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There are nearly 100 LLM courses in Australia across 25 institutions taught in English.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=LLM Degree in Australia (97 courses) {{!}} |url= |access-date=2022-06-01 |}}&lt;/ref> Unique variants of the LL.M. exist, such as the Master of Legal Practice (M.L.P.) available at the [[Australian National University]], where students who have completed the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice (which law graduates must obtain before being able to be admitted as a solicitor/barrister), will be granted some credit towards the Master qualification. Other variants of the LL.M. are more similar to the LL.M. available in the wider Commonwealth but under a different title, for example Master of Commercial Law, Master of International Law or Master of Human Rights Law. These courses are usually more specialised than a standard LL.M. ===Canada=== In Canada, the LL.M. is generally open to law graduates holding an LL.B., LL.L., B.C.L., or a J.D. as a first degree. Students can choose to take research-based LL.M. degrees or course-based LL.M. degrees. Research-based LL.M. degrees are one- or two-year programs that require students to write a thesis that makes a significant contribution to their field of research. Course-based LL.M. degrees do not require a significant research paper. An LL.M. can be studied part-time, and at some schools, through distance learning. LL.M. degrees can be general, or students can choose to pursue a specialized area of research. Foreign trained lawyers who wish to practice in Canada will first need to have their education and experience assessed by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada's National Committee on Accreditation. Upon having received a certificate of accreditation from the National Committee on Accreditation, foreign law graduates would then have to obtain articles with a law firm, take the professional legal training course, and pass the professional exams to be called to the bar in a province. The University of British Columbia's LLM in Common Law is an example of one of a few LLM courses that help to prepare students for the professional exams. ===China (Mainland)=== The LL.M. is available at China University of Political Science and Law, and the entrance requirements are: native English competency, or near native English, with any bachelor's degree. The program is flexible and allows students to study Mandarin and assists with organizing work experience in Beijing and other cities in China. It normally takes two years, but can be completed in one and a half years if students take the required credits in time.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=CUPL - China University of Political Science and Law | |access-date=2012-12-08 |archive-url= |archive-date=13 April 2018 |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> The flagship of the [[China-EU School of Law]] (CESL) in Beijing is a Double Master Programme including a Master of Chinese Law and a Master of European and International Law. The Master of European and International Law is taught in English, open for international students and can be studied as a single master programme.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |title=China-EU School of Law, CUPL | |access-date=2012-12-08}}&lt;/ref> CESL also offers an International Master of Chinese Law (IMCL) which is an LL.M. in Chinese law taught entirely in English.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |title=International Master of Chinese Law |publisher=China-EU School of Law |access-date=2019-04-03}}&lt;/ref> [[Beijing Foreign Studies University]] has launched an online LLM for international professionals. The course is taken over two years, with the first covering online lessons through video and assignments, the second year is for the dissertation and an online defense is required at the end. Students are required to attend Beijing for an introductory week in September to enroll and meet students and staff. Students also have the opportunity to take work experience at a top five law firm in China.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Online Chinese Law Programs|website=Beijing Foreign Studies University}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Beijing Foreign Studies University Announces Online LL.M. Programs |publisher=Llm Guide |date=2012-06-22 |access-date=2012-12-08}}&lt;/ref> LL.M degree programs are available at many other universities in Mainland China, such as at Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Shanghai International Studies University. ===Finland=== In Finland, an LL.M. is the standard graduate degree required to practice law.&lt;ref>Government Decree on University Degrees (794/2004) section 31. Candidate of Laws was the pre-Bologna name for the graduate degree. []&lt;/ref> No other qualifications are required.