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Consultez fréquemment la page propre à votre destination, car les conditions de sécurité peuvent changer. 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<option value="palaos">Palaos</option> <option value="panama">Panama</option> <option value="papouasie-nouvelle-guinee">Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée</option> <option value="paraguay">Paraguay</option> <option value="pays-bas">Pays-Bas</option> <option value="perou">Pérou</option> <option value="philippines">Philippines</option> <option value="pologne">Pologne</option> <option value="polynesie-francaise">Polynésie française</option> <option value="puerto-rico">Porto Rico</option> <option value="portugal">Portugal</option> <option value="qatar">Qatar</option> <option value="republique-centrafricaine">République centrafricaine</option> <option value="congo-kinshasa">République démocratique du Congo (Kinshasa)</option> <option value="republique-dominicaine">République dominicaine</option> <option value="congo-brazzaville">République du Congo (Brazzaville)</option> <option value="roumanie">Roumanie</option> <option value="royaume-uni">Royaume-Uni</option> <option value="russie">Russie</option> <option value="rwanda">Rwanda</option> <option value="saint-barthelemy">Saint-Barthélemy</option> <option value="saint-kitts-et-nevis">Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis</option> <option value="saint-marin">Saint-Marin</option> <option value="saint-martin">Saint-Martin</option> <option value="saint-pierre-et-miquelon">Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon</option> <option value="saint-vincent-et-grenadines">Saint-Vincent-et-Grenadines</option> <option value="sainte-lucie">Sainte-Lucie</option> <option value="salvador">Salvador</option> <option value="samoa">Samoa</option> <option value="samoa-americaines">Samoa américaines</option> <option value="sao-tome-et-principe">Sao Tomé-et-Principe</option> <option value="senegal">Sénégal</option> <option value="serbie">Serbie</option> <option value="seychelles">Seychelles</option> <option value="sierra-leone">Sierra Leone</option> <option value="singapour">Singapour</option> <option value="sint-maarten">Sint Maarten</option> <option value="slovaquie">Slovaquie</option> <option value="slovenie">Slovénie</option> <option value="somalie">Somalie</option> <option value="soudan">Soudan</option> <option value="sudan-du-sud">Soudan du Sud</option> <option value="sri-lanka">Sri Lanka</option> <option value="suede">Suède</option> <option value="suisse">Suisse</option> <option value="suriname">Suriname</option> <option value="syrie">Syrie</option> <option value="tadjikistan">Tadjikistan</option> <option value="taiwan">Taïwan</option> <option value="tanzanie">Tanzanie</option> <option value="tchad">Tchad</option> <option value="tchequie">Tchéquie</option> <option value="thailande">Thaïlande</option> <option value="timor-leste-timor-oriental">Timor-Leste (Timor oriental)</option> <option value="togo">Togo</option> <option value="tokelau">Tokelau</option> <option value="tonga">Tonga</option> <option value="trinite-et-tobago">Trinité-et-Tobago</option> <option value="tunisie">Tunisie</option> <option value="turkiye">Türkiye</option> <option value="turkmenistan">Turkménistan</option> <option value="tuvalu">Tuvalu</option> <option value="ukraine">Ukraine</option> <option value="uruguay">Uruguay</option> <option value="vanuatu">Vanuatu</option> <option value="venezuela">Venezuela</option> <option value="vietnam">Vietnam</option> <option value="yemen">Yémen</option> <option value="zambie">Zambie</option> <option value="zimbabwe">Zimbabwe</option> </select> <span class="input-group-btn"> <button class="btn btn-default" id="btnGoToCountry" type="button">Allez!</button> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mrgn-bttm-lg"></div> <!-- Legend --> <section class="panel panel-default"> <header class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="mrgn-tp-md">Légende</h4> </header> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="col-md-3 mrgn-tp-sm"> <div class="col-md-2 col-xs-2"> <img class="legend-normal-precautions" src="/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg"> </div> <div class="col-md-10 col-xs-10"> <p class="mrgn-lft-sm mrgn-tp-sm">Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 mrgn-tp-sm"> <div class="col-md-2 col-xs-2"> <img class="legend-increased-caution" src="/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg"> </div> <div class="col-md-10 col-xs-10"> <p class="mrgn-lft-sm mrgn-tp-sm">Faites preuve d’une grande prudence</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 mrgn-tp-sm"> <div class="col-md-2 col-xs-2"> <img class="legend-reconsider-travel" src="/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg"> </div> <div class="col-md-10 col-xs-10"> <p class="mrgn-lft-sm mrgn-tp-sm">Évitez tout voyage non essentiel</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 mrgn-tp-sm"> <div class="col-md-2 col-xs-2"> <img class="legend-do-not-travel" src="/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg"> </div> <div class="col-md-10 col-xs-10"> <p class="mrgn-lft-sm mrgn-tp-sm">Évitez tout voyage</p> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="mrgn-lft-lg"> <p>Pour plus de détails à propos des <a class="wb-lbx" title="Risk Levels" href="#niveaux">niveaux de risque</a>.</p> </footer> </section> <div class="mrgn-bttm-lg"></div> <!-- Using DataTables via WET: 1. Column 1 is hidden and contains countries in eng lang 2. Column 2 is sorted using data from column 1 3. Column 4 is sorted by desc first then asc --> <table id="reportlist" class="wb-tables table" data-wb-tables='{ "bPaginate": false, "order": [ 3, "desc" ], "oLanguage": { "sSearch": "Filtrez votre destination", "sZeroRecords":"Aucune destination trouvée" }, "aoColumns": [ { "bVisible": false }, { "iDataSort": 0 }, null, { "asSorting": [ "desc", "asc" ] } ] }'> <thead> <tr> <th>English</th> <!-- hidden column --> <th>Destination</th> <th>Niveau de risque</th> <th>Dernière mise à jour</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>acores</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/acores'>Açores</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-acores -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-acores --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-04 14:11:20</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>afghanistan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/afghanistan'>Afghanistan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-afghanistan -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-afghanistan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>afrique-du-sud</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/afrique-du-sud'>Afrique du Sud</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-afrique-du-sud -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-afrique-du-sud --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-15 08:22:59</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>albanie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/albanie'>Albanie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-albanie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-albanie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-07 17:13:50</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>algerie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/algerie'>Algérie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-algerie -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-algerie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>allemagne</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/allemagne'>Allemagne</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-allemagne -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-allemagne --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-18 17:01:09</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>andorre</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/andorre'>Andorre</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-andorre -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-andorre --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-07 13:09:50</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>angola</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/angola'>Angola</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-angola -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-angola --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:04:51</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>anguilla</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/anguilla'>Anguilla</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-anguilla -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-anguilla --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:11:31</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>antarctique</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/antarctique'>Antarctique</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-antarctique -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-antarctique --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-28 09:14:21</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>antigua-et-barbuda</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/antigua-et-barbuda'>Antigua-et-Barbuda</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-antigua-et-barbuda -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-antigua-et-barbuda --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:21:56</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>arabie-saoudite</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/arabie-saoudite'>Arabie saoudite</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-arabie-saoudite -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-arabie-saoudite --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-12 17:09:19</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>argentine</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/argentine'>Argentine</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-argentine -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-argentine --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:23:15</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>armenie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/armenie'>Arménie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-armenie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-armenie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>aruba</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/aruba'>Aruba</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-aruba -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-aruba --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:24:45</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>australie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/australie'>Australie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-australie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-australie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-26 09:36:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>autriche</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/autriche'>Autriche</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-autriche -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-autriche --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-09-25 09:49:38</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>azerbaidjan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/azerbaidjan'>Azerbaïdjan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-azerbaidjan -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-azerbaidjan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bahamas</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bahamas'>Bahamas</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-bahamas -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-bahamas --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:26:00</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bahrein</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bahrein'>Bahreïn</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-bahrein -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-bahrein --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-20 08:53:24</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bangladesh</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bangladesh'>Bangladesh</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-bangladesh -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-bangladesh --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:27:33</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>barbade</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/barbade'>Barbade</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-barbade -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-barbade --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:29:11</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>belarus</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/belarus'>Bélarus</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-belarus -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-belarus --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-25 10:15:19</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>belgique</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/belgique'>Belgique</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-belgique -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-belgique --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-30 14:17:40</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>belize</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/belize'>Belize</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-belize -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-belize --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:31:05</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>benin</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/benin'>Bénin</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-benin -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-benin --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bermudes</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bermudes'>Bermudes</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-bermudes -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-bermudes --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-09-24 11:07:46</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bhoutan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bhoutan'>Bhoutan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-bhoutan -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-bhoutan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bolivie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bolivie'>Bolivie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-bolivie -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-bolivie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:32:47</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bonaire</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bonaire'>Bonaire</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-bonaire -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-bonaire --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:35:07</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bosnie-herzegovine</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bosnie-herzegovine'>Bosnie-Herzégovine</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-bosnie-herzegovine -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-bosnie-herzegovine --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-17 11:03:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>botswana</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/botswana'>Botswana</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-botswana -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-botswana --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bresil</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bresil'>Brésil</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-bresil -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-bresil --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:37:06</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>brunei</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/brunei'>Brunéi</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-brunei -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-brunei --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>bulgarie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/bulgarie'>Bulgarie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-bulgarie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-bulgarie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-12 09:22:34</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>burkina-faso</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/burkina-faso'>Burkina Faso</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-burkina-faso -->Évitez tout voyage (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-burkina-faso --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:40:25</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>burundi</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/burundi'>Burundi</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-burundi -->Évitez tout voyage non essentiel (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-burundi --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:43:10</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>cabo-verde</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/cabo-verde'>Cabo Verde</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-cabo-verde -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-cabo-verde --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:55:27</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>cambodge</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/cambodge'>Cambodge</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-cambodge -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-cambodge --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:50:50</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>cameroun</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/cameroun'>Cameroun</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-cameroun -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-cameroun --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:53:57</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>chili</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/chili'>Chili</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-chili -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-chili --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-09-24 11:39:11</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>chine</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/chine'>Chine</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-chine -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-chine --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-18 07:53:36</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>chypre</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/chypre'>Chypre</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-chypre -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-chypre --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-02 08:40:39</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>colombie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/colombie'>Colombie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-colombie -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-colombie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:58:48</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>comores</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/comores'>Comores</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-comores -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-comores --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>coree-nord</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/coree-nord'>Corée du Nord</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-coree-nord -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-coree-nord --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>coree-sud</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/coree-sud'>Corée du Sud</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-coree-sud -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-coree-sud --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-15 08:09:50</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>costa-rica</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/costa-rica'>Costa Rica</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-costa-rica -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-costa-rica --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-22 13:19:35</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>cote-d-ivoire</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/cote-d-ivoire'>Côte d'Ivoire</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-cote-d-ivoire -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-cote-d-ivoire --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:26:43</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>croatie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/croatie'>Croatie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-croatie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-croatie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-09-24 11:52:14</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>cuba</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/cuba'>Cuba</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-cuba -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-cuba --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-26 14:12:49</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>curacao</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/curacao'>Curaçao</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-curacao -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-curacao --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:31:35</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>danemark</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/danemark'>Danemark</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-danemark -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-danemark --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-04 09:24:35</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>djibouti</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/djibouti'>Djibouti</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-djibouti -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-djibouti --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>dominique</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/dominique'>Dominique</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-dominique -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-dominique --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:33:34</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>egypte</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/egypte'>Égypte</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-egypte -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-egypte --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>emirats-arabes-unis</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/emirats-arabes-unis'>Émirats arabes unis</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-emirats-arabes-unis -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-emirats-arabes-unis --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>equateur</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/equateur'>Équateur</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-equateur -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-equateur --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:37:16</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>erythree</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/erythree'>Érythrée</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-erythree -->Évitez tout voyage non essentiel (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-erythree --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>espagne</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/espagne'>Espagne</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-espagne -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-espagne --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-22 10:19:36</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>estonie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/estonie'>Estonie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-estonie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-estonie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-29 09:36:46</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>eswatini</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/eswatini'>Eswatini</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-eswatini -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-eswatini --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>etats-unis</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/etats-unis'>États-Unis</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-etats-unis -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-etats-unis --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-21 12:31:07</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>ethiopie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/ethiopie'>Éthiopie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-ethiopie -->Évitez tout voyage non essentiel (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-ethiopie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-21 11:12:56</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>fidji</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/fidji'>Fidji</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-fidji -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-fidji --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:45:43</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>finlande</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/finlande'>Finlande</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-finlande -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-finlande --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-10 08:26:41</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>france</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/france'>France</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-france -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-france --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:50:46</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>gabon</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/gabon'>Gabon</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-gabon -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-gabon --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 15:01:54</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>gambie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/gambie'>Gambie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-gambie -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-gambie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>georgie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/georgie'>Géorgie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-georgie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-georgie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 12:25:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>ghana</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/ghana'>Ghana</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-ghana -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-ghana --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>gibraltar</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/gibraltar'>Gibraltar</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-gibraltar -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-gibraltar --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>grece</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/grece'>Grèce</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-grece -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-grece --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-02 08:40:15</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>grenade</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/grenade'>Grenade</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-grenade -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-grenade --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 15:03:46</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>groenland</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/groenland'>Groenland</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-groenland -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-groenland --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-07 13:22:06</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>guadeloupe</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/guadeloupe'>Guadeloupe</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-guadeloupe -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-guadeloupe --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 15:05:50</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>guam</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/guam'>Guam</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-guam -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-guam --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-09-24 13:36:37</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>guatemala</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/guatemala'>Guatemala</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-guatemala -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-guatemala --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 15:07:46</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>guinee</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/guinee'>Guinée</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-guinee -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-guinee --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>guinee-equatoriale</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/guinee-equatoriale'>Guinée équatoriale</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-guinee-equatoriale -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-guinee-equatoriale --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>guinee-bissau</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/guinee-bissau'>Guinée-Bissau</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-guinee-bissau -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-guinee-bissau --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 15:09:01</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>guyana</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/guyana'>Guyana</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-guyana -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-guyana --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 15:10:58</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>guyane-francaise</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/guyane-francaise'>Guyane française</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-guyane-francaise -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-guyane-francaise --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:54:05</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>haiti</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/haiti'>Haïti</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-haiti -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-haiti --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 