History - KONE Corporation

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Find out about our history, purpose and strategy, our organization as well as our innovations. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-326-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Company &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Strategy</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Our purpose is to shape the future of cities. Read more about our strategy, megatrends, our core principles and values. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-7951-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Company &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Culture</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE&#39;s company culture consists of three core principles and four company values. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-327-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Company &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Organization and management</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Find out about KONE&#39;s organization structure, management and board members. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-328-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Company &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">History</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-329-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Company &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Innovations</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> At KONE, our track record in research and development means we hold more than 3,000 patents across our businesses. Read more about KONE&#39;s ground breaking innovations and solutions </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-3122-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Company &gt; Innovations &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE high-rise laboratories</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> High-rise, laboratory, elevator testing, Tytyri, China Zun, Kunshan, Jeddah Tower, UltraRope, JumpLift, Free falling test. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-7964-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Company &gt; Innovations &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Innovating together</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> By working with many companies and organizations, across different industries, we can create the best people flow experience together. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-9694-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Company &gt; Innovations &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Join the KONE “Veturi” ecosystem</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> The mission of the ecosystem is to develop smooth and sustainable services and solutions for the next 1 billion people moving into cities by 2030. </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-block"> <ul class="level-1"> <li> <a role="button" href="/en/company/" data-info="tcm:17-325-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Company</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="0" href="/en/company/strategy/" data-info="tcm:17-326-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Strategy</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="0" href="/en/company/culture/" data-info="tcm:17-7951-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Culture</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="0" href="/en/company/organization-and-management/" data-info="tcm:17-327-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Organization and management</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="0" href="/en/company/history/" data-info="tcm:17-328-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> History</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="1" href="/en/company/innovations/" data-info="tcm:17-329-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Innovations</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="1"> <li><a role="button" href="/en/company/innovations/kone-high-rise-laboratories/" data-info="tcm:17-3122-4"><span>KONE high-rise laboratories</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/company/innovations/innovating-together/" data-info="tcm:17-7964-4"><span>Innovating together</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/company/innovations/join-the-kone-veturi-ecosystem/" data-info="tcm:17-9694-4"><span>Join the KONE “Veturi” ecosystem</span></a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-close"><button class="icon-scroll_up" aria-label="Close submenu"></button></div> </div> </li> <li class="navigation-list-item"> <a role="button" href="/en/products-and-services/" class="main-menu-item hasChildren" target="_self" data-info="tcm:17-330-4"><span class="text">Products &amp; services</span><span class="arrow"></span></a> <div class="sub-menu"> <div class="submenu container"> <!-- link information--> <div class="link-info"> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-330-4"> <p class="link-info-block__title"> <a href="/en/products-and-services/"> Products &amp; services </a> </p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Discover our world-class services and innovative solutions for new buildings and existing buildings – everything you need for smooth people flow. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5551-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Products &amp; services &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Elevators, escalators and automatic doors</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Explore the elevators, escalators, and automatic building doors solutions suitable for new buildings. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5552-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Products &amp; services &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Maintenance and modernization</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Explore our maintenance and modernization solutions which help make your existing equipment runs smoothly throughout its lifetime. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-129554-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Products &amp; services &gt; Maintenance and modernization &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Maintenance</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Extend equipment lifetime with predictive maintenance for all major brands of elevators, escalators and automatic doors. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-101732-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Products &amp; services &gt; Maintenance and modernization &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Elevator modernization</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Boost your elevator&#39;s reliability, eco-efficiency, comfort, and appearance — and bring it in line with the latest safety and accessibility standards — with our modernization solutions for all needs and budgets. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-104648-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Products &amp; services &gt; Maintenance and modernization &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Escalator modernization</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> With modernization, your escalators will become more energy-efficient, reliable, and most importantly safer. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5553-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Products &amp; services &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Advanced people flow solutions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Make your building smarter and offer users a great experience with advanced solutions for security, comfort and convenience. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-7650-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Products &amp; services &gt; Advanced people flow solutions &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE Office Flow</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE Office Flow is a modular, connected solution that adapts with the needs of your building and its users, providing smooth people flow with touch-free access and personalized user experiences that make office environments more attractive and efficient. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-7137-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Products &amp; services &gt; Advanced people flow solutions &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Health and well-being solutions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Get KONE’s touchless and cleaning solutions to keep your elevators, escalators, and doors safe, and healthy. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8688-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Products &amp; services &gt; Advanced people flow solutions &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE office solutions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Rethinking the office experience is key to success. Create the best People Flow experience with KONE’s innovative solutions for the workplace environment. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-3819-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Products &amp; services &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">For special buildings and large projects</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE Major Projects has a team of experts ready to help you anywhere in the world with your most challenging and complex projects. Read more. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8311-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Products &amp; services &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Solutions for greener buildings</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> We support sustainable and green building through our energy-efficient and innovative offering, healthy, functional and sustainable materials, as well as transparent documentation about the environmental impacts of our products. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8447-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Products &amp; services &gt; Solutions for greener buildings &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">LEED</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Next-generation green building with KONE and LEED </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8458-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Products &amp; services &gt; Solutions for greener buildings &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">BREEAM</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> BREEAM helps building developers, owners, and operators manage and mitigate risk through demonstrating sustainability performance during planning, design, construction, operation, or refurbishment. KONE supports you with achieving BREEAM International NC 2016 credits </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-10536-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Products &amp; services &gt; Solutions for greener buildings &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Life cycle impact assessments</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE’s environmental responsibility covers the full life cycle of its products from design and manufacturing to installation, maintenance, modernization, and end-of-life treatment. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8469-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Products &amp; services &gt; Solutions for greener buildings &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Best-in-class energy efficiency</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE was the first elevator and escalator company to achieve the best A class energy efficiency classification for a number of our installations. Read more about our products&#39; energy-efficiency. