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'301' : '101', page_class: 'home', modul_name: 'float' }); } else if (dialogPath == 'country') { //聚合页 sensors.track('web_page_view', { channel_name: channel_name, city_name: fn.getCityChinese(cookie('currentarea') || '1'), platform_id: dialogType == 'yimin' ? '301' : '101', page_class: 'country', modul_name: 'float' }); } else if (dialogPath == 'articlelist') { //文章列表 sensors.track('web_page_view', { channel_name: channel_name, city_name: fn.getCityChinese(cookie('currentarea') || '1'), platform_id: dialogType == 'yimin' ? '301' : '101', page_class: 'articlelist', modul_name: 'float' }); } else if (dialogPath == 'adviserdetail') { //顾问个人页 sensors.track('web_page_view', { channel_name: channel_name, city_name: fn.getCityChinese(cookie('currentarea') || '1'), platform_id: dialogType == 'yimin' ? '301' : '101', page_class: 'adviserdetail', modul_name: 'float' }); } else { // 文章详情页 sensors.track('web_page_view', { channel_name: channel_name, city_name: fn.getCityChinese(cookie('currentarea') || '1'), platform_id: dialogType == 'yimin' ? 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} if (!$.trim($(".phpne-1v1").val()))) { //判断手机号 fn.myTostThumb('手机号格式不正确', 'null') return false; } }); $("#codeIp").on('blur', function () { // TODO: 已经点击获取验证码 if (!sendFlag) { return false } if (!$(this).val() || $(this).val().length != 6) { fn.myTostThumb('请输入验证码', 'null') return false; } judgeGetAble(); }) $(".phpne-1v1").bind("input porpertychange", function () { judgeGetAble(); }); $("#codeIp").bind("input porpertychange", function () { judgeGetAble(); }); $("#dialog1v1Box").click(function (e) { if ('dialog-1v1-warp') ||'other-desc-txt')) { // TODO: 点击弹窗背景图,区分首页和详情页 if (dialogPath == 'HOME_POP1V1') { // 首页 // sensors.track('click_index_pop_bk', { // channel_name: channel_name // }); } else { // 详情页 // sensors.track('click_strategy_pop_bk', { // channel_name: channel_name // }); } //'' + $('#path-1v1') // .data().id) } }) // 提交 $(".submit-1v1").on('click', function () { if ($(this).hasClass('form-unable')) { return false } // 留学表单 if ($('#select-1v1 option:selected').text() == '请选择') { fn.myTostThumb('请选择意向国家及地区', 'null') return false } // if ($('#select-years option:selected').text() == '请选择') { // fn.myTostThumb('请选择意向学段', 'null') // return false // } if ($(".phpne-1v1").val() == '') { fn.myTostThumb('请输入您的手机号', 'null') return false; } if (!$.trim($(".phpne-1v1").val()))) { //判断手机号 fn.myTostThumb('手机号格式不正确', 'null') return false; } if (!$("#agreementCheckbox").find('.agreementCheckbox').hasClass("agreementCheckboxActive")) { fn.myTostThumb('请阅读并同意《隐私保护协议》', 'null') return false; } // TODO: 传入校验码 checkCode($("#codeIp").val(), $(".phpne-1v1").val()) }); $("#getCodeBtn").on("click", function () { if ($(this).hasClass('form-unable')) { return false } getCodeLiuXue(); sendFlag = true judgeGetAble() }); /** *提交在线评估 **/ function submitSignAssessment() { var source = window.location.href if (source.indexOf('?') === -1) { source = source + '?position=' + $('#path-1v1').data().id } else { source = source + '&position=' + $('#path-1v1').data().id } var leadsData = { "username": '', "phone": $(".phpne-1v1").val(), "source": document.referrer || source, "country": $('#select-1v1 option:selected').text(), "area": fn.getCityChinese(cookie('currentarea') || '1'), "rel_type": 3, "content": '', // "content": $('#select-years option:selected').text(), 'url': source, 'gr_user_id': cookie("gr_user_id") //sensors.quick('getAnonymousID') } let params = { data: encrypt(JSON.stringify(leadsData)) } $.ajax({ url: ajaxUrlPrefix.ping_gu_url + '/api/v3/leads/data', type: 'post', dataType: 'json', contentType: "application/json", //jsonpCallback: 'callback', headers: { "InformationCode": finger_visitorId }, data: JSON.stringify(params), success: function (msg) { if (msg.code === 200) { $(".dialog-1v1-bg").fadeOut(150) $(".dialog-1v1-warp").fadeOut(150) // downLoadFile() clearForm1v1LiuXue() $("#ddBox").fadeOut(); // 