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height="20" width="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="css-19bqh2r"><path d="M14.348 14.849c-0.469 0.469-1.229 0.469-1.697 0l-2.651-3.030-2.651 3.029c-0.469 0.469-1.229 0.469-1.697 0-0.469-0.469-0.469-1.229 0-1.697l2.758-3.15-2.759-3.152c-0.469-0.469-0.469-1.228 0-1.697s1.228-0.469 1.697 0l2.652 3.031 2.651-3.031c0.469-0.469 1.228-0.469 1.697 0s0.469 1.229 0 1.697l-2.758 3.152 2.758 3.15c0.469 0.469 0.469 1.229 0 1.698z"></path></svg></div><style data-emotion-css="1okebmr-indicatorSeparator">.css-1okebmr-indicatorSeparator{-webkit-align-self:stretch;-ms-flex-item-align:stretch;align-self:stretch;background-color:hsl(0,0%,80%);margin-bottom:8px;margin-top:8px;width:1px;box-sizing:border-box;}</style><span class="select__indicator-separator css-1okebmr-indicatorSeparator"></span><div aria-hidden="true" class="select__indicator select__dropdown-indicator css-tlfecz-indicatorContainer"><svg height="20" width="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" aria-hidden="true" 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Jobs in <!-- -->Los Angeles</h1><h4 class="text-dark-a">230<!-- --> results total</h4></div><div class="text-right"><h4 class="styles_resultCount__Biln8">Page <!-- -->1<!-- --> of <!-- -->6</h4></div></div></div><div class="styles_resultsList__Q46cW"><div class="flex flex-col w-full" style="text-align:left"><div class="my-4 w-full"><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/sourcenetwork"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Source Network company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/sourcenetwork"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Source Network</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Developer data management for the open web</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">11-50<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M4.5 10.5H7.5M4.5 9H7.5M4.49992 5.99999H2.70692C2.60805 5.99996 2.5114 5.97063 2.4292 5.91569C2.34699 5.86074 2.28292 5.78266 2.24509 5.69131C2.20725 5.59996 2.19735 5.49945 2.21663 5.40247C2.23592 5.30549 2.28352 5.21641 2.35342 5.14649L5.64642 1.85349C5.74019 1.75975 5.86734 1.70709 5.99992 1.70709C6.13251 1.70709 6.25966 1.75975 6.35342 1.85349L9.64642 5.14649C9.71633 5.21641 9.76393 5.30549 9.78322 5.40247C9.8025 5.49945 9.7926 5.59996 9.75476 5.69131C9.71693 5.78266 9.65286 5.86074 9.57065 5.91569C9.48845 5.97063 9.3918 5.99996 9.29292 5.99999H7.49992V7.49999H4.49992V5.99999Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top 10% of responders</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Source Network is in the top 10% of companies in terms of response time to applications</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg class="haloIcon" fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 51 46" width="12" xmlns=""><path d="M5.16732 23.0826C5.16732 24.1872 6.06275 25.0826 7.16732 25.0826C8.27189 25.0826 9.16732 24.1872 9.16732 23.0826H5.16732ZM27.7923 41.7076C26.6877 41.7076 25.7923 42.6031 25.7923 43.7076C25.7923 44.8122 26.6877 45.7076 27.7923 45.7076V41.7076ZM48.4173 23.0826H46.4173H48.4173ZM27.7923 2.45764V0.457642V2.45764ZM27.7923 23.0826H25.7923C25.7923 23.7513 26.1265 24.3758 26.6829 24.7467L27.7923 23.0826ZM33.5579 29.3301C34.477 29.9428 35.7187 29.6944 36.3314 28.7754C36.9441 27.8563 36.6958 26.6146 35.7767 26.0019L33.5579 29.3301ZM29.7923 11.6243C29.7923 10.5197 28.8969 9.62431 27.7923 9.62431C26.6877 9.62431 25.7923 10.5197 25.7923 11.6243H29.7923ZM2.58398 27.9576C1.47942 27.9576 0.583985 28.8531 0.583984 29.9576C0.583984 31.0622 1.47941 31.9576 2.58398 31.9576L2.58398 27.9576ZM20.9173 31.9576C22.0219 31.9576 22.9173 31.0622 22.9173 29.9576C22.9173 28.8531 22.0219 27.9576 20.9173 27.9576V31.9576ZM7.16732 34.8326C6.06275 34.8326 5.16732 35.7281 5.16732 36.8326C5.16732 37.9372 6.06275 38.8326 7.16732 38.8326V34.8326ZM20.9173 38.8326C22.0219 38.8326 22.9173 37.9372 22.9173 36.8326C22.9173 35.7281 22.0219 34.8326 20.9173 34.8326V38.8326ZM14.0423 41.7076C12.9377 41.7076 12.0423 42.6031 12.0423 43.7076C12.0423 44.8122 12.9377 45.7076 14.0423 45.7076V41.7076ZM20.9173 45.7076C22.0219 45.7076 22.9173 44.8122 22.9173 43.7076C22.9173 42.6031 22.0219 41.7076 20.9173 41.7076V45.7076ZM27.7923 45.7076C30.7635 45.7076 33.7055 45.1224 36.4505 43.9854L34.9198 40.2899C32.6601 41.2259 30.2382 41.7076 27.7923 41.7076V45.7076ZM36.4505 43.9854C39.1955 42.8484 41.6897 41.1819 43.7906 39.0809L40.9622 36.2525C39.2327 37.982 37.1795 39.3539 34.9198 40.2899L36.4505 43.9854ZM43.7906 39.0809C45.8915 36.98 47.5581 34.4858 48.6951 31.7409L44.9996 30.2101C44.0636 32.4698 42.6917 34.523 40.9622 36.2525L43.7906 39.0809ZM48.6951 31.7409C49.8321 28.9959 50.4173 26.0538 50.4173 23.0826H46.4173C46.4173 25.5285 45.9356 27.9504 44.9996 30.2101L48.6951 31.7409ZM50.4173 23.0826C50.4173 20.1115 49.8321 17.1694 48.6951 14.4244L44.9996 15.9552C45.9356 18.2149 46.4173 20.6368 46.4173 23.0826H50.4173ZM48.6951 14.4244C47.5581 11.6794 45.8915 9.18528 43.7906 7.08435L40.9622 9.91278C42.6917 11.6423 44.0636 13.6955 44.9996 15.9552L48.6951 14.4244ZM43.7906 7.08435C41.6897 4.98342 39.1955 3.31688 36.4505 2.17987L34.9198 5.87539C37.1795 6.81138 39.2327 8.18329 40.9622 9.91278L43.7906 7.08435ZM36.4505 2.17987C33.7055 1.04286 30.7635 0.457642 27.7923 0.457642V4.45764C30.2382 4.45764 32.6601 4.93939 34.9198 5.87539L36.4505 2.17987ZM27.7923 0.457642C24.8212 0.457642 21.8791 1.04286 19.1341 2.17987L20.6648 5.87539C22.9245 4.93939 25.3464 4.45764 27.7923 4.45764V0.457642ZM19.1341 2.17987C16.3891 3.31688 13.895 4.98342 11.794 7.08435L14.6225 9.91278C16.3519 8.18329 18.4051 6.81138 20.6648 5.87539L19.1341 2.17987ZM11.794 7.08435C9.6931 9.18528 8.02656 11.6794 6.88954 14.4244L10.5851 15.9552C11.5211 13.6955 12.893 11.6423 14.6225 9.91278L11.794 7.08435ZM6.88954 14.4244C5.75253 17.1694 5.16732 20.1115 5.16732 23.0826H9.16732C9.16732 20.6368 9.64907 18.2149 10.5851 15.9552L6.88954 14.4244ZM26.6829 24.7467L33.5579 29.3301L35.7767 26.0019L28.9017 21.4185L26.6829 24.7467ZM25.7923 11.6243V23.0826H29.7923V11.6243H25.7923ZM2.58398 31.9576L20.9173 31.9576V27.9576L2.58398 27.9576L2.58398 31.9576ZM7.16732 38.8326H20.9173V34.8326H7.16732V38.8326ZM14.0423 45.7076H20.9173V41.7076H14.0423V45.7076Z" fill="black"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Responds within three weeks</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Based on past data, Source Network usually responds to incoming applications within three weeks</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->1</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3152840-product-manager-web3">Product Manager - Web3</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$75k – $125k • 0.1% – 0.25%</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Austin<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->16</span></span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">3<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">6 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">6 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/halfgram-app"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Halfgram company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/halfgram-app"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Halfgram</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Raw Social: No Photo No Video</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">11-50<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2C</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M2.5 10.5C2.75 8.25 3.75 6.5 6 5.5M4.50016 9C7.60916 9 9.75016 7.356 10.0002 3V2H7.99316C3.49316 2 2.00016 4 1.99316 6.5C1.99316 7 1.99316 8 2.99316 9H4.50016Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Early Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Startup in initial stages</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="" class="haloIcon" height="12" width="12"><path d="M3.613 17.79l.094-.083L10 11.415l3.293 3.292a1 1 0 001.32.083l.094-.083L19 10.415l1.293 1.292c.602.603 1.614.22 1.701-.593L22 11l-.002-4.06-.009-.087-.025-.119-.024-.076-.034-.081-.052-.098-.067-.096-.08-.09a1.014 1.014 0 00-.112-.097l-.11-.071-.114-.054-.105-.035-.117-.025-.06-.007L21 6h-4c-.852 0-1.297.986-.783 1.623l.076.084L17.585 9 14 12.585l-3.293-3.292a1 1 0 00-1.32-.083l-.094.083-7 7a1 1 0 001.32 1.497z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Growing fast</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Showed strong hiring growth in the past month</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3144309-product-manager-intern-2025-summer">Product Manager Intern - 2025 Summer</a></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">No equity</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Los Angeles</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3143507-product-manager">Product Manager</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$105k – $125k • No equity</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Los Angeles</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/space-runners-2"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Space Runners company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/space-runners-2"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Space Runners</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Enabling next level self expression and sustainability by building a fashion metaverse</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">11-50<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M4.5 10.5H7.5M4.5 9H7.5M4.49992 5.99999H2.70692C2.60805 5.99996 2.5114 5.97063 2.4292 5.91569C2.34699 5.86074 2.28292 5.78266 2.24509 5.69131C2.20725 5.59996 2.19735 5.49945 2.21663 5.40247C2.23592 5.30549 2.28352 5.21641 2.35342 5.14649L5.64642 1.85349C5.74019 1.75975 5.86734 1.70709 5.99992 1.70709C6.13251 1.70709 6.25966 1.75975 6.35342 1.85349L9.64642 5.14649C9.71633 5.21641 9.76393 5.30549 9.78322 5.40247C9.8025 5.49945 9.7926 5.59996 9.75476 5.69131C9.71693 5.78266 9.65286 5.86074 9.57065 5.91569C9.48845 5.97063 9.3918 5.99996 9.29292 5.99999H7.49992V7.49999H4.49992V5.99999Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top 5% of responders</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Space Runners is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg class="haloIcon" fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 51 46" width="12" xmlns=""><path d="M5.16732 23.0826C5.16732 24.1872 6.06275 25.0826 7.16732 25.0826C8.27189 25.0826 9.16732 24.1872 9.16732 23.0826H5.16732ZM27.7923 41.7076C26.6877 41.7076 25.7923 42.6031 25.7923 43.7076C25.7923 44.8122 26.6877 45.7076 27.7923 45.7076V41.7076ZM48.4173 23.0826H46.4173H48.4173ZM27.7923 2.45764V0.457642V2.45764ZM27.7923 23.0826H25.7923C25.7923 23.7513 26.1265 24.3758 26.6829 24.7467L27.7923 23.0826ZM33.5579 29.3301C34.477 29.9428 35.7187 29.6944 36.3314 28.7754C36.9441 27.8563 36.6958 26.6146 35.7767 26.0019L33.5579 29.3301ZM29.7923 11.6243C29.7923 10.5197 28.8969 9.62431 27.7923 9.62431C26.6877 9.62431 25.7923 10.5197 25.7923 11.6243H29.7923ZM2.58398 27.9576C1.47942 27.9576 0.583985 28.8531 0.583984 29.9576C0.583984 31.0622 1.47941 31.9576 2.58398 31.9576L2.58398 27.9576ZM20.9173 31.9576C22.0219 31.9576 22.9173 31.0622 22.9173 29.9576C22.9173 28.8531 22.0219 27.9576 20.9173 27.9576V31.9576ZM7.16732 34.8326C6.06275 34.8326 5.16732 35.7281 5.16732 36.8326C5.16732 37.9372 6.06275 38.8326 7.16732 38.8326V34.8326ZM20.9173 38.8326C22.0219 38.8326 22.9173 37.9372 22.9173 36.8326C22.9173 35.7281 22.0219 34.8326 20.9173 34.8326V38.8326ZM14.0423 41.7076C12.9377 41.7076 12.0423 42.6031 12.0423 43.7076C12.0423 44.8122 12.9377 45.7076 14.0423 45.7076V41.7076ZM20.9173 45.7076C22.0219 45.7076 22.9173 44.8122 22.9173 43.7076C22.9173 42.6031 22.0219 41.7076 20.9173 41.7076V45.7076ZM27.7923 45.7076C30.7635 45.7076 33.7055 45.1224 36.4505 43.9854L34.9198 40.2899C32.6601 41.2259 30.2382 41.7076 27.7923 41.7076V45.7076ZM36.4505 43.9854C39.1955 42.8484 41.6897 41.1819 43.7906 39.0809L40.9622 36.2525C39.2327 37.982 37.1795 39.3539 34.9198 40.2899L36.4505 43.9854ZM43.7906 39.0809C45.8915 36.98 47.5581 34.4858 48.6951 31.7409L44.9996 30.2101C44.0636 32.4698 42.6917 34.523 40.9622 36.2525L43.7906 39.0809ZM48.6951 31.7409C49.8321 28.9959 50.4173 26.0538 50.4173 23.0826H46.4173C46.4173 25.5285 45.9356 27.9504 44.9996 30.2101L48.6951 31.7409ZM50.4173 23.0826C50.4173 20.1115 49.8321 17.1694 48.6951 14.4244L44.9996 15.9552C45.9356 18.2149 46.4173 20.6368 46.4173 23.0826H50.4173ZM48.6951 14.4244C47.5581 11.6794 45.8915 9.18528 43.7906 7.08435L40.9622 9.91278C42.6917 11.6423 44.0636 13.6955 44.9996 15.9552L48.6951 14.4244ZM43.7906 7.08435C41.6897 4.98342 39.1955 3.31688 36.4505 2.17987L34.9198 5.87539C37.1795 6.81138 39.2327 8.18329 40.9622 9.91278L43.7906 7.08435ZM36.4505 2.17987C33.7055 1.04286 30.7635 0.457642 27.7923 0.457642V4.45764C30.2382 4.45764 32.6601 4.93939 34.9198 5.87539L36.4505 2.17987ZM27.7923 0.457642C24.8212 0.457642 21.8791 1.04286 19.1341 2.17987L20.6648 5.87539C22.9245 4.93939 25.3464 4.45764 27.7923 4.45764V0.457642ZM19.1341 2.17987C16.3891 3.31688 13.895 4.98342 11.794 7.08435L14.6225 9.91278C16.3519 8.18329 18.4051 6.81138 20.6648 5.87539L19.1341 2.17987ZM11.794 7.08435C9.6931 9.18528 8.02656 11.6794 6.88954 14.4244L10.5851 15.9552C11.5211 13.6955 12.893 11.6423 14.6225 9.91278L11.794 7.08435ZM6.88954 14.4244C5.75253 17.1694 5.16732 20.1115 5.16732 23.0826H9.16732C9.16732 20.6368 9.64907 18.2149 10.5851 15.9552L6.88954 14.4244ZM26.6829 24.7467L33.5579 29.3301L35.7767 26.0019L28.9017 21.4185L26.6829 24.7467ZM25.7923 11.6243V23.0826H29.7923V11.6243H25.7923ZM2.58398 31.9576L20.9173 31.9576V27.9576L2.58398 27.9576L2.58398 31.9576ZM7.16732 38.8326H20.9173V34.8326H7.16732V38.8326ZM14.0423 45.7076H20.9173V41.7076H14.0423V45.7076Z" fill="black"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Responds within a few days</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Based on past data, Space Runners usually responds to incoming applications within a few days</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2C</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->2</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3139017-product-manager">Product Manager</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$60k – $120k • 0.0% – 0.5%</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • New York City<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->4</span></span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">5<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">3 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/maximustribe"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Maximus company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/maximustribe"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Maximus</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Maximus is a consumer telemedicine startup that doubles your testosterone</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">11-50<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2C</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M2.5 10.5C2.75 8.25 3.75 6.5 6 5.5M4.50016 9C7.60916 9 9.75016 7.356 10.0002 3V2H7.99316C3.49316 2 2.00016 4 1.99316 6.5C1.99316 7 1.99316 8 2.99316 9H4.50016Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Early Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Startup in initial stages</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->1</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3148923-consumer-product-manager">Consumer Product Manager</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$140k – $175k • 0.5% – 1.0%</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Santa Monica</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" 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9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$80k – $110k • 0.1% – 0.25%</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Santa Monica</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">4 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">4 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center 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11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$160k – $190k • 0.1% – 0.5%</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Santa Monica</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">5<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 months ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">3 months ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw 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hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/sprintfwd"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="SprintFWD company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/sprintfwd"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">SprintFWD</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Fitness-tech product development consultancy</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">11-50<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M2.5 10.5C2.75 8.25 3.75 6.5 6 5.5M4.50016 9C7.60916 9 9.75016 7.356 10.0002 3V2H7.99316C3.49316 2 2.00016 4 1.99316 6.5C1.99316 7 1.99316 8 2.99316 9H4.50016Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Early Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Startup in initial stages</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/2933287-product-manager">Product Manager</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$125k – $150k • No equity</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Los Angeles</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">3<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase 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13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$170k – $220k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Los Angeles</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white 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hover:underline" href="/jobs/3126086-sr-product-marketing-manager">Sr. Product Marketing Manager</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$160k – $180k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Los Angeles</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 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class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$95k – $110k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Los Angeles</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button 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9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Los Angeles • London</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline 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items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3089966-engineering-manager">Engineering Manager</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Los Angeles • London</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 weeks ago</span><button 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rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Chaining decentralized platforms to advance e-commerce for brands, creators, and consumers alike</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">51-200<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2C</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center 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sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$200k – $275k • 0.5% – 1.0%</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Los Angeles</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">10<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">4 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">4 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/ylopo-1"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Ylopo company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/ylopo-1"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Ylopo</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Digital marketing and technology solutions for real estate professionals</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">201-500<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M4.5 10.5H7.5M4.5 9H7.5M4.49992 5.99999H2.70692C2.60805 5.99996 2.5114 5.97063 2.4292 5.91569C2.34699 5.86074 2.28292 5.78266 2.24509 5.69131C2.20725 5.59996 2.19735 5.49945 2.21663 5.40247C2.23592 5.30549 2.28352 5.21641 2.35342 5.14649L5.64642 1.85349C5.74019 1.75975 5.86734 1.70709 5.99992 1.70709C6.13251 1.70709 6.25966 1.75975 6.35342 1.85349L9.64642 5.14649C9.71633 5.21641 9.76393 5.30549 9.78322 5.40247C9.8025 5.49945 9.7926 5.59996 9.75476 5.69131C9.71693 5.78266 9.65286 5.86074 9.57065 5.91569C9.48845 5.97063 9.3918 5.99996 9.29292 5.99999H7.49992V7.49999H4.49992V5.99999Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top 5% of responders</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Ylopo is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg class="haloIcon" fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 51 46" width="12" xmlns=""><path d="M5.16732 23.0826C5.16732 24.1872 6.06275 25.0826 7.16732 25.0826C8.27189 25.0826 9.16732 24.1872 9.16732 23.0826H5.16732ZM27.7923 41.7076C26.6877 41.7076 25.7923 42.6031 25.7923 43.7076C25.7923 44.8122 26.6877 45.7076 27.7923 45.7076V41.7076ZM48.4173 23.0826H46.4173H48.4173ZM27.7923 2.45764V0.457642V2.45764ZM27.7923 23.0826H25.7923C25.7923 23.7513 26.1265 24.3758 26.6829 24.7467L27.7923 23.0826ZM33.5579 29.3301C34.477 29.9428 35.7187 29.6944 36.3314 28.7754C36.9441 27.8563 36.6958 26.6146 35.7767 26.0019L33.5579 29.3301ZM29.7923 11.6243C29.7923 10.5197 28.8969 9.62431 27.7923 9.62431C26.6877 9.62431 25.7923 10.5197 25.7923 11.6243H29.7923ZM2.58398 27.9576C1.47942 27.9576 0.583985 28.8531 0.583984 29.9576C0.583984 31.0622 1.47941 31.9576 2.58398 31.9576L2.58398 27.9576ZM20.9173 31.9576C22.0219 31.9576 22.9173 31.0622 22.9173 29.9576C22.9173 28.8531 22.0219 27.9576 20.9173 27.9576V31.9576ZM7.16732 34.8326C6.06275 34.8326 5.16732 35.7281 5.16732 36.8326C5.16732 37.9372 6.06275 38.8326 7.16732 38.8326V34.8326ZM20.9173 38.8326C22.0219 38.8326 22.9173 37.9372 22.9173 36.8326C22.9173 35.7281 22.0219 34.8326 20.9173 34.8326V38.8326ZM14.0423 41.7076C12.9377 41.7076 12.0423 42.6031 12.0423 43.7076C12.0423 44.8122 12.9377 45.7076 14.0423 45.7076V41.7076ZM20.9173 45.7076C22.0219 45.7076 22.9173 44.8122 22.9173 43.7076C22.9173 42.6031 22.0219 41.7076 20.9173 41.7076V45.7076ZM27.7923 45.7076C30.7635 45.7076 33.7055 45.1224 36.4505 43.9854L34.9198 40.2899C32.6601 41.2259 30.2382 41.7076 27.7923 41.7076V45.7076ZM36.4505 43.9854C39.1955 42.8484 41.6897 41.1819 43.7906 39.0809L40.9622 36.2525C39.2327 37.982 37.1795 39.3539 34.9198 40.2899L36.4505 43.9854ZM43.7906 39.0809C45.8915 36.98 47.5581 34.4858 48.6951 31.7409L44.9996 30.2101C44.0636 32.4698 42.6917 34.523 40.9622 36.2525L43.7906 39.0809ZM48.6951 31.7409C49.8321 28.9959 50.4173 26.0538 50.4173 23.0826H46.4173C46.4173 25.5285 45.9356 27.9504 44.9996 30.2101L48.6951 31.7409ZM50.4173 23.0826C50.4173 20.1115 49.8321 17.1694 48.6951 14.4244L44.9996 15.9552C45.9356 18.2149 46.4173 20.6368 46.4173 23.0826H50.4173ZM48.6951 14.4244C47.5581 11.6794 45.8915 9.18528 43.7906 7.08435L40.9622 9.91278C42.6917 11.6423 44.0636 13.6955 44.9996 15.9552L48.6951 14.4244ZM43.7906 7.08435C41.6897 4.98342 39.1955 3.31688 36.4505 2.17987L34.9198 5.87539C37.1795 6.81138 39.2327 8.18329 40.9622 9.91278L43.7906 7.08435ZM36.4505 2.17987C33.7055 1.04286 30.7635 0.457642 27.7923 0.457642V4.45764C30.2382 4.45764 32.6601 4.93939 34.9198 5.87539L36.4505 2.17987ZM27.7923 0.457642C24.8212 0.457642 21.8791 1.04286 19.1341 2.17987L20.6648 5.87539C22.9245 4.93939 25.3464 4.45764 27.7923 4.45764V0.457642ZM19.1341 2.17987C16.3891 3.31688 13.895 4.98342 11.794 7.08435L14.6225 9.91278C16.3519 8.18329 18.4051 6.81138 20.6648 5.87539L19.1341 2.17987ZM11.794 7.08435C9.6931 9.18528 8.02656 11.6794 6.88954 14.4244L10.5851 15.9552C11.5211 13.6955 12.893 11.6423 14.6225 9.91278L11.794 7.08435ZM6.88954 14.4244C5.75253 17.1694 5.16732 20.1115 5.16732 23.0826H9.16732C9.16732 20.6368 9.64907 18.2149 10.5851 15.9552L6.88954 14.4244ZM26.6829 24.7467L33.5579 29.3301L35.7767 26.0019L28.9017 21.4185L26.6829 24.7467ZM25.7923 11.6243V23.0826H29.7923V11.6243H25.7923ZM2.58398 31.9576L20.9173 31.9576V27.9576L2.58398 27.9576L2.58398 31.9576ZM7.16732 38.8326H20.9173V34.8326H7.16732V38.8326ZM14.0423 45.7076H20.9173V41.7076H14.0423V45.7076Z" fill="black"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Responds within a few days</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Based on past data, Ylopo usually responds to incoming applications within a few days</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->1</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3146816-product-manager">Product Manager</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Santa Monica</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/gustohq"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Gusto company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/gustohq"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Gusto</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Integrated Payroll, Benefits, HR, Tax Credits, and more</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">1001-5000<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 9.5C4.67392 9.5 3.40215 8.97322 2.46447 8.03553C1.52678 7.09785 1 5.82608 1 4.5C1.65661 4.5 2.30679 4.62933 2.91342 4.8806C3.52005 5.13188 4.07124 5.50017 4.53553 5.96447C4.99983 6.42876 5.36812 6.97995 5.6194 7.58658C5.87067 8.19321 6 8.84339 6 9.5ZM6 9.5C7.32608 9.5 8.59785 8.97322 9.53553 8.03553C10.4732 7.09785 11 5.82608 11 4.5C9.67392 4.5 8.40215 5.02678 7.46447 5.96447C6.52678 6.90215 6 8.17392 6 9.5ZM7.495 5.75C7.52974 5.05424 7.41419 4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->5</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3151638-senior-product-manager-cx-platform">Senior Product Manager, CX Platform</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Atlanta • Austin<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->7</span></span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3151639-principal-product-manager-commerce-platform">Principal Product Manager, Commerce Platform</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Atlanta • Austin<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->7</span></span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center 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class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3108044-principal-product-manager-payments">Principal Product Manager, Payments</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 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ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer 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16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$140k – $190k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Los Angeles</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 months ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 months ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 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Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3150552-product-manager-digital-brands">Product Manager, Digital Brands</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Los Angeles</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/bumo-1"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Bumo company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/bumo-1"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Bumo</h2></a></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">A Startup to empower families!</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">11-50<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2C</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M2.5 10.5C2.75 8.25 3.75 6.5 6 5.5M4.50016 9C7.60916 9 9.75016 7.356 10.0002 3V2H7.99316C3.49316 2 2.00016 4 1.99316 6.5C1.99316 7 1.99316 8 2.99316 9H4.50016Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Early Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Startup in initial stages</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/1779505-bumo-product-manager">Bumo Product Manager</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Pasadena</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">5<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 years ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">3 years ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/disco-6"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="DISCO company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/disco-6"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">DISCO</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Smarter music workflow, discovery and sharing</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">11-50<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M4.5 10.5H7.5M4.5 9H7.5M4.49992 5.99999H2.70692C2.60805 5.99996 2.5114 5.97063 2.4292 5.91569C2.34699 5.86074 2.28292 5.78266 2.24509 5.69131C2.20725 5.59996 2.19735 5.49945 2.21663 5.40247C2.23592 5.30549 2.28352 5.21641 2.35342 5.14649L5.64642 1.85349C5.74019 1.75975 5.86734 1.70709 5.99992 1.70709C6.13251 1.70709 6.25966 1.75975 6.35342 1.85349L9.64642 5.14649C9.71633 5.21641 9.76393 5.30549 9.78322 5.40247C9.8025 5.49945 9.7926 5.59996 9.75476 5.69131C9.71693 5.78266 9.65286 5.86074 9.57065 5.91569C9.48845 5.97063 9.3918 5.99996 9.29292 5.99999H7.49992V7.49999H4.49992V5.99999Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top 5% of responders</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">DISCO is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg class="haloIcon" fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 51 46" width="12" xmlns=""><path d="M5.16732 23.0826C5.16732 24.1872 6.06275 25.0826 7.16732 25.0826C8.27189 25.0826 9.16732 24.1872 9.16732 23.0826H5.16732ZM27.7923 41.7076C26.6877 41.7076 25.7923 42.6031 25.7923 43.7076C25.7923 44.8122 26.6877 45.7076 27.7923 45.7076V41.7076ZM48.4173 23.0826H46.4173H48.4173ZM27.7923 2.45764V0.457642V2.45764ZM27.7923 23.0826H25.7923C25.7923 23.7513 26.1265 24.3758 26.6829 24.7467L27.7923 23.0826ZM33.5579 29.3301C34.477 29.9428 35.7187 29.6944 36.3314 28.7754C36.9441 27.8563 36.6958 26.6146 35.7767 26.0019L33.5579 29.3301ZM29.7923 11.6243C29.7923 10.5197 28.8969 9.62431 27.7923 9.62431C26.6877 9.62431 25.7923 10.5197 25.7923 11.6243H29.7923ZM2.58398 27.9576C1.47942 27.9576 0.583985 28.8531 0.583984 29.9576C0.583984 31.0622 1.47941 31.9576 2.58398 31.9576L2.58398 27.9576ZM20.9173 31.9576C22.0219 31.9576 22.9173 31.0622 22.9173 29.9576C22.9173 28.8531 22.0219 27.9576 20.9173 27.9576V31.9576ZM7.16732 34.8326C6.06275 34.8326 5.16732 35.7281 5.16732 36.8326C5.16732 37.9372 6.06275 38.8326 7.16732 38.8326V34.8326ZM20.9173 38.8326C22.0219 38.8326 22.9173 37.9372 22.9173 36.8326C22.9173 35.7281 22.0219 34.8326 20.9173 34.8326V38.8326ZM14.0423 41.7076C12.9377 41.7076 12.0423 42.6031 12.0423 43.7076C12.0423 44.8122 12.9377 45.7076 14.0423 45.7076V41.7076ZM20.9173 45.7076C22.0219 45.7076 22.9173 44.8122 22.9173 43.7076C22.9173 42.6031 22.0219 41.7076 20.9173 41.7076V45.7076ZM27.7923 45.7076C30.7635 45.7076 33.7055 45.1224 36.4505 43.9854L34.9198 40.2899C32.6601 41.2259 30.2382 41.7076 27.7923 41.7076V45.7076ZM36.4505 43.9854C39.1955 42.8484 41.6897 41.1819 43.7906 39.0809L40.9622 36.2525C39.2327 37.982 37.1795 39.3539 34.9198 40.2899L36.4505 43.9854ZM43.7906 39.0809C45.8915 36.98 47.5581 34.4858 48.6951 31.7409L44.9996 30.2101C44.0636 32.4698 42.6917 34.523 40.9622 36.2525L43.7906 39.0809ZM48.6951 31.7409C49.8321 28.9959 50.4173 26.0538 50.4173 23.0826H46.4173C46.4173 25.5285 45.9356 27.9504 44.9996 30.2101L48.6951 31.7409ZM50.4173 23.0826C50.4173 20.1115 49.8321 17.1694 48.6951 14.4244L44.9996 15.9552C45.9356 18.2149 46.4173 20.6368 46.4173 23.0826H50.4173ZM48.6951 14.4244C47.5581 11.6794 45.8915 9.18528 43.7906 7.08435L40.9622 9.91278C42.6917 11.6423 44.0636 13.6955 44.9996 15.9552L48.6951 14.4244ZM43.7906 7.08435C41.6897 4.98342 39.1955 3.31688 36.4505 2.17987L34.9198 5.87539C37.1795 6.81138 39.2327 8.18329 40.9622 9.91278L43.7906 7.08435ZM36.4505 2.17987C33.7055 1.04286 30.7635 0.457642 27.7923 0.457642V4.45764C30.2382 4.45764 32.6601 4.93939 34.9198 5.87539L36.4505 2.17987ZM27.7923 0.457642C24.8212 0.457642 21.8791 1.04286 19.1341 2.17987L20.6648 5.87539C22.9245 4.93939 25.3464 4.45764 27.7923 4.45764V0.457642ZM19.1341 2.17987C16.3891 3.31688 13.895 4.98342 11.794 7.08435L14.6225 9.91278C16.3519 8.18329 18.4051 6.81138 20.6648 5.87539L19.1341 2.17987ZM11.794 7.08435C9.6931 9.18528 8.02656 11.6794 6.88954 14.4244L10.5851 15.9552C11.5211 13.6955 12.893 11.6423 14.6225 9.91278L11.794 7.08435ZM6.88954 14.4244C5.75253 17.1694 5.16732 20.1115 5.16732 23.0826H9.16732C9.16732 20.6368 9.64907 18.2149 10.5851 15.9552L6.88954 14.4244ZM26.6829 24.7467L33.5579 29.3301L35.7767 26.0019L28.9017 21.4185L26.6829 24.7467ZM25.7923 11.6243V23.0826H29.7923V11.6243H25.7923ZM2.58398 31.9576L20.9173 31.9576V27.9576L2.58398 27.9576L2.58398 31.9576ZM7.16732 38.8326H20.9173V34.8326H7.16732V38.8326ZM14.0423 45.7076H20.9173V41.7076H14.0423V45.7076Z" fill="black"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Responds within a few days</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Based on past data, DISCO usually responds to incoming applications within a few days</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M2.5 10.5C2.75 8.25 3.75 6.5 6 5.5M4.50016 9C7.60916 9 9.75016 7.356 10.0002 3V2H7.99316C3.49316 2 2.00016 4 1.99316 6.5C1.99316 7 1.99316 8 2.99316 9H4.50016Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Early Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Startup in initial stages</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3154002-product-marketing-manager">Product Marketing Manager</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$80k – $105k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote 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5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Los Angeles</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black 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11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$136k – $250k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Los Angeles</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none 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13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$150k – $245k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Los Angeles</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white 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5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Los Angeles</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black 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font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg height="12" viewBox="0 0 16 15" width="12" class="haloIcon"><g fill="currentColor"><path d="M3.44 1.433l1.854.737c. 8.994 0 012.527.351c. 0a9.117 9.117 0 013.207-.323.333.333 0 00.149-.022l1.988-.792a.504.504 0 00.053-.913 3.551 3.551 0 00-3.6.06 3.4 3.4 0 00-1.356 0 01-.302 0A3.4 3.4 0 006.953.574a3.56 3.56 0 00-3.56-.12.539.539 0 00.047.98zM7.68 6.967h.56c.18 0 .326-.14.334-.319l.024-.557a.333.333 0 00-.168-.304 2.555 2.555 0 01-.2-.126.333.333 0 00-.373 0c-.245.163-.506.3-.779.409a.333.333 0 00-.166.148L4.898 9.874a.333.333 0 00.323.493 14.856 14.856 0 012.83 0 .333.333 0 00.364-.318l.017-.4a.333.333 0 00-.333-.348h-.752a.333.333 0 010-.667h.815c.178 0 .325-.14.333-.317l.016-.334a.333.333 0 00-.334-.349H7.68a.333.333 0 110-.667zM6.647 10.967c-2.771 0-5.871.756-6.263 2.879a.667.667 0 00.656.787h11.404a.5.5 0 00.498-.54c-.184-2.304-3.373-3.126-6.295-3.126z"></path><path d="M15.565 5.385c-1.506-2.908-5.496-2.828-7.467-2.124a.162.162 0 01-.112 0C6.011 2.556 2.021 2.476.515 5.386a.537.537 0 00.451.785c. 1.666 0 4.907-.218 6.024-1.448a.168.168 0 01.246 0c1.116 1.229 4.354 1.448 6.024 1.448.334 0 .649-.008.926-.022a.537.537 0 00.452-.786z"></path></g></svg><div>4.4</div><div class="line-clamp-1">Work / Life Balance</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Employees rate System1 4.4/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3150648-mobile-engineering-manager-mapquest">Mobile Engineering Manager, MapQuest</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Los Angeles</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 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8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 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crossorigin="anonymous">{"props":{"pageProps":{"location":"los-angeles","page":null,"role":"product-manager","__APOLLO_SIG__":"blaD3%cfQWNBNYTDB5WPfUZAS3iND4HdbQsGMfuSgofbrD6Qg-7484432371","apollo":null,"apolloState":{"data":{"ROOT_QUERY":{"__typename":"Query","talent":{"__typename":"Talent","viewer":{"__typename":"TalentViewer","id":null,"flashMessages":[],"featureFlags":{"__typename":"FeatureFlags","coproJobDetailShowBadges":false,"recruitDelayedRejections":true,"recruitJobDataCollection":true,"recruitProDiscountPromo":false,"recruitViewLimitIncreased":false,"growthPitchAutoExpire":false,"verificationEnabled":false,"resumeReviewEnabled":false,"candidateJobSearchAlphaWaitlistUpsell":false,"rcSelfServeUpsellCopy":false},"analytics":null,"isAdmin":false,"isBlacklisted":false,"isUserModerator":false,"isImpersonating":false,"isShadowBanned":false,"canApplyToJobs":false,"eligibleForCuratedGlobal":false,"navigationMode":"UNKNOWN","needsVerification":false,"eligibleForCandidateReferrals":false,"currentUser":null,"trueCurrentUser":null,"currentStartup":null,"currentCandidate":null},"seoLandingPageJobSearchResults({\"location\":\"los-angeles\",\"page\":1,\"role\":\"product-manager\"})":{"__typename":"Results","totalStartupCount":116,"totalJobCount":230,"perPage":20,"pageCount":6,"startups":[{"__ref":"StartupResult:6675478"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:9669976"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:9023120"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:7515905"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:7406443"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:6748267"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:7719643"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:399707"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:6655458"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:78720"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:8914197"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:5440763"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:8493367"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:890569"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:5387054"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:3792526"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:5934204"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:33371"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:3957080"},{"__ref":"StartupResult:3409608"}]},"seoLandingPageRoleAndLocation({\"location\":\"los-angeles\",\"page\":1,\"role\":\"product-manager\"})":{"__ref":"RoleAndLocationEditorial:720"}}},"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"ACTIVELY_HIRING","name":"ACTIVELY_HIRING_BADGE","label":"Actively Hiring","tooltip":"Actively processing applications","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-6675478":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_RESPONDER-6675478","name":"TOP_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Top 10% of responders","tooltip":"Source Network is in the top 10% of companies in terms of response time to applications","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-6675478":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"QUICK_RESPONDER-6675478","name":"QUICK_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Responds within three weeks","tooltip":"Based on past data, Source Network usually responds to incoming applications within three weeks","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-6675478":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-6675478","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-6675478":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-6675478","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3152840":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"### Shape the future of the Open Web\n\nSource is the developer data management infrastructure for the open web. With an expected 75% of the data generated by humanity to be at the edge, developers at organizations of all sizes face complex challenges in managing distributed data. Our database, DefraDB, along with our Trust Protocol, SourceHub, provides developers with the tools to create and deploy software for edge environments. With native cryptographic primitives for data security, granular data governance, and interoperability and portability across the edge. We address the crucial aspects of edge data management, empowering developers to introduce the next wave of local-first software and edge AI for smart city, industry 4.0, and beyond.