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8333-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Products &amp; services &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Cybersecurity in our digital solutions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-block"> <ul class="level-1"> <li> <a role="button" href="/en/products-and-services/" data-info="tcm:17-330-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Products &amp; services</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="1" href="/en/products-and-services/elevators-escalators-automatic-doors/" data-info="tcm:17-5551-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-elevator"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Elevators, escalators and automatic doors</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="2" href="/en/products-and-services/maintenance-and-modernization/" data-info="tcm:17-5552-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-maintenance-2"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Maintenance and modernization</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="2"> <li><a role="button" href="/en/products-and-services/maintenance-and-modernization/maintenance.aspx" data-info="tcm:17-129554-64"><span>Maintenance</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/products-and-services/maintenance-and-modernization/elevator-modernization.aspx" data-info="tcm:17-101732-64"><span>Elevator modernization</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/products-and-services/maintenance-and-modernization/escalator-modernization.aspx" data-info="tcm:17-104648-64"><span>Escalator modernization</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="3" href="/en/products-and-services/APFS-advanced-people-flow-solutions/" data-info="tcm:17-5553-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-people-flow"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Advanced people flow solutions</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="3"> <li><a role="button" href="/en/products-and-services/APFS-advanced-people-flow-solutions/office-flow/" data-info="tcm:17-7650-4"><span>KONE Office Flow</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/products-and-services/APFS-advanced-people-flow-solutions/health-and-wellbeing/" data-info="tcm:17-7137-4"><span>Health and well-being solutions</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/products-and-services/APFS-advanced-people-flow-solutions/office-solutions/" data-info="tcm:17-8688-4"><span>KONE office solutions</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="3" href="/en/products-and-services/solutions-for-special-buildings-and-large-projects/" data-info="tcm:17-3819-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> For special buildings and large projects</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="4" href="/en/products-and-services/green-building/" data-info="tcm:17-8311-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Solutions for greener buildings</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="4"> <li><a role="button" href="/en/products-and-services/green-building/LEED/" data-info="tcm:17-8447-4"><span>LEED</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/products-and-services/green-building/BREEAM/" data-info="tcm:17-8458-4"><span>BREEAM</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/products-and-services/green-building/lifecycle-impact-assessments/" data-info="tcm:17-10536-4"><span>Life cycle impact assessments</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/products-and-services/green-building/best-in-class-energy-efficiency/" data-info="tcm:17-8469-4"><span>Best-in-class energy efficiency</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="4" href="/en/products-and-services/cybersecurity/" data-info="tcm:17-8333-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Cybersecurity in our digital solutions</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-close"><button class="icon-scroll_up" aria-label="Close submenu"></button></div> </div> </li> <li class="navigation-list-item"> <a role="button" href="/en/careers/" class="main-menu-item hasChildren" target="_self" data-info="tcm:17-333-4"><span class="text">Careers</span><span class="arrow"></span></a> <div class="sub-menu"> <div class="submenu container"> <!-- link information--> <div class="link-info"> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-333-4"> <p class="link-info-block__title"> <a href="/en/careers/"> Careers </a> </p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn about KONE as an employer and browse open positions at KONE. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-334-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Careers &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Open positions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Your next career begins at KONE. Browse open positions. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-335-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Careers &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Professionals and technical experts</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> At KONE you work on challenging international projects in teams that are eager to learn and develop. Find out what it is like to work at KONE. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-94978-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Careers &gt; Professionals and technical experts &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Technology and innovation careers</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Creating industry-leading solutions that move billions of people every day. Join KONE Technology and Innovation and get people moving. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-94993-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Careers &gt; Professionals and technical experts &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Software and digital</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Software and digital expertise - IoT, analytics, AI, automation, simulation, to name a few - are essential for building the next generation of solutions for moving people. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-94992-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Careers &gt; Professionals and technical experts &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Hardware and mechanical engineering</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Our hardware and mechanical engineering professionals get to create and develop products that are used by millions of people every day: products that are widely recognized for their quality and innovation. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-94988-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Careers &gt; Professionals and technical experts &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Design</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Our design team lies at the heart of customer experience, whether that’s service, UX, or product design. At KONE, design principles are factored into product development from day one thanks to KONE’s end-to-end product teams. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-336-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Careers &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Students and graduates</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Are you a student or recent graduate, looking for an opportunity to work abroad? Explore the opportunities here. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-337-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Careers &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">We offer</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> We are proud to offer a range of reward elements that engage and motivate our employees and help us make KONE a great place to work. Read more. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-338-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Careers &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Recruitment process</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Find out our recruitment process here. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-339-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Careers &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">FAQ</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Got questions on recruitment at KONE? You are in the right place. Check out the frequently asked questions page. </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-block"> <ul class="level-1"> <li> <a role="button" href="/en/careers/" data-info="tcm:17-333-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Careers</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="4" href="/en/careers/apply-now/" data-info="tcm:17-334-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-checklist"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Open positions</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="5" href="/en/careers/professionals-and-technical-experts/" data-info="tcm:17-335-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-technician"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Professionals and technical experts</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="5"> <li><a role="button" href="/en/careers/professionals-and-technical-experts/technology-and-innovation-careers.aspx" data-info="tcm:17-94978-64"><span>Technology and innovation careers</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/careers/professionals-and-technical-experts/software-digital.aspx" data-info="tcm:17-94993-64"><span>Software and digital</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/careers/professionals-and-technical-experts/hardware-and-engineering.aspx" data-info="tcm:17-94992-64"><span>Hardware and mechanical engineering</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/careers/professionals-and-technical-experts/design.aspx" data-info="tcm:17-94988-64"><span>Design</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="5" href="/en/careers/students-and-graduates/" data-info="tcm:17-336-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-graduate"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Students and graduates</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="5" href="/en/careers/we-offer/" data-info="tcm:17-337-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-features"></use> </svg> </span> <span> We offer</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="5" href="/en/careers/recruitment-process/" data-info="tcm:17-338-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-figure-stretch"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Recruitment process</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="5" href="/en/careers/faq/" data-info="tcm:17-339-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-chat"></use> </svg> </span> <span> FAQ</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-close"><button class="icon-scroll_up" aria-label="Close submenu"></button></div> </div> </li> <li class="navigation-list-item"> <a role="button" href="/en/investors/" class="main-menu-item hasChildren" target="_self" data-info="tcm:17-340-4"><span class="text">Investors</span><span class="arrow"></span></a> <div class="sub-menu"> <div class="submenu container"> <!-- link information--> <div class="link-info"> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-340-4"> <p class="link-info-block__title"> <a href="/en/investors/"> Investors </a> </p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> You can find KONE&#39;s financial related information, financial reports and presentations here. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-341-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE as an investment</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Are you interested in investing in KONE? Here you can find basic information about KONE as an investment. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-342-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; KONE as an investment &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Why invest in KONE?</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Find out the key financial figures and learn more about the mega trends that support the growth of the elevator and escalator business. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5663-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; KONE as an investment &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Strategy and growth drivers</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5664-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; KONE as an investment &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Business model</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-344-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; KONE as an investment &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Markets</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5699-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; KONE as an investment &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE as a sustainable investment</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-346-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; KONE as an investment &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE factsheet</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-348-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Financials and outlook</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Check out our key financial figures and ratios. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-349-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Financials and outlook &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Key figures</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-350-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Financials and outlook &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Outlook</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-351-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Financials and outlook &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Financial targets</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-352-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Financials and outlook &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Financing facilities</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-355-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Financials and outlook &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Consensus estimates</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5701-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Financials and outlook &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Capital management</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-356-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE Share</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> In this section, you can find all the information about our share. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5669-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; KONE Share &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Share history</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-2597-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; KONE Share &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Share tools</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5670-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; KONE Share &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Treasury shares</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5671-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; KONE Share &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Dividends and splits</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-368-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Reports and presentations</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> This is your one-stop-shop for KONE&#39;s investor publications - interim and annual reports, presentations, webcasts, transcripts and more. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-3263-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Reports and presentations &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Financial reports</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> All reports and presentations from the year 2005 are available here, as well as webcasts and transcripts from 2014. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5497-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Reports and presentations &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Other presentations</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-353-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Reports and presentations &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Accounting principles</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Read more about KONE&#39;s accounting principles. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5462-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Shareholders</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5463-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Shareholders &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Major shareholders and ownership structure</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5465-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Shareholders &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Flaggings</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5467-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Shareholders &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Managers&#39; transactions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-383-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Capital Markets Days</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE holds Capital Markets Day to provide an update on strategy and business performance to institutional investors and analysts. You can find the Capital Markets Day&#39;s webcasts and presentations here. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-10845-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Capital Markets Days &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">2024</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-385-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Annual General Meetings</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-10252-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Annual General Meetings &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">2024</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5687-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Governance</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5689-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Governance &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Board of Directors and Management</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-9662-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Governance &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Remuneration</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5690-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Governance &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Risk management</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5691-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Governance &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Internal Control</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5692-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Governance &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Auditing</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5693-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Governance &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Insiders</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5694-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Governance &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Code of Conduct</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5695-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Governance &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Tax Strategy</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-5696-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Governance &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Articles of Association</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-387-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Investor service</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> You can find our investor relations team&#39;s contact information. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-389-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Investor service &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Contacts</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-388-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Investor service &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Investor calendar</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-354-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Investors &gt; Investor service &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Analysts</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-block"> <ul class="level-1"> <li> <a role="button" href="/en/investors/" data-info="tcm:17-340-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Investors</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="6" href="/en/investors/kone-as-an-investment/" data-info="tcm:17-341-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> KONE as an investment</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="6"> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/kone-as-an-investment/why-invest-in-kone/" data-info="tcm:17-342-4"><span>Why invest in KONE?</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/kone-as-an-investment/strategy-and-growth-drivers/" data-info="tcm:17-5663-4"><span>Strategy and growth drivers</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/kone-as-an-investment/business-model/" data-info="tcm:17-5664-4"><span>Business model</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/kone-as-an-investment/markets/" data-info="tcm:17-344-4"><span>Markets</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/kone-as-an-investment/kone-as-a-sustainable-investment/" data-info="tcm:17-5699-4"><span>KONE as a sustainable investment</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/kone-as-an-investment/factsheet/" data-info="tcm:17-346-4"><span>KONE factsheet</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" 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href="/en/investors/financials-and-outlook/consensus-estimates/" data-info="tcm:17-355-4"><span>Consensus estimates</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/financials-and-outlook/capital-management/" data-info="tcm:17-5701-4"><span>Capital management</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="8" href="/en/investors/kone-share/" data-info="tcm:17-356-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> KONE Share</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="8"> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/kone-share/share-history/" data-info="tcm:17-5669-4"><span>Share history</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/kone-share/share-tools/" data-info="tcm:17-2597-4"><span>Share tools</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/kone-share/treasury-shares/" data-info="tcm:17-5670-4"><span>Treasury shares</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/kone-share/dividends-and-splits/" data-info="tcm:17-5671-4"><span>Dividends and splits</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="9" href="/en/investors/reports-and-presentations/" data-info="tcm:17-368-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Reports and presentations</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="9"> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/reports-and-presentations/financial-reports/" data-info="tcm:17-3263-4"><span>Financial reports</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/reports-and-presentations/other-presentations/" data-info="tcm:17-5497-4"><span>Other presentations</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/reports-and-presentations/accounting-principles/" data-info="tcm:17-353-4"><span>Accounting principles</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="10" href="/en/investors/shareholders/" data-info="tcm:17-5462-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Shareholders</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="10"> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/shareholders/major-shareholders-and-ownership-structure/" data-info="tcm:17-5463-4"><span>Major shareholders and ownership structure</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/shareholders/flaggings/" data-info="tcm:17-5465-4"><span>Flaggings</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/shareholders/managers-transactions/" data-info="tcm:17-5467-4"><span>Managers&#39; transactions</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="11" href="/en/investors/capital-markets-days/" data-info="tcm:17-383-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Capital Markets