ATOM | Blog | Technology for shared mobility
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Cars, vans, trucks, rickshaws, boats and more.</p></div></a></div></div></div></div><div id="w-node-a2cd995a-ab35-f757-17c3-bf448d876752-b4c6068b" class="menu_sidebar"><div class="hide-tablet"><div class="subtitle">More</div></div><div class="menu_list"><a href="/pricing" class="nav-link_group w-inline-block"><div class="nav-link_text-group"><div class="text-weight-bold">Pricing</div><p class="text-size-small">Unlimited rides, vehicles, drivers and users. Just pick the plan that suits your needs and launch within days.<br/></p></div></a><a href="/vehicles" class="nav-link_group w-inline-block"><div class="nav-link_text-group"><div class="text-weight-bold">Vehicle marketplace</div><p class="text-size-small">Looking for a fleet for your vehicle-sharing business? Get access to sharing-ready vehicles provided by leading manufacturers all in one place.<br/></p></div></a></div></div></div></div></nav></div><div data-hover="true" data-delay="0" class="dropdown-wrap w-dropdown"><div class="dropdown-toggle w-dropdown-toggle"><div class="nav-link">Features</div><div class="dropdown-icon w-embed"><svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 11 6" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.3727 0.152625C10.1809 -0.0459829 9.86436 -0.0514761 9.66575 0.140357L5.51926 4.2869L1.37272 0.140418C1.17899 -0.0467153 0.871803 -0.0467153 0.678016 0.140418C0.479408 0.332252 0.473915 0.64878 0.665748 0.847389L5.16575 5.34739C5.25938 5.44132 5.38663 5.49406 5.51926 5.49387C5.65189 5.494 5.77909 5.44132 5.87272 5.34739L10.3727 0.847389C10.5599 0.653602 10.5599 0.346412 10.3727 0.152625Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></div><nav class="dropdown w-dropdown-list"><div class="container dropdown-container"><div class="dropdown-inner"><div 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class="text-weight-bold">Dashboard</div><p class="text-size-small text-style-2lines">Real-time fleet data, CRM system, fleet management, zones & geofencing, pricing and more</p></div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a id="w-node-ffbc1eb3-2652-0bdc-32c8-b785bf3b803a-b4c6068b" href="/top-features/operator-app" class="nav-link_group w-inline-block"><div class="nav-link_text-group"><div class="text-weight-bold">Operator app</div><p class="text-size-small text-style-2lines">Easy in app navigation & routing, bulk vehicle edit, smart task distribution engine, notes and more</p></div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a id="w-node-ffbc1eb3-2652-0bdc-32c8-b785bf3b803a-b4c6068b" href="/top-features/driver-app" class="nav-link_group w-inline-block"><div class="nav-link_text-group"><div class="text-weight-bold">Driver app</div><p class="text-size-small text-style-2lines">Receive ride requests, automated dispatch, easy in-app navigation and more</p></div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a id="w-node-ffbc1eb3-2652-0bdc-32c8-b785bf3b803a-b4c6068b" href="/top-features/payments" class="nav-link_group w-inline-block"><div class="nav-link_text-group"><div class="text-weight-bold">Payments</div><p class="text-size-small text-style-2lines">Integrated with Stripe, Adyen, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Klarna, Checkout, Hyperpay, Bambora, Swedbank, Concord, Kushki, Flutterwave, Expressbank, PUMB, Klix and more</p></div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a id="w-node-ffbc1eb3-2652-0bdc-32c8-b785bf3b803a-b4c6068b" href="/top-features/connectivity" class="nav-link_group w-inline-block"><div class="nav-link_text-group"><div class="text-weight-bold">Connectivity</div><p class="text-size-small text-style-2lines">Hardware agnostic, full remote control of the vehicle, integrations with telematics systems and more</p></div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a 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class="text-weight-bold">Integrations</div><p class="text-size-small text-style-2lines">ID/driver licence verification, online customer support chats, MDS, GBFS, local payment systems and more</p></div></a></div></div></div></div><div id="w-node-d49136e7-7c11-5572-49cb-8b32fbabd989-b4c6068b" class="menu_sidebar"><div><div class="subtitle">More</div></div><div class="menu_list"><a href="/features" class="nav-link_group w-inline-block"><div class="nav-link_text-group"><div class="text-weight-bold">View all features</div><p class="text-size-small">200+ features to become a market leader.</p></div></a></div></div></div></div></nav></div><div data-hover="true" data-delay="0" class="dropdown-wrap w-dropdown"><div class="dropdown-toggle w-dropdown-toggle"><div class="nav-link">Use cases</div><div class="dropdown-icon w-embed"><svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 11 6" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.3727 0.152625C10.1809 -0.0459829 9.86436 -0.0514761 9.66575 0.140357L5.51926 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w-inline-block"><div class="nav-link_text-group"><div class="text-weight-bold">Car sharing software</div><p class="text-size-small text-style-2lines">On-demand free-floating car sharing, pre-booked station-based rentals, or even a hybrid of both - our platform adapts to your business needs, offering technological superiority over competitors.</p></div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a id="w-node-a9bb613d-ab21-fd31-96fb-e2b5eb66135d-b4c6068b" href="/use-cases/scooter-sharing-software" class="nav-link_group w-inline-block"><div class="nav-link_text-group"><div class="text-weight-bold">Scooter sharing software</div><p class="text-size-small text-style-2lines">Scale your own free-floating scooter-sharing service or operate a station-based scooter-sharing – our platform adapts to your business needs, offering technological superiority over competitors.