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Code of Judicial Procedure (4/1734) chapter 15 section 2}}&lt;/ref> ===France=== In [[France]],&lt;ref name="">{{Cite web|url=|title=Home|website=Paris-Panthéon-Assas University &amp;#124; International|accessdate=31 March 2023}}&lt;/ref> the LL.M. is in English. The LL.M. in International Business Law is available at [[Panthéon-Assas University]] ([[Paris]]), the oldest school of law in France. The entrance requirements are: * Very good English level, with master's degree in law (or equivalent); or * Alternative diploma and four years' professional experience. The course is flexible and allows students to study [[French language|French]]. A further 11 institutions in France offer almost 20 other LLM programs taught in English, with specialisms including European Law.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=LLM Degree in France (18 courses) {{!}} |url= |access-date=2022-06-07 |}}&lt;/ref> ===Germany=== In [[Germany]], the LL.M. is seen as an advanced legal qualification of supplementary character. Some graduates choose to undertake their LL.M. directly following their "Erstes Juristisches [[Staatsexamen]]" (the "first state examination", which constitutes the first stage of the official German legal training), an alternative postgraduate course, or their "Zweites Juristisches Staatsexamen" (that is, the second and final stage of the official German legal training). === Hong Kong === LL.M. degree programmes are offered by the law faculties of [[The University of Hong Kong]], [[The Chinese University of Hong Kong]] and the [[City University of Hong Kong]]. An LL.B. degree is usually required for admission, but for some specialised programmes, such as the LL.M. in Human Rights programme offered by HKU, require an undergraduate degree in laws or any related discipline. ===India=== Similar to the United Kingdom, a master's degree in law in India is basically opted to specialize in particular areas of law. Traditionally the most popular areas of specialization in these master's degrees in law in India have been [[constitutional law]], [[family law]] and [[taxation law]]. With the establishment of the specialized [[autonomous law schools in India]] in 1987 (the first was the [[National Law School of India University]]) much emphasis is being given at the master's level of legal education in India. With the establishment of these universities, focus in specialization has been shifted to newer areas such as [[corporate law]], [[intellectual property law]], [[international trade law]] etc. LL.M programs in India were previously two years in duration but presently typically last one year. ===Ireland=== A number of universities and colleges in Ireland offer LL.M. programs, such as [[Dublin City University]], [[Trinity College Dublin]], [[University College Cork]], National University of Ireland, Galway ([[NUIG]]), National University of Ireland, Maynooth ([[National University of Ireland, Maynooth|NUIM]]), the [[Law Society of Ireland]] in partnership with [[Northumbria University]], and [[Griffith College]].&lt;ref>''Hibernia moves to meet the demand for teachers'' by Margaret O'Brien, Sunday Business Post, 4 September 2011.&lt;/ref> [[University College Dublin]] also offers the Masters in Common Law (MCL/ ''Magisterii in Jure Communi, M.Jur.Com)'', an advanced two-year programme for non-law graduates.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=PROG&amp;MAJR=B209|title=MCL}}&lt;/ref> The degree is a qualifying law degree for admittance to the entrance exams of the Honorable Society of King's Inns.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Default page title - King's Inns||accessdate=31 March 2023}}&lt;/ref> ===Italy=== [[Italy]] offers both master programs in Italian and in English, depending on the school. They are often called "laurea specialistica", that is, the second step of the Bologna plan (European curriculum), and in this case they last two years. For example, the [ University of Milan] offers a 2 years LLM on Sustainable Development. In South Tyrol programmes are also taught in German, as in [ Bolzano]. In Italy the term "master" often refers to a vocational master, 6 or 12 months long, on specific areas, such as "law and internet security", or "law of administrative management", is often taught part-time to allow professionals already working in the field to improve their skills. ===Mauritius=== The LLM in International Business Law from [[Panthéon-Assas University]] is also available in Mauritius&lt;ref name=""/> in Medine Village campus. ===Netherlands=== To be allowed to practice law in the Netherlands, one needs an LL.M. degree with a specific set of courses in litigation law. The Dutch Order of Lawyers (NOVA) require these courses for every potential candidate lawyer who wants to be conditionally written in the district court for three years. After receiving all