Purdue Campus Map - West Lafayette Campus
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Disability-related <a href="">accessibility</a> issue? Please contact us at <a href=""></a> so we can help. Map data OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var dojoConfig = { parseOnLoad: true }; </script> <script src=""></script> <script> var map; require([ "esri/dijit/Scalebar", "esri/map", "esri/dijit/Popup", "esri/dijit/PopupTemplate", "esri/dijit/PopupMobile", "esri/dijit/InfoWindow", "esri/tasks/query", "esri/tasks/QueryTask", "esri/arcgis/utils", "esri/layers/FeatureLayer","esri/symbols/SimpleFillSymbol", "esri/Color", "esri/dijit/Search", "esri/InfoTemplate", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/on", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/domReady!" // these modules must be in line with what is called in the function (map with map, etc) ], function (Map, Scalebar, Popup, PopupTemplate, PopupMobile, InfoWindow, query, queryTask, arcgisUtils,FeatureLayer, SimpleFillSymbol, Color, Search, InfoTemplate, domClass, array, domConstruct, on, domStyle ) { /* EDIT THIS FOR MAP UPDATE */ // this is the ID from the the Purdue Campus Buildings (incomplete) on ArcGIS online //allows you to have many layers on one map - can toggle //Found at the end of the URL in ArcGIS var webMapItemID = "f2974db522f2494396e8a7095cdf2809"; //infotemplate for popups //change image url when published //This shows up as the search popup (Can be different than the online popup) infoTemplate = new InfoTemplate("${BUILDING_N} (${BLDG_ABBR})", "<img src='${BLDG_ABBR}.jpg' />" + "<br/> ${ADDRESS}<br/>West Lafayette, IN ${Zip} - ${Plus4}<br/><a href='${BUILDING_N} ${ADDRESS}' target=_blank ;'>Get Directions (Google Maps)</a> <br/> " ); //this is the Feature Layer from Oct4_16 //this is used for the search function (also) var layer = new FeatureLayer("", { infoTemplate: template, outFields: ["BUILDING_N","BLDG_ABBR","ADDRESS","Zip","Plus4"], enableInfoWindow: true // makes the pop ups happen }); /* END EDIT FOR MAP UPDATE*/ /* popup */ var fill = new SimpleFillSymbol("solid", null, new Color("#B1810B")); var popup = new Popup({ fillSymbol: fill, titleInBody: false }, domConstruct.create("div")); //Add the dark theme which is customized further in the <style> tag at the top of this page domClass.add(popup.domNode, "light"); var template = new PopupTemplate({ title: "{BUILDING_N}", description: "{description}" }); // for adding different things to popups - /* Map setup */ var mapOptions = { basemap: "topo", // Many options autoResize: true, center: [-86.914161, 40.426951], // lon, lat (Beering) minZoom: 15, maxZoom: 18, enableInfoWindow: true, infoWindow: popup, slider: true //sliderStyle: "small" }; // this allows the map, the map options, and the web ID to be loaded within the same frame without complications //VERY IMPORTANT deferred = arcgisUtils.createMap(webMapItemID, "map", { mapOptions: mapOptions}); //Allows async Search widgets // (response) is used for autocomplete in search deferred.then(function (response) { map =; /* toggle maps layer */ var operationalLayers = response.itemInfo.itemData.operationalLayers; array.forEach(operationalLayers, function(layer){ //create a checkbox and label for each layer in the map var cbox_label = domConstruct.create("li",{ htmlFor: layer.title , innerHTML: layer.title },"layerList"); var cbox = domConstruct.create("input",{ type: "checkbox", name: layer.title, value:, checked: layer.visibility },"layerList"); //When the checkbox is clicked change the layer visibility on(cbox, "click", function(evt){ //Find the layer based on the layer id var layerid =; console.log(layerid); var layer = map.getLayer(layerid); console.log(; layer.setVisibility(; }); }) /* end toggle */ /* search function */ // map =; var search = new Search({ map:, sources: [], zoomScale: 300000 // still figuring this out. Doesn't do what I thought it did }, "search"); // sets the sources to the var sources = search.sources; // sources, can be multiple, if needed, please see below // sources.push({ featureLayer: layer, placeholder: "Search Campus", enableLabel: false, searchFields: ["BUILDING_N", "BLDG_ABBR"], suggestionTemplate: "${BUILDING_N} (${BLDG_ABBR}), ${ADDRESS}, West Lafayette IN ${Zip} - ${Plus4}", displayField: "BUILDING_N", name: "Campus Buildings", exactMatch: false, outFields: ["BUILDING_N","BLDG_ABBR","ADDRESS","Zip","Plus4"], maxResults: 6, maxSuggestions: 6, infoTemplate: infoTemplate, // var infoTemplate information goes here enableSuggestions: true, minCharacters: 0 }); //Set the sources above to the search widget search.set("sources", sources); // starts the widget search.startup(); }, function (error) { console.log("Error: ", error.code, " Message: ", error.message); deferred.cancel(); }); //end of deferred }); // end of require and modules </script> <!-- Bootstrap core JavaScript ================================================== --> <!-- Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster --> <script src=""></script> <script src="//"></script> <!-- <script src="bootstrap-switch.js"></script> --> <!-- switch is the next thing to impliment on the checkboxes in the menu --> </body> </html>