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</script> </div> </div> <div id="title-content"> </div> <div id="content" class="car-deals-page "> <h1>Toyota Deals: Buy or Lease a Toyota </h1> <p class="last-updated">Last Updated: Aug 28, 2014</p> <div id="deal-description"> <h2>Toyota Financing, Cash Back and Lease Offers for September 2014</h2> <p>Toyota deals include lease deals, cash back and zero percent or low-interest financing offers on many models. There are numerous Toyota lease deals, many of which have two-year terms. Toyota purchase deals feature no- or low-interest financing for at least three years and cash back incentives of $1,000 or more on many vehicles.</p> <p>If you want to lease a two-row <a href="/web/20140904233919/">midsize SUV</a>, Toyota is offering two-year leases on the <a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Venza</a> with monthly payments of about $210 per month and roughly $2,200 down, depending where you live. The <a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Subaru Outback</a> can be leased for $261 per month for three years with $1,961 down. The Outback has a slightly lower down payment but higher monthly payments. Keep in mind that all Outbacks have standard all-wheel drive, which isn't the case with the Venza. Additionally, the Outback gets better fuel economy than the Venza, which will save you money at the pump.</p> <p>Toyota is offering great incentives on the $22,425 <a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014.5 Camry</a> this month, as the automaker starts to clear its lots to make room for the updated 2015 Camry. This month, you can purchase the Camry with up to $1,750 cash back, or you can finance interest-free for five years and take up to $1,250 bonus cash in many regions. According to Bankrate, the average interest rate on a new car loan for five years is 3.16 percent. By choosing Toyota's financing, you'll save about $1,200 over financing through your bank or credit union at 3.16 percent, even given the larger cash back rebate for financing elsewhere.</p> <p>Check out our <a href="">Toyota</a> page before you head to the dealership, where you can see the average price paid for the model you&rsquo;re interested in. Then use the <a href="">U.S. News Best Price Program</a> to find the best local prices in your area. Since Toyota deals vary by region, it might be worth driving to get the best deal. Also, cross-shop car deals just as you would cars by taking a look at our list of&nbsp;<a href="">Best Car Deals</a>.</p> <p>While we work to keep Toyota deals up-to-date and accurate, the best source of current discounts and incentives on a new Toyota is your local Toyota dealer. Use the forms below to contact a Toyota dealer near you.</p> </div> <div id="deals-nav"> Deals by Manufacturer: <ul> <li class="deal"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/">Buick/GMC</a> </li> <li class="deal"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/">Chevy</a> </li> <li class="deal"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/">Ford</a> </li> <li class="deal"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/">Honda</a> </li> <li class="deal"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/">Hyundai</a> </li> <li class="deal"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/">Kia</a> </li> <li class="deal"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/">Lexus</a> </li> <li class="deal"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/">Mazda</a> </li> <li class="deal"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/">Nissan</a> </li> <li class="deal"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/">Subaru</a> </li> <li class="deal"> Toyota </li> <li class="deal last"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/">Volkswagen</a> </li> </ul> </div> <h2 id="best-deals">Best Toyota Deals This Month:</h2> <div class="bpp"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src=""/></a> <p>Whether you're leasing or buying a Toyota, use the U.S. News Best Price Program to lock in a great price without the hassle. Shoppers have seen average savings of $3,078 off MSRP. <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><strong>Learn More &raquo;</strong></a></p> <div id="disclaimer">All prices exclude taxes, licensing, tags and other dealer fees.