\n\n### About the Role\n\nAs the Product Manager, you’ll take charge of designing, executing, and delivering a blockchain indexing product built on top of Source Network’s cutting-edge data management stack. This role is central to leveraging Source Network’s core technology to address the unique challenges of indexing and managing blockchain data efficiently and at scale. You’ll work closely with our partner to ensure the product aligns with their goals while also driving innovation and technical excellence.\n\nYour role will span from setting the strategic vision for the product to overseeing its end-to-end development lifecycle, including close collaboration with engineering teams to extend the capabilities of Source’s stack. You’ll serve as a bridge between technical and business teams, ensuring the product not only meets technical requirements but also provides exceptional value to users. This is a unique opportunity to shape a product that showcases the power and flexibility of Source Network’s foundational technology.\n\n### You'll be working on\n\n- **Product Strategy \u0026amp; Vision:** Define and lead the product roadmap, aligning with the joint venture’s goals and leveraging Source Network’s data management stack.\n- **Collaboration with Stakeholders:** Work closely with internal teams and external partners to deliver a blockchain indexing solution that meets technical and market needs.\n- **Technology Integration:** Oversee the customization and integration of Source Network’s stack to create a scalable, high-performance indexing product.\n- **Cross-functional Leadership:** Lead cross-functional teams to execute on product milestones and ensure alignment across engineering, design, and business units.\n- **Market \u0026amp; User Insights:** Conduct research and gather feedback to prioritize features and ensure the product addresses real-world user needs.\n- **Scalability \u0026amp; Growth Planning:** Anticipate future needs and plan for the potential spinout of the product into a standalone entity.\n- **Performance Tracking:** Establish and monitor KPIs to measure product success and drive continuous improvement.\n\n### You're most likely to succeed in this role if you\n\n- **Have a Strong Product Management Background:** You bring 5+ years of experience in product management, particularly with technical products like data infrastructure, blockchain, or indexing solutions.\n- **Understand Blockchain Technology:** You possess a solid grasp of blockchain systems, data indexing challenges, and related infrastructure, enabling effective communication with technical teams and partners.\n- **Thrive in Collaborative Environments:** You excel at working with cross-functional teams and external partners, balancing competing priorities and aligning diverse stakeholders towards a shared vision.\n- **Are Strategic Yet Hands-On:** You can develop a long-term product vision while also diving into details to solve problems and guide day-to-day execution.\n- **Communicate Clearly:** You have excellent communication skills, adeptly conveying complex technical concepts to both technical and non-technical audiences.\n- **Have an Analytical Mindset:** You make data-driven decisions, leveraging research and metrics to prioritize features and assess product success.\n- **Adapt to Change:** You're comfortable navigating ambiguity in a fast-paced environment, pivoting as needed to seize opportunities or address challenges.\n- **Are Entrepreneurial:** You're excited by the prospect of leading a product that could potentially spin out into its own entity, embracing all associated challenges and opportunities.\n- **Focus on Outcomes:** You are results-oriented and thrive on driving initiatives that deliver tangible value to users and partners alike.\n\n### Success in this role means\n\nIn your first month, you'll immerse yourself in Source Network's local/edge data management stack, connect with the team, and engage with our ecosystem of partners and communities. This period is crucial for building a solid foundation in our technology, understanding the ecosystem landscape, and aligning with the product and team goals.\n\nAs the Product Manager, you'll work closely with Source Network's core team to define and execute the product strategy. Your efforts will focus on shaping the blockchain indexing product, ensuring it leverages the strengths of Source Network's stack while meeting market needs. You'll collaborate with cross-functional teams—including engineering, marketing, and design—to deliver a best-in-class solution that addresses real-world challenges in blockchain data indexing.\n\nYour role is pivotal in ensuring the product's success from concept to market. You'll champion the needs of users, partners, and stakeholders, driving innovation and fostering collaboration to meet shared goals. We're committed to supporting your leadership with the resources, mentorship, and flexibility you need to drive meaningful impact. As a leader, you'll play a key role in positioning this product as a market leader while also laying the foundation for its potential evolution into a standalone entity.","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731814285,"locationNames":["Austin","Boston","Canada","Chicago","Los Angeles","Miami","New York City","Seattle","United States","San Francisco","Toronto","Germany","France","Switzerland","United Kingdom","Berlin","Netherlands"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":true,"slug":"product-manager-web3","title":"Product Manager - Web3","compensation":"$75k – $125k • 0.1% – 0.25%","yearsExperienceMin":3,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3152840","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:6675478":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"6675478","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-6675478"},{"__ref":"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-6675478"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-6675478"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-6675478"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"Developer data management for the open web","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3152840"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Source Network","slug":"sourcenetwork"},"Badge:B2C-9669976":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-9669976","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-9669976":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-9669976","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"Badge:GROWING_FAST-9669976":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"GROWING_FAST-9669976","name":"GROWING_FAST_BADGE","label":"Growing fast","tooltip":"Showed strong hiring growth in the past month","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3143507":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"**About Us:**\n\nHalfgram is transforming social connections by creating a space for authentic, text-based sharing. Our platform is a refreshing alternative to image-focused social media, where people can share unfiltered stories and thoughts without the pressures of perfection or FOMO. We believe in the power of genuine human connection, and we’re challenging the status quo to build something real and lasting.\n\n**We encourage all candidates to experience [Halfgram]( firsthand by downloading the app on the iOS App Store.** Joining our community is the best way to understand the future you’ll help create.\n\n \n\n**Role Overview**\n\nIn this role, you will be responsible for overseeing the product lifecycle from concept to launch, ensuring Halfgram delivers a user-centric, innovative experience. You’ll work cross-functionally with engineering, design, and marketing to prioritize and execute on the product roadmap that aligns with our vision of authentic, unfiltered social connection.\n\n \n\n**Key Responsibilities**\n\n- Define and manage product roadmap in collaboration with engineering and design teams\n- Conduct market research and user feedback sessions to inform product direction\n- Develop and track key metrics to measure success and inform future decisions\n- Prioritize product backlog to align with company goals and user needs\n- Facilitate effective communication across teams and with leadership regarding product updates\n \n\n**Qualifications**\n\n- Experience in product management or similar role, ideally within a tech startup\n- Strong understanding of product lifecycle, data analysis, and user experience design\n- Ability to manage multiple projects and prioritize effectively in a fast-paced environment\n \n\n**Preferred Qualifications**\n\n- ***Active Halfgram user (We strongly prefer candidates who are familiar with our community and understand our mission firsthand)***\n- Experience with social media, community-based, or content-sharing platforms\n- Familiarity with product management tools (e.g., Jira, Asana, Trello)\n- Passionate about fostering real human connections through technology\n \n\n**Benefits**\n\n- Competitive salary: $105,000 - $125,000 annually\n- Fully remote position\n- Comprehensive health insurance plan\n- Unlimited PTO for a healthy work-life balance\n- Learning \u0026amp; development budget\n- Stock \u0026amp; equity options\n \n\n**Ready to Build the Future? [External application required]**\n\nIf you’re excited to create meaningful, human-centered experiences, apply today to join us in building a more authentic future for social media. **[Submit your application](**","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730831812,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":true,"slug":"product-manager","title":"Product Manager","compensation":"$105k – $125k • No equity","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3143507","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3144309":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"**About Us:**\n\nHalfgram is transforming social connections by creating a space for authentic, text-based sharing. Our platform is a refreshing alternative to image-focused social media, where people can share unfiltered stories and thoughts without the pressures of perfection or FOMO. We believe in the power of genuine human connection, and we’re challenging the status quo to build something real and lasting.\n\n**We encourage all candidates to experience [Halfgram]( firsthand by downloading the app on the iOS App Store.** Joining our community is the best way to understand the future you’ll help create.\n\n \n\n**Role Overview**\n\nIn this role, you will be responsible for overseeing the product lifecycle from concept to launch, ensuring Halfgram delivers a user-centric, innovative experience. You’ll work cross-functionally with engineering, design, and marketing to prioritize and execute on the product roadmap that aligns with our vision of authentic, unfiltered social connection.\n\n \n\n**Key Responsibilities**\n\n* Define and manage product roadmap in collaboration with engineering and design teams\n* Conduct market research and user feedback sessions to inform product direction\n* Develop and track key metrics to measure success and inform future decisions\n* Prioritize product backlog to align with company goals and user needs\n* Facilitate effective communication across teams and with leadership regarding product updates\n\n\n**Qualifications**\n\n* Currently pursuing an undergraduate or a graduate degree\n* Experience in product management or similar role, ideally within a tech startup\n* Strong understanding of product lifecycle, data analysis, and user experience design\n* Ability to manage multiple projects and prioritize effectively in a fast-paced environment\n \n\n**Preferred Qualifications**\n\n- ***Active Halfgram user (We strongly prefer candidates who are familiar with our community and understand our mission firsthand)***\n- Experience with social media, community-based, or content-sharing platforms\n- Familiarity with product management tools (e.g., Jira, Asana, Trello)\n- Passionate about fostering real human connections through technology\n \n\n**Benefits**\n\n* Hourly Rate: $40 - $50\n* Fully remote position\n* Comprehensive health insurance plan\n* Unlimited PTO for a healthy work-life balance\n* Learning \u0026amp; development budget\n* Stock \u0026amp; equity options\n \n\n**Ready to Build the Future? [External application required]**\n\nIf you’re excited to create meaningful, human-centered experiences, apply today to join us in building a more authentic future for social media. **[Submit your application](**","jobType":"internship","liveStartAt":1730873919,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":true,"slug":"product-manager-intern-2025-summer","title":"Product Manager Intern - 2025 Summer","compensation":"No equity","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3144309","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:9669976":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"9669976","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-9669976"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-9669976"},{"__ref":"Badge:GROWING_FAST-9669976"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"Raw Social: No Photo No Video","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3143507"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3144309"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Halfgram","slug":"halfgram-app"},"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-9023120":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_RESPONDER-9023120","name":"TOP_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Top 5% of responders","tooltip":"Space Runners is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-9023120":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"QUICK_RESPONDER-9023120","name":"QUICK_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Responds within a few days","tooltip":"Based on past data, Space Runners usually responds to incoming applications within a few days","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2C-9023120":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-9023120","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-9023120":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-9023120","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-9023120":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-9023120","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3139017":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Product Manager** | Full-time | Remote |\n[Space Runners]( | Fashion Tech Platform |\n[Ablo]( | AI Design Tool\n\n**About Space Runners**\n\nSpace Runners is a fashion-tech platform that builds the most intuitive tools to enable anyone to create, innovate, collaborate, and market their creativity. Our vision is to enable new ways of self-expression, with the mission to build the most intuitive tools to enable anyone to create, innovate, collaborate and market their creativity.\n\n**Key highlights:**\n* We raised a $10M seed round with Polychain, Pantera, Accel, and Jump Crypto to define the intersection of the Web3, AI, and Fashion industries. \n* Primary product today is ABLO, an AI powered design tool that enables co-creation between brands, creators, and end consumers, allowing brands to boost reach and interactivity by creating an easy way for brands to connect with creators. \n* ABLO is the end to end way for creators to collaborate with established brands to get inspired, create new designs, and monetize those designs in new ways.\n\nToday, our clients and partners include various brands and categories including French luxury house Balmain, sustainability brand Pangaia, mega sports retailer 11TeamSports, live event leader Live Nation, IP giant Smiley, and other fashion brands like Ralph Lauren, Crocs, Vans, and more. And we are just getting started!\n\nWe’re growing our team, and are looking for go-getters to join our journey!\n\n**About The Role**\n\nWe are seeking a Product Manager to help develop and execute the company’s product strategy in direct collaboration with our founders and the broader leadership team. This person will help further develop the product vision and then project manage the Space Runners product team through executing to deliver a high caliber end result on a venture timeline.\n\nAblo is quickly gaining traction as the leading AI design tool for creating personalized fashion alongside world class IP from other artists and creators in our community. We have an immense opportunity to secure product market fit and chart a path towards rapid growth. Our new Product Manager should be ready to take what we have developed so far and take the product to new heights in record time.\n\n**Responsibilities**\n\n* Guide the Product team through all stages of the product life cycle including concept, market research, delivery, user testing, and full launch, in order to achieve the Space Runners product vision.\n* Set the product roadmap in coordination with the engineering roadmap and the company’s strategic priorities.\n* Project manage the Product department in close collaboration with our CTO and the Space Runners engineering team\n* Launch high-quality, user-focused product features to grow Ablo MAUs, sales conversions, and other key product and financial metrics.\n* Collaborate with cross functional department leaders in engineering, marketing, and operations to ensure the company’s progress towards our short term goals and long term vision.\n\n**Required skills and experience**\n\n* **Established track record of product leadership.** Space Runners is a product driven technology company and we’ll need you to bring a wealth of successful product experience to navigate our upcoming launches.\n* **Deep technical expertise.** The Product Manager will need to be well versed in Engineering in order to collaborate closely with the Space Runners CTO and engineering team.\n* **Strong Project Management Skills.** The Product Manager will be the primary person responsible for project managing the delivery of the product roadmap. We need to know you like to roll up your sleeves to help the team stay organized and on track.\n* **Experience in launching a consumer marketplace.** At its core, Ablo will become a community based marketplace including multiple stakeholders contributing, purchasing, and earning on our platform. We need to know you understand how to build a product for multiple stakeholders at the same time.\n* **Experience with AI.** Ablo is an AI powered tool built on stability AI. We need to know you understand the emerging world of AI and how to successfully build and scale an AI tool. \n* **Success collaborating across functions.** As a key member of the leadership team you’ll need to effectively lead projects with stakeholders across the company, including some that do not report to you.\n* **A portfolio of successful (and unsuccessful) product launches.** You’ll be leading others through product launches so we need to know you’ve done it before. We want to see you can effectively deliver on a product roadmap while understanding and acting on customer feedback.\n* **Outstanding people skills.** We are a collaborative organization and appreciate teammates who can inspire their colleagues and engender friendship among those with whom they work while getting things done.\n* **Nice to have:**\n\t* Experience or interest in Crypto / NFTs / Web 3: You are a member of the global crypto community and are excited by emerging business models and technology in Web 3.\n\t* Experience or interest in fashion: You have worked in or are a consumer of fashion and understand the industry.\n\n**Compensation**\n\nSpace Runners provides:\n\n* A competitive salary, including base, bonus, token allocation, and tech allowance (note: compensation is negotiable)\n* Comprehensive benefits\n\n**Application**\n\nPlease share the below with Josh Ramjit, our Head of Operations, via\n\nLinkedIn profile link\nResume","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730298341,"locationNames":["New York City","San Francisco","Los Angeles","Austin","Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":true,"slug":"product-manager","title":"Product Manager","compensation":"$60k – $120k • 0.0% – 0.5%","yearsExperienceMin":5,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3139017","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:9023120":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"9023120","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-9023120"},{"__ref":"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-9023120"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-9023120"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-9023120"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-9023120"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"Enabling next level self expression and sustainability by building a fashion metaverse","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3139017"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Space Runners","slug":"space-runners-2"},"Badge:B2C-7515905":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-7515905","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-7515905":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-7515905","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-7515905":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-7515905","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:GROWING_FAST-7515905":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"GROWING_FAST-7515905","name":"GROWING_FAST_BADGE","label":"Growing fast","tooltip":"Showed strong hiring growth in the past month","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3148923":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Ashby::Listing","description":"**Company is based in Santa Monica, CA**\n\n**Position is Remote (US/Canada)**\n\n**Maximus** ([]( is a mission-driven consumer health company that provides men with content, community, and clinical support to optimize them in mind and body. Maximus has raised $15M from top Silicon Valley VCs such as Founders Fund and 8VC as well as leading angel investors/operators from companies like Bulletproof, Tinder, Coinbase, Daily Stoic, \u0026 Shopify.\n\n**Maximus**  is seeking a **Consumer Product Manager** to own the post-purchase customer experience in our high-growth, VC-backed telemedicine startup. This role will be pivotal in delivering an intuitive, seamless, and supportive customer journey from purchase through to renewals, focusing on the optimization of both digital and physical product experiences. The ideal candidate will have a passion for understanding customer sentiment, uncovering drivers of churn, and ensuring customer satisfaction post-purchase. They should be detail-oriented, analytical, and adept at prioritizing initiatives that support the organization’s key objectives and customer experience goals.\n\n**Please note:** Culture is key at Maximus, so we get to know candidates holistically through our questionnaire. You will receive an invite in a separate email upon submitting an application. Please fill it out as honestly and intuitively as possible since it is designed to detect exaggeration, which will cause your application to be automatically rejected. The questionnaire is optional to submit now with your application, but candidates that do so will get strongly prioritized. Note, we do not have access to individual questions’ answers/choices.\n\n**Responsibilities:**\n\n- **Manage Post-Purchase Customer Journey** \nOwn and enhance the customer experience for all post-purchase interactions within the app, including: requesting prescriptions refills, modifying subscriptions, accessing educational content and resources, and tracking progress towards health goals. Ensure each step of the customer journey is intuitive and aligns with the brand's voice. Collaborate with marketing to ensure communications and physical instructions create a cohesive and intuitive multimodal customer experience.\n\n- **In-App Navigation and Task Completion** \nEnsure customers can intuitively navigate the app to complete essential tasks, such as lab kit submissions, medication refills, and account modifications. Collaborate with design to develop in-app flows informed by customer feedback and observation through behavior analytics software. Decide feature prioritization to ensure these journeys are seamless and require minimal customer effort. Drive development beyond basic app usability and create a delightful experience for customers.\n\n- **New Product Launches and Feature Development** \nOversee the digital product portion of new product launches and feature updates, ensuring that new releases align with user needs and brand standards. This includes taking product briefs for upcoming pharmaceutical, OTC supplement, and lab testing launches and translating them to necessary app features that impact the customer experience. Focus on in-app experience enhancements, refining workflows, and ensuring seamless navigation to improve user engagement and satisfaction. Track and analyze post-launch performance to assess success and drive continuous improvement.\n\n- **Drive Retention and Optimize Customer Experience** \nDevelop and execute strategies to enhance customer retention and satisfaction by understanding and addressing drivers of churn and tracking key indicators. Leverage user research and analytics to gain insights into customer needs and pain points, aiming to create a frictionless journey from initial purchase to product usage and subscription renewals.\n\n- **Cross-Functional Collaboration** \nCollaborate closely with Marketing to ensure brand consistency across both the digital platform and physical product experience, ensuring brand representation is seamless within the app and in physical components such as at-home test kits and medication packages.\n\n- **Product Roadmap Development and Advocacy** \nUse quantitative and qualitative data to advocate for feature development and customer experience improvements in alignment with the product roadmap. Prepare detailed project summaries to convey the impact of prioritized features on KPIs and OKRs, working with technical teams to estimate scope and requirements.\n\n**The ideal candidate will have the following:**\n\n- **Product Management Experience** \nMinimum of 5+ years in a product management role, ideally within a high-growth e-commerce environment. Demonstrated success in managing consumer-facing product experiences, with a focus on retention and post-purchase satisfaction.\n\n- **UX and Design** \nStrong background in managing and optimizing mobile app experiences with a focus on UX best practices. Proven ability to work closely with design teams to enhance user interface elements and create intuitive, customer-friendly workflows that facilitate task completion and increase overall engagement. Experience implementing customer feedback into design iterations to continuously improve mobile app usability and satisfaction.\n\n- **Data-Driven Decision Making** \nStrong analytical skills and a data-driven approach to prioritizing and measuring the success of features, flows, and initiatives. Experience with A/B testing, customer sentiment analysis, and identifying key metrics related to customer retention and satisfaction.\n\n- **User Research and Persona Development** \nExperienced in conducting user interviews, gathering customer feedback, and developing actionable insights from user sentiment. Skilled at crafting customer personas to inform strategic decision-making, with a history of using these insights to improve the customer journey and reduce churn.\n\n- **Technical Acumen** \nBasic understanding of technical systems, API integrations, and third-party software tools. Ability to troubleshoot consumer-facing technical issues in partnership with engineering and support teams, ensuring a smooth user experience.\n\n- **Project Management Skills** \nStrong project management abilities, especially with respect to new product and feature launches. Experience managing the release of new offerings, coordinating cross-functional teams, and ensuring high-quality, on-time delivery of consumer-facing features. Experienced with Agile methodologies and Sprint planning.\n\n**Qualities:**\n\n- **High Conscientiousness:** Highly effective, organized, dutiful, self-disciplined, and careful. You are the type of person who used multiple colors of highlighters, and everyone wanted to borrow notes from. You never forget a task, execute it flawlessly, and are as reliable as clockwork.\n\n- **High Horsepower \u0026 Humility:** High intellectual and physical energy. You eagerly solve big, complex, and ambiguous company problems, while having the humility to “roll your sleeves up” and do the dirty work without complaint.\n\n- **Creative Thinker:** Highly creative thinker who tends to find solutions that others don’t see or inappropriately dismiss. Not content to do the safe bet everyone else takes.\n\n- **Relentlessly Resourceful (**[****](**):** highly proactive, does not quit, and finds innovative solutions with little guidance. Bias for action and ability to thrive in an ambiguous environment with a high degree of autonomy.\n\n- **Passion for Men’s Health \u0026 Development**: interest in helping men develop a healthy masculinity. Demonstrates personal dedication and interest in health *optimization* (e.g. diet, exercise, sleep, focus, and relationships).\n\n**World-Class Benefits:**\n\n- Premium Blue Shield Platinum PPO \u0026 HMO Plans (up to 80% coverage)\n\n- Full Suite: Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance\n\n- Best-in-class 401K options\n\n- Flexible vacation/time-off policies\n\n- Liquidity of options whenever available\n\n- Extended options exercise window for loyal employees (3 months for every year of service; e.g. 1 year for 4+ year employees)\n\n*Maximus is an equal opportunity employer, which not only includes standard protected categories, but the additional freedom from discrimination against your free speech and beliefs, as long as they are aligned with company values. We celebrate intellectual diversity.*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731462888,"locationNames":["Santa Monica"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":true,"slug":"consumer-product-manager","title":"Consumer Product Manager","compensation":"$140k – $175k • 0.5% – 1.0%","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3148923","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3075205":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Ashby::Listing","description":"**Maximus** ([]( is a mission-driven consumer health company that provides men with content, community, and clinical support to optimize them in mind and body. Maximus has raised $15M from top Silicon Valley VCs such as Founders Fund and 8VC as well as leading angel investors/operators from companies like Bulletproof, Tinder, Coinbase, Daily Stoic, \u0026 Shopify.\n\n**Maximus** is looking for a **Senior Manager/Director, Data Engineering and Analytics** to drive data-driven decision-making and processes optimization across the organization. They will be responsible for owning our KPI reporting and collaborating closely with the engineering team to ensure our analytics infrastructure is robust and scalable. This role requires a blend of strategic leadership and hands-on execution, making you a true player-coach. You will play a pivotal role in driving data-driven decision-making across the organization.\n\nThey will work directly with department heads in operations, finance, marketing, and product to establish priorities. They will manage analytics roadmap and capacity planning to ensure short and long-term analytics needs are met.\n\nYou will be the primary point of contact for data inquiries and will collaborate closely with teams to ensure their data needs are met. You will create and maintain dashboards, generate reports, and conduct detailed analyses to support strategic initiatives and day-to-day operations.\n\nThe ideal candidate has a strong analytical background, excellent problem-solving skills, and the ability to communicate complex data insights clearly and effectively. They should be proficient in using data analysis and visualization tools, have a proactive attitude, and possess excellent organizational and multitasking abilities. We’re looking for someone that is focused, goal-oriented, and takes full ownership of their work. Having a track record of setting and meeting deadlines providing error-free deliverables. Someone that is a strong investigator and curious to understand data.\n\n**Please note:** Culture is key at Maximus, so we get to know candidates holistically through our questionnaire. You will receive the link upon submitting an application. Please fill it out as honestly and intuitively as possible since it is designed to detect exaggeration, which will cause your application to be automatically rejected. The questionnaire is optional to submit now with your application, but candidates that do so will get strongly prioritized. Note, we do not have access to individual questions’ answers/choices.\n\n**Responsibilities:**\n\n- **Roadmapping and Planning:** Manage analytics roadmap with cross-functional stakeholders. Oversee capacity planning and scope out future analytics needs and expansion. Clearly document deliverable requirements and host efficient working sessions as needed. Understand dependencies and expected timelines for each deliverable so that it can be prioritized and deadlines are upheld.