Days</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="11"> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/capital-markets-days/2024/" data-info="tcm:17-10845-4"><span>2024</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="12" href="/en/investors/annual-general-meetings/" data-info="tcm:17-385-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Annual General Meetings</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="12"> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/annual-general-meetings/2024/" data-info="tcm:17-10252-4"><span>2024</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="13" href="/en/investors/governance/" data-info="tcm:17-5687-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Governance</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="13"> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/governance/board-of-directors-and-management/" data-info="tcm:17-5689-4"><span>Board of Directors and Management</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/governance/remuneration/" data-info="tcm:17-9662-4"><span>Remuneration</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/governance/risk-management/" data-info="tcm:17-5690-4"><span>Risk management</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/governance/internal-control/" data-info="tcm:17-5691-4"><span>Internal Control</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/governance/auditing/" data-info="tcm:17-5692-4"><span>Auditing</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/governance/insiders/" data-info="tcm:17-5693-4"><span>Insiders</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/governance/code-of-conduct/" data-info="tcm:17-5694-4"><span>Code of Conduct</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/governance/tax-strategy/" data-info="tcm:17-5695-4"><span>Tax Strategy</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/en/investors/governance/articles-of-association/" data-info="tcm:17-5696-4"><span>Articles of Association</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="14" href="/en/investors/investor-service/" 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class="text">Sustainability</span><span class="arrow"></span></a> <div class="sub-menu"> <div class="submenu container"> <!-- link information--> <div class="link-info"> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-391-4"> <p class="link-info-block__title"> <a href="/en/sustainability/"> Sustainability </a> </p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> We choose sustainability every day </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8167-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Sustainability &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Environment</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> We help create smart and sustainable cities </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8172-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Sustainability &gt; Environment &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Carbon neutrality</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn more about our targets for net zero emissions </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8173-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Sustainability &gt; Environment &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Circular economy</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8468-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Sustainability &gt; Environment &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Environmental Product Declarations</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE’s environmental responsibility covers the full life cycle of its products from design and manufacturing to installation, maintenance, modernization, and end-of-life treatment. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8166-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Sustainability &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Diversity, equity and inclusion</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Diversity makes us unique, inclusion makes us powerful. At KONE, we strive to build and nurture an inclusive culture that promotes and values diversity. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-3542-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Sustainability &gt; Diversity, equity and inclusion &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Accessibility</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE solutions are designed to improve accessibility within buildings for all users. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8169-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Sustainability &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Ethics and compliance</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Being a good corporate citizen </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-9667-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Sustainability &gt; Ethics and compliance &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Human rights</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Our human rights policy and program focus on the human rights topics that have been recognized as the most relevant to our business and operations. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-9408-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Sustainability &gt; Ethics and compliance &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE Compliance Line</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Link to KONE Compliance line to report a suspected violation of KONE’s code of conduct. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8168-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Sustainability &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Safety and quality</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Safety and quality are integral parts of our culture </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8177-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Sustainability &gt; Safety and quality &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Employee safety</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Safety is an integral part of our way of working. We work safely, care for others and actively encourage safe practices. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8178-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Sustainability &gt; Safety and quality &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">End-user safety</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Safety is top of the agenda at KONE, and it is our strong belief that all accidents are preventable. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8179-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Sustainability &gt; Safety and quality &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Customer and partner safety</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> We, at KONE, work closely with our customers to help them recognize and deal with situations that could lead to safety risks. We communicate actively about safety, organize activities and provide training along with educational materials to our customers and the general public to help equipment user </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8176-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Sustainability &gt; Safety and quality &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Quality</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> At KONE, quality is embedded in everything we do, from customer interaction and product planning all the way to the services we offer. Read more. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8170-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Sustainability &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Our Sustainability Report</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE&#39;s sustainability report explains KONE&#39;s role in terms of social, environmental and economic responsibility. The report covers topics that are considered material in terms of corporate responsibility, and follows the global GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) reporting framework. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-8212-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Sustainability &gt; Our Sustainability Report &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Materiality Assessment</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Identifying material topics </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-9020-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Sustainability &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Sustainability recognition</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE has earned positive recognition from third parties that assess the sustainability of our operations. </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-block"> <ul class="level-1"> <li> <a role="button" href="/en/sustainability/" data-info="tcm:17-391-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> 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You can also find news and information in our global stock exchange and press releases. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-9135-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">News &amp; Insights &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Events</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Don’t miss out on KONE Experience to discover the path to smarter, more sustainable cities. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-9058-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">News &amp; Insights &gt; Events &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE Experience 2022</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Revisit the KONE Experience 2022 to learn about the trends, challenges, and opportunities in building smart and sustainable cities. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:17-10785-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">News &amp; Insights &gt; Events &gt; </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">CTBUH London 2024</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE proud to be a platinum sponsor at CTBUH 2024 London and Paris </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-block"> <ul class="level-1"> <li> <a role="button" href="/en/news-and-insights/" data-info="tcm:17-4557-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> News &amp; Insights</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="20" href="/en/news-and-insights/releases/" data-info="tcm:17-4559-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-loudspeaker"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Releases</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="20"> <li><a role="button" href="/en/news-and-insights/releases/order-releases/" data-info="tcm:17-4896-4"><span>Order 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class="hero-banner-wrapper"> <section id="item-9327" class="banner hero-banner scroll-past video-banner overlay-disabled level1"> <div class="container"> <picture> <source media="(max-width: 767px)" srcset="/en/Images/kone-factory-history-750x1334_tcm17-26570.jpg?v=2" > <source media="(min-width: 768px)" srcset="/en/Images/history-hero-antinkatu-1440x670_tcm17-9326.jpg?v=4" > <img class="responsive-background" alt="History" src="/en/Images/history-hero-antinkatu-1440x670_tcm17-9326.jpg?v=4" width="1024" height="450"> </picture> <button class="round animate close stop-video" aria-label="Stop video" title="Close video"></button> <header> <h1 >Birth of a global machine<br /> </h1> <p class="intro"> <span>Our story begins in 1910, when a machine repair shop in Helsinki became known as KONE, Finnish for “machine”. More than a century later, KONE enables the smooth flow of millions of people in urban centers across the world.</span> </p> </header> </div> </section> </div> <section class="module module-value-highlights bg-lightblue" id="item-126739"> <div class="container"> <header> <h2>Our History</h2> </header> <div class="content"> <div class="value-highlights"> <article> <div class="rtf"> <div class="highlight"> <span class="icon-network_ip"></span> </div> <h3>Challenger in a changing world</h3> <div class="details"> <p>Over the years, KONE has proven its ability to adapt to the challenges of a changing world. Its offering has ranged from industrial cranes to emergency room patient monitors, ice-skate blades, and nylon socks. But the elevator and escalator business has always been its main focus.