</div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota Corolla</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="360770"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>Avg. Paid: </span><a href="/web/20140904233919/">$17,243 - $21,249</a></li> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $16,800 - $21,300 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $15,876 - $19,722 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Purchase Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>1.9% financing for 60 months (New England, New York, Ohio Valley, Mountain States, Southern California, Northwest)</p> <p>Up to $500 cash back OR 1.9% financing for 60 months (Mid Atlantic)</p> <p>0% financing for 48 months or 0.9% for 60 months (Southeast)</p> <p>0% financing for 36 months or 1.9% for 60 months (Midwest)</p> <p>0% financing for 36 months or 0.9% for 60 months (West)</p> <p>Up to $500 cash back OR 0% financing for 60 months (Gulf States)</p> <p>0% financing for 60 months (Northern California)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$114 per month for 24 months or $139 per month for 36 months with $2,799 down on Corolla Sport Plus (New England)</p> <p>$159 per month for 24 months with $1,299 down (New York)</p> <p>$159 per month for 24 months with $1,999 down on Corolla LE (Mid Atlantic)</p> <p>$159 per month for 36 months with $2,558 down on Corolla LE (Southeast)</p> <p>$149 per month for 24 months with $2,099 down (Ohio Valley)</p> <p>$149 per month for 24 months with $1,599 down on Corolla LE (Midwest)</p> <p>$159 per month for 24 months with $1,900 down on Corolla S (West)</p> <p>$169 per month for 24 months with $999 down on Corolla LE (Gulf States)</p> <p>$149 per month for 24 months with $1,949 down on Corolla LE (Mountain States)</p> <p>$199 per month for 24 or 36 months with $999 down (Southern California)</p> <p>$159 per month for 24 months with $2,099 down (Northern California)</p> <p>$139 per month for 24 months with $2,499 down on Corolla LE (Northwest)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota Highlander</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="364562"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>Avg. Paid: </span><a href="/web/20140904233919/">$29,141 - $42,792</a></li> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $29,215 - $43,590 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $26,673 - $39,798 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$339 per month for 24 months with $2,999 down on Highlander LE (Mid Atlantic)</p> <p>$299 per month for 36 months with $3,298 down on Highlander LE (Southeast)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota Sequoia</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="360538"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>Avg. Paid: </span><a href="/web/20140904233919/">$43,492 - $61,048</a></li> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $44,095 - $64,020 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $40,127 - $58,257 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$659 per month for 36 months with $5,999 down (New York)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota Tacoma</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="361274"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>Avg. Paid: </span><a href="/web/20140904233919/">$18,795 - $28,690</a></li> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $18,125 - $28,385 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $17,162 - $26,297 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$269 per month for 24 months or $289 per month for 36 months with $2,999 down on Double Cab 4x4 (New England)</p> <p>$277 per month for 36 months with $3,276 down or $259 per month for 48 months with $2,658 down on Double Cab PreRunner (Southeast)</p> <p>$319 per month for 24 months or $299 per month for 36 months with $999 down (Southern California)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota Prius</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="363010"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>Avg. Paid: </span><a href="/web/20140904233919/">$23,829 - $29,331</a></li> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $24,200 - $30,005 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $22,748 - $27,930 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Purchase Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>Up to $2,000 cash back OR up to $1,000 bonus cash with 0% financing for 60 months (New England, New York, Mid Atlantic, Ohio Valley, Midwest, West, Gulf States, Mountain States, Southern California, Northern California, Northwest)</p> <p>0% financing for 72 months (Southeast)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$189 per month for 24 months OR $219 per month for 36 months with $2,899 down on Prius Two (New England)</p> <p>$179 per month for 24 months with $2,399 down (New York)</p> <p>$199 per month for 24 months with $2,999 down (Mid Atlantic)</p> <p>$239 per month for 24 or 36 months with $2,638 down (Southeast)</p> <p>$209 per month for 24 months with $2,999 down (Ohio Valley)</p> <p>$199 per month for 24 months with $1,899 down (Midwest)</p> <p>$189 per month for 24 months with $2,420 down on Prius Two (West)</p> <p>$199 per month for 24 months with $1,999 down on Prius Two (Gulf States)</p> <p>$289 per month for 24 months OR $249 per month for 36 months with $999 down (Southern California)</p> <p>$219 per month for 24 months with $2,999 down (Northern California)</p> <p>$249 per month for 24 months with $2,239 down on Prius Two (Northwest)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota Land Cruiser</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="362146"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>Avg. Paid: </span><a href="/web/20140904233919/">$73,998 - $73,998</a></li> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $79,605 - $79,605 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $71,246 - $71,246 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$999 per month for 36 months with $5,999 down (New York)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota Prius V</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="361068"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>Avg. Paid: </span><a href="/web/20140904233919/">$26,051 - $29,486</a></li> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $26,750 - $30,395 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $24,902 - $28,295 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Purchase Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>Up to $1,000 cash back OR 0% financing 60 months (New England, New York, Mid Atlantic, Ohio Valley, Midwest, West, Gulf States, Southern California, Northern California, Northwest)</p> <p>0% financing for 60 months or 1.9% for 72 months (Southeast)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$189 per month for 24 months or $239 per month for 36 months with $2,899 down on Prius v 2 (New England)</p> <p>$209 per month for 24 months with $2,299 down (New York)</p> <p>$229 per month for 24 months with $2,999 down (Mid Atlantic)</p> <p>$279 per month for 36 months with $2,678 down (Southeast)</p> <p>$229 per month for 24 months with $3,199 down (Ohio Valley)</p> <p>$219 per month for 24 months with $1,799 down (Midwest)</p> <p>$219 per month for 24 months with $2,675 down on Prius v Two (West)</p> <p>$279 per month for 24 months with $1,999 down on Prius v Two (Gulf States)</p> <p>$319 per month for 24 months or $299 per month for 36 months with $999 down (Southern California)</p> <p>$259 per month for 24 months with $1,999 down (Northern California)</p> <p>$239 per month for 24 months with $2,539 down (Northwest)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota Venza</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="360358"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>Avg. Paid: </span><a href="/web/20140904233919/">$27,773 - $38,291</a></li> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $27,950 - $39,570 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $25,575 - $36,008 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Purchase Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>Up to $1,500 cash back OR 0% financing for 60 months (New England, New York, Ohio Valley, Midwest, West, Southern California, Northern California, Northwest)</p> <p>Up to $2,500 cash back OR up to $1,000 bonus cash with 0% financing for 60 months (Mid Atlantic, Gulf States, Mountain States)</p> <p>$500 bonus cash with 0% financing for 60 months or 1.9% for 72 months (Southeast)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$167 per month for 24 months or $209 per month for 36 months with $2,999 down on AWD Venza LE (New England)</p> <p>$189 per month for 24 months with $2,699 down (New York)</p> <p>$199 per month for 24 months with $1,999 down on Venza LE (Mid Atlantic)</p> <p>$279 per month for 36 months with $2,678 down plus $500 bonus cash on Venza LE (Southeast)</p> <p>$199 per month for 24 months with $3,399 down (Ohio Valley)</p> <p>$229 per month for 24 months with $2,199 down on Venza LE (Midwest)</p> <p>$209 per month for 24 months with $2,795 down on Venza LE FWD (West)</p> <p>$269 per month for 24 months with $2,499 down on Venza LE (Gulf States)</p> <p>$199 per month for 24 months with $2,698 down on Venza LE AWD (Mountain States)</p> <p>$289 per month for 24 months OR $249 per month for 36 months with $999 down (Southern California)</p> <p>$219 per month for 24 months with $2,999 down (Northern California)</p> <p>$269 per month for 24 months with $3,289 down on Venza LE AWD (Northwest)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota Avalon Hybrid</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="363255"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>Avg. Paid: </span><a href="/web/20140904233919/">$33,992 - $39,402</a></li> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $35,805 - $41,650 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $32,224 - $37,486 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Purchase Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>Up to $1,000 cash back OR $1,000 bonus cash with 0% financing for 60 months (New England, New York, Mid Atlantic, Ohio Valley, Midwest, West, Gulf States, Southern California, Northern California, Northwest)</p> <p>0% financing for 60 months or 1.9% for 72 months (Southeast)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$309 per month for 24 months with $2,999 down (Mid Atlantic)</p> <p>$369 per month for 36 months