Optiker München und in der Nähe im Stadtbranchenbuch München - 378 Einträge

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Sehspezialisten<br />beraten Sie ausführlich<br />Kinderbrillen, Sportbrillen<br />Kontaktlinsen, Brillen<br />Gleitsichtbrillen München </a> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Trudering, Riem </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(10)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-premium"> <div class="results-item"> <a href="" class="brand" target="_blank"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="" alt="Augenoptik Kaiser in München Logo" width="159" height="59" /> </a> <div class="address"> <h2 class="name"> <a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank"> Augenoptik Kaiser in München <div class="slogan">Optiker Allach - Untermenzing</div> </a> </h2> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Eversbuschstr. 133 <div class="zip">80999 München</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 8121383 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="description" target="_blank"> Augenoptikermeisterin<br />Brillen & Kontaktlinsen<br />Gleitsichtgläser<br />Markensonnenbrillen<br />Uhren- & Schmuckreparatur </a> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Allach, Obermenzing, Untermenzing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(9)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-premium"> <div class="results-item"> <a href="" class="brand" target="_blank"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="" alt="Brille &amp; Linse Augenoptik Logo" width="115" height="60" /> </a> <div class="address"> <h2 class="name"> <a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank"> Brille &amp; Linse Augenoptik <div class="slogan">Ihr Optiker in München Moosach</div> </a> </h2> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Dachauer Straße 280 <div class="zip">80992 München</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 12475290 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="description" target="_blank"> Kontaktlinsenanpassung<br />Sonnenbrillen Ray Ban u.a.<br />Sehtest München Moosach<br />Silhouette - Switch-it Brillen<br />Kunststoffgläser entspiegelt </a> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Moosach </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(67)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-premium"> <div class="results-item"> <a href="" class="brand" target="_blank"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="" alt="City Optik München Logo" width="320" height="109" /> </a> <div class="address"> <h2 class="name"> <a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank"> City Optik München <div class="slogan">Ihr Optiker in München Zentrum</div> </a> </h2> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Sonnenstr. 4 <div class="zip">80331 München</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 555592 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="description" target="_blank"> Optiker und Akustiker in der<br />Sonnenstraße 4, mitten im Herzen<br />von München. Brillengläser,<br />Kontaktlinsen bzw. Hörgeräte exakt<br />auf Ihre Bedürfnisse angepasst. </a> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Ludwigsvorstadt </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(12)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-premium"> <div class="results-item"> <a href="" class="brand" target="_blank"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="" alt="Kürner Optik - Rudolf Parzl Logo" width="291" height="82" /> </a> <div class="address"> <h2 class="name"> <a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank"> Kürner Optik - Rudolf Parzl <div class="slogan">Gleitsichtgläser München Schwabing</div> </a> </h2> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Herzogstr. 9 <div class="zip">80803 München</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 349436 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="description" target="_blank"> Designerbrillen in Schwabing<br />Sportbrillen & Sonnenbrillen<br />Sehanalysen - Gleitsichtbrillen<br />Kontaktlinsen in Schwabing<br />Arbeitsplatzbrillen - PC Brille </a> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Schwabing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star half-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(24)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-premium"> <div class="results-item"> <a href="" class="brand" target="_blank"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="" alt="Meyer Optik e.K. Logo" width="320" height="107" /> </a> <div class="address"> <h2 class="name"> <a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank"> Meyer Optik e.K. <div class="slogan">Exklusive Brillen München</div> </a> </h2> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Cosimastr. 4 <div class="zip">81927 München</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 911685 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="description" target="_blank"> Beratung & Manufaktur<br />Tests & Vermessung<br />Fern- und Lesebrillen<br />Gleitsichtbrillen<br />Sonnenbrillen </a> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Bogenhausen, Daglfing, Englschalking, Johanneskirchen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-premium"> <div class="results-item"> <a href="" class="brand" target="_blank"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="" alt="nörr optik - Ihr Augenoptiker Logo" width="320" height="104" /> </a> <div class="address"> <h2 class="name"> <a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank"> nörr optik - Ihr Augenoptiker <div class="slogan">Designerbrillen &amp; Gleitsichtbrillen</div> </a> </h2> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Leopoldstr. 33 <div class="zip">80802 München</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 348100 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="description" target="_blank"> OPTIK NÖRR in Schwabing<br />breitgefächertes Angebot an<br />Brillengestellen sämtlicher<br />Stilrichtungen in Schwabing<br />Designerbrillen für Scharfsehfans </a> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Schwabing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star half-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(8)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-premium"> <div class="results-item"> <a href="" class="brand" target="_blank"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="" alt="Optik Drickl GmbH Logo" width="125" height="120" /> </a> <div class="address"> <h2 class="name"> <a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank"> Optik Drickl GmbH <div class="slogan">Augenoptiker Unterföhring</div> </a> </h2> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Bahnhofstr. 16 <div class="zip">85774 Unterföhring</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 9505490 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="description" target="_blank"> Sehtest und moderne Brillen für<br />Erwachsene und Kinderbrillen<br />Kontaktlinsen, Gleitsichtbrillen<br />Designerbrillen, Arbeitsbrillen<br />Unterföhring und Ismaning </a> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Unterföhring </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(11)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-premium"> <div class="results-item"> <a href="" class="brand" target="_blank"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="" alt="Optik Marx Logo" width="102" height="120" /> </a> <div class="address"> <h2 class="name"> <a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank"> Optik Marx <div class="slogan">Optiker München</div> </a> </h2> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Augustenstr. 110 <div class="zip">80798 München</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 5233774 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="description" target="_blank"> MITARBEITER GESUCHT<br />Augendruckmessung Sehtest<br />Contactlinsen; Ortho-K Lupen<br />Sonnenbrillen; Lupenbrillen<br />Unsere OPTIKER-APP </a> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Maxvorstadt, Universität </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(83)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-premium"> <div class="results-item"> <a href="" class="brand" target="_blank"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="" alt="Optik Riess seit 1966 Logo" width="320" height="79" /> </a> <div class="address"> <h2 class="name"> <a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank"> Optik Riess seit 1966 <div class="slogan">Optiker &amp; Kontaktlinsenstudio</div> </a> </h2> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Ainmillerstraße 22 <div class="zip">80801 München</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 341850 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="description" target="_blank"> Optik Riess seit 1966 in Schwabing<br />Optiker & Kontaktlinsenstudio<br />Brillenfassungen - Sonnenbrillen<br />Gleitsichtbrillen & Sportbrillen<br />Bildschirm- & Arbeitsplatzbrillen </a> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Schwabing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(29)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-premium"> <div class="results-item"> <a href="" class="brand" target="_blank"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="" alt="Optik Vogel e.K. Logo" width="160" height="30" /> </a> <div class="address"> <h2 class="name"> <a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank"> Optik Vogel e.K. <div class="slogan">Optiker München</div> </a> </h2> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Sonnenstr. 32 <div class="zip">80331 München</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 5501112 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="description" target="_blank"> Gleitsichtgläser<br />Kontaktlinsen, Hornbrillen<br />Sonnenbrillen, Sehtest<br />Varilux, Oakley, eyecode<br />Calvin Klein, IC Berlin, Lacoste </a> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Ludwigsvorstadt </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(5)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-premium"> <div class="results-item"> <a href="" class="brand" target="_blank"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="" alt="OPTIK-OTTO Kontaktlinsen-Spezialist Logo" width="320" height="113" /> </a> <div class="address"> <h2 class="name"> <a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank"> OPTIK-OTTO Kontaktlinsen-Spezialist <div class="slogan">Augenoptikfachgeschäft</div> </a> </h2> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Bahnhofstr. 