</p> </div> </div> </article> <article> <div class="rtf"> <div class="highlight"> <span class="icon-elevator"></span> </div> <h3>Global innovator</h3> <div class="details"> <p>Breakthrough technologies, including the machine-room-less elevator and a superlight hoisting rope that enables elevator travel of up to 1 kilometer, have earned KONE a reputation as a global innovator.</p> </div> </div> </article> <article> <div class="rtf"> <div class="highlight"> <span class="icon-home"></span> </div> <h3>Urban operator</h3> <div class="details"> <p>Stable ownership by four generations of the Herlin family has created a strong and supportive environment for development, allowing KONE to continue to respond to the people flow challenges of an increasingly urban future.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="module module-history" id="item-9067"> <div class="container"> <h2 style="display:none">History</h2> <div class="content"> <div class="sub-module-filter history filter1"> <form> <!--<label>Select years:</label>--> <select name="period"> <option value="0">Show all KONE history events</option> <option value="1">1910-1929</option><option value="2">1930-1949</option><option value="3">1950-1969</option><option value="4">1970-1989</option><option value="5">1990-2009</option><option value="6">2010-2029</option> </select> </form> </div> <div class="sub-module-filter history filter2"> <form> <!--<label>Select years:</label>--> <ul> <li class="active"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Show all KONE history events</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="return false">1910-1929</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="return false">1930-1949</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="return false">1950-1969</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="return false">1970-1989</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="return false">1990-2009</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="return false">2010-2029</a></li> </ul> </form> </div> <!--History block--> <div data-period="1" class="period"> <section> <header> <h3>1910-1929</h3> <p>MACHINE SHOP BEGINNINGS</p> </header> <div class="kone-masonry-layout"> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1910-former-stromberg-stable-325x233_tcm17-9063.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1910 - Former Stromberg Stable" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1910</h4> <div class="details">A machine repair shop named Tarmo was established in Finland’s capital, Helsinki, in 1908. On October 27, 1910, it was incorporated as KONE. The machine shop started refurbishing and selling used Str&#246;mberg motors under the KONE name from a converted stable. It also imported and installed elevators from Graham Brothers in Sweden.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1910-first-kone-logo-325x132_tcm17-9064.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1910 - First KONE logo" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1910</h4> <div class="details">The first KONE logo from 1910 is a solid, no-nonsense design that reflects the company’s modest roots as an electric motor repair business. The word “osakeyhti&#246;” below the image is Finnish for “corporation”.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1920s-antinkatu-factory-325x207_tcm17-9065.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1920s - Antinkatu factory" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1914</h4> <div class="details">When World War I struck Europe, Finland was still part of the Russian Empire. KONE produced 10 million brass shells and casings for the Russian army. KONE’s revenues grew, and staff numbers increased from 10 to 600. But elevator sales were low as the war strained Finland’s economy, bringing construction to a virtual halt.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1917-kone-office-factory-antinkatu-325x259_tcm17-9066.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1917 - KONE office factory Antinkatu" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1917</h4> <div class="details">Finland – formerly the Grand Duchy of Finland in the Russian Empire – becomes an independent republic.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1918-kone-ad-325x238_tcm17-9068.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1918 - KONE ad" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1918</h4> <div class="details">KONE’s advertisement appeared in the magazine Paperi ja Puu.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1919-13th-elevator-by-kone-freesenkatu-3-325x340_tcm17-9069.jpg?v=3" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1919 - 13th elevator by KONE Freesenkatu" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1918</h4> <div class="details">The first elevators made of components produced by KONE were installed in the Helsinki area in 1918. Post-World War I elevator demand was low, and KONE started with an annual production of 4 elevators in 1918, a figure that grew to 100 in 1924. By 1928 KONE was cranking out an elevator a day.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1920-jakobsson-couple-gold-medalist-325x320_tcm17-9070.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1920 - Jakobsson couple gold medalist" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1920</h4> <div class="details">KONE featured in Finland’s sporting history in 1920 when its technical director at the time, Walter Jakobsson, and his wife, Ludovika, won Olympic gold in mixed pairs skating. The pair remain the only Finnish ice skaters to bring home Olympic gold.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1920s-kone-service-vehicle-fleet-325x206_tcm17-9071.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1920s - KONE service vehicle fleet" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1924</h4> <div class="details">In 1924 KONE’s parent company, Str&#246;mberg, faced bankruptcy, weighed down by post-war debt and aging technology. Businessman Harald Herlin noticed that the KONE subsidiary was profitable and worth slightly more than its parent company’s debt. He bought the subsidiary, and in 1924 KONE became an independent company with Harald Herlin as its chairman and principal owner.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1927-kone-vehice-with-signs-325x224_tcm17-9072.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1927 - KONE vehicle with signs" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1927</h4> <div class="details">KONE’s business grew in the 1920s, and in 1927 it consolidated factory operations in a former margarine plant. Production jumped to 200 elevators that year.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1928-heikki-herlin-haapaniemi-factory-325x475_tcm17-9073.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1928 - Heikki Herlin Haapaniemi factory" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1928</h4> <div class="details">Harald Herlin’s son Heikki Herlin joined KONE’s board.</div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </section> </div> <div data-period="2" class="period"> <section> <header> <h3>1930-1949</h3> <p>WAR, PEACE &amp; REPARATIONS</p> </header> <div class="kone-masonry-layout"> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1930-finland-first-escalator-stockmann-325x475_tcm17-9074.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1930 - Finland first escalator Stockmann" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1930</h4> <div class="details">KONE dominated the Finnish elevator market in the early 1930s, but that market was tiny. The Great Depression had cut sales to levels not seen since Harald Herlin bought KONE in 1924.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1930-heikki-and-anna-herlin-325x475_tcm17-9075.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1930 - Heikki and Anna Herlin" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1932</h4> <div class="details">In 1932 Harald’s 31-year-old son Heikki, an engineer who had studied and worked in Finland, Germany, and the United States, became KONE’s managing director.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1933-45-ton-crane-hook-325x475_tcm17-9076.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1933 - 45 ton crane hook" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1933</h4> <div class="details">KONE started producing industrial cranes to counter weak elevator sales. It also began producing its own electric motors, determined to boost and gain better control over the quality of its products.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1939-kone-freight-elevator-with-workers-325x249_tcm17-9077.jpg?v=3" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1939 - KONE freight elevator with workers" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1939</h4> <div class="details">In 1939 KONE celebrated the production of its 3,000th elevator. During World War II, most of the company’s production capacity was converted to serve Finland’s defense efforts. KONE manufactured ammunition and wood gas generators for vehicles but also managed to maintain a modest level of elevator and crane production.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1940-kone-harbor-cranes-325x234_tcm17-9078.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1940 - KONE harbor cranes" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1940</h4> <div class="details">KONE delivered its 200th crane.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1950s-30-ton-gantry-crane-hyvinkaa-crane-factory-325x151_tcm17-9079.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1950s - 30 ton gantry crane Hyvinkaa crane factory" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1943</h4> <div class="details">The bombing of Helsinki and demand for industrial cranes to meet wartime production needs forced KONE in 1943 to move its crane production from its increasingly cramped factory in the Finnish capital to Hyvink&#228;&#228;, 55 kilometers away.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1945-kone-workers-haapaniemi-factory-yard-325x197_tcm17-9088.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1945 - KONE workers Haapaniemi factory yard" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1945</h4> <div class="details">When World War II ended, the peace agreement stipulated that Finland pay heavy war reparations to the Soviet Union in the form of capital goods. Between 1945 and 1952, KONE sent 108 elevators (mostly huge service elevators), 202 industrial cranes, and 265 electric hoists to the Soviet Union, all paid for by Finland’s government.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1955-kone-family-day-325x268_tcm17-9083.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1955 - KONE family day" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1947</h4> <div class="details">From 1947 workers had to spend their summers fulfilling the company’s share of Finland’s war reparations. KONE began to run summer camps for employees’ children, a KONE tradition that has been maintained to this day.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1948-2nd-kone-logo-325x159_tcm17-9080.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1948 - 2nd KONE logo" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1948</h4> <div class="details">The KONE logo was redesigned in 1948. Cogwheels were added behind the name plate to represent the expanding business focus on elevators, industrial cranes, and hoisting machinery.</div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </section> </div> <div data-period="3" class="period"> <section> <header> <h3>1950-1969</h3> <p>MODERNIZATION AND INTERNATIONAL EXPANSION</p> </header> <div class="kone-masonry-layout"> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1952-kone-vocational-school-teachers-students-325x217_tcm17-9082.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1952 - KONE vocational school teachers and students" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1950s</h4> <div class="details">Finland’s construction industry took a long time to recover after the war, keeping domestic elevator demand at depressingly low levels. Housing complexes, shopping centers, hospitals and office buildings finally started springing up in the 1950s. Taller and larger buildings called for KONE to develop sophisticated group controls and automatic doors for its elevators. KONE also opened its own vocational school in 1951.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1952-jan-9-war-reparations-program-celebration-325x110_tcm17-9081.