Dai Nippon Printing | 7912 - Stock Price | Live Quote | Historical Chart

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style="cursor: pointer;">Price</th> <th style="text-align: right;"></th> <th class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" style="text-align: right; cursor: pointer;">Chg</th> <th style="text-align: center; cursor: pointer;" data-heatmap="1" data-heatmap-limit="10">Day</th> <th class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" data-heatmap="1" data-heatmap-limit="100" style="text-align: right; cursor: pointer;">Year</th> <th style="text-align: right; cursor: pointer;" class="d-none d-md-table-cell">Date</th> </tr> </thead> <tr data-decimals="2" data-symbol="6857:JP" > <td> <a href="/6857:jp"> Advantest </a> </td> <td id="p">7,008.00 </td> <td id="triangle"> <span class="market-negative-image"></span> </td> <td class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" id="nch" data-no-triangle="true" style="text-align: right;">-194.00 </td> <td id="pch" style="text-align: right;">-2.69%</td> <td class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" style="text-align: right;">2.77%</td> <td id="date" style="text-align: right;" class="d-none d-md-table-cell">Mar/28 </td> </tr> <tr data-decimals="2" data-symbol="7735:JP" > <td> <a href="/7735:jp"> Screen Holdings </a> </td> <td id="p">10,315.00 </td> <td id="triangle"> <span class="market-negative-image"></span> </td> <td class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" id="nch" data-no-triangle="true" style="text-align: right;">-230.00 </td> <td id="pch" style="text-align: right;">-2.18%</td> <td class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" style="text-align: right;">-48.33%</td> <td id="date" style="text-align: right;" class="d-none d-md-table-cell">Mar/28 </td> </tr> <tr data-decimals="2" data-symbol="7911:JP" > <td> <a href="/7911:jp"> Toppan </a> </td> <td id="p">4,201.00 </td> <td id="triangle"> <span class="market-negative-image"></span> </td> <td class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" id="nch" data-no-triangle="true" style="text-align: right;">-74.00 </td> <td id="pch" style="text-align: right;">-1.73%</td> <td class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" style="text-align: right;">8.30%</td> <td id="date" style="text-align: right;" class="d-none d-md-table-cell">Mar/28 </td> </tr> <tr data-decimals="2" data-symbol="7912:JP" > <td> <a href="/7912:jp"> Dai Nippon Printing </a> </td> <td id="p">2,161.00 </td> <td id="triangle"> <span class="market-negative-image"></span> </td> <td class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" id="nch" data-no-triangle="true" style="text-align: right;">-46.00 </td> <td id="pch" style="text-align: right;">-2.08%</td> <td class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" style="text-align: right;">-7.47%</td> <td id="date" style="text-align: right;" class="d-none d-md-table-cell">Mar/28 </td> </tr> <tr data-decimals="2" data-symbol="8035:JP" > <td> <a href="/8035:jp"> Tokyo Electron </a> </td> <td id="p">21,525.00 </td> <td id="triangle"> <span class="market-negative-image"></span> </td> <td class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" id="nch" data-no-triangle="true" style="text-align: right;">-765.00 </td> <td id="pch" style="text-align: right;">-3.43%</td> <td class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" style="text-align: right;">-45.60%</td> <td id="date" style="text-align: right;" class="d-none d-md-table-cell">Mar/28 </td> </tr> <tr data-decimals="2" data-symbol="9735:JP" > <td> <a href="/9735:jp"> Secom </a> </td> <td id="p">5,232.00 </td> <td id="triangle"> <span class="market-negative-image"></span> </td> <td class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" id="nch" data-no-triangle="true" style="text-align: right;">-51.00 </td> <td id="pch" style="text-align: right;">-0.97%</td> <td class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" style="text-align: right;">-52.26%</td> <td id="date" style="text-align: right;" class="d-none d-md-table-cell">Mar/28 </td> </tr> <tr data-decimals="2" data-symbol="ANY:HB" > <td> <a href="/any:hb"> ANY Biztonsagi Nyomda </a> </td> <td id="p">6,260.00 </td> <td id="triangle"> <span class="market-positive-image"></span> </td> <td class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" id="nch" data-no-triangle="true" style="text-align: right;">140.00 </td> <td id="pch" style="text-align: right;">2.29%</td> <td class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" style="text-align: right;">84.12%</td> <td id="date" style="text-align: right;" class="d-none d-md-table-cell">Mar/28 </td> </tr> </table> </div><br /> <div class="card"> <table class="table table-hover sortable-theme-minimal table-heatmap table-striped" data-sortable=""> <thead> <tr> <th style="cursor: pointer;">Indexes</th> <th style="cursor: pointer;">Price</th> <th></th> <th></th> <th data-heatmap="1" data-heatmap-limit="10" style="text-align: right; cursor: pointer;">Day</th> <th class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" data-heatmap="1" data-heatmap-limit="30" style="text-align: right; cursor: pointer;">Year</th> <th style="text-align: right; cursor: pointer;" class="d-none d-md-table-cell">Date</th> </tr> </thead> <tr data-decimals="0" data-symbol="NKY:IND" data-subscribe="NKY:IND"> <td> <a href="/japan/stock-market">JP225 </a> </td> <td id="p">36270 </td> <td id="triangle"> <span class="market-negative-image"></span> </td> <td id="nch" data-no-triangle="true" style="text-align: right;">-679.64 </td> <td id="pch" style="text-align: right;">-1.80%</td> <td class="d-none d-sm-table-cell" style="text-align: right;">-10.15%</td> <td id="date" style="text-align: right;" class="d-none d-md-table-cell">Mar/28 </td> </tr> </table></div> </div> <div id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ctl00_PanelDescription"> <div class="card card-body"> <div class='card-body' style='text-align: justify'><h2>Dai Nippon Printing traded at 2,161.00 this Friday March 28th, decreasing 46.00 or 2.08 percent since the previous trading session. Looking back, over the last four weeks, Dai Nippon Printing lost 2.70 percent. Over the last 12 months, its price fell by 7.47 percent. Looking ahead, we forecast Dai Nippon Printing to be priced at 2,176.38 by the end of this quarter and at 2,147.78 in one year, according to Trading Economics global macro models projections and analysts expectations. </h2></div> <div class='card-footer' style='text-align: justify'>Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the printing business and soft drink business. The Company operates in four business segments. The Information Communication segment involves in the manufacture and sale of publishing and commercial printed matters and business forms, photographic materials, and conducts education and publishing distribution businesses. The Life and Industry segment involves in the manufacture and sale of packaging materials, construction materials, as well as industrial materials. The Electronics segment manufactures and sells electronic precision parts and others. The Soft Drink segment involves in the manufacture and sale of soda drink, mineral water, among others.</div> </div> </div> <br /> <div id="financialsList" class='card'> <div class='card-header' style="padding-left: 30px;">Financials </div> <div class='card-body row'> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:assets ">Assets </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:cash-and-equivalent ">Cash and Equivalent </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:cost-of-sales ">Cost of Sales </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:current-assets ">Current Assets </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:current-liabilities ">Current Liabilities </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:debt ">Debt </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:dy ">Dividend Yield </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:ebit ">EBIT </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:ebitda ">EBITDA </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:employees ">Employees </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:eps ">EPS Earnings Per Share </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:equity-capital-and-reserves ">Equity Capital and Reserves </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:gross-profit-on-sales ">Gross Profit on Sales </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:interest-expense-on-debt ">Interest Expense on Debt </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:interest-income ">Interest Income </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:loan-capital ">Loan Capital </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:market-capitalization ">Market Capitalization </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:net-income ">Net Income </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:operating-expenses ">Operating Expenses </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:operating-profit ">Operating Profit </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:ordinary-share-capital ">Ordinary Share Capital </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:pe ">PE Price to Earnings </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:pre-tax-profit ">Pre-Tax Profit </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:sales ">Sales Revenues </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:selling-and-administration-expenses ">Selling and Administration Expenses </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:stock ">Stock </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:trade-creditors ">Trade Creditors </a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <a href="/7912:jp:trade-debtors ">Trade Debtors </a> </div> </div> </div> <br /> <br /> <br /> <script> window.onload = function () { const trigger_treemap_el = document.getElementById('trigger_treemap') if (trigger_treemap_el != null) { console.log("add event listener") trigger_treemap_el.addEventListener('click', trigger_treemap) } } async function load_treemap() { try { const module = await import('../scripts/stock-treemap.js') if (window.create_stock_treemap != null) { $('#treemap_trigger').hide() $('#hide_treemap').show() create_stock_treemap(data, 'treemap_container', language) const treemap = document.getElementById('treemap_container') if (treemap != null) { treemap.