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'Koha::Schema::Result::BackgroundJob' => 'BackgroundJob', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Alert' => 'Alert', 'Koha::Schema::Result::LanguageScriptBidi' => 'LanguageScriptBidi', 'Koha::Schema::Result::PendingOfflineOperation' => 'PendingOfflineOperation', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Illrequest' => 'Illrequest', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Permission' => 'Permission', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Stockrotationitem' => 'Stockrotationitem', 'Koha::Schema::Result::BorrowerDebarment' => 'BorrowerDebarment', 'Koha::Schema::Result::LanguageScriptMapping' => 'LanguageScriptMapping', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ItemBundle' => 'ItemBundle', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ImportBatchProfile' => 'ImportBatchProfile', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ClubTemplateEnrollmentField' => 'ClubTemplateEnrollmentField', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Deletedbiblioitem' => 'Deletedbiblioitem', 'Koha::Schema::Result::VendorEdiAccount' => 'VendorEdiAccount', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Illrequestattribute' => 'Illrequestattribute', 'Koha::Schema::Result::SearchFilter' => 'SearchFilter', 'Koha::Schema::Result::BiblioMetadata' => 'BiblioMetadata', 'Koha::Schema::Result::DeletedbiblioMetadata' => 'DeletedbiblioMetadata', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Club' => 'Club', 'Koha::Schema::Result::CreatorImage' => 'CreatorImage', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmUsageYus' => 'ErmUsageYus', 'Koha::Schema::Result::MessageAttribute' => 'MessageAttribute', 'Koha::Schema::Result::HouseboundRole' => 'HouseboundRole', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmUsageTitle' => 'ErmUsageTitle', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ReturnClaim' => 'ReturnClaim', 'Koha::Schema::Result::RestrictionType' => 'RestrictionType', 'Koha::Schema::Result::RepeatableHoliday' => 'RepeatableHoliday', 'Koha::Schema::Result::BorrowerRelationship' => 'BorrowerRelationship', 'Koha::Schema::Result::IllbatchStatus' => 'IllbatchStatus', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ImportRecordMatch' => 'ImportRecordMatch', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Illcomment' => 'Illcomment', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmEholdingsPackage' => 'ErmEholdingsPackage', 'Koha::Schema::Result::TagsApproval' => 'TagsApproval', 'Koha::Schema::Result::IdentityProviderDomain' => 'IdentityProviderDomain', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmUsagePlatform' => 'ErmUsagePlatform', 'Koha::Schema::Result::BorrowerModification' => 'BorrowerModification', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmDefaultUsageReport' => 'ErmDefaultUsageReport', 'Koha::Schema::Result::PreservationProcessingAttribute' => 'PreservationProcessingAttribute', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Illbatch' => 'Illbatch', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Accountline' => 'Accountline', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AqbooksellerInterface' => 'AqbooksellerInterface', 'Koha::Schema::Result::PreservationTrain' => 'PreservationTrain', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Desk' => 'Desk', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Quote' => 'Quote', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AuthorisedValue' => 'AuthorisedValue', 'Koha::Schema::Result::MarcModificationTemplate' => 'MarcModificationTemplate', 'Koha::Schema::Result::OldIssue' => 'OldIssue', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ColumnsSetting' => 'ColumnsSetting', 'Koha::Schema::Result::UploadedFile' => 'UploadedFile', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ActionLog' => 'ActionLog', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Letter' => 'Letter', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ClubHoldsToPatronHold' => 'ClubHoldsToPatronHold', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Aqbasketgroup' => 'Aqbasketgroup', 'Koha::Schema::Result::CourseInstructor' => 'CourseInstructor', 'Koha::Schema::Result::BorrowerAttribute' => 'BorrowerAttribute', 'Koha::Schema::Result::BorrowerMessagePreference' => 'BorrowerMessagePreference', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Booking' => 'Booking', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ImportBiblio' => 'ImportBiblio', 'Koha::Schema::Result::CreatorBatch' => 'CreatorBatch', 'Koha::Schema::Result::PatronList' => 'PatronList', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Branch' => 'Branch', 'Koha::Schema::Result::CoverImage' => 'CoverImage', 'Koha::Schema::Result::SocialData' => 'SocialData', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Suggestion' => 'Suggestion', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Overduerule' => 'Overduerule', 'Koha::Schema::Result::MarcMatcher' => 'MarcMatcher', 'Koha::Schema::Result::LibraryGroup' => 'LibraryGroup', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Category' => 'Category', 'Koha::Schema::Result::IdentityProvider' => 'IdentityProvider', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Userflag' => 