\n\n- **Process \u0026 Standardization:** Establish standards for documenting analytic requests, maintaining uniformity of metric definitions, and distributing reports to stakeholders with sufficient training\n\n- **Data Engineering Collaboration:** Work closely with Data Engineering to ensure data needs are well-defined and prioritized based on analytics roadmap. Ensure all data collection methods meet legal regulations and standards. Collaborate on vendor and tool selection.\n\n- **Player-Coach**: In addition to conducting analysis, provide coaching and mentorship to junior staff in data analysis and reporting.\n\n- **Data Collection and Analysis:** Develop and maintain dashboards and reports to track key metrics and provide actionable insights. Gather, clean, and analyze data from various sources.\n\n- **Data Interpretation and Presentation:** Translate data findings into clear, actionable recommendations. All dashboards and reports developed contain sufficient information (data sources used, terminology, considerations/limitations), such that a stakeholder can leverage them self-service with confidence.\n\n- **Problem Solving:** Identify trends, patterns, and anomalies in data. Investigate data anomalies, first ensuring data quality, then developing actionable insights that provide stakeholders a deepening understanding of business workings.\n\n- **Quality Assurance:** Ensure data accuracy and integrity by conducting regular audits and validation checks. Develop and implement processes to improve data quality. See data accuracy and reliability as a requisite for all deliverables.\n\n**Requirements:**\n\n- **Experience:** 5+ years of experience as a Data Analyst in eCommerce, preferably in a growth-stage start-up working with stakeholders from across the organization. 2+ years managing analytics functions.\n\n- **Ownership \u0026 Independence:** Strong sense ownership and independence throughout the analytic lifecycle, from the point of receiving the request through delivery. This includes gathering requirements, setting and meeting deadlines, identifying data needs, conducting analysis, conducting quality assurance, and ultimately delivering the analysis. Deliverables detail methodologies, limitations/considerations, and include clear recommendations based on the business problem it is intended to solve.\n\n- **Technical Skills:** Proficient in SQL, BigQuery, LookerStudio, or similar data analysis and visualization tools. Strong ability to interpret and work with complex data sets – including event-driven and non-relational data structures. Experience in statistics, Python, and dealing with medical data are plusses.\n\n- **Communication:** Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Ability to clearly convey complex data insights and recommendations to non-technical stakeholders.\n\n- **Problem-Solving:** Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Ability to think abstractly and develop innovative solutions to complex problems. Go beyond requests of stakeholders to identify useful insights for undefined problems.\n\n- **Organization:** Highly organized with excellent attention to detail. Ability to manage multiple tasks and projects simultaneously.\n\n**Qualities:**\n\n- **High Conscientiousness:** Highly effective, organized, dutiful, self-disciplined, and careful. You are the type of person who used multiple colors of highlighters, and everyone wanted to borrow notes from. You never forget a task, execute it flawlessly, and are as reliable as clockwork.\n\n- **High Horsepower \u0026 Humility:** High intellectual and physical energy. You eagerly solve big, complex, and ambiguous company problems, while having the humility to “roll your sleeves up” and do the dirty work without complaint.\n\n- **Creative Thinker:** Highly creative thinker who tends to find solutions that others don’t see or inappropriately dismiss. Not content to do the safe bet everyone else takes.\n\n- **Relentlessly Resourceful (**[****](**):** Highly proactive, does not quit, and finds innovative solutions with little guidance. Bias for action and ability to thrive in an ambiguous environment with a high degree of autonomy.\n\n- **Passion for Men’s Health \u0026 Development:** Interest in helping men develop a healthy masculinity. Demonstrates personal dedication and interest in health optimization (e.g. diet, exercise, sleep, focus, and relationships).\n\n**World-Class Benefits:**\n\n- Premium Blue Shield Platinum PPO \u0026 HMO Plans (up to 80% coverage)\n\n- Full Suite: Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance\n\n- Best-in-class 401K options\n\n- Flexible vacation/time-off policies\n\n- Liquidity of options whenever available\n\n- Extended options exercise window for loyal employees (3 months for every year of service; e.g. 1 year for 4+ year employees)\n\nMaximus is an equal opportunity employer, which not only includes standard protected categories, but the additional freedom from discrimination against your free speech and beliefs, as long as they are aligned with company values. We celebrate intellectual diversity.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1722943967,"locationNames":["Santa Monica"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Data Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"senior-manager-director-data-engineering-and-analytics","title":"Senior Manager/Director, Data Engineering and Analytics","compensation":"$160k – $190k • 0.1% – 0.5%","yearsExperienceMin":5,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3075205","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3134941":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Ashby::Listing","description":"**Company is based in Santa Monica, CA**\n\n**Position is Remote (US/Canada)**\n\n**Maximus** ([]( is a mission-driven consumer health company that provides men with content, community, and clinical support to optimize them in mind and body. Maximus has raised $15M from top Silicon Valley VCs such as Founders Fund and 8VC as well as leading angel investors/operators from companies like Bulletproof, Tinder, Coinbase, Daily Stoic, \u0026 Shopify.\n\n**Maximus** is looking for a **User Acquisition Manager** to manage our paid social channels. This individual must be strong in quantitative analysis, and digital media buying best practices. A deep curiosity in health and how people make personal health decisions is valuable. This role reports into our Head of Marketing, who will provide hands-on management and support career growth.\n\n**Please note:** Culture is key at Maximus, so we get to know candidates holistically through our questionnaire. You will receive an invite in a separate email upon submitting an application. Please fill it out as honestly and intuitively as possible since it is designed to detect exaggeration, which will cause your application to be automatically rejected. The questionnaire is optional to submit now with your application, but candidates that do so will get strongly prioritized. Note, we do not have access to individual questions’ answers/choices.\n\n**Responsibilities:**\n\n- **Own paid social user acquisition:** Meta (Facebook, Instagram) is our most critical channel today. Experience managing and scaling budgets of $1M+ per month is critical to this role. Research, implement, and optimize paid campaigns. Work with our creative team to continuously develop and experiment with new creative. Strong understanding of modern Meta account structures and campaign optimization.\n\n- **Collaborating with creative team to develop high performing creative:** You should be obsessed with 3rates, CTRs, and using high quality advertisements to drive down CPCs and CPMs.\n\n- **Reporting and analysis:** Report on critical KPIs and recommend other metrics to track. We’re evaluating Cost-Per-Acquisition, Traffic, ROAS, and Creative Performance. Complete regular audits of our platforms to challenge our assumptions and learnings.\n\n- **Build and optimize landing and web pages through the customer journey.** Understand the entire customer experience per persona and product-line to determine the most effective way to acquire and convert traffic. Experience with testing of pages including value propositions, hooks, images is critical.\n\n**Collaborate with the broader Maximus team:**\n\n- **Ensure data integrity for marketing:** Understand mar-tech data infrastructure to identify and alert development teams of tracking and performance issues like pixel and event tracking problems.\n\n- **Drive revenue across product lines:** Have a direct and measurable impact on top line revenue figures. Identify opportunities for product improvements based on audience feedback.\n\n**Your first 90 days:**\n\n- Speak to 5 customers, conduct a customer survey, and evaluate customer data.\n\n- Audit performance marketing channels Meta.\n\n- Recommend and build experimentation framework.\n\n- Create a roadmap for Meta acquisition campaigns.\n\n- Implement new campaigns across existing paid channels, launch two new ones.\n\n**Qualities:**\n\n- **High Conscientiousness:** Highly effective, organized, dutiful, self-disciplined, and careful. You are the type of person who used multiple colors of highlighters, and everyone wanted to borrow notes from. You never forget a task, execute it flawlessly, and are as reliable as clockwork.\n\n- **High Horsepower \u0026 Humility:** High intellectual and physical energy. You eagerly solve big, complex, and ambiguous company problems, while having the humility to “roll your sleeves up” and do the dirty work without complaint.\n\n- **Creative Thinker:** Highly creative thinker who tends to find solutions that others don’t see or inappropriately dismiss. Not content to do the safe bet everyone else takes.\n\n- **Relentlessly Resourceful (**[****](**):** highly proactive, does not quit, and finds innovative solutions with little guidance. Bias for action and ability to thrive in an ambiguous environment with a high degree of autonomy.\n\n- **Passion for Men’s Health \u0026 Development**: interest in helping men develop a healthy masculinity. Demonstrates personal dedication and interest in health *optimization* (e.g. diet, exercise, sleep, focus, and relationships).\n\n**World-Class Benefits:**\n\n- Premium Blue Shield Platinum PPO \u0026 HMO Plans (up to 80% coverage)\n\n- Full Suite: Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance\n\n- Best-in-class 401K options\n\n- Flexible vacation/time-off policies\n\n- Liquidity of options whenever available\n\n- Extended options exercise window for loyal employees (3 months for every year of service; e.g. 1 year for 4+ year employees)\n\n*Maximus is an equal opportunity employer, which not only includes standard protected categories, but the additional freedom from discrimination against your free speech and beliefs, as long as they are aligned with company values. We celebrate intellectual diversity.*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729812956,"locationNames":["Santa Monica"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Marketing","remote":true,"slug":"user-acquisition-manager","title":"User Acquisition Manager","compensation":"$80k – $110k • 0.1% – 0.25%","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3134941","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:7515905":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"7515905","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-7515905"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-7515905"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-7515905"},{"__ref":"Badge:GROWING_FAST-7515905"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"Maximus is a consumer telemedicine startup that doubles your testosterone","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3148923"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3075205"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3134941"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Maximus","slug":"maximustribe"},"Badge:B2B-7406443":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-7406443","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-7406443":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-7406443","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:2933287":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Lever::Listing","description":"About SprintFWD\n\nSprintFWD is a leading professional services development company specializing in the fitness and wellness industry. We partner with top brands to create bespoke web, mobile, and marketing technology solutions. Our team excels in utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as AWS and React, and we streamline our processes with tools like Jira and Confluence. At SprintFWD, we're committed to innovation, excellence, and helping our clients thrive in the dynamic fitness and wellness world.\n\nJob Description\n\nWe seek an experienced and detail-oriented product manager to join our remote team. In this role, you will oversee the development and execution of our technology solutions, ensuring that they meet our high standards and the specific needs of our clients in the fitness and wellness industry.\n\nWe look forward to discovering how your experience, passion, and skills would make you the perfect fit for our Product Manager role at SprintFWD. SprintFWD is an equal-opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.\n\n\nKey Responsibilities\n- Lead the planning, execution, and delivery of web and mobile development projects.\n- Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams, including developers, designers, and marketing specialists, to create high-quality, user-centric products.\n- Manage the entire product lifecycle, from concept to launch, including market research, roadmap planning, and feature prioritization.\n- Utilize tools such as Jira and Confluence to track project progress, manage resources, and ensure clear communication across teams.\n- Analyze user feedback and market trends to make informed product decisions and improvements.\n- Work closely with clients to understand their needs and translate them into actionable product features and enhancements.\n- Ensure products are timely, within budget, and to the highest quality standards.\n\n\nQualifications\n- Minimum of 3 years of experience in product management, preferably in a technology or software development environment.\n- Strong project management skills and attention to detail.\n- Proven track record of managing all aspects of a successful product throughout its lifecycle.\n- Excellent problem-solving, organizational, and analytical skills.\n- Strong interpersonal skills and ability to lead cross-functional teams.\n- Knowledge of AWS, React, and other relevant technologies.\n- Experience with Jira, Confluence, and similar project management tools.\n- Bachelor’s degree in Business, Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.\n- Preferred: Experience in the fitness and wellness industry, knowledge of the latest trends and technologies in the fitness and wellness sector.\n\n\nWhat We Offer\n- A fully remote and flexible working environment.\n- Opportunity to work with top brands in the fitness and wellness industry.\n- A dynamic and supportive team.\n- Opportunities for professional growth and development.\n\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730493003,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":true,"slug":"product-manager","title":"Product Manager","compensation":"$125k – $150k • No equity","yearsExperienceMin":3,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"2933287","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:7406443":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"7406443","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-7406443"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-7406443"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"Fitness-tech product development consultancy","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:2933287"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"SprintFWD","slug":"sprintfwd"},"Badge:B2B-6748267":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-6748267","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-6748267":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-6748267","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3149658":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Lever::Listing","description":"DISQO is an Experience AI Platform that helps brands create more meaningful interactions by providing accurate and authentic insights into every brand experience. We achieve this by connecting everyday consumers with the brands they value, capturing their sentiment and journeys and then utilizing AI to provide brands with actionable insights. DISQO is changing the way that the world’s largest brands, agencies and media companies increase the effectiveness of their advertising to grow their brands. Our mission is to build the world’s most trusted platform that fuels brand growth.\n\nWhen you join DISQO Nation, you join a community that values trust, transparency and innovation. We invest in our employees and apply a bottom-up management approach, rooted in the concept of servant leadership. We approach each day eager to learn, grow, and make a lasting impact. Best of all, we have fun while doing it!\n\n\nAbout the role:\n\nAs an exceptional product leader, you are growth-oriented and have a proven track record of building successful enterprise analytics or insights products. You will need to be a strategic thinker, frame and find solutions to complex product challenges, measure \u0026 drive results, and be able to move fast and maintain focus on the highest impact initiatives while keeping track of trade-offs made along the way. \n\nThis is an individual contributor role reporting directly to the Co-founder/CTO of the Company (located in Los Angeles). You will collaborate with our product team over product vision, strategy, execution, team development and in general contributing to DISQO’s products and product culture. This role requires a deep understanding of data analytics, AI technologies, and SaaS platform development. The ideal candidate is a hands-on product builder with a track record of success in data-driven product management, and experience with building scalable, AI-powered SaaS products.\n\n\nWhat you will do:\n- **Product Strategy \u0026 Vision:**\n- Collaborate with our leadership and product team to develop and drive the product vision and roadmap for our Platform, aligning it with DISQO’s mission and strategic goals.\n- Identify market trends and customer needs to create impactful, data-centric features that provide actionable insights for our customers.\n- Serve as the product expert on data analytics and AI applications, with a focus on using these technologies to enhance our platform’s value to customers.\n- **Platform Development:**\n- Collaborate with engineering, product design, and data teams to develop scalable, high-performance product features.\n- Prioritize and define feature requirements, specifications, and success metrics for platform capabilities in data ingestion, transformation, visualization, and AI-powered analytics.\n- Oversee the full product lifecycle, from ideation to launch, ensuring timely delivery and high-quality execution.\n- **AI \u0026 Data Analytics Innovation:**\n- Partner with our data and engineering teams to build AI-driven features that improve consumer insights and brand interaction outcomes.\n- Leverage machine learning, natural language processing, and other AI technologies to surface key insights for brands in real time.\n- Ensure the platform’s data analytics capabilities meet enterprise-grade reliability, security, and compliance standards.\n- **Stakeholder \u0026 Customer Engagement:**\n- Collaborate closely with marketing, sales, and customer success teams to position the Experience Platform as a leading consumer insights tool in the market.\n- Act as the voice of the customer, continuously gathering feedback from users and stakeholders to inform product enhancements and prioritize user needs.\n- Conduct regular reviews and demonstrations to communicate the value of product features to both internal teams and external customers.\n- **Metrics \u0026 Performance Tracking:**\n- Define and track key performance indicators (KPIs) that measure the impact of platform features and enhancements on business objectives.\n- Utilize analytics and customer feedback to iterate on existing features, optimizing performance and driving adoption.\n\n\nWhat you bring to the role:\n- 10+ years of experience in product management, with a minimum of 5 years building data analytics, AI/ML or AdTech/MarTech platforms.\n- Proven track record in building and scaling enterprise-grade SaaS products with a strong data and analytics foundation.\n- Expertise in data analytics tools, AI/ML technologies, and SaaS architecture best practices.\n- Strong technical acumen with a deep understanding of data management, machine learning, and analytics workflows. Strong SQL and analytical skills are highly desired.\n- Exceptional communication and stakeholder management skills, with the ability to present complex ideas and data insights clearly and persuasively.\n- Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Data Science, or a related field; advanced degrees preferred.\n\n\n#LI-MV1\n\n\nAt DISQO, we pride ourselves on having a positive, performance-oriented workplace that includes a flexible hybrid approach, competitive medical benefits, and an amazing vacation policy. Read more about our culture on Glassdoor.\n\nYou can learn more about what’s happening at DISQO by visiting the DISQO Developer Blog or the DISQO Company Blog.\n\nPerks \u0026 Benefits:\n\n·100% covered Medical/Dental/Vision for employee, competitive dependent coverage\n·Equity\n·401K\n·Generous PTO policy\n·Flexible workplace policy\n·Team offsites, social events \u0026 happy hours\n·Life Insurance\n·Health FSA\n·Commuter FSA (for hybrid employees)\n·Catered lunch and fully stocked kitchen\n·Paid Maternity/Paternity leave\n·Disability Insurance\n·Travel Assistance Program\n·24/7 Counseling Services offered to Employees\n·Access to personal and professional growth tools - Calm App \u0026 LinkedIn Learning\n\nNote: The benefits noted above are for full time US based employees only.\n\nDISQO is an equal opportunity employer. Discovery, innovation, and growth are possible when we open ourselves to new possibilities, perspectives, and approaches. That’s why, at DISQO, we welcome, support, and empower individuals from diverse backgrounds. Exceptional teams are rooted in extraordinary people, each with a unique story and a compelling set of skills. DISQO does not discriminate against employees based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, gender identity or expression, age, disability, pregnancy (including childbirth, breastfeeding, or related medical condition), genetic information, protected military or veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws.\n\n*Recruiting firms that submit resumes to DISQO without first entering into a written contract will not be entitled to any compensation on candidates referred by that firm.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731492802,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"principal-product-manager","title":"Principal Product Manager","compensation":"$170k – $220k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3149658","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3126086":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Lever::Listing","description":"DISQO is an Experience AI Platform that helps brands create more meaningful interactions by providing accurate and authentic insights into every brand experience. We achieve this by connecting everyday consumers with the brands they value, capturing their sentiment and journeys and then utilizing AI to provide brands with actionable insights. DISQO is changing the way that the world’s largest brands, agencies and media companies increase the effectiveness of their advertising to grow their brands. Our mission is to build the world’s most trusted platform that fuels brand growth.\n\nWhen you join DISQO Nation, you join a community that values trust, transparency and innovation. We invest in our employees and apply a bottom-up management approach, rooted in the concept of servant leadership. We approach each day eager to learn, grow, and make a lasting impact. Best of all, we have fun while doing it!\n\n\nDISQO seeks a Sr. Product Marketing Manager who combines top-notch marketing acumen with high-initiative startup spirit. You have an entrepreneurial mindset and thrive working in a fast-paced, highly cross-functional environment. You thrive in fluidity and rapid change and value collaboration over ownership. You’re inspired by challenges, and you’re always seeking ways to up-level our opportunities, bringing best practices to a vibrant growth company, and ultimately delivering incredible customer experiences. \n\nYou’ll lead product launches that catch attention, drive adoption, and support Sales and Customer Success effectiveness with impeccable enablement training and documentation. Accordingly, you’ll bring a track record driving highly successful Product Marketing strategies in multi-product companies. You’re a strategic thinker, rigorous analyst, skilled storyteller, and expert influencer with a demonstrated ability to drive consensus across Product, Marketing, Sales, and Customer Success teams. This role is an opportunity to help shape DISQO’s future by working cross-functionally to strategize, develop, and drive programs, content, and integrated campaigns that demonstrate the value of our products to our customers and prospects. \n\nYou are a pro at traditional product marketing techniques and iterative in your approach to think outside the box. You will be a champion of this mindset across the broader organization. You will deeply understand (or quickly learn) our industry, target customers, and segments to equip the team with powerful positioning, messaging, and personas. In 2024, you’ll be a high-impact individual contributor. As DISQO further scales, you’ll lead, develop, and build a team of Product Marketers who collaborate with multiple cross-functional stakeholders to set shared priorities for driving growth. \n\n\nWhat you'll do:\n- Be the in-house expert on our market and customers. Frame strategy questions, conduct competitive and market research, develop ideal customer profiles, and conduct win/loss analysis.\n- Lead Marketing’s portion of go-to-market efforts for new product feature launches and marketing programs; including developing positioning, messaging, value propositions, and integrated marketing plans.\n- Deliver a predictable calendar of product content such as articles, reports, case studies etc. that can then be used by Demand Generation and Brand \u0026 Comms to drive leads and market awareness.\n- Clarify, extract, and communicate product features to commercial teams through interviews with clients, Product Management, Engineering, Client Success, and Sales.\n- Create and deliver training and enablement content including playbooks, one-pagers, decks, and battle cards to support Sales and Customer Success teams.\n- Enhance the value of our existing products through the development and execution of product-led strategies that increase usage by current customers.\n- Collaborate and inspire cross-functional teams (including Marketing, Sales, Product, and Customer Success) to support launch campaigns and activations.\n- Coordinate with all marketing partners across Demand Gen, Brand+Comms, Events, Marketing Operations, etc. to ensure smooth execution of Product Marketing strategy.\n\n\nWhat you bring to the role:\n- 5+ years of B2B product marketing experience in a high-growth environment.\n- Experience successfully developing and driving integrated marketing plans, differentiated messaging, and product growth for both enterprise (sales or content-led) and product-led-growth sales motions. Demonstrated examples of content development that drove results in demand generation, market awareness, and SEO.\n- Experience developing deep relationships with product management, sales, customer success, and revenue operations/enablement leaders across a multi-product company.\n- Extensive experience coaching in positioning and messaging, leading product launches, and creating Sales and Marketing collateral.\n- Demonstrated examples of content development that drove results in demand generation, market awareness, and SEO.\n- Ability to provide and be receptive to constructive feedback.\n- Ability to draw insights from data that will influence strategy.\n- Broad analytical skills to source relevant information that informs and validates product positioning and messaging.\n- Proven storytelling skills with the ability to enable others to deliver memorable product narratives to be used in sales enablement and content development.\n- Clear history enabling sales teams to succeed and exceed their goals.\n- Strong leadership skills and team-oriented disposition with the ability to influence key stakeholders, foster collaboration, and drive results across cross-functional teams. Ability to provide and be receptive to constructive feedback.\n- Outstanding planning, communications, and interpersonal skills.\n- Ability to think creatively and critically and thrive in a fast-paced and often ambiguous work environment.\n- Experience in advertising, brand experience, customer experience, or market research industries is a plus.\n\n\n#LI-MV1\n\n\nAt DISQO, we pride ourselves on having a positive, performance-oriented workplace that includes a flexible hybrid approach, competitive medical benefits, and an amazing vacation policy. Read more about our culture on Glassdoor.\n\nYou can learn more about what’s happening at DISQO by visiting the DISQO Developer Blog or the DISQO Company Blog.\n\nPerks \u0026 Benefits:\n\n·100% covered Medical/Dental/Vision for employee, competitive dependent coverage\n·Equity\n·401K\n·Generous PTO policy\n·Flexible workplace policy\n·Team offsites, social events \u0026 happy hours\n·Life Insurance\n·Health FSA\n·Commuter FSA (for hybrid employees)\n·Catered lunch and fully stocked kitchen\n·Paid Maternity/Paternity leave\n·Disability Insurance\n·Travel Assistance Program\n·24/7 Counseling Services offered to Employees\n·Access to personal and professional growth tools - Calm App \u0026 LinkedIn Learning\n\nNote: The benefits noted above are for full time US based employees only.\n\nDISQO is an equal opportunity employer. Discovery, innovation, and growth are possible when we open ourselves to new possibilities, perspectives, and approaches. That’s why, at DISQO, we welcome, support, and empower individuals from diverse backgrounds. Exceptional teams are rooted in extraordinary people, each with a unique story and a compelling set of skills. DISQO does not discriminate against employees based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, gender identity or expression, age, disability, pregnancy (including childbirth, breastfeeding, or related medical condition), genetic information, protected military or veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws.\n\n*Recruiting firms that submit resumes to DISQO without first entering into a written contract will not be entitled to any compensation on candidates referred by that firm.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1728940399,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Marketing Manager","remote":false,"slug":"sr-product-marketing-manager","title":"Sr. Product Marketing Manager","compensation":"$160k – $180k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3126086","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3119678":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Lever::Listing","description":"DISQO is an Experience AI Platform that helps brands create more meaningful interactions by providing accurate and authentic insights into every brand experience. We achieve this by connecting everyday consumers with the brands they value, capturing their sentiment and journeys and then utilizing AI to provide brands with actionable insights. DISQO is changing the way that the world’s largest brands, agencies and media companies increase the effectiveness of their advertising to grow their brands. Our mission is to build the world’s most trusted platform that fuels brand growth.\n\nWhen you join DISQO Nation, you join a community that values trust, transparency and innovation. We invest in our employees and apply a bottom-up management approach, rooted in the concept of servant leadership. We approach each day eager to learn, grow, and make a lasting impact. Best of all, we have fun while doing it!\n\n\nPosition Overview: We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced ADR Manager to lead our Account Development team. The ideal candidate will have a track record of success in SaaS sales, a passion for coaching and developing talent, and a data-driven approach to growing pipeline. The ADR Manager will play a pivotal role in driving top-of-funnel activity, helping to shape our sales strategy, and ensuring the success of our ADR team.\n\n\nWhat you will do:\n- **Lead and Manage ADR Team:** Recruit, train, and mentor a team of high-performing ADRs to generate qualified leads for the sales team.\n- **Strategy and Execution:** Develop and execute strategies to drive pipeline growth, leveraging industry best practices, outbound prospecting, and technology tools.\n- **Process Optimization:** Continuously refine and improve ADR processes, including outreach strategies, lead qualification, and handoff to Account Executives (AEs).\n- **Data-Driven Management:** Track and analyze key performance metrics (e.g., call activity, conversion rates, pipeline contribution), using data to inform decisions and optimize team performance.\n- **Collaboration:** Partner closely with sales, marketing, and product teams to align ADR efforts with overall company goals and campaigns.\n- **Tech Stack Management:** Leverage CRM and sales engagement tools (e.g., Salesforce, Outreach, SalesLoft, HubSpot) to track activities, optimize workflows, and ensure accurate data entry.\n- **Training \u0026 Development:** Provide ongoing training, coaching, and feedback to BDRs, focusing on improving skills like cold outreach, objection handling, and product knowledge.\n- **Goal Achievement:** Drive the team to meet and exceed monthly and quarterly targets for qualified leads, appointments, and opportunities created.\n- **Reporting:** Provide regular updates to senior leadership on team performance, pipeline growth, and opportunities for improvement.\n\n\nWhat you bring to the role:\n- 4+ years of experience in sales or business development (SDR/BDR/ADR operations), preferably in a SaaS or high-technology environment.\n- 2+ years of experience managing a business development team.\n- Proven track record of driving pipeline and meeting/exceeding revenue targets.\n- Strong leadership and coaching skills, with a passion for developing talent.\n- Deep understanding of the SaaS sales cycle and lead generation techniques.\n- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.\n- Proficiency with CRM and sales engagement platforms (e.g., Salesforce, Salesloft/Outreach, HubSpot, Zoominfo, etc.).\n- Analytical mindset with experience using data to drive decisions and optimize performance.\n- Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic startup environment.\n\n\nNice to haves:\n- Experience aggressively scaling ADR teams in a startup or high-growth company.\n- Knowledge of Advertising Technology software solutions.\n- Familiarity with ABM (Account-Based Marketing) strategies.\n\n\n#LI-MV1\n\n\nAt DISQO, we pride ourselves on having a positive, performance-oriented workplace that includes a flexible hybrid approach, competitive medical benefits, and an amazing vacation policy. Read more about our culture on Glassdoor.\n\nYou can learn more about what’s happening at DISQO by visiting the DISQO Developer Blog or the DISQO Company Blog.\n\nPerks \u0026 Benefits:\n\n·100% covered Medical/Dental/Vision for employee, competitive dependent coverage\n·Equity\n·401K\n·Generous PTO policy\n·Flexible workplace policy\n·Team offsites, social events \u0026 happy hours\n·Life Insurance\n·Health FSA\n·Commuter FSA (for hybrid employees)\n·Catered lunch and fully stocked kitchen\n·Paid Maternity/Paternity leave\n·Disability Insurance\n·Travel Assistance Program\n·24/7 Counseling Services offered to Employees\n·Access to personal and professional growth tools - Calm App \u0026 LinkedIn Learning\n\nNote: The benefits noted above are for full time US based employees only.\n\nDISQO is an equal opportunity employer. Discovery, innovation, and growth are possible when we open ourselves to new possibilities, perspectives, and approaches. That’s why, at DISQO, we welcome, support, and empower individuals from diverse backgrounds. Exceptional teams are rooted in extraordinary people, each with a unique story and a compelling set of skills. DISQO does not discriminate against employees based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, gender identity or expression, age, disability, pregnancy (including childbirth, breastfeeding, or related medical condition), genetic information, protected military or veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws.\n\n*Recruiting firms that submit resumes to DISQO without first entering into a written contract will not be entitled to any compensation on candidates referred by that firm.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1728292452,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Sales","remote":false,"slug":"adr-manager","title":"ADR Manager","compensation":"$95k – $110k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3119678","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:6748267":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"6748267","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-6748267"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-6748267"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"DISQO is a customer experience (CX) platform empowering businesses","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3149658"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3126086"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3119678"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"DISQO","slug":"disqo"},"Badge:B2C-7719643":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-7719643","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-7719643":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-7719643","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Growth Stage","tooltip":"Expanding market presence","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"growth_stage"},"Badge:GROWING_FAST-7719643":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"GROWING_FAST-7719643","name":"GROWING_FAST_BADGE","label":"Growing fast","tooltip":"Showed strong hiring growth in the past month","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3089965":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"**About the Role**\n\nAs a Senior Product Manager at FINESSE, you'll play a pivotal role in shaping and elevating our digital products that impact millions of customers globally. With significant experience under your belt, you'll not only define and execute the product strategy for our web and mobile platforms but also lead in optimizing their user experience and business impact. You'll collaborate closely with a team of exceptional talents, including designers, engineers, and marketers, to conceptualize and deliver unforgettable digital experiences for our customers. Your scope includes enhancing our website and mobile app, ensuring they remain cutting-edge, user-centric, and impactful. You'll be responsible for the entire product lifecycle, from ideation to launch and beyond, constantly iterating based on user feedback and market trends to drive growth and engagement across our digital touchpoints.\n\n**About You**\n\nYou are not just a manager but an innovator, with a proven track record of conceptualizing and delivering remarkable digital products. Your creative vision is matched by an acute attention to detail, ensuring every aspect of user experience and product functionality is flawless. With your extensive experience, you understand the potential of emerging technologies (like AI, AR, personalization, etc.) and how to strategically incorporate them for compelling user experiences. You're known for your ability to think creatively, identify market opportunities, and push product boundaries. A commitment to continuously enhancing user satisfaction and product performance is in your DNA, ensuring a seamless experience for users worldwide. Your strong communication skills and collaborative nature make you an ideal leader, capable of working effectively across creative and engineering teams to bring product visions to life. Above all, you're excited to shape and grow digital products from the ground up that will touch the lives of millions of people worldwide, driving both user engagement and business success.\n\n**Recommended Background**\n\n- With significant experience in product management, with a proven track record of successfully launching and scaling consumer-facing web and mobile applications\n- Strong understanding of user-centered design principles, product development methodologies, and web/mobile technologies\n- Proficiency in data analysis, A/B testing, and using analytics tools to drive product decisions and optimization\n- Demonstrated ability to translate business strategy into product features, create roadmaps, and prioritize backlogs\n- Experience in conducting user research, incorporating feedback, and applying UX research methodologies in product development\n- Strong communication and presentation skills, with the ability to articulate product vision to various stakeholders\n- Expertise in defining and tracking KPIs, implementing monetization strategies, and developing business models for digital products\n\n**What You’ll Love at FINESSE**\n\n- Being at the forefront of and working towards creating a culture-defining new product\n- A close-knit, extremely passionate \u0026amp; world class team excited about changing the face of fashion\n- A diverse team and culture that values inclusivity and individuality as highest priority\n- Company sponsored happy hours and outings\n- Comprehensive benefits: Medical, dental and vision insurance; 401k with 3% matching\n- A weekly wellness benefit of $100 to spend on whatever makes you happy\n- A monthly transportation benefit of $150\n- A monthly meal benefit of $100\n- Paid maternity and paternity leave\n- Sponsored weekly team lunches\n- Unlimited PTO\n\n**Our Culture**\n\nFINESSE has a dreamer \u0026amp; doer culture. We envision the next age of fashion \u0026amp; consumer and then get to work to implement it, always thinking creatively, innovatively and collaboratively to create real change. We are energetic, highly creative and hungry for change that is both revolutionizing as well as ethical.","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730751066,"locationNames":["Los Angeles","London"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"senior-product-manager","title":"Senior Product Manager","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3089965","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3089966":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"**About the Role**\n\nAs an Engineering Manager at FINESSE, you'll play a pivotal role in leading and elevating our digital platforms that impact millions of customers globally. With significant engineering and leadership experience, you'll oversee the development, maintenance, and optimization of our web presence, mobile applications, and internal tools. You'll lead a team of exceptional talents, fostering their growth and guiding them to engineer unforgettable experiences for our customers and efficient solutions for our internal stakeholders. Your scope includes strategizing and executing product roadmaps across our customer-facing website, mobile apps, and various internal tech-centric touchpoints, ensuring they remain cutting-edge, efficient, and impactful. You'll collaborate closely with product, design, and other engineering teams to align technical strategies with business goals and drive innovation across all our digital platforms.\n\n**About You**\n\nYou are not just a manager but a visionary leader, with a proven track record of guiding teams to create remarkable digital experiences across various platforms. Your technical acumen is matched by a strategic mindset, ensuring every aspect of our digital ecosystem aligns with business objectives and user needs. With your extensive experience, you understand the potential of emerging technologies (like progressive web apps, native mobile features, AI-driven tools, etc.) and how to strategically implement them for impactful user experiences and operational efficiency. You're known for your ability to think innovatively, push boundaries, and inspire your team to do the same. A commitment to continuously enhancing performance, reliability, and team productivity is in your DNA, ensuring seamless experiences for both users and internal stakeholders worldwide. Your strong communication skills and collaborative nature make you an ideal leader, capable of working effectively across product, design, and engineering teams, as well as with upper management. Above all, you're excited to build and lead a team that will create digital solutions from the ground up, touching the lives of millions of users while empowering our organization with cutting-edge internal tools.\n\n**Recommended Background**\n\n- Significant software engineering experience, with strong experience in a leadership role managing and growing exceptional engineering teams\n- Strong technical background in full-stack development, with expertise in web and mobile technologies and architectural decision-making\n- Experience overseeing the development of consumer-facing products and internal tools, including familiarity with cloud platforms and DevOps practices\n- Proven track record in hiring, mentoring, and developing engineering talent, including managing both in-house and remote team members\n- Strong communication skills, with the ability to translate technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders and collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams\n- Experience in setting and managing team KPIs, OKRs, and implementing data-driven decision-making processes\n- Demonstrated ability to manage multiple projects, set technical direction, and allocate resources effectively while maintaining high code quality standards\n\n**What You’ll Love at FINESSE**\n\n- Being at the forefront of and working towards creating a culture-defining new product\n- A close-knit, extremely passionate \u0026amp; world class team excited about changing the face of fashion\n- A diverse team and culture that values inclusivity and individuality as highest priority\n- Company sponsored happy hours and outings\n- Comprehensive benefits: Medical, dental and vision insurance; 401k with 3% matching\n- A monthly wellness benefit of $100 to spend on whatever makes you happy as well as\n- A monthly transportation benefit of $150\n- A monthly meal benefit of $100\n- Paid maternity and paternity leave\n- Sponsored weekly team lunches\n- Unlimited PTO\n\n**Our Culture**\n\nFINESSE has a dreamer \u0026amp; doer culture. We envision the next age of fashion \u0026amp; consumer and then get to work to implement it, always thinking creatively, innovatively and collaboratively to create real change. We are energetic, highly creative and hungry for change that is both revolutionizing as well as ethical.","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730750676,"locationNames":["Los Angeles","London"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Engineering Manager","remote":false,"slug":"engineering-manager","title":"Engineering Manager","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3089966","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:7719643":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"7719643","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-7719643"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-7719643"},{"__ref":"Badge:GROWING_FAST-7719643"}],"companySize":"SIZE_51_200","highConcept":"Netflix meets Zara","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3089965"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3089966"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"FINESSE","slug":"finesseus"},"Badge:B2C-399707":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-399707","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-399707":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-399707","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-399707":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-399707","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3133825":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Quick Overview**\n\nLead product strategy and development for AI-powered shopping experiences at Shape the future of e-commerce by driving innovation across our product portfolio, including SimplyCodes and Ideal for experienced product leaders passionate about AI, user-centric design, and community-driven product development in a fast-paced environment.\n\n**About**\n\n[]( aims to be the world's leading source of e-commerce knowledge. Founded in 2009, we're developing AI-driven products to transform online shopping:\n\n* [SimplyCodes]( AI and community-powered savings platform covering 400,000+ stores\n* []( AI shopping assistant (in development) to redefine online purchasing\n\nOur products drive over $1 billion in annual e-commerce volume, with plans for substantial growth.\n\n**The Opportunity**\n\nWe're seeking an experienced Principal Product Manager to lead our product strategy and development efforts across our portfolio. In this high-impact role, you'll:\n\n* Drive overall product strategy and execution across the network\n* Lead SimplyCodes to become the #1 player in the coupon industry\n* Spearhead the development and launch of as a viable AI shopping assistant\n* Lead international rollout of properties\n* Drive growth product strategy across all properties\n* Mentor and develop the product management team\n\nYou'll report directly to the CEO and play a key role in shaping the future of e-commerce.\n\n**What You'll Do**\n\n* Lead overall product strategy and roadmap development for all properties\n* Drive SimplyCodes to market leadership through innovative features and user experience improvements\n* Lead the development and launch of, including integration with App Intents\n* Spearhead international expansion of products\n* Develop and implement growth strategies across all properties\n* Mentor and develop a team of product managers\n* Collaborate with AI and machine learning teams to create cutting-edge shopping experiences\n* Drive data-informed product decisions through qualitative and quantitative studies\n* Represent's product vision at industry conferences and with partners\n\n**A Day in the Life**\n\nAs a Principal Product Manager at, you might:\n\n* Lead a product strategy session with cross-functional teams to plan the next major SimplyCodes release\n* Review user feedback and analytics to prioritize new features for\n* Collaborate with the AI team to refine the conversational interface for SimplyCodes\n* Mentor a junior product manager on conducting effective user research\n* Present the product roadmap and growth strategies to the executive team\n\n**About You**\n\nWe're open to exceptional candidates at various levels - title and compensation will be commensurate with experience and impact.\n\nMust-Haves:\n\n* 10+ years of experience in product management, preferably in B2C tech or e-commerce\n* Strong background in AI-powered products and features\n* Proven track record in driving product strategy and execution across multiple products\n* Experience with international product launches and localization\n* Excellent leadership and communication skills\n* Data-driven approach to product development and decision-making\n\nNice-to-Haves:\n\n* Experience with community-driven product development\n* Expertise in conversational AI or chatbot interfaces\n* Background in growth product management\n* Publications or speaking engagements in product management, particularly related to AI or e-commerce\n* Advanced degree in Computer Science, Business, or related field\n\n**Compensation \u0026amp; Growth Opportunity**\n\nAt, we align individual success with company performance:\n\n* Competitive base salary: $200,000 - $250,000 DOE\n* Equity: 0.5% - 1.0% initial grant in a $100M+ valuation company\n\n**Partners Program**: Our profit-sharing system\n\n* Substantial cash bonuses tied to company performance\n* Additive to already competitive core compensation package\n* Potential to earn multiples of base salary through monthly profit-sharing\n* Rewards exceptional performance and long-term commitment\n\nThe Partners Program provides increasing rewards as grows. Eligibility typically begins after 3-6 months, with increasing bonus percentages as you advance through Partner levels.\n\n*\"The Partners Program has allowed me to earn significantly more than in traditional roles. It makes you feel truly invested in the company's success.\" - Jimmy Doheny, Director of Affiliate \u0026amp; Content Operations*\n\nWe're happy to discuss the program in detail during the interview process.\n\n**Benefits for High Performers**\n\n* 💰 Equity Partners program with uncapped earning potential\n* 🚀 Advancement opportunities based on impact\n* 📚 Learning stipend for conferences, courses, and certifications\n* 🖥️ Access to advanced AI tools including our own GPU cluster for AI model training\n* 🏥 Comprehensive health, dental, and vision coverage for you and all dependents\n* 🏖️ Unlimited PTO\n* 👶 Parental leave policy\n* 📈 401(k) program\n* 🍽️ Catered lunches in our state-of-the-art Santa Monica office\n* 🏠 Relocation assistance for exceptional candidates\n\nOur benefits are designed to support high achievers in a fast-paced, innovative environment. You'll have the opportunity to lead projects on cutting-edge AI products, collaborate in a low-ego atmosphere, and work in our impressive office space featuring sweeping views and ample focus areas.\n\n**Our Culture**\n\nAt, we value:\n\n* Innovation: Exploring new ideas and technologies\n* Empowerment: Taking ownership of impactful projects\n* Continuous Growth: Constantly learning and improving\n\n*\"At, we're building the future of e-commerce. Every team member has the opportunity to make a significant impact.\" - Michael Quoc, Founder \u0026amp; CEO*\n\nWe primarily work from our Santa Monica office, believing that in-person collaboration drives innovation, while maintaining overall flexibility and autonomy.\n\n**Ready to Shape the Future of E-commerce?**\n\nIf you're excited about leading product strategy and development efforts that will advance AI-powered shopping experiences, we want to hear from you.\n\nLearn more about [our products, our values, and what it's like to work at](","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729771050,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"principal-product-manager","title":"Principal Product Manager","compensation":"$200k – $275k • 0.5% – 1.0%","yearsExperienceMin":10,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3133825","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:399707":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"399707","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-399707"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-399707"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-399707"}],"companySize":"SIZE_51_200","highConcept":"Chaining decentralized platforms to advance e-commerce for brands, creators, and consumers alike","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3133825"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"","slug":"demandio"},"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-6655458":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_RESPONDER-6655458","name":"TOP_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Top 5% of responders","tooltip":"Ylopo is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-6655458":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"QUICK_RESPONDER-6655458","name":"QUICK_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Responds within a few days","tooltip":"Based on past data, Ylopo usually responds to incoming applications within a few days","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-6655458":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-6655458","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-6655458":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-6655458","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Growth Stage","tooltip":"Expanding market presence","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"growth_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3146816":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"**Product Manager**\n\n**Overview:**\n\nYlopo is a next-generation complete digital marketing solution designed for real estate teams and agents to capture and nurture people interested in buying or selling real estate. Ylopo leverages real estate specific, dynamic advertisements to **generate interest**, white labeled home search portals to **engage**, and cutting edge AI technology to multi-channel **nurture** prospects throughout their home buying journey. We help teams and agents grow their business and scale personalized relationships across their customer base with cost and time efficiencies. \n\n**Opportunity**\n\n- Work on Ylopo's core products from the early stages of product-market-fit to launch.\n- Scale product adoption within the next year.\n- Startup environment at an established company and market leader (distribution and resources built-in).\n- Established product team support system: to learn, teach and grow with\n\n**Responsibilities**\n\n- Collaborate in product vision, strategy and roadmap with stakeholders and upper management\n- Define, build, launch, and iterate on complex features and systems that move the product towards its vision\n- Oversee the end-to-end product development process including quality assurance\n- Extensive research and synthesis of insights to inform strategy, scope and decisions\n- Orchestrate collaboration among all departments to support the product including but not limited to: creating sales deck with Sales team, drafting customer rollout strategy with Account Management team, defining operational workflows with Onboarding team, training Product Support team, coordinating product transitions or changes across all teams\n- Work autonomously and be able to take ownership of product decisions\n\n**Skills \u0026 Qualifications**\n\n- At least 3+ years of professional product management experience working on SaaS application products\n- At least 1 year with startup experience\n- Strong project management and organizational skills to drive projects forward and facilitate collaboration across all teams\n- Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail\n- A self-starter mindset, you aren’t afraid to roll up your sleeves and figure things out\n- Strong technical acumen, from being able to understand complex systems and logic to being able to follow engineering discussions around database schemas and APIs to ensure short and long term product use cases are met\n\nThis role is currently fully remote within the US. Compensation and full benefits include starting pay for Mid-Levels $130k - $160k \u0026 Senior $150k - $180k, depending on experience; medical, dental, and vision benefits; paid holidays, vacation, and sick days; a 401(k)\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731106352,"locationNames":["Santa Monica"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":true,"slug":"product-manager","title":"Product Manager","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3146816","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:6655458":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"6655458","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-6655458"},{"__ref":"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-6655458"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-6655458"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-6655458"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"Digital marketing and technology solutions for real estate professionals","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3146816"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Ylopo","slug":"ylopo-1"},"Badge:B2B-78720":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-78720","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-78720":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-78720","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-78720":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-78720","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:YC-78720":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"YC-78720","name":"YC_BADGE","label":"YC Funded","tooltip":"Startup funded by Y Combinator","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-78720":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-78720","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-78720":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-78720","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"Gusto is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.2 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-78720":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-78720","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate Gusto 4.2/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-78720":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-78720","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate Gusto 4.2/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3151638":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":" \n\n* * *\n\n**About Gusto**\n\nGusto is a modern, online people platform that helps small businesses take care of their teams. On top of full-service payroll, Gusto offers health insurance, 401(k)s, expert HR, and team management tools. Today, Gusto offices in Denver, San Francisco, and New York serve more than 300,000 businesses nationwide.\n\nOur mission is to create a world where work empowers a better life, and it starts right here at Gusto. That’s why we’re committed to building a collaborative and inclusive workplace, both physically and virtually. Learn more about our [Total Rewards philosophy]( \n\n**By the Numbers:**\n\n- Named [#1 best software for small business]( 2024 by G2\n- 2,700+ employees in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Turkiye and growing\n- Over $500M in annual revenue\n- The SMB market is large (and growing!) with huge opportunities for Gusto to make an incredible impact for SMBs\n\n - There are 6.2M employers in the US, 98% have fewer than 100 employees (1) \n - 550,000 new businesses are created each year in the US (1) \n\n**What Product Management is like at Gusto:**\n\n- We’re looking for high-autonomy, entrepreneurial Product Managers to come build high-impact solutions for small businesses and their employees. We believe in high-ownership Product Managers who operate like business owners - owning an entire roadmap end to end and shipping product all the way from strategy through to the nitty gritty details (some describe this kind of role as a “GM” type role).\n- Our Product team is lean, which means you’ll have a high degree of impact and ownership.\n- We’re here to serve small and medium businesses. Gusto has a strong mission-driven culture, and we care deeply about lifting up these business owners.\n\n**About the Team:**\n\n- Gusto provides essential tools for small businesses—Payroll, Benefits, Time Tracking, and Financial Products—supported by our CX (Customer Experience) teams, who help customers troubleshoot and get the most value from each product.\n- The CX Platform team is key to scaling Gusto's services with high satisfaction across hundreds of thousands of customers. Our team collaborates with diverse, cross-functional partners to earn customer love and build loyalty.\n- As part of this team, you’ll enhance our service experience, enabling all teams to deliver seamless, efficient, and transformative service that anticipates and exceeds customer expectations.\n\n**Here’s what you’ll do day-to-day:***** ***\n\n- **Ownership:** Develop the vision and strategy for CX channels, routing and case handling with a bias for action. Actively listen and learn to form strong points of view, build consensus on the roadmap priorities balancing quality, efficiency, and cost.\n- **North Star:** Lead efforts to earn customer love, while balancing efficiency and scalability with new tools and AI integration\n- **Collaborate:** Collaborate with design, engineering, data, and operations teams to build AI/ML-powered tools that enhance efficiency, speed up response times, and improve customer satisfaction.\n- **Drive Decisions:** Adopt a customer-first approach, using strong analytical skills to make data-driven decisions. Run A/B tests and use insights to continually refine and enhance AI-driven experiences.\n- Stay abreast of advancements in AI/ML, cutting-edge technologies and innovations to inform and guide the long-term vision and strategy for customer experience at Gusto.\n\n**Here’s what we're looking for:**\n\n- **Experience:** 5+ years in product management for consumer, enterprise platforms, or internal-facing products, with a focus on improving customer experience (CX) in fast-growing companies.\n- **Customer-Centric:** Strong commitment to understanding and advocating for customer needs, delivering solutions that enhance satisfaction and drive business success.\n- **Strategic Decision-Making:** Adept at balancing long-term objectives with immediate successes and making informed, tough decisions that leverage both data and judgment, while inspiring and motivating teams.\n- **Empathetic and Organized:** Demonstrates genuine empathy for both team members and customers while being highly organized and execution-oriented, with a passion for learning and applying first principles thinking.\n- **Communication and Collaboration:** Proven ability to work effectively with cross-functional teams, with an ability to build trust, foster collaboration and influence without authority to achieve shared goals.\n- [Bonus] Customer Experience Knowledge: Deep understanding of customer service and contact center operations, with a track record of translating customer needs into effective product features.\n\n*If you don't think you meet all of the criteria above but still are interested in the job, please apply. Nobody checks every box, and we're looking for someone excited to join the team.*\n\n*Our cash compensation amount for this role is $153,000/yr to $191,000/yr in Denver \u0026 most major metro locations, and $186,000/yr to $230,000/yr for San Francisco, Seattle \u0026 New York. Final offer amounts are determined by multiple factors including candidate location, experience and expertise and may vary from the amounts listed above.*\n\n**Where do PMs at Gusto work?**\n\nWe have offices in Denver, San Francisco, and New York and have remote team members across the US and Canada. We are actively hiring for the following Centers of Gravity: Toronto, Canada, Atlanta, GA, Austin, TX, Chicago, IL, Denver, CO, Los Angeles, CA, Miami, FL, and Seattle, WA. Our open roles will specify on the careers page and in the job description where the position is eligible for work. \n\n* (1)* *Business Applications with Planned Wages (*[**](*)*\n\n \n\n \n\n* * *\n\nGusto has physical office spaces in Denver, San Francisco, and New York City. Employees who are based in those locations will be expected to work from the office on designated days approximately **2-3 days** per week (or more depending on role). The same office expectations apply to all Symmetry roles, Gusto's subsidiary, whose physical office is in Scottsdale.\n\nNote: The San Francisco office expectations encompass both the San Francisco and San Jose metro areas. \n\nWhen approved to work from a location other than a Gusto office, a secure, reliable, and consistent internet connection is required.\n\n* * *\n\nOur customers come from all walks of life and so do we. We hire great people from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it's the right thing to do, but because it makes our company stronger. If you share our values and our enthusiasm for small businesses, you will find a home at Gusto. \n\nGusto is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate in hiring or any employment decision based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, genetic information, veteran status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or other applicable legally protected characteristic. Gusto considers qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state and local law. Gusto is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans in our job application procedures. We want to see our candidates perform to the best of their ability. If you require a medical or religious accommodation at any time throughout your candidate journey, please fill out [this form]( and a member of our team will get in touch with you.\n\nGusto takes security and protection of your personal information very seriously. Please review our [Fraudulent Activity Disclaimer](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731633617,"locationNames":["Atlanta","Austin","Chicago","Denver","Los Angeles","Miami","New York City","Seattle","San Francisco"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"senior-product-manager-cx-platform","title":"Senior Product Manager, CX Platform","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3151638","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3151639":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":" \n\n* * *\n\n**About Gusto**\n\nGusto is a modern, online people platform that helps small businesses take care of their teams. On top of full-service payroll, Gusto offers health insurance, 401(k)s, expert HR, and team management tools. Today, Gusto offices in Denver, San Francisco, and New York serve more than 300,000 businesses nationwide.\n\nOur mission is to create a world where work empowers a better life, and it starts right here at Gusto. That’s why we’re committed to building a collaborative and inclusive workplace, both physically and virtually. Learn more about our [Total Rewards philosophy]( \n\n**By the Numbers:**\n\n- Named [#1 best software for small business]( 2024 by G2\n- 2,700+ employees in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Turkiye and growing\n- Over $500M in annual revenue\n- The SMB market is large (and growing!) with huge opportunities for Gusto to make an incredible impact for SMBs\n\n - There are 6.2M employers in the US, 98% have fewer than 100 employees (1) \n - 550,000 new businesses are created each year in the US (1) \n\n**What Product Management is like at Gusto:**\n\n- We’re looking for high-autonomy, entrepreneurial Product Managers to come build high-impact solutions for small businesses and their employees. We believe in high-ownership Product Managers who operate like business owners - owning an entire roadmap end to end and shipping product all the way from strategy through to the nitty gritty details (some describe this kind of role as a “GM” type role).\n- Our Product team is lean, which means you’ll have a high degree of impact and ownership.\n- We’re here to serve small and medium businesses. Gusto has a strong mission-driven culture, and we care deeply about lifting up these business owners.\n\n**About the Team:**\n\nOur team, just a few months old and rapidly growing with 10+ people across Engineering, Data Science, and Design, is dedicated to helping our customers select the right products to accelerate their business. As the leader of this cross-functional team, you’ll drive the development of solutions that directly impact our customers' ability to grow by making smart, data-driven product decisions in a fast-paced environment.\n\n**Here’s what you’ll do day-to-day:**\n\n- **Ownership:** Define and drive the product strategy for the Commerce Platform, including the Product Catalog and Promotion Engine, aligning with core business objectives\n- **North Star:** Translate business needs into clear product requirements and detailed roadmaps that support strategic initiatives across the organization\n- **End-to-End Product Delivery:** Lead end-to-end product development from ideation through to execution and delivery, proactively addressing risks with engineering and partner teams to keep projects on track\n- **Expertise:** Serve as the subject matter expert on product, pricing, and entitlement data, guiding internal stakeholders on how to leverage the Commerce Platform\n- **Collaborate:** Work closely with cross-functional teams, including Growth, Marketing, Accounting, Finance, Business Intelligence, and Engineering to ensure alignment on goals and project timelines\n- **Risk Mitigation:** Proactively identify risks and work to mitigate them in collaboration with engineering and other partner teams\n\n**Here’s what we're looking for:**\n\n- 8+ years of direct Product Management experience\n- Strong leadership skills to drive complex, foundational projects from concept through execution, aligning cross-functional teams and stakeholders\n- Proficiency in data-driven decision-making, leveraging metrics, customer insights, and business data to inform product strategy\n- Technical fluency, enabling close collaboration with engineering teams and clear communication of technical details to non-technical stakeholders\n- Excellent verbal and written communication skills to work effectively with growth, marketing, finance, and business intelligence teams\n- Proven experience delivering impactful products and platform features that fulfill business objectives and customer needs\n- Strong problem-solving abilities with a proactive, solution-focused approach\n- Customer-centric mindset with a commitment to delivering value to end-users\n\nOur cash compensation amount for this role is $181,000/yr to $223,000/yr in Denver \u0026 most major metro locations, and $212,000/yr to $262,000/yr for San Francisco, Seattle \u0026 New York. Final offer amounts are determined by multiple factors including candidate location, experience and expertise and may vary from the amounts listed above.