</p></div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a id="w-node-a9bb613d-ab21-fd31-96fb-e2b5eb66135d-b4c6068b" 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One of the most requested features from our customers has been alternative login options. And now, we’re happy to announce that Apple and Google sign-in options are finally here!</p><div class="post-info-group"><div class="text-weight-bold">March 11, 2025</div><div><span sw-read-time="display">--</span> min. read</div></div><div class="button-group is-center"><a id="w-node-_45bd27a2-9ade-1c76-409b-e3301eba690f-1631dab8" href="/blog/sign-up-made-easy-atom-mobility-adds-apple-and-google-login-options" class="button arrow-button w-button">Read post</a></div></div></div></div><div sw-read-time="content" class="hide w-richtext"><h3><strong>Why is this important?</strong></h3><p>Most mobile apps rely on phone number verification for sign-ups and logins. This is also the case for ATOM Mobility, where users verify their phone number using a One-Time Password (OTP). We use trusted partners like <a href="" target="_blank">Twilio</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Dexatel</a>, and others to ensure secure phone verification. Big companies like Uber, Bolt, and inDrive also follow this method because it helps prevent fraud and unauthorized access.</p><p>However, we know that not everyone wants to use their phone number every time they log in. Some users prefer quicker options, especially if they’re alreadyuse Apple or Google on their devices. That’s why we’ve now added these alternatives.</p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><h3><strong>The popularity of Apple & Google sign-in</strong></h3><p>According to global data, a significant number of people prefer logging in with their existing accounts rather than typing in a phone number. Research shows that about 60-80% of users choose social logins if given the option. That’s a huge number! By adding Apple and Google login, we’re making it even easier for users to sign up and start using your app instantly.</p><p>Many popular apps and platforms already offer these sign-in options because they reduce the time it takes for users to access services. The fewer steps involved, the more likely users are to complete registration rather than abandoning the process midway. For businesses, this translates to higher conversion rates and more engaged users.</p><h3><strong>What this means for your business</strong></h3><p>Adding Apple and Google login options isn’t just about convenience. It has real benefits for operators as well:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Fewer support tickets</strong> – Phone number verification can sometimes fail due to network issues, wrong numbers, or SMS delays. With Apple and Google sign-ins, users can skip these problems entirely.</li><li><strong>Better user experience</strong> – The easier it is to sign up, the more likely users are to complete registration and start using the service.</li><li><strong>More successful registrations</strong> – Reducing friction at the sign-up stage means more people will complete the process, leading to higher conversion rates.</li><li><strong>Higher user retention</strong> – If signing in is fast and easy, users are more likely to return rather than be discouraged by a slow login process.</li></ul><h3><strong>Security considerations</strong></h3><p>It’s important to note that phone number verification still plays a big role in fraud prevention. If users sign in without verifying their number, there’s a higher risk of fake accounts. That’s why we’re keeping the OTP method as the default while offering Apple and Google login as an alternative.</p><p>Many companies, including ATOM Mobility, prioritize fraud prevention. While Apple and Google sign-in reduce the risk of failed logins, they also require additional monitoring to ensure that the platform remains secure. Implementing fraud detection measures alongside these sign-in options can help maintain a balance between user convenience and platform security.</p><h3><strong>How it works</strong></h3><p>The updated login screen will now include Apple and Google sign-in buttons alongside the phone number option. Users can choose their preferred method, making the process faster and more flexible.</p><p>If you are an ATOM Mobility customer, enabling this feature in your app settings is simple. Once activated, users will see the Apple and Google login buttons immediately when they open the app. This small but powerful change can lead to more completed registrations and a smoother onboarding experience.</p><h3><strong>What’s next?</strong></h3><p>This is just one of the many improvements we’re bringing to ATOM Mobility. We’re constantly working on new features to enhance the user experience and streamline operations. Check out our other top features:</p><ul role="list"><li><a href="" target="_blank">Integrations</a> – Connect with various third-party services like Zendesk, Intercom, and Mavenoid to improve customer support.</li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Connectivity</a> – Our platform supports multiple IoT devices and vehicle models, ensuring seamless operation.</li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Dashboard</a> – Manage your fleet and users efficiently with a feature-packed admin panel.</li></ul><h3><strong>Future possibilities</strong></h3><p>At ATOM Mobility, we believe in continuous innovation. Now that Apple and Google login options are live, we are exploring other ways to simplify user access and improve security. Some potential future developments include:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Biometric authentication</strong> – Using Face ID or fingerprint scanning for even faster logins.</li><li><strong>Multi-factor authentication (MFA)</strong> – Adding an extra layer of security for high-value users.