folk and fantasy tales, the changeling, gets a nice twist in the Austrian chiller "Goodnight Mommy" as a couple of youngsters begin to fear that their mother has been replaced by ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> <div class="sec-hl-item last-sec-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">A mean Michael Shannon comes knocking in '99 Homes'</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Michael Shannon, from left, Andrew Garfield and Noah Lomas star in &quot;99 Homes.&quot;" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Rick Carver is the last person you want showing up at your front door. It's not just that he oozes sleaze, but as an opportunistic real-estate broker, he profits by evicting people, which he does with ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> </div> <!-- e premium_featured_articles.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --><!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-52316-premium_featured_articles"><!-- collections/premium_featured_articles.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_featured_articles.52316 --> <div class="collection hc-section-hl "> <div class="sec-hl-item first-sec-item "> <div class="header"> <h4 class="kicker-link"><a href="">Gray Matters</a></h4> </div> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">There's no such thing as 'math people'</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Student at whiteboard in math class" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> The first time my girlfriend and I fought, it was over, of all things, math. It was one of those past-midnight, early-relationship nights, when instead of sleeping, you talk about the big, impossible ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> <div class="sec-hl-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Why we hike</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="AWITW_Film_Pull-04600 (l to r) Robert Redford stars as Bill Bryson and Nick Nolte as Stephen Katz atop McAfee Knob along the Appalachian Trail in Broad Green Pictures upcoming release, A WALK IN THE WOODS. Credit: Broad Green Pictures" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> We climbed a mountain, yes we did. On a family trip last week, Stacy and I watched a full day and two nights of rain fall on our cabin at a park on the East Coast. As has been our way with so many things ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> <div class="sec-hl-item last-sec-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Crusty crime reporter goes to Hollywood</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="In my hotel lobby. Where else but in Hollywood?" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Even as my daughter was dropping me off at Bush Intercontinental Airport, I had lingering doubts. For the last few weeks, I had been telling myself that this trip would likely turn out to be some kind of ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> </div> <!-- e premium_featured_articles.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --><!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-53125-premium_featured_articles"><!-- collections/premium_featured_articles.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_featured_articles.53125 --> <div class="collection hc-section-hl "> <div class="sec-hl-item first-sec-item "> <div class="header"> <h4 class="kicker-link"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">Flavor</a></h4> </div> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Houstonian’s new Food Network series debuts Friday</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Houston personal trainer and food truck owner Eddie Jackson is the winner of Season 11 of Food Network Star. Finalist Eddie Jackson preparing his dish, Bacon Pasta Pesto, with Kraft Sharp Cheddar for the Mentor Challenge, Kraft Pantry, as seen on Food Network Star, Season 11." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> If you were rooting for Houstonian Eddie Jackson during his road to winning "Food Network Star," you don't have long to wait for his promised Food Network series. "BBQ Blitz," the show that fitness ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> <div class="sec-hl-item last-sec-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-link-21337" href="">Alison Cook's Top 100 Restaurants</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u hdnce-e hdnce-link-21337 " href=""> <img src="" alt="Tuna roses (rosas de atéºn) at Hugo's, with corn salad, cactus-pad gelée, green chile, cilantro dressing and lime." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Chronicle critic Alison Cook compiles the best dining Houston has to offer. <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> </div> <!-- e premium_featured_articles.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --><!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-51759-premium_featured_articles"><!-- collections/premium_featured_articles.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_featured_articles.51759 --> <div class="collection hc-section-hl "> </div> <!-- e premium_featured_articles.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --><!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-52187-premium_featured_articles"><!-- collections/premium_featured_articles.