15:12:53</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>honduras</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/honduras'>Honduras</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-honduras -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-honduras --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-20 10:25:35</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>hong-kong</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/hong-kong'>Hong Kong</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-hong-kong -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-hong-kong --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-14 06:34:37</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>hongrie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/hongrie'>Hongrie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-hongrie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-hongrie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-30 16:07:54</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>caimans-iles</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/caimans-iles'>Îles Caïmans</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-caimans-iles -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-caimans-iles --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:57:58</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>iles-canaries</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/iles-canaries'>Îles Canaries</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-iles-canaries -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-iles-canaries --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-07 13:25:06</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>iles-cook</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/iles-cook'>Îles Cook</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-iles-cook -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-iles-cook --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:15:47</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>iles-falkland</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/iles-falkland'>Îles Falkland</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-iles-falkland -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-iles-falkland --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-07 12:26:18</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>mariannes-du-nord-iles</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/mariannes-du-nord-iles'>Îles Mariannes du Nord</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-mariannes-du-nord-iles -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-mariannes-du-nord-iles --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-09-24 14:46:01</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>marshall-iles</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/marshall-iles'>Îles Marshall</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-marshall-iles -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-marshall-iles --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:28:25</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>salomon-iles</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/salomon-iles'>Îles Salomon</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-salomon-iles -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-salomon-iles --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:24:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>iles-turks-et-caicos</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/iles-turks-et-caicos'>Îles Turks et Caicos</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-iles-turks-et-caicos -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-iles-turks-et-caicos --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:28:07</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>iles-vierges-americaines</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/iles-vierges-americaines'>Îles Vierges américaines</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-iles-vierges-americaines -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-iles-vierges-americaines --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:33:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>iles-vierges-britanniques</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/iles-vierges-britanniques'>Îles Vierges britanniques</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-iles-vierges-britanniques -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-iles-vierges-britanniques --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:38:09</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>inde</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/inde'>Inde</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-inde -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-inde --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:01:10</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>indonesie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/indonesie'>Indonésie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-indonesie -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-indonesie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-21 08:53:39</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>iran</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/iran'>Iran</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-iran -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-iran --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>iraq</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/iraq'>Iraq</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-iraq -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-iraq --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>irlande</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/irlande'>Irlande</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-irlande -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-irlande --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-30 14:47:36</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>islande</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/islande'>Islande</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-islande -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-islande --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-26 13:53:20</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>israel-la-cisjordanie-et-la-bande-de-gaza</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/israel-la-cisjordanie-et-la-bande-de-gaza'>Israël, la Cisjordanie et la bande de Gaza</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-israel-la-cisjordanie-et-la-bande-de-gaza -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-israel-la-cisjordanie-et-la-bande-de-gaza --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-13 09:04:15</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>italie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/italie'>Italie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-italie -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-italie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-21 11:35:06</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>jamaique</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/jamaique'>Jamaïque</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-jamaique -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-jamaique --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:21:28</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>japon</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/japon'>Japon</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-japon -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-japon --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 11:16:52</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>jordanie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/jordanie'>Jordanie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-jordanie -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-jordanie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>kazakhstan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/kazakhstan'>Kazakhstan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-kazakhstan -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-kazakhstan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>kenya</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/kenya'>Kenya</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-kenya -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-kenya --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:23:40</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>kirghizistan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/kirghizistan'>Kirghizistan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-kirghizistan -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-kirghizistan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>kiribati</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/kiribati'>Kiribati</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-kiribati -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-kiribati --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>kosovo</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/kosovo'>Kosovo</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-kosovo -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-kosovo --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>koweit</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/koweit'>Koweït</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-koweit -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-koweit --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-26 16:53:44</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>la-reunion</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/la-reunion'>La Réunion</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-la-reunion -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-la-reunion --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-09-24 15:30:44</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>laos</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/laos'>Laos</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-laos -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-laos --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-20 08:58:24</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>lesotho</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/lesotho'>Lesotho</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-lesotho -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-lesotho --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>lettonie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/lettonie'>Lettonie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-lettonie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-lettonie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-12 08:39:18</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>liban</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/liban'>Liban</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-liban -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-liban --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>liberia</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/liberia'>Libéria</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-liberia -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-liberia --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>libye</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/libye'>Libye</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-libye -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-libye --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>liechtenstein</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/liechtenstein'>Liechtenstein</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-liechtenstein -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-liechtenstein --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>lituanie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/lituanie'>Lituanie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-lituanie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-lituanie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 09:44:50</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>luxembourg</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/luxembourg'>Luxembourg</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-luxembourg -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-luxembourg --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-26 16:28:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>macao</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/macao'>Macao</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-macao -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-macao --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-09-24 13:52:00</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>macedoine-nord</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/macedoine-nord'>Macédoine du Nord</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-macedoine-nord -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-macedoine-nord --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-12 11:35:41</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>madagascar</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/madagascar'>Madagascar</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-madagascar -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-madagascar --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>malaisie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/malaisie'>Malaisie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-malaisie -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-malaisie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:25:54</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>malawi</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/malawi'>Malawi</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-malawi -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-malawi --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>maldives</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/maldives'>Maldives</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-maldives -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-maldives --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:27:07</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>mali</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/mali'>Mali</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-mali -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-mali --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>malte</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/malte'>Malte</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-malte -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-malte --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-07 16:48:53</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>maroc</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/maroc'>Maroc</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-maroc -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-maroc --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-06 15:29:07</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>martinique</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/martinique'>Martinique</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-martinique -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-martinique --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:29:30</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>maurice</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/maurice'>Maurice</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-maurice -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-maurice --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-13 11:06:47</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>mauritanie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/mauritanie'>Mauritanie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-mauritanie -->Évitez tout voyage non essentiel (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-mauritanie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>mayotte</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/mayotte'>Mayotte</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-mayotte -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-mayotte --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-09-24 14:22:19</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>mexique</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/mexique'>Mexique</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-mexique -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-mexique --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:30:32</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>micronesie-efm</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/micronesie-efm'>Micronésie (EFM)</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-micronesie-efm -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-micronesie-efm --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:38:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>moldova</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/moldova'>Moldova</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-moldova -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-moldova --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-08 12:30:32</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>monaco</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/monaco'>Monaco</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-monaco -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-monaco --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-25 10:44:55</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>mongolie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/mongolie'>Mongolie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-mongolie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-mongolie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>montenegro</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/montenegro'>Monténégro</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-montenegro -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-montenegro --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-07 16:18:48</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>montserrat</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/montserrat'>Montserrat</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-montserrat -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-montserrat --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:41:03</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>mozambique</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/mozambique'>Mozambique</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-mozambique -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-mozambique --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 06:31:17</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>myanmar</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/myanmar'>Myanmar</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-myanmar -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-myanmar --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:44:33</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>namibie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/namibie'>Namibie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-namibie -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-namibie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>nauru</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/nauru'>Nauru</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-nauru -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-nauru --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>nepal</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/nepal'>Népal</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-nepal -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-nepal --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>nicaragua</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/nicaragua'>Nicaragua</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-nicaragua -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-nicaragua --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:47:56</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>niger</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/niger'>Niger</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-niger -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-niger --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>nigeria</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/nigeria'>Nigéria</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-nigeria -->Évitez tout voyage non essentiel (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-nigeria --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:48:59</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>niue</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/niue'>Niue</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-niue -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-niue --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>norvege</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/norvege'>Norvège</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-norvege -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-norvege --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 09:15:39</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>nouvelle-caledonie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/nouvelle-caledonie'>Nouvelle-Calédonie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-nouvelle-caledonie -->Évitez tout voyage non essentiel<!