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Ara艧t谋rma ili艧kisel tarama y枚ntemiyle yap谋lm谋艧t谋r. Ara艧t谋rma, 2016-2017 y谋l谋nda Adana 陌l Milli E臒itim M眉d眉rl眉臒眉鈥檔e ba臒l谋 anas谋n谋flar谋 ve anaokullar谋nda y眉r眉t眉lm眉艧t眉r. Ara艧t谋rman谋n 莽al谋艧ma grubunu 4-6 ya艧 grubu 400 莽ocuk olu艧turmaktad谋r. Ara艧t谋rmada veri toplama arac谋 olarak; "脟KM脰", "ET脰", "DD脰" ve "Demografik Bilgi Formu" kullan谋lm谋艧t谋r. Ara艧t谋rma sonucunda; duygu d眉zenleme ve ebeveyn tutumlar谋 aras谋nda ili艧ki incelendi臒inde duygu d眉zenleme ve sadece demokratik ebeveyn tutumu aras谋nda pozitif y枚nl眉 ili艧ki oldu臒u tespit edilmi艧tir. Bulunan bu ili艧kiye g枚re 莽ocuklar谋n duygu d眉zenleme becerileri artt谋k莽a demokratik ebeveyn tutumlar谋 da artmaktad谋r. DD脰鈥檔眉n de臒i艧kenlik/olumsuzluk alt boyutu ile 脟KM脰鈥檔眉n tepkisellik alt boyutu aras谋nda pozitif, 脟KM脰鈥檔眉n sebatkarl谋k alt boyutu ile negatif y枚nl眉 ili艧ki oldu臒u g枚r眉lm眉艧t眉r. Sebatkarl谋k ve tepkisellik miza莽 枚zelli臒inin DD脰鈥檔眉n de臒i艧kenlik/olumsuzluk boyutu ile aras谋nda anlaml谋 ili艧ki oldu臒u belirlenmi艧tir. 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<h3 class="article-title" aria-label="Submission Title: Okul 脰ncesi D枚nemdeki 脟ocuklar谋n Duygu D眉zenleme Becerileri 陌le Miza莽 脰zellikleri ve Ebeveyn Tutumlar谋 Aras谋ndaki 陌li艧kinin 陌ncelenmesi"> Okul 脰ncesi D枚nemdeki 脟ocuklar谋n Duygu D眉zenleme Becerileri 陌le Miza莽 脰zellikleri ve Ebeveyn Tutumlar谋 Aras谋ndaki 陌li艧kinin 陌ncelenmesi </h3> </div> <span class="article-subtitle"> <i class="flaticon2-copy"></i> <a href="">Year 2021</a>, , 13 - 23, 30.06.2021 </span> <p class="article-authors"> <a class="is-user" href="/en/pub/@ozlemgozun" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Primary Author"> 脰zlem G枚z眉n Kahraman <span class="fa fa-star-of-life primary-author-icon m-0"></span> </a> , <a data-toggle="tooltip" title="This is me" href="#article-authors-list"> Elif G枚k艧en <span class="fa fa-question-circle color-dergipark"></span></a> </p> <div class="article-doi data-section"> <a class="doi-link" href=""></a> <div class="mt-3"> <div class="kt-badge kt-badge--dot kt-badge--lg kt-badge--primary separator" 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Ara艧t谋rma ili艧kisel tarama y枚ntemiyle yap谋lm谋艧t谋r. Ara艧t谋rma, 2016-2017 y谋l谋nda Adana 陌l Milli E臒itim M眉d眉rl眉臒眉鈥檔e ba臒l谋 anas谋n谋flar谋 ve anaokullar谋nda y眉r眉t眉lm眉艧t眉r. Ara艧t谋rman谋n 莽al谋艧ma grubunu 4-6 ya艧 grubu 400 莽ocuk olu艧turmaktad谋r. Ara艧t谋rmada veri toplama arac谋 olarak; "脟KM脰", "ET脰", "DD脰" ve "Demografik Bilgi Formu" kullan谋lm谋艧t谋r. Ara艧t谋rma sonucunda; duygu d眉zenleme ve ebeveyn tutumlar谋 aras谋nda ili艧ki incelendi臒inde duygu d眉zenleme ve sadece demokratik ebeveyn tutumu aras谋nda pozitif y枚nl眉 ili艧ki oldu臒u tespit edilmi艧tir. Bulunan bu ili艧kiye g枚re 莽ocuklar谋n duygu d眉zenleme becerileri artt谋k莽a demokratik ebeveyn tutumlar谋 da artmaktad谋r. DD脰鈥檔眉n de臒i艧kenlik/olumsuzluk alt boyutu ile 脟KM脰鈥檔眉n tepkisellik alt boyutu aras谋nda pozitif, 脟KM脰鈥檔眉n sebatkarl谋k alt boyutu ile negatif y枚nl眉 ili艧ki oldu臒u g枚r眉lm眉艧t眉r. Sebatkarl谋k ve tepkisellik miza莽 枚zelli臒inin DD脰鈥檔眉n de臒i艧kenlik/olumsuzluk boyutu ile aras谋nda anlaml谋 ili艧ki oldu臒u belirlenmi艧tir. Bu sonu莽lar 莽ocuklar谋n duygu d眉zenleme becerilerinin ebeveyn tutumlar谋 ve 莽ocu臒un mizac谋ndan etkilendi臒ini g枚stermektedir</p> </div> <div class="article-keywords data-section"> <h3 class="kt-blog-post__title kt-heading kt-heading--md kt-heading--medium dergipark">Keywords</h3> <p> <a href="/en/search?q=%22duygu+d%C3%BCzenleme%22">duygu d眉zenleme</a><label>,</label> <a href="/en/search?q=%22miza%C3%A7%22">miza莽</a><label>,</label> <a href="/en/search?q=%22ebeveyn+tutumlar%C4%B1%22">ebeveyn tutumlar谋</a><label>,</label> <a href="/en/search?q=%22okul+%C3%B6ncesi+d%C3%B6nem%22">okul 枚ncesi d枚nem</a> </p> </div> <div class="article-supporting-institution data-section"> <h3 class="kt-blog-post__title kt-heading kt-heading--md kt-heading--medium dergipark">Supporting Institution</h3> <p>Bu tez, Karab眉k 脺niversitesi Bilimsel Ara艧t谋rma Projeleri Komisyonu Ba艧kanl谋臒谋 taraf谋ndan KB脺BAP-17-YL-190numaral谋 proje ile desteklenmi艧tir.tir..