移除不挡内容的空dom if ($("#emptyDom").length > 0) { $("#emptyDom").remove() } //表单提交成功的话存储24小时的cookie // setCookieee('lwMask', 'lw', '1') // cookieGO('lwMask', 'lw', 24) lwMask = getCookie("lwMask") || '' cookieGO('lwMask', lwMask + ',' + dialogPath, 24) // TODO: 点击【立即获得】按钮,区分首页和详情页 if (dialogPath == 'branch') { // 分首页 sensors.track('web_form_submit', { channel_name: channel_name, city_name: fn.getCityChinese(cookie('currentarea') || '1'), platform_id: dialogType == 'yimin' ? '301' : '101', page_class: 'branch', modul_name: 'float', target_country: $('#select-1v1 option:selected').text() }); } else if (dialogPath == 'HOME_POP1V1') { //旧的分公司首页 sensors.track('web_form_submit', { channel_name: channel_name, city_name: fn.getCityChinese(cookie('currentarea') || '1'), platform_id: dialogType == 'yimin' ? '301' : '101', page_class: 'branch', modul_name: 'float', target_country: $('#select-1v1 option:selected').text() }); } else if (dialogPath == 'productdetail') { //产品详情页 sensors.track('web_form_submit', { channel_name: channel_name, city_name: fn.getCityChinese(cookie('currentarea') || '1'), platform_id: dialogType == 'yimin' ? '301' : '101', page_class: 'productdetail', modul_name: 'float', target_country: $('#select-1v1 option:selected').text() }); } else if (dialogPath == 'home') { //总首页 sensors.track('web_form_submit', { channel_name: channel_name, city_name: fn.getCityChinese(cookie('currentarea') || '1'), platform_id: dialogType == 'yimin' ? '301' : '101', page_class: 'home', modul_name: 'float', target_country: $('#select-1v1 option:selected').text() }); } else if (dialogPath == 'country') { //聚合页 sensors.track('web_form_submit', { channel_name: channel_name, city_name: fn.getCityChinese(cookie('currentarea') || '1'), platform_id: dialogType == 'yimin' ? '301' : '101', page_class: 'country', modul_name: 'float', target_country: $('#select-1v1 option:selected').text() }); } else { // 文章详情页 sensors.track('web_form_submit', { channel_name: channel_name, city_name: fn.getCityChinese(cookie('currentarea') || '1'), platform_id: dialogType == 'yimin' ? '301' : '101', page_class: 'articledetail', modul_name: 'float', target_country: $('#select-1v1 option:selected').text() }); } var curDomain = document.domain.split('.').slice(-2).join('.') var SUBMIT_V = dialogType if (cookie('1V1_SUBMIT') && cookie('1V1_SUBMIT') != dialogType) { SUBMIT_V = cookie('1V1_SUBMIT') + ',' + dialogType } cookie('1V1_SUBMIT', SUBMIT_V, { path: '/', domain: curDomain }); if (dialogType == 'yimin') { fn.myTostThumb('您的移民方案已生成,金吉列移民规划师已经收到您的信息,我们会在24小时之内与您联系,为您提供专属定制服务', 'null') } else { fn.myTostThumb('信息提交成功!稍后将有专人与您联系。', 'null') } // setTimeout(function () { //先关闭弹框再提示成功必须使用timeout,否则alert会提前执行 // alert('老师将为您做专业评估。'); //'' + $( // '#path-1v1').data().id) // }, 10) } else { alert(msg.message); } }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log("获取失败,请重试!CODE:" + XMLHttpRequest.status) } }); } // TODO: 根据当前dom 修改 var timer; function countDown() { // 60s倒计时 // $("#getCodeBtn").unbind("click"); var countDownTime = 60; timer = window.setInterval(function () { countDownTime--; $("#getCodeBtn").addClass('count-down') $("#getCodeBtn").html(countDownTime + 's'); if (countDownTime == 0) { clearInterval(timer); $("#getCodeBtn").removeClass('count-down') $("#getCodeBtn").html('获取验证码'); // $("#getCodeBtn").bind("click", function () { // getCodeLiuXue(); // }); } }, 1000); } function getCodeLiuXue() { var data = { phone: $(".phpne-1v1").val() } var md5Sign = { "sign_method": 'md5', "kqNezsMODH": '1.0', "BHXPixlxDB": '' } var md5Data = {} for (var attr in data) { md5Data[attr] = data[attr] } for (var attr in md5Sign) { md5Data[attr] = md5Sign[attr] } var signArr = [] for (var i in md5Data) { signArr.push((i + '=' + md5Data[i])) } var router_key = md5(signArr.sort().join('&')) var time_key = new Date().getTime() //获取验证码 if (!