with $2,768 down on Avalon Hybrid XLE Premium (Southeast)</p> <p>$319 per month for 24 months with $3,699 down (Ohio Valley)</p> <p>$359 per month for 24 months with $2,099 down on Avalon Hybrid XLE Touring (Midwest)</p> <p>$299 per month for 24 months with $3,700 down on Avalon Hybrid XLE Touring (West)</p> <p>$389 per month for 24 months with $2,499 down on Avalon Hybrid Premium (Gulf States)</p> <p>$419 per month for 24 months or $399 per month for 36 months with $1,999 down (Southern California)</p> <p>$369 per month for 24 months with $2,999 down (Northern California)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota FJ Cruiser</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="361726"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>Avg. Paid: </span><a href="/web/20140904233919/">$27,681 - $29,231</a></li> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $27,680 - $29,270 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $25,743 - $27,221 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$439 per month for 36 months with $1,999 down (New York)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota Prius c</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="364660"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>Avg. Paid: </span><a href="/web/20140904233919/">$19,222 - $23,151</a></li> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $19,080 - $23,360 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $18,127 - $21,746 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$139 per month for 24 months or $179 per month for 36 months with $2,799 down on Prius c 2 (New England)</p> <p>$179 per month for 24 months with $1,899 down (New York)</p> <p>$169 per month for 24 months with $1,999 down (Mid Atlantic)</p> <p>$179 per month for 36 months with $2,578 down (Southeast)</p> <p>$179 per month for 24 months with $2,499 down (Ohio Valley)</p> <p>$179 per month for 24 months with $2,399 down (Midwest)</p> <p>$159 per month for 24 months with $2,003 down on Prius c Two (West)</p> <p>$209 per month for 24 months with $1,999 down on Prius c Two (Gulf States)</p> <p>$249 per month for 24 months OR $199 per month for 36 months with $999 down (Southern California)</p> <p>$149 per month for 24 months with $2,499 down (Northern California)</p> <p>$189 per month for 24 months with $2,149 down on Prius c Two (Northwest)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Purchase Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>0% financing for 36 months, 0.9% for 48 months or 1.9% for 60 months (New England, New York, Mid Atlantic, Southeast, Gulf States, Southern California)</p> <p>$500 cash back; OR 0% financing for 36 months, 0.9% for 48 months or 1.9% for 60 months (Ohio Valley)</p> <p>0% financing for 60 months (Midwest, West, Northern California, Northwest)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota Avalon</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="363243"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>Avg. Paid: </span><a href="/web/20140904233919/">$30,535 - $38,103</a></li> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $31,590 - $39,900 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $28,431 - $35,910 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Purchase Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>Up to $1,500 cash back OR up to $1,000 bonus cash with 0% financing for 60 months (New England, New York, Mid Atlantic, Ohio Valley, Midwest, West, Gulf States, Mountain States, Southern California, Northern California, Northwest)</p> <p>0% financing for 60 months or 1.9% for 72 months (Southeast)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$219 per month for 24 months or $279 per month for 36 months with $2,999 down (New England)</p> <p>$249 per month for 24 months with $2,299 down (New York)</p> <p>$279 per month for 24 months with $2,999 down on Avalon XLE (Mid Atlantic)</p> <p>$259 per month for 36 months with $2,658 down on Avalon XLE (Southeast)</p> <p>$289 per month for 24 months with $3,299 down on Avalon XLE Premium (Ohio Valley)</p> <p>$249 per month for 24 months with $1,699 down on Avalon XLE (Midwest)</p> <p>$249 per month for 24 months with $3,159 down on Avalon XLE (West)</p> <p>$299 per month for 24 months with $2,499 down on Avalon XLE (Gulf States)</p> <p>$419 per month for 24 months with $0 down (Mountain States)</p> <p>$349 per month for 24 months OR $329 per month for 36 months with $1,499 down (Southern California)</p> <p>$299 per month for 24 months with $2,999 down (Northern California)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota Prius Plug-In</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="363011"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>Avg. Paid: </span><a href="/web/20140904233919/">$30,140 - $34,940</a></li> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $29,990 - $34,905 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $28,791 - $33,509 