Value.Space Announces Historic UN Collaboration to Elevate Global Mining Safety Standards - Mining Engineering Online

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Satellite analysis after the disaster revealed warning signs as early as 15 months before the collapse, emphasizing missed opportunities for prevention. With 13 catastrophic TSF failures projected between 2025-2029 by World Mine Tailings Failures &ndash; a non-profit organization collecting worldwide data &ndash; taking proactive action is critical.</p> <p>&quot;The use of cutting-edge satellite technology will further sharpen UNECE&rsquo;s support to identify and manage risks linked to mine tailings in the Pan-European region and beyond,&quot; said Claudia Kamke, Environmental Affairs Officer for the UNECE Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents. &ldquo;Strengthening mine tailings safety is especially crucial given the projected increases in mining activities over the coming decades, including to meet the demands of the energy transition.&rdquo;</p> <p>Mining accidents can have cross-border impacts, affecting communities, ecosystems, and economies. Preventing these incidents is critical to safeguarding critical supply chains and ensuring the stability of commodity and financial markets, particularly as the global transition to green economies drives demand for sustainably sourced minerals and metals.</p> <p>UNECE&rsquo;s Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents offers a unique legal framework to manage risks from mine tailings and is leading regional and global efforts to improve TSF safety, with this collaboration contributing to strengthened risk management to help prevent losses to mining operators, insurers, investors, the environment and ultimately consumers.</p> <p>&quot;This cooperation represents a significant milestone in advancing the safety of global tailings and is a result of the culmination of our two-year contribution to UNECE&rsquo;s work on TSF safety. We are proud to support UNECE&rsquo;s vital efforts in this critical area,&rdquo; said Reijo Pold, Founder of Value.Space. &ldquo;By leveraging satellite monitoring, TSF owners and regulators will have access to actionable insights to prevent disasters before they occur. This proactive approach not only protects communities and ecosystems worldwide, but also bolsters global markets and financial stability by mitigating the economic consequences of catastrophic failures.&rdquo;</p> <p>Satellite-based monitoring and assessment uses near-real-time data to detect early signs of structural vulnerabilities, enabling proactive remediation efforts and reducing the risk of large-scale disasters. As part of the collaboration with UNECE, up to 10 TSF will be monitored and a report will be prepared, analysing the risks, revealing possible structural issues and translating subsequently into taking measures to prevent major accidents.</p> <p>The collaboration with UNECE elevates global mining safety standards, protects livelihoods, supports the environment and reduces the potential for large-scale disasters by deploying satellite technology to identify risks ahead of time, enabling TSF owners to deploy remediation works before loss events.</p> <p>Value.Space&rsquo;s cooperation with UNECE brings cutting-edge satellite technologies to the forefront of TSF risk management.</p> </p> </span> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <style> /* Slideshow container */ .slideshow-RightColumn { } /* Hide the images by default */ .mySlidesRightColumn1 { display: none; } /* Hide the images by default */ .mySlidesRightColumn2 { display: none; } /* Hide the images by default */ .mySlidesRightColumn3 { display: none; } </style> <div class="slideshow-RightColumn" style="background-color:#FFFFFF; border-top:20px solid white; border-right:10px solid white;"> <center> </center> </div> <script> var slideRightColumn1Index = 0; showSlidesRightColumn1(); function showSlidesRightColumn1() { var i; var slidesRightColumn1 = document.getElementsByName("mySlidesRightColumn1"); for (i = 0; i < slidesRightColumn1.length; i++) { slidesRightColumn1[i].style.display = "none"; } slideRightColumn1Index++; if (slideRightColumn1Index > slidesRightColumn1.length) {slideRightColumn1Index = 1} slidesRightColumn1[slideRightColumn1Index-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(showSlidesRightColumn1, 15000); // Change image every 15 seconds } var slideRightColumn2Index = 0; showSlidesRightColumn2(); function showSlidesRightColumn2() { var i; var slidesRightColumn2 = document.getElementsByName("mySlidesRightColumn2"); for (i = 0; i < slidesRightColumn2.length; i++) { slidesRightColumn2[i].style.display = "none"; } slideRightColumn2Index++; if (slideRightColumn2Index > slidesRightColumn2.length) {slideRightColumn2Index = 1} slidesRightColumn2[slideRightColumn2Index-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(showSlidesRightColumn2, 15000); // Change image every 15 seconds } var slideRightColumn3Index = 0; showSlidesRightColumn3(); function showSlidesRightColumn3() { var i; var slidesRightColumn3 = document.getElementsByName("mySlidesRightColumn3"); for (i = 0; i < slidesRightColumn3.length; i++) { slidesRightColumn3[i].style.display = "none"; } slideRightColumn3Index++; if (slideRightColumn3Index > slidesRightColumn3.length) {slideRightColumn3Index = 1} slidesRightColumn3[slideRightColumn3Index-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(showSlidesRightColumn3, 15000); // Change image every 15 seconds } </script> <div style="text-align:left; width:640px; padding-left:70px; padding-right:30px; font-size:100%;"> Related article search: <br> <div style="padding-top:10px; padding-left:0px; padding-bottom:20px;"> <a href="featureFinder.cfm?articleKeyWord=Value Space&submit=1"> Value Space </a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="featureFinder.cfm?articleKeyWord= Global Mining Standards&submit=1"> Global Mining Standards </a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="featureFinder.cfm?articleKeyWord= United Nations&submit=1"> United Nations </a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="featureFinder.cfm?articleKeyWord= UNECE&submit=1"> UNECE </a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="featureFinder.cfm?articleKeyWord= Satellite Based Monitoring&submit=1"> Satellite Based Monitoring </a> &nbsp; &nbsp; </div> </div> <!-- /.post .format-image --> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="black-wrapper"> <div class="container inner"> <div class="divide30"> </div> <div class="row"> <section class="col-sm-3 widget"> <h3 class="section-title widget-title"> About </h3> <p> &copy;2021 SME All Rights Reserved. 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