</li></ul><p>With Apple and Google login now available, signing up for ATOM Mobility-powered apps is easier than ever. Whether users prefer OTP verification or a simple one-tap login, they now have more choices. This update is all about making the experience smoother and increasing the number of successful registrations.</p><p>If you’re an ATOM Mobility customer, make sure to enable this feature and give your users the flexibility they want. And if you need any help, feel free to reach out to our team!</p><p>Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to improve the platform!</p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section><section fs-cmsload-element="scroll-anchor" fs-cmsfilter-element="scroll-anchor" class="section overlap-top"><div class="container medium"><div class="section-content gap-small"><div id="w-node-_45bd27a2-9ade-1c76-409b-e3301eba6916-1631dab8" class="content-group"><div fs-cmsfilter-element="filters" class="filter-form w-form"><form id="email-form" name="email-form" data-name="Email Form" method="get" class="filter-form-grid" data-wf-page-id="64420ed3069d53671631dab8" data-wf-element-id="45bd27a2-9ade-1c76-409b-e3301eba6918" data-turnstile-sitekey="0x4AAAAAAAQTptj2So4dx43e"><input class="search-input w-input" maxlength="256" name="Filter-Search" fs-cmsfilter-field="*" data-name="Filter Search" placeholder="Search..." type="text" sw-read-time="refresh" id="Filter-Search"/><div id="w-node-_62e02889-2076-c6a9-fbdb-7cd7148d8f55-1631dab8" class="filters-collection w-dyn-list"><div role="list" class="filter-form-options w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><label class="w-checkbox custom-checkbox"><div class="w-checkbox-input w-checkbox-input--inputType-custom button small checkbox-fill"></div><input id="Filter-Option" type="checkbox" name="Filter-Option" data-name="Filter Option" sw-read-time="refresh" style="opacity:0;position:absolute;z-index:-1"/><span fs-cmsfilter-field="category" class="custom-checkbox-label pointer-events-off w-form-label" for="Filter-Option">Blog</span></label></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><label class="w-checkbox custom-checkbox"><div class="w-checkbox-input w-checkbox-input--inputType-custom button small checkbox-fill"></div><input id="Filter-Option" type="checkbox" name="Filter-Option" data-name="Filter Option" sw-read-time="refresh" style="opacity:0;position:absolute;z-index:-1"/><span fs-cmsfilter-field="category" class="custom-checkbox-label pointer-events-off w-form-label" for="Filter-Option">Case study</span></label></div></div></div></form><div class="w-form-done"><div>Thank you! 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Something went wrong while submitting the form.</div></div></div><div fs-cmsfilter-element="list" fs-cmsload-element="list" fs-cmsload-mode="pagination" class="filter-grid-collection w-dyn-list"><div id="test" role="list" class="auto-flex post-grid w-dyn-items"><div sw-read-time="item" role="listitem" class="auto-flex-item large w-dyn-item"><a href="/blog/how-donkey-republic-became-a-micromobility-leader" class="post-link w-inline-block"><div fs-cmsfilter-field="category" class="category-tag absolute">Blog</div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="How Donkey Republic became a micromobility leader" class="post-card_image w-condition-invisible w-dyn-bind-empty"/><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="How Donkey Republic became a micromobility leader" sizes="(max-width: 767px) 90vw, (max-width: 991px) 43vw, 42vw" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1596w" class="post-card_image"/><div class="post-card_bottom"><div class="flex-column gap-medium"><div fs-cmsfilter-field="name" class="heading-style-h4 w-condition-invisible w-dyn-bind-empty"></div><div fs-cmsfilter-field="name" class="heading-style-h4">How Donkey Republic became a micromobility leader</div><p fs-cmsfilter-field="description" class="text-style-3lines w-condition-invisible w-dyn-bind-empty"></p><p fs-cmsfilter-field="description" class="text-style-3lines">🚲 Donkey Republic is proving that bike-sharing can be profitable, while many competitors are struggling to stay on the road to success. Donkey Republic is partnering with cities, keeping costs low, and focusing on bikes. With more cities pushing for car-free mobility, can Donkey Republic continue to grow?</p><div class="group-horizontal post-card_info"><div class="post-info-group"><div class="text-weight-bold">February 25, 2025</div><div><span sw-read-time="display">--</span> min. read</div></div><div class="button arrow-button no-fill">Read post</div></div></div></div></a><div sw-read-time="content" class="hide w-richtext"><p>Bike-sharing has had a wild ride over the past ten years. Some companies threw thousands of bikes onto city streets without permission, while others spent tons of money but couldn’t figure out how to make a profit. Donkey Republic took a different approach—and it worked.</p><p>Started in Copenhagen in 2014, <a href="" target="_blank">Donkey Republic</a> didn’t rush to expand or rely on big investors. Instead, it focused on working with cities, keeping things simple, and making sure the business could actually make money. In 2023, the company earned €15.4 million (DKK 115.2 million), up 70% from the previous year, and, more importantly, it made a profit of €1.27 million (DKK 9.5 million).</p><h3><strong>From a simple idea to a growing business</strong></h3><p>The company’s founder, Erdem Ovacik, got the idea when he saw a friend using combination locks to share bikes with others in Copenhagen. He figured there had to be a better way. The answer? A mobile app and smart locks, so people could rent a bike quickly without needing a docking station.</p><p>In 2015, Donkey Republic started with just 30 bikes. Instead of flooding the streets with bikes and hoping for the best, it worked directly with city governments to get approval. That helped avoid the problems that companies like <a href="" target="_blank">Ofo</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Mobike</a> faced when they expanded too fast and then collapsed.