</p> </div> <div class="data-section"> <h3 class="kt-blog-post__title kt-heading kt-heading--md kt-heading--medium dergipark">Project Number</h3> <p>KB脺BAP-17-YL-190</p> </div> <div class="article-thanks-letter data-section"> <h3 class="kt-blog-post__title kt-heading kt-heading--md kt-heading--medium dergipark">Thanks</h3> <p>Desteklerinden dolay谋 Karab眉k 脺niversitesi Bilimsel Ara艧t谋rma Projeleri Komisyonu Ba艧kanl谋臒谋鈥檔a te艧ekk眉r ederiz.</p> </div> <div class="article-citations data-section"> <h3 class="kt-blog-post__title kt-heading kt-heading--md kt-heading--medium dergipark">References</h3> <div> <ul class="fa-ul"> <li class=""><i class="fa-li fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>Akbaba, G. (2017). Be艧 Alt谋 Ya艧 脟ocuklar谋n谋n Duygu D眉zenlenmesinde 脟ocuk Mizac谋yla Anne Davran谋艧lar谋 Aras谋ndaki Etkile艧imin 陌ncelenmesi. (Yay谋mlanmam谋艧 y眉ksek lisans tezi). 陌stanbul 脺niversitesi/ E臒itim Bilimleri Enstit眉s眉, 陌stanbul.</li> <li class=""><i class="fa-li fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>Aldao, A. (2013). The future of emotion regulation research: Capturing context. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 8(2), 155-172.</li> <li class=""><i class="fa-li fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>Altan, 脰. (2006). The Effects Of Maternal Socialization and Temperament on Children's Emotion Regulation. (Yay谋mlanmam谋艧 y眉ksek lisans tezi). Ko莽 脺niversitesi/ Sosyal Bilimler Enstit眉s眉, 陌stanbul.</li> <li class=""><i class="fa-li fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>Ar谋, M., & Yaban, H. (2016). Okul 枚ncesi d枚nemdeki 莽ocuklar谋n sosyal davran谋艧lar谋: Miza莽 ve duygu d眉zenlemenin rol眉. 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Bas谋m. 陌stanbul: 脰zg眉r Yay谋n Da臒谋t谋m</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane " id="article_en" role="tabpanel"> <div class="h3 d-flex align-items-baseline"> <span class="d-none article-project-actions add-item-block" data-id="850931"> <a href="javascript:;" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Add To My Library" aria-label="Add To My Library" class="fetch-user-projects" data-href="/en/user/check/favorite/articles?articleId=850931" data-url="/en/user/project/list/850931"> <i class="la la-star-o d-none library-star-o" style="color: #b1b1b1;"></i> <i class="la la-star d-none library-star" style="color: #fd8d00;"></i> </a> </span> <h3 class="article-title" aria-label="Submission Title: Investigation of Relationship Between Emotion Regulation Skills and Temperament Characteristics and Parental Attitudes of Preschool Children"> Investigation of Relationship Between Emotion Regulation Skills and Temperament Characteristics and Parental Attitudes of Preschool Children </h3> </div> <span class="article-subtitle"> <i class="flaticon2-copy"></i> <a href="">Year 2021</a>, , 13 - 23, 30.06.2021 </span> <p class="article-authors"> <a class="is-user" href="/en/pub/@ozlemgozun" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Primary Author"> 脰zlem G枚z眉n Kahraman <span class="fa fa-star-of-life primary-author-icon m-0"></span> </a> , <a data-toggle="tooltip" title="This is me" href="#article-authors-list"> Elif G枚k艧en <span class="fa fa-question-circle color-dergipark"></span></a> </p> <div class="article-doi data-section"> <a class="doi-link" href=""></a> <div class="mt-3"> <div class="kt-badge kt-badge--dot kt-badge--lg kt-badge--primary separator" id="meta-issn-dot"></div> <a href="//"> Cited By: 2</a> </div> </div> <div class="article-abstract data-section"> <h3 class="kt-blog-post__title kt-heading kt-heading--md kt-heading--medium dergipark">Abstract</h3> <p>In this study, it was aimed to investigate the relationship between emotion regulation skills and temperament and parental attitudes of preschool children. The study was conducted by relational screening method. The research was carried out in 2016-2017 in kindergartens of Adana Province National Education. The study group of the research consists of 400 children with in 4-6 age group.. As a data collection tool; "Short Temperament Scale for Children" "Parental