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It makes contributing much easier. After that you can help...</p> <ul> <li>by <a title="" href="">inserting</a> detailed information about your hardware to the database.</li> <li>by creating new pages and updating existing ones in this wiki (both in English and in your own language).</li> <li>by writing in the <a title="mailing lists" href="">mailing lists</a> to discuss ideas about the future of</li> <li>by helping to improve the source code of <a title="h-source" href="">h-source</a>.</li> <li>by improving our <a title="client for" href="">client for</a> which is written in Python</li> <li>by completing one of our tasks on our <a title="ToDo" href="">ToDo list</a>.</li> <li>by helping on the <a title="i18n process" href="">i18n process</a>.</li> </ul> <div id="How to discover your hardware" class="div_h1"> How to discover your hardware </div> The "<a title="Discover your hardware" href="">Discover your hardware</a>" page explains how to discover detailed information about your hardware using a few simple commands. <div id="How to test your hardware" class="div_h1"> How to test your hardware </div> Visit "<a title="How to test your hardware" href="">How to test your hardware</a>" for hardware testing suggestions. The entries are not the only ways of testing, but they have worked for other hardware. <div id="How to compile an h-node entry" class="div_h1"> How to compile an h-node entry </div> <p>"<a title="Guidelines on how to compile a hardware device page" href="">Guidelines on how to compile a hardware device page</a>" will help when inserting a new device to the database. It defines the format which you should follow when inserting information to the database.</p> <div id="Wiki tutorial: tags" class="div_h1"> Wiki tutorial: tags </div> You can read this <a title="wiki tutorial" href="">wiki tutorial</a> to learn about using tags. They similar to HTML tags and are used in our wiki as well as in the devices' description section to format the layout of text. <div id="Devices that can't be easily cataloged on h-node" class="div_h1"> Devices that can't be easily cataloged on h-node </div> <p>Some devices can't be easily cataloged on h-node because it is not possible to retrieve some crucial information, for example the vendorid:productid code. For this reason those devices can be listed inside the "<a title="manually indexed devices" href="">manually indexed devices</a>" page.</p> <div class="div_lang"><a title="P谩gina Principal" href="">Espa帽ol</a> <a title="Page principale" href="">Fran莽ais</a> <a title="Pagina Principale" href="">Italiano</a> <a title="Pagina principal膬" href="">Rom芒n膬</a> <a title="P谩gina Principal" href="">Portugu锚s-Brasil</a> </div> <div id="Other resources" class="div_h1"> Other resources </div><a title=" " href=""> H-node.org鈥揌ardware Database for Free Software Community Analysis and Development - Matti Juhani Lammi</a> </div> </div> <div class="bottom_licence_notice"> The contents of this page are in the Public Domain. (see the <a href="">CC0 page</a> for detailed information). 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<tr> <td>Modems</td> <td align="right"><b>18</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Notebooks</td> <td align="right"><b>791</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Printers</td> <td align="right"><b>125</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>RAID adapters</td> <td align="right"><b>20</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Scanners</td> <td align="right"><b>24</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>SD card readers</td> <td align="right"><b>57</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sound cards</td> <td align="right"><b>142</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Video cards</td> <td align="right"><b>342</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Webcams</td> <td align="right"><b>132</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Wifi cards</td> <td align="right"><b>234</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>TOTAL</b></td> <td align="right"><b>2361</b></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="statistics_hard_title"> users logged: <span class="user_logged">29</span> </div> </div> <div class="rss_right_box"><a href=""><img src="/Public/Img/rss.png"></a> </div> <div class="right_box_ext_box"> <div class="box_module"> <div 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