</p><h3><strong>The key of not overdoing</strong></h3><p>A lot of bike and scooter companies try to grow as fast as possible, spending loads of money and hoping to make a profit later. Donkey Republic didn’t do that. By 2020, it had expanded to 13 countries, including Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, and Finland, but always in a controlled way.</p><p>A big part of its success comes from working with cities instead of fighting them. Instead of just dropping bikes on the street and hoping no one complains, Donkey Republic made agreements with local governments. This means the company doesn’t have to worry as much about sudden bans or changing rules.</p><p>For example, in 2023, Paris banned rental e-scooters, which was a disaster for other companies. But because Donkey Republic focuses on bikes, it wasn’t affected.</p><h3><strong>Financial growth and key milestones</strong></h3><p>Donkey Republic has shown impressive financial progress in recent years. In 2023, the company reported a revenue of DKK 115.2 million – a 70% increase compared to the previous year. Even more importantly, they achieved a positive EBITDA (Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) of DKK 9.5 million, marking a shift toward profitability.</p><p></p><figure style="max-width:515pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div><figcaption>Source: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></figcaption></figure><p>2024 has been even stronger for Donkey Republic. The company reported a revenue of DKK 145 million, representing a 25% increase from 2023. For the first time, they also recorded a positive EBIT of DKK 1 million. This shows that their long-term strategy of working with cities and optimizing operations is paying off.</p><h3><strong>What makes Donkey Republic different?</strong></h3><p>Several factors have contributed to Donkey Republic’s success:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Emphasize partnerships </strong>– Rather than competing with cities, they work alongside them, forging long-term agreements that drive stability and growth. Approximately 30% of their revenue stems from B2G and B2B long-term contracts, including subsidies.</li><li><strong>Technology-driven approach</strong> – Their smart locks and app-based rentals make it easy for users to find and use bikes anytime.</li><li><strong>Financial sustainability</strong> – While some bike-sharing companies struggle with profitability, Donkey Republic has managed to grow revenue while keeping costs under control.</li><li><strong>Commitment to sustainability</strong> – By promoting cycling as an alternative to cars, they contribute to cleaner and less congested cities.</li></ul><h3><strong>What’s next for Donkey Republic</strong></h3><p>While Donkey Republic has shown that micromobility can be profitable, the road ahead isn’t without challenges. Competition is fierce, and other companies are rapidly expanding their e-bike fleets to compete in Donkey Republic’s space. Additionally, while city partnerships provide stability, they also limit rapid expansion – municipal contracts take time to secure, and some cities prefer to invest in their own public bike-sharing programs.</p><p>Still, Donkey Republic is betting that the demand for sustainable, city-friendly transport will only grow. With urban areas across Europe cracking down on car use – such as London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and Paris’s car-restriction policies – bike-sharing is well-positioned to thrive.</p><p>So while scooter operators continue to battle regulatory headaches and profit struggles, Donkey Republic is proving that a disciplined, city-first approach might just be the key to lasting success in micromobility.</p></div></div><div sw-read-time="item" role="listitem" class="auto-flex-item large w-dyn-item"><a href="/blog/who-does-carsharing-better---oems-or-start-ups" class="post-link w-inline-block"><div fs-cmsfilter-field="category" class="category-tag absolute">Blog</div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Who does carsharing better – OEMs or start-ups?" class="post-card_image w-condition-invisible w-dyn-bind-empty"/><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Who does carsharing better – OEMs or start-ups?" sizes="(max-width: 767px) 90vw, (max-width: 991px) 43vw, 42vw" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w" class="post-card_image"/><div class="post-card_bottom"><div class="flex-column gap-medium"><div fs-cmsfilter-field="name" class="heading-style-h4 w-condition-invisible w-dyn-bind-empty"></div><div fs-cmsfilter-field="name" class="heading-style-h4">Who does carsharing better – OEMs or start-ups?</div><p fs-cmsfilter-field="description" class="text-style-3lines w-condition-invisible w-dyn-bind-empty"></p><p fs-cmsfilter-field="description" class="text-style-3lines">🚗📉 Why do big car brands struggle in carsharing while independent startups thrive? OEMs like Volvo and SEAT have shut down, but new players like Kia are stepping in with smarter strategies. Meanwhile, independent operators like GreenMobility are scaling fast. 🔍 What’s the secret to success in carsharing? It’s all about adaptability, cost control, and tech partnerships.</p><div class="group-horizontal post-card_info"><div class="post-info-group"><div class="text-weight-bold">February 7, 2025</div><div><span sw-read-time="display">--</span> min. read</div></div><div class="button arrow-button no-fill">Read post</div></div></div></div></a><div sw-read-time="content" class="hide w-richtext"><h3><strong>Who does carsharing better – OEMs or start-ups?</strong></h3><p>The carsharing industry is at a crossroads. Once hailed as the future of urban mobility, it has seen a mix of success and failure, with some players thriving and others closing shop. So we ask: why do some carsharing ventures fail while others continue to grow? And more importantly, what does it take to run a sustainable and profitable carsharing business in today’s competitive landscape?