3 <div class="zip">82041 Oberhaching</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 62830088 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="description" target="_blank"> Fachgeschäft seit 1977<br />Sonnenbrillen u.a. RayBan<br />Sehteste, Führerscheinsehteste<br />Sportoptik, Kinderoptometrie<br />Hausbesuche </a> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Oberhaching </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(6)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-business"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Arnold Greiner e.K. Augenprothetik <div class="slogan">Institut für künstliche Augen</div> </a> </h2> <div class="address"> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Hirschgartenallee 38 <div class="zip">80639 München</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 172178 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Nymphenburg </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-business"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank"> augenart - Die Brillenmanufaktur <div class="slogan">Maßgefertigte Brillen</div> </a> </h2> <div class="address"> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Sollner Str. 42 <div class="zip">81479 München</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 74443010 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Solln </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(16)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-business"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Bussmann Optik - glasses that rock <div class="slogan">Brillen in Solln</div> </a> </h2> <div class="address"> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Diefenbachstr. 39 <div class="zip">81479 München</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 797921 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Solln </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(3)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-business"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Frame4U <div class="slogan">Gleitsichtspezialist in München</div> </a> </h2> <div class="address"> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Lechnerstr. 1 <div class="zip">81379 München</div> </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Thalkirchen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(41)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-business"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank"> GÖB Optik &amp; Foto München <div class="slogan">Gleitsichtbrillen-Spezialist</div> </a> </h2> <div class="address"> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Ismaninger Straße 124 <div class="zip">81679 München</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 981100 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Bogenhausen, Daglfing, Englschalking, Johanneskirchen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-business"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank"> lieblingsBrille <div class="slogan">Ihr Optiker mit Herz</div> </a> </h2> <div class="address"> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Kreillerstr. 65 <div class="zip">81673 München</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 37417280 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Berg am Laim </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star half-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(9)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-business"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank"> MonacO-Optik in Schwabing <div class="slogan">Brillen Kontaktlinsen Optiker</div> </a> </h2> <div class="address"> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Augustenstraße 64 <div class="zip">80333 München</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 521949 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Maxvorstadt, Universität </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(10)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" 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474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 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target="_blank"> Ostpreußenstraße 38 <div class="zip">81927 München</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 932851 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Bogenhausen, Daglfing, Englschalking, Johanneskirchen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 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25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(9)</span> </div> <a href="" class="link-wrapper homepage" target="_blank">Homepage</a> <a href="" class="link-wrapper email">Kontakt</a> </div> <a href="" class="more-info" target="_blank">Mehr Infos ➜</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-plus"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Gutsch-Optik am Odeonsplatz <div class="slogan">Gleitsichtgläser München</div> </a> </h2> <div class="address"> <a href="" class="postal" target="_blank"> Theatinerstr. 23 <div class="zip">80333 München</div> </a> <a href="" class="tel" target="_blank"> Tel: 089 2909130 </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 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München</a> </div> <div class="item card"> <h3><a href="" class="title">Institut für künstliche Augen<br/> Arnold Greiner</a></h3> <a href="" class="description">Augenprothetik: Glasaugen<br/> München und Umgebung<br/> künstliche Augen aus Glas<br/> Kryolith-Glas Augen</a> <a href="" class="link">Augenprothetik Glasaugen</a> </div> </div> </div> <script src=""></script> <script> var carouselElement = $('#owl-carousel'); if (carouselElement) { carouselElement.owlCarousel({ loop: false, margin: 10, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 3000, responsive: { 0: { items: 1 }, 768: { items: 3 }, 992: { items: 4 } } }); $('.js-carousel-pre').click(function () { carouselElement.trigger('prev.owl.carousel', [300]); }); $('.js-carousel-next').click(function () { carouselElement.trigger('next.owl.carousel'); }); carouselElement.on('translated.owl.carousel', function(event) { if ($(this).find('div.owl-item').first().hasClass('active')) { $('.js-carousel-pre').addClass('hidden'); } else { 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486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Ace &amp; Tate</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Gärtnerplatz 1 <div class="zip">80469 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 38035620 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Isarvorstadt, Glockenbach, Gärtnerplatz, Schlachthof </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Adam</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Kirchenstr. 5 <div class="zip">82327 Tutzing</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08158 2889 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Tutzing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Aktiv Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Pretzener Str. 10 <div class="zip">85435 Erding</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08122 9997730 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Erding </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Aktiv Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Untere Hauptstr. 37 <div class="zip">85354 Freising</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08161 787723 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Freising </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Andergassen Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Schellingstr. 32 <div class="zip">80799 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 2723151 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Maxvorstadt, Universität </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Andrea Elisabeth Kalix</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Bauseweinallee 2 <div class="zip">81247 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 89356770 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Allach, Obermenzing, Untermenzing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Ansini Brille &amp; Optik Pasing</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Kaflerstr. 8 <div class="zip">81241 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 888385 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Pasing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(5)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Schleißheimer Str. 506 <div class="zip">80933 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 31813620 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Feldmoching, Hasenbergl </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo Optik im EVER.S</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Oertelplatz 13 <div class="zip">80999 München</div> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Allach, Obermenzing, Untermenzing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo Optik im Forum Schwanthalerhöhe</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Theresienhöhe 5 <div class="zip">80339 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 32499805 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Schwanthalerhöhe, Westend </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo-Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Neuhauser Str. 25 <div class="zip">80331 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 23269848 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo-Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Münchner Str. 22 <div class="zip">85221 Dachau</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08131 2721480 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Dachau </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo-Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Untere Hauptstr. 20 <div class="zip">85354 Freising</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08161 4965384 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Freising </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo-Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Morsestr. 