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1952 - january 9 war reparations program celebration" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1952</h4> <div class="details">Sadly, KONE had lost many workers during the war. At the same time, it had to increase its skills and capacity to meet Soviet demands for larger and more demanding equipment than it had ever produced as part of the post-war reparations program. As a result, KONE was well placed to continue exporting to Soviet customers when the program ended in 1952. Exports started accounting for an increasing share of KONE’s business.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1958-pekka-herlin-325x239_tcm17-9084.jpg?v=3" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1958 - Pekka Herlin" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1958</h4> <div class="details">Heikki Herlin’s son Pekka Herlin joined KONE in 1954. In 1958, as part of a thorough management reorganization, he was put in charge of administration. The new management team began rethinking how the company should work: putting KONE’s dormant capital to work, considering how to modernize outmoded production processes, and looking at ways to develop its products.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1964-oct-1-pekka-herlin-became-president-325x240_tcm17-9085.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1964 - October 1 Pekka Herlin became president" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1964</h4> <div class="details">Pekka Herlin replaced his father as KONE president in 1964. His team immediately began planning a modern elevator factory in Hyvink&#228;&#228; to replace the cramped and inefficient Helsinki plant.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1970s-hyvinkaa-elevator-factory-325x181_tcm17-9087.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1970s - Hyvinkaa elevator factory" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1967</h4> <div class="details">KONE opened its new elevator factory. It had a capacity of 2,000 units per year, double the size of Finland’s total elevator market and far more than KONE’s total annual output, which was only about 1,200 units.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1967-3rd-kone-logo-325x176_tcm17-9086.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1967 - 3rd KONE logo" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1967</h4> <div class="details">By 1967 KONE’s business had evolved, and the logo was redesigned to represent the company’s international ambitions. It symbolizes elevator cars and shafts and perhaps buildings. The blue and white colors reflect those of the Finnish flag and serve as a link to KONE’s heritage.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1969-kone-presence-scandinavia-325x222_tcm17-9089.jpg?v=3" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1969 - KONE presence Scandinavia" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1968</h4> <div class="details">KONE’s breakthrough came in 1968 when it bought ASEA’s elevator business. The Swedish business unit, with its Norwegian and Danish subsidiaries, was bigger than KONE. In one leap, KONE became market leader in Northern Europe. More acquisitions followed. Six years later, KONE had production, sales and service operations in nine countries.</div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </section> </div> <div data-period="4" class="period"> <section> <header> <h3>1970-1989</h3> <p>RISING INTERNATIONAL CONGLOMERATE</p> </header> <div class="kone-masonry-layout"> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1974-westinghouse-plant-325x151_tcm17-9090.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1974 - Westinghouse plant" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1974</h4> <div class="details">In 1974, KONE took another gigantic leap forward, buying Westinghouse’s European elevator business. Westinghouse was a market leader in both France and Belgium, and its elevator business there was larger than KONE’s entire international elevator operation. It also included high-rise expertise, which KONE lacked. KONE turned Westinghouse’s unprofitable business around in less than four years and established itself as a major European player.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1975-assembly-line-hyvinkaa-factory-325x244_tcm17-9091.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1975 - Assembly line Hyvinkaa factory" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1976</h4> <div class="details">KONE opened a new elevator testing laboratory at the top of its 68-meter-high test tower in Hyvink&#228;&#228;, Finland, in the summer of 1976. This enabled the testing of elevator speeds of up to 7 meters per second.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1977-escalator-design-325x285_tcm17-9092.jpg?v=3" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1977 - Escalator design" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1977</h4> <div class="details">KONE started escalator production based on its own design at Chateauroux in France.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1978-electric-motor-factory-325x234_tcm17-9093.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1978 - Electric motor factory" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1978</h4> <div class="details">KONE built a new electric motor factory in Hyvink&#228;&#228;, Finland.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1980-kone-service-car-325x241_tcm17-9094.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1980 - KONE service car" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1980s</h4> <div class="details">In the 1980s, KONE became a conglomerate with a presence on several geographic markets. It had divisions for elevators and escalators, cranes, electronic medical technology, wood handling for the pulp and paper industry, high-pressure hydraulic piping systems, and shipboard cargo access solutions. KONE started investing in R&amp;D with the creation of a state-of-the-art facility in Hyvink&#228;&#228;, Finland, and placed service increasingly at the center of its offerings.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1986-tete-defense-paris-325x475_tcm17-9096.jpg?v=3" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1986 - T&#234;te D&#233;fense Paris " /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1986</h4> <div class="details">KONE elevators and escalators were ordered for some of the most iconic buildings of the time, including the 120-meter high “T&#234;te D&#233;fense” in Paris, the Op&#233;ra Bastille in Paris, and the new building of the ministry of interior for Saudi Arabia.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1980s-kone-operations-global-325x249_tcm17-9095.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1980s - KONE operations global" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>Late 1980s</h4> <div class="details">By the late 1980s, KONE was one of the world’s top 3 companies in elevators and escalators, cranes, wood-handling systems, and shipboard cargo handling systems. But Pekka Herlin and his team were growing older and finding it increasingly difficult to keep this diverse empire functioning efficiently.</div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </section> </div> <div data-period="5" class="period"> <section> <header> <h3>1990-2009</h3> <p>STRAGGLER TO STAR</p> </header> <div class="kone-masonry-layout"> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1995-elevator-in-kremlin-325x312_tcm17-9098.jpg?v=4" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1995 - Elevator in Kremlin" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1993-1995</h4> <div class="details">KONE had been an innovator in the 1960s and 1970s, but by the 1990s it was lagging behind the competition in technology and production cost in many of its product divisions. It decided to divest all the businesses except elevators and escalators. Between 1993 and 1995 it did just that.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1994-montgomery-acquisition-325x225_tcm17-9099.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1994 - Montgomery acquisition" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1994</h4> <div class="details">In 1994 KONE bought the fourth largest elevator business in the United States, Montgomery Elevator Company, and made plans to move decisively into China and expand operations in India. In just a few years, KONE had traded product diversity for expanded geographical coverage in its core business: elevators and escalators. Its product range, however, was still not competitive enough.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1996-ecodisc-325x268_tcm17-9097.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1996 - Ecodisc" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1996</h4> <div class="details">KONE introduced the world’s first machine-room-less elevator, the KONE MonoSpace&#174;, and revolutionized the industry. Powered by the KONE EcoDisc&#174;, a thin, round hoisting machine placed inside the elevator shaft, the KONE MonoSpace was by far the most efficient and environmentally friendly elevator of the time. It quickly became the industry standard, and KONE later adapted the low-rise technology to mid- and high-rise elevators as well.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1996-ok-rolltreppen-escalator-factory-325x242_tcm17-9102.jpg?v=3" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1996 - O&amp;K Roltreppen escalator factory" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1996</h4> <div class="details">In 1996, KONE also bought the remaining shares in its escalator partner, Germany’s O&amp;K Rolltreppen, making it the world’s leading escalator supplier. KONE went quickly from straggler to head of the class.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1992-antti-herlin-325x294_tcm17-9101.jpg?v=3" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1992 - Antti Herlin" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1996</h4> <div class="details">In the autumn of 1996, Pekka’s son Antti Herlin was named deputy chairman of the board and CEO.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1998-kunshan-factory-325x220_tcm17-9103.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1998 - Kunshan factory" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1998</h4> <div class="details">KONE opened a Greenfield factory in Kunshan, China, just in time to catch the crest of the wave that would make China the biggest elevator and escalator market in the world.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1998-tytyri-shaft-technician-325x295_tcm17-9104.jpg?v=3" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1998 - Tytyri shaft technician" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1998</h4> <div class="details">KONE opened its high-rise elevator testing laboratory Tytyri in Lohja, Finland. For the first time, elevator travel distances of more than 200 meters could be tested before installation. The facility, still one of the world’s tallest test shafts, is situated in a limestone mine extending 305 meters below ground. At Tytyri, KONE can test speeds of up to 17 m/s – the only test site in the world where such speeds can be reached.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2001-jean-pierre-chauvarie-325x284_tcm17-9106.jpg?v=4" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2001 - Jean-Pierre Chauvarie" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1998</h4> <div class="details">An indication of how deeply KONE was committed to globalization was the naming of a Frenchman, Jean-Pierre Chauvarie, as President.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1998-toshiba-cooperation-325x253_tcm17-9105.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1998 - Toshiba cooperation" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1998</h4> <div class="details">KONE also entered into a strategic alliance with Toshiba Elevators and Building Systems Corporation, giving Toshiba the right to make and market elevators based on KONE’s machine-room-less technology in Japan.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/1990-logo-325x164_tcm17-9100.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1990 - KONE logo" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>1999</h4> <div class="details">In 1999 the KONE logo was tweaked. The letters inside the blue blocks were updated to a simple, modern font that suits KONE’s unified global business.