Interactive Perception and Robot Learning Lab-Home
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We seek to understand the underlying principles of robust sensorimotor coordination by implementing them on robots. Our work is at the intersection of Robotics, Machine Learning and Computer Vision applied to problems in Autonomous Robotic Manipulation. </p> <a href="" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-screen-name="false" data-show-count="false">Follow @StanfordIPRL</a> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> <p class=".text-primary"><a href="index.html#contact" class="page-scroll"><u>Contact information for Prospective Lab Members</u></a></p> </div> </div> <div id="news" name="news" class="linked-section section-grey"> <div class="container"> <div class="row margin-bottom-10"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h1 class="section-header-h1">News</h1> <table class="table margin-top-40"> <tr> <td class="col-md-2"><strong>July, 2024</strong></td> <td class="col-md-10"> Three of our papers are accepted to RSS 2024: <strong><u><a href="">Consistency Policy</a></u></strong>, <strong><u><a href=""> SpringGrasp </a> </u></strong>, and <strong><u><a href=""> DROID </a> </u></strong>! And one of our papers, <strong><u><a href=""> AOGrasp </a></u></strong>, is accepted to IROS 2024! <br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col-md-2"><strong>November, 2023</strong></td> <td class="col-md-10"> Two of our papers are part of the Special Issue on Large Language Models in Robotics (Autonomous Robots): <strong><u><a href="">TidyBot</a></u></strong> and <strong><u><a href=""> Text2Motion </a> </u></strong> <br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col-md-2"><strong>October, 2023</strong></td> <td class="col-md-10"> 3 papers accepted at IROS 2023! <strong><u><a href="">TidyBot</a></u></strong>, <strong><u><a href=""> In-Hand Manipulation with Tactile Sensing for Inserting Unknown Objects</a> </u></strong> and <strong><u><a href="">Active Task Randomization</a></u></strong> <br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col-md-2"><strong>February 27, 2023</strong></td> <td class="col-md-10"> 2 papers accepted at CVPR 2023! <strong><u><a href="">The ObjectFolder Benchmark</a></u></strong> and <strong><u><a href="">CARTO: Category and Joint Agnostic Reconstruction of ARTiculated Objects</a></u></strong> <br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col-md-2"><strong>February 15, 2023</strong></td> <td class="col-md-10"> Professor Bohg is named a <strong><u><a href=""> Sloan Fellow!</a></u></strong> <br /> </td> </tr> <!-- <tr> <td class="col-md-2"><strong>Sep 13</strong></td> <td class="col-md-10">4 papers accepted to CoRL 2021! See our <strong><a href="publications.html">publications page</a></strong> for the full list! <br/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col-md-2"><strong>Jun 30</strong></td> <td class="col-md-10"> 2 papers accepted to IROS 2021!<strong> <a href="">Differentiable Factor Graph Optimization for Learning Smoothers.</a></strong> and <strong><a href="">TrajectoTree: Trajectory Optimization Meets Tree Search for Planning Multi-contact Dexterous Manipulation.</a></strong>. <br/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col-md-2"><strong>Dec 22</strong></td> <td class="col-md-10"> We made the second place in the 2020 <strong> <a href="">Real Robot Challenge</a></strong> Real Robot Challenge! Congrats to Claire, Krishnan, Jeffrey, and Junwu and our collaborators Lin Shao, Shenli Yuan, Preston Culbertson, Hongkai Dai and Mac Schwager. Here is the <strong> <a href="">paper</a></strong> and the <strong><a href="">code</a></strong>. <br/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col-md-2"><strong>Jan 27</strong></td> <td class="col-md-10"> We made the first place at the <strong> <a href="">NuScenes Tracking Challenge</a></strong> (AI Driving Olympics at NeurIPS)! Congrats to Hsu-kuang Chiu and our collaborators from TRI, Antonio Prioletti and Jie Li. Here is the <strong> <a href="">paper</a></strong> and the <strong><a href="">code</a></strong>. <br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col-md-2"><strong>Nov 1</strong></td> <td class="col-md-10"> Our paper <strong><a href="">MeteorNet: Deep Learning on Dynamic 3D Point Cloud Sequences</a></strong> was presented as an oral at ICCV 2019. Congrats Xingyu! <br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col-md-2"><strong>Oct 30</strong></td> <td class="col-md-10"> Our paper <strong><a href=""> Learning from My Partner's Actions: Roles in Decentralized Robot Teams.