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_featured_articles.52187 --> <div class="collection hc-section-hl "> <div class="sec-hl-item first-sec-item "> <div class="header"> <h4 class="kicker-link"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">U.S. &amp; World</a></h4> </div> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Johns Hopkins study links fracking and premature births</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Neonatologist: If you can envision yourself putting the tiniest premature babies on the road to a healthy childhood, a neonatologist may be the career for you, provided you have an aptitude for advanced math and science. Also be sure to account for four years of medical school and four years of residency before coming within shooting range of a salary like this. Median Annual Salary: $209,600" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> WASHINGTON - New research from Johns Hopkins University suggests pregnant women living near hydraulic fracturing wells in Pennsylvania are more likely to give birth prematurely or have high-risk ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> </div> <!-- e premium_featured_articles.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --><!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-59007-premium_featured_articles"><!-- collections/premium_featured_articles.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_featured_articles.59007 --> <div class="collection hc-section-hl "> <div class="sec-hl-item first-sec-item "> <div class="header"> <h4 class="kicker-link"><a href="">Election 2016</a></h4> </div> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Cruz nets $12 million for presidential bid, Rubio $6 million</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="In this Oct. 5, 2015, photo, Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, addresses supporters at Kalamazoo Wings stadium in Kalamazoo, Mich. Cruz's presidential campaign is reporting a $12.2 million fundraising boost over the past three months. The Republican Texas senator's new fundraising, added to what he raised through the end of June, gives him a total of $26.5 million since he entered the race in late March." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> WASHINGTON (AP) — Ted Cruz raised $12.2 million in the past three months for his Republican presidential bid, about twice what competitor Marco Rubio collected in the same time period. The new numbers ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> </div> <!-- e premium_featured_articles.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --><!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-61473-premium_featured_articles"><!-- collections/premium_featured_articles.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_featured_articles.61473 --> <div class="collection hc-section-hl "> <div class="sec-hl-item first-sec-item "> <div class="header"> <h4 class="kicker-link"><a href="">Election 2015</a></h4> </div> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Maps show how Houstonians vote in mayoral races</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> The two most recent races to replace a term-limited mayor were some of the city's most-watched and competitive, thanks to the lack of an incumbent and a stacked ballot. With term-limited Mayor Annise ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> </div> <!-- e premium_featured_articles.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> </div> <div class="zone zone-7"> <!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-52184-premium_featured_articles"><!-- collections/premium_featured_articles.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_featured_articles.52184 --> <div class="collection hc-section-hl "> <div class="sec-hl-item first-sec-item "> <div class="header"> <h4 class="kicker-link"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">Sports</a></h4> </div> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Texans' defense remains not ready for prime time</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Colts running back Frank Gore (23) evades the reach of Texans outside linebacker Jadeveon Clowney during the second quarter. Gore carried 22 times for 98 yards." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> The Texans' defense is so bad it's almost unfathomable. The defense was pathetic in the 48-21 loss at Atlanta. And it was even worse in Thursday night's 27-20 prime-time game loss to Indianapolis and ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> <div class="sec-hl-item portrait"> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">DE Garrett fits Texas A&M;'s 'Wrecking Crew' style</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Texas A&amp;amp;M defensive end Myles Garrett, left, is tops in the SEC and third in the nation with 71/2 sacks." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> COLLEGE STATION - Twelve years ago this fall, Quentin Coryatt bemoaned the gradual slip and resulting slide of Texas A&amp;M's once-intimidating "Wrecking Crew" defense. Coryatt, a former A&amp;M ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> <div class="sec-hl-item last-sec-item portrait"> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Rockets rookie Dekker working to find comfort zone</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Houston Rockets forward Sam Dekker right, shoots over Dallas Mavericks forward Maurice Daly Ndour during second half NBA preseason game action at the Toyota Center Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2015, in Houston. ( James Nielsen / Houston Chronicle )" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Sam Dekker has felt this way before. The Rockets' rookie forward has felt one step behind, out of his element and in need of some guidance. "I was talking to my dad the other day, and I was like, ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> </div> <!-- e premium_featured_articles.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --><!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-26098-premium_featured_articles"><!-- collections/premium_featured_articles.