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline: "nearest" }) } } else { console.error('Failed to load treemap') } } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } function hide_treemap() { try { $('#treemap_container').hide() $('#hide_treemap').hide() //$('#show_treemap').show() //const show_treemap = document.getElementById('show_treemap') //if (show_treemap != null) { // show_treemap.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline: "nearest" }) //} } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } function show_treemap() { try { $('#treemap_container').show() $('#hide_treemap').show() //$('#show_treemap').hide() const treemap = document.getElementById('treemap_container') if (treemap != null) { treemap.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline: "nearest" }) } } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } function trigger_treemap(event) { try { console.log("trigger treemap") event.stopPropagation(); 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min-width: 70px"> <span class='market-negative-image'></span> 113 </td> <td id="pch" class="market-widget-pct calendar-item calendar-item-negative"> -0.84% </td> <td id='session' class='d-none d-md-table-cell'><span class='bi bi-clock' style='font-size:10px; color: darkred' title='closed trading session'></span></td> </tr> <tr class='datatable-row-alternating' data-symbol="AS51:IND" data-decimals="0"> <td class="datatable-item-first" style="text-wrap: auto"> <a href="/australia/stock-market">ASX200</a> </td> <td id="p" class="market-widget-last"> 7982 </td> <td id="nch" class="datatable-item d-lg-none d-xl-table-cell " style="text-align: left; min-width: 70px"> <span class='market-positive-image'></span> 13 </td> <td id="pch" class="market-widget-pct calendar-item calendar-item-positive"> 0.16% </td> <td id='session' class='d-none d-md-table-cell'><span class='bi bi-clock' style='font-size:10px; color: darkred' title='closed trading session'></span></td> </tr> <tr class='datatable-row' data-symbol="SHCOMP:IND" data-decimals="0"> <td class="datatable-item-first" style="text-wrap: auto"> <a href="/china/stock-market">SHANGHAI</a> </td> <td id="p" class="market-widget-last"> 3351 </td> <td id="nch" class="datatable-item d-lg-none d-xl-table-cell " style="text-align: left; 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"; modalContent += "Subscription users can use our site to export data in <b>CSV</b>, <b>JSON</b> or <b>XML</b>. Users can get it directly through an <b>Excel</b> add-in. "; modalContent += "Clients can also use an <b>API</b> to have direct access to our data, to query our real-time economic calendar and to subscribe to updates from any programming language."; modalFooter += "<div style='text-align:center;'><div class='btn-group'><a class='btn btn-outline-secondary' href='' target='_blank'>Learn More</a>"; modalFooter += "<a class='btn btn-outline-secondary' href='' target='_blank'>Pricing</a>"; modalFooter += "<a class='btn btn-outline-secondary' href='' target='_blank'>" + (IsMobile ? "Contact" : "Questions? <b>Contact us</b>") + "</a>"; modalFooter += loginAction; modalFooter += "</div></div>" GAEvent = 'te_click_csv'; if (gCategory != null) GAEvent += '_' + gCategory.toLowerCase(); } break; case "excel": modalTitle = "<b>Trading Economics Excel Add-in</b>"; modalContent += "The Trading Economics Excel Addin allows users with an active subscription to access our data directly from excel. " modalContent += "Trading Economic provides more than 20 million economic indicators for nearly 200 countries, plus exchange rates, government bond yields, stock indexes, and commodity prices. "; modalFooter = "<div style='text-align:center;'><div class='btn-group'><a class='btn btn-outline-secondary' href='' target='_blank'>Learn More</a>"; modalFooter += "<a class='btn btn-outline-secondary' data-download='excel-addin'>Download Addin</a>"; modalFooter += "<a class='btn btn-outline-secondary' href='' target='_blank'>Questions? <b>Contact us</b></a>"; if (!isLoggedIn) modalFooter += loginAction; modalFooter += "</div></div>"; GAEvent = 'te_click_excel'; if (gCategory != null) GAEvent += '_' + gCategory.toLowerCase(); break; case "api": modalTitle = "<b>Trading Economics API</b>"; modalContent = "<div>"; modalContent += "API Users have direct access to our economic data from any programming language, can query our real-time calendar, retrieve financial market quotes and subscribe to live updates. "; modalContent += "Trading Economics provides more than 20 million economic indicators for nearly 200 countries, plus exchange rates, government bond yields, stock indexes, and commodity prices." modalContent += "</div>"; modalFooter = "<div style='text-align:center;'><div class='btn-group'><a class='btn btn-outline-secondary' href='' target='_blank'>Learn More</a>"; modalFooter += "<a class='btn btn-outline-secondary' href='' target='_blank'>API Docs</a>"; modalFooter += "<a class='btn btn-outline-secondary' href='' target='_blank'>Questions? <b>Contact us</b></a>"; if (!isLoggedIn) modalFooter += loginAction; modalFooter += "</div></div>"; GAEvent = 'te_click_api'; if (gCategory != null) GAEvent += '_' + gCategory.toLowerCase(); break; case "api-calendar": modalTitle = "<b>Trading Economics API</b>" modalContent = "The Trading Economics API provides you with direct access to our calendar, instant updates after economic events get released, historical data on thousands of indicators and live market quotes. "; modalFooter = "<div style='text-align:center'><div class='btn-group'><a class='btn btn-outline-secondary' href='../api/?source=calendar' target='_blank'>Learn More</a>"; modalFooter += "<a class='btn btn-outline-secondary' href='' target='_blank'>Any question? <b>Contact us</b></a>"; if (!isLoggedIn) modalFooter += loginAction; modalFooter += "</div></div>"; GAEvent = 'te_click_calendar_api'; break; case "excel-addin": GAEvent = 'te_click_excel'; window.location = ''; return; break; case "forecast": //modalTitle = "<b>Trading Economics Forecasts</b>"; modalContent += "At TRADING ECONOMICS, our forecasts rely on our proprietary global macro model and analysts expectations. We believe that global economies and financial markets are closely intertwined. Our approach involves establishing a general directional bias and then utilizing computer algorithms to calculate price levels. " modalContent += "<br><br>We have five standard investment ratings: " modalContent += "<br><br><img class='recommendation-img' src='//' />" modalContent += "<br><br><p><b>Disclaimer</b></p>"; modalContent += "Forecasts and ratings displayed on TRADING ECONOMICS are for informational purposes only. Trading involves a significant risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Therefore, we advise users to exercise caution and do their own research before making any financial decisions." modalFooter += "</div></div>" GAEvent = 'te_click_forecast'; } if (GAEvent != null) { ga('event', GAEvent); console.log('GAEvent: ', GAEvent); } showDownloadModal(modalTitle, modalContent, modalFooter); } function showDownloadModal(modalTitle, modalContent, modalFooter) { var modal = "<div class ='modal' id='downloadModal' tabindex='-1' role='dialog' aria-labelledby='myModalLabel'>"; modal += "<div class='modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered' role='document'>"; modal += "<div class='modal-content'>"; modal += "<div class='modal-header'><div class='modal-title'></div><button type='button' class ='btn-close' data-bs-dismiss='modal' aria-label='Close'></button></div>"; modal += "<div class='modal-body' style='text-align:justify;'></div>" modal += "<div class='modal-footer'></div>" modal += "</div></div></div>" var jModal = $(modal); $(jModal).find(".modal-title").html(modalTitle); 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var excelLink = $("<li><a href='#' data-download='excel'><img src='' alt='Excel download button' style='height: 25px; width: 25px'>&nbsp;&nbsp;Excel Add-in</a></li>"); var apiLink = $("<li><a href='#' data-download='api'><img src='' alt='API download button' style='height: 25px; width: 25px'>&nbsp;&nbsp;" + "API Access" + "</a></li>"); var dataportalLink = $("<li><a href=''><i class='bi bi-save2-fill ms-1'></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;Data Portal</a></li>"); // THIS IS A HACK SO WE DONT NEED TO REWRITE THE LINK BUILT IN THIS MOMENT var currCsvDownload = $("#data a.export-btn-csv").attr("href"); if (currCsvDownload) csvLink = $("<li><a href='" + currCsvDownload + "' data-download='csv' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='CSV download button' style='height: 25px; width: 25px'>&nbsp;&nbsp;" + "Download Data" + "</a></li>"); var downloadList = $("<ul id='menu-download-dropdown' class='dropdown-menu'>"); downloadList.append(csvLink); downloadList.append(excelLink); downloadList.append(apiLink); if (isLoggedIn) downloadList.append(dataportalLink); downloadBtn.after(downloadList); } function getDatesForCalendar(type) { const today = new Date(); const yyyy = today.getFullYear(); const mm = today.getMonth(); const dd = today.getDate(); let startDate, endDate; switch (type) { case '1': // Today startDate = new Date(yyyy, mm, dd); endDate = new Date(yyyy, mm, dd + 2); break; case '2': // Tomorrow startDate = new Date(yyyy, mm, dd + 1); endDate = new Date(yyyy, mm, dd + 3); break; case '3': // This Week const startOfWeek = new Date(yyyy, mm, dd - today.getDay() + 1); const endOfWeek = new Date(startOfWeek); endOfWeek.setDate(startOfWeek.getDate() + 8); startDate = startOfWeek; endDate = endOfWeek; break; case '4': // Next Week const nextMonday = new Date(yyyy, mm, dd - today.getDay() + 8); const nextSunday = new Date(nextMonday); nextSunday.setDate(nextMonday.getDate() + 6); startDate = nextMonday; endDate = new Date(nextSunday); endDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() + 2); break; case '5': // This Month startDate = new Date(yyyy, mm, 1); endDate = new Date(yyyy, mm + 1, 1); break; case '6': // Next Month startDate = new Date(yyyy, mm + 1, 1); endDate = new Date(yyyy, mm + 2, 1); break; case '-1': // Yesterday startDate = new Date(yyyy, mm, dd - 1); endDate = new Date(yyyy, mm, dd + 1); break; case '-2': // Previous Week startDate = new Date(yyyy, mm, dd - 7); endDate = new Date(yyyy, mm, dd + 1); break; case '-3': // Previous Month startDate = new Date(yyyy, mm, dd - 30); endDate = new Date(yyyy, mm, dd + 1); break; default: return ''; } const formatDate = (date) => `${date.getFullYear()}-${String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0')}-${String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, '0')}`; return `/${formatDate(startDate)}/${formatDate(endDate)}`; } function buildCalendarRequest() { let baseUrl = ''; let cookies = document.cookie.split('; '); let cookieObject = {}; cookies.forEach(cookie => { if (TELanguage != '') { if (cookie.includes("calendar-range-" + TELanguage) || cookie.includes("calendar-importance-" + TELanguage) || cookie.includes("cal-custom-range-" + TELanguage)) { let [key, value] = cookie.split('='); try { cookieObject[key] = decodeURIComponent(value); } catch (e) { console.warn(`Error decoding cookie "${key}":`, e); cookieObject[key] = value; } } } else { if (cookie.includes("calendar-range") || cookie.includes("calendar-importance") || cookie.includes("cal-custom-range")) { let [key, value] = cookie.split('='); try { cookieObject[key] = decodeURIComponent(value); } catch (e) { console.warn(`Error decoding cookie "${key}":`, e); cookieObject[key] = value; } } } }); if (Object.keys(cookieObject).length) { if (TELanguage != '') { if (cookieObject.hasOwnProperty("cal-custom-range-"+TELanguage)) { let customdates = cookieObject["cal-custom-range-" + TELanguage].split("|").join(" ").split(" ") let filteredArray = customdates.filter(item => !item.includes(':')); if (filteredArray.length == 2) { let endDay = new Date(filteredArray[1]); endDay.setDate(endDay.getDate() + 1); baseUrl += `/country/all/${filteredArray[0]}/${endDay.toISOString().split('T')[0]}`; } } if (cookieObject.hasOwnProperty("calendar-range-" + TELanguage)) { if (cookieObject["calendar-range-" + TELanguage] != '0') { let dates = getDatesForCalendar(cookieObject["calendar-range-" + TELanguage]) baseUrl += '/country/all' + dates; } } if (cookieObject.hasOwnProperty("calendar-importance-" + TELanguage)) { baseUrl += '?importance=' + cookieObject["calendar-importance-" + TELanguage] } } else { if (cookieObject.hasOwnProperty("cal-custom-range")) { let customdates = cookieObject["cal-custom-range"].split("|").join(" ").split(" ") let filteredArray = customdates.filter(item => !item.includes(':')); if (filteredArray.length == 2) { let endDay = new Date(filteredArray[1]); endDay.setDate(endDay.getDate() + 1); baseUrl += `/country/all/${filteredArray[0]}/${endDay.toISOString().split('T')[0]}`; } } if (cookieObject.hasOwnProperty("calendar-range")) { if (cookieObject["calendar-range"] != '0') { let dates = getDatesForCalendar(cookieObject["calendar-range"]) baseUrl += '/country/all' + dates; } } if (cookieObject.hasOwnProperty("calendar-importance")) { baseUrl += '?importance=' + cookieObject["calendar-importance"] } } return baseUrl; } else { return baseUrl } } function buildDownloadButton(container) { if (isLoggedIn) { var downloadUrl = buildCalendarRequest() var downloadBtn = $("<a id='HyperLinkToDownload' href='" + downloadUrl +"' class='btn btn-info' data-download='csv'><i class='bi bi-download'></i><span class='d-none d-lg-inline'>&nbsp;Download</span></a>"); var apiBtn = $("<a id='HyperLinkToAPI' href='#' class='btn btn btn-outline-secondary' data-download='api-calendar'><i class='bi bi-grid-fill hidden-sm'></i>&nbsp;API</a>"); $(container).append(downloadBtn); $(container).append(apiBtn); } else { var downloadBtn = $("<a id='HyperLinkToDownload' href='' class='btn btn-outline-secondary' data-download='api-calendar'><i class='bi bi-download'></i><span class='d-none d-lg-inline'>&nbsp;Download</span></a>"); $(container).append(downloadBtn); } } var lock_download = false; function downloadItem(target, format) { target = $(target).closest('a'); if (!target || target.length == 0 || !$(target).is('a')) { console.log('Download link not found'); return; } if (lock_download) return; lock_download = true; var url = $(target).attr('href'); console.log('url to download = ' + url); var d_type = format; if (format == 'csv') { url = url.replace('format=csv', 'format=json'); d_type = 'json'; } var loader = $("<span>&nbsp;</span><div class='loader' style='height: 15px;width: 15px;display: inline-block;vertical-align: text-bottom;'></div>"); $(target).append(loader); $.ajax({ url: url, type: "GET", dataType: d_type, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, }).done(function (data, status, xhr) { console.log('SUCCESS'); console.log('status = ' + xhr.status); console.log('data = ' + data.length); // ga event for logged in successful CSV download if (indicatorPage) { var GAEvent = 'te_click_data_dropdown' ga('event', GAEvent, { 'format': format }); console.log('GAEvent:', GAEvent); } else if (calendarPage) { var GAEvent = 'te_click_calendar' ga('event', GAEvent, { 'format': format }); console.log('GAEvent:', GAEvent); } else if (snapshotPage) { var GAEvent = 'te_click_snapshot' ga('event', GAEvent, { 'format': format }); console.log('GAEvent:', GAEvent); } var filename = buildFilename(url, format); downloadData(data, filename, format); }).fail(function (xhr, status, error) { console.log('ERROR'); console.log('status = ' + xhr.status); console.log('error message = ' + xhr.responseText) // ga event for logged in failed CSV download if (indicatorPage) { var GAEvent = 'te_click_data_dropdown' ga('event', GAEvent, { 'format': format }); console.log('GAEvent::', GAEvent); } else if (calendarPage) { var GAEvent = 'te_click_calendar' ga('event', GAEvent, { 'format': format }); console.log('GAEvent::', GAEvent); } else if (snapshotPage) { var GAEvent = 'te_click_snapshot' ga('event', GAEvent, { 'format': format }); console.log('GAEvent::', GAEvent); } if (xhr.status) { switch (xhr.status) { case 401: // unauthorized launchInvalidKeyModal(); break; case 403: // forbidden launchTrialOverModal(); break; case 400: // bad request launchBadRequestModal(); break; case 409: // conflict (more requests per second than allowed) launchThrottleModal(); break; default: console.log('Unhandled status = ' + xhr.status) var redirect_url = ''; if (TECountry) { redirect_url = '' + TECountry; } else { redirect_url = ''; } console.log('redirecting to: ' + redirect_url);, '_blank'); break; } } }).always(function (xhr, status, error) { lock_download = false; console.log('done downloading!'); loader.remove(); }); }; function buildFilename(url, format) { var filename = decodeURI(url); filename = filename.replace("", ""); var questionMark = filename.indexOf('?'); if (questionMark != -1) filename = filename.substring(0, questionMark); filename = filename.replace(/\//g, '_'); filename = filename.replace(/\s/g, '_'); filename = filename.replace(/:/g, '_'); filename = filename.replace(/-/g, '_'); return filename + '.' + format; } function downloadData(data, filename, type) { var dataFile = null; switch (type) { case "csv": var csv = convertArrayOfObjectsToCSV({ data: data }); if (csv == null) return; // create the csv file var dataFile = new Blob([csv], { type: "text/csv;charset=utf-8" }); break; case "json": var dataFile = new Blob([JSON.stringify(data)], { type: "text/json;charset=utf-8" }); break; case "xml": var dataFile = new Blob([new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(data.documentElement)], { type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8" }); break; } if (dataFile != null) { var anchor = document.createElement('a'); anchor.