Demo - Demographic statistics

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Personalized queries of data (by year, territory, citizenship, etc.) are available and allow to built the tables and download the data. Data are collected from the Population Register Offices and updated from time to time with the last available period (year, month, etc.). Data on main demographic phenomena (such as birth rates, mortality rates, population projections, ageing index, mean age, etc.) are here available. </div> </div> </div> <!-- Fine presentazione --> <!-- ULTIMI AGGIORNAMENTI --> <div id="linknews" class="w3-container" role="complementary" aria-labelledby="newsh2"><!-- Container news --> <header id="newsheader"> <h2 id="newsh2">Latest updates</h2> </header> <!-- Voce news --> <section class="w3-third" aria-label="Latest updatesNews: 03 February 2025"><!-- Notizia --> <div class="w3-third data-news" aria-label="News date"> <p class="anno">2025</p><p class="giorno">03</p><p class="mese">February</p> </div> <div class="w3-rest item-news w3-padding" aria-label="News title" aria-labelledby="newsh2"> <a href="app/?i=D7B&l=en&a=2024"> <p class="titolonews">Monthly Demographic Balance</p> <p class="stitolonews">Monthly demographic balance January-November 2024, provisional data</p> </a> </div> </section> <!-- Voce news --> <section class="w3-third" aria-label="News: 16 December 2024"><!-- Notizia --> <div class="w3-third data-news" aria-label="News date"> <p class="anno">2024</p><p class="giorno">16</p><p class="mese">December</p> </div> <div class="w3-rest item-news w3-padding" aria-label="News title" aria-labelledby="newsh2"> <a href="app/?i=FE1&l=en"> <p class="titolonews">Fertility</p> <p class="stitolonews">Fertility indicators of the resident population, year 2023</p> </a> </div> </section> <!-- Voce news --> <section class="w3-third" aria-label="News: 16 December 2024"><!-- Notizia --> <div class="w3-third data-news" aria-label="News date"> <p class="anno">2024</p><p class="giorno">16</p><p class="mese">December</p> </div> <div class="w3-rest item-news w3-padding" aria-label="News title" aria-labelledby="newsh2"> <a href="app/?i=P02&l=en&a=2023"> <p class="titolonews">Demographic Balance 2023</p> <p class="stitolonews">Demographic balance year 2023, final data</p> </a> </div> </section> </div><!-- Fine container news --> <main id="main" tabindex="-1" aria-label="Main content"> <!-- Ricerca --> <div class="w3-container"><!-- Container 'Ricerca' --> <a href="app/?i=CDQ&l=en"> <header> <h2 id="cerca" class="w3-round-medium"><img src="./images/lente.png" alt="">Search by variable, place and period</h2> </header> </a> </div><!-- Fine container 'Ricerca' --> <!-- Link navigazione --> <nav id="linknav" class="w3-container" aria-label="shortcut"><!-- Container link navigazione --> <div class="w3-quarter hnav"> <div class="w3-panel navlink"> <a href="#sezione1" class="linksezione">Main structural characteristics of the population</a> </div> </div> <div class="w3-quarter hnav"> <div class="w3-panel navlink"> <a href="#sezione2" class="linksezione">Population dynamics</a> </div> </div> <div class="w3-quarter hnav"> <div class="w3-panel navlink"> <a href="#sezione3" class="linksezione">Demographic indicators</a> </div> </div> <div class="w3-quarter hnav"> <div class="w3-panel navlink"> <a href="#sezione4" class="linksezione">Birthrate and fertility</a> </div> </div> <div class="w3-quarter hnav"> <div class="w3-panel navlink"> <a href="#sezione5" class="linksezione">Deaths and mortality</a> </div> </div> <div class="w3-quarter hnav"> <div class="w3-panel navlink"> <a href="#sezione6" class="linksezione">Internal and international migration</a> </div> </div> <div class="w3-quarter hnav"> <div class="w3-panel navlink"> <a href="#sezione7" class="linksezione">Demographic scenarios</a> </div> </div> <div class="w3-quarter hnav"> <div class="w3-panel navlink"> <a href="#sezione8" class="linksezione">Marriages, Civil Partnerships and marital breakdown</a> </div> </div> </nav><!-- Fine link navigazione --> <nav id="linkmain" aria-label="Main menu"><!-- Container link navigazione --> <!-- Popolazione residente --> <section class="w3-container mainmenu" aria-labelledby="sezione1"><!-- Container 'Popolazione residente' --> <header class="w3-istat-header"> <h2 id="sezione1" class="sezioneh2" tabindex="-1">Main structural characteristics of the population</h2> </header> <!-- Link --> <!-- Link Posas --> <div class="w3-col"> <a href="app/?i=POS&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Resident population<br> <span class="lnksub">Resident population by age, sex and marital status on 1st January, years 2019-2024</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link Strasa --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="app/?i=STR&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Resident Foreigners<br> <span class="lnksub">Resident foreigners on 1st January by sex and age, years 2019-2024</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link RCS --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="app/?i=RCS&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Resident population by sex, municipality and citizenship<br> <span class="lnksub">Resident population by sex, municipality and individual citizenship or country of birth, years 2002-2023</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link