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_featured_articles.26098 --> <div class="collection hc-section-hl "> <div class="sec-hl-item first-sec-item "> <div class="header"> <h4 class="kicker-link"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">Business</a></h4> </div> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Subsidized lofts let artists 'follow their dreams'</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Merry Nole looks out the window of her loft at the Elder Street Artists Lofts in Houston. Photos of the Elder Street Artists Lofts in the first ward in Houston on Saturday, Jan. 1, 2000, in Houston. The lofts are celebrating their 10 years since they opened in the location of the former Jefferson Davis hospital.( Elizabeth Conley / Houston Chronicle )" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Merry Nolan devotes half of her studio loft apartment to storing art supplies in bins crammed with papers, paints and other crafts. Brightly colored artworks adorn her hallway walls, while collages and ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> <div class="sec-hl-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Shippers adapt to slowing demand for drilling equipment</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="The Breakbulk Americas conference, held at the George R. Brown center, wrapped up Thursday." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Companies at the Breakbulk Americas conference in downtown Houston this week report they are feeling the effects of declines in demand for oil rig equipment. Breakbulk shippers help move much of the ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> <div class="sec-hl-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">'Scorpion' inspiration sees high-tech peril in the real world</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Walter O'Brien, CEO of Scorpion, wants kids to study computer science and artificial intelligence." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Walter O'Brien is a computer expert who claims to have hacked into NASA's computers and who founded a company, Scorpion Computer Services at age 13. He's also the real-life inspiration for the television ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> <div class="sec-hl-item last-sec-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Refiners keep up drum beat against crude exports</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Valero gives up $236 million for refinery pollution controls The EPA said determined in 2007 that several Valero's refineries were producing too much sulfur and nitrogen oxide. The civil penalty was small, at $4.25 million, but Valero was also forced to pay $232 million to upgrade its facilities" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> WASHINGTON _ As the House nears a pivotal vote on crude exports Friday, lobbyists for Valero Energy Corp. and other refiners have been walking the halls of Congress, pushing lawmakers to oppose legislation ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> </div> <!-- e premium_featured_articles.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --><!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-52291-premium_featured_articles"><!-- collections/premium_featured_articles.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_featured_articles.52291 --> <div class="collection hc-section-hl "> <div class="sec-hl-item first-sec-item "> <div class="header"> <h4 class="kicker-link"><a href="/web/20151009080357/">Local</a></h4> </div> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Paxton says Texas should go even further on restricting abortion</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is interviewed inside his Austin office, Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2015. ( Mark Mulligan / Houston Chronicle )" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> AUSTIN - Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Thursday offered his vision for the next phase of the state's battle against abortion, saying lawmakers should consider boosting regulations and inspections of ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> <div class="sec-hl-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Much of Garcia's Wikipedia page focused on inmate abuse</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Former Harris County sheriff Adrian Garcia, a candidate for Houston mayor, speaks in his campaign office Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015, in Houston." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Wikipedia bills itself as "the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit." Anybody, that is, but Adrian Garcia's campaign. For nearly three months, the Houston mayoral candidate's Wikipedia page has ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> <div class="sec-hl-item portrait"> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Lawmakers to study conservatives' top topics before 2017 session</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick speaks during a news conference Wednesday afternoon, June 10, 2015 at Landmark Aviation at the Wichita Falls, Texas Regional Airport. Patrick spoke on issues such as border control and reducing property taxes. Patrick is on his “Bold New Day in Texas” tour to talk about the successes of the past session. (Torin Halsey/Times Record News via AP)" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> AUSTIN - Protecting gun rights, paying union dues with public funds and ensuring Texans are not being forced by the government to violate their religious views are among conservative hot-button topics ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> <div class="sec-hl-item last-sec-item portrait"> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Part of historic Kerr County ranch sold</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Charles Schreiner III and sons Gus, Louis, Walter, and above, Charles IV. The heirs to the YO Ranch have wrangled over how to dissolve their partnership." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> MOUNTAIN HOME - Repairs to the YO Ranch's potholed entrance road signal the arrival of new blood - and fresh money - at the storied Kerr County property that frontiersman Charles Schreiner bought in 1880 ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> </div> <!-- e premium_featured_articles.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --><!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-54453-premium_featured_articles"><!-- collections/premium_featured_articles.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_featured_articles.54453 --> <div class="collection hc-section-hl "> </div> <!-- e premium_featured_articles.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --><!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-57705-premium_featured_articles"><!-- collections/premium_featured_articles.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_featured_articles.57705 --> <div class="collection hc-section-hl "> <div class="sec-hl-item first-sec-item "> <div class="header"> <h4 class="kicker-link"><a href="">Neighborhoods</a></h4> </div> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Boat builder feels connection to craft that rescued Jews</a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Walter Hansen, right, is restoring an authentic Danish fishing boat of the type used to ferry Danish Jews to safety in Sweden during World War II. Raleigh Murbach, left, is among volunteers helping him." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> He scales the steep boat deck, scanning for any oversights. The former FBI agent's eyes scan the wood more carefully than the Nazis who might have searched the boat decades before him. Walter Hansen, a ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div> </div> <!-- e premium_featured_articles.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> </div> </div> </div> <div class="right-rail"> <div class="zone zone-5"> <!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-59275-premium_section_below_the_fold"><!-- collections/premium_section_below_the_fold.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_section_below_the_fold.59275 --> <!-- collection.premium_section_below_the_fold.59275 --> <div class="collection section-btf hc-section-hl"> <div class="sec-hl-item first-sec-item "> <div class="header"> <h4 class="kicker-link"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-channel-8001" href="/web/20151009080357/">Opinion</a> </h4> </div> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/"></a> </h2> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> To see more cartoons, click through the gallery above. <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </p> </div><!-- /item --> <div class="item rel-links "> <h4> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Voters should change minds of lawmakers in thrall of NRA</a> </h4> </div><!-- /item --> <div class="item rel-links "> <h4> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Krauthammer: Another gun massacre, another policy charade</a> </h4> </div><!-- /item --> <div class="item rel-links "> <h4> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Editorial: Robert Gallegos for District I</a> </h4> </div><!-- /item --> <div class="item rel-links "> <h4> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Bahorich: Texas textbook flap provides 'teachable moment'</a> </h4> </div><!-- /item --> <div class="item rel-links "> <h4> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Feldman: Death penalty cases are personal for justices</a> </h4> </div><!-- /item --> <div class="item rel-links "> <h4> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Friday letters: Textbooks, Ten Commandments, climate change</a> </h4> </div><!-- /item --> <div class="item rel-links last"> <h4> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Friday letters: Seeking solutions about gun violence</a> </h4> </div><!-- /item --> </div> <!-- e premium_section_below_the_fold.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <!-- business/templates/design/item/default.tpl --> <!-- mid:freeform.19891 --> <div class="hst-freeform hdnce-e hdnce-item-19891"> <div class="eEdition_promo"> <div class="promo_outer"> <div class="promo_inner"> <h4>Read today's eNewspaper</h4> <p>The complete print edition, plus an extra digital-only section every day</p> </div> </div> <a href="/web/20151009080357/" class="promo_link" rel="This is a link"></a> </div> </div> <!-- business/templates/design/item/default.tpl --> <!-- mid:freeform.43738 --> <div class="hst-freeform hdnce-e hdnce-item-43738"> <style> p { font-family: Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; } } td { font-family: Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; } a href { font-family: Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; } </style> <div class="header"> <h4 class="kicker highlight color-link">Top Stories</h4> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> <!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-31943-premium_headlinelist_illus"><!-- hearst/collections/premium_headlinelist_illus.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_headlinelist_illus.31943 --> <!-- design/collection/premium_headlinelist_illus/default.tpl --> <div class="collection prem-hl-illus "> <!-- hearst/collections/premium_headlinelist_illus_body.tpl --> <div class="prem-hl-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">As Obama visits Oregon shooting site, weary advocates look for new way forward</a> </h2> <div class="img-wrap"> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Heidi Wickersham, left, embraces her sister Gwendoline Wickersham during a prayer vigil in honor of the victims of the fatal shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> </div> <!-- hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="byline">By <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Kevin Diaz</a></p> <!-- e hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --> <span> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> &nbsp; &nbsp; WASHINGTON - In the week since the mass shooting in Oregon that took the lives of nine college students and the lone gunman who killed them, one bill has been introduced in Congress to ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </span> </p> </div> <div class="prem-hl-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Company can't identify chemicals in Pasadena blaze</a> </h2> <!-- hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="byline">By <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Matt Dempsey</a><a href="/web/20151009080357/"> and Mark Collette</a></p> <!-- e hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --> <span> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> For the second time in a week, fire erupted at a Pasadena industrial site, injuring two firefighters and raising more questions about the safety of workers and the public in the nation's biggest ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </span> </p> </div> <div class="prem-hl-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">GOP civil war rages over speaker job</a> </h2> <!-- hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="byline">By David Lightman, TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE</p> <!-- e hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --> <span> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> WASHINGTON - Rep. Kevin McCarthy's startling decision to pull out of the race for speaker of the House of Representatives was the latest vivid illustration of how today's Republican Party is bitterly ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </span> </p> </div> <div class="prem-hl-item last"> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">State database tracks officer shootings</a> </h2> <!-- hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="byline">By Dylan Baddour<a href="/web/20151009080357/"> and St. John Barned-Smith</a></p> <!-- e hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --> <span> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Texas peace officers shot at least 10 people since state officials began tracking statistics last month in a public database aimed at increasing transparency about officer-involved shootings. ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </span> </p> </div> <!-- e hearst/collections/premium_headlinelist_illus_body.tpl --></div> <!-- /prem-hl-illus --> <!-- e design/collection/premium_headlinelist_illus/default.tpl --><!-- END hearst/collections/premium_headlinelist_illus.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> </div> <div class="ad-middle"> <div class="ad-inner"> <div id="AP300" class="ad_deferrable"><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/ hearstPlaceAd("AP300"); /*]]>*/ </script></div> </div> </div> <div class="zone zone-8"> <!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-19609-premium_featured_columnists"><!-- hearst/collections/premium_featured_columnists.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_featured_columnists.19609 --> <div class="collection hc-ft-columnists"> <div class="aboveRule"> <div class="extended_wrapper"> <div class="header"> <h4 class="kicker highlight color-link">Featured Columnists</h4> </div> <!-- hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> <div class="ftc-item-wrap odd"> <div class="ftc-item ftc-first"> <div class="ftc-item-head" style="background: url( bottom right no-repeat; background-size: contain; behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/; -ms-behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/;"> <h3 class="ftc-name"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/"> <span class="first-name">Jerome</span> Solomon</a> </h3> </div> <div class="ftc-content"> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Deep in Royals country, Astros are royalty for a night</a> </h2> <p class="blurb"><!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> KANSAS CITY, Mo. - There are billboards around town that claim this city, this region is "Chiefs Kingdom." Only in that the NFL is king is this the Chiefs town. Because baseball is back, baby, and in a big way. This is Royals Country. No doubt about it. But as much of a Royals town as ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- e hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> <!-- hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> <div class="ftc-item-wrap even"> <div class="ftc-item"> <div class="ftc-item-head" style="background: url( bottom right no-repeat; background-size: contain; behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/; -ms-behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/;"> <h3 class="ftc-name"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/"> <span class="first-name">Ken</span> Hoffman</a> </h3> </div> <div class="ftc-content"> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">You say it's your birthday: 'Imagine' John Lennon at 75</a> </h2> <p class="blurb"><!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> John Lennon, maybe the coolest guy who ever lived, would have turned 75 Friday. It's hard to imagine what that brilliant, complicated, flawed artist would be like today. I doubt he'd be Paul McCartney, always Beatle Paul, touring the world playing three-hour concerts packed with songs he ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- e hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> <!-- hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> <div class="ftc-item-wrap odd"> <div class="ftc-item"> <div class="ftc-item-head" style="background: url( bottom right no-repeat; background-size: contain; behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/; -ms-behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/;"> <h3 class="ftc-name"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/"> <span class="first-name">Brian T.</span> Smith</a> </h3> </div> <div class="ftc-content"> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Texans' QB-go-round leaves Mallett irritated on sideline</a> </h2> <p class="blurb"><!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Ryan Mallett stood alone on the sideline, arms folded, face tight, staring straight into blank space. Brian Hoyer stepped up in the pocket, scanned the field, found Jaelen Strong, then found Strong again. And in Week 5 of an already chaotic season, Bill O'Brien rediscovered the ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- e hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> <!-- hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> <div class="ftc-item-wrap even"> <div class="ftc-item"> <div class="ftc-item-head" style="background: url( bottom right no-repeat; background-size: contain; behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/; -ms-behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/;"> <h3 class="ftc-name"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/"> <span class="first-name">L.M.</span> Sixel</a> </h3> </div> <div class="ftc-content"> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Employer wins fight with feds on worker classification</a> </h2> <p class="blurb"><!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Bert Steindorf wasn't in the office the day his company got a surprise visit from a federal wage inspector looking for payroll data. But a couple of months later, he received a $6 million back wage bill from the U.S. Department of Labor for allegedly misclassifying the guards who monitor oil ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- e hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> <!-- hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> <div class="ftc-item-wrap odd"> <div class="ftc-item"> <div class="ftc-item-head" style="background: url( bottom right no-repeat; background-size: contain; behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/; -ms-behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/;"> <h3 class="ftc-name"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/"> <span class="first-name">Andrew</span> Dansby</a> </h3> </div> <div class="ftc-content"> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Unconventional jazz great Jimmy Giuffre gets his due</a> </h2> <p class="blurb"><!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Jimmy Giuffre was one of jazz's overlooked greats. A distinctive clarinetist and saxophonist, and a thoughtful composer, Giuffre didn't sell many albums during his life, but his creative restlessness - which resulted in daring, thoughtful music - earned him renown late in his career and ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- e hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> <!-- hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> <div class="ftc-item-wrap even"> <div class="ftc-item"> <div class="ftc-item-head" style="background: url( bottom right no-repeat; background-size: contain; behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/; -ms-behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/;"> <h3 class="ftc-name"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/"> <span class="first-name">Chris</span> Tomlinson</a> </h3> </div> <div class="ftc-content"> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Truth about corporate social responsibility is still out there</a> </h2> <p class="blurb"><!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> AUSTIN - For years, Volkswagen's record for ethics and sustainability were exemplary, at least according to the company's social responsibility reports. Then, the world learned that the company was cheating on emission tests. British Petroleum changed its name to BP in 1998 and soon began ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- e hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> <!-- hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> <div class="ftc-item-wrap odd"> <div class="ftc-item"> <div class="ftc-item-head" style="background: url( bottom right no-repeat; background-size: contain; behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/; -ms-behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/;"> <h3 class="ftc-name"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/"> <span class="first-name">Lisa</span> Falkenberg</a> </h3> </div> <div class="ftc-content"> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Gun control in Texas is not a lost cause. Here's what you can do.</a> </h2> <p class="blurb"><!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> If Texans like me are the problem when it comes to speaking out about gun violence, people like Houston gun-owner Sandy Chasse are the solution. In Sunday's column, I said I'd avoided calling for common sense gun regulation – largely because it seemed a lost cause, especially in Texas. I ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- e hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> <!-- hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> <div class="ftc-item-wrap even"> <div class="ftc-item"> <div class="ftc-item-head" style="background: url( bottom right no-repeat; background-size: contain; behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/; -ms-behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/;"> <h3 class="ftc-name"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/"> <span class="first-name">Jay</span> Lee</a> </h3> </div> <div class="ftc-content"> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Where to go to start stopping unwanted program launches</a> </h2> <p class="blurb"><!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Q: For reasons I don't understand, Firefox launches as soon as I start up my computer. Do you know why this is happening? More importantly, how can I turn this off? A: Many applications add themselves to the Startup folder when you install them - though I haven't seen Firefox do this. ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- e hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> <!-- hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> <div class="ftc-item-wrap odd"> <div class="ftc-item ftc-last"> <div class="ftc-item-head" style="background: url( bottom right no-repeat; background-size: contain; behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/; -ms-behavior: url(/web/20151009080357im_/;"> <h3 class="ftc-name"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/"> <span class="first-name">Peggy</span> Fikac</a> </h3> </div> <div class="ftc-content"> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Texas' shifting views not yet fully reflected in electorate</a> </h2> <p class="blurb"><!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> AUSTIN - A new poll on hot-button issues did more than take the state's temperature. It showed the power of the ballot box. The survey by the nonprofit, nonpartisan Texas Lyceum suggested significant backing among Texans for gay marriage, marijuana legalization, work permits for some young ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- e hearst/common/columnist_home.tpl --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- e premium_featured_columnists.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <!-- business/templates/design/item/default.tpl --> <!-- mid:freeform.43741 --> <div class="hst-freeform hdnce-e hdnce-item-43741"> <style> p { font-family: Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; } } td { font-family: Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; } a href { font-family: Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; } </style> <div class="header"> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h4 class="kicker highlight color-link">IN CASE YOU MISSED IT</h4> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> <!-- src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <div class="hide-rss-link hdnce-e hdnce-collection-52178-premium_headlinelist_illus"><!-- hearst/collections/premium_headlinelist_illus.tpl --> <!-- collection.premium_headlinelist_illus.52178 --> <!-- design/collection/premium_headlinelist_illus/default.tpl --> <div class="collection prem-hl-illus "> <!-- hearst/collections/premium_headlinelist_illus_body.tpl --> <div class="prem-hl-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Congressional ethics office details free trip and gifts to Texas lawmakers</a> </h2> <div class="img-wrap"> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="U. S. Representative Ted Poe, R-Texas, speaks at a Constitution Day celebration, sponsored by the Kingwood Tea Party, Thursday, Sept. 3, 2015, in Kingwood." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> </div> <!-- hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="byline">By <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Kevin Diaz</a></p> <!-- e hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --> <span> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> &nbsp; &nbsp; WASHINGTON - An independent watchdog agency investigating a congressional trip to Azerbaijan in 2013 concluded that the nation's state-owned oil company secretly funded the all-expenses ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </span> </p> </div> <div class="prem-hl-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Abbott reverses Perry on prison rape law</a> </h2> <!-- hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="byline">By <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Lauren McGaughy</a></p> <!-- e hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --> <span> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> AUSTIN - Gov. Greg Abbott has promised Texas will implement federal rules aimed at eradicating rape in prisons and jails, less than two years after his predecessor, Rick Perry, said it would be ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </span> </p> </div> <div class="prem-hl-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">GOP presidential camps turning their attention to Texas</a> </h2> <div class="img-wrap"> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> </div> <!-- hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="byline">By <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Mike Ward</a></p> <!-- e hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --> <span> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> AUSTIN - As the Republican presidential race rolls into October and the candidate winnowing process continues ahead of the primary battlegrounds of Iowa and New Hampshire, campaign eyes already are turning ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </span> </p> </div> <div class="prem-hl-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Environmental activists emboldened by Shell's Arctic decision</a> </h2> <div class="img-wrap"> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="In May, self-proclaimed &quot;kayaktavists&quot; took to Seattle waters to protest Shell's Arctic quest, while the Transocean Polar Pioneer drilling rig, on its way to the Arctic, towered over them." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> </div> <!-- hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="byline">By <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Jennifer A. Dlouhy</a></p> <!-- e hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --> <span> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> WASHINGTON - Environmentalists who battled Arctic oil drilling by paddling kayaks, dangling from bridges and climbing onto rigs at sea have claimed a high-profile success against Shell and aim to funnel ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </span> </p> </div> <div class="prem-hl-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Guards often brutalize and neglect jail inmates, records show</a> </h2> <div class="img-wrap"> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="72, was left bloody and motionless in a locked room after a Harris County Jail guard punched him and he fell and hit his head." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> </div> <!-- hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="byline">By <a href="/web/20151009080357/">James Pinkerton</a><a href="/web/20151009080357/"> and Anita Hassan</a></p> <!-- e hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --> <span> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> &nbsp; First in a series: The Chronicle reviewed more than 1,000 jail disciplinary reports and found guards used excessive force against inmates or abused their authority over 120 times.&nbsp; ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </span> </p> </div> <div class="prem-hl-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Turner hoping third race for mayor is the charm</a> </h2> <div class="img-wrap"> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Sylvester Turner photographed in his office on Friday, Aug. 7, 2015, in Houston. ( Karen Warren / Houston Chronicle )" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> </div> <!-- hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="byline">By <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Allan Turner</a></p> <!-- e hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --> <span> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Here's the advice Ruby Mae Turner had for her son, Sylvester, the sixth of her nine children: Work hard and stay in the game, and tomorrow will be better than today. Taken alone, it may seem just ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </span> </p> </div> <div class="prem-hl-item "> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Energy companies ride out slump by doubling down in Houston</a> </h2> <div class="img-wrap"> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Perry Phillips, plant manager for Team Oil Tools in Conroe, talks about the downhole tools the company makes there for the oil industry. Phillips relocated from Tulsa, Oklahoma after the company closed its plant there. ( Melissa Phillip / Houston Chronicle )" border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> </div> <!-- hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="byline">By Rhiannon Meyers</p> <!-- e hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --> <span> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> Weeks after buying his first house, Anthony Escobedo got word that his company planned to close the California oil equipment plant where he works as a mechanical design engineer and ship him and his ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </span> </p> </div> <div class="prem-hl-item last"> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="/web/20151009080357/">Homecoming dances fading away at some high schools</a> </h2> <div class="img-wrap"> <!-- common/display_image.tpl --> <a class="without_u " href="/web/20151009080357/"> <img src="" alt="Sarah Howe and Mitchell Jackson, juniors at Pearland High School, have their photo taken at a fund-raising booth at the recent homecoming game, but the school canceled its homecoming dance." border="0"/> </a> <!-- e display_image.tpl --> </div> <!-- hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="byline">By Emily Foxhall<a href="/web/20151009080357/"> and Mihir Zaveri</a></p> <!-- e hearst/common/author_name.tpl --> <p class="blurb"> <!-- subitem_timestamp.tpl --><!-- e subitem_timestamp.tpl --> <span> <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> The high school students took turns on a recent Friday night posing under a makeshift photo booth's lights, which paled in comparison with the flood lights of the football field nearby. The couples smiled ... <!-- hearst/common/blurb.tpl --> </span> </p> </div> <!-- e hearst/collections/premium_headlinelist_illus_body.tpl --></div> <!-- /prem-hl-illus --> <!-- e design/collection/premium_headlinelist_illus/default.tpl --><!-- END hearst/collections/premium_headlinelist_illus.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> </div> </div> </div><!-- /full-page --> </div><!-- /content --> <div class="ad-bottom"> <div class="ad-inner"> <div id="BP300" class="ad_deferrable"><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/ hearstPlaceAd("BP300"); /*]]>*/</script></div> </div> </div> </div><!-- /container --> <!-- e templates/design/channel/premium_homepage.tpl --> <!-- src/business/templates/hearst/common/footer.tpl --> <!-- templates/hearst/home/viafouraFooterJS.tpl --> <script> // This must be correctly defined before Viafoura is called // or else we run the risk of tainting the comments for a particular url $('meta[property="og:url"]').attr('content', location.href); (function (v, s) { v.type = 'text/javascript'; v.async = !0; v.src = location.protocol !== 'https:' ? 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