</p><p>Recent developments have been telling. Two OEM-backed carsharing ventures have recently shut down, while independent operators continue to expand, and a new entrant – Kia – has just launched its own service. This article takes you into the challenges, key success factors, and the evolving role of technology in the industry.</p><h3><strong>OEMs vs. startups: What's the difference?</strong></h3><p>Before diving into specific cases, it’s important to clarify what OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) are and how they differ from startups. OEMs are traditional car manufacturers – companies like Kia, Volvo, or Ford – that primarily produce and sell vehicles under their brand names. Some OEMs have expanded into mobility services, including carsharing, but often struggle because their main focus remains on car sales.</p><p>In contrast, startups and independent operators like <a href="" target="_blank">GreenMobility</a> are built from the ground up as mobility service providers. They don’t manufacture cars but instead focus entirely on the carsharing experience, optimizing operations, technology, and customer service. This difference in core focus often determines success or failure in the carsharing industry.</p><h3><strong>OEM carsharing ventures</strong></h3><p>Automakers have long recognized the potential of carsharing as a way to diversify revenue streams, enhance brand loyalty, and explore new mobility business models. However, history has shown that simply putting cars on the streets and creating an app isn’t enough to make carsharing work.</p><p>Several OEM-backed carsharing services have struggled to maintain profitability. Volvo’s <a href="" target="_blank">Volvo On Demand</a> recently announced its closure as part of a broader strategy to optimize costs. Similarly, SEAT ceased operations at the end of 2024 due to declining demand and rising operational costs (€31 million total losses, with €11 million lost in 2023 alone, against a turnover of €16 million).</p><p>The challenges OEMs face in carsharing stem from several factors:</p><ul role="list"><li>High operational costs: Fleet management, maintenance, insurance, and parking fees add up quickly.</li><li>Consumer behavior: Unlike leasing, carsharing requires a behavioral shift from users, who must plan trips around vehicle availability.</li><li>Integration challenges: Traditional automakers are structured around car sales, not service-based mobility solutions. This makes it difficult to operate carsharing efficiently.</li></ul><p>However, these closures don’t necessarily mean that carsharing itself is an unsustainable model. Instead, they highlight the need for a different approach – one that independent players are executing more effectively.</p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><h3><strong>New entrants and independent operators</strong></h3><p>While OEM carsharing ventures struggle, independent operators like GreenMobility are experiencing growth. Unlike traditional automakers, these companies are built from the ground up as mobility service providers, allowing them to operate more efficiently.</p><p>GreenMobility’s growth can be attributed to:</p><ul role="list"><li>A laser focus on carsharing:<strong> </strong>Unlike OEMs, which juggle multiple business lines, independent companies dedicate their entire strategy to optimizing the carsharing experience.</li><li>Smart cost control: Leveraging technology for fleet management and maintenance allows them to run lean operations.</li><li>Strategic market selection: Choosing the right cities with high demand and favorable regulatory environments plays a huge role in their success.</li></ul><p>By leveraging a digital-first approach, these companies are able to optimize vehicle utilization, reduce operational costs, and offer a seamless user experience—something OEMs often struggle to achieve.</p><p><strong>Does KIA’s entry in carsharing bring new hopes?</strong></p><p>Amidst the shifting landscape, Kia has entered the carsharing market with its new service, <a href="" target="_blank">Hyr & Dela</a><strong>.</strong> Unlike previous OEM carsharing attempts, Kia's model focuses on businesses rather than individual consumers. This service allows companies to rent vehicles on a monthly basis and share them among employees, partners, or customers via a digital platform.</p><p>Why does this approach make sense?</p><ul role="list"><li>Higher vehicle utilization: By targeting businesses, Kia ensures that its vehicles are in use more frequently than traditional consumer-focused carsharing models.</li><li>Fleet management efficiency: A B2B-focused model allows for easier scheduling, tracking, and maintenance planning.</li><li>Electric vehicle (EV) adoption: Kia’s service aligns with the growing trend of businesses adopting EVs for sustainability goals.</li></ul><p>If executed well, Kia’s corporate-focused carsharing model could prove to be a sustainable business approach, avoiding many of the pitfalls that plagued previous OEM carsharing attempts.</p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><h3><strong>5 lessons we have learned from this</strong></h3><p>So, what can current and future carsharing ventures learn from these experiences?</p><h4><strong>1. Adaptability is key</strong></h4><p>Rigid business models and a lack of flexibility are major roadblocks to success. Carsharing services need to be highly adaptable, leveraging data to adjust pricing, fleet locations, and service offerings dynamically.</p><h4><strong>2. Cost management determines longevity</strong></h4><p>Carsharing is a capital-intensive business. Operators need to optimize fleet efficiency, reduce downtime, and control maintenance and insurance costs. This is where independent operators often outperform OEMs, as they are more agile in managing expenses.