NonComunitari --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="tavole/?t=noncomunitari&l=en"> <h3 class="lnktab"> Residence permits of non-EU citizens<br> <span class="lnksub">Non-EU citizens holding a residence permit in Italy, years 2008-2024 (italian only)</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link Ricostruzione 2002-2019 --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="app/?i=RIC&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Resident population 2002-2019<br> <span class="lnksub">Intercensal population estimates by age, sex and citizenship on 1st January</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link Ricostruzione 1992-2001 --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="app/?i=R92&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Resident population 1992-2001<br> <span class="lnksub">Intercensal population estimates by age and sex on 1st January</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link Ricostruzione 1982-1991 --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="tavole/?t=ricostruzione82&l=en"> <h3 class="lnktab"> Resident population 1982-1991<br> <span class="lnksub">Intercensal population estimates by age and sex on 1st January</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link Semi-supercentenari --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="app/?i=SSC&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Resident population aged 105 years and older<br> <span class="lnksub">Survey of resident population aged 105 years and older, years 2009-2024</span> </h3> </a> </div> </section><!-- Fine container 'Popolazione residente' --> <!-- Dinamica della popolazione --> <section class="w3-container mainmenu" aria-labelledby="sezione2"><!-- Container 'Dinamica della popolazione' --> <header class="w3-istat-header"> <h2 id="sezione2" class="sezioneh2" tabindex="-1">Population dynamics</h2> </header> <!-- Link --> <!-- Link P2 --> <div class="w3-col"> <a href="app/?i=P02&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Demographic Balance<br> <span class="lnksub">Demographic balance and resident population by sex on 31st December, years 2019-2023</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link P3 --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="app/?i=P03&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Resident Foreigners Demographic Balance<br> <span class="lnksub">Demographic balance and foreign resident population by sex on 31st December, years 2019-2023</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link D7B --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="app/?i=D7B&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Monthly Demographic Balance<br> <span class="lnksub">Monthly demographic balance and resident population by sex, years 2019-2024</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link Bilancio 2001-2018 --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="app/?i=RBD&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Demographic balance 2001-2018<br> <span class="lnksub">Intercensal demographic balance estimates by sex and citizenship</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link Bilancio 1991-2001 --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="app/?i=R91&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Demographic balance 1991-2001<br> <span class="lnksub">Intercensal demographic balance estimates by sex</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link AIR --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="app/?i=AIR&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Demographic balance of the Italian population abroad<br> <span class="lnksub">Demographic balance of the Italian population abroad and residing population by sex, year 2022</span> </h3> </a> </div> </section><!-- Fine container 'Dinamica della popolazione' --> <!-- Indicatori demografici --> <section class="w3-container mainmenu" aria-labelledby="sezione3"><!-- Container 'Indicatori demografici' --> <header class="w3-istat-header"> <h2 id="sezione3" class="sezioneh2" tabindex="-1">Demographic indicators</h2> </header> <!-- Link --> <!-- Link Indicatori demografici --> <div class="w3-col"> <a href="tavole/?t=indicatori&l=en"> <h3 class="lnktab"> Demographic indicators<br> <span class="lnksub">Demographic indicators of the resident population, years 2001-2022</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link Mortalità --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="app/?i=TVM&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Life Tables<br> <span class="lnksub">Life tables of the population by province and region of residence, years 1974-2023</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link TVA --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="app/?i=TVA&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Actuarial tables<br> <span class="lnksub">Actuarial tables of the resident population - Italy, years 1981-2021</span> </h3> </a> </div> </section><!-- Fine container 'Indicatori demografici' --> <!-- Nascite e fecondità --> <section class="w3-container mainmenu" aria-labelledby="sezione4"><!-- Container 'Nascite e fecondità' --> <header class="w3-istat-header"> <h2 id="sezione4" class="sezioneh2" tabindex="-1">Birthrate and fertility</h2> </header> <!