'Userflag', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Biblio' => 'Biblio', 'Koha::Schema::Result::KeyboardShortcut' => 'KeyboardShortcut', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Virtualshelfshare' => 'Virtualshelfshare', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmCounterLog' => 'ErmCounterLog', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmUserRole' => 'ErmUserRole', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AccountDebitTypesBranch' => 'AccountDebitTypesBranch', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AuthTagStructure' => 'AuthTagStructure', 'Koha::Schema::Result::OldReserve' => 'OldReserve', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmAgreementLicense' => 'ErmAgreementLicense', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmEholdingsPackagesAgreement' => 'ErmEholdingsPackagesAgreement', 'Koha::Schema::Result::OverduerulesTransportType' => 'OverduerulesTransportType', 'Koha::Schema::Result::PreservationProcessing' => 'PreservationProcessing', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ClubTemplateField' => 'ClubTemplateField', 'Koha::Schema::Result::PatronConsent' => 'PatronConsent', 'Koha::Schema::Result::LanguageSubtagRegistry' => 'LanguageSubtagRegistry', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Matchpoint' => 'Matchpoint', 'Koha::Schema::Result::CurbsidePickupOpeningSlot' => 'CurbsidePickupOpeningSlot', 'Koha::Schema::Result::MessageTransportType' => 'MessageTransportType', 'Koha::Schema::Result::TagsIndex' => 'TagsIndex', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Biblioitem' => 'Biblioitem', 'Koha::Schema::Result::CashRegister' => 'CashRegister', 'Koha::Schema::Result::CourseItem' => 'CourseItem', 'Koha::Schema::Result::PreservationProcessingAttributesItem' => 'PreservationProcessingAttributesItem', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Borrower' => 'Borrower', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Statistic' => 'Statistic', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AqorderUser' => 'AqorderUser', 'Koha::Schema::Result::BiblioFramework' => 'BiblioFramework', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmUsageItem' => 'ErmUsageItem', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AuthorisedValueCategory' => 'AuthorisedValueCategory', 'Koha::Schema::Result::PseudonymizedTransaction' => 'PseudonymizedTransaction', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AqbooksellerAlias' => 'AqbooksellerAlias', 'Koha::Schema::Result::CashRegisterAction' => 'CashRegisterAction', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AuthSubfieldStructure' => 'AuthSubfieldStructure', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AqordersItem' => 'AqordersItem', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Aqcontract' => 'Aqcontract', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmCounterFile' => 'ErmCounterFile', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmUsageMus' => 'ErmUsageMus', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Serialitem' => 'Serialitem', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Discharge' => 'Discharge', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ClubTemplate' => 'ClubTemplate', 'Koha::Schema::Result::SearchHistory' => 'SearchHistory', 'Koha::Schema::Result::BorrowerFile' => 'BorrowerFile', 'Koha::Schema::Result::OaiSetsDescription' => 'OaiSetsDescription', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Aqbudgetborrower' => 'Aqbudgetborrower', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ItemCirculationAlertPreference' => 'ItemCirculationAlertPreference', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Deleteditem' => 'Deleteditem', 'Koha::Schema::Result::HoldCancellationRequest' => 'HoldCancellationRequest', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Issue' => 'Issue', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ItemGroupItem' => 'ItemGroupItem', 'Koha::Schema::Result::CreatorTemplate' => 'CreatorTemplate', 'Koha::Schema::Result::CheckoutRenewal' => 'CheckoutRenewal', 'Koha::Schema::Result::LanguageRfc4646ToIso639' => 'LanguageRfc4646ToIso639', 'Koha::Schema::Result::CourseReserve' => 'CourseReserve', 'Koha::Schema::Result::BranchesOverdrive' => 'BranchesOverdrive', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AuthType' => 'AuthType', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AdditionalFieldValue' => 'AdditionalFieldValue', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AudioAlert' => 'AudioAlert', 'Koha::Schema::Result::CategoriesBranch' => 'CategoriesBranch', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ItemEditorTemplate' => 'ItemEditorTemplate', 'Koha::Schema::Result::EdifactEan' => 'EdifactEan', 'Koha::Schema::Result::OaiSetsMapping' => 'OaiSetsMapping', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Subscriptionroutinglist' => 'Subscriptionroutinglist', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ItemtypeLocalization' => 'ItemtypeLocalization', 'Koha::Schema::Result::CirculationRule' => 'CirculationRule', 'Koha::Schema::Result::PseudonymizedBorrowerAttribute' => 'PseudonymizedBorrowerAttribute', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmEholdingsResource' => 