1 <div class="zip">85716 Unterschleißheim</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 31605491 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Unterschleißheim </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo-Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hauptstr. 1 <div class="zip">82256 Fürstenfeldbruck</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 07361 5559199 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Fürstenfeldbruck </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo-Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hauptstr. 25 <div class="zip">82140 Olching</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08142 2840037 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Olching </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo-Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Leopoldstr. 64 <div class="zip">80802 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 07361 5559199 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Schwabing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(1)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo-Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Gleichmannstr. 2 <div class="zip">81241 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 82079093 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Pasing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo-Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Pacellistr. 5 <div class="zip">80333 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 24217817 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo-Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Weißenburger Str. 42 <div class="zip">81667 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 07361 5559199 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Haidhausen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo-Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Pasinger Bahnhofsplatz 5 <div class="zip">81241 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 82000604 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Pasing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo-Optik Apollo-Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Untere Bahnhofstr. 54 <div class="zip">82110 Germering</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 07361 5559199 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Germering </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo-Optik Holding GmbH &amp; Co. KG</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Rotkreuzplatz 2 <div class="zip">80634 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 28859435 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Neuhausen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo-Optik im OEZ</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hanauer Str. 68 <div class="zip">80993 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 14335324 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Moosach </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo-Optik im PEP</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Ollenhauerstr. 6 <div class="zip">81737 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 62747737 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Perlach </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Apollo-Optik in der Meile Moosach</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Bunzlauer Platz 7 <div class="zip">80992 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 14304431 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Moosach </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Arabella Optic</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Rosenkavalierplatz 12 <div class="zip">81925 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 911310 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Bogenhausen, Daglfing, Englschalking, Johanneskirchen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(1)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Artis Augenoptik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Kirchenstr. 17 <div class="zip">82194 Gröbenzell</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08142 9453 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Gröbenzell </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">artoptik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Aschheimer Str. 7 <div class="zip">85622 Feldkirchen</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 90129945 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Feldkirchen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Atelier Dawood</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Prannerstr. 5 <div class="zip">80333 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 66663051 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Augenoptik Brandauer</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Triftstr. 1 <div class="zip">80538 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 292728 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Lehel </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Augenoptik Deuschle GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Wolfratshauser Str. 204 <div class="zip">81479 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 796785 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Thalkirchen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Augenoptik Einwang</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Raglovichstr. 2 <div class="zip">80637 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 151333 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Neuhausen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Augenoptik Emmering</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hauptstr. 7 <div class="zip">82275 Emmering</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08141 63830 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Emmering (Kreis Fürstenfeldbruck) </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Augenoptik Hermann</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Münchner Str. 26 <div class="zip">85635 Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08102 5502 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Augenoptik Niki</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Heidestr. 1 <div class="zip">85386 Eching</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 3191407 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Eching </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Augenoptik Skorupa</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Kreillerstr. 63 <div class="zip">81673 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 43670894 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Berg am Laim </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(4)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Augenoptik Ute Vogel</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Richard-Strauß-Str. 33 <div class="zip">81677 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 47087365 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Bogenhausen, Daglfing, Englschalking, Johanneskirchen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Augenoptik Yvette Simon</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Augsburger Str. 19 <div class="zip">82291 Mammendorf</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08145 8905 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Mammendorf </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Augenoptiker Karl Billard</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Reichenbachstr. 21 <div class="zip">80469 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 2015654 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Isarvorstadt, Glockenbach, Gärtnerplatz, Schlachthof </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">augenprojekt</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Pollinger Str. 23 <div class="zip">82205 Gilching</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08105 777480 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Gilching </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Augenstern Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Sternstr. 26 <div class="zip">80538 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 21329865 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Lehel </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Augenstolz</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Katzbachstraße 16 <div class="zip">81476 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 75998685 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Forstenried, Fürstenried </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Beltan Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Karwinskistr. 52 <div class="zip">81247 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 81009884 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Allach, Obermenzing, Untermenzing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Berner Winfried am Haderner Stern</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Stiftsbogen 43 <div class="zip">81375 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 7140244 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Hadern </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Blickpunkt GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Wittelsbacherstr. 