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Purchase Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>Up to $4,500 cash back with 0% financing for 60 months (New England, New York, Mid Atlantic)</p> <p>Up to $3,000 cash back OR up to $2,500 bonus cash with 0% financing for 60 months (Southern California, Northern California)</p> <p>0% financing for 60 months (Northwest)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$189 per month for 24 months with $1,399 down (New York)</p> <p>$219 per month for 24 months with $2,999 down (Mid Atlantic)</p> <p>$349 per month for 36 months with $999 down (Southern California)</p> <p>$239 per month for 36 months with $2,799 down (Northern California)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota RAV4</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="364060"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>Avg. Paid: </span><a href="/web/20140904233919/">$23,499 - $29,418</a></li> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $23,550 - $29,720 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $22,020 - $27,787 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Purchase Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>Up to $1,000 cash back; OR 0% financing for 60 months (New England, New York, Mid Atlantic, Ohio Valley, West, Gulf States, Mountain States, Southern California, Northern California, Northwest)</p> <p>0% financing for 60 months or 1.9% for 72 months (Southeast)</p> <p>$750 cash back; or $500 bonus cash with 0% financing for 60 months (Mountain States)</p> <p>0% financing for 60 months (Midwest)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$139 per month for 24 months or $169 per month for 36 months with $2,899 down on AWD RAV4 (New England)</p> <p>$189 per month for 24 months with $2,299 down (New York)</p> <p>$169 per month for 24 months with $1,999 down on RAV4 LE (Mid Atlantic)</p> <p>$239 per month for 24 or 36 months with $2,938 down on RAV4 XLE (Southeast)</p> <p>$179 per month for 24 months with $2,499 down (Ohio Valley)</p> <p>$199 per month for 24 months with $1,899 down on RAV4 LE (Midwest)</p> <p>$199 per month for 24 months with $2,495 down on RAV4 LE AWD (West)</p> <p>$199 per month for 24 months or $214 per month for 36 months with $999 down on RAV4 LE (Gulf States)</p> <p>$199 per month for 24 months with $1,349 down (Mountain States)</p> <p>$269 per month for 24 months or $249 per month for 36 months with $999 down (Southern California)</p> <p>$159 per month for 24 months with $2,299 down (Northern California)</p> <p>$179 per month for 24 months with $2,819 down on RAV4 LE AWD (Northwest)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota Camry</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="360624"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $22,235 - $30,705 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $20,345 - $27,941 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Purchase Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>Up to $1,750 cash back OR up to $1,250 bonus cash with 0% financing for 60 months on 2014.5 Camry (New England, New York, Mid Atlantic, Ohio Valley, Midwest, West, Southern California, Northern California, Northwest)</p> <p>0% financing for 60 months or 1.9% for 72 months on 2014.5 Camry (Southeast)</p> <p>Up to 2,000 cash back OR $500 bonus cash with 0% financing for 72 months on 2014.5 Camry (Gulf States)</p> <p>$1,000 bonus cash with 0% financing for 60 months on 2014.5 Camry (Mountain States)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$135 per month for 24 months or $169 per month for 36 months with $2,899 down on 2014.5 Camry LE (New England)</p> <p>$179 per month for 24 months with $1,299 down on 2014.5 Camry (New York)</p> <p>$179 per month for 24 months with $1,999 down on 2014.5 Camry (Mid Atlantic)</p> <p>$189 per month for 24 or 36 months with $2,588 down on 2014.5 Camry SE (Southeast)</p> <p>$169 per month for 24 months with $1,999 down on 2014.5 Camry (Ohio Valley)</p> <p>$189 per month for 24 months with $1,799 down on 2014.5 Camry LE (Midwest)</p> <p>$179 per month for 24 months with $2,374 down on 2014.5 Camry SE (West)</p> <p>$199 per month for 24 months or $214 per month for 36 months with $999 down on 2014.5 Camry LE (Gulf States)</p> <p>$179 per month for 24 months with $1,929 down on 2014.5 Camry (Mountain States)</p> <p>$249 per month for 24 months OR $229 per month for 36 months with $999 on 2014.5 Camry (Southern California)</p> <p>$189 per month for 24 months with $2,799 down on 2014.5 Camry (Northern California)</p> <p>$199 per month for 24 months with $3,139 down on 2014.5 Camry LE (Northwest)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota Camry Hybrid</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="360645"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $26,140 - $28,625 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $24,049 - $26,336 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Purchase Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>Up