the diplomas prescribed by NOVA and under supervision of a "[[patron]]", a lawyer is eligible to have his own practice and is unconditionally written in a court for life. ===Norway=== The Norwegian legal degrees master i rettsvitenskap (English for master in jurisprudence) are officially translated to English as Master of Laws (LL.M.), as these degrees are more comprehensive than the basic graduate law degree in common law countries (e.g., J.D. and LL.B). The last year in the five-year professional Norwegian law degree program is thus considered to correspond to a LL.M specialization. In addition, the universities with legal faculties at the masters level offers several LL.M programmes. For example, Universitetet i Oslo offers tuition-free LL.M courses in Public International Law, Maritime Law, Information and Communication Technology (ICT Law), as well as distinct specializations in human rights. ===Pakistan=== In Pakistan, the [[University of the Punjab]], [[University of Karachi]], [[Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto University of Law]], [[International Islamic University, Islamabad]], [[Government College University (Faisalabad)|Government College University, Faisalabad]], [[University of Sargodha]] are LL.M. degree awarding institutions. Completing a LL.M. qualification in Pakistan consists of studying eight subjects in four semesters. This spans over a period of two years and also requires the student to write a thesis on a proposed topic. A student has to pass in each of the subject in order to qualify for LL.M. degree, and the passing mark is set at 60%. The program is taught in [[English language|English]]. Universities in Pakistan teach comparative constitutional law, comparative human rights law and comparative jurisprudence as mandatory subjects. The programs also include research methodology and four elective subjects, which may include company law, taxation law, intellectual property law and banking law. ===Portugal=== The Master of Laws programmes offered in Portugal are extremely varied but do not, for the most part, use the designation LL.M., being more commonly called ''Mestrado em Direito'' (Master's Degree in Law), like the ones at [ Coimbra University's Faculty of Law] and [;cp=M11 Lusíada University of Porto]. Although the classical ''Mestrado em Direito'' takes two years to finish and involves a dissertation, there are some shorter variants. A few ''Mestrados'' with an international theme have specifically adopted the LL.M designation: the LL.M in European and Transglobal Business Law at the [;pageid=132&amp;lang=pt-PT School of Law of the University of Minho] and the LL.M. Law in a European and Global Context and the Advanced LL.M. in International Business Law, both at the [ Católica Global School of Law], in Lisbon. ===Singapore=== In [[Singapore]], the LL.M. is in English. The LL.M. in International Business Law from [[Panthéon-Assas University]] is also available in Singapore in Insead campus. ===South Africa=== {{see also|Legal education in South Africa|List of law schools in South Africa}} [[File:FortHareUniversityLawFaculty.JPG|thumb|[[University of Fort Hare]] Faculty of Law]] In [[South Africa]], the LL.M. is a [[postgraduate degree]] offered both as a course-based and research-based [[master's degree|master's]] degree. In the former case, the degree comprises advanced coursework in a specific area of law as well as limited related research, usually in the form of a short dissertation, while in the latter, the degree is entirely [[thesis]] based. The first type, typically, comprises "practice-oriented" topics (e.g. in [[tax]], [[mining law]]), while the second type is theory-oriented, often preparing students for admission to [[LL.D.]] or [[Ph.D.]] programmes.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=This website was recently revamped|}}&lt;/ref> Admission is generally limited to [[Bachelor of Laws#South Africa|LL.B.]] graduates, although holders of other law degrees, such as the BProc, may be able to apply if [[Attorneys in South Africa|admitted as attorneys]] and/or by completing supplementary LL.B. coursework.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=This website was recently revamped|}}&lt;/ref> ===Sweden=== Masters degree (LL.M) is the standard graduate degree among law practitioners in Sweden. The masters programme takes four and half years to complete. At most universities, the last one and a half years are specialization at advanced level (advanced level courses and thesis). It is possible to get a bachelor's degree after three years, but the vast majority of legal practitioners in Sweden have a LL.M. ===Taiwan=== In Taiwan, law can be studied as a postgraduate degree resulting in an LL.M. Some LL.M. programs in Taiwan are offered to students with or without a legal background. However, the graduation requirements for students with a legal background are lower than for those students