6A <div class="zip">82319 Starnberg</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08151 78550 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Starnberg </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Blickpunkt Optik OHG</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Am Gangsteig 5 <div class="zip">85551 Kirchheim</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 9039448 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Kirchheim bei München </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Braun Classics Groß- und Einzelhandels GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Elly-Staegmeyr-Str. 2/1 <div class="zip">80999 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 8132472 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Allach, Obermenzing, Untermenzing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Brillen + Contactlinsen Helmut Gaudek</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Josef-Frankl-Str. 54 <div class="zip">80995 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 3145911 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Feldmoching, Hasenbergl </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Brillen Bauer</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Augsburger Str. 10 <div class="zip">85221 Dachau</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08131 85700 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Dachau </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Brillen Häusler</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Am Schützeneck 10 <div class="zip">81241 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 886562 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Pasing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(1)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Brillen Müller</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Fürstenrieder Str. 53 <div class="zip">80686 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 562607 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Laim </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(1)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Brillen Neubauer</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Römerstr. 15 <div class="zip">82205 Gilching</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08105 4564 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Gilching </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Brillen Schneider</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Türkenstraße 23 <div class="zip">80799 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 281362 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Maxvorstadt, Universität </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Brillen Wachter</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hauptstr. 29 <div class="zip">82256 Fürstenfeldbruck</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08141 290690 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Fürstenfeldbruck </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Brillen Winkler</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Züricher Str. 37 <div class="zip">81476 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 7593903 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Forstenried, Fürstenried </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Brillen Winkler</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Winterthurer Str. 3 <div class="zip">81476 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 753255 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Forstenried, Fürstenried </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Brillen Winkler</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Engadiner Straße 2 <div class="zip">81475 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 758408 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Forstenried, Fürstenried </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Brillen Winkler</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Heiglhofstraße 4 <div class="zip">81377 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 7409511 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Hadern </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(1)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Brillen-Atelier Stahn &amp; Sulzinger GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Bahnhofstr. 26 <div class="zip">82194 Gröbenzell</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08142 5683 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Gröbenzell </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Buttler Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Obere Hauptstr. 65 <div class="zip">85354 Freising</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08161 3717 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Freising </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Camby Optic</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Sauerlacher Str. 40 <div class="zip">82515 Wolfratshausen</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08171 217372 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Wolfratshausen </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Charmant</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Liebigstr. 16 <div class="zip">85757 Karlsfeld</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08131 382800 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Karlsfeld </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Christa’s Brillenstüberl</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Herrschinger Str. 10 <div class="zip">82266 Inning</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08143 7338 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Inning am Ammersee </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Christian Geppert</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Theresienstr. 61 <div class="zip">85399 Hallbergmoos</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 0811 2622 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Hallbergmoos </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Claus Melzer</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Rosenheimer Landstr. 56 <div class="zip">85521 Ottobrunn</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 6092697 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Ottobrunn </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Contactlinsenstudio Thomas Wolf</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Siegfriedstr. 9 <div class="zip">80803 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 333415 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Schwabing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Der Brillenmacher</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Obere Hauptstr. 13 <div class="zip">85354 Freising</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08161 92061 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Freising </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Der Optiker Rieger</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Münchnerstr. 4 <div class="zip">85635 Höhenkirchen</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08102 8174 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Dick Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Schleißheimer Str. 214 <div class="zip">80797 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 030 2237663732 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Schwabing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Die Barbara Wüst</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Bahnhofstr. 40 <div class="zip">82152 Planegg</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 85663663 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Planegg </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Die Brille</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hauptstr. 21 <div class="zip">82223 Eichenau</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08141 71303 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Eichenau </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Die Brille</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Buchhoferstr. 2 <div class="zip">82140 Olching</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08142 1056 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Olching </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Die Brille</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Lochhauser Str. 4 <div class="zip">82178 Puchheim</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 802662 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Puchheim </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Die Brille</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Marktplatz 29 <div class="zip">85567 Grafing</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08092 2309595 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Grafing bei München </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Die Brille - Wolfram Schienbein</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Maximilianstr. 23 <div class="zip">82319 Starnberg</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08151 12722 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Starnberg </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">dimmleroptik GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Ludwigstr. 6a <div class="zip">82319 Starnberg</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08151 8018 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Starnberg </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Dipl. phys. Rainer Jetter Optikentwicklung</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Alfons-Beckenbauer-Weg 2 <div class="zip">84036 Landshut</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 0871 27671755 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Landshut </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Dipl.-Kfm. Specom Manfred Gründler</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Lessingstr. 39 <div class="zip">85646 Anzing</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08121 924866 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Anzing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">DOCKs. Optic &amp; Hörakustik GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Kurfürstenplatz 3 <div class="zip">80796 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 2732030 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Schwabing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Durchblick</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Leibstr. 1 <div class="zip">85540 Haar</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 46203838 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Haar </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Ederer Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Kapuzinerstr. 31 <div class="zip">80337 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 534914 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Isarvorstadt, Glockenbach, Gärtnerplatz, Schlachthof </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Emberger Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Grimmerweg 4 <div class="zip">82008 Unterhaching</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 67971562 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Unterhaching </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Eye Catcher</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Theatinerstr. 