to $1,750 cash back OR up to $1,250 bonus cash with 0% financing for 60 months on 2014.5 Camry Hybrid (New England, New York, Mid Atlantic, Ohio Valley, Midwest, West, Mountain States, Northern California, Northwest)</p> <p>0% financing for 60 months or 1.9% for 72 months on 2014.5 Camry Hybrid (Southeast)</p> <p>Up to $2,000 cash back OR up to $500 bonus cash with 0% financing for 72 months on 2014.5 Camry Hybrid (Gulf States)</p> <p>$1,500 cash back (Southern California)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$149 per month for 24 months or $179 per month for 36 months with $2,899 down on 2014.5 Camry LE Hybrid (New England)</p> <p>$199 per month for 24 months with $2,299 down on 2014.5 Camry Hybrid (Mid Atlantic)</p> <p>$239 per month for 36 months with $2,638 down on 2014.5 Camry Hybrid (Southeast)</p> <p>$199 per month for 24 months with $1,699 down (Ohio Valley)</p> <p>$219 per month for 24 months with $1,499 down on 2014.5 Camry Hybrid LE (Midwest)</p> <p>$209 per month for 24 months with $2,862 down on 2014 Camry Hybrid XLE (West)</p> <p>$249 per month for 24 months or $264 per month for 36 months with $999 down on 2014.5 Camry Hybrid (Gulf States)</p> <p>$289 per month for 24 months or $279 per month for 36 months with $999 down on 2014.5 Camry Hybrid (Southern California)</p> <p>$199 per month for 24 months with $2,799 down on 2014.5 Camry Hybrid (Northern California)</p> <p>$339 per month for 24 months with $2,969 down on 2014.5 Camry Hybrid LE (Northwest)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota Tundra</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="360877"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>Avg. Paid: </span><a href="/web/20140904233919/">$26,606 - $47,435</a></li> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $26,200 - $47,600 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $24,366 - $44,030 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Purchase Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>Up to $1,000 cash back; OR 0% financing for 36 months, 0.9% for 48 months or 1.9% for 60 months (New England, New York, Mid Atlantic, Ohio Valley, Midwest, West, Northern California, Northwest)</p> <p>0% financing for 36 months, 1.9% for 48 months or 2.9% for 72 months (Southeast)</p> <p>Up to $1,000 cash back; OR $2,000 bonus cash with 0% financing for 60 months on Special Edition Tundra (Gulf States)</p> <p>Up to $1,000 cash back (Mountain States)</p> <p>Up to $1,000 cash back; OR 0% financing for 60 months or 2.9% for 72 months (Southern California)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$287 per month for 24 months or $309 per month for 36 months with $2,999 down on 4x4 Double Cab models (New England)</p> <p>$299 per month for 24 months with $2,999 down (Mid Atlantic)</p> <p>$329 per month for 36 months with $3,328 down on Double Cab SR5 w/4.6L V8 (Southeast)</p> <p>$339 per month for 24 months with $3,799 down on Tundra Double Cab 4x4 w/5.7L V8 OR $389 per month for 24 months with $3,699 down on Tundra CrewMax 4x4 w/5.7L V8 (Ohio Valley)</p> <p>$359 per month on 4x4 B/C Cab or $369 per month on 4x4 Crew Max for 24 months with $3,199 down (Midwest)</p> <p>$319 per month for 24 months with $3,429 down on 4WD Tundra Double Cab SR5 or $339 per month for 24 months with $3,665 down on 4WD Tundra CrewMax SR5 (West)</p> <p>$279 per month for 24 months on Tundra Double Cab SR5 V8 or $299 per month for 24 months with $2,499 down on Tundra CrewMax SR5 V8 (Gulf States)</p> <p>$349 per month for 24 months OR $299 per month for 36 months with $1,499 down (Southern California)</p> <p>$319 per month for 24 months with $2,799 down on Tundra Double Cab OR $399 per month for 24 months with $3,799 down on Tundra CrewMax (Northern California)</p> <p>$279 per month for 24 months with $2,879 down on Tundra Double Cab SR5 standard bed 4x4 (Northwest)&nbsp;</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota Sienna</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="361225"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>Avg. Paid: </span><a href="/web/20140904233919/">$26,481 - $40,389</a></li> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $26,920 - $41,710 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $24,900 - $38,373 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Purchase Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>Up to $2,500 cash back OR up to $1,500 bonus cash with 0% financing for 60 months (New England, New York, Mid Atlantic, Ohio Valley, Midwest, West, Gulf States, Southern California, Northern California, Northwest)</p> <p>0% financing for 72 months (Southeast)</p> <p>$1000 cash back (Mountain States)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$198 per month for 24 months OR $259 per month for 36 months with $2,999 down (New England)</p> <p>$259 per month for 24 months with $1,999 down (New York)</p> <p>$269 per month for 24 months with $1,999 down on Sienna LE (Mid Atlantic)</p> <p>$299 per month for 36 months with $2,998 down on Sienna LE (Southeast)</p> <p>$249 per month for 24 months with $3,499 down (Ohio Valley)</p> <p>$279 per month for 24 months with $1,699 down on Sienna LE (Midwest)</p> <p>$239 per month for 24 months with $3,049 down on Sienna LE FWD (West)</p> <p>$299 per month for 24 months with $1,999 down on Sienna LE V6 (Gulf States)</p> <p>$349 per month for 24 months OR $339 per month for 36 months with $999 down (Southern California)</p> <p>$289 per month for 24 months with $2,699 down (Northern California)</p> <p>$279 per month for 24 months with $3,759 down on Sienna LE FWD (Northwest)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="make-deals last"> <h3><a href="/web/20140904233919/">2014 Toyota 4Runner</a></h3> <div class="best-price"> <p>Find the best local price:</p> <form method="GET" class="bpp-table-form"> <input type="text" class="zip zip-field" value="Zip Code"/> <img class="car_submit_zag get-price" alt="submit" src="/web/20140904233919im_/"/> <input type="hidden" value="362327"/> </form> </div> <div class="deal-img"> <a href="/web/20140904233919/"><img src="" width="140" height="70" alt=" "/></a> <ul> <li><span>Avg. Paid: </span><a href="/web/20140904233919/">$32,434 - $42,567</a></li> <li><span>MSRP:</span> $32,820 - $43,400 </li> <li><span>Invoice:</span> $30,193 - $39,928 </li> </ul> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Purchase Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>0% financing for 36 months, 1.9% for 48 months or 2.9% for 60 months (New England, New York, Mid Atlantic, Ohio Valley, West, Gulf States, Northern California)</p> <p>0% financing for 60 months or 1.9% for 72 months (Southeast)</p> <p>$500 cash back; or 0% financing for 36 months, 1.9% for 48 months or 2.9% for 60 months (Midwest, Southern California)</p> <p>0% financing for 36 months (Mountain States)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> <div class="deal"> <p><strong>Lease Deal: </strong></p> <div class="deal-details"><p>$299 per month for 24 months or $369 per month for 36 months with $2,999 down on 4x4 SR5 models (New England)</p> <p>$379 per month for 36 months with $2,999 down (New York)</p> <p>$379 per month for 24 months with $2,999 down (Mid Atlantic)</p> <p>$329 per month for 36 months with $3,328 down on 4Runner SR5 (Southeast)</p> <p>$369 per month for 24 months with $3,499 down (Ohio Valley)</p> <p>$369 per month for 24 months with $2,999 down on 4x4 V6 models (Midwest)</p> <p>$359 per month for 24 months with $3,761 down on 4Runner SR5 Premium 4x4 (West)</p> <p>$359 per month for 24 months with $1,999 down on 4Runner SR5 (Gulf States)</p> <p>$389 per month for 24 months or $349 per month for 36 months with $1,499 down (Southern California)</p> <p>$339 per month for 24 months with $3,399 down (Northern California)</p></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 15px;"><strong style="color: #992211">Deal Expires: 09/02/14</strong></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <div class="widget custom-promo deals-widget"> <h4>Car Deals: September 2014</h4> <div class="widget-body"> <p class="deals-widget">We've compiled a list of the best car deals available in the U.S. for this month.</p> <div class="deals-widget"> <ul id="deal-types"> <li id="new-deals" class="deals-btn"><a href="/web/20140904233919/"><span>New Deals</span></a></li> <li id="lease-deals" class="deals-btn"><a href="/web/20140904233919/"><span>Lease Deals</span></a></li> <li id="used-deals" class="deals-btn" style="margin-right: 0px;"><a href="/web/20140904233919/"><span>Used Deals</span></a></li> </ul> </div> <h5>Deals by Manufacturer:</h5> <ul id="deal-manufacturer"> <li><a href="/web/20140904233919/">Chevy Deals</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20140904233919/">Ford Deals</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20140904233919/">Honda Deals</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20140904233919/">Hyundai Deals</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20140904233919/">Kia Deals</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20140904233919/">Mazda Deals</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20140904233919/">Nissan Deals</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20140904233919/">Toyota Deals</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20140904233919/">VW Deals</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20140904233919/">Lexus Deals</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20140904233919/">Subaru Deals</a></li> <li style="width: 34%;"><a href="/web/20140904233919/">Buick/GMC Deals</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="doubleclickTile2" style="display:none;" class="ad_right ad"> <span class="usn-label">advertisement</span> <script type="text/javascript"> renderDoubleClickDynamic(2, adParameters,false, "doubleclickTile2"); 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