</p><h4><strong>3. Technology is a game-changer</strong></h4><p>A carsharing platform is only as good as its technology. Companies partnering with mobility tech providers like <a href="" target="_blank">ATOM Mobility</a> can benefit from advanced booking systems, automated fleet management, and data-driven decision-making—key elements for a seamless and cost-effective service.</p><h4><strong>4. Market selection matters</strong></h4><p>Choosing the right city or region for carsharing is crucial. Factors like public transportation integration, parking regulations, and urban population density can make or break a carsharing business.</p><h4><strong>5. OEMs need a service-oriented mindset</strong></h4><p>Carsharing is not just about providing access to vehicles—it’s about service excellence, convenience, and user experience. For OEMs to succeed, they need to rethink their approach and adopt a more customer-centric mindset.</p><p><strong>The future of carsharing</strong></p><p>The carsharing industry is at an inflection point. While some OEM-backed services have faced hurdles, independent operators like GreenMobility and strategic initiatives like Kia’s Hyr & Dela show that success is still possible with the right approach. The key lies in adaptability, cost control, technology integration, and market focus.</p><p>As the industry continues to evolve, Kia’s entry into corporate carsharing is an exciting development. With a smart strategy and strong execution, they have the potential to carve out a successful niche in the market.</p><p>We’ll be keeping an eye on Kia’s progress and, in the meantime, wishing them the best of luck in their new venture<strong>. </strong>Let’s hope they are here to stay!</p></div></div><div sw-read-time="item" role="listitem" class="auto-flex-item large w-dyn-item"><a href="/blog/driving-change-with-fair-how-a-small-platform-is-redefining-the-taxi-industry-in-sweden" class="post-link w-inline-block"><div fs-cmsfilter-field="category" class="category-tag absolute">Case study</div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Driving change with Fair: How a small platform is redefining the taxi industry in Sweden" sizes="100vw" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1231w" class="post-card_image"/><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Driving change with Fair: How a small platform is redefining the taxi industry in Sweden" sizes="(max-width: 767px) 90vw, (max-width: 991px) 43vw, 42vw" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1231w" class="post-card_image w-condition-invisible"/><div class="post-card_bottom"><div class="flex-column gap-medium"><div fs-cmsfilter-field="name" class="heading-style-h4">The origins of Fair: A movement born from protests</div><div fs-cmsfilter-field="name" class="heading-style-h4 w-condition-invisible">Driving change with Fair: How a small platform is redefining the taxi industry in Sweden</div><p fs-cmsfilter-field="description" class="text-style-3lines">Through collaboration with ATOM Mobility, Fair has been able to focus on what matters most – supporting drivers and redefining fairness – while leveraging ATOM Mobility’s expertise to handle the technical complexities of running a ride-hailing service.</p><p fs-cmsfilter-field="description" class="text-style-3lines w-condition-invisible">The story of the ride-hailing service Fair, which focuses on driver empowerment, begins with a series of driver-led protests in Sweden a few years ago. Fast forward to now, the company operates in several cities and hundreds of drivers.</p><div class="group-horizontal post-card_info"><div class="post-info-group"><div class="text-weight-bold">January 2, 2025</div><div><span sw-read-time="display">--</span> min. read</div></div><div class="button arrow-button no-fill">Read post</div></div></div></div></a><div sw-read-time="content" class="hide w-richtext"><p>The ride-hailing industry has revolutionized urban mobility, but not without its challenges. While consumers enjoy affordable rides and seamless booking experiences, drivers often shoulder the challenges of the trade-off. In Sweden, where the cost of living is high, many drivers working for major ride-hailing platforms like Uber and Bolt have faced increasingly difficult conditions, from lower earnings per trip to rigid and punitive policies. We got in touch with Samual Nygren, Co-Founder of Fair, to discuss how a driver-first ride-hailing platform has emerged as a beacon of change.</p><p></p><p><strong>Launch date: </strong>June 2023</p><p><strong>Country:</strong> Sweden</p><p><strong>App downloads: </strong>More than 20 000</p><p><strong>App rating:</strong> 4.9/5</p><p><strong>Web page:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>App Store: </strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>Google Play: </strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p></p><p><strong>The origins of Fair: A movement born from protests<br/></strong>Fair’s story begins with a series of driver-led protests in Sweden a few years ago. Disillusioned by shrinking incomes and unfair practices, drivers took to the streets of Stockholm, blocking traffic with their cars and holding up signs to demand change. Among them was a group seeking to create a nonprofit organization to advocate for better conditions. The founders of Fair became involved through a personal connection, seeing the drivers' struggles firsthand and recognizing an opportunity to support their cause.<br/>Initially approached to help develop a website for the organization, Fair’s founders quickly saw an opportunity to go beyond advocacy and create something actionable: a competitive, driver-focused ride-hailing service. This marked the birth of Fair, a platform designed not just to offer rides but to redefine what fairness looks like in the gig economy.