40 -42 <div class="zip">80333 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 2913273 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Eye Spy Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Feilitzschstr. 13 <div class="zip">80802 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 38879846 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Schwabing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Eyes and More im OEZ</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hanauer Str. 68 <div class="zip">80993 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 92287291 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Moosach </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(2)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">eyesee Stork + Bauer Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Rindermarkt 15 <div class="zip">80331 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 23001655 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">eyesee Stork + Bauer Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Marktplatz 1 <div class="zip">82031 Grünwald</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 6413033 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Grünwald </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">EYWR GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Von-der-Tann-Str. 12 <div class="zip">80539 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 99016450 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Maxvorstadt, Universität </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Fassler Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Frühlingstr. 3 <div class="zip">82110 Germering</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 8948884 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Germering </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Fielmann</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Sonnenstr. 1 <div class="zip">80331 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 593108 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Fielmann</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Tal 23-25 <div class="zip">80331 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 29163100 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Fielmann</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Plinganserstr. 51 <div class="zip">81369 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 76757510 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Sendling </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Fielmann</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Weißenburger Str. 21 <div class="zip">81667 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 485372 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Haidhausen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Fielmann</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Münchner Str. 42a <div class="zip">85221 Dachau</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08131 907686060 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Dachau </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Fielmann</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Lange Zeile 15 <div class="zip">85435 Erding</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08122 227280 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Erding </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Fielmann</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Obere Hauptstr. 6 <div class="zip">85354 Freising</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08161 14180 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Freising </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Fielmann AG</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Leopoldstr. 46 <div class="zip">80802 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 391604 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Schwabing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Fielmann AG OHG</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hanauer Str. 68 <div class="zip">80993 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 1434720 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Moosach </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Fielmann AG OHG</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Wittelsbacherstr. 5 <div class="zip">82319 Starnberg</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08151 4449660 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Starnberg </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Fielmann AG OHG</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hauptstr. 14 <div class="zip">82256 Fürstenfeldbruck</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08141 347070 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Fürstenfeldbruck </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Fielmann im PEP</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Ollenhauerstr. 6 <div class="zip">81737 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 63849883 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Perlach </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Fielmann in den Pasing Arcaden</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Pasinger Bahnhofsplatz 5 <div class="zip">81241 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 89620966 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Pasing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(4)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Fielmann in den Riem Arcaden</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Willy-Brandt-Platz 5 <div class="zip">81829 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 42001890 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Trudering, Riem </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(2)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Flegl Christina</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Puchheimer Str. 5 <div class="zip">82194 Gröbenzell</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08142 590659 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Gröbenzell </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(1)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Focus Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Landsberger Str. 44 <div class="zip">82205 Gilching</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08105 8317 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Gilching </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Frank Eckardt</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Pankrazweg 9 <div class="zip">82346 Andechs</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08152 925128 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Andechs </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">FreudenHaus</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Odeonsplatz 15 <div class="zip">80539 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 333336 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(1)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">FreudenHaus</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hohenzollernstr. 4 <div class="zip">80801 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 333330 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Schwabing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">FreudenHaus</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Corneliusstr. 1 <div class="zip">80469 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 99018589 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Fünf Höfe Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Maffeistr. 6 <div class="zip">80333 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 26949667 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Fünf Höfe Optik - im Perusahof</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Theatinerstr. 8 <div class="zip">80333 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 24243838 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Funk Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Gewerbestr. 9 <div class="zip">86981 Kinsau</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08869 912900 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Kinsau </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Funk Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Schellingstr. 18 <div class="zip">80799 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 28779999 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Maxvorstadt, Universität </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Görtz und Krass Optik GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Max-Planck-Str. 6 <div class="zip">85609 Aschheim</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 29094029 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Aschheim </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Gsinn Optik Hörgeräte</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hauptstr. 26 <div class="zip">82327 Tutzing</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08158 2077 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Tutzing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Gute Brillen</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Ganghoferstraße 11 <div class="zip">80339 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 45231380 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Schwanthalerhöhe, Westend </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(3)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Have a Look</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Färbergraben 4 <div class="zip">80331 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 59946666 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Hirschhuber Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Unterer Marktplatz 5 <div class="zip">84405 Dorfen</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08081 8960 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Dorfen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">iaz optik schwebler</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Rathausplatz 9 <div class="zip">85716 Unterschleißheim</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 3104496 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Unterschleißheim </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Ihr Sehland - Hubert Forster</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Bahnhofstr. 