Vox Media Writers Workshop | Application

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Vox Media Writers Workshop | Application </title> <meta name="description" content="Vox Media Writers Workshop | Application - The Vox Media Writers Workshop is a no-cost, hands-on training and mentorship program that pairs Vox Media editors and writers with talented people curious about a career in journalism. The workshop is specifically designed for people historically underrepresented in media and is focused on reaching people entering the industry — including rising college seniors, recent graduates, and people transitioning into the industry and looking to jump start their careers.Those enrolled will develop or hone their storytelling skills while also learning about what it means to be a reporter today. They will also build relationships with expert voices across Vox Media’s many newsrooms including The Cut, Eater, New York Magazine, Polygon, SB Nation, The Verge, and Vox.The program will be held remotely over the course of the summer on select dates between June and August and will pair 30 people with 15 Vox Media mentors, including Lindsay Peoples Wagner, editor-in-chief of The Cut; Matt Buchanan, executive eater of Eater; Hanna Rosin, editorial director for audio at New York Magazine; Justin Davidson, classical music &amp; architecture critic at New York Magazine and Curbed; and Anna North, senior reporter at Vox. Each mentor will work with two people to help them develop, refine, and strengthen one reported article, to be published on the workshop website.This is not a full time commitment, but applicants must be able to attend all live workshops (dates listed below). Applications are now open until Sunday, May 16th." /> <meta name="author" content="" /> <meta property="og:image" content=""> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"> <link rel="icon" href="" type="image/x-icon"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href=""> <link href="/mstore-header2/css/vendor/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen"> <link href="/theme/mstore-header2/theme.css?font=%22Work%20Sans%22%2CHelvetica%2CArial%2Csans-serif&fontColor=%23404042&primary=%2347b0eb&primaryActive=%2347b0eb&secondary=%23000000" rel="stylesheet" media="screen"> <style type="text/css"> .fancybox__footer { z-index: 99999; } .ff-form .ff-section{ min-height:calc(100vh - 426px); } .site-logo{ padding:20px 0px; max-width:70%; overflow:hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space:nowrap; font-size: max(calc(var(--ff-fs) * 1.2), 20px) !important; letter-spacing: 0.3px; } .ff-logo img{ display:inline; margin-right:5px; margin-top:-2px; width:auto !important; 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