</p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div><figcaption>Samual Nygren, Co-Founder of Fair</figcaption></figure><p><strong>A fairer model: Drivers in the driver’s seat<br/></strong>At its core, Fair operates on the principle of empowerment. Unlike traditional platforms where drivers often feel like disposable assets, Fair positions drivers as majority stakeholders in the company. This means they have a say in how the platform operates and directly benefit from its success. Key features of Fair’s model include:<br/><strong>- Lower platform fees:</strong> By keeping fees as low as possible, Fair ensures drivers retain a larger share of their earnings.<br/><strong>- Generous terms:</strong> Unlike major platforms where declining too many ride requests can result in penalties or even bans, Fair’s policies are designed to accommodate the realities of drivers’ lives.<br/><strong>- Nonprofit principles:</strong> Fair’s nonprofit orientation underscores its commitment to prioritizing drivers over profits.<br/>This model has resonated deeply with drivers in Stockholm, where Fair first launched. With the success of its pilot, the company is now expanding into smaller cities across Sweden, taking its mission of fairness to a broader audience.</p><p><strong>Beyond rides: Advocating for labor rights<br/></strong>Fair’s mission extends beyond providing a ride-hailing service. It aims to shine a spotlight on the working conditions that gig economy workers face – not just in ride-hailing but also in food delivery and other sectors. Historically, Sweden has been a stronghold for labor rights and fair pay, but the gig economy’s precarious working conditions have exposed gaps in this framework.<br/>By raising awareness and leading by example, Fair seeks to spark a broader conversation about fairness in the gig economy. Its success could pave the way for similar initiatives in other industries and countries.</p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><p><strong>Partnering with ATOM Mobility: A platform built for change<br/></strong>Fair’s innovative approach is supported by its partnership with ATOM Mobility, a technology platform that powers mobility businesses around the globe. Through this collaboration, Fair has been able to focus on what matters most – supporting drivers and redefining fairness – while leveraging ATOM Mobility’s expertise to handle the technical complexities of running a ride-hailing service.<br/><a href="" target="_blank">ATOM Mobility</a> provides the infrastructure that allows Fair to offer seamless booking experiences for users and operational efficiency for drivers. This partnership ensures that Fair’s resources are directed toward growth and advocacy, rather than reinventing the wheel technologically. By working together, Fair and ATOM Mobility demonstrate how technology and purpose-driven businesses can create lasting impact in the gig economy.</p><p><strong>Looking ahead: Building a fairer future<br/></strong>While Fair is still growing, its impact is already evident. By putting drivers first and demonstrating that fairness and profitability can coexist, Fair is challenging the status quo of the gig economy. The platform’s expansion into smaller cities and its growing driver community are testaments to the demand for a more equitable alternative.<br/>As Fair continues to scale, it stands as a powerful example of how even small players can drive meaningful change. With its driver-first principles and commitment to fairness, Fair isn’t just a ride-hailing platform – it’s a movement.</p></div></div><div sw-read-time="item" role="listitem" class="auto-flex-item large w-dyn-item"><a href="/blog/how-to-find-your-niche-in-the-competitive-ride-hail-market-real-world-examples-of-businesses-that-resonate" class="post-link w-inline-block"><div fs-cmsfilter-field="category" class="category-tag absolute">Blog</div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="How to find your niche in the competitive ride-hail market: real-world examples of businesses that resonate" class="post-card_image w-condition-invisible w-dyn-bind-empty"/><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="How to find your niche in the competitive ride-hail market: real-world examples of businesses that resonate" sizes="(max-width: 767px) 90vw, (max-width: 991px) 43vw, 42vw" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2370w" class="post-card_image"/><div class="post-card_bottom"><div class="flex-column gap-medium"><div fs-cmsfilter-field="name" class="heading-style-h4 w-condition-invisible w-dyn-bind-empty"></div><div fs-cmsfilter-field="name" class="heading-style-h4">How to find your niche in the competitive ride-hail market: real-world examples of businesses that resonate</div><p fs-cmsfilter-field="description" class="text-style-3lines w-condition-invisible w-dyn-bind-empty"></p><p fs-cmsfilter-field="description" class="text-style-3lines">💡Want to break into the ride-hail market but don know what’s your angle and how to make yourself visible in an already packed field? Check out how InDrive, BLACWOLF, and COMIN found their unique angles to thrive in a competitive space! 🚗</p><div class="group-horizontal post-card_info"><div class="post-info-group"><div class="text-weight-bold">December 18, 2024</div><div><span sw-read-time="display">--</span> min. read</div></div><div class="button arrow-button no-fill">Read post</div></div></div></div></a><div sw-read-time="content" class="hide w-richtext"><p>The ride-hail market is crowded, fiercely competitive, and often dominated by household names like Uber and Bolt. But don’t let the giants fool you into thinking there’s no place for you. <strong>With some creative thinking and a unique angle, you can get on the road quite quickly. </strong>The secret? Finding the one thing that sets you apart from others. Let’s explore how some notable players (both veterans and newcomers) have done just that.</p><p><strong>InDrive: A pioneer in price negotiation</strong></p><p>🔹 Over 200M downloads, active in 700+ cities across 45+ countries<br/>🔹 Unique feature: Set your price - Riders offer a fare, and drivers can accept or negotiate!