\n\n**Where do PMs at Gusto work?**\n\nWe have offices in Denver, San Francisco, and New York and have remote team members across the US and Canada. We are actively hiring for the following Centers of Gravity: Toronto, Canada, Atlanta, GA, Austin, TX, Chicago, IL, Denver, CO, Los Angeles, CA, Miami, FL, and Seattle, WA. Our open roles will specify on the careers page and in the job description where the position is eligible for work. \n\n (1)* Business Applications with Planned Wages (*[**](*)*\n\n \n\n* * *\n\nGusto has physical office spaces in Denver, San Francisco, and New York City. Employees who are based in those locations will be expected to work from the office on designated days approximately **2-3 days** per week (or more depending on role). The same office expectations apply to all Symmetry roles, Gusto's subsidiary, whose physical office is in Scottsdale.\n\nNote: The San Francisco office expectations encompass both the San Francisco and San Jose metro areas. \n\nWhen approved to work from a location other than a Gusto office, a secure, reliable, and consistent internet connection is required.\n\n* * *\n\nOur customers come from all walks of life and so do we. We hire great people from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it's the right thing to do, but because it makes our company stronger. If you share our values and our enthusiasm for small businesses, you will find a home at Gusto. \n\nGusto is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate in hiring or any employment decision based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, genetic information, veteran status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or other applicable legally protected characteristic. Gusto considers qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state and local law. Gusto is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans in our job application procedures. We want to see our candidates perform to the best of their ability. If you require a medical or religious accommodation at any time throughout your candidate journey, please fill out [this form]( and a member of our team will get in touch with you.\n\nGusto takes security and protection of your personal information very seriously. Please review our [Fraudulent Activity Disclaimer](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731547169,"locationNames":["Atlanta","Austin","Chicago","Denver","Los Angeles","Miami","New York City","Seattle","San Francisco"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"principal-product-manager-commerce-platform","title":"Principal Product Manager, Commerce Platform","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3151639","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3108044":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":" \n\n* * *\n\n**About Gusto**\n\nGusto is a modern, online people platform that helps small businesses take care of their teams. On top of full-service payroll, Gusto offers health insurance, 401(k)s, expert HR, and team management tools. Today, Gusto offices in Denver, San Francisco, and New York serve more than 300,000 businesses nationwide.\n\nOur mission is to create a world where work empowers a better life, and it starts right here at Gusto. That’s why we’re committed to building a collaborative and inclusive workplace, both physically and virtually. Learn more about our [Total Rewards philosophy]( \n\n**About the Role:**\n\nGusto moves hundreds of billions of dollars per year. The Principal Manager, Payments will be responsible for building technology that helps expand and develop payment rails and payment methods across the US to enable money movement and  solidify our customer ledger and reconciliation platforms for reliability.\n\n**About the Team:**\n\nThis role is part of the Payments team at Gusto that ensures that our 300,000+ small and medium businesses and millions of their employees are getting paid on time, every time. You will be developing our payments systems that are foundational to the payment solutions offered by Gusto. You will work closely with a team of Engineers and Designers, to build the roadmap, set strategic priorities, and ensure the successful implementation of our payments stack.\n\n**Here’s what you’ll do day-to-day:**\n\n- Create the roadmap and multi-year strategy for the US payment infrastructure to meet key organizational OKRs\n- Work cross-functionally with Design, Engineering and Revenue teams to develop, launch and manage/rearchitect payments infrastructure\n- Ensure that our existing payments infrastructure moves money in a timely and consistent manner\n- Collaborate with partners in Accounting, Legal, Compliance, and Payroll Services to design to enhance our product offerings and serve our customers better\n - Communicate your work across technical and non-technical decision-makers\n - Manage dependencies across other product development teams\n- Conduct market research to inform strategy, measure performance against key indicators, and inform future improvements\n\n**Here’s what we're looking for:**\n\n- 8+ years of experience in payments or payments related fields including understanding of money movement in the US and integrations with third party payment systems\n- Familiarity with payments regulations\n- Ability to translate business requirements into technical specifications and work closely with the engineering team to deliver remarkable solutions\n- Excellent communication and collaboration skills to bring others along various partners\n- High judgment to take decisions based on first principles and be able to make trade-offs\n\nOur cash compensation range for this role is $181,000 to $223,000 in Denver \u0026 most remote locations, and $212,000 to $262,000 in San Francisco \u0026 New York. Final offer amounts are determined by multiple factors, including candidate location, experience and expertise, and may vary from the amounts listed above.\n\n* * *\n\nGusto has physical office spaces in Denver, San Francisco, and New York City. Employees who are based in those locations will be expected to work from the office on designated days approximately **2-3 days** per week (or more depending on role). The same office expectations apply to all Symmetry roles, Gusto's subsidiary, whose physical office is in Scottsdale.\n\nNote: The San Francisco office expectations encompass both the San Francisco and San Jose metro areas. \n\nWhen approved to work from a location other than a Gusto office, a secure, reliable, and consistent internet connection is required.\n\n* * *\n\nOur customers come from all walks of life and so do we. We hire great people from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it's the right thing to do, but because it makes our company stronger. If you share our values and our enthusiasm for small businesses, you will find a home at Gusto. \n\nGusto is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate in hiring or any employment decision based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, genetic information, veteran status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or other applicable legally protected characteristic. Gusto considers qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state and local law. Gusto is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans in our job application procedures. We want to see our candidates perform to the best of their ability. If you require a medical or religious accommodation at any time throughout your candidate journey, please fill out [this form]( and a member of our team will get in touch with you.\n\nGusto takes security and protection of your personal information very seriously. Please review our [Fraudulent Activity Disclaimer](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1727712946,"locationNames":["Atlanta","Austin","Chicago","Denver","Los Angeles","Miami","Seattle","United States","San Francisco","Toronto"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":true,"slug":"principal-product-manager-payments","title":"Principal Product Manager, Payments","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3108044","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:78720":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"78720","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-78720"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-78720"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-78720"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-78720"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-78720"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-78720"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-78720"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-78720"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"Integrated Payroll, Benefits, HR, Tax Credits, and more","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3151638"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3151639"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3108044"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Gusto","slug":"gustohq"},"Badge:B2C-8914197":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-8914197","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-8914197":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-8914197","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8914197":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-8914197","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3089117":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"### **Principal Product Manager**\n\nAt dot, we believe in fostering genuine connections through innovative solutions in both B2B and B2C sectors. We are searching for our first Principal Product Manager—someone with a growth mindset, expertise in B2B and B2C products, and an eagerness to collaborate directly with our founder. If you are excited by the synergy of physical products and software and how they can revolutionize the way we connect, this role is for you.\n\nAs the first Principal Product Manager for dot, you will be pivotal in defining our product trajectory. You will have the unique opportunity to shape strategies for our B2B segment while ensuring the continued success and evolution of our established consumer product.\n\n#### **Responsibilities**\n\n- Collaborate with design and development teams to create a multi-faceted product roadmap to expand our software offerings.\n- Drive retention strategies, optimize user engagement, and ensure a seamless experience across our digital platforms.\n- Craft and execute go-to-market plans, balancing our B2B and B2C offerings.\n- Lead customer interviews across both B2B and B2C segments, translating feedback into actionable growth strategies.\n- Work closely with the founder to align business objectives with product visions.\n- Analyze market trends, particularly in the B2B domain, to ensure dot. remains a top choice for businesses.\n\n#### **Day-to-Day**\n\n- Align with design and development teams to ensure product specifications resonate with both B2B clients and B2C users.\n- Engage with a diverse customer base, gathering insights to inform product iterations.\n- Conduct market research to identify emerging trends and opportunities.\n\n#### **Qualifications**\n\n- Minimum five years of experience in Product Management preferably across B2C and B2B product lines\n- Proven end-to-end experience launching a new product from ideation to product-market fit.\n- Demonstrated track record of managing all aspects of a successful product throughout its lifecycle.\n- Prior experience in product management with a strong emphasis on B2B product development and strategy.\n- Success in implementing product-led growth strategies for consumer offerings.\n- Deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities in B2B product ecosystems.\n- Proven project management skills with the ability to meet and exceed objectives.\n- Start-up experience demonstrating substantial product impact.\n- Excellent verbal and written communication skills.\n- Knowledge of Figma, Mixpanel, Google Analytics, and JIRA is a plus.\n- Strong problem-solving skills with the ability to think strategically and execute methodically.\n- Ability to work in a fast-paced environment, manage multiple priorities, and adapt to change.\n\n#### **Benefits**\n\n- Competitive salary, performance-based bonuses, and stock option package.\n- Comprehensive medical and dental coverage.\n- Opportunity to create and launch products used by hundreds of thousands of users.\n- Base Salary Range: $140k- $190k\n\n#### **Location**\n\nThis role requires being on-site in our Los Angeles office for approximately 80% of the time.\n\n#### **About dot.**\n\nAt dot, we believe in building beautifully functional solutions to the mundane. We are not just building a brand but a platform to be the standard in modern networking. Over 900,000 individuals and small businesses have trusted dot. with their networking needs. We are cash flow positive and have already closed our seed round of funding.\n\nOur e-commerce site:[ \n]( dot.Profile platform:[](\n\n**Commitment to a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Culture:** \nWe all have a stake in the food system. Dot Cards aspires to collaborate with a diverse network of individuals, communities, and organizations. As a young organization founded by university students, we are strongly committed to diversifying our workforce and making Dot an inclusive space for all backgrounds. We recognize that this is a process demanding constant attention and growth; as an organization, we commit to educating ourselves and being better. Thus, we are recruiting for individuals who share our commitment to creating and embodying a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture. Dot cards is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace. We are committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, gender identity, or Veteran status. We also consider qualified applicants regardless of criminal histories, consistent with legal requirements.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1725789226,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"principal-product-manager","title":"Principal Product Manager","compensation":"$140k – $190k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3089117","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:8914197":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"8914197","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-8914197"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-8914197"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8914197"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1_10","highConcept":"Building a better way to network","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3089117"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"dot. cards","slug":"dot-cards"},"Badge:B2B-5440763":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-5440763","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-5440763":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-5440763","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3150552":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Hi, We're Centerfield.** Supercharged customer acquisition. Centerfield delivers outcome-based digital marketing solutions and personalized omnichannel experiences for the world’s leading brands. Powered by our proprietary Dugout platform, Centerfield acquires customers at scale for leading residential service, insurance, e-commerce, and B2B brands. Centerfield’s digital experiences and digital brands, such as []( and [](, reach more than 150 million in-market shoppers annually. Centerfield is headquartered in Silicon Beach and is proud to be recognized by Built in LA as a Best Place to Work in Los Angeles. \n**The Opportunity...**We are looking for an experienced, data-driven and collaborative product manager to build optimized experiences for our key digital consumer brands in categories like home \u0026 digital security, senior living, and couponing. You will lead the launching of engaging new products and maximizing revenue across conversion points for each brand’s audience. This is a cross-functional role that requires creative, strategic thinking about product that ties together brand-building and excellent usability to support search optimization and ultimately drive conversion and revenue. Our ideal candidate can synthesize and ideate on strategy, aligning goals between engineering, design, content, data science, and executive stakeholders. Excellent communication skills are a must, with proven results shipping mission-critical products.\n### How You’ll Contribute...\n- Proactively develop product strategy and vision for websites within our verticals\n- Define and develop detailed business requirements and user stories\n- Work cross-functionally with design, engineering and content to innovate, launch and iterate quality products that drive high growth\n- Improve growth, engagement and retention\n- Manage prioritization and trade-offs between different roadmap initiatives\n- Own and manage product KPIs, monitoring performance and scaling successful wins\n- Work collaboratively with other product team members, and cross-functionally to build consensus on products in planning, development and launch\n\n### What We're Looking For...\n- At least 2-4 years of web product management experience, including conversion on B2C websites\n- Proven success moving user metrics like conversion, engagement, and repeat visitation\n- Hands-on knowledge and in depth understanding of Agile product development methodologies like Scrum, Kanban etc.\n- Strong analytical and quantitative skills; ability to use contextual data and metrics to back up assumptions, recommendations, and drive actions\n- Takes initiative to lead strategic problem-solving and prioritization conversations to influence and align team and senior executives\n- Experience leading hybrid-remote teams with strong verbal and written communication skills\n\n### Bonus Points...\n- Experience building reports in GA4\n- Experience with affiliate network programs\n- Experience using Tableau\n\n### Life at Centerfield...\n- **This is a hybrid position, and employees are expected to come into our Playa Vista, CA office every Tuesday, Wednesday \u0026 Thursday**\n- Competitive salary + semi-annual bonus\n- Unlimited PTO – take a break when you need it!\n- 401(k) company match plan – fully vested day 1\n- Outside patio overlooking Playa Vista + cabanas, firepits \u0026 working grills\n- Monthly happy hours, catered lunches + daily food trucks\n- Award winning culture \u0026 unprecedented team spirit (featured in LA Business Journal \u0026 Built In LA)\n- Fully stocked kitchens with snacks \u0026 drinks\n- Breakroom supplied with games, couches, workout equipment + weekly in-office exercise classes hosted by professional instructors (yoga, kickboxing \u0026 circuit training)\n- Free onsite gym + locker rooms\n- Paid charity and volunteer days (local mentor programs, adopt a pet, beach cleanup, etc.)\n- Monthly team outings (ball games, casino night, hikes, etc.)\n- Career growth – we enjoy promoting from within!\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731542815,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"product-manager-digital-brands","title":"Product Manager, Digital Brands","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3150552","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:5440763":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"5440763","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-5440763"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-5440763"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"Super-powered customer acquisition. closing 2,000,000 sales per year for the biggest brands","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3150552"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Centerfield Media","slug":"centerfield-1"},"Badge:B2C-8493367":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-8493367","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8493367":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-8493367","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:1779505":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"Bumo is empowered by the mission to re-imagine how busy parents empower themselves and their children. With high-potential international consumer and enterprise avenues, we are a fast-growing EdTech and childcare company. \n\n\nWe are looking for an experienced Product Manager who is passionate about building products that customers love. You will join a dynamic and fast-paced environment and work with cross-functional teams to design, build and roll-out products that deliver the company’s vision and strategy.\n\n\n\nHere's What You'll Be Doing\n\nObjectives of this Role\nDrive product strategies and long term vision to build best in class digital products\nConduct user research and usability studies, collaborating with designers, developers and research teams from end to end of the process.\nAbility to craft a product vision (short to long term) and convert that into a concrete strategy\nParticipate in market research, validation, and whitespace analysis to identify new opportunities for new and existing features and functionalities\nPartner with agile product teams to build product roadmaps that will be incorporated in to the broader company product portfolio plan\nDevelop and implement data pipelines that extract, transform, and load data into an information product\nWork on managing, storing, processing and analyzing large data sets to identify business opportunities/efficiencies\nEvaluate, analyze, and understand the voice of the customer through a variety of data sources\nManaging top priority KPIs (including but not limited to CVR, ATC, bounce rate, sessions per user)\nDaily and Monthly Responsibilities\nManage the product roadmap and backlog for all digital products\nOversee and manage lead requirements discovery, solution design, user story writing, feature development, and user acceptance testing\nPartner with the executive teams to identify key capabilities needed as well as identifying potential issues\nPartner with cross functional teams regularly to ensure alignment on feature development and prioritization\nWork with product marketing to develop positioning and messaging to ensure differentiation from competitors\nMonitor and evaluate product performance to ensure constant product iteration and improvements\nSkills and Qualifications\n3-5 years experience in digital product management or similar\nStrong analytical, prioritization, and negotiating skills\nUsability and customer-focused design experience a plus\nPassionate about building great products and solving customer and business problems\nPreferred Qualifications\nBachelor's Degree in Business, Computer Science, Information Systems, or related field  \nMasters degree is preferred \nExperience writing SQL queries, experience with back-end and front-end programming languages, such as Java, HTML, CSS, Angular JS\n\n\nBumo Benefits and Perks\n\nMedical/Dental/Vision/Life Insurance\nHealthcare \u0026amp; Dependent Care FSA\nEquity participation\nPet Insurance\nFree BumoBrainiac Subscription ($299 per month)\nFree BumoWork Access Pass ($129 per month)\nFree BumoWork Co-Working Full-Time Membership ($990 per month)\n25% Discount on All Weekday Childcare Programs and A La Carte at BumoWork\nUnlimited PTO - 10 days minimum to keep you balanced\nBi-Annual Performance Reviews\n12 weeks paid maternity/paternity leave and we cover health insurance during any additional time taken under-protected baby bonding time off\nFlex time for returning to work birth-parents\n\n\nBumo is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We are committed to bringing together humans from different backgrounds and perspectives, providing employees with a safe and welcoming work environment free of discrimination and harassment. We strive to create a diverse \u0026amp; inclusive environment where everyone can thrive, feel a sense of belonging, and do impactful work together. ","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1637006235,"locationNames":["Pasadena"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":true,"slug":"bumo-product-manager","title":"Bumo Product Manager","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":5,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"1779505","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:8493367":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"8493367","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-8493367"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8493367"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"A Startup to empower families!","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:1779505"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Bumo","slug":"bumo-1"},"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-890569":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_RESPONDER-890569","name":"TOP_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Top 5% of responders","tooltip":"DISCO is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-890569":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"QUICK_RESPONDER-890569","name":"QUICK_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Responds within a few days","tooltip":"Based on past data, DISCO usually responds to incoming applications within a few days","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-890569":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-890569","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3115942":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Workable::Listing","description":"*At DISCO, we strongly believe in the uniqueness of thought, experience and perspective that can only be achieved through having an inclusive and diverse workforce. We strive to continue to make DISCO an incredible place to work by fostering a culture of inclusiveness, diversity, openness and collaboration. We value all different kinds of experience, so even if you feel you don't meet all of the necessary criteria for this position, we encourage you to apply.*\n\n### What is DISCO?\n\nDISCO is the industry standard for managing, organising and sharing music and other media. We make music and media workflow fast, intuitive and simple, directly connecting people and their work to save time. Today we count UMG, Sony, Warner Music, Netflix, Amazon and Rockstar Games among our customers, and over 250,000 people interact with DISCO each month. Our customers are super passionate about our product.\n\n### **Location**\n\nRemote in Los Angeles, CA\n\n### The Role\n\nDISCO is on a mission to make music and media workflow as simple, fast and intuitive as possible. We’re after a Senior Product Manager to drive the future of our sharing experiences: from our mobile app, to share flows, music landing pages and analytics — you’ll have direct oversight over many of the major drivers of our product’s growth.\n\nWe want someone passionate about building for the music industry, and about product management itself, who is excited to work within a primarily remote, cross-functional team to build out our product and support the next phase of DISCO’s development.\n\nTens of thousands of music industry pros use DISCO every week, and are passionate about the problems we solve for them. You’ll be responsible for ensuring we continue to exceed their expectations, while ensuring every update helps the company achieve our broader aims.\n\n### Responsibilities\n\nReporting to our Head of Product, you'll:\n\n- Drive the strategy and roadmap for your team: collecting and analysing feedback from a diverse set of sources, you’ll understand our customers’ sharing needs and our business goals and opportunities, and prioritise the most important work so your team is always working on the most important projects\n- Take ownership of growth, conversion and retention for all aspects of the product that your team is responsible for\n- Dive deep into the various segments we serve, and come to understand their problems -- through research, analytics and frequent interaction with customers\n- Articulate and outline those problems, and work with your cross-functional team to design and deliver compelling solutions\n- Help steer and direct the day-to-day work of your team, with an eye to shipping often and learning quickly\n- Take charge of measuring the impact of your changes, using both quantitative and qualitative measures, immediately after release and beyond\n- Work to uphold the quality of the product, and focus on delivering high quality software in every release\n\n**Requirements**\n\n- 3+ years experience as a B2B product manager with a proven track record of delivering successful product releases that drive growth and retention and evaluating their impact and ROI\n- Very strong analysis skills that help you define problems and create evidence based, persuasive cases for new features\n- Demonstrated experience moving into an industry niche you weren’t familiar with beforehand, learning that world and successfully shipping product for it\n- Very keen eye for detail. DISCO is design led, so it’s very important that you think deeply about product design decisions and always work to create simple, clean, intuitive UI\n- Excellent communication skills. You’re able to clearly articulate product decisions and the reasoning behind them. You take care in your written communication, understanding the importance of concision and clarity in a team where almost half of the team don’t have English as a first language\n- You have strong experience working with qualitative customer insights and quantitative customer data to inform decisions. You’ve conducted user research and a/b tests and are comfortable working in this space\n- You’re strong technically, understand how code works and the tradeoffs between performance and functionality. You can confidently create technical specs and collaborate on them with developers\n- You’re a self-starter, able to work independently\n- You’re process driven and organised, and able to think both creatively and analytically\n\n### Nice to Haves\n\n- Experience developing music or media products for the B2B space\n- Experience product managing a mobile app\n\n**Benefits**\n\nAt DISCO, our employees have told us what benefits mean the most to them, and we've listened. So as a DISCO employee, you will work remotely from home (or a co-working space) whilst being supported by a friendly and fun international team. In addition, you will receive:\n\n- A competitive salary in a fast-growing startup\n- Medical, Dental \u0026 Vision Insurance -- we contribute $500 a month to these costs\n- Four weeks of paid vacation leave per year\n- Two weeks of paid sick leave per year\n- Paid Parental Leave\n- A company laptop\n- Monthly internet allowance/reimbursement\n- Office set-up allowance\n- Annual learning and development allowance\n- The ability to work how you want. We’re not heavy on rule books. Everyone is trusted to figure out the best way to work.\n\nTo apply for this incredible position, please submit your resume -- a cover letter is optional.\n\nDISCO is an equal-opportunity employer. In addition, we will provide reasonable accommodations for individuals who have disabilities. If you require any reasonable accommodation to participate in the application process, please note this in your cover letter and we will reach out to you.\n\nPlease note that we do not accept unsolicited resumes from recruitment agencies.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1727864632,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":true,"slug":"senior-product-manager-us","title":"Senior Product Manager (US)","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3115942","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3154002":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Workable::Listing","description":"*At DISCO, we strongly believe in the uniqueness of thought, experience and perspective that can only be achieved through having an inclusive and diverse workforce. We strive to continue to make DISCO an incredible place to work by fostering a culture of inclusiveness, diversity, openness and collaboration. We value all different kinds of experience, so even if you feel you don't meet all of the necessary criteria for this position, we encourage you to apply.*\n\n### What is DISCO?\n\nDISCO has been revolutionizing music and media file management since 2016, becoming the go-to platform for the music industry. Empowering the industry’s top creators, professionals and more with unparalleled file management and discovery tools.\n\nTrusted by thousands of global professionals and teams—including major labels, film studios, indie icons, music supervisors, and chart-topping creators—DISCO leads in digital asset management and discovery, with over 110 million tracks on the platform. DISCO provides robust tools for file and catalog management, metadata tagging, EPK creation, listener analytics, and secure sharing, empowering professionals to maintain creative control while maximizing their reach and efficiency. With teams across the US, Australia, UK, and EU, DISCO is the industry’s trusted partner in success.\n\n### **Location**\n\nRemote in Los Angeles, New York or Portland\n\n### **Role Description**\n\nAs the first product marketing hire, this role will own DISCOs go-to-market approach, refine the product positioning, and create strategies for product adoption, use-case expansion, and customer retention. The position sits within the Go-to-Market team and will report directly to the Head of Marketing.\n\nThe Product Marketing Manager will define and drive DISCO’s product differentiation, positioning, and go-to-market strategies to engage our high-value audiences, drive growth, and enhance retention.\n\nThe ideal candidate brings experience with SaaS, B2B, and workflow tools, along with a strong understanding of building product awareness and driving growth. With a proven ability to foster productive relationships across stakeholders, this individual is adaptable, able to pivot quickly in response to changing business priorities. They’re skilled at balancing creative marketing initiatives with data-driven strategy and thrive in a cross-functional role. A strong self-starter, operationally-minded, and forward-thinking, this person excels at finding impactful solutions.\n\n### **Responsibilities**\n\n**Insights**\n\n- Own the internal and external narrative around “who uses DISCO,” developing actionable customer personas to inform campaigns, positioning, and product strategies across teams\n- Develop a deep understanding of the DISCO customer needs, pain points, and behaviors. Identifying touchpoints where DISCO can add value and insights for campaign and creative briefs.\n- Understand the competitive landscape, serving as the DISCO expert on our competition and how they are positioned.\n\n**Product Positioning \u0026 Content Strategy**\n\n- Develop product value propositions and identify unique selling points that align DISCO’s features with customer pain points and goals, enhancing product differentiation and appeal.\n- Collaborate with product, sales, and marketing to develop product positioning and messaging that resonate with our target customer personas.\n- Partner with the content team to brief in and create compelling content, including case studies, white papers, and educational materials, to increase awareness and adoption\n- In partnership with Head of Marketing, develop a best in class marketing website\n\n**Go-to-Market Strategy**\n\n- Design, drive, and refine DISCO’s go-to-market approach to maximize audience reach, conversion, and retention\n- Partner with Head of Marketing to develop creative briefs and channel strategies for product and feature campaigns\n- Work across the GTM team to ensure our product is deeply integrated into sales and marketing events, and customer facing comms.\n- Collaborate with the sales and marketing teams to refine trial-to-paid conversion processes.\n\n**Requirements**\n\n- 5+ years experience in a product marketing role\n- Experience with B2B and B2C\n- Experience developing go-to-marketing strategies\n- Experience managing product lifecycle stages—from beta launches and early customer acquisition to retention strategies for established users\n- Proficiency in using data analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics, Mixpanel) to track product adoption, campaign performance, and customer engagement, and make informed decisions\n- Familiarity with A/B testing and experimentation frameworks to optimize messaging, content, and campaign approaches.\n- Ability to craft compelling stories that not only highlight product features but also resonate emotionally with DISCO’s audience.