$.trim($(".phpne-1v1").val()))) { fn.myTostThumb('手机号格式不正确', 'null') return false; } else { $('#phoneError').html(''); countDown(); //获取短信验证码 } $.ajax({ url: ajaxUrlPrefix.goApi + '/cms/api/sendPhoneCode', type: 'get', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'RterKey': router_key, 'TimeKey': time_key, Authorization: '5b6bac4a04700f0001f287ce55a8c8dc0cf54ba290e20e6c4efe9a74' }, data: { phone: $(".phpne-1v1").val() }, dataType: 'json', // dataType:"jsonp", success: function (msg) { if (msg.code === 0) { /* alert('成功');*/ } else { sendFlag = false judgeGetAble() alert('出错啦'); } }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log("获取失败,请重试!CODE:" + XMLHttpRequest.status) } }); } // 校验验证码 function checkCode(phoneCode, phone, u_name, u_phone, u_country, u_project) { var data = { phone: $(".phpne-1v1").val(), code: $("#codeIp").val() } var md5Sign = { "sign_method": 'md5', "kqNezsMODH": '1.0', "BHXPixlxDB": '' } var md5Data = {} for (var attr in data) { md5Data[attr] = data[attr] } for (var attr in md5Sign) { md5Data[attr] = md5Sign[attr] } var signArr = [] for (var i in md5Data) { signArr.push((i + '=' + md5Data[i])) } var router_key = md5(signArr.sort().join('&')) var time_key = new Date().getTime() $.ajax({ url: ajaxUrlPrefix.goApi + '/cms/api/checkPhoneCode', type: 'get', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'RterKey': router_key, 'TimeKey': time_key, Authorization: '5b6bac4a04700f0001f287ce55a8c8dc0cf54ba290e20e6c4efe9a74' }, data: { code: $("#codeIp").val(), phone: $(".phpne-1v1").val() }, dataType: 'json', success: function (msg) { console.log(msg); if (msg.code === 0) { // TODO: 根据当前修改 submitSignAssessment() } else { fn.myTostThumb(, 'null') } }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log("获取失败,请重试!CODE:" + XMLHttpRequest.status) } }); }; function resetTime() { clearInterval(timer); timer = null; $("#getCodeBtn").removeClass('count-down').html('获取验证码') } function clearForm1v1LiuXue() { $('.dialog-1v1-warp').attr('isFlag', '') $(".phpne-1v1").val('') $("#codeIp").val('') $('#agreementCheckbox').find('.agreementCheckbox').removeClass('agreementCheckboxActive') $('#select-1v1')[0].options[0].selected = true; // $('#select-years')[0].options[3].selected = true; if (!$('#getCodeBtn').hasClass('form-unable')) { $('#getCodeBtn').addClass('form-unable') } resetTime() } function downLoadFile() { // 行前资料包 window.location.href = '' } function cookieGO(value, key, day) { var today = new Date(); var expires = new Date(); expires.setTime(today.getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * day); setCookiee(value, key, expires); } function setCookiee(value, key, expire) { var pathName = "; path=/"; window.document.cookie = value + '=' + escape(key) + (expire == null ? '' : '; expires=' + expire.toGMTString()) + pathName } function getCookie(Name) { var findcookie = Name + '='; if (window.document.cookie.length > 0) { // if there are any cookies let offset = window.document.cookie.indexOf(findcookie); if (offset != -1) { // if cookie exists offset += findcookie.length; // set index of beginning of value let end = window.document.cookie.indexOf(';', offset); // set index of end of cookie value if (end == -1) end = window.document.cookie.length; return unescape(window.document.cookie.substring(offset, end)); } } return null; } }) </script> <div class="country_index_wrap"> <!-- 分公司顶部 header --> <style> .search-page-wrapper { background-color: #fff; } .search-page-wrapper.fixed { width: 100%; position: fixed; left: 0; top: -1px; z-index: 1012; } #topBarH { height: 160px; display: none; } .search-page { height: 88px; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; font-size: 14px; font-family: PingFangSC-Regular, PingFang SC; font-weight: 400; color: 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countDownCountry(); //获取短信验证码 } $.ajax({ url: ajaxUrlPrefix.goApi + "/cms/api/sendPhoneCode", type: "get", headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", RterKey: router_key, TimeKey: time_key, Authorization: "5b6bac4a04700f0001f287ce55a8c8dc0cf54ba290e20e6c4efe9a74", }, data: { phone: $("#dialogPhone2022_country").val(), }, dataType: "json", // dataType:"jsonp", success: function (msg) { if (msg.code === 0) { /* alert('成功');*/ $('.dialog-2022-form-code-box').removeClass('error-border') } else { fn.myTostThumb('请输入正确的验证码', 'null'); $('.dialog-2022-form-code-box').addClass('error-border') } }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log("获取失败,请重试!CODE:" + XMLHttpRequest.status); }, }); } // 校验验证码 function checkCodeCountry() { var data = { phone: $("#dialogPhone2022_country").val(), code: $("#codeIp2022_country").val(), }; var md5Sign = { sign_method: "md5", kqNezsMODH: "1.0", BHXPixlxDB: "", }; var md5Data = {}; for (var attr in data) { 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target="_blank" title="西方七大工业国:加拿大的经济发展概况"> <h4>西方七大工业国:加拿大的经济发展概况</h4> </a> <a href="/article/1290443.html" target="_blank" title="加拿大是西方七大工业国家和世界十大贸易国之一,制造业和高科技产业发达。2003年,制造业总产值约占国内生产总值的14.5%,从业人员约占全国就业人员的14.57%,这个数据比较特殊,制造业从业人员占就业人员的比例竟然超过了其生产总值的比例,一般是相反的情况。建筑业总产值占国内生产总值的4.8%,占全国就业人员的5.91%。加拿大制造业比重不大,这也显示了加拿大的发达国家特色。"> <p>加拿大是西方七大工业国家和世界十大贸易国之一,制造业和高科技产业发达。2003年,制造业总产值约占国...</p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lettMost"> <div class="letterItem"> <i></i> <a href="/article/1290400.html" title="加拿大留学 理性选择学校和专业" target="_blank"> <span>加拿大留学 理性选择学校和专业</span> </a> </div> <div class="letterItem"> <i></i> <a href="/article/1290398.html" title="加拿大留学移民强有利的专业" target="_blank"> <span>加拿大留学移民强有利的专业</span> </a> </div> <div class="letterItem"> <i></i> <a href="/article/1290397.html" title="加拿大研究型硕士及专业型硕士的区别" target="_blank"> <span>加拿大研究型硕士及专业型硕士的区别</span> </a> </div> <div class="letterItem"> <i></i> <a href="/article/1290396.html" title="加拿大硕士较难申请得三大专业" target="_blank"> <span>加拿大硕士较难申请得三大专业</span> 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<div class="strategy"> <div class="strategyWrap w1200"> <h2>加拿大申请攻略</h2> </div> <div class="strategyList w1200"> <div class="strategyItem"> <div class="strategyTop"> <h4>加拿大高中</h4> <div class="strategyImage"> <img src="//" alt="" referrerPolicy="no-referrer"> </div> <div class="strategyText"> <p>帮助学生尽快提高英语能力,培养孩子的独立精神和完善人格,获得更高的升入加拿大名校的机会。</p> </div> </div> <div class="strategyMore"> <a href="/article/1290498.html" target="_blank" title="OSSD申请大学需要什么条件?"> <div class="strategyTextItem"> <i></i> <span>OSSD申请大学需要什么条件?</span> </div> </a> <a href="/article/1290496.html" target="_blank" title="如何规划OSSD课程学习计划?"> <div class="strategyTextItem"> <i></i> <span>如何规划OSSD课程学习计划?</span> </div> </a> <a href="/article/1290495.html" target="_blank" title="OSSD选修课程有哪些推荐?"> <div class="strategyTextItem"> <i></i> <span>OSSD选修课程有哪些推荐?</span> </div> </a> <a href="/article/1290494.html" target="_blank" title="OSSD课程有哪些特点?"> <div class="strategyTextItem"> <i></i> <span>OSSD课程有哪些特点?</span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="strategyItem"> <div class="strategyTop"> <h4>加拿大本科</h4> <div class="strategyImage"> <img src="//" alt="" referrerPolicy="no-referrer"> </div> <div class="strategyText"> <p>以培养“全能型人才”为目标,学生可以利用大一或大二的时间确认兴趣爱好,并确认未来要学习的专业。</p> </div> </div> <div class="strategyMore"> <a href="/article/1290498.html" target="_blank" title="OSSD申请大学需要什么条件?"> <div class="strategyTextItem"> <i></i> <span>OSSD申请大学需要什么条件?</span> </div> </a> <a href="/article/1290496.html" target="_blank" title="如何规划OSSD课程学习计划?"> <div class="strategyTextItem"> <i></i> <span>如何规划OSSD课程学习计划?</span> </div> </a> <a href="/article/1290495.html" target="_blank" title="OSSD选修课程有哪些推荐?"> <div class="strategyTextItem"> <i></i> <span>OSSD选修课程有哪些推荐?</span> </div> </a> <a href="/article/1290494.html" target="_blank" title="OSSD课程有哪些特点?"> <div class="strategyTextItem"> <i></i> <span>OSSD课程有哪些特点?</span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="strategyItem"> <div class="strategyTop"> <h4>加拿大硕士</h4> <div class="strategyImage"> <img src="//" alt="" referrerPolicy="no-referrer"> </div> <div class="strategyText"> <p>研究生教育经过百年的发展,汇聚及淬炼,已被公认为加拿大教育的精华,代表着世界先进水平。