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(dataFile); anchor.setAttribute("d-none", true); anchor.setAttribute("target", "_self"); anchor.setAttribute("download", filename); document.body.appendChild(anchor);; anchor.remove(); } } /* Download CSV from: */ function convertArrayOfObjectsToCSV(args) { var result, ctr, keys, columnDelimiter, lineDelimiter, data; data = || null; if (data == null || !data.length) { return null; } columnDelimiter = args.columnDelimiter || ','; lineDelimiter = args.lineDelimiter || '\r\n'; keys = Object.keys(data[0]); result = ''; result += keys.join(columnDelimiter); result += lineDelimiter; data.forEach(function (item) { ctr = 0; keys.forEach(function (key) { if (ctr > 0) result += columnDelimiter; result += item[key]; ctr++; }); result += lineDelimiter; }); return result; } function errorModal(title, text, actionLink, actionMsg, contactSubject) { var modalTitle = "<span><b>" + title + "</b></span>"; var modalFooter = "<div style='text-align:center;'><div class='btn-group'>"; if (actionLink && actionMsg) modalFooter += "<a class='btn btn-primary' href='" + actionLink + "'>" + actionMsg + "</a>"; modalFooter += "<a class='btn btn-outline-secondary' href='" + contactSubject + "' target='_blank'>Any question? <b>Contact us</b></a></div></div>"; showDownloadModal(modalTitle, text, modalFooter); } function launchTrialOverModal(experience) { errorModal("Trading Economics Data", "Activate your plan to get more data from Trading Economics", "", "ACTIVATE", "account+limit"); } function launchInvalidKeyModal() { errorModal("Trading Economics Data", "Trading Economics provides its premium members with access to more than 20 million indicators for 196 countries plus historical/delayed/live quotes for exchange rates, stocks, indexes, bonds and commodity prices. Subscribe to a plan to download data in a easy to use web interface, using our excel addin or our API.", "", "Get Started", "Subscription+Plans"); } function launchThrottleModal() { errorModal("Trading Economics Data", "Limit of request per second reached", null, null, "API+Access"); } function launchBadRequestModal() { errorModal("Trading Economics Data", "Something went wrong with the request, please contact, or click the button bellow", "", "CONTACT SUPPORT", "API+Access"); } }); </script>  <script> console.log('/controls/io.ascx') TEdecryptk = 'j9ONifjoKzxt7kmfYTdKK/5vve0b9Y1UCj/n50jr8d8=' TEdecryptn = 'Ipp9HNSfVBUntqFK7PrtofYaOPV312xy' var socket_url = ''; console.log("IO Connecting to " + socket_url) var TE_URL = window.location.pathname; socket_url += "&url=" + TE_URL; $.ajaxSetup({ cache: !0 }); $.getScript('//', function () { OnSocketIOLoad(); }); var socket = null; var MKTChannels = [] var Subscribed = [] function base64ToUint8Array(base64) { const binaryString = atob(base64); 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console.log('IO IP:'); console.log('IO URL: /7912:jp');console.log('IO TOKEN: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlcG9jaCI6MTc0MzE5ODI3OCwiaXAiOiI4LjIyMi4yMDguMTQ2IiwidXJsIjoiLzc5MTI6anAifQ.CcVI-rFEZ_9I-2CP7GICrdBL_XX54Yb3X8KUIASKQjc'); socket = io.connect(socket_url, { withCredentials: true, // Needed for ELB Cookies Stickyness auth: { token: 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlcG9jaCI6MTc0MzE5ODI3OCwiaXAiOiI4LjIyMi4yMDguMTQ2IiwidXJsIjoiLzc5MTI6anAifQ.CcVI-rFEZ_9I-2CP7GICrdBL_XX54Yb3X8KUIASKQjc', url: TE_URL } }); socket.on('connect', function () { ioErrorCount = 0; IS_CONNECTED = !0; // Subscribe to the page symbol if (TE_URL.split(':').length == 2 && TESymbol != '') { var socketSymbol = TESymbol.toUpperCase() console.log('IO Subscribe', socketSymbol, 'No lag'); socket.emit('subscribe', { s: [socketSymbol] }) Subscribed.push(socketSymbol) } // Subscribe to channels if (TEChannels && TEChannels.length) { console.log('IO Subscribing to TEChannels', TEChannels); socket.emit('subscribe', { s: TEChannels }) } else { console.log('IO No TEChannels to Subscribe'); } // Subscribe to symbols if (TE_URL != '/' && TE_URL.indexOf("calendar") <= -1 && (TE_URL.split('/').length > 2 || TE_URL.indexOf(":ind") > -1)) { gatherMKTChannels(); if (MKTChannels && MKTChannels.length) { console.log('IO Subscribing to', MKTChannels.length, 'symbols:', MKTChannels); if (MKTChannels.length <= 36) { socket.emit('subscribe', { s: MKTChannels }) } else { console.log('IO Subscribing using Chunks'); var i, j, temparray, chunk = 36; for (i = 0, j = MKTChannels.length; i < j; i += chunk) { temparray = MKTChannels.slice(i, i + chunk); console.log('IO Subscribing to', temparray.length, 'channels:', temparray); socket.emit('subscribe', { s: temparray }) } } } else { console.log('IO No MKTChannels to Subscribe'); } } socket.on('disconnect', function () { IS_CONNECTED = !1; console.log('Got disconnect!') }); socket.on("smooth-disconnect", function () { socket.disconnect() }) }); var isSnap = !0; for (var i = 0; i < TEChannels.length; i++) { channel = TEChannels[i]; if (channel == 'calendar' || channel == 'stream') continue; console.log('IO Snap ' + channel); socket.on(channel, function (a) { a = decryptMessage(a) if (a.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { TE_UpdateTable(a[i], isSnap) TE_UpdateMiniWidget(a[i]) } isSnap = !1 } else { console.log('IO Sent Empty Market Update') } }) } var ioErrorCount = 0; socket.on("connect_error", (err) => { ioErrorCount++; console.log('IO Connect Error', ioErrorCount); console.log(err.message); if (TE_URL.indexOf("calendar") <= -1 && ioErrorCount % 10 == 0) { console.log('Disconnecting IO'); socket.disconnect(); if (ioErrorCount < 100) { var sleepSecs = ioErrorCount * 5; console.log('Connecting again in', sleepSecs, 'seconds'); setInterval(function () { socket.connect() }, sleepSecs * 1000) } else console.log('Stay disconnected'); } }); socket.on('tick', function (t) { t = decryptMessage(t) TE_UpdateTable(t); if (TE_URL.split(':').length == 2) UpdateMarketTick(t); }); function gatherMKTChannels() { // Temporary block to avoid too many symbols return var nMarkets = $("[data-subscribe]").length; console.log("IO data-subscribe tag present in ", nMarkets, "markets") if (nMarkets == null || typeof input !== "undefined") return else if (nMarkets > 600) console.log("IO Skipping [data-subscribe] because of too many symbols") else { console.log("IO Searching [data-subscribe]") var sCount = 0; $("[data-subscribe]").each(function (i, item) { var socketSymbol = $(item).attr('data-subscribe') if (!MKTChannels.includes(socketSymbol) && !Subscribed.includes(socketSymbol)) { sCount++; console.log('IO [data-subscribe]', sCount, socketSymbol) MKTChannels.push(socketSymbol) } else console.log('Already Subscribed. Skip', socketSymbol) }) } } function TE_UpdateTable(d, isSnap) { var s = d.s; let element_price; $('tr[data-symbol="' + s + '"]').each((i, el) => { element_price = $(el).find("td#p"); }) if (element_price == undefined) { return } const p0 = parseFloat(element_price.text()) var r = $('tr[data-symbol="' + s + '"]'); var p = r.find('td#p'); var dec = 4; if (typeof'decimals') !== 'undefined' &&'decimals') !== "") dec ="decimals"); if (p0 != d.p.toFixed(dec)) { p.text(d.p.toFixed(dec)); fg = d.nch > 0 ? 'darkgreen' : d.nch < 0 ? 'darkred' : 'black'; if (IsDarkMode) fg = '#fff' triangle = d.nch > 0 ? '<span class="market-positive-image"></span>' : d.nch < 0 ? '<span class="market-negative-image"></span>' : '<span class="market-neutral-image"></span>'; var previous_triangle = r.find('td#triangle'); if (previous_triangle && previous_triangle.length) { previous_triangle.html(triangle) } var nch = r.find('td#nch'); if (nch) { nch.each(function (i, item) { if ($(item).attr("data-no-triangle")) { $(item).text(d.nch.toFixed(dec)); $(item).css("color", fg); $(item).html(Math.abs(d.nch.toFixed(dec))) } else { $(item).text(d.nch.toFixed(dec)); $(item).css("color", fg); $(item).html(triangle + ' ' + Math.abs(d.nch.toFixed(dec))) } }) } var pch = r.find('td#pch'); pch.text(d.pch.toFixed(2) + '%'); if (TEChannels != "market") { nch.attr('data-value', d.nch); pch.attr('data-value', d.pch) } r.find('td#pch') pch.css("color", fg); bg = IsDarkMode == true ? '#254f73' : '#cdebf9'; p.css("backgroundColor", bg); setTimeout(function () { p.css("backgroundColor", 'transparent') }, 1000) if (!isSnap) { var dt = new Date(); var h = dt.getHours(); if (h < 10) { h = "0" + h } var m = dt.getMinutes(); if (m < 10) { m = "0" + m } var ds = [h, m].join(':'); r.find('td#date').html(ds) } if (d.type && d.type == 'index') { var stateColor = '', stateSpan = ''; var state = d.state; if (d.dstate) state = d.dstate; if (state == 'open') stateColor = 'green'; else if (state == 'closed') stateColor = 'red'; else if (state == 'pre') stateColor = '#CFB53B'; else if (state == 'after') stateColor = '#CFB53B'; else { console.log('IO - Unknown Session State', s); return; } if (stateColor != '') { stateSpan = '<span class="bi bi-clock" style="font-size:10px; color: ' + stateColor + '" title="' + state + ' trading session"></span>'; r.find('td#session').html(stateSpan) } } } }; function TE_UpdateMiniWidget(t) { try { function isSameDay(date1, date2) { return ( date1.getFullYear() === date2.getFullYear() && date1.getMonth() === date2.getMonth() && date1.getDate() === date2.getDate() ); } if (chart && TE_URL == '/') { if (chart.userOptions.series[0]['symbol'].toLowerCase() == t.s.toLowerCase()) { let seriesData = chart.series[0].data; let lastDataPoint = seriesData[seriesData.length - 1]; let lastDate = new Date(lastDataPoint.x); let currentDate = new Date(); currentDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); let sameDay = isSameDay(lastDate, currentDate) if (sameDay) { const newValue = t.p; const newChang = t.nch; const newP = t.pch; lastDataPoint.update({ y: newValue, change: newChang, percentChange: newP, }); //addCloseLine(); addCustomLabel(newValue); } else { chart.series[0].addPoint( { x: currentDate.getTime(), y: t.p, change: t.nch, percentChange: t.pch, }, true, true ); //addCloseLine() addCustomLabel(t.p) } } } } catch (e) { //console.error("Issues updating mini widget") } } var TENotifications = 0; function TENotification(_title, _text, _url, _importance) { TENotifications++; console.log("IO => Notification => ", _title, _text, _url, _importance, TENotifications); if (TENotifications > 2 & _importance <= 1) return; if (TENotifications > 4 & _importance <= 2) return; var IsDesktop = !1; var _titleHTML = 'ALERT'; var _alertType = 'NEWS'; var _color = "#5bc0de"; if (_importance > 0) { _alertType = 'CALENDAR'; if (_importance > 1) { IsDesktop = !0; _color = '#5cb85c'; if (_importance > 2) _color = '#d9534f' } } if (TELanguage == '') { upsertNotification({ title: _title, text: _text, url: _url, importance: _importance }, false, true); } _titleHTML = '<div style="padding-bottom:10px; font-size: 11px;color: #fff; font-weight: bold;"><span style="background-color: #000; padding: 3px;">' + _alertType + '</span><span style="background-color: ' + _color + '; padding: 3px;">ALERT</span></div>'; var _textHTML = _text; if (_text && _text.length > 200) { console.log("Trim text"); _textHTML = _text.substring(0, 200) + '...'; _textHTML += ' <a style="text-decoration: underline;" target="_new" href="' + _url + '">More</a>' } else if (_text) { _textHTML += ' <a style="text-decoration: underline;" target="_new" href="' + _url + '">More</a>' } PNotify.desktop.permission(); (new PNotify({ title: _titleHTML, text: _textHTML, hide: !0, animation: 'fade', shadow: !0, icon: !1, mouse_reset: !1, delay: 20000, buttons: { sticker: !1, closer_hover: !1 }, addclass: 'custom', })).get().click(function (e) { if ($('.ui-pnotify-closer, .ui-pnotify-closer *').is( { console.log("Closed Notification"); return } window.location = _url }); if (IsDesktop) { var _tag = _url + "?v=" + new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10).replace(/-/g, ""); console.log("PNotify tag", _tag); (new PNotify({ title: _titleHTML, text: _textHTML, hide: !1, animation: 'fade', shadow: !0, icon: !1, mouse_reset: !1, hide: !0, delay: 20000, buttons: { sticker: !1, closer_hover: !1 }, addclass: 'custom', type: 'info', desktop: { desktop: IsDesktop, title: 'TRADING ECONOMICS', text: _text, tag: _tag, fallback: !1 } })).get().click(function (e) { if ($('.ui-pnotify-closer, .ui-pnotify-closer *').is( { console.log("Closed Notification"); return } window.location = _url }) } } function TECalendarRowUpdate(c) { console.log("UPDATE CALENDAR ROW"); console.log(c); var $row = $('tr[data-id="' + c.CalendarId + '"]'); console.log($row); var $td = $row.find('span#actual'); console.log($td); $td.text(c.Actual); console.log(c.Actual); console.log($td.text); bg = '#5bc0de'; $td.css("backgroundColor", bg); color = c.Actual.toString().indexOf("-") ? 'darkgreen' : 'darkred'; $td.css("color", color); $row.find('span#previous').text(c.Previous); $row.find('img#incoming').css("display", 'none'); setInterval(function () { $td.css("backgroundColor", '#ffffff') }, 2000) } socket.on('calendar', function (c) { console.log("IO CALENDAR") c = decryptMessage(c) console.log(c); if (c.Importance >= 1) { var _title = c.Country.trim() + ' ' + c.Event.trim(); var _text = _title; if (c.Actual != null && c.Actual != '') _text += ' reported at ' + c.Actual + '. '; if (c.Forecast != null && c.Forecast != '') _text += 'Consensus was ' + c.Forecast + '. '; if (c.Previous != null && c.Previous != '') _text += 'Previously at ' + c.Previous + '.'; var _url = '' + c.URL; if (TE_URL.indexOf("calendar") > -1 || (TELanguage != null && TELanguage.length > 0 && TE_URL == '/')) TECalendarRowUpdate(c); TENotification(_title, _text, _url, c.Importance) } }); socket.on('stream', function (j) { console.log("IO STREAM") j = decryptMessage(j) console.log(j); var _title = j.title; var _description = j.description; var _url = j.url; if (_title && _description && _url) { TENotification(_title, _description, _url, 0) } }); var KILL_SOCKET_AFTER_IDLE = 1000 * 60 * 30; var IS_RELOAD_REQUIRED = !1; var IS_QUESTION_OPEN = !1; var IS_CONNECTED = !1; var LAST_VISIBLE = new Date().getTime(); if (TE_URL.indexOf("calendar") > -1 || TE_URL.indexOf("/currency") > -1 || TE_URL.indexOf("/stock-market") > -1 || TE_URL.indexOf("/commodity/") > -1 || TE_URL.indexOf("/government-bond-yield") > -1 || TE_URL.indexOf("stream") > -1 || TE_URL.indexOf("/currencies") > -1 || TE_URL.indexOf("/stocks") > -1 || TE_URL.indexOf("/bonds") > -1 || TE_URL.indexOf("/commodities") > -1) { KILL_SOCKET_AFTER_IDLE = 1000 * 60 * 60; IS_RELOAD_REQUIRED = !0 } // To be users in market pages ex aapl:us function UpdateMarketTick(t) { if (t.state && t.state == 'closed') { console.log('market is closed'); } var s = t.s; if (!s || s.toLowerCase() != symbol.toLowerCase()) { return; } $('#market_last').html(t.p); $('#market_daily_chg').html(t.nch + ' '); $('#market_daily_Pchg').html(t.pch + '%'); if (t.nch > 0) { $('#market_chg_arrow').attr('class', 'market-positive-image'); $('#market_daily_chg').css({ color: '#8ecf61' }); $('#market_daily_Pchg').css({ color: '#8ecf61' }); } else { $('#market_chg_arrow').attr('class', 'market-negative-image'); $('#market_daily_chg').css({ color: '#ed3b3b' }); $('#market_daily_Pchg').css({ color: '#ed3b3b' }); } } function saveSocketNetworkBW() { console.log("Socket check if alive"); setInterval(function () { if (typeof document == 'undefined' || !document) { console.log("ws: undefined"); return LAST_VISIBLE = new Date().getTime() } if (typeof document.hidden != 'boolean') { console.log("ws: hidden"); return LAST_VISIBLE = new Date().getTime() } if (!document.hidden) { console.log("ws: live"); if (!IS_CONNECTED) { console.log('ws: connecting'); socket.connect() } return LAST_VISIBLE = new Date().getTime() } var now = new Date().getTime(); if (now - LAST_VISIBLE > KILL_SOCKET_AFTER_IDLE) { if (IS_CONNECTED) { console.log('ws: disconnecting'); socket.disconnect(); if (IS_RELOAD_REQUIRED && IS_QUESTION_OPEN == !1) { var result = confirm("Please Press Ok to Refresh the Data in this Page"); IS_QUESTION_OPEN = !0; if (result) { IS_QUESTION_OPEN = !1; document.location = document.location.href } } } } }, 1000 * 60) } saveSocketNetworkBW() // pnotify !function (t, i) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define("pnotify", ["jquery"], function (s) { return i(s, t) }) : "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = i(require("jquery"), global || t) : t.PNotify = i(t.jQuery, t) }("undefined" != typeof window ? window : this, function (t, i) { var s = function (i) { var e, o, n = { dir1: "down", dir2: "left", push: "bottom", spacing1: 36, spacing2: 36, context: t("body"), modal: !1 }, a = t(i), r = function () { o = t("body"), c.prototype.options.stack.context = o, a = t(i), a.bind("resize", function () { e && clearTimeout(e), e = setTimeout(function () { c.positionAll(!0) }, 10) }) }, h = function (i) { var s = t("<div />", { class: "ui-pnotify-modal-overlay" }); return s.prependTo(i.context), i.overlay_close && () { c.removeStack(i) }), s }, c = function (t) { this.state = "initializing", this.timer = null, this.animTimer = null, this.styles = null, this.elem = null, this.container = null, this.title_container = null, this.text_container = null, this.animating = !1, this.timerHide = !1, this.parseOptions(t), this.init() }; return t.extend(c.prototype, { version: "3.2.0", options: { title: !1, title_escape: !1, text: !1, text_escape: !1, styling: "brighttheme", addclass: "", cornerclass: "", auto_display: !0, width: "300px", min_height: "16px", type: "notice", icon: !0, animation: "fade", animate_speed: "normal", shadow: !0, hide: !0, delay: 8e3, mouse_reset: !0, remove: !0, insert_brs: !0, destroy: !0, stack: n }, modules: {}, runModules: function (t, i) { var s; for (var e in this.modules) s = "object" == typeof i && e in i ? i[e] : i, "function" == typeof this.modules[e][t] && (this.modules[e].notice = this, this.modules[e].options = "object" == typeof this.options[e] ? this.options[e] : {}, this.modules[e][t](this, "object" == typeof this.options[e] ? this.options[e] : {}, s)) }, init: function () { var i = this; return this.modules = {}, t.extend(!0, this.modules, c.prototype.modules), "object" == typeof this.options.styling ? this.styles = this.options.styling : this.styles = c.styling[this.options.styling], this.elem = t("<div />", { class: "ui-pnotify " + this.options.addclass, css: { display: "none" }, "aria-live": "assertive", "aria-role": "alertdialog", mouseenter: function (t) { if (i.options.mouse_reset && "out" === i.animating) { if (!i.timerHide) return; i.cancelRemove() } i.options.hide && i.options.mouse_reset && i.cancelRemove() }, mouseleave: function (t) { i.options.hide && i.options.mouse_reset && "out" !== i.animating && i.queueRemove(), c.positionAll() } }), "fade" === this.options.animation && this.elem.addClass("ui-pnotify-fade-" + this.options.animate_speed), this.container = t("<div />", { class: this.styles.container + " ui-pnotify-container " + ("error" === this.options.type ? this.styles.error : "info" === this.options.type ? : "success" === this.options.type ? this.styles.success : this.styles.notice), role: "alert" }).appendTo(this.elem), "" !== this.options.cornerclass && this.container.removeClass("ui-corner-all").addClass(this.options.cornerclass), this.options.shadow && this.container.addClass("ui-pnotify-shadow"), !1 !== this.options.icon && t("<div />", { class: "ui-pnotify-icon" }).append(t("<span />", { class: !0 === this.options.icon ? 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String(this.options.text).replace(/\n/g, "<br />") : this.options.text), !1 === s.text && this.text_container.slideDown(200)), this.options.type !== s.type && this.container.removeClass(this.styles.error + " " + this.styles.notice + " " + this.styles.success + " " +"error" === this.options.type ? this.styles.error : "info" === this.options.type ? : "success" === this.options.type ? this.styles.success : this.styles.notice), (this.options.icon !== s.icon || !0 === this.options.icon && this.options.type !== s.type) && (this.container.find("div.ui-pnotify-icon").remove(), !1 !== this.options.icon && t("<div />", { class: "ui-pnotify-icon" }).append(t("<span />", { class: !0 === this.options.icon ? "error" === this.options.type ? this.styles.error_icon : "info" === this.options.type ? this.styles.info_icon : "success" === this.options.type ? this.styles.success_icon : this.styles.notice_icon : this.options.icon })).prependTo(this.container)), this.options.width !== s.width && this.elem.animate({ width: this.options.width }), this.options.min_height !== s.min_height && this.container.animate({ minHeight: this.options.min_height }), this.options.hide ? s.hide || this.queueRemove() : this.cancelRemove(), this.queuePosition(!0), this.runModules("update", s), this }, open: function () { this.state = "opening", this.runModules("beforeOpen"); var t = this; return this.elem.parent().length || this.elem.appendTo(this.options.stack.context ? this.options.stack.context : o), "top" !