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2001-jumplift-325x239_tcm17-9107.jpg?v=3" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2001 - Jumplift" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2001</h4> <div class="details">2001 saw the introduction of the KONE JumpLift&#174; construction-time elevator for skyscrapers, which enables a fast and safe construction process in all weather conditions. The elevator grows with the building and can be moved upwards floor by floor as high-rise building construction progresses. That same year Manfred Eiden, a German, was appointed KONE president.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/partek-acquisition-2002_tcm17-9108.jpg?v=4" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2002 - Partek acquisition" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2002</h4> <div class="details">During the early years of the millennium, KONE took important steps to expand operations in the rapidly growing markets of China, India, Russia, and the Middle East. In 2002 it also made a lightning-swift move to buy Partek, a Finnish conglomerate. Like the legendary ASEA and Westinghouse deals, the acquisition of Partek involved taking over a company bigger than KONE.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2003-partek-acquisition-325x219_tcm17-13318.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="1969 - KONE presence Scandinavia" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2003</h4> <div class="details">When Pekka Herlin passed away in 2003, his inheritance was deeply tied up in KONE shares. The Partek purchase provided a way for the inheritance to be divided up among his five children. Partek’s companies would be reorganized into a new company, Cargotec, whose shares were held by four of the Herlin children while Antti retained principal ownership of KONE. Antti took over as KONE chairman in 2003.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2003-teipei-financial-center-325x475_tcm17-9109.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2003 - Taipei Financial Center" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2003</h4> <div class="details">KONE extended its strategic alliance with Japan’s Toshiba, a cooperative relationship that was topped off with the installation of KONE EcoDisc&#174; hoisting machines in all but two of the elevators in the Taipei Financial Center in Taiwan, the world’s tallest building from 2004 until 2010.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2012-matti-alahuhta-325x295_tcm17-9112.jpg?v=3" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2012 - Matti Alahuhta" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2005</h4> <div class="details">KONE was profitable, but it had fallen behind the industry leader in many key indicators. When Matti Alahuhta was appointed KONE president at the beginning of 2005, he set out to streamline KONE’s organization and improve performance across the board. Smooth people flow in and around buildings, and positive customer experience became central themes. KONE began to outperform competitors and established itself as a major player in the world’s fastest growing markets.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2005-cargotec-harbour-cranes-325x255_tcm17-9110.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2005 - Cargotec harbour cranes" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2005</h4> <div class="details">On June 1, KONE Corporation was demerged into two separate companies. One retained the name KONE Corporation, the other became Cargotec Corporation.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2008-nouveau-glamour-design-winning-325x475_tcm17-9111.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2008 - Nouveau glamour design winning" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2008</h4> <div class="details">KONE was awarded a Good Design Award for its innovative KONE Design Collection. KONE was the first elevator and escalator company to receive a Good Design award. Founded in 1950, the Good Design Award is one of the most recognized design award programs in the world.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src=" view of city with harbor and park." src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="Aerial view of city with harbor and park."/> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2008</h4> <div class="details">As the first company in the elevator and escalator industry, KONE claimed its ambition to be ‘the leader in sustainability’ as part of the company strategy. This was also the year when KONE published its first annual Sustainability Report annually, again as the first in the industry. Sustainability is in the KONE DNA.</div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </section> </div> <div data-period="6" class="period"> <section> <header> <h3>2010-2029</h3> <p>CENTENARIAN WITH VISION</p> </header> <div class="kone-masonry-layout"> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2010-kone-100-years-325x241_tcm17-9113.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2010 - KONE 100 years" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2010</h4> <div class="details">KONE celebrated its 100-year anniversary at its 1,000 locations around the world in 2010. By now, the company employed around 34,000 people, and delivered around 60,000 elevators and escalators per year.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2010-shanghai-world-expo-325x232_tcm17-9114.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2010 - Shanghai World Expo" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2010</h4> <div class="details">KONE featured prominently at the Shanghai World Exposition – the biggest in Expo history – supplying elevators and escalators to 21 pavilions. For the Finnish pavilion “Kirnu” (Giant’s Kettle) KONE designed a showcase elevator inspired by a Chinese lantern and featuring details such as handcrafted ceramic artwork flooring and a decorated glass shaft as well as the latest in elevator technology.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2012-kone-monospace-elevator-shaft1-325x475_tcm17-9115.jpg?v=3" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2012 - KONE MonoSpace&#174; Elevator Shaft" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2012</h4> <div class="details">The iconic machine-room-less KONE MonoSpace&#174; elevator was completely upgraded in 2012, resetting the industry benchmark with leading eco-efficient performance, premium ride comfort and award-winning design.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2013-antti-ikonen-holding-kone-ultrarope-325x475_tcm17-9116.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2013 - Antti Ikonen holding KONE UltraRope&#174;" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2013</h4> <div class="details">KONE revolutionized the high-rise elevator industry with its groundbreaking KONE UltraRope&#174; technology. The superlight hoisting cable has a carbon fiber core and eliminates many of the disadvantages of conventional steel rope, enabling future elevator travel of up to 1 kilometer while providing unparalleled elevator eco-efficiency, reliability and durability.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2013-pfi-access-control-325x475_tcm17-9119.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2013 - PFI access control" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2013</h4> <div class="details">KONE also moved decisively into smart building technology, introducing its KONE People Flow Intelligence family of equipment and software aimed at enabling people to move around buildings as smoothly as possible.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2013-kunshan-park-motor-factory-325x475_tcm17-9120.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2013 - Kunshan Park motor factory" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2013</h4> <div class="details">KONE Park, the company’s largest manufacturing unit, was opened in Kunshan, China in April 2013. The site includes an engineering facility, R&amp;D center, three elevator factories, and an escalator factory.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2014-jeddah-tower-325x475_tcm17-9117.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2014 - Jeddah Tower" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2014</h4> <div class="details">A service mindset, delivering on promises and working closely with customers has helped KONE seal deals for some of the busiest and most impressive buildings in the world, including the Delhi Metro in India, the Leadenhall Building in England, and, in 2014, the Jeddah Tower (previously Kingdom Tower) in Saudi Arabia, set to become the world&#39;s first 1-kilometer-tall building.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2014-henrik-ehrnrooth-325x475_tcm17-9118.JPG?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2014 - Henrik Ehrnrooth" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2014</h4> <div class="details">Henrik Ehrnrooth was appointed president and CEO in April, and his vision is to build on KONE’s strong service roots while continuing to introduce industry leading innovations that enable the best people flow experience in the world’s rapidly growing cities.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2015-technology-innovation-325x475_tcm17-9121.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2015 - Technology innovation" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2015</h4> <div class="details">In September 2015 KONE repositioned itself for the digital era, announcing the creation of a new Technology &amp; Innovation unit that brings together KONE’s R&amp;D and IT functions.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2015-kunshan-test-tower-325x475_tcm17-9122.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2015 - Kunshan test tower" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2015</h4> <div class="details">In December, KONE opened its 36-floor test tower at the KONE Park manufacturing site in Kunshan, China. The 235.6-meter tower contains 12 shafts that can be configured for the testing of high-rise solutions and components at speeds of up to 15 m/s. A high-speed, double-decker elevator featuring Kone UltraRope™ technology carries visitors to a sky lobby and showroom at a speed of up to 10m/s.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2015-kone-technician-sustainability-325x475_tcm17-9123.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2015 - KONE technician sustainability" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2015</h4> <div class="details">Over one billion people use KONE elevators and escalators every day. KONE’s head office remains in Helsinki, Finland, but its operations span close to 60 countries and its 400,000 customers come from all corners of the globe. </div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/2015-ibm-partnership-chris-oconnor-henrik-erhrnrooth-325x227_tcm17-9124.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2015 - IBM partnership Chris O&#39;Connor and Henrik Ehrnrooth" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2016</h4> <div class="details">In February 2016, KONE announced an agreement with IBM to use the Watson Internet of Things Cloud Platform to collect and store equipment data, build applications and develop new solutions. Over the coming years, KONE will connect its global maintenance base of more than one million elevators, escalators and building doors to cloud-based services to minimize equipment downtime and carry out repairs more quickly.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/new-mission-2016-325x219_tcm17-9125.jpg?v=2" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="2016 - New mission" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2016</h4> <div class="details">KONE’s mission is to improve the flow of urban life. We continue to use our understanding of people flow in and between buildings to make people’s journeys safe, convenient and reliable. In short, we make cities better places to live. </div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/allen-texas-2016-325pix_tcm17-68243.jpg?v=1" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="img_History_2016 - Allen place" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2016</h4> <div class="details">KONE opened a new U.S. manufacturing and research and development facility in Allen, Texas. The 16,000-square-meter facility houses the supply operations for the KONE Americas region as well as a research and development center, including a test tower.