</p> </div> </div> <div class="strategyMore"> <a href="/article/1290456.html" target="_blank" title="加拿大一年期硕士项目申请条件有哪些"> <div class="strategyTextItem"> <i></i> <span>加拿大一年期硕士项目申请条件有哪些</span> </div> </a> <a href="/article/1290453.html" target="_blank" title="加拿大海运港口概览:贸易枢纽与物流网络"> <div class="strategyTextItem"> <i></i> <span>加拿大海运港口概览:贸易枢纽与物流网络</span> </div> </a> <a href="/article/1290385.html" target="_blank" title="去加拿大读研究生需要多少钱"> <div class="strategyTextItem"> <i></i> <span>去加拿大读研究生需要多少钱</span> </div> </a> <a href="/article/1290323.html" target="_blank" title="多大和UBC的区别?"> <div class="strategyTextItem"> <i></i> <span>多大和UBC的区别?</span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="strategyItem"> <div class="strategyTop"> <h4>加拿大博士</h4> <div class="strategyImage"> <img src="//" alt="" referrerPolicy="no-referrer"> </div> <div class="strategyText"> <p>拥有世界最先进的科研设备,科研水平,及丰厚的科研奖金。</p> </div> </div> <div class="strategyMore"> <a href="/article/1290456.html" target="_blank" title="加拿大一年期硕士项目申请条件有哪些"> <div class="strategyTextItem"> <i></i> <span>加拿大一年期硕士项目申请条件有哪些</span> </div> </a> <a href="/article/1290453.html" target="_blank" title="加拿大海运港口概览:贸易枢纽与物流网络"> <div class="strategyTextItem"> <i></i> <span>加拿大海运港口概览:贸易枢纽与物流网络</span> </div> </a> <a href="/article/1290385.html" target="_blank" title="去加拿大读研究生需要多少钱"> <div class="strategyTextItem"> <i></i> <span>去加拿大读研究生需要多少钱</span> </div> </a> <a href="/article/1290323.html" target="_blank" title="多大和UBC的区别?"> <div class="strategyTextItem"> <i></i> <span>多大和UBC的区别?</span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- 聚合页面--留学产品 --> <div class="country_product" id="new_home_product"> <style> .liuxue-product-box img { object-fit: cover; } .liuxue-product-head { position: relative; padding-top: 60px; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 40px; } .liuxue-product-title { font-size: 30px; 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class="product_slave_title"> 为加拿大留学生和国际留学生提供加拿大安大略省9-12 年级各学科线上学分课程 </div> </div> <div class="product_slave_title_box flex"> <span class="product-dot"></span> <div class="product_slave_title"> 学生可以通过注册安省高中学籍完成安省教育部规定的学分课程,满足毕业条件的学生可获得加拿大安省高中文凭 </div> </div> </div> --> <div class="liuxue-product-item-footer" data-nation="加拿大"> <!-- <span class="liuxue-product-item-more">了解详情</span> <img src="//" alt="" class="liuxue-product-item-more-icon liuxue-product-item-more-icon-active" /> <img src="//" alt="" class="liuxue-product-item-more-icon liuxue-product-item-more-icon-gray" /> --> </div> </div> <div class="liuxue-product-item product-bg-can-4" data-id="866" data-place_name="加拿大" data-ProductNo="28" data-nation="加拿大"> <div class="liuxue-product-item-head"> <div class="liuxue-product-item-title" title="全球名校直通车"> 全球名校直通车</div> </div> <!-- <div class="liuxue-product-item-cont"> <div class="product_slave_title_box flex"> <span class="product-dot"></span> <div class="product_slave_title"> 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margin-bottom: 6px;"> 升学规划</p> <p style="font-size: 12px;color: #FFFFFF;line-height: 21px;"> 兴趣、爱好、专注;专业及分支;确定申请方向;时间与背景规划;未来的发展方向</p> </div> <div class="consult_btn_top">立即咨询</div> </div> <!-- 第二步 --> <div class="flow_page_items flow_page_item_down item_up_2" data-country="加拿大"> <div class="flow_page_item_direction"> <p style="font-size: 14px;font-weight: 500; line-height: 20px;color: #FFFFFF; margin-bottom: 6px;"> 硬件条件提升</p> <p style="font-size: 12px;color: #FFFFFF;line-height: 21px;"> 定制化学术辅导;标准化考试规划;学分课程</p> </div> <div class="down_title">STEP2</div> <div class="consult_btn_down">立即咨询</div> </div> <!-- 第三步 --> <div class="flow_page_items flow_page_item_up item_up_3" data-country="加拿大"> <div class="top_title">STEP3</div> <div class="flow_page_item_direction"> <p style="font-size: 14px;font-weight: 500; line-height: 20px;color: #FFFFFF; margin-bottom: 6px;"> 个性化软性能力提升</p> <p style="font-size: 12px;color: #FFFFFF;line-height: 21px;"> 高含金量国际竞赛;海内/外科研论文;项目经历或实习;职场就业力</p> </div> <div class="consult_btn_top">立即咨询</div> </div> <!