</a></strong> was presented as an oral at CoRL 2019. This work is done in collaboration with the <strong><a href="">Stanford Intelligent and Interactive Autonomous Systems Group</a></strong>. Check out the great <strong><a href="">blog post</a></strong>! <br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col-md-2"><strong>May 28</strong></td> <td class="col-md-10"> We published the code for our paper on <strong><a href="">Leveraging Contact Forces for Learning to Grasp</a></strong>. This work is done in collaboration with the <strong><a href="">Machines in Motion Group</a></strong> at NYU. <br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col-md-2"><strong>May 22</strong></td> <td class="col-md-10"> Our paper on <strong><a href="">Making Sense of Vision and Touch</a></strong> won the Best Paper Award at <a href="">ICRA 2019</a>! Congratulations to all the authors! We also became Finalist for the Best Paper on Cognitive Robotics. <br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col-md-2"><strong>March 12</strong></td> <td class="col-md-10"> Jeannette will be awarded the <strong> RAS Early Academic Career Award in Robotics and Automation</strong> at ICRA 2019 for her contributions to robot perception and learning for manipulation! Congratulations also to the other recipients Marco Hutter and Ilana Nisky. Read the full anouncement <strong><a href="">here!</a></strong> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col-md-2"><strong>Sept 24th</strong></td> <td class="col-md-10"> Our paper on <strong><a href=""> Realtime Perception meets Reactive Motion Generation</a></strong> became Finalist for the Amazon Best System Paper. Congratulations to all the authors! Read the full anouncement <strong><a href="">here!</a></strong> </td> </tr> --> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="projects" name="projects" class="linked-section"> <div class="container"> <div class="row margin-bottom-10"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h1 class="section-header-h1 margin-bottom-10">Projects</h1> <!-- See #projects-container in section.css for styling the projects grid --> <div id="projects-container"> <div class="project4 center-block"> <a href="interactiveperception.html"> <img src="assets/images/GibsonHighResSmall.png" alt="" height="250" width="300" class="center-block margin-bottom-10 " /> <h3 class="text-center section-header-h3 margin-bottom-10"><strong>Interactive Perception</strong> </h3> </a> </div> <div class="project5 center-block"> <a href="multimodal.html"> <img src="assets/images/Multimodal.png" alt="" height="250" width="300" class="center-block margin-bottom-10 " /> <h3 class="text-center section-header-h3 margin-bottom-10"><strong>Exploiting Multimodality</strong> </h3> </a> </div> <div class="project6 center-block"> <a href="structure.html"> <img src="assets/images/BiasVariance.png" alt="" height="250" width="300" class="center-block margin-bottom-10 " /> <h3 class="text-center section-header-h3 margin-bottom-10"><strong>Structure and Learning</strong> </h3> </a> </div> <div class="project1 center-block"> <a href="grasping.html"> <img src="assets/images/content_Learning2Grasp.png" alt="" height="250" width="300" class="center-block margin-bottom-10" /> <h3 class="text-center section-header-h3 margin-bottom-10"><strong>Grasping and Manipulation</strong> </h3> </a> </div> <div class="project2 center-block"> <a href="tracking.html"> <img src="assets/images/content_Tracking.png" alt="" height="250" width="300" class="center-block margin-bottom-10 " /> <h3 class="text-center section-header-h3 margin-bottom-10"><strong>Visual Tracking</strong></h3> </a> </div> <div class="project3 center-block"> <a href="systems.html"> <img src="assets/images/content_Overlay.png" alt="" height="250" width="300" class="center-block margin-bottom-10 " /> <h3 class="text-center section-header-h3 margin-bottom-10"><strong>Robotic System Building</strong> </h3> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="people" name="people" class="linked-section section-grey"> <div class="container"> <div class="row margin-bottom-10"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h1 class="section-header-h1 margin-bottom-50">People</h1> <div id="people-container"> <div class="person1 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/jb_square.jpg" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Jeannette Bohg</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Group leader</p> </div> <div class="person15 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/francis-engelmann.png" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Francis Engelmann</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Post Doc</p> </div> <!-- <div class="person2 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/ra_square.png" alt="rika_picture" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20"/></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Rika Antonova</Blockquote></strong></p> <p class="text-center">Postdoc</p> </div> --> <div class="person15 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/tyler_square.jpg" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Tyler Lum</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Ph.D. Student <br>Co-advisor: Karen Liu</p> </div> <!