\n- Comfortable using collaboration tools such as Slack, Figma, Notion, and Intercom\n- Excellent written and verbal communication skills\n- Ability to solve complex problems and make informed decisions using quantitative and qualitative insights\n- Experience managing multi-channel marketing campaigns, including digital, traditional, and experiential channels\n\n### **Nice to Haves**\n\n- Experience in the music industry or related creative industry\n- Experience with remote and global teams\n\n**Benefits**\n\nAt DISCO, our employees have told us what benefits mean the most to them, and we've listened. So as a DISCO employee, you will work remotely from home (or a co-working space) whilst being supported by a friendly and fun international team. In addition, you will receive:\n\n- A competitive salary in a fast-growing startup\n- Medical, Dental \u0026 Vision Insurance -- we contribute $500 a month to these costs\n- Four weeks of paid vacation leave per year\n- Two weeks of paid sick leave per year\n- Paid Parental Leave\n- A company laptop\n- Monthly internet allowance/reimbursement\n- Office set-up allowance\n- Annual learning and development allowance\n- The ability to work how you want. We’re not heavy on rule books. Everyone is trusted to figure out the best way to work.\n\nTo apply for this incredible position, please submit your resume and cover letter. Please use your cover letter to elaborate on your experience in product marketing.\n\nDISCO is an equal-opportunity employer. In addition, we will provide reasonable accommodations for individuals who have disabilities. If you require any reasonable accommodation to participate in the application process, please note this in your cover letter and we will reach out to you.\n\nPlease note that we do not accept unsolicited resumes from recruitment agencies.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732015369,"locationNames":["Los Angeles","Portland","New York"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Marketing Manager","remote":true,"slug":"product-marketing-manager","title":"Product Marketing Manager","compensation":"$80k – $105k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3154002","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:890569":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"890569","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-890569"},{"__ref":"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-890569"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-890569"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"Smarter music workflow, discovery and sharing","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3115942"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3154002"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"DISCO","slug":"disco-6"},"JobListingSearchResult:3147647":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"The Trade Desk is changing the way global brands and their agencies advertise to audiences around the world. How? With a media buying platform that helps brands deliver a more insightful and relevant ad experience for consumers –– and sets a new standard for global reach, accuracy, and transparency. We are proud of the culture we have built. We value the unique experiences and perspectives that each person brings to The Trade Desk, and we are committed to fostering inclusive spaces where everyone can bring their authentic selves to work every day.\n\nSo, if you are talented, driven, creative, and eager to join a dynamic, globally-connected team, then we want to talk!\n\n**What we are looking for:**\n\nWe are seeking a Senior/Staff Product Manager to lead our product and application security strategy, driving our ad-tech business to new heights. The ideal candidate will be technically adept, data-driven, and have a strong background in security/SSDLC. We highly value individuals who learn quickly, are humble, and can drive results independently. If you’re passionate about making our customers' world a better place, this could be the opportunity for you. \n\nAt The Trade Desk, we believe in dreaming big and executing with courage. As part of our Product Management Team, you'll tackle large, ambitious, and often ambiguous projects that push the boundaries of the industry. Your passion for privacy, security, and protecting the open internet will be essential as you shape our security and access initiatives. We are committed to your growth, challenging you with meaningful work, and celebrating both successes and learning from failures together. \n\n**What You Will Be Doing:** \n\nAs a key member of our team, you will shape critical investments in platform security, access management, and overall risk reduction at The Trade Desk. You’ll be directly responsible for developing our product and application security strategy, ensuring that security is integrated into every aspect of our operations. \n\n You will collaborate closely with various teams at TTD to achieve two main goals: 1) making security a shared responsibility across the organization, and 2) empowering our Cyber Security group to build an industry-leading security operation. Staying current with security industry standards and regulations will be essential, as well as finding the right balance between robust security measures, exceptional user experiences, and scalable processes. \n\n**Key Responsibilities:** \n\n- Develop and implement a comprehensive security roadmap that aligns with business objectives and addresses evolving threats.\n\n- Independently identify vulnerabilities, assess risks, and drive the development of effective mitigation strategies.\n\n- Stay current with industry security standards and ensure our platform adheres to these standards.\n\n- Oversee the design and implementation of robust access control mechanisms to protect sensitive data.\n\n- Collaborate with engineering, legal, Cybersecurity, and operations teams to foster a security-first culture and ensure seamless integration of security measures.\n\n- Translate security and access concerns into actionable product features while fostering innovation within the team.\n\n- Work closely with various teams across The Trade Desk to make security a shared responsibility and support our Cyber Security group in building a leading security operation.\n\n**Qualifications:** \n\n- Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Security, or a related field; a Master’s degree or MBA is preferred.\n\n- 7+ years of Product Management experience, with at least 2 years focused on information security.\n\n- Strong understanding of security principles, risk management frameworks, and industry best practices.\n\n- Experience with cloud security architectures and data protection regulations.\n\n- Builder mentality with a strong technical background.\n\n- Excellent interpersonal, leadership, and negotiation skills.\n\n- Proven ability to operate independently in ambiguous environments.\n\n- Successful track record in product launches and go-to-market strategies.\n\n- A deep care and concern for others, including teammates, coworkers, direct reports, and customers.\n\n \n\n*The Trade Desk does not accept unsolicited resumes from search firm recruiters. Fees will not be paid in the event a candidate submitted by a recruiter without an agreement in place is hired; such resumes will be deemed the sole property of The Trade Desk. The Trade Desk is an equal opportunity employer. All aspects of employment will be based on merit, competence, performance, and business needs. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, marital status, age, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, pregnancy, genetic information, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, or any other status protected under federal, state, or local law.*\n\n***[LA JOBS ONLY]** The Trade Desk will consider qualified applicants with criminal histories for employment in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Los Angeles Fair Chance Initiative for Hiring, Ordinance No. 184652.*\n\n***[SF JOBS ONLY]** Pursuant to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, we will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.*\n\n**NY, CO, CA, and WA residents only:** In accordance with NY, CO, CA, and WA law, the range provided is The Trade Desk's reasonable estimate of the base compensation for this role. The actual amount may differ based on non-discriminatory factors such as experience, knowledge, skills, abilities, and location. All employees may be eligible to become The Trade Desk shareholders through eligibility for stock-based compensation grants, which are awarded to employees based on company and individual performance. The Trade Desk also offers other compensation depending on the role such as sales-based incentives and commissions. Plus, expected benefits for this role include comprehensive healthcare (medical, dental, and vision) with premiums paid in full for employees and dependents, retirement benefits such as a 401k plan and company match, short and long-term disability coverage, basic life insurance, well-being benefits, reimbursement for certain tuition expenses, parental leave, sick time of 1 hour per 30 hours worked, vacation time for full-time employees up to 120 hours thru the first year and 160 hours thereafter, and around 13 paid holidays per year.  Employees can also purchase The Trade Desk stock at a discount through The Trade Desk’s Employee Stock Purchase Plan. \n\nThe Trade Desk also offers a competitive benefits package. Click [here]( to learn more.\n\n**Note:** Interns are not eligible for variable incentive awards such as stock-based compensation, retirement plan, vacation, tuition reimbursement or parental leave\n\nAt the Trade Desk, Base Salary is one part of our competitive total compensation and benefits package and is determined using a salary range. The base salary range for this role is$136,300—$249,900 USD","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731197186,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"staff-product-manager-access-security","title":"Staff Product Manager, Access \u0026 Security","compensation":"$136k – $250k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3147647","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3100403":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"The Trade Desk is changing the way global brands and their agencies advertise to audiences around the world. How? With a media buying platform that helps brands deliver a more insightful and relevant ad experience for consumers –– and sets a new standard for global reach, accuracy, and transparency. We are proud of the culture we have built. We value the unique experiences and perspectives that each person brings to The Trade Desk, and we are committed to fostering inclusive spaces where everyone can bring their authentic selves to work every day.\n\nSo, if you are talented, driven, creative, and eager to join a dynamic, globally-connected team, then we want to talk!\n\n \n\n**ABOUT THE ROLE:**\n\n· This is a technology-focused product manager role driving and executing on our overall platform extensibility strategy through our developer community, technology information and platform APIs. The primary consumers here are developers and this position requires developer and data engineering fundamentals.\n\n· Product Managers in this role define and drive the vision, strategy, and prioritization of work across multiple engineering teams. Your designs and influence will help The Trade Desk scale efficiently, enable developers to work independently and reduce operational overhead to the Trade Desk, all why supporting growth of our platform.\n\n· Product Managers in this area focus on solutions for problems and opportunities with some of The Trade Desk’s largest, most sophisticated clients and integrations. Much of the work is complex and provides an array of business, privacy, and technological challenges.\n\n· Gathering and considering feedback from developers directly, along with company stakeholders, you will work across multiple teams and author documents that accurately and thoroughly describe requirements for product improvements and processes.\n\n· You will lead and drive many aspects of product development strategy – from gathering usage data, conducting client interviews, evaluating industry trends to designing, refining, and delivering specifications to helping deliver products for our clients.\n\n· In role you will gain in-depth knowledge and expertise of our offerings along with solid working knowledge of the Trade Desk platform.\n\n \n\n**WHO WE ARE LOOKING FOR:**\n\n· You deeply understand the why behind the work and how it feeds into our top-level objectives.\n\n· You have a product-focused mindset. You have the passion and ability to contribute to the process of discovering what will delight our developer clients and push forward one of the world’s largest and most influential industries toward a vision of openness, transparency, and evidence-based decision-making.\n\n· You have a proven interest and sustained track record of technical product management excellence. You should have multiple significant contributions to impactful software projects.\n\n· You are a driver. You will be driving technical projects and providing leadership in complex, fast-paced environment. This includes task planning, milestone definition and release coordination.\n\n· You understand engineering fundamentals and design with scale and the future in mind. You can work from first principles to evaluate solutions and adapt them to a unique environment.\n\n· You work with confidence and without ego. Our employees have deep knowledge and exercise a high degree of leadership in their daily work. You have strongly held, defensible ideas, and advocate for what you believe is right. You are adept at analysis and conclusion, identifying and evaluating trade-offs and considering multiple viewpoints and utilizing data as appropriate.\n\n· You value, seek out, and foster diversity. We are a global team from many diverse backgrounds, with different experiences and perspectives. To complement this team, you will welcome ideas that are different from your own and be skilled at finding and building from common ground.\n\n· You are a creative thinker and take the time to truly understand what you are solving. What you know is less important than how well you learn and innovate.\n\n \n\n*The Trade Desk does not accept unsolicited resumes from search firm recruiters. Fees will not be paid in the event a candidate submitted by a recruiter without an agreement in place is hired; such resumes will be deemed the sole property of The Trade Desk. The Trade Desk is an equal opportunity employer. All aspects of employment will be based on merit, competence, performance, and business needs. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, marital status, age, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, pregnancy, genetic information, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, or any other status protected under federal, state, or local law.*\n\n***[LA JOBS ONLY]** The Trade Desk will consider qualified applicants with criminal histories for employment in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Los Angeles Fair Chance Initiative for Hiring, Ordinance No. 184652.*\n\n***[SF JOBS ONLY]** Pursuant to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, we will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.*\n\n**NY, CO, CA, and WA residents only:** In accordance with NY, CO, CA, and WA law, the range provided is The Trade Desk's reasonable estimate of the base compensation for this role. The actual amount may differ based on non-discriminatory factors such as experience, knowledge, skills, abilities, and location. All employees may be eligible to become The Trade Desk shareholders through eligibility for stock-based compensation grants, which are awarded to employees based on company and individual performance. The Trade Desk also offers other compensation depending on the role such as sales-based incentives and commissions. Plus, expected benefits for this role include comprehensive healthcare (medical, dental, and vision) with premiums paid in full for employees and dependents, retirement benefits such as a 401k plan and company match, short and long-term disability coverage, basic life insurance, well-being benefits, reimbursement for certain tuition expenses, parental leave, sick time of 1 hour per 30 hours worked, vacation time for full-time employees up to 120 hours thru the first year and 160 hours thereafter, and around 13 paid holidays per year.  Employees can also purchase The Trade Desk stock at a discount through The Trade Desk’s Employee Stock Purchase Plan. \n\nThe Trade Desk also offers a competitive benefits package. Click [here]( to learn more.\n\n**Note:** Interns are not eligible for variable incentive awards such as stock-based compensation, retirement plan, vacation, tuition reimbursement or parental leave\n\nAt the Trade Desk, Base Salary is one part of our competitive total compensation and benefits package and is determined using a salary range. The base salary range for this role is$149,900—$244,900 USD","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1727708432,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"staff-product-manager-ecosystem-api","title":"Staff Product Manager-Ecosystem API","compensation":"$150k – $245k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3100403","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:5387054":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"5387054","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"A media buying platform built for what matters","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3147647"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3100403"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Trade Desk","slug":"the-trade-desk-8"},"Badge:B2B-3792526":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-3792526","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-3792526":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-3792526","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Growth Stage","tooltip":"Expanding market presence","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"growth_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3134788":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"Tatari is on a mission to revolutionize TV advertising. We work with some of your favorite disruptor brands—like Calm, Vuori, Rocket Money, and hundreds more—to grow their business using linear and streaming TV ads. Our platform combines sophisticated media buying with proprietary analytics to turn TV advertising into an automated, digital-like experience. Our technology and services are pushing the industry forward, enabling businesses of any size to advertise on TV.\n\nNamed one of the 16 Hottest Ad Tech Companies by Business Insider and[ Best Places to Work]( by Inc. Magazine, Tatari is experiencing rapid growth. Our executive team is comprised of former founders and senior leaders at fast-rising startups like Shazam, TrueCar, AdapTV, and LiveRail and larger, more established tech companies like Amazon, Google, Meta, Microsoft, and Yahoo. \n\nIn this role, you will define and own the roadmap for Insights on the Tatari platform. Measurement is at the heart of Tatari’s business as we continually innovate new ways to give our customer’s insights into their ad campaigns. Your role is to provide products and features that derive value from our raw measurements in ways that best help them understand what happened, why, and what they can do about it. You will need to understand the changing business models of our customers and how we can best leverage data and analytics to drive the right business outcomes for them. Your ability to deeply understand the needs of our marketer users and how to prioritize our engineering efforts to meet those needs will determine success in this role.\n\n**Responsibilities**\n\n- Deeply understand our customers and their requirements. Synthesize compelling product features for deriving Insight into marketing campaign performance across streaming direct, programmatic, and linear TV. Balance between what is possible today, and what we should plan for tomorrow.\n- Help define the company’s product roadmap, both short and long term. Fully owning the roadmap and strategy for your team. Translate the company vision into specific product solutions.\n- Collaborate with various stakeholders within the company: engineering, media-buying, data science, sales, marketing and client management.\n- Manage the entire product life cycle from ideation to prototyping, testing, design, and launch.\n- Keep a finger on the pulse of the industry and our competition, and position Tatari’s products accordingly.\n\n**Qualifications**\n\n- 4+ years of product management experience\n- Experience in customer-facing data \u0026 analytics products, advertising technology, or marketing technology a big plus\n\n**Experience working in a high-ambiguity environment**\n\n- A passion for delivering features that leverage data, analytics, and even ML/GenAI to elegantly solve customer problems. Strong analytics sense with the ability to extract meaningful signals from large amounts of data. Experience building and telling stories through data visualization is a plus\n- Experience and strength in partnering closely with Design to address complex problems and varying customer needs through effective user research and product design\n- Strong communicator with excellent people skills to interact with various teams inside the company, clients, and vendors. Including a demonstrable ability to present a case for your roadmap and initiatives to senior leadership in a clear and compelling manner that inspires action.\n- Demonstrated success developing high-leverage features that delight customers, are hard to copy, and grow the business\n- The usual product management skills: customer-needs obsessed, Agile-fluent, black-belt user story and solution creation, strong written \u0026 verbal communicator with excellent people skills, highly organized and detail-oriented, passionate about solving customer problems.\n\n**Benefits**\n\n- Total compensation ($165-200K)\n- Equity compensation\n- 100% health insurance coverage for you and your dependents\n- Unlimited PTO and sick days\n- Snacks, drinks, and catered lunches at the office\n- Team building events\n- $1,000 annual continued education benefit\n- $500 WFH reimbursement\n- $125 pre-tax monthly stipend to spend on whatever you want\n- Annual mental health awareness app reimbursement\n- FSA and commuter benefits\n- Monthly Company Wellness Day Off\n- Hybrid RTO of 2-3 days per week. THIS IS AN IN-OFFICE POSITION\n\nAt Tatari, we believe in the importance of cultivating teams with diverse backgrounds and offering equal opportunities to all. We strive to create a welcoming, inclusive environment where every team member feels valued and diversity is celebrated.\n\n#LI-HYBRID \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729803949,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"senior-product-manager","title":"Senior Product Manager","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3134788","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3133631":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"Tatari is on a mission to revolutionize TV advertising. We work with some of your favorite disruptor brands—like Calm, Vuori, Rocket Money, and hundreds more—to grow their business using linear and streaming TV ads. Our platform combines sophisticated media buying with proprietary analytics to turn TV advertising into an automated, digital-like experience. Our technology and services are pushing the industry forward, enabling businesses of any size to advertise on TV.\n\nNamed one of the 16 Hottest Ad Tech Companies by Business Insider and[ Best Places to Work]( by Inc. Magazine, Tatari is experiencing rapid growth. Our executive team is comprised of former founders and senior leaders at fast-rising startups like Shazam, TrueCar, AdapTV, and LiveRail and larger, more established tech companies like Amazon, Google, Meta, Microsoft, and Yahoo. \n\nTatari is looking for an experienced Senior Product Marketing Manager (“PMM”). In this role, you will have high visibility and influence, focusing on both inbound and outbound product marketing initiatives. You will partner with our product, engineering, sales, and marketing teams to build, launch, and drive the adoption of new features and identify marketing opportunities to improve the brand experience throughout the customer journey. \n\nThe right candidate is user-focused and process-oriented, with a proven track record in product marketing in advertising technology and/or enterprise software.\n\n \n\n**Responsibilities:**\n\n- Collaborate with product managers and own the go-to-market efforts for current and future product features and service offerings\n- Develop product messaging and positioning that sets us apart from competitors and demonstrates understanding of our customers’ needs\n- Communicate product and feature benefits through internal documents and presentations and externally through materials that can be used by our client-facing teams\n- Build sales \u0026 marketing assets that communicate the customer story including videos, case studies, testimonials \u0026 more\n- Summarize customer feedback and engage with product and engineering teams to ensure that the “voice of the customer” is being incorporated into the product roadmap\n- Partner with the Sales team to develop impactful enablement resources and arm the team to better position ourselves against other competitors and products\n\n**Qualifications:**\n\n- At least 4 years of experience in a product marketing role\n- Experience leading cross-functional initiatives, communicating your strategy and vision, and driving the execution of all tactics\n- Experience in soliciting customer feedback, gathering insights, and creating actionable plans to maximize product awareness\n- A strong writer who can distill complex concepts and topics and write with the customer in mind\n- Data-driven in how you approach and measure your work\n- Bonus points for experience in the ad tech, video advertising, or measurement/attribution space.\n\n**Benefits****:**\n\n- Total compensation ($150-180K/annually)\n- Equity compensation\n- 100% health insurance coverage for you and your dependents\n- Unlimited PTO and sick days\n- Snacks, drinks, and catered lunches at the office\n- Team building events\n- $1,000 annual continued education benefit\n- $500 WFH reimbursement\n- $125 pre-tax monthly stipend to spend on whatever you want\n- Annual mental health awareness app reimbursement\n- FSA and commuter benefits\n- Monthly Company Wellness Day Off\n- Hybrid RTO of 2-3 days per week. THIS IS AN IN-OFFICE POSITION\n\nAt Tatari, we believe in the importance of cultivating teams with diverse backgrounds and offering equal opportunities to all. We strive to create a welcoming, inclusive environment where every team member feels valued and diversity is celebrated.\n\n#LI-HYBRID\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729717642,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Marketing Manager","remote":false,"slug":"senior-product-marketing-manager","title":"Senior Product Marketing Manager","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3133631","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3120861":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"Tatari is on a mission to revolutionize TV advertising. We work with some of your favorite disruptor brands—like Calm, Vuori, Rocket Money, and hundreds more—to grow their business using linear and streaming TV ads. Our platform combines sophisticated media buying with proprietary analytics to turn TV advertising into an automated, digital-like experience. Our technology and services are pushing the industry forward, enabling businesses of any size to advertise on TV.\n\nNamed one of the 16 Hottest Ad Tech Companies by Business Insider and[ Best Places to Work]( by Inc. Magazine, Tatari is experiencing rapid growth. Our executive team is comprised of former founders and senior leaders at fast-rising startups like Shazam, TrueCar, AdapTV, and LiveRail and larger, more established tech companies like Amazon, Google, Meta, Microsoft, and Yahoo.\n\nWe are looking for an Engineering Manager for the **Core Measurement** team, responsible for designing, building, and deploying foundational data services, data integrations, platforms, and systems for measurement teams. \n\n**The impact you will have:**\n\n- **Technical leadership**. Own the technical output of the core measurement product team. Ensure high technical standards by instituting processes (architecture reviews, testing) and culture (engineering excellence). Review and drive the long-term technical direction of Tatari’s measurement products. The core measurement team is responsible for building highly scalable data architecture, and a strong technical acumen is needed to be successful in this role.\n- **Management**. Directly manage diverse (data and backend) engineers. Provide feedback and guide promotions and leveling process.\n- **Planning**. Work to the scope and plan key deliverables. Work with engineering managers and ICs to ensure project planning of key initiatives.\n- **Cross-functional execution**. Coordinate within the organization alongside PM, marketing, support, and sales to ensure the delivery of key initiatives. Influence product strategy alongside the PM team.\n- **Hiring**. Recruit and hire strong data and backend engineers in a competitive hiring climate.\n\n**What we look for:**\n\n- Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related field\n- 2+ years of experience managing and coaching 3+ direct reports for growth and success in a fast paced environment\n- Ability to collaborate effectively across departments to work towards a common goal (Product Management, Data Science, Measurement, and Client Services)\n- Experience managing internal and external partnerships\n- Experience building APIs and data products that external partners and the developer ecosystem will consume\n- Solid understanding of a modern data stack (Kafka, Spark, Airflow, lakehouse architectures, real-time databases, DBT, etc.) and cloud data warehouses such as RedShift and Snowflake\n- Solid understanding of data observability patterns, experience in defining and measuring Data SLAs\n- Experience devising efficient processes that increase velocity and quality\n- Managed teams that build and operate high-volume distributed systems, data platforms, and data SLAs\n- Success hiring and developing high-caliber talent\n\n**Benefits:**\n\n- Total compensation ($170,000-200,000)\n- Equity compensation\n- 100% health insurance coverage for you and your dependents\n- Unlimited PTO and sick days\n- Snacks, drinks, and catered lunches at the office\n- Team building events\n- $1,000 annual continued education benefit\n- $500 WFH reimbursement\n- $125 pre-tax monthly stipend to spend on whatever you want\n- Annual mental health awareness app reimbursement\n- FSA and commuter benefits\n- Monthly Company Wellness Day Off\n- Hybrid RTO of 2-3 days per week. THIS IS AN IN-OFFICE POSITION\n\n \n\nAt Tatari, we believe in the importance of cultivating teams with diverse backgrounds and offering equal opportunities to all. We strive to create a welcoming, inclusive environment where every team member feels valued and diversity is celebrated.\n\n#LI-HYBRID\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1728421463,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Engineering Manager","remote":false,"slug":"engineering-manager-core-measurement","title":"Engineering Manager, Core Measurement","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3120861","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:3792526":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"3792526","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-3792526"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-3792526"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"Buy and measure ads for brands across linear \u0026 streaming TV","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3134788"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3133631"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3120861"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Tatari","slug":"tatari"},"Badge:B2B-5934204":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-5934204","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-5934204":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-5934204","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Public Stage","tooltip":"Publicly traded company","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"public_stage"},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-5934204":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-5934204","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate System1 4.4/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.4","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3131268":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"[System1]( is looking for a **Lead Product Manager** to lead the roadmap and execution for Display Advertising. We are a fast-growing and profitable company looking to scale and evolve our advertising platforms to keep pace with the business and the evolving ad tech ecosystem. The ideal person is highly motivated, accustomed to a fast-paced environment, and has a strong understanding of publisher advertising solutions. This role is part of the Growth Product Management organization. \nSystem1 is a fast-growing, profitable, and publicly listed company (NYSE:SST). System1’s products touch 100s of millions of users per month, and the platform processes 5B+ data points every day. As a company, System1is one of Google’s largest partners, and in this role, you will work directly with Google’s advertising products to enable internal teams and external partners for success.\n### The Role You Will Have:\n- Joint ownership alongside business teams of display revenue and advertising KPIs\n- Identify and prioritize high-impact opportunities in existing ad products and define technical requirements for features that maximize revenue, retention, and acquisition including: Integration of Display advertising with System1’s RAMP platform; New ad integrations, formats and custom executions; 3rd party vendor integrations and initiatives (involving Prebid, Google or Amazon technologies); First-party data solutions and services pertaining to display monetization\n- As the internet shifts away from 3rd-party cookies, you’ll lead the Display monetization strategy to drive revenue amongst changing internet standards\n- Own the Display monetization product roadmap working cross- functionally with Business, Engineering, Data Science, Business Intelligence, and Privacy \u0026 Compliance\n- Generate and execute new initiatives that increase the scale and reach of the display monetization platform\n- Responsible for team execution and delivering on stated milestones\n- Attend industry and vendor product sessions to be on top of current trends, opportunities, and best practices pertaining to publisher advertising solutions\n\n### What You Will Bring:\n- 7+ years of Product Management experience in Ad Tech industry preferably in programmatic technology for publishers\n- Experience designing and measuring revenue experiments and A/B test results\n- Strong understanding of advertising KPIs (CPM, CPC, CPA, Viewability, etc), A/B testing methodologies, and general impacts to advertising performance\n- Strong background of increasing responsibilities and clear success in delivering products\n- Critical and analytical thinking skills\n- Excellent written, verbal, and leadership skills\n\n### What We Have to Offer:\n- Competitive salary + bonus + equity\n- Generous PTO + 11 company holidays\n- Open sick time\n- 100% covered Medical, Dental, Vision for employees\n- 401k with match\n- Health \u0026 Dependent Care Flex Spending Account\n- Paid professional development\n- Leadership \u0026 growth opportunities\n- Virtual company and team building events\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729469731,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"lead-product-manager-display-advertising","title":"Lead Product Manager, Display Advertising","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3131268","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3103286":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**[System1](** is looking for a **senior product manager** to join our Data Science team.You will drive product direction for a talented team focused on building models thatpower our large scale marketing platform. System1 products touch 100s of millions ofusers per month and our platform processes 5B+ data points every day. \nThe ideal candidate will have a background in managing technical data science \u0026 analyticsprojects, balancing stakeholder requests, working cross-functionally with engineering andoperations teams and writing detailed functional specifications. \nWith billions of data points ingested daily and the ability to impact and automate millionsof critical decisions that drive the core of our business, this is a unique opportunity tobuild new advanced ML and AI capabilities at a company that still innovates at the pace ofa startup but has the data and scale of a successful billion dollar company!