21 <div class="zip">82216 Maisach</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08141 94960 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Maisach </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Imago Eyewear</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Schäfflerweg 2 <div class="zip">83626 Valley</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08024 9917 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Valley </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Individuell Optik GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Margreider Platz 5 <div class="zip">85521 Ottobrunn</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 6098303 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Ottobrunn </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Ischwang Feine Augenoptik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Ismaninger Straße 136 <div class="zip">81675 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 983575 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Bogenhausen, Daglfing, Englschalking, Johanneskirchen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Jäger Juwelier</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hauptstr. 11 <div class="zip">82319 Starnberg</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08151 4634 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Starnberg </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Jean Colin</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Schwalbenstr. 4 <div class="zip">85591 Vaterstetten</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08106 1555 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Vaterstetten </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Joachim Geyer</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Schrannenplatz 5 <div class="zip">85435 Erding</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08122 49669 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Erding </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Kapunkt - Edgar Kleine</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Liebigstr. 6 <div class="zip">85551 Kirchheim</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 9446890 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Kirchheim bei München </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Kempf Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Fürstenrieder Str. 32 <div class="zip">80686 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 5801989 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Laim </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Kitschenberg</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> St.-Anna-Straße 15 <div class="zip">80538 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 21938832 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Lehel </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Koch Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Herrenstr. 10 <div class="zip">86911 Dießen am Ammersee</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08807 4626 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Dießen am Ammersee </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Köck Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Ismaninger Str. 4 <div class="zip">81675 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 471537 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Haidhausen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Kodak Lens - Nicole Hahnel</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Elektrastr. 6a <div class="zip">81925 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 99634788 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Bogenhausen, Daglfing, Englschalking, Johanneskirchen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Köstlin Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Bahnhofstr. 27 <div class="zip">82041 Deisenhofen</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 6136036 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Harlaching </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Köstlin Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Münchener Str. 1 <div class="zip">82054 Sauerlach</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08104 668287 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Sauerlach </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Krass Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Tal 48 <div class="zip">80331 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 225141 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Krass Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hohenzollernstr. 7 <div class="zip">80801 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 335299 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Schwabing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Krass Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Weißenburger Str. 35 <div class="zip">81667 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 44119483 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Haidhausen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Krass Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Pasinger Bahnhofsplatz 5 <div class="zip">81241 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 838499 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Pasing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Krass Optik im OEZ</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hanauer Str. 68 <div class="zip">80993 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 1491003 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Moosach </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(2)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Krass Optik im PEP</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Ollenhauerstr. 6 <div class="zip">81737 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 67000888 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Perlach </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Krass Optik in den Riem Arcaden</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Willy-Brandt-Platz 5 <div class="zip">81829 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 92204656 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Trudering, Riem </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Krass Optik Mathäser</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Bayerstr. 3 -5 <div class="zip">80335 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 51267981 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Ludwigsvorstadt </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Krone Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Luitpoldstr. 2a <div class="zip">82211 Herrsching</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08152 96140 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Herrsching am Ammersee </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Kurzenberger e.K.</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Luitpoldstr. 31 <div class="zip">82152 Krailling</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 89936700 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Krailling </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Lebi Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Bajuwarenstr. 7 <div class="zip">85435 Erding</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08122 900119 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Erding </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Lebi Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Marktplatz 31 <div class="zip">85570 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08121 46777 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Leidmann</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hohenzollernstr. 32 <div class="zip">80801 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 33066084 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Schwabing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Leidmann</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Maximilianstr. 11 <div class="zip">80539 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 24215110 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Leidmann Optik München</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Maximilianstr. 11 <div class="zip">80539 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 24215110 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Lens-Optics GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Bürgermeister-Neumeyr-Str. 7 <div class="zip">85391 Allershausen</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08166 994083 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Allershausen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">LEO Optik GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Putzbrunner Str. 3 <div class="zip">81737 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 6351548 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Perlach </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Lida</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Herrnstr. 14 <div class="zip">85368 Moosburg</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08761 2311 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Moosburg an der Isar </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(1)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Lohhof Optik LOOP GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Bezirksstr. 38 <div class="zip">85716 Unterschleißheim</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 31770403 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Unterschleißheim </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Löhr Augenoptik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Krautgarten 2 <div class="zip">86923 Finning</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08806 957788 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Finning </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Löppert Optik-Foto</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Waldfriedhofstr. 