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/giant-kone-2016-325x225pix_tcm17-68244.jpg?v=1" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="img_History_2016 - Giant KONE" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2016</h4> <div class="details">KONE increased its shareholding in GiantKONE to 100% from a previous 80%.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/Elbphilharmonie-2016-325x225pix_tcm17-68245.jpg?v=1" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="img_History_2016 - Elbphilharmonie" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2016</h4> <div class="details">The world&#39;s first arched escalators were installed at the new Elbphilharmonie concert hall in Hamburg, Germany, which opened at the beginning of November. The city&#39;s newest landmark features two arched escalators, which are also the longest in Europe.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/all-new-care-2017-325x225pix_tcm17-68246.jpg?v=1" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="img_History_2017 - New KONE Care" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2017</h4> <div class="details">In February, KONE brought new levels of flexibility to elevator maintenance with the introduction of its new, customizable KONE Care™ service offering, designed to meet the individual needs of different customers.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/24x7connected-2017-325x225pix_tcm17-68247.jpg?v=1" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="img_History_2017 - 24/7 Connected service" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2017</h4> <div class="details">KONE also launched its 24/7 Connected Services, which use the IBM Watson Internet of Things (IoT) platform and other advanced technologies to connect, remotely monitor, and optimize equipment performance, reliability, and safety. </div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/tytyri-2017-325x225pix_tcm17-68248.jpg?v=1" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="img_History_2017 - Tytyri renewal" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2017</h4> <div class="details">In March, KONE opened its expanded and renovated high-rise elevator testing laboratory in Tytyri, Finland. The deepest shaft reaches a depth of 350 meters, making it the longest test shaft in the world. </div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/digitalplatform-img-325x225px_tcm17-78149.jpg?v=1" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="img_digital-platform-325x225" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2018</h4> <div class="details">KONE introduced a new digital platform that transforms the people flow experience in buildings and cities by connecting people to equipment and data. This enables KONE to better meet the opportunities of a connected world.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/tweeting-escalator-325x225px_tcm17-78148.jpg?v=1" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="img_tweeting-escalator-325x225" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2018</h4> <div class="details">The world’s first tweeting escalator (@JustAnEscalator) went online to bring real-time insights on KONE 24/7 Connected Services to the public at large. The London-based escalator produced more than 1,500 tweets generating 620,000 impressions during March-April.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/history-dx-launch-2019-325x225_tcm17-88506.jpg?v=1" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="img_history-2019-DX-launch-325x225" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2019</h4> <div class="details">KONE introduced the world&#39;s first elevator series with built-in digital connectivity as standard. KONE DX Class elevators bring a new user experience to life through a combination of design, technology, new materials, apps and services.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/KONE-Sustainable-practices_325x220_tcm17-111771.jpg?v=1" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="img_KONE-Sustainable-practices_325x220" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2020</h4> <div class="details">In September, KONE set science-based targets for significant reductions in its greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2030. In another first for the industry, KONE has also pledged to have carbon neutral operations by 2030.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/KONE-DX-elevator-Dubai-Expo-03_325x220_tcm17-111772.jpg?v=1" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="img_KONE-DX-elevator-Dubai-Expo-03_325x220" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2021</h4> <div class="details">KONE DX Class elevator delights visitors in the Finland Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai. The top-of-the-line digital experience elevator helps to convey the snow-inspired pavilion’s theme of ‘Sharing Future Happiness’.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="/en/Images/kone_care_dx_325x220_tcm17-111773.jpg?v=1" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="img_kone_care_dx_325x220" /> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2021</h4> <div class="details">In November, KONE introduced KONE Care™ DX, the first carbon-neutral maintenance service in the elevator industry, complete with predictive capabilities and rapid response times.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src=" checking the escalator handrail." src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="Technician checking the escalator handrail."/> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2021</h4> <div class="details">Our annual Safety Week was celebrated for the 10th time. Safety and quality are integral to our culture and something we never compromise on. We want all our employees and subcontractors to return home safe, every day.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="Jumplift_FrontPage:535x365"/> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2022</h4> <div class="details">KONE Jumplift™ construction time elevator available for machine-roomless elevators. KONE enables a faster, safer construction process, earlier closing of the facade, reduced down-time, and safer transportation in all weather conditions.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="KONE_I_series_horizontal_Red_Dot_Award:535x365"/> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2022</h4> <div class="details">KONE won three awards in the prestigious Red Dot Award: Product Design 2022 competition, for a series of culture-inspired elevator interiors, a voice-operated call system and an energy saving motor.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="KONE-Care-DX-4-1200x627-TW-1:535x365"/> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2023</h4> <div class="details">KONE launched the first carbon-neutral maintenance service in the elevator industry by extending the KONE Escalator DX value-adding features. KONE Care DX maximizes uptime and prolongs an elevator&#39;s life thanks to AI-powered predictive maintenance, automatic updates, remote servicing and in person or digital support.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="KONE_ManyOne_Day3_028:535x365"/> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2023</h4> <div class="details">KONE was ranked 19th most sustainable company in the world by Corporate Knights Inc., a leading sustainable business magazine and ranking organization. KONE was the only elevator and escalator industry company to make their 2023 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World ranking. KONE has made it to the list four times over the past 10 years.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src=" cybersecurity experts having a conversation." src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="Two cybersecurity experts having a conversation."/> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2023</h4> <div class="details">KONE became the first in the global elevator and escalator industry to gain IEC 62443 cybersecurity certification for its DX class elevators, and ISO 27001 certification for its digital services, including KONE 24/7 Connected Services.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="Climate-Friendly-banner-1920px:535x365"/> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2023</h4> <div class="details">KONE manufacturing units became carbon neutral at the end of June 2023, reaching a major milestone 18 months ahead of schedule. This achievement showcases KONE&#39;s dedication to its climate pledge and ensuring best-in-class supply chain operations globally.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src=" CEO and President Philippe Delorme" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="KONE CEO and President Philippe Delorme"/> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2023</h4> <div class="details">In October, Philippe Delorme, MSc, MBA, was appointed President and CEO of KONE Corporation as of January 1, 2024. His passion for technology and sustainability, together with his experience in a broad range of leadership roles and international background makes him well suited to develop KONE forward together with his Executive team.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="People_flow_on_busy_city_street_at_sunrise_680x393:535x365"/> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2024</h4> <div class="details">In January, KONE was recognized for leadership in corporate transparency and performance on climate change, by the global environmental non-profit CDP, securing a place on its annual &#39;A List&#39;. This is the 11th consecutive year for KONE to receive a leadership score of A or A-.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="Q2-2024-theme-KONE-Saint-Denis-Pleyel:535x365"/> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2024</h4> <div class="details">KONE team provided visitors with a great urban flow experience during the summer games in Paris. The Grand Paris Express is a major project for KONE with more than 300 KONE escalators and elevators installed overall. Saint-Denis – Pleyel station is the jewel of the project with an impressive 56 TransitMaster™ escalators moving people up and down, the most equipment installed in a single project for KONE.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="Hero:535x365"/> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2024</h4> <div class="details">KONE launched its new purpose: ‘We shape the future of cities’. In a world where cities are constantly evolving and more and more people choose to live in them, we at KONE stand with one clear aim: to shape the future of cities. We make urban life more vibrant and livable. And we do it by enabling safe, sustainable, and effortless people flow for all. We help cities leave a positive mark on the planet - for the next century and beyond. We shape the future of cities.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="Man-on-a-street:535x365"/> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2024</h4> <div class="details">KONE launched its ambitious 2025-2030 strategy to lead the industry. It is about leadership in three areas: #1 choice for our employees and customers, lead in innovation and sustainability, and lead in growth and profitability. The company enters this new period guided by its values: courage, care, customer and collaboration.</div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="kone-masonry-grid"> <div class="kone-masonry-grid-content"> <div class="media"> <img data-src=" people walking in the city." src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="Two people walking in the city."/> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h4>2024</h4> <div class="details">KONE launched KONE High-Rise MiniSpace™ DX high-rise elevator solution that offers energy savings and lower carbon emissions over the entire lifecycle. These elevators increase design freedom and simplify the construction process.</div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> </main> <input type="hidden" id="cookiepopupversion" name="cookiepopupversion" value="v3" /> <!-- cookie popup 3--> <section id="cookiepopup" class="cookiepopup_accept_reject"> <div class="cookiepopup_accept_reject-dialog"> <div class="cookiepopup_accept_reject__content bg-sand" id="cookiepopup_accept_reject"> <div> <div class="cookietext"> <p>We use cookies to optimize site functionality and to give you the best possible experience while browsing our site. If you are fine with this and accept all cookies, just click the 'Accept' button. 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