'ErmEholdingsResource', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Matchcheck' => 'Matchcheck', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Aqbasketuser' => 'Aqbasketuser', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Currency' => 'Currency', 'Koha::Schema::Result::RecordSource' => 'RecordSource', 'Koha::Schema::Result::MarcSubfieldStructure' => 'MarcSubfieldStructure', 'Koha::Schema::Result::CollectionsTracking' => 'CollectionsTracking', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ProblemReport' => 'ProblemReport', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Branchtransfer' => 'Branchtransfer', 'Koha::Schema::Result::TransportCost' => 'TransportCost', 'Koha::Schema::Result::EdifactMessage' => 'EdifactMessage', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Stockrotationstage' => 'Stockrotationstage', 'Koha::Schema::Result::PatronListPatron' => 'PatronListPatron', 'Koha::Schema::Result::HoldFillTarget' => 'HoldFillTarget', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AdditionalField' => 'AdditionalField', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AccountCreditTypesBranch' => 'AccountCreditTypesBranch', 'Koha::Schema::Result::TagAll' => 'TagAll', 'Koha::Schema::Result::OaiSet' => 'OaiSet', 'Koha::Schema::Result::LanguageDescription' => 'LanguageDescription', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ItemGroup' => 'ItemGroup', 'Koha::Schema::Result::PrintersProfile' => 'PrintersProfile', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmUsageDatabase' => 'ErmUsageDatabase', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Itemtype' => 'Itemtype', 'Koha::Schema::Result::SpecialHoliday' => 'SpecialHoliday', 'Koha::Schema::Result::LibraryHour' => 'LibraryHour', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ApiKey' => 'ApiKey', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Virtualshelfcontent' => 'Virtualshelfcontent', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Stockrotationrota' => 'Stockrotationrota', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AccountOffset' => 'AccountOffset', 'Koha::Schema::Result::SmtpServer' => 'SmtpServer', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Review' => 'Review', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Aqbudgetperiod' => 'Aqbudgetperiod', 'Koha::Schema::Result::BorrowerMessageTransportPreference' => 'BorrowerMessageTransportPreference', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmAgreementPeriod' => 'ErmAgreementPeriod', 'Koha::Schema::Result::NeedMergeAuthority' => 'NeedMergeAuthority', 'Koha::Schema::Result::OaiSetsBiblio' => 'OaiSetsBiblio', 'Koha::Schema::Result::CreatorLayout' => 'CreatorLayout', 'Koha::Schema::Result::HouseboundProfile' => 'HouseboundProfile', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Systempreference' => 'Systempreference', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmLicense' => 'ErmLicense', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ArticleRequest' => 'ArticleRequest', 'Koha::Schema::Result::SearchMarcMap' => 'SearchMarcMap', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AccountDebitType' => 'AccountDebitType', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmUsageDataProvider' => 'ErmUsageDataProvider', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ClubEnrollmentField' => 'ClubEnrollmentField', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Patronimage' => 'Patronimage', 'Koha::Schema::Result::CurbsidePickupPolicy' => 'CurbsidePickupPolicy', 'Koha::Schema::Result::SavedSql' => 'SavedSql', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Ticket' => 'Ticket', 'Koha::Schema::Result::LibrarySmtpServer' => 'LibrarySmtpServer', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AqordersTransfer' => 'AqordersTransfer', 'Koha::Schema::Result::MatchpointComponent' => 'MatchpointComponent', 'Koha::Schema::Result::AdvancedEditorMacro' => 'AdvancedEditorMacro', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ItemtypesBranch' => 'ItemtypesBranch', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Subscription' => 'Subscription', 'Koha::Schema::Result::MessageTransport' => 'MessageTransport', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ExportFormat' => 'ExportFormat', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmAgreement' => 'ErmAgreement', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ClubEnrollment' => 'ClubEnrollment', 'Koha::Schema::Result::MarcModificationTemplateAction' => 'MarcModificationTemplateAction', 'Koha::Schema::Result::HouseboundVisit' => 'HouseboundVisit', 'Koha::Schema::Result::SearchMarcToField' => 'SearchMarcToField', 'Koha::Schema::Result::CurbsidePickupIssue' => 'CurbsidePickupIssue', 'Koha::Schema::Result::MatchpointComponentNorm' => 'MatchpointComponentNorm', 'Koha::Schema::Result::SubscriptionFrequency' => 'SubscriptionFrequency', 'Koha::Schema::Result::BorrowerAttributeType' => 'BorrowerAttributeType', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Aqcontact' => 'Aqcontact', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ReportsDictionary' => 'ReportsDictionary', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Z3950server' => 'Z3950server', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmDocument' => 