== this.options.stack.push && this.position(!0), this.animateIn(function () { t.queuePosition(!0), t.options.hide && t.queueRemove(), t.state = "open", t.runModules("afterOpen") }), this }, remove: function (s) { this.state = "closing", this.timerHide = !!s, this.runModules("beforeClose"); var e = this; return this.timer && (i.clearTimeout(this.timer), this.timer = null), this.animateOut(function () { if (e.state = "closed", e.runModules("afterClose"), e.queuePosition(!0), e.options.remove && e.elem.detach(), e.runModules("beforeDestroy"), e.options.destroy && null !== c.notices) { var i = t.inArray(e, c.notices); -1 !== i && c.notices.splice(i, 1) } e.runModules("afterDestroy") }), this }, get: function () { return this.elem }, parseOptions: function (i, s) { this.options = t.extend(!0, {}, c.prototype.options), this.options.stack = c.prototype.options.stack; for (var e, o = [i, s], n = 0; n < o.length && void 0 !== (e = o[n]); n++)if ("object" != typeof e) this.options.text = e; else for (var a in e) this.modules[a] ? t.extend(!0, this.options[a], e[a]) : this.options[a] = e[a] }, animateIn: function (t) { this.animating = "in"; var i = this, s = function () { i.animTimer && clearTimeout(i.animTimer), "in" === i.animating && (":visible") ? (t &&, i.animating = !1) : i.animTimer = setTimeout(s, 40)) }; "fade" === this.options.animation ? ("webkitTransitionEnd mozTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd transitionend", s).addClass("ui-pnotify-in"), this.elem.css("opacity"), this.elem.addClass("ui-pnotify-fade-in"), this.animTimer = setTimeout(s, 650)) : (this.elem.addClass("ui-pnotify-in"), s()) }, animateOut: function (i) { this.animating = "out"; var s = this, e = function () { if (s.animTimer && clearTimeout(s.animTimer), "out" === s.animating) if ("0" != s.elem.css("opacity") &&":visible")) s.animTimer = setTimeout(e, 40); else { if (s.elem.removeClass("ui-pnotify-in"), s.options.stack.overlay) { var o = !1; t.each(c.notices, function (t, i) { i != s && i.options.stack === s.options.stack && "closed" != i.state && (o = !0) }), o || s.options.stack.overlay.hide() } i &&, s.animating = !1 } }; "fade" === this.options.animation ? ("webkitTransitionEnd mozTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd transitionend", e).removeClass("ui-pnotify-fade-in"), this.animTimer = setTimeout(e, 650)) : (this.elem.removeClass("ui-pnotify-in"), e()) }, position: function (t) { var i = this.options.stack, s = this.elem; if (void 0 === i.context && (i.context = o), i) { "number" != typeof i.nextpos1 && (i.nextpos1 = i.firstpos1), "number" != typeof i.nextpos2 && (i.nextpos2 = i.firstpos2), "number" != typeof i.addpos2 && (i.addpos2 = 0); var e = !s.hasClass("ui-pnotify-in"); if (!e || t) { i.modal && (i.overlay ? : i.overlay = h(i)), s.addClass("ui-pnotify-move"); var n, r, c; switch (i.dir1) { case "down": c = "top"; break; case "up": c = "bottom"; break; case "left": c = "right"; break; case "right": c = "left" }n = parseInt(s.css(c).replace(/(?:\..*|[^0-9.])/g, "")), isNaN(n) && (n = 0), void 0 !== i.firstpos1 || e || (i.firstpos1 = n, i.nextpos1 = i.firstpos1); var p; switch (i.dir2) { case "down": p = "top"; break; case "up": p = "bottom"; break; case "left": p = "right"; break; case "right": p = "left" }switch (r = parseInt(s.css(p).replace(/(?:\..*|[^0-9.])/g, "")), isNaN(r) && (r = 0), void 0 !== i.firstpos2 || e || (i.firstpos2 = r, i.nextpos2 = i.firstpos2), ("down" === i.dir1 && i.nextpos1 + s.height() > ( ? a.height() : i.context.prop("scrollHeight")) || "up" === i.dir1 && i.nextpos1 + s.height() > ( ? a.height() : i.context.prop("scrollHeight")) || "left" === i.dir1 && i.nextpos1 + s.width() > ( ? a.width() : i.context.prop("scrollWidth")) || "right" === i.dir1 && i.nextpos1 + s.width() > ( ? a.width() : i.context.prop("scrollWidth"))) && (i.nextpos1 = i.firstpos1, i.nextpos2 += i.addpos2 + (void 0 === i.spacing2 ? 25 : i.spacing2), i.addpos2 = 0), "number" == typeof i.nextpos2 && (i.animation ? s.css(p, i.nextpos2 + "px") : (s.removeClass("ui-pnotify-move"), s.css(p, i.nextpos2 + "px"), s.css(p), s.addClass("ui-pnotify-move"))), i.dir2) { case "down": case "up": s.outerHeight(!0) > i.addpos2 && (i.addpos2 = s.height()); break; case "left": case "right": s.outerWidth(!0) > i.addpos2 && (i.addpos2 = s.width()) }switch ("number" == typeof i.nextpos1 && (i.animation ? s.css(c, i.nextpos1 + "px") : (s.removeClass("ui-pnotify-move"), s.css(c, i.nextpos1 + "px"), s.css(c), s.addClass("ui-pnotify-move"))), i.dir1) { case "down": case "up": i.nextpos1 += s.height() + (void 0 === i.spacing1 ? 25 : i.spacing1); break; case "left": case "right": i.nextpos1 += s.width() + (void 0 === i.spacing1 ? 25 : i.spacing1) } } return this } }, queuePosition: function (t, i) { return e && clearTimeout(e), i || (i = 10), e = setTimeout(function () { c.positionAll(t) }, i), this }, cancelRemove: function () { return this.timer && i.clearTimeout(this.timer), this.animTimer && i.clearTimeout(this.animTimer), "closing" === this.state && (this.state = "open", this.animating = !1, this.elem.addClass("ui-pnotify-in"), "fade" === this.options.animation && this.elem.addClass("ui-pnotify-fade-in")), this }, queueRemove: function () { var t = this; return this.cancelRemove(), this.timer = i.setTimeout(function () { t.remove(!0) }, isNaN(this.options.delay) ? 0 : this.options.delay), this } }), t.extend(c, { notices: [], reload: s, removeAll: function () { t.each(c.notices, function (t, i) { i.remove && i.remove(!1) }) }, removeStack: function (i) { t.each(c.notices, function (t, s) { s.remove && s.options.stack === i && s.remove(!1) }) }, positionAll: function (i) { if (e && clearTimeout(e), e = null, c.notices && c.notices.length) t.each(c.notices, function (t, s) { var e = s.options.stack; e && (e.overlay && e.overlay.hide(), e.nextpos1 = e.firstpos1, e.nextpos2 = e.firstpos2, e.addpos2 = 0, e.animation = i) }), t.each(c.notices, function (t, i) { i.position() }); else { var s = c.prototype.options.stack; s && (delete s.nextpos1, delete s.nextpos2) } }, styling: { brighttheme: { container: "brighttheme", notice: "brighttheme-notice", notice_icon: "brighttheme-icon-notice", info: "brighttheme-info", info_icon: "brighttheme-icon-info", success: "brighttheme-success", success_icon: "brighttheme-icon-success", error: "brighttheme-error", error_icon: "brighttheme-icon-error" }, bootstrap3: { container: "alert", notice: "alert-warning", notice_icon: "glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign", info: "alert-info", info_icon: "glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign", success: "alert-success", success_icon: "bi bi-check-lg-sign", error: "alert-danger", error_icon: "glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign" } } }), c.styling.fontawesome = t.extend({}, c.styling.bootstrap3), t.extend(c.styling.fontawesome, { notice_icon: "fa fa-exclamation-circle", info_icon: "fa fa-info", success_icon: "fa fa-check", error_icon: "fa fa-warning" }), i.document.body ? r() : t(r), c }; return s(i) }); !function (o, s) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define("pnotify.buttons", ["jquery", "pnotify"], s) : "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = s(require("jquery"), require("./pnotify")) : s(o.jQuery, o.PNotify) }("undefined" != typeof window ? window : this, function (o, s) { return s.prototype.options.buttons = { closer: !0, closer_hover: !0, sticker: !0, sticker_hover: !0, show_on_nonblock: !1, labels: { close: "Close", stick: "Stick", unstick: "Unstick" }, classes: { closer: null, pin_up: null, pin_down: null } }, s.prototype.modules.buttons = { init: function (s, i) { var n = this; s.elem.on({ mouseenter: function (o) { !n.options.sticker || s.options.nonblock && s.options.nonblock.nonblock && !n.options.show_on_nonblock || n.sticker.trigger("pnotify:buttons:toggleStick").css("visibility", "visible"), !n.options.closer || s.options.nonblock && s.options.nonblock.nonblock && !n.options.show_on_nonblock || n.closer.css("visibility", "visible") }, mouseleave: function (o) { n.options.sticker_hover && n.sticker.css("visibility", "d-none"), n.options.closer_hover && n.closer.css("visibility", "d-none") } }), this.sticker = o("<div />", { class: "ui-pnotify-sticker", "aria-role": "button", "aria-pressed": s.options.hide ? "false" : "true", tabindex: "0", title: s.options.hide ? i.labels.stick : i.labels.unstick, css: { cursor: "pointer", visibility: i.sticker_hover ? "d-none" : "visible" }, click: function () { s.options.hide = !s.options.hide, s.options.hide ? s.queueRemove() : s.cancelRemove(), o(this).trigger("pnotify:buttons:toggleStick") } }).bind("pnotify:buttons:toggleStick", function () { var i = null === n.options.classes.pin_up ? s.styles.pin_up : n.options.classes.pin_up, e = null === n.options.classes.pin_down ? s.styles.pin_down : n.options.classes.pin_down; o(this).attr("title", s.options.hide ? n.options.labels.stick : n.options.labels.unstick).children().attr("class", "").addClass(s.options.hide ? i : e).attr("aria-pressed", s.options.hide ? "false" : "true") }).append("<span />").trigger("pnotify:buttons:toggleStick").prependTo(s.container), (!i.sticker || s.options.nonblock && s.options.nonblock.nonblock && !i.show_on_nonblock) && this.sticker.css("display", "none"), this.closer = o("<div />", { class: "ui-pnotify-closer", "aria-role": "button", tabindex: "0", title: i.labels.close, css: { cursor: "pointer", visibility: i.closer_hover ? "d-none" : "visible" }, click: function () { s.remove(!1), n.sticker.css("visibility", "d-none"), n.closer.css("visibility", "d-none") } }).append(o("<span />", { class: null === i.classes.closer ? s.styles.closer : i.classes.closer })).prependTo(s.container), (!i.closer || s.options.nonblock && s.options.nonblock.nonblock && !i.show_on_nonblock) && this.closer.css("display", "none") }, update: function (o, s) { !s.closer || o.options.nonblock && o.options.nonblock.nonblock && !s.show_on_nonblock ? this.closer.css("display", "none") : s.closer && this.closer.css("display", "block"), !s.sticker || o.options.nonblock && o.options.nonblock.nonblock && !s.show_on_nonblock ? this.sticker.css("display", "none") : s.sticker && this.sticker.css("display", "block"), this.sticker.trigger("pnotify:buttons:toggleStick"), this.closer.find("span").attr("class", "").addClass(null === s.classes.closer ? o.styles.closer : s.classes.closer), s.sticker_hover ? this.sticker.css("visibility", "d-none") : o.options.nonblock && o.options.nonblock.nonblock && !s.show_on_nonblock || this.sticker.css("visibility", "visible"), s.closer_hover ? this.closer.css("visibility", "d-none") : o.options.nonblock && o.options.nonblock.nonblock && !s.show_on_nonblock || this.closer.css("visibility", "visible") } }, o.extend(s.styling.brighttheme, { closer: "brighttheme-icon-closer", pin_up: "brighttheme-icon-sticker", pin_down: "brighttheme-icon-sticker brighttheme-icon-stuck" }), o.extend(s.styling.bootstrap3, { closer: "bi bi-x-lg", pin_up: "glyphicon glyphicon-pause", pin_down: "glyphicon glyphicon-play" }), o.extend(s.styling.fontawesome, { closer: "fa fa-times", pin_up: "fa fa-pause", pin_down: "fa fa-play" }), s }); !function (i, t) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define("pnotify.desktop", ["jquery", "pnotify"], t) : "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t(require("jquery"), require("./pnotify")) : t(i.jQuery, i.PNotify) }("undefined" != typeof window ? window : this, function (i, t) { var o, n = function (i, t) { return (n = "Notification" in window ? function (i, t) { return new Notification(i, t) } : "mozNotification" in navigator ? function (i, t) { return navigator.mozNotification.createNotification(i, t.body, t.icon).show() } : "webkitNotifications" in window ? function (i, t) { return window.webkitNotifications.createNotification(t.icon, i, t.body) } : function (i, t) { return null })(i, t) }; return t.prototype.options.desktop = { desktop: !1, fallback: !0, icon: null, tag: null, title: null, text: null }, t.prototype.modules.desktop = { genNotice: function (i, t) { null === t.icon ? this.icon = "" + i.options.type + ".png" : !1 === t.icon ? this.icon = null : this.icon = t.icon, null !== this.tag && null === t.tag || (this.tag = null === t.tag ? "PNotify-" + Math.round(1e6 * Math.random()) : t.tag), i.desktop = n(t.title || i.options.title, { icon: this.icon, body: t.text || i.options.text, tag: this.tag }), !("close" in i.desktop) && "cancel" in i.desktop && (i.desktop.close = function () { i.desktop.cancel() }), i.desktop.onclick = function () { i.elem.trigger("click") }, i.desktop.onclose = function () { "closing" !== i.state && "closed" !== i.state && i.remove() } }, init: function (i, n) { if (n.desktop) { if (0 !== (o = t.desktop.checkPermission())) return void (n.fallback || (i.options.auto_display = !1)); this.genNotice(i, n) } }, update: function (i, t, n) { 0 !== o && t.fallback || !t.desktop || this.genNotice(i, t) }, beforeOpen: function (i, t) { 0 !== o && t.fallback || !t.desktop || i.elem.css({ left: "-10000px" }).removeClass("ui-pnotify-in") }, afterOpen: function (i, t) { 0 !== o && t.fallback || !t.desktop || (i.elem.css({ left: "-10000px" }).removeClass("ui-pnotify-in"), "show" in i.desktop && }, beforeClose: function (i, t) { 0 !== o && t.fallback || !t.desktop || i.elem.css({ left: "-10000px" }).removeClass("ui-pnotify-in") }, afterClose: function (i, t) { 0 !== o && t.fallback || !t.desktop || (i.elem.css({ left: "-10000px" }).removeClass("ui-pnotify-in"), "close" in i.desktop && i.desktop.close()) } }, t.desktop = { permission: function () { "undefined" != typeof Notification && "requestPermission" in Notification ? Notification.requestPermission() : "webkitNotifications" in window && window.webkitNotifications.requestPermission() }, checkPermission: function () { return "undefined" != typeof Notification && "permission" in Notification ? "granted" === Notification.permission ? 0 : 1 : "webkitNotifications" in window && 0 == window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() ? 0 : 1 } }, o = t.desktop.checkPermission(), t }); !function (i, o) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define("", ["jquery", "pnotify"], o) : "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = o(require("jquery"), require("./pnotify")) : o(i.jQuery, i.PNotify) }("undefined" != typeof window ? window : this, function (i, o) { return = { swipe_dismiss: !0, styling: !0 }, = { init: function (i, o) { var t = this, e = null, n = null, s = null; this.swipe_dismiss = o.swipe_dismiss, this.doMobileStyling(i, o), i.elem.on({ touchstart: function (o) { t.swipe_dismiss && (e = o.originalEvent.touches[0].screenX, s = i.elem.width(), i.container.css("left", "0")) }, touchmove: function (o) { if (e && t.swipe_dismiss) { var a = o.originalEvent.touches[0].screenX; n = a - e; var c = (1 - Math.abs(n) / s) * i.options.opacity; i.elem.css("opacity", c), i.container.css("left", n) } }, touchend: function () { if (e && t.swipe_dismiss) { if (Math.abs(n) > 40) { var o = n < 0 ? -2 * s : 2 * s; i.elem.animate({ opacity: 0 }, 100), i.container.animate({ left: o }, 100), i.remove() } else i.elem.animate({ opacity: i.options.opacity }, 100), i.container.animate({ left: 0 }, 100); e = null, n = null, s = null } }, touchcancel: function () { e && t.swipe_dismiss && (i.elem.animate({ opacity: i.options.opacity }, 100), i.container.animate({ left: 0 }, 100), e = null, n = null, s = null) } }) }, update: function (i, o) { this.swipe_dismiss = o.swipe_dismiss, this.doMobileStyling(i, o) }, doMobileStyling: function (o, t) { t.styling ? (o.elem.addClass("ui-pnotify-mobile-able"), i(window).width() <= 480 ? 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Consensus was 3.4%. Previously at 3.4%", "/", "3") }, 25000) setTimeout(() => { TENotification("United States CPI", "United States CPI reported at 314.18. Consensus was 314.63. Previously at 314.07.", "/", "3") }, 30001) setTimeout(() => { TENotification("United States Inflation Rate YoY", "United States Inflation Rate YoY reported at 3.0%. Consensus was 3.1%. Previously at 3.3%.", "/", "3") }, 35002) setTimeout(() => { TENotification("United States Inflation Rate MoM", "United States Inflation Rate MoM reported at -0.1%. Consensus was 0.1%. Previously at 0.0%.", "/", "3") }, 40003) setTimeout(() => { TENotification("United States Core Inflation Rate MoM", "United States Core Inflation Rate MoM reported at 0.1%. Consensus was 0.2%. Previously at 0.2%.", "/", "3") }, 45004)*/ }</script> <script>console.log("/js/chartmk.ascx");</script> <script src=""></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <script src=""></script> <style>.logo-banner {float: none;}</style> <script> $(function () { var quotesTab = $('a[href="#quotes"]'); if (quotesTab) { $(quotesTab[0]).closest("a").addClass("page-scroll-adjusted"); } var financialsLinks = document.getElementById("financialsList") if (financialsLinks) { var financialsTab = $('a[href="#financialsList"]'); if (financialsTab) { $(financialsTab[0]).closest("li").removeClass("d-none"); $(financialsTab[0]).closest("a").addClass("page-scroll-adjusted"); } } }); </script> <script>/*! sortable.js 0.8.0 */(function () { var a, b, c, d, e, g; a = "table[data-sortable]", d = /^-?[£$¤]?[\d,.]+%?$/, g = /^\s+|\s+$/g, c = ["click"], b = function (a, b, c) { return null != a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(b, c, !1) : a.attachEvent("on" + b, c) }, e = { init: function (b) { var c, d, f, g, h; for (null == b && (b = {}), null == b.selector && (b.selector = a), d = document.querySelectorAll(b.selector), h = [], f = 0, g = d.length; g > f; f++)c = d[f], h.push(e.initTable(c)); return h }, initTable: function (a) { var b, c, d, f, g, h; if (1 === (null != (h = a.tHead) ? h.rows.length : void 0) && "true" !== a.getAttribute("data-sortable-initialized")) { for (a.setAttribute("data-sortable-initialized", "true"), d = a.querySelectorAll("th"), b = f = 0, g = d.length; g > f; b = ++f)c = d[b], "false" !== c.getAttribute("data-sortable") && e.setupClickableTH(a, c, b); return a } }, setupClickableTH: function (a, d, f) { var g, h, i, j, k, l; for (i = e.getColumnType(a, f), h = function (b) { var c, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, A, B, C, D; if (b.handled === !0) return !1; for (b.handled = !0, m = "true" === this.getAttribute("data-sorted"), n = this.getAttribute("data-sorted-direction"), h = m ? 