-- 第四步 --> <div class="flow_page_items flow_page_item_down item_up_4" data-country="加拿大"> <div class="flow_page_item_direction"> <p style="font-size: 14px;font-weight: 500; line-height: 20px;color: #FFFFFF; margin-bottom: 6px;"> 院校申请</p> <p style="font-size: 12px;color: #FFFFFF;line-height: 21px;"> 个性化申请材料清单;藤校前招生官/教授/导师个性化申请辅导与润色;奖学金申请;面试辅导</p> </div> <div class="down_title">STEP4</div> <div class="consult_btn_down">立即咨询</div> </div> <!-- 第五步 --> <div class="flow_page_items flow_page_item_up item_up_5" data-country="加拿大"> <div class="top_title">STEP5</div> <div class="flow_page_item_direction"> <p style="font-size: 14px;font-weight: 500; line-height: 20px;color: #FFFFFF; margin-bottom: 6px;"> 收获录取信与签证</p> <p style="font-size: 12px;color: #FFFFFF;line-height: 21px;"> 择校定校;缴费指导;签证材料指导;面签辅导</p> </div> <div class="consult_btn_top">立即咨询</div> </div> <!-- 第六步 --> <div class="flow_page_items flow_page_item_down item_up_6" data-country="加拿大"> <div class="flow_page_item_direction"> <p style="font-size: 14px;font-weight: 500; line-height: 20px;color: #FFFFFF; margin-bottom: 6px;"> 后期服务</p> <p style="font-size: 12px;color: #FFFFFF;line-height: 21px;"> 入学指导;行前指导;升学指导;危机处理</p> </div> <div class="down_title">STEP6</div> <div class="consult_btn_down">立即咨询</div> </div> <!-- 第七步 --> <div class="flow_page_items flow_page_item_up item_up_7" data-country="加拿大"> <div class="top_title">STEP7</div> <div class="flow_page_item_direction"> <p style="font-size: 14px;font-weight: 500; line-height: 20px;color: #FFFFFF; margin-bottom: 6px;"> 职业规划</p> <p style="font-size: 12px;color: #FFFFFF;line-height: 21px;"> 学历学位认证;海外实习与就业;归国实习与就业</p> </div> <div class="consult_btn_top">立即咨询</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- 八大理由 --> <div class="eight-reason"> <p class="eight-reason_title">选择金吉列的八大理由</p> <div class="eight-reason_concent"> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item"> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_text"> <p class="eight-reason_concent_item_title">25年品牌历史沉淀</p> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_desc"> 金吉列留学成立于1999年,是首批获得国家资质认证的留学服务公司,业务涉及留学服务、能力提升、学术辅导、学分课程、语言培训、海外短期体验营、海外移民、签证申请、法律援助、实习就业、创业支持等留学前、中、后期领域。 </div> </div> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_mask1"></div> </div> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item"> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_text"> <p class="eight-reason_concent_item_title">2600+合作海外院校资源</p> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_desc"> 我们始终坚持“把合适的学生送到适合的院校”,目前已有全球2600+合作院校,覆盖全球重点院校,精准匹配院校专业。我们深耕优质院校资源,筑梦高端留学申请,保持院校申请的高录取率。 </div> </div> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_mask1"></div> </div> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item"> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_text"> <p class="eight-reason_concent_item_title">参与起草行业首个国家标准</p> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_desc"> 金吉列留学参与起草了留学行业首个国家标准:《留学服务术语》与《留学中介服务规范》。实现了留学行业国家标准“零”的突破,从根本上推动了中国留学机构的服务升级,促进了留学行业诚信服务体系的进一步完善。 </div> </div> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_mask1"></div> </div> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item"> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_text"> <p class="eight-reason_concent_item_title">ISO9001质量体系认证</p> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_desc"> 金吉列留学是留学行业首家获得ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证通过UKAS国际质量管理体系认证。于2001年12月,金吉列留学发布第一版《ISO9001质量管理体系》,通过在实践中不断优化迭代质量体系,截止至今已完成第七版的更新。 </div> </div> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_mask1"></div> </div> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item"> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_text"> <p class="eight-reason_concent_item_title">18位消费教育指导专家</p> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_desc"> 金吉列出国留学消费教育学校指导专家曾长期负责教育外事工作,中外教育的沟通交流。