Nuremberg - People

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Twenty-four individuals and 6 organizations were indicted. The trial opened on 20 November 1945, and the judgment and sentences were completed on 1 October 1946. The tribunal heard testimony from 33 prosecution witnesses, 19 defendants, 61 defense witnesses, and 22 witnesses concerning organizations; thousands of documents were received as evidence. Nineteen defendants were found guilty (with 12 given the death penalty), 3 were acquitted, and 3 organizations were found to be criminal.</p> </section> <section class="theme-light"> <div class="anchor" id="persons"></div> <h2>Persons Involved</h2> <h3>Tribunal</h3> <p class="list"> Geoffrey Lawrence, president of IMT, UK, lord justice<br /> Iona T. Nikitchenko, USSR, major general, judge of supreme court<br /> Alexander Volchkov, USSR alternate, lt. colonel<br /> Norman Birkett, UK alternate<br /> Francis Biddle, US, former attorney general<br /> John Parker, US alternate, judge, court of appeals<br /> Henri Donnedieu de Vabres, France, law professor, University of Paris<br /> Robert Falco, France alternate<br /> </p> <h3>Prosecutors</h3> <p class="list"> Robert Jackson, US Supreme Court<br /> Telford Taylor, William Kaplan, Thomas Dodd, Ralph Albrecht, Richard<br /> Sonnenfeldt (interpreter)<br /> Hartley Shawcross, UK attorney general<br /> David Maxwell-Fyfe, John Wheeler-Bennett, Mervyn Griffith-Jones, Anthony Marreco<br /> Roman A. Rudenko, USSR, lt. general, prosecutor<br /> Francois de Menthon, France, followed by Auguste Champetier de Ribes<br /> </p> <h3>Defendants</h3> <p class="list"> Martin Bormann: head of party chancery, secretary of Hitler, council of ministers for<br /> defense of the Reich (tried in absentia)<br /> Karl Doenitz: commander of U-boat force, commander in chief of navy, head of government<br /> after Hitler<br /> Hans Frank: governor general of occupied Poland<br /> Wilhelm Frick: minister of the interior<br /> Hans Fritzsche: press and radio editor, official in ministry of propaganda<br /> Walther Funk: minister of economics<br /> Hermann Goering: commander of air force, Four Year Plan, council of ministers for the defense<br /> of the Reich<br /> Rudolf Hess: deputy to Hitler, minister without portfolio, council of ministers for the defense of<br /> the Reich<br /> Alfred Jodl: major general and chief of staff of high command (OKW)<br /> Ernst Kaltenbrunner: head of Reich Main Security Office (RSHA), chief of the security police<br /> and security service (SD)<br /> Wilhelm Keitel: field marshal, chief of the high command of the armed forces (OKW)<br /> Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach (not tried, due to illness)<br /> Robert Ley (suicide, 25 Oct 1945): German Labor Front, official supervising foreign workers<br /> Konstantin von Neurath: minister of foreign affairs, secret cabinet council, protector for Bohemia<br /> and Moravia<br /> Franz von Papen: diplomat, ambassador in Vienna and Turkey<br /> Erich Raeder: admiral of the navy, secret cabinet council<br /> Joachim von Ribbentrop: minister for foreign affairs, secret cabinet council<br /> Alfred Rosenberg: editor, ideological training office, minister for the eastern occupied territories,<br /> Einsatzstab Rosenberg<br /> Fritz Sauckel: plenipotentiary for labor in Four Year Plan, supervisor of foreign labor<br /> Hjalmar Schacht: minister of economics, president of the Reichsbank<br /> Baldur von Schirach: head of Hitler Jugend, gauleiter of Vienna<br /> Artur Seyss-Inquart: Austrian politician, senior official in Poland and Netherlands<br /> Albert Speer: minister for armament and munitions, Organization Todt, armaments council<br /> Julius Streicher: editor of Der Sturmer<br /> </p> <h3>Indicted organizations</h3> <p class="list"> General Staff and High Command (military)<br /> Gestapo<br /> Leadership Corps of the NSDAP<br /> Reich Cabinet<br /> SA<br /> SS, including the SD<br /> </p> <h3>Defense attorneys (including assistant attorneys)</h3> <p class="list"> Ludwig Babel (SS and SD)<br /> Walter Ballas (Krupp, Raeder)<br /> Friedrich Bergold (Bormann)<br /> Georg Boehm (SA)<br /> Werner Bross (Goering)<br /> Rudolf Dix (Schacht)<br /> Franz Exner (Jodl; General Staff, to 27 Jan 1946)<br /> Hans Flaechsner (Speer)<br /> Heinz Fritz (Fritzsche)<br /> George Froeschmann (Ribbentrop)<br /> Walther Funk (von Schirach)<br /> Hans Gawlik (SD)<br /> Willi Heim (Gestapo)<br /> Martin Horn (Ribbentrop, from 5 Jan 1946)<br /> Hermann Jahrreiss (Jodl)<br /> Kurt Kauffmann (Kaltenbrunner)<br /> Hans von Kittlitz (Speer)<br /> Johannes Klefisch (SA)<br /> Theodor Klefisch (Krupp, SA)<br /> Josef Koessl (SS)<br /> Otto Kranzbuehler (Doenitz)<br /> Herbert Kraus (Schacht)<br /> Egon Kubuschok (von Papen; Reich Cabinet)<br /> Hans Laternser (General staff and OKW, from 27 Jan 1946)<br /> Heinrich Link (Leadership Corps)<br /> Victor von der Lippe (Raeder)<br /> Martin Loeffler (SA)<br /> Otto von Luedinghausen (Neurath)<br /> Guenther Lummert (Reich Cabinet)<br /> Hanns Marx (Streicher)<br /> Hans Meckel (Doenitz)<br /> Rudolf Merkel (Gestapo)<br /> Hermann Mosler (Speer)<br /> Otto Nelte (Keitel)<br /> Otto Pannenbecker (Frick)<br /> Franz von Papen (the younger) (Reich Cabinet; von Papen)<br /> Horst Pelckmann (SS)<br /> Hans Pribilla (Leadership Corps)<br /> Max Rau (SS and SD)<br /> Victor Rinke (Ribbentrop)<br /> Guenther von Rohrscheidt (Hess, to 5 Feb 1946, General Staff)<br /> Fritz Sauter (Funk; Ribbentrop, to 5 Jan 1946; Schirach)<br /> Hans-Georg Schaetzler (Hess)<br /> Wilhelm Schmidt (SS)<br /> Seidl (Frank; Hess, from 5 Feb 1946)<br /> Servatius (Sauckel; Leadership Corps)<br /> Walter Siemers (Raeder)<br /> Otto Stahmer (Goering)<br /> Gustav Steinbauer (Seyys-Inquart)<br /> Alfred Thoma (Rosenberg)<br /> Josef Weisgerber (Gestapo)<br /> </p> </section> <section class="theme-light"> <div class="anchor" id="indictments"></div> <h2>Indictments</h2> <p>Four counts:</p> <ol class="list"> <li><strong>Common plan or conspiracy to commit crimes against peace (wars of aggression), war crimes, and crimes against humanity.</strong> <ol class="list" type="A"> <li>Nazi party as the central core</li> <li>Common objectives and methods</li> <li>Doctrinal techniques</li> <li>Acquiring of totalitarian control in Germany: Political <ol class="list"> <li>First steps, 1923--.</li> <li>Control acquired, 1933.</li> <li>Consolidation of control</li> </ol> </li> <li>Acquiring of totalitarian control: Economic, and mobilization for war</li> <li>Utilization of control for foreign aggression <ol class="list"> <li>Plan and rearmament.</li> <li>Austria and Czechoslovakia.</li> <li>Poland.</li> <li>Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Yugoslavia, and Greece.</li> <li>USSR.</li> <li>Collaboration with Italy and Japan, and war against USA.</li> </ol> </li> <li>War crimes and crimes against humanity committed via the conspiracy</li> <li>Individual, group, and organization responsibility</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Crimes against peace: </strong><br /> Wars against Poland; United Kingdom and France; Denmark and Norway; Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg; Yugoslavia and Greece; USSR; USA </li> <li><strong>War crimes</strong> <ol class="list" type="A"> <li>Murder and ill-treatment of civilian populations in occupied territories</li> <li>Deportation of civilians for slave labor</li> <li>Murder and ill-treatment of POWs and others in armed forces</li> <li>Killing of hostages</li> <li>Plunder of public and private property <ol class="list"> <li>foodstuffs removed to Germany.</li> <li>seizure of raw materials and machinery.</li> <li>confiscation of businesses, plants, etc.</li> <li>coerced transfers of property.</li> <li>exploitation of local economies for German war effort.</li> <li>despoliation of commodities, wealth, currencies, and financial assets.</li> <li>abrogation of civilians’ rights to conduct agriculture and industry, in favor of Germans and their allies.</li> <li>destruction of industrial cities, and cultural and scientific institutions.</li> <li>profiteering from control of industries, forced labor, property, and materials</li> </ol> </li> <li>Exaction of collective penalties, including fines</li> <li>Destruction of cities, towns, and villages</li> <li>Conscription of civilian labor</li> <li>Forcing civilians to swear allegiance</li> <li>Germanization of annexed occupied territories</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Crimes against humanity</strong> <ol class="list" type="A"> <li>Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, etc., of civilian populations</li> <li>Persecution on political, racial, and religious grounds</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </section> <section class="theme-light"> <div class="anchor" id="chronology"></div> <h2>General