Student Guidelines | Aver Conferences | Aver | Medical Students | Engineering Students | PhD students | MS Students | Germany Conferences | Italy Conferences | UK Conferences | USA Conferences | Middle East Conferences | India Conferences
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send your abstract (250-300 words) along with your biography(80-100 words) and your photograph that shows your clear face.</p> <p>Participating in the conference with/without presentation. <p> <p>Students are allowed to present poster/oral presentations during the session. <p> <p>Students have a valid school/university identity card that shows they are pursuing their degree. <p> <p>Students must pre-register to attend the meeting. <p> <p>Students are allowed to attend all sessions including keynote, speaker, poster presentations, workshop, and course. <p> <p>Students are allowed to ask questions if they have any doubts about the presented topic. <p> <p>The time duration for the poster presentation is 10 minutes. <p> <p>Students are advised to be well-prepared before the meeting and answer the questions from the audience. <p> <p>Students are required to prepare a poster size is 1M*1M. <p> <div class="ttm_single_image-wrapper mb-35"> <img class="img-fluid" 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