\n### The Role You Will Have:\n- Define and execute a product strategy for AI initiatives aligned with System1’s overall business goals.\n- Develop and maintain a product roadmap that prioritizes AI-driven solutions, focusing on maximizing the value of LLMs in Adtech applications.\n- Identify, prioritize \u0026 evangelize the areas that can get the biggest impact from using data science techniques\n- Create a prioritized roadmap of Data Science projects, and define measurable success criteria for them\n- Be a thought partner for counterparts in Product, Engineering \u0026 Operations to recommend technical solutions, and influence the roadmap.\n- Productize the ML platform and ensure it’s performance \u0026 quality is measurable using business metrics\n- Own the definition, tracking, and reporting on KPIs for all data science products\n\n### What You Will Bring:\n- 5+ years of product management experience in integrating and managing data science products, and data analytics.\n- Proficient in scripting languages (Python/R)\n- Deep knowledge of AI/ML technologies, including hands-on experience with practical applications of LLMs.\n- Advanced SQL skills\n- Experience with NLP pipelines\n- Experience with experimentation (A/B testing, RDD, diff-in-diff experiments)\n- Knowledge of with Data visualization techniques\n- Engineering or computer science education and/or relevant technical background\n- Excellent written, verbal, and leadership skills\n- ETL experience is a plus\n\n### What We Have to Offer:\n- Competitive salary + bonus + equity\n- Generous PTO + 11 company holidays\n- Open sick time\n- 100% covered Medical, Dental, Vision for employees\n- 401k with match\n- Health \u0026 Dependent Care Flex Spending Account\n- Paid professional development\n- Leadership \u0026 growth opportunities\n- Virtual company and team building events\n \n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1727709264,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Machine Learning Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"senior-technical-product-manager-machine-learning","title":"Senior Technical Product Manager, Machine Learning","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3103286","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3150648":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"[System1]( is seeking an experienced Engineering Manager to join our Mobile team, drive the execution of our long-term technical roadmap, and directly impact the suite of MapQuest mobile products: \n**MapQuest** is a powerful web and mobile platform that provides point of interest information, search capabilities, and route creation for a wide range of users. In addition to the ad-supported mobile application, we've recently introduced an ads-free and privacy-focused subscription tier with **Private Maps by MapQuest.** \n**RoadWarrior** is a powerful platform that provides multi-stop route creation and optimization for small and mid-sized businesses. Our diverse customer base ranges from FedEx contractors to small mom-and-pop shops, all of whom rely on RoadWarrior to plan their most critical daily deliveries efficiently and accurately. \nAs part of System1, MapQuest combines the innovative spirit of a startup with the stability, revenue, and growth of an established company. We're expanding rapidly and looking for talented leaders to help us scale. In this role, you will lead a team of skilled engineers, actively contribute to the codebase, and help shape the technical direction of our mobile products. Your contributions will be crucial in driving the future of our product, team, and company. \nIf you thrive in a fast-paced environment, are driven by innovation, and are eager to make a significant impact, we want to hear from you!\n### The Role You Will Have:\n- **Lead the transformation of our mobile architecture** while developing new features for the existing MapQuest and RoadWarrior applications. You will spearhead the transition from native (Swift and Kotlin) to a cross-platform solution using React Native and Expo. Maintaining and enhancing the existing native codebase is a crucial part of this role, requiring strong foundational experience in native iOS and Android development. You will evaluate opportunities to share code with our web frontend team and identify areas of the native codebase where maintaining native components is still beneficial, such as SDK wrappers, CarPlay integration, and other critical performance-sensitive areas.\n \n- **Design, implement, and test new features** in collaboration with Product and Design teams to deliver high-quality, user-facing features. You will drive the full engineering lifecycle—from concept to deployment—while balancing tech debt and architectural transition efforts with timely releases of product features.\n \n- **Lead hiring efforts to build a nimble, best-in-class team of engineers** focused on skills that enable collaboration across platforms. As we aim to transition 80%+ of the codebase to cross-platform frameworks, you will ensure the team can maintain native components while empowering web engineers to contribute effectively to mobile development.\n \n- **Automate, optimize, and improve reliability** by introducing automated testing as part of CI/CD pipelines using GitHub Actions and automating releases using Expo Application Services (EAS) as the transition to React Native progresses. In addition you will leverage tools like New Relic and Amplitude to analyze performance data and identify opportunities to improve application metrics, reliability, and performance.\n \n- **Champion the evolution of our mobile ecosystem** by guiding the team through the ongoing transition. This is an exciting phased transformation, focusing on gradual progress while retaining native expertise in the early stages to build a cohesive mobile architecture. You will balance maintaining the existing native codebase while gradually introducing React Native features. The role involves significant work with the existing native codebase during the early stages, requiring candidates to be comfortable maintaining and evolving native mobile applications as part of the overall strategy. This includes enhancing the modularization of the codebase and refining the architecture to distinguish between native and cross-platform components.\n \n- **Collaborate with engineering and cross-functional teams** to problem-solve technical challenges and innovate solutions. You will partner closely with other leaders and stakeholders, advocating for technical solutions that deliver value to the product while driving towards our long-term vision.\n \n- **Operate with a high degree of autonomy** and contribute hands-on to the codebase. You will actively code, lead technical decision-making, and apply your engineering expertise to solve critical problems.\n\n### What You Will Bring:\n- **5+ years of software development experience**, with at least **3 years of experience leading mobile engineering teams** and a proven track record in building, scaling, and maintaining complex systems for large user bases.\n- **3+ years of hands-on production experience** in developing and maintaining native mobile applications in Swift or Kotlin, with practical experience in transitioning an existing codebase from native to React Native.\n- **Demonstrated success leading a transition** from native to cross-platform technologies, ideally in a production environment.\n- **Expertise in mobile best practices and coding standards**: Ability to write clean, maintainable, and efficient code, adhering to industry standards. Experience with collaborative workflows using Git, including pull requests and code reviews.\n- **Strong communication and leadership skills**: Ability to articulate technical concepts clearly, guide and mentor a team, and manage trade-offs effectively in a fast-paced environment.\n- **Experience in the geospatial software space**, including mapping APIs (e.g., Google Maps API, OpenStreetMap), or familiarity with other relevant technologies such as geocoding, routing, or spatial data visualization, are a big plus but not required.\n\n### What We Have to Offer:\n- Competitive salary + bonus + equity\n- Generous PTO + 11 company holidays\n- Open sick time\n- 100% covered Medical, Dental, Vision for employees\n- 401k with match\n- Health \u0026 Dependent Care Flex Spending Account\n- Paid professional development\n- Leadership \u0026 growth opportunities\n- Virtual company and team building events\n \n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731543723,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"mobile-engineering-manager-mapquest","title":"Mobile Engineering Manager, MapQuest","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3150648","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:5934204":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"5934204","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-5934204"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-5934204"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-5934204"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"Data Science Company doing innovative, groundbreaking work in the Adtech sphere","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3131268"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3103286"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3150648"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"System1","slug":"system1-1"},"Badge:B2C-33371":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-33371","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-33371":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-33371","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-33371":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-33371","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3149015":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"VALORANT is Riot’s take on a character-based tactical shooter. The Cross-VALORANT Experience team (XVX) is responsible for providing a cohesive and holistic experience for millions of players worldwide, setting up VALORANT to continue its success for new and existing players alike. This area is connected to the entire product, from the front end UI down to the low-level performance of the game itself, and ensures a high quality player experience via close partnerships with all other VALORANT teams.\n\nAs a Technical Product Manager III (TPM) at Riot, you will combine deep technical experience with product leadership capabilities to provide players with essential features and supporting systems. As a TPM on the Cross-VALORANT Experience Team, you will join a multi-disciplinary team focused on improving development experience for engineering, design, quality, and many others. You will set the product direction, vision, and strategy for game engine, game performance, and AI features that power VALORANT’s player experience. You will define the product requirements and guide the product lifecycle from start to finish in our most technical problem spaces.\n\nYour curiosity and deep understanding of the intricate nuances of your customer’s workflows will be used to improve the ease and efficiency of the development and testing processes in order to ultimately improve the quality of the player experience. You will be accountable for maintaining a high level of in-game quality and performance on PC and Console for our players worldwide. \n\n**Responsibilities:**\n\n- Define and drive the vision, strategy, and roadmap for highly technical opportunities on the Cross-VALORANT Experience team.\n- Lead and set the direction for the products, tools, and support structure.\n- Manage relationships with partners, stakeholders and customers.\n\n- Gather user feedback and incorporate it into product roadmaps.\n\n- Ensure your products and team are aligned with the game team’s and Riot's goals.\n- Partner and collaborate with the Engineering Manager, Producers, and Insights Specialists to align on the plans the team executes against.\n- Review and develop Service Level Agreements and goals with all core customers.\n\n**Required Qualifications:**\n\n- 6+ years of relevant industry experience\n- 4+ years of technical product management experience\n- Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related field, or equivalent experience with strong technical knowledge and problem-solving skills.\n- Excellent teamwork, team leadership, communication, and stakeholder management\n- Hands-on experience with game engines (e.g. Unity, Unreal) and game development\n- Excellent teamwork, team leadership, communication, and stakeholder management\n- Deep understanding of player/customer needs within complex audience segments and the ability to anticipate future demands\n- Exceptional ability to convey complex concepts across diverse audiences, fostering understanding and collaboration\n\n**Desired Qualifications**:\n\n- Experience working with teams building software for internal users (artists, engineers, designers)\n- Experience working on live games or services operating at global scale\n\n*For this role, you'll find success through craft expertise, a collaborative spirit, and decision-making that prioritizes the delight of players. We will be looking at your past studies, experience, and your personal relationship with games. If you embody player empathy and care about players' experiences, this could be your role!*\n\n## **Our Perks:**\n\nRiot has a focus on work/life balance, shown by our open paid time off policy, in addition to other perks such as flexible work schedules. We offer medical, dental, and life insurance, parental leave for you, your spouse/domestic partner and children, and a 401k with company match. Check out our [benefits pages]( for more information.\n\n#### Riot Games fosters a player and workplace experience that values teamwork embodied by the [**Summoner's Code**]( and [**Community Code**]( Our culture embraces differences as a strength, and our values are the guiding principles for how we approach work. We are committed to putting diversity and inclusion (D\u0026I) at the center of everything we do, and promoting a fair and collaborative culture where Rioters treat one another with dignity and respect. We encourage you to read more about our value of [**thriving together**]( and our ongoing work to build the [**most inclusive company in Gaming**](\n\n \n\n*It’s our policy to provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and members of Riot Games, Inc. Riot Games makes reasonable accommodations for handicapped and disabled Rioters and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, handicap, veteran status, marital status, criminal history, or any other category protected by applicable federal and state law. We consider for employment all qualified applicants, including those with criminal histories, in a manner consistent with applicable federal, state and local law, including the California Fair Chance Act, the City of Los Angeles Fair Chance Initiative for Hiring Ordinance, the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers, the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, and the Washington Fair Chance Act.*\n\n*Per the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance, the following core duties may create a basis for disqualifying candidates with relevant criminal histories:*\n\n- *Safeguarding confidential and sensitive Company data*\n- *Communication with others, including Rioters and third parties such as vendors, and/or players, including minors*\n- *Accessing Company assets, secure digital systems, and networks*\n- *Ensuring a safe interactive environment for players and other Rioters*\n\n*These duties are directly related to essential operations, safety, trust, and compliance obligations within our organization. Please note that job duties may evolve based on business needs and additional responsibilities may be assigned as necessary to maintain operational efficiency and security. *\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731373909,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"technical-product-manager-iii-valorant-cross-valorant-experience-xvx","title":"Technical Product Manager III - VALORANT, Cross-VALORANT Experience (XVX)","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3149015","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3139452":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Game Product Managers at Riot lead passionate teams to create and evolve products and experiences for our players. We seek to deeply understand our product’s audience and drive strategy to create value for players and for Riot. We help concept, build, and influence projects at all stages of production.\n\n[2XKO is Riot's League-IP take on a competitive fighting game](*256eqv*_ga*MTc4MzAxNTQ1MC4xNzI5MTE5ODc2*_ga_7VLGVTHBTW*MTcyOTU0MDQ5Ny4yLjEuMTcyOTU1MDk5MS4wLjAuMA..). As a **Senior Game Product Manage**r on the Social Systems team on **2XKO**, you will leverage your expertise in player behavior and social systems to drive player engagement, product development, and business growth. You will define the long-term vision for social and community systems, using research and player data to shape an evolving roadmap for a compelling live service. You will report to the Director of Product Management.\n\n## Responsibilities:\n\n- Develop and promote a strategic framework that guides your team toward an exciting vision for social experiences and systems in 2XKO, supported by market research and insights.\n- Create robust plans that align the team with research milestones and live service analysis, validating or refining hypotheses on social behavior and system use cases\n- Proactively identify opportunities to enhance social metagame systems\n- Balance player-facing features with technical improvements that streamline development\n- Collaborate with cross-functional leaders to build holistic experiences that engage, monetize, and retain players\n- Lead research and analytics projects to validate design decisions and ensure player resonance\n- Monitor and assess system health, making data-driven recommendations for improvements\n- Clearly communicate product plans, progress, and results to stakeholders, including senior leadership\n\n## Required Qualifications: \n\n- 6+ years of professional experience, of which 4+ is in a Product Management or Strategy role\n- Deep understanding about the process of game development, the business of live service games, and how games get to market\n- 3+ years experience leading or influencing cross-functional teams with excellent teamwork, team leadership, communication, collaboration, and stakeholder management\n- Professional experience working on social behavior and systems within games\n- Ability to solve complex and ambiguous problems using first-principles strategic thinking, generating frameworks to enable rapid and effective decision making\n\n## Desired Qualifications:\n\n- Experience working on a AAA game with global reach through development and launch\n- Experience working on a live service game with significant live operations\n\n*For this role, you'll find success through craft expertise and a collaborative spirit that prioritizes the delight of players. We will look at your past studies and experience, but for this role, we also look for dedicated people with a personal relationship with games. If you embody player empathy and care about players' experiences, this is the role for you!*\n\n## **Our Perks:**\n\nRiot has a focus on work/life balance, shown by our open paid time off policy, in addition to other perks such as flexible work schedules. We offer medical, dental, and life insurance, parental leave for you, your spouse/domestic partner and children, and a 401k with company match. Check out our [benefits pages]( for more information.\n\n#### Riot Games fosters a player and workplace experience that values teamwork embodied by the [**Summoner's Code**]( and [**Community Code**]( Our culture embraces differences as a strength, and our values are the guiding principles for how we approach work. We are committed to putting diversity and inclusion (D\u0026I) at the center of everything we do, and promoting a fair and collaborative culture where Rioters treat one another with dignity and respect. We encourage you to read more about our value of [**thriving together**]( and our ongoing work to build the [**most inclusive company in Gaming**](\n\n \n\n*It’s our policy to provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and members of Riot Games, Inc. Riot Games makes reasonable accommodations for handicapped and disabled Rioters and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, handicap, veteran status, marital status, criminal history, or any other category protected by applicable federal and state law. We consider for employment all qualified applicants, including those with criminal histories, in a manner consistent with applicable federal, state and local law, including the California Fair Chance Act, the City of Los Angeles Fair Chance Initiative for Hiring Ordinance, the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers, the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, and the Washington Fair Chance Act.*\n\n*Per the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance, the following core duties may create a basis for disqualifying candidates with relevant criminal histories:*\n\n- *Safeguarding confidential and sensitive Company data*\n- *Communication with others, including Rioters and third parties such as vendors, and/or players, including minors*\n- *Accessing Company assets, secure digital systems, and networks*\n- *Ensuring a safe interactive environment for players and other Rioters*\n\n*These duties are directly related to essential operations, safety, trust, and compliance obligations within our organization. Please note that job duties may evolve based on business needs and additional responsibilities may be assigned as necessary to maintain operational efficiency and security. *\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730250494,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"senior-game-product-manager-social-systems-2xko","title":"Senior Game Product Manager, Social Systems - 2XKO","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3139452","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3136203":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Riot engineers bring deep knowledge of specific technical areas but also value the opportunity to work in a variety of broader domains. As a Staff Software Engineer, you’ll also dive into projects that focus on team cohesiveness and cross-team objectives. You’ll drive technical initiatives and provide other engineers with a clear illustration of extraordinary engineering.\n\nAs a Staff Software Engineer on our unpublished MMO, you will work with all team disciplines to design, implement, and iterate on modern game development workflows, pipelines, and AI. You will work in a small team alongside a product lead, technical artists, designers, and other engineers to ensure we can efficiently deliver on our player’s dreams. The ideal candidate is passionate, driven, and wants to guide the technical vision of how we extend engines and optimize workflows. You will report to the Technical Product Manager of the project.\n\n## **Responsibilities:**\n\n- Identify, prioritize, and implement custom Unreal tooling, workflows, and data repositories.\n- Collaborate with team members to gather requirements, plan technical initiatives, and deliver consistently.\n- Lead and contribute to architecture requirements, technical design, and implementation for relevant systems\n- Help shape the technical direction and standards for the team\n- As development advances into full production, iterate on robust, scalable, and performant solutions.\n- Mentor other engineers on the team in your area of expertise.\n\n##  \n\n## **Required Qualifications:**\n\n- 6+ years of development experience in the game industry as a software engineer\n- 4+ years of experience on tools/workflows development for a AAA game\n- Fluency in C or C++\n- Work on at least 1 shipped game title\n- Strong knowledge of common game and software design patterns\n- Excellent debugging skills\n- Experience collaborating with teammates across multiple disciplines\n- Product sense, pragmatism, and player empathy in making tech decisions\n- Professional experience creating tools for Unreal 4 or 5\n\n## **Desired Qualifications:**\n\n- 6+ years of tools/workflows development experience\n- Experience with visual scripting systems\n- Experience working with mid-sized engineering teams\n- Experience with managing requirements and iterating on game development workflows\n- Experience with agile development\n\n*For this role, you'll find success through craft expertise and a collaborative spirit that prioritizes the delight of players. We will look at your past studies and experience, but for this role, we also look for dedicated people with a personal relationship with games. If you embody player empathy and care about players' experiences, this is the role for you!*\n\n## **Our Perks:**\n\nRiot focuses on work/life balance, shown by our open paid time off policy and other perks such as flexible work schedules. We offer medical, dental, and life insurance, parental leave for you, your spouse/domestic partner, and children, and a 401k with company match. Check out our [**benefits pages**]( for more information.\n\nRiot Games fosters a player and workplace experience that values teamwork embodied by the [**Summoner's Code**]( and [**Community Code**]( Our culture embraces differences as a strength, and our values are the guiding principles for how we approach work. We are committed to putting diversity and inclusion (D\u0026I) at the center of everything we do and promoting a fair and collaborative culture where Rioters treat one another with dignity and respect. We encourage you to read more about our value of [**thriving together**]( and our ongoing work to build the [**most inclusive company in Gaming**](**.**\n\n*It’s our policy to provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and members of Riot Games, Inc. Riot Games makes reasonable accommodations for handicapped and disabled Rioters and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, handicap, veteran status, marital status, criminal history, or any other category protected by applicable federal and state law. We consider for employment all qualified applicants, including those with criminal histories, in a manner consistent with applicable federal, state and local law, including the California Fair Chance Act, the City of Los Angeles Fair Chance Initiative for Hiring Ordinance, the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers, the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, and the Washington Fair Chance Act.*\n\n*Per the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance, the following core duties may create a basis for disqualifying candidates with relevant criminal histories:*\n\n- *Safeguarding confidential and sensitive Company data*\n- *Communication with others, including Rioters and third parties such as vendors, and/or players, including minors*\n- *Accessing Company assets, secure digital systems, and networks*\n- *Ensuring a safe interactive environment for players and other Rioters*\n\n*These duties are directly related to essential operations, safety, trust, and compliance obligations within our organization. Please note that job duties may evolve based on business needs and additional responsibilities may be assigned as necessary to maintain operational efficiency and security. *\n\n \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729818628,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"staff-software-engineer-unreal-tools-mmo","title":"Staff Software Engineer, Unreal Tools - MMO","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3136203","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:33371":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"33371","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-33371"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-33371"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-33371"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"A great home for people who love making games","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3149015"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3139452"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3136203"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Riot Games","slug":"riot-games"},"Badge:B2C-3957080":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-3957080","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-3957080":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-3957080","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Public Stage","tooltip":"Publicly traded company","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"public_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3080106":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"This is a hybrid role based in our Los Angeles or San Francisco office and will require you to be in office Tuesdays and Thursdays.\n\n**What’s so interesting about this role?**\n\nAs a Staff Product Manager at Grindr, you will play a critical role in shaping and enhancing our leading LGBTQ+ social networking platform. You will be responsible for driving product strategy, leading cross-functional teams, and delivering exceptional user experiences. This is an exciting opportunity to work on innovative products, leverage cutting-edge technologies, and make a meaningful impact in the LGBTQ+ community.\n\n**What’s the job?**\n\n- Define and execute the product roadmap, aligning with the company's strategic goals and user needs.\n- Lead cross-functional teams, including design, engineering, and data analytics, to successfully deliver product initiatives from ideation to launch.\n- Conduct market research, gather user feedback, and analyze data to identify opportunities for product innovation and improvement.\n- Collaborate with stakeholders to prioritize features, establish project timelines, and ensure successful product delivery.\n- Monitor key product metrics and performance indicators, conduct A/B tests, and iterate on features to optimize user experiences.\n- Stay informed about industry trends, competitor products, and emerging technologies to drive product innovation.\n\n**What we'll love about you** \n\n- Bachelor's degree in a relevant field; advanced degree is a plus.\n- 8+ years of proven experience as a Product Manager, preferably in a consumer-facing mobile app or web platform.\n- Strong understanding of product management methodologies, including market research, ideation, user testing, and agile development.\n- Excellent leadership and communication skills to effectively collaborate with cross-functional teams and stakeholders.\n- Analytical mindset with the ability to gather and interpret data to inform product decisions.\n- Passion for creating exceptional user experiences and making a positive impact in the LGBTQ+ community.\n\n**We’ll really swoon if you have** \n\n- Experience with mobile app development or web-based platforms.\n- Familiarity with user-centred design principles and methodologies.\n- Knowledge of LGBTQ+ community dynamics and needs.\n- Experience in rapid prototyping and iterative product development.\n- Strong problem-solving skills and ability to navigate complex challenges.\n\n**What you'll love about us**\n\n- Mission and Impact: Grindr is building the global gayborhood in your pocket. Your role will impact the lives of millions of LGBTQ+ people around the world. Through our success, we are making a world where the lives of our community are free, equal, and just.\n- Family Insurance: Insurance premium coverage for health, dental, and vision for you and partial coverage for your dependents.\n- Retirement Savings: Generous 401K plan with 6% match and immediate vest in the U.S.\n- Compensation: Industry-competitive compensation and eligibility for company bonus and equity programs.\n- Queer-Inclusive Benefits: Industry-leading gender-affirming offerings with up to 90% cost coverage, access to Included Health, monthly stipends for HRT, and more.\n- Additional Benefits: Flexible vacation policy, monthly stipends for cell phone, internet, wellness, food, and commuting, breakfast/lunch provided onsite, and yearly travel \u0026 leisure stipend.\n\n**About Grindr**\n\nGrindr is building the global gayborhood in your pocket. With more than 13.5 million monthly active users, Grindr has become a fundamental part of the LGBTQ+ community and is charting a path to make the world more free, equal, and just. Since 2015, [Grindr for Equality]( has advanced safety, health, and human rights for millions of Grindr users and the global LGBTQ+ community in partnership with more than 100 community organizations in every region of the world.\n\nOur next evolution is underway as a public company that continues to grow and build meaningful experiences for our users. From social issues to product innovations, we're setting audacious goals for our community and the business, and leveraging the latest tech stacks and a culture of engineering excellence to make it happen. At the heart of our work in this new chapter is a shared set of operating principles centered around cultivating curiosity, thinking big, setting and expediting our ambitious goals, and growing through iteration; all while keeping our users #1.\n\nGrindr is headquartered in West Hollywood, California, with offices in the Bay Area, Chicago, and New York. With a [track record]( of strong financial performance and plans for continued headcount growth, we’re building a team of talented, passionate, and open-minded people who want to disrupt the dating app space, innovate products, and advance LGBTQ+ culture. Come be a part of this exciting journey with us.\n\n***Grindr is an equal-opportunity employer***\n\n*To learn more about how we handle the personal data of applicants, visit our* [*Employee and Candidate Privacy Policy*](*.*\n\n \n\n*#LI-Hybrid*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1723800954,"locationNames":["Los Angeles","San Francisco"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"principal-product-manager","title":"Principal Product Manager ","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3080106","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:2740538":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"This is a hybrid role based in our Los Angeles or San Francisco office and will require you to be in office Tuesdays and Thursdays.\n\n**What’s so interesting about this role?**\n\nAs a Staff Product Manager at Grindr, you will play a critical role in shaping and enhancing our leading LGBTQ+ social networking platform. You will be responsible for driving product strategy, leading cross-functional teams, and delivering exceptional user experiences. This is an exciting opportunity to work on innovative products, leverage cutting-edge technologies, and make a meaningful impact in the LGBTQ+ community.\n\n**What’s the job?**\n\n- Define and execute the product roadmap, aligning with the company's strategic goals and user needs.\n- Lead cross-functional teams, including design, engineering, and data analytics, to successfully deliver product initiatives from ideation to launch.\n- Conduct market research, gather user feedback, and analyze data to identify opportunities for product innovation and improvement.\n- Collaborate with stakeholders to prioritize features, establish project timelines, and ensure successful product delivery.\n- Monitor key product metrics and performance indicators, conduct A/B tests, and iterate on features to optimize user experiences.\n- Stay informed about industry trends, competitor products, and emerging technologies to drive product innovation.\n\n**What we'll love about you** \n\n- Bachelor's degree in a relevant field; advanced degree is a plus.\n- 7+ years of proven experience as a Product Manager, preferably in a consumer-facing mobile app or web platform.\n- Strong understanding of product management methodologies, including market research, ideation, user testing, and agile development.\n- Excellent leadership and communication skills to effectively collaborate with cross-functional teams and stakeholders.\n- Analytical mindset with the ability to gather and interpret data to inform product decisions.\n- Passion for creating exceptional user experiences and making a positive impact in the LGBTQ+ community.\n\n**We’ll really swoon if you have** \n\n- Experience with mobile app development or web-based platforms.\n- Familiarity with user-centred design principles and methodologies.\n- Knowledge of LGBTQ+ community dynamics and needs.\n- Experience in rapid prototyping and iterative product development.\n- Strong problem-solving skills and ability to navigate complex challenges.\n\n**What you'll love about us**\n\n- Mission and Impact: Grindr is building the global gayborhood in your pocket. Your role will impact the lives of millions of LGBTQ+ people around the world. Through our success, we are making a world where the lives of our community are free, equal, and just.