Chronology</h2> <table class="table-trial-chronology"> <tr><td>8 Aug 1945</td><td>London Agreement and Charter of the IMT</td></tr> <tr><td>6 Oct</td><td>Indictment</td></tr> <tr><td>14-17 Nov</td><td>Pre-trial hearings</td></tr> <tr><td>20 Nov</td><td>Trial begins</td></tr> <tr><td>21 Nov</td><td>Prosecution opening statement by Robert Jackson</td></tr> <tr><td>3 Dec</td><td>Prosecution of Count 2, crimes against peace, begins</td></tr> <tr><td>4 Dec</td><td>Shawcross address</td></tr> <tr><td>4 July 1946</td><td>Defense final statements</td></tr> <tr><td>26 July</td><td>Prosecution final statements</td></tr> <tr><td>30 July</td><td>Criminal organizations</td></tr> <tr><td>31 Aug</td><td>Defendants’ last statements</td></tr> <tr><td>1 Sep</td><td>Court adjourns</td></tr> <tr><td>30 Sep</td><td>Judgment</td></tr> <tr><td>1 Oct</td><td>Judgment and sentences</td></tr> </table> </section> <section class="theme-light"> <div class="anchor" id="verdicts"></div> <h2>Verdicts and Sentences (numbers refer to counts of the Indictment)</h2> <p class="list"> Bormann: not guilty, 1; guilty, 3 and 4; death<br /> Doenitz: not guilty, 1; guilty, 2 and 3; ten-year sentence<br /> Frank: not guilty, 1; guilty, 3 and 4; death<br /> Frick: not guilty, 1 guilty, 2, 3, and 4; death<br /> Fritzsche: not guilty<br /> Funk: not guilty, 1; guilty, 2, 3, and 4; life sentence<br /> Goering: guilty, 1, 2, 3, and 4; death<br /> Hess: not guilty, 3 and 4; guilty, 1 and 2; life sentence<br /> Jodl: guilty, 1, 2, 3, and 4; death<br /> Kaltenbrunner: not guilty, 1; guilty, 3 and 4; death<br /> Keitel: guilty, 1, 2, 3, and 4; death<br /> Neurath: guilty, 1, 2, 3, and 4; fifteen-year sentence<br /> Papen: not guilty<br /> Raeder: guilty, 1, 2, and 3; life sentence<br /> Ribbentrop: guilty, 1, 2, 3, and 4; death<br /> Rosenberg: guilty, 1, 2, 3, and 4; death<br /> Sauckel: not guilty, 1 and 2; guilty, 3 and 4; death<br /> Schacht: not guilty<br /> Schirach: not guilty, 1; guilty, 4; twenty-year sentence<br /> Seyss-Inquart: not guilty, 1; guilty, 2, 3, and 4; death<br /> Speer: not guilty, 1 and 2; guilty, 3 and 4; twenty-year sentence<br /> Streicher: not guilty, 1; guilty, 4; death<br /> <br /> General Staff and High Command: not criminal<br /> Gestapo: criminal<br /> Leadership Corps of the NSDAP: criminal<br /> Reich Cabinet: not criminal<br /> SA: not criminal<br /> SS, including the SD: criminal<br /> </p> </section> <section class="theme-light"> <div class="anchor" id="evidence"></div> <h2>Evidence Sets used, with number range</h2> <table class="table-trial-chronology"> <tr><td>C 2-195</td><td>British Admiralty</td></tr> <tr><td>D 39-976</td><td>British prosecution</td></tr> <tr><td>EC 3-611</td><td>Economics</td></tr> <tr><td>ECH 2-174</td><td>Economics, from Heidelberg document center</td></tr> <tr><td>F 44-989</td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>L 3-361</td><td>London</td></tr> <tr><td>M 1-158</td><td>British prosecution</td></tr> <tr><td>NO 7-116</td><td>Nuremberg Organizations</td></tr> <tr><td>PS 1-4071</td><td>Paris-Storey, US prosecution</td></tr> <tr><td>R 36-178</td><td>OSS, London office</td></tr> <tr><td>RF 9-1430</td><td>French prosecution</td></tr> <tr><td>TC 1-93</td><td>Treaties and other international agreements</td></tr> <tr><td>UK 20-170</td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>USA 21-845</td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>USSR 8-522</td><td>Soviet prosecution</td></tr> </table> <h3>Parties entering exhibits, with exhibit number range</h3> <table class="table-trial-chronology"> <tr><td>GB 1-628</td></tr> <tr><td>RF 1-1545</td></tr> <tr><td>USA document books A-J, 1-930</td></tr> <tr><td>USSR 1-522</td></tr> <tr><td>Defendants, by name</td></tr> <tr><td>Gestapo</td></tr> <tr><td>Misc</td></tr> <tr><td>SA</td></tr> </table> </section> </main> <footer class="site-footer"> <div class="footer-about"> <div aria-role="heading" class="h3"> Harvard Law School Library Nuremberg Trials Project </div> <div>The Nuremberg Trials Project is an open-access initiative to create and present digitized images or full-text versions of the Library's Nuremberg documents, descriptions of each document, and general information about the trials. </div> <div> <a href="" class="email"></a> </div> <div class="copyright"> Copyright 2020 &copy; The President and Fellows of Harvard College. 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