who do not have a legal background (to account for fundamental legal subjects that were taken during undergraduate studies). Students studying in an LL.M. program normally take three years to earn the necessary credits and finish a master's thesis. ===United Kingdom=== In the [[United Kingdom]], an LL.M. programme is open to those holding a recognised legal qualification, generally an undergraduate degree in Laws or equivalent. They do not have to be or intend to be legal practitioners. An LL.M. is not required, nor is it a sufficient qualification in itself to practise as a [[solicitor]] or [[barrister]], since this requires completion of the [[Legal Practice Course]], [[Bar Professional Training Course]], or, if in Scotland, the [[Diploma in Legal Practice]]. As with other degrees, an LL.M. can be studied on a part-time basis at many institutions and in some circumstances by [[distance learning]]. Some providers of the [[Bar Professional Training Course]] and the [[Legal Practice Course]] also allow the student to gain an LL.M. qualification on top of these professional courses by writing a [[dissertation]]. The UK offers over 1000 different LL.Ms.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=LLM Degree in the United Kingdom (1015 courses) {{!}} |url= |access-date=2022-06-01 |}}&lt;/ref> Large law faculties such as [[Queen Mary University of London]] offer multiple different programs, whilst other such as [[Aston University]] simply offer one program. Some institutions allow those without a first degree in law onto their LL.M. programme. Examples of such programmes include the Master of Studies in Legal Research at Oxford, the LL.M. degrees at the [[University of Edinburgh]] and LL.M.s at the University of Leicester&lt;ref>[ University of Leicester].&lt;/ref> In addition, [[Queen's University Belfast]] offers an LL.M. suite, accessible to legal and social science graduates, leading to specialisms in sustainable development, corporate governance, devolution or human rights.&lt;ref name="ReferenceA">{{Citation needed|date=January 2021}}&lt;/ref> [[Northumbria University]] offers an approach to the LL.M. qualification by starting the master's programme as undergraduates. Students completing this four-year programme graduate with a combined LL.M. and [[Legal Practice Course]] professional qualification or BPTC.&lt;ref name="ReferenceA"/> ====Oxbridge==== The [[University of Cambridge]] has a taught postgraduate law course, which formerly conferred an LL.B. on successful candidates (undergraduates studying law at Cambridge received a B.A.). In 1982 the LL.B. for postgraduate students was replaced with a more conventional LL.M. to avoid confusion with undergraduate degrees in other universities.&lt;ref name=Cantab>{{cite web|url=|title=Postgraduate Law|publisher=University of Cambridge, Faculty of Law|access-date=13 August 2015}}&lt;/ref> Additionally in 2012 the University of Cambridge introduced the M.C.L. (Masters of Corporate Law) aimed at postgraduate students with interests in corporate law.&lt;ref name=Cantab /> The [[University of Oxford]] unconventionally names its taught masters of laws B.C.L. ([[Bachelor of Civil Law]]) and M.Jur. ([[Magister Juris]]), and its research masters either MPhil (Master of Philosophy) or MSt (Master of Studies).&lt;ref name=Oxon>{{cite web|url=|title=Postgraduate Study|publisher=University of Oxford|access-date=13 August 2015|archive-date=5 August 2015|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref> Oxford continues to name its principal postgraduate law degree the B.C.L. for largely historic reasons, as the B.C.L. is one of the oldest and most senior degrees, having been conferred since the sixteenth century.&lt;ref name=Oxon2>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=5 July 2016|title=BCL/MJUR Profile, Class of 2013/2014|publisher=University of Oxford, Faculty of Law|access-date=13 August 2015}}&lt;/ref> The M.Jur. was introduced in 1991.&lt;ref name=Oxon2 /> At present there is no LL.M. degree conferred by the university.&lt;ref name=Oxon /> Oxford claims that the B.C.L. is "the most highly regarded taught masters-level qualification in the common law world".&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Post-graduate ebrochure|publisher=University of Oxford, Faculty of Law |access-date=13 August 2015 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=22 August 2015 }}&lt;/ref> Additionally, the University of Oxford introduced the MSc in Law and Finance (MLF) and the MSc in Taxation in 2010 and 2016, respectively. ===United States=== {{Legal education in the United States}} In the United States, the acquisition of an LL.M. degree is often a way to specialize in an area of law such as tax law, business law, international business law, health law, trial advocacy, environmental law or intellectual property. A number of schools have combined J.D.