他们与国外高等院校多有接触,对国外高等教育体制、院校特色、专业设置、授课特点、文化风俗等有着深入研究。 </div> </div> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_mask1"></div> </div> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item"> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_text"> <p class="eight-reason_concent_item_title">46家公益留学消费教育学校</p> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_desc"> 2001年2月,北京市消费者协会正式授权金吉列留学,创办中国留学行业首家出国留学消费教育学校“北京金吉列出国留学消费教育学校”,为广大留学消费者提供消费教育,帮助他们掌握消费技能、避免落入消费陷阱。 </div> </div> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_mask1"></div> </div> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item"> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_text"> <p class="eight-reason_concent_item_title">与多国使馆密切交流</p> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_desc"> 我们保持和美国、英国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚、新西兰等多国使馆的密切沟通,建立互访通道和多种活动支持助力留学。并且同各类国际教育组织紧密合作,共享全球教育前沿动态。 </div> </div> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_mask1"></div> </div> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item"> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_text"> <p class="eight-reason_concent_item_title">38位美国藤校教授团指导</p> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_desc"> 美国常青藤名校教授大讲堂:常春藤联盟全部是美国一流名校、也是美国产生最多罗德学者的高校联盟,金吉列留学特别推出美国常青藤名校教授大讲堂,邀请众多美国名校教授,为冲击名校的美国留学学子面对面答疑解惑。 </div> </div> <div class="eight-reason_concent_item_mask1"></div> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(function () { $('.flow_page_items').mousemove(function () { 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// setCookieee('lwMask', 'lw', '1') cookieGO('lwMask', 'lw', 24) // TODO: 点击【立即获得】按钮,区分首页和详情页 var channel_name = dialogType == 'yimin' ? '移民' : '留学' if (dialogPath == 'branch') { // 分首页 sensors.track('web_form_submit', { channel_name: channel_name, city_name: fn.getCityChinese(cookie('currentarea') || '1'), platform_id: dialogType == 'yimin' ? '301' : '101', page_class: 'branch', modul_name: 'footer', target_country: $("#formSelect1v1Dd option:selected").text() }); } else if (dialogPath == 'productdetail') { //产品详情页 sensors.track('web_form_submit', { channel_name: channel_name, city_name: fn.getCityChinese(cookie('currentarea') || '1'), platform_id: dialogType == 'yimin' ? '301' : '101', page_class: 'productdetail', modul_name: 'footer', target_country: $("#formSelect1v1Dd option:selected").text() }); } else if (dialogPath == 'home') { //总首页 sensors.track('web_form_submit', { channel_name: channel_name, city_name: fn.getCityChinese(cookie('currentarea') || '1'), platform_id: dialogType == 'yimin' ? '301' : '101', page_class: 'home', modul_name: 'footer', target_country: $("#formSelect1v1Dd option:selected").text() }); } else if (dialogPath == 'country') { //聚合页 sensors.track('web_form_submit', { channel_name: channel_name, city_name: fn.getCityChinese(cookie('currentarea') || '1'), platform_id: dialogType == 'yimin' ? '301' : '101', page_class: 'country', modul_name: 'footer', target_country: $("#formSelect1v1Dd option:selected").text() }); } else if (dialogPath == 'HOME_POP1V1') { //旧的分公司首页 sensors.track('web_form_submit', { channel_name: channel_name, city_name: fn.getCityChinese(cookie('currentarea') || '1'), platform_id: dialogType == 'yimin' ? '301' : '101', page_class: 'branch', modul_name: 'footer', target_country: $("#formSelect1v1Dd option:selected").text() }); } else if (dialogPath == 'articlelist') { //文章列表 sensors.track('web_form_submit', { channel_name: channel_name, city_name: fn.getCityChinese(cookie('currentarea') || '1'), platform_id: dialogType == 'yimin' ? 