-- END adv-nouvelle-caledonie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:45:41</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>nouvelle-zelande</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/nouvelle-zelande'>Nouvelle-Zélande</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-nouvelle-zelande -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-nouvelle-zelande --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-15 08:21:47</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>oman</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/oman'>Oman</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-oman -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-oman --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>ouganda</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/ouganda'>Ouganda</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-ouganda -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-ouganda --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:32:00</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>ouzbekistan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/ouzbekistan'>Ouzbékistan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-ouzbekistan -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-ouzbekistan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-07 17:11:59</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>pakistan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/pakistan'>Pakistan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-pakistan -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-pakistan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 09:12:05</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>palaos</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/palaos'>Palaos</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-palaos -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-palaos --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:50:04</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>panama</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/panama'>Panama</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-panama -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-panama --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 13:08:19</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>papouasie-nouvelle-guinee</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/papouasie-nouvelle-guinee'>Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-papouasie-nouvelle-guinee -->Évitez tout voyage non essentiel<!-- END adv-papouasie-nouvelle-guinee --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:51:00</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>paraguay</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/paraguay'>Paraguay</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-paraguay -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-paraguay --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:52:06</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>pays-bas</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/pays-bas'>Pays-Bas</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-pays-bas -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-pays-bas --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-14 08:44:42</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>perou</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/perou'>Pérou</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-perou -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-perou --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-26 08:44:33</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>philippines</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/philippines'>Philippines</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-philippines -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-philippines --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-21 07:46:25</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>pologne</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/pologne'>Pologne</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-pologne -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-pologne --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-12 12:00:47</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>polynesie-francaise</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/polynesie-francaise'>Polynésie française</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-polynesie-francaise -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-polynesie-francaise --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:56:44</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>puerto-rico</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/puerto-rico'>Porto Rico</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-puerto-rico -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-puerto-rico --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:17:36</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>portugal</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/portugal'>Portugal</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-portugal -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-portugal --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-04 14:08:42</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>qatar</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/qatar'>Qatar</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-qatar -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-qatar --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>republique-centrafricaine</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/republique-centrafricaine'>République centrafricaine</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-republique-centrafricaine -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-republique-centrafricaine --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:14:15</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>congo-kinshasa</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/congo-kinshasa'>République démocratique du Congo (Kinshasa)</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-congo-kinshasa -->Évitez tout voyage non essentiel (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-congo-kinshasa --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-12 15:00:40</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>republique-dominicaine</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/republique-dominicaine'>République dominicaine</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-republique-dominicaine -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-republique-dominicaine --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:35:20</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>congo-brazzaville</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/congo-brazzaville'>République du Congo (Brazzaville)</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-congo-brazzaville -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-congo-brazzaville --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-12 15:02:50</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>roumanie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/roumanie'>Roumanie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-roumanie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-roumanie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-12 09:22:54</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>royaume-uni</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/royaume-uni'>Royaume-Uni</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-royaume-uni -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-royaume-uni --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-18 10:42:45</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>russie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/russie'>Russie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-russie -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-russie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>rwanda</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/rwanda'>Rwanda</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-rwanda -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-rwanda --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-20 11:41:18</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>saint-barthelemy</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/saint-barthelemy'>Saint-Barthélemy</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-saint-barthelemy -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-saint-barthelemy --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:18:20</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>sainte-lucie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/sainte-lucie'>Sainte-Lucie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-sainte-lucie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-sainte-lucie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:19:43</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>saint-kitts-et-nevis</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/saint-kitts-et-nevis'>Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-saint-kitts-et-nevis -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-saint-kitts-et-nevis --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:19:05</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>saint-marin</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/saint-marin'>Saint-Marin</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-saint-marin -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-saint-marin --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-07 14:29:48</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>saint-martin</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/saint-martin'>Saint-Martin</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-saint-martin -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-saint-martin --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:20:26</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>saint-pierre-et-miquelon</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/saint-pierre-et-miquelon'>Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-saint-pierre-et-miquelon -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-saint-pierre-et-miquelon --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-09-26 10:28:59</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>saint-vincent-et-grenadines</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/saint-vincent-et-grenadines'>Saint-Vincent-et-Grenadines</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-saint-vincent-et-grenadines -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-saint-vincent-et-grenadines --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:21:10</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>salvador</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/salvador'>Salvador</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-salvador -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-salvador --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:40:38</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>samoa</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/samoa'>Samoa</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-samoa -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-samoa --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:21:49</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>samoa-americaines</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/samoa-americaines'>Samoa américaines</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-samoa-americaines -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-samoa-americaines --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:02:53</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>sao-tome-et-principe</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/sao-tome-et-principe'>Sao Tomé-et-Principe</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-sao-tome-et-principe -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-sao-tome-et-principe --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>senegal</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/senegal'>Sénégal</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-senegal -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-senegal --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-21 08:37:41</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>serbie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/serbie'>Serbie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-serbie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-serbie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-25 15:54:48</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>seychelles</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/seychelles'>Seychelles</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-seychelles -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-seychelles --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>sierra-leone</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/sierra-leone'>Sierra Leone</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-sierra-leone -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-sierra-leone --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>singapour</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/singapour'>Singapour</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-singapour -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-singapour --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:23:12</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>sint-maarten</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/sint-maarten'>Sint Maarten</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-sint-maarten -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-sint-maarten --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:23:49</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>slovaquie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/slovaquie'>Slovaquie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-slovaquie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-slovaquie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-26 09:53:28</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>slovenie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/slovenie'>Slovénie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-slovenie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-slovenie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-04 14:25:01</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>somalie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/somalie'>Somalie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-somalie -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-somalie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>soudan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/soudan'>Soudan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-soudan -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-soudan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>sudan-du-sud</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/sudan-du-sud'>Soudan du Sud</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-sudan-du-sud -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-sudan-du-sud --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-25 13:33:22</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>sri-lanka</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/sri-lanka'>Sri Lanka</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-sri-lanka -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-sri-lanka --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-14 06:06:46</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>suede</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/suede'>Suède</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-suede -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-suede --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-08-30 13:00:04</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>suisse</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/suisse'>Suisse</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-suisse -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-suisse --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-05 09:07:55</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>suriname</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/suriname'>Suriname</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-suriname -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-suriname --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:25:09</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>syrie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/syrie'>Syrie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-syrie -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-syrie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>tadjikistan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/tadjikistan'>Tadjikistan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-tadjikistan -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-tadjikistan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>taiwan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/taiwan'>Taïwan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-taiwan -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-taiwan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-21 11:19:13</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>tanzanie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/tanzanie'>Tanzanie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-tanzanie -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-tanzanie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>tchad</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-reconsider-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/tchad'>Tchad</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='reconsider-travel'> <!-- START adv-tchad -->Évitez tout voyage non essentiel (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-tchad --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-18 08:52:09</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>tchequie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/tchequie'>Tchéquie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-tchequie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-tchequie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-09 13:59:56</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>thailande</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/thailande'>Thaïlande</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-thailande -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-thailande --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:25:45</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>timor-leste-timor-oriental</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/timor-leste-timor-oriental'>Timor-Leste (Timor oriental)</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-timor-leste-timor-oriental -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-timor-leste-timor-oriental --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>togo</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/togo'>Togo</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-togo -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-togo --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>tokelau</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/tokelau'>Tokelau</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-tokelau -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-tokelau --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>tonga</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/tonga'>Tonga</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-tonga -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-tonga --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:26:45</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>trinite-et-tobago</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/trinite-et-tobago'>Trinité-et-Tobago</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-trinite-et-tobago -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-trinite-et-tobago --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:27:26</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>tunisie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/tunisie'>Tunisie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-tunisie -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-tunisie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-18 08:56:01</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>turkiye</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/turkiye'>Türkiye</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-turkiye -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-turkiye --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-21 08:40:30</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>turkmenistan</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/turkmenistan'>Turkménistan</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-turkmenistan -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-turkmenistan --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-22 14:45:14</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>tuvalu</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/tuvalu'>Tuvalu</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-tuvalu -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-tuvalu --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>ukraine</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/ukraine'>Ukraine</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-ukraine -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-ukraine --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-26 09:39:32</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>uruguay</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/uruguay'>Uruguay</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-uruguay -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-uruguay --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-10-28 15:50:12</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>vanuatu</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/vanuatu'>Vanuatu</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-vanuatu -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales<!-- END adv-vanuatu --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:33:58</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>venezuela</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/venezuela'>Venezuela</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-venezuela -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-venezuela --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:34:33</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>vietnam</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/vietnam'>Vietnam</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-vietnam -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-vietnam --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-19 14:35:10</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>yemen</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-do-not-travel' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/yemen'>Yémen</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='do-not-travel'> <!-- START adv-yemen -->Évitez tout voyage<!-- END adv-yemen --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>zambie</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-normal-precautions' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/zambie'>Zambie</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='normal-precautions'> <!-- START adv-zambie -->Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales (avec avertissements régionaux)<!-- END adv-zambie --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-11-08 05:22:02</td> </tr> <!-- Starting the row --> <tr> <!-- 1. <th> hidden column; uses slug since it has no accents --> <td>zimbabwe</td> <!-- 2. <th> for the destination name and icon--> <td><img class='datatable-increased-caution' src='/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg'> <!-- 2.1 Slug url to get to the TAA --> <a href='/destinations/zimbabwe'>Zimbabwe</a></td> <!-- 3. Risk Level --> <td> <div class='increased-caution'> <!-- START adv-zimbabwe -->Faites preuve d’une grande prudence<!-- END adv-zimbabwe --></div> </td> <!-- 4. Last updated --> <td style="width: 200px;">2024-09-24 13:08:17</td> </tr> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr> <th>English</th> <th>Destination</th> <th>Niveau de risque</th> <th>Dernière mise à jour</th> </tr> </tfoot> </table> <div class="clearfix"></div> <!-- START Risk levels modal dialog --> <section class="mfp-hide modal-dialog modal-content overlay-def" id="niveaux"> <header class="modal-header"> <h1 class="modal-title">Niveaux de risque</h1> </header> <div class="modal-body"> <h3><img class="popup-normal-precautions" src="/vt/images/taa/risklevels/normal-precautions.svg"> Prenez des mesures de sécurité normales</h3> <p>Prenez les mêmes précautions que celles que vous prendriez au Canada.</p> <h3><img class="popup-increased-caution" src="/vt/images/taa/risklevels/increased-caution.svg"> Faites preuve d'une grande prudence</h3> <p>Il y a certaines préoccupations en matière de sécurité et la situation pourrait changer rapidement. Soyez très prudent en tout temps, renseignez-vous dans les médias locaux et suivez les instructions des autorités locales.</p> <section> <p><b>IMPORTANT: </b>Les deux niveaux suivants constituent un avertissement officiel du gouvernement du Canada. Ils sont publiés lorsque la sécurité des Canadiennes et des Canadiens voyageant dans une région ou un pays donné ou y habitant peut être compromise.</p> </section> <h3><img class="popup-reconsider-travel" src="/vt/images/taa/risklevels/reconsider-travel.svg"> Évitez tout voyage non essentiel</h3> <p>Votre sécurité pourrait être compromise. Vous devriez vous demander s’il est nécessaire de vous rendre dans ce pays, ce territoire ou cette région en fonction de vos besoins familiaux ou professionnels, de vos connaissances du pays ou de la région ainsi que d’autres facteurs. Si vous êtes déjà sur place, demandez-vous si vous devez vraiment y être. Dans la négative, vous devriez songer à partir. </p> <h3><img class="popup-do-not-travel" src="/vt/images/taa/risklevels/do-not-travel.svg"> Évitez tout voyage</h3> <p>Vous ne devriez pas vous rendre dans ce pays, ce territoire ou cette région. Votre sécurité personnelle est fortement compromise. Si vous êtes déjà sur place, vous devriez envisager de partir si vous pouvez le faire sans danger.</p> </div> </section> <!-- END Risk levels modal dialog --> <h3>Conseils aux voyageur provenant d’autres pays</h3> <p>Des conseils aux voyageurs sont aussi fournis par les gouvernements de l'<a href="">Australie</a> (en anglais seulement), des <a href="">États-Unis</a> (en anglais seulement), de la <a href="">Nouvelle-Zélande</a> (en anglais seulement) et du <a href="">Royaume Uni </a>(en anglais seulement).</p> <div class="pagedetails"> <dl id="wb-dtmd"> <dt> Date de modification : </dt> <dd> <time property="dateModified"> 2024-02-13 </time> </dd> </dl> </div> </main> <footer id="wb-info"> <h2 class="wb-inv">À propos de ce site</h2> <div class="gc-contextual"> <div class="container"> <nav> <h3>Voyage et tourisme</h3> <ul class="list-col-xs-1 list-col-sm-2 list-col-md-3"> <li> <a href="/coordonnees">Contactez-nous</a> </li> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="gc-main-footer"> <div class="container"> <nav> <h3>Gouvernement du Canada</h3> <ul class="list-col-xs-1 list-col-sm-2 list-col-md-3"><li><a href="">Toutes les coordonnées</a></li> <li><a href="">Ministères et organismes</a></li> <li><a href="">À propos du gouvernement</a></li></ul> <h4><span class="wb-inv">Thèmes et sujets</span></h4> <ul class="list-unstyled colcount-sm-2 colcount-md-3"><li><a href="">Emplois</a></li> <li><a href="">Immigration et citoyenneté</a></li> <li><a href="">Voyage et tourisme</a></li> <li><a href="">Entreprises</a></li> <li><a href="">Prestations</a></li> <li><a href="">Santé</a></li> <li><a href="">Impôts</a></li> <li><a href="">Environnement et ressources naturelles</a></li> <li><a href="">Sécurité nationale et défense</a></li> <li><a href="">Culture, histoire et sport</a></li> <li><a href="">Services de police, justice et urgences</a></li> <li><a href="">Transport et infrastructure</a></li> <li><a href="">Le Canada et le monde</a></li> <li><a href="">Argent et finance</a></li> <li><a href="">Science et innovation</a></li> <li><a href="">Autochtones</a></li> <li><a href="">Vétérans et militaires</a></li> <li><a href="">Jeunesse</a></li></ul> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="gc-sub-footer"> <div class="container d-flex align-items-center"> <nav> <h3 class="wb-inv">Organisation du gouvernement du Canada</h3> <ul> <li><a href="">Médias sociaux</a></li> <li><a href="">Applications mobiles</a></li> <li><a href="">À propos de</a></li><li><a href="">Avis</a></li> <li><a href="">Confidentialité</a></li></ul> </nav> <div class="wtrmrk align-self-end"> <img src="" alt="Symbole du gouvernement du Canada" /> </div> </div> </div> </footer><!-- Adobe Analytics RUN PROD 2of2 start --> <script type="text/javascript">_satellite.pageBottom();</script> <!-- Adobe Analytics RUN PROD 2of2 end --> <!--[if gte IE 9 | !IE ]><!--> <script src="/wet-boew/themes-dist-15.0.0-gcweb/wet-boew/js/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/wet-boew/themes-dist-15.0.0-gcweb/wet-boew/js/wet-boew.min.js"></script> <!--<![endif]--> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script arc="/wet-boew/themes-dist-15.0.0-gcweb/GCWeb/js/ie8-wet-boew2.min.js"></script> <![endif]--> <script src="/wet-boew/themes-dist-15.0.0-gcweb/GCWeb/js/theme.min.js"></script> <script> function randomlink(elem){ var randomlinks=new Array() randomlinks[0]="" randomlinks[1]="" elem.href = randomlinks[Math.floor(Math.random()*randomlinks.length)]; return false; } function randomlink2(elem){ var randomlinks2=new Array() randomlinks2[0]="" randomlinks2[1]="" elem.href = randomlinks2[Math.floor(Math.random()*randomlinks2.length)]; return false; } </script> <!-- Invitation Manager 2 of 2 start --> <script src="/vt/custom/js/Overlay.js"></script> <script src="/vt/custom/js/InvitationManager.js"></script> <!-- Invitation Manager 2 of 2 end --> <!--<script> var randomlinks=new Array() randomlinks[0]="" randomlinks[1]="" function randomlink(){ window.location=randomlinks[Math.floor(Math.random()*randomlinks.length)] } </script> <script> var randomlinks2=new Array() randomlinks2[0]="" randomlinks2[1]="" function randomlink2(){ window.location=randomlinks2[Math.floor(Math.random()*randomlinks2.length)] } </script> --> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $(document).on('click', '#btnGoToCountry', function () { mySelection = $(this).parent().siblings("#CountryDropDown1_ddlCountries").find(":selected").val(); window.location.href = "/destinations/" + mySelection; return false; }); }); </script> <!-- Parse JSON file to create marker and InfoWindows on the map --> <script> // JSON data to populate the InfoWindows for each destination //var indexUpdatedDataJSON = ; // Extract the right content from the JSON data based on the language //var lang = "fra"; </script> <!--<script type="text/javascript" src="/vt/custom/js/advisory-map.js"></script>--> </body> </html>