91 <div class="zip">81377 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 7142370 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Sendling </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Lothus Optic</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Reichenbachstr. 5 <div class="zip">80469 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 32606707 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(1)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Lothus Optic</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Sendlinger Str. 56 <div class="zip">80331 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 23717490 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Lunettes royal Augenoptik GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Rosenkavalierplatz 11 <div class="zip">81925 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 9101218 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Bogenhausen, Daglfing, Englschalking, Johanneskirchen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Martin Piller e.K.</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Marktplatz 9 <div class="zip">85570 Markt Schwaben</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08121 43610 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Anzing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Mass + Stil</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Josephspitalstr. 15 <div class="zip">80331 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 45245089 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">MATT Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Rotkreuzplatz 8 <div class="zip">80634 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 134606 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Neuhausen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">MATT Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hohenzollernstraße 13 <div class="zip">80801 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 3116732 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Schwabing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">MATT Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hauptstraße 1 <div class="zip">85353 Freising</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08161 147870 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Freimann </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">MATT Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hauptstr. 17 <div class="zip">82140 Olching</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08142 179751 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Olching </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">MATT Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Mühlstr. 8 <div class="zip">86911 Dießen am Ammersee</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08807 1811 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Dießen am Ammersee </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">MATT Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Bahnhofstr. 29 <div class="zip">86938 Schondorf am Ammersee</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08192 8844 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Schondorf am Ammersee </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">MATT Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Mühlfelder Str. 2 <div class="zip">82211 Herrsching</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08152 925880 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Herrsching am Ammersee </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">MATT Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Bezirksstr. 11a <div class="zip">85716 Unterschleißheim</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 31836552 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Unterschleißheim </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">MATT Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hauptstr. 30 <div class="zip">82256 Fürstenfeldbruck</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08141 621784 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Fürstenfeldbruck </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">MATT Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Ingolstädter Str. 166 <div class="zip">80939 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 3164110 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Freimann </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Maxhof Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Steinkirchner Str. 28 <div class="zip">81475 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 7551366 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Forstenried, Fürstenried </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Meyer Augenprothetik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> St.-Paul-Str. 9 <div class="zip">80336 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 49009077 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Ludwigsvorstadt </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Meyer Augenprothetik e.K.</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Germersheimer Str. 30 <div class="zip">81541 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 49009077 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Ramersdorf </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Miamai Munich GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Landshuter Allee 44 <div class="zip">80637 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 13957090 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Neuhausen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(1)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Mister Spex</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hanauer Straße 68 <div class="zip">80993 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 0800 7242007 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Moosach </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Moderne Augenoptik &amp; Hörakustik GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Bahnhofstr. 6 <div class="zip">84405 Dorfen</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08081 4258 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Dorfen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Moderne Optik Obermeier</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Deisenhofener Str. 55 <div class="zip">81539 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 6927502 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Giesing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(2)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">MonacO-Optik in Sendling</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Thalkirchner Straße 198 <div class="zip">81371 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 7232751 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Sendling </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Mykita</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Am Kosttor 3 <div class="zip">80331 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 244470916 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">News Optik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Am Grübl 5C <div class="zip">82205 Gilching</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08105 370979 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Gilching </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Niki Augenoptik</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Therese-Giehse-Platz 6 <div class="zip">82110 Germering</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 8417440 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Germering </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Niki der Augenoptiker</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Kirchenstr. 21 <div class="zip">82194 Gröbenzell</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08142 51538 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Gröbenzell </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Noble Optic House</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Maximilianstr. 34 <div class="zip">80539 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 2285762 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(1)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">O.K.M. GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Münchener Str. 19 <div class="zip">85540 Haar</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 14325096 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Haar </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Occhial-Brillengalerie</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Ismaninger Str. 89 <div class="zip">81675 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 982389 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Bogenhausen, Daglfing, Englschalking, Johanneskirchen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">optic art Büchler GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Theodolindenplatz 2 <div class="zip">81545 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 648531 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Harlaching </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optick</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Augustenstr. 64 <div class="zip">80333 München</div> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Maxvorstadt, Universität </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik am Allacher Bahnhof</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Vesaliusstr. 25 <div class="zip">80999 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 89220247 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Allach, Obermenzing, Untermenzing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik am Eck GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Marktplatz 3 <div class="zip">84416 Taufkirchen</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08084 258788 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Taufkirchen (Vils) </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik am Gasteig</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Rosenheimer Str. 8 <div class="zip">81669 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 481386 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Au </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik am Nordbad</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Elisabethstr. 