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'301' : '101', page_class: 'articledetail', modul_name: 'footer', target_country: $("#formSelect1v1Dd option:selected").text() }); } $("#ddBox").fadeOut(); // 移除不挡内容的空dom if ($("#emptyDom").length > 0) { $("#emptyDom").remove() } setTimeout(function () { //先关闭弹框再提示成功必须使用timeout,否则alert会提前执行 if (dialogType == 'yimin') { alert('您的移民方案已生成,金吉列移民规划师已经收到您的信息,我们会在24小时之内与您联系,为您提供专属定制服务') } else { alert("老师将为您做专业评估。"); // $('.lx-submit-mask').show() } }, 10); } else { alert(msg.message); } }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log("获取失败,请重试!CODE:" + XMLHttpRequest.status); }, }); } // TODO: 根据当前dom 修改 var timerDd; function countDownDd() { // 60s倒计时 $("#ddGetCodeBtn").unbind("click"); var countDownTimeDd = 60; timerDd = window.setInterval(function () { countDownTimeDd--; $("#ddGetCodeBtn").addClass("count-down"); $("#ddGetCodeBtn").html(countDownTimeDd + "s"); if (countDownTimeDd == 0) { clearInterval(timerDd); $("#ddGetCodeBtn").removeClass("count-down"); $("#ddGetCodeBtn").html("获取验证码"); $("#ddGetCodeBtn").bind("click", function () { getCodeDd(); }); } }, 1000); } function getCodeDd() { var data = { phone: $("#ddPhoneIp").val() }; var md5Sign = { sign_method: "md5", kqNezsMODH: "1.0", BHXPixlxDB: "" }; var md5Data = {}; for (var attr in data) { md5Data[attr] = data[attr]; } for (var attr in md5Sign) { md5Data[attr] = md5Sign[attr]; } var signArr = []; for (var i in md5Data) { signArr.push(i + "=" + md5Data[i]); } var router_key = md5(signArr.sort().join("&")); var time_key = new Date().getTime(); //获取验证码 if (!$.trim($("#ddPhoneIp").val()))) { $("#phoneErrorDd").html("手机号格式不正确"); return false; } else { $("#phoneErrorDd").html(""); countDownDd(); //获取短信验证码 } $.ajax({ url: ajaxUrlPrefix.goApi + "/cms/api/sendPhoneCode", type: "get", headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", RterKey: router_key, TimeKey: time_key, Authorization: '5b6bac4a04700f0001f287ce55a8c8dc0cf54ba290e20e6c4efe9a74' }, data: { phone: $("#ddPhoneIp").val(), }, dataType: "json", // dataType:"jsonp", success: function (msg) { if (msg.code === 0) { /* alert('成功');*/ } else { alert("出错啦"); } }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log("获取失败,请重试!CODE:" + XMLHttpRequest.status); }, }); } // 校验验证码 function checkCodeDd() { var data = { phone: $("#ddPhoneIp").val(), code: $("#codeDdIp").val(), }; var md5Sign = { sign_method: "md5", kqNezsMODH: "1.0", BHXPixlxDB: "" }; var md5Data = {}; for (var attr in data) { md5Data[attr] = data[attr]; } for (var attr in md5Sign) { md5Data[attr] = md5Sign[attr]; } var signArr = []; for (var i in md5Data) { signArr.push(i + "=" + md5Data[i]); } var router_key = md5(signArr.sort().join("&")); var time_key = new Date().getTime(); $.ajax({ url: ajaxUrlPrefix.goApi + "/cms/api/checkPhoneCode", type: "get", headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", RterKey: router_key, TimeKey: time_key, Authorization: '5b6bac4a04700f0001f287ce55a8c8dc0cf54ba290e20e6c4efe9a74' }, data: { code: $("#codeDdIp").val(), phone: $("#ddPhoneIp").val(), }, dataType: "json", success: function (msg) { console.log(msg); if (msg.code === 0) { // TODO: 根据当前修改 submitSignAssessmentDd(); } else { layer.msg(; } }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log("获取失败,请重试!CODE:" + XMLHttpRequest.status); }, }); } function initFingerprintJS() { var options = { fonts: { extendedJsFonts: true }, excludes: { userAgent: true } } if (window.requestIdleCallback) { requestIdleCallback(function () { Fingerprint2.getV18(options, function (result, components) { finger_visitorId = result }) }) } else { setTimeout(function () { Fingerprint2.getV18(options, function (result, components) { finger_visitorId = result }) }, 500) } } function judgeGetAbleDd() { var phoneFlag = false; var sectionFlag = true; var phoneVal = $("#ddPhoneIp").val(); if (phoneVal.length === 11) { if (/^1[3456789]\d{9}$/.test(phoneVal)) { $("#phoneErrorDd").html(""); phoneFlag = true; $("#ddGetCodeBtn").removeClass("form-unable"); } else { if (dialogType != 'liuxue') { $("#phoneErrorDd").html("手机号格式不正确"); } $("#ddGetCodeBtn").addClass("form-unable"); } } else { $("#ddGetCodeBtn").addClass("form-unable"); 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