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's' : ''; timeAgoString = `${hours} hour${plural} ago`; } return timeAgoString; } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } function createExpirationDate(span) { const expires = new Date(); if (span == '1d') { expires.setDate(expires.getDate() + 1) return expires.toUTCString() } else if (span == '1h') { expires.setHours(expires.getHours() + 1); return expires.toUTCString(); } else if (span == 'eod') { //end of day const expiresTime = new Date(expires.getTime()); expiresTime.setHours(23, 59, 59); return expiresTime.toUTCString(); } } function removeNotificationIndex(i) { try { if (TENotificationsHistorical.length == 0 && TENotificationsNews.length > 0) { TENotificationsNews.splice(i, 1); document.cookie = `TELastNews=${JSON.stringify(TENotificationsNews)}; path=/`; } if (TENotificationsHistorical.length > 0) { TENotificationsHistorical.splice(i, 1); } $('.notification-list').empty(); addNotificationCookie() if (TENotificationsNews.length == 0 || (TENotificationsNews.length == 0 && TENotificationsHistorical.length == 0)) { addEmptyContent() } if (TENotificationsHistorical.length > 0 || TENotificationsNews.length > 0) { upsertNotification(null, true, false) } } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } function addEmptyContent() { try { //console.log("Add Empty Content") const notificationList = $('.notification-list'); notificationList.empty(); //notificationList.append('<div style="display:flex;justify-content:space-between;align-itens:center"><span style="margin-left:18px"><b>Notifications</b></span></div>') let html = `<div class="empty-notificationlist"> <div class="empty-notificationlist-content"> <span>You have no new notifications</span> <br> <i class="bi bi-bell-slash-fill"></i> <br> <div><a href="/stream" title="Show all news" class="empty-notificationlist-more"><div class="btn btn-outline-secondary">All News</div></a></div> </div> </div>`; notificationList.append(html); } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } function addContent() { try { //console.log("AddContent") const notifiList = TENotificationsHistorical.length > 0 ? TENotificationsHistorical : TENotificationsNews; const notificationList = $('.notification-list'); notificationList.empty(); if (notifiList.length > 0) { notificationList.append('<div class="notificationList-first-title"><span style="margin-left:18px"><b>Notifications</b></span><span class="notifications-clean-all" title="Delete all notifications">Clear all</span></div>') for (let i = notifiList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const notification = notifiList[i]; let html = `<div> <div class="card notificationlist-card" style="margin:0;"> <div class="card-body notificationlist-body"> <div class="notificationlist-header"> <div class="notificationlist-header-title"><a href="${notification.url}"><b>${notification.title}</b></a><span class="badge badge-notification-type" style="background-color:${notification.color}">${notification.type}</span></div> <span id="n-${i}" title="Delete" style="cursor:pointer"><i id="cleanIndividualNotif" class="bi bi-trash3"></i></span> </div> <span style="font-size:15px">${notification.text}</span> <div class="notificationlist-footer"> <p>${timeAgo(notification.datetime)}</p> </div> </div> </div> </div>`; notificationList.append(html); $(`#n-${i}`).on('click', function () { removeNotificationIndex(i) }) } notificationList.append('<div class="notificationlist-more-div"><a href="/stream" title="Show more streams" class="notificationlist-more"><div class="btn btn-outline-secondary">More News</div></a></div>') $('.notifications-clean-all').on('click', function () { //console.log("Clicked") notificationList.empty(); if (TENotificationsHistorical.length > 0) { document.cookie = "TENotifications=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/"; TENotificationsHistorical = [] } else if (TENotificationsNews.length > 0) { document.cookie = `TELastNews=[]; path=/`; TENotificationsNews = [] } upsertNotification(null, true, false) }); } } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } function fetchLastNews() { try { //console.log("• Fetch News") TENotificationsNews = [] const newsUrl = '/ws/stream.ashx?start=0&size=3' fetch(newsUrl) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) { console.error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`); } return response.json(); }) .then(data => { for (let item of data) { if (item.description.length > 300) { item.description = item.description.substring(0, 300) + ' ...'; let lastPeriodIndex = Math.min(item.description.lastIndexOf('. '), 300); if (lastPeriodIndex !== -1) { item.description = item.description.substring(0, lastPeriodIndex + 1) + '..'; } else { item.description = item.description.substring(0, 300) + '...'; } } TENotificationsNews.unshift({ title: item.title, url: item.url, text: item.description, importance: item.importance, datetime:, type: 'News', color: '#ddd' }) } document.cookie = `TELastNews=${JSON.stringify(TENotificationsNews)}; path=/`; // console.log("• Saved News on Cookies TELastNews") upsertNotification(null, true, false) }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error fetching last news:', error); }); } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } function getNotificationsFromCookie() { try { //console.log("• get Notifications From Cookie") const cookieData = document.cookie.split(';').find(item => item.trim().startsWith('TENotifications')); if (cookieData) { let encodedData = cookieData.split('TENotifications=')[1].split(',') //const decrompressedData = pako.inflate(encodedData, { to: 'string' }); try { TENotificationsHistorical = JSON.parse(encodedData); //console.log(TENotificationsHistorical) if (TENotificationsHistorical.length > 0) { upsertNotification(null, true, false) } } catch (error) { console.error("Error parsing existing cookie data:", error); } } } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } function estimateNotificationSize() { return JSON.stringify(TENotificationsHistorical).length; } function getCookieSize() { try { let safeLoop = 0 const cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); let total = 0 for (const cookie of cookies) { if (safeLoop == 50) { return 0; } const [key, value] = cookie.trim().split('='); if (key !== 'TENotifications') { total = total + JSON.stringify(cookie).length + 2 } safeLoop++ } return total; } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } function manageCookieSize(maxSize) { try { //console.log("• Check threshold of cookies size"); const currentCookieSize = getCookieSize(); const currentNotificationsSize = estimateNotificationSize(); let totalBytes = currentCookieSize + currentNotificationsSize; let nLoopCount = 0; //console.log("• Current Cookies Estimated Size: " + currentCookieSize); //console.log("• With Notifications Cookie Estimated Size: " + currentNotificationsSize); if (totalBytes > maxSize) { while (nLoopCount < 10 && totalBytes > maxSize) { //console.log("---------------------> nLoopCount: " + nLoopCount); TENotificationsHistorical.shift(); totalBytes = currentCookieSize + estimateNotificationSize(); //console.log(`• Notification removed to control cookie size. New size: ${totalBytes} bytes`); if (totalBytes <= maxSize) { //console.log(`• Cookie size is already within limit: ${totalBytes} bytes`); break; } nLoopCount++; } }// else { //console.log(`• Cookie size is within limit: ${totalBytes} bytes`); //} } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } function addNotificationCookie() { try { //console.log("• Add Notifications on Cookie"); const isEmptyNews = TENotificationsNews.length === 0; const isEmptyHistorical = TENotificationsHistorical.length === 0; document.cookie = `TELastNews=${isEmptyNews ? '[]' : JSON.stringify(TENotificationsNews)}; path=/`; manageCookieSize(3400); if (isEmptyHistorical) { document.cookie = `TENotifications=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/`; } else { document.cookie = `TENotifications=${JSON.stringify(TENotificationsHistorical)}; expires=${createExpirationDate('1d')}; path=/`; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } function createDefaultNotification(n) { return { ...n, datetime: new Date(), type: n.importance > 0 ? 'Calendar' : 'News', color: n.importance > 0 ? '#ffb3ba' : '#ddd', }; } function upsertNotification(n, cookie, fromStream) { try { if (TELanguage != '') { return; } //console.log("-----------------------------------------------> Start of upsert Notification on list flow"); //console.log(`• Dealing with ${JSON.stringify(n)}`); if (!cookie) { const newNotification = createDefaultNotification(n); const existingNotification = TENotificationsHistorical.find(item => item.text === newNotification.text); if (existingNotification) { TENotificationsHistorical.splice(TENotificationsHistorical.indexOf(existingNotification), 1); } TENotificationsHistorical.push(newNotification); } const notificationListContainer = $('.offcanvas-top.notification-list.container'); const notificationList = $('.notification-list'); if (!notificationList.length) { notificationListContainer.append(`<div class="offcanvas-header"></div>`); } if (TENotificationsHistorical.length > 0 || TENotificationsNews.length > 0) { if (fromStream == true) { changeIconStatus(false); setNotificationCookieStatus(true); } if (!cookie) { addNotificationCookie(); } addContent(); } else { addEmptyContent(); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } $('.btn-notification-list').on('click', function (event) { //console.log('click') event.preventDefault() let cookieNewsIsPresent = false //console.log("• Check if there is LastNews Cookie") const cookieData = document.cookie.split(';').find(item => item.trim().startsWith('TELastNews')); if (cookieData) { let cookieNews = cookieData.split('TELastNews=')[1].split(',') cookieNewsIsPresent = true TENotificationsNews = JSON.parse(cookieNews) } //console.log(cookieNewsIsPresent) if (TENotificationsHistorical.length == 0 && TENotificationsNews.length == 0 && !cookieNewsIsPresent) { //console.log("IF") $('.offcanvas-top').removeClass("show") $('.offcanvas-top').removeClass("showing") fetchLastNews() } else { if (TENotificationsNews.length > 0 || TENotificationsHistorical.length > 0) { upsertNotification(null, true, false) } else { addEmptyContent() } } changeIconStatus(true) }); </script> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function ga() { dataLayer.push(arguments); } ga('js', new Date()); ga('consent', 'default', { 'ad_personalization': 'granted', 'ad_storage': 'granted', 'ad_user_data': 'granted', 'analytics_storage': 'granted', 'functionality_storage': 'granted', 'personalization_storage': 'granted', 'security_storage': 'granted' }); ga('config', 'G-SZ14JCTXWQ'); </script> </body> </html>

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