51 <div class="zip">80796 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 1292379 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Schwabing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Augenblick</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Schloßstr. 14a <div class="zip">82031 Grünwald</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 64914730 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Grünwald </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Bartholomä</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Schellingstraße 13 <div class="zip">80799 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 281231 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Maxvorstadt, Universität </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Brönner</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Augsburger Str. 6 <div class="zip">85221 Dachau</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08131 72075 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Dachau </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Bussmann</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Diefenbachstr. 39 <div class="zip">81479 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 797921 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Solln </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Caroline Heussen</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Buttermelcherstr. 3 <div class="zip">80469 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 25540840 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Isarvorstadt, Glockenbach, Gärtnerplatz, Schlachthof </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Domke</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Romanplatz 4 <div class="zip">80639 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 177345 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Nymphenburg </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Feierfeil</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Bahnhofstr. 8 <div class="zip">85375 Neufahrn</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08165 65405 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Neufahrn bei Freising </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Ferstl</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Bahnhofstr. 23 <div class="zip">82152 Planegg</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 8599690 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Krailling </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Fleissner</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Limesstr. 64 <div class="zip">81243 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 877520 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Aubing, Freiham </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Franz</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Kulturstr. 2 <div class="zip">85356 Freising</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08161 84916 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Freising </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik G. Horak GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Hinterer Anger 302 <div class="zip">86899 Landsberg am Lech</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08191 2077 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Landsberg am Lech </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Geisler</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Weißenburger Str. 9 <div class="zip">81667 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 45874100 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Haidhausen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(1)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Gietl GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Otto-Wagner-Str. 3 <div class="zip">82110 Germering</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 84060603 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Germering </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Griemann</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Römerstraße 4B <div class="zip">82205 Gilching</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08105 4260 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Gilching </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Gross</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Sauerlacher Str. 26 <div class="zip">82515 Wolfratshausen</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08171 18371 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Wolfratshausen </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Gück</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Ludwig-Thoma-Str. 35 <div class="zip">85229 Markt Indersdorf</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08136 7379 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Markt Indersdorf </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Hamacher</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Südliche Münchner Str. 6b <div class="zip">82031 Grünwald</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 6411537 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Grünwald </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Hartogs</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Leopoldstr. 27 <div class="zip">80802 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 333312 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Schwabing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Högl</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Nymphenburger Str. 155 <div class="zip">80634 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 161452 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Neuhausen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Holinka</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Landsberger Straße 507 <div class="zip">81241 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 883508 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Pasing </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Hörtkorn</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Marienplatz 8 <div class="zip">80331 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 227110 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Altstadt, Zentrum </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Johannes</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Bahnhofstr. 27 <div class="zip">85238 Petershausen</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08137 8426 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Petershausen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Jungwirth</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Blumenauer Str. 4 <div class="zip">80689 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 702464 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <p class="category"> Optiker Hadern </p> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Jürgen Meister</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Rosenheimer Str. 40 <div class="zip">81669 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 48950630 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Haidhausen </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Jürgen Weiß</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Berg-am-Laim-Str. 59 <div class="zip">81673 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 434999 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Berg am Laim </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Kellner GmbH</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Waldfriedhofstr. 88 <div class="zip">81377 München</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 7147463 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Sendling </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Knopp</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Allinger Str. 1 <div class="zip">82178 Puchheim</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 803336 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Puchheim </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Knopp</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Röntgenstr. 5 <div class="zip">82152 Planegg</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 85663509 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Planegg </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Lachenmaier GmbH &amp; Co. KG</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Bahnhofstr. 2B <div class="zip">85540 Haar</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 089 4604366 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Haar </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Lebi</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Lange Zeile 31 <div class="zip">85435 Erding</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08122 900117 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Erding </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <svg class="svg-icon " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 225.9L438.5 328.1L463.1 474.7C465.1 486.7 460.2 498.9 450.2 506C440.3 513.1 427.2 514 416.5 508.3L288.1 439.8L159.8 508.3C149 514 135.9 513.1 126 506C116.1 498.9 111.1 486.7 113.2 474.7L137.8 328.1L33.58 225.9C24.97 217.3 21.91 204.7 25.69 193.1C29.46 181.6 39.43 173.2 51.42 171.5L195 150.3L259.4 17.97C264.7 6.954 275.9-.0391 288.1-.0391C300.4-.0391 311.6 6.954 316.9 17.97L381.2 150.3z" /> </svg> <span class="review-number">(0)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item-basic"> <div class="results-item"> <h2 class="brand"> <a href="" target="_blank">Optik Lochner</a> </h2> <div class="address"> <div class="postal"> Heinrich-Vogl Str. 12 <div class="zip">85560 Ebersberg</div> </div> <div class="tel"> Tel: 08092 88978 </div> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="" class="category" target="_blank"> Optiker Ebersberg </a> </div> <div class="utils"> <div class="ratings"> <svg class="svg-icon gold-star " xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M381.2 150.3L524.9 171.5C536.8 173.2 546.8 181.6 550.6 193.1C554.4 204.7 551.3 217.3 542.7 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