CRYPTO 2006: Main Page

<html> <head> <title>CRYPTO 2006: Main Page</title> <style type="text/css"> a:link {text-decoration: none; color: blue;} a:visited {text-decoration: none; color: blue;} a:hover {text-decoration: none; color: purple;} a:active {text-decoration: none; color: blue;} </style> </head> <body bgcolor = "D0FFE0"> <BR> <p align=center> <table cellpadding=5 > <tr> <td bgcolor="#CCCCFF"> <a href="index.html"><strong>Main Page</strong></a> <td bgcolor="#CCCCFF"> <a href="cfp.html"><strong>Call for Papers</strong></a> <td bgcolor="#CCCCFF"> <a href="contact.html"><strong>Contact Info</strong></a> <td bgcolor="#CCCCFF"> <a href="program.html"><strong>Program</strong></a> <td bgcolor="#CCCCFF"> <a href="meals.html"><strong>Meals</strong></a> <td bgcolor="#CCCCFF"> <a href="local.html"><strong>Local Info</strong></a> <td bgcolor="#CCCCFF"> <a href="registration.html"><strong>Registration</strong></a> <td bgcolor="#CCCCFF"> <a href="rump.html"><strong>Rump Session</strong></a> <td bgcolor="#CCCCFF"> <a href="bofs.html"><strong>BoFs</strong></a> </tr> </table> </p> <! -- CUT HERE --> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr valign=top> <td width="75%"><h2 align=center>&nbsp;</h2> <h1 align=center><i><a href="index.html">CRYPTO 2006</a></i></h1> <p align=center> The 26th Annual International Cryptology Conference</p> <p align=center><b>August 20-24, 2006<br> Santa Barbara, California, USA</b><br> <a href=""><img src="campus.jpg"></a></p> </td> <td width="25%"><p align="center"><a href=""><img border=0 width=200 height=200 src="LOGOsmall_BLU_Whtletters.gif" alt="IACR logo"></a></p></td> </tr> </table> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em><strong>CRYPTO 2006</strong></em> is the 26th International Cryptology Conference. It will be held at the <a href="">University of California, Santa Barbara</a>. The academic program covers all aspects of cryptology. Formal proceedings, published by <a href="">Springer-Verlag</a>, will be provided to registered attendees at the conference. Technical sessions will run from Monday morning to Thursday noon, with a non-technical activities half-day on Tuesday afternoon.</p> <p><em><strong>CRYPTO 2006</strong></em> is sponsored by the <a href="">International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR)</a>, in cooperation with the <a href="">IEEE</a> <a href="">Computer Society</a> <a href="">Technical Committee on Security and Privacy</a>, and the <a href="">Computer Science Department of the University of California, Santa Barbara</a>. The Program Chair is <a href="contact.html">Cynthia Dwork</a> and the General Chair is <a href="contact.html">Josh Benaloh</a>. </p> <p>There are four main forms of technical content at <em><strong>CRYPTO 2006</strong></em>:</p> <ul> <li>Invited talks</li> <li>Refereed papers</li> <li>The Rump Session</li> <li>Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BoFs)</li> </ul> <p>The technical sessions with refereed papers and invited talks are on Monday, Tuesday morning, Wednesday, and Thursday morning. The Rump Session is on Tuesday evening. The BoFs are on Tuesday afternoon, which is otherwise free for social and tourist activities.</p> <p>Attendees who require a visa and have not already applied should do soon as soon as possible. See <a href="visas.html">this page</a> for more information.</p> <p>This year, NIST will hold its <a href="">Second Cryptographic Hash Workshop</a> at UCSB immediately following Crypto 2006. Provisions will be made to facilitate logistics for those who want to attend both the Crypto Conference and the Hash Workshop.</strong></p> <font color=green><b>NEW</b></font> For information on ordering Crypto 2006 t-shirts, see <a href="order.html">this page.</a>. </body> </html>

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