'ErmDocument', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ClassSplitRule' => 'ClassSplitRule', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Deletedbiblio' => 'Deletedbiblio', 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'Koha::Schema::Result::PluginData' => 'PluginData', 'Koha::Schema::Result::ErmEholdingsTitle' => 'ErmEholdingsTitle', 'Koha::Schema::Result::Aqbookseller' => 'Aqbookseller' } }, 'Koha::Schema' ), '_columns_info_loaded' => 0, '_primaries' => $VAR1->{'KohaDates'}{'_CONTEXT'}{'STASH'}{'_PARENT'}{'OpacNav'}{'content'}{'_resultset'}{'_attrs'}{'from'}[0]{'-rsrc'}{'_unique_constraints'}{'primary'}, 'result_class' => 'Koha::Schema::Result::AdditionalContentsLocalization', 'resultset_attributes' => {}, 'source_name' => 'AdditionalContentsLocalization', '_ordered_columns' => [ 'id', 'additional_content_id', 'title', 'content', 'lang', 'updated_on' ], 'resultset_class' => 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet', '_columns' => { 'id' => { 'extra' => { 'unsigned' => 1 }, 'data_type' => 'integer', 'is_nullable' => 0, 'is_auto_increment' => 1 }, 'title' => { 'default_value' => '', 'size' => 250, 'is_nullable' => 0, 'data_type' => 'varchar' }, 'updated_on' => { 'datetime_undef_if_invalid' => 1, 'default_value' => 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$("#phone2").hide(); $("<span>-</span>").insertAfter("input[id='phone6']"); $("#phone6").hide(); $("<span>-</span>").insertAfter("input[id='phone4']"); $("#phone4").hide(); $("<span>-</span>").insertAfter("input[id='phone1']"); $("#phone1").hide(); $("<span>-</span>").insertAfter("input[id='phone5']"); $("#phone5").hide(); } //change SMS notification if (window.location.href.indexOf("") > -1) { $("<strong>Enable SMS text messaging:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>").insertBefore("fieldset.rows"); $("input[id='sms6']").insertBefore("fieldset.rows"); $('<br /><span style="font-size:90%;">(sends a text message for holds, advance due items, and overdue items, in addition to standard notifications)</span><br />').insertAfter("input[id='sms6']"); $('label[for="SMSnumber"]').css("width","auto"); $('label[for="SMSnumber"]').text("SMS number (including area code):"); $("table#DataTables_Table_0 tr").find("td:eq(2),th:eq(2)").remove(); $("select#sms_provider_id").parent().hide(); } }); //style ebooks //ebook link change Follett/Miscellaneous $("#userresults").ready(function(){ $("#userresults table td").each(function(i){ td = $(this); var febks_link1 = td.find("a[href^='']"); var felinkc1 = febks_link1.parent(); var febks_link2 = febks_link1.attr("href"); if (!febks_link2) { febks_link1 = td.find("a[href^='']"); felinkc1 = febks_link1.parent(); febks_link2 = febks_link1.attr("href"); }; if (!febks_link2) { febks_link1 = td.find("a[href^='']"); felinkc1 = febks_link1.parent(); febks_link2 = febks_link1.attr("href"); }; if(febks_link2){ $("td:eq("+i+") span.actions").hide(); $("td:eq("+i+") span.online_resources").hide(); $("td:eq("+i+") span.availability").html('<span class="ebook2">'+febks_link1.parent().html()+'</span>'); $("td:eq("+i+") span.availability span.label").hide(); } }); }); $("span.online_resources").ready(function(){ var febks_link1 = $("span.online_resources a[href^='']").attr("href"); if(febks_link1){ $("#holdings").html('<a href="'+febks_link1+'" target="_blank"><img alt="View this E-Book" src="" /></a>'); } }); $("span.online_resources").ready(function(){ var gvbks_link1 = $("span.online_resources a[href^='']").attr("href"); var gvbkstxt = $("span.online_resources a[href^='']").text(); if (!gvbks_link1) { gvbks_link1 = $("span.online_resources a[href^='']").attr("href"); gvbkstxt = $("span.online_resources a[href^='']").text(); }; if(gvbks_link1){ $("span.online_resources").hide(); $("#holdings").html('<span class="ebook3"><a href="'+gvbks_link1+'" target="_blank">'+gvbkstxt+'</a></span>'); } }); //link change Internet Archive $("#userresults").ready(function(){ $("#userresults table td").each(function(i){ td = $(this); var iaebks_link1 = td.find("a[href^='']"); var iaelinkc1 = iaebks_link1.parent(); var iaebks_link2 = iaebks_link1.attr("href"); if(iaebks_link2){ $("td:eq("+i+") span.actions").hide(); $("td:eq("+i+") span.online_resources").hide(); $("td:eq("+i+") span.availability").html('<a class="ebook" href="'+iaebks_link2+'" target="_blank">Access at Internet Archive</a>'); } }); }); $("span.online_resources").ready(function(){ var iaebks_link1 = $("span.online_resources a[href^='']").attr("href"); if(iaebks_link1){ $("#holdings").html('<a href="'+iaebks_link1+'" target="_blank"><img alt="Access at Internet Archive" src="" /></a>'); // $("#holdings").html('<a href="'+iaebks_link1+'" target="_blank"><div class="mplOpacIA">a</div></a>'); } }); // end ebook style change //Self Registration Form //Selfreg completed page //$("#patron-password-p").html('<span id="patron-password-label">Password: </span><span id="patron-password">(hidden)</span>'); //$("#patron-instructions").html('&nbsp;'); $('#registration-complete').html(function () { var u=$('#patron-userid').text(); var s='<h1>Registration Complete!</h1><p>You have successfully registered your new account.