\n- Family Insurance: Insurance premium coverage for health, dental, and vision for you and partial coverage for your dependents.\n- Retirement Savings: Generous 401K plan with 6% match and immediate vest in the U.S.\n- Compensation: Industry-competitive compensation and eligibility for company bonus and equity programs.\n- Queer-Inclusive Benefits: Industry-leading gender-affirming offerings with up to 90% cost coverage, access to Included Health, monthly stipends for HRT, and more.\n- Additional Benefits: Flexible vacation policy, monthly stipends for cell phone, internet, wellness, food, and commuting, breakfast/lunch provided onsite, and yearly travel \u0026 leisure stipend.\n\n**About Grindr**\n\nGrindr is building the global gayborhood in your pocket. With more than 13.5 million monthly active users, Grindr has become a fundamental part of the LGBTQ+ community and is charting a path to make the world more free, equal, and just. Since 2015, [Grindr for Equality]( has advanced safety, health, and human rights for millions of Grindr users and the global LGBTQ+ community in partnership with more than 100 community organizations in every region of the world.\n\nOur next evolution is underway as a public company that continues to grow and build meaningful experiences for our users. From social issues to product innovations, we're setting audacious goals for our community and the business, and leveraging the latest tech stacks and a culture of engineering excellence to make it happen. At the heart of our work in this new chapter is a shared set of operating principles centered around cultivating curiosity, thinking big, setting and expediting our ambitious goals, and growing through iteration; all while keeping our users #1.\n\nGrindr is headquartered in West Hollywood, California, with offices in the Bay Area, Chicago, and New York. With a [track record]( of strong financial performance and plans for continued headcount growth, we’re building a team of talented, passionate, and open-minded people who want to disrupt the dating app space, innovate products, and advance LGBTQ+ culture. Come be a part of this exciting journey with us.\n\n***Grindr is an equal-opportunity employer***\n\n*To learn more about how we handle the personal data of applicants, visit our* [*Employee and Candidate Privacy Policy*](*.*\n\n \n\n*#LI-Hybrid*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1697751378,"locationNames":["Los Angeles","San Francisco"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"staff-product-manager","title":"Staff Product Manager","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"2740538","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3151006":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"This is a *hybrid* role based in our San Francisco or Los Angeles offices and will require you to be in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays.\n\n**What’s so interesting about this role?**\n\nAs the *first* Senior Product Marketing Manager at Grindr, you will play a pivotal role in defining and executing our product marketing strategy to deepen our understanding of and engagement with our customers. This highly cross-functional role will see you collaborating closely with team members across Product, Engineering, Design, Research, Data Analytics, and Marketing. Your mission: to shape our core user experience and drive monetization efforts. You'll be responsible for crafting, developing, and scaling comprehensive go-to-market strategies that influence every stage of the user lifecycle, from awareness and adoption to engagement and purchase of Grindr’s subscription products and services.\n\n**What’s the job?**\n\n**Synthesize Insights: Consolidate insights from diverse sources to inform and guide product development, marketing programs, and campaigns.**\n\n- **Strategic Influence:** Shape and influence Grindr’s product and business strategies and roadmaps, strengthening user satisfaction, engagement, retention, and monetization.\n- **GTM Strategy \u0026 Execution:** Develop and implement go-to-market strategies for product launches, including compelling naming, messaging, positioning, and campaign narratives. Set goals and metrics for success, and coordinate with cross-functional teams to ensure flawless execution.\n- **Problem-Solving:** Tackle complex challenges with a strategic mindset, creating thoughtful recommendations and action plans.\n- **Support Monetization:** Drive drive subscription adoption through rigorous testing and experimentation, because Grindr is better when using one of our subscription tiers.\n\n**What we'll love about you**\n\n- **Experience:** 8+ years of experience delivering successful go-to-market, engagement, and growth strategies, with 5+ years specifically in product marketing, ideally within the tech or dating app industry.\n- **Action-Oriented:** Proactive, collaborative, and a master of simplification. You continually push towards clarity and driving delivery of strong results.\n- **Self-Starter:** Hard-working, detail-oriented, and organized. You thrive in challenging environments and are undeterred by complexity.\n- **Master Communicator:** Excellent written and verbal communication skills, comfortable presenting and sharing work with executive leadership. Strong interpersonal skills to influence and motivate people at all levels across various functions.\n- **Product Marketing Mindset:** Ability to distill the essence of complex products and convey the value they create. You can develop a strong messaging hierarchy, effective strategies, and impactful go-to-market plans.\n- **Analytical Skills:** Outstanding ability to use data to craft insightful stories, inform strategies, and guide decision-making.\n\n**We’ll really swoon if you have any of:** \n\n- Experience partnering with Engineering and Product teams to influence and drive our roadmap and features\n- Experience using tools like Braze for messaging and Figma for design\n- Prior experience working in the dating industry\n\n**What you'll love about us**\n\n- Mission and Impact: Grindr is building the global gayborhood in your pocket. Your role will impact the lives of millions of LGBTQ+ people around the world. Through our success, we are making a world where the lives of our community are free, equal, and just.\n- Family Insurance: Insurance premium coverage for health, dental, and vision for you and partial coverage for your dependents.\n- Retirement Savings: Generous 401K plan with 6% match and immediate vest in the U.S.\n- Compensation: Industry-competitive compensation and eligibility for company bonus and equity programs.\n- Queer-Inclusive Benefits: Industry-leading gender-affirming offerings with up to 90% cost coverage, access to Included Health, monthly stipends for HRT, and more.\n- Additional Benefits: Flexible vacation policy, monthly stipends for cell phone, internet, wellness, food, and commuting, breakfast/lunch provided onsite, and yearly travel \u0026 leisure stipend.\n\n**About Grindr**\n\nGrindr is building the global gayborhood in your pocket. With more than 13.5 million monthly active users, Grindr has become a fundamental part of the LGBTQ+ community and is charting a path to make the world more free, equal, and just. Since 2015, [Grindr for Equality]( has advanced safety, health, and human rights for millions of Grindr users and the global LGBTQ+ community in partnership with more than 100 community organizations in every region of the world.\n\nOur next evolution is underway as a public company that continues to grow and build meaningful experiences for our users. From social issues to product innovations, we're setting audacious goals for our community and the business, and leveraging the latest tech stacks and a culture of engineering excellence to make it happen. At the heart of our work in this new chapter is a shared set of operating principles centered around cultivating curiosity, thinking big, setting and expediting our ambitious goals, and growing through iteration; all while keeping our users #1.\n\nGrindr is headquartered in West Hollywood, California, with offices in the Bay Area, Chicago, and New York.With a [track record]( of strong financial performance and plans for continued headcount growth, we’re building a team of talented, passionate, and open-minded people who want to disrupt the dating app space, innovate products, and advance LGBTQ+ culture. Come be a part of this exciting journey with us.\n\n***Grindr is an equal-opportunity employer***\n\n*To learn more about how we handle the personal data of applicants, visit our* [*Employee and Candidate Privacy Policy*](*.*\n\n \n\n*#LI-Hybrid*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731623671,"locationNames":["Los Angeles","San Francisco"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Marketing Manager","remote":false,"slug":"senior-product-marketing-manager","title":"Senior Product Marketing Manager","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3151006","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:3957080":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"3957080","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-3957080"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-3957080"}],"companySize":"SIZE_51_200","highConcept":"Our Mission: Connect queer people with one another and the world","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3080106"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:2740538"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3151006"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Grindr","slug":"grindr"},"Badge:B2C-3409608":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-3409608","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-3409608":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-3409608","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3131706":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"**Role Title**: Senior Product Manager, Growth\n\n**Compensation**: 160-175k/ Annually\n\n**Role Description**: As the Senior Product Manager of Growth \u0026 Demand at Tia, you'll play a pivotal role in shaping our customer acquisition and engagement strategy, focusing on optimizing key conversion points across our website, membership funnel, and optimizing user engagement throughout the membership journey, including the first 30 days, while driving sustained interaction with our services through a data-driven, growth-oriented approach. You will own both growth experiments and demand-generation initiatives, working to increase member engagement and lifetime value.\n\nThis is a high-impact role for someone who thrives in a fast-paced, dynamic environment. You’ll work cross-functionally with design, engineering, operations, marketing, and analytics teams to drive growth across all touch points in the user journey.\n\n#### Qualifications: \n\n- 4+ years of product management experience, with a focus on growth, conversion optimization, and user engagement.\n- Strong quantitative background with experience in A/B testing, data analysis, and using data to inform decision-making.\n- Analytics -- proficient in use of excel / google sheets, SQL, familiarity with Amplitude, python, R, or Stata a plus\n- Familiarity with Figma and other design/UX tools; ability to collaborate closely with design teams on user experience improvements.\n- Demonstrated ability to work independently, making decisions with both limited and strong datasets.\n- Deep understanding of user experience (UX) and customer journey optimization.\n\nAbilities: \n\n- Rigorously aligns work with company-goals and business performance, with a strong aptitude for prioritization.\n- Ability to achieve results with limited resources, working independently and making smart trade-offs in fast-paced environments.\n- Strong ability to prioritize initiatives that deliver the highest business impact, while managing trade-offs between short-term gains and long-term growth.\n- Proven track record of success in improving conversion rates in both web and funnel environments.\n- Proven ability to collaborate across teams (engineering, design, marketing, data) to drive results with or without direct authority.\n- Exceptional communication skills, with the ability to influence cross-functional teams and stakeholders.\n- Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, high-growth environment where prioritization, adaptability, and scrappiness are key.\n- Comfort with ambiguity and evolving priorities, with the ability to pivot strategies and plans quickly as market conditions or user needs change.\n- Ability to clearly articulate vision, strategy, and growth opportunities to both technical and non-technical stakeholders, ensuring alignment and buy-in across the organization.\n- Strong understanding of the product management lifecycle within high-growth, consumer-centric environments, with the ability to identify growth levers at different stages.\n\n#### Key Responsibilities\n\n- **New Member Growth**\n\n - **Growth \u0026 Demand Strategy:** Own the strategy and execution of growth experiments to improve key metrics, including website conversion rates, membership funnel conversion rates, and improve engagement through data-informed experiments and growth initiatives.\n - **Run Experiments:** Design and manage A/B tests and other experiments that help us learn what drives the highest impact and conversion improvements.\n - **Conversion Funnel Optimization:** Drive improvements in key conversion points, from initial web interactions to membership sign-ups, by identifying pain points and areas for optimization.\n- **Member Engagement \u0026 Utilization**\n\n - **Member Engagement:** Develop and optimize strategies to boost ongoing member engagement and interaction with Tia services, including improvements to the first 30-day journey and beyond.\n - **Data-Driven Experimentation:** Analyze quantitative and qualitative data to inform hypotheses, run A/B tests, and iterate on strategies to optimize user experience and engagement.\n\n**Collaborate on UX \u0026 Design: Partner with designers and engineers to craft intuitive user experiences that drive engagement and conversion. Strong knowledge of Figma and UX design tools is preferred.About Us:**\n\nFounded in 2017 by Carolyn Witte and Felicity Yost, Tia is the modern medical home for women. We are trailblazing a new paradigm for women’s healthcare that treats women as whole people vs. parts or life stages.  Blending in-person and virtual care services, Tia’s “Whole Woman, Whole Life” care model fuses gynecology, primary care, mental health and evidence-based wellness services to treat women comprehensively. By making women’s health higher quality and lower cost, Tia makes women healthier, providers happier, and the business of care delivery stronger — setting a new standard of care for women everywhere.\n\nTia has raised more than $132 Million in venture capital funding to date, including a recent $100 Million Series B investment, one of the largest early-stage rounds ever for a healthcare company focused on women. Tia has ambitious plans to scale its “whole-woman, whole-life” model to more than 100,000 women by 2023. We’ll do this by growing virtual and in-person operations in existing and new markets while expanding its service lines to care for women throughout their entire lives -- from puberty to menopause. Since launching in 2017, Tia has grown to serve thousands of women aged 18-80 with blended in-person and virtual care in New York City, Los Angeles, Phoenix and soon San Francisco. \n\nWe’re building a world class team to reimagine women’s healthcare. We’re an interdisciplinary team of clinicians, researchers, designers, technologists and operators who have seen firsthand how broken the healthcare system is for women. We’re united by a powerful mission to enable every woman to achieve optimal health, as defined by herself, as well as a shared set of values and principles that define our business, products, and culture. \n\nTia is building a culture of **excellence** — in people, process and product. This is our northstar value; \n\n*What is excellence, exactly?*\n\nExcellence about constantly elevating yourself, it is the process of constantly striving to perform to the best of your abilities, and identifying your top potential through constant learning, experimentation and evolution. Excellence is not about achieving perfection, as that insinuates a pinnacle. Instead, in our terms, excellence is about the pursuit of constant improvement. We’re looking for people who want to go on that hard journey of constantly setting new personal records, and organizational records. \n\nWe practice excellence at Tia by demonstrating the following types of behaviors: We chose (and actively choose) excellence as Tia’s highest order value because it crystalizes into one word several behaviors that we hold dear, specifically:\n\n1. A drive to **constantly improve through experimentation**, reflection. and an insatiable growth mindset — said another way, we’re energized by the possibility of invention, innovation, and iteration\n2. **Being present in and grateful for the journey** — not just the goal line. Perfection is static. Excellence is a process (more on this important distinction below)\n3. **Asking why, then why again** — because accepting “this is just the way it is” is not good enough\n4. **Grit \u0026 perseverance** — a maker mentality that involves “rolling up your sleeves”, *but also* deep care for oneself and for others\n5. **A commitment to uncovering talents** to unlock “rock star” potential across every individual\n\nFurthermore, excellence reflects the “bigness” and the “boldness” of Tia’s mission and vision — a world in which every woman can achieve optimal health, as defined by herself.\n\nSaid another way, Tia’s mission is NOT to make healthcare *incrementally better* for women. Instead, we’ve intentionally set out to create a fundamentally new paradigm for modern women’s healthcare that’s truly *excellent*. We believe that creating a company that operates in a culture of excellence will manifest in our product. Reaching this goal is not an overnight pursuit or a “one and done.” We have not and will not “get it right” with the first swing. Rather, this higher order goal is a moving target — one we have not and will not ever fully “achieve.” By design, we will never be “done” with this work, but instead, we will be continuously in pursuit of our mission. It is this continuous pursuit — the journey, not the finish line — that truly embodies excellence. \n\n**Benefits**\n\n- Unlimited vacation\n- Free Tia membership\n- Competitive stock option package\n- $300 one-time WFH stipend\n- $50/month phone and internet reimbursement\n- Medical, dental, and vision benefits\n- 401k program (no matching at this time)\n- Top of the line 13\" Macbook Pro\n- Travel stipend for team off-sites\n\n*This position may require attendance at company and team off-sites and is subject the Company’s vaccine requirement, as permitted by law and subject to reasonable accommodation.*\n\n*Tia is an equal opportunity employer. We are proud to foster a workplace free from discrimination. We strongly believe that diversity of experience, perspectives, and background will lead to a better environment for our employees and a better product for our users and patients. We strongly encourage people of color and members of the LGBTQ+ community to apply.** *\n\n*If you are committed to collaborative problem solving, creating high-quality and user-centric products, and want to make waves in women's healthcare, join us! *\n\n \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729545237,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Marketing Manager","remote":false,"slug":"senior-product-manager-growth","title":"Senior Product Manager, Growth","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3131706","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3083813":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"**Role Title:** Primary Care provider.\n\n**Location (s)**: Silverlake Tia Clinic, Santa Monica and West Hollywood clinics- ( There is some flexibility based on our Tia clinic locations and your proximity to them) \n\n**Manager:** LA Clinic Manager\n\n**Role Summary:** As a Primary Care physician at Tia in Los Angeles, your role is to deliver exceptional clinical care in line with the Tia care model which employs an integrative approach to whole person women’s healthcare**. In this role your time will be spent providing direct patient care and serving as a core beacon for the Tia philosophy of care.** \n\n**Values:**\n\n- Achieve excellence\n- Ask why, then why again\n- Use the tools in the Tia tool kit: integrating new research, integrative approaches to care and evidenced based practice into management and treatment decisions.\n- Engage in shared decision-making with patients\n- Integrity in patient care\n- Holistic patient care\n- Personalized care\n- Insist on diversity\n- Be compassionate\n\n**Abilities:**\n\n- Excellent problem perception\n- Highly process oriented\n- Flexibility / adaptability in a start-up environment\n- Integrate non-standard approaches into clinical practice\n- Work with non-clinical personnel\n- Rally the troops through dynamic and changing environments (delete)\n- Keep the design in mind while making decisions\n- Escalate care concerns effectively\n- Holding people accountable\n- Clear communication\n- Excellent client service orientation\n\n**Skills:**\n\n- Deliver patient-centric care\n- Completed formal medical training, ideally with experience in women’s care with an integrative practice approach\n- Licensed as an independent health care provider in the state of CA (MD or DO) and in good standing in the medical community, including hospital-affiliated systems.\n- Maintains active privileges at our affiliated hospitals in the region and/or other hospitals deemed appropriate by Tia\n- Familiarity with regulations and requirements for care providers\n- Ability to collaborate and/or supervise Tia Nurse Practitioners in accordance with current state licensing and regulatory requirements.\n- Willingness to serve as a collaborating physician with nurse practitioners and/or physician assistants and maintain signed and current collaborative agreements per state law\n\n**Responsibilities:**\n\n**Practice within the Tia Care model at the Los Angeles clinic**\n\n- Embody the Tia clinical model in practice at the Clinic\n- Participates in team trainings\n- Effectively integrate new elements of the Tia Care model that are being testing into the Tia system\n- Use Tia tech platforms and documentation systems to optimize communication and supports appropriate billing\n- Participate in Lunch and Learn sessions at Tia, hosting some didactic sessions on your own area of expertise as well as participating in others\n\n- Appropriately engage, collaborate and/or supervise Tia nurse practitioners or physician extenders as required by current state mandates.\n\n**Ensure an excellent patient experience while balancing clinical requirements**\n\n- See any and all patients requiring care, regardless of whether they are Tia or personally acquired; deliver both patient sets an amazing experience\n- Effectively handle escalations relating to patient satisfaction or clinical issues that need escalation in care\n\n**Effectively escalates issue at the clinic to the appropriate leadership when necessary**\n\n- Reports on technology performance giving constructive feedback to the technology team— helping to dive into issues that are impacting practice.\n- Reports to Tia and site clinic leadership on operational or clinical model issues\n- Reports to the SVP of Medical Affairs on issues relating to care quality concerns among care providers from the LA sites\n\nPer California Pay Transparency Laws (as of Jan 1, 2022), please see below for the compensation range for this role\n\n(Salary range 230k-250k) depending on experience for a 40 hour a week (FT role)  plus performance-based bonuses. \n\n**Benefits**\n\n- Talented and collaborative team who will both support and challenge you.\n- Market competitive salary\n- Annual CME stipend\n- Medical and dental benefits\n- Paid holidays, vacation, and sick leave\n\n*Tia is an equal opportunity employer. We are proud to foster a workplace free from discrimination. We strongly believe that diversity of experience, perspectives, and background will lead to a better environment for our employees and a better product for our users and patients. We strongly encourage people of color and members of the LGBTQ+ community to apply.*\n\n*If you are committed to collaborative problem solving, creating high-quality and user-centric products, and want to make waves in women's healthcare,* ***join us****! *\n\n \n\n*#INDTIA*\n\n \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1724706385,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Other","remote":false,"slug":"primary-care-physician-md-do-needed-for-la-based-tia-clinic-full-time","title":"Primary Care Physician MD/DO needed for LA based Tia clinic (Full Time)","compensation":"$230k – $250k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3083813","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3155300":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"**Role Title:** Medical Assistant\n\n**Manager:** Clinic Manager\n\n**Location:** LA - Silverlake Clinic\n\n**Compensation:**\n\nCompensation is between $20-$24 per hour\n\n**Role Summary:** As one of Tia’s Medical Assistants you perform routine administrative and clinical tasks to keep the clinic running smoothly. Core functions of your role will include rooming patients, taking patient vitals, assisting medical providers with exams and procedures including gynecological surgery, collecting patient health information, messaging with patients, ensuring all rooms are properly prepared throughout the day, managing supply inventory, collecting, processing \u0026 preparing specimens, running front office operations, such as scheduling and billing, from time-to-time. \n\n**Tia Company values you “spike” on:** \n\n- Probing deeply to understand\n- Asking why then why again\n- Act as a pack not as a lone wolf\n- Finds joy and gratitude every day\n- Practice Personalized Care\n\n**Abilities:**\n\n- Highly organized\n- Clear communicator\n- Ability to multitask in a fast-paced environment\n- Providing a high quality in-clinic experience\n- Strong process orientation\n- Excellent patient service orientation\n- Detail-oriented\n- Keep a vibe of calm, steadfastness and composure under pressure\n\n**Skills:**\n\n- Phlebotomy - minimum of 2 years paid work experience\n- Lab review and ordering - has a basic understanding of common labs ordered\n- Vitals - assessment and documentation\n- Autoclaving + disinfecting\n- Supply expiry review\n- Supply management \u0026 ordering\n\n**Responsibilities:**\n\n- **Ask why and probe deeply to understand the reason for the patient's visit.**\n\n - Ask questions to collect background story -- leaving notes for providers\n - Review health summary with patient, ensure all the info is accurate\n - Take the patient's vitals and record\n\n- **Close the loop and ensure that all follow ups are handled per clinical process and in a timely manner.**\n\n - Confirm patients current pharmacy preference and update in TiaMD and DrChrono\n - Process any Rx\n - Order Labs and imaging\n - Ensure all Dx codes are properly added to lab and imaging orders\n - Document every interaction appropriately and timely\n\n- **Assist our in-clinic providers with support during exams, procedures and office-based gynecological surgeries**\n\n - Chaperone for patient exams\n - Assist providers with exams such as Pap tests, vulvar biopsy, colposcopy, LEEP, hysteroscopy and vulvar surgeries\n\n - Adhere to sterile technique\n - Process specimens appropriately\n - Set up exam rooms with the correct instruments prior to patient rooming\n\n- **Act as a pack with fellow MAs, front of house staff and NPs/MDs to ensure the proper “air traffic controlling” in the clinic**\n\n - Ensure that patients are moved from front of house to back of house- “room patients”\n - Leverage providers with signals if they are running behind / clinic is backed up\n - Communicate and collaborate with your team if there are delays to ensure a high quality patient experience\n - Monitor the schedule to know who has checked in and respond in a timely manner\n - Perform review of the schedule the night before, brief providers on the day + think through “air trafficking” requirements for the day\n\n- **Practice Personalized care**\n\n - Review health records of next day patients every day -- ensure providers are briefed on the patients coming in\n - Remember the nuances of each patient, remind providers of these nuances\n - Work to capture nuances and personal needs of each patient in your time with them to help providers and all Tia care professionals better serve the patient\n - Communicate and document these nuances when appropriate\n\n- **Perform phlebotomy on patients as needed**\n\n - Medical Assistant must be licensed in Phlebotomy and have proof of licensure\n - Uphold the clinical guidelines for Phlebotomy\n - Perform difficult sticks regularly, and with confidence\n\n- **Leverage providers to review labs, and leverage providers in delivering results to patient**\n\n - Follow the system for Lab review as established by the Medical Director\n - Ensure that all labs are closed out each day\n\n- **Maintain the order and spotlessness of the clinic**\n\n- - - Monitor inventory of supplies\n - Maintain standards for cleanliness\n\n**Other “nice to have” skills:** \n\n- Medical Assistant certification in the state of California is a plus, but is not required\n- As a clinic that seeks to create an environment for all women to feel safe, heard, recognized and avowed in their health, bodies and lives, we are consistently seeking providers with backgrounds that are meaningfully different from those already forming our team. You bring a diverse background, a range of care experiences in different communities or various modalities\n- Former positions in delivering care for women in the following situations is a plus: women for battered or abused women, decision making support for low-income women, care delivery for LGBTQ, care delivery for immigrant or migrant or english-as-a-second-language support populations\n- You have experience running data security protocols and have a strong understanding of HIPAA\n- A strong understanding of \u0026 interest in oxidative / chronic stress, stress literature, immunsystem compromise, inflammatory response systems is a plus\n\n**Other important details:**\n\n- You’re willing to work nights \u0026 weekends, if needed\n- You’re authorized to work in the US\n- Tia is an equal opportunity employer\n\n**Tia requires that Medical Assistants complete credentialing with specified payors and that you authorize Tia to complete this credentialing through our preferred vendors.**\n\n*This position may require attendance at company and team off-sites and is subject the Company’s vaccine requirement, as permitted by law and subject to reasonable accommodation.*\n\n*Tia is an equal opportunity employer. We believe that diversity of experience, perspectives, and background will lead to a better environment for our employees and a better product for our users and patients. We strongly encourage people of color and members of the LGBTQ+ community to apply.* *If you are committed to collaborative problem solving, creating high-quality and user-centric products, and want to make waves in women's healthcare, join us!* \n\n**About Tia:**\n\nFounded in 2017 by Carolyn Witte and Felicity Yost, Tia is the modern medical home for women. We are trailblazing a new paradigm for women’s healthcare that treats women as whole people vs. parts or life stages.  Blending in-person and virtual care services, Tia’s “Whole Woman, Whole Life” care model fuses gynecology, primary care, mental health and evidence-based wellness services to treat women comprehensively. By making women’s health higher quality and lower cost, Tia makes women healthier, providers happier, and the business of care delivery stronger — setting a new standard of care for women everywhere.\n\nTia has raised more than $132 Million in venture capital funding to date, including a recent $100 Million Series B investment, one of the largest early-stage rounds ever for a healthcare company focused on women. Tia has ambitious plans to scale its “whole-woman, whole-life” model to more than 100,000 women by 2023. We’ll do this by growing virtual and in-person operations in existing and new markets while expanding its service lines to care for women throughout their entire lives -- from puberty to menopause. Since launching in 2017, Tia has grown to serve thousands of women aged 18-80 with blended in-person and virtual care in New York City, Los Angeles, Phoenix and soon San Francisco. \n\nWe’re building a world class team to reimagine women’s healthcare. We’re an interdisciplinary team of clinicians, researchers, designers, technologists and operators who have seen firsthand how broken the healthcare system is for women. We’re united by a powerful mission to enable every woman to achieve optimal health, as defined by herself, as well as a shared set of values and principles that define our business, products, and culture. \n\nTia is building a culture of **excellence** — in people, process and product. This is our northstar value; \n\n*What is excellence, exactly?*\n\nExcellence about constantly elevating yourself, it is the process of constantly striving to perform to the best of your abilities, and identifying your top potential through constant learning, experimentation and evolution. Excellence is not about achieving perfection, as that insinuates a pinnacle. Instead, in our terms, excellence is about the pursuit of constant improvement. We’re looking for people who want to go on that hard journey of constantly setting new personal records, and organizational records. \n\nWe practice excellence at Tia by demonstrating the following types of behaviors: We chose (and actively choose) excellence as Tia’s highest order value because it crystalizes into one word several behaviors that we hold dear, specifically:\n\n1. A drive to **constantly improve through experimentation**, reflection. and an insatiable growth mindset — said another way, we’re energized by the possibility of invention, innovation, and iteration\n2. **Being present in and grateful for the journey** — not just the goal line. Perfection is static. Excellence is a process (more on this important distinction below)\n3. **Asking why, then why again** — because accepting “this is just the way it is” is not good enough\n4. **Grit \u0026 perseverance** — a maker mentality that involves “rolling up your sleeves”, *but also* deep care for oneself and for others\n5. **A commitment to uncovering talents** to unlock “rock star” potential across every individual\n\nFurthermore, excellence reflects the “bigness” and the “boldness” of Tia’s mission and vision — a world in which every woman can achieve optimal health, as defined by herself.\n\nSaid another way, Tia’s mission is NOT to make healthcare *incrementally better* for women. Instead, we’ve intentionally set out to create a fundamentally new paradigm for modern women’s healthcare that’s truly *excellent*. We believe that creating a company that operates in a culture of excellence will manifest in our product. Reaching this goal is not an overnight pursuit or a “one and done.” We have not and will not “get it right” with the first swing. Rather, this higher order goal is a moving target — one we have not and will not ever fully “achieve.” By design, we will never be “done” with this work, but instead, we will be continuously in pursuit of our mission. It is this continuous pursuit — the journey, not the finish line — that truly embodies excellence. \n\n \n\n#INDTIA\n\n \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732140852,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Other","remote":false,"slug":"medical-assistant-silverlake","title":"Medical Assistant (Silverlake)","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3155300","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:3409608":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"3409608","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-3409608"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-3409608"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"Caring and taking care of women's health as it it were their own","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3131706"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3083813"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3155300"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Tia","slug":"tia-by-tabu-health"},"SeoRoleKeyword:720":{"__typename":"SeoRoleKeyword","id":"720","slug":"product-manager","displayName":"Product Manager"},"NewTag:1653":{"__typename":"NewTag","id":"1653","slug":"los-angeles","displayName":"Los Angeles"},"RoleAndLocationEditorial:720":{"__typename":"RoleAndLocationEditorial","id":"720","meta":{"__typename":"MetaTags","canonicalUrl":"","description":"Find the best Product Manager jobs in Los Angeles, CA in November 2024! 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