-- <div class="person9 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/Krishnan_square.png" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Krishnan Srinivasan</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Ph.D. Student</p> </div> --> <div class="person27 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/claire_square.png" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Claire Chen</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Ph.D. Student</p> </div> <div class="person25 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/marion_square_v2.png" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Marion Lepert</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Ph.D. Student</p> </div> <div class="person25 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/priya.jpg" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Priya Sundaresan</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Ph.D. Student <br>Co-advisor: Dorsa Sadigh</p> </div> <div class="person25 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/chris_agia_square.png" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Chris Agia</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Ph.D. Student <br>Co-advisor: Marco Pavone</p> </div> <div class="person25 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/jingyun.jpg" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Jingyun Yang</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Ph.D. Student</p> </div> <div class="person15 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/jimmywu.jpg" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Jimmy Wu</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Visiting Ph.D. Student<br>Princeton University</p> </div> <div class="person15 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/carlota.jpg" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Carlota Pares</strong></p> <p class="text-center">PhD Student</p> </div> <!-- <div class="person15 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/aaditya-prasad.png" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Aaditya Prasad</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Undergrad Student</p> </div> --> <!-- <div class="person15 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/brandon_vu.png" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Brandon Vu</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Undergrad Student</p> </div> --> <!-- <div class="person15 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/sophie-lueth.jpeg" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Sophie Lueth</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Visiting Student</p> </div> --> <!-- <div class="person15 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/yixuan_huang.png" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Yixuan Huang</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Visiting PhD Student</p> </div> --> <!-- <div class="person15 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/udari-madhu.jpg" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Udari Madhusudani</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Visiting Post Doc</p> </div> --> <!-- <div class="person15 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/ziang-cao.png" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Zi-ang Cao</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Masters Student</p> </div> --> <!-- <div class="person15 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/michelle_yi_square.jpg" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Michelle Yi</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Masters Student</p> </div> --> <div class="person15 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/jiaying_fang.jpeg" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Jiaying Fang</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Masters Student</p> </div> <!-- <div class="person15 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/zhongchun.jpg" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Zhongchun Yu</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Masters Student</p> </div> --> <div class="person15 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/bhavna_sud.png" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Bhavna Sud</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Masters Student</p> </div> <div class="person15 center-block"> <a href=""><img src="assets/images/olivia_lee.jpg" alt="" width="200px" class="center-block img-responsive img-circle margin-bottom-20" /></a> <p class="text-center"><strong>Olivia Lee</strong></p> <p class="text-center">Co-term Student</p> </div> </div> <br /> <h3 class="section-header-h3 margin-bottom-50">Former Members</h3> <!