</p><p>To log in, use the following credentials:</p>'; s+='<p id="patron-userid-p"><span id="patron-userid-label">Username: </span><span id="patron-userid">'+u+'</span></p>'; s+='<p id="patron-password-p"><span id="patron-password-label">Password: </span><span id="patron-password">(hidden)</span></p>'; s+='<div id="PatronSelfRegistrationAdditionalInstructions"><div id="mpl_header" style="background-color:#FFF;">'; s+='<p style="margin-top:20px;">Please pickup your card at the Library Help Desk within 14 days.</p>'; s+='<p>The Library is located at 625 Pacific Street, Monterey, CA 93940'; s+='<p>For more information, please call (831) 646-3933.</p></div>'; s+='<div id="pgpl_header"><p style="margin-top:20px;"><p>You can come into the library during regular business hours to pick up your new library card.</p>'; s+='<p>Pacific Grove Public Library is located at 550 Central Ave, between Fountain and Grand in Pacific Grove. <a href="" target="_blank">Click here for a map and directions to the Library</a>.</p>'; s+='<p>For more information, please call the circulation desk at (831) 648-5760.</p></div>'; document.getElementById('registration-complete').innerHTML=s; }); function trim(str) {return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');} function capitalizeMe(obj) {var val = obj.value.toLowerCase();var newVal = '';val = val.split(' ');for(var c=0; c < val.length; c++) {newVal += val[c].substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+val[c].substring(1,val[c].length) + ' ';}obj.value = trim(newVal);} function normPhone (obj) { var str2 = obj.value; var str=str2.replace(/[^0-9]+?/g, ''); switch (str.length) { case 7:str = str.substr(0,3)+"-"+str.substr(3,4);break; case 10:str = str.substr(0,3)+"-"+str.substr(3,3)+"-"+str.substr(6,4);break; default:str=str2;break; } obj.value = str; } function enParSig() { var d=$('#borrower_dateofbirth').val(); var bd=new Date(d); var n=new Date(); age=((n.getTime() - bd.getTime()) / 31536000000).toFixed(0); if (age<14) { $('#ParSigBlock').show(); $('#borrower_contactfirstname').focus(); } else $('#ParSigBlock').hide(); } //Selfreg card application form if (window.location.href.indexOf("") > -1 && window.location.href.indexOf("") == -1) { $('h1:contains("Your personal details")').hide(); $('#add-account').html(function () { var capdig=$('input[name="captcha_digest"]').val(); var csrf=$('input[name="csrf_token"]').val(); var vercode=$('.hint').children('strong').text(); var s=''; s+='<form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/koha/" id="memberentry-form" autocomplete="off">'; s+='<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="'+csrf+'">'; s+='<div class="row">'; s+='<div class="col">'; s+='<div id="mpl_header" style="background-color:#FFF;"><table class="table table-bordered"><thead><tr><th>Can\'t Log In?</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><p></p><p>If you currently have a library card but can\'t log in, please contact the library at (831) 646-3933 or <a href=""></a></strong></p><p>You do not need to use this form.</td></tr></tbody></table></div>'; s+='<fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_library" style="display:none;">'; s+='<legend id="library_legend">Library</legend>'; s+='<ol><li><label>Expiration date:</label></li>'; s+='<li><label for="borrower_branchcode" class="">Home library:</label>'; s+='<select id="borrower_branchcode" name="borrower_branchcode" class="">'; if (window.location.href.indexOf("montereylibrary") > -1) {s+='<option value="MONTEREY">Monterey Public Library</option>';} else {s+='<option value="PACIFIC">Pacific Grove Public Library</option>';} s+='</select>'; s+='<div class="required_label ">Required</div>'; s+='</li></ol>'; s+='</fieldset>'; s+='</div></div>'; s+='<div class="row">'; s+='<div class="col">'; s+='<fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_identity">'; s+='<table><tr><td colspan="3"><strong><span id="forName">Name</span>:</strong></td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td></td><td style="text-align:right;"><span id="forNameFM">First Name and Middle Initial</span>:&nbsp;</td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_firstname" name="borrower_firstname" value="" onchange="capitalizeMe(this)" />'; s+='<span class="required"> Required</span>'; s+='</td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td></td><td style="text-align:right;"><span id="forNameL">Last Name</span>:&nbsp;</td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_surname" name="borrower_surname" value="" onchange="capitalizeMe(this)" />'; s+='<span class="required"> Required</span>'; s+='</td></tr></table>'; s+='</div></div>'; s+='<br />'; s+='<input type="hidden" id="borrower_middle_name" name="borrower_middle_name" value="" class="" />'; s+='<div class="row">'; s+='<div class="col">'; s+='<table><tr><td colspan="2"><span id="forDoB"><strong>Date of birth</strong> (mm/dd/yyyy)</span>:&nbsp;</td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_dateofbirth" name="borrower_dateofbirth" value="" size="10" class="flatpickr pastdate" onchange="enParSig()" />'; s+='<span class="required"> Required</span>'; s+='</td></tr></table>'; s+='<div id="ParSigBlock" style="display:none;">'; if (window.location.href.indexOf("montereylibrary") > -1) { s+='<table><tr><td><span id="forParSig">A Parent\'s or Legal Guardian\'s signature is required for people under 14, and certifies that the parent/guardian accepts responsibility to ensure that the young person follows the library rules.