Attitude Scale", "Emotion Regulation Scale" and "Demographic Information Form" were used. As a result of the research; When the relationship between emotion regulation and parental attitudes were examined, it was found that there was a positive relationship between emotion regulation and only democratic parental attitudes. According to this relationship, democratic parental attitudes are increasing as children's emotion regulation skills increase. It was observed that there was a negative relationship between the variability / negativity sub-dimension of regressive ability and reactive temperament characteristic with positive, steadfast temperament feature. It was determined that the feature of regressive and reactive temperament was a significant predictor of variability and negativity. These results show that children's emotion regulation skills are affected by parental attitudes and the child's temperament.</p> </div> <div class="article-keywords data-section"> <h3 class="kt-blog-post__title kt-heading kt-heading--md kt-heading--medium dergipark">Keywords</h3> <p> <a href="/en/search?q=%22emotion+regulation%22">emotion regulation</a><label>,</label> <a href="/en/search?q=%22parental+attitudes%22">parental attitudes</a><label>,</label> <a href="/en/search?q=%22temperament%22">temperament</a><label>,</label> <a href="/en/search?q=%22pre-school+period%22">pre-school period</a> </p> </div> <div class="data-section"> <h3 class="kt-blog-post__title kt-heading kt-heading--md kt-heading--medium dergipark">Project Number</h3> <p>KB脺BAP-17-YL-190</p> </div> <div class="article-citations data-section"> <h3 class="kt-blog-post__title kt-heading kt-heading--md kt-heading--medium dergipark">References</h3> <div> <ul class="fa-ul"> <li class=""><i class="fa-li fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>Akbaba, G. (2017). Be艧 Alt谋 Ya艧 脟ocuklar谋n谋n Duygu D眉zenlenmesinde 脟ocuk Mizac谋yla Anne Davran谋艧lar谋 Aras谋ndaki Etkile艧imin 陌ncelenmesi. (Yay谋mlanmam谋艧 y眉ksek lisans tezi). 陌stanbul 脺niversitesi/ E臒itim Bilimleri Enstit眉s眉, 陌stanbul.</li> <li class=""><i class="fa-li fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>Aldao, A. (2013). The future of emotion regulation research: Capturing context. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 8(2), 155-172.</li> <li class=""><i class="fa-li fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>Altan, 脰. (2006). The Effects Of Maternal Socialization and Temperament on Children's Emotion Regulation. (Yay谋mlanmam谋艧 y眉ksek lisans tezi). Ko莽 脺niversitesi/ Sosyal Bilimler Enstit眉s眉, 陌stanbul.</li> <li class=""><i class="fa-li fa fa-quote-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>Ar谋, M., & Yaban, H. (2016). Okul 枚ncesi d枚nemdeki 莽ocuklar谋n sosyal davran谋艧lar谋: Miza莽 ve duygu d眉zenlemenin rol眉. 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(2021). Okul 脰ncesi D枚nemdeki 脟ocuklar谋n Duygu D眉zenleme Becerileri 陌le Miza莽 脰zellikleri ve Ebeveyn Tutumlar谋 Aras谋ndaki 陌li艧kinin 陌ncelenmesi. Geli艧im Ve Psikoloji Dergisi, 2(3), 13-23.</td> <td><a href="javascript:" class="cite-copy-button" data-html="true" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Copy" aria-label="Copy"><span class="fa fa-copy" aria-hidden="true"></span></a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="kt-portlet article-details"> <div class="kt-portlet__body"> <h3 class="kt-blog-post__title kt-heading kt-heading--md kt-heading--medium dergipark" id="cited_by_articles">Cited By</h3> <div class="media cited_by_item"> <div class="media-body"> <h5 class="media-heading"><a href="" target="_blank">The Effects of Parental Attitudes on Emotion Regulation Skills of 36-72 Month-Old Children (Example of Three Centers in Mente艧e District of Mu臒la Province)</a> </h5> <h6>MANAS Sosyal Ara艧t谋rmalar Dergisi</h6> <h6> <a href=""></a> </h6> </div> </div> <hr> <div class="media cited_by_item"> <div class="media-body"> <h5 class="media-heading"><a href="" target="_blank">OKUL 脰NCES陌 脟OCUKLARDA M陌ZA脟-ZORBALIK 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