<br/>🔹 Drivers pay no commission, just a small monthly subscription, giving them better earnings.<br/>🔹 Unique market entry: Initially free usage for drivers (no commission, no subscription).</p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><p>Before we discuss the latest players, let’s revisit <a href="" target="_blank">InDrive</a>, a company that entered the market years ago with an approach that sounds almost too simple to work – offer your price.</p><p>The idea is straightforward. Instead of accepting a fixed fare, riders suggest how much they’re willing to pay. Drivers, in turn, can accept, counter, or reject the offer. It’s a dynamic that mirrors haggling at a bazaar but digitized for the modern commuter.</p><p>This model resonated. Riders felt empowered, and drivers appreciated the flexibility, especially in sensitive markets where fair pricing is a concern. InDrive rapidly scaled across emerging markets like Latin America, Russia, and Southeast Asia, regions where affordability and negotiation are cultural norms. </p><p>The takeaway here? InDrive’s “offer your price” model wasn’t just a fun gimmick, but a solution tailored to specific markets and demographics, offering fair rides to anyone who needs it. If you’re entering the ride-hail space, ask yourself: what unique cultural or social nuance can you leverage to disrupt the market in the region?</p><p><strong>BLACWOLF: The armed and ready approach</strong> </p><p>🔹 Unique feature: Focus on rider security with armed & trained drivers 🛡️<br/>🔹 Launched in Atlanta (2023), now expanding across Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and soon Houston, Austin, and Dallas!<br/>🔹 Over 300K downloads in just 1.5 years.</p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><p>Now, let’s fast-forward to the present and head to the U.S., where <a href="" target="_blank">BLACWOLF </a>has entered the scene (launched in Atlanta, 2023), now expanding across Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and soon Houston, Austin, and Dallaswith an eyebrow-raising twist: <strong>drivers who carry firearms.</strong></p><p>BLACWOLF was launched in response to concerns over driver and passenger safety. Their USP (unique selling proposition) is ensuring peace of mind through armed drivers. As their slogan says, “We didn't reinvent ride-hailing; we just made it safer.” </p><p>As controversial as it sounds, it’s resonating in specific markets like Houston, where personal security is a priority for many.</p><p>This approach has gained traction, especially among passengers who prioritize safety or feel underserved by existing ride-hail platforms. Of course, it’s not without its challenges. Regulatory hurdles and liability concerns spring to mind; however, BLACWOLF is scaling rapidly, proving that a polarizing angle can still be a winning one.</p><p>Don’t shy away from bold ideas that cater to real pain points. Whether it’s safety, convenience, or cost, identifying an underserved need can help you stand out in a crowded market.</p><p><strong>COMIN: France’s bid-for-ride disruptor</strong></p><p>🔹 Unique features: Offering a fair 10% commission and Set your price feature (similar to inDrive).<br/>🔹 Quickly onboarded 6,000 drivers, capturing 15% of the market in record time.</p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><p>Over in Europe, a fresh player called <a href="" target="_blank">COMIN</a> is shaking things up in France. This newcomer has onboarded 6,000 drivers, taking 15% of the French market almost overnight, a feat that’s turning heads across the industry.</p><p>COMIN’s secret sauce? A bidding system that allows passengers to submit offers for rides, giving drivers the choice to accept or negotiate. Yes, it’s like InDrive, but with a hyper-local twist tailored to France’s market dynamics.</p><p>To fuel their growth, they’ve also raised €300,000 in seed funding from Station F, Europe’s largest startup incubator. By focusing on one market and perfecting their model, COMIN has avoided doing too much at once—proof that a focused approach often trumps trying to be everything to everyone.</p><p>For aspiring ride-hail entrepreneurs, COMIN serves as a case study in starting small but thinking big. Specializing in one region or demographic before expanding can help you gain traction and refine your offering.</p><p>The ride-hail market may look like a fortress, but even the strongest walls have cracks. With creativity, boldness, and the right platform to support your vision, there’s no reason you can’t break through and thrive. Are you ready? </p><p><strong>How ATOM Mobility can help</strong></p><p>So, you’ve got your groundbreaking idea. What’s next? To turn your vision into a reality, you’ll need a robust platform to build on—and that’s where ATOM Mobility comes in.</p><p>ATOM provides a ready-made platform for entrepreneurs looking to launch ride-hailing or mobility services. With customizable tools, seamless integrations, and scalable tech, ATOM lets you focus on your unique value proposition while we handle the backend.</p><p>Ready to make your mark in the ride-hail world? <a href="" target="_blank">Join ATOM Mobility today</a> and start your journey!</p></div></div></div><div role="navigation" aria-label="List" class="w-pagination-wrapper pagination"><div class="pages"><a sw-read-time="refresh" fs-cmsload-element="page-button" href="#" class="pagination-btn no-transition">1</a></div><a sw-read-time="refresh" href="?1eba6920_page=2" aria-label="Next Page" class="w-pagination-next button small no-transition"><div class="w-inline-block">Next</div></a><link rel="prerender" href="?1eba6920_page=2"/><div aria-label="Page 1 of 22" role="heading" class="w-page-count hidden">1 / 22</div></div></div><div fs-cmsfilter-element="empty" class="white-card"><div class="text-color-primary text-size-medium text-weight-bold">No results 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