<br /><br />'; s+='California law (Government Code, Section 6267) gives library customers the right to privacy regardless of age. The Library can release information on what is checked out <u>only to the card holder (your child)</u>.<br /><br />'; s+='Library policy provides equal access to materials and resources, <u>including the Internet</u>, to people of all ages. It is the parent\'s responsibility to monitor the selection and use of library materials and resources.</span></td></tr></table><br />'; s+='<table><tr><td style="text-align:right;"><b>Parent/Guardian\'s First Name and Middle Initial:</b>&nbsp;</td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_contactfirstname" name="borrower_contactfirstname" value="" onchange="capitalizeMe(this)" />'; s+='<span class="required"> Required</span>'; s+='</td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td style="text-align:right;"><b>Parent/Guardian\'s Last Name:</b>&nbsp;</td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_contactname" name="borrower_contactname" value="" onchange="capitalizeMe(this)" />'; s+='<span class="required"> Required</span>'; s+='</td></tr></table>'; } else { s+='<table><tr><td colspan="3"><span id="forParSig">A Parent\'s or Legal Guardian\'s signature is required for people under 14.</td></tr><tr><td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td></td><td style="text-align:right;"><b>Parent/Guardian\'s First Name and Middle Initial:</b>&nbsp;</td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_contactfirstname" name="borrower_contactfirstname" value="" onchange="capitalizeMe(this)" />'; s+='<span class="required"> Required</span>'; s+='</td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td></td><td style="text-align:right;"><b>Parent/Guardian\'s Last Name:</b>&nbsp;</td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_contactname" name="borrower_contactname" value="" onchange="capitalizeMe(this)" />'; s+='<span class="required"> Required</span>'; s+='</td></tr></table>'; } s+='</div>'; s+='<br />'; s+='<table><tr><td colspan="2"><strong>Preferred Pronouns</strong>:&nbsp;</td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_pronouns" name="borrower_pronouns" value="" class="" />'; s+='</td></tr></table>'; s+='</div>'; s+='</div>'; s+='<br />'; s+='<input type="hidden" name="borrower_sex" id="sex-none" value="" checked="checked" />'; s+='</fieldset>'; s+='<div class="row">'; s+='<div class="col">'; s+='<fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_mainaddress">'; s+='<table><tr><td colspan="3"><strong><span id="forMailAdd">Mailing Address</span>:</strong></td></tr>'; s+='<tr>'; s+='<td></td><td style="text-align:right;"><span id="forAddNSPO">Number and Street or P.O. Box</span>:&nbsp;</td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_address" name="borrower_address" value="" onchange="capitalizeMe(this)" />'; s+='<span class="required"> Required</span>'; s+='</td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td></td>'; s+='<td style="text-align:right;"><span id="forAddL2">Address line2</span>:&nbsp;</td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_address2" name="borrower_address2" value="" onchange="capitalizeMe(this)" />'; s+='</td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td></td><td style="text-align:right;"><span id="forCity">City</span>:&nbsp;</td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_city" name="borrower_city" value="" onchange="capitalizeMe(this)" />'; s+='<span class="required"> Required</span>'; s+='</td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td></td><td style="text-align:right;"><span id="forState">State</span>: </td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_state" name="borrower_state" value="" />'; s+='<span class="required"> Required</span>'; s+='</td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td></td><td style="text-align:right;"><span id="forZipC">Zip Code</span>: </td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_zipcode" name="borrower_zipcode" value="" />'; s+='<span class="required"> Required</span>'; s+='</td></tr></table>'; s+='</fieldset>'; s+='</div>'; s+='</div>'; s+='<br />'; s+='<div class="row">'; s+='<div class="col">'; s+='<fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_contact">'; s+='<table><tr><td colspan="3"><strong><span id="forConInfo">Contact information</span>:</strong></td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td></td><td style="text-align:right;"><span id="forEAdd">Email Address</span>:</td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_email" name="borrower_email" value="" /></td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td></td><td style="text-align:right;"><span id="forPhoNum">Phone Number</span>:</td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_phone" name="borrower_phone" value="" onchange="normPhone(this)" /><span class="required"> Required</span></td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td></td><td style="text-align:right;"><span id="forPhoNum2">2nd Phone