-- Link --> <!-- Link Fecondità --> <div class="w3-col"> <a href="app/?i=FE1&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Fertility<br> <span class="lnksub">Fertility indicators of the resident population </span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link P4 --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="app/?i=FE3&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Live Births<br> <span class="lnksub">Live births of resident population, years 1999-2023</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link Serie mensili delle nascite --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="tavole/?t=serien&l=en"> <h3 class="lnktab"> Monthly series 2003-2018<br> <span class="lnksub">Monthly series of births by month, years 2003-2018</span> </h3> </a> </div> </section><!-- Fine container 'Nascite e fecondità' --> <!-- Decessi e mortalità --> <section class="w3-container mainmenu" aria-labelledby="sezione5"><!-- Container 'Decessi e mortalità' --> <header class="w3-istat-header"> <h2 id="sezione5" class="sezioneh2" tabindex="-1">Deaths and mortality</h2> </header> <!-- Link --> <!-- Link Decessi --> <div class="w3-col"> <a href="app/?i=ISM&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Deaths of Resident Population<br> <span class="lnksub">Deaths of resident population, years 2011-2023</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link Serie mensili dei decessi --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="tavole/?t=seried&l=en"> <h3 class="lnktab"> Monthly series 2003-2018<br> <span class="lnksub">Monthly series of deaths, years 2003-2018</span> </h3> </a> </div> </section><!-- Fine container 'Decessi e mortalità' --> <!-- Migrazioni interne e internazionali --> <section class="w3-container mainmenu" aria-labelledby="sezione6"><!-- Container 'Migrazioni interne e internazionali' --> <header class="w3-istat-header"> <h2 id="sezione6" class="sezioneh2" tabindex="-1">Internal and international migration</h2> </header> <!-- Link --> <!-- Link Trasferimenti di residenza --> <div class="w3-col"> <a href="tavole/?t=apr4&l=en"> <h3 class="lnktab"> Changes of Residence<br> <span class="lnksub">Internal and international migration of the resident population, years 2002-2023</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link Cittadini non comunitari entrati nell'anno --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="tavole/?t=permessi&l=en"> <h3 class="lnktab"> Residence Permits<br> <span class="lnksub">Residence permits data at the 1st January, years 1992-2008 (Italian only)</span> </h3> </a> </div> </section><!-- Fine container 'Migrazioni interne e internazionali' --> <!-- Scenari demografici --> <section class="w3-container mainmenu" aria-labelledby="sezione7"><!-- Container 'Scenari demografici' --> <header class="w3-istat-header"> <h2 id="sezione7" class="sezioneh2" tabindex="-1">Demographic scenarios</h2> </header> <!-- Link --> <!-- Link Previsioni regionali popolazione --> <div class="w3-col"> <a href="app/?i=PPR&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Population Projection<br> <span class="lnksub">Population Projection, years 2023-2080</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link Previsioni famiglie --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="app/?i=PRF&l=en"> <h3 class="lnkapp"> Household projections<br> <span class="lnksub">Household projections, years 2023-2043</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link Previsioni comunali popolazione --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href=""> <h3 class="lnksper"> Municipal population projections, base 1.1.2023<br> <span class="lnksub">Municipal population projections by age, sex and municipality of residence, years 2023-2043</span> </h3> </a> </div> </section><!-- Fine container 'Scenari demografici' --> <!-- Coppie --> <section class="w3-container mainmenu" aria-labelledby="sezione8"><!-- Container 'Coppie' --> <header class="w3-istat-header"> <h2 id="sezione8" class="sezioneh2" tabindex="-1">Marriages, Civil Partnerships and marital breakdown</h2> </header> <!-- Link --> <!-- Link D3 --> <div class="w3-col"> <a href="tavole/?t=matrimoni&l=en"> <h3 class="lnktab"> Marriages<br> <span class="lnksub">Marriages, years 2004-2023 (Italian only)</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link Separazioni e divorzi --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="tavole/?t=sepdiv&l=en"> <h3 class="lnktab"> Separations and Divorces<br> <span class="lnksub">Separations and divorces, years 2007-2023 (Italian only)</span> </h3> </a> </div> <!-- Link Unioni civili --> <div class="w3-col menusep"> <a href="tavole/?t=unionicivili&l=en"> <h3 class="lnktab"> Civil Partnerships<br> <span class="lnksub">Survey on Civil Partnerships, years 2018-2023</span> </h3> </a> </div> </section><!-- Fine container 'Coppie' --> </nav> </main> <!-- FOOTER --> <div class="w3-container w3-margin-top"> <footer id="homefooter" class="w3-row w3-padding"> <p><strong>Istat</strong> | National Institute of Statistics<br>Via Cesare Balbo, 16 – 00184 Roma – tel. +39 06 46731 – tax code 80111810588 – VAT number 02124831005<br><a href="" class="linkhead">Privacy</a></p> </footer> </div> </div><!-- Fine container e card esterna --> </body> </html>

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