-LL.M. programs, while others offer the degree through online study. Some LL.M. programs feature a general study of American law. Degree requirements vary by school, and they often differ for LL.M. students who previously earned a J.D. from an American law school and LL.M. students who previously earned a law degree from a non-American law school. ====Programs for foreign legal graduates==== An LL.M. degree from an [[American Bar Association|ABA]]-approved law school also allows a foreign lawyer to become eligible to apply for [[admission to the bar]] in certain [[U.S. state|states]]. Each state has different rules relating to the admittance of foreign-educated lawyers to [[state bar association]]s. An LL.M. degree from an ABA-approved law school qualifies a foreign legal graduate to take the bar exam in [[Alabama]], [[California]], [[New Hampshire]], [[New York (state)|New York]], [[Texas]], as well as in the independent republic of [[Palau]].&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Foreign Lawyers Can Now Practice in Texas - JDJournal|last=Scott}}&lt;/ref> In addition, legal practice in the home jurisdiction plus a certain amount of coursework at an accredited law school qualifies a foreign legal graduate to take the bar exam in [[Legal education in Alaska|Alaska]], the [[District of Columbia]], [[Massachusetts]], [[Missouri]], [[Pennsylvania]], [[Rhode Island]], [[Tennessee]], [[Utah]] and [[West Virginia]]. However, a number of states, including [[Arizona]], [[Florida]], [[Georgia (U.S. state)|Georgia]], [[New Jersey]] and [[North Carolina]] only recognize J.D. degrees from accredited law schools as qualification to take the bar.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Archived copy |access-date=2010-07-31 |url-status=bot: unknown |archive-url= |archive-date=31 March 2010 }}&lt;/ref> [[New York (state)|New York]] allows foreign lawyers from [[Civil law (legal system)|civil law]] countries to sit for the New York bar exam once they have completed a minimum of 24 [[credit hour]]s (usually but not necessarily in an LL.M. program) at an ABA-approved law school involving at least two basic subjects tested on the New York bar exam, including 12 credits in specific areas of law.&lt;ref>22 NYCRR §520.6(b)(3)(vi);/ref> Lawyers from [[Common law|common-law]] countries face more lenient restrictions and may not need to study at an ABA-approved law school. Foreign lawyers from both civil law and common law jurisdictions, however, are required to demonstrate that they have successfully completed a course of law studies of at least three years that would fulfill the educational requirements to bar admission in their home country.&lt;ref name="New York Court of Appeals Rules of Practice § 520.6">{{cite web |url= |title=New York Court of Appeals Rules of Practice § 520.6 |access-date=1 April 2010 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=11 April 2010 |df=dmy-all }}&lt;/ref> ====International law and other LL.M. programs==== As of 2008, there is one LL.M. degree in International Law offered by [[The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy]] at [[Tufts University]], the oldest school of international affairs in the United States. Given that the degree specializes in international law, the program has not sought ABA accreditation. The [[Notre Dame Law School]] at the [[University of Notre Dame]] offers an LL.M in International Human Rights Law to JD graduates from ABA-accredited US schools or LL.B or equivalent from accredited non-US schools.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Notre Dame LL.M. in International Human Rights Law Program |access-date=2014-05-08}}&lt;/ref> Both [[Duke University School of Law]] and [[Cornell Law School]] offer J.D. students the opportunity to simultaneously pursue an LL.M. in International and Comparative Law. The [[University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Law]] provides an LL.M. in Space, Cyber &amp; Telecommunications Law, the only program providing focused study in these three areas. The program was established using a grant from [[NASA]] and a partnership with the U.S. Air Force Strategic Command. [[St. Mary's University, Texas|St. Mary's University]] offers the LL.M. in International and Comparative Law, with students having the option to complete both it and their J.D. simultaneously. The [[University of Tulsa College of Law]] offers an LL.M. in American Indian and Indigenous Peoples Law to JD graduates from ABA-accredited US schools or LL.B or equivalent from accredited non-US schools.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Master of Laws (LLM)|publisher=University of Tulsa|access-date=26 February 2016}}&lt;/ref> The [[University of Washington School of Law]] offers an LL.M. in Sustainable International Development, the first program of its kind to focus on international development law.