-- Each column contains 15 names --> <div class="column"> <p>Rika Antonova (University of Cambridge)</p> <p>Dan Morton</p> <p>Kevin Lin (UT Austin)</p> <p>Edwin Pan</p> <p>Tara Sadjadpour (Berkeley)</p> <p>Andrey Kurenkov </p> <p>Toki Migimatsu (Figure) </p> <p>Mengxi Li (Citadel) </p> <p>Millie Salvato </p> <p>Negin Heravi (Snap)</p> <p>Nick Heppert (University of Freiburg) </p> <p>Jacqueline Yau (Apple)</p> <p>Chaoyi Pan (CMU) </p> <p>Brent Yi (Berkeley) </p> <p>Samuel Clarke </p> <p>Michelle Lee (Medra) </p> <p>Lin Shao (NUS Singapore) </p> <p>Shushman Choudhury (Lacuna) </p> <p>Simon Reisch (CS)</p> </div> <div class="column"> <p>Krishnan Srinivasan</p> <p>Zhongchun Yu</p> <p>Michelle Yi</p> <p>Zi-ang Cao</p> <p>Udari Madhusudani</p> <p>Yixuan Huang</p> <p>Sophie Lueth</p> <p>Aaditya Prasad</p> <p>Brandon Vu</p> <p>Rachel Gardner (Aurora) </p> <p>Alina Kloss (NEURA Robotics) </p> <p>Mengyuan Yan (OpenAI)</p> <p>Peter Zachares (nPlan) </p> <p>Hsu-kuang Chiu (Waymo) </p> <p>Matthew Tan </p> <p>Allesandro Palleschi </p> <p>Karen Yang (EE)</p> <p>Xingyu Liu (EE)</p> <p>Wenzhen Yuan (CMU)</p> <p>Fabio Ferreira (University of Freiburg)</p> <p>Tingguang Li (CUHK, China)</p> <p>Jane Wu (CS)</p> <p>Haley Smith (ME)</p> <p>Rohun Kulkarni (ME) </p> </div> <div class="column"> <p> Varun Nambiar (EE) </p> <p>Yilin Zhu (CS)</p> <p>Mia Kokic (KTH, Sweden)</p> <p>Thomas Baumeister (Apple)</p> <p>Simon Pierre Marie LeCleach (ME)</p> <p>Parth Sha (Apple)</p> <p>Vikranth Reddy Dwaracherla (EE)</p> <p>Andres Campos Alvarado (ME)</p> <p>Xinru Hua (CS)</p> <p>Scott David Hemley (ME)</p> <p>Seth Evan Charles (ME)</p> <p>Dipti Vijai Motwani (ME)</p> <p>Yifan You (Berkeley)</p> <p>Ben Jun Xiong Wu (CS)</p> <p>Jonathan Henry Zwiebel (CS)</p> <p>Ian Ng (CS)</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="teaching" name="teaching" class="linked-section"> <div class="container"> <div class="row margin-bottom-10"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h1 class="section-header-h1 margin-bottom-50">Teaching</h1> <a href=""> <p class="lead">CS231a: Computer Vision: From 3D Reconstruction to Recognition</p> </a> <a href=""> <p class="lead">CS326: Topics in Advanced Robotic Manipulation</p> </a> <a href=""> <p class="lead">CS237b: Principles of Robot Autonomy II</p> </a> <br /> <h1 class="section-header-h1 margin-bottom-50">Past Courses</h1> <a href=""> <p class="lead">CS223a: Introduction to Robotics</p> </a> <a href=""> <p class="lead">CS336: Robot Perception and Decision-Making</p> </a> <!-- Past Courses --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="contact" name="contact" class="linked-section section-grey"> <div class="container"> <div class="row margin-bottom-10"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h1 class="section-header-h1 margin-bottom-50">Contact</h1> <h3 class="section-header-h3">Contact for Prospective Lab Members</h3> <p class="lead">We may take on new PhD students each year. If you are a <strong>prospective PhD student</strong>, we ask that you do not contact us directly with regard to PhD admissions until after you are admitted, as we will not be able to reply to emails from individual applicants.</p> <p class="lead">If you are a <strong>Stanford undergraduate, masters, or co-term</strong> interested in research opportunities, please complete this form: <a href=""><strong><u>Link</u></strong></a> </p> <p class="lead">If you are interested in a <strong>post-doc</strong> position, please read this form : <a href=""><strong><u>Link</u></strong></a> </p> <p class="lead">If you are not a Stanford student and interested in <strong>visiting researcher</strong> positions, please read this from: <a href=""><strong><u>Link</u></strong></a> </p> <h3 class="section-header-h3">General Contact Information</h3> <p class="lead"><strong>Address: </strong>353 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford, CA 94305</p> <p class="lead"><strong>Phone: </strong>(650) 725-4314</p> <p class="lead"><strong>Office hours: </strong> Wednesday 3pm - 4pm (Zoom link available upon request)</p> <p class="lead"><strong>Admin: </strong> <script language="JavaScript"> var username = "habekoss"; var hostname = ""; var linktext = "Brian Habekoss"; document.write("<a href='" + "mail" + "to:" + username + "@" + hostname + "'>" + linktext + "</a>"); </script> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- footer --> <div class="footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <span class="custom-fa-icon"><i class="fa fa-copyright" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> Interactive Perception and Robot Learning Lab 2023 </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <script src="assets/js/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/jquery-ui-effects.min.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/init.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/slideout.min.js"></script> </body> </html>