Number</span>:</td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_phonepro" name="borrower_phonepro" value="" /></td></tr></table>'; s+='</fieldset>'; s+='</div>'; s+='</div>'; s+='<br />'; s+='<input type="hidden" id="borrower_primary_contact_method" name="borrower_primary_contact_method" id="" value="email" />'; s+='<div class="row">'; s+='<div class="col">'; s+='<fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_alternateaddress">'; s+='<table><tr><td colspan="3"><strong><span id="forResAdd">Residence Address (if different than mailing address)</span>:</strong></td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td></td><td style="text-align:right;"><span id="forResAddNumStr">Number and Street</span>: </td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_B_address" name="borrower_B_address" value="" onchange="capitalizeMe(this)" /></td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td></td><td style="text-align:right;"><span id="forResAddL2">Address line2</span>: </td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_B_address2" name="borrower_B_address2" value="" onchange="capitalizeMe(this)" /></td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td></td><td style="text-align:right;"><span id="forResAddCity">City</span>: </td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_B_city" name="borrower_B_city" value="" onchange="capitalizeMe(this)" /></td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td></td><td style="text-align:right;"><span id="forResAddState">State</span>: </td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_B_state" name="borrower_B_state" value="" /></td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td></td><td style="text-align:right;"><span id="forResAddZipC">Zip Code</span>: </td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" id="borrower_B_zipcode" name="borrower_B_zipcode" value="" /></td></tr></table>'; s+='</fieldset>'; s+='</div>'; s+='</div>'; s+='<br />'; s+='<div class="row"><div class="col">'; s+='<fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_password">'; s+='<table><tr><td colspan="3"><strong><span id="forCPass">Create a Password</span>:</strong></td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td colspan="3"><span id="forCPassMess">Your password must be at least 3 characters long.</td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td style="text-align:right;"><span id="forEntCPass">Enter a Password</span>: </td>'; s+='<td><input type="password" name="borrower_password" id="password" class="required"><span class="required">&nbsp;Required</span></td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td></td><td style="text-align:right;"><span id="forConCPass">Confirm&nbsp;password</span>: </td>'; s+='<td><input type="password" name="borrower_password2" id="password2"><span class="required">&nbsp;Required</span></td></tr></table>'; s+='</fieldset>'; s+='</div></div>'; if (window.location.href.indexOf("montereylibrary") > -1) { s+='<table style="margin: 20px 0 10px 0;"><tr><td><strong><span id="forAddMailList">Yes, I want to stay connected. Add me to your email list</span>:&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong></td><td><input type="checkbox" id="borrower_mobile" name="borrower_mobile" value="MPL Mailinglist: Yes" checked="checked" style="margin-bottom:4px;height:20px;width:20px;" /></td></tr></table>'; } s+='<div class="row"><div class="col">'; s+='<fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_captcha">'; s+='<legend><span id="forVer">Verification</span>:</legend>'; s+='<table><tr><td colspan="2"><span id="forVerCode">Your verification code is</span>: <strong>'+vercode+'</strong></td></tr>'; s+='<tr><td class="required" aria-required="true"><strong><span id="forEntVerCode">Enter your verification code here</span>: </strong></td>'; s+='<td><input type="text" name="captcha" id="captcha"><span class="required" aria-required="true"> Required</span></td></tr></table>'; s+='<input type="hidden" name="captcha_digest" value="'+capdig+'">'; s+='<div align="justify" style="margin-top:20px;"><table><tr><td><span id="forEndMess">By clicking on submit, I agree to follow all Library policies and to notify the Library if my contact information changes or I lose my library card. I understand that I am responsible for all items checked out on this card.</span></td></tr></table></div>'; s+='</fieldset></div></div>'; s+='<fieldset class="action">'; //s+='<input type="hidden" name="action" value="create" />'; s+='<input type="hidden" name="op" value="cud-create">'; s+='<input type="submit" id="forSub" class="btn" style="border-color:#333333;" value="Submit" />'; s+='</fieldset>'; s+='</form>'; document.getElementById("add-account").innerHTML=s; }); } //End Self Registration Form //preset hold pickup location based on catalog url //if (window.location.href.indexOf("") > -1) { // $('select[name="branch"] option[value="MONTEREY"]').attr("selected","selected"); //}; //if (window.location.href.indexOf("") > -1) { // $('select[name="branch"] option[value="PACIFIC"]').attr("selected","selected"); //}; //Fix subject search by striping parenthesis from url links $('#catalogue_detail_biblio a[href*="su:"]').attr('href', function(_,v){ return v.replace(/(\w)(\(|\))(\w)/g,'$1 $3')}).attr('href', function(_,v){ return v.replace(/(\(|\))/g,'')}); //End fix subject search //Change "Browse shelf" to "Browse nearby" $('td.call_no a').text('Browse nearby'); //Change "Title notes" to "More information" $('li#tab_descriptions a').text('More information'); //change purchase suggestions link $('#moresearches a[href*=""]').attr('href','/cgi-bin/koha/'); //Retain library name for subsequent searches $("#select_library").attr("onchange","selectLibSave()"); selectLibGet(); function selectLibSave() { var a=$("#select_library").val(); if (a.length<5) a="all"; writeCookie("libName",a); } function selectLibGet(){ var a=readCookie("libName"); if (!a) selectLibSave() else { if (a=="all") $("#select_library").val("") else $("#select_library").val(a); } } //shelving maps var tid=setInterval(function() { if (document.readyState!=='complete') return; clearInterval(tid); // ---------------- MPLGetLocMap(); // ---------------- }, 100); function MPLGetLocMap() { if (window.location.href.indexOf("/") > -1) { //MPLLocMapFlag+=1; if (MPLLocMapFlag==1) { var nrows; var ncols; var a; var b=-1; var c; var d; var e=-1; var s; var lib; var loc; var cn; var url; var q=String.fromCharCode(39); try { nrows=document.getElementById('holdingst').rows.length; ncols=document.getElementById('holdingst').rows[0].cells.length; } catch(err) { nrows=-1; ncols=-1; } finally { if ((nrows>-1)&&(ncols>-1)) { for (a=0;a<ncols;a++) { if (document.getElementById('holdingst').rows[1].cells[a].getAttribute('class')=='location') b=a; if (document.getElementById('holdingst').rows[1].cells[a].getAttribute('class')=='call_no') e=a; } if ((b>-1)&&(e>-1)) { for (a=1;a<nrows;a++) { s=document.getElementById('holdingst').rows[a].cells[b].innerHTML; c=s.indexOf('<a href="'); d=s.indexOf('>',c); c=s.indexOf('</a>',d); lib=s.slice(d+1,c); lib=lib.trim(); if (lib=='Monterey Public Library') { c=s.indexOf('<span class="shelvingloc">'); d=s.indexOf('</span>',c); loc=s.slice(c+26,d); s=document.getElementById('holdingst').rows[a].cells[e].innerHTML;\([.\n]*\<a href/); cn=s.slice(0,c-1); cn=cn.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); cn=cn.replace(/\n/g,'~'); if (loc!='') { url=''+encodeURI(lib)+'&s='+encodeURI(loc)+'&c='+encodeURI(cn); s='<link property="itemOffered" href="#record"><link property="businessFunction" href=""><a href="#" onclick="MPLMapPopup('+q+url+q+',1000,850);">'; s+='<span class="" title="">'+lib+': </span><div class="branch-info-tooltip"></div><span class="shelvingloc">'+loc+'</span></a>'; } else { s='<link property="itemOffered" href="#record"><link property="businessFunction" href=""><span class="" title="">'+lib+'</span><div class="branch-info-tooltip"></div><span class="shelvingloc">'+loc+'</span>'; } document.getElementById('holdingst').rows[a].cells[b].innerHTML=s; } if (lib=='MPL California History Room') { c=s.indexOf('<span class="shelvingloc">'); d=s.indexOf('</span>',c); loc=s.slice(c+26,d); s=document.getElementById('holdingst').rows[a].cells[e].innerHTML;\([.\n]*\<a href/); cn=s.slice(0,c-1); cn=cn.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); cn=cn.replace(/\n/g,'~'); url=''+encodeURI(lib)+'&s='+encodeURI(loc)+'&c='+encodeURI(cn); s='<link property="itemOffered" href="#record"><link property="businessFunction" href=""><a href="#" onclick="MPLMapPopup('+q+url+q+',1000,725);">'; s+='<span class="" title="">'+lib+'</span><div class="branch-info-tooltip"></div>'; if (loc!="California History Room") s+=': <span class="shelvingloc">'+loc.slice(24)+'</span>'; s+='</a>'; document.getElementById('holdingst').rows[a].cells[b].innerHTML=s; } if (lib=='Bookmobile') { c=s.indexOf('<span class="shelvingloc">'); d=s.indexOf('</span>',c); loc=s.slice(c+26,d); s='<link property="itemOffered" href="#record"><link property="businessFunction" href=""><a href="#" onclick="MPLMapPopup('+q+''+q+',900,425);">'; s+='<span class="" title="">'+lib+': </span><div class="branch-info-tooltip"></div><span class="shelvingloc">'+loc+'</span></a>'; document.getElementById('holdingst').rows[a].cells[b].innerHTML=s; } if (lib=="Mayo Hayes O'Donnell Library") { c=s.indexOf('<span class="shelvingloc">'); d=s.indexOf('</span>',c); loc=s.slice(c+26,d); if ((loc=="Mayo Hayes O'Donnell Library")||(loc=="MHO Library - Amelie Elkinton Collection")) { s='<link property="itemOffered" href="#record"><link property="businessFunction" href=""><a href="#" onclick="MPLMapPopup('+q+''+q+',800,500);">'; s+='<span class="" title="">'+loc+'</span><div class="branch-info-tooltip"></div></a>'; document.getElementById('holdingst').rows[a].cells[b].innerHTML=s; } } if (lib=='Museums & Cultural Arts') { c=s.indexOf('<span class="shelvingloc">'); d=s.indexOf('</span>',c); loc=s.slice(c+26,d); if (loc=='Pacific Biological Lab') { s='<link property="itemOffered" href="#record"><link property="businessFunction" href=""><a href="#" onclick="MPLMapPopup('+q+''+q+',800,500);">'; s+='<span class="" title="">'+loc+'</span><div class="branch-info-tooltip"></div></a>'; document.getElementById('holdingst').rows[a].cells[b].innerHTML=s; } else if (loc=='Colton Hall Museum') { s='<link property="itemOffered" href="#record"><link property="businessFunction" href=""><a href="#" onclick="MPLMapPopup('+q+''+q+',800,500);">'; 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