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Sustainable International Development LL.M. |url= |publisher=University of Washington School of Law |access-date=26 May 2020}}&lt;/ref> LL.M. students in this program are also able to elect for a concentration in Indigenous Rights Law.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Indigenous Rights Law Concentration |url= |publisher=University of Washington School of Law |access-date=26 May 2020}}&lt;/ref> Similarly, the school offers a separate LL.M. degree in Asian and Comparative Law.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Asian &amp; Comparative Law LL.M. |url= |publisher=University of Washington School of Law |access-date=26 May 2020}}&lt;/ref> There is one institution that offers an ABA-approved LL.M, that does not offer a J.D. degree: The U.S. Army [[Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School]] offers an officer's resident graduate course, a specialized program beyond the first degree in law, leading to an LL.M. in Military Law.&lt;ref name="ABASchool"> {{ cite web|url= |title=ABA-Approved Law Schools &amp;#124; Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar | |access-date=2012-12-08 | ref=ABASchool }} &lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="JAGLLM"> {{ cite web|url=;noly=1 |title=Graduate Course (LL.M. Program) | |access-date=2012-12-08 | ref=JAGLLM }} &lt;/ref> </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"></div><p id="mw-returnto">Return to <a href="/wiki/Master_of_Laws" title="Master of Laws">Master of Laws</a>.</p> <!--esi <esi:include src="/esitest-fa8a495983347898/content" /> --><noscript><img src="" alt="" width="1" height="1" style="border: none; position: absolute;"></noscript> <div class="printfooter" data-nosnippet="">Retrieved from "<a dir="ltr" href=""></a>"</div></div> <div id="catlinks" class="catlinks catlinks-allhidden" data-mw="interface"></div> </div> </main> </div> <div class="mw-footer-container"> <footer id="footer" class="mw-footer" > <ul id="footer-info"> </ul> <ul id="footer-places"> <li id="footer-places-privacy"><a href="">Privacy policy</a></li> <li id="footer-places-about"><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:About">About Wikipedia</a></li> <li id="footer-places-disclaimers"><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:General_disclaimer">Disclaimers</a></li> <li id="footer-places-contact"><a href="//">Contact Wikipedia</a></li> <li id="footer-places-wm-codeofconduct"><a href="">Code of Conduct</a></li> <li id="footer-places-developers"><a href="">Developers</a></li> <li id="footer-places-statslink"><a href="">Statistics</a></li> <li id="footer-places-cookiestatement"><a href="">Cookie statement</a></li> <li id="footer-places-mobileview"><a href="//;action=edit&amp;section=4&amp;mobileaction=toggle_view_mobile" class="noprint stopMobileRedirectToggle">Mobile view</a></li> </ul> <ul id="footer-icons" class="noprint"> <li id="footer-copyrightico"><a href="" class="cdx-button cdx-button--fake-button cdx-button--size-large cdx-button--fake-button--enabled"><img src="/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button.svg" width="84" height="29" alt="Wikimedia Foundation" loading="lazy"></a></li> <li id="footer-poweredbyico"><a href="" class="cdx-button cdx-button--fake-button cdx-button--size-large cdx-button--fake-button--enabled"><img src="/w/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki.svg" alt="Powered by MediaWiki" width="88" height="31" loading="lazy"></a></li> </ul> </footer> </div> </div> </div> <div class="vector-settings" id="p-dock-bottom"> <ul></ul> </div><script>(RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.config.set({"wgHostname":"mw-web.codfw.main-6d67bf974d-hq7zk","wgBackendResponseTime":262,"wgPageParseReport":{"limitreport":{"cputime":"0.065","walltime":"0.090","ppvisitednodes":{"value":418,"limit":1000000},"postexpandincludesize":{"value":17740,"limit":2097152},"templateargumentsize":{"value":6556,"limit":2097152},"expansiondepth":{"value":9,"limit":100},"expensivefunctioncount":{"value":0,"limit":500},"unstrip-depth":{"value":0,"limit":20},"unstrip-size":{"value":469,"limit":5000000},"entityaccesscount":{"value":0,"limit":400},"timingprofile":["100.00% 60.732 1 -total"," 99.88% 60.658 2 Template:Blocked_text"," 41.76% 25.360 1 Template:Colocationwebhost"," 39.17% 23.789 2 Template:Replace"," 37.38% 22.704 1 Template:Hidden"," 15.53% 9.433 1 Template:Hidden_begin"," 14.46% 8.782 1 Template:Tlx"," 2.68% 1.627 1 MediaWiki:Wikimedia-globalblocking-blockedtext-mistake"," 2.12% 1.289 1 MediaWiki:Wikimedia-globalblocking-blockedtext-mistake-email-steward"," 1.81% 1.102 1 Template:Hidden_end"]},"scribunto":{"limitreport-timeusage":{"value":"0.012","limit":"10.000"},"limitreport-memusage":{"value":1043311,"limit":52428800}},"cachereport":{"origin":"mw-web.codfw.main-6d67bf974d-hq7zk","timestamp":"20241127233531","ttl":2592000,"transientcontent":false}}});});</script> </body> </html>

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