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There will be no online subscription fees for readers.</p> <h3 style="text-decoration: underline">For Subscribers:</h3> <p><strong>Online Subscription Cancellation:</strong> We will be discontinuing our online subscription service starting January 1, 2024. However, we will continue to offer print subscriptions for those who prefer the physical copy of our journal.</p> <p><strong>Print Subscriptions:</strong> You can still enjoy the convenience of receiving a print copy of our journal, keeping you updated on the latest research in your field.</p> <p><em>We believe this transition to open access aligns with the principles of academic transparency, inclusivity, and the rapid dissemination of knowledge. It is a significant milestone in our journey, and we couldn't have reached this point without your ongoing support.</em></p> <p>Important Dates to Remember:</p> <h3 style="text-decoration: underline"> January 1, 2024: MIA and OAM become fully open access.</h3> <p>Submission Process: Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts as usual, and they will be published as open-access articles starting in 2024.</p> <p><em>We are excited about this change and look forward to a future where research is accessible to all, promoting collaboration, innovation, and advancement in our respective fields.</em></p> <p><em>Thank you for being part of this transformative journey with us.</em></p> <p>If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>Sincerely,<br /> Element Publishing house</p> </div> <p>Select a journal by clicking on its logo:</p> <div id="journal-links"> <div class="journal-link"> <a href="" id="mia"> <img src="static/img/logos/MIA-logo-med.png" alt="MIA logo" class="png" title="Mathematical Inequalities &amp; Applications" /> </a> <!-- <p> <a href="" title="Go to last issue of MIA">Volume XXVIII, Issue 1</a> </p> --> </div> <div class="journal-link"> <a href="" id="oam"> <img src="static/img/logos/OaM-logo-med.png" alt="OaM logo" class="png" title="Operators and Matrices" /> </a> <!-- <p> <a href="" title="Go to last issue of OaM">Volume XVIII, Issue 4</a> </p> --> </div> <div class="journal-link"> <a href="" id="jmi"> <img src="static/img/logos/JMI-logo-med.png" alt="JMI logo" class="png" title="Journal of Mathematical Inequalities" /> </a> <!-- <p> <a href="" title="Go to last issue of JMI">Volume XVIII, Issue 4</a> </p> --> </div> <div class="journal-link"> <a href="" id="dea"> <img src="static/img/logos/DEA-logo-med.png" alt="DEA logo" class="png" title="Differential Equations &amp; Applications" /> </a> <!-- <p> <a href="" title="Go to last issue of DEA">Volume XVI, Issue 4</a> </p> --> </div> <div class="journal-link"> <a href="" id="jca"> <img src="static/img/logos/JCA-logo-med.png" alt="JCA logo" class="png" title="Journal of Classical Analysis" /> </a> <!-- <p> <a href="" title="Go to last issue of JCA">Volume XXV, Issue 1</a> </p> --> </div> <div class="journal-link"> <a href="" id="fdc"> <img src="static/img/logos/FDC-logo-med.png" alt="FDC logo" class="png" title="Fractional Differential Calculus" /> </a> <!-- <p> <a href="" title="Go to last issue of FDC">Volume XIV, Issue 2</a> </p> --> </div> </div> <style media="screen"> .img-center { /*display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;*/ text-align: center; } /* style="text-align:center; margin-right: 300px" style="text-align:center; margin-right: 98px" */ </style> <!--<div class="row" style="margin-bottom: 90px">&nbsp</div>--> <!----> <!--</div>--> <!--<div>--> <!--<a href="" target="_blank"><p class="img-center"><img src="/static/img/eleMathFront.png" align="middle" width="800px"></p></a>--> <!--<div>--> <!----> <!-- <div style="margin-top: 16px">--> <!-- <a href="" target="_blank"><p class="img-center"><img src="/static/img/icomath_2018.png" align="middle" width="800px"></p></a>--> <!-- <div>--> <!-- CONTENT [2] END --> </div> <!-- CONTAINER [1] END --> <!-- FOOTER [1] START --> <div id="footer"> <div id="footer-content"> <h5 class="nowrap">Copyright information</h5> <p> MIA, OaM, JMI, DEA, FDC, JCA and their logos are trademarks owned by the Element d.o.o. publishing house. 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